Newspaper Page Text
3 HIE ILECOBD EtCTClcjf the Marriages, EJrtte and Deaths During tbe Past Waefe, ALTA, Admiral Mcf-recby and MattSe Lcmmocs, Afficic. Pop and Sarah (Jaliton. Anton King and Christina 8cbeidmr. onrad Fcwert and Kcota Burnt. Frederick Kckeia ar.d Nellie Ccnlcgorc William all and Minnie Scheele. f-njB Rjr n and E:ia I.cce. John F. tmnlan and Bridget McDoctM. James V'. ;arnby and Emma !Ioier. erutart Young led FhUoiulne Feiner. Jonathan rf. t'oo.ej and Elizabeth stanz, Krana Fi-rerendJohinnaNoiTko. Edward vtlcer and Anna Neion. William ririi)?ch end iiu'd Hartrodr, forfte Myers and Ann Miller. Vfuiian Murphy a:;d Jo-erhicc Rivers. Henry Kingt-cfteio and Fannb Mann. Owtr Praüthaw acl BrtAra Stoll. Tbccat and Fftrnh (Jlyrnaee rxy. "rl end Jlermin S.-hnildt ilri. Jinry a od Christire I'luilcz ley. Frai 2 t::d Annie horde bey. "r.tritssnd Kutn C1: toy. Etjfne end p-er.fca Gill toy. -Vrt:n cd Ida r-aun'trs yir'. Frd and 'Jrctth'-n Ackert -girl. ail and Mina rcbrx.idt-boy. Jatitüsntl F.r,Ea Sherman toy. ieergn end Caroline Kicker boy. U trd JoI? ilt,cn girU Eli' aLd Clara Kf-ller f uJ. .'Ets and ?el!a Dkicn toy. Jaccs ma Mary Tai.or rcy. f crs'i r.d t;atoIine Avtis girl. fiorrc and Sinai Uü-girl. rmtH ar.d Anna Kualer girl. W. and Mary Tnorae girl. Albert and Mary lurt hard toy. Altert and Mary Whittim-prl. John V. und s-allfe Croford girl. Fdaard ar.d Ntllle Kavanauri girl. Charles and Annl? SLarpc-b -y. Andenon end Annie Donell toy. John and Alice rauipm girl Jcfcn and Josephine IIopon boy txd girl. J. and Clara vi nltmier-glrl. William and Katie Maloney 1Oy. Kr d end Mary Gutter frrL. W. i and ElizTayler-girl. Pat and Mary Shca-rirl. F. and Rebec: Kau f er g Irl. Milo and Eva Oiflitn- ooy. Alter; and Mauule Crall girL Mary Am A&fc, J5 year, cancer. Eunal Brjant, 1 week, croup. Patrick Ryan, consumption. Maggie Hadiey. 5 years, uterine dlscaso and Jiervous cxhanstlon. Maml Lour, 3 years, brain disease. Frarcia Gametic, . jear. 1'airick Maley, 6 yean, falling down etairi. La ma Morrhon, year?, congestlou ot brain. brace Kurperald, l month, Bpra(. Naccy I'Nttcn. 10 year, pneutrouia. AttDur Craner, 4 scar, pneumonia. K rte Olive (Jem. 9 mootns, bronchitis. William loupy, 25 yer, conutapilon. Ata Hoover. 75 jeire. Brihi's disease. Catherine Christroaa, tS year, congeation. Harry Cnlliaaii, 8 wab, lLanitloa. Laura I'elie binitb, 'JJ years, pbthiöl3 pulmo Xa'i. Facte! Petder, 61 yer. gall utone. (Borgia Urei iearidge, 11 noutns, pneurnonii. Warv laui;rittr. H months, coajestion ol brain. Mntoa A. Kote-t?, 4J years. Ki7A Lecnird, .7 year?, pnennonla, Jnlla Urbra. C7 year?, debility. llamle Wcli, 4 yecrK, pneumonia. COUUT-IIOUSC LOCALS. Jctbua T. Koeeberry GetB Five Years North udge Rand Sues to Fore clode for $32,000. Fcildics permits Ue; wetk, twenty-nine: value, 13i.:cf. Caleb A. Eetter ha Cled suit against William Ikusltfy no two notes for eMO and Jl.400. In the mitcf Mary DuJTey v. Tnomaj Gray anv ctcrH. Judge Howe's jury, found for trie de It r dan t j". FTedcilrk: Kand, as Kecelver of the Indiana liauilE; Conpsu j, tas fied kutt against Lester L. Norton nd others on two notes aggregating IGJO. lerana 2'.0O. Jehta T. Mofeberry was called ud In Jude Korton's Court Saturday and entnced to ttio ftat I'rison for five vears aud llnea f 10. Ud tooi his tentence vtry quietly. Ju'onls P. Wricbt and William Bellt have re turned (heir appraisement of tPe a.'8ets of the dm of (seood A; Hevwood, wbicb aqreate 2,4l il. with S27.45 liabilitie. The firm oper ated fctro and In U.c Jcdian Territory. Judge Kar.d, as receiver of the Indiana Eanklns? CcmpHny, baa filed tuit asainit Benjamin C. Shaw and a larjie numcer of other defendants, to fore- cli)e a morteare civen to secure JiJ.CO0,evidenced Yj two nous given in Slay, ls7'J. Demand is made lor $S2,CCa Judge Howe has found for the plaintiff in the tuit of the Chamber of Commerce vs. the Ecard of Trade. Tbla was the suit for perpetual Injunction to prevent the defendant from sub letting the call-joom to military companies for a drill rocm. BulldiDj permits J. C. Hurcbmann, $2,503, Washlü2tcn atrcet, between Ilanna atreet and Araenal avenue: John N. Landoa, 11,0 frame. College avenue, between Lincoln avenne and Seventh street; Indianapolis Foundry, Ji.'CO repairs. Bates street, between Banton and l'ine ttrcets. John Harmon, colored, was tried by Judse Nor ton Saturday for the theft of two dresses from Kime woman, and at the conclusion of his trial he withdrew hia p;ea of Dot euilty and entere-J a pica ct cnilty. Judge Norton then cave