Newspaper Page Text
- ? '™ •• Miscellaneous. TUE TRIBUTE FOR 1865 PROSPECTUS. milE NEW-YOiUv TRIBUNE, founded in X 1841, will eater upon lfc twenty.fourth year with quickened hopes and enlarged means of usefulness. Its principles need no re-statement: its aims are the diffusion of Intelligence and the inculcation of a spirit of f reedom and Hu manity. When this truth shall have been gen erally recognized and established as the basis of our institutions and polity, that injustice to the poorest, the weakest, the most despised, is a fearful mistake—that no community or State can afford to wrong even its humblest member —then will our land bask once more in the calm sunshine of peace and prosperity. * THE TUI HUNK has for the last year been published with but small profit to its proprie ties, when compared with the enormous labor uud outlay devoted to its publication,solely be cause of the depreciation of opr Currency be low the specie standard, compelling us to buy ! taper and other materials at a cost considera >lv above the full amount received from our subscribers. On our Weekly edition, the net loss Las amounted to many thousands of dol lars ; while our large receipts from Advertising have been absorbed by the extraordinary ex penses for Correspondence, Telegraphing, Ac., devolved on us by the War. As we do not sup pose our patrons desire that we should Work for them at our own cost, and prefer not to be pa tronized by any who may desire it, we have somewhat advanced for the ensuing year the prices of our Semi-Weekly and Weekly, as we have already done with those of our Daily edi tions. This increase is purely nominal : there never before was a time when thefarmersot the country could buy THE TRIBUNE for so little of their own products or labor as they can by the following TERMS. DAILY TRIDUYE. Daily, single copy ~...4 cents. Mail subs. 1 copy, l yr.—3ll Nos $lO 00 SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Mail subs, i copy, 1 yr.—lo 4 N 03...-. do. 2 copies, “ “ 7 00 do. 5 “ or over, for each copy.... 300 Persons remitting for 10 copies,s3o, will receive an extra copy for 0 mouths. Persons remitting for 15 copies, $43, will receive an extra copy. WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Mail eubs. single copy, 1 yr.—s 2 Nos 250 do. Clubs of five 10 00 Persons remitting S2O for 10copies, will receive one copy extra, gratis. Persons remitting S4O for 20copies, will receive one copy Semi-Weekly, gratis. Persons remitting SBO for 40 copies, will receive one copy Daily, gratis. Drafts on New-York, or Post office orders, payable to the order of “The Tkibi xk,” being safer, are preferable to any other mode of re mittance. But where drafts eannot be conve niently procured, United States or National Bank bills are the uext best, and may be sent by mail; but in case of loss, The Tribune will not be responsible unless furnished with a full description of the bills, including the name of the bank, denomination and number, and the time and place of the mailing of the letter with the inclosures. Address TOE TRIBUNE, New York. February’ 18th, 1865- ham; irs RAW-BONE PHOSPHATE, 11 NS UK PASSED FOR PRODUCING A Heavy Growth of Corn, Oats, Potatoes, ANP ALL SPRING CROPS, And Permanently Enriching the Soil. It contains the Fertelizing Properties of Guano, Roue, Stable Manure and Lime. PRODUCING in many cases larger crops by fifty per cent, than either of the above ar ticles, when used seperately. It is a highly- concentrated manure, being made from Bones containing all their, original animal matter. No Burnt Bones are used. It has been used by thousands of farmers in this State, with the highestsatisfaction. Ithas proved a perfectly reliable substitute for “Pe ruvian Guano,” being sufficiently quick in its action on the crops, and in all cases enriching the soil, and it is permanent in its effects. It would be well for farmers to send in their orders early, either to the subscriber or to any of his agents, from whom circulars can bo ob tained, giving a list of many persons who have used it, and certificates. GEOUOE DEG DALE, Sole Agent, No. 105 Smith’s Wharf, Feb. 13.