Newspaper Page Text
THE STATE REPUBLICAN tfPOBUSHBD EVERY TCESDAT MORNING CT HOSnV.R A KEKK. gOMAtUBCilSKSSCOMMrSICATIOSFrtnorLT) TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION": j eopj, br mail" "ft"'' , I r-Job-work promptly and neatly executed, ft&rtfof lVintinSnd Binding cd every d,, uraerr connection with the uneoaaled. Itsttv of AdwrtiHlug. . ...,t llinc,l forth irt insertion, and ;;,V;:rAb-l,Vn,U..Uc.ion.f.,,..,y,.,r,o4l -,jer t I' month. Owo-ma. d-viiia v" . ...c1 iir' ,J : i''"!u,r"- -V. m 3 X ,7 r. S ' s""'..'.."m '" Yearly Al rtinneriti liar- the .rii' ge of three "VTS.Ve,,,, rate, apply t re-r.ilar an.l ordinary A lrti'f.if lit, -nly- All othera hargt-dbj Tuesday Moniinj",, June 21, 1S59. ArroiNTi:t. (Icorge A. Anntroii, F.., t :'!F",;,;t,,', r;,.r r''rt' "' 1 ,,,rnc'' An?. !I City M ir-hal A I.aR-"- S i n iwixr.KV. A few Jays riiirewe received -in" Ftrawltenics from Mr. Fr Jones, Deputy Auditor Cnra", 0110 of ahieh measured four arid thrce-eijrhths inches, tai wciK 'i tl. --- i-'its of an ounce. They ere of the IIvi-V :-oe.i!iiig variety. 1 ,Kr' l'tAKi'll' IlKTI RNEt TIlTC" of our riti' i.-", Ch arl. s I "- r, E. D. Ihiilingfon, mil A. F. Prig.'", have returned from l'i!i- Yeik. Their testimony ii that Pike's Peak is it . humbug. We an: L.-tpfiy to learn by ocru- lar proof that tliir rumor i.f Mr. lei fii niton's death was totally nnfo lti h d. Cei.f.i;i: thin. At a tr.roting f-f the titi'ns l.k-t evening, tin- following gentlemen were appointed a Committee of Arrangements upon tli d-l.-loatioii of the ltd of July in thii city: A. C. Winler, Ce... K. Crove, I II. Mar-tholoiii'-w, A Cornell, C. C. Doig-. Commit!'' oit I", ifinf Col. A. W. Williams, S. I. Pingluiil, C II. II I'tisoii, .1. i: Price. AnTii.if r: ( ."Mi a v. A inny Ailiih- rj Company I :- h-cu li'-ly 01 -i .' . I in this City, called ' Company t ', William's (hi mm Light Artillery." Tln-y :oe i-omposeil --liiivc-y of our ; rm in rilii-n-", lln- fo'I-oviuL' officer: I. V. Unh, '':iitii"n, I ..ry t! !j':iitii i-, Licutcnuii, 'loil. iS Srnil, l r t S'. :tt I't ut, i'i:t. WiMt, fi iori.l S-Hr:i!i, A. Wi, tliii.l S.- ii want, Adii'li Str;tjl, fourth Sc;tlr-:tnf. W lili J.TBt.i:l'l t!. 7 fV!itt trt h:V- fiiir Iii.t- It. for thrt routing III: J'lly, The SVilstihi: Amcuh an. 'I'hc j.u?- lishers of this vi-.-ly t I ntnl ioml.ti- il-lutratp-l we-lIy of in-ri.r:!i H .itA si-i-ciice, aniioiiiifo that it w ill ! .1 011 ih.- first day of July, and ollici nis rn iit!y impro ved, cont.iiiiinjj B'xfcon iti's i:itid i.f i"ht, the present ic, wliieh wt!l m:ik it tin- I ir.'-t and f1nMci ciMitifir in tht'wotl.l; ir is the oidy jii.nnal of ils rl is thnt lias -v r ceedt d iti this Country, n-id liiaint lii.s .1 h-irric-ter for authority in all inattci of ni'-chanii's, science and tliearP, which is not excelled t-v any other j eirnal ptiMishedin this coi:itiy or in Europe. Although lh jmldiliers will ii.eur an increased evja'nse of ,"io" a year ly thisfn-largiut-iit, they h'v d.'teirnint-d not to the price of snivel iption, reiving ito:i their friends lo indemnify ihein in this increased ex penditure, ly a eorrepoiiilin increase ef -mio--rilM-rs. Teiins Si a year, or 1; ei.pies f.r l 5. Specimen copies of the paper with a p:impl1et of information to inventor, furnished prat is, l.y mail, on application to the pisn'i-lcis, Munn .V t'o.Xo. "7 Park Kow, N". Y. The Late Frost n tin who., tlic people of Michigan have suffered no worse- than those of tiei;hlMrinj; Ht ttes, under the visitation 4 the lite fro-a, and not as Imdly as snie. Those of tin d and Ith inst. were liiuch lighter in our State th 01 in others of th- s ini. latitude, and even in localities much firther south; while that of the loth was certainly no more destruc tive here than elsewhere. While apples, peach es, prapes, &e., are very much injured in pome localities, in others the d amage is Imt slight. A few fields of w heat have lei n nearly or unite destroyed, and, wo understand, in sonic instances plowed under Hut we are convinced that seiious damage to the wheat crop h l.y no means gene ral, Where corn has heen " cut to the ground" it is aain s!iootinj up vigorously, and if no other ruiihap K'Cur to if, tht of the 'st will hardly he reinennVred at harvest tinn. As to vines, smell as melons, cucuniliers and the like, there is still rhanee -nongS for some thing of a yield; and as they ae not reckoned anion' staple crops, the daiuago to them is ol minor coneUf!ire. On the whole we are in-rl-.netl to the opinion that the frwt lias not yet jeoparded the production (.f pretty fair trops; and in fact, ot a much larger yield than that of the two or three past years. $f" James Ma lison Jefferson, a nediew of President JellVrmn, died on the 'i'.'th c May list, at his residence, near F.lkton, Ky. He was said to Lave leen the most promising young man in Kentucky. S 1 E C I A L X ( T I r. E S . Kx.vo mi Uoi i Ti.sriw.iw . .'i-.tmni-lievl n.rtiical (rntlrican . in a lf-.t.-r t. the pr.i , t,.r !t nia t littl irrv-Uj f. r u'.e t. .- amtlni s iu fr,.r l a pat nt me.licioe ; hut -till 1 must uitors 0 the tSrwrj ..f fir. Il..i n-,i Pise.-Cioi -1 My b-hall-Dbtt-n sul-T i: unVr j nt co' l, uhi. h ltr 6l all th rurato nw.nn t my I ; hen. ith ot y knnWci, i poo ha-e l a Sotll-of th. t'r.lil. Bl a Lih!y r tht I nio'l prorurc.l a trc o4 b'tt for hrt ; on tal.ini? tl. t-'a1.-Dt hirh -he M r.lica!ly un. " Thi iavalubU rea.r,y. t- th eili.-ary f -thr tir.tcal awo ha U--titi..J, a we I a- th writer of the ab.m. ii rpartl nl hy I'r. C. M. Jack..n, IIS Areh Strvt, ll-.n-oWphia, anil for a ly ! ',-iioMi -!irra!ly thriii;Uout til l uite.l UW .! t'ana-la. I'lif T" nU per N.ttle. U Je, lrorl:tninf ion to tli lopl . TIIK niETHl !' PIIVII llrrrlrk'- I'llU. weather, ch a-, thi.. "ik for xerei of rare, nor neat norha'f n tm-mmk a miit ten rhanre ef sir. Th.ii.rh you hate a c.i-ut.ii o Snl. sect to all human ilN. Yon may htave the went of rlimotr-.. If yon n Snr'r IVil. Tt- i.siu,l now a.i tioi: at,.l roh.Ht, VVljo hut Ltt.