Newspaper Page Text
n THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL TUESDAY JLllNING? APRIL 21 1885 OBITUARY. ConttRottn Roettl. VitssA, April Ccn3taatine Kos?sti!, Ilcom&nian pct and itatesman, Is dead, in b's lev enty first year. Comiantine Bo22ttl ccaieved noto both as & peat and revolution ary writer. Corn at I scharest, he serred in taa militia two years, and then la da voted hixielf to letters. He translated Bj ron, Voltaire and Larcartine, and la 1310 pablihd a collfctioa of native verses and tos gi. He was Chief of Police ot Pitesti In 3 3 12 and Prosecutor cf the Civil Tribunal of Bucharest unttl IS !.". That year ha went tD Paris and married Alarv Grant, an KnirHsh wcnian. Ileturning toBacharest In 13 W he opened a Look ator, and tba tame year was elected a member cf the Itoumania Revolu tionary Committee, ilewaa arre3ted June ', rescued by the rx-ople tba cext day, and revenged hinioelf oa Prince Bibesco by aying him from the fury of the insur gents. He wai male Chief of Police of Bucharest, and afterward Director th6 ilicistry cf tho Interior. At this time he founded his democratic newspaper, the Kurte cf Iloumanla. Being sent to the Camp of Fuad EfTendl to protest against the or ganic rule, he was arrested with hU com paniona and transported to Orsova, whhnce he was rescued by the heroic efforts of his wife. Taking refngs m Paris, he remained eleven year?, publishing books and papers supporting the cause of his country. In 1HA he was made Minister cf Pablic Instruction and Worship at Jassy. November, 187G, he was elected President of the Chamber, end with M. Bratianio indaced lioamania to de clare her independence and to enter Into an alliance with llujsiato make war on Turkey. In 1S7S he was nominated Minister of the Interior, holding that position till August, 1SS3. Iter, Dr. Taj lor. Acsras, N. Y April 20. Rev. Ir. Tay lor, whose centennial birthday was cele brated cn December 17, last, died here yes terday. He was born in Ipswich, N. II., and was the oldest graduate of Dartmouth Col lege, of the class of ISO'. A 31ISSIXG RECEIPT It Is Found Arier Uemaliilng In the Water i For Ovr a Year. i Hylitat, April 20. A romance has come tj light connected with the ill-fated steam ship, Daniel Eteinmann, which was wrecked at fcamfcro, a j ear ago, when 121 lives were lost. Previous to his leaving home, Peter An drus Micheeleen, one of the passengers, de posited $30,570 anti some yaluabl?3 for safe keeping with cne Hercchied, of Hasle, Den mar, and took a receipt therefor. Probably imagining that no legal evidence would ever be forthcoming that be had the money, Her schied refused to return it to the dead man'a relatives. Thereupon the Danish Foreign Minister communicated with Mr. Tobin, the Danish Consul at this port, requesting him to epare no efforts to find the receipt. The bodies and wreckage washed ashore from time to time have been carefully searched and the diver?, who bare been working on the wreck for the past year, have kept a sharp lookout for the missing document, but all without success. liec-ntly a small trunk was washed ashore containing a number of letters and papers. These ware returned over to the Consul. They were water soaked and the writing almost obliterated, but among them was the Ions looked for re ceipt, which, after much difliculty, Consul Tobin deciphered and translated. He has cabled the good news to Copenhagen. ISQUEST On the Remains of Freller, the Southern Hotel Victim. St. Locis, April 20. The inquest on the remains of Preller, the Southern Hotel trunk Tic t im, was resumed this morning. Biuman and B armer who met Maxwell on the train the night he left St. Louis were