Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX blister News My 11. A. Mcfitwlry Kat-h day as Christmas draws neartf. *« all tail feel the vtbra tlou »»i tliat spirit, why we celeb rate Christinas", which means more than all the gitis we may he really to present to our many trleiuls. 1 would like to impress all who are remembering their friott Is with Kilts, to remember the indlvid ual who Is unable to reciprocal our Kitts With that in mind, every one run enjoy Christmas. The. Imperial Liurarv and \rt club met with Mrs. Klizabeth Timbers, of Williams street, .Mrs. Nellie Pace presiding. After the routine of business. t> e hostess served dainty drefres linen’s Mrs. Timbers will also be the hos tess at the annual rei option, Riven by the club. Dec. 27. Sunday. Dee. 17, wi. an enjoy able duy at Smith's t impel A. M. K. Church, with Hev. Wiliam I’. Henson, otflciatlnK. His text vue from Psalm 23. It was inspiring- The senior choir sang beautifully. The choir Is asking everybody to before present at the Pleasant Sun day ufterrion. Sunday, Her. .'II, at ■'! o'clock. All the local choirs arc expected to participate. Dnnio Jones is the president; .Mrs, Mil dred Morrison, pianist. The A C. K. l.eague, of Smith Chapel, invites all young people t » attend tlieir services, Sunday I>«*c. I’4, at t» P. M. The subject for di* cussion is, "The Mirth of <*ur King Mrs Mirion is president. The Young People’s Forum will hold ns monthly session, Sutiduv, Dec. at P. M„ at Woin.i h Temple (M. K Church. Stihjc t for discussion "lias S* cm <■ help “and or Hindered the progt's.* ot K ligion ?" Sunday mori ing. !>«•<•, 21, presid ing elder, Kcv ,1. • . Allen, id the Chcugo district will preach at Wo mat k 'Temple *M. K. t'hui'i .. Mr. and Mrs Arthur onm have recently tinned into tuetr Hew home oil 1.-ahelle street The morning worship of the IJr-t Maptist Church lagan as usual a' 11 :td o'clock, with the pastor, llev. A, I-. Merritt presiding. 11, l>M was trom Mark ."> tin Home an I tel tiny friends what gnat thing- Ihe 1.01 I hat it done I'. ■ r thee’ the Mlhjcet t "A message lor the Home." I hose present wittn ? and a spiritual feast. Me are glad : ■ see tin* church progressing spirt' uaily, numerically, and finaticiaPy. At •’ P. M., tin- < hur< h arid pastor went to Amity Maplist < hurt'.;, vy in re thi ' met w ith tin- various < hurt le s that compose the Uapti-'t I ~uld> rs \s*oi nation, iti what i-*i Kii'.u >. ... ik, l.i«xur, which is held prior to the general sitting of the association leading up to the fifth Sunday. Hfv. Mprrit has ■• m c.ill *• I hom<\ because 1 •! t o iilti- s id Ills father. We led" for him a safe trip and a happy return. Sunday School opened at !' A. M-. a.t. V* art* ami Harmony Maptist Church, with Mr, Cooper presiding as super ittend' iit. The lesson was reviewed i>y D* at on .1. M. I am!» rt The n.ornif.g services began ~t the usilal 11 til**, If** v, •>. It. .loties otflviatiio liis te\t wa~ from A .s 27:31, Hxcept tins.' abide in Hi* shift, "<■ can riot lie -av* ,ff A very vivnl eomfiarismi was ton !<; between a -hip ami a chur< li. At ter the sermon, t soul stirring song was rendered hy Slst* Mo/, ella Armelin, The m w undertaker, Mr. Croshv, was a visitor at Womack Temple and Second Haptit Church, Sun day. NOW In Your 'Home CLIMd-O-SAL (Mount (lemons Mlnerul Suit) The New Bath Salt for MINERAL RATHS IN YOUR HOME Rerommctulnl For r.hetininlism, Vennunnes*, Hun Mimn (on dit lon, Skin “Clemo-O Sal” Is Mrd. and Packed by MOUNT CLEMENS MINERAL SALTS COMPANY For Further Infnrinnlloii (nil or write XII i: ItKTHOI T Till 111 Ni SUM s i \nlolne, SI., Welroit Phone RAlldolph J7u| Columbia 2416 Columbia 2416 Moving Distance EXPRESSING 7 Q_ ________ // <£ * \<* PIANOS ' #■s* i f \l TRUCKS ’ v/ .? For Light Moving a. r Y / \ FORD TRUCKS / %/ V • - a u-f f age Cos. snmmmnmfi, y d> Mfr MISSIONARY CLUB FETES OLD PEOPLE A Thanksgiving dinner was given for the old people of the North cas ein! community, by (he free Will Missionary club, at the home of Mr.'