Newspaper Page Text
( " " ' i' THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL TUESDAY MORNING MARCH 31 1885 II Ü rnin J.. rxn Scquests Ca8li and Short-Tiino Buyorsto compare following prices A rlnmnTifinrt DInn Odd Lots Fancy Shades closing i.Hen'a Unlaundried Reinforced ilUdllldllllllb Illlb. at Irom 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. i Shirts, extra value, at S3, 3 4 r 2Qc, 18c, 16c 14c, net. BRASS PINS. No. ß 32I-2C, 30c, 27 12c net. TUCKER & COOK'S KNITTING COTTON, in the latest design and color VVHte, all numbers from 8. pgs, ranging in price from to 20, at J5c lb. net. 8 l-2c up. special PBICE3 on 5-4 TABLE OILCLOTHS.! SPECIAL PRICES ON DOMESTIC GOODS LEGISLATIVE NOTES. 31. Ii. Slater, or Johnson County, Asking Payment for the Destruction of His Printing Oflice. Jtn Senate Takes a Recess In Honor of Senator Magee'a Appoint ment as Minister to Nor way and Sweden. The Appellate Court bill was cal'ed up in lhe Senate again yesterday, bnt peid:ng action npon it the Senate adjourned. The House yesterday rejected a resolution lo limit debate to firs minutes and explana tions of rote to one minute. Also a rc30 Jaiion to adjourn sine die cn Saturday. Hon. William Kcal, o! Johnson County, Iin ex Sheriff and one of the most earnest workers ia the Democratic harness in the State, was on the tlo:r cf the House yester day. The Senate yesterday afternoon discussed lhe bill to prevent gambling at agricultural lairs, and some Leat was manifested by 3nemb4Sof both sides to tbe debate. The ibill failed to pa3s for want of a constitution 's! majority, the vote beins: 2.3 to 1G. Several gentlemen from Johnson County "were in tha city je3terday and called npon ihe Governor to ass that Miss Lillian Thomp son, of that city, be appointed as one of the irustees of the Knightown institutions. 3fisa Thompson graduated with tbe honors tf her class from Franklin College, and Bince that time has been engaged in the school work. Bbe is now employed in the schools at Knightatown and is conversant with the needs of the limitation. She is in ftvery way worthy of tin position and her appointment would be a gcod one. Hon. Wiley DIttemore has in charge a claim of M. R. Slater, which he will present in the Hoc38 as soon as the opportunity offers. Slater was editing the Democratic 3dtrid at Franklin during the war, and in ih iiter iast of 1S64 a regiment of Fmn- ?lv8nia soldiers stopped in the town and jrufed hi c&ce from girret to cellar. The -aloe cf tbe material destroyed is fixed a 5M, and the State will be asked to reim burse him for the Ices. Affidavits of Leon IRitchey, at the time Deputy Provost Mar Bbal, and C. H. i rance, W. Ö. Kegsdale and Xogan McCiel.'an, then and now citizens of Franklin, occompany the claim and sever ally recite the facta connected with the de struction of the material and presses belong ing to Slater's oflice. CONGRATULATING MR. MAG EE. It would be difficult to depict the manifes tation of delight in the State Senate yester day la approval of Hon, Rxm Magee'e aptcintaient as Minister of this country to the courts of Sweden and Norway. Sena lor Fonike congratulated the Senate and the country on the excellence of the selection ryine: that it disclosed the highest type of wisdom on the part of the appainting power. .He was followed by Senator Johnson, of TTiprecanoe, Senator Thompson, of Marion, and Senator Campbell, of Hendricks, who declared that the Democrats, la the measnre of tteir enthusiasm, did not exceed the Re pub j cans. After a short recess, during which Mr. Ma see a hand was shaken in htartv congratula tion, Speaker Jewett spoke, alluding to the isct that he and the gentleman this day holl ered, something over twenty years ago, were stnr enta togetner in