examined, but nothing new was elicited. William Beach, of St. Louis, the next witness, recog nized the photograph of Maxwell as that of the person whom he knew fifteen years ao as Walter Maxwell. He knew him at Cleve don College, Northampton, England. His lather was the owner of large potteries there and was yery wealtby. He did not believe Maxwell was a physician but thought he had tried io pass examination and failed. His brother was a physician. Both were very eccentric. Maxwell was never given to study, as he had too much money and was given to poing on sprees. 'Vitne3s saw him iat in 1S70. There wa3 a cousin of his named Walter Lennox Maxwell. Witness relieved Maxwell assumed his cousin's same. Chief of Detectives Burk and Cap tain of Folica Fruchte were next sworn, but their examination covered pround already known. The inquest was then adjourned until to-morrow morning. Itnfthvllle Notes, Epcdal to the BenUnsL. RrsaviLLE, Ind., April CO. Old John Rob inson's show exhibits here to-morrow. Tight-rcpe walklcg by W. L. Davidson was cne of cur public amusements here Saturday. John F. Ecanlan, one of our prominent Kiccar?, yfill bring home a fair damsel of the capital city Wednesday to preside over hi3 new and elegantly furnished residence just furnished. May tbe union be a happy one is the wish cf hia numerous friends. Walter Wentwcrth, the famous "Limber Jack" and bonele s man, performed some of the mcst diSicult feats at the Boyd S: White Rink Saturday night ever attempted before in this place. The growing wheat crop of Rush County is preatly damaged by late freezes and dry weather. The feilnre cf Maddux Iro3 of Cincinnati, will not eircct the standing of the Bush County National Bans: :n the least. Lswis Maddux waa formerly s larga t txkholder in this bank but recently transferred his utock, which was about f 20,000, to Oliver Poaey and Wm. T. Braun. Sensational Tragedy. Chattasocga, Tcaa., April JO. A blooly and sensational tragedy occurred at Oakdale Junction, near this city, yesterday. Pat Cain, an engineer, and Jim First, a noted desperado, went to a saloon, and while there fcecane ergacd in a bitter quarrel. Fir3t finally drew his pistol and shot Cain through, the breast. As the latter was falling he fired at First, the ballet taking cect In his abdo men, earning a fatal wound. "One-rared Bill" to be Rewarded. Wasuisgtox, April 20. Lieutenant Scheutze will take with him a gold medal to present to Va Uli Bobrowsky, alias Vasilll Koolgioart (One-Eared Bill), when he leaves here to distribute rewards to the natives in the yicinity of the Sena River who aided in discovering D Long's party. The native t be honored with the medal discovered the party in charge of Melrilla. He was given his alias teckote of his having but one ear. The medal is about tbe size of a eUver dollar, and ccntains on cne side the word.: "Presented by the President of the United States.' Oa the other side the name of the recipient will be inscribed. 21EXIC0VS 2IYSTERT. A 6trare Midnight Prowler That Scares the Colored Cltlens. Mr.xrco, Mo., April 13. People who wers abroad late last night and early this morn ing in Kast Mexico were nearly frightened out of tbeir senses by a strange and pecu liarly horrible locking creature, which Is claimed by these vto siy they saw it, to ra- temb'e in height a colt, having a slim body like that of a wolf, very fleet of fjot, with cloven hoofs, and eyes that membla balls of if. Since the scire last night various par ties claim to have seen it, and all agree that it bears a form strangely out of shape to anything they ever witnessed. Between 12 and l o'clock th's mornin; a party of eclored people who had been out