OCR Interpretation

The Baltimore County union. [volume] (Towsontown, Md.) 1865-1909, February 18, 1865, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016368/1865-02-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL. 1.
§a!to. CmuilD Union.
( A Consolidation of the American and
$2.00 PER ANNUM, In Advance.
Xo paper diseontinued until all arrear
agea are paid, unless at the option of the Pub
lishers. A failure to notify its discontinuance
will be considered a renewal of subscription.
One square, (of 6 lines, or less,) one insertion,
SO cents; three insertions, $1; and for exory
subsequent insertion, 25 cents per square.
jKf!-' A liberal deduction made to those who
advertise by the year, or half year.
By consolidating the two Baltimore county
papers, the UNION hat the largest circulation of
any eounty paper in the State, and thus oners
superior advantages to advertisers.
Our office, besides one of Hoe’s beet Tower
Presses, is furnished with a good Job Press and
all the neeessary materials for executing plain
and fancy Job Printing with neatness ana dis
Of all sires and styles printed at short notiee
and on good terms.
Magistrate’s and Collector’s Blanks, Deeds,
and all kinds of Publie Papers always on hand
at the office.
Almanac for 1865.
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Professional Cards.
DR. J. R. WARD een be found daily at his
offiee, until 9$ o’clock A. M., and of 4 o’cl’k,
p. u.
Govanstown, Dec. 24.—4 t
Office and Residence —NEAß EPSOM CHURCH.
Towsontown, Doc. 31, 1864.—1 y
Offiee—Ko. 4 Smedley Row, Towsontown.
HAVING formed a partnership, will give
prompt attention to all law and chancery
business entrusted to their care.
Sep. 17, 1864.—1 y
Amos F. Mussel man,
Office No. 21 Lexington st., Baltimore city.
PRACTICES in the Courts of Baltimore
Jaly 9/1664.—1y
Theodore Glocker,
a jin
No. 44 St. Paul street, Baltimore, Md.
attention given to Chancery
A and Orphans' Court business, in the Courts
ot Baltimore city and county.
All communications or business left with Mr.
JOHN R. D. BEDFORD, Conveyancer, Towson
town, will be promptly attended to.
March 12, 1864—tf.
O. C. Warfield,
JP REP ARES applications for
Feb. 20—tf
Jos. P. Merryman.
71 West Fayette street, Balt.
Jan. 9,1864. —1 y
John T, Ensor,
Office, No. 7 Smedley Row,
Towsontown, Md.
J)RACTICES in the Courts of Baltimore, Har-
Jl ford, Howard and Carroll counties, and of
Baltimore city.
Will attend promptly and pcrseveringly to all
business entrusted to his care.
Pet. 12, 1861.—tf _
R. R. Boarman,
Smedley Row, opposite Court House,
WILL promptly attend to all business en
trusted to his care.
Jan. 18.—tf
Wheeler ft Keech,
Offiee No. 1 and 2 Smedley Row, Towsontown*
TT AVING formed a PARTNERSHIP for the
IT.practice of Law, will give p.ompt atten
tlonto the collection of claims and business in
general in the Orphans'Courtand OJrcuitCourt
for Baltimore county.
Aug. 27, 1859—tf
XTAVING located in TOWSONTOWN, offers
■This professional services to the public.
residence of Jos. J* Stewart, Esq., Pennsylvania
July 23.—tf
RW.T*wri.EM4i. Chas. J. Pennington
Ww. H. Bhimi.bt.
Agents for sale of Maryland Lands,
OJtes (up stairs) No. 4S Lexington st., Baltimore.
R. W. Templeman, ft Cp.,.
OFFER their service# to the pdblit! fbr the
Sale of Farms, and Real Estate generally,
H They have, as Surveyors, a general knowledge
I L tf the lands of parts of the State, and unusual
\ tcilities otherwise for the transaction of such
\ minus. Plats and descriptions of all prop
i ties they may have-for sale, will be kept m
ok form. Parties wishing to sell or purebasl i
1 please eemmunlsate by letter as above. I
Official Record for 1865.
! Public Officers of the United States.
■ President —Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois.
| Vice President —Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine;
after March 4th, Andrew Johnson, of Teun.
I Secretary of State —William H. Seward, of
| New York.
j Secretary of the Treasury—; William Pitt Fes
senden, of Maine.
Secretary of War—Edwin M. Stanton, of
Secretary of the Navy —Gideon Welles, of Con
Secretary qf the Interior —John P. Usher, of
Postmaster General —Wm. Dennison, of Ohio.
Attorney General —James J. Speed, of Ken
tucky. *I • - ‘ ; . ill -i- *
Judge Advocate General —Joa. Holt, of Ken
Provost- Marshal General —James B. Fry.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue —Joseph .T.
Lewis, of Peansyvania.
Commissioner of Agriculture —lsaae Newton,
of Pennsylvania.
Chief -Justice of the Supreme Court— Salmon
P. Chase, of Ohio.
Public Officers of Maryland.
I Governor— Augustus W. Bradford, Baltimore
j county.
Lieut. G&vtrnor —Christopher C. Cox, a albot
' countv.
