Newspaper Page Text
----aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LANSING STATE REPUBLICAN Tl'KSUAY MORXKU. WAY 31. A Senator at Hoi A f-w touches of chill fever, and a desire to forego for a time the whirl, excitement and throng .t, i,i ,t fif Lansins. combined last tn imnel us to make a turnpike journey of fifty odd miks, to visit the shady, coo!, seques tered home of Senator Bingham. Getting a fair .art in the morning, moderate driving, and a plenty of water enabled a good team to bring up .t hi. gate at sundown. The Senator appeared, hale and beartv a ever, cordial and hospitable. nd in a few minutes the dust and fatigue of the Aim' iannt were forcotten, Senator Bingham cultivates five hundred acres r.f lanJ. Lis house being upon the sell-same quar tor which he took up twenty-five years ago from nr,ufut. There stand the old oaks which his firtt log cabin, which his early miles around assembled to help him rolf up. There is the old well, just in the rear of it, covered up arid disused now, and there stand the shade tree-, rooted from the forest by his own hand. Though utteily without pretension, -- Tbe Accursed Thirst f Cold. r.ll miffht Holy Writ declaim against the "haste to be rich," and the Heathen Poet de nounce the "Ann Macra fa,netn when such events occur in Us pursuit as are given below : The rcular correspondent of the Vemocraz, r ,. orb ist re writing irom LeuTi-r - ' ...iij t Va most deolorable condition of things tuuuw .- . Tia r.iains emierants dying of starvation , .1 rn nnrklv near ana ua ana omera BU""ft t r-- onions found along the road. The stage agent reports picking up a man namPfl Blue, reduced to a Pkeleton from star if, ....i ;th two brothers, when rauou. ne -- - ,i;4.,l ,,d the remaining two ate his body Another died, and he in turn was nearly oevoureo. hv the surviving brother 'AmannamedGibbs had reached the mines in a starvin- condition, and expressed the opin ion that his party, numbering nine, had all per ished. T.n rrvca we rerorted along the route, and much property had been destroyed and abandoned on the road. Tiia writer of the letter aays that the d partures from the mines are about equal to the arriTa'8- . 1 a Ci i.oi.r. fio returned emigrants reached t. . c Joseph on Saturday, all ot wnom comm.. nrevious accounts of suffering on me piam ... ...., The X. Y. Tribune says trial a goer...t... train has been attacked by the starvir.g emigrant are returninz irom i ikc a can. - k v.. pa. Tla Montes the dashing wife-the gay divorcee-lbe mistress of princes, that Join Walker, chemist, of Stork of Doliticians. and of Kings-the stage attrac- land, tho original inventor of iucifer Lrcina Mas Dead. The S. Y. Tribune says ockton, Scot er matches. of politicians, and of Ungs-tne .rage - tion and cowhide combatant, baa nnaiiy meu m - - - - - rienced religion." The London paper, furnish- According to me locai paper,, ,.f n, sat that she has quietly made oy n:m wane eiperuucunuS -o- SIS doi" -mplary, re- chemical substances, and for a considerable time lious woman, in her own domicil ia FiccadJij, tie reauiea a canusomc Apportionment of Prtmary School Money We are favored by Hon. J. M. Gregory, Super intendent of Fublie Instruction, with the fohow- ing table : George B. Ames, of Boone Co., UL, writes to the Belvidere .MrfHair, under date oi Apru i Philadelphia. Var 14 Some three weeks aince Hon. 8, A. Douglas A'!r40 liT. Bi'rtr IVrr.rn Hrah. .. I'alhouu, .. On-' n,.... r:on ins this item income from the sale of . TKTj .1.1 . , , . . i . fl(?;,nt um to Tjur- bis matcnes m uoxes ai is. . " ixnuon, naTiug u--- r.M.i,- h;,i.the . is, boiiaa : which Is now tne re- noi ii ioug. i r.w . , - i i-.; ..,.. I - -v i - r .,.. :.,ri t-.Ti ari l m nii-.nsr centacle and center of a large number oi weaimj .urvu, uu v. , - --- , - - ceptacie ana center b .vrft!1K StrtCkton obtained a box. which Le took and pious enthusiasts oi Louauu, o ujiuc. rfi-Av"0 I... .... ..... xt Tk;.f!lt formerlv an actress, Lis Ieetures. some i!unun3m,iiaamTll.-. . - . ., i . wt.;4.h hai since H ..-.tLu.n, and was familiarlv known as Laura iei, auu u iui, j iriK1 , t yaf ahnnt th time that become world-known. mcLam,. as notorious bj ui'-'" i I , n . he turned from the error of her ways sue won . . . , CV,. m.rrw the heart ot tne ncn commoner. , r'Mt,..;.l V. has keot v: .t la a hrlht and shiuinfir lizht in 5WU ""l . ' , Uir ii.ui, n ... . I r,o.1 fmni unifnif us at a rine ae. ne she wno was tue prmc4,a. - . - ., Eieter nail. It was instrument in bringing about Lola's " change of knew more than he could turn to account. He It is f jwy 41 JT ui C.iCJ 14 S.ZiS li axsi t: j.M-5 oi 51 15 lv$ 55 . 50 . 2 f-il (A 3.5T6 e0 . 57 . .V.0 10 .. 4.1-M -v-. . 17 .: 51 S5 SO . . 200 ul . . 44 . . 3.H S .. a .4:.S iO .. 4.ia .. 07 . . 5 .A'' 04 Mtek.oac, Macoinb Man.".rr Mmou Nr.i.n.l, V.. at. M'Dteaim.... Nio, ... OA'.aod, Ocxn l)utin.i'D, .. Ottawa s-ria Suilc, fhiawa,. . St. Hair St. Joph,. .. Taola Van Buivn. . V.h!uw,. yue, $.r:3 13i i , S,t:3 60 to -.nj 73 111 f7 . 3,t.' 41 15 . 6.1VO 31 -V 4-. . l.K'irt 0 1.J44 0 .. 3 S ,. 2.m5 54 , . U,t'.,' '- . 3,1J ( . 477 55 .. 2,171 S7 .. 5. Ho 44 ..10 643 41 Total 10S,7o6 o: idle even to think on the knowledge that has RlcElpIS 0F Societiks. The following is a i... " i ;a s;.l thAt Mrs. Thistlewaite daily di esherchariotwithfourmilkwhitehorsesat- fnT. receipts for three tached. through the streets of London on mis- ol the Church of England the Rtv. Joiti Mit , the varIou9 in9lilulions which have held tacneo, trou0a me .tree (orJaa admirably read man, with a cultivated jT , vew York within the past sions of mercy and religious teachings. mJ in thur ann.v.rsarus ... - - l I rv Old Boors. The Detroit Free J're$ says ture, au mat u pure .u, r . that Mr. A. P. Demay, a farmer living on tae Am. ?.citT. . - . a r l.;t I Atn Tmet S.ei'.T Plymouth Plank Road, ia the township of Dear- A , . xa, . - , ; . born, about ten miles from the city, while piouga- Kailroad. was H .ne M ..u.nar, fce-V its Jo au iui u..... - . 1 Am .V- LUliiU with a friend in yracuse, in regard Am Auti ?iary swty.. in his field a few days since, discovered, m ,.r r.-.l .tiimn. an American couversiug atorBii.ghrn's house is spaeiou, and in all parts iu col,ductor has been killed, and the and particular adequate f.r comfort. ,ie!y.appointed post-master of one ef the two Ti ...ur.