Newspaper Page Text
G THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL WEDNESDAY MORNING' A PHIL 29 1885 glNAlICIMiAIlD COffiBRCIAL. honey and srrecKS Haw York FId aortal Mark.U HEW TOBJC, April 2S.--Ioney Oa call oontln ea (mj at 1 per cent, closing at 131S per cent fttae Kerotnuie Faper 3." per cent, Bar Bilrer I enchanted at ICS. Foreign Exchange 1 extremely doll and quo tstions unchanged. Actnal fcaints is done at OoTercmcnt Eonds-Qulet, steady and un changed, except an advance of per cent, on 4Ji's eJ 3', with sale of registered 4'a at 112', Stale roods Dull and at out steady, except some ' ilUfcoeri issues, which are a ihaie lower. Kailway Bonda Were mora iulet than usual, la sympathy with stocks; prices tliis evenia in nkDy caes are lower. Total tales 700,030, decline from yeatertfay of 11S.0OQ. ßteciswere extremely dull, and Tailed to de velop a finale feature of Interest except taa trfiirtt otpiayed m quotations. Every effort to reduce prices has been stubbornly reistet; the closing figures this eveain? ara in mot eae3 a ma.ll fraction higher than the final quotations yesterday: with few ex ctptiens, however. gilrs for only ',; to U. Bat there are only four or five stocks tnat show any log and these for araall fractions. Fluctuations In no case amounted to as much as 1 per cent. The ni2b't prkcsof the day generally were in the Cut hour, dnricz which over one thirl of the day's Luhe was tram acted Alter a slight re action the market became very dull and prices so continued until the close. New York Ceniral dosed at a loss o! Lake Shore IZ. Oreeon Navi gation and Omaha preferred each i. These are the only declines. The sale of stocks to-day azzreuate 1.425 abare. Including tue following: Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western, 11.TU3: Northwestern, New York Central, 9.S00; Paclfto Mail. 4,XJ: fct, -aui. 1J.00: Union Fabric, 8.0C0, and Oregon Transcontinental. 5,r0. l he Mailand Expressly: Tbe rcmin market 1a dull a atanv tine within tbe vsi four months. North StanGard. 4: Standard. If (J ; fl94ic. I'nlon, CO; hora Silver, .u..; Earetlona, ; Kierre NevaJa, 10. Tbe market closed with the following prices bid: S rer erat. bonda.-lC2li rnitedf tales WKIVPA I . a1 C. A t r,m via.. ' 1 lol narine Nh . 20 Louiivile & N. Alby. A arl., A Oio, 1st pM Marl. & Cia. eocaa-s teil. & Charleston,. 37 miction Central..-. bt4 iinncap. A 8t. L..-. 11)', Vlissourt Paci-C . ST-1 , Mobile A otno 7 Morris A Esex 1J NasnTllle 6 etat.. 3G!; U1UICU cmics uc -a ill. raunu toi 'J.iii Vint, Failfic Cists ..112 JMe seconds fA Lbla A ülkB. Ü6 Lctilriaca ccu-nis. 71 Mleouri 's 1C1 E Joe Ht1, tur.AR. C. Crt.ll7 Trrxrwsee 'l old... 47 T en i. m act Ca, iin ... 47 - t va a j , Tei. t. Klo Gunde. 5: iWcrthern PacltJe...... 174 CnlcnI'ac. firsts 114'Sorthn Pac. r!d 3)1 D. f. lend aran. lOMVCbic. t Northweatrn f5l4 D.l'. HafelEglCEd.11 CAN. pfd i.t'-'8 U "J i'CI 111 lyCUUaiMM 07 Va rcr.ex-matcoup 45 UMo Central. Virginia otltrrea Oblo A Mlb:slpi 136 O. A illia, pfd 62 Alle jfteny Cenual. Alton A 'aTre II A. A T. H. pfd.. Antrlcai. hxpre.'fl... Bsrl. Wdu B. AN. Crz Paciflo Ccniaa routhern Central Päciflc. narsaoe&ie A Ohla. Ii. A O. prefd firtta. CA O. aeconda. i Ontario A Western. 7)i 16 Creaon M.vlcation. 7" S3 iOreconTransccn't'L l 93 3f Oregon lnproien't. W- Pacific Mail 54)i Manama. OI)1 - Sl'.'Flmbarz oT.i 4 I r'uUman Falaco Car.161, 7' j'Rtisuiini?.... ir;,, b i Bock Island ...1I2V. Calcao & Alton U. A A. preferred--. 11 o Chic. Bar! A Q. 121 Ctla,8. U AN.U.. .... n., Kt. L. A Pi ttübnr s a, St. L. A P. pfd 17 no.. Han. A Clere... 23 CleTlndAColumhus. -R Da nelcrrd. 31 1 1 o. nrt pra . w !C, M. A P-... 7tf'i5 C, M. A St. P. pfd 103' du Paul M. A M.... 83j -it. Paul A Omaha.- 20 St. P. A O. pfd. 7ÖV, Delaware A hnd S2 I Texas PACiac. ... 10' H 52 Del. Lack. A West, lc.ilQnion Frei So Denyer A E. Grand t u. 8. Kx pre IV VV.. 8t.L. APaciac-. 2 9 Ane pre.ferrKl- 21 !3o. p!d.... XajBtTenneswe 314 vv'ells A Farzo Ex .10. jt Tennessee p:J. a?,!. U. TolKraph....- 5 Tort Wayne -123 Colorado Coal. Hannibal A St. Joe. 'Uead wood. 11. A KL J. p!d..... i rioneftake - Harlem - 1'. 0 j t ran Silver Hcrca-on A Texas- 16 Ontario . Blinoia Central, .-.lifif ?Dlcxsil7er I..B.AW 11 Do. preferred.. 10! fcr; iV" 4 2J Kanraw A Texas.. Lsj; icnttcra Fadfia.... aaue &rie a n eai.-. d Lake Chore. .. 5s iutro.-... - Foreign Money and Stocks LONDON, April 2S,-Con$ols, 0 for both money and the account. United States Bonds 4!i's, 115. Railroad Bonds Atlantic and Great Wesiern first?, -j:: Canadian Pacific, ü7!i: Erie ascends, 6Ä7: Illinois Central. 123: Mexican or dinary. 2J; St. Paul common. 7l;'6 New York Central. 9--: Pennsylvania, 55-. Bar Silver per ounce. The Bank ot England gained X15i,(XK) in bullion on balanco to-day. PARI?, April 28. Three per cent, rentes, 77 f 2-ic for the account. COMMERCIAL. The demand for dry goods Js tolerably fair, considering the circumstances. Prices un changed. Groceries continue lu fair demand, and prices remain steady. Butter and cheese aro dull and weak. Dried fruits are steady, as are canned goods and fish. Ie, poultry and conn try produce generally remain steady at previous tjnotation?. GÜAIN. We take the following from the Board ot Trade Circular: Wheat fellers In local markets holding stock firmer, and buyers of No. 2 red have advanced Lids ;4c. Arrivals only fair, with futures only touched lightly. Visible supply shows lare de crease, amounting to 1,91,933 bushels. New You at noon close wss steady, Baltimora JoC off, with Chicago quoted as steady. Corn All grades are active: dealers are free quyers at fall quotations. Receipts nhow slight improvement Futures not wanted. Visible sup ply shows marked decrease of over 1.0C0.OCO busa 1. New York at noon closa wu '.c oil', Baltimore ate arty, and Chicago ,'c lower. Oats Kirm and in good request, both for local consumption and h;cping rade. Thoiouowin table tauws tno receipts ot grain at this point for the past twenty-lour hours: iüCClVöd Tlcnr, bblj. Wneat. bu. Com, ba Oats, b3 Bye. bn . 