Newspaper Page Text
6 THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL I lilDAY MORNING 3IA1U II ü 18S5 llBilCUL AKD COMÖERCIAL HONEY AND STOCKS. Nrw York Financial Markst. NEW TORS, March 5.-Moae j-Ewy at 11J , per cent.. cloed at 1 per cent. Prine Mercantile Paper-4 35 per cent. Government Eondi -Four and a hall per cents y lower; others unchanged. Kailw7 Eondj-Fairly active. Prices generally firm. state Eonds -Quiet. Tbe stork market was feverish and irregular this morning, with prices generally to J percent lower than last even in. Most business of the forenoon was cod fined totaling in Lackwann. Northwestern, Ne York Central, St. Paul, Lake Shore and Fadiic Mail, all of .which were active, the total tales f oz the forenoon being nearly as large as for the whole o! yesterday. Although the excitement In tbe stocks mentioned subsided pome hat after midday and prices yielded, there was a renewal of the acti vity later In the day, accompanied by Increased strength In most of the stocks, which continued to the close. Some lead ing bear operators lor the past ten days are as?ain r.ively working on tbe bull side of the market nod now talk about higher prices for almost every thing cn the list, but especially for the lower priced and heretofore inactive stocks. The special features of the day were the strength in Lacka wanna and PeciSc Mail and the weakness In New York Central and Northwestern. Transactions on Stock Exchange ajrarezated 3VJ.C00 nbarea, of which II "1,000 were Lacaa--:iu4, :;9 im) Lake .Shore, 71,000 Northwestern, 45.000 New York Central, 2 1.OCO Paciac Mall and 31,0-nst. Paul. 60VIENMS3T BECTBniM. fierllng, M days. 4Sr,j ü. 3. 41'....M.M...,N.m,- ßieillng. ai?ht...4So ,cqw ü. S. 4's . 122 per cent, bonds.. lCl,lv Herl TQ9 parc-ai'a-c price lor Government band In Indianapolis vertex from theNewYota q notations K l per cent. BOTH-. Pacific I's - .125 iTennHuee, ntw .. 47 iinu Faclflo flT8ta....Hl Tex. P. land grants. 37 trie teconds.... . . 5 Tex. P. Bio Grande. 5 tMri A Wllks. H önlon Fan. firsts .11 2 Vi LoKlslan consuls 74 D. P. laud arante 10s:, Mlsfouil C's .-102 U. P. sinking fand.117 Joe iu8 Virginia 6 s "J SUP. A a C. firsts.-119i Virginia consols... 4 5 Tennessee I's. 47 I Do. deforced - t 8Z3IRAL STOCKS. flans Express 133 t Morris A Essex ..120' i Allegheny Central.- 34 Nash villa A Chat . 4VA Alton A "Crre u...... 2 m. j. central A, A T. IL pfd. b J I Norfolk A w. pfd 21 91 Northern Faciüc I1 Ataeilcax. Express. Ear!. Cedar iL A N.. Canada PsusSo .... 1U llyy, piUm..MMlM -11 K'H'f VnrthvMtAffl . I IP Canada Southern-... Central Pacific Oüesapeaxe A Ohio.. K0i Northwestern pfd...l L a 34?; New York Central... 3 554 Ohio Central .. 1 n. - . w I . r 1 J J t , t Do, second eiu. a miis. pia..... 71 Oalcao A Alton--. 131U Ontario A Western..! 10 C A A. preferred -1 15 lOregon Navigation., 65 Chic. Bur. A Q 120 OreeonTranscon't'L Chic, tit. I. AN. O.- 3 .Oregon Improvem'L 2 lj O,, 8t L. & Pittsbari 8 Pacino Mail aJ7 j Dcnfd us.. Ban. A Cleve... f., C, C. A I Delaware A Hud.... Del. A Lac AJeucr A K. Grand Fne rreferrcd...... last Tennessee 22 PeorlA. D. A K. - 1' 34S'Plttsbarg Z 77 V Pullrcaa Palace Car.t: t lC2-?i! Reading..... 17 8 IRocklUand Mi lSJi'St. L. A San. rran.- 2) , 2) (Da preferred.... 37 , 41,.1 Do. first rfd .8 preferred 743t. Pal- . '2S Fett .... ,i:3 3t. Paul pld :0V4 irancltalA 6t.Joa 3 !3U Paul A Mana to. preferred- KSJ St. Paal A Oman... b arem........ ,v& iöt. P. A O. pid flcnstonA Texas 16 (Texas Pacific... Illinois Central 124 Onion Paciflo...... SEdiana, B. A W..M 12m. i O. a. 2xpre". .l 5! Lake Erie A West 14 Do. pfd 21i LXe snore- S4 wells ä Farzo Ex. I' S LcaisvllleA Nsh.. 31 W. ü. Telegraph 5. Lgtj., N. A. A Chi 2:$ Col. Coil 1 Karl.. A Gin. 1st pM 10 i Duidwoo 1 i I. cond pfd b jdomestaae 1 wm. A Charleston., n llron Silver -U XI iohigan General.... 6t Ontario 17 XXlnneap. A St. X. U'i Qnlcxsllrer Do. preferred....... '2V.4 üo. preferred Missouri PaclZo...... 91 South Pacific... . Mobile A Ohio s dntro . Foreign Money and Stocks, LONDON. March 5. Consols. 87 9 16: aceonnt. 1)7 13-16. Bailroad Bonds -Canadian Paciüc, Krlc, 13: seconds, bl: Illinois Central, 24; Ht. raul, 74I4: w York Central. Olj;: Rsa ling. PARIS, March 5,-Rentes-82f 85c COMMERCIAL. In jobbing circles there is a steadily improving Lusints. The pleasant weather of the past few days tis brought many country merchants to town, and there is a perceptible increased move ment m dry goods. In groceries the demand is good and the prospects bright; there is some slight change In cotfees. The activity In dried fruit continues, and canned goods are firm. The fish trade is booming, though there Is no marked a Ivance in prices. Hay ruled very firm. Butter remains quiet, and cheese is fairly active V-& are firmer; poultry unchanged. a RMS. Wheat Frm and active, with good demand. Fnturea quiet, receipts light. New York, Balti more and Chicago lc higher. Corn All grades in v.ood request, with prlcjs firmer. Receipts meager and oSerinns small. Fu tures dull. New York Jic higher, Baltimore higher, Chicago sq higher. Oats 8teady at quotations. local demand good. The following table shows tha receipts of grala at this point for the past twenty-four hours: ttooetvel Floor, this. Wheat, ta. Corn, bn Oats, bn. By a. bn 6,0 j 10,2 Kl 12 The following taoie snows tne amoant of grain in store at this point: uats. je. C0C B'. era tor A Sie ra tor Ü ... CaplU I levator. Weitrn Elevator. ... Pß.OTO! 3.2'"0 5.X1 1J.4C l.l'JJ, 4.0 4). 0,000 ;,,og j,co J ! I ,11111 j Kievator D... 1 '2.0)0, IS.fcU) Toul 0rrep'g day last yeat 82.400; 120 OO0 40.8 30.000! JJt 39 00C! Iflonr, Q rain and Hay. Flow Patent. 