Newspaper Page Text
REPORT OF THE GRANDJURY, / OF BALTIMORE COUNTY. To the Honorable Richard Qrason, Judge of the Circuit Court for i| Baltimore County. 4 THE Grand Jury of Baltimore county respect fully report, that they have visited the Jail and found it in a very clean and couitortable condition, while the prisoners, four in number, are well cared for and attended to by the elri cieut warden of the institution, George W. P>l - Esq. They lound some repairs to different parts ot the building much needed, and would recom mend that the following be attended to, viz : The pavement of the brick floor in the base ment; the sewer; the water range; the railing around the corridor of the first story ; glazing the windows, and a leak in the rool, where it joins the chimney. The Grand Jury’s attention has been called to repairs in certain parts of the Court House which are greatly needed. They find tse pi pes in the water closet of the jury room very much out of order; also the ceiling ol the pris oner’s room, and would recommend that they be early repaired. , . , The Grand Jury have examined the books and. accounts of the Treasurer, and find them correct, and they recommend the speedy collec tion of the accounts of the past ColJectois, which accounts accompany this report. All ot which is respectfully submitted. LOUIS BONKAL, Foreman Grand Jury. Grand Ji:rv Room. j Towsontowu, January 10th, 1865. | The undersigned, a committee appointed by (the Grand Jury of Baltimore county, to inves tigate the condition of the accounts ol the Treasurer of Baltimore county, beg leave to re- Krt that thev have examined the books, which ve given ample satisfaction, and exhibit the following statement : , . The entire receipts and disbursements of the Treasurer of Baltimore county, for the year ending Decembeer 12th, 1864, are Receipts ill ..4 Disbursements. 12 Balance $6,591 ,2 Amounts received and paid out on accountof School Fund: Received. 1 aid. On Levy of 1863, 8,419 00 9,100 00 .. i. 17,673 00 18,150 00 §26,092 00 §27,250 00 Amounts due by Collectors on the following levies : _ . Henry Green, 1831, ) S 11- 97 Samuel Jordan, 1833, 1,107 88 Jesse M. Lowe, 1844,) 423 00) “ 1845, M, 483 68 }> 3,160 94 “ “ 1846, j 1,254 26 J Richard Wilson, 1844, 1 112 157 0600 60 78 “ 1845,/ 148.58 / “ DU John W. Onion, 1846, 280 10 $4 ; 922 62 Thomas Sator, 1846, 703 57 Selman Cox, ' 1846, 189 96 Samuel P. Storm, 1852, ) 3,486 571 s , ~ ~ “ “ 1853, / 4,657 57 / ’ §13,960 29 Thomas M. Scott, 1860, 46 83 Thomas Cross, 1860, 500 89 Thomas M. Scott, 1861, 144 69 Thomas Cross, 1861, 4,791 Thos. E. Wantiand, 1862, 57 65 William Foster, 1862, 86 79 James H. Onion, 1862, 87 31 James L. Ridgelv, 1863, 265 00 - T. E. Wantiand, 1863, 52 52 William Foster, 1863, . 990 59 Henrv L. Bowen, 1863, 788 49 J. B. McComas, 1863, 24 09 James H. Onion, 1809, ~ - l,llS-92 Jesse Fowler, 1863, 177 05 G. H. Whittemore, 1864, 4,362 52 John K. Harvey, 1864, 1,481 74 J. L. Ridgely, Jr., 1864, 2,666 09 Jacob Beckley, 1864, 654 62 Benj. B. Bush, 1864, 378 G 8 William Foster, 1864, 916 90 Abm.Jessop, 1864, 3,507 61 Henry L. Bowen, 1864, 5,301 17 - J. B. McComas, 1864, 1,367 93 James H. Ouion, 1864, 2,988 33 William Button, 18G4, 4,889 01 Amt. due Baltimore county, §51,104 58 Respectfnlly submitted, NICHOLAS N. HAIGHT, JOHN DITCH, NELSON COOPER, Jan. 21. —3t. Committee. rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- X scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters testamenta rv on the estate of PETER GIBBONS. late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 28 th day of , 1865 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 18th day of January, 1865. BENJAMIN A. FLEURY, Jan. 21.—it* Executor. THIB IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scribers have obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of ISAAC TAYLOR, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, On or before the 28ih day of August, 1865 ; they may otherwise by law he excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 18th day of January, 1865. REBECCA TAYLOR, JOHN S. TAYLOR. Jan. 21.—4t* Administrators. Inventorß, Mechanics, Agriculturists, ABE niRECTEI) TO THE Annual Prospectus Of the Cheapest and Best Mechanical Jonrual in the World, C^eSllnfilratebinentificSinmcun, A Xcw Volume of which commencei Jan. 1, 1866. rriHIS valuable journal has been published X nineteen years, and during all this time it has been the firm and steady advocate of the interests of the Inventor, Mechanic, Manufac turer and Farmer, and the faithful chronicler of the progress of ART, SCIENCE and INDUS TRY The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the largest, the only reliable, and most widely circulated journal of the kind now published in the Uni ted States. It has witnessed the beginning and , growth of nearly all the great inventions ami j discoveries of the day, most of which have been ; illustrated and in its columns. It also contains a Weekly Official List of all the Patent Claims, a feature of gn at value to all Inven ors and Patentees. The MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT, STEAM and MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, WOOL EN, COTTON and other Manufacturing Inter ests will have special attention. Also, Fire arms, War Implements, Ordnance, War Ves sels, Railway Machinery, Mechanics' Tools, Electric, Chemical, and Mathematical Apparat us, Wood and Lumber Machines, Hydraulics. Pumps, Water-wheels, etc.; Household and Farm Implements—this latter department be ing very full and of great value to Farmers and gardeners; articles embracing every department of Popular Seieuce, which every body can un derstand. PATENT LAW DECISIONS and DISCUS BIONS will, as heretofore, form a prominent feature. Owning to the very large experience of the publishers, Messrs. Muun & Co., as So licitors of Patents, this department of the pa per will possess great interest to Patentees and Inventors. The year's numbers contain several hundred superb engravings; also reliable practical re cipes useful shop and household. Two volumes each year,*4l6 pages—total, 832 pages. TERMS.