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THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL MONDAY MOHNINO APRIL 27 I8S5. "HVtl'IM... ' - XFRQX THE SUV DAY SEyTIXEL. FROM ACHOvS THE SEAS. Declaration of War Between Russia and Eoglacd Se-mliigJy a Question of Monr Onlj. Jlcyalty Eat husi rustically Recalvod atLoDdocderry-Franc Making a Great Fu3 With Eypt. AMiLO-BUSSIAX PRO SPEC CS. ?!: Wut Cloatl tiruwloje Darker nnd Hataer A Declaration May beilade ilmott Auj Day. loMor.. Aull 2?. The Emperor of Russia tf '-d fjur hours yesterday wiih General Obruts chei , Chef or Staff, and several engineer oScers, stucia? war naps of the Afjhan frontier. Gen era1 Ohn;tiChe2 regards war as inevitable, urge immediate mobilization, and that not a moment should be lost la pushing ca to Herat and Can lahar. General ObrutschefTa increasing Influ ence over the Czar ia believed here to be very sis ii;cast. OtrnUchcff Is a man of the Skobeleff type, lie ia only forty two years old, and full of energy and ambition. He aald to the Czar: "Now Is the moment, aire, for Russia to strike. Lum vJeu'a retreat has utterly destroyed England' pres tlg3 amccg the Afghans, who, I caa assure your .Majesty, are ready to revolt against the Ameer. JJeii Jea, Persia ia prepared secretly to nelp us, aud to do to the moment we strike the first bio v. All lhce advantages will be lost by delay." ' The Czar replied: "You are too hasty. General. r"a!a's manifest dest cy Is too strong to be "wrecked by any nurzan agency, but I still hope war may be avoided. But come what will, I never shill consent to give up Penjdeh nor the ZalSkar 'I he alove conversation took place ia the Win tcr I alace ia the room, near the famous NikolAs llali, which ia now filled with small tables upon wh i h are piled hundreds of map?, plans and rail way acheixes about Central Afia. The Czar Is convinced that the improvised cruisers of the Alabama type and the vigorous application of tor- pelo warfare will transfer England's monopoly of lhe cariying trade to other nations. V. hi preparations la Moscow are being hastened cu with the greatest activity. Large boJles f troop are daiy Uavinc for the bomb. Heavy applies of artillery and eomrais&ariat stores are bcintr sent to Tosanroi; for tracsportation to Ba toum and other fortified places on the BUcic cea. Ccsac5 ol the Don. Koa and Terek, alto ceiher ever 80.000 men, have received orders to fcoia themselves ready to move at a moment's no tice. Thirty-five thousand troops have alreaiy ttia concentrated near Askabad. In Moscow wr i esgerly hoped for. (.euexai Gourko, the Governor General of Po ltnd, has teen ordered by the Czar to prepare Ira xccd'ately a debarred memoir giving a plan of (tmptua in Algrjaniktan. It ia believe i here that eaerai Gourke, m the event of war. will be p.'aced In supreme command of the armies opar Hiing against Indiju Thtre are now 70.CO0 Kns I n troops ia Polard. Of these, 30.CC0 are under oror for immediate movement to Ode6a. This proves that Kcbj-I ha to cause to fear any hoi tility from Autrl. The feeling among the Poles i one of utter indifference. War or no war, they are tco wens: to drwm of revolt, and tbe Kassiau tan boii can be safelv reduced to sO.tOO men Impatches ircm St. Petersburg, received here this afiprrocn. state toat the Czar has issied an Imperial ukase sanctioning the raisinz of a lare force tl Turcomans militia by General Koiaaioil. Workmf-n are busy night and day loading all the whitehead torpedoes in the arsenal. Orders hive been civea that tne moment hostilities be- iu stationary torpedoes shall be plxced outside 11 BustLaa porta on the Baltic. The ironclads Admiral Grei?. Doc d'Edinburg and Kremlen, and the monitors Typhon, Satntk aud Bronenos setsbave already completed their armaments and are ready for immediate action. A dispatch to the Tinui from Tirpul, dated April SI. says: The excitement of the people of Afghan istan over tbe Penjdeh affair is ubsMing, but mat all are looking anxiously for a sign ol deter mmtd ErltUa roiicy. Previous to the present line weather postal communication with India overland bad been Hopped for week, owing to htfiy flotxls. The Kuwans are coapellics the t-arahks. of Pfnjdeh. who are friendly to the .British, to construct military roads. A St Petersburg special dispatch to the Standard says that negotiations eontinue between the Kns ian and British governments. The frontier ques tion presents no serious difficulty, but the Penjdeh aflair detains the meetix g of the Boundary Com mission, head ad by 41. Lessar. for Russia, and Sir 1'eter Lum.6deo, for Great Brluiu. Russia, aays the dispactcb. Is willlog to cede the Zulflcar paa in return for Tenjadeh. That accomplished, the Boundary Commission could probably arrange for a withdrawal of both Runalau and Afgan troops from the disputed scene. This soiutioa of the ex isting diSLculty, it is asserted, however, is