Secretary of State —Willis m B. Hill, Baltimore
Attorney General —Alexander Randall, Anne
Arundel county.
Adjutant General— John 8. Berry, Baltimore
Comptroller —Robert. J. Jump, Caroline co.
Treasurer —Robert Fowler, Baltimore county.
Commissioner of Land Offiet —William L. W.
Seabrook, Frederick county.
Judges Court of Appeals —B. J. Goldsborough ,
Ist district; James L. Bartol, 2d district; S.
Morris Cochran, 3rd district ; Daniel Weisel,
4th district: Richard I. Bowie, sth district.
Superintendent of Public Instruction —L. Van
Bokkelen, Baltimore county.
United States Senators— Reverdy Johnson,
Baltimore city; Thomas Holliday Hicks, Dor
chester county.
Representatives in Congress—J. A. J. Creswell,
Ist district; Edwin H. Webster, 2d district;
Heury Winter Davis, Brd district; Francis
Thomas, 4th district; Benjaman G. Harris, sth
Public Officers of Baltimore County.
Judge— Richard Orason.
State’s Attorney —John T. Ewsor.
Clerk —John H. Longnecker.
Sheriff— James Thompson.
Register —John Philpot.
Treasurer—Christian Gore.
Judges of the Orphans' Court —Stephen W.
Falls, James A. Staivdiford, Joseph Merryman.
1 County Commissioners —Joshua F. Cockey,
James Button,-Daniel J. McCauley.
State Senator— Edward P. Philpot.
House of Delegates —W. H. Hoffman, George
Slothower, D. K. Lusbv, David King, Z. Potcet,
X. H. Parker.
Collectors of Internal Retenve —Jos. J. Stew
art, 2d district; George W. Sands. sth district.
Assessors of Internal Revenue —John W. Web
ster, 2d district; Win. Welling. sth district.
Board of Enrolment, 'ld District —liobl. Oath
cart, FrovostMarshal; Jona.J. Chapman, Com
missioner; J. Robert Ward, Surgeon.
Board of Enrolment, hth District —John C.
Holland, Provost Marshal; Benjamin Whit
wright, Commissioner; I)r. Dorsey, Surgeon.
* —————* ' " ; "
County Advertisements.
frvHIB property having recently changed
I. hands, has been thoroughly renovated, im
proved and enlarged. The Store House is now
second to none in the county for beauty and con
venience, and the STOCK OF GOODS embra
ces the best of every kind that can be selected
in Baltimore city, which consists of
m Goods,
Hardware, China, and Croclceryware,
Earthen and Stone Ware,
Drugs, Medicines, Glass, Putty,
In short anything that can be found in a well
regulated country store, wh ch we will sell at
city prices for CASH !
Of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at full
11. P. THOMAS.
For Warren Manufacturing Company.
Dec. '' —ly.
I AM receiving weekly fresh
additions tw my stock c>f 1
QUEENS WARE, Ac., which
Persian Sloth; Ladies’ Black Dress emits;
Valencias and De Baire; assortment of Pur
ples and Mournings (English Prints); Manches
ter and Domestic Ginghams; Ladies’Shawls in
great varieties, and Mantillas; Nubias; French
Worked Collars; Undersleeves ; Insertions and
Edgings; Furniture Calico; Ladies', Gentle
men and Childrens’ Hosiery in great variety ;
Black Alpacas from 25 to 75 ets; Bleached
and Unbleached Muslins ; Shirting Linens
from 25 to 87i ets.; Table Diapers and Cloths ;
Sheetings, bleached and unbleached ; Napkins
from 75 eta. to $3 per do*.; Linen, Habakuk,
Diaper, and Linen Crash, bleached and un
Gentlemens’ Black Doeskin Cassimeres,
and a beautiful quality of French Cloths, Cs
sinelts, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, with every
variety of gentlemens’ wear.
Sugar, Molasses, Green and Browned Coffees
of the best quality always on hand; Green and
Black Teas; Best Sugar-fcured Hams, Middling
and Shoulder Baeou, Baltimore cured—with a
general assortment of Groceries, Provisions,
Hardware, Qaoensware, Tinware, Medicines,
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac., Ac., in great
Also, Super, Uxtra, Best Extra, and Family
Mv 3.—tf Towsontown, Md.
Towsontown Female Seminary.
Bearding & Day School for Young Ladies.
Late Principal of the Columbus Female Semi
nary, Ohio.
THIS Institution will be open
ed for the reception of pupils
on Wednesday, September 7th.
Mrs. Schenek has been
ing for many years, and has references and
testiiuonials of the highest character from per
sons who have had daughters under her care,
and others, which she will be happy to show
to any who may desire to see them.
Circulars can be obtained by applying to the
Principal, Towsontown, or Messrs. CUSHING
A BAILEY’S and other bookstores, Baltimore.
July 30.—6 m
The firm of Longnecker A Sons having been
dissolved, all persons having claims
against the above firm, of any kind, will please
present them to the undersigned, and all per
sonß being in any way indebted either for sub
scription to the Baltimore County American,or
for advertising, are requested to make immedi
ate payment tb the above. All persons indebt
ed to John H. Longnecker for subscription to,
or advertising in the above paper, previous to
November 15th. 1863, are earnestly requested
to make pavment as abeve. Bills will be sent
to all so indebted.