—3 m. BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE COUNTY BOUNTY BILL. Office County Commissioners for Balti- I more County. J IN compliance with an act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at January Session, 1865, the Commissioners of Baltimore county have passed an order toraiseasuffieient amount to pay Two Hundred Dollars to each drafted man, volunteer, or person furnishing a representative substitute under the call of the President of Uuited States, in December, 1864, to be paid to such person as rnay furnish prop er certificates from the officer authorized to grant such certificates, that he has volunteer ed, been drafted and held to service, or furnish ed a substitute undersaid call, and as the Coun ty Commissioners are de.sirous that said Loan, should be taken by the tax-payers of Baltimore county, will issue county six per cent. B >nds of SSOO and of SI,OOO, interest payable semi annually, to about $160,000 payable ten years after date, or sooner, at the pleasure of the County Commissioners after five years. They invite proposals to take said Loan, or any part thereof, to be made to the County Commision ers at their office by letter or otherwise, on Wednesday, Ist day of March, 1865, at 12o’cloek M. JOSHUA F. COCKEY, Feb. 18.—2 t. President. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. MD. CO'S. POUDERETTE. very desirable Crop Producer which X gave such general satisfaction during the last season, can now be had in quantities to suit; those in want should apply, early. This is one of the cheapest and best manures now in the market, at the price, (S2O per ton.) Also, constantly for sale, BONE DUST, WORO PHILIPS, and all other Fertelizers. AIso,LIME,BRICKS, CEMENT, PLASTERS, Ac. LESTER & GO., No. 140 Howard St., eor. of Franklin. Feb. 18.—2 m. NOTICE. Office of the Mutual Fire Insurance C0.,1 in Baltimore County, l February 14th, 1865. J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a gen eral meeting of the Members of this Com pany will be held on Monday, March 6 th, 1865, between 12 and 2 o’clock P. M., at the Secreta ry’s office, No. 21 North Calvert Street, Balti more, for the purpose of electing thirteen Di rectors for the ensuing year. FRANCIS SHRIVER, Feb. 13.—2 t. Secretary. ALFRED I JAMS. JAMES ALFRED HUTCHrXS Ijams & Hutchins, Tea Dealers and Orocers, Corner Gay and High sts., Baltimore. KEEP constantv on hand a choice and ex tensive stock of TEAS, WINES, GROCER IES and Provisions generally, to which they re spectfully invite the attention of purchasers. Feb. 13.—tf CARPENTER AND BUILDER. rjIHE undersigned, having taken up his res- L in the Tenth District, on the new Turnpike leading from Meredith’s Ford to Sweet Air, respectfully asks of the public a share of the business appertaining to Building and. Carpen ter’s Work in general. GEORGE 11. MATTHEWS. Jan. 28, 1865.—tf. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED. A YOUNG UNMARRIED MAN formerly of Baltimore county, now Paymaster’s Clerk of the U. S. Schooner “PARA,” wishes to open a correspondence with some fair one of that section with a view to mutual improvement.— Photographs exchanged. Address JOHN A. C. LEE, • U. S. 8. “Para,” Port Royal, S. C. Feb. 18.—31* SPECIAL NOTICE. THE subscriber having no connection with the Board of Substitute Brokers, or with any contracts for counties or districts, coiftin xies to discharge his duties in that department to the satisfaction of the parties directly con cerned, and with the approval hitherto of th® government office. WILLIAM H. BAYZAJTD. Feb. 18.— It Public Sales. PUBLIC SALE. 1 1 THE undersigned having sold his farm, will L offer at Public Sale, on MONDAY and TUESDAY, February 21th and 2th, 1865, At 9 O’CLOCK, A. M., at his residence, 15 miles from Baltimore, on the Keisterstowu Turnpike, all his Furniture, | STOCK AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Consisting of the following S;oek—6 head of I young Work HORSES, four of which are well j broken to saddle, harness or heavy draught; 7 : Milch Cows, two will be fresh by the time of j Sale; 1 two year old Deyon 8011, one lull bred Alderney bull, 4 years old : 1 Sow and 9 Pigs 7 line Shoals. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, such as are de sirable on a first Class farm, consisting in part Of; 1 Dorsey Reaper and Mower, 1 Spring-tooth llay Rake, 1 revolving do. Roller, l’lows, Har rows, Double and Single Shovel Plows, Culti vators ; every description of Forks, Iloes, Shov els, Hand Rakes, Spades: 2 broad tread Wa gons, 1 Spring Market Wagon, for 1 or 2 horses, with cover ; l new Hay Carriage, 1 Stone Bed, 1 Thrashing Machine and Horse Power, 1 Self adjusting Fork, 1 Jack Screw, 1 Cart, Wheat Fan, Fodder Cutter and Grinder, Straw Cutter, Corn Sheller, 3 Climbing Ladders, 1 Carriage, 2 Rockway Buggies, 1 no top Buggy, One Sleigh, Double aud Single Harness, 4 sets Wagon Gears, Saddles and Bridles, 4 Fly Net 9, 5 Housings, 1 Grind Stone, 2 Wheelbarrows, 18 Cords Pine Wood, lot ot Locust and Cliesuut Posts, 8u bush els Seed Oats, about 50 barrels Corn, lot of Mercer Potatoes. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNI TURE—I fine Piano and Stool, l Mahogany Sofa, 1 do. Dres ing Bureau, 5 sets Parlor and Common Chairs, 1 Settee, 5 Rocking Chairs, 8 Bedstead?, 2 Mattressas, Bureaus, Washstands, Carpets, Mattings, a lot of Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture, 6 Stoves, 1 large Iron Ket tle, 2 Copper Kettles. 3 barrels Vinegar, 2 Cor ner Cupboards, 1 Kitchen do., 1 large Dinner Bell, 2 Clocks, 8 Tables. A large lot of Bacon, a lot of Fowls, Ac.; together w ith a large lot of other articles not enuniearted. 3E§„TERMS CASH. JOHN KISSELL. Feb. 11.—2 t PUBLIC SALE. 1 1 'HE undersigned having rented his Farm, X will offer at Public Sale, on Thursday, March 9th, 1865, at 1 o’clock P. M., at bis residence, 17 miles from Baltimore on the York Turnpike, his Stock and Farming Imple ments, consisting of the following property, tli-wit:—Two good work Horses, 2 Brood Mares, 1 four year-old Colt. 1 three-year-old Colt. I do. one year-old, 2 Milch Cows, 2 Heifers, l Brood Sow, 2 Shoals, 10 head of Sheep, 1 broad-tread four-horse Wagon, 1 do. narrow-tread, 1 Lime Bed, 1 family Carriage, 2 Hay Carriages, one furrow Plow, one double Harrow, nearly new, double and 31'ngle Shovel Plows, 1 Cultivator, Log Chain, Fifth Chain and Spreaders, double and single Trees, 2 sets heavy Breechbands, 2 sets Lead Harness, Plow Gears, Collars and Bri dles, 1 Wheat Fan and various other articles too tedious to mention. Terms of Sale :—All sums of $lO and under, Cash : all sums over that amount three months credit with note and approved security. JOS IAII PRICE. 3. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Feb. 18.—ts. Miscellaneous. Maryland and Delaware Volunteer and Substitute COMPANY. NO. 25 LEXINGTON ST., AND Under Mansion House, Fayette and St Paul Sts. WARD, CLOWDSLEY A CO., by authority of his Excellency Governor A. W. Brad lord, and the A. A. Provost Marshal of Mary land and Delaware. The MARYLAND and DELAWARE VOLUNTKERandSUBSTITUTE Company have full authority to recruit Volun teers and furnish Substitutes for all drafted and enrolled men. We desire to give good assurance to all par ties needing our services, that the above busi ness, will be conducted upon the most honora ble principle, and parties having authority to contract lor filling the quotas of Wards, Dis tricts and Couuties, will do well to call upon us before applying elsewhere. We refer with pleasure to Col. W. L. Tidball, A. A. P. M. Gen. Office, Maj. W. H. Wharton, No. 31 N. Calvert St., Capt. llknry Clayton, P. M. 3, Dist. of Md. Capt. Robt. Cathcart, “ “ 2, “ “ “ Col. J. C. Holland, “ “ 5, “ “ “ Feb. 11, 1865.—tf. U. S. 7-BO LOAN Subscriptions to this Popular fjoan can he made at THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE, No. 8 South Gay Street, WHERE FULL INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED. The interest is Seven Dollars and Thirty Cents each year on every hundred dollars. For SSO the interest is one cent per day. “ 100 “ “ two cents “ “ 500 “ “ ten cents “ “ 1000 “ “ twenty cts. “ Feb. 18.