the Stale University. Trea, as now," continued Mr. Jewett, ynng Magee was noted for his industry and truth, and his aversion to every charac ter of artifice trd chicanery. Tb integr'tv Trst has characterized his action in this ledywonthe friendship of his fellow tu fenta." Tears that could not be concealed attested Mr. Magee a feeling, which to have avoided, la response to a tribute so cordial I od sincere, fce most have been same thin.; wnsco III J C3IIÜ! less than value. The largest variety and best values ever shown in Lace Curtains, Bed sets, Lam brequins, Cretes, Madras Cur tains, Muslins, Etc. CRETONNES. Do not fail to sea our Curtain Poles and Trimmings. more than human. Having recovered,a Senti nel reporter said: "I understand you have not solicited, and that you were surprised by tbe eppolntment. Who suggested yoar name to tbe appointing power? ' Mr. McDonald," was the answer. "I ows all that I am to that grand man. Through Lis iL Haence twenty years ago I secared a place on tte editorial force of the Sjntiuel, and from that dsy to this he h&s been my best friend." As an evidence ol Mr. Magee's papularity with his brother Senators, the Senate took a recess, after adopting ia the order given th9 following resolutions: Bv Senator Smith, of Jennings: Resolved. That the Indiana Sonate congratulate Pmident Cleveland for bis good judgment in se lling the Senator from Cass, Hod. Uafus M?ee. 10 the position of Minister to Norway and re ieu, and that the Senate now lake a res lor ten minutes in honor of the Senator from Cass. Senator Johnion, of Tippecanoe: Wherea, The FreMdent of the United SUte has appointed Hon. Bufus Magec, the Senator from Cass. American Minister to the court o! Sweden and Horway : P.etolved, That the Senate ot the State of Indi ana express the great satisfaction aud entire ap probation of this appointment, and consider it a öt tribute to the eminent ability and worth of oae of its most prominent members. Resolved. Teat the Senate of Indiana cordially cor gratnlates Hon. Rnfus Maaee on the distin guished honor conferred upon him by this ap pointment. Resolved, Tiat the Secretary of the Senate be aud hrety is Instrucud ta forward certiaed copies of these resolutions both to the secret rv of Ftate. Hon. Thomas K. Bayard, and to Hon. Rufus Ma gee. By Senator Fonike: Kesolved, That the Senate unanimously and without distinction of part, communicate to the l'resldeat our sene of the honor conferred on our body, as well as of the eminent nine of the appointment of the Hon. Kafus Macee as Mini ter rMdent of the United rtates to Sroekholm, aad that we feel assured that in tnis appointment tne United Utts will t? Biwt ably aad filly repre sent. nv :)e court of StCKk'iolm THE RAILROADS. What Is Fxpected from To-Morrow's Meeting of TTestern Railroad Man agers The I , D. and S. to Pass Out of the Hands of the I., B. and W. To-Morrow. All the high officials cf Indianapolis roads will attend the meeting at Chicago tomor row. Werk on the Indianapolis, Eel River and Southwestern Road will be resumed in a few days. Thronen west bound shipments from New York over the trunk lines during the firat half of March were just about , the same as last year and a little more than in 1833 or 1S81, and were exceeded only in 1S8-'. There is considerable interest renewed along the proposed route of the Vincennes and Ohio River Road, which will, if built, connect Jasper with the O. and M., E. and T. H. and Cairo and Indianapolis Roads. The Toledo aad Indianapolis people, it is laid, will spend several thousand dollars next month in making betterments in the roadbed and track. A numberof new freight cars and passenger coaches will be pur chased. The Union people are making preparations for the building