him two years yorth. Harmon waa very much elated, and on bis way tack to jail said he expected to ko Kortb for at least four years. It wm afterward learned that he bad been over the road before. THE LUILUOADS. It is i&M that grain rates to seaboard polnU are iliabtly baky. Jjutt tound pool lin are dinatisGed with their per cents, and the C, 11. and D. folks especiilly are kickicg. The I., B. and W. nl Big Four traRis azree jent will üo into eflect May 10, when a cnaae of time nill be made. The ticket offieer of the C, H. and D. and Air Line will be confolidated on May 1, and the tick e's ot the two linos will be pUced In char?e or Hajor Lmmett. while the Ireiiht business will ba given over to Local Freight Agent Stiles, ot the C, U. and D. It Is beliered that several othe? chaajes bpsldes those mentioned in Saturday's paper will be made in the Bee Line, and there are many per mjts who stoutly maiatam thai General Manager E. B. Thomas will soon reifia. It Is the purpose cftcBce Lino people to concentrate all traSic aüairsinthe bands of O. B. Spinner, General Trsnic Minivfr. A circular announcing trie rbaiuea and translers baa tc?u issued by Mr. Tiiomas. one of the most Important provisions or the agreement recently adopted by the Central Com mittee Is that which provides that no commi'slon tr cftnrnf-ation may be paid to any other but a rej;nlaily aprointed agent. Thla will cut the trailers O'tt of many a dollar and will ntve a tr1eccv to keep rates up. The policy of pAytaz scalpera alvtya waa wron?. and is one of the main cameaot rate cutting. Ji is :o ie hopd that Gen eral laFencer Atents will pay the strickst av.ea tlon to this provwion. The outlook of the railroad business is much brighter tbn it was two mouths ao, and there is a ecd rfui increase in business on nearly all In dlarapoMs nails. Many of the In-iianapolii lines re increain? their wori.lD forces in ail de:art snentf1, civing empiOjment to men whom they laid otr ouriug the winter months, owing to duU times. Aptcmineut railroad man aald yetterday tha: the rUrods were entering cpon a seoa of prosper ity, and if rntea could be strictly maintained, earn Jnrs for the lutamer of l.vi5 would show a tremen dous increase over those for the same period last year. Tbe Supreme Court. The followict: decisions were made in the Supreme Court Saturday: 11,535. Casrcr Hartley xt. Edward Cole. War jeiC. C ACtimed. Elliott, J. '1MQ. Asbtr Kelrum vs. Berkshire Life Insnr ance Company. Marlon C. C. Affirmed. Best, C. 12,017. Ort Cook et al. ya. William Whiten. St. Jceph C. a leversed. Franklin, C. 12 V2C Stephen (3. Haxrta vs. Phoebe L, Harris. Clucn C t Aßlrmed. Best, C. , 1Z101. Henry Milier t. white River School Township, Gibson Coonty. Gibson C. C. .Reversed. Hcwk. J, Dim Pitphen Fleming vs. WaUace Hibt. Jlc-sroe C, C, ty cried, CvkricJt, U J1.H4. Jacob D. Belvt-ns r, Charles w. Wick over LarorteCC. AfSriaed. .ollera, J. 11.S&7. Jacob Stanley vp. 'A illiam L. Montzom ery. ncatce. Madiion C. C. Beverted. Bica nell, C. U.i'A. Kattle E. Giton vs.Charlc E. ßeymoar. CafsCC. ACirmed. Biaci.C. 11,715. Jsaies Elmore vs. John G. Overten. Hontfcmery C. C. Petition for rehearing cranied. 11.S43. Farmer's Eani of ilooresville. Ind.. vs. Yelorous Butterfield. I'etiUon for rehearing over ruled. 10,1"j2. Jon Fuller t. Orrla M. Curtis. Elk hart V. C. Fetition for rehearing overruled. 11,4. 7. Freeman II. Crawlord ve. Caarlea Pow ell. Petition for rehearing oyerrdled. It 117 Jrs'iih FlrrKtfin til Jane lf??ett et al. VarahAil C -'. Petition for renearinB overruled. 12,127. John Bron!ft vs. Commisioners ot Grant Coun'y. PMtion for Tohesnne overruled. 10.721. City ( I New Albany tb. Edward White. Floyd C. C. Petition for rehearing overruled. our: colokki) fiuends. Hi". V i.'fcn White la convalescent. Frank Goins has poue to tbe Iake City. Jcfcph Wisdom is here from the Lake City. l!rf. Jobn Freeman is gradually convalssMng. J. McMeadcrs. of M&diiou, was in the city ihls week. Alexan!cr Taylor, of Lebanon, was in the city this week. Mrf. J. Themas has goce to visit friends ia the Ciueen City. The ladies of Eelhel Church are srranglnir for a Kay party. Jtromc l!en is suirerin: with an attack of rhcuir.atlfia. Mrr. Josie Herron has gone on a trip to the Northern lates. MJse Adams, of C'hicaso, was In the city on last Friday alternoon. Mr?. Mi2ie Bcaseley is still lojournlas in tbe CuicLei.'and Mountains. John Eranvford, a former Indienapolilan, Is Tiitinjc Irorn the Lake City. Klncnen Brooks, of Danville, male a flylns trlr to tte city on last Tuesday. Mrc Cas: !e Jenes Is quite indisposed at her resi dence on North Illinois street. Bev. William T. Franklin has Fevered bis con nection with New Bethel Baptist Church. AdtHa Brent, quite an estimable old lady, liv ing at 'o. 13 Newman atreet, is Feriously ill. Mlfs Dora Bradford, of Chicaae. is the Ruest of her sister. Mrs. Morgan, cn Columbia street. llr. Josephine TJiomas left on last Thursday evening for tbe capital of tbe Buckeye State. Mrs. Smith, of Chlcaeo. Is the guest of her father, Andrew J. Scott. 