Newspaper Page Text
d WIM JW4 INDIANAPOLIS, THURSDAY MORXING FE15RUAHY 1U, 18S5. WHOLE XO. 10,11.1. VOL. XXXI VNO. .10. wm:: indications. FOK 1UI "I) IV-Fair weather, with fcvith to w t wlnl, becoming rarUMa and Ij ti ji.aij; fulluwtd by iiilug tern I ert tit. r n-is EPARTMEHT OF THE- Clotfiiny Stora IS IN Splen did Conditio n To maot the wants of peopb who clesiro to soeuro an od J Garment or a low prico suit, with which to bridge over tin remaining days of winter. BUB ran MS) Ink u u u i SA?F0RD'S RADICAL CURE. T-;reut Halaraic Distillation of Witch tJAf), .mrirrm line, Canadian Fir, Marigold. Clover Blossom, Ktc, Fcr tbe immediate ie'Ief and remanent cure of -very form of CaUirh, from a simple head coil or Jr.Suf-27: to the 3o ol emel!, tate ana hearing. -nnen, breccia aal incipient consumption. R-j lie! in five minutes ia any an I every ease. Nothing like It- (irattful, fraerant, wholesome. Cur be p!us from first application, and is rapiJ, radical, and never failing. (me bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal S.ol vtnt a"d Fan ford's Jnbiler, In oue paca'?, forming a complete treatment, of all druggists for Sj.CC. Aik for San ford's Uadical Cure. l'otter Drneaci! Chemical Co.. Horton. f 3 Cot linn' Voltaic lUectric l-VU'Iastcr Instantly aKlctsthe yht ipain. . -?rfeet E;ectric Bat- IS TIIE CUT Master L, tweu:--flve cents. a It annlhiUv Fain, vitalizes Sl'fff&XS HIRii Weak and Worn uat Farts, L2 sirenKincns iirea iiniea. rrewnts Ii5eae, and docs more in one-half the time than any other plaster in the world. Sold evtryrut re. M. JUL. WILLIAMS, 302 S. imnois St., Opp. IVo. -ilSncine Ilouwe. f-Cc per do, for Corn. ivz per 5oz for uccotf n. f-Oe perdoz. for Lima leans' , f-Oo ter do?, for Pea. 45c per lb. for Pet Uncolorcd J&rni Tea. : i -Of K Tr ftioict Uuj powder Tea, 'itc icr lb. for (iopd Tea. 25c for 8 lbs. Dried Snpar Corn. '2'jC for o 11. New Turiiif h Prnn '25c fcr 5 lb. New Kuzlfsh (rractf. iicforll lbj. Akron Oat-Meal. 25c for 8 its. Raltiins. 3r,? for l Id. Uakin? Towner. '25c for 6 lbs. Dried Apples. "jZ for 15 tar (icrmm Soap, i'.vj for '. Hp. f Mel's Starch. :.jC for 10 lb. Kit of N'.. - New Crop Maclerel. "0c for 1 cai. "iolden syrup l"lbs. Cranulated tccar, L 1SU. Uhife rxtraCHiuar. tl. 1 lt4. Extra C Sn: a SI. 7,c per lb. for Choice Lird. fcbi. of New Crop Familv White Fish, 75c. I'OSTAL OIll-Mir.ä DKL1VLRKL. BROWNING & SLOAfJ, DKUGGlftTS, AND DZAI.SES IN Pus PerfDnerf al Toilet Aiticks, Lnt.jn'g, Colgate', LTJndor'8 and Bickr-ecker'! Fine Fxtracts, Genuine Imported Farina and lcxm an Cologne, Xicrida and Larender Waters, Kite Tidlrt heaps and SpoDKea, Tcotii, Hair. t:iotii td ?:&il, aaC all article yt&nttd fox Uie Xoiict Ll lie LOWEST FIGURES 50! S3.50! SPEGIAL BARGAINS IN tfWiM fin ft mi tn rinn Finn f n usbwoioraufi. TVe will, this week, close out sev eral lines of Men's Fine All-Wool Pants, soltl all over the country for $SC0,.at $0.50. No such bar gain m first-class Pants wa3 ever before offered here. 1T ft Th u? x OLOTHINQ CO. S3.50! 03.50! BOYS' 7 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Aticnt tbe Hot Springs in Arkans as -Army OHIcers on sick Leaves Thtr Will He No Ex tra Session. The Inrgural Comrcittoo Hivo Plenty of Funds on Hand Other Matters. THE HOT SITJNGS. CoiiRr? to be aktl fur fXore Mouej for Its Inifiroverneiit. Special to the FeoUne!. Wamiix'jton, Feb. is The Supreme Ccurt in ls7; decidel that the Hot Spring of Arkaneas were the property cf the United State?, and ever since they heve been a con stant expense and trcüb. There is one bill before Congress now to ftppropria'e-iö.OOO to liniab walling in Iho Hot Springs Crtek. a job Tvhich it rras orig inally int cided should only cost abent ySO, (X)0, the amount cf money col ected by the Government from tLo Springs, bat which has already cost a great deal more. One hundred thousand dolUrs wa3 appro priated two 3 eais ago to build an army and navy hospital at the Spring?. The