Newspaper Page Text
THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILi SENTINEL WEDXESDA MORNING MARCH I 1885' V I' I: I LEGISLATIVE NOES. Ule Neu Bill for the Kpgubtfon or Prl Tate Banks. ! Abortive Attempt to Call Up. the Gen eral Appropriation Bill Other Notes. The House an J Senate were botii in session list night. j A motion (o conilder the Specific Appro priation bill in the House yesterJur was laU on tbe table. The House yesterday passed the Tree Graiellloal bill, and a'ao the 'bill for the luppreeslen of imtaoial literature. The Senate la!t nignt passed tbe bill ap propriation $'.0.000 to the State University jo tt pair the loss oc::uload by tre tire. 11 e joint resolution fcr an amndmnt t) 11 e Coatitution, abolishing tile contract pjsen of convict labr, wis jei-.arday con rumd iu by the Senate. 1 be Consmsional and I,sis!a'ive Apjor t'( titufnt bills were passed by the b-nate 3tli(!av afternoon, after ditcuinion whicti Jj?ted sorcithlcg more than tiro iuoara It if generally understood thaj the etu 3!ojes of the House and Senate n'ill not file a written prote3t against an extra session, und any one bearing aucb a rumor is author ized to gi7e it the lie. Petitions were presented in ihe Home yesterday from seventy coan tie i k tbe State, and tlgned by 8000 persons, aski for the pa?s.i2e of the Militia bill, whica- will come Zip on a third reading to day. A resolution was passed by the House last night to amend the Constitution, making the general term of the Legislature ce hundred Jayy, and tbe special terms fifty flays. Tbe resolution was passed almost uniioimously, he vote being 12 to 'J. Senator Campbell's bill to glvejthe Circuit 'and Sapreme Courts innsdictio.i of claims Bainst the State was defeated iu'ithe Senate yesterday. It wm disenseed at considerable length, tbe main objection beinjtt;i. it would Uouti tne fcapreme Conrt with cism and still iarther overburden it. A reiolutioa will be introinc?d in the lIoue to day in behalf of the (Society of friends of this State, asking Congess to pass the Evans bill, providing or a? interna lional tribunal, for the settlement of all dlfferecces between nations, and authorizing the Government to invite other countries to tend representatives to such a convention. An attempt was made in the lipase yester day to call np the Appropriation bill, but the Republicans vote.l solidly, with a few of the Democrat?, and the motion failed to paes. If tbe Appropriation bill does no- pass, tbe 3:epublicans will be equally responsible with the Democrats for the failare. 'Che failure to pass the bill will make an exfiu session nlmcst a necessity. The bill of Representative Reevis concern ing the publication of Supreme j Court re ports and reducing the compensation of tha reporter to $1,000 per annum, wa. called up in the House yesterday and led Jo a long discussion. Mr. Reeves spoke ic favor of the bill, claiming that its pasga would Eave the State at least $3,000 a yfear. The jneaaure failed to pass. ; vir. Lojd made an effort to stipend the Jules, yesterday, and pass the bill providing for a reorganization of the Kr.ightstown benevolent institutions, giving th Governor xhe powtr of removing or appointing Trus tees. He taid that it would be an everlasting difsrace to the State if this Legislature mould adjourn, with the Institutions left onder their present mana?emer?t. but his jrotion to take up the bill was defeated oyes, f3; nays, 27. The House Committee on Rinks and X nkieg have reported a bill for nae regula tion of private banking. It pravhles that In each county where ther ie cnii or more private bank, the Jodie of tbi Circuit Court shull appoint an Examiner,! who shall n ake at least three examinations of each a jar. and report tbe resuls thereof to the cucrt, who may order a publication of it in a paitr of general circulation. On the olLer bard, the bank is required to publish at least three