Newspaper Page Text
TUE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL THURSDAY MOHNING MARCH 2(5 1885 ?!BAliClÄLAHD COMMERCIAL. MOX-S- AND HdiCKS. Nw York Financial 5irkt. JIKW TOEK. March Money- v V-K P cent: cJoftd atl rcrceat. Prime -terc-nule Paper V Pr oent. Government Eondj-Qulet andCrm; 3p?rceat iojv lmtroTrncat o! )i per cent.: te per Cent. Railway Fonds -There bss been better dis tributed bujloe in railway bond, bat ia no cae were the traucac.ion for very lar amont, and the total a!es aggregated gI,C.:i.C03. 8221.000 less than yeiiterd-. Prides Irregui-r. anl white there were m-r.y adrances to' fractional amounts, there were Fome notably heavy declines. Among the latter ew Jerkej Central debenture G3 were prominent, selling at 5t(TV7 353 azaiost 73 at last rvioni al?. Llici::au 17; St Louis. K.nsinCitT mod ?orthem Clarmda branch firsts were 13 per c-nL lower at CO. from last prcviou Bala of March 12 while Oniah Division bonds fell 3 per cent, to 83. State Sejurities Very dull and nominal. Th stock market was le..i active to-dav and almost without iny feature of special Interest. Prices at tho opening showed little change from closing quotatiou last evenine, but under In fluences of European war news and covering of nort. together wita reports regardlne the St, Paul dividend, tha market soon become strong, the ad'ascea during the first hour Winz from :s to li per cent. In most case. Price?, after il o'clock were comparatively steady until late in the afternoon, when they yielded a fraction od the market finally closed somewhat feorisii fraction below the best prices of the day. The announcement of a dividend pa St. Paul was not mad ft until shortly after the board closed. Tne dinctora at tseir meeting to-day pasted a resolu tion making a dividend oa common stock cf 1J per cent, and on preferred stock of Z p?.- ceut. This Is the semi annual dividend and ia a reluc tion of 2 per cent, from that which has be;n pu t for tome past. It makes a total dividend oa common stuck for the current fiscal yesr of 5 per c-nt. It Is said that the laws of curiam states per mitting Investments by stvicgi banks and other tin. lar institutions in any regular dividend-paying stocks which xy as much as 5 per cent, per auuurn, hsdmuch todowlth the declaration of day'a dividend in the face of the lare limiting debt which it ia generally understood the com pany is carrying. Transactions on Stock Exchange aggregated 2C.s otO share, of which lO.Coj were Lackawanna. 20.C00 Northwestern, 19,024) New York Central, 36. 0C0 Pacific Mail, 56,000 tit. Paul, and 1S.0C0 Union Pacific. Mining Stocks Market moderately actire, and prices only steady, Standard strong at 125: Con olidated Paciuc firmer r 633G4: Horn Silver, 245&2SU; Conolidated California and Virginia. 2fi 40, ki a 4:1 buyer 30; Quicksilver, 400, with oda lot at 33 Q07--NXMT CTHHTttS. fttrllr.?, 0 Cayi 484' i TJ. 8. 4S"s lllTi Cterling. 8t?ht..-4kCa Saw D. 6. 4'S . 1224 t per cent, bonis.. iCi;-3i Kotsv Thfl pnrehv?in price for Government bonds In Indianapolis wies lroaa the New Yota qaotaüoas 2d per ocxt. P-clflo rs I,,. 12.") Teunwee, rew . 4fi CtenU Pacific firsts -.11 2! X Tex. P. land Krauts. 34 Erle teccndi 5fi I Tex. P. Rio Grande. e Lehlch A Wllka, . 91 t Onion Pao. flrats. LnTiit-lana consuls. 75 U. P. land zrAnts.....lOJ Mlonrl 5' i .10l'-a fJ.P.Hnklnzfcnd. Hill Be Joe Uii 6'a,... 3J 8. P. A 8. C. firfits.-ll'J J Virginia consols.... 41)4 TCmenceo a. Mm. acierrea 6X3ER1J. STOCKS. Afiaais Zxpre?a.132 jücrrisdt Essex 11S AP.aiOcny üutral. :s Masavilie & C'haL.. Alton fc "err 11 to A. A T. H. Ofcl 80 AEifirlCJi. Exprean... vl Sorfolk A W. pf J ficTthcrn Pacific 17' 4vr8 po. r-'d. OrhadaPac:fioM. Northwestern iXnjbda 8onthernM Hi . ... - 1 1 : Mew York Central 90 Rhbsarxake A Ohi o, Do. first referral.. hli Ohio Central.-. Dol to:ond 6 0. ti Allan, rid G J (JolCKO ä Alton 13 ; J Ontario A Wetm...ias;; U & A. preferrbd..l M i Oregon Navlyatlou., 6 Chic, ßnri.A 122V1 Oregon Transeon't'L l i Chic, at. l, Ali. o. 3 O,, Bt. L. & PltUhur. 8 Do, Pfd 16 (Pacific üall 4TS 1 k'anama-..... 98 Peoria. D. A li Ittxt., Ban. A Cleve.. a, C, C A I Delaware A Had.. DdL A Lac Denver A B. Uran 1 Fr:e pre 'erred-.. East Tenn&ce.... Ill 1 ,4 t HHUUlH...inm.......lO-' 7t 101 rni iman Pamoe car. 1 1 o I Ftoadlntr...... 1 71 'F-oc. Island H5Vi lVdt. L. A Ban. yraa- 1W, 25 I Do. preferrel.... 32 Do. first p!d M ft'iiSt. Paul 12 j ist Paul pld.-...-.103 Do, preferred Fart Wayae.... Uannlbal A St. Joe. 23 I St. Paul A Mana. . HS Do. preferred-SJjlSt. Paul A Omaha.- 2"'i Harlem-...- -194 :8t. P. A O. pfd- KoS Hstistcn A Texas- 12 Taxas Pacific-... 11? Illinois Central lliW Union Pacifla... . 43,' 5 Indiana, B. A W . 12 tJ. 3. Express. 51 KansasA Texas..- 17?8,W., St.L. APslfic- 4 Iake Erie a West 14 1D0. pfd . li;4 I,ike snore..-...- 6 i' i! Wells A Fargo Kx loo liOTUsTUieA Ni&h- ;:iw. u. Telegraph Lon., N. A. A Chi. 26 I Col. Coal. Marl., A Cm. 1st pf 1 10 Dead wood.. ........ 10Ji 10)4 if" 2 26 Do. second pfd.... 6 domestake Wan. it fh..lnann w HCJll I VUlUintVUn p...i. n.... Michigan Central . 5 Ontario. ........ .. Jüanoap. A St. L,..- 115 Quicksilver.. . no preierroa.-. . 2 ,uo. preierre.. Kiaeoiirl Padfio S3 Soaüi Piciflo...... Mobile a Ohio x sntro . 14 Foreign Money and Stocka LONDON. March 2 Consols. 