-i..r i.f l be soil w ir tiiuk . ..,. mines nas uecu u-b- the vicinity of a decayed stump, an American - . - P1.m..rtt?j N. V Mate Co , , v . .-,. which he nut to the death of Mr. Bowen, when he remarked, .u.auar half-dollar, somewhat blackened, which Le pu of n v t into his Docket without thinking any more about . , , . . t i n Am a Frn t . . r y;...t t in. I Mili'll an is lOiil", ui "e" o't part to f..ri.i the li-l.ter kind of "oak open in'. 4." It U how ver divetn!ie 1 in some parts, with a heavier and more thijej formatio:.-, and ,a on one ri le a hahd-cme bell of limN r. The .l..r,.denee for water is upon "cat-holes" whieh are thickly grounded by ald. rs and poplars, in .. whieh the wut.T never fa.U. 'Ihese are not sii'ht'y, but extremely useful. 'About live hundred fi:.e-oled sheep, chielly full blo-vl, form te Setntor's htoi k in that liue, and to his family of some hundred and thirty ,.pring lamb', he h aidaous and attentive, as a nurie to a tir of twin babies. Some choke mat st.k "ratine the eye of the fancy farmer, among whieh aie a couple of lull bhHjd Durham eos, broii-ht from Virginia, a bull calf of one of whieh, a j. ar old, was sold on the datof our arrival for The paternalan t-estorof this phenomenon we surveyed with great admiration, but at a respectful distance, grazing in a lare field, up to his eyes In feed, but casting n Muiuirine ee at what was going on about him We cannot speak of his "points," except the two forward and prominent ones, which we particu larly noticed. Iu horses, the Senator runs to " utility more than t-j fancy. He wot ks three fine, lofty horse teams, either capable of walking off to Detroit :.. .1...:. !. or of taking the road before a carringe, at ten mile the hour. Of one of the best of thes. we cannot spare the Seuator a good story, if it does touch a sore spot. It is . i.U irro wLlm?. called "Zaek." Zack being mtww t,' "V C O" ia Detroit one day, took the eye of Hal Emmons, who loves a good horse. Hal was bound to have him. The (then) Governor had no idea of selling Lini. but Hal wouldn't have no for an answer, and the Governor named a big price. Hal closed, and the Governor went back to Green Oak, and tnl.1 tl. fiova that Zack was sold. All counte nances fell, for Zack was a great favorite. Fi nally, the eldest son, a youug man, said, " Father, what did you tell Mr. Emmons aut the horse?" Tell him," replied the Governor, "why, I told Litn he was kind, of course, and so he is." 44 Did you ay he was kind under the saddle ?" "Of course I did." . n.i.rvo cities near the This 'is probably only one of the outrages to which desperation has driven, or win ume, tuc ,,.Kr victims of the gold mania. Horn letters hieh we publish elsewhere, it appeal i t.w-k..rir and nrivation emigranis are expwaeu j . on their way to this new Dorado; that they find on its border are mere collec tions of log huts; that provisions are nan.., d that the productiveness of the mines is, at least, questionable. Some, .t.shearieneu oy te -..n... which reach them, turn back before they .1... nromised land; others arrive only to ... . i . ,.r starve; others manage to make the two ihe dav meet for a few weeks by the proceeus o. thir llbor: others still, seeing what the end is . to be, make the best of their way home through more or less serious diiiicuuies. . latter class, some, but we hope not many, appear to have been maddened by dappoti.tmei.t anu huntrcr. In this state of facts we can hardly ...,.rrai.n.l bow it s that emigration iui tinues. The tida has slackened, but still there is Rome flow of travel toward Pikes Peak; men who have made up their minds to go and have completed their preparations, dislike to give up a cherished project, and the sanguine win nope, But whether or not there be gold enough to re for the labor of mining on which question the .mallness of the quantity that has reached civilized region throws some light it is certain that, in the present state of things at Pike's Peak, it is worse than folly to go thither, soon to die, and to die instantly 1 ,uWuiSpm-.i- ..u-i... I I hone I at the time. Subsequently it occurred to him . '. . ". , , . . - , . . : r v:,i ift quick." L.11110 uia ne men wimi mai mat mere migui ie uiure u and he went back and searched, and succeeded in finding about fifty dollars ia American halves and Mexican dollars. The coin bore evident marks of Laving been long concealed, and tLe American was dated in ISiC. Mr. Demay had himself cleared this piece of laud, and had made log heap against this stump, which had been burned, and on this occasion he ploughed in that spot mre deeply and thoroughly than ever be fore, the roots of the stump being perfect.y rot ted. The coin were devoid of the ringing sound peculiar to pure fcilver, but this was attributed to their haviug been burned. The dies were, however, of a course, unworkmanlike descrip- A Ciuno.k or Tcse. The absurd conduct of the people of Massachusetts iu passing their two years law, has set a new stop lor the pro-siavery organ of Michigan, which it ia whistling away upon in grand style, to coax tho German vote back again. At the time of the mass Republican celebration in Detroit, the German Turners, a fine body of men, numbering CW, appeared iu pro cession, in a wmte uniiorm, aim a u" banners, emblems, torches, Ac, and excited the especial wrath of Storey, who, next morning, ue" of the following, among many other equally flattering things: t.,.n,.rr4f th..m wis a bodv of white Hvrrie: Well, then you had better ride him." youtjl9i 8afj to be Germans, carrying blood-red So the Governor ordered Zack saddled, and chang- tlags, whose lock -ttep reminded us of similarly i.:- Q..,.vj f.,p in 1W Ofliee. some livened campames that we nave been e i. two miles distant, intending to meet his lady at a By this time the oblivious Storey has forgotten .iTnt fund's, to take tea on his return. Zaek all about this same article, and proposes to drown .i . - v...!. airt...l t.a. k in all reco lection thereoi iu me "'"-us 1 Wt'HL Utt-r. UtyVUC M ataiait. sai r,4.t.v I ... ' , i.:- .s.j. sv 1.;. ,v nrofuse. raDid and aickish adulation, as nine i .,,:t : ,.,,!; i,;n h., made three admired as