I Jan. 7.-—tf, '
Railroad Directory.
]\oi‘tlem Central Railway.
Mail leaves Calvert Station at 9.20 A. M.
Pittsburg and Erie Express 8.00 P. M.
[■ Pittsburg and Elmira Express..,...* 10.00 P. M.
Harrisburg Accommodation leaves at 2.50 P. M.
Park ton Accommodation No. 1 * r 7.20 A. M.
Parkton Accommodation No. 3 “ S.’JO P. M.
Mail train arrives at Calvert Station 5.36 T. M.
Pittsburg. Elmira and Erie Express..7.oo A. M.
Harrisburg Accommodation arrives 12.20 A. M.
Parkton Accommodation, No. 2 8.30 A. V.
Parkton Accommodation. No. 4 7.25 P. Ai.
Pittsburg Express through without change oi
Express Train leaves at 10.00 daily.
’ Express Train at 8.00 daily,except Saturdays,
for Harrisburg. Pittsburg and Erie.
’ Express at 10.00 P. M., Sundays, for Ilarris
t burg, Pittsburg and the West only, arrives dai
ly except Mondays.
Express at 8.00 P. M., leaves daily except
Mail daily, except Sundayß. Harrisburg Ac
( commodation loaves daily except Sundays.—
Mail and Express will not stop between* Balti
more and Parkton.
ffaltimore & Ohio Railroad.
Mail Train for the Ohio river will leave Bal
> tirnore daily (except Sunday) at 9.00 A. M.
Express Train will leave Baltimore daily at
> 9.10 P. M.
Both trains connect at the Ohio river for all
points West, Southwest and Northwest.
Frederick Train leaves Baltimore daily at 4.
00 P. M.; and Frederick at 7.00 A. M., Sundays
The Ellicott’s Mills Train leaves Baltimore
at rt.2o and 10.00 A. M., and 2.00 P. M.; and El
licott’s Milk at 7.00 and 11.30 and 3.30 P. M.
Leave Baltimore ai 4.30, 7.00, 8.50, 9.40 a. m.
and 3.30, and 6.00 P. M. On Sundays at
4.30 8.50 A. M., and 3.30 and 6.00 P. M. Leave
Washington at 6.15, 8.15 and 11.15 A. M., and
3.00, 1.30, and 6.45 P. M. On. Sundays at
3.15, 11.15 and 3.00 A. M., and 3.00 P. M. The
O. a. m. and 3.30 p. m. trains only from Balti
more, and the 8.15 a. rn. and 3.00* p. m. from
Washington ship ai way points. The 7.00, 8.50
a. m. and the 3.30 and 6.00 p. m. from Balti
more, and the 6.15 and 8.15 a. m. and 3.ooand
4.30 p. m. trains from Washington connect with
trains on the Annapolis road.
Philadelphia Railroad.
Way Mail Train for Philadelphia and way
stations, at 8.25 a. m.
Express Train for Philadelphia and New
York at 9.20 a. m.
Express Train for Philadelphia and New
York at 1.10 p. m.
Way Mail Train for Philadelphia and way
stations at 4.25 p. m.
Express Train for Philadelphia and N. York
at 6.35 p. m.
Above trains leave daily except Sundays.—
On Sundays for Philadelphia and New York
at 9.25 p. m.
For Salisbury and intermediate points on
Delaware Railroad take 9.25 p. m., train, and
for Dover, Deleware, take the 1.00 p. m., train.
Western Maryland Railroad.
Leave Union Bridge at 4.35 A. M. and 8.47
A. M. Leave Baltimore at 0.20 A. M. and 3.
P. M.
Stages connect daily with Manchester and
Hampstead, at Glen Morris Station, on arrival
of 9.20 A. if. train from Baltimore, and for
Union town, Taney town and Enunittsburg, on
arrival of same train at Linwood Station.
ON an after Monday, October 10th, 186 4. ears
In the Charles Street Cars, corner of Baltimore
and North streets,
FROM 7 A. M. TO 6 P. M., except 12 M.
And will leave
FROM 7.15 A. M. TO 6.15 P. M.,
Except at 12.15 noon.
The cars connect at North Boundary Avenue.
FROM 7 A. M. TO 7 P. M., except at 12 M.
A car will leave the corner of EAST AND
Oct. 15.—tf A. D. BANKS, Agent.
Baltimore, Catonsville & Ellicott’s Mills
ON and after Monday, October 3d. 1864, cars
will run HOURLY.*
FROM 7 A. M. TO 12 M.,
Sundavs included.
MILLS will leave daily, Sundays included, at
8 and 11 A. M., and 2 and 5 P. M.
Depot west end of Baltimore street
! Oct. B—tf
1 Substitute Brokers.
L _
Substitute Brokers and Recruiting Agents.
: Substitutes Wanted and Furnished
> At all Times.
DRAFTED MEN, from the city or any part
of the State, will be furnished with Sub
stitutes at all times on the most liberal terms.
’ RECRUITS WANTED, for which the highest
’ bounty will he paid.
