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SOCIETY and WOMAN’S PA®E Seal Committee Entertained At Tea The Christmas Seal Committee of the Detroit Tuberculosis San itarium Antorftained at tea at the TYteudahtp Home, *IOO Seottea ave. This event was one of the out standing affairs of the winter. A very largo crowd attended. Speakers were, Drs. K. Sburly, A. L. Turner, Mrs. J. H. Maxwell, GyrlTs, general chairman of the drive Solos were rendered by Mr. Ferryman of River Rouge, Mrs. Hedgesboth of Delray and Mias Sal lye Olgetree, a reading by little Burney Watkins, The following ladies of our group helps to make the drive a success. Mesdames Nell Catlett Ransom, chairman, Kathurine Kntzminger, Vice chairman; J. P. Watkins, Mazelle Blevins, Pearl Collins, Josephine Belford, Mol lie Jones, Grace Bryant, Mnttie Williams, S. K. Riugo 'Geneva Shelton, Kmtna Younger, JiAia Fleet, Ida Hill oi Sallye Brown of Delray. ” ****** The Sigma Gamma Rho Soroitv, Grand Boule, will meet in Chicago 111., Mrs. C. S. Smith, honorary member, will be the prineipal speaker at the mass meeting Dec. •>* The Mu Chapter here will be re presented by the following dele gatew, Hansom, Kut .ninger, Don ovan and Gertrude Williams. • TV I T II T II K YOUNGER SET Tly II.YSM.S IV. BOYKIN ISP Ayr* ~***^lep What Ho! —Merry Xi. tv at*<l other appropriate salutations of the season! It won’t ho long before ohl Kris Kringle dashes merrily over the eiirPh with his lor.fed sleigh and reind or. The armor*us pairs of our set, who haven't broken up for the holiday are being extra nice to each other. “Oh Xmas spirit, what hypocrlcies are tom fTTinqu ih thy name.” It’s getting so that a chap can’t pass a member of tlie weaker sex without receiving a pretty smile and a cherry “hello!” It seems as though perfeet st^u.igers are nonchallantly toss ff.g “hellOB” to every one he meets on the street. T'was eve<r thus at Christmas YOI SIUM h \O>V Til \T» Friday night most of tlie young set attended the play rehearsal lit Naelrema and then dashed madly over to Violet Hanks where they enjoyed themselves by dancing, singing, and what not. Quite n few x>f (bent attended the baek*>thiill game, Saturday at the Center: D. A. A. trounce*! Cleveland 111 to 17. The younger set enjoyed dancing after th** game. Those representing the bunch were: MiasesClyde Wiley, Bessie Walker. Evelyn Flnn*d, Doris King, Roberta Round)', Sal ly Turner, and Messrs. Harry Tapsico, Alvin Berry, Fred C.uin yard, John Whitt incton, Hugh Drew, Harold Stephenson, an*l Jo, Andrews, • • • * Eddie Graham and Ben Johnson were spied upon while gazing in to certain store windows, appar ently trying to figure out a gift for their sweethearts. Jerene G. Macklin Teacher of Voice and Theory .Vis E. KIKBV THIN, t-4111 Millie C. Connelly lEACHKR OF PIABiO CIM Iroquois St. Detroit MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR CHARLEF W. JONES, PF.RCTVAL R. PIPER WILLIAM L. COLDEN Announce the fornmtlon of n partnership for the Kcneral prartlre of Law under the firm uame of JONES, PIPER & COLDEN ISM Randolph St. Suite SOI Randolph Rid* Tel. >:andolphSSß.< Detroit At Graystone Ballroom ByCHAS. YOUNG POSY T JO. 77 Airierican Legion Drill Team A Lady’s Beautiful Wrist Watch and other Prizes given away .PARAMOIM-PIfOSPTRITY CUB HOLDS H.INQCET The monthly banquet of the Paramount-Prosperity Club was I held last Saturday night at the j home Mr. and Mrs. John (lowan, ! 430 Hancock Street. The club has | a membership of twenty, com posed of younger business men ot ; Detroit. The purpose of the organization ! is to seek better economic, politi cal and social welfare among Ne groes in Detroit. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. Granville Nixon, the Albert Mills, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jack. I son, W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Gray, Roy Carter, Mr. and Mrs. (\ B. Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Riley, the C. 1., Coxes. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cavette, J. ! |A. Harris, Alex Patterson. Mrs. Leona Kirk. Miss Mable Pohnson/ Miss Florence Kirkland and Lew Nixon. t • o GIRLS, LI VRN TO TAP lUM L The girls tap dance t lass for business girl-, and al! girls over 17 years of age, hold every Fri day evening in The gymnasium from S:no to 1 o:00 o’clock. This class is for beginners as well .is ‘ advanced. The « lasses are free, conic in and see for yourself Just what we can do for you. ll seems that Xortliern lligii was well represent'd at the Fox Theatre, Fri lay and "ini' the 'Cot ton ( lub Review' act ** * * Miss Klsio Roxborough is home from Michigan I'niversity for a holiday vu• t with her family at Woodlu n Avenue. , The set is in for a heebie week • during the holidays. Chris’ | day they will r»e at the big m< between I). A. A. and West Va. at the center. The featured player in this game will be Wendell Smith “local hoy,” who made good at West Ya., State College. *** * * Fletcher Henderson will hold tin* attention of nil the gay Detroiter's on Xmas eve with a mid-night dance at the Graystone. ***** Miss Virgic Itoxborough plans to | h ave for Cleveland Wednesday on u tlinv <l. v visit to friends living there. ***** Miss Creelle M< Swain, of this city, who is now at Hordontown, X. J., will spend Xmas with her cousin, Miss Irma IHgginbottam, in Washington. This week's who’s who presents Wendell Smith of 11-00 Bentay. Wendell is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smith, and is now a student of West Va. State College. He was horn in this city on June 117, 1914. He graduated from South eastern High School June 19111’.. His favorite sports are basketball, base hall, and football, and Ills life’s ambition is to be a tea* her of physical education. ••• • • I'm sure the younger set is eagerly awaiting the results of the Younger Sets benefit party at the Y. M. (’. A., Thursday night, Dec. Hist. I hope it Is as successful ;«s we plan It *o be t and will tell you all about It neat week ##* # * The Younger Set wishes Ulysses Boykin a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and a speedy recovery. Well—“ Don Soir” until ;|neat week. To Entertain Kiddie# At Christmas Party (7n ffi MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR \n Invitation To Kiddies, Adults Dear Friends: The Old Gov’s Junior Commercial ! Builders club, extend a cordial in- I citation to you to spend Wednesday afternoon, Dee -7. troni 1 to 4 P. Si., with us at Russell street Bap tist Church, at Alger and Russell streets. If you are a grown-up with children, we hope you will come, accompanied by them. If you haven’t any. and are interested in boys and girls, liv ail means come. If you are a boy or girl between the ages of i» and lti years, since these are the ages of our club mora le rs, we hope >ou will come, if possible. Come and see Old Gov’s Juniors in session, and enjoy our party. Be sure to wear y«ur best smile, because our party is free. We are looking for you. George Inry, prosiihut; Lillian Kason, secretary. » music M? NOTES m Ity JKIIEMK VI \( Kl.l> New Rethel Baptist chorus and choir will sing, “The Light of the , Ages'” by Fearis, Monday, Dec. ”1, at .‘LUO r. M. The guest soloists are Kthel Harkless, Dorothy Black well, Elizabeth Jackson, and Lena Fritz, sopranos; Mary Lucas, Elsie Lewis, contraltos; (!. M. Howell, George Abbeshaw, tenors; Knuik V. Foster, It. C. Cross, T. J. John son, bassos. Tie* accompanist is llli'/abeth Woodley and Juanita Cob man Melks, Mrs. Tliomas is president, ltey. Culcmnn, pastor; Jerene G. Mneklln, director at New Bethel Baptist Church, The Second Baptist senior choir will sing, "The Angelic Choirs,” Sunday, Dec. L’4, at 10 A. M. The singers of Second Baptist will also assist Di.liito.M:fmß toin hrdlii/.zz assist Dr. W. O, Terrell, assistant