pouth Released By
brand Jury Hanged
By Angry Mobsters
Sheriff Says Hanging
Was Handled
Very Quietly
Governor Condemns
Action of Lynchers
Columbia, Tenn. —The name of
Tennessee was added to the al
ready long list of states where
frencied mobs have taken the law
into their hands and brutally
lynched persons accused of crime.
Tennessee’s name was scrolled
across the escutcheon Friday when
the body of Cord Cheek, HO, whom
the Grand Jury had refused to in -
dict after his arrest on a charge
of an attempted attack on uu 11
year old girl, found hanging
from the limb of a tree near here.
} After Cheek’s arrest on the
charge there was not sufficient
evidence to warrant the members
of the Grand Jury returning an
indictment against the youngster.
Ha wus given his release.
Angered At Release
Angered at the release of the
youth, o mob gathered and, snatsh
him to the outskirts of the city
da Cheek up on the street and took
where he was hanged.
On being questioned about the
lynching, Sheriff Claude Godwin
bald that the lynching was “hand
led in a very quite manner and
he knew anything about it.”
The lynching was condcmmed by
Got. McAllister in an Interview
Saturday at Nashville. He declared
that it was a disgrace to the state
mR no right thinking person could
foLdonc the *.'U£a of mob ruly.
Atty. Butler Heads
Drive To Aid Needy
Under tho direction of the pres
ident of the Michigan Democratic
League, Charles C. Diggs, state or
ganizer and deputy parole corn
\ mlssioner, and his assistant, Theo
\ dore K. Barnes, are stressing to
[ the branches of the organization
i throughout the state, the iniport
’ ance of aiding their needy during
the holidays.
Messrs Diggs and Barnes report
ed that, due to the National Re
covery program, most of the out
state branches are finding them
selves in fairly good circumstances.
The president of the M. D. L.
appointed Attorney E H. Butler to
head a Wayne County committee,
to work in interest of aiding tho
needy Others of the committee are
Mrs. Mayme Donovan, Dr. D. C.
r pith. Dr. Russell, Mrs Kbo, Mrs.
'Jordan, and Misses Johnnie Mae
McConndco, Jessie Waller, Loretta
Manning, Mary Jane Scott, and
\ Messrs Lawrence A. Carter, Theo
dore Barnes, Edward Swan, Chas.
|C. Diggs, Joseph Craigen, Frank
Ownes, Jesse Hutchinß, and others.
Dr. Carver Lectures
At Howard U.
Washington—(CNS)—The start
ling revelation that when a person
buys a bag of peanuts he is really
buying a tube of shaving cream
or a strip of linoleum, in rudiment-1
ary form, was impressed upon a!
group of’ Howard University stu
; dents last week by I)r. George W.
[ Carver, noted chemist of Tuskegee |
| Institute. Dr. Carver demonstrated
I 100 products which the South's
I lowly “goober” has yielded to him
I in years of research.
Face powder and cheese, to name
la few, not to mention synthetic
I rubber, milk, cream, butter, Ice
■ cream, lnstan* coffe, complete with
■ sugar and cream; lard, soap, ink,
I pickles and axle grease. Dr. Carver
Iseid he is now experimenting on
■ the application of peanut rubber in
■ the manufacture of automobile
Ktires. v .
K Although a specialist in by-pro-
Kducts of the peanuf the Tuskegee
■scientist also has won fame for
■his production of 125 commodities
■front a sweet potato base. Sweet
Kotato floour, which he perfected,
Kras used at the institute during the
■World War as a substitute for
Hrheat flour.
I From Alabama clay he has ex
tracted multicolored paints, and
He has made paper rope cordaga
straw matting from okra fiber.
K is atilt at work trying to perfect
9road building material from cot.
and asphalt. A -A
fU £tr @ii b hit z
Niono wSiy of Michigan E—to
Hanged In Effigy
MIAMI, Fla. — (CNB) —Congress-
man Oscar DePrlest of the lßt Ill
inois District was hanged in effigy
here tills morning, Friday Dor*
ember 15. It was expected that
lie would arrive on a train from
St. Petersburg over the Seaboard
Airline Railway but the railway
officials reported him in Tampa.