2,100 2. 703 Tbe (alio ring uci mows tne amount ctfiala la store at this point: nu t I vorn. uau. I Kje. Kevaior A...... JLe;a;c: E..-.... Capital neraujr . Wes.tri' Elevator. . li.-iOC 12.710 G.7X 8.3 X 5X) 9.0 C! 9;20Q, 5.003! 2. oca rutttnr 1 ! ! io.wuo Total .-.I Sh200, Oorrp' davla,t ti 87 orM 2.9JC 20 OOP 27. CX WW 11.CC0 flout, urain asud May. Flour Patent. $ 25 35 51; extra fancy, ti 739 6CC; rancT. St li &): choice. ? 259t Sä: tam.iy. ti STI4 10; treble extra. S3 j,a3 lb: double extra, 13 ccs?; 15: extra. i 73sj 3j; snperane. WW J 2 ; üne,I2 S032 43. Wheat We quote: Ho. 3 Med- No, t Med Eld. 1 0li Asked. tricx - tracx r.nck 1 02s track 9il'a track HJ track Asked. 1 to 1 Injected April ...1 1 1 Corn "VTe quote: .-.1 CO Eld. so. 3 white. I 3,000( sr; track 55 f0 trace tracx 4S; traca 4S1-; trac- 44'., 47'. track: 47. 47 v; traca 4S 47j; track to trace iSJi trace bC)X , track 51 track 50' i Ai track 43 Sid. Asked. X Ptf 3i Bo. t White. Y-llow. H tü nixed. Hlxea. Mixed rejected High mixed rejected. 5o. 8 White rejected Ko. 3 white rejected, Wound aar.. hound Far. White. , Konnd Ear, high mixed. April... Oata We quote: a w-u:c tifhi tnlxfd.. track MUM S7t, Eejectcc. white-. , .. 35 track 3oS Kje No. 2. nominal. Eran Qcict: f!4 Cj Lid: so aellera. INDIANAPOLIS WHOLESALE MABKCr. liry Uodi, rsizm. TTLnflwr fancy HerrtmacK rancy Coneetoga fancy thazo fancy Ooch eco fancy, 1 Richmond fancy .. A nerwicx :a-cy. Belmont fancy.... 4 lixtoliton fancy o Wash'n'ton Did. bice-7 American fancy 5 si American Ind. blne.-T shirting 4 Albion aolld Wyj Axnencan Allen fancy---.--5 3lmroa'a mining. Allen ahlrun? 4 s öteei tuver laocy. IttrrimJick alerting. -.4 v Dunne LI lancy. SBX88 FABSICS. Facilo H poplin lna- 9 Pacific cashm,n.-,10 padflo . Acatraiiaa piScm a. oTmIZso Pacific 6-4 . X. ca.2Q FadflO 6-IA.a cash. I damiltoa aipacaa. 9 j Hamilton 1 mix .10 i Pacific 1400 lawna 10X iFaciCc Organdy ..11 iPadllc Chambray... 9 IP&c'flc cretonne.. 8 Pacinc c t. Uttings.. 8 Paclflo rcrcales...-15 Manchester cash 10 aancnester Deü 13i Pacific nun's veTg-l Atlantic alpacas .1Q Atlantic . 1. cash 21 Arlingfcn 43-in nan's Telling.- 32H Arlington pray c&shxaere. US Atlantic Ft caxhm KOWH COTTON . .....7 I Bedford K..... AtlantlO Atlantic Mystic Elyer. .-.6! Yardstick.... Lawrence 1 Indian Ucad Jji rremoat u. u.. .7 yi 'Stark A ...... Conestoga W aranack 6H üticaC renperell R. Pepperell E. .7 I Boot? xx... Pepperell 9-4- ..18 MAssichusotta Peppertll 10-4. 20 Windsor H... FUACITXD COTTCSa. L.. , 7' Barker Hills. Asdrcscoszln Locsoaie. 7i Farwell Pallardvale .... Sil rtasonville . ,...10 i Ft ait cf the Loon. Wamsntta., HlD's Semper Idem-. 7!4'FfirTjertr Cholco... A.. . 7; Dw??ht Anchor...-. aiiacaatone A. Hope, 84iPocahonus ... FetchTiiie., Chestnut Hill LcnKdale Caabric. Peppere'l 9-4. ...20 -...22 Pepperell 10-4 Just Out.., CCTT05 f LAKSBIA Bn Trcrnont DL . 6 Tremont II,. 7 Tremont P 8 Tremont 9 Tremont Y 9 Bl'd 7 8 9 10 B'n Tremont P. . 6 Tremont U . Vi Tremont L.... 7 Tremont B. - 7 Tttmont N . Bl'd 7 10 '8H 11 iTemcnt i. 11 12,S;Tremont O . 9 EllertonCN 7 lEHertonCM... 7 Nashua (.... Nashua FK 74 Ellerion CL.. 7 8 w 8 lEllerton V.... iyA 8 14 Nafhna T-. Kaj-hna D 8ViEllerton T.. '4 10 M 12 13 14 Nashua C... i Ellertoa B., 9 Nashna B... 9 leilertoaR - 9J4 Nashua A v:Kuerton w.. .10 asnna a&a... a v. lo1! Ellerton P. -.10 r ..10 3-4 SafhnaX.....' Naahaa XX llKlierton O lltf 14 Eilerton N. eiNGHAMS. lECt?8..... Watasaiia , Vi a 9 l'J.H v Laucaaler. Eat,c. Bcrzahire Normaadle Royal in! Ol&SjJOW. 7 7 7 York- WtlU9 M TlC). Renfrew dress.. .. Johnson bnk fold f LAOS AND CHEVIOTS. Amof keas .. 9 tAtabama plaids AniObke&g, fascy .10 'Louisiana plaids. ... KnteK - 8! Ottawa plalia ........ Oils B E... 8H 'Tdlatnrg theflotj-. Park Mill?, 70 chect-12 lEverett oheylots. Park Mills, K0 chock..l3 lüreat Kepnbiic Cher. Scocomy check . vK colcr.ib'an. . TV Otis chcA... QiiDamlJtoa tripes .! 0:ll, AZA Otlä B B .... .13 .13 U 14 .14 . 8 Yorz, bios-.. Ycrk, Plat8-.. Yort, fancy.. Oakl-nd, A.. Coluijbian... , Boston -.14 .-li -11 ... 7 ... 7i .14V. 0;i8CC... Atncstca2. Iverext Hsrm-ker.... TrCKIMG Aaofliea. A O A......13VJ Icwlcton, ... York, MJ ln.... 11V, Lewimon, S3... Coscf-atdKB, 3 F 14 jLewifitorj, 3 Coccetoxa, extra-,. IS lOaklaad, A Ooe-toga, O OA llX'Oaklsnd, A A.. QBAI3 BA6S. American... ...-...13 iQranger. .... .. uh 7 7 Va rrankimtllie .20 (Lewip'oa. Btark. A 1y Georgia, A .13X CABrrr chaix White .... ...-18 jCoreriet Chain... .20 Colored .... 21 iNo. S-00 Cotton Yarn.-10 andle Wick .23 iTwlne... . .. .2U -The Prod nc Alarket. f s payixg ice per doz. : from svre. 11120. Latter Cre-uBery fa2cy,27 Cisc; choice, ls.?ou; dairy, selected, 15(ji6c: country, fancy. Ihc, sw?et roll. 10!3l2c; medirua grades, 833c: lew trades. ttS4o er lb. Poultry-Dens, 83. io per lb.; roosters. 4c: hen turkeys, ire: torn turkeys. 8c: old geese, and well-feathered, per dee,, 14 80; ducks, par dos., Feathers Prime geese, 45c; mixed and ducks, EaCT-lKAlKo; Wool Tnb-w-aüca ani picked, 23SDc; nn- waanea meaiam. ivj : nnwannea common, 13c : enwasbed fine, 15(4 l&c; Cotswold, 17c; burry and unmerchantable at their yalue, cotton fleeces. HßUc Tbe Frovialon Market Eclow are taa present lobbins pncoi: Smoked Meats, canvastvi or plain (plala meats cot guaranteed against skippers )d. O. Utas: IG to 12 lbs. average, liQlUHc; 15 lbs. average, lOcj 17S lbs, averase, 10o: 20 lbs. average, 'M;z; heavy averages, 21325 lbs. 9l$c. totta?e hams. "Reliable Brand." 7!c; do "Forter Bran 1" 7c; California hama, Reliable Brand," 7j.;c; do Porier Brand," 7-4c; English brcakfist bacon. Clear, "Sellable Brand," lec: English shoulders. Lghtdo, lo: English shoulders, heavy do, 6c; ramijy sncuiaers, pieces, do. öyc; dried beat, do, 15c Bacon Clear sides, light or medium wt.. 7c, do tellies, light or me lium wt.. 8;?: do backs; light or medium wt.,7c: do Kreuch flltcii, 6;c I). 