Newspaper Page Text
THE INDIANAPOLIS DAILY SENTINEL SATURDAY MORNING MAY 30 1885 0EÜ ML STORE CESTABLI8UED 1853.) DejarlfflSE SATURDAY, May 00, we place on Ha!e ONE HUNDRED DOZEN Balbriggan Hose, AT 25 GEITTS A PAIB. Tfcesa eocdi ro Full Recular fade, 27 inches lonr, end fcilk elected. The colors are Bine, Jirr,nz?. Wine and Green. They are worth 60 cts. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. SATURDAY, May 30, ve place on sale ONE HUNDKED DOZEN Gauntlet Lisle Gloves, AT 12 1-2 CENTS A PAIB. firTLese Gloves cost $1 CO per dozen to Import. Prices AlwajTOlaia Fipres. 'ETTIS BÄSSETT & GO f ' 1 JOS. A. MOORB, C4 B. Karkot St., Indianapolis Ina Interns; allowed ort deposits. In sums cf 85 and Bpirard. Koney to Loan on Improved City and Farm. Fro petty In Indiana an d Ohio. City, (k)ucty and Town Bonds, end rnrchasod ZIcney Kotes, bought and sold. Ho loans xniu!e except euch aa are secured by Cm increase on real estate, with a larxe margin cf security, cr by collateral haying a raarket Foreign Excitsco Tor wie on all parts o! the Ocrld. Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! Parasols! , Parasols! JUST OPEN BEST STYLUS. CHEAPEST TTIiis Season. L DIGKS01 . & GO., SATURDAY, MAY GO. OrriCE; 71 and 73 West Market Street. 8KNT1NEL TELEPHONE CALLS. Easiams OCre 164 I Editorial Roams- 231 OLD PAPERS. Gcod conditioned old papers for sale at this office at only 40 cents per hnndred. CITY IN BKIEF. The chemical engine, remodeled, has been latnrnea to the Fire Department. It is reported that fun caught with 89lns trere eold on the streets yesterday. J. K. Bndd has a hen with a face like a Lnman being at his poultry honae. The Light Infantry were measured yester day or new suits which will cost 50 each. There will be rt gospel temperanae meet ing at :. j0 p. m.'to morrow in Military Park. Andrew Lee, bartender or Thomas Kear ney, has been fined for violating the Sunday law. W, H. Dye, of Philadelphia, near Green- f eld, offers the rise of his prove free ' to all picnic parties thss summer. The Tabernacle Church will hold twilight Bermocs during the summer season, begin ning at 0:30 Sunday evening. Adelia F. Smith was given $S0O bonds 03 gr&rdian of Carle and William Smith, minor heirs of William J. Smith, deceased. The Liaht Infantry will go ten milea north of Crown Bill this aftemcon for target prao lice, after the services at the cenict;ry. The waiters at the English Hotel struck Icr higher wages Thursday, but managed to return to duty before the sun went down. Tippecanoe and Jay Counties yesterday settled with the Treasurer of State, tha former paying $40.G;7.CG, and the latter 13,202.20. James Evans, a colored lad, charged with the tbeft of several halters, as arrested and JrcirceraUd yesterday by Oflicers Pago and Ward. E. F. Gctel has contracted with J. 8, Far rell A: Co., of Indianapolis, for the plumbing and gas fitting of the new Indiana St&ta house. Tfce will of John V. Hack, deceased, of "Wayne Township, was probated. "The prop erty is left to the widow, who is naraod ex ecutor. The County Doard cf A. O. H. will hold ft tjrecial meeting to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'eJccic, at the ram ell Hill, to make arrange ZLtzU to take part in the State Reunion Hosiery D ricnle, which will be held June 24, at La fayette, Ind. A woman giving the name of Walker has been perpetrating petty swindles by begging for an alleged fair to be given at Cnnst Church. Patrons of the library are requested to use the Pennsylvania street entrance for a few days, until the Ohio street entrance can be painted. John P. Frenzel is a candidate for re-election es School CommisIoner in th First District Albert Beck is said to be a candi date aUo. Meridian Street Church and Sunday-echool