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THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL S ATI! HI) AY MORNING APRIL 18 1885. II1XUED. irartlcaL&ra of the Horrible Crime for TT Ich n SafiVrl the Death Penalty. LiC05iA, K. II., April 17 Simon wai hanged at 11:00 to day. Tha particulars of the- crime for which Thomas 8amon was hanged tc-iay are as follows: Thonaas Samoa was the perpetrator of one of the znoet fiendlah crimes ever committed la New Hampshire, his vi:tims baln Mrt. Jane Ford, ag;d ab?ut sixty yean; John Ruidy, acd forty-five, end his little bo7 Franfc, aged thirteen months, who lo:t their lives November 24 and 23, 1SS. SimcD, then a married man, tad boarded with Mr. and Ifr?. Ford, hulug, it is alleged, been on terms of intimacy Mlh the Jailer for several months preceding the tregedy. Both were more or less addicted to drink. Samoa was well ac quainted with the r.nddy family, having been quite a constant visitor at their house. Oa the afternoon of Saturday, November 21, be came there, having with hioa a Wheel bxrrow, npon which was a lare trunk. Mr. Kaudy was cot at home, but his wife give Bixcn permifs'.on to remove the trunk, which teemed very heavy when lifted into t ie house, and also told him he might re main there that night if her husband did not object when he returned from wor. Mr. T.uddy readily aeattd to this when he came home, and all retired absat 9 o'clock. Simon arose about 1 o'clock Sunday meru it;;, end in pasacg through th? apartment occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy awoke them, and they saw him look out Into ' the street. They both i ct up and Mr. Ruddy followed him out into the kitchen. Soon afterward Mr3. Roddy heard something falhand go ns to the door leading to the kitchen she tav her hns laid hanging over a chair arms dawn. No sooner had the appeared than Simon m?hd upon her and struck her on tha fesad with a h&tchst and felled her to tha floor. 2U anwhile the little child had baen awaken ed by tee disturbance in the kitchen, and be ean to cry. Ab toon as Samoa had knocked .Mri Ruddy down he went into tha front room, and going to the bed where the fcaby liy, be ki'iod it, nearly severing the head frcm the body with the hatchet. He then returned to the kitchen and dealt Mrs. Ruddy, who had arisen with the hope of making her escape from the house before he came from the front room, another bio on the head with Ihe ax. sg&ia prostrating her oa the floor. HaviDg. as he supposed, killed all the members of the family, he dragged the bodies of Mr. Ruddy and baby to where the wife and msther lay, made a pile of them and took a feather aid etraw bed and placed them on the bodies. He satured the bed3 with kercsne oil, and after settin? them on fire escaped from the house. No sooner had h gone than Mrs. Ruddy who, although suffering terribly from the effects of her injuries, was able to realize what was tikiDg piece, dragged herself to tb.9 front window and, after a desperate effort, incceeded in raising soxe of her neighbors. Fortunately help arrived before serious harm was done by the fire, little to tfee bodies of Mr. Ruddy ana the babr or to the house. In the chamber opening oiT from the kitchen was the large trunk brought to the house by Bamon, and in which was discovered the body of Mrs. Ford. An effort had been made to destroy the trank and contents by igniting a lot of bedding which had been placed npon and aboat the trunk, and then sprinkled with kerosene oil. When Mrs. Ford's remains were removed fro n their receptacle, it was discovered that th leg3 had brcn chopped off near the knee3 and that the llmba had been bent up aid tied down to the body with a clothes line. The murderer had found it necessary to mutilate the body in this shocking manner t ) get it into the trunk. Mrs. Ruddy had thirteen wounds on her person, one hand was nearly severed at the wrist, two fingers were cut off and there were also several light cuts on her hands and face. Samoa was captured ner Portsmouth, and confessed his crimes. He is an Irishman, and about forty years old. Sejmonr'a Budget of New. Special to tie Sentinel. Seymour, Ind., April 17, Mrs. Christian Lynch, aged thirty-three years, and Miss llettie