Newspaper Page Text
C THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL 'SUNDAY MORNING MAY 10 188 SIXTEEN PAGES. Füg OEI Ä STORE (ESTABLISHED 1853.)" Hosiery ami we . DEPARTUENT. Bating received our fall lines in Hosiery and oroTis, our customers can now sapplr thtlx needs in etery ttjle, eoler and quality fxcra cur tery extensive stock. This rooming we receired onr "Snw Knit" Hoaiery. This line Is Tery popular. Our Shaw Knit" Hosiery for gentlemen b In very nice colors and styles. LadieV, HlcV and Children's Hoiiery In tclid colors, also in stripes, in ererr size. GLOVES I Kid Gloves In Mcsquhlire i button and lacing hooks, in all grades and new colors. LADIES DRIVING GLOVErf In desirable "gOTS' CASTOR GLOVE 3, all aizes. Prices Always in Plain Fipres. JOS. A. MOORE, C4 D. IXarkot Dt., Indianapolis Ind Intemt allowed on depoalts, In sums cf 15 and Cpward. Honey to Loan on ImproTed City and Farm rroperty in Indiana and Ohio. City, County and Town Bonis, and Purchased Coney Kotoa, bought and sold. Ko loans made except such as are secured by Cnl nrntjaw on real estate, with a largo manrtn tt mcuiUt, or by collateral narlnz a market T1ne. roreljn Exchanse for sale on all parts o! the Cor Id. 33 JE1 'j TJ "3? "ST - TTrlnBle. . STolea, Pimples, Blackhead. Pitting, and Superfluous Hair Bemoved. Com plexion Beautified. Tbe Hair and Browi Colored und Ktorfd. Flesh Increased or Kednoa.i. Koim ITelopment a Specialty. Ertrr Toilet XXtqniaite -Interesting circular, tejtlmoaials, 4e (sent sealed In plain envelope). Bf me. K. VELARO, 013 Lexington Are., N. Y. City. mum hi clocks aid brows, winu to a contemplated change In the Interior of our itore. and in order to reduce our stock ol Oloolca and Sronzos, We will offer this line of goods at Greatly Roduccd Prices From now until June 1. S e mean builnes. and this is a rare opportunity for those who tesire an j thing ol thlsaind. iß&m Wa I K, imltrs, is. 12 East Utshington Slrtet. Hon Gloves, Nov Hosiory,' New Undorvear, -IK- wwmi lisle, and ilk, JTlrat claca Goo Is and Lower Prices than eer, -AT- ÜILLIAÜ HERLE'S, Ho. 4 V. VaahinQton St. Established In 1S62. SUNDAY, MAY 10. C77ICSi 71 and 73 West Market Street, SENTINEL TELEPHONE GALLS. Sasiars Offlr... 154 I Fdltarial Kws 291 old papers. Gcod conditioned old papers for fa'.e at this office at only 40 cents per hundred. CITY IN BRIEF. A pejpei temperance meeting will be held llililary Park at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The ladies of the Matinee Mmieale have deferred their meeting from the 13th to the 20th Inst. A small fire occurred at .ls South Illinois itrtet early yesterday morning, caused by flying sparks. Loss inconsiderable. Great preparations are making for the fa!r Tor the benefit of BL Vincent's HoipiUl which opens to morrow at Masonic Hall. The Tippecanoe Club will attend the funeral of George Bruce this morning, and will meet at 0 o clock for that purpose. J. H. Baldwin hu succeeded George B. Yacdes as President of the Citizen's Na tional Bank, Mr. Yandes having resigned. Eelsjjnfcerz and Cameron will organlzs a new band of thirty pieces, the members to be telccted from the Model and When band?. The nineteenth annual es lion of the la diaca Institute of Homeopathy will coavene Tcetday, the liub, for a two day's session at Plymouth Church. Tßt nevr &00,G00 bonds were signed yes terday by the Governor, Auditor and Treas urer, and Colonel Rice will leave lor New York to night to deliver them and receive the money. Eoae miscreant poisoned a Jersey cow be loBgios: to D. M. Johnson, from the result cf which the animal died. She was a very nptricr animal. Mr. Johnson haying re fused an offer of ".00 for her. The Indianapolis District meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society will fca held at Franklin, on