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DR. T. B. TALBOTT’S MEDICATED CONCENTRATED Pineapple Cider. SOLE AG ENCY, Nos. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72 and 74, WASHINGTON STREET, NEW YORK. Nsw York, September let, 1864. THE proprietor has known for a long time the very beneficial results arising from the use of this valuable remedy, and has been in duced to place it before the public for the bene fit of suffering humanity. It will increase the strength, give vigor and action to the system, and regulate digestion. When taken internally for pains of all kinds—Bilious Colic, Diarrhea, Diseases of the Throat, Fains in the Cheat, Hoarseness, Coughs, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pains, Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Stomach, etc. etc. —its soothing and quieting effect on the system is most astonishing. Dr. Wilcox, an eminent physician, employed it with great success in treating Severs, Dys pepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Chronic Diarrhea, Colic, Dysentery, and diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. It is also particularly recommended by physicians to delicate females and is an excellent remedy for Enfeejded di gestion, Want of Appetite, Scrofula, Nephritic Affections, Rheumatism, etc. etc. It never mils to relieve Nervous Tremor, Wakefulness, Dis turbed Sleep, etc. American ladies hav used this article with great success, to heighten their color and beauty. It imparts cheerfulness to the disposition, and brilliancy to the complexiou. To travelers especially it is of inestimable value, and should be provided as a medicine for every journey in which the water is likely to’vary in quality and tendency. Persons residing in any part of the country may adopt it with the utmost confidence as a - timely, efficacious restorative. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. 1. Sanitary Direction, or a Preventive of Sick ness.—The experience that Dr. Talbot has had for the last twenty-five years, convinces him that it is time the public had an article offered that will prevent sickness. The article offered is Dr. Talbot’3 Medicated Pineapple Cider, de signed for all classes, old and young. It is not new to the Doctor, but is entirely new to the public. One quart bottle will last a well per son one year. This is rather a new mode of doctoring, nevertheless it will save millions from being sick. Is it not better to pay three dollars a year from being sick, than to pay ten or twenty dollars in doctors’ bills, and as much more for the loss of time and the inconvenience of being sick? To prevent sickness we as fol lows : Add one teaspoon full of Medicated Pine apple Cider to a tumbler of cold water, and drink the first thing after you rise in the morn ing, and the same before you retire at night.— It will increase the strength, and give vigor and action to the system. 2. Bilious Colic.— Take four tablespoons full of the Medicated Cider,, with ns much water added, every ten minutes. If the patient is not relieved after the third dose, an injection ot warm water, with ten drops of the Medicated Cider added, will effect a speedy cure. . If the patient is.feverish, use cold water for injection, with the Cider as above. 3. Diarrhea. —For a violent attack, take two tablespoons full of the Medicated Cider every ten minutes until it is checked. -i.- Sore Throat. —Add ten drops of the Medi cated Cider to a pint of cold water, and use as a gargle; put a wet cloth around your neck when you retire. 5. Coughs. —Add on tablespoon full of Medi cated Cider to a half pint of water; take once in two hours. 6. Dyspepsia. —Add two spoons full of Medi cated Cider to a wine-glass full of water, and take before or while eating. 7. Burns. —Add ten drops of the Medicated Cider to one quart of cold water; saturate a cloth with the mixture and apply to the burn, changing as often as it becomes warm. It will remove the fire or pain in five minutes. Keep it wet with the preparation until well. Add ice, if at hand, to the water until tho pain is . removed, then cold water is sufficient until healed. 8. Rheumatism. —Add to one half pint hot water a wine-glass full of Medicated Cider, and take every fifteen minutes. Apply hot, wet flan nels to the parts affected, and a sure cure will follow in a short time. 9. Bruise —ln case of a Wound, Bruise or Fracture, add one tablespoon full of the Medi cated Pineapple Cider to half a pint of cold water; drink six time.s a day—this will keep the bowels all right. Add ten drops of the Ci der to a quart of cold water, and keep the wound thoroughly saturated with the prepara tion until well. If there is fever add ice to the water. 10. Headache. —Add two tablespoons full of the Medicated Pineapple Cider to a tumbler ol cold water ; take every thirty minutes. If Sick Headache, add half the quantity of Cider to the same quanty of water; take every fifteen minutes. 11. Chills and Fever. —When the chill comes on, take a wine-glass full of the Medicated Cider, add to a tumbler of water as hot as can be taken pleasantly; this will remove the chill in a short time. The Cider may be taken with out the water if desired, every half hour until the chill passes off. When the fever comes on, drink half a pint of cold water, with ten drops of the Medicated Cider every half hour, and the fever-will soon pass oft’, and a speedy re covery will be tho result. 12. Piles. —To prevent Piles, when you are costive and have difficult evacuations, add ten drops of the Medicated Cider to a gill of cold water, or if the patient is naturally cold, take warm water and inject : retain it one hour and it will bring on an easy evacuation and there by prevent piles, which are always brought on by difficult evacuations. 