times a year a report o' its condition, containing a detailed Statement of assets and liabilities, and tbe loamea of the owners and each person in the concern. IFor such service the Examiner is to receive a compensation of $15 for each examination of each bank, and heavy penaltiei are pro Tided for a violation of the act. RAILWAY NE ITS. j Reduction In tbe Wages of .tbe Em jpJoyea of tbe Vandalia 8hp3 Other Items of Interest ito Local Railroad Men. The Bee Line annual will be hell at Cleve land to-day. The O. and M. will begin the erection ot a ücw rcund hou;e, at Seymour, this spring. Ihe Western Passenger Association will Treet in this city on Tuesday, to revisa the passenger tariff rates. There will be a meeting of tbe general managers of the Union Company to decide .Hi en a location for the new depot. "It begins to look," said a prominent rail road man yesterday, "as if no railroad com mission was to be created in Indiana this jair." The Wabash has not vet become a mem- fctrof the Chicago and Ohio River pool. It fas said some time aeo that this road would )e admitted about March 1. Superintendent Ew&n, of the Bes Line. xays that Jetse Gray, the I., and St. L. con ductor, is not dead as was reported. He hai ieen suffering from a paralytic stroke. The railway periodicals are still howling, 'the fast freight lines must go' and the fast freight linea are enjoying it all and doing plenty of business "alle sarnie." It is very well understood in railroa.l cir cles that as socn as the city of Cincinnati .furnishes the Cincinnati Southern Road with terminal facilities that line üil chanes its present gange to the standard. j The offl c'als eay that a change of gauge in what tbe load needs, and that as soon as tue chance occurs the entire system will be greatly benefited. ; Tarsaant to the new plan conterii plated by tbe management of altering the sHape of tbe smokestack of all engines on the Union Pa cific, a fw straight stacks have Men pit nn trial. F nm me tent thiertaions it is diffi cult to determine whether the project will be generally adorted. Tbe t'aifcbt stacks effer too ready vent for some grades of thai? ' cbal, wbereas the screens of thejlarge fun- M-5 6:: i;3rj.l :t-a: feel. These experiments are all in tbe Hoe of tbe attempted solution of the great cinder consumption problem, which has so far stomped mechanical gcaius. Notice Is given by the Darlington R:ad that tickets of its issue, good over tbe Mew Yoik Central Road, Nos. 2,815 to 2,S$r in clusive, have been stolen from its Hannibal oCice, and that conductors should refuse to honor them. Work on the Lafayette, Darlington and Western will be resumed this week in the event that the thaw continues. This road will be finished before summer and promises to be one ot the meet important linea in Northern Indiana, passing through, as it dee?, eomeof the richest mining country in tbe State, and leaking direct connection for Chicago, where it will find a ready market fcr its coal. Tbe Vandalia has suffered very little this winter from accidents, notwithstanding the fact that some of its divisions have been ex TKttdtovery severe weather. The greatest dan age to its rolling stock has been a broken ci.Lk, aud of tbe 11 locomotives operating en tbe road, only three are at present in the htp. Colonel Hili tayu h can not remem t fr ih'.n two yars when tbe Va dilia had a l cr car off the track. A lar'e number of Western railroads are beginning to use spirk arresterj ou their lo comotives, and it is crtainly a very useful little invention. The VandaÜa was probably one of the first ot the Indianapolis roads to 1 ;in using arresters on its eogines, and it hi- ten a lone time sine they adopted the Hunter permanently, which wa. invented w tn enterprising young man of Terre Hitnte, whese name it bears. The propcsilijn of the Pennsylvania Con pany to don&te to the city a strip of land near the J., M. and I. tracks