it is relished by the objects ot t. gumiu, uu.. ... , or four pair of deer-legs, landing the Governor over his head, splitting his new dress-coat from waist to collar, and scampering home as if a lo cion of devil was after him. Zaek has never changed hands. Some half dozen likely colts, sprightly, bright eyed, smooth-built little fellows, form the risin generation of horse-dom. And after all, what is prettier than a clean-limWd, active, plump, little chap, trying to be a horse, with all his might To us, to our shame be it said, it is all the same whether they are Morgins, or Billy Burtons, or what not, we nvo u kv. - .v..:. anihnts all the same Their own FarLT. An individual or a cor poration, not keeping up with the improvements - . . i-.. t. :n l.iv. litt? ,J the age, in maciuuer, vuinathv. The X. x . Tribune says mat me re cent accident on the Central Railroad seems to have occurred because that corporation prefer to avoid a little outlay and not employ the most modern inventions in the way of brakes. Ou the baggage and mail cars on that road, we be LVv.. there are no brake at all; while on the passenger cars there are only the old fashioned hand-brake. Oa the Hudson litcf wneie mev nae cieainer's Fatelil ,, m-J ,1 ...... r .lnuMt instantaneously, even I ICS interest some iieuua c luu'iH .nt j . . . . . 1 . . , . ri i.n it ij .t thrt ton o iu speed, borne similar .Va ia an iniiniwniiinr aiMiiiL mem wnieu i -- r . . .. s..Ji f-n.. rl..,n neat- contrivance should be employed ou every tram limbed f-Uows. too-and the boar is a quiet, of cars ; otherwUe travelers would do well not long, easy-going chap, satisfied with little, and to embark m them never go m ror tne ouuo.a,, yNRABI K LADT.-Tho N. Y. Tribune bo does the Senator. . .:.,!.,, f Ura Charles . r i mres trie iouuwhik - - There is nothing like taking eatra care ui pou.- n - . f . i i n I Williams, nv v. trJ-...el,.v -v ... - - lives in Oxford, Conn. Up to the Istol found every variety, from the three-story bhang- April, jives a , i i... rn,t..r hA .n-owl farociously to save crow- May, she was aoout tne nou , b , o - i i -. tt .i mini vonnrer women. ie down to the " short-legged hens," which ' - . . . tween tue ist oi reoiuaij ing Justice Shallow ordered Davy to tell ill took tn .Ws for FalsUfT entertainment. They are treated with great kindness, and hence take cor responding liberties. Accordingly, one old hen, with a high tuft ou her head, like an old fashion er moo-cap, was tr,.uS v - - , t, ta,twi ft. three hundred dollar family carriage, ana a snort- j n . i .l..i..r .r. ; rr rtincr. chipper as any youug ue.,. legget. ru -OS - - e f . .,,,, u,. hc was . , , m I IUUU1T,. O naiuaouggy, - - . . : ion .t ii.vr t.-kl.l na lr I sne saia. uau iy tue w-j, - fc-.-- r , .. i ue 1 -"v -- -, r . skin, and as handsome as a picture she knit two pairs of long stockings, of yarn spun by herself since she was 100 years old. Gen. Washington staid at her father's house one ni-ht during the Revolution. She was spinning, rith some other young Ltdies, when he arrived the Senator, at the expetw- cf the Doctor. two were coming home from Saginaw, in a cutter, on tha bitterest day cf a titter winter. They stopped twenty miles north of Flint to warm performed that duty, got in agaia, and coma on to Flint. They were half Irozen, and everybody io was so The Liqrou "Nuisance" in Massachusetts. Some months since, Judje Maw decided that intoxicating liquor might be destroyed in that State as a "nuisance." A writ upon this decis ion was carried up to a full bench, and the unan imous opinion of the Court, as now given, i; 6uar an moo r,.l L ,-! I shall gO 1 rmU. Ma.WlnSue.t.. Kt l'oiot U ' f m Am bd-1 for Hat. B.blt. UVjo Tract S!ty I..n ia Aifluwi Am U-ip t'rrf M.lo.... Am. 1UK in.on Church Mm fiCiety. N. Y Hitle xcietjf 1T7. 15H. 1-VJ. M105 Sa'.W.TM 115.011 A . i 3 V-. .1 53 iiSJ Trt.ri 73..t'3 lvi;-0 1S.51J 13 vr-32.-JTS lS.-4 ao.53 4;t.Tl 0.lKs 15.5S 13,0.9 S7,5'.H S5:ii1 some ol his experience on the road to Pike's spent almost an entire night at the Houm of Mr. l eak. He relate how a companv irom jiuruwu i iv... . mCiVurw w i,..t. .l hr ah Vinn'ss tmianv at St. Jo- be taken ai to the Charleston ConTentioa Mr. seph, whieh had" uaderuken to Send them through Douglas arguing in favor of going into that con ,.wi',.,,,t Cr.X. Mr Amessava: 1 vention and submitting to its action, whilst Mr Well, these passenger on Kxpress So. 6, were Forney declared that Le would have nothing ta from Michigan, all good men, tnor-ily middle aged do with it, and would fight any one nominated m.n M nrinrinhv KuHerton agreed, as by that convention, even iH)ugia himself. Mr. " . , , t i.. ir..-n t...ll.-. i,..m . th. IVnk lor IHlv OO.lars. I 1'ourian uuauj .iu uc i reTurti wouu He r.ouired twetitv-live adise him to do; to which Mr. Forney said that dollars down remaining twenty-five at Marys- it he was ia ins i,i-ougia si piace ne would go to vnle. Thev started off from St. Joe all right, Chicago and announce nimaeii as a candidate for contract and evervthing stated over before the the Tresideccy, in ire same manner that to. a ,ir..-.M. t iU rsmrt ta Marvsville in cood constable in the western towns autiouuce them. time, and we arrived same night, when he drove selves for office, and pay no altention whatever ud to Marvsville. The driver ordered them to to the convention ; and let a convention meet t.L- .v,t t"i,.,;p i, a th. v. of course, askins and nominate a ice 1 r"idetit to run with him. li .,;.! b. weas not L-oiiiir anv lurther. that and trust to the result. Douglas' opinion aD ik. the mules were his, and that heVas'hired to carry way through was that it was his U'st course u them onlv to Marvsville. Fullertonlad told them go Into the Charleston Convention and abide iu tW t!T onnl.l bav, but four mules from Marvs- resu.ts. vill.v th.".v h.i.1 six to there. Thev refused to un i .o r !.-(-,.. took, i.tsmuieson me iiinn'm" n..unviiiiii.-i wacoa ana eorreled them lor the mshi, caicuia- numwr oi ini i.-- u.uiu.r; companie tine to return in the morning it ne couia umn inn .h.-.,,,,. .-v. ...iH.r aoret his pa.