. Idella Murray. 9060 i urdonii, between the hours of two and six P. ,\i. Tiie menu was prepared by Mrs. l.ucllu Cook; the cooks w»re Madames Alice Archie, l.ela llaskin Annie Mitchell, and Sarah Ander son. The waitresses were Madames Leila Smith, Lottie Kobinson, and Lida Merry. Approximately twenty five or ihiriy were served and i nuniher ot dinners were ni out to those who were unable! o at'eml. Those who were uiinhle lo attend. I Imse who dinners were sent reported that they enjoy. I everythiiiK wonder fully. ’| he club hopes next y ear to he able to serve twice or thrice as many more, Dorothy Straugh, prtsident, Pea;! Smith. If. porter coinmunicat ing sec’y. (M\ < HOIK I MMN MON \ IT TIliHtM.mV. inshl IS The City ' hoir I until wishes P e\pr> ss ,ij prei iati m to the new ii. tin I senior choir who were hostesses on the fourth Sunday of 'November at I'tilcn's monthly n.eeiing, at N* w Melhci Maptist Church, 121 Hastings si., tin nioii gtaatly etijoya I the visit. Ti y v.dll met L again Ht c. 21, at Mt. Vcrtum Maptist Church, as guests of Ml. Venioi. senior tdioir. All nr< welt oiim, 'I h*. I i.idi is a king ilm co operation id all the choirs of the city, iri making these uu (dings an outs landing sip ess.. Tim orgai.i/at ,o: Is doing tin* work. There are t n < lioirs t-u. rolled, and the I nioti gave .. a« h choir a bag, ol grot erics to giyc to a floor family in ii» respecliy churi li. This is an « vtn.pte of tin good charitahb work tin lit ion is tiding, •Tin <| ties i■f the Cnion rep r< eating tin* following cliurcheat .Macedonia Maptist, Mt. Vernon, Si m l Map: isi, < Miv* I. The Kv.-r Heady I iio: t| . St dailies, .\eiv it. Hu !, St. Johns M. K. and J i it i tIVh 11>. All are wok ome to the e\ei lit i V«- meeting on 'I lie . 'ay night, be for* th S. t ond Sumlav in each month. ,\|j s. 1 ta 1 1 by i pr. si lent; Mt Marie 1., t ole, recording sc Mi . I-a ;nh IVopb s. financial sei relary*. MM A tilth < 111 IM li HUM ID IN 10 t Oltt < l.Osl 111 SI 1 I \nv York <ln l * '.NS i The Title tiunrantee uinl Trust I Mli- I suit in i• Supreme Court j ]>«.-«. -outlier !* lo I*.r«« lost* ,i liior*> .U'tli!- 1 - f II I’ r-.-i-.T • of St. M tho li,<i Kpisi iii'ii 1 < h.»r< It co norm west < orto r of Klge • >11»*.• avenue iiii'l I ;7t|i strort. Tii<* nior gage. originally for >T-".ooo ha li. iii r• • • lu* • 1 to .* I •'.!«,* '.o Tin sis is Inc oil on • it-1 ;i ii Ii in ill*' |i;c.!»onl' ii. intorost uiol s7.s.’iU |>rin | • ipa I, Tin* ' Imri Ii propern is valu 1 at approximate!) .f.’.00 i to, o - * ill Id. A A t Ml AY Mr>. N'i'.lh Thompson, MMls Northtiolil a\< into, root ivt s nows Moinla;.. lno. "i the 'loath of iter si-ti r, Mrs. A.i• • I .nthoroucli Stroit'l, of Tuso:iloo-a. A'a. Other Detroit relatives of tho defeased arc a brother Nathan Inifborougli, and several nieces and tiopin ws. THE DETROIT TRIBUNE Mt. Beulah Baptist Church llev. 0. ('. Tlmßias, Muster The church school was well at i tended Sunday. Class No. 3 won the j nnaiiciul banner; * lass No. f», the I attendance liunner, the teachers he 'ng J. D Holloway