Police removed from a telegraph
pole a dummy bearing the follow
ing sign: “Oscar DePrlest, stay
out of Miami. This is a white man's
town.” The identity of the persons
who lashed the stuffed figure to
the pole crossarm remained un
Grigsby's Pamphlet
Arouses Interest
The little pamphlet, "An X-Rny
Picture of Detroit," recently pub
lished by Snow F. Grigsby, is be
inf read with interest by many
Attorney Charles Perkins, teach
er of the adult class at the New
Bethel Sunday School, purchased
twenty-two copies of the little
booklet, in order tlmt his class
might discuss and study it, es
pecially tho statistical figures
showing the small number of city
jobs tilled by colored citizens, in
proportion to the population.
In regard to the unequal dis
tribution of public Jobs, Mr. Grigs
by says In part: “There are 3,724
policemen on the local force, of
which 35 are colored—less than
one per cent representation. If
Negroes had 7 per cent representa
tion, they would have 261 Negro
policemen here."
He further states "The Board of
Education has 10. 183, employees.
Os this number, 7323 are regular
teachers, only F»0 are colored. If
we had our share on the regular
teaching staff, we should have
Speaking of hospitals, Mr. Grigs
by continues: “Herman Kiefer Hos
pital has, 1,400 beds and 727 em
ployees. We are due to have 50, but
[have one on part lime." The Re
ceiving Hospital has approximately
700 employees; we arc duo 49 em
ployes there, but have 4. three of
wbopu are on part time.
Medical Society
Holds Meeting
T)n* Detroit Medical Society
me* at its regular meeting place
at Brewster Center, December 16.
The usual business of the evening
was transacted and reports of tho
various comraittess submitted.
The members present were:
Drg. Givens, Rucker, Marckoe,
Graham, Isaacs. Constable, Mc-
Clendon, , Matahaljle, Knox, Allen
Milton, Young, Murphy, and Mack.
members are Drs. H. R.
Thompson, Barland, Carter, and
Avery scholarly paper was
read by Dr. C. C. Constable, en
titled “Hemorrhage of the Ute
rus?*’ It was wefil discussed by
all present.
itie members of tho Detroit
M*'ileal Society wish all their pa
tieiJts and frfands a Merry Chriat-
V» a Happy New Year.
Phone Randolph 2704
Or. Martin Heads
Committee On Big
The Tenth annutt! Open House
Program of the St. Antoine Branch
Y. M. C. A. will be staged on New
Year’s Day. Beginning at 2 P. M.,
a continuous program, which has
for its purpose the exhibition of
ail of the varied “Y" activities
will begin and continue until late
evening: All metiers of the “Y” and
friends are cordially invited to at
The big “Y” gymnasium and the
swimming pool will offer to the
friends of Y gymnasts and regular
class members u resume of the re
gular gym program. Boy's health
drills, competitive games, men’s <
drills, swimming exhibition, volley
ball, and hnsketlmll games will
keep the department humming
with activity throughout thu day.
The annuul volly hull game be
tween the “Y” Varsity and the
Ministers will he staged at 9 P.
M. The awarding of life saving
emblems will climax an aquatic
program engoged in by both men
and hoys.
Hundreds of "Y” boys will de
monstrate why they like the “Y”
in series of exhibitions. There will
be ping pong and checker tourna
ments moving pictures, demonstra
tions of “Y” boys clul) activities
and other interesting features.
Tile checker experts of Detroit
have their big day at the “Y” as u
feature of our annual Open House
program. Anderson Day, a well
known Spanish pool anil checker
players is co-operating in this act
ivity, and the Detroit Straight
Checker Club has been invited to
have a part.
There will be a billiard tourna
ment under the direction of Jos.
C. Matthews.
Probably the most ipieresting
feature of the day’s program will
be the unique musical presentation
by the “Y” Melody Lads under
the direction of John Taylor. This
group or about twenty young men
lias thrilled many audiences with
its high type singing. This pro
gram will bo augmented by other
young artißts In the community.