-ly writU-t m p..u, K. er ar'iiii, ever crow linj, Th.-y have funi tl.eir hel:h ajain Vow when nAA ufeee.?-i hot weather. The ve no fear ot a;n chilN, Voe they ue those heslth IJikkm-kV i r. r foerro Iuus. I 1i.!41 case-.of tineas have yiel le,! t- I their during the pat live year, mauy cf which have keen pronnuaeeit Incarahle hy litifii(uie.l ph Aj coll weather U .w approarbini;, let eery ne cleaner their yitera with a few iWn of 1'ie-te 1MK N- rastraint in diet fc ne-eary whil them. Full di reetioiM fro with each box. .9ol.lby all the .lealers throuchout the worl l. Istoge to 2i rent. JrVe Ajrertiemnt on 5.1 page. oioi i ia ) JPocroa kuui'TT, f Detroit, wilt be iu OivinJa j m th 11th, Eaton RapiJs 00 the l-tb, Mawn 13th aal t the Ijnin H-xj-e, laasio?, oo the 14th iji of rr ery month, tu tt-U't t pat-nts alTlicVl with chr-nie r liocrr iu- ihK-ase. .s Jvrtimeut. tirrat Cure mIk r tle Ihyli lan liatl Fulli il. r.i sn l-.iitk, diiio, jn. m, iy. lr C. M. Jiiki'l, 1.- Sir: UV wal l in'oini yu Unit .-ari.ut of il '.Tin 111'-rs, ul i'-U rt very rra')y :i n 1 f nii iM-ihlx.r h l i-o il:tor:n; fir M-iiH tion, ( '-tii!ii!. about two ye&n, a:: 'lw ihi'un in ),- r,int'u.) .t a, rf n a i. 1I lK..e 1 a evict! a ! 1 mn p'-ini; al-ut anything c:in roinir- Imn t. Il l .;;-i-a e spi arp.l to J an ovrr1!"" -intt t!i -.!! V. it'i lur l per-ua-idi Wf rv.t;! l on liiia t try yt.ur kit:T, ith tiie promise to Lmi, if it !..! o-.l, we wiul.l c!iare him Dotliin for it, prox l l.e t....k -iv I ui it din tn the i!in-cti"ii., wliu'li he l.a li'U. avl i . ir.i:-!y cul'-l, aa-1 !; Ixvoiat' .1 Wfil r.1111. Tl.I- i nt.- I. a : ei.-itl a prt a! in tlu-i ie-ih-l-.ih..t lwtfnl!y, KiiVVAi:lS .v :;i'iN. A-L fr II ..if ii I s ..-ti,ian l:.tler, art.l t.-il:.- u.,U.iu i!-e. s1. that tli ii.a'.Br f M. Jarkion is on the r:ipp-r of .i-!i ltt!-. Tlif-1 bittern r niajial ietur'l y It C. M J,i. i.n, Nf. 41S Arch i-"tre-t, Miiivlelphi:!. an ! ar I' l l t.y 'lru:".'ist- an-1 tor l.f-irs in rj t -fc'i an I vil!a;f in t!. rnit' l w'tati, ("ana !..-, HVt l"1' .''O I S-Milli Anwrici, at .5 ent.i pr tmttl . a IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. nKl.tlK IM TKS VISTTts! ! F.KVAVS ITLMLVAIiV WAFEIL? AKE unfailing it the cure of Cor;;i.:, Coi.i.?, Asthma, ISp.ox inris, Sork Throat, Ho.r..FSKs.-', Dirri rn.T l!iti Tiusi, Incipient Oonscvption, r ok tiie l.t so. They havu no taste of me. Heine, and any child will take them. Thou sands have lecn restored to l.cahh that had It.-fore despaired. Testimony given in hundreds of ra:e.j. A .single dose relieves in ten vim tes. A-k for Pryan's Pulmonic Wafers the .,ri g'n.d and only geiiiune is stamped " I!iyan." spurious kinds are ollercd for sale. Twenty-five cents a liov. Fold l.y dealers generally. JOP. MVES,Soh-Propri. tor, K. ! ester, N.Y. For sale l.y Ii. TIIAYKII, k Co., THE GREAT ENGLISH PtESIEDY. SIR JAMES CLARK'S OI'fr;it'l IVni:il I'ill.. HY RtY Al. !'.Ki'Ai:nifr prescription i'( .r .l.nn-' Extraor.liietry ! tl: .!.. 1 M. !.. I'! iliVMt'l.ll.l. M.ln-ini. in lil.'.iilio in lie- .-.! 1 I painful a 1 . 1 l.iiir,ns ,l:- ; : 1 1. .. 1 1 , t ! tl, ri'iii ,t)iti.,li. It mii.-ri!. -i all rn . 1. 'i'i. .; iil ot, :m o-. aii'l Mnr- i'ii t'. ii,',n:hly p.-ri..l v,,!!i r :!i: !. ! . I'ilU nil. .l.l'l ! I1N...I t s : or th I ,,rii..ii. t" r ! lini-nii.t, tiiy fortify tin' . '.11 ilnl:on, ar l n , ! ... r ull.Tiu .Iiiiiiii'.r, . nritlu..' t Iil- li.olti.-r t'. p.l ;tu h-r .! with ;il-!v t.. . If :u. l . I..M Ih-f r,'U sl,;l t ,v ' - I,'!, n I 1 ...iii ; .. Hh'sr Tllh'fK .Wo A IIK-f I' .;,. I. ,.,v f n- !.. i'H M, . in t-i-l- , l.ut ' lit: J i.t ',,., ,....- th. ,, I't .iH i-f N. rv'iiH ria-l S.:n tliH It.irk aii'l I .'ii 111, 1 1,. ii iin- s. I il ti'.n , r...!pit.itioii .if till" ii j.t, I .... l.-r-,.S,-k If.-n I:.,!.,-, .r. s.uill 1. .M!.-r1 on-, 1 . : : 11 u- 0:1 .Si, i, ,r.- ol .- 111!-, H. 11 tl -i :. .--.tsii.i..'. l.y a 'li .tr-lcrc.! h-!.-iii, tin-v I a 011 re hen 1.11 olln-r mci ris l .ie ! !!. i:, ai! i... i -!i a p..,'iful iinnlT, 'li not rout. mi non, r .1 1, ih'-moiiy , i.r -my i.thvr m:. t .11 I'.ir.-r'.ion-' a''roi,i;..iiiv in ; i'i . !i i -o-' : i l' i, c,i.i tic I isi'i-il St.i. an I I n.V-1 a. On- 1-. I -.-sit th." I nit". I Sl.iti'H .-net I iirola .liii: M'Mis, (I ai I. '. U.l.l n ".. .) K.kIi. -t.-r. N. . i! - i l:if IkiJI ir an-l i.p.i-t.ii" tajmp-i f-u lu-i .; t...iny ,i.i?i, ri -. I Vt-nt, iileiiur a iM.ttlc. c:il4.nisu.-Jo r.llf, .V M-t.!. i;..llt t..r at- I y It. TiMvyu, l aiiMi. . l.'.O-.l thv latnit!ilrfs. CLARK'S SYRUP. ' I 'UK .i , teal puriti.-r of thr M-wi 1 in fxl-'f-nr. . K..r I V.-.I.. I t .-r Vour;. lliil.l:.-i ho :.. S -r..fu I vry person kio-w-.-. ...v, a'l tlii that i I, l-r'-f -s PI RM V TITE P.I.OOI. : I'SI A i '-:ei Nil MKD1RV NO ARsr.MC ' 1.1VK' I'MV IS r ii-' ri virus i in i.iK i.w hln.r I l-i VS'. ' M I I fl'. s!!-, , -.-J VI AI'H K It Is V.'uri ! .1 NO IMTASM' No I'iKIN K ! VI HI .I'll TK MI' ' lr.oN" : Nil MiNt'RAI. ! 1 1. ;my kic-l r nature in it 1 i N.. r.-w.pip...- J..!.,' .., t pd-on Ironi wl...:ii i-e.t !W" 'i li'ltll r : ll' ;-l. I i f l.y in. 1 mil fa!;- y t!i.-m--!.-. V A y p. r ti i h.itri.-. Hie -vi ti i it.! ., nr.-l i.--..n;t.i. ;i 1 it Ii 'iii in ..!. an-l i.ol hi a mii.'Ic i-i.-k h i p -r-..ii-...i.H- THY 11, nl j..u ln 1,lr,' p.-,.p:.- i.ii t,.i!t!- pl.v w ill nth".- it r.-.jiiiii-s tut" ..r --r i5i-.,t-ii.-r,i iH-iot. W 1 tov. i lio'.itii.i inm.-s' K.v.-rv .is l' --it their nam.s an-l i :-.:! .