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2 THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL SATURDAY MORNING: MAY 23 1885. number of Touchers that this ex-Treainrar does. The other day an applicant for a mail loute arencr was asked. "How far is Ufrjm the caith to the moon?'1 and thus replied, M don't know, and as the roata I wish to sot 13 Iiora Kankakee to Kokomo, I doa't see as it makes a d n sight cf difference." The news of General Logan's election broDfiht pladne:3 to too voters In tha depart znect. bet the attempt to suppress the feel ing cf felicity, quickened by the good tidings of pTeat joy, was a faithfal com mentary cn Mr. Pendleton's law. Once oat of the building end well on the eUeet, the republican oliicial let loose his Ipent-up Tapture in anti-Noyember glee. " Jap Ter. res. Sejmoar Items. EpccUl to the Sentinel. Seymour, Ind., May 22. The High 8:hool commencement la3t night at the Opera Honte was largely attended, and evsrything passed off In the most pleasant way. The eight persons who graduated acquitted them selves with credit. Miss Ella Rankin was awarded first prize for best essay, fpd Mas ter "Chlci." Johnson Jwa'.kcd of! tith first premium for tha beat delivery. He 13 come seventeen years of age, but a giant ia Intal lect and delivery for one of his age. giThis county was visited with a refreshing rain last night, which will have a salntary efi ct on the growing crops and vegetation. 6am Myers and Billey Spencer toot in the town night before laat, and got ir a small jcb cf tee destruction of private f roperty. They were brought to face Mayor Kverhart yesterday, and he fined tha former $20.55 and the latter $11.05. Net being able to pay or stay the fame, they were yanked off to the county jail. It don't pay well to get on tie citside of too much bug juice. l"ire Losses. . Miles City, Mont, May 22 A ire broke cut at 8:30 test night in the Merchants' Ho tel end spread to the Cosmopolitan. It cleaned up the northwest corner of Main and Park streets, anöeastward to Sbirburne's lire wall. The total Ices is ?CD,Cof ; insur- cbcutoEchalf. La r. castes, Pa., May 22. The large barn on the farm ol Eli K. ilylin, in Piqua To?ra- fchip, was destroyed by fire last xi'gM with its contents, consisting of twelve I head cf cattle and two colta Shortly before tha fira was discovered the absence of Mrsi Martin, "wife of tizo tenant faraer, was noticed. Ths lfidy belüg insane la believed to haw gone to the tarn aad sat the structure on fij-e. ftg bar charred remairs were found in the fains this nicrcinir. Tho less ij very hsavy ; paräaily intend. J Tlie Kw York Renins Kilt. Alra:;y, N. Y., May 22. When ovarnor Hill's attention was called to the cjnsus bill 3 emended and p233sd by the Staate this morning, he declared it was worecf than the original one that he vetoed. It required tb.8 enumeration to be done in several! cities of the Btate within two week3 ia tberaonthot July at a time when a considerabl of the Inhabitants are away at portion watering places and allows four weeks for liking an enumeration in the country dist rlctj. In answer to the question as to what h intend bill, lis bill as ed to co with the present Censu said, "Wait and see." , The Assembly passed the Censrn rent by tho Senate. 'Ihe Lesisla ure then adjourned sine die. .The Governor General on the J orthwest Trouble Ottawa, Ont., May 22 At a mhsical en tertainment given in honor of tbeJovernor General, in tha new hall of the Clllee, his Excellency was presanted with an :JjJro33 in French and English. In (he course of his reply to the English address, the Srovernor General referred to the Ncrllmes:! troubles, and said that the strups'.s has cost iany val nablo live?, and brought sorrow at' irg to many happy homesteads, In Older and confidence would soon I d suffar- t public i restored pernaps cn a sounder basia than tefore. Guilty in the First Degrei. PmnDXLrniA, May 22 Annie E. Catler, colcrtd, who shot and killed hek recrsant lover in the ctreet some time ogof and who pleaded guilty to the charge ot nAirder laat Monday, dducing testimony t: show tho treacle ry of her victim toward her, and sub- mit'inpr the paints to the Jadge, to that he Eifgbt fix tLe grade of the crime, wis broaght before Jude Mitchell to-dav, and ie jagged her guilty of murder in the first deroe. o, j Failures During tho Weet$. Ki:w Ycbk, May 22.