Findley, both of Hamilton Town 3 jip, died yesterday cl measles. Newca;es are developing daily. Mr. Charles R. Heyden, of Finchville, Ky and Miss Orpfca H. Thompson were married last night at the residence of the bride's parents in this city. Rev Albert Ogle, o! the I'.rBt Baptist Church, officiating. White and Mcscjtitack Rivers are assum ing largo proportions from the effect of the r?cent heavy rains. The waters are coming out over the bottom lands, and farmers en tf rtaia gTf at fears for the eafeiy of the fences, th washing away of which would bs a cxhmity on account of the latene33 of the season. iir. and Mrs. W. C. Heatoa, of the Hotel Jonis, were last n?gbt made the happy re cipients of a very tine and handsomely orna mented French clock from their daughter, Mrs O. L "Wade, and her husband, ot'lndi anapolis. The gift was bestowed to com memorate their thirty-third marriage anni versary. Mr. Louis G. Menton, of Indianapolis, was in the city yesterday, and purchased of C C. Itascs his fine horse, "Sancho," for 5223 cash. A Icoa weighine eleven pounds was cap tured juft north of the city yesterday. Hen. Robert M. Patrick, a well-known at torney of this city, is very dangerously sick of typho-malsrial fever. Mr. Alvin Whealer, a pioneer of Salt Creek Township, and one of its most highly es teemed citizens, is the oldest person in this county, reaching his 100th birthday anniver sary to day. He was a brave and gallant sol dier in the War of 1S15, eervinz as Drum Major, and he is one of the best drummers ia our county to-day. Prize Fight bj Amateur. Naw York, April 17. Amateur Sparers and sporting men have been waiting a month for the tip for a fight to a finish be tween Jim Fell, of St. Lon'.a, and Denny Butler, of Williamsburg. The fight was fought last night, London prize ring rules, in Harlem. About thirty persons with the contestants were, present. A pur3e of $135 was made up and the men agreed to fight for that. B.ttine had been going all even ing in faTor cf Butler, but Fell's backers had the mcsr. money and when the contest ants came together. Feil'e stock had risen to 100 to 70, At 10:15 the referee called ti me and the men shook hands. Fell, who is five leet eight and a half inches tall, weighed 100 pounds. Butler is five feet ten a haU inches tall and weighed 1G3 pounds: First round Butler led and planted a pile-driver cn Fell's noee, making the blood fiy. Fell countered, and hit Butler a heavy blow on the stomach and eent the big man down with a smashing hit on the jaw. Strict oTaer to keep silence had been given, bat Fell's backers cheered by clapping their Aands. fkcoai round Fell went headlong at Bstler, who kept retrfatiag. Finally But ler let go a tremendoas right bander, which landed on Fell's ear, cutting it nearly off. Fell was covered with bl jod in a twiaklln?, and a scene of confusion followed. Able Newfoundland, chained in the corner, barked fuiiocsly, and many cf the spectators turned and quited the hall, not desiring to bs pre t nt at a pcene of blood if the polire should errive. Fell was game; he drove Bntl?r all around the ring by rapid fighting, and final ly downed him ia his own corner. Third round Fell began the flrhting epain, and Butler's nose took a smashing blow from Fell's left, and the blood Uowed. Hard hitting on both sides, and Butler was driven dorn aain In his own corner. Fourth round When Butler came uph? was badly punished. His noce overed his lace, and his left eye was nearly cios?d. The teen clinched, and after a desperate wrestle they had a dog fall, and retired to be epnnced off. F.fih round Bjih men looked badly; But ler pushed from hii second's kuee at Fell's face, but Fell was there, and it was hit fcr hit, and emash for emash, until Bntler was cent down with a heavy right hander from Kell From the sixth round until the end Fell had everything his own way, and In the twenty-first round Butler gave up the fight. Senator Johnaoa'a Reception. EreciAl to the Sentinel. Lafayette, Ind., April 17. Despite the rainy and disagreeable weather Pythian Hall was crowded to ita utmost canacity on the occasion of Senator Johnson's recep tion. Persons of all political sects were ia attendance acd perfect eersnity prevailed throughout the