-in :i t-!r- i them .1 on 'lisenvor it-i ' I i only ju-t int'o ' i! I ul.- I .' t' W- lklv ol i.ol t i! .-r.-t le-e-. li.-i i ! '- : 1 i- . -TUY i i.i:k s syi:i t u, . ,e-,f it a i for t 'hills aii.l terer raTRY n irks sy!:i r. th- .-i u is ... i r, for lyapepi;t. -Ti:Y fl VKIi ;' lil'l1, I .r anr I i. teTi:v i i.kks arc i .r S i..f.i: i or a.iy h!.i i .!i--a-e. liiMl i:K' S' -n ai: c.,-i- ..i : ,r.,:- IVma .1 1 nio'.ir.-. A ity, or .i-se:i-e of ti Spei mil i to -.':. t. fry it. I. U.rv S Yi:l l th-;,.. ron.lit th l.ii o I, an I ki!U the p..i--n nhnti !.-,' II,.- ti-e .1... ne . .,-! r.KS SYlll I" n il f-.'et .'.- i.i..l no i, an I that n what the hiiui an l.'-.s! n, t. fl.AI.'K'S SYr.t T t 't S-re Ihr -it i- n.i'.-.l i'tl.Ar.KV sYKfi' f. r we.ikU , IVin.!-s. . HI. "klv, p.lllV t'hllilieil, -Mr.. t C l.!:K S S iM i" ii i.1! .10.I 1... M n- rV f.'ion w.l! lie ifiveu for any i-r ;,i tonn.l 'i it . ; t I'S S Yfiri fiiw an- w-a'. - .11 1'. in i!e i-iiliil..U4 t'hil Iren,!y. t ,-t .Ai:K-.s Yt'.l i' Hi-s wm.l.-iiii . o ition .rkinj wonder-. ! ov. r the -. ir..i. nu.l !-r I in- WrtnitM or Setoi.u! '..m:l iint, an 1 Kema'e V.'e il, leneral r-h', it is pet ! !r m:i,ii-al I'ut hi. 'a jnart iM.ttle. au.l 11 1 ke :'ie to ink n-Kr fa!e in I.111 in: l I M. .V II. P i!ir!l.lo mew. ".'IT ly yi JAMES TURNER, A.;kst to Immmm Co., insure a -a-n-t by tire, t t'.- I we.t p- -il.l-ra' 1. an-l a-l..ii-t tie I.- -- pr..i;i t v. .-i !.r at- n lioo wi'' ke e.ven toiLe ,n; VUM ll-'Li's a-..'. I'jin Rn an.l ih tarl e t .l-ae'l-n . MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY. OH IIAItTKOKI. Aj'i-ftt'atl'tii to (r,ins,t-t thr ..''. .1 !,tt. runr", i" r the art f ft hrv-xry 1."..'., lvv.i. 7 . t'f II r ov-, i't' ?-r, ' th if IVXi-v . r V,.-'.- .,-1 rpHK M tl li'AIIoN .f Velfl,..n! 1 ot II irt or.!, ! tl e S' .t of C. .il!' l-.n 1. I .inpany. -si e.-.u'iv n- - , 'c mr'i' how- that they are an lu-nraai-e I .tnr'i" . -".V 1 l-yaiil i'n.!.t the Uar. it the Sta of I" -i-t c! ri t an ! thit they are now actuary en,.ire l in tin- b - i- 01" In .i"u.t. An I th-y herehy a.piy lr a ce. ,"1rV anthnr 1 in th-ni t tr.iri-.ift the bi.- i.-. of !nn:an. e ia th-St.t-. . M vh ;an. a ptov :!e 1 f,.: an 1 actli.V f I - l ti e act enti'' I " an a -t t,. rvj.iU". I- -e.'ie. I ',- :1 lUattii In-uram-." I'Miit-ao . no 1 to. - a-i.t-. . : ti-n. pat.;v an l !-' v lua's .'.iip. . . e. 'x. ue. I i'e iel lit th I t-ii-aiic-bii-; t-s ii..t v , 1 e Mile t t ' cb ,.in." appi.-ve.t February l'' They farther aver n -le a J' iu'Vwn, v lit That the natne of -ai-l .-.enivanv M. ' rl.-nt .' r.m.-e C tiu any . of Hno'or-1, an 1 f. at the r tn-'nes ;s in ' 11 inlool. "1 tai-i S te . f t t-i oicut. where th.-f k e;i an-l ma -it i:,i tl';" . r.t-pi! . S e. J.I 1 .at the amount ot thc;rcipiii ' -i-k :- o e su n t" liun.r-. th.m-an l .h ilar. S.1 Inat 44 :.! c-.pi'.I ck. tli oi-n . ! or.e I "n.'-e 1 an 1 fi..y -an t ant o:lie' v .h.'.l .r It. - ac. ai"v h-en up fv the st vckhi.M. r of rv.l cranny. 4lh : t,at the as-e- of -.1 rop.ipany o-n--! 1. f r ali on han.l at tb-ir ;ii.l pl.ire ..1 1. 1. n, the mini of three huu-losl ruH't- en an l ev.-iity !-ot tne bun Ire.lths ilollar. fash, in the lian.I- of ihe assets 4 a J company . the '-.m of thr e Uion-aiol f.ur l.un "ie.1 t- tv even ami fi 1 T-ne one lmrelie.ths .toll tr, cah iahati ' of person otlu-r than the agent f ai.l cempanv , but incluJin-i lunk an l hniker. the "im of twenty-four thonsan-l eiht LunJreJ tletty nine an.l 1 :uiy ..ue ltHo- id )f real etate. which U e-ini-cmhereJ. b-mi , V "V - V -SB l iv . IS. 3i Of bonis now owne l by sai l company, aruoaaticz ii. .-lu.i iuii vi 1 i.r mm 01 mi leaet otty-avca 1 -rn i.uii iie.a an.i ten .yi-iars, trie rate or int-re-t cp- 11 Umliu . perrei.t. Iknla now owne.'. by tin- company, t:z l':.r ral. M irk, t tM ..Iiiv.un ta!-o ;a r -t il'1,000 $-.4 i M.rhij-m ' " ' l'.,ii 1 5 ..';. Ohio ' ' sum S.l.ji K'en'ncVv fi .'. iai r, .( IlirtS .r-Hi.ty, - (;!. i; t 1 .", j;, i",.. Hirtiorl I "ty, - f arkl .. 5 "il Total hodls i."i S'lTJlot'.T.Tl-J.f"! 4l1,Of , lra::y ,1-i- t , th- ...i I fonj 'e ruret t y mortja-,orher th-.-.-.-:n.rri-e 1 in" the f,.r.-. io.n mum. rti. Ul:he uni -.f a: lesi tl. rt. .-ii th'-ii-aiM '.i' ;.:h-.f .Vhs l. ..:,l'r .J. oth-rwi-e hy m-'r! the u.n of a.t i.t m. en an I eighty two one lom .. !- f.-ur-.. Inns on t'-e i-l c-rr.r any, cure-! I u-.t .!ue f-r pr.-!ii,i,ui-. aa-1 se- u h.ia-'.re-l sn il'I';ir-. iiel.t, other Ain't J I-. r ...I Vir. il. t!.. r.-oti l'J". kI U.o'. of II i- i -r-l ' onuty, ll.trt!..r.t 7 h. M-rean'.iie I; k, lln. T ::i h M-'rt-h ac M inula tnrer" !!'k, II it t i ! , ". -i l-l.-Krfivnlle ; k, I- -!,. I: .... I'. ' lrv.n.' liank, V. Y , 7:.n l'l " .K'na :..-ik. Hart . 1 ,"0 1 " K.irm'-rs' .. V-.-l:.a ic 1' i:n.'.,'-r !,. . ."..Hi r,-:,. Ph. f ..:.! , II..:t , i..i f .:;ri 1 .0 1.T0-, n 4",i 1 ia l-j..'- liii.!i;i' loine.l 011 tl,.-ab-ve -! ck fl". Tn ---i I !L. i" .leh! i lej-nliy lue t-. el ri! f -r pieoo Oiis. t'.e niliii i-f at lea-t seven In 1 I o n i- -',.t m l forty eiiitone hun.lre ill., .lol'.trs. .tlx ! a! otlier ieriiri;u-i an.l HMt'. th.. s:,m of nt 1-att im- huti-lre l twenty tV.'i'.in I or. i. u-lir l i-nty seven air! th 1 ! y in h ''I.i' -. -V 1 . -.-urit..-- are : 1-t. Hank -to':l t ov n 1 l.y tl. companv, ';.. 1'i.r .il Mtr. vat. ."- PleiT.-i Am. Ki. H.i.k- Y. r,i Me'r. I tan I'. ink. N. Y . no $ "t.-e. 1 im) "O ...Tootii) O-i " th.oter0.ikIUi.k.lla!;:i.i,.,i,iiioi,i i'l " Kx.-h.nik'" lin.iv, l!.i!i.T., -J,; .) Ion .Ktna I'sink, llutfor.. ln.ooi.e i r." o far. - Ve,-'i. l:n, k, l!,ir! , 1.11 rhieniy Ilarf r !, C.Ooii.ui .', : Mer. Mn. Piui.. ft .0. 1. : 1. . j.i .ty liink, lUrt'or I. :..tH t i -1 Ih.le .v leather Il k, li.