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4 ESTABLISHED 1841. CKCIL WHIG tiblished Every Saturday, Whig Sniffling, Corner North and Whig Streets. Elkton, Md., I>v THE CECIL WHK! PUBLISHING COMI'AMY. Entered as second-class matter 1880 At the postcfflcc at Elkton, Maryland, under the Art of 187’*. NOTH Ailiirt-s, iui ci.mmunicatinii- to THE I’KiTI. WHIG. NOTE Make flierks anil all other remit- Culicrs to THE I Hr II WHIG IT PUSH ING COMPANY ( ITUIST.M \S It I- well that in this workaday world ore day in the year is left fot most of us on which to east away dull care and enjoy to the full the pleas ures of Christmas time. Amid a.I the world’s peoples we have, in the after math of the World’s great tragedy hut shortly closed, the strongest urge to thank the Hirer of All Hood for the marked blessings bestowed upon us. True, in the reaction from the world’s great struggle, in common with the victors and the vanquished, we have given rein to the spirit that prompts men to live for the day with little heed of the morrow. That spirit has ever marked the world’s great crises; but it runs it- course, n, it soon will in this one, and, when it does, we will realize that Cod has been good to us beyond measure. Then may we resolve to face the fu ture with its duties and its problems, with ear:n st purpose in perform and best effort to solve them In contrast with mir waste for our selves in the past two years, stands our marked bounty to our own and the world’s afflicted, showing that the spii ii of brotherhood abides with us and warrants the hope :hat the time | will come ere long I "When ;l ■ common -eiis.. of most. Shall hold the fretful realm in awe And the kindly earth hall slumber lapt in universal law.” \\ ARNS At. MVST CLASS Id I.K . i Hon. Stevenson A Wi.lianis. re i spending to tributes paid him at tilt , complimentary dintiei given in his honor by active Republicans of liar- | ford county, at Helair on Saturday ; night, spoke of the spirit of diseon ( lent prevalent in the country to-day. deprecating ela.-s rule a- follows: "111 cine : illlo, with the i-VO'cn ~ | prudence and caution, this diseon tent •• 'll -urely run it- coarse, on : !e .. siaio injury ha- been doin' to' ■.: c gca. ■ aa.iina.i al system, and 1 ' Mieh is found 11c 1c the ea-e it will I. nan sse.i y to c'C deep and re j nice, the nails . i| ;- wed to b a.* 1.1 urn 1 how-A can ; elm- - legis . apt I') promot" di • nten thaa to allay in ici Cr- •onneid'oi the mos' ....... r; a • . '■!'■• o r pa ity t a f 1 • • ' a 1,1. I? it (■in , 1 -. f o’ • nat ii n"! g< v I ernn. The' a 1 i" inn nt is rep. j .a* n, ; .is, ■„■ i, ... was ■ d a; . a-.ii’v way ;; ■' not j • he maim" I and undo, iT threai n The oarty - -nn.ti' e und a stanci that tlu 1 go 1 mu ' tin ■! above .■he ■ t ersisti are a"'! per he m livitv." —-non THE DMA li!i \l. UEMEDA ’1 p. 11. n t t of l.iv inn ,s an in dispni i ; I act annul which e,; r,\ 1 idy complains vociferously and indig nantly. And the general disposition is to - insider mg business and little busin. -s the etimiimls prmcijia iy n ponsil.ii 1 In-re are .n. au s on liners, of se, but at the i elm t - n the tax, r 1 i v.e i"- s. I,i vv- i t are a area .any .-a se: s hi : ■ . State who liav ■ ' rneitv to burn'' in pleasure, and who are really not much worried by high price-. According to the figures given out by Internal Revenue Collector Joshua Mi es. Maryland.a - during last .April -pent 81,1(10,00(1 for theatrical and other entertainments, including movies, races and baseball, and 8811,- 000 foe se ft ill inks and ice cream. There is no way of finding out to what ekisses these generous spenders be.onged. Though perhaps the ma jority belonged to those rich in prop erty op ra h in high wages, we should discover, if it were possible to analyze til.