specifica tions under which the contract wag let called for five buildiDg?, one of them being a bath house. The cDntrect was let for S$G,.T5.", the bath-house to cost V2 '0. None of the buildings are finished. The bath house is not even commeoceJ. and now there is .1 call f or another large sum "to furnish" these buildings. There are two other bilh before Congress on Hot Springs, the last one providing $100, 000 to bny the furniture and the bath houses on the reservation, and have the Secretary of the Interior lease cut the houses to the highest bidder. This bill also provides that a mammoth granit bath house shall be erected by the Secretary cf the Interior on the reservation, having four grades of bath ing establishments in it. ranging in price from forty cent3 per bath to free baths, thus putting the I'nitod States Government in po sition as a bathhouse keeper. It also pro vides for a reservoir at the ba3 of Hot Springs Mountain, into which the hot water shall be carried, and from thence le fur nished to the bath-houEes. Of course the water would have to be pumped up from this reservoir at the base of the mountain, when it wool i. flow into them from moft of the spring?, and the pumping is to be provided for at a coit of $10,000. Un der the regulations cf the Inte rior Department no sleeping rooms were allowed in the bath-houses, but a num ber were furnished, f.nd now the United States is requested to buy this old furniture. Fos3ibly the Hot Spnnas people also have some old clothes they may want to tell, and these should be included in the bill, so that besides a bath house Uncle Sara could set up an "old clo' ttore as well as a dilapidated furniture depot. It is believed to be about time for this Hot Sprir gs business to stnn. Voting Army Ottiveis ou til'k Leave. Special to the Sentinel. Washington-, Feb IS "I)o yoa observe the great number cf young army officers around here?" inquired aa old-time civilian of your correspondent to day. "Well, sir," he continued, "there Lave been quite a num ber of those gay ycrrg fellows about here for two months or more, taking a very active part in society and having a bum good time. 1)3 you know how they are here?" "No," I answered. "They are on sick leave?," wa the reply. "I was at a german the oilier evening wher i eight or ten of the Lieutenants were. Thev were very gay, dancing and prancing and making themselves a?ie?ab!e, and I aste 1 one of them how the all come to b8 here at one time. He answered In undertone, 'We are on s!ck lfave.' Then I remembered what I should have remembered at the time. Ttey always come here during a very attrac tive winJer for their health. I have observed one of then: arc-ucd here thia winter, well 'boozed tip' except vrlitn he ia at s party, and having one cf the meat rollicking times of anybody." How do thev pet a ay on sick leave?" "By being en good terms with their su perior Ulcers. It is an easy matter for these ducks to get away. Ttey draw their pay, you know, and have all the protection while here drinking, gambling or in soctet' that they do when on duty." CoetrlbutloL to the luaugarAl liallt Specl&l to the Sentinel. Washington-, Feb. 1. It Is estimated that the Inaugural Committee will have received contributions amounting to over ?75,000 be fore the 4th of March. To-day I asked one of the committee how he accounted for such liberality. 4,Ia two ways," he replied. "Fint, tha Democrats are always more liberal in con tributions than the Republicans; second, the change of perty power maies way for the oce-eeekers. Of course, men who are looking forward for place will contribute liberally." 