o! the new depot aa rapidly as possible, and the day is not far distant when it will be under headway. It is un derstood that the General Managers, at their next meeting, will decide upon a location. Eastern railroad aansera have, during the past few months, spent a large portion of. their time tryicg to place the trunk line pool on a Rood, sound basis, and it seems that they have given the entire matter np in disgust. Now the Western managers take bold, and the meeting to morrow promises to be a very important one. The situation ia one well calculated to command the at tention, and involve the pride of Western railroad men, for if they succeed in regu lating a traffic they will win and deserve grt at credit. Mach is expected of to-mor- O il 57 and 59. '. Working Shirts, Overalls an Jumpers. Gauze Summer Füerino, Liste, Baibriggan and Silk Un derwear in all grades and sizes. Carpet department Wool Ingrains, 32 I 2c. , Cotton and Wool ingrains, 25s. Cotton Chain Ingrains, 14c Double Cotton Cham, 17 l-2c. ! Double Cotton Chain, 22 l-2c. row's conference, and there is every indica tion that much will come Irom it. It ia true that nothing which they can do will make business very profitable for some months, tut we have to look ahead more than a fer months, and at least a few cents of profit p?r hundred pounds may be secured, which will be a much-needed addition to the in come cf most ot the roads, and without enne agreement it is doubtful if any profit whatever can be had from the great bulk of U.e through trathc. H. B. Hammond, President and Receiver cf the Indianapolis, Decatur and Springfield Road, will assume control of that property to morrow. The ether recently appointed officials will take charge of their respective cepartments. As announced by Superin tendent Bendtr a few days ago, for the pres ent but two trains daily will be ran between this city and Decatur. All freight and pasi- erf er cars beior ging to the I., D. and S. have been re'ettered by the I., B. and W. and will be turned over to tbe owners to-morrow incrning. Tb I., B. and W. will continue to tee the I , I. and 8 for eome time yet. C. K KKEOKLO & WUITSKTT, Funeral DIrectoiRand EmMlmcrs, No. 77 North Delaware street. Telephone connection to office and residences. Carriages for Weddings and Parties. WEOA! JANUARY! fit 2 : AN Kemova o I the Old Established Harness Shop OF- TO- ffn. CS EsstWajh. 8t. and 71 Eat Court St.. With the Largest Stock of Harness, Horse Blank ets. Clothing, iiobes, etc, ever shown in the State. K:egant Rooms and Elegant Goods. e -Writers. FULLY WARRANTED. Purchasers of the "Standard Remington" may return & O.D. within ö0 days if unsatisfactory. Machines Rented. Full line of SupplUa: ribbons. carbon, Type-Writer Paper, parts, etc.. on hand. SOLE AGEHTS ssaja-3si-ki 17 8onth Meridian Btreet. Condtt nioek. 5 WAY. RAR Ml IM ,.J . " t COAL, WOOD iND KINDLING. Prico of Wood Reduced. YARDS: 475 E. Dich, and 183 E. Harket. Telephone &56. ö-olIJü IM J Typ i 'It "IfTil JLlLJ with tlioso a6kcd for Closing ' a large lot of our famous "Baroness" Gossa mer Circulars. The best ever marie in the grade at 75c regular for Ladies, 70c regular for Hisses. Jcb in Wen's Check-lined Rubber Coats at l.37 1-2 regular. Hair-line Shawls at 62l-2c, i, $1.25, SI.50 and $2. Silk and Wool Persian Shawls at $4.75, $6 and 57. mbroidered Cashmere Fi rhus, for Street Wear, at 75c, SI, $125, SI.50 up to the finest. THIS WEEK, AMUSEMENTS. W .'7; iS 7 r V r f lf- r Wedued;iy and Thursday Kvenlugs. April 1 aad -. tbe Accomplished Young Artiate, I1INNIE M4DDBRN! Ft rrorted by Htnry Miller and the original Xe York caat in "CAPRIG jZ2S By llowarrt P. Taylor. rq., ro-author of "May riottom." I'opular l'ric. Scats now belling, Fi -Miy and