- The business failures occurring throughout the couutfy during the last seven days, a? reported to U. G. Dan Co., number for the United S tatet, 2H, and ures cf the United States are occar?ing in tho Southern, Western and Pacific ßtajes. feuert for Fees. Piitsdurg, May 22. The jury i;i the suit cf this county against er Clerk of Courts Rowsnd, to recover fees claimedifo ba ille gally retained by him, rendered & epecial verdict this morninc: in favor of fie county for 18 520 subject to the decilioaof the Court on questions cf law reserfd. How ard was tried cn a criminal charg of embez zlement, but was acquitted. I reellrchojuen lltlld y Aonlte. New Yor.K, May 22. The family of the late Secretary Frclinghuysen miks no secret ct the fact that tho first serious illnes3 of; Judge Frelinghnyeen was due to fhe aconite tbat in tome nnaccountablo miinner was bottled with tho mineral water housed, and Dr. Sinclair, of Wajhington, says fhat there was enough left in the bottle tri kill four men. j A Fratricide Shot. St. Louis. May 22 Oa Tuesday last Jaff Ilcgere, a worthless felloir, living hear Slkes- ton, in Southeast Missouri, quarreled with a brctfcer and shot and mortally wounded him. Pw0ei8 as traced to a DOint near E93ez, yes terday, and in an attempt to anest him by cfliceis he resisted, and was shot nnd killed by Deputy Sheriff Shelby. : Negro llacsed. I Little Kock, May 22 At Clare jdon, Ark., to-day Goodwin Jackion (colored), who in November last beat SndyJleItaond (col ored), to death with a fence-rail, was hanged in the presence of a very large :rowd. He died protesting that he did not intend kill ing 8andy, butatrcck him for threatening to strike Mrs. Jackson. r)AmR.tttf1 Wlfhnnf Tt1 New Yobk. Mav 22. Lewis Francis, the Frenchman who murdered hia wife and was nbcut to throw the body in therfver, was ar raigned in court to-day, and leaded not guilty. He was committed tor tvlal without I for Canada twenty-five; total, 230. Is against j 2.J lest week, and 213 the week pjevious to j the last. More than two thirds c the fail tail. The body of his wife was interred in the Wcetawken Cemetery. Held for Kobbery. Nw Yoek, May 22 Henry F. Post, batter known In criminal annals aa "Hungry Joe," who was arrested last night for robbing Jo seph Ramsden, cf Manchester, England, of a eum of money, was in court to day, and was held for examination. Committee to Receive Uartholdl's Statae. New Yoke, May 22. The Board of Alder men to-day appointed a committeo to receive Bartholdi'a statute of Liberty on ita arrival here. Mayor Grace and the citizens and or Eanizations were requested toco-operate with this committee. o The Locust Plague. Mahsiiall, 111., May 22. The locust plague will probably visit this section. In plowing several gardens the little ravagera were tarne J cut of the ground in countless thousands end in an almost matured state. THIS FAB WEST. Santa Fe Letter Kaosap, Colorado, New Mexico, Minnehaha, Etc. Sakta Fe, New Mexico, May IC, 1S35. How d've, Gringos. Prem the birthplace of Montezuma if the usual He goes at par I address you on my first impressions of tha great Southwest. Nor will I attempt, other than casually, to be serious as what I know is superficial. Traveling through Kansas prompts the question, why bny and clear land m the Eastern States and barely mske ajliving when you csn buy land here for oae-tenth the amount per acre and have it already cleared? Youeay, eo