Newspaper Page Text
THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL FRIDAY MORNING APRIL 3 1885 5 LEGISLATIVE NOTES. H aUhj.Seitimeit ia Firor f Woman's Ma (Träfe Indicated ia the Homse. Complimentary Resolutions Regarding General af. D. Manson The Sen ate Reconsiders Its Reso lution to adjourn. il preventatives McClellan, of Porter, and Hey, of Adams, are both too ill to be pres ent at the seaaioni of the House. Mr. Best yesterday lntrodnced a joint reso lution for an amendment to the Cons ti ta ilor aMkaag out the word "male," thus . :.(? to women the right of suffrage. Tbe jtse .tion failed to pass for want of a const i -dt ,nal majority, tbe vo e being 1 to S3 in lin r of its passage. The 8e::ate yesterday reconsidered its ac tion of the day before regarding the adjourn ment sine die on Monday aert. It also set pside its special order, the consideration of Ihe General Appropriation bill, wbicb, how aver was taken up jnst bf re tne non re st's and considered daring '.be entire after noon. The House yes'erday concurred in the ISenate amendments to tbe bill prohibiting ibaee bail playing on Banday, and the bill only wants the Governors (denature to be ctn e law. As the emergency clausa was Btr cien oat, the law will be inoperative till the publication of the lawn, and tbe Sanday pa met may be played till this is done. The Fee and Salary bill, substituted for the Wosier bill by tbe committee, was called up in the House yesterday, and, after some dis cussion, ww referred to a spec;:il committee W'tb instructions to report on Mondsy. This action wonld seem to i nd i date that loot hin will be done on the question of fees n i salaries, as tbe measure, even if adopted 2y the House, can not reach the Senate till near tbe constitutional limit of the special ion. Messrs. Shanks. (Jartwient and IBears were appointed as the committee. A Representative stated yesterday that the House would have adopted the Senate reso lution to adjourn sine die on Monday next, td as scon as that body discovered that the et timent in favor of adjournment was so strong, tne Senate's actiou was reconsidered and the resolution recalled. "They have been badgering us in the Senate on this ques tion of adjournment," said the member, ' but just as soon as, they found that we were in clined to sdopt their resolution they recalled it. Tbe House has disposed of the General Appropriation bill, and the Senate can not put us in a 'hole' any more by passing a res olution to adjourn." The Governor has approved of the follow ing hills: An act authorizing Boards of County Commissioners to make suitable appropriations from th County Treasury for the education of pauper children ; an act to amend Section 213 and to repeal Section 212 of an act entitled an act concerning pub lic offenses and their punishment; an act authorizing persons having claims against the State of Indiana to bring suit in the Su preme Court, and authorizing persons to bring snit against the State in the Judicial Courts to quiet title to real estate in certain eases, perscribing tbe duties of Ihe Attorney General and Prosecut ing Attorneys in such cases: aa act dtäning the Twelfth, Tenth and Forty mneth Jcdic'al Circuits; an act to amend fiectioc 1. 2. and 3, of an mrt entitled aa act to amend Sections 255. 256 and 857 of an act entitled -n act concerning taxation; an act to legalize a deed heretofore made by Aquti la Jones, as Treasurer of the State of Indi ana, for certain lands therein described, sit uated in Randolph County, to William M. J.ock ; an act to prohibit forced contributions of money or property from employes by cor Derations cr their otlicers; an act to amend h lions 1, J, and 3 ot an act entitled aa at to create tbe Forty third Judicial Circuit ai tl to provide for holding terms of court in the FonrJeenih Fifteenth and Forty-third Orcuitb, and ether matters connected there "W.t.'i. OWES