1(7333 03; extra fancy, I o K; lancr, S3 03: choice, l 75 33 90: ramily, t 5&S 60 ; treble extra. 82 60 2 75: double extr, 92 40a 2 50: extra. Si 2!)2 85; superfine, 94 215; flae, tJ CO. Wheat We quote: BM Askd. 2 ac til tracx S3 track 75 track ) trad Bid. Asked. 42 trauk 41 traca 4". 41 tract 4l; track 40 track iiy, tract tract 4 40 tracx 40 tract 41'4 Bid. As tod S2 track niJi traca 31 uac WO. No. t M ed , . 1 .,.,.1 No. a Red No S tffi 1 in eeced Cora VTe quote: ro. -4 wnite. No. i White- Yellow High iflxed. ULxea No. 2 white rejected- No. 3 Whit rejected Kf Jrcte-i yellow Bound gar Oats We quote: ko. 'jwnit. Li ghunlx ed. Kye No. 2, nominal. Bran Steady; IIS 00 bid: no sellers. CHICAGO MARKETS. (Fnrnlsfied by H. K. Kinney A Co., Grain and Pro. vision Brokers. No. 9 Chamber of Commerce, 1 liarch 5. Open'g lUighst. Lowest jCloclng TSU eat-April I75V 77H 75'.; 1 77'i May q, WJ4 80.M hl?l June- ' Corn April y Ju2e Oats - April.. 2 41 8t' 42 ""27 31i 12 65 12 75 90 7 CO 7 07 6 27 6 37 6 1 5 41 42 27 20; i'i'Äi'' y: 52 12 ,3 f, h7 6 07 7 05 6 36 6 37 2S 3i; 12" bi" It 65 12 7j f, m 7 CO 7 07 6 27 6 37 6 45 2f tjt, June Fork April 124i" May Jan? r 12 42 12 52 f b7 6 92 7 00 C 2 6 ?0 6 37 Laid April Mar.. June. RIti - April.. May June V- lote Wheat. 1: rorn. 221: oau. 10 Et;!n:ated receipts ol hos, ll.CCOhead. INDIANAPOLIS W II OLKS ALE 51 AUK K VS. Lry Ooudi. raiTs. n manor lanty ....o aerricica lancy. Cocbeco fancy, 6 (Berwick fancy... ..t Blchxnond fancy ....6 Beistnt fancy- ..mVi Hamilton lancy 5S' wain'n'ton Inl blue American itucr .54 American lad. blue .. ' American shirting...... 4 Albion solid. ........M.5s Allen Ianc7-..- Himpson's mlulng h Allen shirting. . 4 3feel River fancy- -54 aiernmacx nirung..4i.Dunneu lancy .. o DBSsa rasEics. Pacific i popiln Ins.. 9 Pacific cashci'n..10 Pacific Australl&n Pacific P-4 A. O. M..30 I Hamilton yA alpacas- 9; I iiaiiiiiiuii -'4 uiiA Jti I Pacific 1403 Iawnj....lQ4 I Pacific Organdy- 11 l Pacific Chambray. . 3 I Pacific cretonnes....... 3 Pacific C-4 K. X. cash.20. Pacific 6-4 A. a casn.25 Pacific c f. suitings.- 8 Manchester V cash 10 pacific percai39....MKi5 Manchester DeB...i3; Atlantic alpacas...J3 Pacific nun's vaira-lC4 arnneiou ii-in nun's Atlantic i. Ij. cash. ...21 veiling. ..i2i Atlantlo F. ca&hn 25 Arlington y gray cashmere ......15 BEOWS COTTONS. Atlantlo A i. Atxantlo H..-.. 7 I Hill's 7W 21yst:c River.., Yardstick M .6s Lawrence J. L. Trernont C. C 5l'i Indian Hea1 Conestoga W durk A- iyi ..6; -wrauacc - i Pepperell R. , Pepperell E.. Pepperell 9-4 ....6 Ctlca O -IX .7 ;B."Ott XX- ..lrt Masschnott8 B. B-.5 1 Peypere:! 10-4.... .u lniu.vji n mm 1 I IV I . IT . BLKACHlCrt COTTONS. Androacoggln L.-... . ly, Xsrker Mllla Lonsdale. 7Karwell iy B&uardvaie ... 5 Masouvuie ..... 8 'luguua., M ....... I'JTo r tun ut wa uuuo,.n ark . ,ai i . A. .Um a. miu s oemper xaem... (Srirmew u no ice Blacxstone A. A..... 7iDwieht Anchor..... 8 Hop fiJiiPocahont..... 7'i retcnviiie......... 7 Chestnut mil 5S Pepperell 9-4 -30 Lonsdale Cambrlc.-lOX PeppereU 10-4 22K Just Out-... COTTON JCANNKLS. B'u Bl'df B'a . 0 Bl'd Tremont DL 6 7 Tremont F-. 4 Tremont H,. 7 8 8 Tremont U.. 9 Tremont L... 6 7; Tremont P.... Iremont K... 8 Q :::i?s 10 Tremont B...... 7VJ 11 Tremont N 8$ 12K Tremont O 9 jKllertouCN. 7 iKliertoa Ci 7 TK'KUertonGL..... 1 Irexnont Y... 71 Iretncnt X... 1U Nashua (4 54 7 Nashua FF 6 in 8 Nashua E b Sa.hna T..... . 7 h IKuerton v.... 8!EilertoaT...... 8 KUerton a.... 8'i Nafhua D... 7S Nashua C ........ 1)i 92 0 111 Nashua B... 8 9 iEllerton It 9 Nashua A.- 8S 9 Kllertou Q 10 11 12 13 Nashua AAA... '4 Nathua X...M .lO'i 10H Hllertou P.. liy4 Eilerton O.. 14 IEllerton N. G IMG HA MS. .. 7' Wamsntim .. Nahua XX 12S .13 14 ' Araoske.. ... Lancaster Ka tea. ........ .... Normandie 31as?:ow. 7 Royl .... 7 Renfrew drew.. ... 4 Vora f... hi;e M Pgoo ... 7 Johnson bot fold PLAIOB AND CHEVIOTS. ABoaeftB. ArncfekeAK, 9 I Alabama pl&lds..... lancy lu Louuiaua piaias 7 Bates Ottawa plaids 7 & Kllnburg cheTlota.-lO 70check.-l2 I Everett cheviots. Otis B B... Park Mills, Pari Mills, 8öchocx..l3 3re&t Eeputllc chet. 7 Otis Chock. ......., 9S. Hamilton stripes -1C -"-''in y uii et k . 9.iqiamDuia. DS5IM9. OUff, AX A ..13 ..12 ..11 1 iYorx, blue-. 14 U Otis B B Yora, slate... York, fancy. Oakland, A. Columbian.. Boston Otis C C ..15 Axnoskeas.. II ill ..11 .... 7 cverett..., Haymaker 14 8 .... 7f riCCI.T41. .14 iLewiston, fl. Amoskeag, A O A.... .A-7 lit xork, w ln... Conneetca. B.F....' .lli Lewision, 32. 12, 14 tLowinoa. 3"9- ill- Conestoza. extra-...13 Oakland, A. . 7 Coaatoga. O J A , UK Oakland, A A ... 7K GBilN BAGS. .19 IGrmnger 4ri:rJcan.... franklinvllle -20 .22 .20 Lewiston.... .UM Georgia, A. SUrx, A... .18 CAS PET CHAIJf. White m is Colored 22 Oandle Wlcx -20 Coverlet Chain.. No. 6ü0 Cotton Yarn. Twine... -20 10 .V0 Tha Produce Market. Esc8-Pftyia. ic per 0..; ironi store, and slow sales. 20o: iiutter creamery faacy,27(923c; choice, 114903: lairy, selected, 15316c; country, fancy, 15c; s-eet roll, i2c: medium grades, 638c: low zrade. Stin per lb. Poultry Hens, 8Xcper lb.; roosters, 4c: spring Chicrens,fcc: hen turkeys,- 9Xo: tom turkeys, old geese, and well-feathered, per do., 00: a ocas, peraoi., rs 10. Feathers Prime geese, 45c; mixed and ducAs, jua2dc Kam 1 VtflU'll n'An1Tii h.vithi1 o n il nlnVoil YV t. n a v. nm medium, 20c: nnwaahe-l common, 20c; unwashed fine, lCc; Cotswoid, 15c: do, coarse, 16317c: do. cotton fieeces. 