Newspaper Page Text
JLANBITO STAT. MJEPUBMCAN. BY IIOSUEIl & KERR. LANSING, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY. JULY .0, 1850. VOL. a. NO. 14.-WIIOLE NO. 222. 'stati: ottH't:i:. JiM su a. i n : --r,.. . Tllr.!-ir ili vrr.:, l,.ey .... Vf. s-W'l) -V '"-' - ' J.M1VH Ti;KUKU..I-p-.t..- jv.ii M M'.wa:: . AM..r...Y ;-bm ,v ' 1 ::rrN" - " ' M ' ' " Jl'STWK-i OF sFl'KKVh' rol.'f: T. iivcr ii ::-tmv v, x . ' - -jvmk-v e.u.-i.r.i i.. ' ; I'll flit Kit th rpaVin. n Ilrrryln. enemy from Lis f.rmllalle po.-itions, and a invest Peschiera. The French army, on which tie Austrians metered net less than ded some miles from it; s extreme joint, ' ors, is reported Lille J. liilliaLt victi ryer.Je lacci.tcrtof l.'ih. iirs, the ether Land, made straight f.-r the j art J1,m.". The Allies Lad a many a that, the Austrian were falling hack ; lut they from Tied ruout. writtcr I HE finer! r 7.s r!A.i'i II . V. -. W 1 1 VM. I l; '" aevi i v hh;- i::M -.1 1 1 i .i i : - 1,0 I I.. V.l .' I.I 1 11.1 -I' .MHV i: kMi'"' l.t...-'-i- I' i '. wirrn: i ni -r Ii ;.. :t" I's.i 1 no I .1 i A I .1 IIW 1 .-. i, M ; l. I - Hi ; Her. i I t M! o I H I -' ' :i a ris.hv sammer morning, K.irlv ft-i the dew was dry, I ( th.- hill 1 went a berrying, N I I tell you tfli yo.i why V I- .mix r I -v i - had a daughter, Anl it !t::j.j.-nel that 1 'new, ! each ; -ti i; ? iy rlini'll.-r Morning, l I' t I'p !':. Ki ! iv'nt J-ryin t''. !. n:i iy vik I'itkin le-rric-, I j iiltil lit! O'l t!io hi!!; ' '(iii li'.ir," it'i' J, "your !:.-! i -!; tixj' for one ti !'.''.'' S' w, "tt 1 W; two T tiil it, 'l t.llkii.g I W;H Mill l.-:iili:i w!iTt; th' Li'.l fti-t'p, I'i'-kir:' litrrivs p t!iO ' 'I t.i-' ij i;.-ii!l work," ; i-t lit-'," fall I, "."Inl! we "I:n! it alosi, or, 'Id-Iia, WiU son ('iiipfiiiil cliriiS witli ' II- l J. r thitu t!- I!u-lu';i4 !.. rii s "I'.'liVa li -i:k a iiioini t t r. w, Vl.i!i. witlinut tlt lay, t-li-" a'i.-w ' r-''l. " I will tiiiu iiti'l clinili yim i!'.i ii. iirini: .ici:r Hrii.i'' o Mtl.lKltni). A 1 SJ IIl.AN ACCat NT. TJi' lhcial jo-jrn.'ilH f Vi-tir.a, t (! j d tli. f".l!owiiii: tli' i:i) iU- :?'- fp.m the .- :t. .f wnr : 1 1; s a, ! ipi" tj."i ( ! !''; 'J 1 1 iii-t tie- linr ri-i' tilv it"'iI 1 have a few lines written hatilr on th t?tir!i The rr- f the Miccio which is e.ui-d-tar.t from thu-h ne t ur.tilc. arlv thecW V thedav. K-uht w, ', ai.d witli irroat resolution. The It was believed that the Austrians were in n l s-iilt s have Loon tre- Ja;'e cf ('atiiri.'Tie, u-tninf d with heroic efn.-tir.fy d. r .f the armv vr.n a ImiraU . Peschit-ra ar.d Mantui that is to sav. t.- The 1. I !l re fjlh.w d. tails us t the l-, f the ward ltaand i-.-ito. The onward move- me-udcus. The l,ieliiioi,t-.v,accordin2 towhiu 1,""' were mei t had a'rer. Jy commenced, when, on the Poot -r tVli, tM me half an h- ur U2 that killi d. ai,d ah-ut tht s'an.o i.'itfihcr WMin 1- i.isr!t ff the the An-trian army ero-- he thought that th tw :.i m:- had m t d. The hoiphts InvinL' ' ii 0'- -npkd, the d the 3Iinei-. in dilT. roi.t r art--, ly lvs than -I' or f ..,;?'. I'i.M- IVcin-h forced the m. n.v t r-tiro to '..ito, mrar.- cf tN.Titoon and ether Lrid'cs. with a j iecos, i-ri-ner. rlaj. 1 h. r.r. a!- thui l-aten alone; their wl! tir.e. Ac- rvr to between the Sardinian and fa'ihu irjto our Land, and I saw mv-elf was e ntimu I til uk crdinsr t pi sitivo inf-.nnati-n, it result 1'reneh tvrec-. and to try to deal with them batche- cf pristt-rs sei.t to ra.-til.'ti and tlrvd al-.ut in,-. that .'i,i!0 Sar lini tin held llit ir ground soj arately. t lrt cia. At about s '.!,. .-h i'i the et- Jti twe n ! snd -i ti the i;i f k h 1 1 aaitst .M.Hii Au.-tri.-iii, who w re united, So little did the French exr-eet a battle ninr the smoke whi-h l.- i ciiv !,-r ) t" r whirlwind I .-wr vaw br. u--ht vndi -h-udi-f arJini:n.- are ni-hin en from JAtnato, immens force, theaich not all engaced. and nre trvinto sA up to Peschiera in The Pied montese were at one moment en lime t ' 'it t: the Autri in-i before they velojvd; but they recovered, repulsed th cr.vthe Mu.eio, near that f-rtrt-. n tht V rtuMiiv. and Left the tvwition with nmrt. j r !. f it not al,lt oourae. The 1'iivlmoi.tese have lost i d 'i !;e b:tttlo three cenerals wounded aud tne Lilled n' h? -h' ts Writ' originally iivnd. 1 . known how :!:. thin wi!l and en Mtivll :i2ed with ail the :idvat-iL' of po- that e-n the previous night a message from Uiore tlian ten hours tic hi!U wlii.-li Wretch du-t . i i the Kincr of Piedmont, a-Lin:r for support, away from Cailune a far a- It.i, was that i- ti;! i ri:m h ai ( di nt. in case he should be attacked, which he gradually d!por-it'g. o ir wis -h-:.r that in fr-t.t The French 31iti itr has r c-i e d from considered very likely, was met wiih a re- the :reat .-trujgle w diawa; t a '-. t f ra'.ti. i Cavriann, under date f the I'.'th of Juno, fu-al on the eround that an attack of the '..rr.-;.-!uK-nce of i'i.-M m i'. - " r n i the followinsr details of the- batfh- Sol- Austrians wa- uot probable. At day-break, c ril, ON.. i .... . i iv-.., f;:'dv t! A rino : however, the corps of Mar-hal Paraguay Vesterd.iy was mark" 1 by ne,f thos d Hilliers came in sight of Solierino, and battles, which, if tin y t ot terminal the was immediately set ujon by a lare Aus- runt nt K :.t an Mif i-it an..n A its tnan torce, which rushed down tiie inn ana the r. a.l ai.'l it re-. the fiehh v is t I . : a ard or tw. war, i solution, The Kn.ietor of Au-tri i cm- founht with the preatett fury. The Mar- Lai resi.