will have a grand picnic near Philadelphia on the Pan-Handle Hailroad on next Satur day, June (3. The ,old gentleman named Brown, who broke his thigh at the rssidence of th Lit tle Sistera of the Poor, i3 reported to be in o critical condition. Judge Howe yesterday rendered judgment on the verdict in favor of Francis Switzer against the Odd Fellows' Mutual Aid Asso ciation for $3,75:3 75. Judge Lamb has reported that he is ready to pay nnothtr dividend of 10 per cent, in the Central liank Kecelvership. This makes b5 per cent, in dividends in this bank. The Pcstcüice will close to day at 12 o'clock promptly. One collection will be made in the business portion of the city at 3 o'clock, and the hotel delivery in the evening at 0 o'clock. Louis Habeney was arrested on a warrant yesterday, charging him with shooting inaido the city limits, mention of which wai made several days ago in the Sentinel. He gaye bond. The footpads tried to rob a railroad man at tho corner of Waihington street and High land avenue, Thnnday night, but failed for the reBecn that the railroader cad tie best pair of If gs. The Secretary cf the Board of Agriciltnra says that there will probibly be C2 per cent of an average wheat crop in the State. The prcsrects for a heavy corn crop aro better than ever before at this time a year. Complaint i3 made in every part of the city of children jumping on vehicles In mo tion. The owners are annoyed by it and the children run many risks in this sport. A case was reported yesterday of a woman who struck a boy in tho eye with her pirasol while barging on her buggy, injuring him badly. The Indianapolis Light Infantry will at tend the Philadelphia encampment of the 'Blue and the Gray" next month, as will aho tbe Light Artillery. The ll chraond Grenadier Guards will attend as Governor Gray's fscort. The encampment promises to be tbe largest gathering of itb kind held since the war. , There was a large crowd in attendance at Virginia Avenue Kink la3t night to witne33 the trick and fancy bicycle ridlog of Miss Minute Bouchelle and Mr. Clarence H. Km Ith. Their movements upon . tha ma chines surpassed anything ever bsfore wit nessed in thl3 city, und showed a wondarful knowledge of trio subject of gravitation. Their performances will be repeated this afternoon and evening. PEIlSQNALi MENTION. Jack WatEon, cf Brazil, was in tho city yesterday. Hon. Geo. W. Cooper, the new Postmaster at Columbus, was in the city yesterday. M. K. Slater, editor of the Franklin Jack tonian, wa3in the city yesterday on business. Secretary of State Myers will make a speech at the decoration cf soldiers' graves at Summitville to-day. Grand Hotel: Charle3 A. McCann, M. A. Sweeney, Jefiersonville; Henry Hunt, Kokomo; John Stair. John S. Pettit. La fayette; P. H. McCormack, Samuel He?e, Columbus; 11. W. Alirea, William F. Brown- icg, Bloomiugton; Maurice Thompson, Crawfordsville; George W. Wilson, Bush Ville. Bates House: A. S. Knapp, J. H. Evans, C. Minot, Columbus; I). M. Baker, IlDshes ter; J, C. Ingram, Agnst Gleitze, A. W. Stevens, Logansport: Samuel M. Hench, rrx Wayne; Will M. Bliss, Rushvillp; Wm. II Pleak, Greersbnrg; Mm. F. S. Fussier, Franklin; Charit H. Knight, Brazil; E. H. Scott, Laporte; II. B. Carson, New Castle; Georgo S. Terry, Elkhart; George H. Simp ton, Terre Haute; J. Williamson, Home City; Thoma3 Young, Manchester; C. A. Myers, Spades; Henrv Bateman, New Foint; Sy Smith, McCov's; William Hoyt, London; J. C. Craig, St. Paul; Ii. T. Carter, Greens burg. CKOtYN 11 1 LI. LINK. Frank IStni'a Transfer Will run a line of 'busses Jto Crown Hill on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 28, 2iandG0. Leaving the corner of Illinois and Seventh streets at 1:30 p. ni. and 2:30 p. in.; returning, leave