—S 3 per year; $1.50 for six months. Specimen copies sent free. Address, MUNN k CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. City. - Jan.' i4.—ly. " BEFORE THE DRAFT! put Ida Substitute! ■f\ ON’T delay until you are drafted, then I I your substitute will cost you double. ‘ To save money and avoid trouble call EXECUTORS’ SALE OF A VERY VALUABLE FLOUR, GRIST & SAW MILL, AND FARM PROPERTY, IN BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND. undersigned, as Executors, and inpur- X suance of the powers vested in them and by the Last J|rrY' g and Testament of Mor- IpF-tpXg, _*X_ uccai Parrish, late of Balti more county, deceased, will offer at public auc tion, on the premises, in ZOUCKSVILLE, Bal timore county, on Thursday, 16 th day of February, 1865, At 11 o’clock A. M., ALL THOSE PARTS OF DIVERS TRACTS OF LAND, viz : “ Hooker’s Meadows Itesurveyed,” “ Sto phel’s Delight,” and “ Sportsman’s Hall Resur veyed,” or by whatsoever names the same may be'distinguished and known, situate, lying and being in Zoucksville, Baltimore county, in the State of Maryland, and now distinguished by Lot No. 5, described by metes and bounds, courses and distances, as containing 874 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, which by deed bearing date the 27th day of June, in the year 1864, and record e 1 among the Land Records of Baltimore coun ty, in Liber J. H. L., No. 41, folio 376, Ac., was granted and conveyed by John C. Zouck and wife to the said Mordecai Parrish. Also, ALL THOSE PARTS OF DIVERS TRACTS OF LAND, viz: “ Sportsman’s Hall Resurveyed,” “ Hooker’s Meadows Resurveyed,” and “ Morrow’s Ven ture,” or by whatsoever names the same may be distinguished and known, situate, lying and being in Zoucksville, Baltimore county, in the State of Maryland, and now distinguished bv Lot No. 1. described by metes and bounds, courses and distances, as containing 28 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, which by deed bearing date the 27th day of June, in the year 1864, and record ed among the Land Records aforesaid, in Liber J. H. L., No. 41, folio 377, Ac., was granted and conveyed by John C. Zouck and wife to the said Mordecai Parrish; —and containing in the aggregate the quantity of 1 i 54 ACRES OF LAND, more or less. This property is in a good neighborhood, good state of cultivation, is in lee simple, the title is indisputable, and possession will be- given on the 18t day of March next. Upon this property is a good water power, and the Flour, Grist and Saw Mill located thereon, is acknowledged to be the best in the county,—the Mill is built of stone, nearly new. and the machinery will well compare with any in the State. The Mill is five stories high, is now under rent, and is doing a good business. There is also upon this property a fine large STONE DWELLING, seventy feet front, in good repair, together with all the necessary outbuildings and tenant houses. This property is about 24 miles from Balti more, and 2 miles east of the Baltimore and Reisterstown Turnpike Road. After the sale,of the above, the Wheat, Ac., thereon will be sold. Terms —For the Wheat, Ac., cash; and for the Land and Mill Property—One-third cash ; one-third in five years, and one-third in eight years from tho day of sale; the deferred pay ments to be secured to the satisfaction of the Executors, and to bear interest from the day of sale—or all cash at the option of the pur chaser. For further information call on or address JOHN R. D. BEDFORD, Towsontown, Balti more county, Md. JOHN R. D. BEDFORD,) E t THOMAS C. BOSLEY, j Executors. JESSE BUCHER, Auctioneer. Dec. 31. —ts TRUSTEE’S SALE Of Four Acres of Land on the York Turn pike, six miles from Baltimore. BY virtue of a decree passed by the Circuit Court for Baltimorecounty, in a case where in James Rogers is complainant and AgsL ■sglfe, George Rogers and others SlgsKlants, the undersigned asTrus- MliUlL will offer at public sale, onJ*l|i]Sj3 tue premises, on . Tuesday, the 7th dag of February, 1805, at 1 o’clock P. M., that valuable property consisting of FOUR ACRES of land, more or less, which is described in a deed from Philip Rogers, Executor of Wm. J. Govane to George Rogers dated the 10th of October, 1808, and recorded among the land re cords of Baltimore county, in liber W. G.,_No. 100, folio 147, Ac. The said property bind's on the York Turnpike and is situated between the fifth and sixth mile stones on the corner of Ste venson’s Lane. The improvements consist of a DWELLING, BARN and blacksmith show.— There are many valuable fruit trees on the place in good bearing order. The Terms of Sale as prescribed by the decree are one-half the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance in equal instalments at six and twelve mouth* from the day of sale.— The credit payments are to bear interest from the day of sale, ami to be secured by the notes of the purchaser with security to be approved by the Trustee. LEWIS H. WHEELER, Jan. 7.—ts Trustee. To all whom it may Concern : Notice Is hereby Given, THAT the undersigned examiners appointed by the Couuty Commissioners of Baltimore county on the petition of Thomas T. Griffith, Joshua K. Richardsor,'William Richardson and others, for the opening of a public road in said county, commencing on the old York road at a publieschool house known by the name of “ Log Cabin,” and running on the bed of a private road belonging to Hy. Carroll until it intersects a private road belonging to Thomas Richardson, Sr., and thence on tht bed of said road, running through the land now occupied by Thomas Rich ardson, Jr., |and James Richardson and still running on the bed of said road through the land now occupied by Thomas Richardson, Jr., and John Richardson ; thence through the land occupied by John Richardson till it intersects the said private road running through the land occupied by Ezekiah Masemore and William Richardson’s land; then still on the bed of said road until it intersects the land occupied by Joshua K. Richardson and Thomas T. Griffith’s land, and thence on the line between Thomas T. Griffith and Edward Price’s land until it in tersects the land of Wesley Royston, Jr., and thence on said Royston’s line until the old road leaves said Royston’s line ; thence through the land of Edward Price, still on the bed of the old road until it intersects the county road at James Wilson’s house ; Having taken the oath required by law will proceed on Wednesday, the 15th of February, on the premises to execute the trust reposed in them pursuant to the commission addressed to them and the requirements of the acts of As sembly in such cases made and provided. LEVI A. SLADE, GEORGE JESSOP, NOAH GORSUCH, Jan. 14.