- returns, lha i early all classes were represented in the luxury lax, to some extent. Ibis i- mn lo say that high prices do not 1.1.101111111. a real burden for persons of moderate fixed incomes. The, have ii economize anil econo mizi closely. Hut possibly even t hey would be surprised if they kept a strict account for a single month of luxury expenditures, or expenditures n"t a!..-.Mutely necessary. The wolf may p rhaps be descried in the dis tance by ma"y, but n is actually at the door ~f comparatively few. The High Cost of Living is largely an tiler ",'ime for the high cost of loafing and the high cost of squander ing. Industrious and frugal people are ne ■ '.-arily affected by the indo lei i i- and the prodigality of the loaf ers and the lavi-h -ptiedi re The for mer reduce production and the latter help to keep up the high scale of prices, by encouraging exorbitant charges. If the whole producing pub .o-operated in producing things, and the whole consuming public in sane economy, the price problem would not long remain to vex us. We have been calling on the Gov ernment to soli'ii this problem, when it has been evident all along that its real solution mainly depends on the people themselves. Another disap pointment awaits us if we expect to cure the trouble by the alluring prse criptions of political platforms. In economic diseases wise political doc tors may help nature to help herself, but there is mi specific which can lake the j ace i f natural laws of health. Pit. on from the harassing and i bill a ing attacks of rapacious pro 'iiee - *'i ..pi unfair combinations, I iom : till;-ally produced conditions may aa,i should be provided. Hut ueitei'i Presidential candidates nor plat f. mis can invent a panacea. The people must be their own salvation army fi : the most part and their slo gan must l e work and save. There lias never been a day of miracles for the reckless and improvident, ooo HU RT TAKES RECESS Slate \ > Wallace MeHowell was argued in t ourt before and after the n.i'.ss last !■ i iday and was given, at - b m to the jury who, at T.:;o p. ni.. returned with a verdict of not guilty. Ibe criminal docket having been cleared, the suit of the E. A. Strom earni Agency vs, Mrs Cora Goehring. former owner of the Ragan farm, neai Conowingo. was heard before the • ourt. 1-.. Kirk Hrown and W T. Warburtoii, for plaintiff; J. E. Evans anil Aaron Simon, of Baltimore, for ilelendant. The plaintiff sought to recover commission claimed to be due repivsentativT-, (E'ed .lones. of- Darlington, Harford county, in whose bands the farm had been placed foi sale He bad found a customer, < harles W, Drew, of Detroit, who had elfered Bi'..i(lo for the property, but the ntli : was declined, and the farm, which had been listen in several agen cies. was withdrawn from sale. The •8: nuit Agency claimed it had not been notified of the withdrawal. Eat er the farm wa, .-old by the late T. I Herbert < ummings, as agent for Mrs. Goehring, to Mr. Drew, for kai’ali. Mr. i ummings receiving his commission. He had learned from Mr Jones Mr. Diew ’s address and afti r continued correspondence had effected the sale. ! The plaintiff claimed that Mr done* I having found ’he purchaser of tho i farm, wa- entitled to commission. The , ( ourt, reserved d'em.