—It. STATE OF MARYLAND, ) Office of the Secretary of State, >• Annapolis, February 2d, 1865. J To All Whom it may Concern: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That appli cation has been made to the Governor for a Pardon in the case of the State vs. THOMAS LAMAR, convicted in the Circuit Court for Bal timore County, at March Term 1861, on Record from Baltimore City, of obtaining goods under alse pretences, and sentenced to the Peniten . tiarv for the term of four years. , The Governor will take up the said case for final decision, on or after the 'list day of Febru i ary, inst., until which time protests against the i said application will be heard, and the petition in the case open to inspection, at the discretion of the Governor. By order of the Governor, WM. B. HILL, Feb. 11.—3 t Secretary of State. J. V. TOWNSEND & CO., REAL ESTATE AG EATS, AND COMMISSIONERS For the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. 8 Law Building, St. Paul street, Baltimore. Farms, mills, country seats, cot tages, citx HOUSES, and BUILDING LOTS, a large variety, for sale or exchange. Real Estate purchased, sold or exchanged, Money loaned and carefully invested, Titles examined, Buildings insured, Conveyancing. Agency for Delaware, Maryland and Penn , syl vania Farms and Lands. Coal, Timber and Iron Ore Lands for sale. /.©“Houses in Baltimore. Philadelphia, New ( York, and other cities, for sale or exchange. Nov. 12.—3 m 7-30 BANDS AT PAR We have been Appointed Agents for the Sale of the above Bonds. PARTIES would find it to their advantage to examine this Loan before investing their inony in other securities. 1 It pays better now than mortgages, farms, ■ Ac., and after two years and a half they will ! either be paid, or funded into 5-20 Bonds, the interest and principle of which is payable in gold. The Bonds are in denominations of from SSO to $5,000. The interest is payable every six months. GOVER, II ARDI3TY & CO., 162 W. Baltimore St. STOCKS of all kinds bought and sold on commission. Also, Gold, Silver and Uncurent Money. G. H. A CO. Feb, 18.—4 t. OIJANOS. THE RICH and POWERFUL FERTILIZERS. AXONIATED PACIFIC GUANO. PISH GUANO. Brown Mexican Guano. ; * AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. For tale by F, F. POPE, $5 South Street. Feb. 11,1805.—6 m. m Property Sales. TRUSTEES SALE OF A I VERY VALUABLE FARM AND TAN YARD. | Y)Y virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court _D for Baltimore county, sitting in equity, in wherein Samuel Cole and others are complainants, and £jrc*lotte C. Fowble and John T. MiifltiL Fowble are defendants, tbe sub-, sen tier, as Trustee, will sell at Public Sale, on j the premises, on Saturday, the 11 th day of March next, at the hour of 1 O’CLOCK P. M., ! the Real Estate of which Richard B. Fowble, ; late of said county, died seized and possessed, ! consisting of THREE PARCELS OF LAND: one parcel containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-ONE acres; one other paroel con tainingaboutTHlßTY-NINE aud ONE-HALF acres: and one other parcel containing about FIVE ACRES, in all about 210 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, which is mentioned and described in the proceedings in the said cause, and which is situated in said county about three miles north of “ Bluck Rock.” The soil is good and well improved. The lot containing 89j acres is improved with a GOOD DWELLING, BARN, TAN YARD, BARK SHED, and all necessary out buildings. JfSC TERMS OF SALE—One-third of the purchase money to be paid cash on the day of sale, and the balance in six and twelvemonths thereafter, with interest aud security to be ap- , proved by the Trustee. SAMUEL COLE, Trustee. Feb. 11.