—4 t. STRAY HORSES. STATE OF MARYLAND, Baltimore County, to wit :—l hereby certify that George Smith, brought before me the sub ■WiS)l scriber, one of the Justices of JBfZSt)/ the Peace in and for said court- tj/q ty, this 9tli day of January, 1865, two stray Hor ses, tresspassing on his enclosures, on the new cut road, 7 miles from Baltimore city. One a DARK BAY 9 or 10 years old, about 14 hands high, a paint mark letter O, on the left hip, a small white star on the face. The other is a small LIGHT SORREL, with a small white star on the face, and a switch tail, no shoes on eith ! er, and both marked condemned. The owner ! is hereby requested to come forward, prove prop erty, pay charges and take them away. Given under my hand this 9th dav of January, 1865. Jan. 14.—3t* WM. P. MILLS, J. P. J. V. TOWNSEND & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, AND / COMMISSIONERS ror the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. 8 Law Building, Bt. Paul street, Baltimore. Farms, mills, country seats, cot tages, CITX HOUSES, and BUILDING LOTS, a large variety, for sale or exchange. Real Estate purchased, sold or exchanged, Money loaned and carefully invested, Titles examined, Buildings insured. Conveyancing. Agency for Delaware, Maryland and Penn sylvania Farms and Lands. Coal, Timber and Iron Ore Lands for sale. in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and other cities, for sale or exchange. Nov. 12.—3 m TAKEN UP ESTRAY. CAME to the residence of the subscriber near Towsontown, on or about the Ist of Decem (pjgpP* posed to be five months old. The own or is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. Dec. 30.-3 L HENRY M. WEBB. Estray. STRAYED from the premises of the subscri ber, about the 24th of December, a BLACK BUFFALO Cow, white under rgftßT the beHy. A, liberal reward will I —iTCimn given for any information that may lead to her recovery. L B. BADTLER, Jan. 7.-41) Lutherville Bemiuary. 3 ... ROSEBANK NURSERIES, GOVANSTOWN, BALTIMORE CO., MD. f rillE liberal patronage we have re- X ceived in all branches of our busi ness, has been very satisfactory; and we are now prepared, through the increase of kinds es well as the qualities of the articles offered, to supply on liberal terms a still larger demand; and would now draw particular attention to our large collection of STANDARD APPLE, STANDARD AND DWARF CHERRY, PEAR. PLUM, APRICOT, PEACHES, hardy GRAPE VINES, RASPBERRY. GOOSEBERRY, CUR RANT, BLACKBERRY,. Lawton and French Parsley leaved ; also STRAWBERRY AND RHUBARB PLANTS of the mo3t approved kinds. SHADE TREES of large size and great variety, together with a select stock of hardy EVERGREENS; among these we call atten to a fine lot of Seedling American Arborvitso, fit for hedges. We also offer a superior assortment of hardy ROSES, FLOWERING SHRUBS, DAHLIAS, PHLOXES, GLADIOLUS, JAPAN LILIES, Ac. Ac. Terms reasonable. Orders sent to the subscriber will be punctu ally attended to, and goods delivered. in Balti more free of charge. Catalogues, by enclosing a postage stamp, will be forwarded to order. Jan. 9.—tf W. D. BRACKENRIDGE. CENTRAL STOVE HOUSE. The place to get cheap STOVES is at the corner of Gay and Harrison streets, adjoining the Bridge. WILLIAM GLUCK respectfully in forms his country lriends, he has the latest, best and most im proved Stoves in the city, comprising Cook, Parlor and Counting Room Stoves,"of every description. Among the number is the WM. PENN IMPROVED, for wood or coal, NI AGARA COOK. ROYAL COOK and STUART’S PATENT COOK STOVE. FAIRY QUEEN PARLOR STOVE, and all sizes of EGG and other STOVES, which he can recommend as good, and begs his friends to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. Also, TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE, in great variety. SPOUTING, attended to promptly. WILLIAM GLUCK, Central Stove House, Gay Street Bridge, Baltimore. Sep. 17.—4 in THE OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE OF MILLER & CO., Substitute Brokers and Recruiting Agents. Substitutes Wanted and Furnished At all Times. DRAFTED MEN, from the city or any part of the State, will he furnished with Sub stitutes at all times on the most liberal terms. RECRUITS WANTED, for which the highest bounty will be paid. Quotas for filling the wards of the city, or any of the counties or districts taken and at tended to promptly. Persons at a distance can have their business transacted the same as though personally pres ent by addressing us. We guarantee entire satisfaction to all par ties entrusting their business in our hands. Please call on or address MILLER A CO., No. 33 W. Fayette Street, (up stairs,") Jan. 14.—2 m. Baltimore, Md. History of the Rebellion. HEADLEY’S HISTORY OF THE WAR. THE undersigned having procured an agen cy for this valuable work for a. portion of Baltimore and Harford counties will in a very short time visit the people of the county solic iting subscriptions therefor. It will be a true and faithful history of events as they have trans pired since April 1861, until nearly to the pres ent time. It will be published in twovols. at $3.50 each the first of which will soon be delivered, and the second immediately after the close of the war. Each volume will contain many pages of illustrations of Battle scenes, and over forty por traits of officers prominent in the war, both North and South. Volume I, containing 506 pages, is already prepared, and will be delivered by the Agents after finishing the canvass in their several lo calities. Volume II will be issued as soon as practicable after the close of the war, and will contain about 700 pages, or more, if necessary to complete the History. He has also the agency of an extremely cheap and well tried sewing machine, which he will be pleased to exhibit to the people of Baltimore county in his travels, also, seveial other small, but very useful articles, late inventions, with which he desires to supply the wants of those who may feel disposed to purchase. EDWARD N. TYRRELL. June 3,1864.