Crown Hill at I and .") p. m. New St j lea Wall Paper. Carl Moller, I'll East Washington street, has elegant new etyles Wall Paper and Win dow Shades. You can do better here than anywhere else in tbe city. PIANOS AND- GAM At prices and terms to suit tbe pur chaser. Our assortment is larger than that of all other dealers in the city combined. Orders for TUNING, REPAIRING and MOVING promptly attended to. Theo Plain I Go. 8! zal 84 lTortb fenanlTash St. A NEW, LOT Of Elegant Diamond Pins, Studs and Ringe; Society Pins and Em blems and Fine Gold Chains. Moderate Prices. JAS. N. LIAYHEW, So. 23 Vfcst ITashinstoa Street. G "EE WEATHER" -70E- Satteens, Satteens, Satteons. FINEST FRENCH GOODS. Batiste, Batiste, Beautiful How Styles. Nun's Veiling, Albatross, Canva3 Cloth, Crazy Cioth, And Every Other Desirable Summer Fabric. es & Co, SPECIAL VALUES White Suits, Lace C urtams, Silks, Jerseys, Muslin Underweir. B1B&ÄIIS IN Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks and Bronzes. i m MM JEWELERS, 12 List Washington Street. Universally acknowledged to be the Ve&t medium-priced Piano in the market, possessing all the qualities that go to make up a First-Class Piano Kvery one can afford to possess one at the Low Frice3 and Easy Terms at which they are being sold. PEARSCWS MUSIC HOUSE, 13 Norili Pennsylvania St, Hazelton Pianos. Packard Orps. HEAR PROF. 0. S. FOWLER, The Veteran PURXKOLOGIST, or A'ew York. LEO T TT 3E3 In MABONIO IIAl.l, MONDAY, Jnue 1st. Phrenology and foU Culture FREE. Widncsday. JuneU-LOVJC ASD MARRIAGE. Artmllon, 25c. Friday. June 5-M AN ElOOD ANALYZED AND RESTORKD to Males only. Admission, 2.V?. i-atnrdRy, June 6, at 2:30 p. m. FE II ALE HEALTH AND BLOOM, their uuse and Kcs;or ation. To Ladies only. Admission, 25c. Monday. June b-SUCCLSS AND FAILURE IK LITE to both sexes. Admission, 2"c. Consult him professionally at the Grand Hotel, from June 1st to June 11th. Laat Chanoo! How or TT over! LAMP S9 All Kinds and Ctyle. Oil ßiMl Gasoline Moves Cleaned and Itepaired. PURE GASOLINE AND OILS F. P. SÄlfhr& GO.'S, H0 xrd IV2 Sörth Illinois Street. TELETHONE 707. HEAB0ÜARTEES FOR Clear Pihe E. H. F.LDRIDGE .&CO., Ccrfr Alabama aid Jhrjland Sts. KOPER'S PRACTICAL HAND-BOOKS FOR ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN. For Sale by all Booksellers. EDV7ABD MfcEKS, PÜBLI0HEQ, X. 1C02 Va!snt Strret, raiUtleli fcfa, Pa. y nisi 11111111 pi1 MIMlbl S. iff SPECIAL Ilil Fill, Shingles, A. H. BAMI I CO. tf Second-Hand and Jhop-Worn piios io on i "We bare a larce number, rancins in price Irom J.3 upward, and In all styles aud varieties to sait customers. Parties de sirinK bargains shoaldnoi fail to come early and examine thera. In addition to bargains in Piinos wc öfter 2C0 ORGANS lor families at SiO cash and Si per month. Ae tckc pleasure in showing these instruments, whether parties wish to buy or net. D. H. BALDWIN & GO. Steinway Fous, Docker Bros., Haines Rro.. Fischer. Vose and other Pianos, and ESTEY and BUONINGKK Organs.. lartles at a dlstancb deslrins: bargains should not fail to write for fuller descriptions. TUNING and REPA1P.INU a specialty. Orders for moving siven nrcnpt attention. 85t 97 and 59 Borth Penn. SLIntiianspolig. ADAS & WESTLAl(E Oil & Gasoline Stoves. EARLY BREAKFAST Stoves &nd Ranges, best in the world. OSGOOD REFRIGERATORS, Mantles, Grates and Tile Hearths. "W. McOUAT, 61 AND 63 WEST WASHINGTON 8T. B.ugust Brbricli, EOLS AGÜNT FOB AUEOBA LASSS BEER, 920 ad 223 ßoath 52Urityö HOTEL ENGLISH. I have purchased the Icrclture snd lease of this Hotel, and it will be sun under the management of ßrtt-clasa manngers, of large hotel experience, who will aim to mate it the best;two-dollar-per-dpy hotel In tbe country. No liens will be allowed cu house or furniture, and all supplies will bo purchased "Epotcish" on delivery.; Favorable amngement can now be made for rooms Hnd board, and all patrons of tho hotel nay rely upon receiving good accommodations. WayS, 1&5, WU. H. ENGLISH. BOAT FOB G8GWM Hilt EecoraliGii Day May 30. 