timber, us coil for fuel, you can get it fairly cheap. Then yea say, water is needed; 10 will give you a driven well. The crops are a3 good or bsttcr, shipping facilities at hand and you can by iadajtry tave money cn a year's work. But nobody will heed euch talk, for they are too cussed lazy to raake tüe eflrt. Kansas City is as busy a mart an any city three times its size in tha country. It has pretty much its own way in everything. You can't (?) gambla in Missouri, to tha street cars take the gamblers to Wyandotte, over the line, where they win mostly Kansas money. Tho reat is brought into Missouri to buy drinkable?, because they don't allow wet gocds to ba sold in Kensi3, The consequence of this latter fact Is that ft Kenias man can hang on longer to the neck end of a bottle than any man oa earth lle'e a regular internal bother, and glories in tho opportunity to show hia staying qual ities. I have seen but one drunken mau in my traveling of late, and that was through prohibition Kansas. That one man gok oa board at Kansas City, so drunk thai when he reached Coolidge, at too other end of the State, he was only about half recovered. If you would gee the houses put up on the open land in new towns in Kansa3 you'd swear every builder was drunk as a charita ble excuse for hia foolhardine3$. You kno n this State is the land of the gentle zaphyr that gatbereth barns, houses, cattle and "eich" in its sweeping etibracs and cirri83 tbem Into Indian Territory and oth3r places south. Now when you know that a cyclone is liablo to call at any hour, and without serving a notice, it hardly looks eea sible for a man to build n storv and a half house on the plain land and so light that you could roll it away on a wheelbarrow. Why a man is liable to sit down to dinner iu a hense cf that kind nnd after finishing hi3 meal start out to walk and find hlrnsKlf in Mexico or Texas, for there aro no Drakes oa a cyclone to stop her when she goss shop ping. You will observe I give the festive cyclone S3 of feminine gender. ' My ieison is tha: I don't think it possible for o her t3 disturb scch an extensive territory. Kansas loots like a conlinuou3 gsrden uiitznded and almost pcak(nr its wel come to any who will till the l&nd or use it in any way. The soil is black In its richness and teems with 3 grass growth that yearly add3 to the wealth of eoiL Possibly there aro many reasons against the.settlement . of this laid, but I have never heard of thorn, nor do83 any one to whom you may speak know of such reasons. Now towns are springing up all along the railroad lines and many a man in tha East will fay, five years hence, "I could have had a thousand acre farm lor so mncn five years ago, and I wieh I had taken advantes of the opportunity." fiat then it will be too late. If pcor people can sattle, live and prosper to com'ort in suca a coun try why can net thc.e who havsenoaghto insure gainst surTerirc; and privation? There's uothmg in all this but a plain, blunt reascn for action looking to an almost imme diate futuTity. Thera'3 work to do. aad tvi thirc3 of the work on an Ohio fsrm of 2J0 acres would accomplish the full benefit fron SCO acres in Kansas. Parely farming lands are conveited into ranches where cattle grazo and live without othpr than the natural grass for focd up into the latter part of November. Now jnst think of p. land supporting cattle cn the nibble and then thiok how well it Will support farmero on tha work. Leaving Kansas we go through the 3onth pattern corner of Colorado, and right here I have very little to say. Th?re u quite a con tinuation of what I may call Kansas land, but eoon the hills come into view and t!?en the picturesque attracts attcniios. The Spanish Peaks are to be seen avd a Kay yon der is tho old-timer, Pike's Peak. Leaving the enow capa to themselves yon are attracted by the swift mountain streams and sluice that rush along