—1 y. FARM FOR RENT. THE undersigned will rent, from the Ist of March next, IIIS FARM, lying near Reisterstown, and adjoin ffVWTffITO lands of John R. Cock- StlslgjL Washington Gore, Hnvidj >g l l ß9B i/linefelter, and others. The land is in a high ly improved condition, and there are on the farm about 16 acres of thriving young Orchard of both Peach and Apple Trees. There are about 65 Acres arable land, beside the orchards, which are also cultivated, and about 10 acres of new land, to go in cultivation next Spring. Persons desirous of renting can view the farm by applying to MR. WATSON, the tenant, on the place; and further particulars may be learned by application to MR. N. VAN3ANT, Reisterstown, or to the subscriber by letter, at Old Point Comfort, Va. Nov. 26.—tf DAN’L CUMMING. GILMOUR’S HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, No. 124 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. J. D. GILMOUR, Proprietor. A LARGE variety of Meats and Vegetables, including all the delicacies of the season, served up in the best style. Particular pains taken to keep WINES AND LIQUORS of the choicest quality. ROOMS FURNISHED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. JR ■©*" Dining Rooms for Private Parties, JOS. E. QUINLAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALER IX FLOUR, FEED, GROUND BONE. GUANOS, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER, Seeds of all Kinds, Constantly on hand at No. 149 North Gay st, near Exeter, Baltimore I AM at all times buying WOOL, for which I am paying the HIGHEST CASH PRICES. JOS. E. QUINLAN. April 23, 1864.—1 y PLOUGH CASTINGS ! PLOUGH CASTINGS !! THE attention of Farmers and Merchants is invited to my full and complete stock, em bracing all the various sizes of the Wiley, Woodcock, Smith. Atwood, Minor fc Horton, Wisconsin, and other kinds, all of which will be sold low by the single piece or ton. Also, a good assortment of Ploughs, at less than regular prices, at No. 142 N. Gay street, Baltimore. HENRY WILCOX. Feb. 6.—tf FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. f TillE undersigned wishes to dispose of part X of his farm, situate in Long Green Valley, Baltimore county, about/fayffAr SsjjPl mile from the Harford Turn ".S.J’pike. and 14 from Baltimoreiililßßl city. The tract contains 65 ACRES of LAND, without improvements. About 6 acres are in wood, balance clear. Tho land is well water ed, under good fencing, and is divided into 5 fields. Limestone can be had plenty in a short distance from the property. PETER NAFZINGER. Long Green P. 0., Baltimore county, Md. Nov. 26.—tf THOMAS S. WILCOX, BOOT AND SHOE BAKER, No. 134 North Gay street, Baltimore, Hi SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT, KEEPS on hand and maks to order, all kinds of GENTLEMENS’ and LADIES’WORK, of the best style of workmanship, and on rea sonable terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK, both coarse and fine, and work suitable for ser vants’ wear. Country friends, please give me a call. Jan. 8,1864.—1 y T. S. JV. NOTICE. THE Orphans Court will not meet on Tlwrs day and Friday of each week during th< term of the sitting of the County Court, the or ■ der to that effect Baying be6ri rescinded. JOHN PHILPOT, Jan. 7.—lt Register of Wills.- COUGH SYRUP, COUGH SYRUP, COUGH SYRUP. W 11. READ S COMPOUND SYRUP OF • LIVERWORT, for the cure of Couohs, Colds, Croups, Asthma, Hoaksbxksb, Bron chitis and Ixcipiknt Consumption. This syrup is one of the most certain and ef , factual cures now in use, as has been proved by all who have given it a fair and impartial trial. . There is no class of disease that is more neglected than this; and yet there is none that more certainly and surely undermines health. Many a neglected Cough has-been but the pre- 1 cursor of long years of suffering ; ami many a Colil that has been permitted to run its course, has hurried its victim into the premature grave of the Consumptive. Every ones knows that we but utter the truth when we say that a very * little care and attention at first would have warded oft - that dreadful handmaid of death— Consumption—from many a one who is now lingering beneath itatortues. Certificates from the following gentlemen can not fail to impress the public mind with the value of this truly valuable remedy : From Rev. JAB. H. BROWN, Member of East Baltimore Conference. This certifies that I have used W. H. Read’s Cough Pectoral Syrup with the most happy ef fects, and recommend it as a most valuable medicine. JAB. H. BROWN. From Rev. ANDREW MANSIIIP, Member of Philadelphia Conference. Wm. H. Risad —Bear Sir —l have used your Syrup of Liverwort; it was of great service to my throat, and relieved me of a heavy cold.— I can recommend it to clergymen and public speakers. ANDREW MANSHIP. From Rev. WM. W. HICKS, late Missionary from India. Mr. Wm. 11. Bead, Sir : I cheerfully recommend your Syrup to all persons affected with Coughs or Hoarseness, as a certain cure. The Compound Syrup of Liverwort may tru ly be called tho sufferers friend. WM. W. HICKS. < We ham many more certificates than we can publish, aY speaking in the mostemphatic terms of the great value of this medicine, and in ev ery case recommending it te their friends.