8. and Plrklel Meat Knzliah cared, cie-r Sides or backs, unsmoked. 7c: Bean rork. clear. perbbL. 200 lb, S15 00 : pork, clear, per bbl., 203 in, ji.iau; lamuy pork, clear, per bbl., 200 lbs., 811 50; family beef. rr bbl., 209 lbs.,1 18. Also in v, bbls., containing 100 Hs., at half the price of tue barrels with 5Gc added, to cover additional cost of package. Lard Pure aettle-render9d la tierces. 8Kc: in naii Darrel or su-io mos. c; 43-lb tin tabs, 9c; 30-ibpalis, 9c: 10-lb palls, 954c. Bologna in cloth 6c: in akin. 6c, The Grocery market. Cheese Fun cream. New York, 14315c: Ohio, us; pars axim, asc per pound; Wisconsin, 13o; SJiwriJMlc: youue America. 11c. Coachs -Oosimou, JiOMc; ordinary, 103 11c; tAlr. 11(211140 ; prime,; etrlctly prime, i4ai3H,c: cuotce. lP.i'üHw: Old gov- eranientJave. I7025e: McLannhlin'a IXXX roasted. Mb packages, IOC-lb cases, 14c; fru-lb Jo., 143 ;c ; Arbuckie'a roasted. 14ic: Leverlng's, nic; yaruooa, nc; uatea' A Ho. l, 15J4C; Gates prune, ii;4U. Sugar cntloaf. ?Hc: powdered. 7o: grann. lated. 6'txc; eundard A, 5lj(96o: off A, bit c: wävite extra O. 5Vi6kc: li2ht brown. 5Vica 5c; cocoon sradea, y&b)z Hew Orleans crown. Dr8g3.c, Moiaaea na Byrap New crop Few Orleans moiassc. Dopsc: syrup. per gal. lor com mon to choice: maple syrup. Si lOtl 35. KlOw Carolina aud Ixnlntana, 6vU7c Spices Pepper, l8Xtsi3S:: aieolc. I0ai2c: clove, 20315c; ginzor, l?32ic; cinnamon in mats, U(4i5c: nutmegs, 7ac. Bait Lake, In car Jots. $Gl dray lota, i 00,91 05; am all lots, 10 more from store; dairy, ?. 25 A3 CO. starch Kenned pearL lSJW per ib.: Eureka. 40: Champion glow, lamp, j?6)4c; improved Salt Fish Mackerel, extra mess, UK perbbU: baiTe, 112 50: No. 1 mackerel, $18320: halTes. SJ 10: No. 2 mackerel, 112 60314; halves, tt 503; .no. 2 medium, as: naives. au; no. 1 mackerel. 50. halves S2O3&0: No. 1 white tan, 7 50; boneless fish. S5 50:a4 per loo lbs.: boneless rvL 597; extra, S10; Grand Bank, teaso per lb.; family white flsh. w ru per liw ids. ; No. 2 pickerel. 13 (u per lOii iba.: nam out, m: per 10. Foreiam Frnit London layer raisins, new tS 2503 40: new Valencia, llsilXc; snluna. lo: new Muac-tel rätsln, two crown, f2 65a2 75: Cali fornia L. L.. ti a-. three crown. Si 23. Lemons Messina, 3 75S4 25. Pranea-Turkiah. 5Vi5jj4c: Suiuna do., 8Hc: currants, 5S;c: new figs, lay era. 12Hc, Dates Matts, 4Kv;; Fard in ten pound boxes. 93I0O, Orangf-Navel. crate, 14 50 4SJ5: Messina Oranres tilnileO.. S-l roa3 75-double O.. S3 0t'ö3 25: Imperial do., 55 00(35 50: Valencia cases. 85 50,37 00: California oranges. 3 00 za J 53 rer box. Peanata Baw. Ten n owe. itmyj: Wilminstoa. 8Hc: roasted, 10c: Tennessee. 4 6KC- Bananaa iQi per bancn. Cocoaanui 11 rxiaa. Canned Goods Wa onnu: Tomatoea. I Iba.. SI 00: Peaches. 3 lbs, standard, ST 65 a to; ion., n wigti uo: seconda, a lot. 11 50 1 60: 2 lbs., tl ssai 48; Pie Peaches, S lbs, fl 203 1 5: 6 Iba., 2 C531 10; Blaclbcrrle-, tl 0CVvill C5; Btrawberriea. SI 101 16: Raspberries. SI 154l 25; CacTTlca. red. 0fas5c: white. .145220. etrtne , tu-vvi urn reus, xarncnu corn, ,..,4"$ 7 Vi 7 4X b. B-.r4 y . t tt. 7! 6 . ... i ... 54 .10' .. 6 . 7 7 7i4 8 8? CI 8C1 IS: McnntaJn Fe gar Corn, H 25-a 1 to-. Standard 2 Iba. 90c3tl 00: Mackerel, fl 31 S3: Pineapple, fl WaJ CO; ealmon, 1 lb., SlCCaiTO: Tumbler JellUs. &390o; Cove Cytr, lin liht weight. 60S55o; 1 ip., roll weight, tl OoAllO: 2 Iba., uht welgat. si 10; 2 lta.. full weight, tl 85ai t5: Bardlnea, FrcacX X, tl 75 per dos. : American. 90o per do a; Apple, Slb,9Ca25O:61ba.S2 50i52eO; C-llon. t2&0OJC0. Tegetables and Fruit. F. ran a Choice navy, fl 60: medium, fl 60, Marrows, fl2 25; California, S3. I out toes 8J CC92 13 per bbl ; t5V375o per bn. Sweet Potatoes Pbuadelphl Jertya. to AS 50 1 Ealtlmorert, S404 60: Kentucky, Si 03: yellow seed. S3 toa3 75 i,er bbl. Apples Cnolce, S3 00(33(3; lancy, ff com- ancn, 81 2501 Uj. Dried App-sa icvaporated, C3?C ooramon dried. 6a5c. F cache Dried pe&chea. hfJvca. 9yii Cali fornia halve, lie: evaporaved. ai7o. Cabbnge New, per crate, 3 0-5 60 . imions-4 60 per bbl; Eerraufi onion?, f3 f0 per crate. Onion Hct White bottom, S7 00rer bj.: yellow bottom, u 00 per bu.; top sets. Si COperbu. Ecney Seed Timothy, fl 5031 75 per bnafcil: clover, f5 76y5 to tr cmhl: blue grafs. extra ci'-in Ktntucky, flP fil 2jDrbnsh; orchard tra, tl CC31 bu per batl-.el, owing to quality. OohI ana Coke. Pltabnrg, per ten. St CO: athraclte, f7 CCi Kr.y nond City. S4 00: Indiana bloc, ft CO: coke, lump, ICc: coke, crnrhed, 12c; sen coal, U 75; Btont's coal. S2 W. Hides, Ieathr bnd Tallow. Hemlock sole, 24(33lc: oac sole, 30333c 1 Penn sylania harness leather. 3 '37c: harness leather, 22 bridle leather, per dox., $00.972; domestio alp, 5038üct French kip, SOcqi 20: domeetio call. TCcSl 10; French calf, fl lCdl 60. LJdes No. 1 enred, 73Sc; No. 1 green, iQOVül No. 3 calf, Q10c; cured, lOOllo; dry salt, 10c; Clnt, lXi No. 2 hldee, $q off. Tanow Prime, to: No. 2, 10. Grease Brcwn. 4aiKc: white, 5a5Xc: yellow. a; rug; jsarxtt. Alcohol, f2 25A2S0: caioaifei. 7f ?Zc: utraphjr. A&wc; cochineal, 6Jvi30c; cuiorolorm, 9Ccttl wu; Hum opium, tl 25Q4 tO; ledigo, 81 00?s3 00; oior: i hinp. tl 4L-S3 65. Ü1IS Vhs'jOT. 31 55Q1 60: 8vcet til, tCcratl fco; olive oll, 1 W&i 00; ber-mot .tanderion's;, ti'JL2t0; lemon (danders j-'s;, I17JC12LO. Qulnine-P. A W.. 95c 451 CO, ein- (honida, 40.5c American bi carb, poda, 4S5o; "Dftwa oo., snuc Garret'a, 2-oa. rack., (1 CO per doz.: 4-ox. bottles. 83 CO per dos, Fiovc's sulphur, 4?c. Turtontine 36ci8c; Engüsb Venetian red, by bbl.. SKc: less ou-utitles. 8;c. Iodine ti CO; Iodide potash. 53 (XL Ciove. 