only powlble il England foregoes hr claims for satis iaction from Russia for the Penjdeh incident. Satisfaction, continues the dispatch, Russia will not give. It la rumored that several British men-of-war lave appeared at Vladivostock. The river Nova Is cleared of ice. The harbor of Kronstadt, how ever, remains ice-bound. All Russian newspapers assume that England has demanded satlsiactloa Irom Russia for the Penjdeh arlalr. A Bombay dispatch aays the Duke of Connausht. who ha i started home, had ben suddenly re calld to Simla. This was due to the receipt of a telegram from England indicating that the po it ical outlook was extremeiy critical. The Eirl of DuSerin, Viceroy of India, has held a prolonged military council. It is believed at this council it was rev ived to concentrate aa Iadiaa force at Qnetta immediately. A general increase In regimental officers la the Buss:an army has been ordered. BritUh transporta at Woolwich have been or dered to load, until otherwise Instructed, all their war itorca for India Instead of Suakim. Toe gov ernment baa orderad the immediate construction of forty gunboats. These new gunboata are to be, - accordia; to the Admiralty specifications, of a new type of naval architecture, Thsy will carry light shell guns for the purpose of destroying tor pedo boats, and will have a coal stowage capacity which will reader them cipable of steaming l.C'JO miles without recoalicg. in addition to the char ter of the steamers already announced, the gov ernment has aleo chartered the steamer Enersla. Toe Lnergia will be conveited into aa armed cmi'r. April 25. A Rusllan corvette anchored ia the Port of Almeria, on the Mediterraneaa, ia Spain, last evening, and her commander hurriedly went ashore and hunted up the Rusdaa consul. After a brief conIerer.ce tbe commander nasteaed ttck to bii ship, whlcu at occe lifted anchor and procetctd to tea with her lamps unlit It was asccrsaicec, too. that tbe commander of the cor yett pet iato Almcrla for tne purpose of ascertain ing npther cr not war had yet been declared ba twea R-s a and Encland. He said he bad run across a Britisn man-of-war, whoseconduct waa po sur,iacLs as to induce hirr to stop and ascertain hat th; situation wes and what line of action on Iiis prt ii would warrant. Ii is n-ported that Count Kalnoky, the Austro llnncariHn Misitter of Ford AfTairf, nas ex TrtasM he gravest ftara tfcat war will be tae t-sae V It,a , relaiions xls:ing between Great Jnt;?ä oiiil Runi. Autriin newsptpvr are of tbeorin:ru that England i certain to obtain the -cortlUMoa of an alliance with Turkty ia the Cfent c wsr with Ru'M-i. It Is k a'ed that the Czar started at enco for Kos row toforcult with tie ministry re' töe Anglo-Rus'aa question. The War oaice his lsne-l orders fcr a lare incrcaie ia thj number of Kubaittru olheers of tae army. GENERAL FOUEIKX XEWS. The Prture aet 1'rti.ce ot Wat9 Cnthn alastically Itcceirtd In Londonderry. Lonponpef.ey, April 2x-The Prince aud Prii ceisof Walei had a most enthusiastic recep tion here to-day. The town wa3 literally covered with f.a,rs and bunting. Immense crowds were ia the streets thrcuh which the royal pirty and the procession pssicd. The procession was com posed of the municipal authorities, the various corporations sr. 4 the.'r employes, the apprentice Loys, etc Fully a addrfsea were present ed to His Eyal CIhnerF, the Prince of Wales. Ia rcrljt-er.-ince of Wales thanked tha people In a trmchir:? rr,anner for the Tery cor-Üal ren tion 1 e bed teen g:en. and acknowledge J la fieilrg tcrrrs the nprsiiois and minify tafcuaof loyalty to ilt r Mcst Gracious Ms jesty, the Quf cn. Tne Prince of Wale conclude! his rply by ayinethat ha borW thtt at no rtUUnt date tbe Princess a a J hlmae.f would be ab.e o re visit Ireland. rraac and ICypt. Pans, April 25. The French diplomatic a?ent it Cairo jet. He aays that he will leave at 6 o'clock this evening It Is beÜTed there that France baa not yet instructed the agent to leave I'cypt. It is thought that Frauce will accept I t?ypt'a f Uer of compromise male yesterday A I French maa of-war has left the Alexandria aar tor. and is row anchored o:f tbe entrance The morning papers are all loud in their pra:sa of the energetic action of the Government iu tne Egyptian dirhcuity. The Gauloia reports ttiat Prance and Enz'aad htve agreed upon a coa promise, bat oII".clal circles declare that France is ricierminea to demand tbe fullest reparation. France is evidently acting with a desire to over throw Nubar Pasba Tae Voltair Rtatea that i vcr a hundred Russian students iu Paris belong inr to the army have ben ordered bouie by t'je KiuBlan GoverumenL Fxclted Over the Adverse Vote. Lc.sto.v, April 25. There was much exciteaicnt In the House over the Government'a defeat. Be fore the division Mr. Gladstone stated that the Government reserved freedom of action If the amendment carried. The adoption entails a charge