late attending church came down liberty street pell ruell and shout ing at the too of their yoicss, oj if for dear life, calling loudly for help. A number cf residents of the neighborhood were awak ened, and went out to investigate. Only two or three of the colored people could b3 in duced to stop, and they related a strange fctory. Barney GriswoU said the frightful creature came upon them suddenly near tbe Union Depot. The nicht was demely darfc, and itj ejes gave forth streams of light which par al j zed them with faar. They at once rxade oil" at a rapid gait, closnly pursued by the object, the hoofs of which could b a d stinetly heard rattling upon the sidswals. Bich Phillips, another one of the party, gave a similar description of It, and said he was positive the creature came upon them from the direction cf the "ghost district," so cal'.ed from Its close proximity to th9 haunted hill. A number ol reliable white persons who reside in Eat t Mexico say that for more than a week past a strange animal of peculiar stare, with glaring eye?, has been roaming around at large and nightly frightening people. Two valuable dogi on the prernisc3 of Mr. 8. P. Bagadale were killed outrtght by the beast a few nights since. An investi gation stowed that it had paved the night in a neighbor's stable. What it is and where it came frcm no one can tell. Its appear ance certainly is a m;ttery which oar citi zens will to night investigate. No one ia East Mexico cares to be out after nighr, for fear of coming in contact with this dreaded object. It is thought that an investigation will disclcse the fact that some animal, not familiar to the eyes cf the people here abouts, has either escaped from a menagerie or found its way into tbe town from the hills of Boone or Callaway. The beist wai eecn last night by a number of white per sons, who 8ay it crossed oyer on to Prome nade street, after it gave up chasing the darkeys. IN A BED OF WjlUH TAR Trouble Iletween Field and Letter In Chi cago Which Ketults In a Blot, Chicago, April 13. A dispute has long been pending between th9 millionaires, Leiter and Field, oyer a little atrip of land, corner of LaSalle and Monroe street?. To day the aUair got into the Polica Court. Since the date when Mar shall Field and his partner in the great dry goocs home made up tbe'r minds that they could get along without Laiter.the relations between the two seniors have been strained. There wes a division of assets, in cluding real estate, but ever since then there have been dispute! innumerable over "party waUs," "boundary line?," and other details. Mr. Field owns the valuable let at the southwest corner of LaSalle and Mon roe etreeta. Mr. Leiter owns the one next to it, cn which 13 the Bullwinkie In surance patrol building. Mr. Field needed tremendous foundations for the ten-etory structure he proposed to put no, and there Mr. Leiter had him. Mr. Field needed to get under Mr. Leiter'a building. Mr. Leiter eaid he couldn't. To-day T. Benton Leiter, the millionaire's nephew, wa3 cn the ground to prevent Mr. Field's contractors frcm undermining Mr. Lsiter'a building. Half a dozen policemen were also there, but acted only as spectators. A riot ensaed be tween the opposing factions. Young Leiter was picked up bodily by a stalwart work man and landed in a bed of warm tar. War rants were sworn out. Field's contractors were diemisscd by Justice Harmon, and young Leiter, who was also arrested, vi3 dismissed with ccsta. Consecration Services. Baltimore, JApril 10. Monsignor A. J. Glorieux was today consecrated in the Cathedral, In this city, as Bishop partibus infidelum and Apostolic Vicar of Idaho. The rite was . conducted