-en"ers. lie told them that he would have last ei eninp, io uew-i uiiue- uF.u - uai Wlij i" a C. .ii.l l.r anot her team to take inem a in reiauou w j"'m r ae coo- through, Ac. They tendered him the other i 'S tempUted demonstration in honor of Wm. Smith .m.w. I.nt . b. won .inott lentikPlL. W C heard U li ten. At IV ucun-a iue rHarieurs were in tli n.wa naw ramped PUl a lew rtxi uoui'l nemer tm j ihmuuis I'nm aw. tYnm tli.-ni After our supper. Crawford and niv- tire under the many calls which had been puh- .,! en n.l saw the P.issensrers. and told lihed lor it. I oi. nyan at last got an oprortu. them that if thev would stick up to their rights, nity to state that he had seen Mr. O'Brien, aaj that our companv would see that they had lair he was very anxious to see Lis countrjmen, one and recommended that thev hitch up and and all. 1 he assertions inrougnoui l.ncUnd go on in the morning, without the driver, wimoui tnat -tiueiu a.. .....,- - r .m anu cut he would come to terms. One 1 them came mm tne nci rcmunu .. y ivim uni wiuin i:,ti 6 4. 4 11.5 17 vim: ii.7ii lS,71i l.7s n- month. fAtxiut. Sensible. Fiee-Soilers and Republicans have that the illegal sale of spiiitous li.pior is not a always been stigmatised, iy mc iuu"' ...,;,.no rf cnr.r, . rl.aracter as to iustifv its de- t.res. as disunionists and nullifiers, and poor old th. l,:.n,Ia of the citizens. A new General Cass Las shed tears enough over the r ib 5 therefore ordered. Cnion's about to conic to rum at their nana-, to float his own carcass; but noiwimawnumg White Fish. The bt. Joseph (liernen o.i thu the Charleston Mercury says: Traveler, says not less than ti x thousand dollars jylsuriion would bo fatal in every point of view tion. that would be to a judge satisfactory evi- r:li .11 l.rnnclif in within the past tn. UUrV U. nublicauism. They know it well, an . ' . . ...... r ..-I.. worm ut .... e , . V7 . 5 :t I...I !, n...v etieeol Iraud ; and the application oi aem r- fishermen. We understand that would seek to prevent u, . - - moved all doubt as to the nature of the metal M that pwi be caught for t,ltf , two 1 ahead, for the Southern I osTAL txnssK unui.a.. . ...... ..I- ...- !.:.! in.nU tb P.t marKet. f l' " r- - . .... . : 1 .a rel. but the price may now ue- iii'ium tier advanced from two shillings to til-y cents above these figures. which make the old wife trot. Master General, with the same inexorable cer tainty. ant ot lunus compels tnat greai iuui tionarv to " draw iu his horns," and he has ac coidingly draw n them iu, by making the follow ing reduction iu ditl'erent lines of service. In doing this, Mr. Holt claims much credit, though it is difficult to see why. In the 'sea service to California, 77:J,:!oO ; by discontinuance of spe cial and route agencies, yliy.O); by the with drawal of additional compensation to Postmas ters, $2 1,20 1 ; by curtailment and discontinuance of mail service, $JiC,641. Total, $ 1,4 5302 2. It is estimated that at least half a million is saved by the refusal cf the Postmaster General to put n,l r.inld Pueceed. even at the point or tue mom It is the trovQet Union parti tn the country, ...A fri.m'tmlirv and the dictate of self-pre servation, but by the principles oi consuiiuauu.. which thev entertain. 'i.u v.: ai XoRTHroRT State Uoae. The Grand Traverse Herald, ol the 1-th, say3 Mr. Kinbury, one of tho Commissioners on this road, arrived here on Monday, ll.e route is neailv completed to this place, and the whole party will be here to-day or tomorrow. The route surveyed is represented to be a very feasi- 1.1 on.-, an.l no serious obstacles ei-t to the construction of a good road. lii'RSED to Death. The Pontiac J.Kkxon'um in operation the tiSS new post routes established gtatea that Miss I.ydia Ann, daughter of Alonzo j-round my feelings like this Coou Mr. Mortimer Rull, of this city, was a r!icinTr nil the train, and a letter from h.m to the Sew Yoik Tribuue states that while ev en body whs engaged in relieving the wounde bv the accident, a man came along and said, m whining tone, "Well, my cow, worth forty i.,r 1, . a .n killed in this HCtape!" The Syra cuse papers sav this man's name is John Pepin and that the cow was regulaily pastured on the hiiihwav. ti .. t'..n.,u- ...nit bit- luen a kin to him who, staiilinr over hi wife's open grave, blubbere out " I've lost cow, afore now, but nothing ever .t.iwn ti our e.iino earlv in the nuTnin j. and told to receive an ovation on leaving the country! Mr. " . . - . -. ... .... . .. ...i i ... .: w l..: lice tlleV would 1 1 litlell wouiti jTewnt iiiihku at t. Hum jvj us if thtv could get our assistance itch up atid go on. So we all w ent up except two or three, who were afraid to go. wre other Pike's Peak men there. Irom the t cordial embraces of his fiicftd. aud would prefer not to U pulled lo piece bt their enthusiasm or conliahty. .V. 1. Tulune. Siuarc on the morning oi raiurnay. i ne igo, in hieh he ia to sail, would anchor at the lUltery for the procession to anive. Ids leguner.t would i, .1.1 il., i,....'..r4 w would Protect them (we eceort mm, auu ne nooci mere woui.i i a uree , r-- - - ... - I r .1 :. :.. i- .ii,-- .,r..lrni,n l.iti. t.-.lhl and t;l IiltCll till a lrvCesnoii ki mr niH-iii-j. r. t iuwa ooi. nosMl.le. AecordiriL'lv. thev hitched up would be glad to reply to au address from a com the four mules, and started "on a" keen scoot, inittee, but Lis voice was not Mroiig enough to Tb.. 1 Tot l.v th. bona., where the driver was; speak to the people. He had suffered much out came Mr. Driver and a Salt Lake mule driver. The mule driver causrht one f the leaders by the bit. and drew Lis cocked revolver ou the driver, and told him if he attempted to move one inch he would bore Lmi through, lhere werej A New KNTisrniSK. v e learn that law l.Uni several revolvers and guns cocked about that I furnaces, to coticume bituminous coal, ate to lie time. F. & Co. a duver told the alt Lake man constructed forthwith at Ihe nioiith ot the I hoe- to hold the mules, and be would c.o tor help. Mate, tfour miles down tne t.aj ) i.y a company He was immediately told that he could have jut I cott-n ut by t ha. T. llaricj, hr.i. Mr. II. ten minutes to let tro of those mules or die. His ,rou-'ht up in the Manhattan sixty men, who art- ten minutes wi re up, and F. A Co.' driver came i,0w- employed in preparing the ground, le. He not back. He was told Lis ten minutes was up, K) brought op a dredge, to