-teI to the best el Lis j 'er, and cut o?T aid-de-cairp after ai l-de-camn f r siiporis, but it was not before three hour; CaTI'.1.ok, 'ine ' t, 1 A great battle has I ughr, and a !l great victory ha bc-u vn ; but un tlu-r :i battle may be f-ught again to-morroty, arid an- ther victory stiii more e. inp!. !. urxy be sained. Put at i resei t ail I h ae t- toil n you is of what took p!ae. to-dav. Marshal 31cMah..n's eorps K-ft Casti-ii-one thi ni' rnins at 1 a. m , witln ut e- i;r as i..l. i an I t ing d t -.d r, wed ! d m-t v a delu: nt ai 'ir. a- r;vatiit2 friirht of the W...U!i 1- I Oil the r tw r three iniles M Hit Ti. atid met a!nt t!l in r- " trigiittui csmage that the ca rps ol '-en ctn, t pc :,ttaek. d. btit h-;e it had Niel i.iad'MH r-rpearaneo. The Austrian ln:irch,;d more than thp , mih i . , the wcresowiy unveu Lack", a.-i evry now Mantua road it was tired iiih-i. ih- Austr. . i .1. '!! tlie Oil i l KiO lilM I'i places to the riht I auk of th Mltlei . 1 IV 7. The UMi--1 A A l M ItKVl X'.IIN VH ' I C I K V. M V II m n v. I A-v'iH'i' ' I'-..' I i: JMtVMlAll I' V. HKMtY lo r '.' i. 1.1 Till-It II I : i K, .ma i m in u. I'lniil K-irn.',! -II W I imi 1. 1. r;: i r. AI.iim I t ! ! jwiks ii i: i ;:. im i.ia i:i n vi t.t-Ortl.K W I.! HKM-iN II W.ia l.l i rms A r: e i: ai .K'.l V. 1 I l-IIAlll.t:- ll I. e. VII.!'H:o I -!: i: niAi:i4 i -;. WW I. K liS. A.. .1 I-1 i n;m v. rig!;t WMlS 'a ''' ailli oeeljj S'.ll'eii'e. and 'aviii':. inarch'-d on th--'' itli ii.-t t.i C.i-i( 1 Ji.t'reto. an 1 rep:'- d lie tidvaneins eTi. iny ii all .-i . As the Ii:.j.. :ial II. .yd army eei.tii.u 1 its ri'lvaie-e inward the ChicM', the in inv who had aU a timed the !V nsive w ith his wh"le f..ree -j udu d f'irward such lar:r' Lulii-s ef tpw.j.s that ill ic was a S'""ral ois'is'-meitt belwecn th" two armi"s at l' nVi.ndc, or th .ieaL.iif, on the morniogof tt.. J7lli n'ant. Th" right wjtig, which was f in.ed by the seci.jel a I te. v, nod-i lh" ' i'licrrd of t 'av- a.rv. t o'ltit eiiieK, man. lame. Hi" m manded in l erson. and he caniiow e what a i: itit-n he has mad-; his enemy. The Autmi:s in retiring previi.-ly be !' te us, projected a return t auni" th" of !"ioive The apparently d-cidel retreat l the Mineio was done with the view ot us w ith a talso e.-nh Jeiice, and and then there was a pause, and the r rench ans aJv-,.(. li . h aving us a va-t field for the rapid. ty c-ntinued to gam srvtinel, heaps ol their XJ10 corps kept up a waiting tight until ir . i' our tiioveuiet.ts to our columns, own and the enemy's C"Tpes marking the M1T I.v M .! i:-o-i o- iv .1 ho. liers, who I loiight the !ir.-t e .rj - tc in b -tweeu liona'.o a;id ('atislkine to Li- The fight began -ei the load, and then diverged t. the left, and t he iilase i.f Sijlfeiino v. a'taaVd by t'." i'rei ' !i At this lime General Niel, widi tie i:h eorps, was at Koine distance, waiiii g ! r tl" approach ' Marshal PanniU-u wlio had g-t very far on lie iigi.1 Inward Mantua, I ut b avins a Veiy great di.-tan. 1 . tevo : ihein. The Pav-alry of the liuard tiieii came up ar 1 had to hold a di-t mce of near ly two miles bef.veeti Mar-hai MeMahen and General Niel, covering the Marshal's corps, but itself without arttlh-ry. '1 he di vision consisted of two rejo'ie i,t s of t'uir assi. rs of theUuar 1 forming the first brig ase, at:d Lancers if tl" liuard and lras- separated from each other by Ihe ord- r of fluctuations (..f the flht march, to a mdlen attack, which would The Au-triar.s were thus slowly driven l ie h it wins weaken them by isolating th' in. Puthar- out of Soifcrino, but ail tf a sudden they l iiiiih'. 'io atid J'ii) the Kmpcn-r did n-.t frget that exalt- made- a tremendous bursf forward, and the nl prudence whieii governs even Lh eour- I were driven down theni:l. Adim age; the further ihe allies advanced, the rably supported b their artilh ry, however, mie our columns strensthed each other bv they n nl: a stand, and eommenead enee d i ait 1 t : 14-ltl Wi It,! IV;. nee iOV Were s, . f.-el a .-.lie? :' i i'igii. !, fu':!v V...-a-.dih- n i,a " as th mareh m" ll'ingarians, v t!;eir p siti. n have ha( 1 ot ihe ho-iMS h'.! oils sai 1 tlcy f r ri fri-lii et.ts wiMi t;,. i r fi.-. logins their rank er .n f Mi If li lino: NH.s .N ii: A-k Hi.' SXMI'I I I" MKV.s.,:t .- M , . - I . e. -, ,, ilKIs .. K4V, Ir- t S'-.t- .., ., , .: . t K .!"IIN-l"xV. S" . .". inn 1 1. Ti i. ' i t:t: r. I. U H-K.l'r.- .'-.. '--! '-. ' i OIVIN TIM' V. IT f M. ! me..- T 0 . ABIfc'T. T- f 't I.,-.,,... l-IKVU.lMt AUi!;:. 't.n..i.r..i ni'i'.l I o '.. V. JollN'sT 'NK. -' - r .I -.. -r...T. . t, . I- ,,. EAGLE HOTEL nv .1. n.sni: isr.i:. I,ASSlXi. MIC sUi! 1' i5'- l"' more to advance. It was like a haii-sterin In the night e-f the iMd-'JI'h we Lamed of bullets and balls, and whole Lies were that the Aiistriaus had repassed near the , mowed down by a single di-harge. Meau- Mineio, and were aj preaching io attack ns. while, at the right and the left wing the A battle was imminent. The whole army Austrian were g tting decidedly the best of lho enemy having r traced its tt ps, pre- f it I he Picdmontcs" were slowly driven pared to dispute our passage SoitVrino, back. !en. Panrobert's Corps was also San Pas.