7 3-16c Rail road Bonds Erie, ix-1: seegads, rew Y.irit Central, 93: Pennsylvania Centra', 55;; Heidin. Canadian Pacific, 34; tt. Paul.v Bir sil ver, 49. PARIS, March 25. Rentes-811 C-,, ...3, COuISIEIiCIAL. The cold weather retires slowly, and as a conse quence business continues rather quiet. Jobbers, however, retain a feeling of buoyancy, and ex pect an active movement with the advent of spring weather. Groceries continua rather quiet, and priecs are just about sustained. Butter is dull and weak. The demand for dried fruit and canned goods Ii rather liht. GEAIX. Wheat Steady at quotations, offerings of choice grades ara scarce, ana receipts of any kind Tery light. Millers are fair buyers. Futures dall; a firmer feeling and generally higher. New York ia lc firmer; Baltimore steady, and Chicago 1?4C better. Corn Fira, and we note a good demand for all cash offerings, Offerings out lir, and generally in small lot?. Futures not waatsd. New York is 3c h'gher; Baltimore steady, and Chicago firmer. Oats Firm at quotable prlc?s. Xecsipta small. Futures in no demand. The following table shows tho receipts of graia tt this point for the pat twenty-lour hours: js-ceivod T!onT, tV.-i . oet. bti - Dora, hi .. Cta, By a. ba 1,200 22,8. 7,200 The follow 12 Uhie azows the amount of traia la store a i thltpcint: Vra't I (.ia. I Cram. I S7.7cc! s.ox) i5,ecc! A to. r.cvator Cevator A. B. 12.4JCI 27.0031 H.:. Oapital XTcvatr.-. 2.CCÖ. weatemF.evator., sicrator D.. 3, 000 t mm Ü.C001 1 49.200 Total-, ,.,.-1 &3.1C0 C3.000 Conesp's day last yearSlin.OöO M.0CC 20.0CC 1S.CC0 Xloar, GrsUn and Hay. FKrar-Patent, 47335 00: extra fancy, Ui 4 0: faacT, ti CQ: choice, 13 7513 90: faally, t US 60; treble extra. S3 60 92 75: donbla extra U4CP J 80: extra, O S3C3U; mperflne, 13 00J 3 15; fine, 12 C3. cat We auota: Bid. aiim. Bid. 4 79 tracx no, t tracx tracx track track track si 73 Csstrcftrstabit Corn We quote: Ro. 1 white-. ---Bo. 8 White- p:d. Aaked. 44 tradt 42V tracx 44 43 tracx .. 42 trau 41 41 U tracX 43 41 tract 42 tracx track 42V 43 tracx 44 Eld, Ailed, sr. track 32 tracx Z2 VracX TtEow liljh Ulicd. Mixed.: Jdixed rejected Be:ected yellow. Uizh ntied rejected. Be and ar o&ta We quota: r.o, a white Licht mixed. . Khta ,., Eye No. 2. coraihal. P.ran Nominal. Hay Prime Timothy, nominal. CHICAGO MARXXTS. fTnrnlahed by H. E. Kinney A Co., Grain and Pio- vision Brokers. Io. a Chsmber of Commerce. I lüarui o. uinsu Lowest Closing Wheat April.... May.-. Jane- Corn April May.-. Ju-e.. OaU - April May Jone Peri AprU 12 00 12 10 12 20 6 85 6 95 7 02 6 C2 6 12 6 17 Mat June. Lard April.. Mxy..... June... Elba AprU. May.. June C.r lots Wheat. CO; corn. 232; oats. 111. Estimated receipts of hogs for to morrow, JS.000 head. I If DI AX ATOMS WtlOLKSALK MAUKCTS Vündaor fancy faclCo fancy... SlerrttcacX mnc-y- VC Jonostogn fancy.... 5 ..6 Cw;toco fancy. - uerw lex fancy.. ....4 Eiiimond fincy., BImont finer- .. t'i LLuoilton fancy. Wa?h'n'ton lad. blne-7 American fncy,....6H' American Ind. hlao -7X A:rer:can shirting 4 Vi' Albion solid....-... 5 4 A'len far.CT . .. . .5 V'Mra rood's minin?. .6 Allen Bhlrtlne -. 4fSteel Elver fancy McrrtEXick ihixUn2..-4S:Lanneü iascj. 6 DK2SS TABKICa. Pacific Yk poplin Ins- 9 Pacific Yi catm'rs....lo Pacific Va Australian tfT' T 1 1 If 111 I Pacific 6-4 A. C. M..-30 Pacific WE. X. caah.2Q Pacific 6-4 A. a cash.25 Manchester canh 10 Hamilton H alpacaa- 9 Hamilton s-i mix .10 Pacific 14C0 lawns...-10i Paciöc Organdy ....-11 Pacific Chanibray...-. 9 Pacific cretonne .. 8 Pacific c, f. suitings.- 6 Pacific percales... 1 5 Manchester DeB-13 : Pacific nca'a veirg-16) Atlantic alpacaa.. lu Atlantic G. L. cash. 21 Atlantic V. caahm 25 Irlington 4J-ln nun'i veiling... .32)1 Arlington gray cashmere. IS BBOWN COTTOJfS. 73 ! Pcdford P. ..14 Atlantic A Atlantic H ..7 Ulli'9 .7 '4 Ms stlc Klver a Hunt... ...r.1! Yard suck.. Lawrence L. L Indian Head 1 Tremoat C. C...... ...... .5 3tark "A. .7i Coneatoca W .ßS!6aracflct .........7 I... . .. PeppereJi K Pepperell K Pepperell 9-4- ...... efcppaell 10-4........ ..cyi'OticaC. 4H -7 lV)Ott XX ..4 18 Ma.wichusetta B. B-.-Sli 20 ilndjor JL CLxaraxD cottons, Androscoggin L-.- . 7,yKarker Mills,.. 7 Ixnsdale.. ' Tar well .. ..... ' Ballard vale Mi Kasonville ... ... 8 Wamsutu........ .......ICS Krnit of tho Loom. Hill's Semper Idem Blackstone A. A Hope . 7'rarrcen' cnoice. Dwiht Anchor - .. ClilFodhontas ... , ... 7 ' i - 4 Feichvllle. 7 Pepperell 9 4 -2Q Pepperell 10-4 22 ; Chestnut Hill Lonsds!o Cambric Just Out-... ...... COTTON FtASNKLS. B'n . 6 6 7 . .7 . 8 Bl'd 7 1 & iS54 I !4 104 11 12 13 14 Trraoat DL,. 7 Tremcnt 8 rremont Ü.... 9 Trein.ont 1.... 10 rrcmont 3.-.. 11 rrcmout M.... llA Tremout O Tremoat H 7 TreraontP - 8 Tremoat .. .. 9 Tremont Y 0 t rexont X. 11 Nashua G.. Vi Nashua YV 6 Nashua K Ci Nashua T-.. . 7 Nashua D... . 7Vf Nahna C... 7 Nashua B... S 'J Ellerton CN. QV1 7 1 Ellerton CM 7' 7H! nerton CL,..- 7 8 t Ellerton V 714 SIHllcrton T.. . Sti Ellerton B.. 9 9 1 Ellerton 94 9' Ellerton Q 10 10H ; Ellerton P 101-4 UH Ellerton O.. U5 14 lEllerton N. IS Nashua A.-....- SV. Ktthni AAA QL? vma m u mm .4 Nashua X 10) Nashua XX. 12? Amo8kear.... 7V$ Waiasutta . 6 .. - 8 V. .. 8 I An caster. Glasgow York ... White M'f'g Co... 7i Berkshire 7 iNormandie.. 7 1 Rfty s.l f -1 thus - 7 Renfrew dress.. 9 7 .Johnson bnk fold., -10 FL A IDS AMD CHEVIOTS. . . 9 I Alabama plaids 7V5 Amotkear.... Axnoskcag, fancy... ...10 Bates. ......... 8 Otis B B .......... 8; Park Mills, 70 check-,12 Park Mills, 80 check..l3 I Louisiana plaids., 7 Ottawa plaids - 7 iKdlnburg cherlott 9 jXverett cheviots... 9 Great Bepublio Cher. 7 Economy chock 9 K Columbian... . Hi UUs checx . , 9i Hamilton 1 tripos 10 DEtfixr. Otis, A X A.. Yorr, bine-.. York, slate-.. 14 14 Otis B B. Otis C C. MIIMH' ork, fancy Oakland, A 15 Anoske&s Irerett.. ..11 Haymaker.. I lUiUUiU ISU, .n ,m( 7 7X Boston .... TI KIN.. ....13K Lewlstoa. S6... UK AmoskcaT. A OA York, 30 in..... Conn es toga, B F.. Conestcga, extra.. . 