l employed, w rud he chose to loose his hold rather than be nrt. told, in excavating a chaiicl from the hay to hot. The wav those passengers went out of a bavou which puts out aliout a mile from iu that town with mules and wagon was a caution, mouth, aud approaches within a short distance of Thev went to Kim k Creek, in Sebra-ka, that the y. This bayou will make au excellent dsv. About il o'clock we were passed hv the harbor. The aUve company, it is mud, start two mule drivers. ShetiiV and Justice of Marys- a capital of 1" ville. all runninsi their mules to the utmost speed, Lave already spoken ol there tiring atwul nctt all drunk. Thev oerhauled them that night to be out uii on this bhyou a steam aaw null, bjr at Rock Creek, and had a fracas with them there. Kdwards A t o., w uh which is to lw connected a One of the passengers was shot at, but as luck alh mill, and, we think, a planing aud rrootiip. hac it he bad a revolver hv his side, and tne and also a blunvie macnine. e navo aiw ry- ritle ball struck the revolver, and thus saved his ken ol tin .Manhattan as iiavmg oeeu pun-naaea life. Here they told the p isengers that they hy Mr. Harvey and other parties, to run between by Congress in 1?5S, for which an appropriation was made. Some reductions are vet to be made in the Pacific overland service. As Era or Freeoom. On Tuesday List, a Mass Convention of Freemen was held at Cleve land, Ohio, to denounce the fugitive slave law, the infamous Dred Scott decision, and the Su preme Court for making it. The day was fine, the aSStflllOlage luuiivure, a:.a .t. a:r v.,wlj l.xiiMcrs. ruottos. tla. arches and tians- perencies, was imjtosing. Resolutions were also read declaring that the Fugitive Slave act was unconstitutional and void, and that the Supreme Court had degenerated, and that it was subservient to patty politics; that the life tenure should be abolished, and the Judicial Courts remodeled; that the conviction of the Obetliu rescuers was disgraceful and uif paralleled; that the prisoners were entitled to their libeity, and that the freedom ot the coun try rests upon the great nepuoiican party. Speeches were made by Messrs. Giddings, Chase, Wade and others. Van Wagoner, Esip, of Oxford, in this county. w as burned to death at the residence of h.-r grandfather, Joseph Van Syckl-, in the town- RhiD of Independence, from her cioihcs lakin;. n . ol.. ..-..a l.iii.T i i.i.i r the lire asleeti. She inc. , ""- .-, ."B lived but a few hours alter the accident. I'sEECl.. A gentleman SpiiiiL'hYU Las in vented an apparatus, upon which he has the caveat, which is designed as aceitau itin.iiy remedy for snor in. It la-duns upon tiie- mouth a "utta percha tube lesding to the tvmpatiani ..fil,.. .r Whenever the sm.ter P!!on-s. he l. r.-.-.-ic s tin? Mist iinnres-ion. and if Lf be a sensible man or woman pi!ts. Howell Cobb's Slaves is Li ck. Mr. Secre tary Cobb's negroes are m a Wtter hnanciai con dition than the Treasury over which he presides. The Macon (Ga.) Mate 1'rc, syB . We have been informed by our worthy M iyor, o. G. Spaiks, Ks.j., of the linn of Har deman X SpaikS, Ol IhlS City, ne ro.v. the crop of cotton belonging to umj ncgrm o . Jol... . Lninai .tiiJ t'ie lion, ii.itti-ii ' -, to James Ilea, lor JS.yutt 1 nis an clear i.iuhcy to them, and we are likewise informed that the same negioes sell sugar cane, syrup, chickens and eggs, which amount to at least one-half as much more." Goon Gkit An old couple and their son, .- 1 . ..... I.. . ., ...I tl, Svfll lW oil .,: i. wi: .. i it. lioin cncneeia'i.i, i r" ESTKNCE I OMML1M.. Mini. . . o,, - , - , a laborer uiK.n the D. .V M. RiiUay near Grand rl - ' . '. . ' . ., ' .1 . - l..ti.l a.I.11 irtlak t lI TTl.) TllIl LI V convicted of the murder l" P"-" ' - Foil Play SrsPEtTiP. We learn from the Charlotte (Eaton Co.) H'j.ublican, that John J. Freeman, a merchant of Prairieville, left his home some four weeks since to purchase goods in Detroit. Remaining away from home longer than was anticipated, his friends became alarmed for hi safety, and telegraphing there, learned that he visited several mercantile houses, upon thu eteuiiig of Lis arrival, aud stated that he would be in during the next day to make his purchases. He did not appear as promised, aud since that time no trace has been found of him. He had ia his possession about j!7' ; and it is feared that he has met with foul play. His fam ily are greatly distressed at his sudden disap-pearan.-e. A Cask or Internal Explosion. A lady named Riley, of Indiana, who was visiting in the family of Hon. W. E. Xiblack, of the same State, met her death in a singular maimer. She mixed a seidlitz powder in two different glasses, and instead of pouring them together before drinking, drank them off eepartely, when the effervescence occurred in the stomach partially strangled her. In the excitement a dose of mus tard wa given to make her vomit what she had taken, and a physician sent for, but before he ar rived, she w as a corpse. Wool is Kalamazoo. The Telegraph is in formed that the per cent, of loss ia the county during the last winter is comparatively nothing, and the weight of the fleece will be larger, by r . i . . TV. K.l h...l . cava way ior mem to warm. urj uv ,. ti.t J . , . ,. , ten rer cent, than in ordinary seasons. This is reacted the fire when the Doctor exclaimed, "By ien Fer ieuu . . , ret K , .it ..v..,. zood news, certainly, tor the dry time for money thunder, Km, I v left my overcoat back at that nt marlttini. of lhe next cursea tavern vW H fc7 of whca. wUl be considerably moistened twenty nmea, ot . wmve. - u.SuS . . ' " U. wooi Sheer-washing, wo notice, J j e . . . nn f. opveral Uavs. fO that we .Ml .V- r . l. I I tlJ f V ,- . ' overcoat xut tne ure ws , a , W v.,,,- vin. sideraoie uupum is w k' i - The Senator' farm is in crops looking in glorious plight. He has twenty five acres of winter wheat, even as a floor, breast high, of a dark beautiful green, and as thick as it can stand. lie U plowing a summer fallow of forty acres, ia square form, without etump or atone, a beautiful specimen of plow-work. The this year' clip, but we believe that the best evi dence goes to show that a tolerably high figure will ba reached. Toisosid. Mr. Wm. Burnell, when about re n;.Tht hfor