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i Ttfii INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL SUNDAY MORNING AI AUCH 15 1885-T WELTE PAGES.f A TALE OF TTTO FAMILIES, ITfcicn Fartter Illustrates the Adage Ttiat "Truth ta Stranger Than Fiction." Ho P. WABBOir t GEN LEra WS A XI p r nds E peaking of the vrife trade between Au grut Eichter tad l) B&nmneller, In coanec lion with the uit of Mxs. Richter against Ch3 E:nttnel, Rtfetleinin connected with tha liar in this city related an incident which had fallen nsler his obcerratlon, aad which U aa itrans 1 Ita resahs as the Rich-tr-Baainneller coin plication. The story re lated is substantially a followi: Eereral years asa young Irishman and an attractive Germ strvant girl were mar lied In this city and tetUed down at house keeping, etidently contented and happy in the choice which thfj had made of a life companion. Both? were industrious and economical. The icaband toiled at hia trace day in and d? out. while thd wire kept her small bat-comfortatla honte in a aeat tidy condition, and addled to the lavinps by frequently going oat to do a dft?'a worx for a neighbor. At the nd of three yara the couple tad tzitd 700, when the husband was seized with the Western fever, and, like agrcatrrsny others, left his friend, and 1Uez bis little household coods moved to Minnesota. Uere ?hey were l03t sight of for apericd of four years, when the wife re turned to this city, accompanied by a sprightly German whom she had marriad in aiinntsota. From her story, which was re lated to the lawyer in connection with some legal bosimsa wbko he traniacted for her soon after the arrival of herselfand husband, it was learned tbairupon reaching Minn sota diSerences arose between her and her Irish lord, she wishirg to return to Indiana and he beins determined to bniU cp a fortune in tfce West. The more the bone of conten tion was discussed the hotter ran their Cel tic and Teutonic blood, and from voreüthey Snail came to blows. In the Minnesota Tillage in which they located there happened to reside a family in which the hu5.oand was a German aad abe wife cf Irfsh descent. The two families lived close neighbors and were frequently together, in fact bring intimate friends, and their Eocietr limited almost exclusively to each ethers' company. The strangeness of tbe situation, the' Irishman married to a German girl in thf one case and the German married to an Irift girl in the other, led them freqnently to: speak of its singularity, And propositions for a trade were jokiDgly proposed on more :than one occasion. Ina abort time tbe German woman, who bad left here with her; Irish huiband had cause to sutpect that th visits of the latter to the house of br neighbor were frequently made in a clandestine tianner. and upon charg ing him with infidelity he acknowledged that he bad learne'-l to love tha woman of his own nationality, who, he claimed, like himself, had been iaismated in her matrimo nial tit, bhe wa.i shocked at the declara tion, but when t'ie truth was forced upon her, and she begarv;to contrast her neighbors husband with h?r own, the admiration which she had felt for him on account of the national tie which existed between them she fonnd to have taken a strong hold upon her ejections, and the two families began to consider iu earnest a mutual exchange of husbands and wive, and the details were all arranged ard agreed to. Tbe family which had left this city then moved to another -'own in the sams county. and in tbe course)! a few months the two wives were divorced, the husbands making no defense artfinst the proceedings. When the divorce bad been granted the German woman and the husband of her neighbor started to re turn to this city and were married at the house of a friend at Chicago. The