director. Tho Scolt M. E. senior and junior choirs will give their 4th Sunday mush ale, Sunday, Dec. “4, at 4 P. M. The public is invited. Millie llynson is director. Bethel senior choir will render a Christmas cantata, entitled, ‘The Shepherd King,’ by Hall; Sun day, Dec. ill. On Christinas morn in, at 4:45 o’clock, n brass quartet w ill play carols. lb v. William 11. Peck will hold the regular Christ mas service. Christmas carols and anthems will lie h*.l by the senior [choir. And the Glory of the Lord” land The Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah, will he rendered. A chorus of 100 singers of eastern High School, sang Sunday morn ing at tho Church of Our Father Unitarian, at Cans and First. Ten colored hoys and girls were mem bers of the ( horns. Among the chorus, which present ed selections from "The Messiah” in the school auditorium at Detroit City College, lasi week, were two colored singers. BEAUTY HINTS By Nina Temple TIIE PERFECT POWDER BASF It is well known that a good powder base should be used before the powder Is applied for a good effect. The best effect is obtained by using an astringent tonic pow der base. This Is m. de by a mix ture of the white of an egg (beat en) and honey. Thlß base bleaches, refines and tightens the face, three In one. READ THE BEAUTY HINTS EVERY WEEK The Frod Anderson Funeral Home Willis and Beaublen will be host to 1,000 children at their annual Christ mas Tree party. Sat urday afternoon, Dec. XMAS EVE MID-NITE DANCE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24th FLETCHER HENDERSON Homeland Ball Room Orchestra admission 75* THE DETROIT TRIBUNE CLUBS ..Detroit ntidy tu b Nine Carollers from Mrs. Sara Levi Stephens’ Schubertluide Soc iety presented the program for the annual Christmas Party for tho residents of the Phyllis Wheatley Mine for aged colored women, on last Friday evening. Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. F. E. Dawson were the I). S. C. committee in charge or the affair. The carollers were cos tumed in red crepe paper jackets and Jaunty caps trimmed in white cotton. Besides the curols by the group, there was a reading—‘The origin of the Caro!” by Miss Jewel Thomas; Solo "Star of the East,” by Dorethea Williams; Piano Solo “Sparklets”, by Myrtle Latham, “Tell you a story” recited by Catherine Moton and Sylvia Por chay. Recitation—‘The (Jreat Guest Comes,” by Inise Adams; a four hand piano selection, by Myrtle Latham and her teacher, Sara Levi Stephens, following which Santa arrived in costume, in the person of Mr. Arthur McDowell of Wind sor, Out. who sang "The Birthday of a King” and distributed gifts to the carollers and the ladies of the home. After the roll call of mem bers of the Detroit Study club present, an abundance of ice cream and cake, was served to the guests and members of the club. Miss Dorothy Scott was a guest. The personnel of the Carollers was the tho Misses Jewel Thomas, Cather ine Moton, Sylvia Porrhay, Lillian Henderson, Ethelyn Latham, Dor thea Williams, Inise Adams, R. Wallace Williams and Myrtle La tham. * * * • I. W. A. ( LI B Tlie club will close the meetings for this year, at the home of Mrs. F. Jackson, Elba Place. The ex change of Christmas gifts by the members will lie the* chief feature of the meeting, followed by a lun cheon. The art work will ho resumed the tirst Wednesday in January, at the home of Mrs. Perkins, on iiuld avenue. The membership drive is st)\l on. New members are in-i ! vited. MEMPHIS Mil'll Tin* Memphis dub was recently organized at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Miami Collins, 0108 Hartford street, for tluv purpose of keeping alive the old home spirit. The fol lowing officers were elected: Mrs. Pearl Collins, president; Dr. Julian li. Deloney, vice-president; Mrs. Henrietta Crawford, secretary; Mrs. Mol lie Hill, treausurer; Ed ward Matts, chairman of member ship committee; Mrs. Edgar