Newspaper Page Text
If ii: 51 COLUTIDCS HOUSE, rG. DARLING, Proprietor. Directly oppo . jifiithii tnit(il LANSING. Michigan. ff" Persons viriung the Capital, wilitiudtbi a C j uforubie and Commodious Hou. AW A!fD CHANCERY BUSINESS, Lansing, Mich. J. W. Lotigyear,Co..uii.-ionii forth StateolS'ew York. Bee overBailcyV Bank ln and Eichange Office. j7 Office at his'esi 1-nce on Graad street, exactly astoflhe O tpltol. Lansing, June 8", I Is A I S LIERV 1X Kinil.K STABLE. jouvey t is-nger- to all part-of the co.jntry. ' December, I ftpf.. 35 woodiidix; v isi t.,i;s:. 0ENE3AL LAND AND TAX AGENTS n r... ..:.. .,; ,. T i t.. K :l K-'aV in Ir.cham :'., !,:! il. ei l.itid W"rr.:-. H.-Ku::; off l-aw t Ta sV . .umor; I nr., ("cur'iijj --. Lao4H'iT, o ill tak a !erai h-niem-iion yrti'U- tt-nnl tfit.ll ' ttl ,tniftlf T aal r..!Wi- a f '1M. c w Fi-Tirn. w',on.t - Ooiar! A. rjml rotlX. Attorney nnd Coiusetlor at Law, I.iihin?, .lielngm. 'ii one 'l'r south of the po-t oflice. pkXs hTTvF t J i ;i7i : i i, iiccr.ssoRs; to J. n. ri.oss. PAPEli STATIONERY, P;ier ll.Mi?iiit;", ffOOFISO PAPER AN'l)PaiNTKR'fTRM:iIN' f;rOIx, N". ll Jefferson veii.i. Detroit, Mich. 1. KLHCK, ARCHITECT & DRAUGHTSMAN, WiIIfirii;-h Plins.Spr.ciliciotis.n d K-tFiija-in the best stvle of workmanship, and 'l v-v'ii for Churches," 'onrt llons.s. Hotels, Privaf. .. himI! tr irt In ttirnivh Ilia teriidsaud h'lIU anvthiig iu the line of Building, ... .lrt..rmr.ii,l iti 4.IIIH- ori r -n:io!.-Iitiii-. Please give me a rail. Lan'm:, JjtiiuarT lt, lS.'-T ACKON', Mich., opji.xit.- M. r. i:. . t.-por RvSTAN'TON' A; TIFfANV. !- St.. Olfiee at tlii llou-e. j7j7&T. J. It A T3SIi:i.8., Au..m-v amt t"oU!HrIlir3 Liw, un-1 S l:cilor i'.i Cii.n- eery, Liiu-sin. Micliiiraa. All l.iisitu- ntnH tel to tHeircare will promptly att'inl' to Olfire owr K. I. I!wi-ir. ho.- Srr -: -"n' door North of the I. ev.i.ivi:;&v staki.e. Taa: . or . x -a. it 3: 3n ri 3 . T7"orJLi inhh:m ti:k rrn.Kv- f IjHnin, that lie lia opi'Mi-d : I.Iv.ti Stible, willi "ill ?tiK k of U-.-i, w. !1 l.-ok.-Hiirs.-, coiilf.i t.l!!r l!ui;L'i'-, l.,iK!e t' iriin;, s and Sieishs). a'id v els r .it'etilioii to lei-iim hopes to merit a ft'r Mia-v of pr.SIio r:i:ro'i-ie. Laiieiii. XovemleT 1j. 'DR. ST WWW ITAS OPGN'KD AS OFFICE at J;.S Ji Jl r-on- IX A Ten He, I'.lroif, Mk1i:iti, here lie cm consulted for all C11UNI: l'IEASF. Uo, for dieaie of the LUNG-N HEAUT, MVER. A.v. Pr S. ha. a certain cure for CO.l'MI. TIOX, abo tor FEVER AND AGUE. Particular atleuiion paid to discuses of Women and Children. jyXo charge made for exaniinatio.i or opin ion. Pr. S, beinsr a rejrul.irlv educated Ph v-iJeian, wiil Drforiii anr operation ii.oearv to aflord relief. PhyaiciatH and others visiting th City, are respectfully invited to call. Parties at a distance, wishing advice liy letter, will recetTe it lv enclosing fee, and a Mres-ing T. S. STAN WAV, M. P.. 23S JelTerson ATenue, Bid lie House Mock, lS7y I Petroit. I' VILLAGE LOTS in Lansin- for Sale cheap U for cD, or to exchange lor pood farming land in the Southern portion of Vichisau or for prairie laad in Illinois. Said Lots arc in Ploek's 153, 15 & !. Ad lre-s, W. W. MAKKIUM & SON', lV.lf C.l.r.r. ;,.,. Police to I Ho 'iitli-. GENUINE Liquor, imported from the Rotnled Custom' Warehouse, at Montival. can he had from the tarelin ant at Lvimiijj duriti; the session of the legislature. Ttio. infon.liiip to purchase can jude of their (jinlify at eith r the Columbus Ilousf, D-'iitoit House, or at F.d gar's Saloon. Further comment would be un neceaary. X. B. Prices in keeping with the times. R. II. ALLISON, 19eiii3 Montreal A sent. Coin ml hh lltuKf, Lanxiny, Jtn. 13, DIOIA TIO. THE co-partnerhip heretore existing under the name and firm ot "John Tompkins Co." in the Fouudry business, is this day dis o1tcL bT mutual consent . JOHN TOMPKINS, A. B. W ATKINS. RICH ARD TToNER, John tooker. The business will be conducted by Tompkins. Watkins To'er, as heretofore. All t1'"1 in debted to the old firm, are respectf ullj re-iuesu d to aettle up and Mi e cost. Lannnpc, Januarv 17. 1S9. lwg 31 fw Finn. THE fubscribersi tiaviug recently associated themselTes tosether under the name ot the Lansing Planing Mill Company, for the purpose of manufacturing, Blinds and Doors also, PUioineaad M itching all kinds of IuHiIht. and filling all bills of work for the entire finishing of houses, would respcciiully invite the attention of all having business in our line, to give us a call, as we are now prepared to receive all or ders, and do the work iu the best o.i!.l,. man ner. Shop opposite the Presbyterian church, on the river, yiddle Town. C. C. DODGE, james johns, r. a. bailey. Lansing, June 4, '57. ir3 The Coleman Farm Mill Tire wilder and apmirmion of the ace. Every Farmer hi own filler! GREAT SAVING OF TIME & EXPENSE ThtoHl Hccfful Mt folic Mill tvfr inve:ri f..r makitut Bttkiehfat and i.n7v Flour. r' can borun by Horse, Steam, Wind or Wa ter Power. Price, with Sieve arranged, for sifting Corn Meal for fanrly use, while grindinr. ft:,o Price, with Bolting Machine attached, fir making Family Flour, $75 Descriptive Circulars may be had, or the Mill can be teen in operation, "at the Offie of t'.ie Coleman Farm Mill Company," Tribune Fuild Vm,NoL 7 Spruce St, N.Y.", where all orders receive prompt attention. xml MART1X THATCHER, Sec. John Thomas & Co's Col. FALL OP 1858!jSrLr4 ARE NOW r.ECEIVING TIIEIR STOCK OF ffllf &0QB& CROCERIE- CROCKERY, HATS k CAPS, BOOTS k SnOES, HARDWARE, Iire't from .ew York, Ami utTor tiitii fur. at Price? that will 9 OUR STOCK IS VERY