Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 1. TOWSONTOWN, MD., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1865. NO. 5. ' TM‘M Mi@l s (A Consolidation of the American and Advocate*) IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY HAVEBSTICK & LONGICKERS, (l. m. hatkrstick, H. C. 4 J. B. LOSOXECKSHi) AT $2.00 PER ANNUM, In Advance. Xo paper discontinued until all arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the Pub lishers. A failure to notify its discontinuance will be considered a renewal of subscription. RATES OF ADVERTISING ! One square, (oftf lines, or less,) one insertion, 60 cents ; three insertions, $1 ;< nod, for every subsequent insertion, 25 cents per square. . . ggp- A liberal deduction made to those who , advertise by the year, or half year. Bv consolidating the two Baltimore countv papers, the UNTON has the largest circulation ol any county paper is the State, and thus offers superior advantages'to advertisers. JOB WORK: Our office, besides one of line’s best Power Presses, is furnished with a good .fob Press And all the neeesßarv materials for executing plain and fancy Job P’rinting wkh neatness and dis- ' patch. HANDBILLS Of all sure# end styles printed at short notice 1 and on good terms. . , j Magistrate’s and Collector’s Blanks, Deeds, j and all kinds of Publie Papers always on band at the office. ' Almanac for 1865. ”'l iOO M M* K; S! Ti j® :"jij 7 s J ,‘iv ; a| o ni J si x ► f: 2i S £ : 5 Si* bm J l.3|i s'g|3 o! ? ;o;3 “ i | wIJLS pmm iteif j ('! li 234 j 5 flj 7 .f ;j,.]..-|..j.,{..|..j I ! 2Hi 8; 9!10'11:12 13 14 -I *! 2j 3| 4. 6j 67 * £ i !fi 16117 18 19 20 21 5J ! ! 9|lo 11 12 ! 13,14.15 5 1r22 : 23 24j25;26 27 28 1 )fI(lT 18|1* 20 2l 22 ~> 29 30 31 123:24 25 26 27!25'20 • Lit' l!;30;31 ! ..i., I h f .... 12 3 4 ■ ji . M -5! 6; 7J 8810 11 * /•].... 1,2, 3! 4 & 2i: 12 13!l4 ! 151 17 IS 6 i 7 891011 12 £ | 19 20|21j 22 23 24 25 | I [l3 14 15 18 17 18 19 5 l)t2Ci27 o }po;2l 22 23,24 25 26 | *• ! j j < Ui27j2S 29 S0;3l!.. .. f: |lt2, St 4 d jj I I J ■j;s a 7 81 9 1011 m f ;.. .. 1| 2 I 21 12 13 14il5il*lT 18 5 (3 4 6 6, 7:8 9] 3 !1920212223 24 25 ■ 1-10 11 12113.! 14 AfijlC * I 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. t 117,18 19120 21 22,23 ; i I'll ■ I 1,24 25 26 27 28 29'3S ; t 2 3 4! 5; 6 7! 8 f! 1! 2! 3 4 6 6 7 S I 910 11112 13 14 15 £I 1 8 9|lo 11 12 13 14 ! JV16171819 20 21 22 a J t;ls 16,17 18 19 20;21 j t i 232425 26 27 28,20 g1 22 23|24 25 26 27128 j (! .. 12!3 ! 4- 5 6 . f i|. l! 2 3 1 , 4 i . !t 7! 8 9:10 1112 13 £ 5 8' 7i 8! 9 10 ! 11 5 . iil4 15 16|17|18 19 20 jl2 13 14! 15 1 17; 13 * :21 22 23,24 25 26 27 3 :19 20 21(22 23 24 25 :28 29 30-3 l! •• 1 .. .. ► ‘2G 27 28;29 : 50 ..!.. r !|..1 1 i ii 4i 5 6| 7; 8| 910 £ '1 3 4' 5} 6 1 7 ■*' 9 ; KJ I 111 12 13 14115 16 17 a jilO 11 12i 13j14 15)16 I £] • ,18 18 20H21 22 23 24 2 ■ !;17 18 15‘20!21 22 23 j 27 28 129 30 .. g j:24 25 26 27 28 29 30 j .......... 5■ l! 31 ..!..l:.t 1 I Professional Cards. NOTICE. DR. J. R. WARD can be found daily at his office, until 9J o’clock A. M., and at 4 o’cl’k, r. Jd. Oovanstown, Dec. |4.— 4t DR SAMUEL KEPLEXL Office and Residence —NEAR EPSOM CHURCH. Towsontown, Dec. 31, 1864.-r-ly J. XELBOX WISXKIt. R. M. PRICE WISNER & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office—No. 4 Smedley RoW, Toweofitovvn. TTAVING formed a partnership, will give t~l prompt attention to all law and chancery business entrusted to their care. Bep. 17, 1864.—1 y Amos P. Musselman, ATTORNEY. , i Office No. 21 Lexington si., Baltimore city. PRACTICES in the Courts of Baltimore ! countv. i -July 9,"1564. —ly Theodore Glocker, ATTORNEY AT LAW AXD SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, No. 44 St. Paul street, Baltimore, Md. PARTICULAR attention given to Chancery ! and Orphans’ Court business, in the Courts of Baltimore city and county. All communications or business left with Mr. JOHN R. D. BEDFORD,Conveyancer,Towson- Rown, will be promptly attended to. March 12, 1364.—tf. O. C. Warfield, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Towsostown. applications for BOUNTY, . BACK PAY and PEXSIONR. Feb. 20.—tf Jos. P. Merryman.- ATTORNEY AT-LAW, 71 West Fayette street, Balt. j Jan. 9, 1§64.—1y John T. Ensor, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, No. 7 Smedley Row, S’ Towsontown, Md. PRAGTfCES in the Courts of Baltimore, Har- ! JL to bs, Howard and Carroll counties, and of j >Baltyfri ore city. Win attend promptly and perseverxngly to all ! ■business entrusted to his care. R. R. Boarman, ATTORNEY AT LAW AXD SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Bmedley Row. opposite Court House, TOWSOSTOWJI. ‘TTTILH promptly attend in all business en- Jj trusted to nis care. Jan. 18.—tf ~ < •* ' __ M.EWIS H. WHKRLER. WILI UH S. KRBCB Wheeler Sc Keech, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ixb' ' ' SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, -•Office No. 1 and 2 Smedley Row, Towsontown. HAVING formed a PARTNERSHIP fo t tbe practice of Law, will give p.ompt atten tion to the collection of claims and business in • general in the Orphans’Court and Circuit Cdurt for Baltimore eounty. Aug. 27,1359-tf DR. G. H. DAVISON HAVING located in TOWSONTOWN, offers his professional services to the publie. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE—Next door to ,residence of Jos. J. Btewart, EBq., Pennsylvania Avenue. July 23.