20 '5c. Rhubarb, 80c 3 51 25. Wlndow-Zlaes, 70 and 100: double. a per cent on. Iron aud Steel Stärket. JBar Iron-fl 90fl2l0: rates rhoop iron, tl 5C rates 1 Norway and Sweed iron, 60 rates: horse shoo iron, to. iiorse bnoe warden A Perkins', per keg. f 3 SO; ranie shoes, si per keg advance. Horse Shoe Nails -Northwettern, Globe and Futnan,per box, 81 50. Cast 8teel Best American, per lb., 13c: spring tsel, tc; tire eteei, 4c : toe calk steel, 6c ; machinery i.e&i, sc, iai;s 92 MlaeelU.aoas Markets. Baw Fnr Mink, lanze. dark. 20o: pale, l"x: rac- .1001:, black fed extra, gl; largo and dark, 6:0; pale, 4C0: mufekrat, fall, 6"c: winter, 7oi sprin? rat. fc; cpoeeam, ScMc; kack, black, prime. toe; hert stripe, iCc; otter, S2 50.31 00; gray fox, 5Gc; :od lox, lGtiSOc: house cat, 50.5c; shtep pelts, by amount of wool and analltv. lC7'c: fill, long-haired Newfoundland deg tiles, &Ccjj 11. w. Oils Weanoto: Ltntöed.raw, il52n: boiled. M S5fiC: lard oil. 65ftS&c; miners' oil, 5.5'4ü53: lubrl- Citing oil, 12(33öo; straits oll, 55ü0o; DnJlne, 10 Slllcicoal od, Indiana legal list, 93l0c; 150 dwrrte, ut, I03llc: water white. 155 derae.iic. Ticners' tnppiica We quote: Best brand cnar- ooal Uni. C. lux 14. 12x12 and Hx20.SS 25;IX,10xl4, .1x20 t nd 12x12. 16 23; rooring, IO, 14x0, ?5 75; 4Cx28. til 5C-4J2 03; block tin, in pl,24c; in bars, Iren 27 B iron. 8.25c: '7 (J iron, 60: Juniata ..aivsniisd, 60 per cent, discount; rained, 50 and 0 ner cent, diwonnt. flheetain?. Oxc Copper ot-, j?ic Plalnlahcd cepper, 312. Welder. 14 CISC. Liv roetf.. Jxtdiacapolls L.1T wtocft Market, Upio Stocz-Yabds, April 2S. CATTXi -Receipts, 200 head; ihlpnen-i, 150 head. As local receipts continue light our market remains atout the came. Butcher grades in goal demand. Shippers little slow. Choice shipping grades. 85 15 15 40 Mediam to rood shipping grades 475 15 to Common to fair shipping grades. 4 :;3t GO Beckers and feeders, cooimou to gool... 8 75,M 50 csoioc cows ana naueia. - ............... 4 20 sji 65 Medium to good oewsaed belfeva . 8 501 00 r emmon to lair cows end heilen . 2 50 H 25 veals, common to good 4 Ollis fx plla, coramot. to good 2 75:t 73 Milkers, common to good -25 C03M) 00 Hoes -Receipts, s,0:o head; shipments. 1.030 head. Quality ood. Market opened active and a shsde higher. Packers and shippers free buyers. Cosing quiet. Select light or heavy St 551 CO Common to fair light .1... ... 4 40 41 50 u ea vy roughs. .. ... ............ .m...... 3 5l 10 Chi it Receipts, head; shipments, head. Nothing doing for want of stock. Market steady and unchanged. Good to choice grades 4 1 2J.TH 50 Fair to medium grades s 6o:4l tK) Common .............., it to-.ii Spring lamlDs ....... 5 037 CO Klaetvher. BUFFALO, April 23 cat;iy-Kec2ipti, 5 head : consigned through, 8G cirs. 8:eady ehetrp an: Limbs Keceip's. 1.20) heal: con signed through, 13 cars. Steady and in fair de mand: unchanged price?. Horrs Receipts. NX) head; consigned through. 91 cars. Good to choice Yorkers and butcher' gradif, Si 80,34 90. JXAST LlBKttTY. Pa.. April 23 CaUle-The mat ket was slow and unearned; ttxeipts 111 head; alT7Eents, 950 heil. Hos Uera 'actice and fi'm: Philaielphia so'd at St 80(85 00: Yorkers at 81 tijl 75;rectipts, 1.3GC head; shipment, 5,00 nead. fcheep Market fairly active and unchanged; receipts, 4,0 head; shipments, 6,u"0 head. KANSAS CITY, April 2S. The Lira Stock Iadl cator reports: Cattle Kecelpts, 461 head. Market firm and un changed: native eteer. averasinc 1.0VJ to 1.2iS lbs., 5431 : feeders, tt 25(31 oü; Colorado nail breeds, averaging 1,117 lbs , S tO. llogs Kece'.pw, 7,t.'." bead. Market Bteady; racgc.tliil sv; bulk, 81 11 i 1?. ßheep tieceipta. 2.5'AS bead. Market stoadv: na tives, averaeing 9'.) lbs., selling at 53 '.K); common, averagicg 70 lbs., $1 0. NEW YORK. April 2S Bcctos Receitts. Sf car loads, all for exportation; dressed beef duil at 4riLc per iU. for commou to prime sides. The ex torts were 7.S.0 quarters of Lctf and CwO carcasses of mutton. ShPft Receipt?, 1.100 hfad. Market onlet at Si 7f(vt 2 per cwt. for uunhorn sheep: 51 5035 20 for clipped clo.: $IH1 25 for unsaoru sheep: 81 53i 5 20 for clipped do : Si 75 fur nnshoru jeariiugs: 10(35 7i for clipped do. ; die?sed mutton dull aad 7'''"'.'iaC per it". iioi.8-Kcct ip:s, 4. CC0 beal, all for nlauhterers dirpct: nrceortered alive: market nominally weak at Si 4f(3tJ 50 per cwt. BT. LOUI5. April 25 -Cctte-RX50iptf, l.OCO bead: fehipmenta. 100 nead. i'he market s ow apd easy, ei:cially for heaviest rsdes; fairtOKOot chipping kteers of 1.C03 to l.iGOlSs.. 1 'C(ii 0: tirorW, rominal; good native bntch tra'. 54 l.Vttt -; row and h!i;"era. f i 2S31 25 ptcckfis end feeders, 3 tOyi 75; corn-led Texan, :l(fil 75. Wega Kcelpti. 6 200 head ; shipments, 80O had. Market actite and higher; Yorkers, 51 42-31 60; packers, f 1 151 45: butchers, SI 501 65, Sheep Kueipta, 800 head;rhtpmeuis, 1.4C0 head. Marketin fair demand but not so firm: fair to good urshorp. $3 2;f.4t; tool to choir. St cit 50: ex tra, fl 75: dipped sheep range at S175Q4. CHICAGO April V8 Tn trovers Jarnal re- joils: Cattl-BeceiptJi, 6.5C0 head; (hipnenU. ZhW head. Market s eidy anC rather a tlve, with prie a bade stroneer: shipping rrale, fl Mlä ." butchers'. f4 406 50; teckers and feeders, J3 65 3: Texas cattle, tt 37! 55. Bogs oecetpu, 18.000 neta: shir men U, 5.CX) head. Market opened 5c niher a;id closed w?aa and light: advasc9 lot; rough and mixed, tt '.0 01 45; parking and shipping. 