LARGE FULL ANIMMttll'LKTi; h Vavyy 5)o)?irtmi,nt. WE PAUTICULARLV INVITE Viu' AScnisna of iUv ladies To Li; Unusually Hich AND STOCK OF TIIE PROPRIETORS WILL NOT Attempt to Enumerate THEIR GOODS lor put prirt' n Paper: TIIJS IS TOO S MALL B USIXESS FOR Til KM! TIITR A I nSTKAll Wll.f. BE To LET THi; I II CUSTOMERS IviiowTIIKIK Pris AT THE COUNTER. WE PLEDGE OURSELVES. HOW EVEIJ, THAT ISO Til OUR GOODS & PRICES, S'a!l sivr Satiiotion ! PURCHASERS Who Desire To PAY CASH FOR GOODS Will please take notice that We Can and Will UNDERSELL Any Other Establishment OFT OF DETROIT! TRY US AND SFF I La.nsi5g, ov. J, 185S. 6m. DR. J. W. KEHMOTT, Ecle. tic Physician and Surgeon, aniiouLce that Lc wnl tecoijd days of every ; eeting Dittieals a:"icted w ilh . lor U.e purpose Ol meei CLrouic or LiLgeribg Di?aae. U, , ... . ,,t ti.i I ji .xintr il" " . Dr. Keriiwtt has in lii p)? session c.-rti. cotes ; from, and 1- pertuittea to rn. r to " -i gentlemen of high standing and re.sreeta.:u:;; j in Petroit, London, Toronto, and other c-.ttos and j towns, oo, having been reddwa tn tse UsrJer ; ot the crave i.vui mi-. tu.v.iiu , 1-. and other diseases, and ham.- tn-d in vn tl;e:r , physician s prescript .nus, and most id the nostrums for the cure oi those d:a,e?. are now, J from the use of his egefahle, la ti e . enjoyment of perfect health. Dr. Kermott hxs in the cities rd London and lieiron, aanng uie .. ---- - j uieum.-rc.ummuia, ..... erv variety of disease, with unpHtulleli-d snt ce-s. Mis medicines are exclusiv. lv vegetable, aiid nidi a- -.r srtfe and etficacious in the cure of without entailing on th patient nny of those miseries experienced from niirienl poisons. Chronic or Lingering Pie:' of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys. an! Scrofula Cancers, t'.l impuri fie of the blood, and all diseases of V..meP and Children, treated sueessful!. Dr. Kermott has had greit r xp.-rience in dis eases of the Chest and N.-r-ons System, curing hundreds of cises pronounced incuraMeby oher phvsicians. NO CHARGE FO!i CONSULTATION XfT" Kermott's residence, iMroif. J.n to Dispensary, No. 11 Con ire s str.-.t; entnuice too!li e,Griswold treet, tirsl door Congress. Dr. will aIo visit How.-!' the o,.u and Brighton the 2,.th of every month. 12V j Cliancery Snl. virtue of a decretal order of the Circuit) Court r ,. dniii -'f liiriiain. m edaverv, mnif lh- 7tH d4T of, I .", in r. C I'-e whrtcia .lia.Ies M. 11 ebe. -xecuf or of the l.i-t will aiid tesianient of S;I..s lieebe, dece-i- d. is complainant, and William T. .lo!ms.ti, II mnah Johtisnn, Mepheti S. Oidiit-y nn 1 K izi tiidney are defendants I the Hioscritx-r, the rireuit Court Commissiotn-r lor the county of Ingham, Slate of Michigan, wiil i-.-lt at public auction at the Court Mouse, in the village of Mamri. in taid county, on Saturday the Tgili day of March next, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the latel in .said decrcul order, described s follows, viz: beginning at the south eat corner it the west halt of tiie north we?t quarter id' 'clion number twenty ix, in tn:iip one north ol range two east, running thence north, on the ca-i line- of said lot, ninety-nine or to a point parallel with the south side ot Main street, in the village of StocLbi idge, according to the recoriled plat of said village, thence west parallel with the smith m lc ol Mtin ntrect thirty-one rods, thence south on a line of l.tts it. the illago id' Stockbi idge atires:t':d ninety-nine rods, thence eaist thirty one rods to the plate of le ginning, and containing nineteen and "Jy-Iooil,! acres ot laud, more or joss, with the ii.!;;s and privileges expressed in a deed from raid Beclw li. h aid Will'ata T. Johnson, bearing date November eighth, A. D. GRIFFIN PADDOCK. Circuit Court Cotu'r Inghaiii 'o. Mich. O. M. BiRNS, Soi'r for "iin:p"i. January :ih, A. D. ls.V.. 1 '.") DEFAULT ha vine veei m id in ;hf py:.i. ? : i.f a certain snm of money s -cured to be r. dd by nn iiidenti're of mo: re ue, boa: i: ? dare the fMfh d iv of An:il A. D !."..".' ex. cut.. bv Ri- ni l Brie -s an 1 Am ilia l;-ie,' his vil'o to J i';n It. and i t n eiinlo.1 in lh. . .!a.-e ui" t'.o Ilo rsier I ,U for the county of Im.'-mi. ir; tiie Sre of Mich gur:, on the t:7th day of duly A. D. Is .7 :.t 1 o'clock A. M. iu Lib r Jo ,f ;-i ntg.ig's on gns -j';. o,;. .,ni ';::t l,y which di.f iu!t the power to reli contained in s;M iiiortgi.' h.i hi-comc opoiative, on which in ! titurc o! iiiortgagi' and the notes promissory t.; .-vccri- the payment for which it tvas given, th .-rc is claimed to bo duo at the date hereof, the sum of o:,o hniidrvd and eighty-four dollars ytid nixfy Pi-ve i cetits i I ar.u no suit or proce-iluig mg lieeii m-j PtilUted at I iw to n ri'Vi-r the deli!- ee::iv! by now, tlierelore,' notice is horei y given, t'nit bv virtue of a power ot sale coutahted t" :iid irnlen tii'e of mortgage, :md of t tie St a?t;to in such case Iliad. and provided, the sai l mortgage will be foreclosed by public Side ol the mortgaged jnoni ises. therein described, as follows, vi : commen cing at a point on the line of the cast half of the north east quarter of sociion No. ti.irtv-four ..".!) in township four ( 1) north of rang. N. two 'g) cast, forty eight rods in a sriuthotly direction from he north east corner of the said cast half of the r.orth east quarter, tunning thence westerly p n allel with the section lino on ihe nor'h si.le of the said section, to the wes' ride of the east ledf of the said nort'n east qnai tor, thence smithcrly t- the south wi-sf corner of the cast hull ot they'd northeast q iartcr, thence casteily to the south east corner of the a;d quarter, thence north. r!v along tho section line to the place ot beginine, containing fif y six aerc, be the same more or .....I.... . i,.. .., .., ,., l ham and Stale of Michigan, will bo sold at tmb- I lie auction, to the highest bid lor, .it the Court House in the village of M.i-Ineh-im and State of Mi.