Newspaper Page Text
CHE INDIANAPOLIS DAILl' SENTINELVJFItlDAY" MOPwNING .-MAY 1 1885 5 A BOLD ßOBBEBY. A Iperado Shoots a UAurcKman 1111(1 Express Slesacncer, nines the Safe and Eacapae. Special to the SeallneL Bloomiütox. Ind., April CO. After tbe Chicago exprt sj, doe here at 11 had taten TTiter t ths HarrodBbnrg tank, below here, list night, and gotten fully tinder way, a asaa entered the baggage and exprew cir and struck Cigsagemaster "Webber senseless rith a bludgeon, and then shot American Express Messenger Cecre Davis through the b;aln. When Webber returned to con sc'on3ne33 he ws.3 confronted by the robber, "Who, with reyolTer la hand, compelled him to take the keys from the pocket of Da7is .and unlock the express safe, which the rob ksrriüed, and then shot Webber in the neck, rendering him a;ain nn conscious. He scon regained his SS9:s3 and managed to get to his feet and grasped the bell rope, giving the alarm. As the train slowed up the robber jumped oIT and escaped. The wounded men were brought here. Weber was conscioui and S78 the meaner facts known, but his recov try 13 doubtful. Davis is alive, but ha3 keen unconscious all the time, his brains oczisg out of the ballet nole, and ha cm cot recover. Bath men were taken to their hemes at New Albany and Louis Tille tday. Two hundred men from here and tha citizens in the neighborhood of the robbery are scouring the country for the robber, bat at C p. m. we hear nothing of his cpiarö. bE'ATOr. IIABR1S INIEKTIEWED Itejsrdlne the Kece&t Publication In the liaw York World as to the Issue lie tweeu Ulm und BJr. Dajard. Memphis, Tenn., April SO. Tba App3il to morrow will publish an Interview with United States Senator I. G. Hairii In refer ence to the publication mads in tb.9 New York World regarding an haue between Senator Harris end Mr. Bayaui, which wa3 Said to exist during the session o! the Forty alzth Congress and after the resignation of Senators Conkling and Flatt. Senator Har ii3 says: 4,I was apprcached by a number of Senators, both Dzmocratic and republican, with the proposition to elect rre President pro tern, of the 6enate. When approached by Democratic Senatois on the subject I in- onirsd if Mr. Bayard, then tha senior Democratic Senator, had bean con sulted on the cnbject. eeyiag he was the senior on our side of the Chamber, and must be consulted b3'ore any action was taken. No Senator beins able to answer taat he had bcea consulted, I said I would tali to him mjself cu tho subject. Eooa thereafter I in vited Mr. Dayerd into the cloak-room, and stated the ca;e to him. Alter making sv erslecgfs'iors, whlcn be tkouht worthy of consideration. He said to m, 4I will think of it. Since which time tha subject basnavf.r been mentioned between us, rc3, from that time to the end of that Congress, I refG5ed to entertain any prap?3ition loofcicsf; to ruy election in tbat position, and the Congress adjaarnd without t!: eltctioo of a President pro tern. If there we recfROtiations at any linae pend ing netwesn liepubhean aod DamoiM'is Senators lookinar to give tbe Democrats tae posit'en cf President pro teai., and th Hi publicans control of the ommittes, ft3 stated by the correspondent ot tha World, I certainly Lcvsr beard of them, aid was neter approached by any Senator or oth?r person upr. tha subject, and the statement that I bsd l?en approached aod C3nsentd to sac h an arrangement is wholly nn fonncied " Inrefly to the question, ''Hai not Mr. Bayard antagonized your opinions and -wisbes in respect to Tenneesse appoint ments?'' Senator Harris said, "I have no positive) knowledge on the subject, bat I recognized in Mr. Biyard a warm personal friend of n;y colleague, and I hare believed and do believe that in respect to matters abont which iut colleague anil myslt rvnve uufortarately dlßered in opinion, th it Mr. lATrt! as t-cen in full ympthr with my roll ape, find has used his influence in uppott of hia wiews and wishes." XUEI.'S BEISF.LL1UX. The Steamer IVorthcote Aground lialow the Klbow, Etc. Winning, Man., April 30 Chief Com mitsiotier Wiightly has received the follow ing telegram trorn Major General Laurie: "The steamer Xorthote left Saskatche wan Landing on April 2 with 200 of the Midland Eattalion and two barges