—tf , , B. W. Tbmplbuas. Chas. J.Pensisgtox Wm. H. Shiplet. ' f Agent* for salt of Maryland Lands, Office {up stairs) No. 48 Lexington it., Baltimore. B. W. Templeman, k Co., /’'VFFER their services tC the public for the llgale of Farms, and Real Estate generally. Thor have, as 6urveyors, a.general knowledge of the lands of parts of the-State, and unusual facilities otherwise for the transaction of ouch business. Plats aad descriptions of all prop ortie they may have for sals, will be kept in form. Parties wishing to sell or purchase Jlul please eommunieate by letter as above. i-7 OFFICIAL RECORD FOR 1865. | Public Officers of the United States. President —Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. Vice President —Haunibal Hamlin, of Maine; after March 4th, Andrew Johnson, of Term. Secretary of State —William 11. Soward, of Now York. Secretary of the Treasury— William Pitt Fes senden, of Maine. Secretory of TTor—Edwin M. Stanton, of Pennsylvania. Secretary of the Navy— Gideon Welles, of Con necticut. i Secretary of the Interior —John P. Usher, of Indians. ■ , Postmaster General —Win. Dennison, of Ohio. Attorney General —James J. Speed, of Ken tucky. Judge-Advocate General —Jo*. Holt, of Ken tucky. Provost-Marshal General —James B. Fry. Commissioner of Internal Revenue —Joseph J. Lewis, of_PtansyvaniA. Commissioner of Agriculture —lsaac Newton, of Pennsylvania. Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court —Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio. - .r Public Officers of Maryland. Governor —Augustus W. Bradford, Baltimore eounty. , , Lieut Governor —Christopher C. Cox, Talbot eounty. Secretary of State— William B Hill, Baltimore city. ■ * Attorney tfehcra'— Alexander Randall, Anne Arundel county. ' - - Adjutant General —John 8. Berry, Baltimore county. Comptroller —Robert J. Jump, Caroline eo. Treasurer —Robert Fowler, Baltimore county. Commissioner of Land Office —William L. W. Seabrook, Frederick county. Judges Courtof Appeals —B. J. Goldsborough, Ist district: JamCs L. Bartol, 2d district; S. Morris Cochran, 3rd district; Daniel Weisel, 4th district; Richard I. Bowie, 6th district. | Superintendent of Public Instruction —L. Van , Bokkelcn, Baltimore coun.ty. United States Senators—Reverdy Johnson, j Baltimore city ; Thomas Holiitlsy Hicks, Dor- j Chester county. Representatives in Congress —J. A. J. Creswell, , Ist district; Edwin 11. Webster, 2d district; Heavy Winter Davis, 3rd district: Francis 1 Thomas, 4th district; Beujaman G. Harris, 3th district. Public Officers of Baltimore County. Judge— Richard Grason. * State’s Attorney —John T. Eusor. Clerk —John H. Longneoker. Sheriff— James Thompson. Register —John Philpot. - Treasurer —Christian Gore. Judges of the Orphans' Court —Stephen W. Falls, James A. Standiford, Joseph Merryman. I County Commissioners —Jo6hua F. Cocksy, I James Button, Daniel J. McCauley. I State Senator —Edward T. Philpot. House of Delegates —W. H. Hoffman, George Slothower, D. K\ Lusbv, David King, Z. Potect, N. H. Parker. ' 1 Collectors of Internal Revenue —Joe. J. Stew art, 2d district: George W. Sands, sth district. , Assessors of Internal Revenue —John W. Web ster, 2d district; Wm. Welling, sth district. Board of Enrolment, 2d District —Robt. Cath- - eart, Provost Marshal: Jona. J. Chapman, Com- < missioner; J. Robert Ward, Surgeon. Board of Enrolment, bih District —John C. Holland, Provost Marshal; Benjamin Whit wright, Commissioner; Dr. Dorsey, Burgeon. COUNTY ADVERTISEMENTS, j WARKE.V STORE, AT THE i WARREN FACTORY, : BALTIMORE COUNTY. ■ rpHIS property having recently changed . 1. hands, has been thoroughly renovated, im proved and enlarged. The Store House is now * second to none in the county for beauty and eon- * venience, and the STOCK OF GOODS embra- * ces the best of every kind that can be selected * in Baltimore city, which consists of Hardware, China, and Crockery ware, j Earthen and Stone Ware, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Drugs, Medicines, Glass, Putty, ' i WHITE LEAD, LINSEED A NEATS FOOT OIL, TIN AND WOODEN WARES, HAMS, SHOULDERS, HER RINGS, MACKEREL. G. A. AND FINE SALT. In short anything that can bo found in a well | regulated country store, wh ch we will sell at city prices for CASH ! PRODUCE i Of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at full ! MARKET PRICES. H. P. THOMAS, For Warren Manufacturing Company. BALTIMORE & TOWSONTOWN RAILWAY. ON an after Monday, October 10th, 1864, cars will LEAVE BALTIMORE EVERY HOUR, i In the Charles Street Cars, corner of Baltimore and North streets, FROM 7 A. M. TO 6 P. M., except 12 M. And will leave I CORNF.R EAST AND ENSOR STS., Old Town, EVERY HOUR, FROM 7.15 A. M. TO 6.16 P. M. f Except at 12.15 noon. : The cars connect at North Boundary Avenue, i LEAVE TOWSONTOWN EVERY HOUR, FROM 7 A. M. TO 7 P. M., exeept at 12 M. A car will leave the corner of EAST AND ENSOR STREETS at 11 P. M. Oct. 15.—tf A. D. BANKS, Agent, CHANGE OP HOURS. Baltimore, Catonsville & Ellicott’s Mills fgrTbITiVMFM 1 ! RAILWAY. I FALL and winter arrangement. ON and after Monday, October 3d, 1564, cars will run HOURLY, FROM 7 A. M. TO 12 M., ANO !* FROM 2 TO 7 P. M., DAILY, Sundays included. PASSENGERS TO AND FROM ELLICOTT’S ; MILLS will leave daily, Sundays included, at 8 and 11 A. M., and 2 and 5 P. M. j Depot west end of Baltimore street. ; Qet. B.—tf Towsontown Pemale Seminary. Boarding & Day School for Young Ladies. MRS. MARGARET R. BCHEXCK, Phiscipal, Late Principal of the Columbus Female Semi • nary, Ohio. THIS Institution will be open ed for the reception of pupils ] on Wednesday, September 7th. M[ 1 Mrs. Schenck has been ing for many years, and has references and testimonials of the highest character from per sons who have had daughters under her care, and others, which she will be happy to show Principal, Towsontown, or Messrs. CUSHING A BAILEY’S and othar bookstores, Baltimore. Jqly SO.