PING .EN FRAJ. VAX-OX. Senator Johnf oo, of Tippecanoe, yesterday introduced resolutions exprtts;ng the de sire of the General Assembly that General 31. l. Manson ball be properly recognized by the administration. The resolutions, which are as follows, were unanimously adopted : Whereas, The Government of the United State .has many orlices of honor and trust In its gift by -which to reward distinguished service of indi vidual citizens; be it Keinlved, by the Senate of tie täte of Indiana the House of Kepreeentat.v incurring-, Taat His Excellency, President Cleve and, is hereby iTenectfiiliy petitioned to confer uoon the dis tingob-he-i l ieutenant Governor, Mahlon D. Man son, an sppuiuiuiMt worthy of his high character aa vet ran soldier and pub ic man. Beoived, That General Mahlon D. Manson. in tne various positions that ho has held aa soldier und General in the field, as a h aaslaSor and dute orticlal, and aa the President of the Senate, has aiveu abundant evidence of hi many sterling qaaltliee of inlrd and character aud he is emi ntntiy worthy of an honorable recognition by toe Cieueral tov rnment. Hesolved. That a certified copy of these resol u tiooa, the free and voluntary expression of the unanimous sentiments of this General Assembly toe iorwar U.1 to his Excellency, the President of irf Chile J Srates, and that they be spread on the urnala of the House of this Legislature. THE RAILROADS. lis generally conceded that if the trank line pool is reorganize'! on a sound and pay ing basis Commissioner Fink will not resign. Grain is at present being carried from this city to New York at sixteen cents per 100 pounds On Monday the rate will be ad vanced to eighteen and a half cents. A. B. Southard, formerly General Traffic Manager of the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago Krad, has been appointed Geueral Manager of the ueen and Crescent route, with headquarters at Louisville. As was announced sometime ago, several miles of t s new steel rails will belaid on the Be't. and improvements will be made in the read at certain points. The business of tba Belt . uatinea its owners in making bet terments. Tourist business promises to be much heavier this year than la?t, and there is every indication that the several watering places and pleasure resorts ia Northern In- diaoa will present a very fine appearance throughout the summer. Many much needed improvements are being made at Maxin Jtuckee. Work on the new hotel will begin in a abort time and a new steamboat will be placed on the lake about the last of this month. All the roads leading to this point are issuing bright colored bangers setting forth the advantages. Again that silly rumor that Boston capi talists were trying to dispose of their hold ings in the Evansville an l Terra Hants Ked appears in an Eastern journal. Tne paper wbicb publishes this rumor says that the aforesaid capitalists are not satisfied wita the manner in which it is being operated This is a direct cut at President Mj:iay. who, as the Sentinel has often said, is one of tbe best railroad men in the State. The E. and T. H., the present management, ia a pay ing road. Its business i constantly ou the increase, and it is in equally as good physi cal condition as any other road of the lame length in Indiana. Tbe bondholders are weil satisfied with its President, tbe Kastern journal to the contrary notwithstanding. THAT I Mil IIB MKETIN .. Chk A O, April 2 The committee of fif teen appointed yesterday at the meeting of the representatives of the principa' railroads north of the Ohio Iliver and hetweenButIalo and the Missouri River, to formulate a plan for an association for the maintenance of rates, met this evening, but as the three corxmitteea, also appointed yesterday, to draft plans for three pools far roads south of Peoria and of those west of the Mississippi RlTSX were not ready to report, the time for