-dano, Cavriana, formidable p...i- heavily puni:!ied, and had there been a lions .were occuried by tlie Au-triain. who, skillful central in t!i Austrian army to mom of tl " piaee which it had originally supported by n numerous rotiihry. crowned colieet and coneei;traf" their force ag.onst o.-ii'.i.'d in the fir4 Li e of b:;til" until "J ihe heishts as far as Voha ih tl- h-fr, the weak p int of the netny's line, matters o"cl..-k in th" afternoon, j.nd th" f,i t arm) in the plain below Volt.i. I iuidi.z ol a, at d would have had a very hfl rent aspect. Mho 1. ft wins), under l" l.-neral .. Ar- Medul". numerous columns advance I wiin t lie i rnn-n commanoer, 10 w noiu uie cieua ;uij ('hassvurs andtiuil-s !i..rv r,.r,7Vin. i lien, coi.timiallv " lined attiUery lo attack and turn our riglt The of the elav is entirely due, whether it be li(rji pr;ir;,.,, f.(1,hI11 ., .;. o..imd m toe d.P-i-iiou ..- h.H..widcs. bt twe.o, S.,!i-roc ro d Niel, McMahoti, or the Fwiiperor himself, (r (i,j(.., .& ,r;j.,.., f. ward o'clock the enemy made ehc- I'eschiera, ruiisidiTible Me.s. s .-. e,T Imperial ' iuard and a ' t j . p.. if., ii Mii'i ii f..i . "'ii. l- ' i 1 - - iiii iiuiy oi i lit" jiiie ,...,,.. hod Sight ins olr.iii.ed j.s, t.( the Pi.-dnie.nt, marching t -m Pe-imo .. -ig:unt tlie Austrian ....tre. and Mie-eeeded pi... which had been!ly defended l'o.olengo. The armies . e.-uj i. d ., .,r a time in breaking it. (,f l,r-nrr. . :l til'ih nuiis ilr on, in. n attack positions when, at in tl" inins. t'c ing up their force to repel this lea -,:(aV, i i-i . . M.. I ... I l l -1 I : ! . .......1. , t l . t.'. '.' Wa l!i It lna-1" oil ' avnana, W.llell place i: r-l corps .'i;irii;u i-ir;Mg-i:i o iioi" i- .-i :iii.i.-k, ill" riij-iiis! wen: rem, nj uii- w.i- c.Miiau'eoiisly di f, ii.j. d until t cuius by began tie' engag.-iie Ut l..-1' .,t. I ti.-i. tl" l.;-f aid wps th a nun', bi;t. 'I'he heights and the village w.-re carried was . v. i f-iaily h f:, in the h ii.ds of tl"cii- and occupied by e-ur tr.K ps, after a -augur- l'lmp' ratt'ce th" seooud l rig- h d bv I i e-omnnnded the who!--. The t 'In . nr- dc France als m.ade a "icr.t -lrr-ge iiiuiau- I'his ded by Ien (L.udui !" iiiane. part of the battio t-ok place on tic i - i . i i i-i i. . ... i .t .... i nn oiiuu-u in noni oi .oimi.i". a'ei ii"i,r wings, wmeii ukj ii"i ne-ea itiem. ,,,.,,.,. ,fre ., , r,e.T- tTUl ' '" ..t.. s;,.ll,.T...,4 lm tl.rt 1 r.nnli tfr.nt1.- .i. .1 , . . 4lU 11 '"' plaii '. I!:. Fourteen thousand Inds were demanded t Milan for the Use of the wounded. Aiis triaus brought up the reserve of 0,iHK, and the allies theirs if .'mI.I'iIiI At was a most critical moment, three hours tf gener al tlshtins ending to the advantage 4.f the allies The victory cannot le srudsed ; inc. ai.t, it wn vrell earned, and is complete. H i. to it a ni. e i;ri i ktin-. T i: in, dune iM. ( luiltetin ) The imperial h ad-uarterM are at lta. The pawigo of the Mineio by our troops c ntmu s Tic Fmperor bus visited the h ft bank of the river. Tlie position of Vallesio has been occupied by the Freueh. His Majesty has also bridges thrown across ih'' Mmcio to rcphiii' thos destroyed by th- Au-trian- in th. ir retreat. Hi i:r, J ane ilO Mt ssagcs from Turin confirm the intelligence that llarilaldi La received orders t- invupy the Fpper al tcline liarilalli is oxjs-cted at Tir.m- with .'i.oam im. n, where ;'' Piodmontese res'ilir infantry have a're.idy arrived. Skirmishes have aliea ly taken phie near P.uiul i ls-lwecn the French erp of th" antelline and the Austrian who are guar dins the Stelvio Pa- Ti'kin, duly 1 (Otlicial Pulletin)--The Sardinian army has invested lVs.hie r ifroiu the l.igo.ii liardi.i t the Mineio. su iiti:i.M am.iuk i.h.ii.i:iu:ni. J i l : n k , duue ilo) Tin- Federal Council ha decided, in t onoett with the belligerent piwers that any ct". ",, or soldier seeking shelter on the Swift territory, shall l-o sent l ack to their country, the (h. ru men' engaging theuiM-lve not to employ them again in ihe present war. Arn a and ammunitions are to b" given up after the end of the war. and the eosts,f their keep ing to be repaid by the Swis-s I iov eminent lu e..:iv'.Uen f th s Convention the garrison of l. ivcno and th" soldiers of I Jen liaril.ildi eoyv tloitnti will be -nt i back. The ficam-'i usually runnin.' on the I hey retreated r-hoviv. and il... I nt..! I !...,.. m r ial service, under the condition that they arc to perve no more f .r war piirjses The Aiistriaus occupy the Stelvio Pats, on the sale of tie Tnd nun. Wring tlirtecn Companies of infantry and two companies of carabinecis. TLey oocuov tie initions l.le.Ve ..1 1.,.;. . hat ;h. re iri. .. ,!.-.-lie? s :,, ni"l ning l.ised n -The vvhacr: . d ale who s. Th- m..-t d wore s'. Lad l. t :.; d wi-TL- mod i --: n w. rc a t...- ! want of t!..- i dissr: I th a-e tind s.l-a.-ri.-u in ih.- ing. ...... 11 I- r. of .n a I, as vi l'r. r. -L -ut:!!. r, Au-tri iti- and t Lit v ii th. y e.i::,e near. r. th pi.-!;. ! t! tii.vrs, who were easily iis t'tngir-L d (Ine r.-simeiit, I think the 7 Itli ! line, has ., eii . ut all to pieces. There man y -i!pet i r otliccrs fill.d and w..und--L 'I'h lining Mid f .in,d ,ti..n of the .!i".r::i'i in. vein- t,t. today has I e.-n ;iu n. ten, j t to eu . tl Mar Fa! McMaLou's c-.rps, ' Ihry l.'ivilis detected the g-it. h f r between it and the n.