and cut their way through tho land. Down into New Maxico ycu entr the hilly cauntry and the old Rockies yoar companions. They did not strike me Epeechless with admiration, and anything that expecta mo to remain silent ought to have more sense than try ad miration on me, A base ball bat would b3 moTo effective nnd its persuasiveness as au e.rticle for the production of tho most nota worthy epsechhsonecs I very much marvel at nr.d respect. When a brakeman on tho Atchison. To pekaacd Santa Fe Head pointed to a big pile of land and tnld me it was Starvation, Mountain, I wanted to know if wa ware rid iDg through lCan't Live Valley." It c?st me a egar. Changing C3rs at Les Vegis, a thriving, growing tewn, I was on my short way tj this old Mexican town of Santa Fe. Oa the train with me was a hypothetical specimen of hu manity who had Dick Bright a disoa?e of ths kidneys. Ho looked as though his liver was torpid and his kidneys needed kalsominiog. He belonged some miles np th road, and we 8 cn efcht-d&y liar from Liarsville. When we reached that part ot the road between Canyon Sita and Sin Jo39 frcm which the oiO Pecos Church ran be seen, I had to stop tho old sinner or he'd have killed all tha truth there is in me. The old Peccs Church Is a rains of adobe bricks, and it i3 known frompositive records to be over 3C0 years old. Th9 walls of the church, such ot them as remain, the rear and most of the sides being down, are eight feet thick. The old citizens didn't believe in havirg their services interrupted, at all events. In this building, eo the legend (or lie) goes. Montezuma (General Hanson's old fxieDd)was born, and from here he went South, first instructing his psoplo to keep the fire bnminenntll his return. A Monty a prcbbJy too old now to moy?, ha won't come back, but his people keep the fire burn ing just the came. As General Manson hai "feasted in the halls ot the Montezuma," old Monty must have marrifd and raised a dnde eon who continued to keep the halls. History nor General Manson tell ui whether Monty kept the halls for partie?, po litical meetings and winter picnics, or whether tbey were the home of the Terre Haute feasts (salt and pepper) the General eo fondly remembers and sd often relates From tho way General Manson talks he feasted only In the halls of tho Mon te zurra. Now the questions ore, how many halls did the boys have? were they the only ones who set forth a feast? aod lastly, w&sa't it rather mean in the General to be faaUing when the boys of his command wera feeding cn brfc a brao and cactus bnlbs? . But we'll remember that hereafter. Certain it is that the Paeblo Indians now scattered about here, but as a tribe removed to their reservation in Northwestern New Mexico and Northea3tern Arizona, claiming direct descent from tho Aztecs, keep the Montezuma tire burning to the present time, and continue their belief in the supernatural character of Montezuma. Reaching Santa Fe, I found a live crDwd at the depot. Two besses and a few carriages eought patronage. Entering a bus I sat alone and was driven away. Turning a corner a vision floated upon xr:e; I ehall net coon if ever forget. When a vision flashes on me I get hold of tho flash by intuition and never 1st co. Softly. Beforo me and toward me walked the lim pid form of Minnehaha, the noble daughter cf tbe forest king and prairie hair lifter. Minnehaha means 4Laughing Water." It most mean that kind, for if water has ever seen Minnie it must have laughed. Certain it is that it never wts serious enough to get down to hard pan and tickle Minnie's cuti cle and remove therefrom the ancient stains that perhaps Montezama put on her as a brand. I do not think that water had rip pled in merry lauqhter over Minnie in roBDy moonp, and from her appear once she didn't reconcile the sea son of snows to tho coming of tha flowers. Verily the daughter of the red chief fehould take a