in tow, carrying about 100 to;a of forage, pro yiolons and ammunition and the ambulance corpj. Have jast received a letter from Col onel Van S rsahomz'e, who U on ImrJ. He tajs the veissl is aground turee miles bslow the Elbow. I tent the steamer Minnow down to-day to Uke clT" the doctors and gatlin jeuhs. at.d to pusu on to Clarke's Crowing to btlcR th woauded back. Dr. itoddick aid tu hmbtj;at a corns Jeft to night via Moose Jaw tn a:tud t the woundpd." Caluahy, April öO Colonel ßoiith'a bat talion puiJed out fcr EdcicnOn yeiterJay, lav:r. me company here, another at Giicfcen. at ancrierat McL-od. They wera Tou-ja-iiiti by fifty stoats and seventv Mv trams.. It ii tos?cre: that Col jnel Snith i d Lot wact to gu by Edmooton, bsliflving r won!d have more ribtiu? ii" he took the tr;l fnn Crowfoot to fort Put. Sr. I'mi April 30. It is heliavd that there viil fifcttDp later on a: Sounding Ia. Khiru is on tbi3 trail. Immeliale id actt?A njtt?urfs will b taken to drive the t'un ritt. öiJd e Tike aid Frog Lake Itdiatatn Korth K-ancb, wnere they wJl b ruo d.wri by the furces under Oolouei Heiicüxn r. Horse salts at Hell aiead XAsnmLE. Tenn., April DO A.t ths Bslla 3Iead breedicg s'abliahinent today forty tnoroushbrtd colts and filliei were sold at an avera of ss and aggregating 22,325. The f jlUriDg were the parcb;nsrs of tha colts: Ki. l, by Luke B'ackoaru and 8par rowgrasj, to Us?rs. Dwjer Bros , New York, for No 2 Bramble and Erniogarde, ramebuyere. 023; No. Ö, by Luke Black hnri and Trihn'ation. to S. E:urr. NaT Jior, for ,7;); x0 4, Enquirer abd Bonnis G W. OarK Indian, for $.so: No. o; Braiob: and Valerian, to L. u. Bmce. ew York. soo; Na C Enquirer and Valtl la, to John Mackey. 8aa Kraocisoo; No. 7. Luke jl!ckfcsn aud Silver Mail, to Diryer Bros.. $ir i; No. 8. Grat Torn and Raxouv. to Job Mickey, 8a? Fraaciaco, y2ö; No. i Bramble aod Lafy Lendora. to Appleby Johnson, New York. )00; Nx 10, none: No. 12. Lnks Black bnrn and tort Kn. rj, Nw Yrk, 175; No. is, Lake Black- bum and Blue Gown. J. C. Alexander, Farmingtoa, Ma, ?0iO; No. 14. Eaqatrar and Tidy, to Pleasant Smith, Nashville. Sl(X); No. 15, Bramble and Glendora, to & S. Brown, Blttsburg, $175; No. 1G, Luke Black burn aDd Tiny Leaf, to Dsryer Bros., lOO; No. 17. Bramble and Qaariet, to 8. D. Bruce, New York, f.OO. GENERAL (HUNT. Ills ImproTed Condition Continues He Still Experiences Fain From the Cancerous Lump. New Yobk, April SO. At about 10 o'clock last night General Grant went to sleep, and the iltep continued unbrokaa until 1 this morning. At that hour he awoke, but soon slept again, and continued to sleep until S o'clock. The patient enjoyed nearly, if not quite, nine hours sleep, and only live min ima of morphine were given. Dr. Douglass was asked this morning if the cancer at the base of the tongue had not improved with the general betterment cf the patient, and if the ciccerous lump was not an open sora. In replying the Doctor said that he could not aftirm that thra wts an improvement in tba cacer. It was diffi cult to teU abont that. The cancerons lamp was net an open sore. The darting pains that have their eeat in the cancerous lump on the tongue still continued, but were not so frequent nor so severe as they had been. In response to further questions "ths Doctor could not eay that the lnfreouency and Ie ened i evenly of these pains Indicated an im proved condition cf tne cancer. There was in every way an improved condition aside from the cancer, relative to which the Doc tor declined to speak further than as stated. General Grant omitted his drive to-day in order that he might devote his time to prep aration of matter for his book. The General dictated and his utterances were taken by a stenographer. General Grant still continues to improve i in ncaun. in an;inierview w m toiouei Fred Grant, held this evening, he said: "Ihe General dictated to the stenographer for Darly an hour, enough matte: to make about twenty-two or twenty threo pages of his book. He is now dictating the Appomat tox campaign, and from his dispatcoej and other data is enabled to give a perfectly straight and lucid account to the ateno gr8gher. He is without doubt looking and feeling: better than ho has b;en at any time sinco th first of