Newspaper Page Text
?HGAL NOTICES • Terbert L. Dudley H Attorney at Law 2#9 E. Warren No. 221113 iea r Ip STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the " Tlrcutt Court for the County of Wayne, In Chancery. Roso Glenn, Plaintiff, vh. George Glenn, Defendant. At the session of said Court held at the Court House in the City of Detroit on the 9th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1933. Present: Hon. Thomas J. Murphy, Circuit Judge. It appearing by the affidavit on file that the Defendant. George Glenn, cannot be served by process Issued out of this Court as it can not be ascertained in what state oi country the Defendant resides On motion of Herbert L. Dudley, Attorney for Plaintiff, Hose Oleifn, it is ordered that the bjife ndani, Georgo Glenn appear and answer the Hill of Complaint tiled in til's cause within three months from date of this Order, or tlint sail Hill will be taken as confessed and that this Order be published ac cording to law and a copy mailed to the last known address of the Defendant. THOMAS J. MCIIPHY Circuit Judge (A true copy) MAITUCK X. MOM AT H Deputy Clerk 12-9—l-20 Atty. Herbert I'. White 3!.*» Held IHdir. STATE OF MICHIGAN, In tln- Circuit Court for the County of Wyiie, In Chancery. \asil i'aunovirh. I’laintiff, vs. Vasilija l'aunovich, Defendant. At a session of said Court held on the 7th day of December A. D. 1933. Present Honorable Allan Campbell, Circuit Judge. It appearing to this Court from affidavit on file, that the pin <■ of residence of the Defendant herein last known to this Plaintiff is not Ju the State of Milligan, but that her last known place of residence was Dolince Yugoslavia: IT IS ORDERED that she appear and answer the Hill of Complaint filed in this cause within thr- • • months from the date of this on. r, or said Bill will lie taken as eon fessed, and that this order be pub Halted as required by law in th- Detroit Tribune, a newspaper printed, published and cin ul,c> in said county. ALLAN t AMTELL * Circuit Judge (A true copyi S. K. VALENTINE Deputy Clerk 12-Pi—l L'T The Cos operative Movers Association Members Busy Bee Trucking Company roMitArr h\ii.ini; "Yuiis, Service and Rump Trucks honker Os tic** IKK* OrUdule \ > «*nn« k TOwnsend s 21175 «2£7-:i ...... Kuiidolph l-'t- Cole’s Express Cos. GENERAL HAULING S. J. II AM hi NS A. SON i.v>i iieai'hien sr. 'I Km pie I 0711 Prompt Service L DOUGLAS & SON Lneal anil I uiiir Risluuee ( Mistn \ \\s open run ks All E. H AHRI N C " Columbin -21 Id EAGLE CARTAGE |,ON!i RISTtNI I Moving and Storage > urn it iir**, Pianos, Store Fixtures Suits anil Machinery 5020 ST. ANTOINE ST. A. F. FRAZIER C MIT AUK I OMPANY Piano .Mining, .Storage, (’Hiking, Shipping .MOVE ANYTHIN!:, ANY H IIE HE Ray nr Night Loral ami Long Rlstance Night anil llolhla) Hesldenie: 2201 Mai lot I Elt/. »«2» Moving Van by the Load or Hour 01 R 111 'SI N ESS IS MO\IN(. Cor. Columbia—Phone RAndolph 2704 SATURDAY DECEMBER 23, 1933 Xu. 192191 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ss. County of Wayne, \t a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the l’robate Court Koom in the City of Detroit, on the twenty seventh day of November In the year oue thousand nine hundred and thirty three. Present Edward Command, Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Hattie, Deceased. On read ing and tiling the petition of Vance Kolbuck praying that udininistra lion of said estate he granted to himself or some other suitable person. It is ordered That the twenty ninth da> of December, next at ten o'clock in the forenoon at said Court ltoom he appointed for hear ing said petition. And it is further Ordered, That a copy of ibis order be published three successive weeks previous to said time of hearing, in the Detroit Tribune, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Wayne. KDWAHD COMMAND Judge of Probate ACUI ST DIKDKICH Deputy Probate Keglster, 12-9 12-30 ><». 