161 Indiana avenue. A.C. H cover was burled from Bethel Church on laet Wedneeday. Kev. 1. Kooeris oiliciated. F.ev. Charles Jones is the new Presiding; Elder of tbe Indianapolis District of the M. E. Churca. Miss I'anie Carter, a t?arher In School No. IS, trade a üying visit to Pan?, 111., one day last week. Fbilanicr Roblnfon, who has been f ick during the greater part of the winter, U able to be about aain. E. J Outland has fully recovered fron bis re rent illness, to the gratification of bis numerous frier.d-. The ons ot Horor are making p reparations for a celebration in this city on a grand hcale on the 4th of August. Hon. James H. nintonbasben invited to address tho JeCerouvillp Literary Club on Monday even ins, the 4th proximo. MJfs Seals, an accompliFhed yornq; lady of Cleveland, is neine entertaiaei by Mrs. Henry Hart, cn Noith Alabama street. eiecrge n. Burks delivered a lecture at the Olive Baptist Churcb on la?t Thursday tTening. Sub ject: '"The Future of the Negro." Hon. Alfred narrisoa has been assi;ned to tbe rokltioa of Assistant tfuperintondeat of the mall beRs by Postmaster Aiuilla Jones. Frofeor vvilliam H. Furnlss read an able paper at the irnt Literary on last Monday eveuinz. Subject: "fhe Proaresaive Nature of Man." Hon. James S. Tlinion odpt&U a new literary eres izatiou at tho H;fcjtford .Street Inst Tuetday evening, wilri an snproptiit? ad drits. Mount Zion Sibbath-scbool cave a Sunday chool exliibiticn on Friday evening. The aßair ws ably conducted by Henry C. Turaor, the da Ierintenaeut of the school. TAilliim 11. Murphy and Miss Josle Rivera were joined together in wedlock on last Wednesday eveuinp, after whl"b a brilliant reception was tendered M. and Mrs. Murphy at M. Coleman's, ou .North Mississippi street. Heal Estate Tranofsro. Tie lollowlns deeds were recorded Friday Arm 21, as reported by Steeg & Eernnamer, abstract compilers, u and 15 Thorpe Slock. Telephons, 1.04S: Butler University to John C. Start, war ranty deed to lot :i In Johnson's heirs subdivision of lot "JO in Johnson's heirs' addition to the city of Indianapolis 1,250 00 Samut M. Seibert et al. to Maria Miller, quit claim to part of lot 6 in I quare CO in the city of Indianapolis 8,003 03 Amanda Tv risnt and husband to Henry V. Foxall, warranty deed to part of lots js and "JO in square 7 in S. A. Fletcher, Jr.'s northenat addition to the city of Indianapolis C53 to Aa G. Pcttibone and wile to Matihew Faw cett, warranty deed to lots 17 and is In Pettibone A; Uichard's Highland Home addition to the city ot Indianap olis 550 00 Presley Jennings and wife to Henry Crcse, warranty deed to part of the north half of section 21 and part of lots 11 and 16 and 12 and 15 in Henry v.Utinfcer's addition to the town of Nors . '20 J 00 Frank AlcWLinney and wile to Edward (i, Cornelius quitclaim to let 13 ia square 4 in Crane's subdivision of out let 1 V ia the city of Indianapoiir 45 O) David F. swain and wile to iMads Han ion, warrauty deed to lots 46 and 47 In Prown. TrucKtt Ketcham'a subdiTilon of lots - to 5, 7 to 11, 14 to '20 and J;J to 52 in Cavcn's subdivision of the west part of ontlots 107 and 10$ in tbe city of Indianapolis l.MJ 03 Afa G. Pettibone and wife to Nora M. Importe, warranty deed to lot 47 in FettiDone & Richard's Highland Home addition to tbecity of Indianapolis ...... SJ5 00 Charlotte M. Rüdeler and tusband to John W. Gibson, warranty deed to block 25 in Malott Park - 150 00 A?a B. Ccnaroe et al. to David C. Daven port, warranty deed to part oi the eit halt of the northwest quarter of aectiou St, township 17, range '-, east 1.C00 00 Conveyance, 1C: consideration- 813,170 CO TRAKFEr.s SATURDAY, A IT. 1 1, 25. Mary P. Noble and husband to Christian iese. warranty deed to lot 1 in Flacx's subdivision of outlot C2 In the city of Indianapolis. . ; 5.C00 00 lsac M. Lewis to Indiana Y. Lewis, war ranty deed to part of lots pj and 2) in Fquare 6 in central Park addition to the city of Indianapolis Indiana W. I wis and husband to Jen nie Lew:?,;warranty deed to the iamj tract - Margaret T. Gray and husband to Ernst Dieier, warranty deed to lot 9 m John H. tpatn tV Cx'a firrt subdivision to the city of Indianapolif. Stephen K. Melcher and wife to the Indi- COO CO 2)0 00 130 CO ai a ye' is Felt Kailway Company, war ranty dee4 to part of tap east naif of tie northeast quarter of section C2, township lt'. rane 4. 