Saturday, April :id and 1th, and Sat urday BiHtinee, the McCaull Optrft Comiquo Company, Jobu A. McCaull. proprietor and manager, iu the latent New York success, "FALKA." Prico toft chairs and parquette, 51; p-ir M'it-'tte and dress circle. Itc: admisftion.2 and 50c. fca e of nuts open Wednesday morning, April 1, at the box oBue. jww iiuuk 'if in m-mrn hITTV II. Ir.itantaneouB lilt!! Crowded House!!! People's Popular Prices. ISc - li3o. - QSo - OOc uny Gordon Ceinic Opera Co. This (Tucpav) Fvenln?, Giroflo G-irofla- Vveoiifrlay Matinee. Frn Dinvolo. Weane1ay Evealn. JLazv IVX Hfiicotto- iburvday tvenintt, lixrotto. Fil1y Nicht and 8atur lay Matinee, 1 111 loo Taylor. taturOAT Kvetun?. Iairate of I?ouzanoo. SI and 80 WASHINGTON ST. AFTERNOON EVENING - at 2 O'CLOCK, at 3 O'CLOCK. Commencing March SOtb. for one week only, the Famous IlycrN Sintern Colored Comedy Company. The FIrit Appearance of the Famous HYERS SISTERS in THE IILaCKYILLE TWINS, In full three acts. Introducing new chorus, quar tette, trios and other specialties. Admission 10 cents; reserved seats 5 cents extra. MERIDIAN KINK! POLO ! POLO I LE AG TJ E GAMES. MASC0TTE3 (Uravette) vs. MEKIDI1XS. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March SO, 31, and April 1, AD31ISS1 ON. ...... ............. ..,2 5 Cents. Including Skatea or Surface. COLLEGE AVENUE RINK WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, Pri2e for the Most Graceful Co u Die 8kaiinr-a pairol ftkates to eicb. . Saturday Afternoon, April 4, Mu:ilc and Race for Boys. D .A. BOHLEN & SON, ARCHITECTS, ERDIAIAfflüS. IHD N A XJ IT COMP tlio same quality of ' Special Bargains in Dres I Gcctis ano Silks. The bes All-Silk Surah ever sold a 85c ren. 500 pieces All-Silk Pongee, 27 l-2c reg. Ore lot of Colored Cashmere, 23-iriCb, 15c ne One lot English Gray Oebege, 38-inch, 27 l-2c reg. One lot French Tamise (colors), 42-inch, 50c reg. Full line of White Goods. BE SURE AWNINGS And Waterproof CoTerIn?8 for sale and rnt. Ducking cf all widths and 7 weiehta. 194 Eait Washington St. WANTED. L06T Any article of value, not exceeding thiee lines, Inserted two times FREE. Under the head "Sitnatioa Wanted," four linei or less, Inserted FREE. WANTED Washing and ironinz to do at home, or will go out. Call or address MRS. HOLDMAN, 47 Blake street. 29-3 WANTED Situation as housekeeper or to do family sewiDp. by a middle-aged lady. Ad dress M. E. I-., Eentinel oüice. 2K WANTED Dressmaking to do in families by the week or day by an exptrlenced fitter. Call at 22'J N rtn New Jersey street. 2i "Vr ANTED Situation b7 a good custom and ex V? change miller: good ren sons for bein out cf a job AddrfR R. 8. UAITERM AN, Falmouth, V.uth Couty, Indiana. 27 WAN1ED Partner: man with $5'0 to go in with practical workman ana buy bakery, confectionery and restaurant dem a good hn.i-r-t-f, in Leg&ctport, lud. AddrtsaJ. M. aU'J'J3 H'8. Loathport, Ind. FOR SALE. I. Oli SaLE Cue fine draft stallion. ' t CO. RA LS TO 16 I OR SALE Fixiure for a firt das c:?r (hup. Call tt 25 south Pennylyaii'a feet LV-H A LZ. Tw o tbuuMul UCoq"9 ixütt tiee y one und twoyters 0!d; ttiey will crow in an' :) bi d aiij (liu.aie; tLey U?in btarin? whei V. f e years o d, and when n;s to eistbt yera old o it xt-ii to tlJtK:n bubes jor tree: Ibae20t trr c on try farm, neir Shelby ville, two years old ÖV:cg Cntly; Rend In your orders eariy: will de lloi In Harch and April: tcruii reasonable. B 8 vrTTON. fcheltyville, Ind. 13 ANNOUNCEMENTS. THOSE going to not springs lor tae treatment of syphilia, gleet, scrofula, and all cuuneoui or blood diseases, can be cured for one-third the cost of such a trip at the old reliable stand. I have been located here for twenty-three years, and with the advantage of long and successful experience