4 504 75; ilghi weights. St 3C3I 75: skip. 13 0.31 33. Rheep Receipt, 6.403 bead: ahiprnenti, l.w00 head. Market slower and a ihad- lower; Txas herllns. $2,3: shorn nalive. t3l 20; wooleJ, MVtgibO. HARKET8 BT TELEOBAPH. Produce Markets. CHICAGO. Arril 28. The last day of trading In the Excbarge Building was one of extreme quiet after a preliminary ru&h tn the morninj, occa sioned by the report of another eneatement- be tween the Kujt.siaca and Afghans on the Afghan IxcsUer, This teat the mark upK'4C bat aa iter was co eooCiroatkm of tbe report and Brit )i b cort ol vent up Instead of down, aarged atk atd tradiog became dull. There was evident ditlBClmauon 10 trade in view of the holiday or Ceicd by the beard to-a or row upon the occasion of the dedication of the new Chamber of Com rxcrte. Tbe decrease in the v bible rurply. tho toor crop outlook In addition to tbe uncertainty of the foreign iltniticn combined to ho:d tbe ixarket kady. and closing figures were a shade higher ttan yesurday. Speculative tradinz in corn was lght; prirts ruled firm early, but iell ttck. reacted ana c ostd about the tame as jesterday. Tbe fetlins in oats was very Dim and the market closed ort-r j(ierday. Very liiile interest was mown in proTiflonp, and price displayed little chanpe. rlo.r Firm and uncbeiged. Wh at Aggregte tiadirf a lipbt with an unsettled feeling. Toe mar ket cjeuea stroig at f4j higher on rumors of more Chtitig in AUhiiisuin, bet as consols re maicta steaoy prices fell buck, and the market llnally cloffd over yenerday. Hales ranged: April, ha closed at r'Sc; May, Mi W) ciotd at SV-. June, Olvi'Jlc. 'ioed i Dlc; July, OJfav, c:o-d at .u-vg-:; Na. 2 string, j-s' .; (a4c; o. 2 red, 7;4ft3?: No. 3 red. Me fc4a Corn-cpiculaiire tradinz 1 tJht. butship PiUt: demand was aooi. Pricva ruled higher, but fell taek ,'c ana closed about tbe same m yester oay: Cfb, 4i!;i:;4c: April, 47;317Ja Closed at 47 Sc; May, 47$4t3';c. clwpd at 4-?;isj',4'c; June, 47,sS'4p, clotK! at 4mc; July. 4K(i44S;e. clo?d at4;c. Oats Kulfd very tirtn aud cf'd .jc higher than yesterday: cash, ö.'c; May, S5;;-3.c, Closed at So1 ;c : Jun. (83tl';o, closed at 3-3 ;c: J i!y, r.CfS6Hc cl.pd at3 live Firm; 'o 2, KTW. '.Kriev-Nominal. rlaxfeed-Stca-iy ; wo. l.flStV. ilcis Pcrk-QulPt but attady; ca-,h. til 75(411 Mv, May, f 11 72(311 77, closed Rt 11 TldU 75; Jute, ill 8iHn 87i, cloted at 11 iy9J4 U S5: July, 511 t5c12 03. closed at Sil Vi&il 97j-$. Lard tuiet and unchanged; cash and May, S5 85 6 fc7j: June, fO 956 1 K, closed at t6 Jj: July, 17 Bcxed Meats Mt-ady: drv waited should- err, fl 40; abort rib , S3 90.35 92JJ; s.ort cltar tide, S5 aCQ5 35. Sugars Unchanged. On the Produce Kxchause : Butter and Eggs Ru'.ea quiet and unchanged. Ileccpts Flour, 24.0 bbln.: vrheat, CVGObu.; corn, 125,000 bu.; oats, f3. CCD tu.; rye, 3.0C0 bu,: barley. 13,030 bu. 6hip ir.pntk Flour, 2 ,C00 tibis.: wheat, l&8,000bu.; oru, TS.COO bu.; cm.uj t,ooo oa.; rye, none; oar ley, t,0liJ tu. Ni afternoon board as held, and the baard tiids adjourned uuti. 10: 0 n. in. Taursdsy. USRWYORS, April 2"t.-rio-ir-r.ei.x;ipt. 21,773. ,mJ btli. ; cxtKrtB, S.4V2 bbis ; goed to choice extra, wtstcin and S:n!e, iC((C: common to cno'ce white wheat western, extra,$ji 50; fancy, do., S ' QG 2C: common to good extia Ohio, Si 75ft r 2j; common to choice exira. U Ixul, f3 75vtQ'n; paunt Minntoia extra, sood, toJprime.Si 255 75: market clo3td stnody. Wheat Receipts, 13.GO0 bu.; exports, 5S,;:s bu; (pot grades a shade better but quiet; options opened i?i'iec bisher; but later loet advanced and declined a triii, closing with a reaction of u5;c; tales of 2,144,030 bu. futures and l40,Ci0 bu. tpot: No. 2 spring. OJc; No. 2 Milwaukee. 51 0i)i: UDsraded red, Slft'jsc, fl C1J4 in Hore. tl 12 afloat; No. 1 white. SI 01': No. -2 red. May. tales of 410, 0J0 bu. at f 1C0!;UCT': tlCPlns at i CC '4: June, 1.14O.C0O bn. at'sl 4 1 U'2;h. closmr; at 1 ir2 : July, 4$C,OUO bu. at ll u;4 dl uij.; c'oHug at fl OF1;; Augn-d, C6,iC0 bu, at 1 bM-,C't! UO'h-clOMDK at SI 05;: Owemter, 21, 0C0 bu. at 31 1101 UU casing at SI li; j. Corn i'.ccoii'ts, 143.1 l)U bu.: 'expors. 211,374 btl.; saJes, .l'4S,(M.O bu. of futures: -j0 003 ru. of un.raled, 55S."o-JJc; No.' 3 6J'ü5 c elevator, 5Sc aßoit; to. J, oTc; elevator; tz,a,tf & afloat; s tea wer wtiie, öc elevator ;S)ic ai!ot, low mixed, 50i.: No. "2. May. 6t,,.4t57v'KC, cloMü ai STc; Jun?. 5o;cTc, clcttug at5tc; Jnly, .77(457'' closing ai oi!:; ADKhst, 5SC4rjrJB'j, cluing at A thade Mronstr and in moderate demand. Oats Kecelpts, 41.9C0 bn.; exports, Hi ba.: Mks of 375 OC0 tu. of futures: 92,CoJ bu. mixed Western. 41(i44c: white, do., 4J5Cc. Hay -Steady and in fair utmand. CoSee i?po; fair; Rio dull and nominal: options felO points higher and fairly active; No. 7 Rio. fpot, 6 SOc: eiles of 23 250 bap: May, 6.GCij.f5c; Juno. 6.75j$0 t0,;: Julv, ".M) (46.y.'iC: Avguvt. 6 li537.C6c: September. 7 05y,7.1.c; cctcber, 71Sa7.20c; November. 7.20i7 2";c; uccem- b.T. 7.2.c. hugar-Flrmtr, but quiet: molaren Ruiar, 4c: iir to good reünin quoted at 4 1115 (4 1310c: refined Armer: wbit. extra f, ellow, 4 7-1C(1?hc: Maudard a.5;;c; cubes, C 9-10 (a,iy.c MolK8;ea-Firm and in fair demand: Cuba fehulrjp, c. Rice aiefjy r.ud fairly actlvf. Pe troleum Puited c losed at .c. Taliow-(u;ctaud Meady. Botin-Quiet. Turpentiue neady at ?.'jC. EgsSteaoy and ia fairdmanl. Pj:k Dull and uriceB more or lesx coialual; no sales ra loncd. Eeef-irieady Ctitmeats Steady. Lard 2(5J 1 eint lowfrrano mod iraiclv active: Western strarr.sro, S7 Mav, S71Cy7 13: Juno. 87 23 7 23; July, $7 ;:tKtl 32: An,Uit, j7 3?a7 3'); S.p temttr, S7 4.".(o.7 4". Butter Uull and weak. Cfcerte (iuiet and about s:eady. Oiher articles unchanged. ST. LOUIS, April 2S Flour - Dull and un changed. Wheat lliher but inactive, töere fce lcg bat few outni3 crdeis: prices cloned under top ticuref, bat tli.l ft:c above yftte rday: No. 2 red, cth, fl 0! ?.l C2!i: Mav, $i Qiy.l 02?;. doting at tl 02, June, il O'iftl 0ll4, cioinir at SI 03Ji; July. 1 ei)l C5'4. closing at SL 0-1J. Corn Higher, but uuil on! cosed weak andis 4c below the hlihet price? No. 2 mixed, cuu, 4o 4ic: May, 4s! 15?: June, 4dilC:;8c; July, 47ct4?Mc 0ta- for cash: oofious firm ru no mlcs; No. 2 mixed, cash, 3334v, May, ?l:4c bid: June. 3G!4o bid. Kve Quiet: t.2c bid. Bailey No market. Lend Firmer at S3 45 (33 50. Butter and Eggs Unchanged. Flaxseed Steady at SIS?. Day and Bran Unchanged. Cornmoal Firm at S.' 3532 40. Wool Firm and unchanged. Provitions Dull an 4 unchanged; only a job trade demand. Pork S12, Bulkraoata Car lots f. o. b., Jong clear, f 5 SO: short riD, f0; short clear, f6 37fat; 5P. Bacon Long clear. f 25SI 6 3TK; short rib. S-i 37iQ6 50: snort clear, $6 62Vi (36 70. Lard-fo 7'jo 75. Receipts Flour, :;.00j bbL.; wheat, li.CCO bn.; corn, 4o,uoa bn,: oate, 10,- 000 ba.; rye, 1,X) bu.: barley, none, tshlpmeuta Flour, '.C0O bbls.; wneat, 5,000 bu.; torn, 29,000 bn.: oat?, 5.2O0 bu.: rye. 2 0C0 bu ; barley, none. Afterneon Board Both wheat and corn were easier and slow, but not quo'.ably lower. PHILADELPHIA. April 23. Flour - Qalet. Wneat Firm: No. 2 rtd April, iOJtO'.c; Mav. 9-Ja W,ci June. 81 idl Olii: July, 81 0!l 0::'4. Corn itronc: No. 3 mixed, 56c; No. 3 yeil'jv,f7c; s'tamerNo. 