Quotas for filling the wards of the city, or
. any of the counties or districts taken and at
j tended to promptly.
Persons at a distance can hare their business
’ transacted the same as though personally pres
ent by addressing us.
’ We guarantee entire satisfaction to all par
, ties entrusting their business in our hands.
Please call on or address
No. 33 W. Fayette Street, (up stairs,)
Jan. 14.—2 m. Baltimore, Md.
Promptly, to men of tbe Counties, either be
- fore or subsequent to draft, for one, two, or
three years.
Obtaining cur Substitutes at first prices, we
are able to furnish them to our patrons at rates
reasonably remunerative to us, and highly ad
vantageous to them.
I Quotas of Districts Filled in. Whole
or in Part.
• All Special Contracts Guarantied ! !
J. N. FOSTER ft CO.,
' Jan. 21.—1 m. Baltimore, Md.
Enroled and Drafted Men of the City and
L Counties,
NOW is your time to putin good alien SUB
STITUTES, at the shortest possible notice,
and Cheaper thah the Cheapest, thereby ob
. tain ing a release for 3 years, with a guarantee
■ from us besides. SUBS ARE SCARCE and the
all Enroled Men who intend to furnish a SUB.
, previous to the taking place of the Draft, can
, be supplied by making early application at our
| office, 75 West Fayette street, Bible House, up
j stairs, and at our office, Ellicott’s Mills, 4th door
from tbe Provost Marshal’s office.
We do not ask for any money until we preaeut
venr full discharge for three years.
Jan. 14,— 3m, Authorifed Agents.
Jflcrt §Ol%
>l} little birds, with backs as brown
As sand, and throats as white a.l frost,
I’ve searched the summer up and down.
And think the other birds have lost
The tunes you sanjr, so sweet, so low,
About the old house, lon’ ago.
>ly little flowers, that with you bloom
So hid the grass you grew upon,
A child’s foot scarce bad any room
Between you,—are you drad and gone f
I've searched through fields and gardens rare,
Nor found your likeness anywhere.
By little hearts, that beat so high
With love to God, and trust in men,
Oh, come to me, and so.v if I
But dream, or was I dreaming then,
What time we sat within the glow
Of the old-house hearth, long ago?
My little hearts, so fond, so true.
I searched the world all far and wide.
And never found the like of you :
God grant we meet the other side
The darkness ’twixt us now that stands.
In that new house not made with hands!
For the Union.
nr mrs. a. r. ewino.
Tel! me merry little songster.
With your feathery coat so blue,
Are you happy in your little house,
And does your mate prove true?
In your tiny painted house,
That I hang upon the limb,
Are there no words of discord
Heard, the pretty.walls within f
Are there no family bickerings,
Among your little brood,
And are you welcomed home with smiles,
When you daily come with food ?
I hear you sing, “yes happy,
Each day brings pleasures new,
My offspring's kind and dutiful,
My loving mate proves true.”
Then warbling little songster,
Your little borne is fraught
With happiness far greater.
Than many gold has bought.
How to Save.
Charles Lynford was a good mechanic in
good business. At the age of twenty-six
he had taken to himself a wife Caroline
Enstic, the daughter of a neighbor, who
had nothing to bring him but her own per
sonal merits, which were many, and habits
of thrift learned in an economical house
hold, uuder the stern teachings of necessi
It was well, perhaps, that Charles Lyn
ford should obtain a wife of this descrip
tion, as he himself found it very difficult to
save anything from his income.
It was not long before Caroline become
acquainted with her husband’s failing.—
She could not feel quite easy in the knowl
edge that they were living fully up to their
income, foreseeing that a time would come
when their family would grow more expen
sive, and perhaps her husband’s business,
though now Nourishing, might become less
Accordingly, one day, she purchased of
a tin peddler who came to the door, a little
tin safe, such as children frequently use as
a savings bank. This she placed conspic
uously on the mantelpiece, so that her hus
band might be sure to see it on entering.
“Hallo, Carrie, what’s that, eh ?” he ask
ed curiously.
“Only a little purchase I made to-day,"
said his wife.
“But what is it meant for ?” he asked
“Let me illustratc," said his wife, play
fully. “Have you a teu cent piece about
you ?”
Charles drew a dime from his waistcoat
pocket-. His wife, taking it from his hand,
dropped it into the box through a little
slit iu it at the top.
Charles laughed.
“So you have taken to hoarding, Carrie ?
My wife become a miser!”
“No, only a little prudent. But serious
ly, Charles, that is what I want you to do
every night.”
“What—drop a dime into Ibis newfan
gled arrangement ofvours?”
“Very well, that will be easy enough. A
dime is no great harm. But may I know
what you arc going to do with this newly
commenced hoard ?”
“Lay it by for a raiDv day,” answered
Charles laughed merely.
This ended the conversation for the lime.
The plan thus inaugurated by tbe young
wife was steadily carried out. She was not
one of those whom there are so many—who
enter upon a plan zealously but soon tire
of it. In the present case she was fully
satisfied of the wisdom of her purpose, and
resolved to carry it through. Every morn
ing she called upon her husband fora dime,
and every morning it was added to tbe ac
cumulation. Frequeutly.be had not the
right change, but would toss her a quarter
instead. She would answer him, laughing
ly, that it would answer her purpose just
as well.