with all th9 cera mony and pomp possible. Archbishop Gibbons was the ccsEecrator. Rays. R. J. Mc- Manes and A. Uoyer were masters of care mcnies, and Rev. G. W. Deyine deacon of mass. The assistant consecrating Btähops were Oro5?,'cf Savannah, and Moes, of Cov ington, Ky. Bishops Brondell and Keane were also present. Archbishop Gibbons wore the rich pontifical robes which made him bo conspicuous in the session of the Plenary Council. Bishop Keane preached the sarmon, takirg for hi3 text the parable cf thegiod shepherd. The new Bishop is a native of Belgium, forty-four year3 of age. Whitewater Presbjtery. Special ta the Scntlne;. CoN5iEr.viLi.r, Ind., April 20. The three days tcssicn of the Whitewater Presbytery in this city clo ed last night. About iorty clergymen, representing eleven cf the South eastern Indiana counties, were In attend ance, and important church, Sunday-school, educational and m:uicnary business was transacted. The variou3 pulpits of the city weie occupied by the visitors jeiterday, Dr. Robert Schles3, of Grconsburg, preaching at the M. K. Cbnrch; Bev. Ilngh??, of Shelby- ville, at the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. W. A. Erwin, of Aurora, at the Christian Church. Dish Wave Caused by a Water-Spont. Larsdo, Texas, April 10. A wave eight feet high came rushing down the Rio Grande this morning with terrific force. It carried away tbe line bents cf the Mexican National Railroad bridge. In a few hoars the river rose twelve feet, and then rapidly run down. The rise resulted from a great water spout, which fell some miles above the city. A large quantity of drift indicates great ds ttructicn of rauche property above. Iron and Steel Workers. Pittsburg, April 20. It was learned to day that the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, at their ecale con vention here on Saturday, instructed the Conference Committee appointed to meet a similar body from the manufactussrs' side o demand t-5 0 pr ton for boilin?, and ti allow a reduction from tbe prejnts:a'.ö of ws?es in tome cf the linfshin dfpsrtmsat. If this can net be obtained, and tfca c jmrait tee Is firmly convinced b7 the ma-m'astnr era that the iron trade will not warrant that scale of wae s. the'were Instructed to a.ce,"t a reduction of 10 rer c?nt. all a-oand. If th!so2eri3 rejtct'd a strite "ill bs o.-dorcd t-y tie Amalgams! d Association. Th c in ference will probibly take piac czt Satur day. If attrikeis ordered nearly 1U0 030 men will bs effected. 'v Trail L fort lie tin. New F?.a Jw'k ror'r, Ind., April 20. The couiie of Charles, L. Jcrrett 13 indorsed by the voters of co'a County. Ho ha3 made a geed Speaker. to LouUville and -etarn. Mark was Chair man of the Scott bounty Democracy during tbe late cfimpaigc! The award U a 7rcrtby one. : Prcdscr W. HVGrcdall, late of the Wis consin State Uiivoraity, lectured hre Satur day evening, Apnl 18. Th Prafes'or ij a talented speaker. ' H''s deccriptions cf heroes illustrative of wilj p3?rer arc sublime in the highest cegree; hi inspiration and dramatic power pro TalmagJan. As this yoarg orator turned in his peuat:oa with, blazing en couragement to tlj9 hard working, poor boy?, his eye? bfaxiiir iMth &yn?piihy( the audi ence involuntarily roa to their fet, so en thusiastic wfre ;he!r cheers. W predict for hirr a brdgfct tfatcre. He is truly th3 young mari elcqrjt. Hon. Daniel Bd-chr is ftill among ins possibilities for tto next Legislature. Detractive Fite. Special to tbe P.?ntL:jL Scllivan, Isd.