Newspaper Page Text
THE STATE REPUBLICAN liPtXBUSBBDETEET TUESDAY MORNING BT IIOS3XER & 14 E ft R , whom all tests oonncaiCATtoitsBocLO I ADDAISSID. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Jne eopj, by nuilor otherwise, per yeAr, Eleven one address, ' ' Twenty " " ' A i ikherates. inflexibly in aJtanee, 1 1 10 17 rsr Job-work oromDtlTAnd neatly eiecuted. gordersfor Printing and Binding of every des jription, are solicited. In connection with the Bindery, the facilities ol tin estatitisnniein r unequaled. Rat4 of Advertising. OtieSinsreof I' forth 6rt insertion, and AO MIH foreach u.beiuent pabiwationot any period ander three month. 3 awns. C aorta I Square, 1 Column, W 3 U - 12 2 2 10 IS u 14 1 50 . 30 SO I Tserty Advertiarnenl have the privilege of threw baft gee. ... rtTTha Yearly retesapply to regular and ordinary uwuee Advertlamenta, oely. All other chargedby tha Square. Tiesday Morning Oct. 1, 1859. Lansing Brass Band. The Lansing Brass Band, are making these pleasant nights more delightful, and are keeping themselves in fine practice, by frequent serenades. Spring We Lave heard Aid. N'ew bro't spring highly recommended, but never hav ing seen ie, of courae what we say, is upon the recommendation of others. Spring Bed-j. We have purchased a pring-bed from Mr. Deal, who is to lie found at Mr. Buck's, which upon trial, we find to be the beat we Lave ever seen. It is a perfect pallet n of ease, comfort aud durability. The Aireuus Mi-rder Case The lughani Air sajs that C. M. Wheeler, who was arrvsted for the murder of Li wife, lias been committed to jail to await hii trial at the lie it terra of the Circuit Court. Resignation of Capt. A. Walker. The Ingham AVrs says that a meeting of the Curtcnius Guards on Thursday, September 15th, Capt. A. Walker tendered his resignation on ac count of ill health, which was reluctantly ac cepted. Nigut Drpeedatohs. Niht depreda tions in Lansing hare become common. Some acts of this kind, arine from wantonness and sport, some from apparent malice, and some from a desire to proCt by the theft. On Saturday night, the clothes were all stolen from the yard of Mr. F. Savage, the fence round Mr. Wood ho use's garden was thrown down, and a herd of cattle driven in, which de stroyed it. The gates of Mr. Kerr's garden and Mr. Weller's opeued to let in the cattle, and Mr. George Grove lost six bushels of Rambo apples. In the fun and mischief line, a heavy business hat been doing of late. Signs have been taken down and interchanged, Larbere' poles put up where they did not belong, the State House yard decorated with emblems of various branches of industry, with a variety of similar freaks. A heavy chain cable, belonging to Burr 4 Grove, wa stretched across Washington-Avenue, sustained by boxes in the middle, and made fast at the ends, for the obvious design of injuring whoever might ride or drive through the street in tbe dark. It is high time for a night patrol. The cellar of Mr. Slocum, who lives on the east side of the River, was entered, and his po tatoes stolen. Cattle were turned into the garden of Mr. S. Chapman, and destroyed it. Resolutions on the Death of E. II Kisa. At a regular meeting of the cLcinnatu Society f the Agricultural College of Michigan,' held Sep. 30, 1859, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, Scince the first lime sciuce the or ganization of the Institution, the angel of death has entered our midst and forever removed from among ua, Edgar II Kiug one of our number, therefore. JlesolweJ, that in this death our society has uk an aii ana emcient member, and the Col lege an honest and devoted Student. JtetolreJ, that we deeply sympathise with the parents and friends of the deceased, in the great lots which has so sudenly and unexpectedly come fallen them. In our acquaintance with the de ceased, we had learned to atlmire his amiable disposition, and respect hia uprightness of char acter, confidently looking forwanl t !; f.i.M as one of triumph and success. But death has interposed and claimed his victim, thus forever ending those bright anticipations and cutting short all plana of future usefulness. Though we may no more meet him in these Colleg halls, or on these College walks, yet his bright example remain with us his virtues are ours to imitate Retoleod, that we tender our thanks to Mr and Mrs Lane, our worthy Steward and Steward ess, for their kind and unceasing care of the de ceased during hit tickness Retolwtd, that these resolutions be offered for publication in the several newspapers of Jackson and Lansing and in the Michigan Farmer, and that a copy of them be forwarded to the broth ers and friends of the deceased A. X. TREXTISS, GEO. W. 1IAIGII, WM. A. TU0MAS, Committee. Ia respect to the above manuscript, as to all other, the printer's rule has been followed, to follow copy, if it carries the compositor out of n window." J"Ibe followinf ennmuDicatioa from on of the old eat aod atost inflacutl men of the township of Plymouth, Vaya county, rauaot fail to wm4 Haell to the etteta of ait ho ate aimiiarly afilicted : l"lnoiTi, 20th August, ISM. I t Mdilar (ke Jfirktn Ckrutia Herald: fsua Sia I feel it my ,aij tu eommunicate through jonraal the f jilowiog; fet, not only aa aa e iwaaioa of ny tbaakfulaesa to Dr. Kermott of your eity, at that tkoae su3erin lrum like diseases may know eared mm after all hope waa gone. PtT1u March, 18M, I had eutfered for several oatba from asthaaa aod broacLe i. PmiUl tbe watht 1 employed several of onr regular or old school taya-eiaas, but the dWase gradually wasted me away. Inpaetofatcd great qaautites of datk CxuJ matter, sereral atUeks of bleeding from my lung., had be wa as far reduced that 1 was not able to leava my bad ehilUaad fever with night sweats, ia fact.aU bs aaw ae praaoaa-ed me ia the Ut suges of eoo jnea and a v ctna U the grave. tbia tiiae 1 was iafoimed that Dr. kermott was J"! Mr. Setviaa and Mr. Booth of diseases of the bea th.y were greatly reduced. 1 felt anxious ate him. My brother went to IVtroit anl brought Jy bo,e, wbea, after a capful eiarniuatka, J"r- WJ tbere was yet hope in my case. Be jbed fo, utt9r ukiai h s haaltk t4alif "hieh 1 "aKT regained my , I waa d-tcbarged, a ad am to day happy in tbe of Ifr aad it. kte.ungi I will add that I a eared contrary to tha expectation of all me at the lime. Evei jtratefut, I am, yours, Ac, w. Eenaott devotee hie time exclusively to tbe treat ebnoia or 1 ngering diseases, and will visit Us- ' th of every month. 