Dicember. Ws are now almcst certain of his complete restoration to health. He will remain here until June 1, then le will go to Mount McGregor. Taat ia at present all the arrangement that his been wnde. I have not bsd a chance t-i knew exactly what tho doctors had to say on "Wednesday, but I believe their report was a very favorable one He experiences no oiliculty "Whatever in swallowing or soeifc Ier. and this improvement within the last faw days is really phenomenal." Will Ca Nettleri. Dolore, April GO The well-known coa- tested will case of Mra. V. G. S'.ooe, of Maiden, the trial of which a few montlis ago resulted in a disagreement of the jury, has been settled by the parties interested and the case withdrawn from the Court. Under the settlement William II. Wilcox is to ba appointed elector, and there will ba paid to the contestants, th heirs, various sums of money e-sgregatiDg -S'jO.COO. All the residm ol 3 Jarge estate, alter the pajraeat o? tae tx rentes ol the suit, the debts of Vd'eria G. Sicie and the charges of administration, is to b? applied to coaritAbJe purposes, in ac ccrdnnce with ihe provisions cf tfie will. a ir.ciiiüed and established by tae tetilauient, but to tuch charitable mea :tud purpo3s 3 rray be dteigu&ted by Jade Oh.r.'ei Allen, of Boston. Ail the acia .and djings of Valeria G. etone in reference to ner prop erty and ail her gifts to colleges and persons are confirmed. An Oatrageoua AiTtlr. Greexkcsii, N. Y., April :; j Oae of the scholars in th9 Public School ajssrted on Monday that some money had been stolen from his pocket. Mr. Jolly, principal, left the school and soon retorned withjustics Made and a policeman. The Jnsticj advised tbat the children be searched, lie directed to of the female teacaera to search the girls. The boys were taken inta another room aud ihe. policeman rearched th9oa. The search was so very thorough nearly all the wearing apparel of the girls and the boj 8 was removed. The lo3t money, how ever, waa not found. These preceedings have aroused a storm of indignation. Oae man tried to induce others to join him in presenting Principal Jolly with a coat of tar and feathers. Others say they will take legal proceedings against Mr. Jolly and Justice fclade. New Orleans Kxponltlon. Niw Obleaks, April :0. There was a great outpouring of ylsitors at the exposition to-day In honor of Louisiana day. From early morning until late in the evening tba gates were thronged with visitors. Between 10 and 12 o'clock this forenoon oyer 8,000 ctildren passed into theexposition buildings, they bek'g admitted at a low rAte. The man age ment tet! mates that from 70.0X) to 75,000 pmoni were prr sent, and that the Rate re ceipts will amount to $20.000 or ,-',000, reariy tionble the receipts of any day sloe tie etpoiitlon was opened. Vrsoos were present from every part cf tho .tate. City und cannty, military acd fire companies and csaritabJe asociations were prejent, and added animation to the cceoe. Special en tertaining features were offered hourly dur ing the day. and there was a grand display of tire works at night. ltllllard Tournament Kodad and S1oiou Is Champion. New Yobk, April 3). Toe tenth and lait game in the billiard tournament took place to-night between Ssbaetferand Slosson. sioston in the fifteenth inning was six points behind his opponent aud in tha sixteenth was 73 behind. Fortune favored him fro at the Mventeenth ionine, for then he begsa to improvr, and made 3;i points, and !o ta the eignteenth. ScbaeCer made some wretched scots after that iuning. Siosson's arraza was very good. His bat runs were r-5, t. S-t. 90 and ;1. SbaelT'a score was 310 aad le-Mcn's "00. Tha gams lasted 2:3'1 Slon fron'a average was 2J while chasffer'a was 12. Tbia contest makes Slosson chAtnpoi of the 14 inch balk line came. Tln3e)y Wtirnh g to Young Ladle. Norwalk, Conn., April 30 A, number of ycurg people gathered at the Five Mile River Church Saturday nijhtaad enjoyed an ice cream fejtiral. Thirty eight of thsm who partook of th ice cream were seized with violent illneti, some voraitingj others becoming temporarily blind, aad a few de lirious. They were assisted to their homes and all recovered under medical csre. Upon examination it was found that tha