and Mr. Taylor, I respt ctfully. The miriiitiK services were in -1 spiring and largely attended. Ihe | pastor preached from Luke 2 ~ subject. "No Hoorn For Jesus" lit the afternoon, Hev. M. | i.oek' tt, of Corinthian Huptist |ci, inch, and several of hs members wa re with us. Hev. Lockett preach* j t*(| a stirring menage from Mark s: 23. t'tno again, Hev. Ixickett, you and your good people. The 11. V. P. C. had an excellent eongr< gallon last Sunday evening. The young folk are very enthusi ast ie. Several visitors were out. The evening menage was brought by the pastor, from Acts 9:6. The Prayer Hand will lead the [prayer meeting, Dei. 31. Watch Night. A great time Is anticipated. Kverybody welcome, t bester Jack son is chairman; J. ItoblnHon, sec. Me sure to buy a copy of the Trib une each week. St. James C .M. E. Church K. V. M< I.ltl chose for his text t.t-t Sunday, "Thy lligi teoustiesß j is lake a (treat Mountain." taken from the 3r,th I'salnis. The dis cussioti was a comparison of (iod’a righteousness and mom mis. Tim .pi aker said in part, "The right ciuimie-> id Hod is unchangeable. Si jen . an l man's thinking cliatig* and keep us feeling In the dark; hut (toil's standard Is a ways the satiu-. The righteousness of God i> as conspicuous as a mountain it stands out above ever thing elst*. Selfishness has no place in Hu* code of rlghleotiKin s, and righteousness is pot obtainable wit Holt the Spirit of God \ spiritual Past was enjoyed ami two members were aided to the church. The Maddox Choral Club pr" s< til' and a wonderful prograr at S', .lames, last Sunday afternoon. ; Thi- group of young people is taught in Mrs. Volamle Ma do\. Mrs. Rhodes' and her hit hand's nano appear on the sick list, this w et k. Don’t forget the Ist Quarterly ; Conference at Sr. Jame , Decem ber the hist. Second Itapl. t htircli Plans i I’re-t hrMmas Servlce ! Tlio so rv Ires at Seeortd baptist ('lain li, Sunday, .I) eeeniher -tth will lie its follows: Special mtisiral program by the Senior Choir from lo to lo .’io n. i".; Spot lal < liri-tmns message l»v I'astor It 1.. Mradhy at ld:.'!0; Sunday Seliool at I n't lo< k; Hpe. < ia I Sunday night program eonsist of a Candle Light Service and a s|„ < ial message by the Pastor, ■ abort: 'Trimming the Christ mas Tree.” NOTICE Ml reporters for the Tribune arc •et|i>fs|cd to send in Iliclr news typed or written In ink. with wide pacing between lines and writing on one side of paper only. All ii. line- written in long hand should ho printed, so us to einhlc the of tire to reproduce tin in correctly. H*»h Light, Copying, Enlarging Framing QUALITY STUDIO Adler & Adler PHOTOGRAPHERS Pliato of Every Deicription for Every Purpoit Work Guaranteed 4215 RUSSELL ST . Ret. Willi, and Canfield, Detroit :• ■ •>: Car Washing (■'as \ml Oil Tires Repaired (il NERAI. \l TO REPAIRING De’s Service Station F. 01 1 01 RSEY, Mgr. Fender & Body Bumping Painting 20|«.j»1>20 ST ANTOINE ST. Oefr.dl, Mlrh. TIREMAN HAND LAUNDRY Rough or> and Mill Work Finished. We Specialize In Sltlrb ami Collars Mending it ml Hurtling Free WORK CAI.I.EIt FOIt \M» OEI.I YFRFO Erne*! Johnson, Prop, oil.