bath. When I think of the eylphlike Leauties tho Indian ma'dena aro painted, I think of my own Minnehaha, aud wish I could hear the water laugh in her neighborhood. Iler beauty consisted of a face and form that had held togethsr since Adam had cramps from eating green at- pl(s. She was the c:lor of a candidate's breath after election. Her step was about as apile as a limping p'g. Iler raiment wai a bare head, ca-ico dies3 (and mor3 lanhln water needed), a blanket ebawl that had beiße boss duty, end a pair of Governmyai chocs bought for a man with hi3 leg3 turned up for feet. Minnie was the first anti-he beiDg I saw in faata F Reaching tho hotel I wai taken in chars by Mr. Mackliu, of the firm of McXalty & Macfelin, cf tha Enchange Hotel, and I olud not restrain the kindness Bnown me. The streets are very parrow, the houses mainly made of adobes or enn dried bricKs, and but one-story high. The hou3is ard built in rcoms on the four sides of an open court, a door from each room openlDg to tbe Inner square. Mine host took me down an alley atd ushered me into a large, lteht room with fireplace and enough room to accom modate a skating rink. I can to?s a s'oae or piece of bnck from any door into the plaza or public siiuare, which is the center of the town. Before I close I rarst tell you of a friend I've made, a bby. He's a young grear. I call him "Concho Special" regular Henry Cay, tffo for a qaarter. He'aa fine youn beggar, an ornament to his profession. Ia color he's a Colorado Matfuro, Mexican filler and dirt wrapper. Ho smokes fres (my tobacco), but I can not eay the flavor is at all times delightfal. I intend to instill iao Concho's yourg mind the beneficent effects of soap and water, and teach him tiat a patriotic ablution on tbe Fourth ot July is a, duty he owes to his country. Will Ryan. o Wby Didn't Tbey Talk German'.' IPltUburs JJc3patcb.l On Saturday afternoon, as Frau Materaa wes cn her way from the dressing room to the fitace in tho Fifth Avenue Markst hoa38, the passed the stand of a vender of ham, bologna eaueeges, etc, whose basines was not at all interrupted by the rnatiaee. Chancing to look up, the Yaßnerian prima donna saw tome sausage and blcod pudding hangiDg on the hooks in the butcher's etind. She stopped, and a slow, progressive Wagner ian smile stole over her nob;e countenance. 'Dem wcz niza puddinß," she excliimed. "Dem's de pest paddins efer yoa et." said the utchr in an excited tone. 4,Vil you hot a pite'I ' Amn that waDcrian snlle stole from its pasture, and tho artist put forth her hind. In a flutter cf delight the botcher cat two or three inches of pudding from one of the coils and presented it on a brown-paper charger. Vartcrna nta it slowly and with great rel ish wiped off bar hand on tho payer, and, smiling for a third time, sail to the bato?r: "I dank you. Dem wuz ez nize pad iici az efer I expeereozed," and sue went out to c!:arm tha multitude, unconscious of having performed a feat which would ha7e ap palled an American athlete. lllariford (Conn.) Courant. The eld familiar Pond's Extract is indsed a household friend. It is a medicine whfch no well regulated family cm atlord to be without. For half a century it has beoa be fcro the public, and from year to year, as its meriti and wonderful curativa properties baye become known, it has steadily grown in popular favor, co that now it ha- probably a pre ater pale than any other standard prepa ration cn the face of the globe. To subdue pain and control Hemorrhaces of all kindj it has no equal. Be careful to gat the gen uine, . There is no danger of an overproduction of the best quality of goods. It is ths poor gcods that do not pell at home or abroad. What is desired is fine beef, fino butter, fine cheese, etc , which are always salable. - A Kansas man found a dead hog. which he threw into his hog-yard to save the trouble of burial. The result was that thirty-four