140S15C. The Provision Market, Below are the present jobbing prices: Smoked Meats, canvased or plain (plain meats not guaranteed against skippers )S. C Hams: 10 to 12 H lbs. average, llr.c: 15 lis. average, lie; nKibs. average, Wis: m lbs. average, lOVr. heavy averages, 21(325 lbs- 10ic. Cotta hams. 8c: California nams, fa; English break fast bacon, clear, ll"vc; English shoulders, 7o; ramily shoulders, pieces averaging 6 to 10 lb., tc; dried beef, 15c. Bacon Clear sides, me tin m wt.,8c:do backs, light weight, 8c; bellle 8c: French flitch. 7-lb pes, 7c D.S. and Pickled Meats English cured, e'en r sides or backs, unsmoked, 7lc; Bean pork, clear, per bbl., 200 lbs., 116 00; pork, clear, per bbl., 2U0 lbs, fit 0; family pork, clear, per bbl., 2D0 ltn., 912 ,vj: lamuy beet. 91s. Lard Pure xettle-renderd in tlercea, Sic: In half barrels or 50-lb tubs, 8-pC: 48-1 b tin tubs. ;c; ao-ibpalis, vc: lo-ib pans, vac. Bologna In cloth 6.c; in skin, 7c The Urocery Market. Cheese Full cream, New York, l43lSc; Ohio, Oc; part skim, C 33c per pound ; White Roae, 12c; Empire. 12c CoCeeN Common, 9H10ic: ordinary, 10V, lie; fair, llail'4c: prime, 12M3lc; strlctij prime, 125i313Kc: choice. luy4c; Old 4o ernmentJava, 1(25 c: McLaughlin's XXXX roasted. Mb packages, 100-lb canes, l!'c; 60-ih da, 14'ic; Arbnckle'i roasted. 14;ic: Levering'B, Uc Cardoba, 14c; Gates' A No. 1, 15Jic; Gauw priire, 14Jic Sugars cutloaf. powdered, i c: graau lateo. 0.&iic: standard A. 6360: off A, 6ca fPAc; white eins C 536l8c: light brown, 5V4C; common grade?: 35 Sc; New Orleans brown. XS'C 'Moiaiwes and Byrups New crop New Orleans molaes, 50(355c: syrup, 2S3t5c per gal. for corn son to choice; maple syrup, SI 1031 35, Klce Carolina and Louisiana, 6&7c Spices Pepper, 18X3TJ4c: alspice, 10 4 '-a; doves, 20325c; ginger, l"32ic ; cinnamon in mat, 12215c; nutmegs, 753S0c Salt Lake, in car lota, 95c: dray lota, tl 0C4I1 C5; small lota, lJc more from store: dairy, 12 25 fit 00. gurch Refined pearl, IH(S3So per lb. ; Eureka, tc: Champion gloss, lump, 636)c; Improved corn. 6M7Xc.- 8alt Fish Mackerel, extra mess, 14 perbtL; naive. 112 50: No. 1 mackerel. S1&320: halves. Si n0: So. 2 mackerel. 112 SOair, haires, 86 50 dl: No. 2 medium, f8: halves, 14 50; No. 8 mackerel, C3C 50: halves. SSat&O: No. 1 white fish, 17 50; boneless fish, t5 50tü6 per 100 lbs. : boneless twl, t57; extra, 110; Grand Bank, &a5Xo per lb. ; family white fish, f 3 CO per 10dlbs.:'o. apicierel, 13 03 per ICti lbs.: ballibut, 14c per lb. Forelan Fruit London layer raisins, new, 3 25(33 tO; new Valencia. II3UXC: tinitana, 14-: new Muscatel raisins, two crown. 2 85J CO: Cali fornia I- L.. 12 to: three crown. S3 20. Lemons Menina, S3 ao24 00. Prunes- New Turkish. 63 5S-: Sultana do., 8ic; enrranta, 6Hc: new figs, layers. 12Kc Dates Matt, 5H(9iH5c; iArd m ten ponnd boxes, 9310c Oranges Florida, crate. S43 4 60: MeasinaOranteteingleO.. 12 50(92 75 double O.. S2 7531 CO: Valencia caes, S5 5038 00; Pea nutsRaw, Tennessee, 49SXc; Wilmington, RKc.TcajtexS, 10c; Tennessee. 43CKc Biuanas- tiaiper buncn. cocoannis It oosx Canntd öoofls we quote: Tomatoes, I Its., 96c3l CC; Peaches, 2 lbs, standard, II E591 70: a Its., tl 9C(92 00; seconds, 3 lbs. SI W l Ut: 2 Iba., 11 S501 48; Pie 153 20: 6 Iba. l 9."'(S 00; Blackberries, $1 10(41 15; Strawberries, II 1C31 15: Raspberries, fl 15(T 25: C'cerries. rel. w ai'idc: white, SI 952 20. hiring Beans, wassc; urecn peas, aiarrowiat, ii mjcj 1 hb: Yarmouth Corn. II 25m 30: Mountain 8nar Corn, fl 2.VJ1 0: Standard 2 lbs . 90cSl; Mack erel, Si 25,ti S5; Pineapplea, tl 5032 00; rvUrnon, 1 Ib., J1CCQ170; Tumbler Jem-s. wjioc; cove Oysters. 1 it., iiaht weight. 65(H70c: 1 Id., full weight, fl 10.31 15 -2 lbs., light welgnt. 110: I Its., full weight, 118531 W: bardlnes Krencn, Ks, 11 75 pr dox. : American. H, 90o vit dot; A np' . t lbs, 9C335Q: 6 lbs. 12 50(32 60: gallon. SJ.'C J3C1 Vegetables and Frnlts. Beans Choice nav, n 50: medium, II JO; M arrows, J J 42 25; California. f.t. Poaitoes-Si 00j42 w per bbl; wi-ic per on. Sweet Potator Philadelphia Terrys. $535 50: Baltimore. SfJSl 50: Kentucky, 91 2bi 50. Apples Cnoice. 3 003 J 50: fancy, 13 5C3 1 ; com mon, tl 2r3t Ni. Dried Ac de Evaporated. 5 33c; common dried, 5 ASy.c. Peschss Dried peaches, naivt-s, 821 ' fornia halves, lie: evaporated. Cabbage New, pwr erat. Si !Oij3 oa Ocione $l 00r i 50 per bbl. Honey-lSQiOc Sed Timothy. II 50'31 7j per busne!; clorer. f4 75ij,5 2t per bushel. Coal and Coke. FltUbnrg. pet ton. Si 00; anthracite, ?7 00: Ray mond City. 8400: Inllana bloct. S?00: coke, lump, ITc: coke, crushed, 12o; Jackson coal, 13 75: 6 tout's ccal. 12 50. Hides, Leather and Tallow, Hemlock, sole. 213120: oak sole, 303330; Penn sylvania harness leather. S3 37c: harness leather, ziQJ5c; bridle leatner, per oox., zAj&tj; oomeetio kip. 50(ac: French kip, buc. ji 20; comeatic can, 7CC351 10: French calf, ft 1031 80. Hides No. l cured, vasvic: no. 1 green, 5(4c; No. lcalf, 9&l0c; cured, l),311c; dry salt, loc; Hint, 12c: No. 2 hidai, oS. Tallow-Prime. 5K'-c: No. 2. 5ai5 tirespe Brown, iiöc; white, 6J'm,."o; yellow, X5Kc uru? .iiarKec 253i0c; cochineal, öOaMc; chloroform, 9ocojl 00 gum opium, It 50J 1 75; Indigo, SI 003 00; nor, phlne. ti 40(?3 65. Oils Castor. SI 5531 GO: sweet oil, 900351 5; olive oil, 31 5034 ou; bergamat (Sandereon's), V 2532 50; lemon (Sanderso-'s), SI TR-a'J m O.ilnlnfl P. A W . 81 Q.' 10; rin- chonlda, 40(P45o. American bi-carb, soda, 49c ; English do,,a33. anna uarrot s, 2-oz. pacx., 11 CO per dor.; 4-ox- bottles, $3 00 per dox. Flove's sulphur. 