'Can you disburse that amount of moey judiciously?" I aked. "Yes, just about that amount. We will not want for the places to epend the money, and let we will not want for the cash with t wnich to supply what is eeeded. The amount i3 in excess of what is usually col lected for inacguratiens, yet we intend to have a much more expansive display than what baa bsn urjal. The mDsey bn ccme to U9 easily. It his been no effort to collect it, comparatively. Tne citi zens of W&sLiDgton. vrho ara lastly, yery largely Democratic, have contribctsi very liberally. The fire works vrill hare anl the dec Dratiors we ill prepare will alone ct as much a? bti been expended to gether tt some inaapnrations " I'reparntlous foi VImIis the Inaugural I'roreftkiun. M ecial to the Sentintl. Washim;t2.v, Feb. 1 Citizens hive made a demand that the Daiiding In spector be required to give aUentioa to the rrand sianda being erected along the line of the inangcral precession. Nearly every in auguration bes bee fruitfai ot frightful ac cidents on these stands. Sjma of them be ing put up alosg Pennsylvania avenue has a capacity f0r 8,000 or 10,000 p?r sons, and at tneir rar they siand ten or twelve feet above tLs ground. Sboall one cf these larpe or,ca break dojvn the rcsalt might be terrib'e. The niost ri tensive provisions are being made for viewing the proces&ion. Th win dows are all enraged and stands are being put up ever every available foot of ground. Nothing to Demand au Extra Session. Special to the Sentinel. Washington, Feb. lS.Talk about an ex tra session rf Congress has for the time ceased. It is very evident that the work may all be p ttc n out of the way before the 4th of Ma: - ivt is, the appropriation bills may all be !. and there is nothing else before Congic , ich would demand an ex tra session. For awhile it looked as though some of the Congressional cranfcs ni'ght filibuster and waste time in variens ways, so as to defeat tte pa?e cf all the appropriation bUh, tut when the week closes, I am &33ured by Mr. Randall, the work on the appropriation bills will be practically finished, only a little conference work will remain. Senator Mfihouc and Ills Son. Special to tlie Sentinel. Washington, Feb. 3 s. Senator Mahoas's sen turned up to day et the Capitol, and is performing hi3 official duties. He carries a black optic. It is said he intends to plead reli-deffnse when hia trial come on for at tempting to shoot a servant at Velcker's last Friday night. It is, then, with a degree of pleasure that he wears his eye in mourn ing; but that p'ea will ikely be spoiled by some one who will testify that the black eye was given young Mahone by an other than the man who was shot at Senator ilahone and ion are now stopp rg attbeEbbitt. They gave up thei-quarters at Weicker's by request of the landlord. THE PENSION' HUREAU. Investigation into the Abunrn of That De partment by a Hone Committee. Washington. Feb 18 In tha investiga tion of reported abuses in .the I'easioa Uureau, now precf f ding before a committee cf the, Mr. Sawyer, who has charge of the statistics bureau, testliisd today that when Colonel Dudley became Comrnissioaer in 1SS1 the running expene3 of the otiice were about f"o0,000 a year, and that for the J.tst year they wera $J '.30,000, the special ex aminers' division alone costing during the past year about -1,000.000. He said the in crease in tfce amount of work now performed in the bureau over that done by Colosel Dudley after he b?came Commissioner was very slight. He also testified that the number cf cass disposed of by fpfciai examiners for tbe past six moath?, with "10 examiners at work, wa3 7 per c1 it. smaller than the number disposed of daring the correfpondiog period of lait yetr, when there were but 2fj examiners at work. John B. Peyton, a clerk of the .Spei1 Kxaruinerh' Division, testified that the report of J. K. Jacobs, ppeciil examiner, who, it in understood, served under Ilathbone In iat October, did not t'ldw any ork dene in the last two week cf September, lSl, and that Comais sooner Ciaik refused to allow his expense account. He said EUb?iqceitly Jacobj tre to tret J o?5t!ion of the-tlaüj repjrts 1:1 ?d by him, his request for tceir return to lim 1 1 : d : iedcrsea by lactone, bat Cjmn's siorfr CJark