2 mixed, t6K(ä'c; No. 2jello.v. 5c; No. 2 mixed. April, ft'-c'ic: May, öCVaW'c; June, f,'4Cä57c: July, 57(a57c. Oats Firm tut quiet: No. 1 mixed, 42ic; reiectei white. 4lKo: No. 3 white, A'ic: No. white, 42j443c: luturo a tfcace hlgner but qr.iet; No. 2 white. April, 12i 4-c; May. 42.3 42' c: June, July, u 11?. Butter Pull and uusettlfd: western good to choice, 12Ql."c. F-sga gteadv with modera demand; extras, 13tyjllc. Cheese Quiet and easv: Ohio Hat;, choice, 10c. Other articles un changed. Receipts Flour, ft.oCObbia.; wneat, 13.000 bu. ; corn. SO. 000 bu. : oats, 15.000 bn. Shipment Wheat, 52.CC0 bu.: corn. 41.000 bn.; oats. 8.0C3 bu. CINCINNATI. April 2S.-Cotton-Dull at 10. Flour Quiet and unchanged, wneat Kavier; ro. 2itd, fl C3CJ1 t5; rtctipta, s.tOO bu.: Rhipaients, 2.2C0 bu. Coin In gocd demand and firm; No. 2 mixed, 4,Xli0c. Oats Active, tirm and nigber; No. 2 mixeu, if3ac. Kye-Duli; No. 2 fall. . f, (' 1 f I v . ...1 11 i T..11 (-i. oaiic vuici auu uuiuaugcu. rura Lmi at $12. Lard null; cuirent make, S 75. Bulk cu&U Quiet tnd uncta.ged. Bacon Dull and loaer to tell; snoulJeis, $5 25; hhort rib, G7.: thcrt car. ;7 10. Butter tirm and tmchanzed. h'uga: Dull hl d lower; hard reiincd, GJi&Vir; Ntw Orltaue, 4.,4(iij,,4c Hogs tfteidv; iu"i uui. and light, f.;rG31oü; packing aid butcher', tl so Cii SC: receipt, i02 nead; hhipmeuts, 56S hevl. Fggs Easier at l,.,il2c. Cheese Dull and nom inally vtrcbacged. MILWAUKEE. April 2 -F!our-Steady but dull, htat ea: Milwaukee No 2 or Mav, ??; June, S0!4c; July, 9;?i-. Corn Very little offered; No. 2 i7;4o Oats-tiy quiet; No. 2, Zic delivered. Rye-Quiet and nominal at 71c. Barley Scrc:ly anything doing; No. 2 nominal at 62c; extra No. ö, 5$c FrnviiioD-Ksier. aiets Porx-Casa or Maj, til 75; June, til fr5. Lard-Prime steam, cish or May, Si s5; June. J SO. Butter Best qualities tirm; best dairy, I7(420c eheste Quiet; tales of fair lo Bco i at lOvllc Esgs-stevly and in wood sup ply at llcallc. Kecilpu Kior-r. 22,781 bols.; wnc.i, 25 "0 bu.: barlev, 2.725 bn. Hipmeats tflr, 11,325 bnis.; wheat, 7.4Q0 Jbu.; barley, 3.4C0 bu. EV ORLEANS, April Corn Demand fair; market higher wilh a goodiupply espeJa ly in white mixed aud white, at 53c; yellow held at 62c Oats He'd higher and tinner: tunpiymod eiate: choice Western. 4Sc. l orn meal Etler and in moderate dmand at l C5. flay Bisher: de mnd(faood and supply light; prime t strictly piime. 819-21 0; choice to fancy, S 2212 ;. Bulk- lr.eats Iuil and easier; shoulder, packed. Si 25: long clear and clear rib, S. Bscon Dull and eatur; thonlder, nominal at Si 50; lortu clear, nominal at 62' clear hps, Sj 62S. Fr n D,ili aud carer at fl. Otbe' unctanjedJ. Eicaanie, unchanged; conso a, 631 4305?;. BALTIMOEE ; ril 2, -Wheat Wes ern opened firmer, declines idu ciosed nnsettltd: Na 2 win ter red. apot. 95r't4VV Anril. 9JXc asked; May, Jute, f . UMOl C1T,: July, tl 0;;öl 1 04. Coro Wtstern higDcr, closing dull; mixed spot and May, fo'f 'sc; f June, 5657c. Oats Finn and fsteadj: Wt-otern white, 46(3 4Sc: mixed, 4t$4c, Provlfions Steady and quieu Other ar ticles unchanged. Receipt Flour. 14,75-'; bbls.; wnet 31. coo bu.; corn. 30.0C0 bn. : ts. 8,003 bu.; rye, 200 bn. Enlpcentt-Com, eo.CvO bu. LOCISYILLE, April 28. Cotton Easier, but no buslnets doing; middling, 10i0;;a Grain Quiet and steady. Wheal -No. 2 iOLgoerry. f 1 12: Na 2 red, tl. Corn-No. 2 mixed, 5lHc: No. 2 white, 64c Oats No. 2 mixed. 39c Provisions Flow atd ncchacgrd. Ba coon Clear rib aides, U cltar (Ides, t7 25; shoulders, 15 25, nlk- xreafP-Ccar rib ide. fC 15: clear sides. Pi 60; ahooldera. S4 75 Me Pork-f 12 60. Hama-cagar-cured, tlOiO !a Lard-thoice leaf, f j 25. TOLEDO, April 28 Wheat-Qalet and steady; No. 2 rd, cah April or May, 924o; June, :!4?; Jnly. S5ic aked; No. 2 sott, fl at. Corn Firm; No. 2, cash or April. S 2c: May. 51c; Jane, blc; July, 5lJ4c tid. Oats-Dull; No. 2 caah, 87V,c; May, 2Sc bid. clover Weak; prime to medium, t5 35 atked.; Receipt Wheat, 9 000 bu.; corn, 4,0-Xbn. Shipment Wheat. 6!,0t bo,J K ANAA8 CITY, April 2S Wheat Hiehcr; cash, 7S-Jc; May.75J"; Jnce. fi'c: Jnly. Si". Corn A (ade b-tUr: c, 3-ic bid. :S"3eavked; Mv, S9c: JuLe, iOc bid, 3vi; aaed. Oat Caah. 35! jc bid. Oils WILMINGTON, April C.-Terpen tine Dull at2V'4c NEW YORK. Arril 28. Petroleum-Opened Ji higher at C4c, advanced to elc, b eke to 8)j ani Closed at tOc PITTSBURG. April 2S.-retrnlnirt Fairly ac tive and etc. ! ; opeued at -r,'4(5 ani clysed at fcSc; highest. .CJvC: lowtit, SC';?. BRaDKORD. Pa. April 2s.--Petrolenm Na tional Tran'-it CefliEesite opT,i at 80c and closed at fc0c: hiqhctt price, sc-;6c; lowest, 80c; clearance, 2,::,.0.t0g btl. OIL CITY. I.. April CS. Petroleum Crude oil, tales tf 1 C65,l'0- bbls.; clcarftncpp, ö.8?0.ü3 bbif.: mc". 7.V9U bo'.p.; s'iipmnts, 78.210 bbls.: charters, 1.4K bfcl. National Transit certificates opened at sr'. e und closed at i-Qc: h ghest price, fcic; lowest, 75; tc. NEW ORLEANS. April 2S. Cotton Dull and easy: middling, l'ßiz; low raiddlinj, 10s; good ordinary, 9ic Net receipts. 521 bales: gross 1,323 bales-exports to Great Britain, 6,110 bales; sales, 1,(00 bake; atocx, 137,37!) bales. NEW YORK, April :S -Cctton easy; middling upland. 10?4j; middling Out a, lie; lutnres c;osed firm; April. 