-t,.ii.,.i.O'Ht.ii " 1 onal Itviik, I'.Mfoit, i, 000 1 m VI Sif.-'y l-."i I I" I' t-.n, 5 000 01 $ 7,.'hi i.'i 7i ."Vi Xr-ji-a' valurt of the s'-ck, 71,'' " :k notes 011 V. -r.- t, for h.i' iu.-e ..u- 011 I. si ftock, -l'l.'. 1 1 o. I Int.-.-. t a' hot n .t .!;ie, I.:; I ; :. si-0.1:;: 1 '. Tiie am it f lah'tilV of f:t', 1 ronipany. r.o t'.ue lo -ai.l Ci-mpaiiy to hai.k.-, or to other cre-l o! ai. ei.fnpany, none. I..e amount of liahilitiet heiea.-r to le-n pie thte bv i -I company, t'i hank- or other ereilitora, h The amount of lo- c - by kiM rwinpaity now a !.,i.-t-1 an.l now lue, none. 7!h The aiin iiiit of I.i a-ljn tt I Imt not vet tine, none. - Ii Hit- amount of lo-ve-i of i rut ii:ti y, utia.iist-.l at tin' piev iit time, .l.e-s uot exeee I Hi- 0:111 i.i ltt-lve hiiii.lie'l ilollar-. '.i.h Tiieain mnt of In i-. ;a tnpen-e) .iit'ii f f..r pi;...i. n-ni. toil. The an.oi'".; il "!her r!.ti:iM a.'i'-i-t t.;i;.!r,.i,t -any i!o not ailment to m-i e tli. 11 li.e ii .tit. ' -. -I ,i.,' ,r I I 'h All iiuthent cnte.l copy o! the 111.1;. I , i.r ! . 1 lor trpoiat.on .-; .a I romi 1 ny or ,1 "f i lin ., ;to-.e-.i-l. iiiail.t-.l :' hi-lv'e A . atol :i' a J c. i-oi y . I tl..-r I'v I aws o.ul.e.l s-, i..! 1: iMr.MH It t'i- roinjuiiv I -a p m ..-i 1 "p or .. : sto.-k e--li.iinv, e'r-ke t.t the I t.-t o'ae e ;.i. i- iy ) l!'!t-A tiae copy of 1 e A'tic,.- ..! -i. i.,.rf..i! n.-r hip Agreement t : I .-,-i- ,.tuv :,hei. . .. - ' . ina;l.e.l S-he-lnle A. r. . frt.-..'!' ',V .' ' -i' r'.i r .. n s n M i rv: ot- (' 1,1. I Iki i'.orJ ..nut y, 1 V. I i.-.'.. Ijih-le", h-ir .iii'T f 01 ,. on 1 r. ith .!. 1 .t . iiol .iv that he has re.ol tl,- lor.-o i- ;i J -uiei.t , :inl I ii - i -. th- eon' -nH tli. reo! II, -it t! s .!. (,o:ieu; i . s-t t. l.iry i-f the f 'inpaiiv ! A- tli .n t!n-n-:n 111.11 tiii.-.l, an-l i- e!l ue.j.i i'-it -I u. 'til- a! ' . h- i.a it". A -a"n t i-,;e.-, .... I l , , t u ' . i-ev. . -ai'l -t.ati.-m. lit to I e tru- i III' -. I 1' !! il I ' . .s.iorn ant sub-ct he.l h-f..i- ine. a' lln, r'. 1 .! Si t- an 1 i-oiiuty, tl-M n -li t -mil '.y i f 1; . i Aa.l I .!. lurtli.-r c-ri iy, th:.t I ii ire !!, I -! siiial exa.n nation M t!.e i .-a t'-e ,. M- -ion of the "ai-l M-r.-hnutH I i- ir.m ' 1 .1111 Inllv alisiie.!, ti., 01 -oe'.i j, o t-iil ,.i- :i i I .111 1 -HIV aie th- '-.Ita t-1- . :. the several stock ,1 -n. .11 i'.i 1 it ol u ii; -Ii ai'l t ni anv is : - 1. -en. ! '.1 in !!:n f-re'tiiii- ht it -ment an-l e- l.e 1 0 .t tiiti ie-ral loans l.y eul i ni.:n. .i ,! --i.-. ' t!..-H-!'..r, are as nhnye -til 1 ul.i.- , . ! i'l :ii.l am pi fur th rer-pecliw- ....i, .-,.!,. 1', r-, -i Witness my au.l teal i l t.i'o e. ! 1 ! lll.NKi U. W. tt I 1 I I, t'niiim'si..lier of tin- .-.a -it M .-,.. in an4 tor the St ,' .f ' .101. e' nl ..l.i an-l utciibe.l I for.- me, at llirt'-i !. 1 -a i .on v an.l St-ite, ties twenty l.nii !h .htv ol, A i Is ' .!: !.ii: S. i;U M.W, S,'.t-ry I n!-' I'KRTIFICATK Oil I.KKNsli, I n-1 ,- In iirun, - A-t ff l'Kr,ix, j l.Vi, l.'.'i. tll-Tiei! of iilK KfRKTliiY of r1i:, Lannii, Mich., May -J.'.th, ls.V.i. ) T 1 l I. TO V. Il iM Ti'E-K rKK-I'VH Sll ll I, 1'OMK : II'.'.-(. l'nrsintit to the proriMons rf an A -t if th s'tite of Michigan, entitle.l "An Act t renlaf Ire, Marine, I ife an l lleaith ln-.nrao.-e (' impaiee-. ml their A.'t-n's, Assoeiatii'iis, l'.ir!n-r-hi h an I In livi ln i! .!.,,nj f ee. Marine, l.ije and ll-a!t!i Iinurince t.u- r..". not in rorporat "I hy the Mute of Michi-an," approv. I 1 ehrnary I't. s.,-i,th.-r- v.a on ti.- twenty li:!h .lav . 1 Mav, A i 1 .'.'. I.imi-he.l to tie- f -cretary I the State of V1.-i1r.7m. an.l lili -1 in lin lHln-e at I.ans;nz, a statement 1 I the I,,. finance Cotnfanv known as tt.e Verrhau-. In 'iraric t'.tinpany ,l II ir1l. r.l. nliirh i' impai.y i au inroi j-o ,i. ! f -iipai.y i.n-lei th- laws of H i- Stat of i't nmetit-itl, a. -i.i!,,iih ii;' 'i:-m.iit, .tiel con-til hi in ' a at lh-re. . mi . u Vn, - sat -lo t, ,iv to -a .'. :V.-,".. .,v .,; Si " th- nue-ti-i .i.t re.i.ii.-1 hv A.t. I IV. 'il . le-.lntil II till !el tke rll II -anl I '. .,11 1. inv . r, 1 i -.r.l It - ii.l A.!, aiel Ivanni .!ate the t. :,. t-ei.t't 'iv-. l Mil, , !. s-.-i. ,,;!. ,.r, Mt.(. H;nr. a A .-.tit o! .- v 1 r tiupiny. t t -i-kno.i !-,! ... ...r..i r , f' -oil .1 ! -I ua', "i tie lei It ol f.o. I i::i an , a-, pr.-. i -l h. ii.l.Art. V-" " " . '! nat th i .l lif.tir.oi-4. t.i a'.y, ae'.'n hy ! !.r..ii-i JIAHIOS S KIM.-r, i - A.-ut al. ,ve n n..e.l. a-.--.r.).ii to th.- prow-ion of m ,1 Art, an-l tl . nl A tent, wine acting sun-It i.i. (iii..u . (, li'iel'i-antlioti"'l aiel ni.iiv,. re ! t ti.ii.. ' ln.,,-,-I. sine.s in th.- Stat- ..f Michi.-an. as no i !e 1 l.v n,l A. t . nl.'.-rt to ail the provU-M,,-, le . rvali. o nn.l lor'ta i'on in -ai l Act n'a ii.-.l. hi f-s' niony V Iter. .-f, I have h r-uut.) et mi hanl, an t ca.i-i-.l tin ilt.-tt :Val i! th- Sttt- -ni to I... .n! -., t'i- .'iv an-l vr fit -t at-.-.e "lit' ii V" i.. 1SI: I I., .1 . Tl ltKK. As;, litv,hiiu (Vitinty. olii ' lo 4'oiilr;t4'i'i. 1"IIK C.iIllIli'-siota-i.J ,( the l.ei'i-;t,,n :i:i.l I'llut lliver Swamp L u;d Stat.' Il'-a-l will me. t at dohti Fl.lii'ierv's Hotel, ill llio v '?:(''. of p ,x I--. iile, in S.milae eouiitv, on Weil'ies-iav, i!u Ji't'i day ol duly next, al lo oVI'kI, A. M., lor the purpose of letting ;' that poitiou !" sai l road in Similar county, comtnein-ino; at the nci i ti.-n.-t cor ner ol si t tion :u t owns! 01 In noi.h, ! ramie 10 east, tin-nee West eighteen lti;,es t''-on-it ki:i county. A'-'o. at the old hM ,.l of I.-.i;.i'i Huth-r, :u the town (t Aliison, in the county of Lapeer, on Fii d iy, the -lli day of July next, at lo oVIk-1;, A. M.; nudnUo at I Vast ley's S: uc, iti th.