—6m WANTED! WANTED! CORN HUSKS WANTED. T YILL bur and reoeive DRY UNHACKLED I HUSKs7an3 P ay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE tor the same during the year, in any quantity, and also OAT ST&AW bought at the Old Stand of D. A. POLLACK, Ne, 98 IT. Howard Street, Pet. Rnltimere, | REPORT OF THE GRAND JURY, OF BALTIMORE COUNTY. To the Honorable Richard Grason, Judge of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County. THE Grand Jury of Baltimore county respect fully report, that tkev have visited the Jail and found it in a very clean and comfortable condition, while the prisoners, four in number, are well cared for and attended to by the effi cient warden of the institution, George W. Til eon, Esq. They found seme repairs to different parts of the building much needed, would recom mend that the following be attended to, viz : The pavement of the brick floor in the base ment; the sower; the .water range; the railing around the corridor of the first story; glazing the windows, and a leak in the roof, where it joi::s. the chimney. The Grand Jury’s attention has been called to repairs in certain part S-of the Court House which are. greatly needed. They find the pi pes in the water closet of the jury room \vrV I much out of order; also the ceiling of the pris oner’s room, and would recommend that they be early repaired. The Grand Jury have examined the books and accounts of the Treasurer, and find them correct, and they recommend the speedy collec tion of the accounts of the past Collectors, which accounts accompany this report. All of which is respectfullv submitted. LOUIS BONSAL. Foreman Grand Jury. Grand Junr Room, 1 Towsontown, January 10th, 1865. ) The uudersigned, a committee appointed by the Grand Jury of Baltimore county, to inves tigate the condition of the accounts of the Treasurer of Baltimore county, beg leave to re- Sort that they have.examincd theVooks, which ave given ample satisfaction, and exhibit the following statement: The entire receipts and disbursements of the Treasurer of Baltimore county, for the year ending Decembeer 12th, 1864, are— Receipts $115,701 84 Disbursements 109,110 12 Balance. $6,591 72 Amounts received and paid out on account of School Fund: Received. Paid. On Lew of 1863, 8,419 00 9,100 00 “ “ 1864, 17,673 00 18,150 00 $26,09200 $27,25000 Amounts due by Collectors on the following levies : Henry Green, 1831, $ 112 97 Samuel Jordan, 1833, 1,107 88 Jesse it. Lowe, • 1844,) 423 00) “ “ 1845, - 1.483 68 V 3,160 94 “ “ 3846,) 1,254 26 .) Richard Wilson, 1844,) 112 15 ) ~, “ “ 1845, / 148 58/ 2t, ° ,3 John W. Onion. 1846, 280 10 $4,922 62 Thomas Saicr, 1846, 703 57 Selman Cox, 1846, 189 96 Samuel P. Storm, 1852, ) 3,4Sfe 57 ) 0 ~, ~ “ “ 1853. / 4 ; 657 57 / 8,144 1 $13,960 29 Thomas M, Scott, 1860, 46 83 Thomas Cross, 1860, 500 89 Thomas M. Scott, 1861, 144 69 Thomas Cross, 1861, 4,791 87 Thos. E. Wantland, 1862, 57 65 William Foster, 1862, 86 79 James H. Onion, 1862, 87 31 James L. Ridgely, 1863, 265 00 T. K. Wantland, 1863, 52 52 William Foster, 1863, 590 59 Henry L. Bowen, 1863, 788 49 J. B. McComas, 1863, 24 09 James 11. Oniou, 1863, 1,115 92 Jesse Fowler, 1863, 177 05 G. H. Whittemore, 1864, 4,362 52 John K. Harvey, 1864, 1,481 74 J. L. Ridgely, Jr., 1864, 3,666 09 Jacob Berkley, 1864, 654 62 Benj. B. Bush, 1864, 378 68 William Foster, 1864, 916 90 Abm.JeßSop, 1864, 3,507 61 Henrv L. Bowen, 1864, 6.301 17 J. B. McComas, 186-1, 1,367 93 James H. Onion, 1864, 2.988 33 William Button, 1864, 4,889 01 Amt. due Baltimore county, $51,104 53 Respectfnllv submitted, NICHOLAS N. HAIGHT, JOHN DITCH, NELSON COOPER, Jnn. 21.—3 t. Committee. ENROL LED ME N! DRAFTED MEN!! WE ARK PREPARED AT ALL TIMES TO FURNISH SUBSTITUTES Promptly, to men of the Counties, either be fore or subsequent to draft, for one, two, or three years. Obtaining cur Substitutes at first prices, we are able to furnish them to our patrons at rates reasonably remunerative to us, and highly ad vantageous to them. Quotas of Districts Pilled in Whole ; or in Part. All Special Contracts Guarantied ! ! J. IY. FOSTER & CO., No. 20 SECOND 6T., (UP STAIRS,) Jan. 21.—1 m. Baltimore, Md. M. & J. DUFFY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Cathedral at., near Howard, Baltimore, KEEP on hand a large and varied assort ment of GROCERIES, WINES and LI gBEarvQUORS; HORSE FEED of *lldsgfl fcfc+aHkinds ; Patapsco, Family andy FLOUR, and other good®- 80 ®" brands selected for family use. Also, TAR by the barrel or less quantity ; ’a good assurtraent of BACON, FISH, SALT, OILS, Ac. Will pay the highest market prioe for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and GRAIN of all kinds. Sep. 16. 1860. ly thomassYwilcox, BOOT AUD SHOE BAKER, No. 134 North Gav street, Baltimore, ftt SIGN OF THE GOI.DEN BOOT, KEEPS on hand and make kt> order, all kinds of GENTLEMENS’ and faADIES’ WORK, of the best style of workmanship, and on rea sonable terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK, both coarse and fine, and work suitable for ser vants’ wear. Country friends, please give me a call. Jan. 8,1864—1 y T. S. W. JOSEPH ' REULLY’S SALOON A RESTAURANT, No. 11 South street, Baltimore. OYSTERS, GAME, Ac, served a P at short notice. x English. Irish and Bcotch ALES, and BROWN STOUTS of mostapprovod brands. Superior six-years-old ENGLISH ALE- from the celebrated brewery of Burton on Trent, to be had on draught. An infallible remedy for Dvspeprfin. Sep 12.