1 1 JV Lewiston, 32 . ...12s .. 14 iLewlston, 30 -U IS Oakland. A..... 7 Cocstoga, O O A ,HH Oakland, A A 7X 6RAIH BASS. American.. FrankllnvUlo 19 Granger... ...20 20 jliewlston ........ 2-2 23X Georzia, A . - .1SX BUrk, A. CAirrr chaijt. 10 n.i nk.i. rwi White. Colored andle Wicx. ..- 2-2 No. 600 Cotton Yarn 10 ..20 ITwine.. .20 The Produce Blariet. Eggs Faying Ho per doz.: from store, 15o; Butter Creamery fancy,27 328c; choice, 183200; dairy, eelected, 15aioc; country, fancy, 15c; sweet roll, 14c; laedium gra-les, tSa; low grade, 8940 per lb. Poultry Hens, 93 per lb.; roosten, 33: srrln Chickens, Ca; hen turkeys, loo; torn turkeys, fc: old geese, and well-leathered, per des., SS OJ; ducks, per dox., ts to. Fe&thers Prima geeso, 43c; nixed and dicfcJ, sX(325c Kass-lHaiSiC. Wool Tub-washed and ricked, 26v9SCc; nn wafhea ine;lium, lo; nnwahed common, 15c; nnwaihcd fine. l 4l8c: Cotawod, 17c; burry and unmerchantable at their Talue. cotton fleeces, 14l5c The FroTlslon Hark et. Below are tho present jobbing prices: Smoked Meats, canvaed or plain (plain meats not guaranteed against skippers )3. C Hams: 10 to 12 lbs. averajca, ll cUle: 15 Its. avcrass. lOV.c; 17H lbs. average, IC'c: 20 lbs. average, lCc; heavy averages, 21&25 lbs. 9'ic. Cottaee hams, "Reliable Brand." 7'ic; do '-forter Braud" 7c : Calhorn! hams. "Reiiable Srand," 7jo; do 'l orttr Brand." 7V4c: Enzllih breakfast bACon. C'esr, '-Eellable Brand," 11c: English shoulder?, lisht do. te: English shoulders, heavy do, 6!aC; lamlly shoulders, pieces, do, Cc; dried beef, do, 15c. Bacon Clear tides, light or medium wt.. c; do bellies, light or medium wt.. do backs, lijfht or medium wt., 7?ic: do French flitch, 7c D. 8. tnd Pickled Meats Änzlish cared, clear Ides or backs, nnmokod. 7c; Bean pork, clear, oer bbL, 200 lbs., 515 60: pork, clear, per bbL, 200 lbs, 4 00; family pork, clear, per bbl., 200 lbs., ST2 00: family beef, per bbL. 2CGlb?., tiS, Lard -Pure kettie-renderei in tierces, SVa: in half barrels cr&O-lbtubs, 8Tec; 48-lb tin tuba, 9e: 20 lbpaL'a, 9c: 10-lb pails, 9c. Bologna in cloth Cc: in skin, OlAZ. The Grocery STarket. Cae-!19 Fnu cream. JTew York, HSlWfl: Ohio, Cc: part skim, ejsc per pound; Wisconsin, 10c; 3 p?l or, lie coac-M -common, SK310'ic: ordinary, 10X3 He; fair, llfailc: prime," l2-iai2c; strictly rrimcLriaiSe; choice laHHc: Old Gor eramentjava, lW-iSTio : McUughlln's XXXX toasted. 1-lb packages, 100-lb cases. 1414c: CO-lb aa, 14'vC; Arbnckie'i roasted, 14h'c; Leverlng's, 14Kc: Cardoba, 14c; Gate A No, 1, 15j;c; Gatca prime, I4?ic . Sugars cutloaf. 7c; powdered, 77 Zo: granu lated, 6;Q6?4c: sundard A, egsc: off A, 63 c; white extra a b3c: light brown, 5X3 5c; coiamon grades, 5ä5He; New Orleans brown, &;A5l4Ci Molaoes and Syrup New cron New Orleani BOlaasesw 60560 ; syrup. 2S445c per gal. fox com mon to choice; maple syrup, 81 10(11 85, EJce Carolina and Louisiana, 6Q?c Ppicea Pepper, 18XO!4c; auspice, lCCiac; (trpea'g I I :r.VI 77 f 75'4 77 I sn,M iHZ' SH'i - 42 4lM 4UI 424 42j; 4Aj 42H.I 48 - 25 SSHi 2S j 2J sir; 3l'! ziu I - . I I m 11 90 12 00 11 90 It H 12 10 11 5 11 9 5 12 20 11 9 5 . R5 CH) 6 85 6 87 6 'J 6 87 S 07 7 02 Oft ; I d K f) A fkO 6 02 6 12 6 02 . 6 1U I 6 17 I 6 10 I . 13 1 1 WMIIMWMf 1 4 tfcvea, ?Q&T; gisecr, 17a23c: c'nnaraon in xcata, I2rtl5c; nutmegs, TSgtsoc Saiv Lake. In tax lota. S5o; dray lota, tl 0041 CS; mall lots, 10C more from store; dairy, ti 253 00. 8tarfh-V2ned pearl, 8NiStJXo per lb. ; Edrt ka, ic: Chars vton xloaa, lump, eSc; improved corn, H'Xc- . tait FubMackertl, extra mess, 524 pertbL: halve. tl2 60: No. 1 mackerel, $18320: halves, n aiC: No. 2 mackerel, tl2 50-14; halves, t6 50(4S; Ko. 2 medium, as: halve, f i M: No. 2 mackerel. halve. t305W No. 1 white flsa, g7 t3C; bontleas fih, $-5 5C,i6 per luo lbs.; boneless rod, V$7; extra, 110; GTaud Bank, aa5Hc per lb ; family wfcite fish. 13 CO per 100 Ids.: No. a pickerel, 13 (O per let it.: ballibut. He per lb. loreizn yrnits London layer raisins, rew, 13 2533 40; Tew Valencia, 11a UKc; Sultana, lie; new Muscatel raüins, two crown, 12 8.5(33 10: Caii frrnla L. L.. ?2 65: three crown. 53 20. Lentor.s Kina, 13 tCS4 f.0. Irnnes- New Turkish, 6fi54c: i?uifacado..8Hc; currants, 6Vc: new figs, Uyars. 12V.C. Date Malta, 4Vi&; Lard in ten-pc'-ad toxrs, 931CO. Oranees Florida, crate. Wtj 4 J0: 5!"ntinaOxanj:eft5ingl0.. 12 50(2 75-double O.. t2 7.vri3 CO. Valencia cae. 15 50t7 00: ea nut Law, Tennessee, 4&!5Kc: Wilminrtoa, HHc:ro.ted, 19c : Tennessee. 4 K$5Vc. Bananas (i'j per bunch. Coooannts it öoso, Onned Goods We a note: Tomttnes, S lb.. 95c531 00t Peicbes. 2 lbs, stanmrd, tl lf-m 70; 3 Its., tl 9032 00: seconds, 3 lbs Si w) 1 CO: aibs., tl 3531 4.s; Pie Peaches. 8 lbs. tl 15$ 1 20; 6 lt-s., 1 C5U2 00; Black berries, tl 10,-ul 15; Srrawberrien. tl 1041 15: Pspberrlea, tl 15ci; 25; Cherrlca. red. 9030.5c: white. J195f2 2a frrlng Kerr, 80aiS5c: tJrecn Pess. Yarmouth corn. tl Wl 0: Mountain Sncar Corn, tl 253 1 E0r Efandatd 2 lbs., Stcji 00; Mackerel, tl 2fai ?5: Pineapples, tl 5032 00; Salmon, 1 lb., tl coal 70; Tumbler Jellies. 853900; Cove Oysters, lib., light welgnt, 655170c; 1 lb, full weight, tl 103115:2 lbs., uht welznt. $110: 2 lbs., full weight, 81 851 95: Sardines, jfrench, , tl 75 per dor. : American. W, 90o per dos; Applef, tits, :; 6 lbs, ti MJ2 60; gallon, U t0iS3 CO. Vegetables and Fruits. Beans Choice navy, n 50: medium, tl 50, Marrows. t32 25; California. X3. I'outtoes ti 002 35 per bbl; 5Ö3&50 per ba. Sweet Potatoes Philadelphia Jerseys, t55 53 5 Baltimores. t44 50: Kentucky, S3 253 tO. Arpiee Cnoioe, 83 0003 K); fancy, 83 t04 ; com mon, 11 251 cO. Dried Apples-Evaporated, t(33cj ccrü'nn dried, 5!35cC Peaches Dried peaches, halves, 839c Cali fornia halves. He; evaporated, I6!ai7c. Cabbage New, per bbl . 