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PAGE TWO Star Comedian Again In Favor “Lazy Bones,, Stepin Fetchet Gets New Chance In Movies Hollywood (OXS) —Reports have it that Stepin Fetchlt, a subdued and chastened young man, has re turned to the Fox Movietone Stud io. It la claimed that anew chapter is being written into the hiatory of the professional career of that languorous Senefcamhlan w li o surely must have been the living model for ‘La/.y Bones*, the an them of the lethargic.” As the story runs Lionel Barry more, the distinguished actor, di rector artist and critic,, is quoted us saying; "The late Bert Williams, at the peak of his form, was n* v*>r half as good as Stepin Fetoliit.’ 1 Concerning that statement, how ever, many will rise to dispute it. However, Barrymore is in scene after scene with the Negro comic in “Carolina* - which is by way of being the screen version of Paul Green's “The House of Connelly” and gets an • ever increasing kick out of each succeeding sequence. "Stepin, without even trying," says Mr. Barrymore, "could steal a scene fmm any. living man or woman.” Who lie Is Stepin Ketch it. in case you 1 nve forgotten lilm, la the colored com edian who reached his vcnlth some four years .ago In "Hearts in Dixie” when the talkies were young and who went Hollywood so high, wide and handsome that he eased him self ifnominously right out of pic tures and the film colony. In a year, while the going was still good, he rose from obscurity to virtual stardom. Picture after picture, featuring him, smashed box-office records. Hut Stepin couldn’t stand the prosperity. II" was a concrete and concentrated example of an actor who couldn't stand the pace or weather o boom. Stepin Fethit did all manner of! things that made him the laughing stock of everybody. At one time lie owned four automobiles of the hie gest and costliest tnodt Is and had a different chauffeur in a different uniforms for eaeh ear. The uni forms were a eross between those worn by a Swiss admiral and the Emperor Jones And on the baek 1 of each car then was a big sign bearing the name of Saepin IVt i chit, which at night biased out up on the stnralel world in log idee - j trl** lirhts. The kid was si rut ting ids stuff in mr. tdcUvus ltoy Cohen, | Ki aTWb'rVrti e |ngl were of no concern to IhoTox studio until | Stepin began to get himself Into j all manner of Jains, financial and j otherwise. * Then suddenly the Hollywood luxe—and it is one of the 1 Iggc-' and deadliest ever wieldt I in the. direction of a human 10-ad do scended upon tiepin’s unsuspecting neck and ns n pensioer of the cine nm he was no more. Presenty he was down and out. Very far down and vt rv oomph-t* lv out. Fair weather friends forgot him. His wife tiled suit for divorce, Quinn Road News All hoys who arc interested in handling the Dot roll Tribune, n real live, fust selling paper, should ! see Julus \V. Hockaday, Saturday, ; Dec. ‘Jit, J I’. M. at Howard's I (Jrocery Store. Clubs, chun lies, fraternities, mid all Individuals wishing to send news for col unit), are invited to leave their names with Mr. Howard and the agent will g> t in touch w ith them so he cun instruct them as to just what time the news must he handed HOWARD-GROCERY IS2 QCINN HOAI) Phone Mt. Clemens 70M-F3 Complete line of— GROCERIES AND FRESH MEATS MKMDKR Os “Developement Os Our Own” EXTRA - ENTERTAINMENT - EXTRA AT THE Log Cabin 2492 St. Antoine, Cor. Winder SAT. NITE NOV. 18 JACK FOSTER Tiytt Clever Eastern M. C. Will Introduce His HARLEM NITE OWLS IN A RED HOT FLOOR SHOW FEAT THIN « DUSTY MURRAY, That Funny Comedian THE CLEVER BELL SISTERS Formerly Os The Brown Skin Models THE TWO BROWNS Real Dancing Demons and Stepn left Los Angeles on a freight train. Hus A Babbit’s Foot But good luck follows th clad around like a faithful and devoted dog. In Tampa, Florida, Charles Legters, wealthy Insurance broker, in whose employ Stepin’s mother lias been for years, gave him a lift, only recently an old automobile and funds with which to get to New York. In New York, so the story goes, Stepin ran into Winfield Sheehan on Broadway Broadway runs all tin* way up to Harlem although It i' not u certainty that Mr. Sheehan does, Stepin was very much off the gold standard this day. Sheehan is said to have replenished his anemic exchecqucr and hired him for a role in "Carolina,” with other roles to follow provided ‘Stepin can manage along without any more of his peculiar didos. So far, lie seems to be doing it. The enthusiasm of the eldest of the Barrymore's hears testimony to hack’' is being maneuvered by one the skill witil which his "come of the greatest comedians of his race when ho wants to be. He has many admirers who hope tie has staged a real come back. Moseley To Serve Free Xmas Meals Free Christmas meals will be served on Christmas Dy. Dec. 25, from s A. M. until - P. M.. by the Michigan Company, 24.12 St An toine, corner of Napoleon, of which \V. I . Mosley, is proprietor. Klahoruto arrangements have been made by Mr. Moseley, to ac« i modate lion children and 400 adults, at litis niaumiouth Christ mas feast. There will lie plenty of god things to eat, together with !