tbeif work was extended to April 15. Tne remainder of the forenoon session was de voted to a get eral discn-sion of the railway situation, Ld to a conf-renc? with tie repre sentatives rfjthe leading lines running wt'.ard r orfnarSist f r om th's City, tea re aalt of hieb ass tha: tbty xp-a ed their Willi! pnss lo enter Into a cros tont a e pool which sbou d include all the freight carried, thereby tasnsaj in tha' wnich has i eretofore been diverted to n- n piol roajs At the afternoon wess on J. H. Devreux, of iL- lie Lue. ortfrfM tbe following resjlu I i a, which were ad -pted: Whereas The representative of th rtilroad of the - täte of Illinois, indtana, Ohio, P-mnaylvania and New York, aa represented at this meeting, oting moved by a deep seose of the impossibility at -ached to them, as dudüc aervanta in the dis charge of corporate treats, and believing that the t:me has come wneu public criticism and public . - .tiny should be especially invoke t for a tt'orongb consideration of the causes of financial - is which have attended the operation of rail rond r roperty, to tbe end that rigntful action and t o iI eration shall and may be secured in respect t the tine reiationa conditions and responsibil ities as to the State and Nation: thtrelore, Kteoivtd, That a committee be orssn izd and appointed which may consist of seven or more skilled and experienced men, who shall carefully consider the existing j laus governing and the practice obtaining in railroad constructlm and operation ; that waat- evtrchangeo. protection under the law la fouud j to be reasonable the same shall be set forth in a prefaced agreci ent, together with all facts of the situation : that thns prepared, on or before t'ie 4th day of July n xt tbe committee shall call a convention to eet at the city of Philadelphia, inviting thereto y special aad particular notice the railroad commissioners of the several States, the transportation committees of Congress, including tbe Chief of the Bureau of Utailstlca, representatives of the commercial iuterea.s o( the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, 8t. Louis, Cincinnati, and other Western cities between the Mississippi and tbe ceabcard, together with representatives of American manufacturers; that the facts as found by the committee, and their report and recom mendations, be there considered aud the results be Riven the widest publicity for information and action of the people. Reiolved. That this plan be recommended as the sense of this meeting to the Eastern road, and that if approved and accepted by them the truak lines, while receiving onr co-operation, are re spectfully urged to move in and direct the mat ter. A committee was appointed to draft a plan for raising rates from interior points in the Middle States to the seaboard for the purpose of giving the lines in the middle pool terri tc ry an increased compensation. A committee was appointed to consider tbe question of the demoralization of rata springing from competition of lines ontside of the pools, and a resolution was passed that rending a future meeting nothing be lakes below tariff rates, and the committee 8(cnrncd to April 15. AMI'S KM EM'S. NEW OI'SRA AT THE 0RA.VO. It ü seldom that any of the light opera ccmnanies vbiting this city present an? bit the works wnich have laen known for years, and which are the common propert7 of aay who wish to use them. When, therefore, a company arrives which has for years pa?t played only those operas which are of recent date and which are piayed by no otner or ganization, it is a novelty in itself worthy of sttertion. This has been the practice of the McCaull Opera Company, which will be at the Grand Opera House to-night and to ncrrow night, producing their latsst New York success, "Falka," and it has gained a lepntation for tbe excellence of the com pany, the elegance of the oetumes, besides the entire nrvely