82 6C&3 CC Onions iM fXV5 1 60 per bbL Honey I820a Seed, Bced Timothy, tl 4Cc41 f0 xwr bnhel: clover, 84 75 per bushel; blue grass, tl 10 per bushjL Goal and Coke. Pittsburg, per ton. t4 00: anthractto, 87 00: Rsy mond City, M00: Indiana block, 8100; coke, lump, ice: coke, crushed, 12c; Jackeon coal, 53 7j: etont'i coal. 12 W. Bides, Leather and Tallow, Hemlock sole, 213320: oas sole, 33 38at Penn fylvania harnen leather. S3S37C: hArnoss leathc 2JjS5c; bridle leather, per dos., 8C0;8 72; dome&tlo xip, 60080c French kip, 80cjH 20; domestic calf, TtVfiJl in? French ilf. fit 1(11 S3. E-ides No. 1 cured, 7.33Hc: No. 1 graen, 57c; No. 1 call, 9310c; cured, 10311c; dry salt, lCc; flint, lzoi No. 2 hides, j,c o Tallow Prime. Co: No. 2, 6c Grcaso Brown, 494c; white, iQIXQi yellow, urug jrxarxet. Alcohol, S3 2593 30; calomel. 75A?5o; camnhor. 28:a30c; cochineal, 50(4300; chloroform, 9Co'4Jl 00 gum opium, ?l uigi t0; ladigo, fl O0j3 00; mor phlne, 53 4AMJ3 65. Olia (;astor, tl 55i 60; gwee oil, WX.S1 So; olive oil, 11 50-33 CO; berama (Sanderson's), 82 25(32 50; lemon (dandersoi.'s), II 76(32 00. Quinine P, A W., tl 051 10; ein ebon Ida, 40(3 '.5c Antorlcaa bi-c&rb, soda, 44 o : English do., 5&3Gc SuufT Garret's, 2-ox. pack., tl 00 per dos.; 4 -ox. bottles, 83 00 per doz. Flora's Buipnur. 435C Turpentine s&ca.isc: Knsrllsh Venetian red, by bbL, 2c: lea? quantities. 8Va. Iodine 14 00; Iodide potash. S3 oa Clove. 20 4 25c Rhubarft, 90cSl 25. Wlndow-glxas, 60 and 20c; doable, 70 and 10 per cent off. Iron, and steel market. Bar Iron tl 3C3210: rates ;hoop Iron, 82 50 ratest Norway and Bweed Iron, 5c rates; horse shoo Iron, Sc. Horse Shoe Barden A Perkins, per 00; mnie shoes, 1 1 per ke? advance. Horse Shoe Nails Northwestern, Globe and Patnsm.per box, SI 50. Cast Steel Best American, per lb., 13c; sprin? steel. 6c ; tire steel, 4c : toe calk steel, 5c ; machinery steel, &a Nalls-$2 23. Mlseellaneoas Clarkets. BawFars Mink, large, dark. 25?: pale, 21o; rac coon, black and extra, 81; Urge and dark, 50c; pale, 40c: mnskrat, .'all, 537c: winter, 7c; sprin; rat. 40c; opossum, nßllc; skunk, black, prime, tie; short stripe. 4?c; otter, 8335c: gray fox, 5Wj; red fox, iO(?7Cc; house cat, ö.xöc; shtep pelts, by amount of wool and quality, JO.!": lull, longhaired Newfoundland dog exlns, 50cJ 11.00. Oils Wa quote: Licseod, raw, SlQWc: boiled. f 4 055c; lard oil, &Wx; miners' oil, 553 iii; ldbn citing oil. 12332c: straits oil. 55r0c; oenziae, 10 lic; coal oil, Indiana leal test, OlOc; ISO epree, test, lO'ailc; water white, 155 decree, I4o. Tinners' Snnpiies We quote: Best brand char coal tin X. C. 10x14. 12x12 and 14x20.86 25 ; IX, 10x14, 14x20 and 12x12. fS 2; roofing, IO, 14x20, !5 73; 20x28, tit 50,13 r0; block Un, in pigs, 2io; in barf, 25c Iron 27 B iron, 3.25c; 27 O Iron, 6c; Juniata galvanised, 50 per cent, discount; refined, 50 and 10 oer cent, discount. Sheet sla3, 64c. Copper bottoms, 22c Flalnlahed copper, S6c Solder, 14 016C LIVE STOCK. Indianapolis Live Stock Market, Dmo Stocx-Yabm, March 25. GATTUBecelpts, 220 head: shipments, 50 head. Fair npply of local and a lair run of through stock. Onr market was steady until our butchers took what they wanted, then tho market closed weak. But few shippers here. Choice (hipping steers-... 55 4 4 3 4 255 65 80 b 10 2531 C3 40 4 CO S 51J4 Si 504 10 60 3 3 CO 00 R F0 Medium to food shipping steers-.., Common to fair shipping steers Biocxen... Choice cows and hellen,. Medlcra to pood cows and hci'ers 3 2 4 Common to fair cows and hellers Veaitf, common to good Bulls, common to good-.... 2 Ä033 50 Milkers, common to good, per head 520 00ai5 00 Hees Receipts, 2.2C0 head; shipments, 2,100 head. Quality good. Market active and un changed. AU sold. Closing steady. Select light 4 1 COl 65 Common to fair light 4 403 1 55 Pigs (if fat) - 4 20.t4 40 Heavy roughs .... 3 75J4 SH1IF Eccelpts, 400 head ; shipments. 400 head. Quality fair. Market a shade stronger, but not quotably higher. All sold.. Good to choice grades .ft 80Q4 Fair to medium grades..............- 8 20 43 Common grades .. MMIIMMH 2 &0 J . J Backs, per head - 2 5QS Elsewhere. EAST LIBERTY. Pa.. March 25. Cattle-Slow; prime. f'C6 30; fair to cood, 5303 25: com mon, ti 25i 75; rcecipw, 123 ucaa; shipments, 3u0 head. Hops slow: Pliiladelphias, $:("5 C3: Yorkers tl '0,ai 80; rectipu, 1,:1W) head; shipments, 1.400 head. Sbecp Slow; prime, 3t 7;3': fair to geod'SlH I i0: ommoti. f 2 503 50; receipts, 1,200 head; shirrccnts, 3.40) heal. NEW YORK March 25 Dcevos Eecelpt. 2,SW head. Market dall and heavy and lSQJüc lOA'er. poorest teer. $4 Cil '.'5; car load fancy do , 5T; onmoa strictly prime, 70; general salis, Jj !(35 73. sne-.p receipts. ..leu ncaci; market slow: pens not cit-ar; common to prime stieep, St 5C . 65: one car Jod wt aiher, 5C; common to prime year- Hogs receipts, 10,400 head; market nominally weak at 833 40. KAN3AS CITY, March 25 The Live Etock Indi cator reports: Cattle ileceipts, 1.001 head. Market a'bout steady: exp.-rt5, $5 t3?5 35: cood to chsice sbirping. t4 85 10: common to medium, 11 50 4 73; feeders, tl 4 50: cows, SCCi3 70. Hfgs Jbecelpu. head. Market st?ady; good to choice, t4 2031 35; common to medium, 4 lccat 37'. 8heep Kecelpts, 615 head. Market steady: fair to uood, 82 tC3 25; common to medium. 81 to J 2 23. CHICAGO, March 25. The Drovers' Journal re ports: Hogi Itacclsts. 20.000 head; shipments, 6,570 head. Market dull and slow; öJilOc lower; rough and mixed, 4 3034 45; packing and shipping, 4 w 4 70; 40&1 70: skips. t3 5031 25. Cattle-Kecelpts, 6.000 head: shipment. 