- town ot North llratn h, hi sa'.l coiml y, i.n, the T.'A day of July next, at l'M,V!.x k, . A!., flr th purpo of lettipj ji'I t'i .f p.itf'oM cf s.'d road j and l.i ides in -n"d coutity, cui'ioetiein-; at th.. northi -t cot tier of s, et'on ::.',, :u t.. a u n,tri i.t of rane 12 i re t, th. rice : t and t " r'"'tt Ilivcr, a' the villain' of I.-ipecr, in s:ii,l cnuntv. S; :d im 1 vy;,l be let 't sectiors of .i; m;,. wi ll, to ! completed wit 'uoi-.e ver-. The road 11 to l.e u;lt r ; fo' To l.e puh'ied th'ty f.vt wide, r'!.l cl.-ar. d ol all loos.- t'tiilt.-r, l.rttsh a-e! s' .nesf.nir n-.'s wide, i ud :i" that poition of ?a;d road w! ;. h is laid cut six rods wide is to le ci.oppi d out three rods mi c .rh side of the centre. And the whole mad ;s to he turnpiked ei such a n.;it-ner that the cent ot the road w;" he two feet l-:;;hcr thai the stir face .if the uroun.l on cither side, or t ;') ii-rt to form a dry road h d. A'' Causeways to he l.u 't of tanh. r not I r ; than s:t it chts it; o'amctcr, rixt -.-n feet lone, and covered with i:nh one foot :,i depth. Ami a'l eulvcus to lt(. lm"t m.t K ss than f..i h ct wide end twenty f -ot Ion-;, r i.l t !.e .nered with three inch pkit-k. The tiumher ot fide I'trosou cacli s cti.i:i, the length ff each, the iiuuih. r ol f cus-wav to be built, the mir cr and tieof each culvert, together with iH-c--siary " 'one tt"o;i, w"! Ik' riv a on the uay cf letrn. The ahove work 'v.ill Ik- pa'd for : i in u.ev p id sw; nip "ids, in puiiui ico of an . t ttfiit'ed " An Ai t tj provide fur t'i,- d aii a.v jnd re 'i ma'iouof sw.'mp :mds ,y tui-. is .t S. i:- and I' tdies." Febru-'v 11 t'i. Is.",.. Lexinc.on. June '2, Is;,:). ST1 LF.S K. N F.T 1 1 KT IN. t HAVIH IT ITKU. ' t :,, U..;. ... r JulI.N ; P.. WIT stir;. ti -m )Y virtuo of a t-r.t oi1 d out o. I ) and under the -al f in" I ait Conrt f r the county of Incham, to nic t!-eted a" 1 Mir ercd, I have levied upen all ti e right, til'.e and interest of Fii lFby, iu an 1 to th" ...I' taivg il. scribed Imds aad, to wit: I ; No. i(7. -?ven a: d (lc'cht "ub' a No. ll : v, xy lene, :u the . . it i.r".s',-, ac o. .!"; .he I j C-ir .led plat .'-L-:i.or. b "ng 'j vo ! ; :rane tv wi-t, iMcnty of J"-;h- r Miehi-an, w l ;ch I s!.. " c.vpi . lor .-. .h, fj i;iiiim 1 vendue, to the b'gh. st bidd at ' .c I'.mt:, in t!,e v isage ot si3sii, ia tuo-i county mi nursiuv, t'.e ..a my oi -uga-', is.,-.', at 1 o'cioi k, p. Im. EDY DAKER, SU ri2. Dited, M.uon. June 11. is;, i. 'wil7 I I l-l .'..It inn r.,l kino Great Gliancc for Barirains BOOTS AS SHOES thi: kntip.i: stock of ijoii AM SHOES Of the Late E. P. BoswelL win. i:r. sfii.D loi: C A S EC , At l!:iraiiis; that will suit i.vkky ju-r-s.iii who will tin- St.iM' a Call. ' - Tlir Stock has to hv ( lonl Out ! Ainl all wantini; (itxiJ.-s in this line rit tra'k-.can mvo a lanre or c-'iitairo ly i-uivhasiiiL Ironi this Stock, which is m w, aii'l ju-t oj-cnoil this Sjinrii. CUSTOM WORK D'nf, as hvn tufoic, ly xK rioncol Work 11 11 11. L.w.siNi:, June l.Jth, l V.h li liETTER LATE THAN NEVER. NEW CL 0 30 S n .11 sr ai;i:i at thi: J- ul Ln JL J up T. D. BILLINGS, A N I Wll-h 15!) ,OLI Cheaper than the Cheapest !!! o l.i:issinu Tliry S:ik for TIm'IHM'I . It nf Im I iil'i -iail. : f Uvy mil-! Im Sol. I. WANTED! ITI TV TIIOrS'AND l'OITXDS or TUST o O 3L. w in r.xciiAXi:-: rou cash T. ii. iuij,i.;s. Ii si.;, Juno, 's.V.I. E5 3 . Mi.W .V FAVtllMTIl KOI 311 l.KTWKKN- TIIK East and North West. holroil and .llihraukf,0 KailHay, (Open to Lake Michi-j.ill.) StrUt hni'-f'riiif '"-.s-f7.(.v St'tiHter lly I. l.iiul," nn.l (It vcliiu.l, f, Thorn i.rhiy ie!ii!e.l ,,r 0,,-i rn.ite.) ON AND A FT K II l s'.O, Tr: MoNIi.VA", .lane f.ih. 'rains will run as fnllo .: oiii? "iV'l : Mill M.vej .n iri.r 1 I- I. I I t-J'i f: S:i-n- I'r-!-;-. l' art. ' lO-lr-it, .l.-part -! .l.-hti-. airi.e I ran 1 HtpMi, a.ii-e, .Oanl M..-. o l VI. I l M. I-. M. Ti- 1 s. !o ; -h'l 11 :.. II I- laiii Ias : l-;ie-lilne:.'s I !.:.; in lie...-! ,' l.r.r, I H,v. n. it... I-..- i'-.-.keo:, svirr...v s c i f-r sat iir 1 1 v Sight's 1 tor- r-t'.-r-ei hx' .1 i. M train will v.r If .-v Si oi .. Ti- r. leave t-rnt :.t -luiy . S ii, !m . j.te,! . Tile irl.K.JP. n I IMi i- ii. . .. r i i .. I:i - -s. O iVVFiTI'-Ns. Al ItfTItoir ;reat WV'V.u IU i iv t .r a:l f.o.i,ts Ki-t M.ciii-an I Dtrai an 1 M chi; in ,'.nii l!.,ir i-ai..l' Lr- T ; ?:.N I !! WTN M" -i. I T i : n' s. ,T..,.r , , r n c.l -.. ,v- ,v. Al lii.WAl KKK Tirh the M --i-m i. I.icr... i ... Water'.. n, an l H .r it,!v We-t an '. N. it! -r. ni l w'h St.-aiiie's : 'ii i.i.iro t. ar. ! i n t!.- M.-i ,j , l.ak- Mih n. l'l--. :--.-rs for i.r.-at We-t- i R lway .m th- Ra l wav r- irv St-ani. r. at ll. .t . K. IVh.o. 1-avin kk at s oil A. M. i mi N'oon. an l T - n I'. M. M'.hT Til'Ns iu; j; ! .! TiNi. I Al- AT- TA lir ii Th- I' tnpany' T m Th--etn K h i t rit any the St.l'l. t. W. K. VI "IH. f. M. R. I.fficec, .!,i,,e. s-a n l S.ij.'t. ('oiiiuii-K.MMn-rV .oli'o. ISTATL of Wm. n. Thompson, d"vavj 1. Ji State of Michigan, county of I:i-!:a:n, es.: Tiie undct signed, having been appointed bv the Hot:. Wm. H. Pit.ckney, Judje of Probate lor s.tid eountv, coiiitrpVi tiers, with lu'l wc -d t....:. --- .,--. a:.ii a-fiUft ad cliurus and ib.-man ls oi au persu is i:t.?t the ct.-t ol i Win. K. Thotrpsor.,.;. en a-od, htJ of the State of! .y,U 'M ve.1 's' t v-r'- i I M-iee-t.n-t...... . ...I l"r'?i.. i S'l-."on ; i I t I e. i .;ran-l Hat-en. .' -art j 5 o..' .(ej.- i , :;n ! I i: ..,.U, .11 - e J 1 jo: :. : j I 1 ' vi .I-f.. .at, ve. ... I ..4' I I la i : .''! ii -! -:'.m ltr. o. - ; tl 4o, ii . .. .. ' I .. -s i 1-. s s"'i. la .l.-e, t -i ! i .' . tin ;, i Texas; and six months from the second day ofj j,1 May, A. D. ls.'i, havuig U-cit aiiowej ,v s.ii j ! - lu teot Probute to the iritiit'trs cf said fsttte. retnt'.rs ct sai ! .