1 til’ll 11 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ss. County of Wayne, At a session of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at tlie Prohate Court Room In the City of Detroit, on the eighth day of December in the year one thou sand nine hundred and thirty three. Present Joseph A. Murphy, Judge of Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Georgo Reid, Deceased. An instru ment in writing purporting to be* the last will and testament of said deceased, having been delivered to tin Court for probate. It is ordered, that the eleventh day of .human. next at ten o’clock in the forenoon at said Court room he appointed for proving said in strutnenr. And it is further Ordered, That! a copy of this order be published three sa> ee- ivo weeks previous to aid time of hearing, in the Detroit Tribune a newspaper printed and ciri ’Fating in said County of Wayne. JOSEPH A. MURPHY Judge of Probate AI’GFST DIEDRICII D« puty J'rob te Register. 12-16—12-30 Sl RELIM Us \OI R TIM .Nh R II II IN 5 Mill: ( lit! I.E X *. WAITING MINTTK SERVICE lia Nk >K£LX{£s NO I IIIKKS /*fcAD\\ Cl TTOftW -A I'll A ( VI. 14 0 k\77 irk iimiccs Expressing, vioving. Storage, 1 rating Train anil Huh Inlorination |)itj and Night Si'nlw In >-11 rod and Itondrd ( loM'd Vans and Open Trucks J. MOORE MOVING Phone: Townsend 8-8576 9056 Russell St. MOVING llt \NSKLK SI Oil At, I PETERSON AND SON • * noral Mining Hus Transporta iion Baggage Transferred to ali I'arls of t it 3 Open and ( Inscd Trucks Ofliee I’honej Gurlidd I li:H>l 152** Milford Avi*. lies. Hione: t>arlii*ld 551H1 559 H Sfotten Air. Phone: Cadillac 3409 J. H. PULLETT Moving & Expressing 636 Wilkins St. Temple -• 7*o*2 Robinson’s Express i;\rmr moyeks Trunks Mined Vim Sen liv Plenty Os Pail* 1*2.10 St. Antoine St. RRLES F. MOSS Y>mmercial Artist %TERRACE 1-4249 TWO NEW MEMORIALS ERECTED TO LINCOLN Springfield, 111. —(CNS)Rich iu loro and traditions of its most fav orite son. Central Illinois will have another State museum with the re toration or the one-time capitol at Vandalia, where Lincoln first served in the Legislature nearly a century ago; ami plans are being formulated for the preservation of another historical landmark, the old State House at Springfield. Thus Illinois is adding two of its former capitol buildings to the already numerous memorials to Abraham Lincoln. It was here at Springfield that Lincoln, crusading against slavery, made the famous speech iu which he declared that "A house divided against itself can not stand.” Both the old capitols now are being used as county courthouse Typical of the first soue structures erected when the frontier was pushing toward the Mississippi, the buildings have been altered somewhat as they were put to other uses. Illinois is taking steps to restore the buildings, Inside and out, and usu them us museum for relics, pictures anti documents of the time when Lincoln helped govern the State and Nation. GRAND PATRON WILLIAMS INSTALLS LODGE OFFICERS An impressive installation was held Friday evening. December 15, when the Grand Patron, G, R. Wil liams, made a special trip to De troit to install the officers of Bath •dtcha Chapter No. 51; Guiding Star Chapter No. 11 and Priscilla Chap ter No. 21. A contest between Hathsheba Chapter and Priscilla Chapter was terminated at this meeting also liathsheha winning by a small margin. Presentations were made to Mrs. Minnie Thompson, Matron of Guid ing Star, Mrs. Freeman, past sec ret arv of Guiding Star, V. A. Bris tol. Patron of Hathsheba Capter, by members of Guiding Star. Pres