JM IL and I. Rail rcd, Tuesday. May 12. Train leave Indi es apol is at 8;l a. m., returning at 7 p. m, C3u 10:45 p. m. Cdonel Georye Minor, of Cincinnati, will c r?:s the steam users and engineers of this city, at Y7rlgVe Block, oa Wednesday even i?Z L'iTM, at 7:30 p. m. Sabiect: "Tb r:::n Ut:r tad Engiaeer." Ail are cor CzDj invlUd to attend. FriisT eyenlag the Indianapolis Cale zizn c::t7 trcrsnUd Mist D-.llie Obtrlie t:: ö LzjzC-Zei ail Ter broach in morocco c::3. f ratlixcned with the Ceoth ihlst'e. la z 7:::iztirncf tztt rrricci rendered tt Lyra PETTIS B4SSETT& CO Hall cn the cccadon of the Barns anniver tary. The Marion Ccnnty Beard of A. O. H. will hold a special meeting thla afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Fare til Uall. Eyerr niemter of the beard is requested to bs present The Ucosier Mineralogist and Archeolo ciat for May cot only keeps pace with all former numbers In giving its patrons inter ests g articles lor their consideration, but even iurpaej any previous effort "Arch aeological Retearches in Decatur County, Indiana," by L. II. Marshall; 'DIamonds from Lick leg County, Ohio,' "A Word ta New Beginners In MinerologT,M are all arti cles that can cot fail to interest the thought ful reader. It is edited and published by Harry V. Thompson, of this city. FIce. twenty-fiTe cents per annum. Mr. Dean'8 New Venture. The National Hotel Reporter, published at Chicago, has this to ray of the proposed en terprise of a former denizen cf this city: "The building on the northeast corner of Van Buren street and Faclfic avenue, erected several years since and .known as the Men del Block, Is to bs immediately conyerted into a hotel. It is directly across the street from the lake Shore and Rock Island Depot, in cloea proximity to the new Baard cf Trade and immediately adjoining the open board. The location is, therefore, excellent. It has been leased for a period of five years to Mr. T. A. Dean, who will open it on or about June l as Dean's European Hotel. Mr. Daan hu fcr several years resided in Indianapolis, and was formerly a well-known commercial traveler. The new hotel will contain 104 rooms for guests. It will be furnished throughout with new f arniture and carpets of excellent quality, and will be conducted uron the Earopean plan, with rates at fifty cents, seventy-five cents and $1 per day." A Wife Discovery. Oa the öth Inst. Mrs. Eophia Winder, a widow, residing at 125 Blake street, was united in msrriage to A. J. Kaubs, who ap pears to have recently come to this country from Germany. Shortly after the marriage she diecovered that he had taken out the licence under the name of August Gubj, and she now makes complaint that he has abin ?oced her, and that she hai made the dis coyery that he has a wife and one child in the fatherland. This information appears to taye been given by a sister of Guhs, and when the latter was accused of having de ceived his second spouse, he replied that he did net think it made any difference. Guhs If ft her a couple of days ago and since that time tbe has been nnable to lind him. The deceived lady is twenty-eight years of a? and the bigamous husband thirty. It is not known whether steps have been taken to amst him. K. of P. City Lodges. Our city ledges are all in a flourishing con dition and are making great preparations for the Grand Lodge coaclave la Jane. A grander time than ever seen before in this city is antlcifated at that time. So bait, brethren. Commander Forbes iesls very much en ccuraged cf the progress his division h&s made of late; he feels confident of sacce3 in Toronto in 18S6. Lieuterant Commander Geonre Reerer has become quite proficient in the ewordexercise. S. K. Recorder Umhacer is the business man in the division, but his shoulders are broad and his voice never