last, took in mistake for water corn was handsomely up, potatoes just breaking I large 'doso of corrosive sublimate, lie was the ground; rye, oats and barley looking well very low all day yesterday, anu expire u TV.. of th f.m, l.i.1 ,Un tn rraa.nAl,l O CIOCK U31 evening.. U thrifty and handsome. ' Mr. Buraell was one ot the oldest master The journey, to and fro, showed us a panorama DulUCTS vewoil UB,,US rt , .n ; hah ;n.M . :ai. f .1.1. more then a quarter of century. He was ener- Eghtful'prospect-a rolling country, frequent 8 nd honest, and laid up a handsome pro- and charmiBg lakes, and amid all, and over all, J PmJ- the imnustakable signs of plenty, thrift, industry, Scrmuo is Isabklla. Mr. W. R. Robbinii, and successful farming. Southern Livingston, . lt R; Tsabella countv. was intbiacity ptrtkularly, has noble flocks, U of easy cultiva- M to Deeoiit the bond ot that won, is weu waercu, ue ior nappy . fof tbe purp0Je 0f raising money homes and cheerful heart. . . . . . . . . ,A autrihnt- Iff WUIWU A WUJ L'lW' MMVU r they are required. We believe Mr. Bobbins pro- re-issued to Horace H. Day, assignee of Tyre & ceeded to Detroit, and doubtless accomplished Helm, a patent for improvement in the manufac-1 the purpose of hie journey. He represent, the tort of India Rubber goods, by means of sine I scarcity ot bread and meat to be widespread compounds. j and tevsre ia that county. Tut Board of Control. The Board of Con trol of the St. Marie' Ship Canal, returned from a visit of inspection of that work, last week. They express satisfaction at the condition of safety in which they found the work. They made the trip on the steamer Illinois, aad w ere delighted with her management. Immediate measures will be taken to let the work oa tLe Guard Locks, at the head of the canal. Largi Fleeci or Wool. Mr. David L. Ham ilton, of Richmond, Ontario county, writes to the Canandalgua Times that he has just taken from a merino buck a fleece of wool, of tea months and six days growth, which weighed 19 pounds! And from aa ewe of the same blood, a fleece of one year's growth, which weighed 16 pounds. A Bia Stoet. The Jackson Citizen states that Libert v Engine Co. No. S of that city, with their engine purchased of Engine Co. No. 9, of Detroit, made f-o Hundred and tvtenty-three feet, through fifty feet of hoe, on Saturday evening last. A Rcceptio!!. Mr. Paul ilorphy will visit Boston on Friday as the guest of the Boston Chess Club. A dinner will be given in his honor at the Revere House, on Tuesday, May 31st, at which Dr. Oliver Wendell Holme will preside. State TmrtaANCi Cosvixtios. The friends of the Temperance cause in different parts of the State, have resolved on calling a State Tem perance Covention to meet at Jackson, June loth. Speakers are to be announced hereafter. Hoebibli. Mr. Norman Boyer, a highly re spected middle aged farmer of Bainbridge, Ber rien county, was killed last week by his son Ed ward, who broke hit &tu with a fence stake. The aon, sayt the Traveler, is 29 years old. Rapids, and who was ,.f - f:rtii.-r nerir Chicago, and who was t hare been buns with McN'ainee, iu t'.at city, 1 had his sei tence commuted to imprisonment for life. The Mothkr of Km. Mis. Mary Taj lor Key .1.1 t n .ltimnrc on Wt-dm s lav 1 it at the ad vaneed ae of 75 years. This venerable lad w the widow of Francis S. Key, and author of tm "jJtar-Stilanirled li.mner. and mot tier or in. unfortunate V. Barton Key of Washington City She never knew the manner of her sun's death. Kank Moncmknt. The Kane Monument Association, an incorporation created by the late Legislature, for the purpose of erect ii ; a monu ment in this city, (Philadelphia,) t- the memory Thev had adopted the primitive StIe of traveling on foot, pe cause the old folks were afraid to ride on thfcar$,or canal! The old folks had several hundred dollars in ea-li, aud said thry averaged neatly thirty miles per day. G.HN.i to sk.k Tn k War Col. St.-ptoe, Capts. Carr and Palmer, and Lieut. Pegram, have ob tained leave of absence with permission to visit Europe. Although it is probable they will oh- sei ve the warlike movements, they go thitlo r as private individuals, and not by the order of this Government as a board of obs-rvation. Unher Wat. The Port Huron 1'rn Siys: Themton work on the Grand Trunk Railway llrid"; across P.lafk River was commenced on of Dr. Elisha Kent Kane, the Arctic explorer Mondav last, on the south side ot the river. and navisrator. have held a meeting and . fleeted t,, bridge, like all the work on this railway, is an organization. beins r.uilt to stana ior tue ages w cum. s,.T,-..r.v Irv-Gooi.s Sroke Power's Tin Liroi'Eas an. Austria is r.pu.,ei Dit r.f tho Gr... k Slav, which was awar'ed "stopoed by the elements, as oeau ruun..e. ... .... i- .- .: i. . i .i I .a ;., am. u;nr ih.i French laniruaire. So ends tO MlSS iCIOman, Ol V incuinan, unnai, - 0 Cosmopolitan Art Association, has been pur- the first Austrian campaign. Whether the rhHsed bv A. T. Stewart, and will be placed in ninnyhamer Francis Joseph, will degrade H-ss, his drv-goods store. and beg x a second Gyulai, remains to be i-ecu. McKi'tR is Sr. Claik Cointt. The Port Huron Prtss, of Thursday, contains an account of a cold-blooded murder which was committed on that day at Tine River, in that county, ol Mr. A False Rihor. The Wilmington (N. C.) 'ra'Jof the ISth, says that a rumor had been brousrht to that idace by passengers on tt. Northern train that Messrs. O. Jennings ise and B. II. Bolts had fought a duel somewher. Ephraim Burdick, a well-known citizen, by his on the N'oilh Carolina line, and that Wise h id father-iu-Iaw, named Hill. been killed. This was a false rumor. The Ferocity of HrsGtr.. The War Depart ment have ordered an armed escort to the train- of armv supplies, from apprehended attack by the returning Tike's Peakers, information having been received of the necessity of such protec tion. Grfelet os his Travels. Last Wednesday's Tribune contained Mr. Greeley's first overland letter, being an account of his trip from New York to Kansas. The series, without doubt, will be hizhlv instructive. A oesilc Hist. At Milan, the Italian ladies send a little toy to every able-bodied young man r.;,rtl.'