of his other hog3 died from eating tho diseased meat. norsfonVs Acid Phosphate BSWARE OF IMITATIONS, Imitations and counterfeits have again ap peared. Be pure that th9 word "Horsford'a1' i3 on the wrapper, Non3 are gsnuina with out it. In making butter, good, sound, wholesome fcod is indispensable. To make a cooi arti cle from poor material Is aa impossible ir dairying as in any manufacturing industry. Tbe Savannah (Ga.) News 8aj3: A true politician is the highest type o! citizen, apditistobe regretted that there an not more tree politicians. "Xhe Dyspeptic's Refuge." "I am thirty-five years old," writes Mr. Charles H. Watts, of West Börners, Put cam County, New York, 'and had suffered from dyspepsia for fifteen years. The cur rent treatment did ma no good. Listlessly and without hope I gave Parker's Tonic a trial. lean give the result in three words: It cured me." It will cure you. i a a r up m Tiste oako THE BEST CO H I n O in O - C3PYaiGHTrD7. IOOD 7T. O O 2 o 3 m z IT. a- cOPYRtGHTEO.l SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IE.E, & CG., EcckC3ter3 N.Y.J FOR BILIOUS HEADACHE, NOTHING LIKE IT. Sl.OO A BOTTIiB, II. H. WAEXEU &J0., Uodiestcr, I. Y. KEV. FRANCIS GILLIVT, rliaeton, Vt , re Commends Warner's Tip;'Ecaoe, Tbe Best, for fclck tcadacio caused by storaucu disorders. v FOR FEMALE DEBILITY, D. H. WAUSEt; & CO., Rodwstir. H. Y. Mrs. SPENCER McCLELLAN, on-cn. Mich., w&rialy rtcommends Warner's Tippecanoe, Tnc He St "When a man has suflcrcd from Tthenmatlsm only a littlo whflo, and la relieved from bJs pain, be 13 happy aud delislited. Uut Eupposo.Le haa Suffered for more than a third of a century. O ' Alvm Grim, of Vale, Icwa, writc3:0 O "ATHLonioaos Lao helped me much. The pain in my limbs is all erone, but some Inmo- O O ns33 is left yet, and well there mijrht Lp, O ' for I havo been troubled fcr tbirty.fiveQ O ycacd with ELeuEiaiisai." Mrs. A. B. Baker, of Chicago, . Had rheumatic pains !n nor? paci TorTivcesn years, ana Mr. Bator had licen t!i victlni cf Kheu. matlsm untu bis bead was drawn down overt hlz left shoulder. Mr. Uaker writes : O "Half a bottle otATnLCPnono3 maao O ma as pood a3 new. My wrifo Lea taken O Ö the othc r half, and haa Dot comi lainod of O CJ her back Fince. Sho pays her tever va3 Q O ko frco from raia aird ache as it has bc?n O O eincj tue has taicu tho ATULornonos." O There are many people who think that S; because they havo sußered so long, and r J have tried so' many medicines in vain, they J; mu?t "suffer on their three Eeore voars' ?' But you see what ATULcmoROS liaa doac. However Old yoar Cass; L' However Scvcvo your Pains; ; However Great jesr Disappointments, ' DSTTry AthiophoroGHO j; If ycu cannot get ATHLOPEcnoscf your dmp-jriPt, j wo will send it express paid, on receipt of regular jri ce one Collar i er bottle. We prefer that yoa buy it from your druggist, but if he hn't it. net U rersuaded to try pomethiuff else, but order at oiice Xrom U3 as directed. ÄTHL0PK0R0S CO., (12 WfiLL ST., KEW YOJ-K. frfSfHfyi.WFMj?.i.ff;itMnjr.LfjjjjJil l'.t ware cf vort:.;:S8 innti iozi. fca penuina un!o?? ir l".s r.j'i'a D?rn3 on tio bo. V Inj KU I h'.vft a positl reaelT for ths aboro dlseai: brlts nsa tl)cnaani1 cf cs of tho worst kind and of loa? standing fcsve bencure.l. Ir.dpi. o ot rone is myfai.h in its efficacy that I will s-r.d r 0 DOITLE3 FREStotrethorwlthaVAL OABLI5TBE.lTIS!na ny entTrer. Gl ex. s-efc A V. C. alorcea. DU. T. A. SLOCCM.18X rawlSL II, V ?JPBTBr PtlESCRiPTlDHSV-0 il SdSota "StlENCIi of IIKALTII," for the speedy cure of Nervous liebility.Lost Tlanhood, Despondency, etc A oopv of this book will be pent free, sealed. Address yCIENCIS of HEALTH. 130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. The Mirror , is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats ths iQOking-glass. Infill j3 $ itv iv i Vt.