rfu erl to lt hiru hav thrn Fe. ton tcst'Ccd farthfr that Me.d'al lie- viewer vnt to Indiana six w,;kj be fore Ibe election, but only worked life dy- id icftiuctinj? examining sargeonj during th.UtiniP. He said IIoss work, in Indiana closed ou elo tion day and he drew $11 Xo- xjenses in addition to his salary. NATIONAL MATTERS. Text of the Antl-Forelgr. Contract Labor lllll, Am I'ateeri ly tb Senate Civil Service. Washington, Feb. 18. The following is the text of the Hosts foreign contract labor bill, as amended and passed by the Sanate: te it enacted and elected, That from and alter the ras&age of this act. it thall be unlawful for any person, company, partnership or corporation, in any manner whatioever, to prepay the trans portation, cr in any way assist or encourage the importation or migration of any alien or alien?, or any foreigner or foreigners, Into the United SUtes, its Teiritories or the Dtrict of Columbia, under a contractor asreament, parole or special, express or lmp'ied, made previous to the Importa tion or migration of such alien or alien, fore "cner or fcreVuers to perform labor or ftrvicci ol anv J K-nd in the United States, its Territories or the Iüsirietoi Columbia. j-oc. j. That alt contracts o: agreement?, ex press or int: lied, parole or special.' which may Hereafter be nia Je by and iretweea any person, company, partnership or corporation, and any krc:gnor toreiene:?, alien or aliens, to p.-rlonn labor or pervice. or LaTisg reference to ihe per formance of labor, or ervice. by any person in tte I'niMJd ttatev its "territories or the DittlCt Of Co lumbia, previous to the mlzration or importation of a person or jcisona, wno laior or service it contracted for. into the United Stateä hall be utterly void and of no etU-ct. Sec 2. That for every violation of any of the provisions ef Sce.100 1 ol this ac: tbe veron. part nersnip, company or corporation vto.ating the siiLe by ii:o.TicgT as!stm;, encDursgins or to- licit'.cg the mlra'.Iou or Importation of env al ea or al:eas. aay fo-e'gnf r or foreigaeis into tte ' nitea SU;, in Territories or t.he Jji-sir'ct of 'o umtii, to perforai l&tororscivice o! aay kial, uader coatraoior agreement, czprcs or iapUed, paro'.e or tpjjLal, w liL tucb alien or allen, fcre'.aer or lots gn?r. prevlens to becorain? residents or citizens of United Staits, kbsll forfeit any pay for erery tucb oiltii'e f 1.000, which nay ha 6aei lor as J recav revl ty ti.e ruUeJ s-tatvs, or by a t person who sriall tint trlrg h:s auibn taerefore, in -' any euch alien cr lorctgner wfco may be a p.irtv to any tuch tontrdct or areeiaeat, as deb'J ol Lke amount are now re:overel ii the drcait rrarts cf the United Sine?, tne proceeds to be m'.d into the Treasury of U.e l'nlttd säute. aud $eprate suits rasy be brought for each alien or forel-nir te'.ng a party to men contract or a?rceneat a'ore aid: and it t-ba!l be the duty of me Dltrict At torney of the proper disirlct to prosecute every taoh suit at tne expense of the United Stares. ec. i. Trat tie master of any Tesel who sh.ill kno'.vi:.:ly brin within the I'nitel states oa aay such vessel an land, or permit to be landed from any foreign tort or place any alien laborer, me chanic or artisan who, previous to embariingoa Michvefsel. bad entered into a contract, ajree intutor puoie, spsclil. express cr Implied, to P'.i'oira labor or service ia the UnltJd Ötitcs, KhHil be d-'ecied guilty of a niidernauor. a-i 1, or. conviction thereof, t-rnll be paniähed bra He of not over c50Q for each and every such alien la- bori r. mechanic or aituan so brought, andiiny also be iaprlion-M not exc elinr six month". i-ec. . 