-j April 20 The most de structive fire inbe history of Sullivan oc curred thi3 moiiilng t hilf-past 2 o'clcc'f, consuming that -eautifül part of our town known as Masonic RIcck, tbe American notel and two aiall irame bni'ding. The Mesons lost ever3r.hin,:, even the record and charter. Tbe nülivän Times cilico waa burned, not evenu pen holder being paved. Tbe Ma'.cnic Hal!was tba finest b:;il2iu7 in the town. Lo?s, ! .1,00; in?nrei fr 2.000. Tbe total Ic53 is 0,000; insured for $15 (;S0. James L. Reri, ex-Connty SherfT, was very seriously injured by the f.Allins timbers cf cue of the burning bnildines. j. Utfwy Kailur. St. Louis, April DO R R. Foster Oj., teap, made confep-ions of judgments to-day agprfgaticg -G,f?2. Fester a'so disposed of individual p rope ";y. Later In the day Fos ter Co. made aa ES3:gnment to R. I. Lan caster, transferring tbpir stnek of tea and cigars and also a, herd of Jery cittle, tbe property of R. R. Foster. The aisa's are Bworn to be aborAl'25 OOO, while tbe liabili ties are raid to b j-JOO.O-O. The cans of the lailora is a'kgeayto be the pushing of East ern creditcra. Spinn. ;; 31111s Ilarood. rn!r.ADF.uiiiA,?April 20. A fire brore out in the raw etocli department o It. Green wood it Paltz's Spinning Mills, at Frank ford, this forer.jon, and the whole depart ment was totally destroyed. The lo?a i esti mated at about )Q,O0O, and i3 covered fully by it su ranee. 4 Everyth!Dg42oet at the Ithmni. Wasiiim.tcx, April 20. Secretary Whit ney has received the following teltfgram dated tVelSth it., from Admiral Jouett: "The situation h unchanged. Everything quiet on the Istb'aius. Beardslee reports no tighting around Cortegena for a fortnight." IlllnvU Legislature-. Spring field, April 20. In the joint ses sion of the Gereral Assembly, thirty-four votes were cwt. Morrison, IS; Logan, 10; Richard W. Toarnsend, Z; A. McCraig, 1; John C. Black, 1 Henry S Boutwell, 1. Important Decision. Washington, April 20. Tbe Supreme Court of the Urted States rendered a decis ion to day in th Virginia coupon tix ca3es, v.hich v,as In faor cf the boodholder3 and egainst the Station all material points. An Emb7Ier. riTTsacno, Apdl 20. A. G. Me:hling, for rrany jears a trusted (lerk in the 6mploy of Welty Bros , carr ot dear, wa3 arrested to dcy on a charge :.A embezzleiog ?5,900 of the fuLds cf tbe tirni. Ict tantly Killed. Cleveland, April 20. AcgU3t Powell, aged reventeen years, while oiling machinery in Bourne it Knowle?' bolt works this morn intr, was etruck by a tly-wheel and instantly killed. Horned to Death. Eybacuse, N. Y., April 20. The Exchange Hotel and Lutheran Church at Lyons buraei this ruornir.g. Calvin Porter, of S?.neca Falls, perished in the llames. Loss, i:),C0. 7tra's Halnnce. Llarf er's MagaIae. Lett snmiuer. during the excitement owing to bank failures in Indianapolis I was vatchiug the tnxious crowd besieging the doors of a bank that was supposed to be in danger, when I overheard the following dia logue between an Irish woman and hzt hus band: "Nora, dhraw yer money out." "An' ehure. Patrick, I won't." "But. Norn, you musht draw it out." ' Faith an' I won't dhiaw me mouey oat at all." "Noia, an' don't yees know thsy'll lose yer money for jee3 ef yces don't dhraw it out?" 'An' shure, Patrick, ain't they better able to Jose it than we are?" Patrick wa3 evidently overpowered with this last a-tonisbiag and unanswerable argu ment, and they hMh left the ecene appar ently tatiefied. Fortunately tbe bank sur vived the pre snie, and it3 ability to lose Ncra's balance was not practically tested. Mconshine. Thi3 desert combines a pret ty appearance with palatable flavor, and is a good substitute for ice cream. Bsat the whites of fix egg3 in a broad plate to a very stiff froth, then add gradually six table Ftocns of powdered sugar, baating for not less than thirty minutes; then beat in