bottom of tha ice cream freezsr was of galvanised ircn, yrita a covering of tine Tas frees sr bad been used three weeks before and it was believed that portions of the freezsr had been oxidized. Suicide on a Train. Birmingham, Ala., April 30, Just before day light yesterday morning, when the s outh bound L. and N. passenger train was about five miles above here, several dozing passen gers were startled by an explosion which proved to be suicidal, the pistol shot killing a man who was shown by papers on his per son to be EHjab Pierce, of Johnson's Crtek, New York. Iho remains were put oü" ths tram here, and will be embalmed, awaiting chitrnent bsck to New York. The man was well dressed and had nearly 200 and a sliver watch and a gold chain. The cau?e of the suicide is not even conjectured. The rail read ticket read from Buffalo, N. Y., to Lr?e Oak, Fla. IllinoiA Cattlemeu'it Convention. Spring FiKM, I1L, April 30. Th9 cattle men assembled in convention here to-day pursuant io a call to consider means to pre vent ttc fprf ad of contagious pleuro-pnea-monia. Toe ieatn'e of the mornicg 89ion consisted cf an address by Governor Ogl?sby, iu which te stated that he haiEchedalei gaiest Missouri catile and the reasons for his action. He expressed h hearty approval of the cbjects of the convention, and favored appiopriate legislation. The State Veterin arian tbon'd have power to appoint assist ants and inspectors, and a sullicient sum of mcny should be appropriated to pay for cattle which it might become necessary to slaughter. A Double Frame flonse Clown Up. Pottsyille, April 30. Shortly after eigat o'clock this evening two men were seen by a woman Hying in tho neighborhood to deposit son; ethics under a double frame hon?e on Sonlh Second street, In the suburbs of this city, and hastily depart In a few minutes a violent explosion cccurrtd, blowing out the foundation wall of the bouse, tnmblicg down the planter aud scattering the furni ture about. The hncs? is occupied by six teen Hang&rlan laborers, the wives of two of them and severttl small children. None of the inmates were rer;only iujared. No c!ne to the perpetrators of tho outrage. Short-l'helan Case. New York, April 30. Richard Short, who muidsrously ascaultcd Captain Phelan, was biought. to the Court cf Oyer and Terminer this morning for trial. As ths counsel were still engaged in fisuirnicg up in the Mayor perjKry case, however. Snort was assigned ti unarttra irwthe court room. As soon es th$ Msjcr case is finished Snort' h trial will be commenced. A large crowd oicnpies the ccutt room, aod atnou? it polica ot!icfir3 and Deputy ttherißa are thickly S3itterei. Siurt's couEfci made eveial motions for delay, all Vire ovtrrul d Hellet Committee f.r i.ut ked-Ont Stlcera und Laborer s. W ii, Pa., April 3). A penerul committee has been appointed to furnish re lief to the mine:s and labours now locked out in the lower portion of L'-zrne Coanty. Tne cemmittee this morciog met And di- vtvrdtd tbe coal region imo three diatricis. Ifce Wyoming region if to support tha Dr:t!on miners, aud Carbon County will aid lLf Ueavtr Meadow men. I'sry indication pokiis to a pro)cncpct and stubborn strudle Lft.vttn the men vthoare locked oat aal th3 mineis. FlfPtCsse VuderMMo'a New Luv, Ci.tvKLAn, O., April 30. At JellVjrsoa, (., to tfay tbe motion fur a De trial in the cue cf V't fatter, the (icMjeTa murderer, wa9 ov.-r-tuled and the accused sentenced to be hanged. Webster smi uHiutaius tan lie is innocent, and lavah could prova it if ha hd time. . This is Ibe brt senience under tbe law rtq'jiring eitcations to tike plA'ja vi tie peniteutiarv at Colnnaoaa. Tae Jndo or dered tbat Webster be taken to the peaiten tiary within thirty day, and that hs be banged before sunrisa oa October 1. rdarlbe rtens. SocTHAMproy, April 30. Arrived: Steamer Eins, from New York for Bremen. ckk:stowjc, April 30 Arrived: Indiana, from l'hhadelphut for Liverpool. Ntw Yor.K, April 3). Arrived: Weser, frciu Bremen, and City of Rome, from Liver peel. Halifax, April 30. Arrived: Australia, from Lotidoa. Ni:m Yof.k, April 30 Arrived: Steam 6hJi Brooklyn City, from Bristol. A Small Tornado Kansas City, April 30. A small tornado psjsed near Pleasant Hill, Mo., last night, unrocfing