of the operas presented in New York City. This opera is the bear in their repertoire, and onibines good music and fun in an excellent manner. UOF.PON OPERA COMPANY AT BMUSVSl Owing to the inclemency of the weather last evening but a fair s'zed audience wit i s'd ' Olivette." Miss Gordon, in the tti'e re e, sang the best and looked the sweetest of ucy night this week 'She has, seem iPffly, entirely recovered from ihe : h r' press that interfered with her airing the eariv t:'' of the engagamnt. Mr. Brown as ' Captain De Merimac " kept the scdiecce in excelient humor through Msl the evening Mr. Morgan as 1 Yalen tir e," actrd and sang with bis usual gracs. Thereat of tbe support gave etiMre satis faction. Take it all in all our people have never before been treated to u good a rep Moire of burlesque opera as at the present time. To night "Fra Diavolo" will be put on. "Fatinita"' to-morrow matinee Next week young Chanfran, in hi father's great success, ''Kit. the Arkansas Traveler." and - A Parlor Match," wilh Miss Metrie Fer gribon, the Indianapolis favorite, in the cist THE MUSEUM. The Museum continues to delight lare crowds of people It is open all dav and until 10 at night. Go and take the children. PERSONAL. MENTION . Oimand H. Butler, business manager for 1' vans & Hoy's Parlor Match Company, which will appear at Eaglishe next weex, made ns a pleasant call last night. Hon. W. C. Del'anw, New Albany; Judge Thomas B. Ward, Lafayette; and Dr. S. 8. Foots, Greenfield, were among the more prominent guests at the Bates yesterday. Occidental Hotel: Mrs. Thomas Woods, Wsrsaw. h W. Hongh. Winchester; John H. Pickman. Richmond; Wm. Y. Wiles, 8psn cfT A. Given and wife, Frankfort; B. F. Spann, Anderson; L G. Ibach, Huntington. Bates House : W. R. Henderson. Martins ville; Benjamin Doao, Jasper; W. J. Cun ningham, C. C. T. Bent, J. C. Andrews, F. W. Spencer, Lafayette; C. C. Tenney, Dr. W. A. Fritch, Kvansville: S R. Moon, Roches ter: Bayard 8. Gray, Portland; W. 8. Rav, Sbelbyville; Francis Wilson, Bedford; J, . Henderson, Kekomo: Ben L. Smith. Rush ville: Edward 8. Hays, William Wimpel burg, George H.Wilson, Mount Vernon; Jchn H. Dickman, Richmond; Martin Tbomron aad wife, Crawfordsvllle; A. E. Paige, Frankfort; Mrs. R A. Jones, Ohaan paign. Dr. R. J. Wilson. Salem: Will Cambsck, Greensbnrg; John R Cetfroth, Lafayette; Thomas B. Boskirk. Paoli; John W. Bos kirk, Rloomirgtoo; Chris. 8. 8choff, Fast German town, 8. k. Sajler, Huntington , L. I). B,jd, Delphi ; J. Irving Riddle. Tarre Haute; George Tuthill, Columbas; Frank H. Terry, Samuel P. Terry, Charles C. Terry. Rochester; Mrs. J. F. P:ttman, Blooming ton ;C C Dnnn. 8tinesville; J A McGregor, Colnmbcs; Dr. F. W. Combs. Carmel: Mrs. Null and daughter, New Haven: W. T The rn burg, EngJisb. are at tbe Grand Hotel. Coming. Jobn B. loris' new monster show?, united with the great Inter-Ocean tweive mam n oth shows combined which comprises triple circus in three b separate rings, n egatberi an museum, deep sea aquarium, elevated theater s':tge, and fifty case mensg erie, will make its appearance at Indianapo lis April 17 at d 19 This mighty segregation is universally I reclaimed the grandest tented exbibition in existence, and is familiarly besides reputably known throughout the entire country: and Mr. Doris, by his able manage ment and nilliens of money, has p ased before tbe public an honorable, stratgV forward show. Truly fulfilling ever adver tt ed promise, positively ieooring ail n ru bs&ticmisrf prebentation by presenting every pjoposition of reality an i truth B so lo ir e. the New Monster Slows, consolidated with the Great Inter, have commanded tne reepect and consideration ot ev-ry intelli gent reader; and we really mean evejy word in this article. The list of wonder i al exclu sive features is exceptionally larse, ami only a few of them cau be mentioned. First and foremost is the ponderous