More than once Charles bantered her on
the subject of her savings bank.’ This she
bore gaily.
But these were not the only accessions
the fund received. Her husband had ear
ly arranged to make her an ample allow
ance for dress—l say ample, though I dare
say some of my city readers might not have
considered it so ; but Caroline, who was in
the habit of making her own dresses, pro
vided herself with a good wardrobe at
much less expense than some not so well
versed in the science of managing could
have done.
After considerable calculation she came
to the conclusion that out of her allowance
she should be able to make a daily deposit
equal to that she had exacted from her hus
band. Of this, however, she thought it
best, on the whole, not to inform Charles,
enjoying in anticipation the prospect of
being able at somo future time to surprise
him with tbe unexpected amount of her
At the close of every month the tin box
was emptied and the contents transferred
to a savings bank of more pretensions,
where interest would be allowed.
When the sums deposited here became
large enough, Mrs. Lynford, who had con
siderable business capacity, withdrew them,
and invested in bank and other stocks,
which would yield a large per cent. Of
her mode of management her husband was
in complete ignorance. Nor did he ever
express any desire to be made acquainted
with his wife’s management. He was an
easy, careless fellow, spending as ho went,
enjoying the present and not having any
particular concern about the future.
At the eDd of eight years, during which
time he had been unusually favored by pros
perity iu business and uninterrupted health,
his books showed that he had not exceed
ed bis income, but that, on the other hand
he bad saved absolutely nothing. Twenty
five cents stood to his credit.
“Running pretty close, ain’t it, Carrie ?
I take credit to myself, though, for keeping
on the right side of the line. But then, I
suppose you have saved up an immense
sum ?”
“How much do you suppose ?” asked his
“Perhaps a hundred dollars,” said Chas.
Lynford carelessly, “though it would take
a ‘good many dimes to make that.”
His wife smiled, hut did not volunteer
j to enlighten him as to the correctness of
i his conjecture. So things went till at
| length came the panic of 1857—a panic so
! recent that it will be remembered how uni
j ver;allv trade am] business of every kind
i were depressed at this period—among oth
! era, the trade which occupied Charles Lyu
! ford suffered.
One evening he came borne looking
i quite serious—an expression which seldom
i came over his cheerful face.
Caroline who had watched the signs of
! the times, was not unprepared to see thi3
.She suspected that her husband’s business
i was affected,
! “Wbat is the matter, Charles?" sbeask
; ed, cheerfully.
“The matter is, that we will have to
! economize greatly.”
i “Anything unfavorable turned up in bu
{ siness matters V’
“I should think there had. I will hare
but half a day’s work for some time to
|.come, and I am afraid that even thin will
| fail before long. You haven’t an idea,
| Carrie, how dull every kind of business has
: become.”
“I think I have,” said his wife, quietly,
“I have read the papers carefully, and have
been looking out for something of this
“Do you think we can reduce onr expen
ses one-half ?” asked the husband, doubt
“I think wo will be able to do so. Both
of us are well supplied with clothing, and
i will not need any more for a year at least.
This will cut off considerable expense.—
Then there are a great many little super
fluities you are accustomed to buy —little
things which yon are kind enough to bring
home to me frequently, which l can do
very well without. Then we can live more
plainly—have less pies and cakes—and I
have no doubt it will be an improvement
as far as health is concerned.”
“What a calculator you are, Carrie,”
said her husband, feeling considerably ea
sier in mind. “I really think after all you
have said that it won’t be hard to live on
half of our usual income—for the present,
at least. But,” and his countenance again
changed, “suppose my work should eutirely
fail—l suppose yon couldn’t, reduce our
expenses to nothing at all, could you ?”
‘That certainly surpasses my powers,’
said his wife, smiling, ‘but even in that case
there is no ground for discouragement.—
You have uot forgotten our savings bank,
have yon ?’
‘Why no, I didn’t think of that,’ said her
husband, ‘I suppose that would keep off"
starvation for a few weeks.’
His wife smiled.
‘And in those few weeks,’ she added,
‘business might revive.’
‘To bo sure,’ said her husband. ‘Well I
guess it will be all right—l will try uot to
trouble myself about it any longer.’
The apprehensions to which Charles Lyn
ford gave expression proved to be only too
well founded. In less than a month from
the date of the conversation just recorded,
' the limited supply of work he had been
| able to secure, failed and be found himself
| without work of any kind, thrown back up-
I on his own resources.
Although he had anticipated this, it
seemed unexpected when it really did come
upon him, and again he returned home in
a fit- of discouragement. lle briefly ox
plained to his wife the new calamity which
had come upon them.
‘And the worst of it is,’ he added, ‘there
will be no better times till spring.
‘Do you think that the business will ro
vive then ?’
‘lt must by that time. But there are
five or six months between. Ido not know
how we are going to live during that^tftme.
‘I do,’ replied his wife, quietly. -sOi.
‘You!’ exclaimed her husband in sur
‘Yes, your income has never beet) more
than six or seven hundred dollars a year,
and I have no doubt we can live six months
on two hundred and fifty dollars.’