fails him. W. C. T. U. Office re. At the meeting of the Marion County W. C. T. U. Convention at Brightwood on Fri day, the following officers were elected: Fresident, Mrs. Georgia Wright, of Indianap olis; Secretary, Mrs. Lawrence, of Bright wcod; Treasurer, Mrs. F. M. Gallahue, of In dianapolis. The evening meeting was well attended, and addremd by Mrs. Loftin, Mm. Siddell, Mies Goodwin and Miss Reed. A lo cal union was formed at Brightwood, with Mrs. Dr. Barnes, President; Mrs. Anderson, Vice Fresident; Mrs. L. Pascal, Secretary, and Miss Lizzie Hinscb, Treasurer, Tfce convention then adjourned to meet at Vi jey Mills in August next . Arrested for Burglary. Ed Rinket was arrested last night by Fa trclmen Spears and Hurst on chargs of burglary. He and another youog man, it is claimed, broke into the office connected with A. R. Meyer's coal yard, corner ot Christian avenue and the Peru Railroad, and secured $5 from the money-drawer. It is also thought that they are the parties who en tered the effice of James Carter, the lumber d aler, where they obtained a small amount of ctacge. The police gave Rlnket's accom plice a lively chase, but were unable to cap :ure him. What Could the Matter Be? The County Auditor yesterday recaivai a letter from S. A Keen fc Co., of Chicsg), offering to pay a pre mi a oi of 6,500 for the new Marien County loan, which would be $1,0-' 0 more than the Stanton bid, which was accepted. The offer came too late to hive any attention paid to it, and Keen t Co. hsd made no bid up to the time of making the award, their agent, although in the city, bavine failed to put in an appearance at ths County Auditor's office. In Need of Charity. Some two or three days ego a family passed through this city en route for Illinois, and camped out rear Woodruff Flace over night. Eefore morning a little child of the party fell sick, and was yesterday supposed to be dy ing The family consists of a man, his wife and five children, and they are in very desti tute circumstances. A little cifarity in ths direction might sate a life, aod would cer tainly relieve the distress of iome. Struck Ella Step Father. Jcseph Kissinger was a defendant in the City Court, yesterday, on a charge of assault and battery upon his step father, the evi dence showing tbat tbe two do not dwell to gether in that spirit of unity which should characterize tbe father and son as well as the ' brethren " The Mayor' called upon Joseph to donate 10 to the city and psy the expenses incident to his arrest, Joseph paid. Sad Want of Sympathy. The Mayor yesterday assessed a tlae cf 10 and costs against Chris Wraed for an alleged attack upon John Lutz, the offense of the latter consisting in having escorted a youn lady, to whom Wraed pays atteatioa, to ths Opera house. As the Mayor has long since pasted the Rubicon of the spoony age, be wis not in sympathy with the eating) that prcmt.ted Wrade'a attack. Foot Crushed. While engaged In unloading stone from a car at the new Stats House yesterday morn ing a larga stone fell upon the foot of John Dickens, a young colored man employed in tbe truck gang, and mashed it so badly that medical aid had to be called. The physician thinks there is a probability of saving the member, and amputation was not resorted to. State Medical Society. The ann cal meeting of the Stats Medical Society will be held in this city beginning Tuesday and continuing thre days. Special ratea have been tecured on the railroads and redeced rates will be given by tba hstsis. A somber of valuable papers will be read at the mettls. THE WIGWAM BURNED. An Incendiary. Fire Results In the Destruction of $C,000 Worth of Property. John Colter, of Company No. 3, Badly Injured by a Falllnsr Beam Loteea and Insurance. About 10 o'clock last night an alarm of fire waa tent in from