1,500 CO William Wallace, receiver, to Dasc F. Beeper, rtrciver'a deed to lot '2 In square 7 in Hall's snodivisionot outlot 1:7 in the city of Indianapolis 103 CO John W. Ennis andwifh to James T. Fnnis, warranty deed to part of the east half of tbe cast ballot lheuorthwet quarter of section 1, township 16, north of rane 2 east containing 40 acre?, more or less ü3 CO Conveyances, 7; consideration- 3 7,010 to Transfers for the week endin? April 23, 1SS5, at 5 o'clock p. ra., as reported by Sti-e? A Bern bainer. compilers of abstracts to real estate in Ma rian County. Oilice. 12 and 15 Thorpe Block, In-, ina. leiepnone i.uis. Date Amount. I 9.141 v0 21.1:2 (O S.9CU 0 15,915 00 13,470 00 8 900 00 Wonday, April 20 Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 2"2.. Thursday, April -23.. Friday. Anril 2i 13 14 4 if. 10 7 Saturday, April '25.. Total-. 67 179,443 00 a The tliatresaing disease, Ealt rheum, is readily cured by Hocui'a Sarsaparilla, the ßrtat blood puriiler, öpld b all druggista. TI1E NEW nOSPITAlS, Tlxe Board Conslderlc? a Claim for Eitra Work-Arö tbe Richmond Plane Defective? Tbe Eoard of Commlstionera for tbe new Insane Hospitals were in session again Saturday, and ad journed at 2 o'clock to meet oa Thursday nex Kcutine business was tran&a:ted, but tho major part of Saturday's sca&lon was consumed in dis- curilas a claim for extra wort on tie Richmond building, madi in behalf of a subn tractor and presented to tbe board by Mr. Campfleld, tbe con tractor ol the building It appears that in placing the foundation of a psrtof tbe building it waa neceeiary to make the excavation about twelve ir.chea deeper than provided for the specifications, fvl the Superintendent of Construction, Mr. Keufman, and the architect. Mr. Ketcham, order ed the work to be done. The board licnt several boura in considering the matter, and finally adjourned without corn ice to sny conclusion, tho question to arrive at the exact amonnt of extra work perlormed end the measure of compensation dec tnerefor. Tr.ere was a rumor yesterday, after tho board hod adjourned, to the eiltet that tome delect had been discovered in the plans of tbe P.tcnmond buildinr, and that the contractor had said that the wor could cot proceed under tho present PUds without eventually beiug changed, and that it would be tetter and lets expensive to make tho change now than to wait till the work had pro prcFFed further. A Sentinel reporter tried to Cud Mr. Cam p eld before he left the city, but in this re failed, and the rumor could not be confirmed The attention cf three commissioners was called to It, however, and they aeclared that nothing of the kind bad been mentioned to them. Colonel Gray, of Noblesvllle. said that the board had or dered a change in cne of the coltasesat Richmond during its Tislt to that place on Thursday, but it was tot done on account of any imperfection in the plans or in tbe work, and the chance would not cost more than !j0. Speaking farmer, the Colonel said that "the planB and specifications are perfect, and a Etriel adherence to them will live tho State the best public buildings it ever had." He declared that the board had the most perfect confidence in the architect and that, so far as they know, no fault whatever had been found with his work. The other two members of tbe board who were present indorsed the Colo nel's statement. Tho reporter called their attention to the fact that Mr. C8mpfield'a attorney, Hon. Frank Mit tler, had visited the Richmond building in com pany with the board, and asked for what purpoio or in what capacity be went. They replied that they did not know, but they relieved ne was the attorney for the sub-contractor who performed the extra work in excavating for the foundation, and they supposed he might have gone for the purpose of Kuardlng his interest. It was learned from a reliable source, however, that Mattier claims a defect in the plans, and has been em ployed by Contractor Campfield. with the under standlne tbat questions ol Importance will arise in carrying theia out. Local Conrta. ÜPir.IOE COCET. F.eom 1. Hon. N. E. Taylor. Judge. Ileniy Lowe vs. C. N. Spencer, On as count. Under advisement. Boom 2. Hon. D. W. Howe, Judge, JJary