in the southern part of t ;e city in orJer that the latter may extend r certain street, is a fair ooe, al though local government does not see it intbat iat. The railroad company aiks that it released from tbe payment of all laxeioii the tame, and on this one point the two can not agree. A railroad man well acquainted with Pres ident Mackey, of tbe Eyanaville and Terre Haute, says that under his management the Terre Hante and Southeastern will develoo ir to a paying property, for this carefal and cautious Hoarder will inaugurate a policy of retrenchment that can not but benefit the icad. It is not Mr. Mackey's intention to cut down the wages of his men, but he will rdcce expeDtes in every other conceivable way and finally place the T. H. and S. E. on a found paying basis. Tee following order is said to have been 'issued by the West Shore recently: ''To Agents: Whenever you have any knowl edge of a wreck on the New York Central Railroad in your immediate vicinity, you will please get all tbe particulars in relation thereto and send me a report of the same by first mail. You will please consider this cir cu)ar confidential." As this Is the very of fecse of which the New York Central was scented not long since, the story may have been originated by that road. Rumors have lately been rife that the New York Central Railroad Company has got control of the Weet Shore Railway, and U at a cetsation of the war between the two concerns may be looked for at any moment. That something of the kind will happen some day within tbe next two or three years is as certain as that we shall have summer acd winter during that period, but of the Taeniae time and manner of its hapoenlng we believe that robody, not even William H. Vanderbilt, can speak with confidence- Quite a number of men employed in the Vandalia shops went to work at a reduction yesterday morning. The reduction is from I five cents to twenty five cents a day, a'l owing to the class of workmen and the weges received heretofore. Mr. Present states that it is an eyening up" in tbe various departments, and is not confined to tbe shops alone, but is made all along the line. The employes take the redaction in feod part and are all at work. Nine hours constitute a day's work in the shops at pres et t. The passenger representatives ot scm9 of tbe foreign loads who have been dealing with Indianapolis scalpers, it eeems, are not press ing forward with great alacrity to assist th local agents in maintaining rates. Accord n to all reports tbey have aid very little attention to the heart-rending letters from Irdianapolis agents requesting them to dis continue tbe practice of paying scalp cim missions and are at it as bad as ever. Toe local agents will be compelled to take other steps if tbey would have their efforts to sup press the scalpers attended with succ?ss. Freight rates have been slightly redused on tbe Terre Haute and Southeastern since Pretident Mackey assumed control. For in ttarce, the first class rate to Clay City has keen cut clown from twenty-eight to twenty fix cents. The towns all alom the line pay bister rates than Worthington. which is ai Ue extreme end. The rates to Worthmgron are; First claes. eighteen cents; second, teventeen; third, fifteea; fourth, thirteen, and fifth, eleven cents. This is done to meet tbe rate of the I. and V. from this city, so that Terre Haute merchants may laoor un der no disadvantage in competition. The Western Association ot passenger and tickets agents was in session all day yester day in room 80 Bates House. S. M. Miller, General Patseneer Agent of the P., D. and E., is ChairmaD, while W. H. King, ot the C.. W. and D., is Secretary. Tbe meet was called for the purpose of correcting various Irregulari ties and makmg necessary changes in the rate sheet which tbe meeting spent the en tire day in doing. Another meeting will be held to-dar, when the General Passensrer