‘Yes, certainly, bin where is that money
to come from ? t don’t want to get in debt,
and if I did I should not know where to
‘Fortunately, there is no need of it,’said
Mrs. Lyuford. ‘You seem to forget our
little savings bank.’
‘But is it possible it can amount to two
huDdied and fifty dollars ?’ he asked in sur
‘Yes, and six hundred more,’ said his wife.
•Wait a minute and I’ll prove it.’
Caroline withdrew a inomeut, and reap
peared with several certificates of bank
and railroad shares, amounting to eight
hundred dollars and a book in which the
balance was deposited to her credit.
‘Are you sure you haven’t had a legacy?’
demanded Charles in amazement. ‘Surely
' a dime a day would not produce this.’
“No, but two dimes a day have,
with a little extra deposit now and then.
I think, Charles, that we can ward off star
vation for a time.’
‘All this I owe to your prudence,’ said
Charles, gratefully. ‘How can 1 repay
you ?’
Charles Lynford remained out of employ
ment some months. But in spring, as he
anticipated, business revived, and he was
once more in receipt of his old income.—
More than two-thirds of the fund was still
left, and henceforth Charles was not less
assiduous than his wife in striving to in
crease it.
The little tin savings bank stands on the
mantel-piece, and never fails to receive a
deposit daily.
Should Loyal Refugees be Drafted.—
This inquiry has frequently been propoun
ded to us. We have sought to ascertain
the views of those in authority upon this
question, and will give the numerous class
specially interested the understanding of
them which we have : Those persons who
have never intended and do not now con
template making their present residence
their permanent home, but have always pro
posed and now expect to return to the
States of their residence before the rebel
lion, or before they left on account of their
Union sentiments, are not regarded as sub
jects for draft. Those who have now deci
ded upon a permanent residence where now
located, or away from the confines now cov
ered by the rebellion, are subjects of draft;
but, if drafted, will not be sent to fight the
rebels, but be assigned to the army of tho
Northwest, or other forces within loyal ter
ritory.— Wash. Chron.
The Pacific Coast.— The annual reports
from California show that the total reve
nue of the Federal government on the Pa
cific coast for the past year was about nine
millions of dollars ; the excess of disburse
ments about six hundred and forty-five
thousand dollars. The import duties col
lected amounted to about six millions of
dollars in gold. The total coinage reached
sixteen millions. The entire product in
gold and silver for all the Pacific mines
was about fifty-five millions of dollars.
TiieCkntenary of American Methodism.
—The committee charged by the last gen
eral conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church with the details of the arrangements
for celebrating the centenary of American
Methodism, which occurs in October next,
will meet in Cleveland, Ohio, on -the 22d
instant. The committee consists of the
nine bishops, twelve ministers, and twelve
lay members s>f the church,
The Nev/ Internal Revenue Bill.
The amendatory Internal Revenue Bill,
reported from the committee of ways and
means in the United States House of Rep
resentatives on Monday, makes many chan
ges in the details of the present law.—
Among other things, it provides that in all
sales of spirits hereafter made, a gallon
shall he taken to be a gallon of first proof,
according to the standard set forth and do
dared for the inspection and gnaguing of
spirits throughout the United State*.
Brandy distilled from grapes is to pay a
duty of fifty instead twenty-five cents a
gallon ; aud distilled from apples and peach
es one dollar and fifty ceuts a gallon.
Tobacco, snuff and cigars, whether do
mestic or imported, may bo transferred
without payment of duty from bonded
warehouses, to be taken out iu payment of
Ail!manufactured tobacco, snuff, or cigars
‘ is required, before removed for consump
tion, to be inspected and weighed, and a
stamp is to be affixed upon the box or oth
er package, in the manner to be prescribed
bv the Commissioner!. All cigars are to
1 be packed in boxes, and all manufactured
tobacco, snuff, and cigars, whether doines
-1 tic or imported, which shall be sold or pass
out of the bauds of the manufacturer and
importer, except in a bonded warehouse,
without being inspected, shall be forfeited.
'"he bill proposes to amend section nine-
J ty-niue of the present law, under the head
of brokers,” by striking out the words
“gold aud silver bulliou and coin,” and the
word l -' of “all contractors for such sales,”
| and inserting in lieu thereof the words, “up
‘ on any sales or contracts for the sale of
gold and silver bullion and coin one-tenth
| of one per ceutum on the amount of sales
‘ or contracts.”
Incomes aro to be taxed on persons at
' home or abroad five per centum on the ex
, cess over six hundred dollars, and ten per
centum on the excess over three thousand
1 On any loan of money, or any advance
1 of money on security, whether represented
’ by note or otherwise, for every hundred
r dollars or fractional part, a stamp duty of
two cents is required.
On all cotton on which no duty has been
, levied and collected, and which is not ex
empted by law, a duty of six cents a pound,
until July 1, 1866, and on aud after that
dale five cents, payable in coin.
In addition to the duties imposed in sec
tion ninety-four of the present law, there
. shall bo collected and paid on goods, wares
aud merchandise, except as hereinafter pro
vided, an increase of one fifth, or twenty
per. centum ; provided that this shall not
apply to coal illuminating oil, refined and
naptha, benzine, and benzole, paper of all
description, printed books, magazines,
pamphlets, reviews, and similar publica
tions, cotton, manufactured tobacco, snuff,
cigars, cigarettea and cheroots.