Crlt tendon, editor; Mrs. Minnie Mae Deloney, chairman of current events. Thu club plans an active pro gram for the coming year. The meetings will be held on the llrHt Wednesday evening and the third Sunday afternoon of each month at the homes of the members. Michigan oi’TitooH run 1101. Its 2nd ANNUL PROGKAM The Michigan Outdoor club held their second annual program Thursday, Dec. 21, at 7 P. M. at the Kronk Community Center, at McGraw and Junction, west side. There were motion pictures showing outdoor life up north, such as fishing, raising of pheas ants, and so forth. Short talks were also delivered by members of the club and the conservation depart ment. The program likewise featured music. Refreshments were served. Admission was free. Roy Slator is club director. O. E. S. OFFICERS MEET WITH worthy or ayd matron The Grand Chapter officers of Wolverlno Grand Chapter jurlsric- Mon of Michigan, residing In De troit met with the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Agnes Bristol, 1241 Jos Cnmpau, on Saturday afternoon A splendid an Instructive meeting was held. Many plans were form ulated for the good at the O. E. 8. Onr advertiser* are your friends. Patronise them. They help the Tribune. .MODERNISTIC STI7)Y (LIT! The club held its bi-monthly meeting recently, at the home of Mrs. M. A. Ferguson, 12344 Mit chell st. The plans for the clubs’ benefit purty were completed. Tho affair will be held Friday, Dec. 22, at tho residence of Mrs. Curtiss, T>44o 23rd street. Admittance- is by non perishable groceries. All are cord ially invited. Remember, inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, my brethen, you have done it unto me.” TWENTIETH YeNTIRY RACIAL CLt’K Tho initial meeting of the Twen tieth Century Racial club was held at Brewster Center, Wednesday, Dec. 6. An interesting program was rendered as follows: Address, "The Day and the Time,” by J. W, Mullens: explanation of platform and principles of club by J. (’. Mont gomery remarks, “How to Increase tho membership,” Miss Odell Jack son. The club Is an organization that Is striving for race uplift. An In vitation io Join is extended all pro gressive ’ young members of lha rare. The elnb also met Wednes day, Dec. 20, at Brewster Center. XEHAKRY AM MM ASS’N The MeHarry Alumni Associa tion, of Detroit, held its regular monthly meeting, last Monday night nt the Y. M. (', A. After brief re marks by the president, Dr. Sparks a timely instructive paper on “The Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Chil dren,” was read by Dr. Joe Thomas the medical director of Rethesda Hospital. He also demonstrated with X- pictures, different stages f tuuerculosis in children. Those present were Drs. Sparks, Tandy, Graham Watkins Jenkins, Alf. Thomas Collins, W. O. Thomp son, McClendon. Owen, J. P. Thomas, and Joe Thomas. m:i> mm: cut* Mrs. Mabel Moseley of Fir wood avenue graciously entertained the [ Sophisticated Xfne Rridge Club last Wednesday with a delicious luncheon and pleasant evening of bridge. Mrs. Thelma Wisdom was awarded a lovely first prr'o. Mrs. Sylvia M. Tucker won a beautiful second prize. The Sophisticated Nine extend sincere wishes for a speedv re covery to Mrs. Johnson, mother of Miss Carrie Mills., who Is the treasurer of the club. THF YkITKRIONS The Criterion* were most rrne. tonslv entertained bv Cleon'in* McHenry on Friday evetitmr. Final plans were made for Die Christmas partv to be held Wednesday. Dec. 27. It Is to be an invitational affnir. and It is looked forward to with great enthusiasm by the members and their friends. The clnb, whieh consists of 12 members at present. Is planning to increase the membership in the near future. Member* present were Odessa F.llis, Olive Watson. Marlon Moore. Rntli and Mvrl Thompson. Edna Triggs, and Cleophns Mc- Henry, William White. Clarence Greer, John Moore, and Riehard Anderson. A moat delicious three course