Irif couple immediately left 21innesota, and it us supposed were married in a Western Stati, to which they moved. Under the agreement the property of the two families was equally divided, and when tbe German family reached this citv the husband found hünself possessed of sufficient means to enter business in a small way. They are now lhing in this city, and are evidently happy ;. and contented. Among the friends of the'woman, who is now tbe mother of two children, it is generally sup posed tnat her fir hnsband died soon after leaving thi3 city loir Minnesota. Youman's celebrated New York bats are acknowledged tot be the leading styles of America. Keileher & Daltcn are sole agents for Indianapolis. -.23 Sonla Meridian street. For this week ; balance of medium and heavy weight suits, worth 514 and ?15 lor ?10, at the Model. - TheChas. A. Vieler Co., of Baltimore, of St. Jacobs Oil aid Ked 8far Cough Cure fame, are making ,a house distribution of tbeir Annual Calendar. To all those who are favored with a copy they will finJ U ts a combination of wit aad versatility second to cone of its' kind. Amon its corps of writers are Barbette, M. Quad, Bill Nye, Ell Perkins and Wade Whipple. J. H. Dcering reprcaers the firm and is closing their work here, t Two hundred dszen bine casslmere polo C4X.8. worth 40 ci?,uta. far 19 cents, at the Model. f The Indianapolis Light Infantry request that persons pnrclMaiDg tickets for the Hob son A; Crane eogazr ment secure the same of tbe aembers of tb company or at tb fol lowirg places: (thcart & Clelan, When Clothing 8011. Mcdel C'olhing Company, C. F. Meyi'j cigar store, Paul Krau?, Albert Gall, F. i Smith Co., and F. L. Cham bers, as tbev cnlyderie banefit from tickets aoM from places and persons rated. DIED. KOOT-On PatD'day, March 14. lit half past 7 a. ra.. Kate Howm-j. üoot, vrife of Dslos Root, aged 43 yean and ll:iaontn.. Funerl 1 10:JO . m. on Monday, the 16th lnL. from Grace plcopf Churcn. No flowers. DUltTON-AtS pflock p. ra Nancy, wife of G. II. Burton, aged M.yean. Funeral 2 o'clock Monrta afternoon, 1SS North MlstiMippl street, friends of family invited to attend. C. E KREOJKX.O St WHIT9BTT, Funeral Dir Ä tors and Enibaimers, No. 77 Nof th Delaware street. Telephone connection to oSce and residences. Carrtaces for beddings and Parties. L r rn THZ ;. GREAT m ä 1 I Ilhcumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, ' Lamtxts. Eackarht. Heidacht. Toothacha. Cm aToat, Cwtflllnc. n rrln nnalaea, i alu viusa iütiti raus aao ataxa. i Cli braaU Ii DVi T.ry U.r. TS.J CeuU 4 Dlr W la 11 LutA. TC3 CUiRL. A. YUUELCK CO a T WttiUa . C9) aJUa9rr,HU.S.A wmmm Absolutely Pme Thla powocr never rancs. A marvel of parity rtrcngth asd wholesomeness. More ecoaomica than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition -with the multitude of low tept. short wcisiit, alura or phosphite powders. Sold only In cans. F.oyal Basis Powdeb Co- 1(X1 Wall Strpet. New "Votk. INTERESTIN ( TO THE PUBLIC. Wonderful Cures of Dr. BJoiey, of til'J Li Vine Street Casen Cited, Slany of 'Which Seem Miraculous. Cincinnati bas lone; been in need of au institu tion lor tne treatment of chronic diseases, de formities, hip joint disease, spinal curvature. paralysis, distales of eje, ear, bead and throat, ataxrh, luce, cancer, fistula, piles, rupture, etc. Such an ins'ltutlon h.u been pemiaaeatly estab lished at Z7J Vine street. The Fxlnclpal In charge. Dr. Worey, is a physician and surgeon of recoemzed tklll and ability of twenty-five years' experience. Fcrmer'j I'rofessor ol Surgery iu Qnincy Medical lnstitnte. late connected wl-h College Of I'hjEicians and Surgeons, of FopUn, iio. Dr. W. S. Campbell, of and Ear Department for says: "Dr. Morey can be Et. Louis Hospital Eye vfomen and children, relied oa la the