—ts Farm in the sth District, Baltimore County, at PRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned offers at Private Sale the Farm upon which he now re ~ sides, in the sth district, Balti-tfflpSili - county, about 24 miles 81 * * Balti more city, by theHan-HUiIHsK over Turn [like, on the road leading from St. Paul’s Church to Zouck3ville,onemile from the former, and half a mile from the latter place, containing , 168 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, about one-half of which is clear ed and under cultivation, the balance covered with good Timber. The improvementsaroagood Dwelling, Barn, Corn House, Granary and other outbuild ings; it is well watered, a spring being near the dwelling, and a branch running through the Farm. This property is worthy the attention of per sons desiring to purchase, the soil being ofgood quality, having all been well limed within a few years, is in close proximity to tbe thriving village of Zoucksville, and convenient to Mills, Churches, Schools, Stores, Ac. Terms will be made known upon application to the owner. JOHN T. COLE. Feb. 4.—4 t. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. fT'IIE undersigned wishes to dispose of part A of his farm, situate in Long Green JfegpX Valley, Baltimore county, mile from the Harford Turn- and 14 from Baltimore*!l£jLioß city. The tract contains 65 ACRES of LAND, without improvements. About 6 acres are in wood, balance clear. The land is well water ed, under good fencing, and is divided into 5 fields. Limestone can be had plenty in a short distance from the property. PETER NAFZINGER. Long Green P. 0., Baltimore county, Md. Nov. 26.—tf Hotels. GILMOUR’S HOTEL. ON T H K EUROPEAN PI, A X, No. 124 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. J. D. GILMOUR, Proprietor A LARGE variety of Meats and Vegetables, il. including all the delicacies of the season, served up in the best style. Particular pains taken to keep WINES AND LIQUORS of the choicest quality. ROOMS FURNISHED BY THE DAY OR , WEEK. Tp®" Dining Rooms for Private Parties. Nov. 18.—ly. “MADISON HOUSE,” M. A T. P. WATSON, 37 and 39 North Second street, Between Market and Arch, Philadelphia. Lverv Stable and Restaurant attached. Aipril 23,18 ft! History of tho Rebellion. HEADLEYS HISTORY OP THE AVAR. rjUIE undersigned having procured an agen- I cy for this valuable work for a portion of Baltimore and Harford couuties will iu'a very short time visit the people of the county solic iting subscriptions therefor. I; will be a true and faithful history of events as they have trans pired since April 1861, until nearly to the pres ent time. It will be published in two vols. at $3.50 each the first of which will soon be delivered, and the second immediately after the close of the war. Each volume will contain many pages of illustrations of Battle scenes, and over forty por traits of officers prominent in the war, both North and South. Volume I, containing 506 pages, is already prepared, and will be delivered by the Agents after finishing the canvass in their several lo calities. Volume II will he issued as soon as practicable after the close of the war, and will contain about 700 pages, or more, if necessary to complete the History. He has also the agency of an extremely cheap and well tried sewing- machine, which he will be pleased to exhibit to the people of Baltimore county in his travels, also, seveial other small, but very useful articles, late inventions, with which he desires to supply the wants of those who may feel disposed to purchase. EDWARD N. TYRRELL. June 3,1864. —ly. ; ’ COACHMAKING i AND UNDERTAKING, THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and the public generally, that he ■na* is prepared to execute " ir-fR his shop in Towson vry'*-''' 3? town, at the intersec tion of the York Turnpike and Joppaßoad,ev ery description of Wheelwrlghtlng', Coachmaking, &c. He will manufacture to order, Carriages, Bug gies, Rockaways, Carryalls, Ac. Old Carriages repaired and painted at short notice. Also, keeps constantly on hand, (and made to order at the shortest notice,) every style and - description of 1 COFFINS, and having provided himself with aIIEARSE, j he is prepared to attend funerals at all times. All work warranted to give satisfaction. JOSEPH HUGHS. I Jan. 28, 1864.