1885. The first boat will leave for North Indianapolis from Michigan Strict or Yellow Bridge, for Arm stionc Avenue, North Indianapolis, and there after roske regular wipe, leaving Michigan Street Brl Jgs at 8, 10, 12, 2, 4 and 0 o'cloci. Faro 10 Cent Eaoh Way, INDIANAPOLIS W4T8R C8. DECORATION DAY. Flags, All Dcsigce; G. A. E, Flags, Fla"g.PcU3, BuntiDg, Festooning ard Chiolda, Glans GI0C02, Doves, Wreatho CHARLES MAYER &G0'., 29 and 31 West "Washinston St. JOHN EDWARDS, BILL POSTER. One Hundred Large Stands. S00 3-Sheet Boards, Also Co&trsllE Mate House Fence omriCR 8ntlnl Ome.m, Brower und Bottler ot LAG-BBBBBB. Soctli End of AhEma ' X'yiLcllfajacuoll" Ind. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals for the extension of the eewer in Crown 11111 Cemetery vill be received up to 2 p. ra. Thursday, June 4th, 18S3, at tbe Cemetery O-JUce, No. 9 Fletcher & Sharpe's Block, Indiana Iolia. I'lann and specifications can be f een at the Cemetery Orfice. 9 Fletcher hharpe's Block. Hy order of the Hnildln? Committee. GEO. P. ANDERSON, Secretary. A. OT iL BEST SC CIC3-A.E. ALBERT GALL. TO REDD Albert Gall proposes to IMMEDIATELY AND RAPIDLY l educe his great stock of CARPETS, WALL PAPERS, WINDOW SHADES, LACE CURTAINS. DRAPERY GOODS, SASH CUR TAINS, MADRAS CURTAINS, RUGS, MATS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, ETC. AJLBERT GALL now offers Plushes, worth $3.50, at $2. oi Plushes worth 2.50 at S1.5, and other plushes, of which he Ins the largest stock in the State, at similarly reduce'd prices. ALBERT GALL now of'ers Drapery Goods, former price $3.50, at $2.5; Drapery Goods, former price Si. 50, at 75 cents. ALBERT GALL now oilers Cocoa Door Mats, former price SI, 5O cents. ALBERT GALL has reduced the price of his OIL CLOTHS 2$ per cent. He has reduced his RUGS 30 jiercent. SSTDO NOT MISS thebaigains offered by Albert Gall in his Carpet Department.- The best selected stock of MOOUETIES, VEL VETS, BODY AND TAPESTRY KRÜSSELS in the 'State AT THE LOWEST FIGURES EVER KNOWN. Don't miss the opportunity, f may never occur again. Lib ALBERT CrALL NOW OFFERS WALL PAPERS AT WAY" LOW DOWN PRICES Cheap! Cheaper!! Cheapest!!! If you want any thing in the Wall Paper line come now. Delays are Dangerous. These A re All O a sh Pri ces. 5The attentin of buyers outside Indianapolis is specially di rected to this sale. Bargains of this kind may never repeat themselves. Come now. Iskender Bey will remain at Albert GalPs store with his exhibit of Turkish and Persian Rugs and Embroideries a few days longer. tLook in Albert GalPs show window and see the beautiful and costly lurkish Prayer Rug. f t ..-a 1-4 ir? N FURN It will pay to seo our largo New Lino of Bedroom Sets. We have a very complete line of Fresh, New Goods, at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. KINO- & 43 and 45 South BOTTOM JE3ai03ffiÖ ALWAYS . , FFBBS' PAINT STORE 3NTo. GO C3oTitlx JXoricSLixx Stroot. WE STIL We will duplicate any Indianapolis prices and go 2 per cent, better. NEW GOOD Splendid new patterns in all grades of OARPETINQS. No shop-worn trash. "WIwE. ST. ROLL, GO, OQ, aL Soutli IllinoiJ3 Street. JTranlc W. Flniinor, J no. Ilommovnt I3NDERTAKSE TD t. APER O. 3oVAY, President, X3 East Uaryland Btreot, S. (S-ATJHJÖ Sc CO.'Js1 CA I Or A. I3ST AMERICA ALBERT GALL. STOCK. EST r nnTT T3 im LT ELDS Meridian Street. CE PAPERS. TAKE THE LEADS s 72 TSJortii Illlnolo Ot. TELEPHONE 641. PKOPRIETOUS CITY AMUUfcANCE. mim nm mm, 3 Jlanufttcturcr, in 0 JLJi. R