can warrant a cure in all case& Spermatorrhea aLd lmpotency, in all their stages, posltivelj cured. OSice hours, 8 a. m. to 9 p. m., 43 Virgini avenue, Indianapolis. Pills sent witn full direo tlons at tl per box. DE. BENNETT, successor tc Dr. Ewlng. TO MANUFACTURERS A rare opportunity for purchase or lease for a ttim of years. Tbe . P. Ferry Lumber Compaay, of Montagne, Mukegon County, Michigan, owns a large three story building, 50x100 feet, well lighted, shaUine and pulleys full length, with engine-room 60iiO feet: ample boiler and engine: ail in good repair, rcomy grounds; convenient for water shipment, aDd also alongside C. and W. M. Railroad tract:. Address, for price and terms, ROBERT CAITH NESS. Agent. 7 FINANCIAL. MONET At the lowest rate of Interest J. W, WILLIAMS A Co., 8 and 4 Vinton Block. TO LOAN We have f5,0CO to loan on Indian apolis real estate, HENRY COK & CO.. It Martindale Bloc. 36- rpo LOAN Money witn privilege or prepay. X xnent: terms reasonable. THOS. C DAT A CO.. 73 East Msrkst street. Indianapolis. TO LEA8E. TO LEASE Hotel, with bar attached: good loca tion near Union Depot; all fixtures for sale. Address HOTEL, this oflice. raarMmeod SMITH'S CHEMICAL PTE-WORKS, Pa. I MartlnBdAle'i Block, near Postoffloe, Clean, dye and repair gentlemen's clothing; mi ladies' dreseec shawls, aacquea, and alDx an woolen goods of every description, dyed and rt Cnisned ; kid gloves neatly cleaned at 10 cents po Elr. Will do mere first-cliaa work for lea ntmo in any house of the kind In the state. CHARLES A. SIMPSON. Managst, W8.BAWLB, . D EXT IST. 5 Claypool Block, opposite Batet House, SpecUl attention given to tne preservation of Uu . natuxsitee Prtcws reaaooad, in I .0 AMT Goods in any market: Hamburg Net yand All Over Embroideries. The greatest variety of patterns eyor shown. Hamburg and Swiss Edgings In new and elegant match patterns. fte printed Linen Handker chiefs from 75c per dozen and up. Big Job in Dress Buttons, C3St from $1.25 to $3, for OK 5c per Gross TO SEE THEM. BUSINESS CARDS. Therms' represented below are the moil tt unch end reliable in the city, and ore entirety vurthy of the jiatrvwot of Sentinel e -der$, A rOTHECARY AKD DRUGGIST. DR. E. D. PORTER, 99 South Illinois 8L Dr. Dendj'a Cherry Cough Cure, Sample free. KTIFICIAX. TEETH WITHOUT JPJL,iVTlßt At ZGli East Washingtoa itreet. BeferenccB given to parties wearing thena. W. FISHER, if. D., TILE SPECIALIST, 95 North Delaware Street. Office Da;g: Thursday, FriIay an 1 6atur3ay. JALLARD'3 POPULAR IC1C CREAM. Orders from Churches, Festival., Partie. Pic nica, and Adjoining Towus promptly supplied. Creamery, 102 North Delaware. Telephome 40. C UARLK3 A. NICOLL CNGItAVlCIi orv woo U East liariet street, oppoelta Poo tv, Infllanapollt, Ind. JMAS. E. EIIOYKR. PURE LAKE ICE. 02ice: Na 171 East Market Street. Telephone SOG. Not connected with ice combiuation companies EN TIST, J. G. PARSONS, 30 West Washington Street, OVER NEW3 OOieo Indianapolis. H. C. BTrVENS' NEW WALL PAPER & 8 HADE HOÜEJL 44 ast Ohio street, Indianapolis. OU-Clotha, Ruggs and Mats. 8peclai designs la Window Shade and Interior Decoration. pTARNISa, BADDLE3, ITO. AJO HERETII. 71 Fast Court 6L and W, East Wash. 8L MSTEAD. PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, No. 150 Virginia Avenue. JNDIANAPOLI3 BUSINESS UNIVERSITV. A Live Commercial School. Catalogue Free. When Elock, North Pennsylvania 8L, opposite Postotlice. JISO i HOLMES, IRON,-FENCE CRESTING, ETC Reliable Agents Wanted. OSceand Salesroom No. 12,' North Delaware 3t. GLEAN MOAT UABKET3, 212 East Washington St.,7S North Pennsylvania St. EUlla l and 3 East Market House. Spring Lambs a specialty, "y-HLrerr a adams, EZWZS AND GE5XRAL CONTRaCTOKB Koota a Taorpo Kack, iBd'JLnangila. 1 I A Lr