Box 50, and a bright light in the direction of the Cleveland Block indi cated that a fire of some proportions was al ready under headway. In a few moments a 8( cond alarm wai sent io, and crowds of peo ple were seen going In the direction of the light Sentinel reporters hastened to the scene and found the old Wigwam, which has Hen used fcr tome time as a rink, enveloped In flames and the wind blowing at a rate that promised still further spread of the conflagration. Being built entirely of wood, and surrounded by frame houses, the prospects for a fire of some proportions were certainly excellent, and only the prompt attendance and heroic vrork of the department prevented the entire square from being consumed. The building was situated oa Maryland, Mtween Ten nessee and Mississippi streets, and was built by tbe two political parties in ISSO, to be c;ed for holdicg conventions aDd other cam paign purposes. Some time ago it was trans formed into a bkating rink, and until re cently was need for that purpose. The fire last niht originated In the rear end of the boildinc no doubt tbe work cf incendiaries and the structure wa entirely consumed. From the burning Wigwam fire was con mun'catsd to tbe old livery siab'.e building iarxud ately west and onned by Mattie Dooglass. and lately occupied hj Warner. 8p!an & Wilson also had a lot of proveader in the building. The stock vat taken cat in safety, but the provender and building were destroyed. The stable of Jsrr.cs Furnts, immediately in the rear of the Wigwam, was also barned, tut h's wife succeeded in leading the horse from the building before tbe flatue3 got ua t'er headway. A shop, also bslongin to Furnas, was partfally burned, bat the tools ereeaved. The frame residenc occupied ly William II. Short, immediately esst of the Wigwam, was also partially burned, with its contents, the famUy at the time ba- irg at a fkating link in another put of the city. . Matlie Doag'ass' bsgnio was a'so injured irom the i o tense teat ol the bcrnicg bnildiDgs and tba windows demclif lied by the streams of water thrown against the house to mevent it frjm burcing. Fire was commurjicited to the tenement hocse adjoining Short's residence, but the damage was slight. Tfce total loss will foot up something like ?0,CC0. distributed, as nearly ai coald bs Jearred, as follows: Oi the liyery stable, l 50s total; Wigwam, $.'500, total; Siori's r-tidence, 1,200: Furnas' stable, 250; Mattie DcTjglasj' house, $300 There was no Insurance either upon the Wigwam or upon the livery stable, and possibly none upon Shon'e reside ecc The lets of Mattlo Doola oa her dwelling beue is covered by $1,C00 in tbe Fire and Marine, of SpringGe'd, 2 0 being cn the residence and 2,000 on farni tre. Socrt carried aa insurance of (J )0 on furniture in the Rojal, of London, locieI with C eaveland t Brown, and Farnace $1-30 on stable, located witn Iladley. There is some question as to the owner thip cf tbe wigwam property, bnt the b?st authority teems to b) that it beiones to a msn by the name of Bradley, who res'.des at Columbus, this State. John Colter of the No. 3s was qulfe eeri oaily injured while engaged in the discbarge Of his duties At thn Wfovam f!ra 1tK beam falling from the burning structure and striking him upon the head and biok. His ! neaa ana Dacit were serlouily Druissd, and cctcussion of the luegs and braia was feared by the attendirg physician, bat the extent cf the injury can be better told to-lay than o eailj after its occurrenft last night During the progress of ths fiie the greatest excitement prevailed amon the residents of the locality, and Irdeed the surroundings fully joslined all that was felt and feareJ. Tee housps in the vicinity are mostly fraxe tenements, clreely built, and except for the prompt exertions of tbe department