-b n, in the county of i in on Motiilav tire till day of April, 1 .'.!, at oneoVlook P.M. of. aid ' .1... I1.. . I l.. II l-.o 1,.M I III. ITT I u.. j'aft ..ii., ii, .."-n.. i.. i urn, n vi. ii. rixrivM. , Attorney for Mortgagor. tlorrg igee. I'.'twl::. siHTiff malt-." virtt'.i' ol a writ of xvcution i..'te ! ot" I under the s.-al of ?ie Ciie'Pt Coin? for the county of Ingham, to me dir.-et-'d and deliv ered. I have levied upon nil th- right, titl- and interest of Murrin But, iu aTnl to the follow iltg described lands and tenements, to wi: ; :,',) of filoc's; two huiiibed and l wi-i'v-tivc -jj.'iiavd lots six, seven, eight, nirr" and ten, in block two hundred and twenty-four, i j-.'t.) in the rillag-e of Lansing, county of Ingham, nnd State ol Michigan, which I shall expose for sale t, iho highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House, in trie village of Mason, in sji.l i;oiintv of Ingham, on the second d iv of Match, A. i. 1 ., at one o'clitck in the a'lert'on. EDY P. A KER. Sheriff. Ry II. II. DUNKS. Deputy. Dated, Lanring, Jm. 1"., I ..'.. t'.iii., Mu-rili S.,r. BYYIRTI'Eof a writ, of ev.-cntion issu.-d out of. and nn icr th.o e il of the Circuit Court for the county of Iinihaiu, and ?ate of Michigan, to me direct, d and delivered, I have levied unon all the right, title and interest of John Wjvtl,-, in and to the following described lands and tene. meats, to wit: the cast part of the south wes-fr;'ction-il quarter of section seven in town. h p one noith id range two e.-i-r. ir. the county o: Ingham and Sta'e of, which I shll ex pos tor sale at puld c vendue, at the front ihwe of the Court House, in the village of Mason, in the county of Inghatn, and State of Michigan.' or. the l :th day of March, A. D. 1 it one o' clock P. M., of said dav. Dated. Mason Jan 21. 1S3I. E. BAKER, Sheriff. 1 tin nr. MlRRIAGK ;rirE hr I1R. Xt. VifM., xiakki;e t;niiE riR xvvt. yhm; m ARKiAxiK ;rirK bV ro m vi c m kiai;e crnE h' ir. m xi Yr; marki(;f i.i ide hT !r. wxi. Y'r; MARRtAi.F UfiriK r-V l.R. XV YfMJ M ARKUi.E Gl llF. hr PI. U X Kh m;' MARRIAC.F. GUIDE YoUNGS GFEvT PHYSIOLOGICAL WORK ; THE PO' KKl ESCULA PICS. Or Every O., his own Doctor, by Wm. Yotng. M. D. It'is written in pl iinl in gunge for the general reader, aTid i illustrated with upward of Ion engmvine. All young married people, or thoe contenipliting marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should rea l this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still, it is a book that nmt be kept I k kod Up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to aay one on the receipt of twenty-five cents. Address PR. WM. YOUNG, ISfi Spruce street, ahoye Fourth. Philadelphia. Pa. 1.m,ti so7ir.Tiii"; i:u-. A 111? V I T PIT i vcr I. . r t- . mirn -. T1!? - - ,''" kii ter. the best Machine now in use for eutt-r-g har, straw, or corn sulks. It is cesp, simple, arid durable, and will cut two bushels in a minute. Now is the time to buy. All kinds of produce taken at caah prices. TITOS. M. BURGESS. Lansing, Dec 27, lidi. 3ml92. . LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ."So rlpasc Sale. DEFAULT having been n-.adein tlie rayuii-st of a certain earn of i;;o:. y secur-d to be j,.t;j j,T an indenture of mo-tie, Kanr.g date da ot February, A. I. tie- cuted bv A. B. Paine itfd his wite H. L. Fame, Sidney Godley, and recorded in the t .-lice of ,i. ,J riU r.,r il..frtur,tv tit liuhini. m";..!,;,., n the sixteenth dav of ll- .. . M - y,K.r , mtlT'v.9 oa pa?M rJ 4oS, br wh'oh d , , Ci,ntaiued ui "id indenture ( ( m,rtijW has Wcome operative, on in- d,.nture ot lllt,rte andthe proniissorv notes, to llr.tu, f which it was riven, there is : .j to at Le daU h.. lhe fam of iundrc(1 MlJ f-xlv thri.t, j,,., anJ lwelve ..)(... . , - orrro,P,J;r!r, r.T?itr j j-.j ut j,. to reCov r the debts secur- f !j br illdenlure ot mortmee or any part j thlftrtlr. now therefore. Notice is hereby pven i,v virtue of a power i.i'.e contained in i said indenture of mortgage, and of the statute in etieh case made and provided, the sai 1 mort- ! g.iiro will be lorecU'.x-d t.y public gale of the J mortgaged premises, described a. t-llos, to wit : : Coiniiieticiiig at a point, the north west corner of; P. C. lirifleth s land, thence running south eight j ;) rods iu a pot, thence wert lour (4) ro s, 1 thefife north eight (S rmls, to the stuth side ot ! linDidwav, thenc ea-t four (4) rod-, t' the place ! of bep'mnin, Hiid directly oppo-ite to lot No. I in Block No. o:ie, ( 1 ) paralell with the Kiid Lot j therein deserilied according to the recorded pint ct t!ie village d Not a Seotia, in the town-iiip f Onoiid.iza, in the county of Inohaoi and Statr of ' Miehi-an, iil be sold at public auction, to the Ugliest bidder, at the Court House, in tin village of Mson, in the county of Ingham, and Stale aforesaid, on Thursday, the twenty loiirtlif2il day i f February, A. P. I ""i'.t, at one o'clock P. fM. of aid dav. Dated., ls.. GEORGE A. I-ITCH, Aignee. Shaw i Deosux, Atl't for A-signee. HTwl: lierii't Sale. B virtue of a writ vt execution tssueil out of and under the seil of the Circuit Court for toe county of Wastenaw, tome directed and de livered, 1 oave levid upon nil the right, title and interest of JameF Hvnes, in atol to the following described lands and tenements, to w it : the west half of south-we-t rj tarter of section thirty six, and the north-east quarter i f south-east quarter fit' portion ("5) thirty-five, and the north west quarter o! sertion twenty-seven, town two north range two ea-t in the county of Ingham and State of Michigan, which I shall expose for sale at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the Court House, in the village of Mason, on Tuesdav, the th dav of March, A. D. 1S.V) at I o'clock 1. M. ' R. R. LOW, SherifT. JiUimu-v 17, A. D. 1 "."'