2,700 head. Market t rUk l,C50 to 1.400 lbs., t4 2335 CO; extra, S5 60(3 SO; lexans, UQZ. Sheep Receipts, 5,500 head; shlpmant, 1,500 head. Market steady; medium to good, S3 733 4 0; common to prime, $4 GO 3 4 80; lambs, 53 25. ST. LOT13. March 2 5. Cattle Becelpta, 1.500 head; shipments, 800 head. Market steady; ex ports, $5 605 0; good to choice shipping, $5 20 65 60; common to medium, ti 505; butchers' stters. t4C'4.; rows end heifer. 53 .3; sicckerh. tl Mi 4; feeders, 4 J4 C6; torn-led tax a&p, t(44 '0. Creep Rtt:ipts, l.'.-OO head; shipments. l00 bftd. Matktt s.adv; common t medium. J2 7o3 3 f0:cto. f f.-(ci 40i extra. 84 644 75. üetn-Hitter: Ycrsera, ti fCfi tr; pacser. tl 3ö4 0; heavy, U 6534 '5. Kecelpts, 4.400 head; shipments, 1.200 head. SAIIKET8 ItY TKLEGI.PAU. Produce Markets. KKW YOBK. March 23 -Cotton Pull at 11' alike; futures neady; March. ll.D-c; April, Jl.Li; May. ll.:Cc; June, ll.Ffcc: July. 11.4ic; A'jpt)t. 11.62:; Htptember, 11 17c: Ot:tober. iatsc. Novfmber, lü.f2o; December, 10.52c: January, lisl'e. Flour- fcteady and unchanged; re;cl?t. isdu bblK; exporu, 2.w bbi hoat-So.:t lfi 1a- fcißher: Option acdve hd exctted, l;.32',c luhfron v-t iiircor; receipt?, 2i.000ba.: iiiom. M.Kbu.: No.2spriug, 00c: ungraled red Sl$ 0f: do. c- i. f . 8c; N. 3 red. t' jii No. 2 red. 9 legate; No. 1 while, 9lc; ungraded white. Oiy.Q 0:k:. No. 2 red. April, sale of 176,010 bu. 1. at i 97aoic. rJosIng at Jl(jc; May, sales of 432.W0 be. at y4'94"'. Closing at 92? c; June, SAles ol 1.712.CC0 bu. at t2i39.;c, closing at 9:; c: July, Silet. of 272.CO bu. at 9;:i9fc, Closing at 95'c: riicmur, i-aks of g coo bu. at 51. Jor n 1, : c hi?her: cahcpti-ins clofcdfirm; receipts Iö.'L'O bu.; exports, 84. 0;0 bM.: tiiifr.ded, 4043ic: No. 3, 5i(i4Lu'-oc: steamer. 4?h5t!ic: No. 2. m 'n .ölVc: srcau:tr yellow, .rc; do. white, 52c: jeilow, 5.'(452'oC: No. 2 March, 6l'c: uugradedwbiie. fiOQ'Ac clwiue at .r0c: April, b&yW;, closing nt bO'tti Mfiy. &c;r.(5icc, c.oi3K tt 51c; June. 3C',;a5l,'(,c, closing at 5!c; July. 515ic, closing ai 62o. Oats ?iöc higner; receipts, 106, HO tu.; export. 31 bu.: mixed, S7Q3Ji?: white, Cfia4lc. llsyQniet and steady. How Dull and easy. Coilee-Spot fair; Bio. quiet and firm; cpUon. 1CQ15 points higher: naiv of ly.0 bapp: Apn., 7.10Vi7.cüc: May, ..;.c; June, 7.40(i7.5c; July, 7.507.530; Ausnst, 7.53( 7.C5c; Ser-tember, 7.7oc: Ociooer. 7.75( 7.i02: No vember. 7.Jf c frusar Dal! and rfotninl ; refined weak: C, 4'v91 1J-16; extra c, 4Tel5lc: yellow, 4 7-lCcät 9-l'-o standard A, S'bö-lßc; corvee tioner' A, U'yiab JS-l'c; cut 'oaI and crushed, CvQGJrjc; powdsred, ;; granulated. 5 13-lCc Mo lasMS Dull and wek. Itice-Qniet and stealily heid. Petroleuoi l'irm: united, 82;c Tallow Kieady. Koiin Duli at SI ;0 al 25. Turpentine DullatC?c- EgsJG-Heavy at i:17Vc. Leather ßteedy and moderately sctive. Wool Dull and heavy: domestic lleece. 21(337c; pulled, 11303; Texas', l3Uc. Pork Dull and In bayer'a favor. Cutmestg DulJ: Ion z clear middle, f, 75. Lard Firrr: Western Kteam. spot. 17,: April, 57 13 17: My, t7 21fn7,23; Jnne. 57 t37 31; JnW. 87 SCft7 37; August, 57 41. Batter I :sicr atl03 20c Cheese Quiet and steady at S&llc Lead ijniet and steady; retined, 53 75. Otherrf un. enanged. CHICAGO. March 25. Flour-Qu let and un changed. Wheat Excited, higher and very un settled; closed ljtl'c higher than yenerday; tales of March at 7oj4tj76;c closed at 7b !970V?c; April, 'WiQ'.Vic closed at 76-c; May, Slc clepfad at 81.!c: June. S5' ismöc, closed at Jw)ic: No. 2 Chicago prlns, Ityny-jc; No. 3 do., 6t'c;No. 2 red. sot; No. 3 do.. 73o. .ira In good deiasLd and stronwer: closed -e higher than ves teiday: cah, 2sU(d0ic: Mann aud April. :5Sa Mc. closed at iic; May, 41,, (i.c. closed at .öi2xc: jene, 42.-, closed at 42 -.c. oa Mrong and (a1: njgher; cash. 2'i.'331c: April, CSc: May. GlK:i )ir4c, closed at ai'vociic Re Dull at 62r. Biiley Dali and nominal at 62 3c laiscpd Dull and lower nt $1 "9. Porlc p'rm and 15c bigrer; cash, 511 8511 1!0: Mav. til S0312, clod at 511 97i: June. 11 s?3'il2 10, closed at 512 07X(U2 10 Lard-Quiet aad steady, 6c high er: csah. fr. April. 5G 85.3(i S7V ; May, 88 7) 6 92J, closed at J6 aj.': June, 55 93(26 97. closed at 97. Pultcseati-iu fair demand: shoulders, tl :C(3i 6: 6hort rib, $5 VQ: short clear, o 253'5 40. Butter-Qolet snd 'incbanjced. Eggs Dull at He. Kcctlris-ricrr, 52. OCO bbl?.; wheat, &1.000 ba.; com, 413.000 bu.; cats, 115.000 bu.: rye i.W bu.; caucy, x:,iuu du. ea:pracnts-Fipnrt 25.OJO bois. : wheat. 22.C00 bu.: corn, isi.oootu.; oats, 107.000 bu. : rye. 2 0t0 bu. : briey, 4,ih) J bu. Afternoon PoarJ Whtat ttorrcy and higher: advanced p- Corn Firm; My and June a.l TAnced Oats Firm; March and April ad vanced Jic Pork -Stroncer; advanced lQfoltl Laid Steady: advanced 2,1c. ST. IUIS. March 25 Flour Unchanged. Wntt HIsher. Ftrong and very active for May, cloMrg SirtlVc alove yesterday; No. 2 nd, fillc; ensp. s 'ioSc, closing at MTüc: Mav. SO'xSSOTkC; June, 90,.-24,Jt:;-4c. Corn Hi?ner and more done: 3S;Hac.;'Hc casn: 3.s;S34c April; SSJo May; a'jt Juue. oats Higher bu slow; S:.c ctsh: :2:-;(332,c Mav. Bve Quiet at 60c. Barlej tulet at eOSCc Lead Dull at 83 153t 50. Entttr and Eggs Unchanged. Flaxseed Nominal atjl 40. Hay Uncnarged. Bran Firmer. Corn- meal Firm at fi 'if.(oil SO. Provleions Firmer but slow. Perk-512 73. üulkiaeats Long clear. S6 10. short rib, f'. 