13. Catarrh. —What is the Catarrh ? It is a defluxion or increased secretion of rnucusfrom the membranes of the nose, fauces, and bron chise, with fever, sneezing, cough, thirst, lassi tude, and loss of appetite, and sometimes an entire loss of taste, called also a cold. An Epi demic Catarrh is called Influenza, a chronic af fection of the inueous membrane of tho nos trils and fauces. To cure above, add to half a pint cold water ten drops of the Medicated Ci der; take some of the mixture in your hand and snuff it up your nose, until it comes out of the mouth ; be thorough with the snuffing, in order to reach the affected parts. It may take six months to cure, but a decided improvement will be observed in thirty days. Practice also the first direction, to keep the blood in order. 14. Fever of any kind. —Add ten drops of Med icated Pineapple Cider to a quart of cold water, iced if handy; saturate a cloth with the prep aration, and apply to the afTeeted parts ; also, add five drops to a tumbler of cold water, and drink every ten minutes. The fever will soon be removed. 15. Colic Dysentery. —Take two tablespoons full of Medicated Pineapple Cider every ten minutes ; also add ten drops to a quart of cold water, and inject half a pint ever}' ten minutes. You will soon be all right. 16. Disturbed Sleep. —Add one tablespoon ful! of Medicated Pineapple Cider to a tumbler of cold water, and drink before you retire; when you rise in the morning repeat the above. If that does not make you sleep* take two table spoons full of the Cider. 17. American Ladies, to heighten their color and beauty, should take one tablespoon full of the Medicated Pineapple Cider at dinner, also when they retire at night, and when thev rise in the morning. 19. Scrofula, or Struma —the popular name. “ King’s Evil.”—Add four tablespoons full of the Medicated Pineapple Cider to a tumbler of cold water; take throe time.s a day. also just before you retire, and when, you rise in the morning. 20. Travelers should always be supplied with the Medicated Pineapple Cider, aa they meet with so many changes of water. One swallow of the Cider will counteract the bad effects of a change of water; being concentrated, one •bottle will be sufficient for a trip. A swallow for car or boat sickness. B. T. BABBITT, Sole A pent, 64, 65, 66. 07, 68, 70, 72 and 74, Washington street, N. Y. For sale by Grocers and Druggists and Coun try Storekeepers generally in the country. CHAS. MARKELL, Agent at Baltimore. PRICES : THREE DOLLARS TER BOTTLE, (full quart.) TWO DOLLARS “ (full pint.) ONE DOLLAR “ (full 4 pint.) dnequart boltlo, two pint bottles, or four half pint bottles sent free by express on receipt of price. For sale everywhere. Oct. 15.—tf 1 John W. Richardson & Co., No. 12 N. Gay street, s Adjoining Christ Church. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE. Major ROBERT HALL, Cutter. CALL AND SEE, Aug. WHITMAN’S COLUMN. T E. WHITMAN & SO?VS, M VSI'KACTVKF.RS OV Agricultural Implements, 4YO MACHINERY, AND PKAT.KRS IN SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, HORTICULTURAL TOOLS, And Agricultural Hardware generally, Nos. 22 and 24 South Calvert street, Baltimore, Md. The manufacturing Department will be per sonally superintended by the senior partner, whose long experience in this line of business has rendered, him familiar with all its various branches. . . ... Our stock will be one of the largest m this city, and in consideration of our experience 1 and advantages in manufacturing, we arc pre pared to furnish all the latest aiul most inipro ved kinds ot Farm Implomonts on the most f&- vorable terms. : CRADLES AAD SCYTHES. • Next to Reaping Machines, the Grain Cradle is an implement of importance to the wheat ‘ grower, and notwithstanding the Reaper has ! gone into such general use, it, does not seem to lessen the demand for tho Grain Cradle with us. This may probably be owing to thequalitv ; of the artiele we keep, which is generally known to farmers. Merchants and dealers arc. generally supplied by us, with this article, and we are pleased to inform them our stock this season will be fully equal to what it has been heretofore, and we shall be gratified with a con tinuance of their liberal custom. Revolving; Horse Rake. : This is the best article that can be used for the raking of Hay, especially if the grass is heavy. We have an excellent article of this kind—the best ever in this market. Price sl2 and sl4. Spying; Toolli For Wheat Fields aloue this article is perfect. It saves a large amount of wheat that no other rake would gather up. It will often pay for itself in the saving of wheat in a field of ten acres. Price this season, sl4. Premium AcwSnb-aoil Plow. This Plow has been tried by the United States Agricultural Society, and by many State Socie ties, and has never failed to receive the first premium. It has a reversable e-teel edge, is simple in its construction, easy ill draft and management, and adapted to a common team. Simplicity, strength and economy are here most happily combined. The Plow being an important implement in Agriculture, we have recently given much at tention to its manufacture, and at a very heavy cost have procured the best and most perfect 3et of machinery in use. and are now prepared to fill all orders for Plows of any description, on as favorable terms as can be had in the Uni ted States, quality ami workmanship consider ed. We wish to call the attention of dealersjt<4 our manufacture