* Tlremun ART’S GARAGE Cars Washed, Polished and Simonized—M o t o r s Cleaned and Tops Dressed Arthur Bf«rd*n, Prop. 1 62S BEACON ST., at St. Aato.aa WITH THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church Despite the inclement weather, a fairly good sized audience was present at the service lust Sunday morning when Kev. J. L. (’uleman preached a splendid sermon on the subject -"What is My Worth to the Church?” The previous Sunday lie talked on "The Worth of the Church” and this Sunday lie tried to impress upon his hearers that the worth of the church depends directly upon the worth of imlivid uul members to the elutreh, He said; "It brings us directly to the thought of stewardship, our oblig 'atlon to God, the creator of life, to I w hom all we posses belongs carring with it our responsibility to our 1 fellowtnan. This involves more than the mere raising of or giving | money to the church ultlio it is I needed to run the machinery of tho ' chun h. Personal service is the thing most needed to carry out the real mission of the church univer | sals. Not only our gilts, hut the I suTrended of our time, talents, a | hilities constitutes a real rounded [ out stewardship.” Christmas < untnta and Carols Special Christmas music is being prepared for next. Sunday. The Senior choir will present u Chris mas Cantata, "The Adorati u ” I • Geo'. M. Nevin, at the II oclot k service and the Junior i lioir will render several Christmas Carols, under the direction of Mrs. Grace Jefferson. There w ill ho u short i Christmas Sermonette by the pus tor, between the renditions of the two musical groups. The Sunday school will hold it. i annual Chrstmas Tree and pro i grain on Wednesday evening, Dec. L'Tth at h P. M. At ti I’. M. a ban- j quet will be held in honor of tin j winners of tbo popularly eontest j among the young people of the school, w hich e|o ,es Su.n! .y I> .. j 24.. Prizes will also lie awarded the first and seeotid highest. Among i those who up* working liar<l to bring in tin* larged amount of j money for the church school are | Misscss Helen lines, HoncHe Chainl- I hr, Dorothy Grier, Pauline Stark-| ami Hazel tjuat ker. New Mt. Mar iah Baptist Church Tin* church hu.l wonderful scrv • ices thorughoui the day lant Sun duy. The opening Scripture reading was ltcv. «:2 At tins evening worship, the text of the sermon was found in I aim 11:1, "And there shall conn .1 rod out of t'u rvni of .! »<• 1 branches si..ill g row oat of lo roots,” It was brautifully illustrat ed. f)n I tee, L’ 1,, tin theme will he "A Miserable (’hrislniaa.” Ki \. .1. S. Murry is pa tor; Mrs. I llarrisn, reporter. Through the courtesy of Milee Mavis, Moore school will pro < lit Mr. Mariah Church wiih 1 Christ mas tree. The public is welcome. CLASSIFIED ADS \r\in mi vis foii in vi Itcuiltiful I Kamil), Room a partineiil* now open for colrored people, Newly decorated, Steam hcaf. rent tcry reasonable. Inquire al oftlee ‘.MiI Fast Moulculmii is in SPECIAL NOTICE All Night Club*, Cabaret*, Hotel* and Re»taurant» —The SUPREME LINEN SUPPLY CO. 5247 Hatting* St. IS AT \OI P. SF|{\ Hi: It \V OH MfillT, for Waitre»*e*' Apron*, Coat*, Napkin*, Table Top* or Cloth*. Phone Columbia 2">flS «.t txni F LB Ol’R MOTTO Birth Control Clinic Mother’s Clinic Os Blaine Ave. Announces the The Opening Os Its New (’linic On Dec. 11 At O DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL .*1761 Brush Street Every Thursday, 10 A. M. SATURDAY DECEMBER 23, 1933 Peace Baptist \ and Rev. Gee T. Clay, Pastor Last Sunday llev. (.'lay delivered a very fiery and enthusiastic ser mon trom Luke 11:0, subject: I Why men pray.” He said in ! part: "Men only pray when in j dire need. God brings us to a : sense ot our need m order to bring !us closer to Him. Work of the Kingdom mil he carried out suc cessfully through prayer. When Christians become easily discour aged in the work of the Kingdom u shows a negleet of prayer. The value ot prayer is that it