and P;onrer War Elephant, ' Berts." tne htoricn of over one htn rel and 6fiy hard fought osttles, and iaonenundrtd and forty-one years of age Acknowledged to be tbe oldest elephant in th world Next comes tbe ferocious man eating lion-s avers, tbe only 'iving pair ever beheld in c iptivity : huge herd ot perform ine e'ephanta; morster blood-swearing bip p potamus; tie only and great Egyptian bovalapus; human blood-socking vampires; grave robbing byenas; royal Abyssinian lions: living ma'ine monster: performing rhirocero: reyal Bengal tg-r-: large drove of Bactrian can els eni dromedaries. Tbe Supreme Court. The following caees were decided in the Supreme Court yesterday: 11,123. Israel Naugle vs. the State ex rel. Robert W. Burton. Monroe C. C. Adirmed. Mitchell, J. 11,757. The L , N. A. and C. R W. Co. vs. Julius (aade. Jasper C. C. Reversed. rJ'iott J. 11 -"5.3 Cephas Atkinson vs Prndence al. Benton C. C. Artirmed. Black, C. 11, 134. leeac C. Elson et al. vs. William H. Castor et al. Hamilton C. C. A.'.irmei. Zlasia J. 11,7! Comm;asioners of Steuben County et al. vs. Hugh D. Wood. Steuben C. C. Af-armei- Best, C. 11678 ChrisMan Warv v. Elizs Forst. NcblC. C. Attirmed. Bicknell, C. C. 11.Ö;.). Thomas Fay lor vs. the Comruis ioceis of Wells County et al. Wells C. C. Reversed. Colerick, C. 11 iö7. Bass Foundry and Machine Works vs. tiara Y. Gatteutine et al. Marsball 0. C. Rehearing denied. Bicknell, C C. 11 907 Isaac C. Johneon et al. vs. E ijah Fitch et al GrantC.C Rehearing deuied. 11,574. Williamson M. Alexander vs. the Commissioners of Monroe County. Monroe C. C. Rehearing denied. Ellars, C. J. Seal Batate Transfers, rne following deeds were recorded Thursday. April 2, as reported by Steeg db Bern name , in tract compilers, u end IS Thorpe Block. Telephone, 1.048: Waller Q Hanna to Conrad C. Koerncr and wife, quit claim to part of Lot 7 in block 2 In Drake's addition to the city of Indianapolis; aUo, part of lot 10 u Merrill's subdivision of outlota 106 and 100 the city of Indlanapo'i'-: also, lot H in Indianapolis and Cincinnati Rail road Company's subdivision of north Pali of ootlot M n the city of In lian polia IMW wtl Toe Indiana Naiionnl Bank o J dins Matzke, warranty deed to lets 10. 17 and 18 In Brown. Fran and Ktcham'a MiPdivlin cf onl t lt'7 and los tu the city o! Indianapolis 1,375 00 John B.tiutnu and o M b c a J Martin, anitclairo to lots 7. 8 a 1 'J tn John b. (ineriu's s ; od i vision of lot in E. T. Fletcher's sond Brookide ad citiou to the city of Iudlanapoü 15 00 Thos. Downs and wife to hrtüet Dwn, warranty deed to lot 41 it McKernan aud Pierce s sub iiviti n of tart of out lot 121 in the city of Indianapolis 1,203 00 Sw-an Moeman et al. to Frederick Pi la ii Hi warranty dted to part of lot 42 in R. Yndea' ct al. sundivialon of outh 1 100. In the city of ladiana polls, Saw 33 Conveyances, 5 consideration.... 112,273 33 Preparing for the Banquet. The resident members of the Sima Chi fraternity met yesterday afternoon'at C. S. DeDny's office, and J. W. Kalin? was called to the chair. Harry Gordon, Will Elliott and F. P. Wheadon were appointed a Com mittee on Arrangements tn prepare for hold lag the fraternity banquet on the evening of ihe luh, sfter he 8'at oratorical contest has been held Mtstrs. Eugene Kreidr, J. W. Kealing and Hon. Char'es L. Jewett, Speaaer of tbe House of Representative, were appoint? d a Committee on Arrange mtnt of Toasts. Another meeting will be held in Mr. Denny's effise to morrow after coon to perfect all arrangements. Misrepresenting Himself. For some time past, a young man named FraDcis Hamilton, who until quite recently Cid extra work about the c dice of tne State Fnperintendent of Public Instruction, has Utn going about the city collecting small sp res of money from various persons, claim ing that be was regularly employed by the Educational Department in the capacity of clerk and collector. A