meeting. The exercises opened with vocal music by the Concordia Society, after which Mr. Langdon, the chair mat, sta'ed the object of the meeting ia a few; well choien remarks, and intr:duced Professor Blount, of Purdue University. The Profe-vOr spoke very briefly, and, In the coune of h?s remarks, eu'cgizd Secator Johns a in ie:ard to his hontr bis career, and epiciallyfor his gallant efforts for the University. The chairman next introducsd 8 a'e Senator Johnson, who spoke for over n hour. He thanked the people for the brilliant reception tendered hiui and ex posed himself overwhelmingly honored at this surprise given him by the citizens, which, ho said, was entirely unexpected. Hie speech dwelt mainly upon the actions of the late Assembly, and especially ia regard to cur Institution. He praised Representa tives Smith and (XibDrn for their gallant ef for's in the Leq's'.atore. His remarks were well taken up by the audience and he was frequently interrupted by applause. The festivities c!osed with vocal nnsis by the Concordia Society and music by tha Star City Cornet Band. Tatti's Health-She Proposes to Kelt Sev" erat Wetks. Chic a oo, April 17. Madame Adelina Patti has written to Colonel Maple3on an nouncing that she will be unable to ful&ll the New York and Boston engagements, owing to ill health and the imperative or ders of her physician to cease work for sev eral weeks. To a representative of the As sociated Press this morning ehe said she had s-aid she had felt the necessity of retiring fcr a time, acd this had been forcibly im pressed upon her by reason cf her heavy work in tbis city. Stie would, therefore, obey her physician, and would Bail at once for Eng land from New York. Incidentally she re marked that her divorce from Da Caux was abiolute, and that she could now sing in France without having her salary attacked under her nuptial contract. Sue expects to remain in her castle- in Wales for several months, and then expects to sing in London, Paris, and possibly ia St. Petersburg. Colombian Prisoner Drowned. Chicago, April 17. A special from the City of Mexico says: When the troops of the Colombian Government finally entered Colon after it had been burned by the Kabels under the leadership of Preston, they cap tured several squads of Rebels. During the past ten days the number of these prisoners has been considerably augmented by the re ceipt of straggling Rebels captured ia the eurrounding districts. It is not known now jnst how many Rebels were thus held pris oners at Colon, but good authorities place the number at about 400. Authentic infor mation reached this city last night that on Wednesday the officers of the Colombian Government selected 103 of the worst Rebels imprisoned at Colon, and placing them on beard a steamer, carried them out into the bay, where the entire ICO were thrown over board and drowned. Cannon Washed Up at Pointe Aux Aoglola. Qiir.Ec, April 17. Advices from Pointe Des Monts state that a number of cannon, tone measuring ten and others four feet in length, were washed up near the shore at Point Aux Anglois by the late great storm. These cannon are supposed to be the relics of the disaster to the English fleet, which occurred nearly two hundred years ago, and from which Pointe Aux Angloi3 derived lU name. Discoveries ot fire-arms, swords and bayonets have been made in this locality and efforts have been made from time to time to recover a large treasure supposed to have been lost there. A Cincinnati Assignment. Cincinnati, April 17. Maddux Bro? wholesale grocers and dealers in tobbaso and cigars, Pearl street, have made an assign ment to Thornton M. HinkJe. Their assets are estimated nominally at SlsO.OOO and liabilities at ?130,000. The firm is composed cf Lewis Maddux, of New York, Thomas r 1 ) T"k - 1 I r I ojtuuui, uarwiu r . ajavis, anu nanea Lt. ! Looker, of this citv. Pieferred claims hv been secured by mortgages as follows: Tne Maddux Company, New York, J5Ö.77C: L. O. Maddux, 2 270; Maddux, Hobart & Co , SC, 530; C. H. Bishop flour company, $110. The failure is attributed to losses made by the New York management. Palliares Daring the Week. New Yobk, April 17. The business fail ures occurring during the last seven days throughout the