of 130,0(0 yearly on the con?oliJat?d fund, with a similar relief to the local tsxea. it is believed the Government will decide to go oa with the bill and endeavor to reverse the vote ia the report stage with a fuller House. The Gov ernment in the meantime. It is thought, will pro ced with the English and Scotch bill and test the tame question. Definite Arrangements. Rome, April 25 The Gazette of this morning announces that Signa Mancini, Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Sir Saville Luraley, Brit ish Embassador, have made a definite arrange ment regarding the military and political action of Italy cn the RediSea. It also states that thy have fettled the details of the proposed visit of the Prince of Wales to Rome. The Tribune states taat tbe Italian foreign office has been notifled that tne Prince and Pifuccss of Wales intend to visit Kue early in May. Llope of Settling tlie AJosphore Fgyptlaa Ooestlon. Cairo, April 25. The departure of the French Charge d'ACaires has boen postponed twenty-four hours, and there are now great hopes entertained that meantime an amicable settlement will be reathetlof the diüerencts growing out of the seiz ure, by the Egyptian Government, of the French newspaper. Bosphore Egyptian. The negotiations now in progress are being conducted througn tne Greek Liploma'ic Agent. Movemei a of American Steamer. Lom on, Apr.l 25 The I'nited States steamer Kearsarge arrived off the mouth of the Congo River, Africa, on the l".th of March. The I'nited States steamer Marion, on the way to China via the Suez dual, called at Malta on the ICth last. Accept the llulan Treaty. Berlin, April 25. The Bundesrath Committee hes accepted the extradition treaty recently afcittd Uj.oa between the representatives of Ger ic any and Eusda. Fotiri Not. A French in au-of war left tha harbor of Alex andria and is tew anchored ca the entrance. The Eritlah Cabinet sat three and a half hours yesterday afternoon. It whs understood the Afghan s.tnatK-ii has not teen impioved. By ofl.cial decree the Austrian Reichsrath has been disfoived. The general election for Dapu tits is expected to take pltci in June next. It Is reported that the troops belonging o El Miibdi's army at Abdmmsn are wavering in their loyalty to the Prophet, in ccusequeisce ot nu re cent military reverses. A Paris special to the Exchang e Telegraph Com pany states that the French foreign onice hai re ceived an intimation that Russia will not accept any uims of lore. in mediation, tven if o3ered. It is acnonnced that tbe French Government is about to undertake the prosecution of the action of the Public Debt Commissioner against tbe Egyptian Government for the suspension of the sinking fand. The Egyptian Government has tendered no of fers of compromise to the French Government; on the contrary, the Egyptian Ministry are firm and believe tbeir attiou in suppressing the French newspap n fully justified. .Nevertheless, It is hoped that an amicable settlement may be artived at. CENTRAL AMERICA. flatter Relating to the Union Decree of Unirios, and Saldiva'g Detection From the Scheme. New Orleans April 25. The Times-Democrat has a letter from San Pedro, Tula, Honduras, dated April 16, containing the following: "A Hon duran officer, who was on a mission to the Guat emalan headquarters whea Barrios fell, haigivea your correspondent the following information: When President Barrios issued his famous union dftree of February 23, he was certain of the alli ance oi Salvador and Honduras. His dear friend, Saldiva, of Salvador, menaced General Borna, of Honduras, and arainst his own will the latter was compelled to adhere to the decree. Wnea Barrios issued this decree, on the 23th of Febru ary, Saldiva, of Salvador, sent him a dispatch which stated his full and complete concurrence In the decree, and congratulated him on the cer tainty of the speedy realization of his patriotic aspirations. It is possible that up to that mo ment fealdlva tried to be sincere, but he soou discovered that the wealthier portion of his fel low citizens were bitter against the Union move ment. He then began to think about retracing tis steps, and prepared for war. He enlisted the sympathies of Mexico, and entered Into an al liance with Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Mean while he burdened the wires with friendly mes sages to Barrios, and that chieftain, confiding ia the integrity and honor of his life-long frieud, quietly awaited Information as to how his decree was received by the outside world, and by Nica ragua and Costa Rica. As far as tbe two latter powers were concerned, hewas6O0n undeceived. They indignantly refused to concur in his move ment, and declared war against Guatemala. Then tbe Blnmbering lion was aroused, aud Birrios ordered the march of his forces to the frontier of Salvador; but up to the 9th of March he still con tided in Saldiva. While preparing to