-stAie. to prc-ent their claims to the unj-rsli-pod, com- nusMotifrs, lor aoowanee : Notice w then-lore hereby civv-n, that we wid nictt on Mtturdar. the .i..n.l day ol July, and on Tuesday, the f-coud oT.uav oi auitl:;! next ensmnrr. at i m Uv irmikiiu Mi.a-, ia ice f;lT ul Uli;.D7. ID ! county of In-zhani. at lo o'clock, A. iL, ich ' .oi .Liy. tor tne afMire name.1 purjiose. . AI . - LLs, t21 i RANKLIN" LaIU'E, I'omwa.i.Wn. Datfl. t'tv f lanainj. June 6lh, ljO. (Ont'll & Jcnison VRK now receiyinj direet New York, llosi.m, au-1 Phiiu-ielpl.-a, one of the Lr-os: sUK ivS Ol ! DSYG 0 0 B S, i t'.roeeric s, R-ots, Slsoes, Crvl;.-ty at-.d H.,rd-', .-ver l...' orlere-l iu tl .! r'"y, t ! ". '1 tl-.ey hl;e the attt-ntto;i ot a ! t jr.i-rrii.-J. i Kiiuwini thit 1 '?' i t '. ! ' r or - ; i.-cii '.010', a::d peopl-.' ti.ihk !:.r-e f t'n.-ir i "liine-" il.ey .J.j of r.: vtl.-.-j . 1 a:-. 1 tl:..t ' t'..c i:r-at al.sor'.ii:i' iit:e.tio:i ;st "Wl :.' cx. 1, tra ie the eheape.-t, ami t!.ero'..y s.iv the nsost ' :ii"!i- v ".'' we ai.s-a.r as f.-w wr l a- ; --'.!, j t! :-.t is j tiie r-UAci:, ! V, !, .-re yo.i e iti iave- t your ta.viev u-. l i.-.ialo 1 or- O'v -us 1 r a uV.'-tr thin a: a:.y ntl,. r Store in tow ,t. We hue t';. r. iiv- sV---teiu. all 1 o are d -teriiolied lo 1.. ike it 4;: o'. .! lor ALL who uih t pav t .r their u'OO.Js to trale witli us. A d.Ker, :;1-e of :,t Ka-t twenty-live per e. r.t. (iti ftvor if .. :r -wto'.ner-l will readily l.e s.-.-:i, b.-t--:i ..-ii- jti..s nn-1 those who trust. AVe mean we s-.v, will siti-fy all who call o-t us, that it H a We parti.-ularly i:n he th- I 1 tocx-i-in-e o,ir stock f f li.Mutifa! ' Silks. (iloy.-a, s;,.i-ls j Challies, iiauntS.'tts-. Sko-t.s, j Pel.aines, MhN, l".-i.l. iei k-, Cashtneres, llori.-ry, Lit. ens. Morion's, Tlioinnii 'i, l o ler-lee-, MuMins,, (',::,, ti:n.'ha:i.s r..', rem-i, C.ltlil.ri. s, llooj,,, IVn:-, A::de.t,ls and st . -i s ... -,,...U, t.,., :.- j oi;s 1 1 metitioti. I To th' (! nt!' we would tu o,.'v ,:.IV i'j 1; I we are doine .;e in the ckithiti' hne. an 1 nro- pos,; to clothe ii man all over in ,i !iape and .;t vie that his shadow won't b-aft ii I tot'-nlow him.Hnd To Ihr Woi-M al I.:ir We ?ay pVo ih a call and sat'siy yourselves that there is one .store in town where yon can pet th.' best of goods at a-tonishi'ie low prices, as we ave di-t.Tininod to s.-!l rroo-is clieap- r that thev were ever before sol 1 i:; this in r!;.-t. No etaiiiihrn-:', or charges made for ehowini coo ls. Store in the Ilohnen . Wii-l t l.lo. k, one door south of Loirr & Crove. oiiviii.i. v .ii;mso. Latwlne, Mav 1 ii, Shcritl ":i.. IV virtue of one execution i-sned out of the ) Circuit Court for the county liieh;tiu. State of Michigan, to me iliieeted and delivered, in f.i.or of John Kay tier, niMimt P. II az aid, 1 shal .,.H a: ,,i,j(. auetioii, at the Court lloueein the village of Mas..n, i:i said county ! Iniih .ln, i.ii Friday, the 1 ,Mh day of July," A. Ih 1 s o ', at one o'clock in the afictnoon oi that lay, the lollowiii'r ileseri'ted i.-:d estate, to wit: all that tract or pare. 1 ot land situate hi the township of L.-IJ.iv, county ol iitohaiii, .' ol Michigan, bounded as follows : hc-iuiiiii at the "outh we-t corner of faction ;.-c!i 7 in said town-hijt of Li i;..y, and running i.ottii thirty :.' tods, ii..-nce ea-t t W elity-t lit i ( jiij rods, thelico south to th.' v-Olitll hi;,. i( s i d s.-i-tlotl, thetiee wesL'.o J,,. pl iee of Itcsiniti'.g, containing fo::r at.d "lie hall" acres r,5 laud. KlV I5AKKII, Sh. rilV. Ly I. II. VANDEnCooK'; rmierShciiil. Ihitcd, May 'Si, lS'i'.i. tovjl . Miciiti Saic. J V virtue of two writs f x-- .tion i--md ) out of tu.d under tlio s. a! of the I'ireuit court for the county of Inehatn, t. me .lit.-cte-l and delivered, 1 have levied upon :ill the light, title, and interest of John McKau:h, in ati i to tint following described lands a;id leneineiits, to wit: the cast half of the south we-t iia:ter of g-ctiitn iiin. tecii l'.'j, in town three :; north of range two 2 west, in the county of Ingham, and State of .Michigan, which I shall expos.; for sale, at public auction, or vendue, at the Court House in the village of Mason, on the Jd d.iv of Jalv, at one o'clock P. M. L'DY I.AKF.U, Sherifl. Ly II. II. DL'NKS, Deputy. Dated, Lansing, May 13th, 1S.. TwCi BY virtue of an execution iasm-J out of and under the peal of the circuit court lor the county of Itiithiim, to me directed and deliver-d. I have levi'-d upon all the rieht, title and int-'test of Austin P.iine, in and to the t .l!,uiitig .!.-- ti bed lauds ;ii), I t.-!i. liiei.ts to wit Ti nth pal I of th.-tioitli i-n-t .jii. it'ef id S tilth w. -t i'.l it.-i j and the 1...-H, p ot .,!' m.-i'!i . :-t ,:!. t ..! -tiotl C',l ) thittl-one ; a!-.t, all the right, till.-, nit 1 iiiteii -t ol 1 1. M.!., in and tt tin- south ca-t (U:it i'-r ot the north w. -t .t jait. r of s, ci'.m t:i! i thii tv-oi,e ; al-o, the ri-hf, till , mi l in-teri-l ot .l,,i.n M. Ilti. I-.. n, in and t . the .-o-it.L part ot the -a t half .f li e v..--0 ij'i.nt. r and the south paitof the we-t hall' of foii'Ii east iiiart.-r of section IM thisty.t-.e. All the above ih-e: ilied 1 n. l being on s, . j i ,.,-. ty-one, in township 1 1 i i...rth ol ra:):re ( 1 ) w. -!, county of Ifirliatn, St it. of Miehi-j in, which 1 .-ha'I cios,. lor sale at public vi-lue, to the I.L'hest bidd.-r, at the court hoiie, n, the village of Mason, on the 7th d.iv ol July, A. P., Is at one .. Mock P. M. D.if.-.l, M.i's.m, M i 17th. is'. '. f.dv i!Ki:i:,si.. i iii. 'l::w: MM-iitl Sale. 1)Y vittue of i-t x.ciition i-siiod nit of ) ate! Illid-r the seal of the t'ir.ilit t'.iiiit for the county of Ingham, t- y,.. ., t, , .,.,, ,. a. cr d, I have ti.i 'la v l- i.