-xt r. ir I ;!i. t..ld (! vUv en trims f-.tight better and disphiy-d more , di- judgment in th' ir operation- than they Lave who evr displave-I before since the campaign opened hoot u th" firms until tiuife-daik: but i-iil-M th.-y were intercepted by th" Sardi nians, there was nothing like a r-nt. They f- 'i-lt, thinkins it probable they would I..-., th-- day ; but in their style of oj.era ti. :i- such a contingency can be allowed ite-t if it .v. - s'!.-h a Sonera! 'f U!'e ; but it is ; a' lir.. Wo;i' d d ad gone int.. the l iving eaten l-orh-t liighf even a h'.lf . i't. i, I he ea-e. The ng lan-gc, I., nt the ih need th"ir J-ieees .ear. r. the Tindes" I I A V III.- Lou f !. LANSING HOUSE, Imsitiir, - - . I i 1 1 i r: 1 1 . n. m i, aicnitn:TOJc. U'M. 1. Ilid'i'ix. CI.I-'.KK. iijj,s lea. this house !.ii!y f..r .1 iek-ii, St. ' J..I.I.J ll. :i:i.I iriieiaMedi Oe i.!.i. . . Lansing. Airii I. r-i.r,.,! i.i. . e i i ii in c.i- . a lis-. 1:111 1.1:111 l.l l. ...... ...... l.:.,,., I i-..r .. m .A... en. . nary combat. Jhinng tms time the second it, and, after some heree encounters, the , ,i, i1:.,i1 , . lfrr,, .,, , . . ., Tl;n i ...i..,,' ..,,,! ... i r -r i i i i i , J , . , . , .. , , , , . , , , ' ine iiisnts octween tlie u-tnaus whose eauipaisn 1- e.ncu. treii atid pre-arransed, tms boen t.l-ice.l In a ixisiti.n r-ommin.) n.r Whi!" the struggle h, Sol , ami corps (Marshal Me laho,, s) which ugh s began to ,ot;d the genera retreat, ; lino c ncar, or '0 fr,.Tl lh(. t Ilt,,(,m,llt (,f ni, ' - ; C:,vn,-, was g ,,,g on the eighth ,,, th the right e.f the first, m the p an, exte-nded an I lie An- nans .sh.w ly fd back. ne or;4 the rin, of J)lWn int( the army i such n perfect machine, that they ' iiavo ,i.Vltl e rected at d l.ere i"rcreat or..,.; which was on the outer flank of th" i.sel to the right to .,o.n with the clumn ot the most remarkal,e ep-ndes was a vh;nwA the TumHi N'olli,ni ,.f Can wi h cnti-lcc make their dispositions f!!ir ef a W -n nghr wing.advai-ced and repulsed the Sar- ot io-ncral NkI, wh.cli was marching upon ; dreadful ram and thunder itorm, which is :ralior Mtig ,.f neeordingly. but what they want i dan 'Thelast news f heat e f war ha ,looao,.,,.s,,r; -ed t.Mt, but th, advan- Medolc mentioned by an oi hcer on tlie extreme TiC Turcos liVred immenseh- (da-h)-ju-t what the 'iVeneh tidier l-en c .nfirni -L 1 orty Aus t rian phiciaiis ,aoed,inoten:h!et!lt: ,nTer,al o.yalar- I he Fmperor J,.t talon ccmmaml of the , right as having burst over -the held when as (1 aWinM t,!CI,,clv0i , th,:ir ,a-bt the want .f which at the ,ame Lav,5 arrivel at Laving boon dis- r vecihe ,s,Mt,ons that had been whole army. lis Majesty caused them- the fight waa i at the thicKCst an J under ; usua, in,lK..tUo,Sty ; the-y Kst their colonel, time re d-rs them more patient under de- ltliss,d from ho ho-pit.C . 1 T ley I,.- , ,he ,,n,re Ihe third and ,nh la.rtry and artillery of he t.un-d to advance coyer of th- darkly and ram, the Anrt... llK.rtally Vound-aJ, and many of their elli: L-rd, an 1 le-, s--ibl.-to its e fleets, except vHl kU, , 1, , t ...rps. whi.-h weresiipjort.-d by the eleventh and place themselves betwee-n the first and an, made a lat J-plendtd burst, and then . ccr jl0 Artillery of the iuard there o f.r a th"ir number-diminish in con- ' ; Is". Iv i.iviikv si'Aisa.i:. IH . J" . ID J- IVJ I 1SZ Xj i . tirOULD 1SFMUM TIIF. t'lTII.NS UK I f Illl?ill'g, that he has oj.eiie.l :i new I.i very Stable, with a lull siock ot t!-.-.-t, c'i l.roke Horse, comfort ah le llie'gi -s, houhh I 'in i i-.-s an. I Sleighs, an. I by close attention t I n iii. ss hopes to merit a fair share of public patronage. Lansiiu;, Xovetnher ls.r.s. j7"VTai:7 i u v im kV LAW AN'D I'lIAXCKIiV i:i"SINKSS,l.anii)g. Mich. J. W. I.oiiyear,Corii'ius-ioiicrf orthe Suteol'Xew York. Oiticc ver ISaiky's H jt.l -:n)5 and En-liiitipe t!i-e. 6y nd sm.nd corps and to carry San Cassiano gradually fell back. An attempt was made ; hA at part of their oilieers. as ng hcu m order to re-enforce the right of . by the cavalry to pursue the-iu, or at leat. , t 0lI at ,nlf.ritlc ftl,,r, and the lly .Marshal .McMahon, a little exposed m cen- to get to euta, and so turn the flank, which Tyrolee sh-.rt -h.v.fer- who are . vcedin"- ns seiiucnce of the distance ef the trM-ps e-f led to an encounter between French Cha- i..', i , : .1 i ,j . u, ' ii.,,i " ' , ...... ,. . x ,1. i i hi - . , , t g 'OO, IICK. ! I lie o.lo-er- oil .it 1 lieif glitl-, ro- , ten. Neil, Lis .Majesty sent all the cavalry sours and Austrian, m which ihe f",r (i,i, rt.;l th- ir 1-j has I e, n a ry s. t ... -i i . i . . cot j s, w.-re cugageii on i ! icir Wing, aii-i sccoii'j corps, .aim io rur y the res. n e cav a'ry .attached to this win mad" sey.-r il brilliant attacks. Fnuuallv lie ivy ios-e-, and the bu t that tlie left win ..t the hr-t armv was u- to make ' nil. eii. ins .laicsty sent all llie cavairv sours and .usnan iiui.-iiH, m whrcii i.. er. ss on th" ti"ht flank of th" enemy, who of the tJuard and two divisions f the eav- form, r w.-re rat idly -ei,r to th" rigid ab. u iire-eted his main force in the centre asaint airy f the fir-t and ihiid C'.rp to fill up Two wli !e d avs w.-rc e .nsuni" ! in s.-okitis oltn. led t. the r.