1J 60: May. 10 öGc; June 10 75c; July, 10.81c; Auvast. lO.STc: 8epteaioer, H.Olc; Oc tober. 10.21c: November, 13.07c; December, 10.07c; January, 10.11c. 4.v TOKE, April 2S -Cotton The Poll's Cjt to retie w svf : At third callj September br",ih.t 10f3j: October. 10 22c: May held at 10.63c: Juue. 10 73c; July. lOhOc; Augusr,,e; Novemuraud Dtcerber, 10.0'c. January, i 0.15-3. Market li'n. Futures lOKed firm at 4-1003 to 5-103c lower taan jeitercy. sits are 152090 tales. Drv Goods. NEW YOKE, April 23 Dry Good Export of domestic cottons for tbe week, 2,757 pckazes; for expirid portion of the year, 61,058 package, asaintt f S,Co0 tme time last year, largest quantity in any previous year. Woolen goods coatinues in good Inquiry. Cotton Roods dull and trade li;hL Wool. PHILADELPHIA. April 2S. Wool-Market dull, prices ncrainal and supplies light. EOSTON, April 'Z?. The demand for wool con tinue ttcady and prices arc unchanged. Whlafey. ÜIKCIIIUATI, April 2-WUlskj - Steady at tl 13. CHICAGO. April 2.-Wniky Firm at SI 15. BT. LOUIS, April 23.-Vhi.y-Steady at Ji 11. Tb Farm at n Factory, i Philadelphia P.ecord. It should be considered by farmers that the farm is ft factory, but the majoritof farmers do net avail themselves of its advan tages in that respect. The farm also pro duces its own raw material froaa which t3 xrantifacture articles cf sale. Instead of the farm teiDg adopted to a single cccapition only, it is really a combination cf a great uoeDy purtuits. The implements and ma chinery are varied, arjd the products are not limited to any particular article. It Is be cauie ell tbe advantages of farming are not ntilized that to many failures occur, lor with proper management and judiciouB system no pursuit is surer, owing to the many availa ble forms ia which the farm product may ba marketed. There is no advantage in selling the raw material of tbe farm, and by the term raw material is included all the vegetation pro duced. The farmer usually sells the product (which brings the lowest price always) and its conversion into more salable matter is done through the agency of others. Ha can partially regulate the prices obtained by tending his produce to market only in each forms es will bring a profit, and his advan tage lies in the unlimited lime for doing this. The machinery for producing the raw mate rial is constantly getting out of repair, nut the machinery used for converting the pro dect into di Keren t material is self-sustaining and self-repairing. To make it plainer, the cow is the machine for converting hay and grain into ruilk, butter, cheese and beef. As the gradually rears out ehe supplies her place with a newer machine. She is capable of appropriating and utilizing a vast amouutof matter which could not lind a market but for her assistance, while at the eame time she returns a portion of the original cost in the shape of manure for tbe pur pose of assisting to further increase theamcuntof raw material. The ewe fur nieces wool, mutton and lambs, and, unlike the ccw, fcraces upon the barren waste place, gathering the scanty herbage, and cotDDellirg even tbe weeds to furnish their quota. Tte 60v, the most prolific of our an imals, SUs the family pork-barrel and furn ishes progeny that mature quickly and reach the market in a short time, and on a variety of food which permits of the cultivation and ntilJzation of many crops that are rarely salable, except at a low price. Tbe mare gives us the power with which to perform the work required and udds her offspring to the revenue, and even the poultry, though but a small part of the whole, are effective and capable machines for the conversion of much waste material into ready selling car casses and eggs. Thus it is eesn that animals and birds are machinep.performing their work by different methods and triviug a variety of manufactured products which are salable at all teacons of the year. If tbe farm is a factory it must be, to yield a pro 1st, a first-class one. A poor machine will do inferior work only, and to get the best results the roost perfect and labor cav ing machinery alone should be employed. It is Lot good judgment in the farmer manu facturer to nee a machine that makes only ten quarts ef milk from the milk from the material used when he can as readily use one that manufactures doable that quantity, and even more. As factories are provided with the latf st inventions in order to com pete with rivals, so must the farmer begin to rtalize. that he. too, is in competition with his ftllow-farmers, and endeavor to s-cure the greatest profit by the etliciency cf his machinery and the quality of his products. No business man is Eatisficd with the ma chinery of twenty years ago, and why should tfcefarrrer be less energetic? Tne old-fash ioned milk machine should give way to tbe Holstein, Ajrshira and Jersey. Tne pork barrel must be filled quickly and cheaply by the Berkshire, Chester, Yorkshire and roland thina. The wool and mutton must come from the Merino, the CotswoM and the 'Downs;" and the "old blue hen" must make room for the Brahma, the Leghorn and tbe Plymouth Rock, The factory must be yorked to ita fullest capacity, and noth ing should be sold off the farm until it has been utilized by the machines. lie How Horn in Cattle. Tbe die ease commonly known as "hol'ow horn," has 110 immediate connection with tbe horns, aa animals without horns mani fest the eame symptoms. The disease in question is the result of inflammation ex tending from the mucous membrane llninsr the nostrils, into the sinuses of the skull and horns, there being a direct communication between three parta Debility, improper and insufheient food, exp-sare, and all other causes that tend to weaken th system, may Eiye rise to this condition. The trs.tment must then be such as to counteract this de ficiency, and should consist mainly of good nursing. Keep tbe animal in dry, warm, well-ventilated quarters, paying