< ts of tipples, oranges and sweets for the kiddies and grown-ups. Mr. Moseley is to he congratulat ed upon his public spirit and generosity. Pastor Gets Post On Jeannes Foundation I Announcement was made Mon day of tint election of the Rev. I FTvenird Washington Daniels, rec tor of St. Matthews Fplscnpai , <’liur< It. to the board of trustees of | the Negro Rural School Fund of the Anna T. Jeannes Foundation. It was also announced that Mrs, Henry Ford had been elected to the hoard. The Rev. Mr. Daniels came to Detroit in 11)21. He is a graduate of St. Augustine College, Raleigh. Hu later received his R. S. and M. A. from New York Cniverslty, He also studied at I'nion Theological i Seminary By Julius llorkuduj In, to he published in the current week’s issue of the paper. Hot dogs for newsboys, Saturday Doc. I!3, if you get down on Quinn Koad, before we eat them all up. Those who wish to read the Trib une, and do not see the agent Saturday, should call at Howard's store where the Tribune can he secured, as the agent will leave a number of copies there, price, five cents a copy. News Nuggets By Eastern Reporter HOB VIOLAM'K Atlantic City, N. J.—-In a leng thy article appearing in the Dec. 10 issue or the Atlantic City Proas, Oswald Villa rd, outstanding liber al writer, new attention to the fact that America’s luiluence for good in world affairs was being greatly damaged by mob violence throughout the country. Speak ing of recent lytichings, he said, "l have been so deeply impressed with the reaction abroad to them terrible happenings, that I wish to take this opportunity to point out what a deadly blow has been struck to the prestige and the moral influence of the l lilted States beyond the seas.” • * * • ATI.AM’IC MTV K. A. V. The Atlantic City Branch of the Emergency Advisory Council went into action last week when coun cil members inspected and noted the work being done on all local CWA projects and the percentage of colored employees. Follow ing a survey of ihe city they made detailed recommendations for street repairs, cleaning up of public properties, tearing down of condemned houses. Civic and t WA officials received their propos als showing a tine spirit of coop oration and promised to give the projects outlined immediate con sideration. The work of the com mittee drew praise and support from the editorial columns of the Atlantic City Keening I’nion t white). ** * * AVIATION It was in 1903 that Orville Wright first flew on the wings ol his kite like flying machine near Kitty Hawk. N. C. This week tin 12th anniversary of ti:is flight is being celebrated throughout the country, uml aviation is being hailed as one of the greatest and most rapidly growing modes o. transportation of mod' rn times The National Negro Aeronautica Society, pioneers among our race in aviation are heartened In theli work by the fact that the early flights of Wright and other white aviators were long regarded as a joke. At this moment, this society which sponsored the transconti nental flight made In July of this year, and a more recent flight by colored aviators to Canada and hack. are pushing plans for other flights that will make the cross country trip seem like a mere jaunt. J. Will Cooper Visits Lodges In Michigan J. Will Cooper, grand chancellor of Grand Dodge Knights of Pythias, has visited lodges this month in Rattle Creek, Albion and Grand Rapids. He also held a conference with all the chancellor commanders and worthy chancellors of Detroit. The lodge at Lansing was visited during November Mr. Grand Chancellor Cooper found the interest In the work of the order to be excellent ami the inspiration of the members high. The members have no unpaid claims In their cities, and are working faithfully. Others are anxious to know how the organization has passed through these conditions with such a fltie record. At all the meetings, new applica tions were listed, and Mr. Cooper says indications are (hie for a large Increase, with the improvements in workng condtinns, A class was initiated In Detroit i tit is week, and many have reinstat ed during tills month, "They know , that when better service is render ed, the Pythiatis will render it," says the Grand Chancellor, "us organization is in a fine position with a good reserve for the protec tion of heirs o the members.’’ Grand Chancellor Cooper will close this year’s ound with visits to Port Huron, Flint, and River Rouge, before the end of December. Inside Page World’s Wonder Medicine Cos., Inc. 2101 (hene St. It la not by radio or newspaper* advertising that World's Wonder Medicine la sweeping the country. It la by people using World’! Wonder Medicine. I)o you wako up in the morning raring to go? II not, you need World’s Wondet System Builder; that works on th« entire system. World’s Wonder Cough Syrup has declared war on coughs and colds; and clears up the bronchtcal tubes. Worlds Wonder Massage foi rheumatism .headache, stiff joints and swollen feet. Worlds Wonder likes caset where all hope Is given up. Agents wanted everywh re. Write or call Worlds Wondef Medicine Cos., Inc., 2101 Ohene Ht Fltrroy 3802. Office hours, 7 A. M to S P. M. Signed: W. A. Wright, flaleamanaget A (Hover, Manager R. A. Walton, Assistant Mgr, THE DETROIT TRIBUNE . .'• • iß^^CT^Bry•1g c jtßSymTyyßtf < * j dfsr3jj^Li.' I fjfrfr 4-. t Fred Hart Williams, of the Wayne County Abstract Depart, miit, who lias complete managc tieiit of Detroit’s swanky , Creole vltchen ami Canlens, at Madison ivenue and Bcaublon, which is one the show places of the city Mr. Williams has already carried its energetic personality into his >w venture. The establishment has been al ter and newly decorated and one •f the new features is the opening »f the Creole Cardens Dance Hall, u connection with the Creole Cltchen. Clectric push buttons have eon installed in private dining ooiiih ol the gardens. Some of the specialities offered ire tin' business men and women’s pedal Itinelcs, from noon to 2 P. M. t daily, except Sundays. Special shopper’s dinner, between the hours of 2 P. M. and tl o’clock; delivery service; special attention to after dinner parlies. COCHIN OF LINCOLN 1>I»N ) AT AGE OF <Ol OSHKOSH Wis. (CNSt - Mrs. Kitty Parr, said to be 104 years of age, who setved a a nurse in the War of the Rebellion died In re December 15. She was Hie daught. r of Noel Lincoln. Her husband, a War of the rebellion veteran. di< I years ago. LOOK!! LOOK!! If You Wish a Club Chart er under which a BEER LICENSE WILL BE GRANTED Fall the DETROIT TRIRI NF UAndolpb 2701 CHAS. H. MAHONEY Attorncy-at Law Phone: CLIFFORD 0495 471 GRATIOT AVENUE Lewis & Rowlette Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Civil and Criminal Practice C. HENRI LEWIS, JR.—CECIL L ROWLETTE Joseph A. Brown Grover D. Lange—Oscar R. Smith «07 E. Adam* Areou. CLIFFORD 210S * CO. I 7070 VS ■- WS ~f* r ytrrr LOUIE GALL 2977 GRAND RIVER AVENUE Temple 1-1436 Bars and Workboards built to Order Ice Boxes, Beer Coolers; Tables and Chairs Bar and Beer Supplies NEW MANAGER j The Creole Kitchen and Gardens are available for dinner, bridge, and dancing parties, banquets aril | smokers, and club meetings. Rootli service, as well as private and gen eral dining rooms, are available to patrons. Manager Williams is Regional I’olemanh, Great Lukes district, of Kappa Alpha Psl Fraternity; chairman of publicity and activities of he Detroit Musicians’ Associa tion; member of Wolverine Lodge of I*ll ks; an ex-servieo man; cap. tuiu in First Congressional district Repuhliran Service Men’s League; member Xadrenm club, and i. widely known in political and col lege circles. j Mr. Williams is a good-mixer laud a Jolly god fellow ami public spirited citizens, who deserves the patronage of the public. His sue cc.-s as manager of the Creole Kitchen and Gardens is assured. Hotel Biltmore DETROIT, MICH. 1926 St. Antoine Thro. Jone», M;*r. Phone*: Clifford 2660—1634 SATURDAY DECEMBER 23, 1933 2146 St. Antoine, Cor. Columbla-Phone RApgolph 2704 LANSING NEWS Captlol City Temple, 308 I. B. P. O. K. of W. held their usual election Dec. 14, ut the Masonic Hall, reelecting all present officers, except Assistant Dt. Ruler and a few other appointed oflioluls. Announcement is made thut I>t. Rosetta Lucas already a deputy, has been officially commissioned to serve as Slate Deputy, She has charge over Jackson and Lansing. Owing to the lateness of Cole’s Orchestra, of Detroit, in reaching here last Friday, many patrons came and left without returning to pleasant cabaret dance at the Veterans’ Dining Room. Those who remained, however, enjoyed the chicken and fish sandwiches and cider. The aftiair was sponsor ed by Capital City No. 308, and Silver Temple, I. lb P. O. E of W. Roth lodges ure anticipating great success