.. f.w U'o ill al. lecutions issued out of and i ") Y virtue of t wo e mib-r the seal of the Circuit Court for the i coitt.ty of Wa-htcnaw, to ine directed and : delivered, I have levied upon a'i the rieht, title and interest of J.nnes Hynes iu and toj the I. '"ott ing i, -scribed lands and tenemetits, Ii), wit: the west half of south-west quarter of sec-j tion (?.'Mhirty-six, and the iioith-eust quarter of the smith-oust quarter f Peciiou (Zi thilty-l five, town two north of n.nge two east in the I county of Ingham, and State of Michigan, which j I shall expos,; fr at jiulilie vendue to the j highest bidder, nt the front door of the Court j House, in the village of M.ison, i.i jiid county on ! Tuesday, the ffh dav of Ma-, h, A. D. at ' 1 o'clock P. M. " R. R. LOW, Sheriff. i Mas ei. .l i'.ii-irv 17. 1 S.VV f.wl'.t.; i I St of one i xocu; n i wed out of' " md under tiie "al of the Circuit 'oiirt for' county of Ingham, to toe directed and !- ! lifered I fiat e l.-vioii upon all tfie right, tine and intvre-t of John I'iiio--k and Mvr ?. pol- in and to the following described lands and nen?-:, to wit: the west hnlfol the north I telle west f;:i:irtfr of section fvetit v-.-ighi ami abo, the east half of tho s.n?h quarter of sect- lion twenty nine, bnth pi 'fCs ot l.iti.l being in town three north of range one e.isf, Stale of Michigan, w hich I shall expose for sale at public miction, on Th'ii'sihiv, the !th dav ot March, J ."'.'. a' one o'clock in t';e nftenioou id said I iv. Lit the onrt Ho..i in the tillage .f Mason. in said county. EDY BAKER, Sheriff. Itr I ti V t Vlinti'OMK, r.,d, Dited, January, h, a u ten Mien:!, i or -7 'al DEFAULT hat ing been l aade iu the condition of a certain mortgage execut td by Joseph i . owies, oi '..ttising, ineiiaiii count v Michi - ga:i, (tor purchase Mom v,) 'o Ro-el D. I! and F. gu I. iggs, of Mnvrtua, in the State of New Y ber, A the Re uk, bearing date the Jlthd.iy of Decciu D. 1."i7, and record - I in the office of ister of Deed-' for said county of Ingham. i-u imc .nn nay . .4 . aii'iary, .x. i. lss, m iiticr lovi n of niortg-iges, on page ill, upon which iudi-htcdriess of mortgage t!are is claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of this notice, the sum of f-.ur hun lred and nix teen (iUtJii) dollars; and in addition thereto, an attorney- fet id" thirty j :;') dollars, was provided to bo paid by its terms, on foreclosure of raid Morlga"o: and no suit at law having been instituted to "re ver the s:i;ne, or any part thereof, now, there-1 ,,r.. .iioltc.! IS licteliv "IVeli. t i it tiv virtue u r.i.aer of - In ..... ,.',.; i i uii Uell at oublie vendue, to the highest bi.H..r " Monday, th second dav of Mav'text, at 2 o'clock i thoMtiern.wiTi of aii.f Iir 'ri!..r t . in the village of Mason. Ith'a't boi,. - the nlacoof . , .. . .. . . ' 1 - ti-iiiine lite t iremt t ourt I.r the count !' Ing ham,) the premises described in said mortgage, or much thereof .n ill be sulhch n; to pv the amount due on said mortgage, together uhh which -aid premises are dcibed in said ni rt-' i.i- t . . aiei cii-eiitcs loieciosure arol saiO gige as follow, in uit: the ea.-t halt of the noith ea-t q i.irtorof section No. tn:rtv-two(T 2), iu township two(-J) north of ring" o?'"e (1) ,..? in the county if Ingham, an i ' late of Mi. higm, y.iving and reserving from the south te-4 ei.rn,.: ol 'aid enst half of the north . .i-f quarter, ten ilo) acres, d-d..,! heretofore to ian)c.!l K. Walker, containing seventy acres, more it I- 9- ROSF.L D. BRIGGS v ENICV BRIGi'JS, Mortgagees Wm. H. P:ckkv. Att'y fr Mortgig. s. Lan-ing, February 1, A. D. I I'j7wl" Irl;(' Soli'. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Ingham, ss, O At a session of the Trobate Co in for the county of Ingham, holdeti at the Probate Office, i; Mason, on Monday, the 51st day of January, in the y. ar one thousand ,Vht hundred and "fifty nine. Present, Win. II. l'inckn.y, Judgo i" Pronat..-. In the Matter of the c-t'av of John Berry, dec. a-. d. On reading and tiling the petition, duly verified, of Amo Wormian, pray ing that adniiiiitr.iTio:i of s.ii 1 ctate mar be granted to the said petitioner. Thereupon it is ordered, th it Monday, t he 25th day of February next, at 1 o'clock in the after no. n,be assigned for the hearing of .-id petition, md that the heirs at law- of said dccens-d, atvl all other persons interested in said estate are requir ed to appear at a session of said Court, then to l.e hol h. n a? the Probate office, in the of Mason, and show cause, if any there lie, whv the prayer of the petitioner'.d not V print ed: And it i f-irth'r nrdrrd, that s.tid peti tioner give notice to the persons interested in Said f.rate, ol t'ie .(.y 1 a .( p. t ition, an-j the hesririg thereof by causing a copv of this onl.