— Among them mav be found REV. JAS. S'. MoMURRAY, REV. GEORGE HILDT, REV. SAMUEL A. WILSON, REV. WM. A. SNIVELY', REV. WM. R. MILLS, REV. A. A. REESE, D. D., REV. E. J. WAY, Manufactured only by WM. H. READ, , 147 Baltimore street, one dco.r east of Calvert. Eorsalv by Druggists and Country Stores. 4 oz. bottles 50 cents; 10 oz. bottles Si. Agent for VELLINES’ FLAXSEED DROPS. ( Jan. 14— tf. 1 CHANGE OF HOURS. Baltimore, Catonsville & Ellicott’s Mills RAILWAY. , FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Monday, October 3d, 1864, cars will run HOURLY - , FROM 7 A. M. TO 12 M., AND FROM 2 TO 7 P. M., DAILY, Sundavs included. PASSENGERS TO AND FROM ELLICOTT’S MILLS will leave daily, Sundays included, at 8 and 11 A. M., and 2 and 5 P. M. Depot west end of Baltimore street. Oct. B.—.tf Baltimore & towsontown RAILWAY . ON an after Monday, October 10th, 1864, cars will | LEAVE BALTIMORE EVERY HOUR, | In the Charles Street Cars, corner of Baltimore and North streets, FROM 7 A. M. TO 6 P. M., except 12 M. And will leave CORNER EAST AND ENSOR STS., Old Town, EVERY HOUR, FROM 7.15 A. M. TO 6.15 P. M., Except at 12.15 noon. The ears connect at North Boundary Avenue. LEAVE TOWSONTOWN EVERY HOUR, FROM 7 A. M. TO 7 P. M., except at 12 M. A car will leave the corner of EAST AND ENSOR STREETS at 11 P. M. Oct. 15.—tf A. D. SANKS, Agent. OLD TOWN DRUG STORE. 7JIIIE undersigned having thoroughly X renewed his stock, and laid in a com- v*/ plete assortment of £ DYE STUFFS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, and everything else in his line, respectfully so licits the attention of country purchasers, and a call from all dealers. Having perfected his arrangements both in Baltimore and in the northern cities, with re gard to purchases, he is enabled to sell so low as to satisfy his customers, that while the arti cles in his line are judiciously selected, his PRICES are CHEAPER than the cheapest. He requests a call from everyone who comes to town to purchase, assuring them they will be satisfied. In addition to the usual stock con tained in a Drug Store, I keep on hand a thor ough assortment of PATENT MEDICINES. P. S. Physicians’ orders promptly filled with care. N. B. Oil of Vitriol at thelowestcash price. FRANKLIN METZGER, Cor. Gay ami Exeter streets, Old Town. Feb. 2, 1861,—1y R. H. GORSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, 1 Corner of Gay and Front sts., Baltimore, Md., DEALER IN j FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, HAS received his Spring Summer supply of goods, sisting in partof Knives and ForkSjfiSfiSSFSJS Pocket Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Horse Shoes and Nails, Nail Rods, Carpenters’ Tools, Axes, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Shovels, Forks, Picks, • Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel, Trace, Halter and Cow Chains, Counter Scales, Safety Fuse, Gun Caps, WOODCOCK’S PLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also, Stewart’s wedge-pattern AXES, war ranted, all of which lie offers wholesale and retail at his usual low prices. July 16.—tf 3_ J ; 1 MARYLAND BAG FACTORY, ! GAMBRILL, HOOPER & CO., S. W. COR. SOUTH & PRATT STREETS, BALTIMORE, g HIP Chandlers, and dealers in Sail Cloth, Netting, Seine and Sail Twine, heavy cot ton, Flax and Hemp goods generally. Also, ’ manufacturers of Cotton and Burlap BAGS, 1 Tarpaulins, Wagon Covers, Ac. Jan. 14, 1865.—tf. J TtJCKER&PUEECE, No. ( 20Q> Harford. Avenue, Intersection Asquith Street, BEG leave to inform their country friends, and the public generally, that they have t formed a co-partnership under^y^. IxjJ the above style and title, andgijW fo' -l| iM"*w<yild be happy to supply themSlaiSai l with any article in their line. 1 They keep constantly on hand a choice selec- V tiou ot Groceries, Feed of all kinds, and will i supply their country customers who may favor - them with a call, with the different kinds of Fertelizers, Seeds, Ac. t PLEASE GIVE US A CALL ! Jan. 14.—3 m. SCHUCHMANN & HEIM, . MANUFACTURERS OF ’iTraveling Trunks, Valises and Ladies Bonnet Boxes, No. 6 W. Baltimore Street, * BALTIMORE. > TRUNKS MADE TO ORDER I'm, * Jan. 14, 1865. —ly. - Old Town Union Hat Company, * No. 140 N. GA Y STREET, COR. OF HIGH. ALL the late styles of Gents, Youths and Children’s Hats and Capa always on hand. Ladies’ Furs, Trunkfi, i- Carpet-Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, <fcc., at the ie manufacturers’ prices. r- All kinds of raw Furs bought , for which the highest market price is paid. County people, give us a call f , Jan. 14,—1m. FOR THEHOLiMYS. FOR THE MINCE MEAT. NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, PURE GROUND CINNAMON. CLOVES, ALSPICE,NUTMEGS, MACE, SWEET CIDER AND COOKING WINES AND BRANDIES. FOR COMPANIES, CHRISTMAS CALLS, &C. FRENCH BRANDY AND JAMAICA SPIRITS par FOR THE EGG NOGG. OLD BAKER RYE WHISKEY, ISSI, the best in the country, and PURE FRENCH BRANDY, Ifc&~FOR THE GENTLEMEN WITH PURE OLD PORT. MADEIRA, SHERRY AND MALAGA WINES, PERFECT LOVE, NOYCAU AND ROSE CORDIALS, CATAWBA AND ISABELLA WINES, Ac., im~V OR THE LADIES, OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY, For the cold nights. New Buckwheat & Golden Syrup, For the cold mornings. Cranberries for the Turkey. PRIME CINCINNATI HAMS FOR THE Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner. ALMONDS. FIGS. PRUNES, WALNUTS, FILBERTS AND LAYER RAISINS, For the Table. For Ginger Cakes for the Children, GAMBRIL’S PATAPBCO, DUER'S RESER VOIR, FAMILY. EXTRA AND SUPER FLOUR, with PRIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES, and PURE GROUND GINGER. FOR THE OYSTERS. BOND’S BOSTON BUTTER CRACKERS and MILK BISCUIT. FOX'S FARINA CRACK ERS, EDINBURG CRACKERS, Ac. FOR THE Benefit or £ very body !! PINE APPLE CHEESE, FRESH PEACHES and TOMATOES, English A American PICK LES and SAUCES, FINE SUGARS, EXTRACTS —Vanilla, Rose, Peach, Lemon, Celery, Orange, Nectarine, Almond, Ac., and the celebrated NOVELTY CAKES: Not forgetting our usual large and varied stock BROWN and WHITE SUGARS, GREEN, ROASTED A GROUND COFFEE. OOLONG, IMPERIAL, GUNPOWDER AND YOUNG HYSON TEAS, and every article to be found in a first class Family Grocery Store. C. LEWIS DEWLAP, NO. 13 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, Between Institute and the Bridge, Baltimore. Nov. 19.