-A I' M . Ml: ktB DUX'CiJ",r''" nrtc'r tMrte v-i-'. vcir. it not lounC; PERFECTLY SATI3PACTORY . fa Tery respec;, nnd i:j j'r:v-e i ei undni by j.Ier. la n v&rietv of Ptlts and Soli ly flr?t-oln mm BEE-HIV PLA1I10 T"23 Pendleton AvcuuoJ Ii S. Huey & Sod, Caaafactcrers and Dealers in. Doors and Sash, Frame Lumber, Shingles, Etc. Ail Manufactured Work for Ex terior and Interior Furnlsliincs. German Asthma Curo. iSever tails to instantly leheve the rnONt attack, and insure corrfortaMe sleep. Uietl by Inhalation, thus rcachir.3 the disease d:rert. rr laxes the spasm, facilitates free expectorat;eri) and effects PJftf where all other re. f d UaSCO A trial trie most skeptical ct ks immediate, direct a.d 1: unci lauituvu ri i-C, uif. .1 im r a .vr. r Irial iackac:; free. Ot all Drufists o- Kv r. cud, for stamp Cut this cut. Hv HAPPY RELIEF Speedily obtained at all stages ol Chrcnio diseases embradug the various forma of Skin Diseases. rheumatism, Scrofula, Prinary and Secondary Syphilis, Gleet, Impotency. Serainal Weakness and 8permatorrlie3 permanently enred. Skill and experience c&n be relied on, as i am a graduate of medicine and snrpery, 8nd longer located ia this City than any other pnyslclan in my spectAiitv. I have made a special Btudy ol fem&ie Diseases and their treatment. Can Rive permanent relief In Inflammation or Ulceration ol Womb, Falnful aad Suppressed Mense?. Eeliabie Pill, with fall printed directions, sent to any address for 81 per box. Consultation free and invited. P. M. ABBETT, M. D No. 23 Virginia' Ave. Indianapolis. N. B. Pisase note the nnmher, and thus avol odea near with same name. t. i J f.n ?rA1SCl!ronc Sc Nervous Diseases KUÄ-Ä-jsoulck. Suro Cures. CT r4ttaivrittcn guarantee (jivenin Ltablished 1 S." 1. evertj case umlertnhcn, C2fSend two starnpä for Celehrat"! Medical Vorks. Address, IP. 1). CLAliKE, M, U.9 ISO Üouth Clark Sweet, Chicago. 111. ii till Ih V-'-A 7 PRIOB, S3.50. Off P ÄST 1 1 rr-,t 1 mumShi l,i,ft'nj..jjin ,n mf fa 'immn fit H-i m.tY, ,mrtr H 8 " The Wa? VA tri IM' . .. v m mi m i - - - - . vj v. . . . . . J IOFf;;iau i OTT S TATE E: W OJP TIXH2 CONDITION COPY - UNITED STATES FipE INSURANCE CO., On the 31st Day i)f December, 1884. located at No. 115 Broad jay, New York City, K. Y. Ttte Amount of It Capital Is I. The Aruouut of its Capital paid up is......-..... THE ASSETS OF TUE COMPANY ARE A3 F0LL0W3: Ca$n. on hand and In the hands of Agents or otr.ererson .-.. Boudspnd stocks owned by the Company, beariLtJ intercut at tie iate ol 4 per cent, fcecured as follows, market value: United States 4 Registered Bonds ...... ............ United Ftatcs V Coupon Bonds...... - - ...m Loans on Bends and Monies of Real LsWe, worth ooubla the amount for which the tame li mortgaged, and Iree from anj ueots otherwise fccurea. Debts lor premiums I tttMt - - wmmmww w-w-w SMH Total Assets.. LIABILITIES, i Amount due to barks or other creditors ...j.... ....... Amount owing and not due to banks or other crediior- Loffes adjusted and due.... I fAcs unadut ed.. ..... .... Amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risisA...- ... Total Liaonnies. Tho arptt nmnnnt in anr one riS&....- The greatest amount allowfd by the rules of the town or village No rule. -The greatest amount allowed to be insured in anyone block No rule. STATE OF I2TDIANA, OPHOt OP ArDITOB Or StTK. I, the undersigned. Auditor of State of the BtMe of Indiana, hereby certify that the above li a correct copy of the statement of the condition of ;he abeve mentioned Company, oa the3it dayot December.l, as shown by tho original tatemenJ, and that the aiid original statement Is now ca file In this office. 