most criticAi casts " Dr. John N. Chlsea. formerly of Na3hville, Tenn., now of Boatland, Tenn , says: "Dr. Morey Is one of the mcst scientific physicians and Burzcons in the Southwest." Drs Murphy snd Cox, noted physicians of Memphis. Mo . state that "Dr. Morey is a surgeon und oculist of gremiiUl." Mrs. To. Mansfield, of Scoltsville. Allan County, Ky , states that she was afllirtod with female du eaeer, tistu la and general debility for years, treated uy eminent physicians in Nash ville, Louisville and in the East, without beneflt. Vt. Morey restored her to health in a few moatns. Miss liecca Eecd, Glasgow, Ky., was crosseyed from Infancy, both eyes very bad. Dr. Morey straightened them In a minute's time. Alired Leaman. GentryviL'e, Ind., cancer of nose snd eye, thirteen years' standinp, cured la el, In lour montti Mrs. Julian Smith, VIncennes, Ind., aRiicted with female disease and general cebllity, treated at Surgical Institute in Indianapolis, ako in Buf falo without benefit. Dr. Morey cure! her en tirely iu four months. 'This Is to certiry that I reside five n!lei eat of Scottville, Allen County. Ky., that in 1SG3, while In the army, 1 took the sore eyes, and in a short time went almost entirely blind. Was treated by many in the army, and many since, without much benefit. Was entirely blind for thirteen years before I applied to Dr. Morey. My case was Eronounced incurable by many. I consulted tue octor In the summer of 13TS; he said by an op eration and a Ion? course of treatment he could male me see to reed coarse print and do any or dinary labor, and I am proud to say that he ac complished this la six months. My eyes now do not trouble me any, and I cau see to go where I wish. I say to all alllicted with diseased eyes, con ult the Doctor at once. James atwood "Subscribed and sworn to be.'ore me this 15th day ol April, 1879. Ia testimony thereof, witness my band and otliclal seal. "G. W. II Ana, Clerk A. C. C." "I, D. K. Brown, resident of Scottville, Allen County. Ky., hereby certify that I was badly af fected in 1878 with an aggravated c&sa of dyspep sia snd netvous debility. Was treated by the leading physicians here, and took various reme dies proicribed by other, but of no avalL 1 gradually became worse. My case was considered hopelCE?, both by myself and friends. I applied to Dr. Morey. After thorouahly examining my case, and desc ribinjr. my symptoms better than 1 could, he said be could cure me. I at once began with bis treatment, and In four months was entirely well and have remained so ever sinc3. 1 would recommend all the alike ted to consult the Doctor. "D. E. Brown. "Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of April, 1S79. in testimony thereof, witness my hand and official real. MG. W. IlAEr.13. Clerk A. C. C " Indianapolis Lecture Course. HON. WM, PARSONS, OF IRELAND, Will tell tha etory cf the GOXID233NT -A. Gr 217, 0-OIjX33ISJ AOE At tljinouth Chorea Wedneslay eve, March 15. Bring tho Childron! Admlfjion, CO cents: Children, 'J cents Feats referred beginning Monday, March 16. KKMEMMK TllK V iTE. COAL, WOOD AND KINDLING. Prico cf Wood Roduced. YARDS: 475 E. Hieb, and 183 E. üarlct. Telephone 558. 8KCOMD (HUM) KXCUI19IOX to New Orleans aud the World' Fnir. The Great Excnrfon Steamer BIO 8 ANDY will leare Cin cinnati Tuesday, Match 21. at 5 p. m. WM re main in New Orleam six day. Faie $:: for the round trip, wblch Includes i.oard iu New Orleans. For rooms, write or telegraph C. M. HOLLO WAY, Fuperlntendent hig t?audy and I'omereT Picket Co . Cincinnati, O. WANTED. ANTLD-I'osltion to few in family, by youn? laay. v-ait or suarea '.'3 west rsew York stre t. WANT1.D fiiuatiou By sn experienced e?? packer and candler. Address GEORGE a. HOIMhS. Indianapolis. Ind. J ANTFD Ijtdles bavins sewing machines