30w4 ffsTJatu W" Kam' Eetie Physician and Sof jJjV"W ptfally anaouncw that be will vaut BosiD Wtt 12thf LaBinc lh" 13'b aad 14th, aad rT M every month, where ho will he hac "Macldfrist. -.i :.. . . wymatmif liaai WOO BIS) ai- earatt aad iiaayia. To tlx) Cltliena of Michigan. We art sorry to know that Dr. J. 8 Wood la about leaving ua for Lsnsicg. M eh'gaa. We fear that his p ace am njj a will not soon be filled. M Mt cheerfully we lay, that fnm long aeqaa ntsnce wi;h It. W , both prof siona'ly an 1 aoeialty, we Inom him to bs eminently quali fied a tu (kill aod integrity. 11 ha Ion? enjoyed the rep station here, of " The lest Dthtid i Albany." We congratulate the e tijeus of lam n that be is to be one of th-lr numter. Albany, X. Y., April 21st, lSi.. I". O W.gft'ow, M. D.; J. 11., M. U , Professor Albany Medical Col'ee ; B. t". Romaiue. IA. and i'ub Aroer. Sp-e ; O. C Alexander, M Ii.: i. E ton Je, M. I VTm It lUiley.M. It ; Jaiuts L Babrock.M I. . Wm. W, Wulfor.l.Kso,. ; Iivi Moore, U 1 ; John swenboru, M I , Robert, R-g-ister Bauk It;. t ; K And ews. Ext. ; r an.irrws.Lso,.; J 11 lt-l.ainsi.jr, II. 1 I.. Tucker td. end Pub. Cull ,C. ti. A A. SPECIAL NOTICES. 5.e adeertN'meni tf Ir. f'anford'j I.iver ralor an ! Family Cathartic J"il', in another c!nu o. 4 a The out terriKe foe we have to eneouu'er in tbia ciout jr i C. tiurul'ti in. First inan.festina- it-f in the lorm or a s-igbi e.i, it gaits t:cn;ii wbi.e rictim u unuii:cioii of dng.-r, ati-1 W)n r ir la'er, in n lie caa out f t.-n, terci na'n Uta ly. A:n,n tii Tariouiieme- rfe the fub!ic f r the cur' if thii trrrib!e disease hoae it e-jual to llx il toi lU.s.mN- C Een tbia may n .t cure you ; but, if tbe d f i,..t t.j fr ad vancad, you may c nfi.iently rely upon it. Ty it. freparej on!y by Dr. .'. M J-km, S. 414 Arch at. Pbi a-leli.hia, and for aale by dru? '. nd n'.orekeepera tbrougboutthe t'nitel tate an 1 Cjn ! .. Price 75 ct.!e. 4Wi34 Another C'aao of I)eM-pt. IUi i-i.-n ii ! r, X V. , M , cb , 1 Si6. IR " M. J k.") l'.,jr .Sir: r-ceivrj great ben?3t from the u-te of II .(.Uanl j Cetmin P.ttera,! thiuk it my duty as a friend ol uiauk u 1 to let them know it. I had f r yeare been aifliite 1 wi h I'vq ep-ia, arU n from an affection of the IJer aod d.-raoement of the stomach. I i under tbe care of th l'hTUn -f 'hid vicinity, but obtained no relief. 1 .n , duu-d tmub theadricecf a friend, to e nin.fure the us i f y.jur U tter-, aiil took faithfully, acw-rd n 1o dii-?t;, , lhre b .tt, which eu'.iiely cuied me, and I o . f.n! i-,j.If in a good het!tli a 1 have e'er eajnted Kijrfuliy j i.iir., JoilV vrEEN. A-. for II ttndN t.-riinii II t!o Tak.- u..')iiug e'he, and ee that the aiiiture i f C M. JnckK.ii is u the wrapper I eicU bottle. Tl.e llitfr- are for na!e by drug:-, and Ht'irekeei4-r In etryt,.au au 1 Tillage iu lLo I'ii.i.-.! Stale,, Canada, We.t In 1 an I South Amer ica, at Ti lit. .er b-r'.tie 'Im'Wi Iiiflaiuuiatlona. N. logliam. a celebrate 1 I l.tucian i,f I lira, N. ", ay ' I have treated ca-c f u of the Brain, i.f the I.uui. Ii tUmmatx ti if the Rove:- and Ki'!n-v, loliniimattTT l:heuir.ti-ni, f luid Bed Kevi-r, ith Ir. Track's Manetie O Ltuieot ith per fect nurce.4, even when all iotei reni.-1 e h.ire (ailed, alv ea-e-i of t'roup, Scarlet terer, Cauker an I L'Iceiated Throat and I.uiiiri, with like .ucre.. In the 1'uidemie known in th Putrid i.ryiiel.i, by w niacy valu able lne e( lost, I eted it f . e.ji.v-nt 1 nI i-er f''el of ell'Ctui a t.l) nilierU nfurt Iu etse-i.f liurna, pram-, IltuUei, Ir.zen Llruln, t' a.u-, &: , it eurei like a chaiiu. No Ihysicijn or fjin Ij w.ll be a inIe dT wi'bout th.a luediciuo, af'er ti c.inina' acquainted with ii powf-r to cure Nunc Lies, fmrnii asu Ciiaituo-i, ai com pletely cuie 1 by two or three aj.i l.c it.on. f the M.gnetie OintB.eut. H' Kead advert iemrot in thi. a er. 3m3'i IMPORTANT DISCOVER Y. RELIEF IK TEN MIM'TES! !j BRVAVS PULM1XARY WAFERS ARE unfailing it the cure of Coccus, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Dirri- cclt Breathino, Incipient Consumption, and Diseases or the Lcnos. They have no taste of medicine, and any child will take them. Thou sands have been restored to health that had before despaired. Testimony given in hundreds of caes. A single dose relieves in ten minutes. Ask for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers the ori ginal and only geniune is stamped "Bryan." Spurious kinds are offered for sale. Twenty-flve cents a box. Sold by dealers generally. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, X.Y. For sale by R. THAYER, k Co., Lansing. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARK'S Celebrated Female Pill. PROTECTED BY ROYAL IjRKPAKrlD from a preeription ol Sr Jame Clarke, il. !., Physician Extraordinary to the Vueen. This invaluable Medicine ia unfailing in the cure of ail thoe painful and dangerou diaeaea incident to the female constitution. It moderates all eicesa, remove ail ob-tructiib, and brings on the monthly period with regularity. Thee Pills should be ued two or three weeks previous to con finement; they fortify the constitution, and leen the suffrricR during labor, enabling the mother to perform her duties with safety to herself and child. Thng filU tSimld wit he takm hy f'imtUi during tr FIRST TliRKE MOXTHSof prnamy, as tAe, are sure to bring an Miscarriage, but at any cih-r time th-u art sae. In all eases of Nervous and ?ina1 Affections, pain in the Back and Loins, Heaviness, Kat'gue on Slight liter tion, PalpiUtiooof tbe Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hys terics, Sick Headache. Whites. and all the painful d ineaHes occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect euro when all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antiinonv. or any other mineral. V1I A. i .vi. pKur. the United States aod Canada. One Dollar. Sole Agent for the I nited States and Canada JOB MIKE'S (Ute I. C Baldwin A Co.,) Rochester. N. V. N. U. Ooe Ikdlar and 6 postage stamps enclosed toany authorited Agent, willensurea bottle, containing.!) pills, oy return mail For aale by R. TaaTta, iAnsing. ISOyI CTTT Cikrk's (trrire, Lansing, September S, ISotl I State or