2u: hort clear, 55 45. Bacon Long clear, G 43; short rib, SG6CQ6 62K; fhort Clear, bo. iiams fc;4jnc. Lard 56 75. Recelpn Flocr, 2,000 btls : waoit, 12.003 ba.; corn. 118,000 bu,; oats. 0,020 tvu: ry, 6 OC0 bu.; barley, 4.0C0 bu. Shipments Flour, S.000 bblj.: wheat, 2,000 bu.: corn, 41.CC0 bu.; oats, 5,000 bu.; ryp. fcu.: barley, none. Afternoon Board Wheat Firm and higher; 86' ;e May; OGc Jnne: 91c July. Corn Firmer; 39c April; 39' 4c May: 3S;4c June. Oata-Firm; 324c May: 32c June. BALTIMORE, Msrch 23. Flonr Quiet: Howard street and Western uperfine, $2 6233: extra. 53 103 65: family, .5: bO.34 75. Wheat Western higher and active: No 2 winter red, pot. 87- C. Inl CC:l 3fiG? r.. Ufa IVSOfLln. 1 v IIHV Caaac cere western higher Dutonii: mixed, spot, 49-(i,WiC; March, 49 4c: April, 40 ;I0? 4c: May, 49H(4c0c. Oais Firmer: Western wulte, 870tSic; mixed, 8533CC. Rye Quiet at T2073c Hay Higher and firm. Provisions About steady nut quiet. Mess Pork J3 .13 73. Bulkmetts t-boulders and clear rib sides, packed, 55 37fg 7 23. Bacon Shoulders, ?a 2; near no sides, 5. Hams-til 50 . 1 13. Lard-KSned, S3 23. Butter- Easier: Western, packed, 10vz20e; creamery, 20,1 tc. Leys Lower at ioy&ibo. Petroleum Noai inal; refined, tyLü'Mc Coilee Dull: cirjroes. ordinary to fair. v;4ftyi:. Sugar (laiet: A soft- re Copper Reßned quiet st lOiOJc. Freizhts U Liverpool Dull; cotton, lid: flour. Is Cd; grain. 4d. Becelpt9-rio2r, 21,003 bbis.; wheat. 12.aA: bo.; corn. 41,000 bu.; oats, 2.0C0 bu.. Ehipcnat Wheat, iy bu. PHILADELPHIA. March 23 FJ our No change in condition. Wheat Strong and ll'c higher; car lots strone and higher; No. 2 re 1, March, 8(3 sl4c: April, 83.(a30c; May, oooOVaC; June, 92 dOJ2',c Cera Advanced J43'(c: car lots held higher; No. 3 low mixeJ. 4Sc: No 3 mixed and yellow. 4ai'Jc: steamer. 43l9$c: No. 2 mixed, do. March, 3Vl9;4c; April. 43l4319c; May and June, 40a3i94C oats 'iHc higher: rejected white, S4Hc: No. 3 white. oö$j:7c: No. 2 white, :i3c r.utter Firm for fina goods: others dull. Egg Easier at 17,'.ü(lS7. others un chsnged. Eecelrts Flour, 6,oi!0 bbls.; wheat, 22, CD0 bu. ; corn. lfc.COO bu. ; oa'jl 5.CO0 bu. Shlpm-'nis - heat, S3.0C0 bu.; corn, 131,600 Lu.; oata, 11,003 bu. CINCINNATI. March C5. Cotton-Steady and uucianged. Flour Firm and unchanged. V7h3at fcticnger: No. 2 rd. 8 s7c. Corn yrong: No. 2, mixed, 45c Oats Eis.t r at 3ic Bve Dull at t!c. uar.'cy-Firm: No. 2 fall, SOc. Pork Weak at tl2 fO. Lard Good demand at S83. Bulk rceatp Quiet and unchanged. Bacon Firm; shoal des, '.5: short clfar, 57 23: clear, S 50. Eutter Quiet and unchanged. Mega Steady: common ani l:ght t' 7531 80; picking and butchers', tl 40 Ql 10; receipts. ;:t0 head; shipment, 100 head. TOLEDO. March 23 vraet Firm; No. 2 rei, cssli and March, bOXc: April, SG;4c: May, 81?ic; June, fcöjc; No 2soU, 87c. Coa ciet, but lirtn; No. 2. cash, March and April, 43;4'e; May, ibi : June, 43JaC. Caw Firm: No 2, ;-;3333c cj.'ovtrseed Quic-t and weak; carh, 51 jrf): March, Si '." April, 51 Beceintj-w.-oiw, 11,000 bu.: i frit 23.00r bu. : none, gaipmenta Whoat. IC.CtiO bu.: corn. 8,00 bu.; oat', noi.e. KANSAS WTY, March 15 -VVnt Higher; cash, Cc?4e: April. T.iölic: May. U)i Cora Mionjir; rash. Cl.c; Mar "2Tc: June, JJc. Oat Dull and nominal at ZV &-Au Oila. ANTWERP, March CS.-Petio'.eum -ISc. PllTdaCKw, March 25. Petroleum Dn'.l; cer tificates weaker: opened at S2Jc, declined tlovly and closed at 81 Jo. OIL CITY. March 25. National Transit certifi cates orted at 8lc; htzhosd. 8i!;c; lowest, S2C; clewed at 82? c. Sales. 2. 308. C00 bbli : clearance. 6.-52C.OCO bblg.-. rnn. 47.73 bblF.; shipments, 52. 772 bbls.; charters, 51,700 bbis.. VTUtsfey. March lb. Wnlaky- Quic t B4LTTM0S2, 11 2031 51 at ST. L0UI3, March 25.-Whlsky-Steady at tl 14. CINCINNATI, March 25. Whisky-Quiet at tl 13. CHICAGO. March 21. -Whisky-Quiet at SI 15, Dry Goods. NEW YORK. March 25 Dry Goods The market is without change in character and demand of agents. There la a very good business movement through a steady quota cf orders lor miscellaneous as sorunenta of staples and fancy styles. In prints good style in wide request for small assortments, but in better delivery on previous purchases. Tbe tfiürxcny of tfce rclpit cives aided weight to the tbccsatds of letters that hare let n received from persooB who have ea jcyed tfce bfcefiiPof the new sp-ecilic, Ath- ICLhoiox, Plev. H. I- Williams, of Flam- fild Center, N. Y., tells of a lady in his con- grfcaticn who had D?en a sunerer from lLtnniat.sra for a Jong time and bad not bn able to get out of bed without help for n cLtfcF, until the tonk Athlophorcs, and since then she ftels like a new being, entire ly cmed by one bettle. Tfce stables should be cleaned dallv, and more eef edally eo a the warm weather seta ic. If a banel of dry. Iidb plaster be kept conveniently within reach, and a few hand- rrttred freelv srnupn tneataHstud on the rjoore, it vsin not onty ass:st in pre- Yr.tir,p: fonl od-rs, bat rUo provo baaeScial when added to the manu.e heap. liaptnre radically cured; also pile tumors aLd Litnlas. raraph'et of particalars two letter stamps World's "nispensarv Medical Attoc'ation, Latralo, N. 1. Amerlcii' I'rlde. True American men and women, by reason of their 6trong constitution, beautiful forms, rich complexions an characteristic energy, are envied by all nation?. It is the general nre of Dr. Harter' Iron Tonic, which brings about these results. As a raindrop foretells a storm, so docs a pimple upon the human body indicate helth destroying virus In the blood, which ein be neutralized and expelled only by Dr. Uarter's iron Tonic He Thanks Ills Paper. Mr. Edltor: I was induced by rradlng your goodfapcr to try Dr. Barter's Iron Tonic for de bility, liver disorder and scrofula, and ihre bot tle have cured ne. Accept my thanks. Joseph C. Be ggs. üv. Khenmatism Cjnickly Cared. There has never been a medicine Tor rhcuma 