join his fortes. Barrios received the famous menacing tele gram from the Mexican Presidrnt. He read it carefully two or three times, 'läoose who were with him noticed that he seomed bewildered, tor he raned bis hand over his eyes several times as though ce di3trus?e3 his very eyesight. He tten crushed the telegram into his veRt p.xk-it a id wrote a dispatch, which was Iniiaed.aieiy seat to Saldiva. While waltine for an snswer froci the latter he walked rapidly up and down the room, wiiie bis oSicer and ministers stood respectfully by. but none dared to address him. At last t?aldlva8' answer rrae. It bresthed defiance aud caiied. Barrios held the dispatch a moment in hi hand, then tbrew itoa the iloor, stamped upon it. 8nd said: Gentleman. Saldlva has plavel the t'altor. lie ess tateied an alliance witn Mtxu'O. Nicfitigua aud Cotta Riet. His defection baa complicated the problem. 1 must have time to deliberate with rnjitlf !:at to do: please loavc me for a few ml .inte. The onutrs and ministers left hrn, and he remained for two hours clotted with Barrealdta. tbe Minister oi War. Fron that moment it is probable that even the I'nion move ment was a secondary consideration wui htm. while v?ngeacce on saldiva bacune the ruliag (ti.tlment of his heart. Ine Times-Democrat correspondent narrates the death of Burlos as having otcarred while the lat ter, at the head of a column, waj chargiaj his ezeruj'a entrenthments. CHICAGO SPECULATIVE M1RKETS. Thry Ifave lleeu Uuotitled and Feverish The Wheat Crowd Conrattve--Ooru Manipulators the Life of tH Market. fpeclal to the Sentinel. CmcAco, April 25. The speculative markets, on 'Change, have never bcea more unsettled aad feverish than during the past week. At the sine time, business has not brcn large in any article, except corn, and manipulation has furnished the life in that piL Heavy di'alc'is, who usually maXe thlncs active ia tbe wheat crowd, have been ren derd eminently canervatlve r-y conflicting re Port aud the Wile difference in the dispitcheä frcm tho other sid. together with tha lara num ber of uanufactursd cablegrams which the New Yorkers hava made uxeof to scalp their Chicago brethren. If thera is war. the price Mil certtinly advance, anil if nou down it will go. and In tbe present tat of uncertainty they prefer to await developments rather than ran the risk of getting caught. The visible suppiy slowed another de crease of something over 1,103.000 bushels this week which gave tbe bull considerable encouragement, but eoce bright genius at once dicjvered that at that rate the wheat on hand would last netrlya year. This caused maav to tunk that the di minution was not auca an item after all. and sinca Iben the martet haj beea eutiraly a waiting ojb with a few sralpinz transactions gain; on all the while to keep trade from coming to a corup.ete standstill. Crop advices are rataer morefavnra b!o. aawoull naturally ba the case, C3nsldcrin tbe bright prlig weather and wtrm shower. At Atlantic torts tbe expirt demand shows little lav provrmcnt, but tie outward movement from tlie Pacific siove has increased largely. 'ib market U certainly a hard one to predict the future of. and very few venture an opiniau. The country is loaled up with all it ca pissioly carry, and uo sup,vrt i9 to be expected froa that M,urce. Tfey have purciasfed parti ; perhap oa belief in wr, bat mostly oa crop Injury and tne r.cnie situation, lhe fchap reaction from the long strain, wiiica would bd sure to follow a dec-lrhi-oa of peace, would bring all these thouoau I little parcels of grain on tna market inadiol lhe cjuntrymau years ago margined up ia giot shape and ttood by his deals, but now he stakes only what he is obliged to in order to gtiu a foot hold ia the market, and never gets out until he has a big profit or is frozen out, usually the latter. The sentiment of the crowd, too, has undergone another change, and ail the small fry are now bears. They have watched and bought, si often on war rumors during the past few week", and these have failed ro utterly to materialize that they have lct all faith iu John Bull's quarrel witn the Russian bear, and nothing bat actual blood will convert them. In the meantime the market acts tired. It needs the stimulus of new blool bidly. The country is v.w j-iiwji-,'' VCCI ."' -J Jong bolstered up ou the idea of war that if it is S witnarawa no otner prop caa De substituted until the boys hava had time to think it over. Uence, in the event of peace there is likely to be a good sized break before anv material advance. Even the biggest bulls acknowledge this, and are ad vMd? their frieuda to purchase oa such a tarn. Until there is something developed, the poiicy is to keep books balanced and wait. Is there a corner in May corn? I' he question the followers of that cereal wou) like to have solved. At the start everybody t . certain taere was and bought accordingly. Th i all of a