-d ui"li.lll t he i i-ht , t il h and iut'-re-t of John Iiillool.;, in and to the fol lowing real -tale, t. wit : t' e w, -t h ilt of the north we-t iuatier of section tv i-nry . t.'l-t, ( ?s and a!-.., tl e . ist hall t,f the -..nth ea-l iU art. r of r.-ction fit tity-tiine, to, I.r,-!, pieces ,f Lnd bt-ltig in tow n thri . i i in :h oi ran'e or,.- ( l ea t, couiilv i.f Itt'thai i at-.! State Mlchiiin, whi.-h I -hall expose for sale at pnMir auction, at th.- Court llone, in th- village of M ivill, iu said cunt, y oi liroii ti.:( oti Satuiil iv, ti e :; lay of July next, at ot ii.-!...-k iu tl. at'. rn.o-i ol said dar." Dated, Mason. Jane l-!. A. !. I -:.'. KIV P.AKKK, Sh. r i! Lv I. II. aud-rro tk, I'nder S!ier;lh Ul.'.w'," SEWING MACHINES. Si . i :. v t wiv.s v vtj:t v. I' U:Ti.H I S I'AliM No'. , i.i V - it :ias i:vs.s ." ami :m; - loi; '-i ! I i r i i i::v, nn: , I'A-T !1 V e.T -. mavitm n -ii., v.u n tin - ii;-ir -i i.. ADDRESS OFFICES. ... V. . rtA-.TM IT. l eer! J w. t: i:; i.itt, K I" lH '.o INS, ,.er.t, !! Ill .oIVS, i.K V. 1 H i.rTT. t.M !' .- :,. N. i ', T :t u iii.t.Vt.,l !,.'.i. S. ith . ,B?.nri..'i N-if.. f.U .St. I. IT V.' ...'S-..' s- I- ; A---r.c., - a- t..':. e-ta'-i-l in ererv i.a'v 1 out tie lni"-l States A i-e.-atits ! r a--nc.. wt?I si ! . i-'.-r . ' i he aV t- . ii- - . v. i.icn it. p- p,;e.. t . ii.t ft'-'i' . a'.l ..t-l-r- fir V eh".i---, w! o',e. , e ... .. . ! s-d : fur a ci",ci-. w,:h cut, .1 '., o! work. A'l letter . t-i on 'i.-e -.fe- ;. . i --. i a r'ta- Pstar. -l--4i vmn:. rT,IIE CMmbin.-d Map r I;-,'..,. JL ! '.. -.,'."- is row ." for 'lokvi-:r. Subs.'ri"k'crs wl'l pt.-as.-- take t'Otli-e anda.-j nc.-or d ti.iv. ;;:il, iiaiilkv. sivf.kd. May lo. 1 S '.'. til 1 tl i.i.l-i . ,i i.jT.-.i. Tr f I Styles, r.-c-iv.-d at the t ITV Ijfhit; sTuRK. AS: 'lTi:s, :tt the itv r.i k t::f. a SPLENDID asaortment yvf Ittbl.-.e -,. LrV P.ook. Wall Pc- Cn-?a:n V.-r i Si..-..!,-. C-iruIn Fixture, Faev Goods, r-rfu-n : r and To'h-t sVnn hst r, ,l - Ti j ' CITY LOOK ST' "RE. i " ""' !. im rrn. TAKE : .llT J .liy -f May last, riven to rnr ?ort, II :;h Ll : k, his time, ar.d tbat I eha'l n t. after that da-e. claiai any ct his wa.-s, f.r par anv debts of I.i contrattlr.!:. WILLIAM LLAKLKV. Inshan. Jur.e 7, 1 4wil7 TURNER & CO. wi: ll thi:ti Thiin :utv ..tli'T St..!- i:i tin firh.-r nl I '). . r..r .,,Wi r'r Ci:v,: nil'" V t in .x l!.. I.:-,, Iliil.i j ', 1 ii:Ui r.i'i boiM-l lit !! Citv. in Wo JiYi.-lv M;i.l,. ('! Wesfll (M-.ths. W Si ll lLiint'stii' ( J I Si ll lltlts: (';,,,.. W'v Si ll 1 J o ! uii.l Shin.': Wt si-11 'nfik'.v Nuii.iii V si ll I I.iriluaif. W Sell ( I l'llCl-l ii . Wf lalii- ill 'cii:iii-.' rr.nli.i i' We :UlVtIlill''ol' ( Vis?,,. u i- I, W.-Sldl hot !.,' lUl.h tv.i! 1. ... . ' . ' Sllltll l-ffl- .NlU'lionilsWei 1.11 W shall IlilVO i'i fV :ntii !i'i';!l!i il l..f. H sh:ii! :tt all times; , ,Vl. (,,. LARGEST STOCK 1i Sl M'Ct iVilli). Wi: SHOULD lilrt.. l.ave l' I's-'i.m :tll :i!nl sin-Diir st.u'lc. Wo know w can j.h'ast- vt'rv ImmIv. N shall sell iinui' (J.nnjs than aiiv it her St on-, ht'caiise we ,-hall sill ('!i':ijier. Call at A. TURNER &(7o's., I.'iwer Town, anl see. Lansim;, L'Ist. 1S.i. IJASII! CASH! (!ASII! THE CASH TRADE AT INGSESOLL'S. I'.K.M'TV. STY lilv r ASH ION A- IMKTV AMi KCOMOlV ' 'oMiLirie.l, rttiil within t fa. - reach of Al.!.' Ladies and Gentlemen. Ap;.!y rit I N . lli:s iLIS. evmiiti" loOils an l I'riees, aicl si , whether t ' Ki'V linl.Y kecj s llio Ckl;irvstSlork in tliH'ilv, oi: si:ij,s- thi: rni:.pKsT CASH FOR WOOL, Li-i:, May v t'n, l -;... it v Stat i : r rii o i: i t -I A i-TK: I" Vivv InMirniit'c- I.clui" vlx . ' harCr Pcrtfuit. r-t mt'Tii " Mi " tit r. I. I.'lJ!s. IVe-i !et '. !! i.'H f.'.i;. S -'-etT. W : I S' . (", V. .".I! I , o-neril A.-.i.' -il A- i A--. a toe p-'n-'pa! Ci- aa! T-t into" Mix-!. IMtMITl.l I A.i ; 'i'j :a e - . -n I'.-.-j-... j;ie 1 itiijn ! i;.-" a Ai:jl-.'.."N'., a.'h,!, -1h rill s S.iU . I) V VIP.Tn: cf a writ of ci-cut; -n i .'d v.:- i. r the M-al of the Ciren i- icvl out it I'ourt l ;r li e coi.r.iy oi iiii a., i ; vi Miu,.i..i,,, to r:te direct i-l atid ii. -ivcred, I have levied tipon all the ti?ht, tl'le an Iif.ter..'-t of V. la ar l j::iiott, ia an i to iii' followi: tie-criiw-J Ltids ami t..-: r-tiiL-tits, to wit: the buiiJng on the i-outh for'y foi.r t of Jot slv, (a:. 1 the lea of the g-ou.ud th'.-reoni i.n bi-ick o::e l.uadn-d and t ,.tcV, r, and lot rl.y,n, in birvk one hundred a:.d ....,. ,..t ....,. .:. t.v i. i, sa! I t-r ..rtv --lr.; rituavd i a the r ... -. " ... t. .- i I i: I f o . i ., i ...... i t A. ! W I i m W. :ia- ul o:ir Sutii! " Stock ui I H H B m Bl B a, II 1)Y ML piil su?tio.u r vendue, at the front door of tl,e(o-;rt Iloii-.-, in t'.e villiro of M.i-jn, n ihetwrntr'l day of July, . . J. 1 s.V. , at or,..- o' io k P. M ofaa'.l ihv. Dated, Lans'nrr, Mar g.r,th, lSi . EDY IIAK KI:. Sheriff, 7wil', Lr H. H . DI NKS, Deputy. Take them and Live 1:3 I?, thoiii and 'mv. 3 IlKKKH-K C1V, l.UTKD JSUj, Sf-t.Tiiiia-.xj ' s'urpassea rente, .tie. hate. by couimen consent .4 eiankml. Un pLiceJ at the heaJ f sinn'air reparat..m. Iter r.c' efetat.:,-1 a.. . U:trtvl j,'.in.-.-..-, kav.y aoj n the cure of the irieuei.-; ol .-.Mi. ej.el all other-, and their a e y t trh!e that ! aUol.-.r kinU-. In (' try are a.-t:e C;hart:c. in l'U''"T"",.a"M"' ''"'a-l Ceao- n,- .i i ..lion I..IU1.1.I!!., i lk -Hea.laclte, JVer ,S-e.e. k..i Vrxot en:-, n,' iflJ 1 If ' H "' ' Sk ! Atec'.i. u.. they jiij A'.n ' v"'" ' ''."i i awJf I a-ot any time t-., ;,, , U-r 1. l.ut wtien i a I . . t h umtc'-a! :" KiL. :- ! C - Vvve lie t aa '. a ',.11.: i mt.. a I n-M b, - I., !.. tt-te .1 i I. r- . i .