of Plows, which we think, cannot be surpassed in this country. Side Hill or Swivel Plows. The above Tlows are so constructed that the mould board is easily and instantly changed from one side to the other, which enables the operator to perforrii the work upon side hills, turning all the furrow slicen with great accu racy downward. HMMept ,VFR,. This Churn is so constructed that the cream or milk is readily brought to the desired tem perature without mixing water or other sub stances, and the temperature certainly and definitely determined, which proves invaluable in the art of making butter. HOWARD’S reaping; and mowing MACHINES, MANUK AC T V KE D BT E. WHITMAN A SONS, BALTIMORE, WITH OK WITHOUT SELF-RAKE, Is the best adapted to the wants of Maryland Farmersofany machine in use. It has a large drive wheel, which enables it to workover rough land, water furrows and gullies, when other machines could not be worked at all. Thoge in want of the latest and best improve ments in the way of cutting Grain or Grass, will do well to send their orders early. Price of the Combined Machine with Self-Rake,slßs. Price of Mower, sllO. We can furnish our customers with any kind . of REAPERS AND MOWKIIS, at prices as low , as they can be purchased in our market, and solicit their early orders. May 7,1864.—1 y Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. Thl* Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen Years. It ie now considered a certain cure for the above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by DR. R. 8. 6APPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets, Nor. 19,*—tf Baltimore, Md. | THOUGHTS FOB SICH PEOPLE. DR. TINCTURE. REV. B. B. BROOKE. Messrs. Mortimer A. Mowbray The use a your “Hamptons Tincture’’ has been at try great blessing to me and my family. The effect i of it, on my throat disease, has been marvelous. For all such diseases I most cordially recom mend it. Yours truly, H R *J OKR > Pastor of the Eutaw M. E. Church. REV. JOHN LANAHAN. Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray: l take plea sure in Baying to you that I have used your . “ Hampton’s Tincture ” with great profit. j a serious throat affection, my general heal li j has become very much impaired, when 1 com- j menced to use “ Hampton’s Tincture. 1 found j its effects upon ray general health most satis factory. My nervous system and digestive or gans soon righted up under its use. I have several times recommended it to my friends, and in every case, so far as I have been informed, they have used it with success. Yours truly, John Lvnahan, i Pastor Exeter Street M. E. Church, Baltunoie. MISS MARY SCHOFIELD. E.etract from her letter. “I often wish my parents had known of this remedy when I was a child, as I believe 1 should have been saved the excrutiating pain I have been subjected to, as well as the deformity of body I must carry to the grave, and niv parents would not have been under such heavy expen ses from doctors’ bills and in sending me, as they did, to the celebrated Springs in England, in search of health. I wish all the alllieted world could see me and hear the benefits l have derived from this Tincture of Hampton’s. I try to make all acquainted with its virtues with , whom I come in contact. “Gentlemen, I am a thousand times obliged to vou, and you are at liberty to use my name and case to all. “ I remain yours in gratitucre, Mary A. Schokiklp, “ No. 6;;0 West Baltimore street.” MR. EDWIN M. SPRANKLIN, No. 27 Register st., Baltimore, Most dreadful case of Scrofula of years' stand ing, lost a number of pieces ol bone—restored to health. HERE DIT All Y BO UOFU LA. A bov in the family of theilon. W. P. 1 bym asson, ouoe a member of Congress from Ken tucky, was a mass of sores from head to foot. His eyelids turned inside out, protruding over the eyeballs so as to produce blindness. He was cured by Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. B. 11. ANDERSON, of Kenteountv. Was induced, from so much testimony, to try it on a servant girl. Her disease was Scrofula in its worst form. She was blind in both eyes. One bottle made her to see—two bottles restor ed her—aud though two years has elapsed, she remains well. SENATOR PEARCE Informed us, that from reading these certifi cates, he wai induced to try the Tincture on his servant man, in a dreadful case ol Scrofula, lie was cured after all other remedies failed. RHEUMATISM. C. E. Bagwell had the Rheumatism from her ! 2th to the age of 50 years. Cured by Hamp ton’s Tincture. Captain Thomas Canot cured after 7 years' suffering. F. Donnelly had it 15 years. These, with many others, bear testimony of the great vir tues of Hampton’s Tincture. PALPITATION A FLUTTERING or HEART. Jacob Stoner had the above with Dyspepsia 20 years. Cured by Hampton’s Tincture, as were many others. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. As an invigorator and restorative, where a gentle stimulant is wanted, we believe it supe rior to all tho cordials before the public. THE FEMALE SYSTEM Has in Da. HAMPTON’S VEGETABLE TINC TURE a cure for its numerous and complicated derangements. Hundreds who have been de bilitated and dispirited, and on the verge of a premature grave, have been restored by its use to blooming health, which we are bundaiitly able to prove by such a host of LIVING WITNESSES as we think no other medicine can produce. IN PROOF Of what we say above we refer you to Hamp ton’s Vcgetrblo Tincture and its effects. The wife of T. W. Y'eakle, Grocer, 78 Pearl street, cured of Rheumatism of 8 years' stand ing ; all other remedies failed. Win. M. Oldham, late of the Custom House, dwelling No. 126 Pine street, of Dyspepsia; great debility ; permanently cured. W. A. Schaeffer, one of the oldest magistrates and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great weakness aud restored to robust health. Jarrett Pliunmett. 