Sal den Lester turned and sold the market down a point or two. Some said this was tosaakeout tallers and get a better hold, while others declared it was simply the closing out of a gooi-s ized scilp. Tte former seemed to ba the correct view. A lit tle later Baxter end Lester both appeared and of fered to buy all the corn oa earth. Now, to make the situation more Interesting, the rate war on railroads ceuterinz on tha Missouri River in Ne braska have started an Immense line of corn for this market at very low rates. Provisions are dull and without feature. Re ceipts of ho;js are lar,:e, aad in spite ot fair ship ments stacks of product keep piling up. fcpacala tiva trade is entirely lacking in vim. Lafajette City KomlnaltoQg. Ereclal to the Sentinel. Lafayette, Ind., April 23. The Democrats of Lafayette ire-t In convention last evening to nom inate a city ticket. Joha S. Pcttit was nominated for Mayor, Frank' Heiness for Treasurer and George West (the present incumbent) for Clerk. Pete Connelly, the ex-policeman, was chosen Marshal. The nominee for Afsesfor r Mr. MltUesy. Jona r.fitemejer was then nominated for Waterworks Trustee, which iini-hed tbe list of the nomina tions. A Central Committee was elected and the cr nventlou adjourned sine die. The nominations from beginning to end ar9 excellent ones, and their election i already assured. IltchmoQil Itetas. Richmond, Ind , April 23. The two games of polo between the Newport. Ky., Club and the Henley Club resulted la a victoT for our noma c'uh. Tbe score was: First game Henl?y, ;t; Newport, 2. Second game nenley, S: Newp jrt. 1. J. H. l oris' circus gave an afternoon and even In exhibition here.o-day to large crowd. Tbe Eden Degree Lodge, Daughters or Rebekah, give a banquet and ball at Odd Fellows' Hall this evening in commemoration of the sixtieth anni versary of the establisnment of Odd Fellowship in tue United Mates Railroad Tracks Flooded. Pi.ATTSHUB N. Y., April 23. The Grand Trunk Railway hss been five feet under water between Victoria bridge aud St. Johns. sinc3 yesterday af ternoon. The train due to leave here at 11:23 this forenoon is ttlll here awaiting the passage of the Montreal train, who have bad to take a very cir cuitocs route. They are expected to arrive here ct 4 o'clock this afternoon Last nijhts slpppr from New York also had to take a roundabout route. Postoltice largtarld. Special to the Sentinel. Maiio.v, Ind., April 25. The FostoSice at Mil ton, Ky., was broken into and robbad last night of about $15 In postage stamps, which ia all that Is misled by Postmaster Lane, but it Is thought some goods of Mr. Barker, in whoso store the oäice is located, were ttol3n. The thief or tntevea gained entrance by breaking the glass out of the front door. Attempted Association. St. Lorr, April 25 A Chatanooga, Tenn., special to tbe Po$t-DUpatch sajs: At Cortland, Ala., last night Thomas Little, a wealthy planter, was called to his door about dusk, when some one fprang up in front of him and fired tweaty four buckshot into his breast. Samuel Livingston, his brothei in-law, is In jail cbarged with the crime. Much excitement prevails. Steamer Seized. Nkw York, April 25. Tbe United Slates Mar shal this afternoon seized tha stfamer City of Mexico, under a libel itbutd by the United States authorities. The CapUIn of the vessel. John O'Brien, is now upon trial for the violation of the neutrality laws In carrying arms and munitions of war to the Colombian Insurgents rt Safanlllo. Ice Jams on North River. St., Quebec, April 25. The Isle Aux Chats Ice jams have broken and the bridge has been swept away. Another jam is forming at the Uttie rapids, below the village, and the water i? riMEg rapidly. The ic is doing a great deal ol carnage to buildings along the river banks. Moody Drawn an Immense Crowd. Princeton, N. J., April 25. There was an im mtnse outpouring of people to-night at the open ing of the Moody meetings la the First Presbyt tien Church. Moody will hold service to-morrow rorrnirg 1" Marquard Cnapet, ana in toe even ing iu the Presbyterian Church. struck by h I'Mtcg Train. Bpccial to the Sentinel. ' Fbankkoet, Ini., April 25. John Nesmlth was struck by a petslrg train on the Lake Erie and Western Ri!nnd. He had his arn mashed, which c(coitated amputation. HIsrtc jvery is doubt- fUi. Ulli.. is Soatorshlp. S.vriM rjFt.r, Ii'., April 25. In the joint con vention all the votes were ccstte'hg anJ ol a com pl.mfcutsiry craracier. Adjourned. loxnrysED teleokisis. Bujhrell Wbite, for twenty-six years United States Cornrnlss'orier iu the Clevelaad District, died yesterday of old age. Grundy, the county seat of Buchanan County, Vs., was almost destroyed by fire this moning. The Court-house and county record burue 1. W. L. Noland Miller, ot Erucetown, Freierick County, Va . assigned. Liabilities, is.OOO; assets t.y-0; creditors in InddänipoHj and SrringSeld. Ohio, preferred. The Kentucky Race Association meeting, which tcgics May 5, promises to b the finest ever held In that city. 