-r to be putilished in the Lansing Republican, a TJwsriaper printeil and circulating in -aid coun ty ot Ingham successive weeks previous tn sai-1 dav of hearing. A true cpv 1 WM. U. riNCKNEY, 3wllr. Judge of Probate. .NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. rjnHE uriders gTi.-.l would respectfully inform -1- the citizens of Lansing and the f urround it c country, that he has permanently located in Lansing and opened a shop for thv RepaTing of XXatcltra. Clok, Jtxxtlrj", ixr. o:.e d.-r north of Elliott's Hardware Store, and directly oppoito. Balbgs Siore, ah. rehe will be harpy to accommo-l:e all those wi.hing any thing in his line of business o snort notice, feeling assured that he can give good sti-faction. Also, constantly on hand splendida-ssortmett of Gtili and Silver Watches, BreaU Pins. Brace lets, and Finjer, &c. ic, which can be Lad at the lowest possible rwtes. D. F. RATH. La-sing. April 25th. 1S25. aEW HOOK TOItE! TTfM. M. CARR, has moved his stock one door north of Bagley's Grocery, on Washington Avenue. Tapers, JNgarines, Book and Station ery. Call and examine before purchasing else where. 162 I.L.SI. JOHN'S COUGH AND CON- ,t rem-Ir ! f : .1 : -,,r i.f tr .( r.up. it -r i I X:i- Mr ! r e: a pl.v.r " incura'!.' for 0 i : : oi rt-4K-"LaUr 1 . '.".l V- bv --vrn ." '--' " --i.- yc.r. -;u.::n. N.i-- !'-r . v - h.-: .".'.-!f.l. !: u'.l 'i - pr.- Imo 1 r ; t.V tl: ! . pi:r a .u U.ri ,r rr -. 1.1 li.. real rei!.MJ mi. -I .!arK.-ru rM -r.J.U.. it JI ttel ' mv ir .fi l-sr'r. u.Mj t.v iHr!t. f the m--t r-lx-r .-. fltioe. It l.rr y TrT-Ui'. - " "r 1 t!i."r..i.c U".. -.1 f.M -trt a . .i ivrt-.l ! l-v-. 1. :..'.crolt. J'et Tar. jii r-.n'.! .i" n I. 1 o n it .- Hilt ii iu l- ii i, -t ii.: I ti.. ii . My x ire, for Wii.- tl.' il . - of i.ur Svri.'.i in t!.i pi t-- al!! 1 nk. on- io: in -Ii . it i t r I- .tile . 1 l,,T!n'! ; if tei .i$!l! t -.14 ii-.t.. -ui- 'i -n il H M HAUfoM yemh-r nr th . - I i-li-r t ' . , ... k ,i Ind'ant Leeislirure . l.irfonirr. I ml.. iv : V-t p...!-l ;llll- 'I! -VIHP. I'JII -.Ik'' I pol Jiy. t. l nicv n r.t' ftnr'l l is 'ti ......... i-i n I ti.eioU l-!i-v..l I'.it . , r. I :r. m-:i lie. Tl.r.'lU": l'U. Hi -eiitv J' Cetean; -t. r l e ;t t.. i J..M,-- I'.. "il rur-t V-ry ; ! . ,::, ' . . i..-r'y ix y it .t-.n-r..t -if. rt'i.sf i 'e iif Viva Year Th- Si tttli u:i.l Imi l-llt t ji:ii lilt- -r- to iK it-r-t n.riir r: an ! r s..ii:i. i p..rfnt t -1't'! :., .y. I :i i 'If it. T m-i. soi.i. T .- ill II. e to;. :.v upp irci t "OTV ..'V.II- v J....u' .. I-r-T. ,-..f t o. ' r riiii IW1 AIM) ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. r.n .... i -j.'.'i 'i rrtn'Ji'hfl v sTt 'i it tmi'imnent f t I',, I." thf t.i- !. e.Vf ui!h rirulti .1-ii 1.7'iiV fK l!'tA!o A-SinUMi.N, in liew i.f n.r :"ul d u'rrc'.H' 1 Ic!iii:i:i lite, rnn.l br onI 1iM-se. j "T in i Th1 oi' "'! "il i o-i I iij.oti tti 'Hit rtULiri- tic I.,, i ,. .ilr. .1 .. ... I.-. 1m.-... .'"!! i.- fi .tir-i- I !.. ir lVn-i;ri. t- .s.jr.o..n. . (U.t.l:ir.Al;l.K JOT o.ti. .f ln.i. Tiui.e. i..mP: l'-;-ii-irv for ti.-trt r...ic .( !):n..!-ii' .'!.'.-.. ' .ill Tl'.-.r t"rm, w t ti r 1 y A I- . f l;l V: !" l.i'.Al is ;., ui: ,., a. lv l.v lt ir. n ( Hie r r- n i.tion, (ai. . oc.-iij.H , 1 . r' i'.N ... -I . 1.. : t V'ii-at ' .11 MH'IiiN..- lit'.K Ii! Ulu:;K I! i : ! 'tut '! A-....f. i'.".ii ru.u::iiii.''s hii: i ii of tl.e .-., :iti t f it. ', M..- iim-t af rn re ri.-f.. . ir ol '. tj.i. i ttifir Annual Ii-rfjrt u'm. t' ! Son -.iitl I!.-.f. ! r in- vr ti1 1-1. ls. -it.. tli ti;cl." .r.-: - vnrK t!. rt.n'!".l Sun."'..!! ill th rur . II I al Wr,!,!! IlliM.:.-IIC. .11:-. t1! vi--o of lliin;-l.i it S .t!.f.Otl' l. 'i.b..r. Si-rma' ;o..rr!nr. 1 aius .r i a f t 'j. -rt in.- j.l;m f..r Tlo-ni:.ii i a revrf-n t t.'ie .i-,r, folaH.uril that j ih : ! '! i us ;- .., re -.f li. !iv.i-iit ftl,.rt hare t-r !, r , ' "' -'' rn. .:! --i .-iv.niy tt,i xou-ig. i i-M'i iTiey i.a..' I tl-f 1 Tf'., ...i i - n. .letu'f Ihini4lve., w:th r. o. t .ii j r;Dl an 1 much d.-ip w l fii.. S-i .!wi: ,. Ijj.rt S i"rnn;..trhoo, or SiMn-oal tti-.ikiii -s. Hie vie c,f Uiiii'mii, 1 i-tur'mtioii. or S-f Hi.iiso. ti.t ..liir .l,.a-!i o( t!e fxual ..rcan., by the .n'ultiiii r-ut.M.o. aill y M-ut l.y in 1 (iu a m11 fa ol'T1-. rBKk I HAfti;K, on r-.:.. t ct TWilSTAMCS for --siir-. lhr Report, an Trart' on th lutureao.! troa'iiieiii ut yu! i;t, e., ate eoiistabtlr t ititf jiil.e-li.t f..- ifratuituus ilisinbuliou. au1 be miit Main-i.f ih to- rem.lii" an l mothtnlc ii. r.t during th la.t v-ar. ar; ofirr-ai of 'r-ami'iit vain. . i. i iul i.liT P.. Ii til Nililli s'!l r-r-ir !:-.iit or tr'atnii-iit . rr. J. ?KIM.1N u:,j Surif.-on, H. ar i A-.M.'iatin. No. i t, I'l ita.'t-'c'.ia, lit. Ta K.RA l ll ARTWn.t., rrsi Vnt . .'Vi-ro:ary. 17H.1 -- I.eo. KaiKiun l Iit. .1. V. Kermott's Celebrated Vfoetakle MtntciNEs, manufactured only bv Dr. J. W. Kermott. for II M. Cidman 4 Co., a't their store, No. 14 Congress st., iMroit, Mich. Cotipor.n Extract or Willow, a positive and never-failing cure for Ague, Chill Fever and Billious Diseases. It is a mild yet powerful tonic in all caws of debility, indigestion, dvpopsia, and weakness of the stomaeh. Courorxn Mam.rakk, or Aperient Anti-Bil- ous i ins, me i.t si iiurganvt now Known, i t.ese pihs combine power with mildness of action, and :n no case produce .-'..b-equctit constipation. Extract or Bt ackhfrrt, a vegetable Summer Complaint 'iire. The otdv certain remedy in Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Cholera. Cholera Sfor bus. Cramps, Ac. Vkc.ita hi. f IYlwonakt Balsam, a ar, I certain cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoai s.