—tf WARREN STORE; AT THE WAIIREN FACTORY, BALTIMORE COUNTY. ri'llllS property having recently changed I. hands, has been thoroughly renovated, im proved and enlarged. The Store House is now second to none in the county for beauty and con venience, and the STOCK Or GOODS embra ces the best of every kind that can be selected in Baltimore city, which consists of ipgjiDry Roods, Bit GROCERIES Mit Hardware, China, and Crockeryvvare, Earthen and Stone Ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Drugs, Medicines, Glass, Putty, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED A NEATS FOOT OIL, TIN AND WOODEN WARES, HAMS. SHOULDERS, HER RINGS, MACKEREL. G. A. AND FINE SALT. In short anything that can be found in a well regulated country store, wh ch we will sell at city prices for CASH ! PRODUCE Of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at full MARKET PRICES. 11. P. THOMAS. For Warren Manufacturing Company. Dec. 9.—ly. NEW HOUSE FURNISHING STORE No. 135 N. Gay street, Baltimore. RICHARD ARBITER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in HOUSE FUBNISHING GOODS, ALSO, WOODENWARE & HARDWARE. rpilE public are respectfully invited to call I and examine my stock of TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, BRITANNIA, JAPANNED ARD TIN WARE, KNIVES AND FORKS, ALBATA SPOONS, CHINA AND GLASS WARE, And every other description of Housekeeping Goods and Woodenware, at the very lowest prices. RICHARD ARMIGER, 133 N. Gav st., near High, Baltimore. Feb. 27,1864.—1 y GEOBGE C. McCOULL, UNDERTAKE!!, No. 131 Saratoga street, 1 door west of Howard Opposite the Western Hotel, Baltimore, famtff-xaana IS prepared to furnish COFFINS at much less than the usual price, and of a fine finish. Large sized Mahogany Coffins, hinged, lined, and pleated with satin in the breast ** Do; Walnut do do 12 Ort Large Sized Poplar, imitation of mahog any or walnut, trimmed as mahogany, < 00 SMALL COFFINS in proportion, for cash. Jan. 9,1864.—1 y GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. win. is. HILL, attorney at lain, 70 W. Fayette st., Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY, PENSION, BACK PAY, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTY, For White and Colored Volunteers, AND COMPENSATION FOR OWNERS OF SLAVES, promptly collected by WM. B. HILL, 70 W. Fayette street, Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. March 28.—tf Towsontown Female Seminary. Boarding & Day School for Young Ladies. MRS. MARGARET R. SCIIENCK, Principal, Late Principal of the Columbus Female Semi . nary, Ohio. THIS Institution will be open ed for the reception of pupils on Wednesday, September 7th. Mrs. Schenck has been 'trMTS ine for many years, and has reterences and testimonials of the highest character from per sons who have had daughters under her care, and others, which she will be happy to show to any who may desire to see them. Circulars can be obtained by applying to Uie Principal, Towsontown, or Messrs. CUSHING Jt BAILEY'S and other bookstores, Baltimore. July 30.—Cm Thomas Mullin, Jr., COACH MANUFACTURER, East side of Holliday st., Adjoining Shipley’s Livery Stab es, Second door South of Pleasant st., Baltimore. THOMAS MULLIN, Ja., kee P s on hand, and manufactures to^^^. order, CARRIAGES OF DESCRIPTION, at short notice, made by good workmen, and of the best materials. N. B. REPAIRING done at the shortest no tice, and on reasonable terms. July 28, 1860.—1 y • Enrolled Men of Baltimore County, CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH ALIEN SUBSTITUTES, 5 T?OR THREE YEARS, if early application i JJ be made at our office. MILES A CO., at the Church, -Cor. Baltimore and Exeter St#., Baltimore. Ja, 14.—1. SPECIAL NOTICE. Fifth Collection District of Maryland. ALL persons indebted to the United States upon assessments for taxes contained in the SPECIAL INCOME or NOVEMBER MONTHLY TAX LIST, now due and payable, are hereby notified to pay the same to the un dersigned Collector of said District under a com mission dated December ]2th, 1864. The time and places fixed for the payment of the said SPECIAL INCOME TAX by Mr. Dawson, late Collector of said District, will be adhered to so far as is practicable, and in theeventof achange thereof, due notice will he given. PAYMENTOFTHE SAID TAXES IS HERE BY DEMANDED, and may be made to the un dersigned, or to ALEXANDER F. GAW, Esq., his Deputy, duly appointed, at the Collector’s Office, Main street, Ellicott’s Bills. Office open daily. GEORGE W. SANDS, Collector Internal lievenue, Jan. 7.—3 t Fifth District Md. leather! - LEATHER, LEATHER. “ NOTHING LIKE LEATHER !” AND nowhere else can it be bought cheaper than at F. 11. Grupy’s old stand, as 1 am tanning'a large part of my stock and finishing same, and have ahyays on hand the largest and best assortment of prime sole, both oak and hemlock, to he found in Baltimore. HlDES—Hides Wanted! I want for my fall ton nape, 2000 to 5000 prime cow and steer hides, delivered either at my tan-yard or at my store, for which I will pay the very highest cssh price. Write to me or call and see me before selling. Prime Tan Bark always wanted. F. H. GRUPY, 42 South Calvert Street, Baltimore. Dec. 10.—3 m WE have on hand and are constantly re ceiving, all the different varieties of COAL, for family use, steam, blacksmith and limeburners’ purposes, which we oftlrr for sale in quantities to suit, at the lowest market pri ces. Our country friends, sending their teams for Coal, will find our yard the most convenient one in the city to load at. Coal delivered promptly at any of the sta tions on the Northern Central, or Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore railroad. W. F. H. ONION, Corner Lombard street and Central Avenue. Feb. 20.