country, as reported to R. G. Dun d : Co. to-day, number for the United States 2C1 and for Canada 13, or a total of 222, as asalnst 212 last week, and 231 the week previous to the last. The distribution of the failures is about the same as in rexnt weeks, and there is nothing important to note in regard to them. Assignments ia New York City are few and light. Mr. Frellnghuvsen Very Weak. New York, April 10. Mr. Frelinghuy sen's physicians issued the following bulle tin atmidniaht: Mr. Frelinghuysen's con dition baa changed since the morale g. He is partially corscious and takei liquid nour ishment. He is very weak indeed. Rev. Spencer Convicted of House. Breaking Petirsbcbo, Ya., April 16. Rev. Thomas Spencer, a colored Baptist minister of Nor folk, was convicted la tha Hustings Court In this city, this afternoon, of houe-brukinjr be pleaded guilty, and was senteucd to üva years imprisonment in the peniieniiaiv. Spencer is widely known. Skating Kink CoBgres. New York, April 1G. The mna?er3 of rinks and dealers ia roller akatiag miter- crganizad the ''National Roller SkatiDg Congress of America," in this citv, and parsed resolutions setting fjrth the healthfalness and the innocence of the emusemcnt cf roller skating. Toe hava made preliminary arrangements for a "National contest," to be hld here on May 27 and 2, when prizes will be offered f ;r the beit execution of various movements on slates. It will be open to all CDinerj. Damaged by Ice. Belleville, Oat., April 16 The ice ia the river Moria psssd down stream to-day, carrying with it the Immense accumulations above Busker's Dam. It destroyed a fine iron bridge in its coarse and Lbcded many cellers. Many persons in the districi are imprisoned in their homes and an immense anount cf damage La3 besn done. The lower bridge Is now safe, but the foot bridge h badly damaged. The total loss cm not fall fir short of 10,000. An Agvcl ainrrterer Indicted. Newbüi:gh, N. Y., April 16. The Grand Jury to-day indicted Hugh McCann, who ia blind and over eighty years o!d, for the mur der of his wife, aged Eerenty three, in Feb ruary last. The coup'e had frequent quar rels. The final quarrel was not witness i, but it is supposed McCann knocked his wife down and stamred on her Ene died tva days after. The iddicirucLit is for murder ia the first degree. A Ittuk Opeiieu hi flUbCte. Sreclaltothe ßentlnei. McfiCiE, Ind., April 17 The Royal Skat ing Rink, just completed in this city, was opened on Monday night by a grand skat 'rg carnival. Einca tnea each afternoon end fcvehirg it has been crowded with a meiry ateuubly of skaters and spectators. ASevfcre Colone. Charlotte, N. C, April 16 A severs cyclone passed 07er a ee:tion of the State, esst of Hamlet, II1I3 afternoon, destroying timber, feoces and houses, and doing great damage ia ether ways. No lives are re ported to have been lost. Cattle From the Argentioe Itepablic. Valparaiso, April 16. News has been re ceived here from th9 Andes to the effect that large numbers of cattle are being imported fioin the Argentine Repnbllc. Hood's Sarsaparllla, acting through the blood, reaches every part of the system, and in this way positively cures catarrh. Daniel Webster' Feei. Worcester (Mass.) Spy. In view of the protracted trial in oar Superior Court last week it is of interer. to note the fees which Daniel Webster received fcr his services. For many years he kept a regular account cf his professional receipts, and for tvo of those years the accounts have been published. In the iirst of the two, when hs was about thirty-seven years of age, his receipts, emitting 'a.-venl small affairs," amounted to 513,181. The namb:r of items, mcstly against different clients, was 120. The largest charge was $2,000. There were twenty-four retainers in the yer, amounting in the aggregate to $1310. The largest wa3 a "retainer in patent cas3s" of $160; but the most of the retainers were of K0aDd I'Q. The teond published account covered the years 1832 33, when Webster was nfly years old. The amount of receipts for this year was $8,212. but out of this is to be deducted 5'. 