'ihr?e hundjed horses are entered. The meeting lsis eljht days. Aa epidemic resembling typhoil fever is raging in riycoatt, Pa. Upwarls cf fifteen deiths oc curred Tc-t:rd.iv, and thirteen Friday. The dis tale is due to tho bad sanitary condition of tue town. There u Rrc:.t excitement In Montreal oyer the news fiom the Korthwcst, It is expected that some of tle volunteer regiments of thisdis'rict will go to the Ironu The water la the rivr is stcad;ly tubiiing. iBOarch Vhea tlie weither prow.s wirmor, that extreme tired feeling, Matit of appetite, dullness, languor, und;tud afllict almost tlie eutire human fauiily, and rcrf ula and other diseases caused by humors, manifest themselves wit' nun'. It is im possible to throw ofl this debility and expel humors from the Mood without the aid of a reliable medicine like IlocJ' Sursaparilla. "I could not sleep, and would get up in the inorni:i with hardly life enough to get out of bed. I had no appetite, and my face would break out with pimples. I bought M floocrs a bottle of Tlooi's Sarsaparilla, and soon began to sleep soundly; could ct up with out that tired and languid feeling, and ray arpetite Improved." II. A. Samokd, Kcrd.O 44 1 had been much troubled by general debility. Last spring Hood's Sarsapurilla proved just the thing needed. I d;iicd an Immense amount of benefit. I never Izli better." H. F. Millet, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for 5. Made wily by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar . SUUDRIJAN NOTES. IThe following society notes were crowed out of our Sunday issue oa account of tne pre-sum of ad vertisements. I JVorth Indianapolis. Jonn Cra't has gone to Palls City, Neb. Miss Cora V&nderes is on the sick lht. Lev. Mr. Guilds, formerly of BWifoni Street, preached at tiia M. i:. Church last Sunday evea- Mr. Joe.Wiboa, a?ed eighty four, was last week stricken with paralysis and now lies in a helpless condition. Kevival meetings are being held at th? Christian Church couducted by Rev. Mr. Piuncket, of Craw fordivllle. Charley Meflord. who has been denrivei of tha use of his eye-Right for tha past four mouths, is slowly recovering. The Woman's Foreign Mis-siosary Society will give an entertainmeut at the M. E. Church next Weontsday evening. Since list May tere have b2en!thirty-Sve new dwellings trected iu our village, and at present there are as many more under way. Oreeucastlo I. C. Brldgea is visiting ia Crawfordsville. Mr. 1. J. Phillips has returned to the city. Colonel Matron and family are expjeted home la a few day j. . W. II. Sherwoo l. Amerlea'3 greatest pianist, will be here on May Oa the 12:h of May the School of Theology will gradute four members. Lleutenaut May, ü. 8. A., has beea visitiug Lieutenant Goe, in tins city. The college 9 eletl,s have chcen Mr. Harry U Taylor editor of the De Pauw Monthly. Hon. W. O. Foley, of Indianapolis, visile! Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lockridge on Thursday last. Kev. E. W. Fifh, I). D ha? been invited to take charge of a Presbyterian Church at Vincennes. The Japanese student lectures oa the manners and customs of J'ipan, oa Tuesday evening, at College Avenue cnurcr. Maud. J. W. Perkins aud wif-; are expected home froai Florida next week. Mrs. G. A. Little is attending a Womin's Mil slonary Meeting in Chicago. Bev. N.ST. Pamirs, of Hartford City, spent a few cays this wee in the city, with friends. Th3 uniform degree rank, I. O. O. F., of this city, will go to Fort Wayne, Monday, to attend the I. o, O. F. celebration. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray, of Dalaville, who have ju-t rtturntd from an extended sty In California, aia ia the city the guests of irleads. George P Monveb, who unceremoniously left the city lt Monday, has not been heard from, nd no reliable explanation can be offered for his strange conduct. Miss May Heath returned oa Friday from a visit to New Orleans and other Southern points. Sae was accompanied home bv her brother, P. S. Heath, a newspaper correspondent of Washington, who will remain in the city Borne time, the gueat of friends. The Literary Fireside met with Kev. and Mrs. Thomas Stabler on Friday evening and neld a very pleatant session. Professor D. U. H. Shew maker read an elaborate and able paper oa science and Religion," in which he sho wed that both were in harmony with each other since thty were but diüerent forms of truth. Cleveland' Colored Appointee. Charleston News and Courier. Tbo appointment of Tom Hamilton, of De&ufcrt, to be Route Agent from Charles ton, S, C, to JacksonvilleFla., is a deserved recognition of bis honesty and integrity in public life, and of his faithfulness to the Dt tnocrat'c party when it was a3 rauch as a ccoied roan's lila was worth to proclaim h?ir:se;f a Democrat In Beaufort County. His