'sm introduced in this btate that haa given such r.niverssl satisfaction as Durang'a Kheumatic Remedy. It stands out alone aa the one great remedy that actually cures this dread diseasa. It Is taken internally and never has and nevsr cu fell to cure the won-t case in the shortest time, it has the indorsement and recommendation of many leading physicians in this 8tate and else where It is sold by every druggist at SI. Write for free forty-page pamphlet to K.K. HBLPHEN BTINE, Druggist, Washington D. C. ira mm ! IBITTER5 5 vi c URL-3 l SEASESCF2E& ÄUDiSEA LIVER S KID HEYS STOMACH AMD BOWELSf. ALL DRUGGISTS PRICElcOliAn.! I; y-pTsat General Dohllityj &n&tllco, Ilcbifual Cosstipa flior., JCIvcr Ccinplaint Sick XIadacho,DittasotIltid 11072, .Etc., 2Zte, itro-tains onlv thePuicfet Irogi, ao7f; r.,eh rusiy t numerated 11117 A S3 845? , It c:t&r,ses tl;o cysterü thoroughly, ard.a V j PDiarmnop tixe üloo4 , la Unequal ed It Is net an r.tor.lcctir.r; 'tfvv9):,,, TXX?fOX il be used as eu.-.b, by rc;u ciVü iltlÄ25H f rtiyerti?a. a?RIC1XLT AS II EXTTEILS CGi Srtlo Prcprictora, in''i s,lf vVi:ag rvr DR. DAVID KENEDY'S For the Cnre cf Kidney nml Urer Com plaints, Conntipatloii, k.9.1 ail disorders arieins? from an impure frt.te of th BLOOD. To women who eafi'cr frctn &ny of the ills perm liar to their fcx it is r.i unf.d'.ing fnnd. AU DrarrMs. (5rc Dcl'ar n brtV, or aJJress Dr. i)7id Kennedy, Bor.dout N. Y. EXZE1Ä. OR SALT SHEUi Another CIar and Posltlre Hecovery An Elderly Ladj's Letter. Among the numerous letters received by Dr. Kennedy testifying to notable Kait Rhi.t m eure, the following will be found of interest to our readers, who may aecept onr assurance of its per fect authenticity and trutbluiness: W(.i: e-stfr. Mas., March 23, 18S1. Dr. D. Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y.: Dka: cie Until recently I have been for three years a sufferer from Salt Rheum. It followed upon an attack of Erjsipela?, for which I was for along lim under medical treatment. I placed myself again in the hsnds of the physicians who did, I have no doubt, all that ould be done. One thing is sure, however, 1 was none the better for all the medicine they gave me. The painlul and unsightly dLese m'de continual progress, until I brgan to fesr 1 should never pet rid cf it. By means of one of thoe accidents that often result in so much b:e?shif I had ray attention called to your FAVOP.ITE REMEDY, which I w& told would surely do me pood. I used it. and within a much shorter time than I would bare believed possible. I received a permanent cure I am now perfectly fiee frora Salt Rheum. What a comfort this is, and how It places yocr vronder- mm s iui ictuicine in my opinion, you may guess ar, but never know. I keep it now constantly In the house as a family medicine. Yours truly. MRS. DIN4JI PflAIB. Mrs. Thair sometime slnco went oaavUitto Kehfss. foundaraeof gait Rheum, could not ret FAVORITE REMEDY, sent to New York City for It. and cured the case. For all diseases of the Blood, I-iver, Kidneys. Eladder and Dfeetive Oreans, Dr. David Ken nedy's FAVORITE REMEDY, Rondout. N. Y. J. R. RYAN & CO., . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 2 and 64 East Maryland SL. Indianapolis.. Grain, Flour, Feed, Produce, etc. Eloraga for flour and merchandise. Our rooms are large, airy and clean. Ohio and Mississippi. 81 Louts-.. 8:10 amjVlncennei.., 150 pxa East Ei. iv?nig 8:85 am'MltcheU 2:47 pm Odin m-Ti ia 1 North Vernon.. 4:13 pm nora.. Jl ;82pnjClTtc1nntt1 - 7;C3 pa KAIL'WAY TI31E TABLE. Wf at ints e Cert Soaday, Harra 15, miXS Bt5 BI tt.MSAIi aTAX?AEU Till. JcfJeraonvllle, MiUon and lodlanapolla. Depart.! Arriva, Fonthern Ex.d'y 4:loan:Ind.A M. MM1 9:45 am L. b Mad. Ex 8;15 amllnd. Cht Ex..l0:45aa Lou. & M. Mall.. 3;M pm N.Y.& N.F1. Ex.. 7;00 pa Loniiv. Ac, Cj. 6:45 pin St. L. fe C. F. L.10:45 pa For tickets and full information call at ticket oEc I'enn. Lincp, northc6t corn jr WaAhincton anO Illinois streets, or Union Depot Ticket OSce. Vandalia Line. Dcparti Arrivei Mill 7:15 am New York Ex. S;bOaa Day Express, d'yl 1 :53 am Mali Jt Acj 10 :C1 am Terre Msnte Ac- 4:00 pm Cln. A L. F. 1. 8:30 pn Pacific Ex., d'y-10:4S pm Hew York Ex 4:4C pa lndi8. Btndcx7:13am S.Bend& Ind cx.10.5Saa Ird.AS. Bfcndex4:V5r.a ü.Bcnd A index. 6:42 pa For tickets and full information call at ticket office Pcnn. Linfs, northeat corner Washinctoa and IHInols ttrects. or Cnloa Depot Ticket OSicc, Cincinnati, Indiana ports, St. Loa una cnl rago. crsnxNATi nrvrsTOTf. Der-art Cincinnati and Florida Fast Line, daily, s. and c. c . 4 Cln., Kuihvi:ie and C-ol. At 11 Cln. and Lo llsvlile Mail, p. c 3: Cincinnati A cc .dally 6 Arrive IndianapoiliS Ace, daily...... 10 Cln. and St. Louis MaiL p. c... .11 CCtQ 15 aa 45 pa f5 pa :S5 an roaxa Indianapolis Acc..........., 4:lbiu Chlcaco and tt. Louis Fast Line, daily, s. and c c-m 1C:45 pa CHICAGO PrVE5I05. Pejart tlaigo end Rock Isliai Ex 7:10 an Chicago Wall, p. C 13:10 pa Western Ex prena...... ...... 5:10 pa Chicago, Peoria and Burlington Fat Line, a , r. c 1 : 20 pm Arrive C. and L. Fatt Line, d'y, c c, s. 3:R5 aa Laiayetto Acc 10:55 aa C:nn. and Louisville Mail, p. c. 3:30 pa Cincinnati Acc C:42pa The time via C, I. BU L. and C and L. E. and W. tJi follows: Leave Inda'polla 5:O0pmAr. Tndl&'polis 10:40an Arrive Lsiayette 7:25 pji Lt. Lftfayetto... 8:5 an Arrive Bloom' tn 12 :10am I Lv. Bloom'ta 2:55 aa For map, time table, rates of faro, and all In formation .tpply at Ticket OSce. IS6 South Iii lnoiji streeL and Union Depot Ticket Ogee. Clilcaeo. 