Michiuav, uiyoi Lausmg, To William Iliomao, John Tliomu, Geo. W. l eek, D V. Bell, A. t Wel er, E. K Memticid, Loiiyear A l'srt, John A. Kerr, Daniel Jobo'n, S R Wilcox. A. W. Wii bams, Wlutney Jones, A. M KoUe, S. Bender, Burr A Grove, II Earl.W. F. lav.s,S K Greene, S K. (iieeiie, Ageat, T. N Henderson, Wm Woodhou-, A. B Payne, Mrs. T. W. Brownell. P. C Ayrei, A Miattuek. R. Gordon, Mrs. Baldein, J. Haywood, K. Hwmer, Theo. Hunter, and all ether pers n interested in the following described property, iu the City of Laiis.n f : All that portion of the Third Ward of aid cty contained in blocks, lots an l parcels of Ian J, as ioiiows. vn : I! o-k. lit, 156, 16, 157, 16S, 159, loO, lt9, K0, 171, 17J, 17 J, 174, 17, 176, 177, 17S, IS7, 1SS, 1S3 ; alio, land,, n u resi dent, being parts cf tbe northwest f. e mial quarter f section VI, and laying dnertly --ura ol bl ck IX, and eaatof block lS'J, aud north ct lands owned by Geo. W Peck, and bounded east by Grand Kver, ct utmo.ii tluee acres of land ; mW lau 's bcioniog t Gt-. W. lvck, as follows, vii : part of tne no'tawet rrac?n nil quarter of section 21, bounded north by lands of C. P. Hush, De ceased, east by Grant Kiver, soulu by lands of J. hn Thomas, and wet by the eai-t hue i t' 1'owiiseiid .treet. containing three acres of land ; a!o, I.nds owned by Joba Thomas, bounded as follows : north by lands owned by Geo W. Peck, east bv Grand River, south bv mill res- erration, west by lands of Wra 11 umau, beinx part of tbe northwest fractional quarter of section 11, and containing two and 97 lCu:h acres ct land ; a n, lands of W in H u man, being part of the uorthwe.t fiactional quarter of ection .1, and Doondel as t.liows ; n rib or ru oert atieet, east by lan is of Geo. W Peck and J-hn Thomas south by mill reservat on, an I et r-v iau is o! A i weller, containing io and 66 tooths acre j of land; al-o, lands known aa Is mis reserved f r hydraulte purposes, belong ng to John Thomas, Geo W. i'erk and William liioman, hounded as follow- : nith bv l.n-ls rwned bv Perk, Weller, H uman an I lb mias, sutti and east by Graud River, containing hre acres t .and. lou are hereby notitn-1 that ase-ments are about to ba made upon you to defray the ex.ei of roui iLg Main stieet and bujun ay ea-t f naloal street : tut a aement rolls have been made therefor, wh eh are oa tie ia the office of fie City Clerk, where 'hey mil remain open to your inspection until the Htu day tf October, lji, at 7 o'clock P M., when and where you may a; pear before tbe Common I unci! of said ci'v and sbowcauce,i anv there be, why the ssid assesnieDt should n t i made and collected according to law. Bv order tf the Common Council, 2332 GE'I A. ARM3TrOXU.CitvCWk Crrr Clekx'3 Ovtict, Lsnsing September 13, lSS1. J SiaTi or MirfflGAS, City ol Lansing, To Pbilo C Ayers, A. R. Burr, Wax. II. Clispmxn, I "eon Edgar, Joba I. hot t. Charles rot, S IL Oreen, Myron Wreen, D. B. Hibbard, IL Ingersidl. Wbitcoy J n-s, S. Lansing, W. G. Warrea, A. W . Will ami, an t all others Interested in tbe following described property in the City of Laninf , to wit : One half of b'ock 1C9, lot 7, 8 and 9, 6, 5 and 4 ; block 135, lot 12, 11, 10, 1, 2 anl 3; block lot. Ivs 10.11. 12, 1, 2. 1 ; block 13 ', lots 1, 2. 4, 4 : block 1C3. lots 1,2; block 132. lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 ; block 1C1, tors 7, , 5. You are hereby notified that a--e-s-men; we about to be made upon yon to defray tbe expense of gralirg Kal aoatw street, from Washington Avenue to the east line of River street; tbat assessment lo ls have been made ia tba premises, which are on ale in the cilice of the City Clerk, where tbey will rerca'n t en to your :ca; ection on til Friday, tbo 14th dy i.f cctober, at 7 o'clock P. It-, when and where yon may appear before the Com aaoa Council of said city and show cause, if anv there be, why the said assessment should not be made and collected eaording to law. y order of tbe Common Council, Sw234 GEO. A. ARMSTRONG, City Clerk. Crrr Cuas Omn, Lansing, SeiemDer 8, j Sttt or Micmoa, C.ty of Leasing, J To Aust.n A my, J. C. BaiVr, CLapmx-. Charles Vox, H.Uiaid, Raius iimer, M.C.ure.Csi W. resk, Knor, Wm 5W..I,J W Thomxs, A C Winter, A. F Weiler, A. W. WdUams, Isaac lowo sead, and all other peraoce interested in tue following desTribed property, to wit : j Blocks 161, 1:2, 163, lot, 165, 166, 167, 16$, 173, 10, 1 1J, 1S3, 114, 1?5, 1, Idu, m, ru, ; also the lauds ! of Augustus F Meiier, eommenc ng at ttie ake tbul; i four and 4W HO.hs rotls west of the west 1 oe ot losn-e-iit ' street, on tbe south line of Robert street, theure eeveuty- j e ght rods to Grand Hirer, thence wc.t eloug .a d ririr I tiiirty three and 57 lOOins rues, thence north Mrveuty two i and 1 lUOibs rovis to Robert stieet, thence et a uu-' sata Lne ol aa.d street to tbe place ol beg.tin:i g, con '.a u ing a.xteen and 31U0ihs acres of e.-t.ou iil, town 4 north, range 2 west ; aU the Uaj of G W Peck, as follows : part of tbe north we-t fractional qaar ter of section XI, bounded north by Robert street, ea-t iy lands of A F. Waller, south by Grand P-ver, and wrst t jr the east Lne of section 21, cuntamog s x e-i. aces i land; a'.ao, tbe lan.lnof Uaae Townseni, as foi. , t.i tto ca.t tractional half of (eetiou vu, except e evru kcirs off tte southeast comer of the n quarter -f arc tion .0, ctu'.ainuig 157 an 1 il- luo;bs acre, ol laud ; a. eleven acres uatii aouiheast coim r vf the nortLcast quarter of section 20 ; aisj,non-rea Cent !an-s, east half of the a-jutheast quarter of ecti. n IT, ani the west half kf tbe aoutL'ast quarter of re:t.on i7. Yuu ate hereby niUBel that asiw.sxenu are aciout to be made upon you to defray the ex;cnsOi of ropa rii Maji s'reet, west of Wa.nut sue ft ; that as.e..nteiit ro Is Lave been made out in the premises, which are i n h e in the irtiee of the City Clerk, where they wilt remain op-u t j your m.pection unul the Hih day of Oc tober, Iti'., and woere yon may ar pear before the Couiuiou Jouo:il, in tte Council Room ot said Citv.knd show cause, .f any there be, why the said assuuient shouM not be made and collected accord ng to law. i.y tiner o: the mm' n Louncil, 23i GtU A ARM--TPJING, City Cerk. LOT. BETWEEN the Lansing House and the Episco pal Church, on Stndar, October 2d. 1-iSSJ. a lady's large White Lava Breastpin. The fiiidcr ill be liberally rewarded by leaving it with Smith Hunter, at the State Treasurer's office. 