that ff neel repalrlt;c should drop a postal tr W. F. BEKKY. fts Uuckle street, Indianapolis 1-3 J ANTbD-by an experienced alcsaan, a V V situation In dry Koods or toot nni shoes. Work clicsp. Addrets Tom, 12i North Delaware strt. eve h city 1-3 ANTED Situation By middle aed widow asialw woman; understands thebuIucM. Vou)d not object to liavin the city. Reference. Address M. A., M tkuth Noble street. PERSONAL. PERSONAL Mm instructions to all for a short time. Oil snd water color pain'iu?. öui cess guaranteed. Can be learned in a f w hour. It rys to learn for a pattlmc or business. Call sudMf rstnrjfs sod cet further lnformaticr. DKC0R4T1V ART CO,, CO North I'enasylvanla strceu CnDHCH NOTICES. GiIUCKCIlliRCH-Corner of North Pcncsyl r vania and et. Joseph stree's. Divine service a 10:3) a. m. snd 7:C0p. m. Sunday school at 2:top, m. Riebt Kev. Eis Sop of Indiana wilt prcacn at the evening service. CI- (HO 3 C3 Will offer another Big Lot of JL .Ol JLffJLA 31A Crashes, Towels, Napkins and In tho lot of Linens that we offer are a lot of very fino Damask Table Cloths. These goods are not only Superior in quality, but are by far the Cheapest Goods evor offered in this market. LACE We open To-MorrQW styles. New Dress Goods To H. HI! lLetxil Pepgtg'tTm eat. ENTIRE NEW LINE OF SPECIALLY ' Ms, WOKTII 350 CHILD'S WORTH 40 Beys s1 Corkscrew Suits, ahlp fr Hnnfirmaflnn $8,75, SO Boy "WORTH An inspection will show the saving. All classes of goods sold at manufacturer's prices. Lewis 120 and 122 South Horidian. Half Oquare XTorth of Depot. Onr Specialties hare been extremely well patronized, MORROW JL JL 31AÄ &J Bpread s. CURTAINS. a big stock of new - Morrow, P. WASSON & CO. Mil IKE u THIS WEEK. Good rO.OO SUITS, $2.00. 3.r0. ' Uüiv III UUIIIIIIIIUIIUIII S51Q CO. 3De CIO OllllT, 3.90. sear SiDrine: JL What Will Ba Worn. TEOUSERINGS. Mediana vridth stripes and small check bave tbe call, although a popular design Is a larjre overshot plaid in various shades and combinations of colors. SUITINGS. Home-spnn poods are very popular, and will bo worn exclusively in blacks, blues, gray and cray mixtures. Plaids and checks will attract much atten tion. The Urguhart or Highland pldid, Tar tan plaii, in Cheviot and Saxony, Dublin twist, the Gordon suiting and Velour suit ings will be tbe leaders. Worsted Bnltings, in an endless variety of de&igLS, with silkasd pure worstel mixtures will be popular with tbe mare natty dressers, for thereeson that they make a neater ap pearing suit tbau tbe rougher goods; but as the season progresses and the weather be comes warmer tbe chsviot tui tings will bave the preference, because cheviot is a much cccler fabric, belüg more loosly woven and affording greater ventilation. WORSTEDS. The black, blue and brown worsteds, in narrow and medium wale diagonals, will be worn. For dress suits, fine wale diagonals ere prime favorites. Only elderly gsntlemen are found wearing broadcloth at this time. OVERCOATINGS. For epriDg overcoats dres?ed Meltons will take the lead. Tbey are quite soft and mad with a cloth finish, and can be found in Dress Suits are generally made with coat, vest slid trousers of same bossed eilk is frequently used fcr the vest. J Morning Suits are generally made with coat ancjvest alike, and trousers of lighter color, checked, plaided or striped material. Next iu popularity cornea full suit ol same good, followed at a reapectfut dis tance by coat of dark goods, vest of iancy vesting, and pantaloons of lighter colored trousering. Walk ing and Sack Suits are made with coat, vet and trousers alike. Th e Double-breaEted Frock Suit, unless of lighticolored goodsj is usually composed of coat and Vest alike and light colored trousers. The tendency is to make everj thing larger thaD?a vear ao. Special to the Publicf "Wre beg to announce our removal from 20 Noitlj Pennsylvania hereafter we will conduct a Piece-goods and Trimming Department, so or Domestic Woolens or Trimmings, wholesale or retail can find a full The rlODe Importers, Wholesale and Bclail balers in Woolens and Trimmings. SS "West WaMiatoii Street. I T. M. STUART, Malinger. E25?Store open from 7 a. m. to 9 pejm. N. B. Fine Tailoring, at Low Piices. will be our Reading specialty. SrfiTO'F: "RTTTSTTTn 5 O Silo 353 3BL lolesaie Liquor Dealer S4 W. Uathington St.. Indianapolis. 