-tnat of the imperial the void between the -.end and f -nvih g corps. Marsha! t anroln-rt had been -!iarg-1 t" watch the movements ef th" Austrian (,t! the side f Mantua. .jnenci The Till a cilM-potident of t!ie L'ltl- tl'iH Ttiurf, wiitins ot: th- iS:h u:t says : " N.. aj proximate estimate ..f killed, woundo-l and missing has been forwarded to this city, but it is known in Lish milita- I.. IIim ol :rtlI.M m-mI li IHkHlll. I'r U'ieiilers. vviio went with di' men rill th way from th" Tieinu to Faka I lira, ha wri:v.:u a letter to Pr.W'ise his T"iial friend, editor of Thr hrurifi , army. It be-gan late in the e vening, during a very violent storm. Yesterday evening PcZ.o!ense, Mon.autbaiio, olta and were still occupied by our troops sauiumw Ae eroi x r. The Piedmont. -se iiiizetf'' publishes the f. llow ins account, written on the eve ning of tlie day on which the battle was fought f. r the woiind.-d, and tie dead were interr ed pell nu ll in larse Ireti.-hes, dog at the spo' where they f-'ll. I nui told on good authority that 'Jim mm corpses have been buried, and that many are yet lying in th- The whole Cavalry and Artillery of the ry e-ircles that the battle "..ughte.ii the Min- in Cincinnati. Ir. Y. d.csnot publish all dOrc-t. Oifict-at his -c-sid-ncc dm Mtoflhc rapitol. Lansing, June :itt is."..'.. woomioi sr. ,v iti tu:u, GENERAL LAND AND TAX AGENTS I..WSIS.J. l At'tTAl. OK MielllOAN. WiUfa'a:-ti Al-tr:i-t of TilV to K-talr in ln.-1.Hm Cot,a. :r,-n 1 1. th -.i.rl,.s S. f K.-nl V Ut. Loct.u; ri mntr l.ii.'l Im SiI, Knim.n; fitlrs, C... ld l J for ri. nl !!; t.t'. i ifriT:! S1j,.rviii-n e U Ijio i-. en'ru.-l t.t ili-.r -i:r". Pirt.fuUr ttpiii...n -.-n tli- firm.-ntef Tai-s 4lHtft:.B .f lhf. . W. RCTLKK. M W. HIII. I S. During the night, from the Pth to the possession ot . oltcrino, lll'th iiist., tlie Au.-trianseyafii itc.l the light , tn.ns, the on batik of the Miii'-h.. lengo, night stopping their earerr. On the "Jlth the Ftn. n.r ordered the The tiuard seized San Ca-siano ami Cav army e f tlie King of Sardinia to occupy without losing time. This last vil IVzzoleirg... and to invest Pe.-ehiei i, while lag" was carried with great spirit, under the the French army occupied Solf. rino and eye e.f the Finperer. who himself directed Cavriana. ' the fire e f the artillery. The Kins order, d the fir.-i and lii'th di-i As to the fourth corps, ii n. X-.l, it a 1- Ihirins tlio whole day thev fought, in ditches and corn iii Ids. vA ounded men are a-lvaneins, slowly, but advancing always in in the habit of creeping out of the way, Seed euder the e-ori s joinins nt I. . ward f.-aring le-t friend or fM-slionld charce over each ether. Ihe tir-f c .rps. after taking the se ized all the -.v.-i- ifter the other, in the Pozzo- i.uard nan not even Mad th-ir e- he,r when eioon I riday last was exceedingly l.J.mdy. 1, friend s letter. but say of its sub-tanee : they went inr-t aetioti. So little wa a gen- As was yesterday Mated, it la-ted fiill twelve .. , , i u ; , i .i . .i i .i i r ' i i , , He complains tLat he can render but eta! all nr exr-eeti l that th" e-th -er of the hour. Aft. r such a signal ih fcat. the v t . r . .i i i i i j- ii i , , - c ... -,, . - shght offices to the wounded, wlierea the I .rcnadiers and oltigeiirs w. re !.kins for n-trians will, as a matter of euurs". im- .. . . r . . i e .i i i .i . .r .7- i i . . I.- i i tn'ps move; t. fast to give him rrofor o'l irter f r l!n- day. wlien th" sfa 1 o he. r m. drit. y retue to ho t bo,L- of i . Mm. . . . . gin.ti", an i or i.-ie. t'n r.-de ltdo a-ti forward at once tien. Maurice Lieut IJetier.'d Veigi, the e'onitiiHtider ! t..- I 1th tfirj.s tls tinnrt yesterday tel- with egrnpSi'-d to tht city that Prince ( harlea J'ltie to tlie p: e-se, he writes, he had the ph-asuro to ren .1 ., ...... i;..t ... .i. .....: I...-1 r ,;;,. ;,i. . i. ...i t.. ti.iu fi... l .... . "' "."',,VM " " ' : x"': UM,!", , ani many are only discovered days (i:c;J.,ti ' ,r (.lV,irr ... P,.Jir,... 7,t '.. . v, r. .1 ,i... 't't'.n i r , "tider whose e-ommand be formerly a ter dead, n-.t trom their wounds so mue!: .rri, ..,, ,:' i v l i e.i i - . t in s,r(d. lb? hims'lt wa scrioii-ly Wotin- . . tcnrdoio, m,t expeeting f i be cii.ed s i s,,n, l.ogimcnt f t lie Line was anion" the kill- i i. i i . ; ... . a . from e xhaustion. i-i m i i m m i n- i , , , , .. , ded near Jn-rgamo, where he was i. b ig". I nor did Marshal .MeMahen s officers when ..1, but the mritary authorities at i afran- . . e i i . , "... r.--i...t. .l.n.-.. .,: t',.. J,i!,- .: i i . .t t l i i ""'"'-' to stay a f-w day and urcs-j bis wound, ' lliey marched at three ,, clock in th" ii-oni- cia are unable either Ii refute or to confirm i i-i i . . .. C .-T.-Fii,.r. In-... iv.i.i... .- i . i -i .ri .- and from which place.-he writes to us. sTi.Ei" .(.o, , evening. ins; but at four firing b"gan to be hard the news. Ihe ofne-r jti .i'Kti..n i the ri ru e i . I ii-t...t(.l i..v v.-fnr.l-iv's i ti-i- i i i i r 't , .... ' "c e'llowius i a passage from this cf I '-' I J 1st 1-O.Utl HIV .s letter nt slr.w I'lt.l v:i!- Wli'.-h emit :.i:i,,l t.,r ....... i.o, r.'.r ti.I ...... ir .-.if ,f l .,.1.1 W ... an officer of tlie "encral sl.dV tt 1,1 mo :..... . ,1 i l..,li-...i e.., i! i : i i- i v. . v...: i .. h-r . . r- uii..- mi ni'i- M-i'i.i i,i- 'i'iiiu.iiiiiiij ui'-,i;i;ii,. .... oiin::ii i. s nas lceji re- ,. I ... i. .1 t. t .1 nav lis arriveu Horn l escliie- nt ( a-ti- ion. and was liione.liit.i v ..nshe. I c.i.