'i bet notticg la thit ac; shall be so con uni'jd as to prevent auy citizen or subject of any f-;rUn ccuntrj, temporarily residing in the t'nlud itsies, cither in private or ofiieial cipa ciiv. from encaiinp, tinier cintract or otherwise. I e'.'ous net Kkidcn's or citizens ot tbe United fciates to act as private secretaries servants, or durfesMcs for such foreigner teonpsrarlLy resid.n i-ithe I niied states, nor shall this act be so coa strued rs to prevent auy pironor terjoa?, part UThip or corioratioa froaa eugaini? uaJer coa Irnci or aairnv-ent etUled woritmei in foreign countries to perform labor in tie United States in or upon any new iadastry not at pres;nt estab hshedia the United ötateu, provided that skilled labor for that purncse can not otberie be obtained. Nor sa 11 the provisions of this act apply to professional acors, artists, lecturers or Kingers, nor to iersons employed strictly as par fonal or domes'ic; jrvaat: provided, that nam ing in this act shall b9 construed as prohibUini any individual from assisting any member cf his femi'y or relative or personal friend to misMte from any fortdza country to the Ualtel .tate3for the purpose of ettleoaent here rcctloa ü repeals conflicting law3. The bill now goes baik to the H3U3e for concurrence or non-; incurrence in ths Sen ate amendments. Representative Hillard. from tin Commit tee on Reform in Civil Srvici, submitted a minority report signed by the Rspnb'.icaa members cf the committee in favor of Itp raentative Tayloi'u bill to prohibit the dis charge of honorably discharged soldiers or sailors or dependent relatives froai any citce in the civil asrvlce of tao Taited States except for cauio. The General Deficiency bill reported to the fIote to day provide! lor the appropriation of l'- 5C1.01G, of which amount $73,000 o! it ia appropriated in compliance with the recommendation of the Postmaster General for clerk hire ia tbe variou3 Post Jl HC' 9. lb a;o prcv:de3 that the accounting Department shall not receive any claim sgain?t the United States unless it shall have bsen filed within one year from the r&6.vepc of the act, or within five yean after it shall have accrued, Dor unlens it shall hava arisen under th3 obligation or liability of the United States incurred by authority of law cr under some appropriation, cr illegally applied to the payment thereof. Representative" Ileagau to-day received a communication from President eleot Cleve land reauesting that petition of ihn Djmo cratic Members of the House urging him to refrain from committing himself iarerard to coinaee of silver In his inaugural address. Representative Ochiltree says in relation to his meeting vith Robert Alexander, to day, in the ccriidor of the Oaplto'., that Alexander appiy-ted him, auf j'üd in n threatening manner: !ril see yoa again for what you have Eaii. Yoa said I oupht to leave the country for the country's good." Ochiltree called a Capitol police man and requested the arrest of Alexaader, andafterward Alexander apologize!, and he thereupon requested Alexander's release. In the Swaim Court Martial to day, Il:ch ard Drown (colored) testifiei thatdaring tae n.onths Swaim fuppiied the forage at the Cub ttgblfi-' It) drove two horses for him, and that Rateman told witne?3 thsy be longed to General Hwaim. To-- Jad,- AI vecate df voted tti? remainder of the day to an uns'jccfisfnl attempt to break down the testimony of this witness, and tha co trt ad journed, leaving his crjcS examination to bs completed to-morrow. The Secretary of the Treasury, in re sponse to the resolution adopted on motion of Rprecentative Dockery, transmitted to the Hoase a statement of tha expense incurred under the law provid n? for the appointment of Special Deputy Mar shals. Saptrvisors of Election and Chief Su pervisors. The statement shows that during 1 b:, lsS', 12 and lvl the expenses for Special Deputes were i'YA S0, Sapervisor?, J-S.S-'.I; Cnief Soperviiors, -i 'l.T'.J; total, J i.!'7.;,!ilo. A printed protest of large proportions B-ainst permitting Masonic societies to par ticipate in the dedicati in of tha Washington monurxent, nex t Situiday, has b?en received by the Coneretsicnal Comrnisaion charpunl With the arrangements. The stnera claim to have I'i.cco ligatures. The