The ninety-fourth section, from which the
articles above named are excepted in the
proposed increase of duties, includes ean
. dies, minerals coals, lard oil, gas made of
coal, spirits of turpentine, ground coffee,
ground pepper, pimento, molasses, sugars,
varnish, glue, wood screws, umbrellas, par
asols, gold-foil, soap, preserved pickels,
photographs, repairs of engines, hulls of
vessels, slate, building stone, furniture, pig
and other kinds of iron, rivets, steel, steam
eugines, copper, skins, leather, wines and
liquors, furs, cloths, ready-made clothing,
manufactures of cotton, diamonds and oth
er precious stones, bullion in lump, ingot,
bar, or otherwise, and other articles iu the
* The bill proposes a duty on petroleum
of six cents a gallon. This before it is re
■ moved, is required to be inspected.
No firm shall employ others to manufac
ture tobacco, snuff or cigars without first
obtaining the requisite permit.
1 The amendatory internal revenue act is
; to go into effect from and afier the Ist of
’ April next.
, A Reminiscence.
How the Xetv6 of Peace was Received in
, 1816.
. Years ago tbe officer of the old Gazette
was in Hanover square, near the corner of
( Pearl street. It was a place of resort for
news cud conversation, especially in the
evening. The* evening of February 15,
1815, was cold and at a late hour only Al
derman Sebraand auother gentleman weie
left with father Lang, the genius of the
place. The office was about to be closed,
* when a pilot rushed in, aud stood for a mo
[ meat so entirely exhausted as to be unable
, to speak. “Tie has great news,” exclaimed
' Mr. Lagg. Presently the pilot grasping
, for breath, whispered intelligibly--“ Peace !
, Peace 1” The gentlemen lost their breath
' as fast as the pilot gaiued his. Directly
the pilot was able to say—“An English
’ sloop is beIQW, with news of a treaty of
* peace!” They say that Mr. Lang exclaim
ed in greater words than ever be used be
. fore—and all hands rushed into Hanover
r scare exclaiming—“ Peace! Peace!”—
Tim windows flew up—for families lived
the"e then. No sooner were the inmates
sure of the sweet sound than the windows
[ began to glow with brilliant illuminations.
’ The cry of “Peace! Peace!” spread through
[ the city at the top of all voices. No one
stopped to iuquiro about “free trade and
sailors’ rights.” No one inquired whether
even the national honor had been preserv
ed. The matters by which tbe politicians
’ had irritated the nation into the war, had*
lost all their importance. It was enougn
that the ruinous war was over. An old
mau on Broadway attracted by the noise
to his door, was seen to pull down a pla
card, “To Let,” which had long been post
! ed up. Never was there such joy in the
' city. A few evenings after there was a
- general illumination, and although the snow
was a foot deep and soaked with rain, yet
the streets were crowded with men and
women, eager to see and partake ot every
thing which bad in it the sight or
peace. —Boston Saturday Gazette.
Military Rulh to be Abolished in Ma
ryland.—lt has been stated that General
Lew. Wallace had been relieved from the
command of the middle military depart
ment. This is an error, as Brig. Gen. Mor
ris is only temporarily in command during
the absence of Gen. Wallace. Itis under
stood here that military rule in Maryland
will soon be abolished altogether, there be
ing no necessity for its continuence since
Maryland has become a free State. So says
a Washington dispatch to a Northern jour
Cincinnati paper, in speaking of the
overthrow of the rebels at Atlanta, says
that just before the Federal troops entered <
the town an Indiana company, almost worn
' out with tbe march, were straggling along
with very little regard to order. Hurrymg j
up to his men the captain shouted, Close i
up, close up! If the enemy were to fire ,
when you’re straggling along that way they
couldn’t hit a cussed one of you ? And
the bovs closed up immediately, <
Methodist Conferences. —The East Bal
timore M. E. Conference will be held this
year at Danville, Pa., commencing tbe first
week in March. The Baltimore Annual ’
Conference meets in Baltimore, in March,
and the Maryland Annual Conference of the
Methodist Protestant Church at Easton
Md., ou the second Wtduesday of March,
The Rebel Peace Commissioners.
A Washington dispatch says: We learn
that Mr. Stephens was the most liberal of
tho rebrl deputation, and tho most anxious
for peace. To an army officer, while at
General Grant’s headquarters, he remarked
that “We arc but one people, and should
have but one common interest.” He said
the leaders who have brought on this con
test cannot now say to their people, “We
have drawn yon into this war, and now that
you have poured oqt your blood and treas
ure until want and woe sit by every fireside
of the South, you must abandon it. That
tens of thousands of graves would be dis
honored if the maimed and emaciated sol
diers who have followed the flag of revolu
tion, impelled in every campaign by their
wives and sisters, with the motto of inde
pendence upon their flag, should now turn
back without having accomplished any
thing. As yet we have gained nothing but
desolation and distress. You should not
ask, you cannot think we must abandon all
and turn back to our old allegiance. You
say slavery is gone. I admit it holds its
tenure upon a very slender thread, then
there is the more reason why you. should
concede us something.”