Daffy vs. Thorr ai Gray et a!. Ver d'et for defense, Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce V3. In- dianapolii Board cf Trade. Injunction. Jndament for plaintiff. CRIMINAL COCRT. Hon. Pierce Norton, Jndgs. State vs. Jcshna T. Ko-eberrv. Presenting fd.'te clairxB. Sentenced to the State prison fer live jeaie and fined 10. S ata vs. John Harmon. Fetit larceny. Sentenced to tbe Slate prison for two years. circuit cocr.T. Hoa. A. C. Ayres, Judee. Mary E Buider vs. William N. Wolf. Fos session. I'Lder advisement- Light for Elkhart. The ElkiartL'bting and Power Company tied articles of association with the Secre tary of State S&turday. Tbe capital etockia J20.CC0, and the company is organized for ttepnrpoic of manufacturing and eellins electric light, electric motive power, and also tbe manufacture and sal of coal gas for purposes of light end fuel. The Directors are B. M. JohEEon, H. C. Lodee, E. P. Willard, S. W. Steward and I. C. Williams. The Era (London) tells that at a garden party given by the Governor of New Zea land in Christ Church, MIes Genevieve Ward was among the guests, and the wife of an Archdeacon, noted f sr her dislike to the theatrical profession, vra3 also present. Tha latter dame was not acquainted with Lady Jervois, the Governor's wife, but, at the conclnsion that aha saw her hostess in the striking-looking lady who bore herself so regally. Without waitinp for a introduction ehe hastened to prerant herself, and a brief conversation eDsned; and the Arch deaconess, turniDg to a friend who had watched tbA interview In surprise, ex claimed: ''What a charminx woman Lady Jervois is!" "What!" eaid her friend, "Why, that's Miss Genevieve Ward, the actress!" Paralysed with horror, Mrs. Archdeacon gasred, staggered, and lied, and the incident will be a popular story in Cbriet Church for many a day. Thousands Hastened to Their Graves By relying on testimonials written in vivid, glowing language of some miraculous cure3 made by some largely puffed up doctor or patent medicine has hastened thousands to their graves, the readers having almost In sane faith that the same miracle will be per formed on them that these testimonials mention, while the eo called medicine is all the time hastening them to their graves. Although we have Tboniands Upon Thousands!!! of testimonials of the most wonderful cures voluntarily eent us, we do not publish then, as they do not make the enres. It is our medicine, Hop Bitters, that makes the cares. It has never failed and never can. We will give reference to any one for .any disease similar to their own if desired, or will refer to any neichbor, as there is not a neighbor hood in the known world but can show its cures by Hop Bitters. A Losing Joke. A prominent physician of Pittsburg said to a lady patient who wat complainin; of her con tinued Hi health, and of his Inability to cure her, jokingly said: "Try Hop Bitters I" The lady took It In earnest and used the Bitters, from which she obiained permanent health. She now laugöed at tbe Doctor for his joke, but be La not so pleased with it, bs it cost him a good patient. Fees of Doctors. -The fee of doctors at $3 a visit would tax a man for a year, and in need of a daily visit, over $t, C00 a year fer medical attendance alone! And one aingie bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save tbe $1,000 and all the jear'8 sickness. Given Up by the Doctors. Ml3 it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy?" 'I assure you it is true that he Is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters, and only ten days ago bis doctors gave him up and said he must die from Kidney and Layer trouble!" None genuine without a bunch of green hope on the white label. Bhtin all the vile, poisonoua ituff with "Hop" ox "Hepa" is thtix came. If HE TEST I m ea a hot star rwataatoytown ea a ttoCstov:lfcat4,tfcaa. Minora tbecTr and smalt A eäemUt wnj aot M ra fiirvi la tiuot tha prwsaca of rrmrftv mm Aa :7 K? wiiTEititrsa : s.v:j irsTr?lJt Sa svactUiec. hLTR-s fcr -;'iirfrr of .eritrf It Kti m TEST Gr Till uVcHc Dr. Fiittfs FiäTcn Masts, 1 Dr. Price's LypulSn Yoasl Qtm rar IJaLt. Ealthy Brad. Tba B.i Dry E( Taut In tb Vorl4. FOR ALS SY 3OCEn!?. C&JCACC C7. UMPHRETC Fcr tl:e Ci:ro of nil diserses ct H&rses, Cattle. Sheep Vot Furces:-i"ui!y for ' bj YfiV sii'TT, alockbrcrdrrv, Jlore l.MJf? f,.r Eodfirsed A oedby the L'.S.lItttrncU KUKPHREYS' MEC!C!liE CO., 109 Pulton St., York. l - Humphreys' Komsopathic Ina uce UJ j rri. The t 'v R'iv !"