for thoir charity hall, on New Year’s evening It Ih announced that the Fra telll club will have u Christmas eve. dance ut the Veteran’s Hull. A small admission will be charged Ruslness concerns, wishing to place their advertisement in this column, should get in touch with the reporter. The charges are rea sonable. The Capital City Barber Shop and Billiard Parlor, operated by John Dillard, announces to ladies de siring to form a billiard club, that they may have the use of tables one week day, except Saturday. Don’t miss the house party, Fri da). Dec. 22 at 1429 Kmerson. There is much sickness in and around Lansing at thiH time. A nong tiie sick are Mrs. ltutli Uo oanna who is confined to her room at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Roper, of Olds avenue. Alma Connor, who was rushed to St. Lawrence Hospital, Dec. 11, and operated upon for appendicitis, Dec. 12, is doing nicely. Miss Mad eline Barber is convalescing at the same hospital so is Itadolphus Rob ison. Mr. Jenkins, at Logan and Olds, has been ill, but Is better. Holland Taylor, his mother brother Fred and sister are confined at home by quarantine, Karl Bell and several other citizens are on the sick list. All persons having news items for publication in this column are invited to send same to the report er, Mrs. Wagner, 1221 S, Main, by Sundays, 0 P. M. The various churches are arrang ing Christmus programs, which promises to he very enjoyable. The Fragrant Violet club O. E. S. will hold its io;xl meeting at the home of the president, 1321 E. Main street. In connection with the regular business plans for a play and St. Vulentlne dance will be arranged. The George A. (Rollins A, M. E. Church, 108 X. Pine, will sponsor a play "The Million Dollar Wed ding” Friday, Jan. 19, The play is being given under the auspices of the Silent workers club. The trustees of the George A. Collins A. M. E. church recently saved $315, liy removing the furn ace fan, and heating Hie church comfortable without it. Mr. Hicks demonstrated that It could he done. In the near future, the A. C. E. League will present a debate, the subject being "Resolved; That the X. It. A. is the solution to the Present Economic Crisis.” the af firmative will he taken by Gertrude Barber, Josephine Jefferies, John Letts, and Harold Jackson. The negative will be presented by Vera Allen, Dorothy Dean, Schuyler, Miller, James Harding and Her schel Irons. Aler the debate la given here, one of the teams will go to Kalamazoo and debate on tho same subject. Tho A. IT. K. and D. of A will give a midnight dunce, at Masonic Hall, Dec. £4 the public is Invited. Don’t fail to read tho Detroit Tribune each week . HOTEL NORTHCROSS Rooms Bv Dav or Week Rooms as Low as 51.50 oer Week 2205 ST. ANTOINE STREET Corner Columbia QUALITY - HAND LAUNDRY EVERY TEAR iH UNDER WEAR MENDED WITH FARE MENDING AND DARNING FREE . 1428 Brush Street Near Gratiot Blended Willi the Whole Juice Os GEORGIA RIBBON SUGAR CANE JI’ST TRY A CA!f B. R. Tolbert k Mon 0 In trihut or* KH> Frederick /y - HAMTRAMCK news BROADCAST By Lumet T. I'M* 11310 Mitchell Street Hello folk#—Here we are, ready to digest the week’# new#, launch ing off into a different kind ot news reading with anew Haiu trauick reporter —'Thl# column has been alloted to the people of Hanu trarnck, and 1 want to see that the people of Hauitramck get the full benefit of It. 1 ahall endeavor to give an unbiased, authentic resume of all the happening of Importance that go on here. Don’t be surprised If you aee YOUR name In till# col umn, because my intention# are to cover the city—l see all, hear all, know all. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fortune teller. This column will Include young and old, big and small, fat und thin, light and dark, good ’looking and otherwise. And believe you me you must come un der one ot the classifications. Now that we have concluded the Inaugural address let us get Into the mood of Christmas. Everyone is hustling and bustling to buy gifts, big anvl small, to give to their loved one; —The spirit of the universal Saviour permoat the at mosphere. Uy the way. the faculty of the First Baptist Institutional church presented one of the great est plays you have ever witnessed —if you have witnessed It. all'for tho sake of buying Christmas toys for the kid* of that cbuch. The name of the play was “Mother Mine,” directed by Mr. Lester H. Hayes. Many other affairs are being held for tho same reason at the various churches In Hamtramck. While we are on the subject of churches, I might remind you that the First Baptist Inst, church is going to have a Christmas program Sunday