- I' - . -r. 1 VI I V 1- l S. t ' : I ; I ; IIti i Iiitl slr'iim;i':i' im IMtslriK. . :l h - , ,!i-t-. ll-ll. '- l.lllllli. ( Itdt-I It .-lllltl. I- t!! Il I Ii. f r- ii ic v r. i l (llirtl IMUIU'IK. : -1 r l.e M.'l i . -1 I ti ., -n t tl i, t . i - .f it i -. t: -.urer tl r .a I- ,-rk- t I ,'e te- l.n.' t!.. h f'l I l;. . a .t l t i. , !. earh ! I to t. ,.t!l'.t' l'A 'KAMI'S, ..,il rs I,-., f: e a;,. i-, 1. - ar M hi . I (cent tl.r-i..-l..oit l'l- I i: !! S! Ce-. I ju kIu yui N-atti Aui-ri . it ;.! i Iv a!llai.-e l'l u.-g i :n the principal -t - . ii. oRK'u .v. i:i:.i.t; i.s. .;-.....'.-. a .v i tm' S--M t l.a.i- n l.y a,! .1. lier- ,n M.-.i,,- t,e. a i 1 bv . nit t: II I' U VKiv. To l 1 ( l.ilt'til 4 Im iii-ami aliinu .tln-iiH. ' ALII AN TF.D to give p.rt.vt satiU tion ot j M " V""' Tt.ese,,,,chi:,es siup:l 4:,1, ! rs t..w in u-e, lor st iirthi ! v, tv, v 1 an 1 .v.-.-iitio . will,.., it l..wl-,. ,'. i'.. Wcwills.-nl tin s., wa-hets for trial to th.- I.. i t, t!ios- At-iiitig to purchase, a to l.e used to be rightly apprcciat-.:i-t citlv on ban I or in id to order, j t.i-'V l-i-.iuir, id." Also., al! kind - ol ! CfHil' I! K V (I ; K , :Tt.i-s Hoops, ('Uteins, I'ui'kiug lleril-, It.ittcr j Firkins, Wa-hTuUs, Well Luck.-ts, Sap F.ucket-, j e., at pi'e'i-s to riiit the lim-s. tine door north ' of the Kt.i.-copal Church, j TIMMPSuN .V 111 NTF.II, j .iMi-jto, .!. '.. lyjo-y WATCH ES AND nl". 1IATI1 has just icr.ive 1 a large an.l w.-il selected assortment ol Jcwdrv, at his NEW STO RE, One ihior Siiuth of t'.trvell.v, Jetiisoris, cotisi-tinrr of all th.' latest styles ot JeweIy,GolrJ&SiIverWatches,&c. I laving jiuri'l tuv Stock mi- tiiclv in the F ist, ru to i: . . t . 1 f. r ( I llat- t-T mvs. if that i au J- heap a- . i -laol'-'iia Ne-.V Voth ' I ! ;1 ; . 1 !:- J ' ll.ii in- b.l . I.- ; . ; I ..' i thii-1-,. I'-l. i i ;.'H ti, !,-, at.d is,: i, l.v ! i.i v -. n i.t . r. Ki.o -.i i' n .i i Jew. Ii y as ' ,i t c!' the cit v ..f l.m ,l. .f, ;: 7 Sf,.!r, ' ! I.-'-.- 1 ill- l.Msill, -4, !-..' I.VMIVr ;f ..' o r aie oleicl at .! 1 . an -vil a better ai :!.-! ! .r a I. -. p:h tl. i.i acy other -t.iMi-li m.-nt in th-'chx -f lm-hi",! invite ,'! whoni-h !o I i 1 1 iv Ir -, to v t,,., a c .1 before pin -.v'.r.-. I: ,.'er ' D. P. KATII. uie lioor S ouili of ' .-y .-II J.-io-on, Wa-hiue-lou A v.-t.ue, I 'ity .! 1. iti-hi'.. I k.-.-ji a lir-t t las w ot km m, and ; who c m liot b- Inafc'i a' watch repairing 1-tJfiv work mat: in thi-contiti v. Iliswoikis warrant.' 1 to be sup. t '.oi- to l h it ot any other ever clltpiovcil iu'. lies a id I'lo is r.-pair.- l and War. anted. . 1 It TII. r;,, i.r I i ii. -'-.', ii 1:., I . .. 4'li:iii'4'i'l Mle. 1y n Ii ..f a .ecr.'e of the Ciieuii I'o.i.t J) f.r the county ol I irjh.lPI, in I'liatteeiv, maih'o i the :.:-! diV l Dec. ml,, r, A. D. l-'.S, in a i , it. .in au-e thi i' iu J-i ti hn.', wh-iciu Lti.i Dii-i- c-.mpj i'oi int. at.d Sawver J.Lockool, Hcui.Ii II. I '. vo 1 1 at I ,l.o!,.a Chi.. Hte.le. t--ndi!!fs, , the s'li.o-rlltcr, t'in-uil 'ouit fotii lill iott. I for !'ie -i lc v i t I C.l, W iil "ll at pil'ilie an-I on, 10 ti lii .'h.- t I 'd h i, -it th t'ourl Hoi;-.' iu ih - i o! M . in tail . ountv, on l'l M iy . ih l.'.tu .1,, of .1 .Iv next, A. D. ls.". , at on-' oVi.i' k i.i t' e .,'f u:.o .n .f m'. lir, th- f . l., ; .. ,!. .-,!.. d Imd., to wit : Allol the north !ia:l .l the soutii ii iif ol M-ciiitn .-igh-teeu, iu ton ii .ne, iiot th of r ing..- ..tie . ast, con- t lillUlg siyf y .it; 1 oo,-.?, il.' .-.T. i, aecmLiie to th. I". S. .survey, Lc-hci n.i:t!i, town of Itu.ik-r ll li. a id s-'t-.te of Mich'f .n I.LIFI'IN CAIM't'l k, i . r...,rt r. , ..,,... .,, ,1 , A I "mi v. Soi r f .r .-ti : In-.-!, M ,:- !!. M iv l- . wji.. iJi Till-: sI'IM KII:Ki:S Ws OOUU. to . icph.y :m acti-..- i. -..'.. man in 4 -v 1 1 y 'i:-i:y, to 1 1 ,v- 1 a t I I i', ! rs bv - in.p f'-r KENNEDY'S MEDICATED SEGAKS A 1 1 TL ''t". W.;I pr. a .1 . v .1 "' to ssi I p f i.-ir, p iv.,'.1 l:i-eif' !. . I : I'ep'e t"d f'th i .I'tienl irs, h 1 lie's ki:i t.n: k i'i:r.-i'N. T . e.ooN's oa.!if I V't'oo il.l -tieet, Vi.'k. i li;iit-'i' al. I)V vi:l..- of . d- i..i i:d a ol l;o 'ii. : t ) ' . a' t .r !, -v ..I I : i . ... i . 'i,c- f.,! i. J- Ih- l! i I dtv ..I !. c. ... I . l-,i'l a -.u-- w h. i. i'i -b-'-.-i ;.h ': - oinpiaioatO. and HoT.'-e S: ith at d Ila:ri. f. V. fu'r.H are- .Jc-f-j.d.e.ts, I, the . .t.'. i, ti .- Cii.-uit ''"irt, y..i r lor ill coi .tv of II .Joj :. :; ! State of Mn login, wi ! 11 :.t p ihlie a ; ',' !;, at th-t'on-t Ho'tsw hi th- vi'lar- of Mi,ti, in -:cd ro';r ry, on tiie J2 l day of July, A. D. l. t c o'clock i:i the .-.fieri. oon of that day, the land m. ntioM- I an I d-.'-eri'M I iu said ih-rreta! rd r as follow st v:: hi the town of le-iili, rouiity of Ltgliani an 1 St it- of Michigan, o.nni'-n' in:' at a point tw. n'y-f.":r f rll rods cat and thirty-two south f the ipiatter post between .-ctkri twei:ty-om: f'Jl ) and t w. nty--i-ht is,, in toirii ship No. on" ( I ) t.OItil it laige one (l wet, rui.i.itij t'.-t.c i a-t -iv'-:, (J.:, i..!', th-tice south six a' i ro.'s. t'en-e -t .-lit. -:i I L'l rods. ijer, t l.) r-el-i to the phi of ber'n- liito.. I!. I FUN PADD.K, Ciren t C.u"t I 'oinnii-'-ior '-r. J.,:tN?'. & Ihr.v.v, SvJ'rs f-,ri':.i. D.-.t.-d, Mi on, Jun- 3, 1 '.wj:!o T.anqing City Foundry! Ill 'I IIOIlIiwV t'O. I LIST ANISW VILf. 'iEalUNi;-;, M L Li 'i Ir..n Saw-.eirit:gs Wie-. Si', Iht.l hoc Irons of tiie mo-; K'atfcru-, Mi ! to f.-d-r on r".ot notice. A'J' Pi th.Itiv rt'.ois, atid all kinds of im ie ti i ii im: ii i:ts. n band or uuvlr?oord-r. Ertim and Thre-.':- ing Machitifs r pa -edou -hott i.-'.tice. A .1 :',. w.,rra-.t. -i cuargr-l ino . ral-. JOHNTOMPK1NS, A. it. WATKINS, JollV T''KEIJ. Jm : ' i i' -