-f'il TPniedy tc iwm Babilily, Vitel Weakness, and Prtislrj. ti'r, f-cja ".vr-ucrk r.r ot'ier csn"-"i. flpervij! ü ml .in-j 'r.rm vi ii )Kil"r, i'.r f 5. tOLD ilY D 111 CrMy,iT'r.( !'' f-'ii'l ''l' rTnrt vt pner. AiKlfts, JImw;-ii y.''iliio est in trie WorTI 1ITS r ÜBB Ii 0 J U ; tr; J : A K f-..r j v.. ra. We n aks of. iiotliü;-.- -l-. and prtvtuoe per B fj rS-. 'v.; Ii'ftio.iol fit. rf Utfort, a ool 5r' t !i" l tu lft wrnriii : lQZi.'s'' thit i :n:i !:. Cxt no mora i'V'Aj Y i iian is cL-urrallv Charcot tor fr- tl nary hcs. r.u l via eavo ,!) i r rt. in v. -ar. No cori:s. m". Any ooaler '":ittT:t with a fair rrolit vriil conhniiwhat v.ewv. (i;e;l:fii ntnid. aud voti will ta prrnmnent irlfiul ot Till! SOLA It TIP. He wiirc tit I mil a I ion cu". 1 -1 by Hain- eo ji-arly riIur.Xi a. t-uUwi r. Trade-ii.ark and 'Jou?l llt'MJiLL tV " in full, is on fole of each iaix. PSNS U4vi-.g Mos.: 1 4, 048, 1 30, ; 35, 333,161, ForSalobal! Stationers. XH2 S7CnSR0CZ ZfZZL PT.N ccx, V;Kn Cburrfn. ti- X ' '- "S V- THK MKBCiSxiITIIB AGSNOY, R, I ECAKIJiT, I R O. DÜN A CO. Uanag&r. I Proprietor. IVO. Ii XJlaclcrora Sloolc. Tbe oldest, tbe bert, tbe most progressive and tbe most reliable establishment of tbe kind In the world, bavins 103 branch offices lully eqnlpfved and in good running order, or three to one more than any other Agency has of actually live offices. For over 2 years we haro enjoyed an unsullied reputation lor honesty, reliability and fair deal ing, and we have unlimited resources for con ducting onr business successfully. WeiuYltea test of our qualities by tbe merchants of Indian apoMs. R. G. DCN fc CO. Hood Restored KX3(DT 1: HKTU Arictim f youthfnl imrrudenca eanainjf Prematara Decay, Nerrona Debility, hott Manhood. lc, hating tried in tain crery knotna remedy. has di score red a aimple means of eelf-cnra, wbtcb b will Mii KRFK to faia f ellow-eafferra. 4UiskJ.lXBXJuVliöCUtXaubt.iwYxa MM 1 VV"-.' :- ''J t MKlll for ilOVM pTERBROQK 3' , i T"l BUSINESS CARDS. ThßriK$ represented below are le mol tinunch end reliable in Vit city, and are entirely ecrthyofthejmtronceof Sentinel readers, W. riEHEE, U. D., FILE SPECIALIST, S5 North Pelaware Street. CEce Pays: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A I0T1IZCAF.Y ARD I) EUG GIST. DR. E. P. PORTER, S'J gouth Illinois Et. Vt. Dendj's Cherry Coufcb Cure, Eaxple free. A KT I FI CI AL, TEETH WITHOUT A. VLsSLTID, At ZC East Washington atreet. references given to parties wearing them. JßALLAr.D-8 POPCLAP. I CIS cisizA-ii. Orders from Chnrches, Festivals, Parties, Pic nlcE, and Adjoining Towns promptly supplied. Cieataery, 1C2 North Delaware. Telephcnse 410. C hAl.LS I. JACOBS, SOLICITOR OF TATENTS. ZC North Delaware Street. Terirs recKEeblc. Send fcr circular. Fifteen ytars exirience. C HAELib A. KICK'!! Ä3NGH"&A.VE2X ON WOOS l&X East lltrkct street, cppcjita Poxte3o?i InCiantpciia, led, 111AS. P. trIIOVER. PURE LAKE ICE. OiEcc: Na 1T4 East Harkct Street, Telephone SC6. Net connected with ics combination companies D EÜTI6T, T. G. PARSONS, COJJ West Washington FtreeU OVER KEWS 02ee Indianapolis. gj A. HERRMANN, WATCIDIAKER. Cloclc, Jewelry and Eyeglasses. Repairing Music Boxes a Specialty. 93 East Market Street, H. c, cTEvnia1 NSVT WALL PAPER ft PHADB H0U2T 44 Hast Ohio street, Indianapolis. Oil-aoths, Knggrs end Hats. epceJ&l dealini 12 Window Shades and In teuer Decoration. JAEKESS, J7ADDUL2, ETC. 71 East Court St. end Sü Eaet WaEh. St. H. L. UMSTEAD. FRESCR1PTION DRUG STORE, No. 150 Virginia Avenue. NDIANAF0LI8 BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. Bryant A Stratton Colleße. A l ive Commercial School. Catalogue Free. WLcn Blcck, opposite rostoSlce. 1LEK BEOinERS. ADJUSTABLE IROJ FENCE POSTS. Cheap as Cedar Posts. Ar.ents wanted. Send for circular. Cflice and Factory, 9C South Pennsylvania Btrest. JING t EOLME3, IRON FENCE CRESTING, ETC. Reliable Acents Wanted. Office and Salesroom No. 12 North Delaware St. JKWIS C. GABtüCüä, ATTORNEY AT LAV, Tborpe Block, Indianapolis. "Corporation aud Insurance Law, State and Federal Courts. -pOUDER'S CLEAN MEAT 2IAEKET3, 232 East Washington St.,78 North Pennsylvania St. Stalls 1 and U East Market House. sSpring Lambs a specialty. (pBnMHHMaaMaBHBBBMaaaBaBaaHaMBaBMaMaiaai gCHEID COMPANY. FRESH AND SMOKED FISH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. No. 58 West Maryland Street. S CHWEICKLE & PRANGE. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. Manufacturers of Delivery Wagons and Sprlnz Trvcks of all kinds. Repairing promptly attended to. Wapon and Carriage 1 'aim lug neatly done. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4i4 and 426 East Washington Street. Surrira chemical rDYE-woF.ZE, r?c i Hartlnadaie'a Bioc. near PostoSoe, Clean dye and repair gentlenen'i clotbin?: alt, ladles' dresses, shawls, Eacqucs, and silk as I woolen goods of every deacrlpaon, dyed and r' finished ; kid gloves neatly cleaned at 10 oenta pa pair. Will do more f -st-clasa work for lew raaasi thxn any touM o! tbt kind In the Ftate. CHARIT A. BIKBStK?. Man4C. yKLfsrr a auams, BIWIE AND GENERAL OONTKAOTOS3 Eocn a Tncrpe Block, IndianaoUj. WU.EAWL8, DEKTIST. 5 Claypool Block, opposite Eatea House. Epeclal attention given to tbe preservation ct ttl natural teeth. Pricea reasonable. A cAKD.-to all wno are mcering from er rors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weak neca, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a receipt that will cure you, FRXE Ol CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South AneT'.r. Send aelf-ad drewed envelope to Bev, JOdSPHrT.IIKMAi:, 8t tion D. KewTYnrk. Ohio and Mississippi 8::0an!Vlncennea.,.. 1:00 pa Pt Lento. East Et Lonia. 8:25 am Mitchell . 2:47 pm CK2ln sja;yoru vernon. :is pa r;cja ll;:, , 7;üOF9 lUILTTAY TLUE TABLE, Went lots effect We4nf4ar, Arril U. 1SS5. TEA1SS EI S BT CL.MEAL STASDAED Till. effersonvllle. Mallson and ladlauiapoll Depart.) Arrive Poutbera Ex.d'y 4:10 an Ind. A K. Mall. t:5aia L. & M. Ex., d'y. 8:15 ami Ind. A Cht. ExlC:45aa Lou. A M. MaiL. S:50 pm N.Y.A N.F1. Ex.. 7. -00 pta Lonisv. Ac, d'y. 6:45 pm t?t.L. A C. F. L.10:45 ra For tickets and full information call at ticket ofScs Penn. Lines, no?theet corner Wanhlnstca and Illinois suects. or Cnlon Depot Ticket Olflce. Yandalla Line. Depart. I Arrive! MiIImm. ?:. am New York 2Lt. S;50 ara N. Y. Limiicd.. 8:15 am; Mail A Ac ..10:10 an Day Express, d'yl.'rCO am Cin. AUF. L.M S:S5 pn Tcrre Viante Ac- 4:00 pai New York Ex. 4:15 pns I'aciCc Ex., d'y-10:45 puis Y. Limited.... 5:25 pra indjt s. Bend ex 7: 10 ara s.Bcnd& index. 10. Jbaa Ind. AS. Bend ex 5:10 Pm .Bend Alndex. C:42pmi For ticket and full information call at ticket ofUce Penn. Lines, northeast corner VafcInntoa and Illinois streets, or Union Depot Ticket Qiaoe. Cluclatiail, Indianapolis, fet. Loa a ana Uni nynKXATt prvrsior. Depart Cincinnati and Florida Fast Line, daily, b. aud c c . 4:C0arx Cln., Knshvilie and Cob Acc.....ll:15 ara Cln. and Loniiville Mail, p, c . S:45 pra Cincinnati Acc , daily. 6:S5ja Arrc Indianapoilit Acc.. dally ..,..12:S5 ara Cir.. and St. Louis Mail, p. c...ll:50 ara Indianapolis Acc 4:55 pra un-.caco ana st. ix)uw xast Line, diliy, s. and c c.. ,..lo:w ra CIIICACO DIVmiON'. Depart Cbica?o and Rock Island Ex Chicago Mail, p. c........ 7:10 ara ..12:10 pra cetera Lxprcs.... Cbicftco. I'coria and Burlington ..anna. d;io pns Fast Line, a., r. c.....-.... .11 :20 pta Arrive -C. and 1, Pat-t Line, d'y, c c, s 3:&5 ara iAl&ycltc Aca -....10:55 am Cinn. and Louisville Mail, p. c. 3:30 pra Cincinnati Acc 6:43 pn The time via C, I. tu L. and C and L. E, and W as follows: Leave Inda'polla 6:00pmAr. Indla'poils 10:Cani Arrive Lafayette 7:25 pm Lv. Lrfayette... i:0b ara Arrive Eioom'tn 12:lCamiLv, Ploom'tn 2:!5an For map, time table, rates cf fare, and all In formation .arply at Tics et Office, ISC South li tnols 6treet. and Union Depot Tlctet Odoo. Cblcpifjo, Kt. l ouM and A'lttsbar;. (FAK-HANDtX A KD fENNSTLVXHIA UNS.) Depart, Anlve. New Tork.Fhlladclp'a, W8shineton, Ealtl- tiore, Pirtiburp, and Columbus Express Dayton AColnmbus Ex.a Richmond Accommo- datlon..-... New York.Phlladelp'a, Wahir.?ton, Daltl more. Pittbure. Co 4:10 a.m. 11:45 a.B llrlO a.m.i 4;S5 p.m. 4:00 p.m. h 9:40a.xa in mbua A Day ten Ex i H 4:r.3p,n. 10:10 p.m. N, Y. Limited.-...-.... 5.2 j p.m.8 b;00 a.ffit CHICAGO PIVU5IOS, VIA X.OZOVO. LoulsvJiie and Chicago i Tast Express . 11 :00 p.m. 4 :C0 a.xa Louisville and Chicago! Express, p. c 11:15 a.n. 8:S5 ra. Dally. Daily except Sunday, a Sleeping car. H Hotel car. For-ticketa and full information cill at ticket ofhee Penn. Linos northeast corner Wasnlntoa and Illlnoia etreeta. or Union Depot Ticket Oinee. "Yabash, St, Louis nd I'aclnio Uallway. Depart; Arrive Der, A ChL Mail, 7:l5m,Det. Sx., s....-. 8:0Cara Tol,Ft.Y.AM.Ex 2:15pm Pacific Ex ll:30an Det. Ex., d'ys.... 7:15pm Det. A Chi. 11'1. i:55pm ToLFtV&Dctdyll:rX'Pm;Tol.FtWADetdy, S:5fJara Portickets and full Information call at City Ticket Ofiice, '2i So. Hl. 6U or Union Depot Ticket Ofiice. Indianapolis and Ylncennes. Depart! Arrtu Ml. & Cairo Ex... 8:15am Vtneennes Ao.. 10:4Oara Viccenncs Ac.-. 4:aipmML A Cairo Ex.