153 East Baltimore street, • suffered intensely six years with hip disease and mercurial rheumatism ; cured after all other remedies had failed. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thos. Canot, Robert Gault, James Smyth, cured of Rheuma tism. John Pervail, R. A. Griffin, John Luke, Rev. V. Eskridge, IT. S. Navy, and thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Cough, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, St. Vitus’ Dance, Ac. We refer to our own citizens—call on them. HAMPTON’S TINCTURE CURES Rheumatism. Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, Debility, Decline in Health, Erysipelas, Disease of the Eyes, Liver Complaint, Mercurial Disease, Tet ter, Tumor, Thrush, Vertigo, Womb Disease, Nerves, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Palpitation of the Heart, Scrofula, Spinal Diseases, Ac., with numerous other diseases. sor.n by MORTIMER A MOWBRAY, 240 Baltimore st., MRS. M. A. SHEALEY, Towsontown, S. MILLER, Monkton, RALPH DUER, Cockeysville, ISRAEL PRICE. Philopolis. And by Druggists generally. Feb. 27. 1864.—1 y | CLOTHING! J FALL OF 1861. !j? £ B. STINE’S !!• O TV | Clothing House, g> . No. 73 West Baltimore street, k • Between Gay st. and Tripolett’s Aliev. '■ Equal in all repects to work made to s*. pleasure, and at much lower orices. I jr*. IA PERFECT FIT INSURED TO ALL.; 3 t j The facilities of this house ior doing. [business are such that they can con-j £>■ jfidently claim for it the leading posi ’ Jtion among the Tailoring Establish-; *•§'* * ments of Baltimore. They [invite the attention of gentlemen of] £3 taste to their stock of superb Ready-I [Made Clothing, cut bv the best of ar-| ts, trimmed and made equal to cus-; tom work, at j POPULAR PRICES. I K They have also a Custom Depart-j **s2 ment, where tho latest novelties may! V be found. jgS <0 May 28. 1361. l y BAIGirS Raw-Bone Phosphate. rsSI’UHABSEI KOI! TRODI'CIM; A HEAVY GROWTH OF WHEAT AND GRASS, AND AM, FALL CROPS, And Permanently F.uriching the Soil. It Contains the Fertilizing Properties of Guano, Bone, Stable Mannre and Lime. PRODUCING in many cases larger crops by fifty per cent, than’eithcr of the above ar ticles, when used separately. It is a highly concentrated manure, being made from Bones containing all their original animal matter. No Burnt Bones are used. It has been used by thousands of farmers in this State, with the highest satisfaction. It has proved a perfectly reliable substitute tor “ Pe ruvian Guano,” being sufficiently quick in its action on the crops, and in all cases enriching the soil, and it is permanent in its effects. The demand last Fall was greater than the supply. It would be well, therefore, for farmers to send in their orders early, either to the sub scriber or to any of his agents, from whom cir culars can be obtained, giving a list of man} persons who have used it, and certificates. Price in Baltimore. $75 per 2,000 lbs. Cash. GEORGE DUGDALE, Sole Agent, No. 105 Smith’s Wharf, Baltimore. Aug. 5.—6 m. FOR SALE. THE undersighed offerß for sale a Shifting top BUGGY, nearly new, also a eet of sin gle Harness, will be sold at a bargain if itnme* diate application be made to E. H. At fS, ADY’S HOTEL, TowsoAtown. Dee. #o.—*t£ NEW & BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES CAYFIELD BRO. & CO. G1 OLD WATCHES, r SILVER WATCHES, 111 % CHATELAINES, ttkiifi VEST CHAINS, DIAMOND JEWELRY, OF LA TEST STELES. Stone, Cameo, Carbuncle,.Pearl, Enameled and Gold Suits of Jewelry. DIAMOND, SIGNET, PEARL, AMETHYST, AND FANCY RINGS. Gold bracelets in great variety, Gold Buckles, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Shawl Pins, Lockets, Sleeve Buttons, Tooth Picks, Pens and Pencils, Necklaces, Ac. Ac. SILVER PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, HFOONS AND FORKS. Fruit Knives, Butter Knives, Salts, Nutmeg Graters, Crump Scrapers, Fish Knives, Cake Knives, with a large variety of Fancy Silver, Silver and Pearl Card Cases and Portmonnaies, Snuff Boxes, Fans, Opera Glasses, Tortoise Shell Combs, Shell Jewelry, Jet Goods, Box Wood Jewelrv, elegant Porcelain and Gilt Mounted Card' Receivers, Vases, Caskets, Can dlesticks. Work Cases, Scotch Plaid Goods, with many new and beautiful fancy articles, Clocks, Bronzes, Inkstands, .fee., Papier Macho Desks, Tables and Work Boxes. Ladies and Gents' Dressing Cases, Plated Coffee Sets, Bas kets, Castors. Butter Dishes, Fruit Stands. Eper gnes. Sugar Baskets, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Parian Marble Figures, with many other ele gant aud useful articles, just opened, to which wo invite attention. Also, a great variety of MILITARY GOODS, Such as Swords. Epauletcs, Sashes, Hats, Lace, Buttons, Ac. CANFIELD, BRO. A CO., 229 Baltimore street, corner Charles. Jan. 9,1864.—1 y GREAT HUSH TO SMITH, BROS. & CO.’S Marble Hall Clothing House, TO SECURE SOME OF THE GREAT BAR GAINS. Thev are now offering their immense stock of SUMMER, FALL A WINTER CLOTHING, at 20 per cent, below market value. ALSO, PIECE GOODS, of all descriptions, for CUSTOM WORK. All persons in want of WINTER GOODS will save 28 per cent, by buying now. Come soon and secure your bargains before it is too late. SMITH, BROS. & CO., CLOTHIERS A MERCHANT TAILORS, 40 West Baltimore street, Aug. IS.