This day of festivities will be clim
axed with a Borial hour for young
You may feel at liberty to in
vite all your neighbors, and par
ticularly the boys whom you feel
will be interested in the “Y” pro
Jackson, Miss., — (CNB)The Miss
issippi Supreme Court ordered the
execution of a 17 year old Jackson,
Negro girl, and fixed the hanging
for January 17.
Missouri Jurist Denounces
Lynching Os St. Joseph Man
Letting Down of Bars For Lynchers Will
Endanger Laws Os Country, He States
St. Louis, Mo.— (CNS)—- Judge J.
V. Gaddy, of the Circuit Court at
St. Joseph told a special grand
Jury last week that every person
who was active In the mob that
lynched Lloyd Warner, Negro
youth, the night of November 28, is
guilty of murder in the first de
The Jurist called upon tho grand
Jury to return Inllctments.
“It is necessary to punish guilty
members of that mob, if we are to
protect ourselves against she
danger of the mob," Judge Gaddy
The man who pulled off the Jail
dooor ar any man who helped to
break Into the Jail, Is Just as guil
ty as the man who placed the rope
around Warner’s neck."
■Warner, charged with attacking
a white women, was seized after
tho mob had stormed the county
Jail frr several hours. He was
beaten, stabbed, hanged to a tree
near the courthouse and his body
burned before a crowd of 8,000,
Every man who was active In
that niob ta guilty of murder In
the first degree, and should he in
dicted, Judge Caddy charged tbe
( grand Jury, which 1s made up of
• prominent citizens.
Successor to The Detroit Leader—Established 1907
Grigsby Elected Head
Os Committee
A small group of rcpnyj*u*fffT
tivd citizens havo lorffled """what
will be known as the Detroit Civ
il Rights Committee. The launch
ing of this organization is the di
rect re&uit of a Sunday Forum,
held at St. Johns Presbyterian
Church here 1 , several weeks ago,
at which time forum speaker,
Snow F. Grigsby, gave glaring
figures showing the dearth of Jobs
allotted to Negroes in the various
departments of the local city gov
The organization will have as its
first mission the seeking out of
the proper authorities and the de
manding of Jobs to which Ne
groes are Justly entitled in the
various city departments.
The Detroit Civil Rights Com
mittee, which will be inter-racial
in its make-up. is at present com
■posed of (lie following: Dr. Wil
liam H. Peck, pastor of Bethel A.
M. K. Church; W. B. McDaniel,
reul estate broker; Attorney ('has.
B. Berry, V. A. Bristol, promi
tutive; and Snow F. Grigsby,
Spokesmen snv tlint the Civil
Associated Negro Press represen
nent undertaker; ltobt. A, Crump,
Rights Committee will not at
tempt to ursurp tlie powers or
authority of any other organiza
tion, nud that it would rather
seek the aid of all and uct as a
spur to those who have hitherto
been dilatory In tjieir activity, yet
it will take the lead, when neces
sary, in all movements for the
betterment of the group.
’The Committee is now busily
engaged in compiling its inform
at ion and mapping out its method
of procedure. /
Dr. Pitts Indicted
For M * : 1 Fraud
I FMl*ilelpbi*~ <CN«)—“Dr.” Wsl
ter L. Pitt*, alias Vofco Publishing,
alius The Observed alias Mayer
Distributing Ccupany, and bo forth
and so forth, has been indicted on
ten counts for the use of the mulls
to defraud. Ills accomplice Adel
aide Dabney was ulho indicted.
Many patrons througout tho
country paid the "Doctor” Ms three
dollar fee for the privilege of se
curing a “delayed number’ that he
guaranteed to lilt.
Representatives from the Pitts
burgh Courier, tho Afro American,
Washington Tribune, Norfolk
Journal and Guide, were called
as witnesses to prove publication
of the “Doctor’s Love powders,
Lucky Incenses, Number Dust, and
Dust, and other advertisements.
Assistant P. S. Attorney, E.