entations were made to Mrs. Vir ginia Wesley, matron of Priscilla Chapter, and Mrs. Helen It. Gantt, associate Grand Matron and sec retary of Priscilla Chapter by the I members of Priscilla Chapter The address and installation by | the Grand Patron was thoroughly | enjoyed by all present. Delicious r< iroshments were served amidst the hilarity of a Feather Party, Miss lb atriye Siott, Conductress of Guiding Star, being the lucky win ner of several t’ow’K On account of the recent illness of the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Agnes Bristol, site was unable to j attend but sent a letter of cncour lagemenf. These three Chapters tire looking forward to great accomp lishments in 1934. Royster Moving and Storage Cos. Any time Any where Every load insured. ( loved Vans and Open Trucks 21111 Hanley St. Madidim 7.Mi 1 tl lid Iso ii UO.V2 (•url'ield Ml I Russell's Moving & Storage Cos. REASONABLE HATES Every Load Insured He Huy and Sell Seeond Hand Furniture .VWS HASTINGS St. Heal Estate Notary I’uhlic 808 SETTLE MOV INC ANR EXPRESSING Furniture Itonglit and Sold Here ( lierry 20.'1l 2IMI St. Antoine St. Eitzroy . '”5 VV 2227 Rrewster St. our Motto. Me Study That Me May Serve TULANE EXPRESS Expressing and Eight Moving Haggage Transferred "les t He Have I’lenty Os Fads.” K. N. HI’HNS, MANAGER TPM PIE 11C177 C WILSON MOVING AND EXPRESSING HOI St. Antoine St. HI It It AY "jfitts J. S. WRIGHT MOVING CO. General Moving, f rating,. Parking ami Shipping Dependable and Heliahlo Service Local and Long Distance JtOO E. tV Altlt E N AVK. North Detroit News Dj Mrs. Josephine Bo j den Mrs. Surah M. Thompson, au old Detroiter, died In Day City, Mich., Doc. 14. She hud been residing in Day City for three years, and was the daughter of George and Al meda Moore, who were among the pioneer families of Detroit.' Mr. Mooru was one of the founders of Ebenezer A. M. E. Church, in 1873, The deceased is survived by her husband, u daughter, Kuth; two brothers, James Moore, of Kuluiua. zoo, and Arthur of this city. The banquet in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Lydian As* sochitlon, last Friday evening, was a Joyous event. The spacious din. ing hall ut Urewster Center was resplendent with an artistically arranged table, with beautiful (lowers and a huge Lydian blrthduy cake. Mrs. Harberd Derd was mistress of ceremonies, and the following program was rendered: Solos, by Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Griffin ad. dress by Mrs. Hilliard, an expresi dent; reading, Mrs. F. W. l*oolo; instrumental solo, Miss G. Grose; toe dancing, Miss Elizabeth Cur rish. The absence of Mrs. Gorilla An derson, the first president of the association, was much regretted by all. The many guests expressed them selves as having been wonderfully entertained. Much credit and grat itude are due Mrs. J. Kbger and the other ladies who served on her committee. The December'meeting of the as sociation was held at the home of Mrs. Stein, of Vinewood avenue. | It was largely attended and very interesting, being entertained by Mrs. E. Sergcnt and Mrs. B. Ter rell. The First Republican Congres sional district, of Detroit, under the leadership of Ex-Senutor Rox borough, lias a branch ottlce on Dequindre street, N. Detroit. The annual noting of the Ly dian Association will be held at the home of Mrs. Grose, I*Bls Scott st. Mrs. C. Page and Mrs. Groso will entertain. All members are irged to be present and reports, till be read LOM \X A M. K. ZION Last Sunday morning, the sor ruon was delivered by the pastor, i)r. \V. A. Ulackwell, subject The Perfect Way', text Psalms 1S: 30. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock, the pastor and choir held services with Jtt'v. Flack, of St. Paul /ion. The sermon was on “Transfigura tion." The evening sermon was an ad dress to the young men, text, Proverbs 1:10, “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” In part lie said: Tin* coat of yielding to temptation anti doing wrong, cost one’s fit ti sliip. Ueeuuse of the age of ad venture and romance, temptations are more alluring. L'set righteous ness as a buckler to shun evil as sociations and link up with the leadership of God and His word." On New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, a new spiritual awakening will he put forth. Following the regular Sunday evening service, there will he a brief intermission, after which, with Madam Saunders as mistress of ceremonies, each of seven auxiliaries of the church will have fifteen minutes of services, song, and offering , This will he a contest among the clubs, witli a prize given for the largest a mount collected. Following thlr, will he the watch meeting. Mrs. Blackwell, wife of the pas tor, will present a novel progrum on New Year’s afternoon, at 3 oclock. It Is being looked forward to with keen anticipation and hope of success. After the regular Sunday evening worship, the congregation will turry to usher in the Christmas dawn, with carols and anthems. All are invited and requested to remain. M r. ZION BAPTIST ( HCRCII Meade Street The church is making fine pro gress, under the leadership of pas tor G. W. Simms, lie preached a sermon Sunday morning, which burned into the hearts of all who heard it. It was a great day of rejoicing. The S. S. held its annual elec ion, Supt. A. J. Homans being re-elected, because of his Hplendid icmci* rendered Miss Olabclle Gardener was chosen secretary. With the S. S. pledging its hearty 'o-operation, they have laid plans or a tnerrv Christmas, and a pro gram of splendid activities for the lew year. The S. S. hoard was in •rcased. Tho Imperial Social club is a beacon light in N, Detroit, Hnd l.i now planning to put on many on tertainig features. The membership fee is greatly reduced. Any hoy or girl desiring to JoTn or get in form- THE DETROIT TRIBUNE 2041 Meade Street ation concerning the club, are in* vited to apply to the president, Charles Homans, 199 McLean. COSMOPOLITAN RAPT. ( 11l Hi ll This church, under the able direction of Pastor M. Holden, has enjoyed for the pust two weeks special religious worship, during which time Rev, E. C. Monroe and Hev. Itockmore preached wonder ful sermons upon the ‘‘Need of Prayer.” Time was allotted for special prayers for the Scottsboro boys. j The pastor delivered the sermon Sunday morning. j The afternoon service was held by OlivK Baptist Church, the senior choir rendering a fine pro gram. mid Hev. Ducks preaching the sermon. The program was as I follows: reading by Hr. Holland; solo, Mrs. Wilson violin solo, Mi'. Lymon; duet, Mesdames Moore and Harris,; reading, Mrs. Simpson; : hoo, Mrs. Dukes. Sunday, Dec. 24, at 3 P. M. Hev. !J. M Crawfonl and congregation : will render a program Tuesday might, Dec. 2C. the S. S. will have I their Christmas program. Dec. 29, the Junior Choir will present a musical program. All are welcome. Plcusunt Grove Baptist Church Much interest has been aroused in the church and its various aux iliaries, by the instructive and logical sermons of the pastor, Rev. J. L. Newby, whose church serv ices exert a tine influence in the j community. The doors of the ! church open to the public at all services. j The N. Detroit Ministers rnion t whose meetings arc held at the different churches each Monday, has taken on a social feature, after IS YOUR NAME WRITTEN HERE ? Kvery largo minority group in Greater Detroit has a representative Newspaper of its own. The Detroit Tribune is the loading newspaper of Detroit’s largest