—tf GOODS I GOODS! GOODS! I AM receiving weekly fresh additions to my stock of a DRY GOODS, GKOCEKIES.i [fPrfjfir QUEENSWARE, Ac., which consists in part of— a I’ersian Cloth; Ladies’ Black i,>rc>o ouks; Valencias and De Baize; assortment of Pur ples andMourniugs (English Prints); Manches ter and Domestic Ginghams; Ladies’Shawls in great varieties, and Mantillas ; Nubias; French Worked Collars ; Undersleeves ; Insertions and Edgings; Furniture Calico; Ladies’, Gentle men and Childrens’ Hosiery in great variety ; Black Alpacas from 25 to 75 cts; Bleached and Unbleached Muslins ; Shirting Linens from 25 to 874 cts.: Table Diapers and Cloths ; Sheetings, bleached and unbleached ; Napkins from 75 cts. to $3 per doz.: Linen, Habakuk, Diaper, and Linen Crash, bleached and un bleached. Gentlemens’ Black Doeskin Cassimeres, and a beautiful quality of French Cloths, Cas siuetts, Tweeds, Kentucky Joans, with every variety of gentlemens’ wear. . Sugar, Molasses, Green and Browned Coffees of the best quality always on hand: Green and Black Teas ; Best Sugar-Cured Hams, Middling and Shoulder Bacon, Baltimore cured—with a general assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Qaeensware, Tinware, Medicines, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac., Ac., in great variety. Also, Super, Extra, Best Extra, and Family FLOUR. MRS. M. A. SHEALEY, May 2.—tf Towsontown, Md. FAMILY GROCERY. AT THE HEAD OF RICHMOND MARKET. John C. Pitt, (Late of Calvert and Pleasant streets,) HAVING taken that new and commodious store, at the head of Richmond Market, cor ner of Biddle and Garden streets, Baltimore, in forms his old friends aud customers, aud the public in general, that he has constantly on hand WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe rior sugar-cured HAMS : the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, and Black Teas : Java, Laguira ami Rio Coffee: loaf,crushed, pulverized,clari fied aud brown Sugar; Broma, Cocoa, Choco late, Farina, Rice Flour, Sago, Y'oast Powders, Sardines, Sauces. Pickles. Extracts, Salad Oil, Cologne, Toilet Powder, Pure Spices, Figs. Rai sins, Almonds! Pecan Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, fine and coarse Salt, Table and Dairy do., Syr ups, New Orleans and Sugar House Molasses, Kerosene, Etherial and Lard Oil, Tobacco and Segars, Dupont’s Superior Canister Powder, Shot, Gun Caps, Ac., for sale at moderate prices, and would respectfully solicit a call by those visiting tho city, who will find it to their ad vantage as to convenience, qualities and prices. All articles purchased delivered free at Cal vert Station, or to any other place in the city, if required. June 21, 1862.—tf JOHN C. FITT. August Loose, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND READY-MADE CLOTHIER, Towsontown, Baltimore county, Md., RESPECTFULLY' informs his friendsxAg and the public in general, that he has raft removed to kis new house, on Main street, Jilt, opposite Adv’s Hotel, where he has always on hand a full assortment, of CLOTHS AND CAS SIMERES, which he is prepared to make up in the latest styles, and on reasonable terms, cheap fur fash. lie requests his old friends and the public to give him a call. A large, variety of FALL AND WINTER GOODS on hand, which I invite the public to examine. The best of LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS always on hand. Clothing made to order at short notice. Nov. 3, IB6o.—tf EGk H IPS LEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Teas, Wines &. Liquors, No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, TENDERS thanks to his friends for their for mer very liberal patronage, and by prompt ness and attention to business, will deavor to merit n continuance of their£pQG favor. The public are respectfully vited to examine our stock of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Our imported and domestic LIQUORS are selected with the greatest possible care. Families may confide in the PURITY of an article ordered for medi cinal purposes; and proprietors of Hotels may furnish their bars with choice liquors. All of which will be sold at the lowest CASH prices. July 14, 1860.—1 y WILLIAM L. MILLER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALBB ID TOBACCO AND SEGARS, NO. C GREENMOUNT AVENUE. SUPPLIED by M. H. MILLER’B extensive Segar Factory, in the State Prison. Office for business— No. 6 Greenraount Avenue. <00043 at prices tbftt cannot fail to pleat* Call and see. June 18^**tf SINGER SEWING MACHINES. OUR LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE, id fast gaining a world-wide rep utation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest aud most beautiful of all Family Sewing Machines yet offered to the public.— No other Family Sowing Machine, lias so many useful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fef- j ling, Tucking, Gathering, Guaging, Braiding, Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. No oth er Family Sewing Machine has so much capa city fora'grcat variety of work. It will sew all kinds of doth, and with all kinds©!' thread.! Great and recent improvements make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most certain, iu action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, even of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, how to use a letter A Family- Sewing Machiue. Our Family Sewing Ma chines are finished in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family. Machine is a piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work. While some of the cases, made out of the choicest woods, arc finished in the simplest and chasest manner possible, oth ers are adorned and embellished in the roost costly and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary- to see the Family- Machine in operation, so as to judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is last becoming as popular for family sew ing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best quality. Send for a Pamphlkt. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMF'Y, 468 Broadway-. New York. DAI/TIMORE OFFICE, 159 Balt. St. Jan. 16.—tf WHEELER’S NEW FARM AND PLANTATION HOR3E I’OWER, And Improved Patent No. 1 Thresh er and Cleaner. r TUIE Horse Power has but two pair of gears. A The. master wheel is of wood with segment gear, and is furnished with six levers, whiffle trees, Ac., so that all the animals walk in the j same circle. The circle iu which the horses j walk is 18 feet diameter, band wheel 40 inches, I and making 160 turns per minute when horses I walk two miles per hour. Weight of Horse j Power, complete, with six levers, 1.200 pounds, j The past season we have improved our Lever Horse Power, adapted to driving the Machines j we make, and also’all the various kinds of ina- j chines that farmers and planters use. Our aim is to have a horse power light enough to serve: well, when only a single horse or mule is re quired, and yet be strong enough for 4 horses or 6 mules, when the machine driven requires that much power. We now think it a perfect machine of its kind, and having thoroughly tested it, offer our cus tomers and the public a horse power, that for lightness, simplicity, strength, durability, and facility- of repairing, if broken, cannot be ex celled. Wheeler’s Patent Railway Horse Powers. These Powers are made for 1, 2 or 3 horses, and their superior merits in.point, of durability, and case of running, with their compactness and simplicity, lightness and great length and width of treading floors and stall, give them advantage over other powers, which are highly appreciated by those who have tried them. For information or machines, address JOHN MATHER, General Agnt, 145 W. Pratt st., opposite Maltby House. Aug. 13.—tf Baltimore, Md. WHEELER & WILSON HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWI.HR machine. Awarded the Highest Premium • AT TUB WORLD'S FAIR, JUST HELD IN LONDON, ENGLAND, 1 Where all the Machines of Europe and Amer -1 ioa were in competition. Also at the INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, PARIS, FRANCE, ! And at every I UNITED STATES FAIR, ' At which Sewing Machines were exhibited. 1 The principal Companies manufacturing Sew • ing Machines are ■ WHEELER A WILSON, I. M. SINGER A CO., . GROVER A BAKER. • Of the Machines made there were sold,during ' the year last reported : By Wheeter A Wilson 21,305 1 By I. M. Singer & Co 10,953 l ; By Grover A Baker 10,280 ! Showing Wheeler A Wilson’s sales to be double 1 those of any other Sewing Machine Company in the country. - OFFICE, 214 BALTIMORE STREET, ■ Baltimore. Jan. 9,1864.—1 y GREEN & YOE, FAMILY GROCERS, A.S'D DEALERS IX PURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At Martin A Valette’s old stand, 88 Baltimore street, near Holliday, Baltimore, HAVE constantly on hand a.large and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, .sgsigsgj consisting in part of F R E S X.'jjj TEAS. (green aud black.) of va-&fci4 *®™*™rioua prices and flavors ; Coffees- ÜBaLk Mocha,Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo and Rio; , SUGARS—New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified ; Ital ian Maecaroni and VermacclliCooper's A Cox’s Refined Gelatine : Fresh Salad and Olive Oils; Cheese—English Dairy ; Pine Apple and SapSagq; Sardines : French ancl Spanish 01- j iv-cs : English and American Pickles—Gerkins, mixed, Chow-Chow. Piceailli, Cauliflower, Wal nuts and Onions: Sauces —John Bull, Harvey, Reading, Soho. Mushroom and Worcestershire; BRANDIES —Jas. Hennesy A Co., vintage 1840, Otard. Dupuy A Co. 1846, Native Catawba, Bor deau. Rochelle and other brands; Fine Old WlNES—London Dock Tort, Sherry, Madeira, Lisbon. Sweet Moselle and Champagne; WHIS KIES—Scotch, Old Rye, Calhoun, Old Rapp and Bourbon, some very old and fine; Pure Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Ac. Ac.; Imported and Domestic Segars and Tobacco, all of' which they will sell at reasonable prices, and respect fully- solicit a call. June 23, 1860.—1 y Coal in Towsontown. I WOULD respectfully form my friends and eon-lgggp— sumers of COAL generally,ttsPTp that I am now receiving, and prepared to de liver the SHORT MOUNTAIN COAL, which is equal in quality as a free burning Coal, to any other that comes to the Baltimore market. Also, A WHITE ASH COAL, which will fa vorablv compare with the Baltimore Company's Coal. \L I MI'BURNER’S COAL can be furnish ed in a few days notice, in large or small quan- L titles, on very reasonable terms. Also, BITUMINOUS COAL, for blacksmiths. , Nov. 3. IB6o.—tf N. COOPER. Dr. Sappington’B : COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure i COUGHS, L GOLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. This Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the. public Eighteen years. ’ It is now considered a certain cure for the above named diseases by a)! who have used it. Prepared by- DR. R. S. SAPPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street, I Between High and Front streets, [ y o v. 12.