43c iurnenune 2cc4 -sc: kuitiisq Venetian fed, by bbU, 25c; less quantities, üo. Iodine ?i 00: Iodide potash, tl 00. Clovw, 203 "27c. Rhu ham. 90cSl 25. Window glass, 60 and 20c; double, 70 and 10 per cent. off. Iron and Steel Market, Bar Iron SI 90(32 10: raPj;hoop Iron, S2 5Gratei: Norway and Swoed Iron, oc rates: horsa shoe Iron, ac Horse ahoo Burden &perkins', per keg.ii uj; mnie shoes. Il per keg advance, aorse Shoe rsatis Northwestern, Globe and Putnam, per box, 14 50. Cast Steel Best American, per lb., 13c; spring steel, Cc ; tire steel, 4c : toe calk steel, 5c : machinery steel, 5c. Nails 12 25. fillfleellaueoas ftltrliat. Kaw Fnrs Mint, large, dark, Dc: pale, 80c; rac coon, black: and extra, 51; large and dark, br. pale, tue: mnskrat, fan, ö-4'C; winter, 7c; opossum, 53163; skunk, b'ack, prime. C5c: short suipe, 4Go; otter. 1335c: gray fox, 1C3 60t;: red fox, 10,470c: house cat, 5'i5c; sheep plts, by amount of wool and quality, 10 a75'j: tail, long-hairtd Nevr'o mlland dog sxlns, 5Qc3 tl.PO. Oils we quote: Llnseea. raw, siaaio: bolicl. 54 a55c: lard oil. ß'tSc; miners oil. 55:3 553; lubri cating oil. 123380 ; straits oil, 553; Dcniine, IJ SI lie: coal oil, Indiana legal test, 410c; 11 eeree, test, 109ilc; water white. 155 decree, lie Tinners' enpplies we quote: E?st orani cnr- coal tin 1. c. 10x14. 12x12 and .1 4x20.56 50;IX,10xlt, 14x20 and 12x12. 50: rooilnf. W. 11x20. Sa Oi; 20x28, f!2 OO31I; block tin, In pls, 213; in ytn. 2Ec Iron 27 B Iron, S.25C: 27 C iron. 6c: Ja iiüt 1 galvanized, 60 per cent, discount; refined, 55 a-i 10 ier cent, discount. Sneet sin;, 6c. Copp-r bottoms, 22a. Pialnlshed vow, sec. öoiier. u 01CC LIVE STOCK. Indlanapolln Live Stock Market. TJsiON Stock-Yaeds, March 5, Cattlx Receipts, 7C0 head: s'alpmenta, si) head. The Otterings of local ate very light ant hardly enough to establish a market. Prices are a shade higher on butchers and feeders, while shippers continue dull. Choice shifting steers. l.SO-i to 1,100 lbs 15 0CJJ5 50 Medium to good shipping steers. l.ljOto 1,2IU lbs 4 63$ 1 8" Common to fair shipping steers. 8J0 to 1.o;k) lbs - 4 10 Hi 40 8 5041 00 B tot hers, c ommon 10 good (hoicriowi ibo hellen 4 2) 34 r,5 3 CS'! 00 2 50 43 35 4 ileOinm to (rood cows and heilert. Common to fair cows and beUeis... Veaiü, cocnon to jtoo-l. BullR. common to goo-1 Milkers, common to good, per head 9 73 S 75 2" 00(350 00 Hees Receipts, 500 head; shipmentf, 500 head. Quality only fair. Market steady, closing firm. All hold. Select heavy shir ping 70 3 1 0 Select light do - 4 4D 31 6i P'ps (if fHt) 4 OOttl 50 Heavy roughs 3 5031 25 Bhxsp Receipts, 400 bead; shipments. 300 heal. There were no gooi f?avy grades o lie red and If here would find Mie at quotations, while all other grades are dull and ha:d to sell at any reas onable price, as Kastem advices continue very dull on that class. A Jew are lelt over nearly every day. Good to choice 110 to lit lbs ...... ..IS 75fl CO Fair to medium SO to lt'O lbs g 003 .Mi Common grades 2 OO32 75 Budu, per head .. a 50B! 50 Klsew here. NEW YORK, March 5. Beeves-Receipts, none. No trade in beef cattle; dressed beef dull at J7(3 9 TO. 61 .cp-Receipts, 4. SCO head. Market slow; sa!e at Ii 2ofa5 25 per cwt. for sheep; $136 50 for lambs; car-lea 1 of extta lambs at 70. Hogs receipts, 3.C00 head. Market quiet at (4 41(41 0. ÄA8T LIBERTY. Pa., March 5. Cattle-Dull; nothing doing. Rtecip, VQ0 ueaa; bhlpmeats, b hfd. Hojs Firm: Philadelphias. 15 105 23; York1". It 5031 75. Kecelpta, 2.ÜC0 head; shipments, 800 head. Sheep Dull and unchanged. Keceip'-S, 2.000 head; shipments, 2. C00 head. KANSAS CITY, March. 5. The Live Stock lull '"irta: Came-Receipts, 510 head. Market quiet with btroui; demand; shipping steers, l.iOO pounds av eraee, 55 2c: btitchers',9;o to 1,190 pounds average, ti A'.m 50; feeders, 1131 iO. Hogs Receipts, 2i neao. Market slow anl 5 " lCc lower; sales atti 1"1 55. fcheep kecelpte, 100 nead. market juiet and unchanged. ST. LOUIS, March 5 Cattle Receipts, J.3O0 heao; shipments. :.G0 head. Maritet slow anl wesk. Export. $ 7530; good to choice snip- ping. ) 20," 70: common to medium, Si 50i:: corn-ieu lexans, 4C 00. Sheep Receipt, 9C0 head; shipments, l.iol head. Common to medium. $2 5031 25; choice. S3 5C4: extra. Si 25. A lot of higher bred sieD. aveiaaing 144 lbs., 6old for the New Orleans mar ket at 25. Hous Active and steady; Yorkers. 14 403150; packing. SI 4rt 55: heavy. Ii 7Q(äl 'J0; receipts. 2.3C0 head; shipments, H.CC0 heaL CHICAGO. March 5. Tie Drovers Jeurnal re ports: Hoes Receipts. 1.C00 head: shlprcenU. 4.X head. Market s'.ow; lisht and medium weuoi steady: hevy grades; rousb packing, S12031 50 rcklne and shipping, fl 60.31 80; light, fijl t5 skipf.S3:3.. CatUe Receipts. C.0C0 head; shipments. .1 000 head. Market more active and steady: 1.050 to 1.200 lbs.. 1 '5.44 NJ; 1,200 to l,m lb., 553?-: Texans, J3 W&l 73. Sneep-Recelnts, .$700 head; shipments, 1.0X) head. Market fea3y; inferior to medium, J2 2v3 3 25; choice lambs, 13 403 1 7.'-. MAKKETS BY TKLEQItPA tl. Produce Markets. BALTIMORE. March 5. -Flour Steady, ec pt low grades or Western and Uoward street, wniou are easier. Wheat Western higher and quiet: No. 2 winter red, spot, 80c; freao March, 66l.'.c. April, Sc; May, Wt')QXc: June, 91c Coru Western higher, ciosins fairly acUve: mixed, pot, 4,;3iHc; March, 4i?;a40c: April. 4sic; May. 4?4C Oata Firm; Wern white, Itec: mixed, 36 3 S7c. Rye Steady at 72375c Provisions-Lower, and dull. Mesa Pork-113 75314. Bulkmeats- fbrnldera acd clear rib sides, packed, 15 7V 6 tc. Bsccn ghonlcers, tö fO; cur rib ddes, t i5 Ham Sil 7:tli 50. Lard -Kflntd, quiet atflO 71(411. Other aitl:J8 unchanged to Llveipi?ol per Steamer Quiet: cotton, 3-lCd; Cr. Is d: grain firmer at'.4d. K-elpte iir, 2.100 tbls., wceat. N.wbn.;oom 90-x; bu.:oats, 3.O.0 bu. fehiprr en Wheat, 21 COO ba.: corn, HVCO bu. ti &w YORK March 5 Cotton Dill; futures dull; Marrh. 11 :;c: April, 11.35c; Ma., lL4-5s; Joce, 11.57d Jnlj. ll.C5; angpt. 