.A ..TPitnient. he savs. a: il sun w ue aceu ia me rtr e.F.. r scribed the wor rfs : " our country wui remcm- .... ber the services vou have rendered iL Utah. Despatches have been received here from Gov. Cumminrs. of Utah, to the "iSth of April. eiists among the Mormons, and it was great difficulty that he could keep them in sub jection this place ami ports below. I.ukr '. . ToiiSAHi ASI He aim. AlamiU limned IlisV, from Kent county, in this State, were ou their way to a new home ' miles w.-t of CLirag. , and encamped in their wagon, .pniti Spnre Fdwar.U' house, in Pohagoii, It M.kI on Monday altrrnooii Iat, ar.d were eating their Mimtu'r when a irale atiuck them with rn-at Little Blue River, or American Folk, the dr iver . ti,,,.- to the wagon lor hh. Iter, a hen trot n to one of the mule" to take them to water. a wn4 i,lwn over and the top ulrmk lh lie had to eobeon.l nlle shot to get down lo the . nushiiis? il down iu the celilre, breaking water, and rijrht on the road b ack, but they think- ....."..... b 0f H .lauxhier. ar-wd about 17 year. ir;g that all was then lix'ht, let turn take them to Tim. ,,.re x othi r i-hildreti in the wagon, In water. After the mules had drank, he put the Lj.l9 t,e iiarcnts, who est aped uninjured, with s t'i them, and away he went na h to is. had ., Indians hired to kill them, but if they would curreiide.-. that the driver would take the other each and take them through. Accord ing thev consented, anl made the driver giv them a recular bill of sale of mules and wairon, in case ot default to take them through. They 1I...1. went on two davs nil riiiht. driver us 'Md .s cimld be. t.assciiuers tood "uard nights. The c . iiinrninL. as I lev were elicatnticd on tin' nm ville, thev having paid ill all f l.'" to ro to 1 ike s IVak. and left in that hx W'v were on behind, but he went oil tne road onie wav so as to avoid us. The pn-.scngcrs sold a iiortioti of their provisiotis and hired a man to haul the balance throio.'h. Joey arc here with us to-d.iy, and 1 suppose b. f nc this time F. A Co. have pot wanoii, mules, harness, ami every thing back to St. Joe, and feclirg good over their They undertook I t ionic the same g:tine on a load of pa-senirers just before this and the pass,.ners took team and evervthing away Irou lhe driver, and run them to Ncbiaska and sold them, took the money and got out of the way. A ma:i has got 10 look out for him.-n II 111 Kansas, us no one ill I.Hik out for him. FiEStisH. The Greenville Ind-pendent "is glad to be furriUhed with notices of marriages and daths taking pace in our county, or of per sons residing in this county, and always publish them free of charge.' Bi RNtu to Death. On Saturday last, Mrs Board or AcidTORS.-This Board will be ia BUdad Hodge, ot the town 01 aianay, eaee session the crese&t week, as also the Board of county, was t,umea so severely u.Cu v. c. vr..:. r,.i tv r..-.r. T!i .t l next oay Lansinsr to-night. The Insurance Law. Hon. Nelson G. Isbel, Secretary of State, has been ia Lansing durin; the past week, and will remaia throe gh the pres ent, superintending the operation of the Insu rance law. Por.i F.I.AIS Watui 1'ii E. We wererhown on ves-terday a sample of the fiorcelain pipe, which the Kaolin manufacturing companv hope to be nabled to furni-h to the citv of Augusta, for the purpose of conveying water through our streets and into our lots. The Kaolin company are wil ling to obligate themselves to furnish the pipe at a ks price than iron pipe Can be obtained they uuantee the Mrciigth o. it, and its complete ness in cv. rv w.iv for a water p'P". There can be no doubt that the material, if properly pe pared and properly burrit in kilns, w ill bo as in- le.-triictible as an thing that can if employed; and there can be no doubt that such pipes w ill ; more desirable than iron or pine lo-'. i.xperi- ence, however, is the b t xvay to test the value of audi things; and our city fathers might very well atlord to tr v its value. If it proves satis- faetor v, it will be an object to the city, as well a all'ord cncoura'.'ement to an cnt. rpri-e in our own lieihboi hMd. .1 uyutt't l'otn,titutionuit. CoMMKNClMST Ot- TIIK STATE Gr.oLO'ilCAL St R vkv. Prof. Wiiichcll, of the State l"niver-ity, lately aj.poii.ted State Geologist, has been over a week in our county, making a geological survey thereof. Ho eipects to remain the rast of this week, lie has visited, and will visit, every ti iarr v hi the count v, liesidcs everv locality which it is desirable to examine ; h is taken specimens of the various kinds of 10, .t, soils, fossils, Ac, and forwarded tr:ru to Ann Arbor, where, for the pr. sent, he will keep his repository of geolo gical specimens. Tln is the trst county 111 the tate whieh he has visited lor the survey since his aiTioititmeiit. The tunc V of the Mate, it is anticipated, will take about four years. In con nei tion with the geology he will take the zuology and natural history of the State. Mnre Com. Sad A;r:rKST. On Tuesdav afternoon la-t, at about 4 1-2 o'clock, as a n of Mr. James II a lett, of this citv, was plaving upon some log in Black River, nearly oppos'te the steam mill of Ames A Co., he accidentally fell in, and no help being near, drowned. One of his play-mates saw him when he went m, and gave the alarm immediately, but the body had sunk to the bot tom before assistance could be procured. II was fished from the river with a pike-pole after remaining in the water nearly or uit half an hour. lie was a fine, active little fellow, a little ovr seveu vears of age, and the bereavement falls with cru-hing weight upon the hearts of his parents. l't. Jl'iron J'r'it. "Spirittal" Chtrch. The spiritualists of Sturgis, Michigan, and vicinity, are about to open a beautiful brick church, costing over f 3, ", for service in that place. It is built in the Gothic style, and will seat persons. Andrew J. Davis and other notables are aipected to be present at the opening oa the 17th, and lthof June. the exception of one boy who was nightly injur ed on the foot. They were in indigent rirvuia Manes and the people of the iieigldaiilnaal fur-ni-hed every thing for her burial in a ruo;. re spectable luam.rr. The family were taken in l-j Mr. Edwards and well cared lor. She was bunrJ on Tuesday alu-inoon, and a Urge number of people were present to