-,i from the -.-nt of icirv.i,.. r,.j,l,., ... . . - .... ,-, ... . i i. m. i e i " Uinrcli and tlie lst part e.f xiodenn are on, a- I have l-f. .re mentioned. Leingon morning I he 1-e-s of I he Au-lrun r.rmv 1 i c .1 t . ti . r . r 1 1 , , f , 1 ., ., , , , ... , , , cleared of the Austrian. 1 hey have su- fi.i.t I leio tin eh-ir.."" ot nei,!. , or n ... ., .,i il,.. - I r I . m.t m L . T 1 . . . I .....I lr. ..... 1 .1 ...... J wh of mtcliigen ra that the Austrian.? intended to our hues on the following morning. attack vi.-ions to di-patch detachments to the phi-; vanced step by step, always gaining ground, t ,....; arrived at the Uoccolo Peschi we ' ,.!:.eo near tho th-hl of baftl.. in ii?,,,. n. 1 ,.,;-",,,, i, .V.P.. ....! , tamed a heavier br m fame, men and f-.r i .1 . i i-. .. . i . -ri ...... i... t ;.. .o., 1 1 i- .... . f .. i i . . - ' " - us in artillery took j art, and tlie cavalry, Ly sev- GerSC A. riltt rotlf. Attorney and Cumsellor at Law, Lansing, Michigan. ilf:ee oni? if.r sojth of the post oiti.-e. PI5ASK Vs FlILLKK." en-i'Kv'rtRS to j. p. r.i Jbbers.)f,aad iJ.-tail Iea!eisin,a'.lkin.l- of PA TEH STATIONER V. Pairr II a tic; ilia's, 'MrtXi r.vrEn ANnruiNTrRs' rn:'iiiixj i:eeis, Jo. 21 o Joir.TSo:i Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Tii7ici7ii:it; ARCHITECT & DRAUGHTSMAN, LtXSINU, MICIIIO evs mentioned, ami the third division also t nere was a time, anout i in ine aiternoon to send a detacLim nt foward Pe-schiera. when, to cover their retreat, the Aumn The Austrian during tlie night frun tlie made a ela-perate effort to place themselves , ..Min.- t.i nl -JoJ to the itli advanced toward ine ngm oeiwt-cu me i-.utui i.u cec";:u corps. iimu iwi-i""1 i i. . r t.. !:. th iav stru de ocetirred ; t!:e infantry and Kenorts e.f deserters are unanim stating tliat LMtiM men were collected at Pezzolengo. Marshal Paraguay d'Hill'T met witii un expected diilicuhics ::t S .iferiiio. and the I 'iedinoiites" leeonnaisanccs :.l-.i t-ncoiinter- .i great forces .f the en.-mv. ir;i:iv d'l I iliictS ICI for Iue I J .... '. . , i i . i .... iv .... .i. ...... : .. . ' i . valor at Sollermo, th- ma-se- ot the enemy uueou sucu an e iucl ina-. iioi.img i-o.i.o o -Cvtitiuned in distinguished on the field of battle. At Ci-th'iior.e, the Finpei-.r, p. re. tv ing Yv'hen the weather improved, the enemy ntire army lia-l disappeared, and tie direction tfiey oral magnmcetit e-narges. .tecni.-d trie su-.'cess of this irreat d..y. This wn the 1 ist act of flic battle ; the An-tri m- began tl.eir retreat along the whole iin v 'I'!.; retreat was favored Ly a dreadful .-t While Par- which l.i-t'd more than h'.ur ; the thumb r, i r.. lig'e.s of the hail, th" wind, in line, a hurric me. pro could distinctly see the smoke of lit 11 gum and muskets in a wopj, all the operations t tl- army, lie; I lciirh lody which was ,-hurch. from which i saw t hr-t thus engaged was the orps tl armcr jng on s'.jwly in the f.'ain e-t i.euerai .Mel, wn eh s:uc; tlie preceding evening was marching e.;i the d.rection of Med lis. i'he a lvai.c-ed ge.ard of ih-neral .'!.! Lad mrt tliroe divi-ions of Fihtrn'.-eorp--, at a farm house called the Csi tit M u'iniLs'cc, and was hlig-'d to make it way amidst, a trem.-i .1 mi f'.re of tnn-ketry a iid artillery. As. soon a- Mar-la! Canr.-bert was aware . f th" enemy's a:t a k, he ordered Ids able hi (listingui-h maneuver; 1 therefore mounted tl" st. cile of the I'-gh'i'is so- . ciuUd oi Jsr, wnieh srew thieKcr as it approached, at l.i-t showed a column of Au-triau cavairv and artii! rv, e .ii.ins from Yo'u; but Mar-ha! Paraguay d Ifil greatly di-tingui-ie-d if-'!f. table rre'TM-rty tlian is commonly known. , , , . ,. for they arc driven to their last trM m It- A I urin eii-p tt.'h says tlie .-ardi- i . .i i r i . , , ' ... . , aly to remain on the defensive Jong enough man Io--o at .Vdienno w.-re very heavy i . .1 n- - , - , , -. e-nougli to give the aln.-d armies time to and mentions among ine lued ' icnerals Mollard, Pcrrier, and Arnalli. Colonels P retta and I'cinot, and Capt I'allavieiii. of the A'V.v,;i';. lien I'.anti's divi-ien -ide tlit'ir knapsacks, and troops to inro-.v a- with all i -os-ilie snood hi-t-ned to the scene of action. Atn r an hour's fi 'lit the general all over the plain, f the Kmpere-r s s.n e .n- fiers s crps mad" a u. t."ir lr m Wition tliree miles .f l.onato, whieli is easi'y sc-n from Castigiioti", wh. re he vv is encatnp. d and attacked tl." Austiiati-s on tie high's the artill-ry of tl" iu-ird e-mitig u;. at full gallop. lien Maurioe's divi-iort was nnivhing slowly from .M 't-techiaro, wl. ti a eol- nel e.f the stuff brought them up in a hurry to fill up the gap before m- nti-i.e d. Marshal McM ahon's c rt s the n n.alo a ni .v. ii.e'it A Paris h tt. r i linns- s- sny- " The iimper." e.f his jauh tt- -It is stated that m the ' -tr'i hi i of of tl:. arried a sing I 'reiich h e! one away by a sh-.t ILitigarian re take Mantua. Peschiera most likely is now in the hand of the Sar in ian-e 'iaribaldi is now in the psi:i..n to take possession ,f t!ie two railroad line eonUririg in Verona, and certainly will shortly :e-compli-hihe feat. Prineo Napilcn eoin-s from Tueany wi'L J.'i.'M") to .'io.OiM tr.K ps to clear Mo-lenr, of the Au-trians, an 1 oj- rate e:.