1 l.72c; tserj temter. 11 29o: October, lü.i0c November, 10 5?: Leccmter, loeec Fw-üuil: re.-e'cti, 23,0)0 0&1,: exrorts, 7.0O0 bb'.s heat-pot 43f: higter; opiions VGt'iC lower, but later rtroner; rcctirt-. it'.OCJ uu.; expoTt fiJOOO bu.; No, ' srrng, P0"; ungrade! revi 623?2-?; No. 2 red, 'J'4 (avl'c; No. 1 white, tv3c; unea led whi'e, . No 2 ltd. Mvch, salp 01 V03.000 ba. at fc?'3 oiling at M'j;c: aptiL sales of 73V-00 n. t (J'J'c. cIcs'.CK at HThC: Mv. sales Oi .1'.2.CC0 o'l. at SiC-21-.'.c, c!oiu atS2jic; June, snlts of tOi.riO I i. at clonnj; at '.'j': ,!i!y, sil. of 0.rcO ln. ai 9f ;;4C, clostnc at VUl.. Ofi tpot $'hc, and Option 4 a,in oigber: rec-tot, ll',Ou bu.: exroris. jj.Oüü bu.: nngrded, 503 t2Krt- No S, 5lM(3-c; nwimef. M lXMVi'i: No. 2, 52j4?U537i?; 8' earner yeilftw, " f.a.5Jvac; tmer white. by6i ; une.raied whiio. 52.': No. 2 March. 51 ya--X, closing at M?,c April. 50K351C clo-iag at 'zjc: May. 49;(3'.o,1.;c, closing at Mr..': Jöue. b cloMun t bO1;; steamer April, j'JVi'.ti'Jl.c. cfoing at 4,,4C Oats iz higner; r elf.i. tv.CCO bu.: xportt. 8I.0OJ bu.; mixed, S73 sr-'c; wtiite. "'JailliC. otfao 8rH-t fair: Rio. Cull: options opened a bade hicher. and closed steady, flio No. 7. sales of 16,500 ba:s: March, 7.1"f ; Arri), 7.207.252: May. 7.:-V; June, 7.5UC; Julv, T5f37.C5; August. ,7.63(7 70c; September, 7.7j70c; October, 7.&5J. Suwar-Dull: contrit ucal, bye: reiined steady: stanpdard. A, 511-lf'C Molasses Quiet aud unchanxeJ. Kic Steady. Petroieu.n Firm; united, 7'Jic; refines, 7J:. Tallow Dull and weak atG3 1C'.. Turpentine Dull at ;".14C. E'izs i- irmer at 26,3:70. I'ork (Juiet and unchanged. l.ard Firmer; Western sitam, spot, S7 2": april, tl 25; My, I7 2"j(.a 7 :1: June. 17 Sj(17 J7; Ju:y, S7 41. Caeese Did and in buyers' laver. Lead steady: commoo, 3 70. CHICAGO, March 5 Flour-S'.caly and in fa.r demand. Wheat Kxcited. higher, aud very unsettled; closed higher man yesterdnv: alea a; 7- hv.c, ciostd at oo: April, $ .c. c!os dat Tt'c: May, .ö.(3S2:;c, clcsel at Sijc; June, h2c.iMc, cloed at 83c: No. 2 Chicago sprlug, 7C(377J4c: No : do., c; So. 2 red, 18c. xjrn Btrong and higher, iutluenced by the mvanre in wbtat: c!oed lMc over yestfrday; cash, 3Sa"8c: Atril. cS aoSSc closed t 3.sHc; May, 11).', u,. cled at 41?c OA's Strong and nigher, ad vai'Ctd I'c. and closed V4c ofT outside iignres: rah. 27 ja,)1 ,c: April, 273thc, closed at 27 V; May, SL'--lisO. closed at ::i ' wv31 ic. Rie Firm at 6äc. Baney Dull and nominal at i,:,c. Maxeed-Firm at Jl 4 Pork Demand ac ' tive. clo'eil steady; caib and March, $12 3j;''.2 37 April, fcl2 :0f12 45; May. S.2 42i2 CO. June, 111 62j.:cil2 70. c o'cd at 812 C2K-3U C5. Lard-I:i fair deinaDd ; cash and March, i'i 2V,'ijs5 S5; April. JÖ S2$(3t '.-o, closed at ?C V0; May, S6 92,'(37, closed at So 'JiK((7. Pulimeaui In fair deniaud: hoal ders, 1 OrtJV Fhort Tibs, 56 15,6 20: t-tiort clear, 10 66 5. Butter Dull: creamery, 01 ;c. Re celptt hionr, 21,(X) bnl?.; wneit, C3,0'.i0 bu.: coin. J2',C00 bu.; oala. 94.000 bu.: rye 7.000 bu.; bBTiey, 5H.0U0 bu. Shipments -FJour, ?1 0JO bMs : wheat 1:0.000 bu.; corn. 10SO"0 bu.; oaji, lJO.'XKI bu.: rye. 7.0X0 bu.: barley, 30,000 bu. Afternoon Board Wheat Excited and higher: ched, March, 77c: April, 77e; May. iyc. Corn Firm: advanced ,'Mc O.iis Steady and un changed. Pörk Stronger: advanced 5c. Larj Firmer; advanced 2c 8T. LOÜI3. March 5 -Flour-T'ncfcanged. TThett Higher and very uusfttltd; opened lower, at vanced, fluctuated wiaely, aul iofd U43IC above yesterday: No. 2 red, r-'l'i rnh und Maren; 84 '.-.'.c, and coruinai. April ; b-i(g''.i-. c'n'g at 6Tj.c Kt'1'er; ilaT; 87Sc Jane. ('o;u-HUier out in active: 37:v.u,:;7vr c- ; S71 .i o7'sc March: 3!i 07 'c Apri.-; My&.'-s7 o, clooicn ht :J. c My. Oats- Very slow: :;uc cs; Ol'c .Ma. Rv Quiet at fc.c. harlev Quiet at G00. Lad-Bteady at S 4cta3 10. Butur aua Kues Uochantit. Flaxsctu steady at 51 40. Hav Uucatwed. Bran -Lower at C5c. Coruml-Flrm at 82 büi'ü Piovisicns t-low and wig. Pork 112 7". r;ullc rreal I.ope clear, Sä 20: short nls. Si 3u; phot (lt?sr S) 5j L'acon-Loug cUar, fjö bV.: shirt rib, $7: short ler. J7 1 2 7 2.. Lsrd -SiVod S). Klour, 4.t'CO ti.ia ; whwi, 27.0OJ on.; Corn, 10'.on'1 bu.- oia, 16,000 bn ; rye. 3,000 bu. ; tarley, 3.C0Q bu. ShlptnTits-Flivjr. 17i''bMi: wheat, f.,000 bn. : corn, 233.CC0 on. : oati, 27,0Ca.bu.. rye, ;J,0L0 bu. : barley, none. M PHILADELPHIA, March 5 -Flour - Quier. heat Higher; No. 1 Pennsylvania red, elevator. 92Xc; No. v red, March, .7.aS7V: April, SSuS.'c: May, '.OaCc; June. l'UQl;, Corn atroug ana higher: No. 3 mixed, ie. .No. 1 mixed, 1" r: steamer No. 2 yellow, isVc: No. 2 mixed, 4.'c; No. 2 yellow, tvity,'-: No. 2 mixed, Maren, At.rll aud Mv, 44i0c; June, 4S7.:'418,J. , Firm and in liif.uerate demand; I'enusylvan'a No. 3 white. öf-4; Western io, 37c: No. 2 white, :J7J(30Sc; futures in good demand: No. 2 whti Maah. KQWs; April, o7X37'.c: May and June, 37?i&'4C. Butter-lnll; goo.l to choice. 20 (3 23c: roils. 7318c. Receipts Flour, none; wheat, 05,000 bu ; corn, 56,00 bu.; oats, U.Vt) bu. 8hJT.mnts Wheat. 22.0C0 bu.; com. 1.100 ba.; oata. 7.0 Xi bn. NEW ORLEANS, MWa ? -Flour-Q ilet; Urn ily, f375; Chicago, $4 2C(41 25; finry. 4 304 i 40: extra fHii-y, ?l t'(ai70: winter patents. Si 75 5 25: Minnesota patents, 55 75(46; bakers', Si 50; 4 7i. Corn Lower. Cornmeal Dull at 82 (A Hay In moderate demana : s rietly prime. i'17( JO. l'o'k Qnlet at -il l r.7)i(613 0. Lard Quleti refintd, S7 12.;7 25; prime steam. S7 25(($7 50. Bulkmeats Quiet; shoulders, packed, St 80ii i5: lone clear, tö K0: clear rib. Sti l. JIam-i In moderate demand at tlo 60. Cotfee Uuli and un- chanccd. Suiar aud Molasscs-sieady and un changed. Rice Quiet and unchanged, lirau Lower at SH4l 05. MILWAUKEE, March 5,-Flour In fairdenuud. heat Strong: No. 2 Milwaukee, ZC'c: Maren. 