Agents will be present and much important business transacted. The following lines are represented: Illinois Central, A. J. and F. W. Harlow; C, I. St. L and C. C. O. Tanperxan; Vandalia, George Cheibrough; Bee Line, C. A. Carviers; L. E. and St L., J. A. Jones; C, D. and Q., C. H. Grant; Wabash, C. W. Catlin; U 8. and M. 8, C. W. Fuller: L. E and W., G. W. Smith; B. and O., J. C. Lanurs; C, W. and B., W. H King; P., D. and E.. S. Miller, Penn. Co., R. A. Lipp; J., M. and I., H. R. Dering. United States Otüclal Postal Guide contains a list or all Postoffices in the United Stater, money order offices, domestic and international; rates ot postags. foreign and domestic; rulings of tho Postoflice Da partment etc., etc. The onlv official book published. Price, in paper, $1; cloth, $1.50. For tale by Jce Downey, letter carrier. Mr. Cleveland's recently-expressed opin ion that ''frequent chauga of administration is as necessary as constant recurrence to th pcpuJar will" is interpreted bs Democrats to nean "rot too frequent, but just frequent enough" about once in tweaty-five jears, the Sun puts it. That depends upon ho the partv in charge of tbe Government be h es. Toar yptrs of one sort of Democracy Iii e that in the O'e eat House, for encn- plf would be at l)t thre years too muc l. OVER TUE HILLS TO Tllf: POOR- Tbe SwIm IteINUtncr Iotgel In a Sr.V , case AlniH'IIoane, Syracuse Letter to Philadelp&ia TlmeM Mr. and Mrs. William Teak, the seniors ot the once famous Kwisi family of bell-rir-jers, are inmates of the Cortland County Poor bouse, near Homer. Mrs. Peak 13 seventy five years old. "It is hard to be here," be said to a reporter who discovered her, "bat we are warmly clad, tare pasa hly and sleep on gsod feather beds. We are measarcabiy happv even as we are, but we look for better days to ccmeand we feel in our hearts that tbe G-d of tbe homeitm uud friendless will notdesert us in our hour cf Deed." Mr. Peak is ieventy-six years old, a little under medium size, with tilvery locks falling in wave3 ovr bis tboulders. and a fine countenance set off by a hiph and broad expanse of forehead. In chatting of the past the bell-ringers said that though they were native Americans !they chese the title of the S wiss Family for adver tising purposes. Their home was in Med ford, Mass. About forty yexrs ago tiey went with John B. Googh to Eatport, Me., and whi.'e there heard the S'si bell-riigers with P. T. Bare urn. The Swiss people were at xicus to return hon e, the cll'uati having i roved fatal to to cf their numbrr. ."ur. Ptak bought them out. "After three month3' pr? ctic?," paid Mr3 IVak. "Will am bad made himself matfr of the bell lingicg art and hsd also lustructed ttt other members of pur family. On oar iLblic appearance triumph after triumph followed in quicK succession. Throe of oar children William Henry, Fannie and Julia went with us. About eighteen vears ago we divided our forcos, William Henry and Julia taking the territory wett cf the Ohio and the rest of us playirg in tbe Eastern and Southern States. Ei'die and Lisetta played with us. I.ifetta died in Cleveland in her youth and Eddie died at the age of twenty in Nevada. On a Western trip mv husband discovered o! Smith Russell. He came to us bare footed in Sprirfield. 111., and askei the piivilege of working for us. We adop'ei him into the troupe. He was nothing of a binger, but he more ihan made up by his genius for comedy." Wlll'am Heury IVak w?, when ths par ents last heard from him, in Australia, where he was nnsnccetsful. with a large company on Iiis hands Fannie w:u married to John Fitch, a wealthy Southerner, who lost his property in tbe war and die l soon after its close. After tnneliog with the family for sorce time Fannie tett!eJ in Jamestown, Dak., with hr son and daugh ter, where ehe has an interest in a lare hard ware store and also in a lumber yard. Her parents have nnt heart from her