11 11T And house-cleaning time approaches, the question is: Where can you refurnish to the best advantage? we would respectfully call the atten tion of the readers of the Sentinel tcr our Large and Varied Stock of 4 i A Furniture of All Kinds! it Carpets, Mats, Rijgs, Oil Cloths, Cooking Stojes, Oil Pai tin s, Etc. In fact almost everything nocldod to furnish a home, all on Sasy WEEKLY or MjQITHLT Payments. BO 97 East Washington Street. 14 and 16 Store open until 8 o'clock. Saturdays, 9 o'clock. and. Slimmer- 1885. mmy fashionable co'rs of light shades. Colored and mixed rsteds, Covert over ccatincs and Venetianiwill be worn. VESTINGS. I "White and colored Estings will be worn considerably during tli corning season. J v How It Will Bo Worn. The rcRuJar swallow-fail has, ot course, the lead, and bas undergoes considerable change aiuce lsst season. Tht'.roll will be imaller, with much neater lape. The edges for all coats made from womfM are bound. White vesta are very much usI for drers purposes. FROCK COATS. sted Ir Tte double breas eck 13 as popn ar as . . : ever, lue roll win be ?wer trän last season aud clcsedwith four ba'toas. Tne lapels are faced with silk. Ejge:$are either bound or fiat braided. V CUTAWAY COATS $ Are more generally orn than ever. The three button cutaway rkas superseded the four-button coat for th season. The most noticeable changes to s found are the In creased leogth of waisland a correspDnding decrease in the skirt.1 The one-battou cut away with soft roll 'ill be considerably orn by certain classe All worsted gDois will be bound. ; 1 ZEJJVL rilorinff 1 OS GOAL, I?IVHl1ML OO. feell the City GasICt)K, alTrays Dry and Clean, and Äi? K!nds ot C(L J) At Lowest Irlcc. OFFICE3-CciNcrth DoltWiro.UO South Alabtms, thd 453 Eist Ohlff Etroota. Telephone 444. ifili N m i SACK COATS. Fcr purely business purposes no other stjle of garment can displace the sack. The leading style of Eack coat for the cjrning season will be the single-breasted, free-roll garment, to be worn one button closed or I left open and rolled low, at the discretion of the wearer. The fo-nbutton sack with rencdei earners will also be worn. The Norfolk Jacket, or Tourists Coat, made from checked or plaid suitings, is par ticular nobby. It bas two plaits in front and two behind, meeting with a gentle cury at shoulder seam. The belt is of the same width as the plaits. As a rule all sacc coats have the edges double stitched. OVERCOATS. The fly front, single-breasted sack over coat holds its place as the leading favorite. Silk facina to tbe button holes will be in. style. PANTALOON'S Have incrfEFf d in the srza cf l?s. Tha average sizs at knee is 17 to IS inches and atout 17 to 173j inches at bottom. Tha seams are generally finished plain, though a nariow welt is In good form VESTS Are made to roll lower, and are closed with five are six buttons, tho;e with five beins alwajs with a notch collar. The opening of vests is governed by tbe cb:.:acter of the coat to be worn, with a tendency in favcr of low roll vetts. The points at bottom ard cutaway Elightly. material, but black satin or em to 22 West Washington street, and that parties who desire to buy Foreign stock to select from at lowest prices. OOKS. CO South Dolavaro. Co.,