luncheon .was served by the host, and the remainder of the evening was spent at dancing and cards. Circle Celebrates 23rd Anniversary The Altar Circle of the Second Bauptist Church celebrated Its twenty-third anniversary Monday. Dec. 11 1933. Meeting was held at the residence of Mrs. Patience Buckner, 6734 Hartford, president Mrs. Mary OBby presiding The program which was very un ique consisted of Christmas music. The hostess served a very dainty menu, and surprised the organiz ation by presenting a beautiful cake decorated with twenty three candles. The visitors were Mrs. Pettlford and Mrs. Lewis. SATURDAY DECEMBER 28, 1933 2146 St. Antoine, Cor. Columl^h^ — ————*——l— I FASHIONS By Mary M. Stallings PLEASURE IN GIFTS The last moments for shopping are drawing near and decisions have to be quickly made. The littl ? things that one would not buy for himself are the gifts that are al ways welcome. Rohes are something that anyone will appreciate. The variety of robes is vast and beautiful. The Juniors like the coolie style robes. They have a loose comfortable hang and ure decorative in de signs. Tho older girls will ad mire a Russian robe. It is a double-breasted flannel robe with a standing collar. These flannel robes are full length and warm us well as chic. Mother would enjoy having a two toned Chinese styled robe, they are of a delightful color combination (rimmed with a salin revers and belt. Does your friend stay homo eve nings? Then a more practical gift is a pair of lounging puJamas. Heavy velveteen or corduroy paj amas help to lighten the duy for the young lady who likeg to re lax in the evenings and yet he able to receive any possible company. Lounging pajamas have the de signing ability of the eening gowns o: dinner frocks. Ice skating season is here again. 'llie Juniors will be in need of a new camel’s hair sweater set. These sets are economical and cry charm ing in gay colors and interesting zipper styles. With the sweater set. either a skirt or trousers are worn Color schemes for these winter garments are ery bright and warm ing which will delight any young woare.L Dainty lingerie of pure dye crepe is a distinctive gift for every fem inine wardrobe. Hand embroidered monograms adds to the individuality of tin* gift. Lace hedjackets are the gift for the mother or grand mother who will not be able to sit up and en joy tho festive day. Some of the many friends will only receive cards this season so a small sheer linen handkerchief with appllqued work adds to these greetings. ** * * Greetings to everyone and may Oc,l be with you during the com ing New Year, Dorcas Society of Detroit To Give Charity Ball The Dorcas Society of Detroit will present their annual charity ball and cabaret party, Thursday, Dec. 28, at the Artistic Temple. They will feature streets of Paris, with fun and dancers. Music by Gloster Currents Night en gales The public is Invited. Admission fjOo. « We Wish For sou § All The Business And Joys Sb fei Os The Season 55 1 I | The Great Lakes 1 | Mutual Ins. Cos. I B § | 8 Moses 1. Walker, Vice pre% and Treasurer Sfe Albert E. Kenney -Vice President S Ja Louis C. Blount—Vice Pres., and Necretary Hr. Robert Greenldtrr Medical Director V llenrj W. Holcomb—lnspector fig* ♦ C. Collins Miller— Agency Director *?? y 11. Louise Henderson—Chief Bookkeeper V .5* V m V Detroit, Michigan Mh |i 1, SOCIAL fcOTES As silvery tinkle &oi. c* Crinkle’s sleigh bells draws nearer and fcaves , piepauiitions for legion of pre-Christrf other Yuletide social festivities are be ini r%|f e with joyous en rt thus!asm. Many and be the local en- V\ tertainments, parties, dana Y * u t*|L CMS an< * s P e cial )! musical programs to holfwie. -troit merry. 