night at the church by their Intermediate and Junior choirs, und the Junior Sunday school, which Is headed by Miss Marie Ice (Yeah you guessed it. She’s my sister.) Tho Intermediate choir will preHont the Cantata, “The Manger and the Star’’ by It. M. Stutts. They are also planning to have yule services at six o’clock 'hristtnas morning, to Bing Christ mas carols, and commenorate the coming ot the Christ Child. With Tin* Hub* Hoy, oh boy, oh Hoy! I hoar that the Famous Hernritetts gave a real blow out last Saturday night lit the home of Walter Thompson. They had a packed houßo, and did they have fun? You don’t know the half of It. Avery Bnappy or chestra furnished the innate, und say. they tell me that one L. I*. I. wai crooning, und when the crowd started tq gather aroui:<L.hlm. k* became so ashamed he almost blushed! —Anywuy that same club si giving a second anniversary party January, at the samo place the lust one was given - The Sil ver Star Matrons, those lashy young housewives of Hamtramck, are going to spend the Christman holidays with their husbands next week ut the home of one of the matrons We hope they have a good time, • * • • Tho younger set of the Mitchell stroet church ure planning a theatre party during the holidays. Those young ladles going to go to one of tho downtown theatres, and from thero they will proceed 808 SETTLE Moving and Expressing Furniture Bought and Sold Here 4 REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC 2460 St. Antoine., Detroit, Mich. Office CHerry 2034 n • % Jf** yp?—**» ■ •—^ m HtIIJLLH i. hH f . I ll* I TIIGRG is an old Dutch proverb: "Good Paint Costa Nothing"...And it’s true when you atop to think about it. for good paint pays for itself by saving repair bills, by adding to the value of property, by making homes more livable. Good paint’s other name is Dutch Boy White-Lead. That's the paint we use—long-wearing, non-cracking, most economical in the end. * We know paint. We know painting. Let us show you what a real job of painting is like. Your house, your store, your factory —may we estimate on it? * WILLIAM H. PORTER INTERIOR DECORATOR Painting Contractor ISIS 3t. ANTOINE COLUMBIA to the Y. W. C. A., for a luncheon. After that they will close the duy with a party at the home of D r . J. I. Henderson. All of their boy friends will be at the party well, here’s hoping 1 heard that Miss Geraldine Heaves was elected the most studious person of the Jan uary ’34 class at the Hamtramck High School. Congratulates to you Miss Heaves. They ulso select, od Maurice Jenkins as the class book worm. Hut Maurice tells me “that ain’t right. They got to straighten me. They say H. 11. | s Just about one of the smart boys of the city You tellin nieTl knew it all the time. Mrs. M. Jacks, chorister of the F. B. I. Choir, is convalescing front an operation she had ut tlm Park side Hospital. ## * # Mrs. Wolford and Mrs. Pearl Ice of the same church, are ulso im proving. We are very sorry to announce that William "Bill”' Hullis passed to the great beyond following a heart attack, while he was sleeping in his home on Mitchell si, Satur day Dec, 16. • • • • Introducing Itev. H. H, H. Wright, pastor of the First Baptist Institu tional Church. He is a graduate ot Lincoln University and very highly educated Theologian. He suys that the secret of success is hard work When he was in Lincoln University he arose at 3 o’clock every morn, lug to got his school work. • * * • Well, that's all the news I have as a starter—Next week I will niore'n more news. My source f! Information cannot be exhausteJ. If you believe It can be, try to do it. Thanks for reading this column; and 1 hope you will read all of It in tho future. Don’t forget to send in your news by Monday of next week. You know where 1 live, 11340 Mitchell st,.. That’s right, you guessed It. Well, I'll he see in you. Keep your feet warm, and don’t forget to put the cat out for the night. Auf Wledershen! I*. S. Some day we are goln? to have a whole page of Ham tramck news In this paper then we can get tho full benefit of all the happenings In this city. It may take a long time, hut if you’ll keep supporting mo as you have so far, wo can’t help but go over. We’re going to give Hamtramck sonc thlng to be proud about. You keep sending in your good news, and I’ll keep sending you tho paper, and we’ll both have a good tlmu of It. NOTICE All reporters for the Tribune are requested to send In their news typed or written In Ink, with wide rparlng between lines und writing on one Nlde of puper only. All names written In long-hund should ho printed, so as to enable tho of fice to reproduce them correctly.