-ion and later awarded the plaintiff s inn, ■Noi man I uci and Pedro P, Rice, | eiiloi id, convicted of larceny, were j each -i ate: cd to 18 months in the lb : it’ l'"| e> ' op. he Court n fus j ing ; new t. .a! f-r tin -r. , i At a night session i ourt heard ar incut in Stale - ,l Wesley M■ \ jli l"!'. ‘'inner Sherdf A-'istant At • tea ey Gem . \ W W. W leoek fee the S'ate; Mr. Clayton for the jdi I' mi;,nt. Tin -:;i: was to deti r mini' to whom fines for violations of ibe M .'in \ ehic i. law ha:l be paid •and whether Sheriffs are entitled to fees for collection of fines. Charles i 1 ohee wa, fined 801111 : the Septlll Vet del S It ’ A ' r ■■■ ;. ’ He paid half - '■ 1"'- edit coma -sum. Mol a- \1 hi -le < ' -- loner ; •’ ‘ ■'inn: M a" , half "■ ta. I 'e-iK olllitv I Pit ■ A nation v i-:i n of :bo Stai •• kv.v of 11)18, re j ferred tin matter t" the Af-iiiey 1 G m ral, win. direo'ed the -uti to ’ne brought lo ileterrnb,.. i nth the qtie- ■ ci ■ 1 ' Se. i II:.' I . , 1 held I I '■■ ■ 1-asi ■ Tin- G.mrt ovei ruled motions e | uuash ; I;aehnun:- 11 the eases of I r dl. 1 anile 1 and ' b ii. ge 11, Wills tier the Pure Tale and Mining Co. Saturday. The Mills of li. \V 11 ml■ 1 ■ Jackson and • ! lion K. .Miller, vs. the 11. A- 1 1. R H. were put on trial before a jury. John Barton Payne, Agent, named by the President und.-r the Transporta tion Al t, bet; g -'.instituted for tin.' railroad company - m e any juilgmen' obtained by the plaintiffs would be i evil wed by the Court of Claims in Wa hingti n. 1 'layto for plaint iff’.-; Wal lin 1 ton a d Wai" ir-.> fi r de fetidants. Tin. plaintiffs had cows pastured on tin Coudon farm, tieai Aikin There i- a el■ ■- - ing frnin the field over the railroad and a gate then fastened by a chain hooked to the post. A cross wire fence, which tin- company is required to keep up. runs along the right of way. On the night of May HMD, a number of cows pastured in the field got out. either through the gate or a break in the fence be low .he eros-ing, and a train killed one of Mr Jackson’s and three of Mr. Miller';. The plaintiff- proved that the fence was rusted and broken for several pane] length-, and where the I'l-vvi- were killed tracks were found on the in-ide ami mit-al • of the fence and hair upon the fop wire, which vv; - not 1 ' "ki >l. Til" tramn ■ wo; hat they ilrove the cow. that. We:, mil killed or in jured up 1 hi- id. f the tracks and into the t-.-i.J, thro-ith the gate which they found open and which they in. eii. Thi . i.giiie..; -aw two rows pa over the ry ~,d thought the track wa- . lea' tint within a CECIL WHIU. fcl.K'l'OlN. MAKVIiAM), BATUHD.A I. DECEMBER 25, 1920. short distance of the spot where the cows were killed, he saw a hunch of Jf-' them which got in the way of tho train too late for it to he stopped. The plaintiffs claimed that the cows trot through the fence which the rail road was bound to keep in order and the defendant that they came through the gate over which the railroad had no control. Trial of the case com tinned until Monday afternoon, when it was given to the jury, who found for the plaintiffs, awarding Mi - . Jack son iflho and Mr. Miller $1112.50 dam- | ages r . 1 I ui sclay The ease of H. Boyns Crowgcy vs. : Joseph W. and J. Klwood Zeldey, on a promissory note driven for cattle bought at bis sale in I‘Jl‘J, was put rn trial before a jury. Joshua Clay ton for plaintiff. Albert lb Mackey for defendant. The defendants claimed that tho j plaintiff was to furnish papers for tin* cows purchased by Joseph W. ! Zeldey, and that lie failed to do so. i The plaintiff denied that papers were j to lie furnished. The ease was given to the jury at ■J p. m. and at .