-ness. Bron chitis. Athma, Spitting of Blood, Ac. J3? For Certificates. A'c, see Circulars, to be had of Di-uggists and M- licitic Dealers generally. For sale bv R. TH AYER, Agent Bill port nut to Im;i !.. THE FAMIL Y MO.X V 1 I'O WPKHS NE it the best medicines for Obstruction, Irregular ities and Painful Menstruation ever used. The combination of ingredi ent in thrse Powder is the re sult of a lu g and extensive practice. They re mild In their operation, and certain ir. correct i rig all irregultritiea. Paiiifti Menstruations, removing all obstructions, w bother from cold or otherwise," headache, pain in the ride, pvlpitati-.n of th heart, disturbed sleep, w hich arise from interruption of nature. TO MAIiniED LADIES These powders are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period w ith regularity. I-u Let who have been disappointed ia the use of other medirincs, can place the utmet confidence in Dr. Watson's powdt-rs doing all thev represent to !o NOTICE. Ti iere is one condition of the female vtern in which tlie Powder cannot be taken without pro i icing a PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY the result. MISCARRIAGE- Such is the i-resistable tt-ndenf-v of the medicine to restore tlie sexual function8 to a normal conditi'in, that even th repro-luctive p.-nr.-r of nature cannot resist it. "cTarranted purely vegetable, and free from any thing injurious. Explicit directions, which shou'd be read, accompany each package. Price, 'j s.fjt by tr ail to any part of the United State, secure from dargeror observation. Addres. W. R. WATSON, M. D , No. 7, Et Geneve St., Syracuse. N. Y. Benton ISoum Roop?ii(4l. TnE undersigned hasleased the Benton House, Landing, for a term of years, and is now ready to receive guests. The house and furni ture have undergone a thorough renovation, and he is determined that no effort shall be spa"ed to furnish a pleasant home, ixtb for permanent boarders, and travellers. Persons attending the land sales, or visiting the Cxpital for other reasons, will here find cool rooms, and as good fare a the markc-t affords, it prices as low as at anv other hotel. J. W. HOLMES. Lansing, Dec. 21,1557. 139 'vfe. IKO. FOIXDRY. THE undersigned are prepared to furuiah at short notice, Stationary liiisriucs, .17 Gearing, Ware House Hoisting Apjxxratvs, AnJ all varieties ol Iron Work. Repair-Worli on Propellers, Steamers and Saw Mills executed promptly and tuerouguiy. CUASS FOl MKV. "llfEare prepared to execute orders of any If size for Brass aad Composition Castings, rromrtlv. Oil Globes, Oil Uups, l aires, journal Bores, G a use Cocks.Cyl inderL oeks. Si earn U'histhwfor Sfeamboats, Locomofirrs 4 Mills; Bells for Fartories, S earners, and Locomor i res. Iron Kailiiiff V Verandahs. WE are prepared to execute ad order tor IRON" RAILINGS, for private buildings. Churches, Public Niuarea, and isMneterv Low. rar Corner of Fifth and oodbridge streets. opposite Machine shop ol ilichigau Central ttau read, Detroit, Michigan. Ivl JACKSON & 1LM. NEW JEWELRY STORE. GILLETT still has on hand a fine assortment of tine Gold and Silver cased Watches, tine Jewelry, Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine and Gold Mone h.ooches, t locks ot almost every descrip tion, w hich cannot fail to suit customers. Yankee Notions, of all kinds, which will be sold cheap for ready- pay. WaU'lie. Clock. A J''lry, repaired, and warranted, on a scientific principle GILLETT has now in his employ, Mr. K. W BAKER, late from Jackson. All work entrusted our ca-e will be promptly executed. Respect full v, ' I. GILLETT, Jr Lansing, May 1st, 1S.SS. 15S rOR THE FALL TKADK. It OO lis AI ST tioiii:kv. r"HE UNDERSIGNED are daily receiving ad 1, ditions to their itock, and are prepared to Sell at Wholesale and Retail. As large and comprehensive assortment of goods in their line as can be found in the West. Their stock of Books embraces : Scientific, Medical, Classical, Legri, School, Agricultural, Theological, Historical, Juvenile, Miscellaneous, Works of Science and Ait, and Standard Poet and Prose Writers, in every variety id style and binding. Citizens and strangers are respectfully invited to call aud examine our stock. We have also a large stock of Letter, Cap and Note Paper, Envelope, Ink, Slates, Blank Books, Fancy and Staple Stationery, in qualifies, styles, and prices, which cannot fail to please. Our arrangements for obtaining stock lrom first bunds, and on the favorable terms, en ables us to ofii-r Country Donlers, Teachers, Li brary Committees, and others buying in quanti ties, liU ral discounts from retail prices. In connection w ith our establishment, we have A Binder: Blank Bwk Manufactory. Ufing the lest of materials and employing com petent w orkmen, we are prepared to till orders iu this line, and can safclv guaranty satisfaction in all RAYMOND & SELLECK, IS'.I yn Woodward Av.. Detroit. Detroit nnd .Hiliraukr? Railway. Open to Lake Michigan.) ON AND AFTER MONDAY. December 'goih, IS.'iS, Passenger Trains will run as follows: faoinir 1VI : - M. .1-1 ait. .1 11 45 I a IS A M I h r I Ii 10 I IX, .lrpart. O.,o, S,. Johns, liraml RapM.,. llran.l llaTen, . arr. 1 l 2 no S -2i 7 VS H 3D drp lib I 10 1 Jo arr. I K-p. . . arm. Miiaauk.e. arr 4-oinB Fast : l Aeco 11 Iwankfx,, orall't HaTt-n, GranlRai.i.U. , . .at-p. . j arr . ( '1-P I arr. . '. 1 arr. I i1ri. 11 t.j V ' uo I r st J..1.II., 1 no 1 in 2 f. i IS 4 )KI ,'. l H it) 5 60 8 ( j no h l.i I f In Oil ' V M I no I r-tno't, .rrO. nr!i.rrif 4 IMt thi-; TH.:..R.i H mm: .. . f.jri ..r I'l nj.- lit n. l'j.