in more than a year. Jalia is in California, at;d the is now Mrs. William DIaipilall. Sae and Ler husband bad a company of their own in the extreme West. Durint the ist week Mrs. Peak received a letter from Wil liam Henry 's wife, who lives at Nile3, Mich. She begged her parents to make her home with her, but they will not do to, es tbey fear that her circumstance would not war rant the expente of their support. Mr. Peak, in explaining his present desti tution, said that in tbe days of his prosperity he lavished thousands on his children and spent a great deal in charity. In St. Paul, Minn., he lost $22,CX) in a gold speculation 8r d also tank a large sum in a theater at Pike's Peak in its mushroom days. Neither be ncr his wife attaches any blame to their children for their present destitute cirqum stances. For the last few years the aired couple have appeared only in small places. They were stranded about the middls of last December in Jamestown, Pa , and wer?, as a Just reBort, obliged to appeal to the Saperin tendent of tbe Poor In Cortland County, where they hai lived long enough to secure a residence. They reached the Poor Honse on New Year's Day. A movement is cn foot for the removal cf Mr. and Mrs. Peak to the Old Fdks' Home at Elmira. DANUEHs OK THIS UKEP. A Monlli uf Furlouit 13ale Hug Irelig4 lu Blid'Uceaii. ! New York Herald. ; The limited number of ve-seis that arrived in port yesterday caused much comment in tbipping circles regarding tne bad weather experienced on the Atlantic for nea'ly a month. It must bo set down," s.iid an eld Captain, "that since the steimer Alaska's rough usaee during the latter part of January; there have been hard times oa tbe ocean for all kinds ot vessels. Gales, equ&lls, hurricanes, sleet, enow, icebergs, field ice and intensely cold weather have been the burden of the reports of the ar rivals." The week beginning January 25 marked the first cf evere westerly gales, which day after day increased in violence. Net alone were the westward-bound craft in trouble, but those going to the eastward did r.ot escape, and. three freight steamers that left this port a few days previous have never been heard of, and are given up as lost, it is reported, by the underwriters. Tbese were tbe steamers Clandon, which failed on the 22d ult. for Leith; Ferawoo i, 20th nit, for Avonmouth, and Preston, came date, for same place. They were "tramps," and loaded dangeroasly deep. ' What crippled the Alaska, battered tbe Servia. nearly wrecked the steamer Yetso, caused tha steamer Ben well Tower to be abandoned and filled with dis may thousands ot sturdy hearts, must have sunk the unfortunate freighters. First aad last every arrival during the week ending the 21st ult. experienced the worst possible weather, and more than one wrecked crew was picked up and landed here by more for tunate vessels. The Benwell Tower wa3 of 2 CCO tons, and bound from Baltimore to Liverpool. Tbe following week, February 1 to 7, was but little better, and the week' from the 8tu to the 15th inst. was scarcely and improve ment. Immense ice fields and icebargs, large and email, were also seen by steamers, and in several instances fogs added to the general unpleasantness and danger. That confused seas and hurricanes with low ba rometer, were experienced seemed an old story, but one or two mail steamers were so badly rosed that only a few of the large num ber cf their passengers dared venture on deck during the run aercs. The week commenc ing the ICth inst. Rave hopes that the weather hed moderated, but while tbe steamers bound weit fared better than those of the previous week, many square riggers reported lresh gales, doing considerable damage. The arrivals thus far this week also report bad weather, but less severe than that of the preceding weeks of this month, thouehn one or two instances vessels within nftymiles of Sandy Hook fcave been driven as far back