minority group of more than 100,000 colored citizens. The business and professional people who advertise in the Tribune desire and deserve your patronage, because they are helping to give colored Detroit a clean, newsy, progressive, reliable paper. Lambrecht Coal Cos. John Lambrecht, proprietor of the Lambrecht Coal Company, with yard at 1830 Mullett street, at the Grand Trunk It. it., is a large em ployer of colored labor, Mr. Lambrecht lias been in bus iness 15 years, at present he gives sternly employment to 117 men, 115 of whom are colored. This progressive lirm does a flourishing business, because it lias built up a reputation for honesty, courtesy and prompt service. The Tribune commends Mr. Lam brecht for the square deal lie gives colored employees. Wo should show our appreciation, by patronizing firms of this kind, that employ colored workers, and advertise in our paper. Give the Lambrecht Coal Comp any a call, when you want coal or coke of high quality, at reuson i ablo prices. We patronize him Phono Cadillac 8338. Mr. Lambrecht extends Christ mas greetings to his customers. INSCHANCE Field’s General Insurance Agency 4(MI E. Adams Phone Cliffori. 2293 and Ivanhoe 4774. Re pro sents Supreme Liberty Life an other companies. Our only in surance advertiser. ***** ( Alt SERVICE City Cub Cos., Vernr Highway am St. Antoine Phono Cherry 707 c You help the Tribune, when yoi patronize this firm. ***** COAL, COKE and FI EE John Lambrecht, 1836 Mullett— Phone Cadallic 833 H and Plaza 8474. The first coal company advertising in this paper. Pat ronizze him, for he patronizes us. ***** EI'RANCH BETAIIIS Northwestern Furanrc Repair Cos., 6360 30th St. Garfield 3262-W. Give them a call. ***** GROCERIES Howard Grocery, 132 Quinn, Mt. Clemens- Phone Mt. Clement 7099-F2. TVPE WRITERS Metropolitan Typewriter Co.— Townsend 6-3108 I » # • * PHOTOGRAPHERS Quality Studio, Adler A Adler, 4215 Russell Street COLORED LOBBYIST UNDER INVESTIGATION Washington—(CNß)—The Nation al Allied Democratic Advfltfory Council’s Negro lobbyist, E. W. Martin, is reported as under in vestigation by the Department of Justice. Mr. Martin, who halls from I*ortland, Maine, and took an active part in instituting legisla tion which cut veterans' pension is on the grill regarding representa tions he has made promising Jobs. He is a national deputy of the Army and Navy Union and is sup posed to head a central board of that organization. o Dispensers Os Christmas Cheer Messrs Tenny Blount and James C. Nelson, of the Tia Juan Comp any will give 800 Turkey Dinners during Christmas week. These din ners will be served free to needy persons at Ferguson’s Restaurant, 1723 St. Antoine Street, any day from December 25th. to January Ist., inclusive. The generouß spir it of these gentlemen Is commend able. the business session. Last Monday, the ministers and their wives en joyed a delightful repast, being en tertained by Rev. J. L. Newby, at Pleasant Grove Church Funeral services for the late Thomas Clay were conducted from Pleasant Grovo Baptist Church. Saturday afternoon. Mr. Clay died at his home on 8 Mile Hoad. He was a member of Pleasant Grove Church, and well known for his activities in its work. Rev. Newby officiated. Head the Tribune each week and urge your friends to do likewise. It is the newspaper we need. Progressive Business Men and Women Who Are Helping The Tribune to Serve The Public. MEET OUR ADVERTISERS DECORATOR William 11. Porter, 5315 St. Antoine Columbia 5248. • • • • COMMERCIAL ARTIST Charles F. Moss, Sign puinting Phone Terrace 1-4249, * * * • FINE SYRUP Pure Gobi Syrup, 11, R. Tolbert and Son. distributors, 1300 Farnsworth Terrace 2-9885 ***** BAR SUPPLIES Louie Gall, 2977 Grand River — Phone Temple 1-1436. • * • * FUNERAL