His theory was, if we would but treat
with them as an independent nation, that
such an agreement could be had as would
practically unite both the North and Sooth.
He did not seem to think that they could
get through another campaign without fear
ful losses, but he thought ours would be as
great, and though we would triumph in the
end, it would be far better for both to cease
this war and treat for peace.
Troy Weight.—Henry 111. caused a
grain of wheat, gathered from the middle
of the ear, to be the standard weight; and
thirty-two of these, well dried, were to
make one pennyweight, twenty penny
weights one ounce, twelve ounces one
pound troy. Since then it has been thought
advisable to divide the penny-weight into
twenty-four equal parts, called grains.—
The word “Troy” was the monkish name
given to London—Troy Novant. Troy
weight, therefore, is in fact, London weight.
l|@ j An amusing fact occured in New York
on the visit of General Grant to that city
on Monday. He took a hack to conduct
him to his hotel. The driver, after depos
iting the General, gave his friends the fol
lowing toast: “Here to me self, Dennis
Connelly, the biggest man in Ameriky but
one. I’ve driven the Lieutenant General
of the United States, and its more than
Robby Leo ever did.” The listeners ap
preciated the force of this sentiment and
applauded the utterer.
The Capacity of Some Cnußcn Edifi
ces.— An English journal gives the capa
city of some of the principal churches of
Europe. St. Peter’s, at Rome, holds 54,-
000 persons ; the Cathedral, at Milan, 37,-
000; St. Paul’s, London, 25,000; St. So
phia’s, Constantinople, 23,000 ; Notre
Dame, Paris, 21,000, ; the Cathedral at
Pisa, 13,000; St. Mark’s, Venice; 7,000.
A Quaker, on hearing a man swear at a
particular hard piece of road, said : ‘Friend,
1 am under the greatest obligations to
thee. I would myself have done what thou,
hast dene but my religion forbids it. Don’t
let my conscience, however, bribe thine ;
give thine indignation wings and suffer not
tho prejudice of others to paralyze the
tonguo of justice and long suffering—yea
IJgf'Brigham Young is an old heathen, but
still has a streak of real civilization in him.
In a late sermon he said the business of his
people was “to build up the kingdom of
God. If I had the power, and I do not
know but I have, I would have cities with
out whiskey and gambling saloons.”
CsTAb Irishman who had been asked to
furnish proof of his marriage, took off his
hat and exhibited a scar on his head.—
“Here, said he, “is me marriage certificate.
That’s Judy’s mark.”
Igg' A disconsolate yduug lady was heard
to remark the other day, that if a cart-wheel
had nine felloes, she didn’t see why she
couldn’t have one.
6gT“You want nothing, do you?” said
Pat. “Bedad, an’ if it’s nothing yoa want,
you’l find it in the jug where that whiskey
ggr’The road to home happiness lies over
small stepping stones. Slight circumstan
ces are the stumbling blocks of families.
Well to Remember.—Tho following are the
standard*weights of different kinds of grain
and produce, according to the tables of the
Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Delaware Rail
roads :
Wheat 60 pounds to the bushel.
Corn 66 “ “ “ /
Oats 32 “ “
Barley... 45 “ “ “
Buckwheat... 45 “ “ "
Clover Seed 60 “ "
Timothy Seed 45 " “ u
Beans 60 “ “ “
Potatoes CO " “ "
Salt 70 •* “
Lime 80 “ “ •*
/ x
A Cheap Si.eigh-Ride.—A cynical r fellosr
who can’t muster the cash for a sleigh-ride,
publishes the following receipt for its sensa
tions :—“Sit in the hall in your night clothes,
with both doore open so that you can get a good
draft—your feet in a pail of ice water—drop
the front door key down your back —hold an
icicle in one band and ring the tea-bell with
the other.” He says “you can’t tell the differ
ence with your eyes shut, and it’s a great deal
cheaper.” /
wish I was a ghost, well I do,” said
a poor corey, the other night as he eat solilo
quizing in the cold. “They goes wherever they
please, toll free; they don’t owe nobody noth
ing. and that’s comfort. Who ever heard tell
of a man who had a bill against a ghost? No
body. They never buy hats and vittals, nor
has to saw wood and run errands as I do.—
Their shirts never gets dirty, nor their trow
sers out at the knees, as I never heard toll on.
I raillv wish I was one.”
jJSf'-A good deacon making an official visit
to a dying neighbor, who was a vory unpopu
lar man, put the usual question: “Are you
willing to go, my friend?” “O, yes,” said the
sick man. “I am glad of that,” said the dea
con, “for all the neighbors are willing.”
Goon Night.— I The words “good night,” ex
press a simple and earnest wish, which, like
the circle of the universe, holds within it all
Hypocrisy.—Sighs and moans are often hyp
ocritical —as meaningless as the wind, which,
with all its howling, announces no pain.
said an unfortunate hus
band, “is the churchyard of love.” “And you
men,” replied his wife, “are the grave-diggers.”
his lecture on "Mormanism” are inioribed—>
“Admit tbe W#**
NO. 7.

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