—tf Baltimore, Md. > JOHN F. PLUMMER, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, No. 87 North Gay street, near the Bridge, WOULD respectfully in rite the attention of the public, to his beautiful assort mentof Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Pens, Pencils, Breaat Pins, Ear Rings, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold Guard and Fob Chains, Silver Spoons, Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles to suit all ages; all of which will be sold cheap for cash. Watches and. Jewelry repaired in the best manner. Orders from the country care fully attended to. Jan. 5,1861.—1 y Wanted, a Farm or Tract of Land, FOR which cash will be paid. Address L. KIMBLE. Bex 660, Baltimore, Md. Bee. 3A, Ms***p> L’ O TJ 'i' Z 5 S CELEBRATED %\me ami (fattlr I’ou-tlew. r. sure preventive of Lung Fever, aud a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, such as Gian gy, &e. _ T- '-f*' In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the mo t beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv- * ing the appearance, vigor and Bpirit of this noble animal. FOR MILCH COWS. I The property this Powder possesses in in- ] creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, givel it an importance and value which should ,lace it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it bos proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide aud makes them thrive much taster. HOGS. .In. .ItUkMMt of above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Prioe 25 eta. per Paper, or 5 Papers for sl. PREPARED BY S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Mi For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. SIIRIVURS BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP, For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asth net, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Diffi culty of Breathing, tire. This Syrup is a purely vegetable compound. It is pleasant to take and never does injury; but, owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful —soothing, calming ar-.d allay ing the most violent Coughs ; purifying, invig orating and strengthening the whole system : calming and soothing the nerves ; aiding and facilitating expectoration, and healing the dis eased Lungs, thus striking at the root of dis ease, and driving it from the system. CROUP. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch the first show of the disease, and always keep this rem edy at hand. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equaled by no other preparation. PRICE 40 CENTS TER BOTTLE, OR THREE BOTTLES FOR *l.lO. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ A BRO., at their ■Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 116 Franklin street, Baltimore. For sale by MRS. M. A. SHE ALE Y, Towsontown, And by druggists and storekeepers throughout the United State*. SH RISER’S IXIIIAN VERMIFUGE, TO DESTROY AND EXPEL WORMS. This Vermifuge is entirely Vegetable—perfect ly safeaud harmless, but an effectual and power ful remedy for all species of Worms that effect children and adults. FOI'TZS’ MIXTURE. The Best Liniment for Man and Beast now in use. Ib a safe aud reliable remedy ter the eure of Rheumatism. Painful Nervous Affections, Burns Sprains, Swellings, and all diseases requiring an external application on man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Swenny, if properlv applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Crack ed Hoofs, Scratches. Chares, Saddle or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it is an infallible reme dy. Try it ami be convinced of its efficacy. Rheumatism' Persons afflicted with this disease, no matter of how long standing, can be promptly and ef fectually cured bv using this mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure and so good > takeaway bad CORNS, and cure FROSTBITES, ah this preparation. Try it and satisfy your selves. PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS A BOTTLB. Prepared by— 8. A. FOUTZ A BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 116 Franklin street, Baltimore, Md. For sale by— MRS. M. A. SHE ALE Y, Towsontown, And by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout " " the United States. June 4, 1864. —ly XOAVHBB.’S AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT machine shop and foundry, CORNER PLOWMAN AND FRONT STS., DEFOT AND SEED STORK, 145 W. Pratt street. rj K undersigned is now prepared to receive I rnvter* and furnish the most approved FARMING AND HORTICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, SEEDS, Ac., on Ui<? most favorable term*. Orders received for machine* qf every de scription, viic Wheeler, Meliik AOosHorse power Threshing and Separating Machinesi, T. J. Grant A Co.’s Farming Mills and Grain cra dles: Bickford A Hoff’mau’eGrain Dril a; Hick ok’s Cider Mills and Wine Bresses? a Is©’ Hor ton, IVpew A Co.’s Plows, and J. M . EU.cott s Celebrated Accomae Plows. Castings of every variety made to order. Address ' JOHN MAT HER, Agent. Aug. 13. —if Baltimore, Md. nsis. FISH. FISH. 1,000 barrels and half barrels No. 1, - and Mackerel. , , , 500 small packages do do for family Ut,e --1,000 barrels and half barrels Extra Labrador and split Herring. . 1,000 bbl. Eastern and Susquehanna Herring. 20,000 pounds Codfish and Hakefish. . 1,000 boxes Smoked and Scaled Herring. In store and receiving for saleby^ 85 South street, below Pratt, Baltimore. March 12.