protestsiata S?.y tL Masonic orir haa no more right to sr'ch dittnetion thm the Hibernians, or any otif r Etcret order. At P. n eatiDg ot the House Committee on Appropriations to nigiit it vre3 agreel to reconimfnd the appropriation in the aid of thp Xew Orleats Exposition. The amount and ix anner of its t xpenditure were Ir'.t to a eub ccrcxuUtee consisting of Messrs. Cannou, Lcbg and Foiled. Their repart, hewever, will be considered by thia fnli committe be fore reccrxinending tor the appropriation to be submitted to tha Hcuse. hY.le of Thoroughbred . Lrxi.v-.TON-. Ky Feb. IS Brasfield, John- ston and Edmonson's ccrablDatbn sale of thoroughbreds closed today. Fifty-eight had were sold and aggregated 12,313, an average of $212 each Tae to days' saies aggregated $2-3,753. Ninety seven heal were sold, being an average of ?2o7. Senator Stanford. San Francisco, Feb. IS. Senator elect Ice land Stanford, accompanied by A. N. Towne end J. C. Etubb3, left tht3 afternooa by the sunset route for New Orleans, from whence he goes to Washington. A. Defaulter Absconded. BciTAi-o, Feb. is. Henry 11. Cooper, un til recently ft trusted collecting agent for R. G. Dun Co., this city, is a defaulter for a small amount, and has abiconded. Fatally Shot. Louisville, Feb. KCharles Manvel was fatally shot early this morning by Eli Lu ue. Both are colored. They quarreled oyer a game of cards. FltOil THE OLD WOULD. The UritiMi Government Will Consider .Measures for tlie Helle f of the Un cmplojed of London. Great Anxiety Folt at the English Wur OfScs Over tho Forca at Gub?.t. UNEMPLOYED WüRKEStiHCX. llie ItxitUL (luvernmtbt Will Take .Meiim for thir Ketief. LoM'jy, Feb. IS S.r Vernon Harcourt, II oiue Secretary, to day received a deputa tion of unemployed workinmeu, who went to the Home Oiiice to as-k the Government for relief for the unemployed cf London. The Home .ec;e4ary wits remicded that the p ecple represented by the deputation did not desire alms but work. Tue only relief they desired was employment in which they cculd give valua received for the breai wanted. They desired relief only in tuch a form as they could receive without depreda tion. They repudiated al sympathy with the Socialistic progaranda. ilarconrt was mcc'i impressed by the expression? of tne deputation. In reply he Baid that tha con dition of the unemployed wcremen as pre sented by the deputation waa one which em minently deserved attention. He wa3 awars that the distress amon the honest poor of London was widespread. He assured the deputation that the Government had no in clination to treat the matter in any spirit of dry economy; still tbe question as to the bet! method of relief was an extremely dif cuU or e. Experience had shown that at ttmpts to relieve distress by inaugurating publ.'c improvements were nnwis9. Toe failure of the efforts mide by France fcr relief on vast public works pointed to au illustration. The Oovernment, however, the Secretary "promised, would look into the matter closely, and consider the advisability of ctlmulEticg the efforts of the local phil anthropic bodies v;ith the view of aflbrdinj a larger temporary relief. In addition, Sir William thought the Government might do in the way of emicatiin by com manicaticft with the British colonial author ise. (.'HEAT ANXIETY Cocceriiins the ItrttUh Force at Gnbat Gladstone Uefendtn; the Government. LoM'ON, Feb. IS Great anxiety is felt at the "WarOfiice about Colonel Buller'sforce at Gubat. The Mahdi's reinforcements Beat frcm Metemneh, will increase the force there to 7, SCO. The reb?l3 have ten Ions range gnr s. Colonel has no Lr-svy guns. Mr. Gladitcnc, npoj th assembling of Farlianirnt to morrow, will speak in defen8 of tho Government, and more especially in re card to the Soudan campaign. The Foy ers will n'gn the Ery p-ian finance agreement tomrrraw, and Northco'e will demand, in the Hou?e of Commons, an immediate pro duction of the agreement. (JENER 4L FOUEHiN