acpointment will give satisfaction to al' who kDow his record tn thte Stats, and will be accepted as & jadiclcus one on every account. A Nw Theory About the Word Blaswump. The mugwump roosts la tbe hollow log, lhe sag wag tits In the tree; Whenever I hear the hogwig sing My heart is sad in me. Whf rev?r the snsgpop toots his too lo tbs wail of tae mlpwag hen. And the wlgfunk chirps in the 6tilly night. You bet I'm lonely then. New York San. Tacts for Tourists and Emigrant. Vhetherfor the tourist, bent on pleasure or business, or the emigrant eecking a far western home, Hostetier'g Stomach Bitters Is tbe best pro tector against the hurtful influences of climatic changes or malaria , the most reliable medicine for general use he can posf ibly carry with hira. It nudities the eflect of sudden changes of temper ature, braces the system against the enfeebling in fluence of exie-sive heat, prevents injurious con sequences fron a change of diet or of using bad food or water, is a fine resuscttaat of physical en erry diminished by the fatigue of traveling, and tends to counteract the ejects of exposure la rough weather. It is much aud serviceably ueel by niEr'uers and others whose out-door life and aiüuous labor expes them unusually. It If, moreover, of gieat service as a preventive and ce.raMve o disorder of the ttoxach, liver, to vel. e i:d as a gcneial tonic. Weefcly n.tll Statement, Niw Yopk, April 2o. The weekly Labi state- rrent thows the following changes : Increasa. Ducrrae. Loirr...-.... ', 9 GCO Sj'tH'le.-..... f 2,663, 0'.'O .............. Levrai tcnGera M 201,C0 1 .. Deposits.... 1.1216 0 Circulation....... 3. 000 e?crve...... 'j.TiS.TCD RriF now hold $53,112.425 la excess of lesal requirements. 'Trcciastination is the thief cf tiT.V ThtTtijre no tim should be lott in parc'iis irp a bettle of Hijbler's Heib Bitters vriin pry n febfr cf ti e family is tr.ücteri trith cho'era n orbn, dysentery, diarrhea or any of tbe kindred complaints eo wevalent at mtnj feasors cf the year. ItisthjYery thii.g for an emerf ency. In fact, the pru dent hourefcolo'er is Eeyer without tns raei Irene in tbe Louse. Try it for dysriepjia aad indigestion. May At no other senson Is the system so sus ceptible to tfu beneficial effect of re liable tonic and invigorant. The Impure state of. the blood, the deranged digestion, and tlie weak condition of the body, caused by its Inns l.attle with the cold, wintry blasts, all call for the reviving, regulating and restoring influences so happily and effectively combined iu lipid's Sarsaparilla, "Hood's Sarsaparilla did me a great deal of good. I hud no particular disease, but was tired out from overwork, and it toned me up.' Mus. G. II. SiMjicors, Cohoes, N. Y. 'J Ma " Ir seven years, pring and fall, I had scrofulous sores come out on my legs, and lor two years was not free from them at all. I snlTered very much. Lxst May I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before I had t:ikeu two bottles, the sores healed and the humor left me." C. A. Aknold, Arnold, Me. "There is no blood purifier equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla," E..S. Phelps, Ilochestcr, N.Y. a Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $. Made ouly by c. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOD Doses One Dollar N E W Mm Lai Boote. THE JUSTICE'S GUIDE, By Thomas M. Clarke. A new and practical treat:39 for Jcsticea of the Peace, stating their duties und showing them how to execute them, with all the acta relating to the Justice and Constable. About 500 pae3, bound in law style, only 3 00. C'arte's Law of Beai Property in Indiana end Conveyance ilaaual, 00. Burns' Railroad Laws of Indiana and dieat cf Supreme Court Dacision, $1 50. Statutes of Ind'asa, Revision cf ISTß. 2 vols., ?'J CO for set. Cl.:kes Manual for County Co T.m its'. oners, Auditors, Township Tiuitfes, Road Sapsr iiitendenta and Road Master., with the Las Governing those Officers, $1 0J. ilonnal fjr ConstiblcsA Guide for that Officer, $1 GO. Stcond and Fourth Indiana Reports (new edition), ?1 50 each. Gavin & Hori's Statutes with Div.'a Sappl rutnt, 3 vols , $3 CO for set. Manual for Township Trustees and Superintendent?, with the laws in force governing these officers, 50 cents. Lsv7 of Tsxation Co2CPrn?ns; tha äm?s3 ment dDd collection of taxe3, 50 cents. La of Gherifl A Complete Manual for fcherifi'a, $1 CO. Circulars far either the above books fur nifched on application. Address SENTINEL COMPANY, 71 ana 73 West Harket St. ONLY SI BY MAIL POST-PAID. A SEAT SEBICAL WORK 03 SLTOOOD. Exhausted Vitality, rvervous and t nysicaf Debility, rri-mature Decline in man, Errors of Youth, and tbe untold miseries resulting from indiscretions cr excesses. A boo for every man. young, mid-di-ased and old. It contains i25 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of whicn Is invaluable. 