several houses and blowing down fences. Thirteen cars of a Missouri Pasific lreight train were blown from the track. Faur of tbe cais were loaded with hos, many of which were killed. The caboose wai oyerturned, aud of four occupants three sntlercd eevere bruiFca. Near Harrisonville a high wind derailed several freight cars, and at Holden one child waj killed aod consider able dimsie was dODe to property. Divorce Applied For. Sredal to the ScntiaeL gnELBYVii.LE, April 30 Nelson I'jrfum has spplled for divorce from his wife Alice, to vshom he waa married in December, issi. to comprrmise a paternity suit. Just ouj week from the date of their marriage hia bride was torn from his arms and sent to the Female Reformatory for larceny. This and the fact, as he alleges, that she wai not enceinte at the time of their marriage, forms the basis of his complaint. I.jncbivs In Kanaan. Katjas Citt. April 30 Gtorge Mck, who murdered Richard Parker, his e nployer, a sakoa-xeeper at Great Bend, Kas., 8unday morning, and wis captured in this city and rei arced there today, when the train reached Great B?nd a. 10 o'clock to night, Mack was taken from the officers by a mob of men iu waiting, who tied a rope aboat tbe miscreant's neck and dragged him through the etreeta and then hanged hiai to a tree and riddled his body with ballets. 4 IIIIdoU Legitlatlve Junketing; Committee. SrsxxGFii-LD, Iii , April 30. The Legisla tive Junketing Committee, to visit New Or leans, left this eveniDg at 10 o'clock. It comprised over three hundred persons, in clndirg members with their wives, children Ld friends, aIo reporters. houe jtniuors, policemen and p>e. Tne railroad corn par y fornlsned tea exceedingly handjome sleeping coaches. Great Gale In Nor ecotla. Halifax, N: S., April 3X The Myerest storm that haa prevailed in this section for a long time set in early last evening, and con tinued till a late hour. Tha wind&bsw with great violence- from tha east, aad rain fell very heavily for ssveral hours. It is feared that vessels on the coast muit have met with disaster. Mitchell and Cleary Matched. Ban Fp.ancisco, April 30. An agreement has been signed for a fonr round glove coa test, Marquis cf Qieeusburry, between Charlie Mitcteli, London, and Mike Cletry, New Yok, to take place Ma7 2V tha winner to bare 7" per cent, cf tbe receipt, aai the leser 2 '). Refaaed to Give Iuformattou Trum the Northwert. Ottawa, April 33. In tha House of Com mons this afternoon, Mr. Blase put seven! questions tothe Government resprsting mat ters in the Northwest Sir John MacDonald relcfed to cive aay information. ;Kpnhlirau .State Oomttteo in Fenldn, Ricumond, Va., April 30. The Rpublictn S5t?e Committe, Senator Mahone, Caair- man, is in jfssion here to-nigh. Nothing is knowu Dout the matters uider diru?iaa, as the metctirg :s h!d with dod doors. OllllUATJ. Gai.vemcx, April 30. W. A. Oiiphant, an oM merchant, and once a proauuent num ber cf tbe Galveston Cotton Exchange, died iaat night of consumption. INDICATIONS, WAsaiMJToN, May 1 12:-i2. ra. For U Ohio and Tennessee Valiey Filr weather, yrc ceded by local ßhowers, variable wind, hlfiber barometer, slizhtly cooler weather in ttc Ohio Valley, stationary temperature la tas Tenne&sce Valley. For tfce Upper Laie Region Loral rIns, fol low d by clearing weather, northerly wind, le- comics vailible, hiuher biromtter. rising teaiper at:r2athe toulütm poriioa, nearly Btatiouary temrcriaure ia the northern portion. Heal Eetate Traaarora. Xae loilowlnz dacdi wo:a recorded Thursday, April 30, tM reported by Ktees & Eornbarasr, retract compilers, 12 . aad 13 Thorpe ElocX. rc-?erbcne, LCl: Tolly Atiu Stoops et al. toJefSi e: 1., warranty df-ed to put of tae w i. ball of the so':th2Ast qi'.arUr of soluo i 0:;. tosvnbiiip 17, rane 1 -f.-ontainin? aen s 3,-' 00 00 Jr.i.ji d. ilotcal! et al. to Wil'dtai ll. Ki? lsh, warranty deed io loti 6) nnd 70 in Klnu's mbdiviiion of lol 3 anil part of lot 7 in Erjam'ji ad-lltlon to the city ot Ind!anvolis Marten M. Ctrtvcy to J rcl A. drgzory 233 00 et warranty oeea to 101 b m i-.i-waid'8 f.'