- 6:S0pm Kor tlciets and lull information call at ticket cClcf Penn. Lines, northeast corner Washington and Illlnoia streets, or Union Depot Ticket Oiace. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Indianapolis Depart! Arrival C1d Day A Tol... 4:Ouam!Oonnerrv, Arc 8 SOart C, D..T. o;N.Y...10:4.sam Cin.,!P. & Si. L..-U:50ara ConncrcV. Acc..- 4:25pm Cin. Acc. 5:0epra C, D., T. A N.Y.- C:3öpm Cin.. P. A St. L. ...10 : iClpta Indiana, liloomlnRtoa and YVeteru. TXCUA DIVISION, Depart. I Arrive. Pacific Ex A Mail 7:2Sarr F.A3,Er.r.r, fc dy 3:50am K. AT.F. Liner-c 5:07pm. Clncin. Spec. r.c-ll:Cfjara BÄK. I, Ex. d,B,r,cll:10pmiAtlanÜOExAM. C:aCpa EAFT7.RN niVI!ION. K"' ld 4:2Cam PaciflcEx.r.cdly 6:"aa Day Ex- .11 :45am i Western Ex... 4:45pra Atl'c Ex,r.c,dly. 7:10pm'a&B., Portickets and full information call at the few Ticket Oftico, No. 123 South Illinois sTeet oral the Union Dtpot Ticket OSice. S, Indicates sleep fcr; r. e reclining ears. Indianapolis, Decatnr and Mprtugtield. tfallA Day Ex..M 7:00am'Mall & Day x.-12:00 r Local A Day Ex- 6:S0pm Local A Day Ex. 6:l5pns Louisville. i ew Albany and Chicago. (Chicago Short Line Division.) Depart. Arrive, Frankfort Acc. . 8:00pm Indlanap'lis M'l- 3:15am Chlcaeo Ng't E.s.11 :20pm Ind. Ng't Ex. d.s. 8:85ara C. A M. City M 112 :45pm i Indianapolis Ac.10 :00am For tickets and Information, call at Union Do- pot and 26 South Illinois streeL Indianapolis and St. Iouts. Depart.) Arrive Day Express rs 7:10 am N. Y. & B, Ex. 8:45 am Paris Express 3:50rm;i.ocal I'ass ..... 9:.'0acs B. A Et, L Ex... 6:25 pm Ind'ipolls Ex.- 3:00 pra N. Y. A St. L. Exll:30 pm Day Express 6:25 pra For tickets and all information call at city ofiice , No. 2 Bates Douse Block, Union Depot and Mahaa cbu?etts Avenue Perot. Cleveland, Columbu. CTincinmaU and In. dianapolla. DeparL! Arrive. N. Y. A Eo. Ex- 4:00 am'L. HOA StLEx 6:40 ara D. S. A N. Y.Kx.lO:10 am; W. Ft. W.AM Ex.10: 45 ans And.&Mich Ex.ll: 15 ara 5. nar. A A. Ex. 2:20 pa W.FLW. AM.Ex 5:55 pm;R. Ind. A So Ex. 6:00 pa N. Y. AB. Ex 7:15 pra N. Y.A8.L, i.x 11 ;1& pn ER1GHTWOOD DIVWIOH. Derart. I Arrive. 4:CC am 2:30 pm 6 :40am ..... 4 :M pra 6:15 am....M . S:G0 pm 10:45am... 6:25 pra 10:10 am...- - 5:55 pm 2:2Cpm.... ...10:25 pn 11:15 am-....-.... 7:15 pm 3 :25pm. ...... For all Information, rates, maps time table, etc, call at tho Union Ticket OGce, Bates Honst corner, Msssactcscttj Ayenne Depot or at tbff Union DepoL STATE KAILWAY TIME TAKLE. EvansTllle and Terr Dante IVia Vandalla Llne.l Lve Indianapolis. f7:l5 am f 11:55 Terre Haute.. !10:40 ami 3:00 Ait EvansvHlo.....! 4:00 pm 7:05 Lve EvansTllle t:C5 am rl0:?.0 Arr Terre Haute.. 10:00 am! 2:17 Indlanapolifl-i 8:30 pm! 4:40 Daily, t Daily except Sunday, Railroad. am el0:45ra pin' 3:20 ara pmi 7:10 ara am.'s 8:15 pra pm 11:59 pra pmi 3:50 ara t Parlor car. s bleeping car. EvaBsvllle an d Term l.ante Itallroad. I Via I. Lve Indianapolis Terre Haute. Arr Evansville.... Lve Evansvllle-.. Arr Terre Dante. Indlansrolla. Dally, t Daily eEleepinsoar. and St, I- Eailwaj. ,t7:10am! Jlli'apxsi , 10:40 am r 8:00pm s 3:20 ara ,i4:C0pm: 7:05pm! 7:lQara . 16:C5 am rlOiO am 8:15 pra .10:00 am;r 2:17 pm s 11:69 pra J 8:15 pmi 6:25pml S:45ara except SundaT. r Parlor car Kel Utter. L7AVE KAfT. ' AEBIVX. Locanspcrt-..! 7:20 pn 7:C0 an'7:lCpn 1:00 r Denver 1. P. A j C Cro5slnc-l 9:00pm 7:53 am 6:23 pm 11 ;S3 ara CoiumbiaCity 11:31 pn 9:4" am 4:48pa 9;12 ant Auburn June-! 1:12 pm 10:50 pm 3:25 pm 7:25 am AEPJVE. I LEAVE. Eutler 2:00 am 11:30 am 2:45 pm 6:30 ara Loganeport, Cravrfordsvllln and South weatern aoaana lc, BOtTH. SÖRTH, u ra- p. ml ll:so, 9: a. ra. p. m.1 ! 7-u), a-iiG dm LopanrrOrt 8:551 i:tf dep-CoifxviaI.CAL.Jir 8:40 6:1 0:4C 6:35 ar Indianapolis-.dep 7:00 5:20 8:52 5:4S ar .Crawfordsville dep 8:44 8:13 2:05 8:00 ar .Terre Haute dep 6:4U 4:d "rört Wayne, Cincinnati and LonlsvlUe. (LtaTe Indianapolis via Bee Line.) OrTHWAXD. NOETHWAE3, a. m. p. m. 11:15! 6:00 pn' 8:23' 8:57 pm 7:tl'12:68 pm 6:50 12:tpm 5:50 11:00 am: Ar, Ind'ntpcIU Lv.' 4:ic 1C:10 aa ... iiunae ( e:w i: is pra ..Hartford M ; 6:371 2:00 pra " ...Biuflton M ! 7:3C, 2:58 pra Lv. Pert Wavne Ar 8:30 4:00 era Direct connection al rort wayne with L, 8. and M. e. tralna for all points north and eat, Cincinnati, Wabash and Michigan, via Ilea Line. Ind A Gr R Ex 4:15amjWab&lHdEx.-ll:Go'aix M!chASoBExUl:00am;ClnAIndEx a.SCpa Wabash Ex 6:10pm,IndABtL Er ,, ,ll:l0cna Wabaan. Xiallway. rrcn LsJayelte Junction. oonnecUnj wlln L 0 and L. ExpresE, west 111:00 am!12 -.15 am 1:3 pre Ikxpreas et. 1 2; 3 axil b;aml 4;uCpa