Washington Jthodcs editor of the
Phila. Tribune, was in charg!
of the grand Jury that returned tlie
The danger of the mob lies in
the letting down of individual re
sponsibility, said the Jurist. It
wasn’t a desire to administer
Justice which sent the mob aguinst
the Jail. It was hate, the pussion
that engenders any murder.
When you And the real leaders of
that mob, you will And men of not
much higher moral standards than
the man they murdered. If you had
boen there that night, I doubt it
you could have picked 12 men from
that ntoh who would have had the
courage to convict Warner as mem
bers of a Jury in a court of Justice
Their action was an nssault on the
Institutions you pay for to admin
ister Justice.
W. O. Sawyer*, Assistant State
Attorney General ha* Aled charges
against Ave men as leaders of the
mob. Aaron Levin, Junk dealer, and
John Zook, former policeman, arc
charged with Aral degree murder.
Je« Davidson and Raymond Young,
truckers, are charged with malic
ious destruction of property, It be
ing alleged their truck was used
In pulling down the jail door. Wil
liam Garton ia charged with mal
icious destruction of property, and
Carl Pitcher la accused of having
In his possession a revolver itolen
from the jail.
SEIZE $3,590
Steure Follows Buy
By Detective
An investigation by Detective
George Washington Hardy, who
purchased SIO.OO worth of bogus
scrip for $2.00 on tho pretext of
wanting it for a group of rack
eteers, led to the confiscation of
$13,500 of the bogus City of Detroit
scrip Tuesday.
The bogus scrip was seized a:
2723 Park avenue where Hardy
said the scrip was bought. A war
rant to search the premises hud
been issued by Judge Thomas M.
Cotter in Recorder’s Court. HuroM
Wolverton, white ami L. J. Brown,
white a private detective, were ar
Brown was held on charges of
uttering and publishing the counter
i’eit paper. Brown is accused by
police of being the leader of a con.
terfeit gang which lias been dis
tributing counterfeit paper about
the city.
1 n the apartment were also
Robert Schultz, 25; Richard Stead,
29; ami two women, Frances Carp,
24. and Ruth Knott, 3,5, all white.
Schultz bad $2.00 of the bogus
scrip in bis possesion when search
With the arrest of Brown and
tho oilier.", police believe tbut they
bad stopped tiie channel through
which a Chicago gang bad hoped
to dispose of $200,000 of the coun
terfeit paper in Detroit.
Already 22 persons have been
arrested, five convicted, and cases
aro pending against 12 others. The
police have seized $21,000 in con-]
terfeit $5.00 notes and more than
250 complaints huve been lodged
Hardy has been a member of the
police force for seven years. He
was promoted to the position ot
ik months *if«v H| t« at*
A a died to 'the Women’s lit AioU.
Garnett Ice Joins The
Tribune’s Staff
Representative Os Paper
In Hamtramck
The Tribune is fortunate in hav
ing secured the service of another
wide-awake and tulented youug re
porter in iiamtrnmck, in the per.
son of Garnett T. Ice, of 11240
Mitchell street, who will represent
this paper in his tit y, as a suc
cessor to Leitoy White
Mr. Ice, who graduated from
Hamtrumck High, with honors, in
January, 1923, Is a freshman stu
dent, taking a pre-medlcul course
at Detroit City College, lie is the
fortunnto possessor of a two and
u half year scholarship, given by
the public schools of llaiiitrumck
us a reward for his four year high
school average.
This brilliant young man has n
sweet tenor voice and sings with
the Melody Lads, as second tenor.
While at Hamtramck High, Mr.
Ice sang in the Glee Club, and
directed tho operutta, "Chonita,"
during his senior year.
Mr. Ice is a member of the First
Baptist Institutional Church, of
Hamtramck, and teaches in the
Sunday School.
Mr. Ice is popular in social, Civic
and Church cihcles and the Trib
une is confident he will prove a
valuable assent to the paper and
will receive the hearty support of
his many friends and acquaint
Chicago Gospel Singers
Appear In Detroit
The Gospel Chorus, composed of
twenty members of the Kbenezor
Baptist Church, of Chicago, were
in Detroit this week and filled
singing engagements at several
local churches. They were guests
of A. W. Hutchins, of Calvary
Baptist Church, here.