—fun _ GIDEON HERBERT, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND COLLECSTOB, TOWSONTOWN. Office in the Sherif’s Office. WILL attend promptly to calls of all kia da where his services as an officer are re quired. He will collect accounts against peir sons in any part of the county, either by or without, and make returns promptly. Pac. 30.—4 t. ~ ' ” BEFORE THE DRAFT! Put in a Substitute! TYON'T delay until you are drafted,' then I ) your substitute will co*t you double. ‘Xml To save money and avoid trouble eall In non MILES A CO., at the Ohureh, Corner Baltimore'and Sxeter Sts., Baltimore. Jan- lA~la, jtlffi foettn. to" MY OLD BOOT. Miue ancient pedal friend, a last farewell t So laany days we’re footed it together The lane of life, in fair and stormy weather, Mine eyes wellnijrh their lid-dikeg orerswell. I well remembsr when thou didst encase My nether limbs with pressure warm and tijfht; And many a corny twinge from morn till night Evinced the ardency of tlilne embree. Boon, like the lore of some long-married wife, Thy grap, If not as strong, was still as true. And pleasanter; &I -4 as we grew in life, Thou wsrt as gentle as a plaint shoe; And while on thee I trampled every day. To eliield me thou didst wear thy very sole away. Though I despise the slander-monger's art, Andseorn the wretch who blackens the fair fame Of one whose richest fortune is hla name, (The wretch whose steel goes deeper than the heart,) Yet it ha 3 been my daily wont. I own, To black thy face uat(l its skin has shone With ebou glow, as lustrous as the hue That forms the charm of Guinea’s native breed. Mot ’liras not that I hated thee : indeed, I prized thee so. that when thy sole broke through And let in water, ’twas my special heed A -3KU> of awls thy gaping would sho ’.ud sew ; Aud twitching pangs athwart my pocket shoot To part with thee at last, 0 worn and faithful bool! Tijpo. Advertiser. Private Miles O’Reilly’s Last. snimnv, rsaar a vorier—a lyric or mixrd Ltoi'oas. Let us drink in golden sherry, As we oft have drank before, Let us drink to General Terry, Long of head and body—very, To our own, dear Alfred Terry, Of the old Tenth army corps I Mixing drinks is dangerous—very. Bringing headaches we deplore ; But to Porter, feeling merry. We drink deep in golden sherry, Be it long 'eve Charon’s wherry, That grim Admiral ferries o’erf Pill to Porter aud to Terry, They are names that we adora, Prom Connecticut to Kerry, Some in grog and some in sherry, “To the Admiral and to Terry’’— Deep libations let u* pour I Bring the picks, and let us bury On New England's rugged shore, General Butler, who is very Par from feeling extra merry, As he reads about Alf Terry, Of the old Tenth army eorpsl Mr. Lincoln, who is very Deeply skilled in classic loro, Is devoted to his “Terry”— His “Terentiua Afer,” very ; But we better like Alf Terry, Of the old Tenth army corps! Iliercllanconjs. ' PAULJONES. by jA-iviss’roiT. Paui Jcncs was the first man that ever hoisted the Stars and Stripes on a ship of war. When the revolutionary war broke out he was living in Philadelphia, in ex treme poverty. ludecd, he was almost pen niless, and had scarcely a friend in the col onies. He wa9 born on the southern coast of Scotland, where he lived till ho was twelve years old, and then, having a pas sion for the sea, he served a regular ap prenticeship of seven years on board a ship trading to America. He learned his busi ness thoroughly as great men always do.— There never lived a better sailor than Paul Joues, and he knew the British coast as fa miliarly as a newsboy knows Nassau. Af ter following the sea until he was twenty one years old, he settled a merchant in the West Indies, where he acquired a little property, and had good prospects of mak ing a fortune. But in 1774, when lie was but twenty-four years of age, he was oblig ed, for some reason he would never tell, to suddenlv leave the island of 1 obago, and he sailed for Philadelphia with just fifty pounds in his pocket; and that was all the money be ever received from his properly in Tobago. There is said to be a woman at the bottom of every mischief. This, as our readers well kuow, is a slander on the fair sex. But the intimate friends of Paul Jones always supposed that it was some af fair of love that caused him to abandon hie home and property in the West Indies. He was always noted for his chivalric and respectful devotion to the ladies. In Philadelphia he lived a year and eight months on his fifty pounds, since commerce was nearly suspended by the refusal of the colonists to consume British manufactures, aDd he could get no birth on ships or shore. Just as he was getting to his last guinea, living almost on bread and water, Congress resolved to have a navy.. I hen he came forward and made known hissilua tion and past history to a member of Con gress, who saw the stuff he was made of, took his cause in earnest, and got him a lieutenant’s commission in the navy of the United Stateß. Let us say, however that Paul Jones was not a needy adventurer. He was wholly devoted to the cause of his adopted country, He understood the quar rel between the’ colonies and the mother country, and embraced the right side of the dispute with all his heart and mind. His success on the sea was wonderful.