2 as "Congressional pay." This leaves for his professional receipts 7,220. The largest fee this year was $-j03. ftcre were only forty-four items, aad of tbeee eighteen were retainers, amounting to $2 330. Onecf them was for 5100 for "Dr. Nctt's patent causes." "A ver poor year's wcik," ta?s Webster. "Nullification kept me out of tha Supreme Court all the last winter." 55r. Cleveland and ills Portrait Painter. I Buffalo Courler. 1 His portrait of Mr. Cleveland has not beea paid for, and it belengs to Mr. Moschahs himpelf, not to Mr. Cleveland. When Mr. Motcheles as in Washington recently, the President said to him cheer fully: "I can hardly tell you why I am President Fcr a while I was the Mayor of Bnflalo, acd then an unexpected opportu nity eent me as Governor to Albany. I ws not anions to be Governor, aod not am bitious to ba President. When nty terra is ended, I think, on the whole, that I should like to be the Mayor cf Buffalo again." Mr. Moecheleideclares that Mr. Cleveland is in no senEe an ambitious man. "His caiet aspiration," the artht said to me with a smile, "is to attend te his business." Nevertheless the President has a decided ap- preciation of his own dignity. He remarked gecd-hnmorediy to Mr. Moscaeles: 'These people will discover by and by that I am not to be eet up as a kind of tobacco shop sign." Laws That Need Readjustment. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. J For forging an order for 51 a paor fellow named Rowan has been sentenced to the Rhode Island State Prison for five years, al though on his first trial the defense of in panity was so strong that the jury disagreed. Yet the thett cf millions by stock-waterina: operations, or by frauds and breaches of trust more wicked and dangerous than for gery, gceaon unpunished by the courts and almost without legal interdiction. The truth Is that meet of our criminal law was made for a sampler state of society and ha man activity than prevails at present, and, while nearly all of our legislators are law yers, the conservatism of the profession is arrayed like a wall of rock against a more iceical adjustment of our code to the require ments of the times. "The truth In masquerade" is Byron's term for a lie. But it is the truth, and no masquerade, that Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup cures coughs and colds, and bo presents worse evil, that may end in death. No cure ro speedy. Hen. M. V. Wagner, Mayor of Marshall, Mich., bes a large etock farra adjacent to the city, with upward of forty breed mares and a fine lot of well bred young horses and colts. He also owns the celebrated stallions Black Cloud. Recorder, Strathmore, Jr., and Comanche Chief. Wilkes Spirit of the Times lays that Mayor Wagner is one of the leading breeders of his State and a gentleman of experience, and the Turf, Field and Farm add3 that Mr. Wagner is doing much for the breeding interest of Michigan. Besides be ing Mayor of the City and superintending his stock iaj-m; Mr. Wagner gives personal attention to the business of the Voltaic Belt Company, in which he is a large stockholder. This company under his judicious manage ment and care has built up a very large trade both at home and abroad. It all shows what one man of enterprise caa acompHsh. 1 . f -J- iA -V - -'..' t, . VT-' v ml k ä kins The tnqJcrUf.' '- ills cfi.ic hunuzr, tody crisa from- v C e;.un: of tht H.VCr, cffccilAC i!iC c'zv.-3,' end Vocals. Zn crdtr to ."5 ct:; ii rteoc 3 3a to rc.vt me C3, Ft u- ler end liL 7i a.cilc.r, f Z7e JJovt"-lst in the Koch ciC Is. l.zc, ? li' L'.-.xi? t'x z I the I,izs? U a! f j:-ci d tUri .ictf rcrt culres ceslstui.c? '.o c:cz i-z TwJj ö iSrow ctfir.ipurii.rj. C d fz: t?.Va-v.rz.zz 'SI.cj era traill in their crlicjj cuvC ccllca as c ears t arezleasvst I to C.V iaXccnil lalien easily by both cJAZ rei cht cCv-113 t Icen according to dlr-c'.invs, tlieitzroc cafe and pleasant e.trc for ZZySZpetfHl'Ai General DcfcllliZaöltoalCo:: 3t!patlois, ZJiaccneil Sidney?, etc., etc. A3aZHz.czlZurtQSTthey cuperics to r,7iy ether swxfijin; tleantinff tl.o spätem thcrcugliZ, aruÄ imparting t cr tifs crx2 energy to the jv valii. It is a csc&fciiis ar.J ial a fiui03r lectins fcercrajv.- m kz2 d;s25!S7 rex r:.:e:tY t i7r:u FfflCKlY AS'.! EITTER3 CO..S0LS PROFaiETCnS THIS iS THE SEflUIIiEl 8DLD 0LT XW BOTTLBS WITH BTTFF WaATPISS. 