-ligf i, 'ir On at '-.tT.i Paiiaaf (t' "B tli- Hail- av Wirv St.-air.. r. at P k XI. K. I.ok. l.-niw at 10.15 A. M., o.l In I'. M. I'AI'.OJ.t 1ft Ht ar.v of tt, TU'KrT 4KICs. ar. ..'. f .rr.!..t St ft, Ti:l- T VskT tT Ratw Tl.- r.-Tiii a-it ' T.ii' lV.I- cau U-l.u l at ai.v ( tl. Statlellt. U. k. MI Iii,..D ISuti t. P. .V V. R u-t-.. , 1 ... CITY BOOK STOKE! A. J. VIELE, I In tin z remortd to his JYV; and Com- Ion aud Atrfiiifttn Avnf, dirrtli Oj.j.r,:tr thf Jiltil.iri'f Oft. .f J. r. ;..vv & DU!.D a'inorinee t ih,; citizens ,f Lansing I and vi inity. that he is i.rerarcd to sui nlv them with the most complete silo W of HOOKS. .tIAIS, mTIOXKRV, WaU Paper, I'ancv (nxvh and IVrfumeiics ever brought into thi market. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF RELIGIuUS. SCI enfsfir. MisefllaniHiija, and all the vat'iou kinds of St-h'io! and Blank Books in com mon use. loiter, cap, commercial note, and fancy Stationery, envelopes, cards, curd-eases, gold and to -I p-T.s.reward-of in'-r-rir, jieti holders, pen ciN.tiort monies, w a let ft , Mirrors, hair and cloth t.rii-hes, slate, flavoring extracts, cologne, hair oils, pomades, hair dye, fancy toil? sapa, li'uroc, blue ji"n and csmiine ink, mucilage Ac, alb'in.s. far. i, lit hojraphs, st-el enjrravinjrs, gilt mouMitig, cord and ta-el for picture frame., cur tains and fixture?, oil canvas, and ARTIST Materials for paintings. Also, cheap publications of ail kinds ; Harper, Godey, Graham, Peterson's. Mrs. Stephens, Arthur, Knickerbocker, Em-r-son'si Putnam's, Ecl -ctic, Frank Lesli.-s, BaHou'a, Dollar Atlantic and California Maazin?s, Yan kee Notions, N'ic Nax. Bro. Jonathan, N". Y. Ledger, Morcury, N. Y. Weekly, Harper'e Y.'eek !y, Frank Leii.-"s, B JIou's Pictorials, Picayune, Police Gazette, Scientific American, G:pper,Por ter's Spirit, Flaz. Novelette, German Les!:-,Spir-itual Telegraph and Waverly. Thankf .il for past favors, hope to receive a share of public patronage. lyl4 Wall Paper, Wall Paper! JUST receive! a tat assortment of Paper Hanging, which will be sokl cheap, one d-Vr north of Barley's Grocery, on Wahingtoa Avenue, at th Book Store of 171 WM. M. CARR. xotjci:. T0TICE is hereby g"lven that the anr.cul mee il ting of the Irrgharn county Agricultural So ciety for the election of officen and the tranac tion of other busine-s, will be tell at the office of the Secretary in the village of Mason, on Thursday, the 27 th dav of Januarv, lMws CEO. M. nUNTLNGTON", Sw'y. Ague Cure, rou the 6?cnv vke or Intermittent IVt-r. r rcxt-r and Arti HcHiitu-nt Tovcr, Chill I'ctrr, larah Ague, Periodical !Icn3acbcr lt.Zs IlcaJachc. and llilio-u I'ovitw. iadej Ijr the whole class of tli.crvrt ori;j. nntiug in biliary dcraasmieuu caning Ly the Malaria of miatu-Uic roaatrir No one reraitlv i louJcr called f. by ti,. neci-itio .f the A vie )a..i!o tLxi 4, safe cure fr l ,vvr .Xi.i. S.h rcn.edv xvc aro row cnal .ed to iTf, vi.h , pcricct that it xil! crti'ente the dl. ea-e, and with assurance, on pui that no harm cau auo .rem Us ue iu quantity. Ihut Muu-n prot.-: u u r j rev, disorder must lv of i,-,.c m:i; ;:, x . communities xv here it pieva-b. s-r better tliaa cure, f r the pauvt .-im.-a the risk which he 1011st tun in e.hui tui.k. this baleful ili.tiiiil cr. 'j't.i. V. ..i ' exj!, the niia-ui.'.lie jv;s.-i of l'iiv .w, x fiwa the sv.tcr-i and r-rv 1 . tl ' dev. I, men! of lhe d'Sttisc, if tjke.i o.i thit;M proiih of" its preni nitory .yiu'ior:.. . K not only the Us-t nniedy ever t t d.. v,i U'T this clas of complaint- I ui alo ;. chiv.pot. n.-- lrgc qusri'ity we mppl, : , a ii. bring if uit hi th - p a h i'ivm; and in ,hcre F--i. ; Aon: ptevails. t v.iy b,..!j -l"'.jv. and i.e it tnvly I eth f r riir .v, I j i. t v;.e; It is hoped this price w ill I. ice it uithm t: rcmh of uit iie h r u- w '.! as tin liih, :.od e,x -;k idv a- ,'. n :' '! ;:t It i'.ef'.'.v it TH--.,, ::i..ii. .x- gn at M.p riort) i f th. t. other tvir d Ucox.-rcl f-r ti,. tain cure of !n! rnrittt tit- 1-. no ti'.tinitie r mineral, ns doci s no qi.ini.iii or oth. wh iuvir U on lhe cot. !:! ut 1 I y it are left n h ultl.y i had th.' disease. IV vcr and Vgueis rot i.h.n of the inij.matit ftoison. div rd. r sni-e fn.m:iis irut.a. are N uiaigia. Kh. uni.iti-n.. Bi:nd it-;-. Tif'tliar he. I.i ta 1. ! I HI M l.ul I..X,.. ri.. t'.eei-nMHi:citr' oi.ii' Viiiu-tv-i! i i, a-ntii'i w l.u i. out. Ucailvlit. . t i U'ih. Avl r.ia. Pahutatioti. P.iititul A t'e. t of t. idn'ti. lltMrrii. Pain i" the l'. wds. , i IhualvMS. and lcrangemetit of the Sloitu h. till of whiih. when r.on.-i;::g in tin, t put on lhe inti in.ittc:il lyie,:-:' jr . u it-id. The. " Ci 1:1 " ixjal. ri.. pi-.n h i, he blood, r-v.d o".m qnentl v c fr: .1 Il i. an mx abia! ! I i to. ; .,i li iiiu-... grant and pclvuns li.m!i:i t I: l!.J..-i It tesiJiug it lit d -Ii at. it l..Ui. oci .-e-ioiiiilly or daily with rp. - d . vl - i.. f" c ion, that wiil I t i r. I..I t? :n iIcm.,p, and cnoiK't accviiiiibite in ku'lii m, q ,:i..'.v to ripen intii d.M-;i-. 1 1 ot e it i. xni ii..t.'.c for .i-tt t tn ii t t:i. . ...! -' v :. t r Mdl't r tioiu II I. iiiuili . I . i: ri.t y av. ; thctiwlvis .f tin- ii tttt:!i thi- ten t Jv at frJs. Ayers Cathartic Pills. FCR ALL THE TUUPCSLS CF A FAMILY M?!t, ;ne o i o'i..sed thai dix ist within th,- i.. ... . Ifieir n-'ioti cm rarely vit'-'ir.i! - i oa'r '1 In it poiu iLtli-m .i p.-tOi vi .i. h. ;.i ti i :.! , anil noiiior.Tc t er p-nt on of I 'a- I i i...tu o: ji . ll"lo!ll:i; il-. t!i-.t i.