— In one short cruise on the American coast he took sixteen prizes, of which he burnt eight that were not worth saving, and sent in eight. He did not refuse battle even with the King’s ships, one of which he cap tured that had on board a compauy of. troops and teu thousand suits of clothes, which were worth to Congress, just then their weight in silver. In about eight months he made a fortune in prize money, and had absolutely swept the coast clear of all the British vessels sailing without a powerful convoy. Congress was prompt in rewarding him. July 14, 1776, when he was not yet thirty years old, he was appointed to command the “Rangers," the best vessel of our in fant navy, ranking as a sloop of war. At the mast head of this immortal ship, the Stars aud Stripes, were first flung to the breeze; it was on this ship that the ensign 1 of the Union first received a salute fro-m the guns of a friendly nation. This occur i red in the French harbor of Brest in Feb ruary, 1778, just one week after Dr. Frank lin had signed the treaty of alliance with . France. > x new and brilliant scene now opened in ' the career of this heroic sailor. Closing the ports of the “Rangers,” and removing every other trace of her warlike character, he sailed boldly into the Channel, aud made ' his way to that part of the coast upon which he was born, and to tha town from which he had sailed ten years before, every ‘ wharf and lane of which he knew. It was ’ Whitehaven a place of several thousand in habitants, and the harbor of which cor* ' tained 300 vessels, fastened close together. At daybreak, with two boats and thirty-one men, he landed on a wharf ofthe town, provi ded with alantern and twobarrels. He went alone to a fort defending the town, and, finding it deserted, climbed over the wall, and spiked every gun, withont alarming the garrison, who where all asleep in the . guard-house near by. Then he surrounded I the gnard-house, and took every roan pris j oner, Neit b sprang into the only remain- ing fort, and spiked its guns. All this ! was the work often minutes, was acconi- j plisbed without noise and without resistance, j Tie ships being then at his mercy, he made j a bonfire in the storage of one of them j which blazed up through the hatch-way , while Jones and liis men stood by, pistol j in hand, to keep off the people, whom the flames had alarmed, and who came running | djwu to the shore in hundreds. To the forts! was the cry. But the forts wore harmless. When the lire had made such headway that the destruction of the whole fleet seemed certain, Captain Jones gave the order to embark. He was the last to take his place in the boat. He moved off leisurly from the shore, and regained his ship without the loss of a man. The people, however, succeeded in coufining Ihe fire to two or three ships. But the whole coast was pan ic stricken. • Every able bodied man joined the companies of patrolmen. It was many a month before the inhabitants of that shore went to sleep at night without a certaiu dread of Paul Jones. The next day he landed near the castle of the Earl of Selkirk, intending to take the Earl prisoner, and keep him a3 hostage for the better treatment of American pris oners in England, whom the king affected to regard as felons, and who were confined in common jails. The Earl w r as absent j from home. The crew demanded liberty i to plunder tho castle, in retaliation for the j ra7ages of British captains on the coast of America. Captain Jones could not deny j the justice of their demand ; yet, abhorring j the principle of plundering private houses j and especially one inhabited by a lady, he i permitted the men to take the silver plate only, forbidding the slightest approach to violence or disrespect. The silver plate he himself bought when the plunder was-sold, and sent it back to the Countess of Selkirk, with a polite letter of explanation and apol ogy. The haughty Earl refused to recieve it; but Captain Jones* after a long corres pondence, won his heart, and the silver wa9 replaced in the closet of Selkirk Castle, eleven years after it had been taken from it. Such was the persevering chivalric gener osity of Captain Jones. The day after his visit to Lady Selkirk wa3 that of his great fight with the British man of war, the “Drake.” The “Drake.” he heard, was lying at anchor in the harbor of Carrickfergus. As he was running with the fixed intention to fight her there, he saw her standing out to sea in quest of him. They met. The fight was short and furi ous. In an hour and four minutes, the “Drake” struck, having lost her captain, first lieutenant, and forty men. The “Ran ger’s, loss was nine. The victory electrified Europe. The au dacity, the valor, and success of Paul Jones were the admiration of the world. Old Dr. Franklin, who had planned the enterprise, and had sent out to America for a captain to come and execute it, was enchanted.— In Paul Jones’ subsequent troubles, he always had a staunch friend and protector in Franklin. A very successful man generally has ene mies. Paul Jones experienced tho truth of this remark. Nevertheless, after much delay and some mortifications, Dr. Franklin succeeded in getting him another ship, the ever famous “Bon Homme Richard,” thus named by Capt Jones in honor of the ven erable editor of Poor Richard’s Almanac. She was a largo slow, rotten old ship, and manued by three hundred and eighty sailors and landsmen of all nations—French, Irish, Scotch, Portuguese, Malays, Maltese, aud a sprinkling of Americans. It was in this ship that the indomitable Jones fought the “Serapis,” a new British ship of forty-four guns, one of the stoutest vessels in the English navy. This was perhaps the most desperate and bloody contest that ever took place between single ships. It was fought in the evening of September 23, 1778, so near the Yorkshire coast that the battle was witnessed by hundreds of