the en tire qnan miebt have been destroyed. A lar?e nunJr of the men and women carried thiir fornitnre info the street aod seyeral weie lern carrying their children along ju?t an they had been enatched from ths bsd at tbe Hist alarm. There were but few who were calculated to view the peril of their fcOBsehoid effects withoutexciteinent thonjh one was beard to remark. ' Don't take it out, it s insured far all it's worth." Mr. BuehneU'e Affliction. Mr. Dsn W. Bsshnell, an employe of tbe Sentinel, has been called upoa to sotl'er be reavement in the death of his eldest daugh ter. Edith, an interesting child of twelve years, who died yesterday morning, after an i'liiets of several weeks' daraUoa. Mr. Bcshnell and family have the heartfelt ay n patby of his fellow-workmen in this tlmr great loss. One's penonal appearance is enhanced or disfigured by the outward apparel. How t ai pcrtant it is then that artists ot taue and judgment are employed to make clothes tiat become the wearer as to color, texture aid fit Fgan it Treat, the fashionable tailors, No. 21 North FeLnsylvania street possess the artistic poise and taste necessary to rro'd the form cf man into shapely habiliment;. The best the rxarket affords at Schaffner's Restaurant A N ELKOAM EST AULI3H01KX . The Htw Hat and Gentlemen's Furnishing Uout of llirr Uro. Iliff Brothers, thp best-known hatters In Indiana, have opened at No. 3 Bates Houte, on West Washington street, an elegant retell house, one tbat in every respect equals the bei: establishments of the kind in the laveit cities in the country, and one ot which In dianapolis will be properly prjud. The in tention of Iliff Brothers Is to make this house the depot cf only the finest and most fsa iorable styles of hats, and the choicest arti cles in the way of gentlemen's furnishings. 1 he place Is'elegantly litted up in cherry, tbe rjoor showing a haod.ome pattern of t:le. and the room being lijht and airy. The Iliff Brothers also show the finest line of um brellas and races ever seen here. Tbia place, su2estlDR as it does the he;t establishments ot the kind of the great cities, will doubtless receive the large patroaa9 it dettrves. Try Schaffner's Restaurant for meals. The New Marke! Uout. The new Markct-hoose does not make any difference with Clark, the butter man. He has such a number of customers you can not touch him with a ten-foot pole. Giye him a call for good butter or groceries. I have resigned the agency of the Loadon and Lancashire Insurance Company, but not that of the Fire Association of Philadel phia. Folicy holders in the latter company will plesse bear this in mind. Jos A. Moore, SI Eait Market street New Styles ITall Paper. Carl Moller, 101 East Washington stret( baa elegant new styles Wall Paper and Win dow Chad e a. Yon can do better her than anywhere clxa in the city. OF- ILK L 8. lyres & Co. OFFER THIS MU: OC Brocaded Surah Silk Robes. 17 yards to the dress, SI5; worth $25. 1 Dfin Yards beautiful uuu Changeable Silk, 75c; worth, $1.00. ROH yards Heavy Black Gros Grain Silk, war ranted to wear, $1; worth H59. Ofinn yards Colored 2,UJU siikg (pain) at 50c; worth 75c. LOTS OF BAROAINS! HEAPS OF NOVELTIES! SILK DEPARTMENT. L. S. AYRES & CO. ämpl1töcl BEST OF GOODS. Moderate Prices. JAS. TS. MAY HEW, Ho. 23 West Vasbinstoi Street. CALL ON icoll the Tailor and icspecthls assortment of DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WOOLENS. All the Latest Novelties. Brightest Designs. BUSINESS order from $20 CO A NTSj . 5. CO SPKINQ OVJERCOATS. " " 18.00 33 and 35 Sou'h Illinois Street, Samples and Kules for Self-Mer6urement Mailed cn Application. OPEN EVENINGS. ELECTRIC LIGHT. TELEPHONE 107. W. H. Messenger, Dealer in AND Bed-Room,ParIor and Dining Room Suits, 3Iattresscsof All Kinds, 101 East Washington Street, Ar 1 1 1.'