The singers, with their quartot,
sextet, and chorus, sang at Cal
vary Baptist Church, Tuesday
night; at St. Stephens, Wednesday
night. They are scheduled to fill a
return engagement In Detroit In
The group is directed by Prof.
Theodore R. Frye, with Miss Ro
berta Martin as pianolst. The chor
us when In Chicago, la composed
of 800 voice*, but only two score
mad* the trip to this city.
The entiro aggregation visited the
Tribgne office, and complimented
the splendid equipment of the
Crawford Given Life
Imprisonment After
Verdict Os Guilty
TO our many Readers and Adver
tisers, and the Qeneral Public, the
Detroit Tribune extends best wishes
for J{ Qlorious Christmas and J{
healthy, happq, Prosperous Tlew IJear.
Booker X Washißgton-)Trade
Association Closes Good Year
Northwestern Branch Reports Tell Os Fine
Work Accomplished Through The Year
The Northwestern Branch of the
Booker T. Washington Trade As
sociation closed another successful
year, Thursday, Dec. 7, at which
time reports of the various com
mittees and departments were read.
Among the many forms of val
uable service which the organiza
tion rendered the public were in
cluded the detuiled information
they gave out concerning the Homo
Owners' Loan, the Sales Tax, N. It. I
A. and other topics of vital inter
Tho club devotes the third Thurs
day in each month to the young
people. Fine debates and other ed
ueutionul and eutertainng features
were sponsored. The association
entertained the young people of
Lansing, who are organized into
a business group, whose members
are very talented.
The Thrift Week they sponsored
was very benefical to business in
the Northwestern section of the
city, and the nstociatin plans to
continue It through the year. The
progressive group haß worked
zealously to boost Negro business.
Tho club’s business lunches, un
der the direction of Y. Strickland,
were a success. From March 10 to
Oct. 20, lunches were served to a
Get* Federal Job
Washington—(CNS)- It is an
nounced that Karl R. Moses of
Chicago has been appointed to a
position as assistant economics
analyst in the Department of Labor
Mr. Moses has been assighned to
the Civil Works division of the
Federal Emergency Relief Admin
istration. He Is a graduate of Ober
lln College and the University of
Chicago. For several years he has
been in charge of the research de
partment of the Chicago Urban
howa R if FT t«msi:t”n e w
Washington—(CNS)—Flans for
building with Public Works Admin
construction of a now classroom
building with Public Work* Ad
ministration funds are now ready.
The new structure Is to cost 9460,-
000. It will have room for 1,100
students and the administrative
office of tho College of liberal Art*
and Education.
Oi'fit. 2146 St. Antoio*
-% f
thousand persons. There were
forty-six meetings held during the
past year, with 10,323 persons In
attendance. Fifteen persons were
given jobs, through the association
•luring the year. Sixty-seven dol
lars and Afty cents was given to
St. Stephens Church. Seventeen
per sons graduated from the sales
manship department of the organ
The retiring president, G. W.
Jackson, makes the following
statement: "1 thank the public for
their support, during the two and
a half years I have served the
Branch as president. Business has
been increased and the West Side's
interest in the Trade Association
in growling.
“You have helped me put over
the program, and I ask you to
1 support the new officers who will
enter upon their duties in January.’
| The officers elect are as follows:
Dr. Lawson, president; ltev.
Howell, Ist vice president; H. Bur
nette. second vice; Mrs. Dunnell,
secretary; Rev. Brown, corres
ponding secretary; I. M. lludley,
tlnanclal secretary; Y. Strckland,
treasurer. The executive board are
Dr. Strickland, H. Reeves, and R.
R. Bright.
Blames Lynching On
Homes, Churche*
And School*
The Kev. Edgar Dewitt Jones, I
pastor of the Ontral Woodward]
Christian Church, told hi* congre
gation Sunday that the blame for«
the outburst of lynching recently
can be charged to the public schools
home and churches.