few days ago he went to Cincinnati and worked several persons in ihst city who afterwards caused him to be brought before the suthorities. He was rep rimanded ard permitted to depart because of his connections. Cornea of Fighting; Stock. Shelbyville (lad.) Dally Democrat. "Uncle Hiram' Drake and his estimable wife, of Shelby Township, made a pleasant call on tha Democrat to-day. "Uncle .Hi ram is seventy -five years old to-day, and is aa sturdy a man as can be found who has passed the age allotted to man. The Demo crat wishes that he may live to see many more birthdays. "1'ocle Hiram" comes of Revolutionary stock, his grandfather, Joseph Drake. 8r., having served all through tne Revolutionary War, dying at tbe advanced age of 104 years. His father, Joseph Drake, served in tbe War of 1812. and died at the age of ninety three Uncle Hiram" had three Eons in the late war, and all his bovs, five in number, vote with him the Demo cratic ticket. Mr. Blaine Wai Anticipated. I Boston Globe. Mr. Blair e is reported as saying that Cleve land bas a g od deal of backbone and thinks be will niaae a good President. This man Blaine is a smart fe k w and generally knows ability when he sees it. In the present case the icf)rmaticn tones too late for news The pe pie discovered it some time ago. Bfinlater mrnriiium, Sew York livening Post. If tbe Americanism of a man who is a de fcendant of a revolutionary soldier, and who aas born and bred and has lived n.i iy all bis life in Vermont, can not .stand the test, tl ere is litti chance cf anybody, ex.ep! Finerty or O' Donovan, being e jual to it. C Mans' Bock Bear, omled f )r famil v ne, r.m be obtained at tbe brewery, fd.ephoaa No. 221. C. Moos' Bock Beer, bottled for family use, can be obtained at the brewery. Telephone Ho 2'Jl. P. Lieber Ä Co,'s Pilsener Beer on draught to day. C. Mans' Beck Beer, I ottled for family us, can be obtained at the brewery. Telephons No. 221. P. Lieber A Ca's Piiseaer Bser on draught to day. C. Mans' B:ck Beer, bott.edf r family use, can be obtained at the brewery, l'olepbone No. 221. P Lieber &. Co.'s Pilsener Beer on draught to day. C. Maos Bojk Beer, bottled for family use, can be obtained at the orewery. Telephone No. 221 C K KBKOKLO Jfe WHITKRTT, Funeral Directors and Embalmer. No. 77 North Delaware street. Ictephone connection to office and residences. Carriages for Weddings and Parties. Absolutely Pure. Tais powaer never varies, a marvel of parity atrmgih and wholesomenesa. adore ecouo nica thv.u tbe ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or plosphate powders. Sold only n uns. Royal Baaise Fowosa Co.. 100 Wat) tret New York. CARTER'S PILLS. CURE fl':k Headache and relieve all tho troub tort dent to a biliona Ftata cf tho system, euch aa Dis r Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Fain in the Sido, &f While their moat remark -hi Buccaa has bcunehown n curing SICK nada'ha,yt Carter's Little LrvrPittaareeqaatry valuable in Constipation, curing aud nreventini tliia annoying complaint, while tney also correct ad dteordc of tho at omach, stimulate the liver ud rco.- the bowels. Even it iiiey only cuxe i HEAD j At he thoy vrnJd be aimo pHreleas to those whö eullr-r from this distressing complaint ; but fortu- natly their goodnef -j uco notend here, and thooa vt bo once try them will flv.d these ltttlo plus vara able in so many ways that they will not be willing $odo without them. But after &h sick head AC Fi 2 b the bane cf so miny Uvea that hero ii wbTe w make our grat boaU Cur pLUa cure it while Otiiers do cot. Carter's Littlo Liver Pill are very email rnd vory eaay to take. On or two pills make a doe. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe oc purge, but by their gentle action please all who ose them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1 DOsf by druggista everywhere, or sent by maiL ' CARTFire atEPICINB CO. ?ew Tewk City M ONKT At the lowest rate of lntereL J. W. V ILLI AMs Jt Co., 3 and 4 Vinton Block. TO LOAN We have $rj.O0O to loan on Indian apolis real estate. iiENKV COE A CO.. 11 MartindaJe Bloca. 