!. 15 and 17 South Delaware Strfft. Goods sold on Weekly and Monthly Payments. PEARSON'S MUSIC HOUSE, Still continue the sale of First Class Pianos and Organs at unheard of bargains. No one need be without an instrument at the unequaled prices and easy terms on which theyara sold. Call, examine and be convinced. Host complete stock in the state to select from. 19 North Pennsylvania St. CITY USDERT1KUG ßOöUS NOW OPEN, 66 North Pennsylvania Strec', Opposite Grand Opera Uouio. H. W. TÜTEWILER, n.TInt clasa throughout. Seasonable prlcea. 'i tier hone Foonr, 41L Telephone- Residence 441. AGS EATF0 AT 'THE MODEL. While we manufacture our Olothing as a rule, there are times whon we can obtain large lines of goods, made equally as well as pur own, at 25 to 30 per cent, less than cost, from manufacturers hard pressed for jeady cash. Such on opportunity has just;presonted itself. While our buyer was East, for the two weeks just past, he purchased a number of huge lots of Clothing;, Fumishiug Goods andgHats and Oaus at such ex traordinary low prices that we can well afford to sell them at nearly one quarter less than the first cost of manufacture. THE MODEL'S prices have always been recognized as tho lowest ever offered in this city, and the prices we name during this forced sale, will astonish xjot only the public, but all our competitors as well. THE KOSfL'g FORCED SÄLE CP ' MEN'S SOUS tTHE MODEL'S FORCED SLE Of .8015' CLOhilH, $1 m At tLeec pric ' UoolCaffciiiici S cnoush lor ai rices we öfter unpreoe.lented ucxe and rancy r:aM Hiits. my one to wear. Oihtr jou 110 and $12 for ifce very tame rntts . ining t Draper come ana bee Ibe Imme at I i 9;, f "s and 6. $10 At these prices vre fcive yon choice of ctct '(O clf gant Cast i me re, Fancy Check and I'laM, Yorg;cl nl Ccrkteiew Suits. We would call jnrticu'ar aiuntlon to the Slaler'a lüue Vhc ht Cloth fcuits, which are so'.d ah over at Sl. on r price 110. $15 At thte prices we give tu b si bouses .eil at i0 and $22. Tfcey are i.estcf CH'simere and Ccrtictcws In and tent button C'u lawajs. $-f A- ihese prlces we offer our fine Pres Suits, f r-v I Vrrade ty cur best tailors in trie Tery br at Ftj Us. WSJ J i 1 JLvJ5 thing as fine as these mils csn 1-e found KlJ tj anywhere e so In this city, tbey will afkjo;i frem U5 to US for them. tSIraTr ecse barg aios in Men's and Boys' Pants. Men's PntF, Knee Pantß, 38 cents and upwaids. FURNISHING- In this depanmeflt we will merely mention to day one greit purchase of a lare shik of the wj.vJ- renowned Jl. &c H. COLLARS JlISTJD CUPP3. This Cur, which mtnufsctured ccly the finest grades of Jinen collars and cuffs, recall fiilel. Va closed cut the greater part of their fctock, and will place them cn sale to-morrow, Moadiy. mornin" at tin following piicce: " n One lice Fine Lirifn Collars, S Cents each; 6 for 25 Cents. One line Best Linen Collars, IO Cents each, or 3 for 25 c ents. Oce Ike Eest Linen Cuffs, 15 Cents a pair. , Gauze Shiitp, 15c and up. Fine Teppenll Jeans Drawers, 50c. Large line of Impoited Bilbrigan Ucdcrwear at 7öc and $1 00. Neckwear in endless variety at 25c, 35c, 5OC and up; all choice aad'ne styles. There is no let, up in the run on our Hat and Cap Department. It did not take loug far the people lo lesrn that ihey could save from 25c to $1 00 by buying their Hats and Caps from us. To morrow wo open up a line of nice light colored Derbys at 882; other hojse3 a&k 51 tO for a similar article. New lines of fine Brown and Black FurHitiat $1 48. We have just received immense fchipments of Sinv Hits, Oar prices on them will astonish the public. Model CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. FIVE (5) STORES IN" ONE. Jk. I o BEST 5CTCIGAH IILT AMERICA THE CHAMPION! The Latest and Most Improved Single Generator GOLIIIE STOVE In the