about cne heaping tablesoocn of preserved peaches cut In tiny bits (soft, ripe, fresh fruit is bet ter if yen can get it, cr some use one cap of jelly). Set on ice until thoroughly cooled. In terving. pour iu each tancer some rich cream sweetened and flavored with yinilla, and cn tbe cream lace a liberal portion of the moonshine. This quantity is enough for eight persons Salvatlcn Oil, the greatest cure cn earth for pain, has made a most brilliant dsbut All dealers in medicines sell it at 23 cents a bottle. Hark Storen, oj the Lexington Journil, has bten eppoint'll mail egint oa the O. ind M. Railroad. H runs from Cincinnati n ft Vs LJ. T7:o srJcA,:,;c:r ''Ucf iSo .nr.nan 5f y arisi f?uZ- C--..- irijc::nl cf fj4 EL,t".'Cr, ci'.v:i?:- Zclh tlc ctarczh zr.d I'Otztls. In vrdlr io c'Jcct c c'M'-r, 'i it r.tcntaTj to re.Hoc tf - c: s: rrr j, lar and ChingijU r.c;i.:.i cf J?dirclst 22eadjehr,Si?:3i ccz ali " c C?.r. szh, Pz : 4n the BtxhcxC r. :: .r, vtc.t Xxtl IK Llvris cif-L.: ; 1 C.'i: : ..zirc s Virctz cZirizvrlll'.s. tarn pounded for Z Is Z I'-'y are r,Ud in ttci' cell-in an '.l efreiies as a i arepl&iscit fo 'Jtzir:CT-CZa'.iC7k easily by botli cli iyjrc:ir.r.c2 cz'.li'.ZiCt 'z atcoTvixz io iZ'-.-'i lions, thenars s C afe a n cf p f a i a u I c u r c fi r 72 ? 3 p C p 3 , (TicziCTCl DCiJllIiy? Silat Ureal Cou Otipatlo, Diccced LlZtizjü, etc., etc. AccZlZozlbrciificrihe-j oro cupcrisf to cr.j ir.olislmt licencing to cj:U:i& f.orc;:y7ry imparting ttio llfnaiiC enzr-tf Co Z!iC!r tciUJ I: it ci r3.Ci-2ciS2C3 ;iC tc2 art Jntoclcailn l-trzf, .. tn toss c:i3::::T r:s izizvt i:3 r;i::: 'wk. r.wU LIS tLrw r.uf o. 1 1!,.lliiiiUnini f , - nOOK OF MARTYRS" 3 1 V V COJitaln3 mrny Tri'-ut- 3 I i ruHHjiT'3 0f mobtasro. S I K 1 r.lyintr suff.rli!?. liut . iulau.cltlieria Ktor Iionii OF MARTYRs ro- iut story or j.ictur.', can b1 tnonj lii.strvh'ul than the fchr.rp, s.-v ro. slitlivr rains d.illv anl n'-rhtlr Uvl ir-'l ly t'.i. wiro;ire niurHT.s to snat uicfet t-'iriblt; tonur:, Nrunigla. To t r!l of tl)H martyrdom i-j the ilrii business of all who buSer. ATiir.oriioiio r.genern; jninful nerves, and drivc3 out the Lurrors ct Neuralgia. AT:ir.or:ior.o-i gives henkh to Rlicnnr.tic MifirfT-i wl;o:n the iast sMiUai pliyL-lclani havo hjl kta all." to heaL ATirr.op:rono oporatos n tho Mofnl,mus t Irs. an; Joints: i' n 1 :u-,n: In j th- l.s th ic r lu-o li::t."a:uatli.a, reuiovci iL'.-ui iroai tbo ly-vteax. Atiiloitioho is pronounf-ed bv all who have trt-M it an lr.fa!!.i siK-ciUo lor theo cl-lla.;tw aiid palaiul Uiaoatt'i Read tho testimony cf ens of tho sufferers. Dayid Littlo, Sum ner, Bonner Co., Iowa, writes: " I am past 77 roars cf a.?, have bad tho R'isuniatisai thr-?o j ea,r au-1 rilit m-ntlis; onu-tuirj rf nif voiJrLt; coi;U n-"t ralk. lut aioin? oa crate he; cjiütl not riot-p; nerve fcbattorcil, troTjkrih ia n:7 hauL, wri-lr(, knofi.s or fett, lint t'aauks UitoO'Vl for your drrej.t dirioovcry! ThenwJ iciuo arrived Saturday nig-Lt. I to)k a dee ynuday nonains', f-It it all ovx lu?, axd tejt ou with it. Monday moruiiia- Tcot up anddrr-Kstl ruj-w.f, and v-alkud out into the kitchea without tho tid of crut b cr oano, and w irhed taem all a haj New Year. I rest veil Lis'htä, am paining1 in t-troiiirtb, and once mora rnj y hf-i. W i-hi I eouM put Athlophorcs ia tha Laud of cvt ry sufferer from taid terrible dißeaoa." If you canaot rct ATnxopnoaosof yonrdruxgist. vo v ill fond it express paid, on root'ipt of reuiüar I ri e one dollar xcr bottle. Wa prefer that you huy it from your drut-virit, lut if be haen't it, do not M j crsuided U try souicUiiUjT else, but order at oaca from us a.s directed. ATHLOPH0R0S CO.," 112 WALL ST., KEW YCRX. tummiuajiiwiaAimiimtniimiu m F Ks Kn 1 imdA Iii V 1h OTtT CORSET n.p tht can be retnrtie t by III tiiirc'i,-,r nf'-jr tbne w-r, If not fouaa PERPECTLY SATISFACTORY . Inerery reipoct,nd its priee leuaded by iteiier. JIa.av in a TLTiety of ftyles and rricia. Sold l.y f.r?t-c!aj": dualer Teryvrbere. Ik" ar of worthies im.tatioutf. Kon TPnuine Ui)!