DIRECTOR A. G. Wright, 505 E. Hancock — Phone Temple 1-2816. • • • • DRUG STORE Napoleon Drug Store, 2452 Hast ings, at Napoleon—Clifford 1913 and Clifford 2354. Up-to-date service. * * • • NEGRO PLAYS Alma 11. lxiving, 911 Gratiot, Room 214. • * « • FRATERNAL ORDER J. Will Cooper, Grand Chancellor K. of P., 4439 Llllibridge—Phone Plaza 2774. AMERICAN LEGION Charles Young Pobl No. 77, Hast ings and Forest * * * * PEAL ESTATE VV, s. Fornuy Stores to rent— Clifford 2033. * • • • CORRESPONDENCE CLUB Washington Social Letter Club, Box 3273, Washington, I). C. * • • • MANTSC KIPTS Literary Service Bureau, 516 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. * • * • HOROSCOPES 11. Bright, 615 S. 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • • • • Ml SIC STCDIOS Mrs. Jcrene G. Macklin, 548 E. Kirby—Trinity 2-4911. Miss Millie Connelly, 6126 Iroquois Ave. —Phone Randolph 2703. * « • • BEAITY PARLORS Mltzl Hobettc Beauty Shop, Bea trice Phillips, proprietor, 4619 Cobb Place—Phone Garfield 0685-W. Bella's Beauty Salon, Inc., Jeanette Coleman, Mgr.—Phone Columbia 4904. • • • • HOTELS Hotel Biitmre, 1926 St. Antoine— Phone Clifford 2660 and Clifford MISS BYRD RETAINED IN THE NRA EMPLOY Washington—(CNS)—Miss Mabel Byrd, who was appointed to a pos ition in Unit 10, headed by Dr. M Sachs, about four months ago, and was scheduled to bo dropped on December 15, when Dr. Sachs’ unit of research and planning was dis continued has been retained in the NRA service. Miss Byrd has been transferred to the Labor Advisory Board staff. It is claimed that Miss Byrd al though originully appointed to ferret out and whip into line cer tain industries that set up two separate wage codes for white and colored labor was never able to get the unit she superised to prop erly function for the best interests of Negro labor due to hampering activities of higher-ups in the NRA Al Jolson Selected To Lead In “Porgy” New York, City—(CNS)—lt is now reported that Al Jolson, white mamy singers, has been selected to play the title role of the George Gershwin musical version of Du Bose and Dorothy Heyward’s mus ical play "Porgy” which the Theatre Guild will produce here in January. With an all-colored cast the play was a great sensation in 1927, 1928 and ran for three years In America, England and France, Naturally it .vas expected that the musical a daptation would be presented by Negro artists. o Our advertisers are jour friends. Patronize them. They help the Tribune. ## # * By VICTORIA McCALL They advertise in the Tribune, because it is serving the public efficiently, and because it has a larger circula tion than all the other local colored weeklies combined. Each week, the Tribune will introduce to its readers one or more of its advertisers, and publish a classified directory of all of its advertising patrons. 1634. Hotel Northcross, 2205 St. Antoine at Columbia. Mitchell Hotel, 1415 S. Fort St.— Phone Vinewood 2-4056. William Mitchell, proprietor. * • * * MANUFACTURES World’s Wonder Medicine Cos, Inc. 2101 Chene—A. Glover, Mgr. Health Giving Laboratory, llox 436 Alfred Station, Detroit Mt. Clemens Mineral Salts Cos., 2146 St. Antoine, Detroit. LAUNDRIES Supreme Linen Supply Cos., 5247 Hastings St.