Wherein great at rase was yluoed
on the three H’s of elementary ed
ucation a century ago, he advocat
ed inatruetton In the trinity' of
reverences, rectitude and reapons*
The minister laM much of the
blame for the recent outburat at
the door of Gov. James Holph, Jr.
of California, who recently stated
that he would pardon all membera
convicted for participation in a
lynching or taro white men at San
Joae, California*
Testimony of Colored
Witnesses Convict
Accused Man
Brilliant Defense
Made By Houston
Leesburg ,Va. \ Jury of 12 men
found li. i.iuc ( run ford 4 • uilty and
recommended life imprisonment.
Leesburg, Va. George Crawford,
on trial for thu murder of Mrs.
Agnes H. Ilsley, wealthy shorts*
woman, is being hurried ulong the
road to conviction by the testimony
of many Negroes and especially by, 1
that of llertie DeNeal, described e
a one-time sweetheurt of the ac .
cused man.
Mrs. DeNeal testified Crawford 1
hud sent her u note early ou the
night the crime was committed,
asking her to send him some-food
in the woods where he was hiding.
She testified she sent the food.
It was Mrs. DeNeal again who
identified the handwriting of a
i note found 'in an ahoirded ear as
j ihut of Crawford. She has proved
!to be one of the most valuable
; witnesses for the prosecution. In
: spite of everything, she told rt»-
, porters she still loved Crawford.
Courtroom. Orderly, But V
There have been no outw£ * fl
( manifestations of hostility and nt '
i disorder whatsoever, but the aft *
l suH.pii«r« to entrcDtotV i*nma. V_ •'
- ~
I they lug' in differ-/*!
I parts of Virginia all during the '
[ Christmas seasou ot 1931 asd near *
iddleburg the day before the crime *
while and colored witnesses Idea’ ’* 1
filed him as being 10 Kichino,
Washngtun, Warrenton and Lyri
burgh during Decru/oer, 1931.
(Throughout the bearings, which
have brought forth much inform
ation which Crawford did not im
purl to his attorneys, the ex-chauf
leur has received brilliant defense
from Dean Charles H. Houston and
his associates,, Mesrs. Leon A.
Hansom, Hdward P. Lovett and
James G. Tyson. Mr. Ransom con
ducted un illuminating and pains
taking cross-examination of Dr.
Arthur Hunter, Washington skin
specialist who testified that Mrs.
lsiey’s fingernails had under them
hits of skin aud hair of a Negro.
Mr. Ransom’s examination elicited
the opinion that the skin under the
nails was darker than he (Ransom)
and Crawford is about Ransom's
Jury Issue Holds Interest
The primary interest of the Na
tional Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People in the
Crawford case remains the issuo
of Negroes serving upon Juries, it
was declared here by Walter
White, who has attended all the
sessions. The N. A. A. C. P wants
Crawford to have a fair trial and
hs accordingly secured the
possible legal counsel
••No four attorneys anywho
any color, could give a defd
any braver, more painsti ** j
more brilliant, or more sc'j ' d
defense> than Messrs. Hu 1
Lovettj Ransom and Tyson,!
Mr. White.
The four colored lawyers J*
first Negro attorneys dv( <rm
handle a case in the Loufcoi I
county courthouse, have won tl *
greatest respect of everyone, 1
eluding the prosecution, John Os
lcher, Trank Wray and Senat
Cecil Connor; the newspapyrmc*
the townspeople in general, as*
Judge McLemore. It la evident the
of the lawyers present, Dept
Houston stands head and should',
uoovi* the reset,
Dean Houston, In h‘* * vatCTna
tlon of the Jury cOmraiHioners
sec ured the frank a uniaakm from,
them Unit they dn’ not consider
any Negroes In Loudoun county
qualified to serve as Jurors. C, T.
Whaley, one commissioner, beesfis
CCosimssJ os p ««e I)
ATLANTA. Ga.,—<CNSV—Hooded
men and police attended a raMMi'
ing in the Hoi soy Temple, sritJVw
i meeting was held to relee fenfa
for the defense of Urn Bcottahom
J boys. •