1 1 m SEW IMTE.Vr MK IX.. I WOULD call the attention of tbe public to toy New Spring, patented Spt. 159, and which, iu the words of the pateiit "mar be used for bed springs, for chairs, lounges, bug gies, carriages, or for for any other jurpoxe$ vchere tprinyt tan 1 employed." lown, Count r and Mate rights for tale or in exchange for other good property. S. P. XEWBRO, Patentee. Lansing, Mich., Oct. 2d, 1859. TETIMOX1A L. I have eiiuniiicd Aid. S. I). Xewbro's Serin?. for which as yet there is no tignificant name, tbere being i.o spring described in the Science of Mechanic! similar to it. It is substantial, du rable, and as elastic, if not more so, than ordin ary eliplic carriage spings, and possesses advan tages hich no other spring possesses. P. S. CLARK, 3in2a2 Practical Jlaehinint. NOTICE. Omci or tub accrraKT Stste, I 1j.vs:.o, October vd, IteJ. y N'OTlOg H IlfcHKBY GIVEN, that putauant to the pro visions d Act Ns. 13 of 1851, separate sealed !1o posals will be rece red at this Uie unt I Thursdav. th- 26th day of November next, fjr do ng the Printiot; and ts.ndmg lor tbe Mate, and furnishing i uel and iationrv for tne term ot two years from the first day of January next, in the manner fallowing, to wit : Bid So. 1. 1-irst ror liin:iOK tbe 1-awt.Jonrna's aod Itocuments, and all other Printing ordered by the Legisia ture, to be performed ia atjle, manner, and in all resoee's equal, .to the priotmc of a hke character, done for the Mate in the year 1?17. The whole work to be done with promptness, and tbe laws to be pr.n'ed aud deiiveied to tbe b nuer witU'O forty day after the close of each ses sion of the Legislature second ror rnntiug B anks and Circulars for the I x- ecutive departmeu's. Tbe above to be mc'uded in i ue bid, and tbe flist to be estimated per thousand ems, au 1 the second par ream of paper, whether printed ou one or both sides. B.d No. 2. Find For Budicg the Laws, Journals and Documents, to be done in every respect equal to that ot tbe laws, j lurnala and documents of tbe year IS 47, to be e-t mated per copy. iseeon ror If j ni and Tressmg tbe heets, to be esti mated per hundred s guatures, aod for Folding and Milch ing fauipLlels and B.I s, to be estimated i er en hun tied pes. laird For Ruling anl Piess'ng Blanks, to be e-tliu.ilcd per ream, whether rule I on one or both s des. fourth ror Binding Blank Bxks for the Kieeuti-erartUH-n's, arid the manuscript laws aud 'ournals, 10 be estimated er quire. The price to be stated f r ol umes lull tMiuu I and half bound. The whole work to be dooe promptly, aud the session laws to be b mod, and deliteied at this office, within thirty days af'er lecciviuj tbe sheets from the printer. The woik embraced in the ah ve bids to be done at the sat of government. IU1 No. 3. For 200 reams of Printing Tarer, 21 by 30 inches, 40 lb to tbe ream, with good naish, and x-pe p'opoition ot wtii'e a'-ck. tain pies ma be seen at this office. To be delivered at Ijnsiog 100 reams in October, I860, and 100 rean in October, 1V1. Tbe qTiannty to be increased at the option f tbe Board of Mate Auditors. Bid No 4 For funnelling for the Fxecutive denart ments Hinting aud rit -Office Paper. ALso, loiter. Kul d and I'iain Cap, riat Cap, folio I'o.t, Crown, lie my and Medium, also,Ss-almg Wax, Farmer's pencils, Siainje t, eit Sealing an l I'iain, Waters, r. K J Aru ld s Chemical Fluid, Meet Pens, Ivory Folders asm- pies to accompany lne bid lne quantity to be uicreansd at tbe option of tbe Board of State Auditors. H d -o 5. ror furnishing 40t cords good sound Uly Wood maple, beech anl hickory to be delivered either at the Capiiol or Stale Offices, as the Bwrd of Auditors may diiect. Fifty cords to be delivered bv the first d:tv cf January, IHrio ; 150 cords to be deiiveied by the first day of March, l! 0 ; 50 cords to be delivered by the Hi -t if January, 161 ; and 150 cords to be delivered by the lotn day ofrebruarv, lSbl. lbenuantitv to be rner--a sed at the option of the Board of State Auditors. two or more responsible suteties w.ll be requuel for the performance of each contract, and in cases whe-e the espons.bility of the individual offered as sute vis nm known to the membersof the Board, th certiftcat.- f h Circuit Judge iu whose disti ict he resides, .f h' te.p .ns: Oil ty, will be lequired N. ,. ISUKl.I.. ts 2i. Secreta-y of Mate. INGERSOLL'S BAZAR. I- SiX DElARTJlETlw. poXDUCTED on the CASH SYSTEM ! J Selling all kinds of Goods at their honest, cah, market value, at Uniform Pricps. NEW GOODS Reeived in eaeh Department. FIRST. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods AND GROCERIES. SECOND. (Room on Stcond Floor.) Bonnets and 3Iillinery Goods MANTILLAS, CLOAKS k SHAWLS. THIRD. CIaOTHING, Cloths, Cassimeres and Veslins, INCLUDING CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. FOl'RTII. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. FIFTH. (Carptt Hall on Second Floor.) Carpets. Oil Cloths. Taper Hanging, Window Shades an i Fixtures. O SIXTH. CROCKERY ifc GLASS-WARE It will be the object of the proprietor to keep at all timet a stock of Goods, that in extent and attractiveness shall not be excelled, and to offer tnem at turn pneet as shaa secure the Cash Trade of both city and countrv. Old customers new customers, citizens and strancers. are re spectfully invited to look through our Xewlr Arranged and Newly Christened Institution, and to patronize to the full extent of their p'-easure. II. IXGERSOL.L.. Lahsiso, Oct. 1st, 1859. NEW GOODS! A. TURNER & CO., Are now receiving Their Fall Stock! PRICES ARE LOWER Thau ever before ! STOCK LARGER Than ever before ! WE SHALL. SELL TIlE.n FOR PAY I All kinds of Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Lansing, Oct. 1st, 1S59. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS ! ! ! PECK & MERHIPLELD, SCCCISSORS TO .IOII. TIIOTIAS Sc CO., Are now opening, at the Old Stand, on Wn lii net 011 Avenue, Laming A I ARGE AND EK1IRELY FR1H STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods. Comprising a complete assortment of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, nuuiS AU ouono, CROCKERY, iiC, Ac. Secured with care, and laid in at luv rates, which they oner for tale at at reasonable prices as Goods of the like quality, can be bought at any establishment alcg the line of tbe ,.4ka, Ainloii, Lansing and Tracers Baa Railroad. This Stock has been selected with reference to the wants of b th THE CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE, And will be sold at a small advance upon cost and tranrportatio n, for D j&l tS 3HE Or Approved Credit. The Old Customers of the Old firm, are es pecially invited to CALL, EX A31INE AND BUT To the Citizens of Laos:ng, and Farmer :ln the vicinity, generally, we pledge ourselves to i ell at as low rates, and on as favorable terms, at ca n be obtained anvwhere, and solicit & abare of their patronage. Lansing, September 26, 1859. Commissioner. Notice. VVTE. the undersigned, having been appointe i v ? by the Judse of Probate of the count " ot Ingham, commissioners to examine and adjust, all claims asainst the estate of Hiram Cransoa, deceased, notice is therefore herebv given that in pursuance of tb e said order, we will meet at tne nouse or Joh a Sherman, in the town of On ondaga, for the purpose of adjusting claims I against the esu.te of the 6aid deceased on Sat urday the 5th dav of November, A. D. 185', at nine o'clock i M., and on S. ittsrday the 2Sth day of Janut ry, A. D. 1 S60, r,t nine" o'clock A. M., and six months from the 15 ih day of August, A. D. 1359 , being the time limited' for the pre sentation c f said claims, notice it also hereby given that 2 claims on taid est ate not presented within s d time wlill be barre d, under the etat- Bt- JOSEPH S.FIEKSON, JOHN SI 1ERMAN, 4w2' 2 Commissioners. U IVEKALIS' f BOOKS, A i be found consuntly on hand for tale, at ilL. the residence of the en .bscriber. Some of the latest publications and tt andard works of the den ominauon. C. W. KN ICKERBACKEK. Lansing, July IS, 1S5. Slim SAXFORD'S LIVER L VIGOR ATOR SEVER DEBILITATES. IT I iO? -rPFr INTlRrLY FROM GUM?, AVD bs bes'tn- in estabiishe fact, a ttan iari Mei - due, ka iwn and if n r 1 by all that hare ud with eonSdence in all the 1 ee Jiniuen .V a witnin tuc last two year, hopes of relief, as the certificate in my posses It.aal is n re-rtelt l d.sea-- which it is it baruredthu-aa? ho hl gvo up all aumeiou. uuwl.citel n .how. The d Blast be .ot of h- ml viJual -h qusu'ijet as to act lt tt.e lictatr.of mur adapted to the tempera takuig it, anl u-d in feu-.y on the Bo.e'.s. ju'igtneat guide jou in IVViGoRAToR, and it r-LINT-i, BILIOCS AT CHrtOVIC KlAKKHCEA, DYVTERY, ltR.rY, Biri'AL cuenVEESi, CH Jl.ER k MuRBl's, Fl. ATl'IJCVCE, jacx-NtSSr-"', ant mav be Tdarjf fimu) Utii JlKAl'ALili!.. (aa thous tninutes, if two or th ee at commrncemeat of at ing their testimony in its the use of t: 1 IV FR ill eure LIVtK M- TaCK'. liYifKISI a. 1'MKr.H 0M 'I IST-, SolR .-InU(M, HA H'.W. HIOLKRt. CHotJ-Jtt IVf'AVrCM, I 'I' F, ILMALE Wi.ik-u-ed siicre.sfaliv as an e It wdl cure SICK nlicia te.tilr,) in -. i teaspoonf are taken Urk. All who use it are W- lavnr " star M.i Water in the Mouth with the Iuvigorator. an t swallow bth toif.-th-r. Price S 1 0U per Rjtt. AL0, A a FORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, CMMPol 'SUED FROM Pure Vepeta'-le Extract, and put up in Glat$ l ate, iir li'i'it, ana nil keep ia any climate. The FAMILY CA T4ARTIC rlLI. is a g-n which the proprietor nas than tweu'v years, ing d-tnaai from those I UX4, aud the satisf.e regard to the.r , has thmi within the teach know that different Ca portions i f ilt,. rxiw.-ls. THaRHC, has, this wellestabli.hel fact varie y ot the pureat which act alike on every eaual, and are 'd an 1 Catbart c is neeje t, such Stomach, Sleepiness, Lo us, Cotiveues., Paul whole b-xty, from udden if neglected, end in a Is of Appetite, a Cold over th" Ikk! v. hest we'aht in the hed, ail tie. but active Cathartic, ued in bis ti'arii-e mre Theconstautlt increas who have long u-s'tthe tiou which all express in induce 1 me t place of a I The Prfe!.'ou well thartics act on ditfert-nt The FAMILY CA with due re'erence to ben couipouu lei a egetable fcxt'acts. pari of the alimentary saf in all cases where a as Derangements of the Pains in lie iia.k and and Soreness over the cold, which frequently. lour eoiir if revr. Creeping Snsaton d essne, Head.iche, or InfiammlUiry thxitti, W.inut in CAoVfivn or A Jul:, lihrumaHtm . a great I anficeof the lilnr.l. and manv di-ese t which rtsU i li-ir. too numerous to mentiuu in this advertisement. !' e, 1 to 11. PRICE, THREE DIME.4, t-The Liver Iovi; .irator an 1 Fam-'y Ca'liaitie Pills are retailed by ITuftrisrs feneral y. and tld wbolele by the Trarie in all the large I wns S. T. W. SAN FORD, M. D., Msnutsctorer aud Proprietor, 1?J7 M15 B-oawav. N-w York .1UTILT. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Ex isting between tbe subscribers, under th name of John Si Co., is this day di-iil-ved by mutual consent. The unsettled accounts of the late firm will be adjusted by A. F. Weiler, with whom the books of account, uous and claims of the came, hare been left, for settlement and collection, and to whom all debts due them must be paid. Dated Lansing, August 17, ISM. JOHN THOMAS, A. F. WELLKR, 22im3 E. K. MERRIFIELD. NOTICE. THE BUSINESS HERETOFORE CONDIC ted by John Thomas k Co., will hereafter be carried on bv the subscribers, at the olJ etand, under the name of Peck k Merrificld. GEO. W. PECK. E. U. MF.RRIFIKI.D. Dated Lanting, Augur 17. 1 S .'.. 2'jr.mU Foui; THIS beautiful Nursery is situated ia the citv of LANSING, Junt South of the Cclar Jihjr, And is UNEQUALLED by any stock of trees Ea-t or West. It lias been raised here, with especial reference to tin wants of the fruit ferowers and farmers of Michigan, and consists of hardy varieties, adapted to this climate, graft ed from bearing trees, and is now in thritty and fine condition tor transplanting. All those desirous of planting orchard, will find it to their advantage to purchase trees at this Xurery, instead ol" from Eastern specula tors with whom they are unacquainted, as the proprietors WILL WARRANT Til F.IR TREES To be the varieties named by thcm.-will tell low, and take all kinds of farm produce at cash pri ces in exchange for trees, and give a liberal credit to responsible purchasers, if desired. The follow ing is a brief list of prices : Apple trees, 10 to 20 cents each. Cherry " 25 to 35 " Tluni " SO to 40 Pear " 50 cents each. Strawberries, $ 1 per loo. Currants, 1 50 per doz. Scions, fl 25 per looo. We have also a quantity of evergreens and shrubs. HARRIS & PARSONS, Proprietors. Lansing, August 23, lr'.. 