—tf. r Towsontown Female Seminary. Boarding & Day School for Young Ladies. MRS. MARGARET R. SCHENCK, Principal, Late Principal of the Columbus Female Semi ■ nary, Ohio. THIS Institution will be open- I ed for the reception ol pupils 5 on Wednesday, September 7th. r Mrs. Schenck has'been teach-l&mL™Mgji ing for many years, and has references Jind • testimonials of the highest character from per- I sons who have had daughters under her care, ; and others, which she will be happy to show 1 to any who may desire to see them. Circulars can be obtained by applying tothe* * Principal, Towsontown, or Messrs. CUSHING : A BAILEY'S and other bookstores, Baltimore. July 30.—6 m BURNS A SLOAN. b LUMBER DEALERS, 132 Bight St., Baltimore, HAVE on hand a large assortment of LUM BER, SHINGLES,’ FRAMER, LATHS, DOORS and SASH. Which they offer for sale . at the lowest Market rates, for CASH. Feb. 11, 1865 ly. ATTENTION LADIES! Raff davy of the signal corps, tr. 8. A., desires to correspond with as many patriotic young ladies as would be pleased to address him. Object—fun, friendship and im provement. Photographs exchanged if desir ed. Please address RAFF DAVY, Signal Corps, Green Castle Co-, P*r I Feb, 18.—tf. ..... , r Miscellaneous. COUGH SYRUP, COUGH SYRUP, COUGH SYRUP. WIL READ’S COMPOUND SYItUPOF • LIVERWORT, for the cure of Coihjhs, Colds, Croups, Asthma, Hoarsknkss, Bron chitis aud Incipient Consumption. This syrup is one of the most certain and ef fectual cures now in use, as has been proved by all who have given it a fair and impartial trial. There is no class of disease that is more neglected than this; and yet there is none that more certainly and surely undermines health. Many a neglected Cough has been but tbe pre cursor of long years of suffering; and many a Cold that has been permitted to run its course, has hurried its victim into the premature grave, of the Consumptive. Every, ones knows that we but utter the truth when we say that a very little care and attention at first would have warded off that dreadful handmaid of death— Consumption—from many a one who is now lingering beneath its tortues. Certificates from the following gentlemen ean not fail to impress the public mind with the value of this truly valuable remedy : From Rev. JAS. M. BROWN, Member of East Baltimore Conference. This certifies that I have used W. 11. Road's Cough Pectoral Syruji with the most happy ef fects, and recommend it as a most Valuable medicine. JAS. 11. BROWN. From Rev. ANDREW MANSIIIP, Member of Philadelphia Conference. Wn. H. Read — Dear Sir —l have used your Syrup of Liverwort; it was of great service to my throat, and relieved me of a heavy cold. — 1 can recommend it to clergymen and public speakers. ANDREW MANSIIIP. From Rev. WM. W. HICKS, late Missionary from India. Mr. Wm. 11. Read, Sir : I cheerfully recommend your Syrup to all persons ajl'ected with Coughs or Hoarseness, as a certain cure. The Compound Syrup of Liverwort may tru ly be called the sufferers friend. WM. W. HICKS. We have many more certificates than we can publish, all speakingiu the mostemphatic terms of the great value of this medicine, and in ev ery case recommending it to their friends. — Among them may be found REV. JAS. S. McMURRAY, REV. GEORGE HILDT, REV. SAMUEL A. WILSON, REV. WM. A. SNIVELY, REV. WM. R. MILLS, REV. A. A. REESE, D. D., REV. E. J. WAY, Manufactured only by WM. 11. READ, 147 Baltimore street, one door east of Calvert. Eor eale bv Druggists and Country Stores. 4 oz. bottles 50 cents; 10 oz. bottles sl. Agent for VEL LINES’ FLAXSEED DROPS. Jan. 14.—tf. Verily, Truth is Stranger than Fic tion. A SMALL part of the testimony taken from index of pamphlet of cures by HAMP TON’S TINCTURE : Page. Hon. 11. Clay IS i Asthma, many years, J. It. Gough ; 18 Bronchitis,4o years, John Devlin 21 Blindness, John McKenzie 10 Bowels, constipation, John Howard .