-i it hs !aH' come oa the bo.. L CiUCAGC COStfcr CO.t ChiC3Oa KU GRATEFUL.--COMFORTINQ. QflEAKFAST-' "TS? ft taosridsra of the ircr! vt'xh fCTaru tae oerRtiovi of fiUeUoa nl r-a tltlou, and ly -arefal aviatlon of the f.n; pror-ertlca cf well-fielccid Coooa, Mr. provided onr treamst ublss irlth idellcatglj ercry tendency to &1&CM3. Ilaadrod c! lbtU zaaladiea are Coating aronad us ready to attack wnerevcr taere ia a weax t-oint. W e may e.?op n&ny a lEtal Eiialt by keeping onrselYca well f tlfled Mfch pare blood and a properly nonrlihci rine." Clrll Bervlca Gazette. Hade ncply with telihig water cr cut, f Ot caly la half-TWin! t!na b7 Grocers, Utcllort thnat KPP3 & CO., llmmoeopatbl Ohftoa. Uta. LoadoD, SacIm. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the- skin is Magnolia Balm. E-HSV PLMIKfi 15 5 J A! fab, 78 Icndleton AeowiOj K S. Huey a Son, ÖDfirS a fill il'SSh, Frame Lumbsr. Shigies5 Etc. All Manufactured Work fcr Ex terior and Interior Furnishings. HAPPY BELIEF Speedily obtained at all taj;es of Chronic disewei, erdbracing tiie various forns of bfcia Disease, Rheumatism, Hcrofula, IMrasry and bocondary Syphilis, Oloct, Impotency. hemlnal Woaknenv and Bpcraatorrtea pennanently cured. Sfcill and experience can be relied on, as I an a graduate oi medicine and snrvery, and longer located In tail City than any other physician in my speciality. 1 have riade a rpeclal Etudy of female lUi-csict and their treatment. Can piva perrranent rei.'e? In Inflammation or Ulceration of Wonü, Fainted tritl Supprc'pod tlensen. Bauble Ililr., witafall prlntei dlrecticas, isai to address for 81 per box. Consultation free and invited. F. MABBETT, II. D., Wo. n ol. n. s. nease note tne nnnber, and thns avoll Hce near wltli earne nsno. TEH nBECTITILB AGBNOY. E, L. BCAKLZT, tlanagtr. I K G. DÜNT A CO. Proprietor. No. O Ulaclcford JJloolc. The oldest, tho bet, the mort prorjrc-aslve and the most reliable establishment of the kind In tha vorld, haTirR 1C3 branch offices tnlly eanlpped and In good running order, or three to one more than any ether Agency has of actually live ofiloss. For over 42 years we have enjoyed aa unsullied reputation for honesty, reliability and fair deal. Jng, and we haye unlimited resources for con ducting our business successfully. YYelnritza tat of our qualities by the raercfcontg of Indian apoll. R. G. DON & CO. M A ?. Jrh rnnli & Vrrroos DlanMS. gj. j ijnlrU, uro Care. Pa4 CSend to stamr3 for Ctlebrat d Medical V7 orto. rrca. -11 or vr;ti. I-, s. .'LAICH. is, HI. No. 1?5 VJTfii SiXIllIliX- CIW i . a v c. v. ., K-i, i ..i-v Iiis Vtoerbury if i pi PRIOE, S3.50: i ,'i.Ui,"-v::: 'I V .V - ' . ' i :r.- mm i tJo - irJ m OBTA - w. - , ,: .1:7 V ' , Atnt?r?y. f rr::it- fnr a Ast rori'r.iT. i rt ami 1 V J -c ." JZ13.r E?erjoce of tho msay dc-anrrenta As"knoTrlede i3 powcj'" ti.U Cyrloi cüia vr K-iC-V'- JZri'J"' 1 ?:t-1'lorat'r1it.VTrflTeUMif-ratufi'. hlytboloy. r,: . ;3. It r.tiins over SCO pjtgc3, 0,ooo References ani 'ji Zr.ii$ 30 EIuitnitioES, snd is tl:a lest nsd most popuiir M-v.H .jfS?-'' i'-V-.v 1 Cvclov-dir- lor all classes and conditions. ": "i- is nin-e profu2d7 illustrated than tnj ether fe'j'f''-: EncvclcpedU it the price, and coatdna a miao ali ages end couuJ.:iot;3 iu it iz r.ot t.i3 vCiw i-y tar Lue cucapcA cyciopcoi ever publitied. Tills lyz octavo Vi orr.v cs KfA 5';pcr, aad Any person ?nd Five Su'Lscr.bcri :-j tli ;:iv L;fi;:;sL zX I.Cg Ql', vcill j f22;Ivctfii3Vua.biebo:kL3 2r--.