NEWS. The rhipte Tleet Va.uj aished. ram?, Ftb. IS A dispatch from Admiral Ccurbetsays: "We have attacked the Chi nese fquadron and gained a complete vic tory." Another dispatch says ths French Licet succeeded in sinking two of the three , Chinese men of war which toot refuse in the Ningpo Liver on Saturday last. French residents at Shanghai have been placed under Kassian protection. The Ens sian üt'A is hciated over the French conces sion. S2ri, Lowell Slowly !uklng Tlie Gnanis Inspected. Lonton, Feb. IS Mrs. Lowell is sinking slowly and no hope is entertained of her recovery. She suffers no pain to day. The Duke of Cambridge to-day inspected the Guards as the latter wera leaving for Saakim. The Dake in an address to the Guards reminded them that their dicif line was of a high order, and that Fagland woild expect a pood report of thir services in the held. He hoped, notwithstanding the se vere trials attendant on their campa'en in Ftrypt, the Gcarcs would remember their duty to their country and do it nobly. Tne Prircess cf Wales acd her daughter were present at tbe review and lar crowds of People collected to give ths Guards a patting cheer. Tlie I.oi.tlun I'rern Labmuher. Lom-c.v, Feb. IS The Financial X?w3 this mornicg contains a paragraph coatra- dictiDg Lab:uchere'a btetements in the Trath regarding Cyrus V7. Fitld and the An'.o American Cable Company, and expressing regret that the article in tha Truth should have been coiied in the Financial. The Truth, to day, publiehea a paragraph stating that the issue of ths Wabash prefer ence stock was made after Cyrus W. Field had left the Hoard of Director?, and Field had nothing to do with the London issue, as be had before that separated from the com pany, Tlie OermHu lieiclmtag. Dm in, Feb. is. The Usichstag to-day rejected the proposal to defer the adoption of the increased duties on rye until the ex piration of the existing commercial treaty between Germany and Spain. The Reich stag also decided to retain the existing du ties cn cat and pule, which the govern ment wanted to raise 50 per cent., but agreed to incrfa-e tbe duties on buckwheat and barley 25 pfenning. Makioc Overture. Cai. i'tta, Feb. 1-S. Several Afghan tribe?, including the FaUms, aro making overture? to the British authorities, whom they regard as their only shield against Euseiau acgrc s- sion. It is Stated that the ameerr and other efLcials are to icg to prevent the people from havirg intercourse with tha Afghan Doundtry Commission. Chinese War Ships Sank. Lo!cpo.v, Feb. IS. A dispatch fromSaang hai atates that in the naval engagement ba- tween the Fiench feet und r Admiral Cour- tett and five Chinese men-of-war, the French torpedo-boats sunk two Chinese warth'.p?, three others scaping in a fo to Chicghai. Movement of the French. Fakis, Feb. is Advices from Lan,;son say that General Xfrier will proceed to Cam- binh, returnine to Hanoi by way of Thain- ujn. Geperal Drieie D Lisle will return by the Mandarin road, atationing a garrison at Dad?. Ki-glaud Ally. Dome, Feb. In The Italian troops in Egvpt, after strengthening the fort works at Maisowah, will occupy Dogo.i FJateau, to protect the trade rottte from the Red Sea cc6t to Kaüala. Goiog Llome. eento'k, Feb. Is;. The Indian voy agturs who took General Wolseley's boats up the Nile Lave Krrived here, on their way home. They will embark on the steamship lienovarian. Approving the .ArtloD of the Khedive. Cairo, Ftb. IS The Khedive received a dispatch frcn; the Grand Vizier at Constan tinople approving Egypt's action regarding the Italian occupation of 3Ja?30wah. Treaty signed. Lom on, Feb. is The treaty between Ger many and the Transvaal Republic has been tigned. TK1DE AND LA DUE Coal ?licern Will Strike Agalust P in pi re AVeeks Decision ludnstrlal Matters. PiTTri ur., Feb. is The Mansfield Valley reel miners met last night andesoivel not to abide by Empire Week' decision. A ttrike will prcb.ib'y result. Lvnchm