7i4C; April. tCic: May. hl'c: June, Y;n. orn -rMrougtr: No. 3, 3'Jc. Oats-Higher: No. 2 white, r.CK?lc Rye-(iuiet and steadj: So. 1, ülc. Farley Firmer : No. 2 spring, 5bc: No. 3 do , 5-'c Provisions rii dy. Mess Pora 112 55 cfiM aud March; 112 70 iav . Lard-Frime steam, f6 S7 cih and Maich;7 May. Hcgs Quiet at II 2131 65. Rp'c!i Flour, l.,03 bbls.; wheat. 22.000 on., coin. 2:lC0O lu. öaipmentj" Flour, 1.C0J bblt ; wheat, 45.CC0 bu.: com, 27 0C0 bu. CINCINNATI. March 5. Cotton-Dull anl un changed. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat F.rrcer; No. 2 red, fcac. Corn Aciive, tirm and higher: No. '2 mixed, 4äI(3j :,!;c. Oats Stronger at 33(9 33 Vic. Rye-Steady at 67, 6 Sc. Barley Quiet and unchanged. Pork Quiet and firm at 112 75. Ird firm and in moderate demand at So 95,a7. Kulkmeate Quiet and uncbacged. Ba con nun and unchanged. Butter Dull and un changed. Hogs steady; common and light. It 70 at 70; packing ana butchers', 4 i53 1; receipts, 525 bead: shipment, 1.3C0 head. TOLEDO, Ma. th 5 wneat Excited and hi2hr: No. 2 red, ran and March, 7'J; April, .Vrhc: May, siJo'.tJ'ine. s ' ,c: J'ily. :e: No. 2 soft, ss.'-ic ijnri, Qu . !,it iirm: No. 2 cash, 42'ic: March 4-::4'c; Hi- 434c Oatv-Dutl; No. 2, :il. Clover.'cei. wi'ct; prime, cash, 51 jO; Maren. 81 to bid, t '.'5 asked. Ke-1 pis Wheat, 2l,00e bn.:corn 1 i.U'JO bu. : uat. I.oco bu. hlp:senta Wteat M.4X0 bu.; corn 1:70 tu. ; oats, noue. KANSAS CITY, March 5. Whea. Firm and blgh.jr; cah, 61 Jjc; April, Cl.c; May, ,l Corn Active: cash, :;j! Jo: Marca, 3040: Ma, 02? Juiie. 3l'4c OaU Dull and nominal at 27c. Uotton. MEMPHIS, 5Iarcn 5. Cotton Firm at lJ;c. Receipts bales: shipment. 1,0'Jj bike: stock, 74,470 bales; tales, 3,8:0 baits. GALVESTON, Mar.h 5. Cotton Eay at 10 H-lCc. Receipts, CtiO bales; exports t)"icoati nent, 2öü bales; sales, 145 bales; stock, 25.570 bale?. NEW ORLEANS. March 5. Cotton Quiet at 10Vc: receipts, 1.5C0 Cale; exports to conti tent, 3.S30 bales; sales, 2,000 bales; stock, 27.;.?:C5 tales. NEW YORK, March 5 -Cotton -The Foct savs: Future deliveries are in moderate ceniaad, and up to 2:15 there were sales of 41.000 bales, and the third call shows an advance of 3d03c aieve ye teiday sc.osine quotations July sold at It. CI? November and Decembcr,10.CCc; March was ofT-red at 11 ooc: sfcort notice, 1132c; April. 11 0G; Miy. 11 47c; June. lt.57c; 73c, and Septem t U.Slc. Futures dosed quiet and steadv at 3-IC0 3 4 10;c higher thau yesterday. Sales, 4S,'Hj bales. Dry OüuüK, NEW YOKfc.. March 5 Dry Good In all de partrcents there l;as teen more do:ng, but selec tions peneraliy are for moderate quantities. Dre goods and prints commanded tbe chief attentton, and tetegrsph orders and personal selection have taken fair to gocd qualities of tome makes. At lartic 6-4 cashmeres, style F, advanced lc: stjie FK, 2c. and in Berbers 2ic. Thee prlcea were mstained fcy literal purchaie. W hlsay. BALTIMORE, March 5. WhUiy Steady at I) vC(3l 21 ST. LOCH. March 5.-Whisky -Steady at 1 11. CINCINNATI. March 5. Whieij Steady at CHICAGO, March 5,-Wh:irj-steady at fl 15. Oils. PITT8EÜRQ, March 5.-Petroleum-DulI; cer- tifestes opened at 7v;c, advarccd to Cl4c, anl exceed at 7S4c. L. ANTWERP, March 5. Petroleum-IT! 18. OIL CITY, Pa., March 6,-NstlonalTransltcertifl-catea opened at 79 c; highest. yCtc. lowest. 79 Vic; closed at79Xc eaiea, 2.5SC.WO btls.; clearances, 6.50.,t0u bbls. : runs, 53,848 tiols. : shipments, 37.049 bbls.: c1 altera, 9.:04 bbls. Oil City oil Exchange Stock Notting bid, nothing asksd. BRADFORD. P - March 5 -Cmfie Oil-Market Slightly weaker; the depression is mainly due to iocal eelliog. N...onal linnt and lidewaur rues Wednesday, C2.S32 H ".s ; toul shipment?, ss.400 bbls.: Charten, 9.5i5bb!?.: elrarances. 5, 332.CC0 obis National Transit certificate opened at7; tc and clctd at 7S? tc; hig est price, tx.e; lowtfci price, T9)vc. Medical f cience Jtnows a tree remedy wtei it tf s it. It knows a bad on, too, and 's 't slow to rap it on the kcackle. Wnertver decters bare tried AtMopboros it has won tht-ir ffcvor. Dr. J La Dae. Denver. Sliaane C unty, Indiapa, in writiDg for an order of Athlrphorcs, fays: "My ancle, Ksy. Wil- Ham Cool, has tried AthlODhoroa for rheu- niatinj, and it has helped Lim fo mach that my n other, who has been a EaCerer for a Ion time, is anxious to try it." Yourg 4,reham a IIo.tier from Delphi, ?Iec.i to the featlnel. Delphi, iDd., March 4. Gresham, the yoar clerk who recently cowhlded Githon at Washington, was born and reared and has alwajB voted in this city, where his fam ily now resides. Hi9 father, now deceased, and Jcdfce Gresbam were nrst cousins, and f jrmerly lived in the same county in this State. His brother, Captain Gresham, is Mayor of this city. Nothing j1mi iu Vain. We are told that nothiDg was made in vain; but what can be 6aid of the fashiona ble girl of the period? Isn't she maiden vain? Hood's Sar?aparilla is made in Lowell, Mass., rheie there are more bottles of it sold than of any other sarsapariila or blood pnrilier. And it is never taken in vain. It purifies the blood, strengthens the system, and gives new Hie and vigor to the entire body. 100 doses Si. Sentenced to the Penitentiary. Special to the Sentinel. Yij.