.hdivi.vioa of blocfc ia Jon on'shciih' addition to tr.ecuy of Indi anapolis 3 100 CO Fred A Ousrfry to 1 rut I. irej;ory, quit claim to si-re tract 1.TG0 00 Ccavcyauces, cons'dera'.ba. S N'.O lo The Supreme Court. The fuHjwiüt; decifijus were rzndered in the Sopreme Court yesterday: 11,773. Hfnrv Kinry V3. Henry C.Dole. ElktartC. O. He versed. Howie," J. 11 b"'.K Jouh M. Il'Mr.eret. al. va Joienh Creek tal. IJ acifordC.O. Riveted. El liott. J. 11 Michigan Mutest I.ifi Ina jrncf Com phi' v V. Francis M. KujD et al. II j v EidCC." Mitchell, J. St Ten Clrcniis of th Ulobe. New Yorli Daiva.J Eleven liiue: tyi3 of tha "Wanieriag Jew" a father, ic other and uine cuii irrt.i-1 reir.aii.ed ever :ke dv in li;id.part, Coan. Tbcir history if; Mi(li-;ientiy rc-oirfcabl- ta warrsnt fi carefal study. Mr Cliarlf s F lias- )!, the f&tht-r, is AAntlemau of culture. Tonrticn jeis be married n Misi C'.iip pe.nia'e, of Paddir.stnn. Knciftid, pirt of the luariirae contract rin; that, sbonli lrov usLce MS3 them with an heir, Mr. lla-all v.t,r.!d hn!d hir.s.lf bucl to take li s mte aroucd the wor.d. A hoot thirtewn yairj a?o a son born, and shortly thereii'ter Mr. ai d Airs. Urzell started mjoq tair propo9-d trip. lWoro the entire circnit of the clobe WHsrrtede annther'ecm wa b)rn, and Mr. Itniscll said be felt hiruse'I caUsd npon to nie another ,;lap. ' He ?aya fa ha3 been traveling around the world for nearly ihirtefn jeara, and bai made but S9yen con plele circuits. He and hia fimily are now on tbeir eighth circuit, lie pa va ha always travels westward, seldom repeating the a-n route. This trip they crcs3d the Atlantic to Canada, and are now on their way to New York. Tney tia?el with as little bagease as potable, ore portmanteau performing eer vice for three. The nine children are bright, ppf eking nest of the laDguases of tha world. While playing around the rooaa their ntleranccs niest resemble tho dialects nstd at the building of the To veer Of Uabeh JJia acou.ts cf experiences in Japar, India, Delhi and BirraCi pore would till volumes. His family have been transported by cars, steamer, ele phants, camels, asses, flave?, junks andgon do'a. and epralc in the most bewildering n atner of CairjesHforts. the Pirl Mosque, Mohammedan citie?, the Hindoo, Vach, Cairo a"nd New Ycrk. Mr. Kuse'l ears he rts criminally of the büef tbat roi3tant travflittjr through the cit e? of the earth wculd fdecate hi9 chililren, but he ia now afraid that untimately thev will nil b-isom ii am pa. England ia his borne, bit ne hs iived eo lout; "on the ll?" tbat be hardly knows tow tbev could evr enie doira. C. Mans' Boc . ler, bottofor fAtnily use, can Ha cttaineJ at the bre very. Tel sphoce No. 221. . A Ulggar Ahow loslde Hundred?, ye, thousands, of people have been attiacied during the past two days by the elegant display of goods in the sao? windows cf Albert Gall' carpet-house. A half dczen ladie3 together stopped yes teiday, and, alter razing a moment, oae of then remaked: "Let ua ko in; If the show ia so good outside we can't afford to los tha icside dicrlay" and in they went.- Mr. Gall is always on hand to make sight eeera welcome, whether they buy or not. One hundred and fifty chamber sets tobe clreed cut at mnr;y one half to rede steck atEchraöer's China Store, 74 East "Wajhinz tcn street. CHANGE OF TI31E. W., St. I. and P. Railway. On and after Sanday, April itt No. 24, leaving Indianapolis at 7:15 p. oi.. and Ho. 23, leaving De rois at 0:0 p. m., will bs'dis continued on Eun.1aya. N j. 24 will ba daily except Sunday, with aleepsr Indianapolis ta Detroit Na 25 will he dtlly exc-ot Sttur dav. with leeper Detroit to Indiana asiit. F.P. Wane, D. P. A., No. OSjutb Illinois street. C. Maua' Beck Boer, bottled far family ue. can b obtained at the brewery. Telephone No. 221. llaautlful Card. A et of magnificent Floral Cards, AxG f nches, apt frea to all persona who have ue1 Brown's Jron Bitters. State disease and ef fect. Write jour addreea plainly. Brown Chemical Co,, Baltimore, Md. a Maua' Bock Beer furnished to. tha trade to-day. O. E. KBRGCLO A WHITKTT, ruacrel Dtrectorn and Embalmera, Ho. 77 North Delaware street 1 elephone connection to oSce and residence. Carriftcea for Weldinm and Pump 1 AbsoäuteSy Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity strength and wholenomeaess. More economic tban toe ordinary kinds, F.nd can not be oid in competition with tho