particular attention to carding and brushing, give nenrishire food, and a little physic If ne cetsary. Hub the tpine frequently. E3xlnc the horns is useless and barbarous, and is to b placed in the same category with cnttine cfT the tail as a remedy for the "wolf," as still practiced oy the Ignorant. Twenty-four hours it quick time in whici to effect a cute of a long-standing disease. Mr. D. G. Strattcn, of New London, Conn., is ft liviDg wjtnew, hoover, that it is corsi ble. He writes as follows: "I bad been laid up all winter with sc'.atic rheu matism; hate been so bad that I could not walk, atjd what pain I Buffered! I heard of AthlopfcowB tbrongh a neighbor that had baen cuied. I tent for a bottle aud took it according to direC-iots. and in twenty-four hours I was free from pain. - - Befemng to the animosity whirh hs for a lon time existed between" General G nt and that prince of humbags, John Sherman, of Ohio, a Washington correspondent eays: I remember during the interviews tat I tad with hirn latt spring at the Ariinctoa Hotel he vas mcst emphatic in denouncing John satrman. I wrote out tne lnteiview and carried it br ir the General iu the evening for revision. I tal toned down Kerne of his expressions regarding Sherman, thinking trat in tbe neat of prival6Con vernation be had aid more than he would tu hare made public. When he came to real over theinterview in the manuscript he noti.-ed the modification of his expre.fion of his dislike for Sherman. Ue ee!z'.d nis pancil with agrimth'it liiigof hit mouth as he said, "Thii8 too mild for thtrman. I taid more than that." Ynr: Don he wrote himself in a bold, vigorous hand the expressions he had originally used. When Trlea Always FreferreJ. When they odc9 become acquainted with it, ladies invariably prefer F'arter's lla:r Balsam to any similar preparation. It makes tbe hair eoft and gloesy, arrests its falling off, promotes new growth, restores the original color, and has no rival as a dressing. Not a dye, not oily, highly per fumed. Only 50 cents at druggists. An Aged Murderer. Rochester, N. , April 2S. Yesterday af ternoon, at tbe midenceof George Saoor, who lives a mile aud a half south of Port Gibson, Jacob Scott, aced teventy six years, shot and killed his wife with a revolver. He fired at her twice, both shots taking effect in her breatt. Know thyself, by leading the S.-ienre of Life," the beat medical work ever published, for young and middle-aged men, FITP: All Fits stopped free by Dr. K'.iue's Great Nerve tore r. No fits after Crtt day's ue. Mar velous cores. Treatise ar d ?2 trial bottle f re to Pit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, USI Arch at.. Phi la.. Pa. Young Men I Dead Yhls. The Voltaic Belt Company, of Marshall, Mich., o2er to end their celebrated Ulectrc Yoltaio Belt and other Electrio Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (yocng or old) afflicted with nervous debility, lo?s of yiUiity and m-xnhood, and all kiidred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis and mkny other diseases. Com plete restoration to health, vigor and man hood guaranteed. Mo risk is incurred aa thirty days' trial is allowed. Write thera at on co for illustrated pamphlet free. Rheumatism (JaSckly Cnred. There has never been a medicine Tor rheuma tism introduced in thi3 State that has Riven such universal tatiiiactiou as Durang's Rheumatic Eemedy. It stands out alone as the one great remedy that actually cures this dread dite&FA. It ia taken internally aud never has and never can fail to cure the worst caeo In the shorte? t time. It has tho indorsement and recommendation of many leading physicians in thla State aud else where It la Fold by every druggist at fl. Writa for free forty-page pamphlet to ß. K. HELPHEN RTINK. Druceit Waahineton D. O. Used herb in doctoring tbe family, end her simpio remedies Dili CURÜ in most cases. Without tho use of herb, medical science would be powerless; and yet the tendency cf tho times is to neglect the best of all remedies for those) powerful medicines that seriously in jure tho system. 4 issuers 13 a combination of valuable herbs, care fully compounded from the formula of a regular J?hyHician, who used this pre scription largely in nis private practice) with great success. It ia not a dnnk.but a medicine used by many phvRiciana. JTVIt ia invaluable for JYsi'i:fstAp k i ns t:r and j .1vr.1t comitajxis.. XF.nrovs vxiiAusTiox, i:ak Xi:ss, ixiiiausTiox, xc.,- and while curing will not hurt tho system. Mr. C. J. Rhod3, a well-known Iren man of Safe Harbor, Pa., writes: "My son was coanpletely prostrated by fever and ss-ue. Onimn tnd bsria d d bun to Kood- I tan ntit for Möhler Herb Bitteia aid in a eLcrt time tb boy w as quite weLL" "E. A. Echellentrager. Druggist, 717 t. Clair Street, Cleveland, O., wxltea : "Your Bittera, I ran ay, and do pay. are rr- srTihod by some of the oldest and njoetjrcnuitct pay tucuiia in our city.n MISHLEB HEBB BITTEB8 CO, 525 Commerce St., Philadelphia. Parker' a Pleasant Wenn Syrup Kerer rilj Manhood Restored ElMtDT üi:E. Arie im of jroatbfal impmdenc fiaiiDc Prematura Decay, rserroua Debibti Manhood. ichtTin; triea in vain every ncowa ramdT.had:score d a timpletneanflof a!f-ura. which be will wnd 1UF.K to hia I .!tow-,offrr Addrass. J.lJ-KttVJUi.-3Cht-anjiitOiaw York. lent prrvara:ie ktewa aa ü tot ti. j,it ear at mo we are t,tivJ to trort it t it l u ci-m atura atifctw a and d o Uci::etu tt.uu.ta4 lu J.C TTlillans A COW Cni1a "Vl-T ri TO & DATS. , r ..... 4 a y mm 'J'r Mntt w Vr4ntby tta Ccinnatl.ET' Ohio. ZoAly rmcrsta. Tt. c. ai.4V n n ftWErsiTHtirn enml with lt Chloride of Gold. W rhaiienr tf5T'tla tton. io.uwij" Unktff. Tit Leslie E.KtttiTC-fc Best Boiler Scale Purgative. TO TRY IT 18 TO USE NO OTHEB. J. T. BUILTGK3 A FE48E, Ofiice 21 Thorpe Block. Individual, County or fiute xisht of.xcanufao tu re for sale. Tax txnii bccr w thli arUdc vitX vv Vy L vkn Vyv2 P 1