—1 y. COME OUT OF THE BRA FT I Enroled and Drafted Men of the City and Counties, NOW is your time to putin good alien SUB STITUTES, at the shortest possible notice, and Cheaper than the Cheapest, thereby ob taining a release for 3 years, with a guarantee from us besides. SUBS ARE SCARCE and the PRICES GOING UP EVERY DAY. Therefore, all Enroled Men who intend to furnish a SUB. Erevious to the taking place of the Draft, can e supplied by making early application at our office, 75 West Fayette street, Bible House, up stairs, and at our office, Ellicott's Mills, 4th door from the Provost Marshal’s office. We do not ask for any money until we present your full discharge for three years. WM. B. SASSCER & CO., Jan. 14.—3 m. Authorized Agents. JOHN D. HAMMOND, SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, AND COLLAR MANUFACTURER, * WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No. 348 Baltimore st., NLMi’ 3 doors below Eutaw U° use > Baltimore, MANUFACTURES and keeps constantlyon hand every description of SADDLES. HARNESS, TRUNKS. VALISES, CARPET BAGS, COLLARS, and every other article in his lino. All orders executed with neatness and dispatch. July 9,1864. —1 y CHINA STORE. WM. S. WONDERLY & CO., TTAVE on hand a complete stock of ® CHINAGLASS, ML* las QUEENSWARE, Fine and common, at the Warehouse, ' 75 Baltimore street, 8 doors west of Gay street. COAL OIL, of the uery best quality, by the barrel or gallon, and a complete assortment of LAMPS and WICK for burning it. The manufacture of STONE and EARHIEN , WARE still continued. , All goods for the country packed in a scien -1 tifie manner, and will he sold wholesale and retail, at very low prices, to suit the times. , Nov. 5, 1864.—tf . - OTJICE rTIHE firm of Longneeker A Sons having been 1 dissolved, all persons having: claims - against the above firm, of any kind, will please present them to the undersigned, and all per sons being in any way indebted either for sub scription to the Baltimore County American, or for advertising, are requested to make immedi ate pavment to the above. All persons indebt ed to John H. Longneeker for subscription to, or advertising in the above paper, previous to November 15th. 1863, are earnestly requested to make payment- as above. Bills will be sent to all so indebted. ] H. 0. LONGNECKER, J. B. LONGNECKER, J. H. LONGNECKER, Jan. 7.—tf. _ __ , # t HATTER’S Pure Flaxseed Drops, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND ALL AFFEC TIONS OF TIIE THROAT, No. 133 North Gay street, Baltimore. ALL kinds of CAKES AND CONFECTION ERY, of the best quality, on reasonable 1 erms. Nov. 19. —tf ALFRED I JAMS. JAMES ALFRED HUTCHINS Ijams & Hutchins, i Tea Dealers and. Grocers, . Corner Gay and High sts., Baltimore. KEEP constantly on hand a choice and ex tensive stock of TEAS, WINES, GROCER- J IES and Provisions generally, to which they re * spectfullv invite the attention of purchasers. Feb. 13.—tf _ ’ “.n AVISOS HOUSE,” M. A T. P. WATSON, 37 and 39 North Second street, Between Market and Arch, Philadelphia. Livery Stable and Restaurant attached. April 23, 1864.—1 y Auctioneer. THE undersigned having taken out a Gov ernment License for sth as well as the 2d Congressional District, is prepared to attend sales in any part of Baltimore or Harford coun ties, or any other portion of said Districts, ex cept Baltimore city. , .. X- Having removed from Sweet Air to Towsontown, persons having business with me will please address me at Towsontown, or ap ply to Mr. Church, Advocate Office, Mr. Long necker A Sons, American Office, or Mr. Nelson C0,.0r, ,t '> i “‘ re g AMDEL 0 .- Wll soN. Dec. s.—tAlo Towsontown, Md. TAKE NOTICE. FALL STYLES OF HATS, 1804. WE are now prepared to fur- rwmm nisli our friends and the<a|§Bg§j§ public with the FALL STYLES OF HATS, for Gentlemen’s wear, WmStrVm which will compare favorably with any sold in the citv of Baltimore. ALSO, SOFT FELT HATS, Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths and Children, some very beautiful. S. HINDES A SON, Oct. 15. —tf No. 100 Gay street. A. Storck’s STEAM TURNING AND SAWING ESTABLISHMENT, 152 East st., between Hillen and Ensor.Balt, WHERE he is prepared to execute all kinds of SAWING and TURNING, such _ as Bench Screws, Hand Screws, Bed Posts riage Hubs, Cart Hubs, Cedar Posts, - Vlt?. iaters, Stair Newels, Piano Legs, Columns,Table Leers TEN PIN BALLS, etc. L Also, all kinds of straiand fancy ScroU Sawing. July 6, 1361. y , Estray Notice. /'IAME to the subscriber, residing near the (J head of Bird River, on the road leading to Win Y. Day’s, November 19th, 1864, a BRINDLE STEER, about three years VmW old, with a crop in the left ear and a sIit2K3IUC. in the right. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges andtake him away, otherwise he A^TnIGHT cording to law, THOMAS lUUUttl* Jan. 7. —3t* LEGAL NOTICES. HIRAM Vs. WM. C. MOSS and FREDERICK DAWSON. In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, in equity. The subject of this suit is to procure a decrea for the sale of certain personal property con veyed by Frederick Dawson to William C. Moss, for the benefit of Dawson’s creditors, in Novem ber, 1860, and a subsequent conveyance to J. H. Patterson in November, 1862. The bill states the execution of the conveyance by Dawson to Moss, and charges that Moss has wholly neglect ed the duties of the trust, that the trust prop erty has been left in the custody of Dawson, who is using and disposing of the same at his pleasure, without accounting to any one, and that the eamc is in peril of being wholly wast ed and lost to the creditors. That said property, consists in part, of farm stock, perishable in its nature and liable to depreciation in value. That said Dawson is utterly insolvent,.and that the interposition of this courtis necessary and in dispensable lor the benefit of the condition and to save the trust property from waste and de struction. And the bill further states the execution by said Dawson of a mortgage of all his personal property aforesaid, on the farm aforesaid, in November, 1860, to J. H. Patterson, to secure & note payable on demand. That the property un der this mortgage has been left in the use and possession of said Dawson. That such convey ance to