gives God a chance to realize our needs whether materially or spiritually, in the economic and social world our group's only resource is pray er.” Sunday evening, text was, from Joshua li-U 1 Joint 5:4. The beautiful story of the fall of the walls of Jerico was vividly por trayed; then the eru that ushered, hi our Lord Jesus Christ. Thai I mime Jesus spells victory and i ihat in Huh age of chaos and uu ' test only Jesus can bring us thru 1 v ictorious, were some of the I truths stated. The H. V. i*. I’, and Sunday ■School air making splendid prog ress under tue leadership of Deac on Carter and .Mr. Grady Harris. Tim missionary under the lead ership oi Mrs. Anna Duller, meets every .Monday at tile Church. The women ni the church and commit, nily arc invited. Metropolitan Baptist Church The pastor was absent Sunday morning and his pulpit was oe ciipic.i by one of the young mini, stei's, voorge Taylor, who deliver ed a splendid sermon. His sub je t was 'Juke what you have and g< t what you want.’ Some of tlcj illustrations lie used were Jesus milling water into wine. The Ju nior Choir rendered music for tlm 11 1 asion. Sunday evening, the s> nior Choir sang request num bers of old familiar songs. I lo r Castor ltcv. A. (. Williams, preached torn the subject in the .an , i-ainh !t. lie made u glowing lolopallsoil between the electric hull, and the growth of grace In our lives, lie said in part: As the hulh when first invented gave light gradually, so the growth of grace and knowledge of Jesus 1 In isl. As one's eyes must l»c« me acciistotmd to ligiit. after leaving the dark, so must one's spiritual 1 >os become adjusted lo the trutli aoout Jesus.” Calvary Baptist Church Tin* junior church m<tubers en joy a l Mai noli Tuesday, ami one 111 It.- Y( 111 II g M preselllul Ives lie livers a in*- -age. .Among those w li o have reiently delivered wltoh Mime amt lu tudieiul talks are Sadie Youiik, Koheria Stuitli, Kutli Jean llulehins, Mary M Spear, and Ida .dan Lloyd. The seniors and Juniors are preparing baskets, to tie delivered to the i poor for < 'hristnias. I lie Training < lass, under Mrs. I Hut' hills' direetion. is progress j mg. There is keen interest and j iiiueli improvement in the ehureti | work of tin* young people who at j tend this euiss. j tsperotiH Lust Sunday, pustor Mnstin I pr« aelied a soul stirring sermon whleli greatly inspired those who heard It. The Joshua Prayer Hand meets i very Tuesday at p. m. Joe j Myler is very active, and the I young folk realize what it means to pray. Miss Lillie McKinney, president of lU'horah (Mass, of the Culvary church school, is an ardent ' er. She works hard and also meets the girls with a winning smile, each Sunday morning. The dinner under the auspices of these young people and the junior church, wuh a complet > success. The (hispid Chorus of Kheneztr Itnptlat Church, of Chicago, are visiting here. M'hey are the guests 01 Mrs. Arte tin W. Hntchlna. The groit|i are under the able direc tion of Prof. Frye, and are won derful (iospel singers. Visit Calvary I'.apt. Church, the chureh of friendship and hospital ity, an and have your spiritual strength renewed. Plymouth Congrega tional Church On Sunday last the pastor, Rev. Herbert King, spoke on the sub Joct “The Idea of God in Contem porary Thought.” He spoke oil the many misconception* of God which have come into the minds ot most people and which they have thrown over hoard in their everyday working philosophy of life but which they still cling to as one clings to a fetish or a keep sake. “AH