-el ... t '..Ii. :o 1 r. ii . in fealtl-y vitaliliet:. A.a.taoi In ) ltie-, the iiiVu.l l who . t ,.i"ii--h.d to l-.i.u or p. .vrical t'.cl lot n-t i. heul'ht r ci . TiTV tt-t or. ! bt ; i.t a.o -t !..? Mi:i;iie mi l ii.titing. Nut only t'ti tin n n '.' t-it ,! v ii..;l.::i of cwrv ii'i'i, Int !....; . r". -i-i h .J d it ;n roi.-. .:!-. :i-t 'lie - i --.'il it ple.ild to fuliildi jrrati. I t .t : . 'i All ,.,.a., ioi:tii,i..o t I ill, i att - li il Mil - :.. '..:t :,... for their ee in the f.ihiwii.o c. mi.l.t.nt- I . tiff, l.'rii.-lhum, .'..' hrm tsifitljt f I ..(. J '!. h A, i,u.-t -.. w... ;.-. '.',. i ... a f, ... .. t...,tftf. IU,, I l-.-.J t... t f.. Jmii-thrr, and otoer ktti.".! teti-;.' .. fioiit a low hlale of the I o..i ot t.. -i ei ., .1 it . So.o ti.-i.s. !. i.i ! t.o put .'f by unj i im- I'il.e. pi!l tht V lilllo f. r Al.t;s 1 f 1.1 8, i.tid take J.- e profit iii.4 u Ayers Cherry Pectoral, - ill Till. K ti ll' I I I: I oi ';!:; h.. Colds. InllticKra. I!:ir.i n . t 'loi.p, Ilroill hills, Ilicipieill 't.;.Utili. tioii.and for lhe fflieC l' ('.uiMiiiiptiye 1'aticiilt in utltaiict'tl sti4 of ibe tli.ciivc. So wide i the fu Id of it. iisefu'.iit rinl ku inorocs :irc the t:i-e f it'. c;:r. s. t! r!:io-. t rv m . -lion of .toii'tiv abniiuls ie p iit jsiW ii.-iv kiiown, who hiuetctu it-.tor. it fomi alarum ittn! dcHT.ite oh-ci-. . .file ! -..isi-s bt il. use. Wticn once tri d. its blip '!..-:, ty ..r t-ttr mher inch, it eof its kit . I l too iij o r.l taeva'r ot.-eriaiion, aud where it virtue, are Lr.nwa, U.. public no li ger hckiliile wl.ul -i.u.iote leca.;iljt for the di.fii ssinp vr.-l tiuwr:t t iiio'l !!, gf tl ptdmonsry nrptin tlisf nr,i It .sir rlin-r While maiiV iiiiVrior rt iue.!n t iloust i i.ii tm t!ou.mun:ty failed and i i. .li-a-ai !!, 'do hroj iraiiierl fiimd, I vex cry trial. .t errd Ivt.Hi'i on the iitm.-t.d the can nct.f I U and pw uucetl tuie Ih numerous arni t' itii.aikitU. U be forcotien. i m r u.T.i' iii mt. j. v. AVi:it & ro. LOW I'LL. MASS. R. THAYER, Unsing ; J. W. Phelw Jr Ca Vason; Nath. Champ, Onondaga; Branch A Son, StockbriJge ; and al! deak-m in Medkine everywhere. Wholesale by Farrand K Wheat on, Detroit. " 114 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMES. JUST PUBLISHED!! I Saw Von iulmiiult iLixaraaraa (vira iu mil ttuktritoHj or ataiav Suo Ufcrt- ia ibl m,ki of nr.KaaK.or rat uasiTaLf'K'ia. arra isrto iki kliTorua rvnuu; im la Kavuu. MauicatOriM l artu 'ilarlf a.la1 U. It tit W Ui in, birhth-wnk.ia )1.aia l-.Ma.ii-a .:) that i. mn aaf to inn prrtAitong to t" ii.mtit diaurUri-lwHr mm Urn. l ! ti. HiCurur. tltjff ail -i...ij an .mI laa, ai4 if tli.jr arv mi unfirt.u.'. a La t oiilrart4 .oca l.tiw Ui eHer. a pi ao4 tain en rr. l.llr.aiM, it onataia. KU'j uDportatil biota kud t r-unl rt irab,. UU'ti. luarrM.4 til., o.trfTM-iBjr twij kiif.wn in !. eaul. i.. of ilia,MWa rri. nr otli.r l.M-ar. of t). .mlal trfan. afidwil.rr, Mwvravt, loi(iotriK au ball .nasal itionj c.'h.r tt'-iira, ar. lra'ej aiia ail tb e.o hi-h lle-ir ip.purtanr dmaKta it liritif in U "W j.ife and jtw-k work on th l'l.ynlt.iral WT.t.ria.rf l-m ml anl frm t.-iii, aod iil I mailrj i a wrf. -., t.ian. frt tif tl. rd at II.. KtfU(li m. of 1 w t.VTi -i IVE CENTS, or e co-i H dollar. iti.KNTS WANTF.H ln.Trjf:U,roottT,eitan4l t " t riCo J"ar aoJ ( aoada. lr. P. LVNOLliS Vi 4w?rti h'.n iB-ralaaM to tho. afltictMi itb Sat l',ai, ja ta. ri-r.i a'tri'irit uj.n 'birtT ytr f rarl rp r.enc. ai.d praeti Iu to. jrt.iein. .Sot, irar. IM t-t-.t.iieiit i.a'f cu-4. Hla. rixr th. ift nlmUr taction. lotio'Tt.a. lii.t, Ky-.bilia. f-ttvtur., 8.ff .ion .,f th. Vrt,.n f.iaie.. ic ir.o;' a'. Voinz nn, trtio b irj.f,t,i in rrt LkM'a, 1- e'-ntrae'.d that a..i- jtwtunf , ruiod-pootratiDf. bodf " .'.roriDg tic-, .oyi-1 mppif to ilr. KiTOLM witiioa' I.r." In tbac. aj w.U aaa!I a trfM (tai f'r. I-trTXOLr.. rr,r.itrtxl an Mrl apf.ioati'iB; aod il- oat aov ttiiitv nr ar.irmtntn. fif-rid.;.. almaaa ibat cv. wi'Lm tLe ri b uf ntoeial a,1 aj atr it w.noot a ear. r aatntfartioa fiT.o. i:ar of .uipirirra and iljti.rait t '.A mtvmnts wtio imrT r'jit, tnt ovr .arcetd. Ir. E. m It " I. rkpnoiti. Pbt.x-ujiin th.. c'v bo itM k bo, tim tteimstritf in the treatniect :4 4.f Pna' TI;. ar3irt.1 aould 1 tiB-a. f ojoir.e. bfi.r dn.uitif.g lb)r adrertiKof i J ;i rltr Dr. P.. . f.-a-tir .f.D-r. tbrcj4! ''7 in tl. Union ar.d tL. Hrl'i.h lmia. N. II In. ln:3 i.. AfiUt l)r. Vicl'i-.' ca.. WontLlr I'll!.. Amontbe ciao. tbooaaod bniM tb.w p.ii. annoai.j aoid. not .r e.fiipIa;ot ba rr.a i. a.-ait.t trim. lA.r in a r-ra.o i'oatit iwt u tl.m; the jrr-u ar t,f match will t tmi i tt. directiwn. mmtauyttig each bo. I'nrm ft. I.f- mail to t j art of tl.e" ur'. J. B ar ol Coon"-rJ.-V Tbr ar. Dft oa ai at aiTr other yn. I'"" d-rilsr,f r, vnif.V.jna. ornpa'joo. r :Ti :-i U, atid mediori. temTr'.j ae.'d fr ''-.-ta'ion, nt to aj pxrU of tl . or!l. X l.Kra will l aiifaered nniena theeoBtait " i.-.;:'i( of ,t dollar. A'A eoturTiaiucati'io. ddrMl to . J. R.BJi, V.. St. t'i KicKair. Kare,, N. V, ii it? onpt ' r L'.urf from 7 A. V, to P. M. P. S.Th TrraTinf at tbebeal of thia aTriaer U a li.eneM cf it. P.. Bar of ttber adtfitiaeaiaa i'.h a tia errarir.r. UK. H. Ja.1Ks. Ihr Kilr4 fhff tan, d;r'..r 1 a I.i! in tl I Id. a rm U n ia- f.jt lon-amttion. A'thBta, Bnoeaw- O.nj1.. 1 If. ar.. t.r: i,M 't. Tb rBiy "t &:rr by Lira ben h',s o- ebild. a daoca- trr, -a g-.T-a uj. V d.e H . eh J 1 a corw. ai,4 c-w al'T f! Pe-t".u. lcefi'tai( bia f :Ihw orta;.. K ar L rd "h whm at. j th reu eonrai-nr full d reti'ntr D-akxc ac4 aneeafallv .lna-thi. rindT. rtr. ca reipteV Utir easM. Addrca 0 P. Bkowx, No. 19 Graad atft J.rwCitr,N'.J. ZimTt