as Hatterav. Owners, underwriters and all interested in clean trafiio hope that the worst of the winter weather has passed, and that the regular steamers mav from this time on be made to make something like tchedala time. The s:eam8hip Wtatphalia, of the Hamburg-American Packet Company, arrived at ter deck in Hoboken yesterday morning, fcibe left Hamburg on the 13th of this mouth, having on board twelve cabin and Ml steer age passengers. Tht vojae waa uneventful np to the 21st inst. About 3 o'clock in the morning ot that day, in latitude 15 degrees 02 minutes north, longitude 47 degrees 18 minutej west, the shin passed a hose icebers apparentlv about eiahty feet in height. In Sprees 22 minutes tha ship passed another iceberg cf gigantic dlmeniioas. "The steamer was plowing her rir through a heavy snow eqaill when I first observed the second Iceberg." said tho oiiicer to a Herald reporter yesterday. "It was about half a mile away and looked like a huge mountain. The snow was so thick we could not iee it very plainly, bat I ws able to calculate tie height at about 12 ) feet. There .u a large body of ic aronnd the bf-ru. and that night w struck a Wntie hurricane, the wind shifting rlat arju-id the compass. We pafs'tl large fields of i? in latitude 41 10 minutes, longitude 2 mir ütes." Oae of the sailorj who taw the first ice br eaid that it was shaped like a ball an 1 towered rv above the mill- of the steamer. Considerable roah weatn r wa experi enced on tbe trip over, but the o2.icers say tl ere was no accident o other incident worthy of note The Louisville and Nashvl'le hsaeJ the following circular to connecting lines last evening: "To comply with a d?s!re expre'9.1 1 by a mult tude of ccrr spondaut uuii th-y bs jiven permission to see te NW SjutV e i runte io the New Orleans Exp'ition, ;:id to i: ('nee Increased numbers to visit said exo tit ion, W3 have this day arranged to grant fiop-ever on the g-in portion of th pres ent exjoütion ticket, such stop O7or in no cae to exceed ten days There i no nects sii y for altering thy tickets now on sale; the i a.eerger. v;ho desire to s:op over bhould notify the first conductor oat of C'ncinuati, Lexington, Louisville, Fansville, St. Loats, Montgomery or River Junction of tbJs fact. afid he will take up their coins coupon and furnish them with a reiet which will admit of the above stop over. The return portion of the ticket, when properly sigued and p'amped in New Orleans Exposition, must be used fcr a continuous pais'iga. and no ptop over on the return portion of 'tho expo sition t'eket will be graute J " Referring to the r.bove, I wish to call your attention to this fi:t: Ths Moaon P.nte is tbe only line running I''r.ivi Talece Sleepers from Ch'c-.go ' ' Louisville and Cincinnati, making dirc. connection with the L. and N. Riilroad f ir New Orleans, via Mammoth Cave and Mobile. For those holding tickets reidintr via Monoa Route to Louisville or Cincinnati, and over tho L. and N., or Cincinnati Southern IUil ways, from either of those cities to the South, we will take pleasure in securing Sleeping Car berths through. Fcr bcoks, pamph!ct3, descriptive rna'ter, el c, call on or address any Apent of the Company, or Robert Emmett, District Passenger Agent, No. 2'i South Illinois street, Indianapolis, lid! A Card. To All Whoia It May Concern : In justice to H. I Stringer, I desire to say that the suit brought by myself and wile, February 23, 1S33, acainst H. D. Strinqer. has this day been dismissed at oar cost, as I found everything exactly as represented by him. The suit was brought by us noon mis representations made to us by Mr. C. W. Hamilton, of Salem, 111. William L. Map.?!!. March 2, Advice to Bluthers, SIRS. WlKiLOW'S KOOTHIna 8YKUF iüoaia always fc used wn m children are cuttlnz teeth. It relieves Vie nttlj sastrer at once, It produces natural, iU3et leep, by relieving tne child from pata, ana tie