specta torson theshore. Capt. Jonesperceivingthe superior strength of the enemy, saw that his only chance was to come to close quarters, early in the fight, got alongside and lashed his ship to the side of the. “Serapis.” By this time however, the “Bon Homme Rich ard” had received eighteen shots below the water line, had four feet of water in her hold, had four guns burst and all the rest disa bled but three, had lost a hundred meu in killed and wounded, and was on fire. Al most, any other man would have given up, for the “Serapis” was still uninjured. Capt. Jones, however, fought on with an energy and resolution undiminished. With his three guns, all aimed by himself, ho kept thnudering away at the foe, while a force of sharpshooters aloft swept the decks of the “Serapis” with musketry. Such was the vigor of this fire of musketry, that at length, no man was sjen on the enemy’s deck. Then the men of the “Bon Homme Richard” formed a line along the main yard, and passed hand granades to the mail at the end, who dropped them down into tho hold of the “Seranis,” doing tremendous execution. For three hours tKe battle ra ged. The “Bon Homme Richard’s” pump was shot away, and then a new danger threatened her. She had gone into action with five hundred prisoners in her steerage, and when the pump was shot away, the offi cer in charge of the prisoners, supposing tho ship sinking, released them. At the same moment a hording partv from the “Serapis” sprang up the sides of tho “Bon Horn mo Richard.” This was the crisis of the battle. Capt. Jones never altered.— The boarders were gallantly repulsed ; the prisoners were driven below aud the fight was renewed. At half past ten in the eve ning, the British ship being on fire in ma ny places, her captain struck his colors.— The “Bon Homme Richard,” was so com • pletely knocked to pieces, that she could not be kept afloat. She sank the next day, and Captain Jones went into port in the captured ship, with seven hundred priso ners. This great victory raised his fame to the highest point. The King of France gave him a magnificent diamond hiked sword, and Congress voted him a gold medal. Af ter the war was over, the Empress of Rus sia invited him to join her navy with the rank Of Rear Admiral. He accepted the post, but the jealousy and intrigues of the Russian naval officers disgusted him to such a degree that he resigned and returned to Paris. The last years of his life were passed in obscurity. Ho died at Paris in ‘ 1" 92 - Paul Jones was a short thick set man, of great strength and endurance. He bad a keen, bright eye, with a look of wildness in 1 it. His voice was soft and gentle. In his dress and equipage of his boat and ship, 1 "he was something of a dandy. In bravery ; and tenacity of purpose he has never been ; surpassed, but in the intercourse of private i life he wa3 one of the most amiable and ! polite of. men. __ i ggg-“Will yon help me out of this mud r hole ?” said a traveling druggist, who had i just been compelled to stop his team in a . mud-hole, because they couldn’t pull it out. ‘No, I can’t stop,’ said the Yankee, who was heavily loaded and was fearful he would > be late for the cars. ‘I would take it as a great favor, besides L paying you,’ said the druggist. , ‘What are you loaded with ?’ asked the , Yankee. r ‘Drugs and medicines,’ said he. ‘l guess I’ll try and get yon out, then, l for lam loaded with tombstones.' They were seen traveling together after • that* Tobacco and Tobacco Smokers. ! | Chemistry of the Weed—Effects | ing—Cigars, Pipes aud Meerschaums. j Ono of tho most interesting and novel of all the speculations on the use of tobacco was submitted to the British Association for the Advancement of Science at its late session, and the information afforded will be well received by that large class of per sons who indulge in the use of the weed. Dr. Richardson first contrived an automa ton smoker, into whose month pipes, cigars aud meerschaums were placed, and the smoko from them being caught aud collect ed, enabled him to determine the products of the combustion. These he determined as, 1, water; 2, free carbon; 3, ammonia; 4, carbonic acid; 5, nicotine; 6, an cm pyreumatic substanco of a resinous bitter extract. Ho says: “Tho water is iu the form of vapor, the Carbon, in minute particles suspended in the water vapor, and giving the eddies of smoko their blue color ; the ammonia is in the form of gas combined with carbonic acid ‘ and the carbonic acid is partly in combination with ammonia. The nicotine, lie says, being a non-volatile body, remains in the pipe ; the empyreumatic substance ! is a volatile body of an ammoniacal nature i of the composition of which the Doctor j confesses himself unacquainted, but which j we have ventured to consider as resin.— i Whatever it is, it is that which gives the | smoke of tobacco its peculiar order, and ! determines the flavor of a cigar. It ad j heres powerfully tp woollen materials, and when concentrated has a most obnoxious and intolerable spiell. The bitter sub stance is resinous anubt vi;*rk color, prob ably having an alkaloid as its base. Tt-is not volatile, and only leaves the pipe or cigar by being carried along in a fluid form.” The varieties of tobacco are innumera ble. Simple tobacco that has not under gone fermentation yields very little free carbon, much ammonia, carbonic acid, lit tle water, a small quantity of bitter extract. The Latakia yields the same products uni formly, the Turkish generally more ammonia, Havana all these products. Cavendish va ries considerably iu its constituents; pig tail yields all very abundantly; the little Swiss cigars yield enormous quantities of i ammonia, and so dry the mouth; Manilas give very little. The Connecticut tobacco is comparatively mild in taste, from tho ab sence of the bitter extract. EFFECTS OF SMOKINO. The water vapor of smoke is not injuri ous, but the carbon in it settles on the mu cous membrane and irritates the throat.