8ZS THAT fiTEir OVIS CORK IS UNBBOKKN. Our trae-nasrl: around every bottle, Ia Kictee3 Sren Drop ii Worth Iti üelt ia Güll I i?XHÄCT CO., ) 1 It tatdnoa aadlneais an xmaa ol inSnmraatiou, ÜATAKKU, tXL8, UlAKHHKA. KilEOMAT IbM, NJÜKAL1A, has cnrel more casee tü&n nythln? ever prescribed. DIPHTIIKRIA, 8URÄ THROAT; UM it prcrnptly, flelav is dneroas. PILE?, BLIM), BhKEDLNd OR ITCHING, CLCEKS, OLD OB NK.V VSOKNÜ9, BSUISlL-i, EU KN b, TOV HI ACH II, ilAr.ACÜK, bOKK ÄYE3, SOALD3, SPKIN3: the greatest known remedy, GoDi'ol HKMORRH AiS3, FEMALE tX)M PLAINTS. LLKÜLU1NG Norc, Koutix, 8tomcJ Lungs, or from anj Cfise, stopped r.i bv a charm. It Is called the WONDKR OF iLKA LING. üaD ix TKBN'AIXY AND INTESNAtLY, We tve &T1 lencbe of testimonial. Bnd for our took allod Frel. It will Ui jon all about It. IT 1H rsnrf TO T7HK AST -F-BEPABATIOM SXCBPt THE GENCLNK WITH OCB Ü)IB1CTI0SS. PrlQet WCt SLfl.TS. FOB'S EITIUCT CO.. 76 5th Ave. Jev kork. -s .... J. mm? 4rH Zf Th 0!O.T CORSET made tht can bo returu l by ItJ Eurcb' ftr three ar. it not foutc PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY In every re pect, ana itf rrive i el uaaed br r iler. Mac In a variety of style und jriop. Sold by ftrstrtijv dualer Terywhere. Beware of worthies imitaticiii. Mone ernnin UBlelt bas Bsll'l came on the tox. T CHICAGO CORSET CO. Chicago, III This Remedy Contains yo Injurious Drigu CATÄT5HH Oloansos the Hoard, AI la ya Icflamma t i o n Heam tno Borcs, y Restores the: y Senf es of Taste.r-S- SmeU, Hcarlnfr.kfV ; A positive Gnra.H-.- CREtÄ UAUrl has Rimed ao turUoie reputation wterever Snown, dlfpiaclnar all other preparanon. a creamr snbRtance. A par ticle Is 'pplled Into each nostril, usln? no pain, and la agreeable to tue, irlCQ 50 conti by mall or at Dromigts. 8end iotcltmlar. ELY US0IUSK3 nittlats, Owego, K. Y. . I , .Pricaso Cents., '. " In lM;y 3 II V "Vs. EE-HIVE LASIHG S S. Hue ii. Y OB, 1 sircfictircn sn4 Dcalers'ia Di i;rs and : ash , FramB Lurnbsr, Shingles, Etc. All Manufactured "Work for Ex terior and Interior Furnish tugs. JOHN EDWARDS, BILL POST One Hundred Large Stands. 300 3-Sheet Boards, Aifo ControIIin2 ttetate Hoo F&er OFFUIK-.irinl O.ltr. THE 2IÜBCA 27 TILS AQENOY. B, L. 8'JAIiLET, K G. DCN & CO. Han&str, I Proprietor. rvo. Xtlaclvford JJIooIc Tbo olflft, the bt, tbe most profiTcssive an;J tte Eost rellabla etablisliment of the kind la the world, having 1C3 branch ofiices lully equipped snd In pood innnlDg order, or three to one more th&n aty other Agency has ol actnally live olhcc-a. For over 42 years we have enjoyed an unsullied rerntatlon for honesty, reMatlMty and fiir deal ing, and we have unlimited resource lor con ducting cur business 6icciJnly. We invito a tc-ttof our qualities by the xcerct&nts of IndUn atolli. R. G. DDN A CO. A PllllffiTfi U Gil ; ;eTsronlcA3ffrTornDLrxNr. ftaTTseniHvo stamps for CelebrttsfiMedical Work, l're. i'll or write. I-'. I. CL.HKKK, FI. No. 230 VIKE SXULIUr, CIN Cest Boiler Scalo Purgative. TO TRY IT IS TO USE l.'O OTHüR. J. r. hUlLTOEä & FE4SK, OlMce 21 Thorpe ItloOc. Individual, County or sute light of manufac tore for tale. Thk 6KNT1NKL boiler use this articla. ie Vaterbury." PRICE, S3.50. Ulli trm" . : v MMR iff Y0Ö rr Ir If s' ' v-. 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'cste, white and col ertd (1C0 pound bales, and all other euppües usel in cotir.ectioa with SIEVM, WATKR and ( AS. In JOil or RETAIL LOTS. Do a ru Hr steam fiiLins; burlni'.s. Kstimato and contract t beat Mills, bhops, Kactori-i and Lumber lry LIousä, with live orex-aut ftAm. llw cut to orucr by btcani power. ttm & JILLSGN, 75 aa TiS. Penn. K 1 Vi German l?thma Cure, NVt'r fails to instai.tly relieve the n vl riirr.t attack, aiid insure co'r.fort.ille sl;;p. UeJ iy inhalation, thus reaclun,; tl.e d.-ca e d.rect. re bxes l.t spasT., facilitates free e.vpcct-iration. and edecti ff JPfJC o:h-r re medies fail OCi&iO A will convince the Ri"st skeptii alol it itn-e iiate. df .'ct and never failing c3ect. Pr.?;, CC. ard tfl.OO. Trial packacs Jrce. Ot all Uruggijts or Ly mail, tor Mamp C-jt thi out. Da R. bCIIli riLVN'N, . auL ;-ftnn. PATE 2sT ? S Obtained, and all ratent Eutinf t horse or abroad attended to fcr Uodereto Vcck Our office Is opposite Uio C. P. 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