22r5w8 To Contractors. J 0TICE is hereby given that the Comutission- 11 ers of the Newavco L Northnort State Road ill be upon the ground on Tuesday, the 1 Sth daw of October next, to receive bids for build ing that portion of the road south of Newaygo, commencing at, or ncur the corner of Kent County, thence along the line heretofore survey ed by said Commissioners to the Muskegan River Distance, about ten miles. Said road, to be cut out six rods wide upon all unimproved lands, and where the same is settled and improved, lour rods wide. The entire length of said road, to be cleared of all fallen, or standing timber &c, four rods wide, and two of the same, to be well grubbed of all stumps and roots, and turnpiked, with good and sufficient ditches to carrv oft" all surface water. Center of road to be raised not less than two feet above the surface of said ditches, where the nature of tbe ground is such as to require it. Where Slui ces may be neceseary, to be built in a good and substantial manner, of sound hewn timber. Upon Swampy, Marshy, or wet ground, said road must be constructed with timber, uot less than Eighteen feet wide. Said timber to be hewn, or flattened on one side to form the sur face of the road, and the sides sufficiently straightened to form close and compact work ; the whole, to be spotted down upon good and substantial Stringers, so as to form s smooth, and level surface. The above work will be Ict in sections of one mile or more, to suit bidders. No bids will be considered, for less than one mile. Payment for the above work will be made in money or Swamp Lands, at tbe option of Con tractor, subject to all the proviion, and condi tions of an Act, entitled an act of the Legisla ture tf the State of Michigan for the drainage and reclamation of the Sute Swamp Lands by a svstem of State Road, approved Febusrv 1 1559. S. O. KINGSBURY, HENRY PALMER, A. B. WATSON, 5w230 Csmiiionrr. laAT FUTILE. "DEING deterniined to close up the map bui- lJ nes in this county, all persons indebted to us either by subscription, note or account, will do well to ca'l at the map ofEce in tLis city and settle the same i tnmeiiau;.y. Those subscribers to whom mart have been onered will be treated in the same manner as tnougn tbey had actual ly received their maps. Ut.lL, UAULtl, X 21 hllU Lansine. Sept. 17th. 1S59. lm2S0. n i i l i i f. AND LUroBER DEALER. I AM PREPARED t furnish n.iterials, arid build Houses, or anything pertaining to the Builling business on short notice, ar.d on the most favorable terms, MASON WORK &, PAINTING INCLUDED. Lumber, rough or dressed, and doors. Tine or White wood, for sale low. C. C. DODGE. Lansing. September 20, 1859. 196 'ANS, Fans, at the CITY BOOK STORE MRS. WINSLOW, Aa ex;.-ieecej .Vurse and IV a al Phys e an. presents to tLe attecitioa of mother., Le." SOOTUINO SYRUP, For Children Teething, which greatly factl.tates tbe process if teeth. oe. by sot ecsf tbe gums, teduciog al inrixmuutmn wutal.ay AlX PAiN anl spaarrcslic actuju, and :s Sl'RE TO fREGrLATE THE Bti AHA Depend ujsn ir, mthe-s, it will g-rere-t t j..tit-'.e, and Kdtef an l Il-a'jk U yr Im:s. We have put up and oid tuis arl.e e for over ten jears, anl can say. in coaaieoce anl truth r( tt. wht we have never ten able to ay f anv other W twi ned cue, Xnvw Bs -aaw. irFaiiw. m aMalx AVILOVS -TS.H. TO Errici a at-wrBBBm IKK, when tunely u-ed UUl III.ll Ne.rrdidae kuow aa in aw-aaa'a-n .lanceofdi. action a. a . r- arv one woo used it. ni thv con trary, all are tV. ghted w i'b its o;ra'i t,s. an t is-ak in erms ol bigtiest eomrn-n ot rs Oiscrcal efV.-ta and virtues. We speak in this mat .er " re tio tnoav," a'.u-r ten year.' eijsf r-nce, and p'ed-e our repu tation for the fa.&ilmeut ot what we here declare. In al most every mttance where tbe inlant i- sutler ng ir m paio aodexhaus'.iwu, reliet w.ll befouu 1 in li'tn-im twenty minutes after Iks svrap m adiuici-tere I. This va liable prrnaraliou is lli- orescrlnt ""'il of ouecf the most Lxis-rieoeed and ?k;l:tj! Norses in New Fn,:!an !. and has been u-ed with never failing success 19 TllnlSAVIS F CAr. It uot only relieves the eh.l 1 trcm ia,u. but tnt rau-s the s omacti and b- wrls, c rtr-cts aciditv, an t ivrs tone and energy to the w hole .y.teni. 1: anl oui.-t instaotiy relieve GRIPISu IN THE BJUF.IS. AM' MMOd lC. and over v u Isions, not ue.:i- FOR died.eud in i II 1 Ia R R l: lies' h We lb- best 111 t' e belie e it TEETH I. la'. sure-t rem ail SKstKKV au 1 DuUKihKi in Childn 11, it are-e tioiu Me w u!d V to in; from auy ol the r prejtldics, u r the our snit. rmr eli U teetniug, or from auy other caii-. erv mother who has a ch.ld utVi foieg.miii complaiuta not V you prejudices f other-, s'and between at.d the relief II. at wi t be .-I KK es, Ali-sil.l'll l.V 'RE to follow Hie of this m-d.c nr. it t mt ! uel. FuU direc'.mis for us ng w in aeeoinosny ech Nt le s.. ne genuio-, uule-a I lie facsimile ollliills 1'fK KISS. New Vo-k, is en the outside ia per. Ssild by Druis-s th-nujh o,t the w ill V-5 PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No. 1 J 1 I H.vR ST;! EFT, V. Y. Price only Cents per ltotlle. MOltt TO BE ADMIUKI) THAN THE KICIIIT iiaii:?i KVFR Worn hy Kings or Kmperors. Whatf Wh v, a lirautihf ll, l of llur. BECAUSE it is the .:iUmo:,t G.d Hi.nklf provided for all tur raee. Reader, al though the rose may bloom ever so brightly iu the glowing cheek, the lx ever so sparkling, the teeth be thosv f pi-:iiis if the head is be reft of in covering, or I he hair ! Mint It J and shriveled, harsh and Jri, or wor Mill, if sprinkled with srr.iv, nature will Iwe more than half her charm. Prof. Woi ii il.tir Restora tive, if uso-d two or three tinira a week, will re More ami permanently ceiire to a'u t-uch an or nament. Read tin- following, and jud;'. The writer of the first is the eel hraU-d Pianist, Thalberg : New York, April 185. Vr. Htxx..- Ifar Slrt Permit mc to ex press to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of hit Loir toils original color. About the time of my arrival in tie United States it was rapidly bei'omi.'ig gray, but upon the application of your " Hair K.