— The narcotic effect of tobacco smoke, if re ceived into the lungs, resides in the car bonic acid ; the ammonia causes dryness, a biting of the mucous membrane of the throat, and an increased flow of saliva— experiences familiar to smokers. Absorb ed into the blood, says Dr. renders the fluid too thin, causing an angu larity of the blood corpuscles, suppression of tho biliary secretion and yellowness of skin, quickening and then reducing the ac tion of the heart. In young smokers it produces nausea. It is doubtful whether all these effects are'to be traced to the car bonic acid. If so, most of our mineral wa ters, so freely drank, are dreadful poisons, instead of being remedial agents as they are generally esteemed. The empyreumatic substance seems to have little efl'ect except in giving the pecu liar taste to tobacco smoke, and after a while oT making the breath of smokers un bearable. “Nicotine is rarely ever imbibed by the cleanly smokers,” says Dr. Richard son. It affects only those who smoke se gars by bolding them in the mouth, or dir ty pipes saturated with oily.matte'r. When absorbed, its effects are injurious, such as palpitation of tho heart, tremor and un ■ steadiness of the ujuscels, and great pros tration. It will not, of itself, produce vom iting, it is the bitter extract which is the cause of this, imperceptibly swallowed and taken into the stomach. HOW TO SMOKE. The method of smoking makes all the difference iu the world. Those who use the clean, long pipes of clay—as did our old Knickerbockers —feel only the effect of the gaseous bodies and the free carbon.— ! Wooden pipes and pipes with glass steins aro injurious. Segars should never be smoked to the end; otherwise they are more injurious than all. Dr. Richardson says they should be cast aside as soon as one-half* is smoked, and always smoked from a porous or absorbent tube. Pipes are much less hurtful than segars. The best pipe is a long clay pipe ; next to this, the meerschaum is the most wholesome.— , Dr. Richardson says, the perfection of a pipe will be found in a meerschaum bowl, an amber mouthpiece and a clay stem.— All attempts at pipes to condenso the oil , have thus far failed. Every smoker should ; i be careful ofthe manner in which he smokes. . A short foul pipe is very unhealthy. . The fashion of the meerschaum has large ■ ly prevailed in this country of late years. , The material is now imported in blocks, and manufactured here into various forms, some very band :ome and costly. The pri ; ces range as high aa thirty-fivo dollars.— ! The proprietor of a good meerschaum > thinks as much of it almost as of himself, i If it is well colored, which is the result of f absorbing the oil of the tobacco, it not on . ly becomes beautiful in his eyes, but the > smoko is said to be sweeter to his taste. t . The cigar dealers assert that, notwith * standing the heavy tax on tobacco manu ■ factures, the demand has in no way fallen . off, but the coutrary. I A Patriotic Family. • > We have a family in our town who have '■ sent into the army no less than eight volun ' teers into the country’s service since the commencemet of the rebellion, and strange > to relate not one of them has been wound* ! ed or has been sick any length of time. It * is the family of Mr. John Stahl, residing in Frederick street of this place. The father and two sons, Calvin and Howard, enlisted ! ! in the 87th regiment, and served a three ' years’ term. George Stahl enlisted in the * 130th regt., (of Antietam fame,) and re * mained in service until the time he had vol -1 uuteered for. Next one was Ovid who had * been in the emergency service. William 1 Stahl abont one year ago, entered the I6flth regt., and Howard re-enlisted a few months f ago, and the last but not least, (for there is 1 one more left, who says if tho war contin -1 ues a few years more he will be large enough 5 and intends to enter the service,) is Jacob, > who has just entered tho army as a subsli ; tute. “Well done, good and faithful ser -1 | vants.” —Hanover Spectator. 1 “Domestic Beoeipts in Full.” j BV JOSH BILLINGS. 1 Tew make watermelons the old fashnned i wa—steal them by munelight, and eat them . in the next lot. > Lobsters want tew be boiled whole till 1 they are ded, pour ice cream over them, send for the doctor, eat them before going 5 tew bed, tell your friends the next da that yn have been threatened with an attack of i the—rebels. Tew remove goose pimples—kill the goose. , , Tew knre hams—bathe them in Hostet | tir’s bitters. | t&r Whom God ehoosee, the world refuie*. A Georgia Character. A correspondent of the New York Eve ning Post, who accompanied Gen. Sherman in his march from Atlanta to Savannah, gives that paper a most interesting account of the campaign. Tho whole march was re garded as a pleasure trip by the “boys,” and they met with many amusing incidents. Af ter crossing the Ogeechee, a part of the army bivouacked at Welles’ Station, and here they met a decided original. His con versation is given as follows by the corres pondent : At this Station we came across an old man named Wells, who was the most origi nal character I ever met. He was a depot master in the days when there was a rail road