36- rpo LON Money with privilege or prepay 1 ment: terms reasonable. TH08 C DAT 4 t O.. 73 Kat Markst street. Indianapolis. 0WDER TjRT BRYOE'8 Patent Machine Bread. PAPER. WM. O. DeVAT, Preaident, S3 Bast ttaryUad Street. rrcr ntvin wMnb ths ftantlnsl U orln wi x furotahsd bv thi (mr4B WM. L RIPLEY. Undertakers, Funeral Directors AND PRACTICAL tmr Firat-olaea attendanoa at low rrtoea oar motto. Oflif and Warerooms, Nos. 60 and West Market St,near Uliiioit Tol obono No. 881 Hoar few nuderstand what a perioct fit la. That period of "breaking in" ij dec me 1 eseutial to every new outt. This is positively ua necessarr. '1 be fclentitic prin ciples sppl d to Ihe numerous shape and :ze of "t! e Hanau"' Saaos i isure perfect ;it, aud n.etr flexi nt i y. absolute free dom In m t.t- tortures of 1 1 p." a they ataeaai M I (tniforabie from the Irat a. t d every wiirj. Ak your AfjaJsff for them. HAKAN ft SON. WANTED. 1-OT Any article of vlue, not exceedius thrtr lines, Inwrted to times I Rr t'. Tt,;Kr the bead "Situation Wanted," four iine rr fc.. Inserted FRKK. WWf ASTEP Sltwatloa T lo p-statn wr.-k bv Vy aood aliL Rulewces gieea. !C t, tteaUnei office. 1 i"L f s TIT afr aiieelUaa llj aa satpst aaarel be . VV a: d iUOe itMLdU. ad ires llAKi". f, - Ml tine) f.Ice. 1 tl ' a NT L Li A situation as hon . kce or or any W w rk thai is t o'nrable; ie.eriives '.ve-u. Ad.'ress X. Y , thisotlice. I f aWTatD SSaahtai and ' r.-. ;.:!- :o d- V hoino, or will 20 out. Call or address MR-. BOLDMAN, 47 Blake t-treet 2S-I l, ANTU-Onc more set of books to write up. V Work can be oon' e7enius if desired. Ad dress Accountant, thn odice. 3 "TJi ; ANTED Board and lodging lu priva'e fnin V ily: terms must be reasonable. Addrevi WILL MANN, indiauapolia. 1 "TT7"ANTED Dreasmak'ng to do in families by VV the week or day by an experienced tit er. ( all at ttt N.rth New Jtrsey streei. 2- fv v ANTKD An active, industrious, experi . I ented aud reliable mau wauls work. Re!- ii : ce. D. I'iERCE, 13 SjiUh I.iicois street. 1 Tl JTANTKD Fitnatiou in a law office or large Y v bui-intss house, by a Mtuocrap i r. caa opt rate caligiaph. Address Kteaograplicr, aeuti uei office. 3 V ANTKD- SitUHiion in a dairy or on farm, by V a t an without family: has bed twenty years' exjerience la a dairy. Address I. W. B., btntaiei office. 2 rT ANTED-Situation bv a boy of seventeen, to V werk on a larni. Willing i lo any kind i if wc;k. Address J. H. S., 423 West Nurih street, In dfanapilis, Ind. t EJ ANTED situation by a Root custom snd ex wf rhanfe miller; good reasons for being out of a iob Address K. ö. RA1TEUMAN, Falmouth, KaaJs Couty, Indiana. 27 ." ANTED Situation In office by rii in'e: i W pent acd competent tccjuutaut : long ousi noe experience; of reoommfn a;t ms aul ciiy relcience. Address a. B Sentiuei üdice. T5 ANTED Work, by a man exper cue 1 as V' si Jpping and bill clerk and aalessaas; will ic,: (o wnrk at anything thai ia houorab o. Qti futuith good le.'eieDCC. AddrcsiJ. A. 3.. Sentinel cfl ce. i 2 1iJ ANl ED Partner : man with $5 0 to go io I with practical workman and buy bakery, CcnPctlocery and restaurant do ug a good bust-net-, in Logansport. lud. Address J. M. AOOUS II'". Lotansport, Ind. ANNOUNCE MEN TS. Al M GRIFFIN'S Tent and Awninz iore, 2', Weal Maryland, moved to 191 East Waa&laff ton ttieer. i 7 ANNOUNCEMENT TO BRlOKM AtSOJIa All xjl that are interested in our fre are noti aed that tnere will be a meetinu held in siDrmr Court Room No 2, this cVtuiug a1. 