multitude of low test, sbcrt weight, ainm or pbopbato powders. Bold only ncaas. Koyal Bakino Powdkb Co 100 WaU trect, New York. 0 sms 17 L fKt TJ.?93Mh and rrllevfl ill tha trochlea iis C'-r.t to a bilioas sUt J of the pvatem, ench as YiiZ tlvvi. Kausca, DrowsLn?a. Di3trc3 after eatin?, Tiia in t:io iiids, Ac. VhUa their mast ruk-. f be cucctsa haa bcaasbowa in coring n nd-fc, yet Carter's Little Liver Pill sr eniilf viLia'.jI ia Constipation, cnrini? andprevpntin tMs annoying complaint, vrhilo they alö3 correct MriiunfMfif tho Rtnnnr.h. atimnlatd taa liver j.ndreui3iJhoböwela. Uvea If they onl7 cars-4 ich they roa!d b? clEOt prictf??3 to these wrI5 enCcr from this distressing complaint ; bat f orts Bfttcly tliosr goodness doca notenihere, anJthos Who onco try then will Cnd theso lttt'.o pills va!a- et;:o in eo many wayathattaoy will not be wilin; Jod without them. But alter 01 Eick heal is ttifi bano of bo many hvf3 that hew ia where i fcake onr preat boiat. Our pUIa euro ii vzU Others do tot. i Carter's Littla Liwr Ivdl3 cr3 very eniaUana very easy to tak. One or to pi3 miUa a dose, .They art Btrictly vegetable aod do not Cn?' ot jmrge, bat by their peatla cctioa please ßil D301 itnenx. in vial3at2öcen;a; cvotor ti. w. Pj drassista everywhere, or beat bf raid. tCAKXSli flXZTraCINE CO., 4 York. City! t j, t ,;.tr-- ------ ' r r HAN A :j ) i j ' o L I i S. V XT s r Virr- a How few understand whit a perfect fit Is. Hint pilnful period ot "breakias in" i deemed escntiiil to every new ontSC This lu posltlrely un necessar;. The scientific prin ciples applied to the numerous shapes and sizes of "the Hanan" shoe insure perfect fit, and their flexibility, ahsolnte free dom ' front tae tortures of 'breatine la," as they a:e easy and com forta Die from the first day. Bold everywhere. Ask your dealer for them. HANAN & SON. 11 EVE RE HOUSE, S. E. Cor. Clark and Micliiaa Sts., CHICAGO. JA31ES 1). FANNING, Proprietor. (Late of the Erlgss House.) CoBienifflüT I ccated Tiiree Mtei' Wall from tinjElies Caler. Slreet Tarn pass the Poors t all Tarts of tbe City. Two Blot-kk frm tke CticAj A Sorti Urstera Depot. AMFRIOAN PLAN. I VÜKOPJCM PLW. SilO Per Dv. I Ti eta, and ft Per Uy. Meals .")( Cents. nTlie Revere haa been Thoran?aly Refitted, Kuitrely It-mode'ed acd Enlr?el to lid &oomn. Oßice and r.oiubda on Ground Floor. Pasfngrr levator. AU MJera CooTealeuee. tagust Erbrich, SOLZ AGENT FOE LAGER BEER, mmmmmm 23 C20 icd E23 Cccti Ddatnuro Ct. WAKTPID. J ANTFDa. 6od Kir! for j,eatraj bounjrfrk. tu oi.'es;e avfuue. n WJ ANTKI-rGf rl to dn ceaeral bouv wors. In- tnr ;r; North Meridian :ref. W WAMKi) A cofvl girl for .'miiv of ihr. Apply h: 187 I Ait öouth tr:e;. i.ctwen I l)2o'ci(Xk. 24 "TANTKI agen!a for ihe S3';,-lv.tric,.inr y Cijatt for uttins drose". AaJrs- U ld Ioti. 92 Lat:rtl f-tref. ?. " IANTKI Dy a reliab:e yotia l.ity tM.Uiu t as . Tfc. copyln or casjier; gol relrju-e. JLudrefs V. G., this onice. j "1 1 TANTKI) Situation to wort ia a who'euJ Leu er Irive a Uiirer vtäjju; rtJert-nca g:ven:8ec nineteen. Ad-Jrvf s S. H. ?t AN FED - r-'it r.i 1 ta as luivtnau on b.-tckyarJ. crnja.ehnd bi;rri tr the t'.iviud: ma T ANTLI Situation hr widow iiJr i l-.tV, a!U?ror to Oo wriun?: i ,treu,e-l; good rt fere Etc given. Address Wilrjw. n i: -n-touftrett. VC VV t xr-trien -e la drus; e i :i furü'n tiefst Ol reftTc-nve. Address II. D. NVtaer. f.jr b2. N-v-liry. In.!. : WAMr.D-Situailcn hl cr.ioer.r gro -.j'r; ci ptrfi'SiCeJ lu Rrot-try treit ; ly llt, u i ei t-oy. willful tn wort: best o; ttiereace. cio ikY, 70 Ln;hsh avenue. WANTED Situation by a boy who ran f.ed a yl:nier ps. alto caa f-et typ: I ia will Inetowork: cd can do ii ndrfclv aul corrtctly. W Gt'OKGF.. Letter Carrier City. - li "TTy ANTED-Situation in some farnitara and ft funeral director's business house; ten yeiir' experience: correKt ondence is solicited; forty-;wo years of ao. Address Box Rossville. Ind. 1 "tlf ANTED A good country hocf?; am prepared V V to cut. fit and esse children's clotue, aal vshen not busyeewin? would stisiit with bouM worit or the care of children. Address 8. E. RYAN. Martinsville. III. 2.1 75r ANTED Situation in anoi'i orct rdbra steaiy and honest youn? nan : Etaly habira: dillicent: kood penman ; ".v.'lünr to