4 In testimony whereof.I hereunto snfcscxlbo ny name and afax myoaclaltcal thla 221 fL. 8.1 day of May. 1S&3. S JAMtS U. IUCE. Aulltor ol StaU. raw PIPB AND FITTINGS, Bcll'np Agents for Stations! Tube Work! Co., Globe Valve. Stop Cockt, Enpine Trlmmbcs PI PK TONCiS, CL'TTi:!. VISES, TAPS, Stocis and Diet, Wrenches, Steam Trspt, Pumps, Rinrs. HOsZ HALT ING, BAUIUTr METALS. (l 2b pound Boxes), Cotton Yiipin Vtstc, white and col ored (lCO-poand bales), and all other surres ut la connection with bTEM, WATER and GAS. In JOB or RETAIL LOTS. Do a r?u lar steam fitUn; buslnes, tlmate and contract to heat Mills, shop?. Factories; and Lumber Dry llonsea, with live or exhaust steam. ripo cut to order by steam- uower. Ulm & JILLSOH; For 15 years at 27 Court Place, nnr at j 322 JlarkctSlroet, Injijcffjllp F7 i Pet. Third am! Fourth. iJjÜlijUÜÜjilJ A rr?a'.ar!r eia?atel nnl l.'piif u.-JiSei brstca at.1 most iowsf j1. tii l ricui' wi frcrr. Cure? nil forms of PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL Dl5i j UASES. , i JSperjuatorrhca and Impotency f thcrfsu't cf eif-atu rcuta. f-Mctl eu ia tn tarfTreari. cr otSior fans-, nwi olrn.jt wm.' c f tl. t.)4 fiiTi tT dresrrw. t-,bt, !! J!tmorr, VHf- licalDv'ür. Piiti-'soa Ycc, (r.u a to Sc ;i t v of' . Couf jsioa r f lle-a, l.s of ;il Ac. n lJ. rin? I fBarriie in;rD-r or iir:h" r, cr 'taoi'Llv atil tu . DMifr cure.l. IS l 'r "ure-1 (:'!:ll'!C f,,,;; Gonorrhea, ( i-:'.!-(. vi it t.t fin: aj'liy Mri..-uLvaFi'vii!aT,rni'n taacp:laintlavuT üi-'ajo. tn tnat-Lc t.-v. ::iJi tizi i1t. -vj're f"-it si'I. 1'hTsiciit- Lu' t!ii 1-i. tcf TiMt citr Ur im:iu -ut.'k-i: caa cu. r.t atc! ' Cures Guarautdcd in ell Cases t unclertalieu. .... Cüj'u.UMKij jHT.naTir ert r 1 v.r :rt sni inruci. Charles rcasoual'.o kul ci-rrf.1ui,ijce trii.t'.7 couüv' PRIVATE COUNSELOR Cf COO rsi. ""ittni)V !lre-i. cur.;? cl!.-I. f,r tbirtr J'V cT.". Siionl, i t i l r aki. Addre ms rrs. Wllce Ujuh f.-uui n A. t. tos M. Suud&jk, 2 4 f. IL. IsTTS Obtained, and all Patent easiness t home or Hhroad attended to for Moderate Fees. Our office is opposite tho ü. 8. Patent Offlca. iad wc can obtain Patents In less time than those remote xrom Washington. Fend Model or Drawing. Weadyiw aa to patent ability free of Charte: and we Charge no Fee ün hesft Patent Is Allowed. We eier, here, to the Postmaster, the Bupertn nendent of Money Order Division, and toohlclalj !cl the U. 8. Fatent OSicc For circular, advice. ' erms, and references to actual clients la yoar wa State or County, wrl to to : C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Fatent füce. Washington. D. C Best Boiler Scale Purgativo. (TO TRY IT 18 TO USE HO OTHER. J. r. fcUlLTGlS & PEASE, Offlce SI Thorps Illock Individual, County or Btata ti?;ht ol .xnanatao .lure for Kale. ; irk 8RKTTNEL boiler nsea this article. Tho accoaranylnglis a correct cntreprcscstatlos iyt oar premium Watch. It Is a etcm-wlnder, li fmado o! n let el silver, and will always remain ai .bright as a new silver dollar. It has a heavy beveled edge crystal face.its works are eonsiructef of Rood material, and aro mado by the finest anta (viatic xnachlnery. Every watch is perfect beforst leaving tho factory. A are thoroughly t&tci w Bdjusted, an can be honestly recommended s faithful time-keepers. Tliey are Jim as reprt j.entca, aud are v, orth thrco times tho prica. ? ANY ACTIVE BOY Gan easily secure e oltnec Watche by gettini plalfriends to iubacrlbe for the Indjjliu 8ialf , following are onrofTers to aais 2 S orS20 will send TnK SE:;TiSELto twenty tab bribers and tho Watch free to the agent setting .ip tho club. For J12.5 we will send The tea snb i-'JrlherBa Watch to the aiat Isrwarding th Jilab. j For f7.f 0 we will scad The Ss::TTirEi. to Cre sub 'fXribers and a Watch to the asent forwarding th reluh. For f 5.50 Thb Sktisel to three cntscribers ana Ka Watch to the agent. FcrSS.5 Tcs Bcktinzl on year and a Watch It tany addrc&s. T Address, , I SENTINEL COMPANY Indianapolis, Ind OFITHE - I on . 3.1J7 Oi 2? 4W oa lS.bSO OJ 9.0 J3 81 1VJ07 C5 prior iacumu.aine riti"tn V 501,73 Oi :,7H 7S o, 37 j 0! C3.03J W M"HW, 93. 1 GO 17 2j,C03 CO Ctkapany to be insured in auy one city. U- 1 - ..t I i t rrt 1 i-r : '( ; A WATCH' FR