60 found by the author, whose ex perince for twenty-three years 13 sucb as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. CM Sages, bound In beautiful French muslin, em ossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mecnanicai, literary and professional than any other woric sola In this country for 150, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Prieo only f 1 by mail, post paid. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now, fcold medal awarded the author by tho National Mev.eal Association, to the President, o -Mrri the Hon. A. V. Bisscll. and associate oarers of tha B ard tbe reader is respectfully referrci. The evacuee ot Lite snould t reia by the young for instruction, and by the a:2!ctedfor rebel. It will benefit all. London Lancet. "here Is no member of society to whom The Seien. of Life wili cot be ueful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. AddreM the Feaboly Medical Institute; or Dr. W. H. Tarker, No. 4 F.uifinch Ktro:t, Boston. Mass, who may be consulted on all cdea-ies ra-iuinag skill and experience. Chronic; and obstinate ais ea?C3that have bsfled the sklit of other physl cisns a specialty, fc'uch treAted Buccesful'v with ont an lntcncc of failure Ment loa tals paper. ILEAL TUY&2U.T. m m m Ttli!s.. r,-rcuj..':, ii' lt or fail.a? pwars, retard! frowt'j rr i l.riok oiCJnie Ii.w mov!iod M Ontnliff it p.'."i"l UJ I. Gifl robo.t nl 1tJ m: 4iX',7l-:4 Jhyi:si,e bf tuilllnj op wtttej ti'"- ! c D-i'rMj n.a-i.. in vat t) wfiktt lirtioai. Full gt T;:. !i-flci, n4 fin-tiutJi riTa 10 eie-Tor.-in t.. b-'. tiii fo n Uji- dT. No V W ti!üa'nt; j "Tl'.u.iil. i-t. :: p. M "Ii 11. haofral r I t t n .r .! t-e-f 0 cmLine I. lI:e9 t iünrt.jlo cf t-,t.:'nt t..e mot 8ae.'ul known t Vi9 IL'ii'-.l n:t. " Ci (T.;jr"! (in W MJ oar enlonm-n-iit.'' ! jr-tto K-r. --. At ore qnarkory onrlij:e,'i!i'.iiv''-.V Y. kjh- o-i P.nt. " E"f.r a tieraTr.-'it .r i'-'nr ; n'i m) 1-T i.:-ri.-:.l w:tL-'it C-t." .V. 7. ; 'cli. An ir'tftul on of !ri:-s mir.i i'.b a OTrThel J rf Of ?-r,u.T .j c-:'. j-m.w." .V' "r-l-nnfti"!. Wr.K'toro'i? 7 -- ' r "'y " pf!n xp!!.:ioTi, r eAi.i i'1 -rji A 1j y.a av:p4. All c-t ERIE MEDICAL CO., &UFFALO. ?J.Y. I, t 5 fcWewT.Tiiw'X- A it. n n Ulli l i INDIANAPOLIS mm mm DO ALL cr FEINTING AND ilLlTUrtCIVT BLANK BOOKS THAT CIN SCI Z2 LZVLV Show Work Beseitet Posters, Pttwmnmws, SIEE5SS23 SSS D0DCEB3. r Pi aa. M li. tfigm ISA gmding 71 & 73 Wast KaiSsj Street. KDiANAPOLIS. EvD. THE INDIANA 1S85 FCB THE IESS 1885 Tha Kecosxiiiroci Leading Domcor&r LTöWrpapof of tho State, 8 Pages 56 Columns The Largest, Best and Cheapest Weeld j la the West at only ONE DOLLAR As heretofore, an cncamnromLsin enemy cf ilODOpolIca In Y,faßiev form nprxiirfn& and especially to tbs- pirit of snbaidf, ae eaifcoiled In tha PRESENT THIEVING TARIFF. TO INDIANA DKMOCKATSt Since iKnlnr ont last annual prospectus you bare acaievel a glori ous victory in your State and aided materially la transferring the National Government once more Into Democratic hands. Your triumph has beaa as complete as your faithfulnesi through twenty fonr years waa beroic. In the late campaign, as in former onat, tna BtNTTNKx'B arm has been bared in the fight VV stood Shoulder to shoulder, as brothers, la conflict; we now ask your hand for the coralni year in our celebration of the victory. Our columns that were vigorous with f&ht whea the Cght was on will now, since the contest la ovjr be devoted to the arts of peace. With Its ealire4 patronace the 8kntinzl will be better enablwl than ever to cive an Unsurpassed Eks iti Faoüi Pajsr. The rroceeünzs of Conzross and of our Dema rp.tlc Legislature and the doings of our Dcmo ratlc National aud fctate adm.initrat!otu wid b inly chronlr.lod, u well as tha current eycn'Jt cf the day. Its Commercial Reviews and Market S.'porr will be reliable and complete. Its Agricultural and Home Departments ars I the bet of hands. Pithy editorials, select literary brevities and en tertaining miscellany are assured features. It shall "be fully the equal in reneral lnforaa tlon cf any paper in tbe land, while la Its report on Indiana aairc it will have no eiaal. It U Your Own Stute Rp, aol will be devoted to and rcpreoent In ilana't Interests, political, IndufctrUl and social, as na foreign paper will or can do. Will yon not bear this in mind when yoa cone to Uxe subscriptions and cake up clubs f A copy of the Sentinel Supplement, Kivtet full proceedincs in Blaine libel suit, furnlshM eacJi new or renswlnz subscriber when doalrod. Now Is tho time for every Dem csrat ftho In Dtato to bid Bcribe for the Sentinel. TEEMS WEEKLY. Single Copy without Frsmlurn Clubs of 11 for. Clubs or 23, Cluti Of 80m. 10.GO ao.oo DAILY. Ob Copy, One Year.. One Copy, 8Ix Montrn..., One Copy, Three Slontris, Oa Copy, Oca Months S.00 . 8.0 83 BTJKDAY Bn2TIiIEL, BT MAIL, SI. Agents making up C!ah3 sand f as my information desired. SPECIMEN COPIES TBS3. Address odianQDoIis Sentinel Co, uil! Ill