-ifct. Si.6d wiU p7 for thi Lsc, :x.d th? Wtm lv Ccstikct. Cct r-r' ycir. v - - WM. B. SUKrOKl) Bisnk 00 KS, Printer, Stationer, LITHOGRAPHER. Legal BLmiJss of All Hiz.-l3 Kept in tcci. irJT)iA2rAr P i P ill v- AND FITTINGS, i. v Slllne AcentJ for National Tute o:ts ixt Globe Valves, .Stop Co?ia, Encine TrlTiratres PIPS TUN i!-, CUTTÜlwS Vid-i, TAPS, btocts and Dies. AVtenche, tsUatn Trap. I'uraps, Hint-, UOSE I5KLT JNJ, BADIUTT METALrf, (125-pound iJ-3xe Coltoa Wipini; waste, white and col ored (ICO-pound bales, anl all otner euppltes ul la cornection with bTKKM. WAT KU and UAS. In JOtl or UKTA1L LOT. Do a roiu lir FtCiTn fiitinz b-jslnw. K(-tImt and contract tj heat Mil, thops, fsctoriofl and Lumber lry lioua with live orexnaust 6t3ara. 's'7? , it Tlpe cut to order by 6tea- power. mm & jilim, "San 72$. renn. bt. ' ?7 n m pt ii if. 1 (lerniaii Astluaa Cure. Nfr faiU f inst.'i.tJy rclir tSt most vi.-nt attack, and insure comforu f-lccp. Ucd by Inhalation, thus reaching the tlica-e direct, re laxes tli spasm, facü.t.itts fre epect ration, and cf;ect; fSffJCO l17" a11 other re rr.edi.;5 fad J A mil will convince tiic most skeptical of H immf tli.Ve, dirrrt and never failinR etTect. Pn:. ßOc. and Sl.OO. Trial package free. Ol all Lru,;2.sts or by mail, for stamp. Cut this out. Da. 1L SCHIFFMA:.'N,Sf. Taut, ATiniv. V j' tu. iE. ". T PATE ITTS Obtained, and all Patent Busings t homa ot abroad attended to lor Moderate Kee. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Oflc, and we ran obtain ratenta in lets time than tho rernote fron Washlnston. gend Model or Drawing. We advise aa to patent ability free of charge: and we Charge no Tee Cu lew 1'ate nt is Allowed. We .refer, here, to tho FoKttnaMer, the Superin tendent of Monev Order Division, and to oäiclal et the Ü. 8. Patent OSice. For circular, adviw, errns, end referencea to actual clients la yoax wn 8Ute or County, wri to to C. A. FNOW & CO.. Opposite Patent Gee. Washington. D. G. II A WAT The aocompanylnsi a correct cntreproscntatloa of our premium Watch. It is a ftem-wlnder, maie of nlcksl Bllver, ni. will always remain ai bright a a new silver dollar. It has a heavy Leveled edge crystal f ace.lts works are eonstructaf of Rood material, and arc made by tho finest ant? niat'.o machinery. Every watch is perfect befor levins the factory. All are thoroughly tested and adjusted, an can be honestly recommended as faithful tlms-tecpcrs. They are Juf-t as reprt tented, and are worth three times the prico. ANY ACTIVE BOY Can easily secure one of thcta Watches by fcettlnj his 'friends to subscribe for tha I.sdijlsa tat SENTINEL. Follovrins: are oir o-cr ta a?cnts: orS20 will sec 1 Thk Sf.nt;-l to twenty in: rcriterH and tne V'iiad Ircc to th aea: g:.!! up the club. For J12.5 wo will send Tni Sz?;7:NEi.toten enh "crihers aa Wiica to tue aeat lorwarluij Vx$ club. Forf7.EC we win send Thk SENTTrLio Cve gub fc ribers and a Watch to the agent lorwardlns thg tlab. For 85.53 Thi Bmtisei to tliree racrlben and a Watch to the aent. i-Tortus Thb 8xn:;L on ycaran 1 a Watci U any address. Addrera, 8EÜTINEL C0ÄPAXY, Indianapolis, Imi C1LE1TZ2T TT02K EVER ISSUED J Oil FREE. dxn JUurtAit or USITSESAIi KKOWISDSS. Tliis ralaat vc:a28 gives accjt ad cocc!:o Indorsation, amsrai ii rta-j rele.a: oa 'RoralorT. 'hysloloiry "liiiohoiitiy, .&turt UleloTT, jtry. I'.ti-.'.ritton. orrx.ny. - rtiuCJtS. I5inrv. 'ciznrra . irr i . C- inf;m:uon ca tltucst every subject tno7rnto it r.'crtt rr.ore tsaa the con cf tLabook. :1 '02 s. Kurcecf weslth to thonsandj ia i..vs.r:u iy.r r: ts t 9