0 y Among the prc-holidil* •• • Activities are the following: The Younger Set’s bracks, jfflty* at the Y. M. C. A., Thursday night, Dec. 21; i’hoir, j«f>ebs dancing party, at the swanky Creole Kitchenlation Ardens, Friday night, Dec. 22; The Beau Brum Saturday. On Christmas evening at Central Comma enter, will be featured the basketball game he tween the Central Big Five, and West Virginia Stuto College, Glow ed by a dance. The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s dance will he held Tuesday night, 2li, at Artistic Temple; while on Wednesday night the Del Sprites wil stage their un ique snow frolic at the Creole Gardens. Following these nffairs, will come the Deltas’ formal, tin* College Women's club dancing party, the New Era Study Club’s dramatic plays and dancing party; open house celebration at Park side Hospital on New Year’s Day; and open house at the St. Antoine Branch “Y” January, besides scares of less spectacular social affairs in all portions of the city. Attorney Percy Piper, will leave for St. lx>uis, Missouri, during the week end, to attend the Alpha Phi Alpha's national convention, of which he is nat.nal secretary. Mrs. Mlda Giant, of Chicago, ‘ip The Lucy Thurman Branch is be. pinning to make preparations for the Annual Meeting which will oc cur on January 4 t 1934. It is (he plan to present a most unique setting for (he Annual Meeting after one year in the new build ing. The Annual Dinner will pre cede the meeting. • • • • The Merry Oo Hound continu ; to he an attraction for the unem ployed girls from IS to 25 years of age. Recreation in the gym nasium, health talks, table set ting, renovation of clathea are some of the activities engaging the attention of the girls. All unem ployed girls are invited to come on Wednesday from 10 A. M. to 12 noon. Tho Girl Reserve Committee gave a bridge party in the gym nasium on December 1»! at 2 P. M. Avery pleasunt afternoon was en oyed. formerly ■ *oit, Is In the city, visiting M #< nd Mrs. Thurtnan Brady. OOP Northfleld. ** * * Mrs. Effle Martin, 608 K. Col umbia, has returned to th< city, after a three week’s stay in Wis cnsln where she was called on ac count of the illness of her mother. ** * * Cornelius Henderson, of How ard university, returned from Washington, I). C. last week, to spend the (’hristmas holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. ('. L. Henderson, of 30th st. * * * * Miss Jewell Thomas, a senior high school student, of Ann Arbor, Mich., was the guest of her Hunt, Mrs. Sara Levi Stephens of Vine wood avenue, Friday and Saturday of lust week. Miss Thomas took part on the program presented li * Mrs. Stephens, for the the Detroit Study Club’s entertainment, honor ing ladies of the Phyllis Wheatley Home. Sick & Convalescing ('arl T. Stewart, of 18574 Nor wood, who has been confined in the I‘. M. Marine Hospital with a fract. ured ankle, is returning home tt; spend the holidays with iris family and will appreciate his friends drooping into to sim him. Mr. 1,. A. Wingfield of 6638 28th St., linotype operator for the De troit Tribune, lias been quite ill ami confined to his home during the past week WANT A BABY? If you are denied (Ills Messina, don’t loose hope, Imit write mo at onoo. [ lima helped m» many otlior women to happiness. I am oonli dont you ran be helped also. ADDRESS E. DEXTOL 22'> We*t Bth Mt.. Kansas City Mo. Don't delay this Information Is irladly jrlven froo and oontldontlal to yon. GREETINGS The Mitzi Bobette Beauty Shop Extend* to all Its customer* and Friend*, best wishes for a Joyous Christum* Nenson and dedicate* Itself anew to ren dorimr the llnest service at the lowest possible price to those la search of- BEAUTY Rentrlce Phillips, Proprietor (Jar. OUB.V W 4.'*19 Cobh Place COIRTESY AMI) WORKMANSHIP Our Motto Meant) In nil it'* branches done Solent Him II) and Sat isfactory. assure you our staff of rnltnred and efficient operators will ' meet your approval. ■Operators: Vernola Alexan der, Kthel Adams, Rosu Sims, lioretta Warren, Carrie Cash, Thelma Remsen. Belle’* Beauty Salon, Inc. J>79 K. Forest Col. 49(11 Jeannette Coleman, Mjrr.