-Morative,' it soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Restorative as a very woti-lerfid invention, quite efficacious as well as agreeable. I am, dear sir, vours trttlv, s rii i.j:r.n; lnyh a'l '. ;' t.' j WeWl XetsSliaiMT Mi;.v, 1 .1 -siot t ) April J. lV-S. f Vrj. f '... II ot :' r Sir, Senile month or rix weeks ago 1 received a bottle of your Hair Restorative and gave il my wife, who con cluded to try it on her hair little thinking at the time that it would rotore the -rjy hair to its original color, but to Iter, as well as my sui prise, alter a few aetLV trial, il has performed that wonderful ellVet by turning all the gray hairs to a dark brown, at th s.nue time beautifying and thickening the hair. I rdrongly recommend the above Restorative to al! Lcl sons in want of such a change of their ban. CHARLES CARDEW. New Vwk, Jly 2 5, l?. Prf. . J. IIW: With coiinleiiev do I recommend your Hair Restorative, a l.eing the most ellieacious article I ever saw Since using your Hair Restorative, my hair and whisker, which were almost white, have gradually grown dark ; ami I now feel confident that a few more applications will restore them to their natural color. It also has relieved me of nil dandruff and unpleasant itching, so common among per- eoe. who perspire Ireelv. J. ;. KILRY Prf. Wood: A!out two years ago my hair commenced falling oil' and turning gray; J was fast becoming bald, aud had tried many rente dies to no effect. I commenced using your Re storative in January last. A few applications fastened my hair firmly. It began to fill up, grow out, and turned back to iti former color. ( black, i At this lime it is fullv restored to its original color, health, and appearance, and I cheerlullv recommend its use to a I J. I. HOES. ctiieago. 111., May 1, 157. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz: Urge, medium, and small; the small holds one-ha!f a pint, and retails for otic dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, and retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more i:i proportion, and retail lor f 3. 0. J. WOOD k CO., rroptklors, 312 Broad way, New Yoik, (in the reat N. Y. Wire Rail ing Establishment,) and lit Market street, St Louis, Mo., and sold by all goo l Drugelsrs and JancT Goods Dealers. 22'm3 WATCH ES A NO ILSi wsf "-Li. RATn has ju-t received a large and aell l). selet cted aesortwent f Jewelry, at Ini NEW STO RE, One door South of Corvell k Jerisor , consisting of all the latet styles oT Jewely,Go!d & Silver Vatches,&c. ILtviny: purcli:is;d mv .Sfock en- tirefy in the Eastern market, and for Cash, I nat ter myself that I can sell Genuine Jewelry as cheap as establishment west of the city of New lork. 1 deal m none but th.; Choicest Varieties and mot Approved Style! Having had a long experience in the business. I am thus enabled to purchi-c the centim ar ticle, and consequently nore other are offered at my counter. Knowing that I can s.-!i a btt.r article fr a Iea priee than any other establish ment in the city of Lansing,! invite all who wish to invent in my line, to give me a ca'l before f.ur chasirg elsewhere. ! D. F. RATH, one door South cf Coryell & Joni-on, Washing ton Aver.'?, City of Lanvng. I keep a first claas workman, and one who can not bo teaten at watcn repairing ov anv worn- in the country. His work is warranted to bo superior to that of any other eror cmploved in Lansine. XT Watchea and C!rks repaired and Warranted. If. W. ICAXII, Cify tf Lansing, May 15, 1""51. Lansing City Foundry! BY TIIOTIIIIS V CO. f 1 RIST AND SAW MILL GEARING?. MULY VT Iron Saw-Gearinza, Wood Sawg, Building Irons of the mos: Improved Psitteni, Made to order on short notice. Also Plows, Cultivators, and all kinds of FAR.TI IUPI.E:IE.TS, On hand or made to order. Engities and Thresh ing Machines repaired on short notice. f-y All work warranted charges moderate. JOHN TOMPKINS, A. B. W ATKINS, ly212 JOHN T00KER. Take them and Live! ZT 'i;lect them and Die. Hatuucx'a r-rcaa Cos ran Ilixa ai ku mvxsiotuxmmj IXaSTxas. twksl These uaurp.d reme dies have, by cotamoa eoaaeat e4 auaukiad, bee a placed at the head of all similar preparation. Mer rick's Vegetable t i.U, id universal vnmfacn, safety aad certainty in the cure of tbe various dasewsve of nan, excel all o bet, and their aa unquestionably treble that of all oihsr kods la full doeea thev are actire Calbart, in mailer dwea 2dv, and cjeasaiaa' n all lb lieus Csaiplauta, twek Meadaclie, Liver IWa-ew. Kidney vrasgemeiits, teasarh I'isor lrs, and Skin AftertHsia, tbey ure as if by wvj -v. ii.esa Alls are putrly treUiiie, raa ts akea at any time ry eld er ithout Chance m enip eywient oe L if-nvj is a ir-a-a niH?ioitio Ubra piop'i-y a-i, but whea s-nns-uuoed iu a IV.' f. r uuireral je. U lf - V. tn-f f i t beriefis- in toe ra-itnt. lbrnca's Su;ar loale.t fi;l. have oevt er bern U 'srsj to iTo.Iw.-e s. re nieutj ai d sctung j snts, as rae x'irw others. Therefore. pius ia waatrl a faro.iv nil. p easaut to Xi..ciU.o to cuie, aad used by m. U'n. w.l cerUinly U k tor no other. loose I'.h. sre rovere.1 W!th a r-ating of puie e!,i:e :igi . no taste of Medicine about them, but are . r.. 1. tkkeu as tf c .nfret onerv. KAM'.LY 1WM S. Vi llAls S HUXKS, tAi: itiiR. ll-rrikS Kid Mrviitf Itieiiiuc llnter. Ttiese rn.wned l".a-'-r cure pains. wrakneM aad die tre.s, in ti e bark, aides and bieast, in bve Atti In deed, x certain are they to da tin. tt at the IVop'ictnr warrants tl.era Spts-a i'fnm res ns. la sani. and gums, en bt-autilul Kid lther, reuders llreui sculiar y e. 1 to the wants of tma'.et anl others kach ltater will sear tr.ui on tiisxr months, and ia lUurostie com paints, rprams and .-wcs. frequently rfleel cures, wLi:-t a 1 other remedies fa.led. lull direction will be f. .. I in the back of e-uh I'ubhc speaxer., v.alista, ui'UisTorsof ttetvs(e an I others, will slreur'hea tl eir tunes ant improve their elces bv wear ng fk oa the f. ra.-i I'llli K Crr Ir. t astle'a Mearnolla Calarrti HnatT. lis. ot tained anentiabU reputation iu tie eure uf Ca tarrh, L ss of Voce, Ikrafness, V atery aad tutlawed l ies, aud those liag eeab.e noiss-a. resembling tle w'hui na- ol .team, distaut w aterlalls, etc ; pu:e.y veget al le, cornea with lull .tire.