*1:40 p. in. a verdict was returned for Mr. (Towgey foi sTJ'.MKb The ease of Howard N. MeFadden executor of Margaret K. MeFadden, vs. William C. Brogan, adminislrato! >f Mary F. Brogan, was next put on trial before a jury. Albert lb Mack . y for plaintiff. W. T Warburton, for ilofei.danl. The ease was for a claim of $(00 alleged by the plaintiff to have been i or re w id from the late Margaret K. Mel'adden by the late Mary K. Btck gan. \\ c(lnesda\. T :a: of the MeFadden Brogan case was resumed. It was given to the Jury in the afternoon, and at F. 1> p in. a verdict for the defendant was (•turned. Judge Wickes then had ('ourt adjourn until Monday. JarUK ary •*!. PUBLIC SALE OF— Personal Property OO the W ml Tuesday, December 2Sth, 1920 \T El I N I N < ( l.m k \ 9 Bead of Horses - ■ :• ami ilrivt r N< , ■ K;ii. . 'i. m. • , \ ... i. I it re. <m 7 Head Cows & Heifers I \UM I N(. I MPI.FM IN I S ’ •w . ■ • ..I .. •. . ■it J. :..!(. ■■ , N. A \V. % , j •; v . iii .-t..•, na it>\v, I• , . . • Wiini plow . .1 n. w . N ' ■: HARNESS, Kie t wau.m luuu. . , • ha •nt win k In ill< . 6 \voi k I U. r- . - t • i'fiay.* hliflu-ss. -nu-l. - Irit-s. two. 1 an.l I<nir-h.m-,- livis, 2 dial ft.ov.-s, ou> I li. j.rlv in w ; hay fork, deiol.oni. -l. ivh. 2 • ipvimr -. hay hs tin- ton. Chickens (reamers Cans IKRMS (H SAKE CASH ARCH IK T. MOORE. I. iv. in- R.oiiif. am*!ima-ny Kola. Itoui’li. i.i*, l lark. ISilit-2 Howard house MRS. M. A. WELLS, Proprietress — oo — Hus been thoroughly renovated and 1 ly fumh-hed with up-to-date steam heat, electric lights, hot and co'd water and baths. .1 "T OF ME \I.S AT VI.I. 11(11 Its Christmas Menu: Oysters on Half Shell Consomme. Fried Rabbit Roast Turkey. Jelly. ( reamed Potatoes. Peas, (hiked Sweet Potatoes. 1 I.ctiuce with Sliced Tomatoes and Mayonnaise I Iressing, 1 '"!ery olives. Salted Peanuts, Plum Pudding. Mince Pie. Ice <'ream. Cake. Fruit SI.OO FOR DINNER 1 Idee :R KAO CARPET WEAVf R We Have Rag Carpets For Sale I PHOI.STERINC DONE Call or address— W. M 'DOWELL Lutlon’s Corner Cherry (till, Morvlan i I A Worthy Character is composed not of one hut of many admirable qualities A Dependable Bank in much the same way is made up not of one but of mans desirable features This Institution *> for example, possesses many advantageous features— strong resouices, efficient facilities, a live organization and membership in the Federal Reserve System—which make the sum total of what it is A Dank that merits \(H It pat/unage The National Bank of Elkton l-a-KTON, Ml). v h VI -^l7 bik it*- & Jifc. to. a- & / s. a., t- bi f r lIITTTT T> “V>, vvp : r| ■ JI I I f r/ '. fv4 r <>*• *|H J -** s’ im ,U' i / V : -;' • -'if / r\T \* if~ :}r In <i Ws y - 'S’ - v-, p into IMG p **< jLJ\ 4 .;? Tlivnvrrv ■ jP 'i on will be surprised to see how fast they will grow if you become a member of our jjjft A _ II * Christmas Saving Fund \ y ‘ and make a deposit weekly. It’s keeping at it that counts—save a little even wetfk. f* Phe weeks fly and before you realize it your little coins have grown into \ jr;■■’■ i ü ßi< Round Dollars” y \ ill Everybody can save if they just make up their minds to do so and stick to it. A child "a as well as an adult can accumulate a fund for Christinas giving s d|| || y a Kvcrvone—Old and Young-—is Invited to Join y THE BOOKS ARE OPEN-ENROLL AT ONCE. THE FIRST DEPOSIT \ I MAKES YOU A MEMBER r BRANCHES II THE RISING SUN BANK, Rising Sun. Md. THE CECILTON BANK. Cecilton. Md. rt i*gr.i •’***! ?m ■’*- ’ ->■*■* ■’* h4fc fc. sit kJk. ..lit t. . kJV fc. t k <