Va., Feb. IS. The Victori iron Hiiues and furnace, Rockbridge Count . Lave ebut down on ;i count of overstock, ar l 1,200 ixeu are thrown out cl employ ment. Steel Nails Mukiu Their Way. ii.i.r,0.. Feb. IS. Recently the manager of the Junction Iron Company offered to ßg'nt tbe introduction of steel nails if the puddiers would work fcr les wages, hut the men refused. Last night tbey w-e notified that wages would be re duced 7 cents per ton. The reduction was resisted, and this morning the mill started the manufacture of steel nails. It is now tboccht this fettle? the nail question in Jefferson C"unty, &s the Jefferson mill is already making them and others will follow. Coal Miners' Meeting. Coi.uvr.u--, O., Feb. IS. At a meeting of the miners of Btraitsville ytsterday it was ieiolved, owing to the small attendance, that the quefctioa of the price for mining should b? postponed until next Tuesday, when an other meeting would be held. It was agreed to continue the tight acainst the iron clad contract. Tbe miners lso concluded to ask the inirers who have gone to work to come cut until the question of the price is de cided. I1I Workmen In New York. Neu Yokk, l eb. IS Tho bread riots in London canse great uneasme3S her?. A city paper set its reporters to work to enumerate the unemployed laborers in New York City. The estimate wa? 7.; ,000. Mr. Frice, tne labor writer on the Tribune, who is consid ered an authority, says the number is greater than that by 2 ,W0. One Itallot Taken In the Illinois Legisla ture. 6rKiNfiFiEM, 111., Feb. IS. The Legisla ture met in joint session at noon for the pur pose of voting for Fnited States Senator. Two hundred and two members were present and two absent one Democrat and one Re publican. The firet ballot resulted tor John A. Lcngan 101 votes. The full Republican strength was present. Willi am, XI. Morrison received ''1; E. M. Haines, 1; Frank Lawler, 1;J. H.Ward. 1; John Smith, 1. No elec tion. Only one ballot was taken. Train Wrecked. Marshall, Tex. Feb. IS, An attempt was ma le to wreck and rob the passenger train from St. Loni3 last night near Wayne, be tween Jefferaon and Texarkana, by remov ing a rail. A freight train in advance of the psjiecger fell into the trap, and the engine and eight freight cars were wrecked. No one was hurt. No due to the perpetrator?. Mr. Cleveland' Vlultor Ali any, N. Y Feb. Is The nt visitor r. Cleveland received this morning was William II. Whitney, cf New Yo'k. Mr. Whitney tpent ?ome time with the President-elect, and from VTillet ttreet residence, preceded to tlie Commercial Dink, where he enpaered Mr. Daniel Manning in conversa tion, it is surmised tha object of his visit ' in reference to the representation of New York State in tbe Cabinet. A. C. Hessin?, of the Chicago '"Staats Zaitung, ' also ciUed thia morning, but his visit, he said, was only one of a friendly nature. Senator I.itni-, of Miss:ssippi, is expected here from Wash ington. A Stampede for Public Land Livingston, Mont., Feb. is When private intelligence was receive-! from Washington ftt Gardinfr that the bill to restore the northwestern corner of the National Park to the public domain had become a law, in a few bonis a night stampede was organized, and all the valuable coal and mineral lands in that part of the park were covered with location notices. - City Counctl. PiTT-irp.'i, Feb. l. The political com plexion cf the City Council was not materi ally changed by yesterday's city election. The Republicans, on joint ballot, have a ma jority cf fifty-eight. In Allegheny City the Republican joint ballot majority ia fifty. INDICATIONS. Wa-his'.to.v, Fe 131 a. n. Fcr Ue Ohio and Tennessee Val'.ev-Fair weather, northerly to westerly wintls. lecorairz variable, nearly stationary, followed by rising temperature. , For the Upper Lake lUgion Fair weather, northwesterly winds, tliehtly colder la northern portions, nearly stationary temperature in tbe southern portions.