-cf.nnes, Ind., March 4. James K. P. Hawkins was brought into the Circuit Court at Robinson, 111., yesterday, on a charge of embezzlement, and was sentenced by the court to one year in tbe penitentiary. Haw kins had embezzled over f 1,200 of the Town ship funds, as Township Treasurer. ' Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?" Ttauks to Dr Pierce, there is a ba'.rn in his "Golden Medical Discovery" a "balm for eyery wouud" to health. :rom cjlds, coughs, consumption, bronchitis, aud all chronic, blood, lung and liver affections. Ot druggists. Park street in Boston daily presents the Ecene of two striking tailors'patrolling the front of a store, warning oif all applicants for work, while two colored men dog con ttantly the steps of tbe taraders, to shame them if possible from continuing their self impoied task. Springtield (Maas) Repub lican. Duriee's Salad Dressing ami Cold Meat Sauce. The universal favorite both in the L'nited a'-atei and fJrtat Britain. Wholesome, delicious, econom vil and nutritions. Saves anxiety, waste aud trouble. jriTWi All Kits stopped free oy Dr. Kllne'a ere Nerve Kettorer. No fits after trs: day's use. Mar veions cures. Treatise and J2 trial bottle free to Kit oaies fcnd to Dr. Cline. W Arch at. Phlla.. Ps ronng Men! liead This, The Voltaic Belt Company, of Marshall, Mich., oiler to send their celebrated Electro Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty da78, to neni(yonng or old) trüicted with nervous debility, loss cf vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. AIbo for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysi and many other diseases. Coin I let restoration to health, vigor and man- hoed guaranteed. .No risk Is inenrrei aa thirty cays' trial ia allowed Write them at one for illustrated pamphlet free Rheumatism Quickly Cured, There has never been a medicine for rheuma tism introduced in this State that has given such universal tatisfacticn as Dnrang's Kheumatic Remedy. It stands out alone as the one great remedy th&t actually cures this dread disease. It is taken internally and never has aad never can fail to cure tbe wont case in the shortest time. It has the indorsement and recommendation of many leading physicians in this State and else where. It is sold by every druggist at fl. Write for fre forty-psge pamphlet to R. K. HLLPIIEN KT1NE. DruKcist. Washington D. C. ew Indiana Law Books IHK JOeTICE'8 GUIDE. By Themas M Clarke. A new and practical treat leo for Justices of the Peace, stating their dutiei and showing them how to execute th?rn, with all the acta relating to the Justic and Constable, About C00 pages, hound In law style, only 13.00, Clarke's Law of Beal Property In Indiana and Conveyancer! Manual, $2.00. Burns' Railroad Laws of Ird'ana snd dlgasf of Supreme Court Decrees, $LS0, Etatutes of Indiana, Kevieion of 1876, 3 vols., f 3.00 for let. Clarke's Manual foi County Commissioner!. Auditors, Township Trustee, Road Super intendent and Road Masters, with Lhi Laws Governing those Officers, 13.00. Manual for Constables a Guide for tan Officer, L00. Becond and Fourth Indiana Reports (new editions), $4.50 each. GavinAHord's Etatutes, with Davisa Sup plement, 3 vols., $3.00 for set. Manual for Township Trustee and Eoad Superintendents, with the laws In fore governing these officers, 63 cents. Law of Taxation Concerning the assess ment and collection of taxes, 43c Law of Sheriffa Complete Manual for Eher Ida, f LOO. Circular! fox either tha above books fur niahed on application. Addrets SENTINEL COMPANY, 71 Ö 74 W. Market St. J. R. RYAN &, CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 12 and 4 East Maryland St. Indianapolis. Grain. Flour, Feed, Produce, etc. Stonze for . four and merchandise. Our rooms are lar,-e, airy and clean. Ohio and Mississippi. PL Louts-.... 8:10 ami Vlncennea..- East BU Louis 8:35 am Mitchell - Odin...... .....10:31 ami North Vernon 1:00 pra 2:47 pa 4:1S pa flora Jl ;Z2 pmjCTaclnna RAILWAY TIME TABLE, Went Into effect Sunday, Jan. 25. 1884 j IBiixs trv vu. vnnitr Tim. JefJersonTllle, aouoit aid laiauiapolif Depart. I Arrive Southern Ex.d'y 4:10an Ind. A M. Mail 9:45 axa L A Mad. Ex.... 8;15 amInd. A Chi. Ex.J0M5an3 LOU. & M. Mail.. 3:50 pn N.Y.& N.KL Ex.. 7;C0 rra Louisv. AC, d'y. 6:45 pm St L. & C. K. L...1C;45 prx For tickets and full information call at Ucitet Office Penn. Linea, northest corner WaxtlCKtou and Illinois , or Fnton Dpot Ticket 0?.cc. 'lt,tltlk Liu., Depart! ArrlveJ Mall... - 7: loan New York Ex., 3:50 anj Day Express, d'yl 1 :V am ; Mail ä Ac 10 :tO ara Terre ysute Ac- 4:00 pm Cin. A L. F. L,... 3:X) pra Pacific Ex., d'y-iO1! pm New York Ex 4:40 rm lnd& 8. Bend ex 7:10am s.fendte Ind eil0.5 am lnd.tkS.ßend cx4:56pm S.Bend v Index. e.42pm For ticte'j? and full inforcAtion ca:i attusej office Penn. Lint, northeast corner ttathinctou and Illinois tret. or Cnion Dpot Ticket Oice. Cincinnati. Indiauapoils. ht. Louis nnd CL! cajo. CINCTNNAT1 DrVTfTOT. Depart Ciscinn a;i and Florida i"ast Line, daily, c and c. c 4:CCint Cla.. Kunhville and Col. Acc 11 :C5 am Cin. ai.a Jxulsvllle Mail, p. C S:45 pm Circlnnati Acc .daily :!5 ra arr" Indlsnapoili Acc, dally ll:;5aci Cin. and St. Louis Mail, p. c ll :-0 ana Indianapolis Acc C:2Q pra Chicago and St. Lcul rast Line, daily, s. and c c 10:45 pr3 cs;cago division. Peysrt Chicago ad Kock Island Ex - 7.10 ad Chlcaco Kail. p. c.......... 12:10 pra Western Express 4:t8p2i Chicago. Peoria and Burlington Fan Line, s , r. c ...11:X prt Arrive C. and U Fwt Line, d'y, c c, c... 3:. ara Lafayette Acc 1C fSam Clnn. and Louisville Mall, p.c.. 3: .Ct a Cincinnati Acc - 6:42 pia The time via C, I. 6U L. and C. and L. E. asd W, as follows: Leave Inda'polis .:00 pmjAr. Indla'polls 10:4Can Arrive Lalayette 7 ::' pm.Lv. Lafaytf.e... 8.06 am Arrive Bloom'tn 210 amLv. Bloora'tn 2:f5ara For map, time tab :c, rates ol tare, and all in formation .apply a: Ticket Oflce. IV South Iii la lis street. n.1 T-T,tn ler T'eket Oftlre. Chicago, m. kuum auu ruiRourg. (PAN-HANDLE AN'D PENNSYLVANIA LINE.) Depart. Arrive. rsew xora,rniiaaeip-a, Washington, Ealtl more. Pirtsburg, and Columbus ExDress 4:23a,m.j ll:?7a.n!j ;x p.Ci Richmond Accommo dation 4:C0p.n. h 9:43 a.xrj New York.Philade.p'a, Washington, Balti more. PittPburc. Co lumbus Si Dayton Ex; n 4:55 p.m. Dayton Express 4.55 p.m. 10:20 p ra, i lOUOp.a, CHICAGO DIVIfclON, VIA KOiOMO. Lcnlsville and Chicago I Fast Express .... 