maikct. Lights Like Gis, and every j 1 t v. r t 1 uurucr wurMnj; uurncr. .o iour n or auxiliary burner lequired. Saves 25 per cent, on fuel. Sco J5elbro Buylu', P. M. PURSfLL & SON, 81 Eist Washington 8t. ADARS &. WESTLAKE Oil & Gasoline Stoves. EARLY BREAKFAST Stoves and Ranges, best in the world. OSGOOD REFRIGERATORS, Man'les, Grates and Tile IIeartli3. "W. McOÜAT, Cl AND 3 WE8T WASHINGTON 8T. Barirains! Bargains! Owing to our rem oral to our new place ot buii neaa SO anl 32 North Illinois ureet we are offer ing our entire line of Hangln? Lamrx. Cbaodel lei and Lamp Trlnmlngi at greatly reduced price. Thcie low prices will continue until about tbe Cm of May. Gasoline and Oil etorc-s C.eaned aad Repaired. f. p. snrfH a co , 37 Saath If ridiai ani 35-1 rtk HJIbcIi. TELEPHONE 747. SCED lareains in ail $8 $2B anaiiwc art mud' They ere tooo tonses would &k are wortu - II you wactany- wool t-'ailor tue values we outr $3 ladies wihmc if)ut rail pn. $12 oticrin at these fcl tl 'JO. its aa other rcade ir. tec, Frock $16 Cloth V (( )) K 13. GATES As CO. 'S CA I Gr -Ä- Among all 1he ladies Nyho aspire vo a pir of French Kid Button Boots, very few are fortunate in securing a pair, owiug to the prevalent false impression that it U necessaiy to pay a high and outrageous price, or ehe buy an American Kid. At high piice shoe .stores you of course pay CEormous profit?, but it is unnecessary. Now, although we advert'n-principally Child's Shoes at 12c, worth 45c, and Misses Shoes at 85c, worth St 25, it des not necessarily pre elude the id?a of our having other gradas. While the assertion may Kern startling to those having the latter impresMon, ueverthless it is a fact we keep in stock as fine goods as the United States can produce. We handle the famous E. C. Burt Shoe, and other equally famous makes. Ytu would not suppose we could sell a lioe French Kid 5ho3 at $2 60, worth rtarly twice the money. If it seems improbable, come and see for yourself. Young ladies who wish tiue shoes, neat and dressy, M wer with tluir new spiing suit3, stepin and get a nice pair of those French Kids. We will surprise you, then you can surprise your friend. Ak also to be shown the Mat Top Buttou Boots at $2 00; they aie beautiei and nothing Jess. ROCHESTER-BUFFALO SHOE BAZMD 66 Salt Wtshiogtcn Street We claim tliree Ihirf, atd positive exclusive Retail Shoe Store in Indiiina. We any three Shoe Stores in the ci j combined. ehe. FURNITUR It will pay to see our largo Now Lino or Bedroom Sets. We have a vory complete lino of Fresh, New Goods, at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. KING- & ELDERo 43 and 45 South Uoridlau Stroot. SALE o::-:r various lidsof fli Sailor S ilt. ff of fine irr M i oil Cpa n.nt', Wt i$3 " - - w I ii v a m A v. v A J Mm I ll r i ' Ii and nlr a fw more left of m tuUs at Tic and SI öj. to buy tbe 'afst Kyi's of KHt Salt r, ebouM . ill it:i 1 tu-s9 we Wf reVJXI 1 Ki;ifcVpn M. .-p. Our cf " .ri üil w T J e can't ssy to much iu re?ar! t o re Hues cf FoTt.''tx r 7v4tll.ui:"1. es 4 to 11. I'tie JatcH Hyl?s :n trsnfircnilT VJJ AJ tl'iaided S iits and haudsome rst'ems inTJaMs and Mix AJ turcs. are ln lud 1 in tnese rrke . oüjtr housta btr.s asc 15 to S8 for s-rnilar roos. Tr.on'-amJs of cheater luin at fl 5S, ft SO, 12 CO acd 11 .VJ. worth douUc. Oa cur (6 and 5 dress all wool full knits for Boy ages 12 to 17. our customers cfect an irnnnje eavin?. e have tbem la all ötylep,, Mixtures and Check. In cheaper good! look atcurnii at f2C5,Sr0 and one iineof all wool mits worth S 0 foronl?$t 8. In this drartment we present patres wit!i Las Ui:i. Hats, Hats and Belt. lined, 75 cents ani u jwarl lt)js G- O O D Co 5 H H R Oppcsito Vanes Block. we are correct, viz: We hav? t!it larget carry more stock and sell nvre co Is thin WE AND LOW PRICES DD IL. nothing S .mg1