—Phone Columbia 2665. Quality Hand Laundry, 142S Brush near Gratiot. Tireman Hand Laundry, Ernest Johnson, proprietor, 5115 Tire man Ave * * * * RESTAURANTS The Tavern, 4859 Brush, near Warren Alma’s Lunch, 2207 St. Antoine- Fine home cooking. Ideal Lunch, 1932 St. Antoine. Lincoln Kitchen, 4706—10 Milford E. M. Dozier, proprietor. ***** GARAGES De's Service Station, K. Decoursey manager, 2016—20 St. Antoine Art’s Garage, Arthur Bearden, proprietor, 625 Beacon, at St. Antoine. Riggs A Son Service Station, Mil ford, at 28th. Motor City Service Station, 580 E. Vernor Highway—Phone Cad. 0286. James Brown A DeWitt Perry, proprietors. Simpson's Battery A Electric Ser vice, 4742 Milford. Garfield 9812. ** * * CABARETS Log Cabin, 2492 St. Antoine, at Winder. Club Alaham, Chenc, at Mack. Bill Mathis, superintendent of ser vice Russel House Grill, 615 E. Adams. Phone Clifford 1581. Isaac Petty and Walter Mcllar lan, proprietors. M. D. L. Club, 638 Livingstone, Frank Owens, proprietor. ***** PHYSICIANS k SI KGEONS Dr. S. W. Rushing, 543 E. Vernor Highway Clifford 3364 Ran dolph 6328. Dr. W\ Thomas Love, 325 E. War ren, at Brush. Temple 1-0249. Dr. S. Hi C. Owen, 456 K Adams— Cherry 9081 Dr. O H Sweet, 1700 Chene— Phone Fltzroy 4550. PAGE THREE INTER-RACIAL CROUPS MEET AT RICHMOND Richmond, Va. —(CNS) Tha In terracial Commission of North Car olina, and Virginia met at South Hill this week in a Joint confer ence on Negroes’ problems. L. R. Reynolds In charge of the work in the two states headed the large gathering of representatives of the groups that were in attendance. President R. E. Blackwell of Ran dolph Macon College, Ashland, and Dr. Howard W. Odum, of the Un iversity of North Carolina are chairman of the commission for their respective states. Dr. Roy M. Brown of the un iversity of North Carolina, spoke on "The Negro's Part in the Na tional Recovery, Relief and Un employment.’ Dr. John M. Gandy, president of the Virginia State Col lege for Negroes at Petersburg, was ulso a speaker. Communications were received from Gov. Pollard of Virginia and Gov. Ehringhaus of North Carolina. Negro Surgeon Write* On Skull Fracture* New York, N. Y., Dec 18—Dr. Louis T. Wright, medical secre tary of Harlem Hospital and only Negro police surgeon in the coun try, is co-author of a learned ar ticle on the "Diagnosis and Treat ment of Fractured skulls” appear ing in the Archives of Surgery for November 1933. The study is based on 347 cases of cranial and intracranial injuries at Harlem Hospital from September 1, 1930 to April 20, 1932. The article has been reprinted in pamphlet form for wider distribution. 1)1*. J. I*. Watkins, 603 E. Forest- Terrace 2-8800. Dr. J. Z. ilargyh, 455 E. Adams, at Beaubieti Randolph 2959. Dr. William 11. Luwhii, optometrist and optician, 405 Gratiot, at Brush. Second floor— Clfford 0274. DENTISTS Dr. D. J. Grimes 4224 MiG raw, at Scotten Garfield 1181. Dr. O. E. Thompson, 406 E. Adams, Clifford 2292. Dr. W. L. I’ostles, 503 E. Warren, at Deaubicn. Columbia 3227. Dr. W. I*. Shelton, 2217 St. Antoine Cherry 0974. Dr. O. O. Sweet, 1700 Chenc — Dr. I*. Johnson, 2730 Hastings, at Alfred—Randolph 8947. ATTORN E YS-ATt-LA W Lewis A Rowlette, 607 E. Adams— Clifford 2108. Attorney Charles H. Mahoney, 471 Gratiot—Clifford 0495. Attorney Herbert L. Dudley, 269 E. Warren. Attorney Willis Graves, 1727 St. Antoine—Euclid 8501. Attorney Alonzo D. Pettiford, 1911 St. Antoine. Attorney William T. Patrick, 1615 Rcauhien—Cadillac 9032. Attorney Charles D. Berry, 339 Gratiot —Cherry 0727, MOVING k EXPRESSING Boh Settle, 2460 St. Antoine — Cherry 2034. Busy Bee Trucking, 4103 Grlxdale Ave. Townsend 8-2675, Coles’ Express Cos., S. J. Hawkins and Son, 1501 Beaublen. S. Douglas A Son, 511 E. Warren. Temple 1-9741. Eagle Cartage, 5020 St. Antoine Columbia 2416, A. F. Krazler Cartage Cos., 2264 Mullett -Fltzroy 9629. Minute Mun Transfer A Taxicab Cos., Cadillac 7720. J. Moore, 9066 Russell—Townsend 8-8576, Peerson A Son, office 4628 Milford. Garfield 1-0364. J. H. Pullet, 636 Wilkins St.— Cadillac 3409. Royster Moving A Storage Cos.. 2944 Hanley—Madison 7564. Tulane Express, E. N. Burns, Manager, 2227 Brewster —Fitsroy 1863-W. C. Wilson, 4104 Rt. Antoine— Temple 1-0377. J. 8. Wright Moving Cos. f 909 E. Warren—Murray 3401.