-t of Man tua atid Verona, in connection with Iaribal di. Prince N;t.o!eon's marcli will be from ilint li" was contending with the of the e nemy, employed the c rps ..f liens t K'k was perceived when the-ir columns had action kenm Neil and McMahon in th" plain, and or- sttained some distance. Ihe Fmperor m and the arrival d. red Canrelret to rejoin v.uh the Imperial Austria, who had ioug.d at t avriaua, m verted it int.. a pit.-h-d nattle. to the 1-fr, and supp-it.-d MarsLal Paraguay liuard tie re-crve on'th" heights the very place where afterward the Ku.pc- Mar-hal MaeMvLou -.yei cngag. d on tin d'l lilt h rs' aril the first crt s The King had been noue-tcd to direct ror .Mipoieon c-'ai iisnei i.i nea.i-pi:ir:ers, ..;r, a;el th- distant rep. rt of tlie art:;!- rv, .11 the forces T.o-sib!" against Soifcrino, and n'lirted the li- l 1 e-f baft it- at , niIlfurnishPI;uis,Speciticaiions in.l ns;itii;it,-3 jl0 neeordingly older, d Ccn-1. Fanti and and retired towards Moito !JLtbbe't. "'J-! f and designs' ,.,., . eonvev sum-r to the Frencli. heights ,f eou'.d W - vuurviie, i ouri iioihcs, ii.h-h( rrivatc , siment " either cavairy r infjiitrv was mi ... . t- 1 i i i , .... . "'j Modenn, and J.-gg.oto Mirandala, Pa-iua .ui'Mii'i I., iiivi- j .iii iii in.; lanure on ine Mi..-io, the Italian regiments Laving Lorn all r move I on' of trim tat ion. and sent to Dwelling l i -m , .. i ' i lien ratdi Lad a ready coiiimauded tru' ""Uuy. C. and wilt rru-t to tiirni.h in:.- " "" J . stn.lbuiU anything in the liii" oflhol.fii.g, : inoveiuetd. ! Le made, vvb.-u li o arrived perintendtbe Vim.: .:i re .son .Mc ti-rnis. that the rceonnais.ance of the third and fitdi newe pve mo a call. Uns'uui, Jaiuiarf 1st T o ei.N-!.. From th" ; ;i th" great column of du-t whieli marked th pr.-rr.-ss of his escort. Fv;usn A? -ot ; 1S."7. ". 'CKSe)X, Mich., opposite . II. li. Ii.-pot. BySTAXToX Jt TIFFANY. Ih neral Stage ceat this House. J 4t T. J. ill ?! 1 1 1 I., t tot Tie vs ndConiiMlers at Law. and S. .licit. .. in t'han ry, iAnsing, Micbigatt. A!I basin.-ss cntrus- to their care 0t5 Xorth of tl divisions was in danger of being cut off at c . -. e--1 --ir. .- i Pesentano by a superior force of the enemy. Trmv. dune J7. The Kin-' recalled Fanti atel ordered the I have received :.e.u:it.s; of the brigade of Aos'.a to return promptly to San Lite battle from men who took part in thar Martino. However, Paraguay d Hilliers tight of giairs. It is creditable to b,-t!i ar- won S'!f"rin", and map-led agaipsf t'r,v. mies, but th.-ugh t!i" numK-r of m.-n en gaged en euher s:do wn much larger than Lav in been informed that, at Masenta. it was even ie-s as d'.eisive a I he Austrian seem to have with- r.aii.i. The Kii which was eirrie-1 lyth" wind blowing froni the I.ago di (ijrda, npj ris -1 u- that the Piedmont. -so army was rial! v engaged sniiewhere near Kir..1;- I'a r.nd Pec!iier . It was ab ut J o'eloek in the rfr' rnron w'nen the Pieurnontese, proceeding from Jiivoltei Ia, succeeded in making their injunction with 'he I r u: h army. The French cen ter had be-.n compelled by the even's e f the day to enc-.-ntr do th" mass of it- forces t. warJ the hilly village ef S' lf.-rir.. , where the Au-trians were dispging the ground with an energy utipreeedeiire i in the t res ent war. Th" batth then b.-came a trem. n l l. en r-'giui' Pevaux s t rigi.i : r, ? i -'. rsof th" Cha-'-.-o d'Afri .-i a eharg" in') a d. ti-e w.d, and at mis--"l the so'iar-r they w.-re t made a -u 1 in s;i- e--ft The Mack, lu i Irrllhnt ve .lisfin- ,d e. 1 ir rt will i i.roinr,t!i- ittend.-d to. ';ii. ii:n. the third and Ltih division battle. "I he Au-'nan seem to have with- h" t it:i t!;en ( came a trern. ti iou e over F. I,... i ' " -v ..n . ..... i l 1 I.". !. ... 1 T.. 1;...I....,...-. .1 l. K: .... , ., . -. oi . ed I' Was umi 'u.i m cairy iu uravn in rviieci one r, aim urc i j.-.en .h i - .... ..... .. . t 41. i.., lel'.O. ' . ;r .- . I I.- J... ....... .1 ..1. .1.,..w .1.., 41..1.1 r,.-,!h- Tfrtl-n.-.l n-..ti-r. Tl.. 1 i.-.l I hei'MltS Ol ."Mil .'rittin, ooi.-ieu il g- IM l.n I l.-jiuoi.i.-:-. urupi in. j o...i to . ... . . ....... , .... .,.-. a m. II -. -. I. '' II . .. .. :.'. M. il 1 .. !....:.. i.w tl,i.,., nnrm.. t ret'imert f t'.e bn.1' h 'iiul-e.l t " Ol .f a -j; -- - - - IttlCKoI tlio" UIVI-IOlls, wen ii.'- !' i'i I'-iiiv. ..v.i. v. ... j .. ' -.ii j k 4 win id i:,t,. f Ai!,;,nv v . v .is now ' . .. ?. . 1:. :. i..- i ',...,! ,..,.,:..., rmf icl.i.d. n-bd-.t . mvo torto 1 .nave t s...-t, n ,'e. rce. thai, a f.A.n v-f.-. h t i. V - ot .fa. tue itrsi uisi-ii .-.. . - .,. ,, . .- . . - :Z : I d-lu Marmora, and the brigad- of Pid- to bay, and recnmictice! the tight. J he . th-.vr to,i me that ,t wa init-oss.bJe tonn- crnmand : vmn ;.. n...... . , ' . . ..... ob ect e f the An-tr;an in crmg the agine nnvintng n-e-re gnu. i and c,nt?. " ' inv-iri. i inrL'.i :.) it i r .11. tin. . ... ,. , -,. , . ... ...... allow. .! t o Inve suish.-d th .uis.-l". s ni. -f iiighly I roull mv learn in tie j;nrry ar fusion aft. r tl" latt'e. -xjj'it i ad h ' li n C .nr d -.t's divis:..n, but I 1 said Le wa awiv on il right to surr and act with tlie ."eh c-.-rp under I'nn-? Nnpoleori, who is rcp-rted to have gair.e.1 a c-.'Cipb.te s'lce. -s over the c- rys e f Aus trian erp'-. d to hrm, M.d to have cre-l the P' but caiinvt state at what p- in. The F'i!i-. ror is eanf-tari'iy under tire At one tun. Tyrol' A i'er In 1-tin a. in iii- .Vrir;rr,r f!.!