-tMWi., and deiia-htall that use t. : at a snercne null it cannot be ou.usst I'K.Cfc & Cr srs HAltVKI.I.'H rOXUITlOU IHWDGRS. Tl.e e eld e.tsblisliej IVwls-s, (o w.ll twmew st the L..og .!and iVa-r Cw, X Y, ao 1 sd t ia imsnense quautit:es through the M.1 He and (astern Wales toe tbe past seven vears, coot oue to wxcel all other k oU ; in diessm f .csr and t'o-'ie their excelLtiee I. ackwowl eej ret vukerc Trie, contain nothing lajurwne, the animal cau be worked while feeding them ; ample nre go with each y-nAaor, ant od h"imsn ara lav it- e-1 t tea- tririr virtue- and ju.'ge ol their jsleU LA RoK I' ACK Ai.ES, 24 C:T-J js)Tre above ariics ar wold by CT.OisJ a feat thn.uicbout the l'nite.t Mate., Canada, and South Auiert ca, at whol-sle b all large lruag'.t in the principa HrBRIl K A BfUiTHkRs, rerfwal IVmuU, A'lsiae, .V. T. 0- SoM at lans ng bv all .lea i rs ia Vied riues, aa 1 by Drugg sts and count r VlerchanU eerv where. k 11 PAI.Vi-W. tUn Ajmt. the Isiiupliletj. CLARK'S"SYRUP. 'I 10' oalv real purifier i4" the b'.okl i 1 Weskiv leiriaesor Yolinif Cli.di .1 in existence Koc ea wtiowe tssrofa- lous, it is maan Ktery pe' kn wa tbat U hn a ooa well." Now, ad this rofeses to 4 is pore h must be s to PURIFY THE BLOOD. UYsi'. tsia. mm toMr i-AiNT. I'aix l.v 1UI Rain oh Sine ri)H'l ' TliK FACtv Kil'XrY M-IASK tu tl 41 'LA. KKVI1I. JCuia: It le Warrantee!. SO MMtCURYl NO AR-KMCI NO IMTA-Hl NO I-Utl NO K'U H tTr: s0PA! NO IKON' I Nu MIVKRtLl Of any km ) or iatu'e ia It. aar'o newspaper puffs or fcutem. name. I I very lrr-n from wl.nin a cert bca'e :a ytveu tUeir names and numbe rs an. out. .i-lil Auy ersm can aCdreae ttlem by nisil n 1 a'ify tr.eniselves t A y n n wnotres 'be syrup w.ll a a aiscover ita jusi'tit".. sn.t resjtt:n ent it h g'y ! is only just iwt'o Oicet, sril i n a :n g:e cs-e hiitfi'kd)rt Meak rsj'O. niy 1K1 11. ni you wm am reerei lis ei i -onie ieo. e one'e p o'.ice. niaitical result; i h otriei, it re quires We o- s-s Isittle. ;--(..oii..j ti la-pot, No. M tVah ngton Aveoue, Al I.SIiV. ataTTRY Cl.W.K'.S SYRfl', the ereat H v4 I'uilner, for hilts an l lever. faT Ti'.Y " LACK S syttCP, the great n o. ruriSer. for t'yspeps'a. Atg-TltY CI.tRK' SYRl'l', tor any fVlieate I'ems'e Atjr THY CLtl'.K'S SYRUP for icrorula. Jauolice, Ac. auy blood tlt-ea-e. ai-( I.A!UC'S SYlll r, in all row it Oetual lucapar itv, or diseases of the Spine and ki.toeys is sn;iral Iry it aaVCLAF.K. A SVRCP, chafgea the who e eoaditt m "t the 1.1. ol, an l ktU tha pulsus wUi' b feed the Ore of d wase . 4n.AliK'S SY'HIV is all vegetable aa. 1 no mineral an 1 tbat is what the human bl.xl nee.ta. a CLARK'S SYRUI' ft Sue Throat t at eaL tarCLAUK'S SYKUPfor weakly, delica-e lemalea, or sick:), puny Children, a sure Atarn.AKK S SYRUP is all Ihrota aad no Minerals; $ioo wdi be riven any gram lound la It. aj CLaKK'H .YHUP cures any weakness la Females, or sc.ofulous t 111! Ireo, magically. aV0. ARK'S sYKt'P This wondeifjl prepsratma ie woiain woiolrrs al over the w,rfl, and fur Liver, U'nuitia or S.'ropula CniplsmU, aud lemalw Weakoe-eea, (eneral I-bil.ty, it at perfectjv magieal I'ut up la quart bottle., aod I. like wuia to drink 0- lor eaiv iu ljumbt by I. IL A IL I. Bartholo mew. 2i:-lw Corvell & Jcnison ARE now receiving direct from New York, Boston, and Phi'adelphia, one of the largest stocks of n. m m j'jk Groceries, Boot, Shoes, Crockery and Hard ware, ever before offered in this city, to which they invite the attention of all concerned. Knowing that mmey i the great lexer of h a man act ohm, and that psHiple think more of their "dimea" than they do of anything i-lse, and that the great absorbing question is, "Where can I trade the cheapest, and thereby save the roost money ." we answer iu as few words as possible, that this i TIITI ITiAOB, Where you can invest your money and obtain fnorc (jo'rln f,r a dollar than at any other Store in town. We have adopted the ready pay ays stem, and we are determined to make it an ob j ct for ALL who wish to pay down for their goods to trade with us. A difference of at least twenty-five per cent, (in favor of our customers) will read'.ly b see-n, between our prices and those who trust. We mean what we asr, and will SAti-ify all who call on us, that it is a Fact. We particularly invito the Ladies to examine our stock of beautiful Silks, Gloves, Shawls, ('bailies, Gauntletts, Skirts, DeLaine, Mitts, Embroideries, Cashmere., Hosiery, Linena, Merino's, Trimmings, Undersleeves, Muslin, Ribbons, Collars, Ginghams, Parasols, Cottons, Cambrics, Hoops, Prints, Andcwda and stacks of other goods, too numer ous to mention. To the Gentlemen re would merely tav that we arc doing some in the clothing line, and pro pose to clothe a man all over in a shape and style that his shadow aou't be a' taid tofyllow him.aud To the World at la arse We eay give us a call and satisfy yourselves that there is one 'tore in town w here you can get the bet of goods at astouehing low prices, as we are determined to sell goods cheaper that they were ever bef re sold in this ma'ket. No rrumblinz, or charges ma le for showing good. Store in the Holmes k right block, one door outh of Burr k Grove. COIlYELIs tV JEI0. Lsnsinz, Mty 10, '59. Viz : Diarrhea and Chclera Morbus, and Flatulent and Spasmodic Cholica. I"r:.THF., tav- f. r s-ve al ye... pat, W ad it F -ATF.'S AN-'.'iYNt OORAaL, and a- :m thi I'.! have witoeed it. sa. alary e?'. ia ear i tb f. wb-eh rt is i.w.t4rt,Vt : At CTE m i tHiNIC i!Aojie.A and CH "LE-tA V'jittCi. ia j'owj,r ia in xm ls d cur eu. om-rs, ao Lava aisoseen ta .aeesful admimstrao. a ia of CH-L- KRA INt A.NTVM. We ao, th-refure, coo fide, t y reoonv n-ui it vu al th we wh' mxy be aCeted with In av. 4 s irrssinz and dinro j compiats, a oleimg coe of tha be-t meats t r rre-r cure cr rl er ; W Brnrt' 1, Utiea, T ii Hunt, Aubtra. J UWhd, "-na tall. L K l!ey A Co., eneva. L ResMy. rena Yan. f itcn t'llil aye, ryr.cuae. J O.eo A Co , Detroit. II. A OayLe-d, Cleveland ti Villard, Asb'abala. ti G. billet kliOfsviUe. Carter A Bro., Lna J J toot, iiamoton. I. Parsons, WV.hM. r. br at S.o. Fre-ls.n. A P. Curtis, Attica. W. Sever A Son, Betavia J. ti. Barieer. Le T B-sd e. Rmira. A J Msttbews. BitTalo. L. B Swan, Rochester. N. B It is partien ar'y aef il to CHILTKEN io TEETH ING, aa it a.iav tr-itauon, uvtaaes BKxera e perspira tion. and produce ep 4aT Sold ft Imxvaan CivXEaLiT. Price 25 Cents imZA C N TUTTLE, Ccweral Agent. Aabara.N.Y. nm Tru Tn) w . rra m, m w II n I..V l I ITT. Illl Illl I