t.vmpathisc with the be reaved parents who are in the deepest al'hctioti .'7 J:p Mtea.i, 2W. M AF.VllF.TTK AMI HaV lK Noyl ET SlATK. RoAle The I'ommissioneia on the Manmette and Lit tle Itav de N.Miii. t Slate road met at this pla.v 011 the loth inst., according lo the Governor's appointment, cast lots for the term of oflice ea. li is to serve, arid communicated Ihe result io me Goveriior. They atarted ou the surveying eje- lition on the Pith. It will probably take them something over a month to go dowu and back, each time. Thev design surveying several dif- rent routes. Their provisions all had to be 1 a kcd. ana eacn oacaer carrying nwi dred pounds, w hich is not more than sufheiotit to tuttaiu himsalf am! one other man. ImL Superior Jt ur. LrxrtiATiso. George Dawson is trout-fishing among the 44 thousand Islands," and up in John Brown's tract, whence he is writicz delicious let ters to the Journal. Struck et Lightning. The dwelling house of Mr. nayncs Johnson of Hillsdale, was atruck by lightning last Saturday momh-g, during a thunder storm. Forty Acri Pre-emption. The disposal of lands under this act. from Mav 14th to May Si'th inclusive, at the S:ate Land 0 Jice, ha been 5,- 713 29-100 acres. SwAur Lass Sales. The Swamp Land sales for the month of May, have been 13,545 1S-100 acres, which sold for 1S,0T7 15c or just about j new dress. Robbery. The store of Mr. Briiihart, in Greenville, ws broken open on the 21th inst., aad robbed of 100. AniRiCAS Arms. The Austrian government have ordered three thousand volcanic rides, or thirty shooter?, in Sew York. Teccmssh Herald. This old staad-by Las a Government price. AguccltxalAI'DRISS. Hon. Joseph B, Will iams, delivers the address before the Jackson county Agricultural Society next falL A Come Dows. Paul Morphy is Pat Murphy, after all, Smart. Stephen Shippy caught a year-olJ bear, alive, near Kewaygo, and took him home. Military Cellbration. The militarv com panies of cur city, the Citv and the Steuben Guards, are making arrangements for a grand celebration of tho coming rourth of July. They eipect to er.tertaia as guest on that occasion two companies from DefOit and one Irom Man Chester. Ann Ar'yr Ariu. State Temperance Convention. Wc under stand that the friends of the temperance cause ia different parts of the State, Lave resolved ou calling a State temperance convention, to meet at Jackson, June 15th. Speakers are to be an nounced hereafter. -Jackton Citizeu. Boiler Explosion. We are informed that an explosion took place at Trowbridge's mill, Mus kegoa, on the K'th inst. A sheet of iron was blown from the top of the boiler. Our informer stated that r.o lives were Let. Grand Haven .Veres. Sale or Real Estate. The dwelling house and lot, on Main St., belonging to the Pinney es tate, was sold at auction by the administrator of the estate, for f 5,500, on Saturday last. Mr. D. B. Hibbard was the purchaser. Jackton. F-triot. A Bit. A Sari Francisco journal received 1) the lat overland mail contain a a statement lo the fleet that Thos. Jam s of BufTalo, the man ager of Walls, Fargo A Co'a houw, made a bet of .", h m with Coinmodere Vender bill, agaiust the latter's magnificent 10,000 pan of horses, that the oveiland mail with dates of the 21st of tho tilst of March would arrive in San Francisco iM-forc the passengers by the Nicaragua line of steamers lanced in the city. By the arrival of the overland mad on the 27th. Mr. Jama w..o the spsti of horses. DETECTION OF I'iIOTOIjRAPIIIcGjI'NTIRFEITS. A reliable means of detectine photographic coun terfeit bank notes and most of the counUrleiu in circulation are photographs is the application of cyanide of potaitium. If a bill is suspected, wet slightly any printed portion 01 11, anu wum it with a piece of cyanide. If it should be a photograph, the pap-t will turn white, and, ia fact, the nurfare o( the whole note can be Biada white by this proccs. If the note in not pho tographed, this operation has no effect. The Mammoth Copper Cohpat. We statrJ some time tince, that a mammoth copper compa ny had lx-en organized, based upon the miaeral lands of the Saul Canal Company, with a capital of one million. A wc understand it, the Saut stockholders are th principal ntotkholdert iu this company. The object of the compai.y, as we gwttfd in the notice of it we gave, i not mining, but exploring with a view to developicg the resource of these lands, and create au ap preciation of them in some degree correspond ing with their valu. hike Suj-rior Jor. Distinoc isiiEh Vistioa. Ifon. Daniel S. Dick inson, of Binghampton, accompanied by Mrs. Dickinson, was a victor, during the last two davs, near this citv, at the residence of Mrs. Kiitpp, widow ofSv'vester Knapp, who was Mrs. Dickinson's brother. A large number ol our citizens paid their respects to the ot;n Cuished ei-Senater durirg his stay. Mr V -inon appear in eicelleM health and the best of spirits. He left town this afternoon on the train for the East Adrian l'tchtotr. Child Abanponei. A woman called at th residence of John McKioney, ia this vi.lage, on Friday la-t, ar.d left a chi!d about fi ve or an weeks tld while she went V, meet a wtter, who was to arrive on the C o'clock train. W e uo er stand the eisWf didu'l arrive, and the womai. concluded to find Ler pVe of refuge and took the train kr Jackson, since which Ume notUm has been heard from the woman or her enter Tecurnt'h Clii'f. A Trick. bi the i.ijfht of the late Toledo exeursion, while the air line trn was ftoj pmg at Edgerton, some evil-minded persons, as tt sup posed, slipped out the coupling which attached tie three l-t cars to the train, and the tro passed on, leaving the three cars on thetrac. There they waited, and it was not uatd the rexi moming tht the cars passed up tLe tae sua completed the homeward journey of th" P sengers. Jonetrille Independent. SnciPE m Liberty. We learn that Mr. Far raad Crego, aa old resident of the towa of erty, ia this county, committed suicide on rn day last, by cutting his throat with a knife. u Las beea in poor health for some time past, ana Lis family aad friends had noticed that Lis nm occasional wandered, and it was in one of these temporary 'fits of insanity that the act was com mitted. He leavet a wife and teveral children. Jack ion Fatriot.