here. He is a shrewd old man, and seemed to understand tho merits of the war question perfectly. He said : “They say you are retreating, but it is the strangest sort of retreating I ever saw. Why dog bite them, the newspapers have boeu lying in this way all along. They al lers are whipping the federal armies, and they allers fall back after the battle is over. It was that ar’ idee that first opened my eyes. Our army was allers whipping the Feds, and we allers fell back. I allers told ’em it wa3 a d—d humbug and now by I know it, for here you are right on old John Wells’ place ; hogs, potatoes corn and fences all gone. I don’t find any fault. I expected it all." “Jeff. Davis and the rest,” he continned, “talking abont splitting the Union. Why, if South Carolina had gone out by herself, sho would liave been split in four pieces by this time. Splitting the Union ! Why d—n it, the State of Georgia is being split right through from end to end. It is these rich fellows who are making the war, and keep- . ing their precious bodies out of barm’s way. There's John. Franklin went through here the other day. rutming away from your ar my. I could have played -datninoes on his coat tail. There’s my poor sick with small pox at Macon, working for etev-~~ - en dollars a month, and hain’t got a cent of the d—d stuff for a year. ’Leven dol lars a month and seven thousand bullets a minute. I don't believe in if; sir. “My wife came from Canada, and I kind of thought I would some time go there to live, but was allers afraid of the ice and cold ; but I can tell you this country is get ting too cussed hot for me. Look at my fence rails burning there. I think I can stand the cold better. “I heard as how they cut down the trees across your road up countyaud burnd the bridges : why (dog bite their , hides) one of your Yankees can take up a tree and carry it off, tops and all; and there’s that bridge you put across the river in less than two hours—they might as well try to stop the Ogeechee as you Yankees. “The blasted rascals who burnt thisyer® bridge thought they did a big thing ; a nat ural born fool cut in two had more sens® in cither end than any of them.” “To bring back the good old times,” he said “it’ll take the help of Divine Provi dence, a heap of rain, and a deal of elbow grease, to fix things up again.” Care for Soldiers’ Orphans. —An in stitution for the maintenance and educa tion of the orphan children of soldiers and sailors is about being established in Mer cer county, Pa., with an endowment of $200,000, of which Dr. .Egbert alone has agreed to contribute one-half. A similar institution on a large scale is in progress of being founded iu this city, of which Dr. Egbert’s 3,000 shares of oil stock is the be ginning. It is in contemplation to purchas® a farm in the vicinity of Philadelphia, and associate with it suitable schools. At least $500,000 is expected to be raised for this enterprise.— Phila. Ledger. — ♦*— A Soldier's Home. —General Shields, of Minnesota, is very proud of his borne, and this is why we quote his own words:— “I made my pre-emption, as you all know, on the Fairbault praino I paid for it with my own warrant—the warrant which I re ceived for-my services in Mexico—the on ly bounty which I ever raceived from the Government of the United States for thos® services—and I will venture to say that I , am tho first General of the United States Army who ever made his own pre-emption with his own warrant. Now this, I think, is a home to be proud of." Advance of Civilization.— The Savan nah Republican says that in front of tho court-house in that city, there has been for many years a number of tables which were used by negro brokers as auction blocks for the display and sale of slaves. The stands have disappeared with the advance of civ ilization (Sherman's army,) and have been used for firewood to warm Abolition bodies. Ig-A little daughter of a proprietor of a coal mine iu Pennsylvania was inquisitive as to the nature of hell, upon which her father represented it to be a large gulf of fire, of the most prodigious extent. “Pa,” said she; “couldn’t you get the devil to buy his coal of you ?" of the pain and pleasure of mankind arises from the conjectures which every one makes of the thoughts of others. Wo all enjoy praise which we do not bear and resent contempt which we do not see. gig*Rebel Money is so plentiful in Sher. man’s camp that men light their pipes with SSO hills and kindle their fires with SSOOO Georgia state bonds. —♦ t£s"A writer on natural history gives th® following definition of a ram :—“A ram is an animal whose butt is on the wrong end of him.” gp*lt is no shamo to belong to the mi nority. Noah and his family were in th® minority, while the vast majority went td destruction to the rhinocerou9, said Douglas Jerrold, there is nothing in the world arm ed like a woman—and she knows it. iggrThe Chicago Tribune says Congress is subject two two disorders—grab and gab. • Smith compares ihe whistle of a locomotive to the sequal of a lawyer when Satan gets him. men, and the institutions share their improvement; the moral senti> ment w'rites the law of the land. Billings says; ‘Tew’bring up a child in the way lie should go—travel that way yourself.’ you would know a man, mark his gait; most men step to the tune of their thoughts. and churches are the impreg nable fortifications of a free people. I ggHnk is the Black Sea .on which : thoughts ride at anchor. r What kind of paper resembles a sneeze ? Tissue. for life—the man who ‘ marrios happily. jyThe only everlasting people 00 oarth ar® tho shoemakers,