—1 y D. Kruger, GENTLEMEN S’ BOOT AND SHOE STORE, No. 40 North Gay street, Baltimore. ALL kinds of GENTLEMENS'\^^. work done in the best man- \ uer, and at reasonable rates. Country friends, give me a #*U. r May 4 IWL— If ’ .V , 5 v : -• I - J ' ; J k i- in>\ i:it \ II.KCR*. CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Were awarded the Highest Premiums over all Competitors, at the following State and ' County Fa its of' 1863. New York Stale Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machiue Work. Indiana State Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purpo***. First Premium for Machine Work. Yerniont State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Maohine. First Premium for Machine Work. Ohio State Fair. First Premium for Machine Work. lowa State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Illinois State Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work. Kentucky State Fair. First Premium ter Machine for nil purpose*. First Premium ter Machine Work. Michigan State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First, Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Pennsylvania State Fair. First Premium ter Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for, Machine Work. Oregon State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Chittenden Co., Yt. Ag. Society. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Franklin Co., N. Y., Fair. First Premium ter Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Champlain, Yt., Ag. Society. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacture# Machine. First Premium for Machine Worn. Hampden Co., Maas., Ag. Society. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. Washington Co., N. Y., Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. Queens Co., N. Y., Ag. Society. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Maohlne. First Premium for Machine Work. Saratoga Co., N. Y., Fair. First Peeraium for Family Machine. Mechanics’ Institute, Pa., Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purpose*. First Premium for Machine Work. Greenfield, Ohio, Union Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Clinton Co., Ohio, Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Montgomery Co., Pa., Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purpose*. First Premium for Machine Work. San Joaquin Co., Cal., Fair. First Premium for Family’Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. San Jose District, Cal., Fair. First Premium ter Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. The above comprises all the Fairs at which the GROVER A BAKER MACHINES were exhibited this year. ‘ Bale*rooms —495 BROADWAY, N. Y. 181 BALTIMORE ST., BALT. July 9.—tf A LECTURE fffrEEreS&ir TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 ctl. ALF.CTURE on the nature, treatment and radical cure of Spermatorrhoia or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, and impedimenta to marriage generally. Nervousness, Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac. BY ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the ‘ Green Book,” Ac. The world renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own expe rience, that the awful consequences of Self- Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical ope rations, instruments, rings, or cordials, point ing out a mode of cure at once certain and ef fectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaplv, privatety and radically. THIS LEC TURF/WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUS ANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cent*, or two postage stamps, bv addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO, 127 Bowery, New York, (Post Office Box 4586. June 18, 1864.—1 y __ JAMES w. BAKER. JOS. B. MITCHELL JAS. W. BAKER A C 0., GUANO DEPOT, 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner Pt. Mary street, Baltimore, Where can be found at all times a supply of GUANOS, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GROUND BONE, POUDRETT, CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, rfr.. And dealers in FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCK WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS. MILL FEED, H\Y, STRAW, CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND •GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. vaar WOOL, FURS, DRIED FRUIT, and all kinds of Country Produae taken in exchange, for which we are paving the highest cash prices. JAS. W. BAKER <fc CO., Next door to W. Ptansbury’s Bee Hive Hotel, where Farmers will find excellent accommo dation . April 16.—tf Bull’s Head Hotel, Front, near Gay street, Baltimore, Md. riYHIS old-established hotel, so ablv X an.’- so successfully conducted the hast eighteen months, by Thomas ; ,,,! |gjL C. Tracey, will be continued by hisj**!*j£la widow, she having taken with her into the business. Robert D. Stansbury, of Davieville, sth District, Baltimore county. The firm will, therefore, hereafter be known as TRACEY & STANSBURY. The old patrons of the estab lishment. as well as the friends of the new pro prietor, may rest assured that nothing in tneir power will be left undone, to merit ft full share of the patronage of the public. HENRIETTA TRACEY, ROBERT D, STANSBURY. May 9.—tf CHARLES T. PISCO. J. EDWARD SISCO SISCO BROTHERS, No. 95 Baltimore street, Baltimore, WHOLESALE ASH RETAIL MACFACTI! RERS OF Odd Fellows’ and Masons’ Regalia, BANNERS, FLAGS, SIGNALS, MILITARY GOODS, GOLD AND SILVER FRINGES, GIMPS, TASSELS, Ac. Store and Factory, No. 95 Baltimore street-, Opposite Ilollidav street. Dec. 28, 1861.—1 y House, Sign, a*nd Fancy Painting. HENRY L. BOWEN TOWBOWTOWR, TS prepared to execute all work-in hi* line GRAINING, GILDING, IMITATION. OF WOOD AND MARBLE, Ac.; All of which will be done promptly, and on the most reasonable term*. %_ r . April 7, IB6o.—tf “BLEAK HOtrsi7“ BY JOSEPH M, BIEBEL, No. 24 March Market Space, Baltimore. A TRAVELLERS and Boarders will alwi find comfortable lodgings at reasonable ’ - hi, April 2,1864.—1 y *