-ffft of Ib rl in sav : " It is g. tc rally believed in wr'l-inf. rui ei :l 1 e l circle tliat the r.ert m-ijl will bring ati male account ( au armi-ti.v, whieli will r-rve 5- -." Laos f.r nfg..'i ati ,ns fr .w. Th" -am "men rr-vriii- a th" where Trie have' improved. " A Perlin j. tt. t in the IfnhJtirz ,V-r ays " It may bo considered as ertain that the Prussian ' iovcrnmer.t has opened net gotiviori with Knghand and Il'iia, in r-r-d-.-r to est-,',.;.!, A eotritn- n bais t f ir La ticn." The Paris errc-p-a I:-r:t of the Tifrt writing dune U, evening, say? ; : The f fti -ial r rrt"of fl-e battle will yroh":b!y ajpear t'-m-rrow. time, i? w-em that thr- time and ineenzi in tlie rear of Mantua and eroi.a. I Iaribaldi will s'nrf f orth from Pe-sHii'-ra, go north e.rj the afctern shore of the (tarda Fake', d uble Wrotia, and unite with Prmee .Xap.b-i ri s-m.r.n,ere in Vin-e-enza. Thi e j ration, in o.rine"f ion with a naval demonstration somewhere alxuit eniee, will nnd mu-t result in the entire occupation e.f the Province f A'enice by the allied f-rees, while t!ie Au-triins will 1-e F'ored away in Mantua and Verona. " If Ko-uth lands in Fiumc, find suc ceed to revolutionize Hungary, the AILch will be in two month nearer to Vienna than t lie Austrian are at present to Milan.' ryu J re. n,lsw.. S' B -'VilLij.v Lots for fJ-if... . bo, 1 :to acres fteriT" Uit I'urc,' 'S ba-f ""'le e-t el oj!- 0-Bewand It.-si.fenceont.J.H kfittv-six. gjtJSyinoaran.I Saginaw, street. fvrgo'i In spite of a violent tcmp..-t, (en del la Marmoia directed Li course Ly P.77. .1 vigo. de-cnrd-Tj vv,n San Martin i, nut ic side of IVssoIengo. was The lm.-io -oid . fT.-rin.' battle m the r..-1'i. '.s ''cner which thev had aband -m d a f.-w d iy aso. t.k p will doulth-ss apr.ear in-mrrebensible to iue t-ay.ui. t, t l"irai.'i s an i r3nti divisions n after i-e-sition at the r.;int of Ji" remain, d wi'n a t-atrery ot the (I card wh w bring had tab ar.d sail r.i the . 6 r in " C i pit at nr. ijor rcs (frs 7 tfs ronton?. Sit', replied "J'-Hj-err .uc '" ffx tutsi ed in f..r-.'ng the Latt.e was stjH A Monki;v Aiif'"e.TiNo a Xiv.r.o. Sun day afternoon we were startled from a coui f .rtaLle r.ap by m-t distressing; cries; we ru-he l ujei tie gallery to kani the cause, thinking tliat we surely Lad a g-iol local item. We were rather amused, however. In the mean when we f.n.d that the excitement was it ! to (ten. r.ini-..! b a t'.ni( tn..r.I-ev lint l;a.l l.rr.Ven .m. I tne Kmpvror :s indebted f.r the sue t.rjVjn, and who, in Li perambu!atieT,s cess t-t the dry. N-. l with mn ar.,, town, had se-oa little negrri jrirl anl tW) dlVI-i'Ii -f h-TSe. jn ail about ."'.- Tb. r,.f,r,l-f.r wa r.rmo .fi a. !! !-. 5y succeeded in routing MR?.,ln,x,i tun st:. -JAME R.CHII.T1S w! resf.ectfi.r ru. Jili1 !1 Perns wishicg It.iar.l. bv tl BoVjp Kl" P,v" i call, at th- -vojj, on Vva-!,t..,iriw uon- wdfai Unsin .. i "... r.i ki-ivcii noi.i lie . Uh llegiment, moving to the left, repulsed ! t!ie eu.emv, eau-iog great l-we- with eur artillery. . , , (MHO In t.i e ef i. n Pnrand . s delay, ss( a- Bonse S,r""t' e pi-'e the j ,.v to?II, -s?, and by the ignorar.c- ""feJanels, isr.9. in; and the P.rigad" ef Aosti. the . j uuprotess-.onni rcaucr-. put it was a bold anl skillful manouvre, which, had it leu more skillfully execute 1. would have prove d disa-tr.-ts :.. th" Fr n- h and Piedii.or.te.-e army. After t'.ie Austri an bnd for a second time, aland i ed F f'tutrrlt lr I'I lOnrnf r-,r ; fn SH'S 'I th L ( . nt ( 1 Li-ej auh tt m i wa? engaged from four in the morning htivc turn e.f rnind, immediately revived tul f,ur in the afterno,,,!, when he srj'-eeed- to embark in the slave trade, and forth- u-trian center, while with ma 1 j an attack ur on the premise in W:ng. which he Lad di-yorererl the little i.etrro ragins on Loth prrrr. . nt LkLim t the iuo is. A,uaves are said to nave lcn climbed into the window, rouncod uwn his e earned away by m-ich cut uP ; and the lt ThasseuM d'Af-. r.ri22. and. desr.ite the vouns darkev's he enemy, which was obliged to fall back on Cavriana ar.d Ye'ra. This back move was xc stopped by the enemy's re e'!y. c-.-nitag !r"r; i', eilungo, (M,, a village inalvance. and ail the eaT. i rumcred, though I hope without founda-'by a finkr-ement Wwhill Jirp and (. -it... s.. t!ia: tue c .nract was renewed rv hiv. uae on the ti ll of battle. ti.-n. that (Jen. An"-r. wh-'we arm -r. ird las .-it,!. 1 till night. ( f course, it i im- Knii-eror a bad. ri iue terribly treated. Cenera! Ladmira- screams and velR was aW to carrv her Tie Fmperor is pa-iug the night at Sol- uit. I Mm, and lieu are wounded ; and it 0ff jn triutnrh. when he was driven bark ry r.ivr-uae on ti.e i t.e hring ot the .usnan art.liery slaet- ri" 1 awav t.y a emnot shot, is dead. TV. , t -,-r-- -r : ... , D-. - uat. r.nd Castiglione, the Piedmot.tec ar- '.ie t-r me to Jr.-i you a correct ae- ened perceptibly al-nt u, and 1 v.qL1 see en. Auger wis a rao-t distinguished ar-, Yard Pour hoilm- water over th f-te-ne my wa ordered to move to the north, and "ir t "i (his great and idoody strngg.e, m that along the Lne, whi.-h must have ?sten- i tillery fffic-r Col. -Tourlon, e.f the ngin-' whenever the gra--s shows it-elf