8t. T.oalu and Pittsborr. (FAN-HANDLB AND FEXNSrLVAHIA LINK.) Donart. Arrive. cew iori,rni;aatip Washinpton, Balti more, PirUburg, and COitunbus Express., Dayton AColumtus Ex; Richmond Accommo- 4:25 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 4:03 p.m. ll:S7An4 A Jk Tt V . - v . dfttlnn n 9;40a.n, New York.Phlladelp'a, Washington, Palti morc, Pittsburg. Co lumbus A Day ton Ex Dayton Exprea ..... H 4;S5p.m. 10:20 p.ra 4.55 p.m. ',s 10;20p.m. CHICAGO DITIFION, VIA. KOK.OXO. Louisville and Chicago 1 last Express ; 11:00 p.m. 4:wa.m Louisville and Chicago Express, p. c. 11:15 a.m. 1 3:, DaiJT. Daily excent Sunday, a sioeDlna car. H Hotel car. For tickets and full Information call at ticket omce Penn. Line, northeast corner Washington and Illinois streets, or Union Depot Ticket Office. Wabash, St, Loots and Pad tile liellwmy. Depart! Arriva Det. A Chi. Mail. :i5&mDet. Ex., s...... 8:00aa Tol.Ft.W.AM.Ex 2:15nm Pacific Ex. ll:30an Deu EX, d'y p.... 7:15pm Det. A Chi. M'l 8:55pm ToLFrv&Detdy H:00pmjToLFtWADetdT, 8:5Vam Fortickets and lull information call at City Ticket OfS.ce, 29 So. 111. st. or Union Depot Ticket Office. Indianapolis and Vincennes. Depart I Arrlrt ML & Cairo Ex... 8:5am!VInccnnefl Ac.10:40aia Yinccnncs Ac... 4:00pm ML A Cairo Ex.- 6:S0rn For tickets snd full information call at ticket cfric Penn. Lines, northeast corner Washington and Hlinois streets, or Union Depot Ticket Office. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Indianapolis Depart I Arrlvt Cln., Day A Tol 4:t)0amConner8T, Acc 8 80am C, D..T. AN.Y...10:45amCin., P. A 61. L..11 :50am Connersv. Acc.. 4:25pm Ci a. Acc..... . 5:0Cpm C, D.. T. AN.Y. Cpm.Cin.. P. A St. L. ...10:40pm Indiana, liloralugton and Wtilers, rZOEIA DITISIOK, Depart. Arrive. Pacifle Ex A Mail 7:25amiE.AS,Ex.r.r, a dy 3 5Cam K. AT.F. Lincr c 5 :07pm iCincin. Spec. r.cJl:05arri BAB-LEx. d,s,r,cll :10pm jAtlanücExAM. c:3Cpra tT. LOITS DITTSIOM. Moore C eld Ac-... 6:30pmjMail A Day Ex.ll:0Caa Mail A Day Ex.. 5:0pm; MooreSeld Acc.- 6:lCpa EASTKKS DrVIRIOK. E'nlx.r.c.s 1L- 4:2Cam;PaciacEx.r.cdly 6:55ass Day ExM.M......M..H:45am Western Ex... 4:45pra Atl'c Ex,r.c.,dly. 7:lOpmB.A3., For tickets and full information call at the New Ticket Omce, No. LiS 8outa LUinoia street or at the Union Depot Ticket Offlce. 8, indicates sleep er; r. c reclining cars. Loalsvlile. New Albany and Chicago, (Chicago Short Line Division.) Depart. I Arrive. Frankfort Acc 5:00pm Indianap'liaM'L. 3:15am Chicago Ng't E. a. 1 1:20pm Ind. Ng't Ex d.s. 8:85am C. A M. City M 1..12 :45pm Indianapolis Acl0:00am For tickets and information, call at Cnloa De pot and 26 South Illinois street. Indianapolis and St, L.onls. Depart. I Day Express rs. 7:10 am IN. T. A B, Ex. Paris Express.- 3:50 pm Local Pass B. A Et, L, Ex... 6:25 pmdnd'apolls Ex. N. Y. A fct. L. Exil :0 pmlDay Express Arrirej 8:45 am 9:50 am 3.00 pm 6:25 pm t or ticket ana an lniomation call at city omce j No. 2 Bates House Block. Union Depot and Mass chnsetts Avenue Depot. Cleveland, Volnmbna, Cincinnati and In dianapoHs, DeparLI Arrive, N. Y.ABo. Ex.- 4:00 amir NO AStLEx :40am D. 8. A N. Y.Kx.l0:10 amw.Ft.W.AM Ex.l0:45 am And. A Mich Ex.11 :15 am B. Har. A A. Ex 2:20 pza W.FLW. A M.Ex 5:55 pm B. Ind. A So Ex 6:00 pm N. Y. A B. Ex 7:15 pm'N. Y. A & L. Ex U ;15 pnt EEIGKTWOOD DIVISION. Depart. Arrive. 4:00 am 2:20 pm 6:4Gam..... 4:Mpn 6:15 am.-. . 3:30 pmjlO :35am- 8:50 pa 10:10 am...- 5:25 pm 2:00pm-. .10:85 pu 11:15 am....... 7:15 pm 3:25pm. For all information, rates, maps, time tables, etc., call at the Union Ticket Omce, Bates Houej comer, Massachusetts Ayenue Depot cr at thj Union Depot. BTATE RAILWAY TIME TAHLK KvansvUle and Terre Haute Railroad. I Via Vandalia Line.1 Lve Indianapolis- t7:l3 am pll:55 am slC:45 pa Terre Haute... 10:40 am! 3:00pm, 3:20 aa Arr Evanrville.....: 4:00 pm! 7:05pm1 7:10 aa Lve Evansvllle t6:05 am rl0:30am,s 8:15 pa Arr Terre Haute. 10:00 am 2:17pn; 11:59pm Indian spoils-1 3:30 pm! 4:40pa 3:50 aa Daily, t Daily except Sunday, r Parlor car, 8 Sleeping car. ICvauavl.Me and Terre lut Kailroad. Via I. and St. L. Railway. Lve Indianapolis- t7:l0 am! ; 11:30 pa Terre Haute.. 10:40 am r 8:00 pm s 3:20 am Arr Evansvllle i lepras 7:C5pm! 7:10am Lve Evansvllle 16:05 am:TlO:80 am s 8:15 pa Arr Terre Hantc;i0:00 em r 2:17pm 9 ll:59pm Indianapolis,! 8:15 pmi 6:25 pen I 3:45 am Dally, t Daily except Sunday, r Parlor car 8 Sleeping car. Kel P.iTcr. IFAVr IA8T. ARFJTX. :S0 pm 7 :00 an j7 :10 pm 1 :00 pa 00 pa 7:53 an C:23Mnll;S3an 3lpm 9:45 an 4:43 pm 9;12 aa :12 pm 10:30 pm;3 :25 pm 7:25 axur Ar.tlTE. j LXAVX. 00 am 11:30 am 2:45 pm 6:30 aa Logsnsport... 7 Denver I. P. &; C. Crossing.. 9 Col nmbia City 11 Auburn June- 1 Butler-. .-! 2 L,oganeport, CrawfordsTtlle and western Vandalia Xdne. Soatk SOCTH. a 350BTH, a. m. p. mi 11:SC 9;2T 8:40 6:5t 7:00 5:21 8:44 8:11 ! 6:40 4:CJ a, m. p. m.i 7:00 8:00 dep..--.Ixganrport... 8:55 10:4C 9:52 2:05 4 :w aep-uoif x via 1. c.& L -ar 6 :?-5 ar ...Indianapolis.- .dep 5:45 arCrawIordrville-. dep 8:0ü ar Terre Haute dep Fort Wayne, Cincinnati and Lonlsvllle (Leave Indianapol-i r.a Bee Line.) McrawABD. NOETHWAB3, p. m. 11:151 6:00 pn 9:23 3:67 pm 7:41H2:I8pm a. m. Ar, Ind'napo'Ja Lv.i 4:tc 1C:10 aa Mundo " 1 6:(0 1:18 pa -Hartford-, ,6:37, 2:00 pra " ...Ei-rTtcn.- " ;7:"C 2:58pa 6:50 12:C3pr: 6:50 ll:C0am:!LT. Fort Wayne Ar 8:301 4:00 pm Direct connection at lort Wayne with u 8, aau II. H. trains !or allpointa rorth and eJt. Cincinnati, Wabash and Lllchlgan, wia Ltea Line. IndAGrREx- 4:15amjWabAIad Ex-.ll:CKaj MIchASoBEx-ll:00am'ClnAIndrjc- 2:VXrfB WabaaH Ex 6:10pm lnditL Ex U:lCpa Wabash Bail way, from Lafayette Joncüon. connecting wita L, Qj auiu x j 11:00 am '12: 15 am! tr-Spa -i 2:43 am 8;CS 43fJ ana x- ExprcsR, west express, east.-.