worit; lc:;r cf rfcomiatn'i&iicn from present employes. Ad dress 1- H. C, No. 2 Barr street, Cincinnati. O. '.'J 2 Y ANTED- To Contractor Can furuish lt.l:an V latorers on abort noie ud ai ra I rate?, atiil Hin prepared to do &d Lin ts of rn'ro-d or city work bv contract: n furnish ?c"t of ref erence. ANTilONY fiasco, 110 Mulberry fdiee:. New York. City. ,w "1 T ANTED HiUiatl.ta as housekeeper by a U ly thirty : old si.d well od'iited: tnor ouchly xpe:iet;ced, ac t fully con:p: rtt tneTry deisrtn:eiit ot household duties: ic-'P s;bie i?r foi;k only ntcd reply; very btstofreierrin-e1 ziven: illvocnv distance AiMress MUS. II. LlKRY, Kurenrfet, i iniiuniiti. W pfctnyin J nUInir''ii ir vu l'.iir, t cu t 1 ttf safe ( f a Mnrle artlc'" of caiir cons.i-np-tu u . u tntrpt'.ic renn with mm caj'itii may ; a lern tut at. ravin b;:s-,iP-s I or r-ir-iTii.Hrs r.icie-s CiftF.hrrwicH M AM'f'AOf U It- 1NG COIOFAN t', 47 Yttey street, N-jw Vors. 23 2 WA K iHO-y?.) Any mm or womia niri!; let tne:i f to per wwk sot:!d ium'.UUj our tay money-irakiue business. We odVr ener Cttie i crocus t:.e ttst chuLioe u chtiIi t mire noMy. f4r&'S lrt'Q to thovL1 roeiirm I itu ttfs. Au bVA w rit: "Your pxu trh:; tna ic:icy i"--'sv of uy 1 ever !rleJ." Ad!r with tu'-r. -i-jr ivj-cm N. W. ML'IKtLL A t:o . "TANT!Ti A lel'Af-lf, ncrt.c..c lus.inos rr.i.."! in t(t is ttcttal r!i:i'r fir t t'ikite t Slates 1 e'vl liu tdivs Am f.üiva H-.i'l Me ctn-iileAi-fuii !?. opr&.-dj. mu:i :!.-, ' lt.l: Hovfce, New Yoi t:,ty. -r JIailou a:: a IjoL-j-n fo.iotics. lie ruht pniy cjn rert o fv,(0Ci(r 8nn.r!,ar.d ;iUjt. Ca'I Upon or H.6c.:t-fs the '.,.-ti1;it m' i-rim llous-e on Thurvtf.y aud füu'jy. v. it KILYKHl, !9UC'.'r. " .ihZ FOR SALS. FOlt SALE Fas yotinsinir?. fi!t-M a'i t t'ri--fourct-H IauU bih: t;"i!t!e; 1 iv t t dr v. Call at 1: 0 Soma 11 inoiS Ftrett. l-l FCll SAI.K Tie Kim Trro Writ ?.-. hi-t A perfect workiuz t;j wfin; mi)(")ln lT Ji.'. Citan: tp1: simple " torrj.ktc. GflL'IiB, I'AXION AC!)., iu'c Ar-it, SI C ut ie hXre t. v. ?Oll sLi: -BaVty; half iauren r 'l of it; 1 pood tntde; t:;iii i g'..tca rHrr.' of ll ir every eit: one ot ti l?-t b irii i mtki mosey in th Mute of lud u Adire,s ll VivtilY, licx 51. CraUi'crd;V:iIc. Ind. FOR SALE Half interest in a vro l cft'..ib!!6lied Foundry nd Liathitie sop. ia KU' orcrat'on .luce lfu. and nor i a n ncsM. old andltebi-j li a .h hu-1 de ir-to retire lrom fectiT- bminess the on'v r r.r wsntiD? to sell. AdJress 1',. :i::.Nir"Of;i), Oensborc, Ky. ANNOUNOSMEN'l. ""Uriu:': Is hereby given thn f firm of f'Anit iN Iint Kühner, Ucot and Sn.. d?:er. N. Zi West V. ishiiijiton himM, i d it solved, by luataa! consent. It A. C;rrpUn I avns bousht the entire nfer?st of G. A. Keis-jr and tiaje ail outra.i lui ie Kroosib:!iues o! tr.e and c itfti oinnd-jngr-dea'.:-. . 1. 3 I'WCI.I.V, G. s. IM't-N MONEY At ths lowest rite ot lntc-iV 3. W. WILLIAMS A G" . 3 &tj 1 4 Vüitoj r.i.x-c. TO LOAN Money wltd prui'A? o (npjy tne,nt: terras reasonbJ TltCid U4Vr CO.. 73 ft Msrkot s:r?et. In.1lnr- u FOB RENT. JTlJK EhNT Furaishei rorxi Rt'S A'et Market rOIt KENT To or thr. u f'irn;hel ro--n to man ni wife at IT Ejlhs rj Y'r s.trret. 2 LOST. IOiT A heavy ?;o!d vatr.i t-n'. (ixiinnu-; a small piiotocrpa of a Uly. Kn t-r id --tM n.'tura toV -ouiii iicii tiiu stre-jt. .i 1 re c-;tts re ward, i io tha Price of Gas! Notico to Gas ConsuoiQra find Others. Yonr attention is called to t.v mR.rel ri-ic iu In the price of wmcb tooü eti : on piaH day of Muri h, Tbe Cotnt-anr it iow farnnjioic eaatoatl cou sum en at 81 0 per L,(J"Jcui.c fwi. Thii idice Is certainly within tne rtr&ea o? ait. for both lifcbtlrg and rookln parpo?. rn? f.a venlence and comfort of cooiia oy es.ciur during the summer taontha. wbt-re a Cr ii not otherwise required, cro ouly b thoroughly ap preciated bjr tßoe whohnve bad espv-riftic in ica useful application for that p'irw. Taa Com pany Las sold for ue in tab city darin; tnnia t four years a lrgo number of vas mjTci and U pa'iNbed from the many tetimonJa. from tt patrona, that these b loves "fill a lon leit waa.L STOVES AND GAB EXTOINES TOB BAL3 AT C03T. Ga.'ollne Stores chantred to Oa3Urea nxjaii expense. loiiaoapolis Gas-LigM aid Cole Co i Ko. 47 South PcnnsjivaniaStrwt. a O. PaAY. SecreUry.