little Cüeraö awatej a "br:?at as a button. It livery Pliant to tute, it toot&ei tlia calld. toftfena tie gx.r.iv allays all pain, relieve wind, resuiatcs tM fcowÄia, and li tne test known reneJy fcr dlar-rho-a. whether artilng from teethlre or other causes. Tweaty-Tlro cents a bottle. SOCIETY NOTICES. MASONIC AV Av SCOTTISH RlTK-lmli- V jf ana Consistory, S. I'. R. ra etii: this f V (v.eii;csaay). commencing at 4 o clock, tird continuing at 7 o'clock p. m. Work Sin; tttiitu to Thirty Sfcand I;ree. N. K. Itl'CKLE, Com. in Chief. C. F. Secretary. C. K KUEOKLO & WIIITSETT, Funeral Directors aad Exnbalmers, Ho. 11 North Delaware ßtreet. Telephone connection to oCice and residences. Carrlaces for Weddings aad Parties. Absolutely Pure. 1 his powaer never vanes, a marvel of purity itrt ngtb. and wholesomeness. More economic than tne ordinary kinds, and can not be sold la compeUtion with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only means. Royal Bakisq Powoxb Co., 100 Wall treet. New York. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1873. GERMAN t The most popular sweet Chocolato in tho market. It is nutritious and palatable ; a particular favonto with, children, and a most excel lent article for family use. The genuine is tttatnped S, German, Dorchester, 2Ia$i, lieieare of imitations. Sold by Grocers everywhere. j C ROYAL rsKx lx d Ii! GI0C0M6 m CARTERS ITTLE mi p o 7. v,. mm E!tk IT9'!ieh'? and rell?vj all to n Uh vjs ('it j cf the pystcm. each as lna rincss, Nauw, DrowsiDs. Ditrcs after eatm, i'aia ia t!;3 1 d j, Ac. V.'Lilo their rajit rcsxk atla eucccas Las tccatbowa In c-rij fc'.lcifordo-ncf t::e ftouurh, stimulate th(j liver ü:u1 repulaw :bc bowcU. Kvea If lhey ozlj cured Ar.he ltfy rrcnld V? traort prlrelrss to thce who ea-r lro.-n this il'.--troj in complaint; but fortu nately their goodnr ts does no, end hero, and those V h'j once try t!.cni will Un l thoaa ltttio niila va'.a able ia eo many way 6 that they will not wila$ da yiUidU theza. Ü-t aicr sil ei.k heal Is the bane cf fo many liv thät hen Is where wS xnako oar great boait. Oar pilla euro it whiid Otters do tut. - 1 Carter's Little Ii7er TilJs are very raan anj very easy to tak?. Oao cr two pills xaako a doss. They are etrictly vesetablj aod donotpripoor purije, out dj their uao them, la vials 1 Lj drujcists ever CARTRTC MEDICIXK CO., r?cvr Vork City; WHEAT -BAKING POWBE ba PURE and WHOLESOME. Jt cnr.taira no injurious incTeiliont. It l.-avoM ito dolrtt-nons Pubstano-s in th--)hrB.l 8 r. .1 iure c raie Crtaui cf Tartar aud .Uuia iovdei-3 no. It restore to thofionr tho LLrMy lrurtantcoa ctnuentH rejected in the bran of tin wlinat. It luiuV-H a ln-tff-r uad liftiiur Liacüt t-a aüV ctUrLu'1-ywJ-.r. HARTIH KALBFLOSCH'S SOHS, rstnblllCd 1520. 55 FULTON bT., X. Y. For sale by all leading Grocers, SAFE BRILLIANT !' PERFECTION BKi-UgH Oil. iMkoit" O O S1EC fl.vlshe. yt Carter's LiUleLivrPir s.r?PT:s.l! valua'.io i:i C onstipation, curing and preveulin EreQtio action pleasa au waa at 2 cents: üvofortl, . Soli ywhcie, or ecat by mail. , - For ten days our opea, advertised puce was io nents per ton lower taaa acy and all ota dcal ers In Brazil fclock. Kow, tave moccy itlll by orderlag BKOOK8IDIC COAL! In flame and strength akin to Fittsbur?, free from soot and clinkers. No otherdealer tas lt. Brasil block is Mjzter this morn in andand a wider doer is opened for the introduction ol Broouide. See auy point iu that? Ivy lirookslde, Brook6lde, Brookside, ?2.