idols must ultimately he broken,’’the speaker suid, "and tlm present debacle is certainly am ple evidence or thut fact.” A God who is worth worshipping must he conceived as in the world, suf sering and rejoicing hh life de generates and flowers.” The speaker also said “ it is not writ ' ton In the law of life that civiliza tion is to keep advancing no mat ! ter what individual men and wo j men do or leave undone. The des- I tiny of man may be an ultima*, and n fixed quality hut there «. | many lia/.ards ihut aw--'* • <o >rtr not us** intelli f. m e and man power to av< i them. God is the loving intelli genc-e available for this task, and can he discovered as re al only h life, in the world Itself.” Tin* Church School will have it Good Will I’arty on Friday even ing. Students are bringing sta pics and toys fur the lilling o baskets for the poor. They wll also conduct their own worship o Sunday afternoon. The Plymouth Choir Is postpon ing its Vesper as previously an nnuuccd. It will he held as par of a Communion Service on tin afternoon of Sunday, January 7 The postponement Is on account n tiie Church School exercises ill) mediately after tin* morning serv ice. The Vespers on January 7F will have, it is expected, the ser vices of an accomplished harpist The public* is invited. INTI K-< 111 IH II IMKMiItAM An Inter-church program w.i given at St, James church Bund:t> Dec. 17lli at ti C. M. Several churches were represen* cl by some of the promising and progressive young people. A boulevard contest was he'd between the niemhers who live on Hu l east and west side of Urn ml Uoulevurd. T. W. Uoss, president, Rev. W. J. (J., pastor. UNITY MAKES STRENGTH Join The Booker T. Washington Trade Association and ’Housewives League. Co-operate with its members in Stimulating Negro Business. WH dnUBM tr i iHr cjßmwßl' I•• ■ML r' . . W\ . ii&Mf A SaMfirv?] REV. WM. H. PECK, Presidant Booker T. W»»h:n*_ ton T’sijr ol'un. C lifford 0574 Ilnur*: U to Dully. Sonduy* DR. WM. H. LAWSON OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN r. Y i: S EXAMINER—GLASSES FITTED Office* in.*. Oration, at llrmtli Soil Floor |{|>S. OttSfl Fir wood—War. .’>2SS Your Drug Stora Ua* Near a* Your Telaphona Napoleon Drug Store 2452 Ha»tin« S»., Cor. Napoleon Clifford 1013 Clifford 23G4 Complete Modern Drug Store PreacripUon* (Tilled for and Delivered George H. Benjamin, Phar. D Harry S. Popa, Phar. D. Graduate Registered Drugffirta—- Always on Duty 2146 St Antoine. Cor. Columbia— Phone RAndolph 2704 People’s Baptist l>r. E. M. kiilgler, Puslor Sunday wuh u busy day at tin* church. Kvery department ha<l a banner attendance. Dr. Kuigler preached a stirring sermon as us ual A baptismal service preceeded the morning worship, six being Immersed. The sermon vt licit follow ed was especially fitting, the sub ject being "111 What Do Von Hope.” The 11. Y. P. I'. is still progress ing in its work, with llev. Hubert Wright at the head. The Young Peoeple’s Dramatb club deserves praise. .Miss Melva Allison was especially good in her renditions last Thursday night. * The children of the Loyal Temp erance, under the guidance of Mrs. Bertha llennard, will be trained in dramatic art. by Mr. Catherine Allen, beginning the lirst of the year. They will commence with pantoruinu work. The S. S. had a goodly attendance .iunduy. Superintend Chillis request that ry one try to bring in new members on time next Sunday. The children’s Christmas pro -?ram will be rendered Sunday ul ernoon, by the young folk. When the members of this church >ii v copies of the Tribune, they not >nly support our leading Negro aper of the city, bill they also ipport Charles Taylor, our own ’rlbune representatives in this vi< nity. lead The Tribune Every Week Phone'*: Fitzroy 1462, Fitzroy 3531 George H. Green, Inc. Funeral Home EDWARD C WATSON, Licensed Kmbalmer, Sec’y and Treas. 