11 :00 p.m. 4 :CC a cti Louisville and Chicago! ExrreSB, p. c 11:15 a.m. I S:S5p.ra, laily. Daily except Sunday. Klecpltg uw, H Hotel car. For tickets and lull information call at tic ke1 ofhtt Penn. Lines, northeast corner Yatnintorx and Illinois streets, or Union Depot Ticket O lice AV.bash, J?t, Loots and l'acldtc Ltallw Ay Iepart Arrive ! et. Chi. Mall. 7:l&am;net. Ex., s. S:0Can 1 l,Ft. W.vM.Lx 2:15pm Pacinc Ex 11:3üm3 ) Ex., d'ye.... 7:15pm IHt.AChl. M'l. e:Wpra If KtVN&Detdy U-.OOpm.Tol.FtVV.fcDetdy. 8:5.'Hra Forticketa 8nd lull information all at t'lt Ticket Office, 23 Bo. 111. st. or Union Depot TlcUt Office. Departl ArriTfi Ml. A Cairo Ex... 8:l&amYlncenncs Ac..-10:40an Yincennea Ac. . 4:UCpm;Ml. b Cairo Ex... 6:3Cpa Kor tickets and lull information call at tltkel office Penn. Lines, nertbeast corner Washlntoa and Illinois street or ITnion I)tot T'ckft Othce. Cincinnati, iittuiinuu &aa luumnapolls. Depart I Arrival Cin. .Day Tol... 4:OcamiConnerT, Acc 8 SCacx C, D.,T. &N.Y.. .10 :45am Cin., f. A et. L....11 :&Oanj Connersv. Acc.... 4;25pm Cin. Acc 5:0tpa C. P.. T.AN'.Y... 6:ASpm Cin P. A St. L. ...10:4CrnS Indiana, UIooiniKjcton and Western. TEORIA DmaoN. Depart. i Arrive. Pacific Ex .t Mail 7:25am'E.3,Ex.r.r, ady S:Mirj K. AT.F. Liner c 5:07pm. Clndn. Spec. r.cll:t5ri EAK-LEx. d,s,r.cll :10pm I Atlantic ExJfcM... :3üpmi rr. Louis division. Moorefield Ac 6:;X)pm'Mall A Day Ex ...11:0 lata Mail A Day Ex.... :0;pm Moorefield Aco 6:ldU EA.STF.RN rIVIIOS. FDEi.r.c,,! ld. 4 :2Cam FaclflcJCx.r.c dly e:55ara Day x. ,...ll:45ani Western Ex........ 4:iipa Atl'c Ex.r.c.dlv. 7:10pm B.AB., For tickets and full information call at the Ne9 Ticket Office, No. 13s South Illinois 6treet or aj the Union Depot Ticket 0cc B, Infiicttcs Bleep er; r. c. reclining car, Louisville, New Alhnny and ChtcaRO, I Chicago Hhort Lino Division.) Depart. I Arrive. Frankfort Acc B:O0pm'IndlanapMiaM'l-. S:15pns Chicago Hz' i E.H1 :20pm ilnd. Sg't Ex.d., SiS-u C. A M. City M 1.12 :45pm I Indianapolis Ac.IG-.CCam For tickets and Information, call at.Cnion De ot and 26 south Illinois street. Indianapolis and St. Louis. Iepart. Arrival Pay Express rs... 7:10 am'N. Y. A B. Ex. S;45ac Paris Express...- S:50pm;Local ?tss 3:-Caa B. A St. L. Et... CiiSpxn Ind'apolls Ex.... 3:00 pas N. Y. A St. I Exll:30 pm .Day Express C:5 pro For tickets and all Information Chll at city oscef No. 2 Bates Douse Block. Union Depot and Mauas. chusetta Avenue Perot. Cleveland Columbus, i iucianaii tu i iu dianapolls. Ienart.l Arrive. N. Y. A Bo. Fx.- 4:0(J am LNOARtL Ex 6:41 au D. S. A N. Y. Ex. 10: 10 amf.Ft.W.&M Fx.l0:45 era And. A Mich Ex.11 :15 am;B. liar. A A. Ex. 2:20 pa W.FUW. AM. Ex 5:55pm B. Ind. A So Ex. 6:00 pm N. Y. AB. Ex.... 7:15 pm N. Y. AS. L. Exil ;15 pra EP.IGHTW00D Divai05, Depart. I Arrive. 4:00 am . 2:20 pm! 6:40am..... 4:M pd r:l5 am 3:30 pm,l0:3fam........... 6:50 pm .10:10 am 5:25 pm 2:0Cpm.... -....10:S5ra 11:15 am 7:13 pm I 3 :25pm. For all information, rates, maps, time tables, etc, call at the Cnlon Ticket Office, Bates Ho jsj corner, Maw-achoetts Ayencs Depot or at the Union Depct. 8TATK K4H.WAV TIM K TltI.K. Kvansviii mui err unuie imiuumU, Via Vendalla Line.1 Lve-Indians polls- am iil:55 am '10:45 pm Terre Haute. ,10:40 amj 3:00pm; .':20 am Arr hvansvilJe. i:00pm 7:05pm 7:10 am Lve Evanfvllie 16:15 am rl0:S0am ? S:l5pm Arr Terre Dante.. 10:00 am' 2:17pmi ll:VJpm Indianapolis-! 3:30 pm' 4:40ptni 3.ÖC am Dalij. t Daily except Sunday, r Parlor car, s Sleeping car. Kvstbavlll uua 'irr re nui tvii4a. (Vis I. and St, L. lUillway.l Lve Indianapolis 17:10 am U:"A prS Terre Haute.. 10: 40 am r 8:00pm s .JOana An Evansviile i4:C0pm! 7:05pci! 7:loam Lve Evar.sville-... 16. Cö amjrlö:U0Bm &:i5rra Arr Terre Haute.. ;i0 00 am p 2:17pm 11:53 pm Indianapolis..; 8:15 pai 6:25 ptn 3:45am Daily, t Daily except Sunday, p Parlor car e Sleeping tar. Kel KlTer. IVAVJ TfAT. 1ERTVL Locansport...; 7 Denver 1. 1. & C. Crossln-! 3 Columbia City 11 Auburn Junc; 1 i Butler -! 2 SO pa 7:00 am !7:10 rm 1.00 pro 00pm 7:53 am 6:23 cm 11 :S3 am SI pm 9:45 am 4:4H pa 9:12 am :lt pm 10:50 pm 3;25 pm 7:25 am A SP.IVE. j LEA VI. 00 am 11:30 am 2:4 rm :?.r ara Logattvport, trnKlurcTiile t.a &ualU ft entern Vandalla Line SOCTH. NORTH. a. in. p. m.l 'a. rn. p. a 7:0J. 3:w aep.-....LX2snsport ari ii:.-c; 8:55 10:40' 9:52 12:05! 4 :55 'dep-ColP x via 1. CA L jm 6:35 ar. Indianapolis. lep 5:45 ar..Crawfordsrille. dep 8:00 ar Terr Haute der Foit Waytia, tmciuuau aud t-ouiwiiie. (Leave Indianapolis via Bee Line.) SOUTH VTA ED. NOETHWAEU, p. m. a. o. 11:15! C-.OOpia iAr, Ind'napolls Lv. 4:CO 1C:10 am 6:(0 l:ttpnt l.Z't 2:0Crta 7:."C 2-5Ä I rr 9:23' 3:57pm ...Munde... " 7:ilT2:J8pc i " .Usrtford.. 6-.&0 12:C:t pm i " ...B:uffon. 5:50' 11:00 am 'Lv. Fort Wsyne Ar 8:30 4:(P30 :40 6:M3 7:Utj b:X 8:u! S:ia 6:1 4-fC Direct cocnection at I ort ayne vuh L. 8. an3 M. H. tialns for all rotnts north and eat. Cluclnnatl, Wabiaart aud AllcUlgas, v;l Us Line. led A Gr BFx.. 4:15amiVab&lBdFx....ll:C5 ana Mich A So B Exll :00 am. Cin A Ind Ex 2:S0 rq Wabash Ex :10pm.IndA8tL Ex 11:10 pm Wabash Hallway. Frcm Lalaf ette Junction. connecUcg wIU U 0 and L. Exprew, west . jlloamll2:15anJ :2Sra xprcc eaaU , 1 2:t0aml 8:C5am itCQpas