&5 per ton. SCHEDULE: SEEMTVILiE m COAls Per Tod.. IIWH 12.00 SKUJ Y ULF IXNP COaL, Per loa, (only ibippers of this radr) i.Sd HhO hMI8. rt r Ton . - BLaZIL I'LUCK. foil weight, well forknl : 3.03 9,For prices on all kinds ol Coal Call at oce. EHRLICH & SMITH, - 14 Vance Block, Virginia Ave, TELEPHONE 10H. ! . NO GULLED Cversff ck fcent to a Bracch Honse. Look at the fillowin? prices Velvet Oarpots from 90 5-Frame Body Brussels from - - - 77c Roxbury Tapestry from - 60c Extra Super Ingrain - - - - 50c fB SO, CO 34 3 GOAL. iir BJRA IS THLVIVX Äc OO. ISelJ the City Gas COKE, always Dry and Clean, and All Kinds oJ COAL A.t Lowest Prices. OFFICKB 60 Horih Dola wire, 140 South Alabtmi, and 458 Kast Onio Streets. Telephone 444. : TRY BRYGE'8 Patent Machine Bread. T72I. O. DoVAY, President, 33 Easx Maryland ßtreot. e Drer nrvin which thRpnttnellarrlntM t fnrnlhd tM rvrrirn UNDERTAKER PLANNER & 72 North Illinois Street. WM. I. RIPLEY. Undertakers, Funeral Directors, PRACTICAL EXLXJXIEKS. CTTixstlasa attendanoa at low prices oar motto. Oilice and AVarerooms, Ncs. CO and G2 West Market St,near Illinois TCI 1?1X021C Z04 QQXa WANTED Any article of t-fi'r.e, not exceolirg time li:ie incrtcd two t!n:es FREK ÜDder üie head 'sltuatIoa V.'aattd," four iia- or les. Insetted FREE. ANTtD By a ov. n re Iri:i cS'. a t drcis JOHN 6TLRN, ilOO Ka-t Murns ttr.w J ANH:i-fclt:iation 7 rntaUea-l : ty II copjht," Adrc?s VIIOW, CI SoJtU NjMj ttrect. i WANTED-5itut!o:i a ' üoa.-kefper or wwh in,; to do awty from hoair. Cail or nldrtM 1-' South Sbedwick urtet. s VIT AXTF.D Work or r.ay kSnl. b;: an H ic. ir. Y dustrlon. experieacfd atia cumpet.'tt D. riEaC'K, caro KlnRau ,v Vo. j rAMhI Situation on a .'arr.i, bv :i tt.eil Tr enced man and wife. For iunber particu lars address W. ä , ö.uiiuei :!;:. ;; WANT I'D Grape v. ves to prune: viae v. i -.!. ftult trt'Ca or fhado tret to trim. .i!r cr apply to CIIAKLU KD A A RLH. '.VU Vwt N a h. lngttu ttreet. j 117 ANllI)-H,tuat:o:i la au o;!l-e ai pr;.i:i ST 'i(T, and t- do other or! iee o.iP.. . man und cu o;erate type wrlur. Ad-ire- ". MüHKltON.lvOFaU Market ntn-eu t j ANTKD Situatio:t either iu drf i,ool-. t.r vf procery store by a youTie rnm. B-vd ten -two, with one year experience: ou q wp'r. tut. Arrly at Fiat Hoik. Shelby co.iatv, in-t -r. Box t :. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS. T.'LKCTION NOTICE The stoekhoi J.r r. t'e lli kc ric l.'gbtinsr. us4 Hentia,' aud liiura irstlcg Company are hereby notliied tat the a nr al eiectiou ot three direc'ors of rall r-unpary will be held at the orliceot the Secreur o a stttur cay, Maren T, 183, from I tc 2 oTIoet. IIKNUV JECKi:it, s'orretary. Jcdianapolls, Man h 2, 1H j THOSE frotn; to Hot SprlaRalor the truttiaut of Fyphilis, gleet, fcrof'Ua, a-id ail cutaneous cr Hood da-ewef, can be cured for oae third the tCRt cf such a t'ip at the cM-reliable stand. 1 have Ucn located here for twenty thrte years, and w ith U c cdvautase of long and iucceful experience can warrant a cure tu ail ea?ca. ieruiatorr:u aid lmretcucy, ;n all their stage?, positlveir cured. ()i!:ce hours. 8 a. m. to 9 p. m., 4 Virzin! avmue, Indiacn polls. IIP.. pnt wita full dire e tfccRRt SI per box. Dli. BCSXETT, succcsur to Dr. Ewiue. FOR ÖÄijE. , C Oae fiae draft, stalüou. 15 F OH SAI. & CO. F OP. SALE I'iaao. almost new, atasacrlüte. i bjakc street. ?OK SALE Two thousand LaOoute pear treet one and two years old; ibey will jtrow in auy soil acd any climate: the? bejda bearin ; waea three years old, and when s)x to c'zht years ol 1 bear teu to fifteen bushed per trea; I have 2 0 trees on my farm, near Bhelryville, two rears oM, doing finely: send in your orders early; will de liver la march and April: terms reasonable. B, S SUTTON, Shelbyvillo. Ind- 13 FINANCIAL. MONEY At the lowest n-te or Interest. J. W. WILLIAMS it Co., 3 id 4 Viutoa Bloat. TO LOAN Money with privilege or prepay ment: terms reasonable. T1109. C DAY A CO., T3 tjwt Market street. Iridianapolis. TO LEASE. fro LEASE Hotel, wit 1 bar attached; good lora. J tion near i nioa Depot; all fixtures fr sale. Addrets HOTEL, this offlce marS-lmeod LOST5 -A LOST Key, on south side of Merrill stre2t, be tween Mi-sissippl aad Illinois. Reward at 317 B1 ake f treet. 3 3iQ)3L-nJL-Jif ITjljIIMOia OT. GOES. HOMMOWN. &SSSSSiSamM": ELIJAH UED J3. S W. BAKER & CO.j Dorcbester, Mass. i i 4