Patterson was voluntarily made to hin der and delay this complainant and other cred itors in the collection of their debts against said Dawson. The said mortgage is expressly made subject to the deed of trust to Moss. It charges upon belief that the larger portion of the debt to Patterson has been paid, and that the exis tence and continuance of such mortgage wholly prevents complainant and other creditors of the said Dawson making their money out of the property of said Dawson, all of which is cov ered by said conveyances. And it is averred that in using and disposing at pleasure of the property thus mortgaged, the same will he whol ly wasted and lost to the creditors of said Daw son. And the bill prays, that the trustee, Wm. C. Moss, may be required to give bond as such or that he be removed from the trust and that a receiver be appointed to take charge of the per sonal property aforesaid in said conveyance mentioned and for further relief prays than an order of publication issue against said William C. Moss, who is a non-resident of the State of Maryland, requiring him to appearand answer the allegations of the bill, ana show cause if any Avhy relief should not be granted. And prays for subpoenas against said Moss, Patter son and Dawson. It is thereupon ordered by the Court, this 23d day of December, 1864, that the complainant by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newljiaper published in Baltimore county, once a week for four successive weeks before the first day of February next, give notice to the said William C. Moss, to be and appear in this Court to answer on oath the premises and show cause if any he has why the relief prayed should not be granted, on or before the second day of May, next. RICHARD GRASON. True copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Dec. 30.—4 t. INTHEMATTEROFTHETRUSTESTATE OF CHARLOTTE WITHERS and others, ’ In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county—in Equity. ORDERED, this 12th day of January, 18*5, that the sale heretofore made by Adam Den mead to Ann 0. Bently, and named in the re port of Talbot Den mead, Trustee, and the sale made and repojted by Talbot Denmead, Trus tee, be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 10 th day oj February next, provided a copy of this order be ieserted in some newspaper published in Baltimore I county, once a week for three successive weeks ' before said 10th day of February next. 1 The report states the amount of sales to be ; $1,941.35. JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: 1 JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. 5 Jan. 14.—3 t. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scribers have obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters testamen tary on the estate of WILLIAM H. STINSON, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav- ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the voucher* thereof to the subscribers, On or before the 7 ih day of August, 1565 / e they may otherwise by law be excluded from f all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate j payment. Given under our hands this 3rd day of Januarv, 1865. J ' EUGENIA G. STINSON, i Catonsville, Baltimore county, EVAN W.* WARFIELD, Matthews’ Store, Howard co., Executors. Jan. 7.—4t* rriHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub a J. scriber has obtained from the Orphans* 8 Court of Baltimore county, letters of admia e istration on the estate of THOMAS GORSUCH, ’ late of said county, deceased. All persons Lav r ing claims against the said estate, are hereby ‘ warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers '* thereof to the subscriber, ’> On or before the 7th day of August, 1865 / ° they may otherwise by law be excluded from ll all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3d day of January, 1865. 3 THOMAS B. GORSUCH, Jan. 7.—4 t Administrator. r-pms IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub _L scriber, has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of JOSHUA CLEMENTS, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav !- claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 31s< day of August, 1865 / ' they may otherwise by law be excluded from e all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to . said estate are requested to make immediate s payment. Given under my hand this 27th. day of December. 1864. 3 SUSANNAH CLEMENTS, ; D ec . 3i. —4t* Administratrix. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub scribers have obtained from the Orphans’ s- Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate ot GEORGE HOMAN, ‘ late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, On or before thclth day of August, 1865, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hand this 3d day ol Janua.y, ISGj ' henrietta HOMAN, HENRY HOMAN, j an Ad 3 inistrators. IMII3 IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained frem the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters testamen tary on the estate of ADAM ROLLER, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the Ith day of August, 1865 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3d day of January 186^ HOMAS RUTLEDGE, Jan. 7.-4 t Executor. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration D. B. N. C. T. A., on the estate of WILLIAM MORRIS, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 14 th day of September 1865 ; they mav otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 10th day of January, 1995 LEmJEL MORRIe , Administrator D. B. N. C. T, A. Jan. 14.—4t* THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the scribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate ot GEORGE LYNCH, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the voucher# thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 28 th day of August, 1865 ; they may ‘otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make 1 m ™ ed ’ at ® payment. Given under my hand this 17th day of January, ISM. SHUGAR, Jan. 21.—4t* Administrator.