1939 St. Aubin Ave. Detroit, Mich. Office Cherry*<£27 Residence: Townsend 6-3547 Charles B. Berry ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 339 Gratiot Ave. Detroil Phone Plaza 2874 J. Will Cooper Grand Chancellor Grand Lodge K. of P. of Michigan si:i,(MM».i>o rialntH Pnld in :i yonr# $17,000.00 for Protect lon of llclrN 4439 Lillibridge Ave. Detroit Riggs & Son Service Station :... i. lust’orvr tickets ON (i AN Got, Oil, Accessories MILFORD, COR 2QTH Phone Randojgh 8947 Dr. P. Johnson SURGEON DENTIST 2730 Hatting* St. at Alfred Residence 5658 Scotten Ave. Ree. S*l§ Scotten—Eue. 6767 Office Hours 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 6 p. m. to 9 p. m. JOHN Z. BARGYH PHYSICIAN Special Attention to Women and Children—Office Ran. 2959 455 Adams Ave. E. at Beaubien Life, Fire, Auto, Health and Accident Phonesi Clif. 2292—Ivanhoe 4774 Fields* Gen’l Insur. ance Agency General Agent SUPREME LIBERTY LIFE CO. 406 E. Adams Ave. Detroit Church Os God Tho service of last Sunday were very splendidly attended and the spiritual enehuslasm w»h at high tide. The pastor was at his beat, and in very able ami forceful man ner gave Ills morning message from the previously announced subject: "Holiness;” how attain ed and the evidences that attend the blessed life. There was also a period or questions given at the close of the message. The evening service brought a crowded house, partly due to the excellent singing of the wide awake choir. The great singing under tho leadership of Mr. Carr is tho talk of the town and is drawing great crowds. The congregation was very delightfully surprised at the eve ning service when the pastor In troduced as the guest speaker, Pas tor Kvangelist, and great Bible Teacher, the Iteverend A. W. Chism Ho delivered a soul stirring mess ugo from Homans, Ist chapter verso 17 subject, "Tho Revelation of the CJospcl.” He handled the subject in masterly Htyle. He seems to be a real man of God and humble Minister of the Gospel. The Church of God was thrilled with the speaker, and was delighted to learn that in the very near future lie will conduct a revival meeting for them. Tho pastor Klder T. D. McGhee, will deliver his Christmas message Monday A. M. at •> ’clock, Dec U'.th. Tho public Is very cordially Invited, Special singing by the choir. In tlx* evening, nt 7:30 the Young People’s Cnion will render a special Xmas program, together with a Biblical Drama entitled: "The King of Kings.” Any one desiring real spiritual help and comfort will do well t attend the noon-dav service at this little church. A friendly welcome is extended to all. M IIS. FAX NIK I’M K, tien President, Detroit House*lvpn Lew? tie. BBMBJWMWUBMM——BW— Lincoln Kitchen 4706-10 Milford Avenue Specinlising in Home Cooking Meals Served all Hours E. M. Dozier, Proprietor MOVING Transfer Storage PETERSON AND SON General Moving—Bus Trantpor* tation— Baggage Transferred to all Parts of City Open and Closed Trucks Office Phone Garfield 1-0364 4528 Milford Avenue Detroit Res. Phone Garfield 5380 5398 Scotten Ave. Garfield 9812 A Full Line of Electrical Supplies and Radio Accessories SIMPSON’S BATTERY AND ELECTRI CAL SERVICE Generator and Starting Motor Repairing 4742 Milford Are. Detroit