7: j'. o'cio ck, busi es of mportance. T-1 MANTKACTURERS-A rare oo:ortnuuy la J T urchs'P f r lease !nr a U-rra of yoar.. lbs & F Ferry Lumber Cotapaey, of afowtavaa Vriircon routty, Aficnican, owns a lar e three aeij buiidlDK, Mgiao ieet, weil lleht'. ihs'ttps ii . pulJeys full ierg h, with enagne-rooni jOxit (Ci srople bedler and Piihire: all io po 1 ioir: rr e oy grounds; convenient for wa'er shtpwjent clso alongside . and W. M. Railroad track A'4-trf, for price and terms, ROBERT CAiTK Nl . Asent 7 FOB SALE. IpOR SALE Ouo fine draft itallion. RAISTCF ' A CO. tt FC R 8ALE Fixiures for a fiit rlaa ctear suua cheap. Call at 29 South Pennsylvania street 26 Tj OK SALE A fine breech-loading double-bar-P rel hotgun, nearly new, 503 North West slreet, S F'c-F. bale Two thousand lAConte pear tree one and two years old ; they will grow in any soil and any climate; they beain bearing when three years old, and when six to eight years old bear ten to fifteen bushels per tree: I have 20C trees on my farm, near 8helbyville, two years old, doing finely; send In your orders early; will de liver in March and April; terms reasonable. B, 8 PFTTON, Shelbyville, Ind. 13 LOST. I OST-Small (mouse color) hairless dot. Re t tarn to No. 514 North West street aud receive reward of $5. 1-2 mm paper m, Ml u.f a o t xm. r ? a-1 ELIJAH HEÜiSS. BUSINESS CARD?. Thfßrmt represented beltr- are (he moH I'm nh rr-d reii i. in the city a t arr rif'ir assvfj i cf ( h : jat I unnge of ie ntinrt e 'U rt. A W. FISHER. M. I) . VILE SPECIALIST. 95 North Delaware Street Office Dajs. Ti.nrly, Friday aud tiattirdsy. POTaiCA K YäjtP DRi'GGisr. DR. E. D. PORTER. ?? south Illinois 8L Dr. Detidj'ti CLerrj touf i ;jie ij.'.'fr. A Kl IF! 11 11,1 KKV'l WITHOUT A I'i- LTC, At kf aamugtou rlreoc Pe.'erO'jrs clven to pertie wtarin tr.em. 1. ALl.aRD fi t OFOLA R ion: che.v.'I Oiders from 'hr.rrwia. Festfv, !. nht. and Adjoining To M passu fx - Creamfry. UH Nith Deiawar. Teippome 4 0 i P.c- sod. C it A äLEM A. MIOOLL N Cd! K . v ftiit, v.i W KM ' r-.t Martet street, op,08 'c Po:wn, IndlsnapoRv, ind. PURE LAKE ICE. Office: No 174 East Market Street, Telephone SC6. Not corrected irlÜI ice combni.i ..; motoies "J I N I ; ST , ;Y V Weal t'sb'in new wall pap 4 Kast Ohio u Oil-Cloths, P.usgs a: Wludow hadev and T, dralsit t? 71 Fast Court ftu and sr. last W.n. St. H. L I MSTKAÜ. PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. No. lr0 Virginia Avenue. NDIANAPOL13 BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. A Live Commercial BeayMäL Bryant A Stratton's Collece. Catalogue Free. When Blocs, oppoalte Postotlice. JiNG V BOLMEd, IRON FENCE CRESTING, ETC. Reliable Agents Wanted. Cffceand Salesroom No. 121. Nortb Delaware 3t. CLEAN MJ3AT MABKET3, 23 Fast Washington St. ,7s North Pennsylvania t, btall i and Fst Market House. as.pring Iamb6 a snccialty. SMITH'S CHEMICAL DYE-WOKKJB, 5, I Martlnsdaie'a Block, near Poetoffice CJlsa dye aud repair irentlemeu'i ciothlct; sJm. lad 1 ei' drenses, aha wis, saoques, and aux an 4 WOOlasi of every deacription, djel and r. äniahed ; kid gloves neatly cleaned at 10 rants pa? pair. Will do more flret claas werk for leas rwt than aav itcise ol the kind In thf) State. CHABXJC8 A. SIMPSON. Macscs: iif 6TT A ADAMS, SKWZB AND GXNERAL OONTRA OTOBJ Room 21 Thorpe bloc, lndJanrit4S. rT 8. BAWLS, y . DENTIST. b Claypool Block, opposite Bates House 1 clal attention vUen to the preservation ti tc natural teeth. Prices reasonable. BORN ft CO. fiarpfiis. OSI WeeEiv and fiontbl? Payntpnn 97 East Washington St. WHEAT BAKING POWDER It rrmtaina no iujurious injrre- distits It leave no do!otriou nt stances in tbe bn-ad as al! ;-urw mxs Cream of Tartar an 1 A !ui ii Powders do. It restores to the Flir tfis bitfhly important consiitufiiti rejfj-tfd iii the bran of tba ,i-. - . It uiaka a bettrr and 'ijfht--T büvnnt than any other Bakiur l'owder. MARTIN KALBILFJHII'S SOS, Established lS. NEW VOiiü. Trade Supplied by ROBERTSON & PERRY, 2i,28 aad 20 Wet (icorgia Street, Indianas!!. JOHN EDWARDS, BILL POSTER. One Hundred Large Stand. 300 3-Sheet Boards. m CoBtrolüEi tue State Boose Feui omo Rnmre, Stoves