- 19 Cough, Win. H. Phillels 15 Cough, 11. C. Winn 13 j Cough, G. Dunan 27 : Rheumatism. RHEUMATISH CURED BY HAMPTON’S TINCTURE! RHEU MATlSM—Captain Canot. do Inflammatory, Jas. Smyth, do Jarret Plummer, do Chronic, Wm. Taylor, do Samuel Peregoy. do Had it 15 years, F. Donnelly, do Had it 10 years, S. Taylor, do Had it 11 years, A. Kitchen, do M. Collins, do John Ward, do Had it 7 years. Robt. Gault, do E. Horn, do G. \V. Good rick, do Had it 38 years, E. Bogwell. And many others, who testify to being cured after years of suffering, by HAMPTON’S TINCTURE. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, Debili ty, Decline in Health, Erysipelas, Disease of the Eyes. Female Complaints, Hip Disease, Kidney Disease, Liver Complaint, Mercurial Disease, Tetter, Tumor, Thrush, Vertigo, Womb Disease, Nerves, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Palpi tation of the Heart, Scrofula, Spinal Disease, Ac., with numerous other Diseases, testifed to by our own citizens. HEAR! HEAR! THE FEMALES OF THE UNITED STATES Are, as a class, proverbially feeble and unheal thy, and while we may not hope for any change for the better until there is a better understan ding of the laws of health, we may, however, congratulate the community on tbe introduc tion of a remedy which has proved itself of great value in relieving, and often curing entire ly the. general nervous debility of females —we mean Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture. For sale by Mrs. Shealey, Towsontown ; S. Miller, Monk ton ; Ralph Duer, Gockeysville ; Mortimer A Mowbray, Baltimore; Agents. March 12. ly OLD TOWN DRUG STORE. rpilE undersigned having thoroughly renewed his stock, and laid in a com plete assortment of DYE STUFFS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, and everything else in his line, respectfully so licits the attention of country purchasers, and a call from all dealers. Having perfected his arrangements both in Baltimore and in the northern cities, with re gard to purchases, he is enabled to sell so low as to satisfy his customers, that while the arti cles in his line are judiciously selected, his PRICES are CHEAPER than the cheapest. He requests a call from every one who comes to town to purchase, assuring them they will be satisfied. In addition to the usual stock con tained in a Drug Store, I keep on hand a thor ough assortment of PATENT MEDICINES. P. S. Physicians’ orders promptly filled with care. N. B. Oil of Vitriol at the lowest cash price. FRANKLIN METZGER, Cor. Gav and Exeter streets, Old Town. Feb. 2,1861.—1 y R. H. GORSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, Corner of Gay and Front sts., Baltimore, Md., DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, HAS received his Spring Summer supply of goods, sistingin part of Knives and Forks.HKsSaSlS Pocket Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes. Horse Shoes and Nails, Nail Rods, Carpenters’ Tools, Axes, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Shovels, Forks, Picks, Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel, Trace, Halter and Cow Chains, Counter Seales, Safety Fuse, Gun Caps, WOODCOCK’S PLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also, Stewart’s wedge-pattern AXES, war ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and retail at his usual low prices. July 16.—tf MARYLAND BftG FACTORY, GAMBRILL, HOOPER & CO., S. W. COR. SOUTH A PRATT STREETS, BALTIMORE, SHIF Chandlers, and dealers in Sail Cloth, Netting, Seine and Sail Twine, heavy cot ton, Flax ami Hemp goods generally. Also, manufacturers of Cotton and Burlap BAGS, Tarpaulins, Wagon Covers, Ac. Jan. 14, 1865.—tf. TUCKER & PREECE, No. 202 Harford Avenue,. Intersection Asquith Street, BEG leave to inform their country friends, and the public generally, that they have jgegsa formed a co-partnership nnder^y—y. EXbH the above style and title, andg+* nvillV would be happy to supply themHHHlL* with any article in tnolr line. They keep constantly on hand a choice selec tion ol Groceries, Feed of all kinds, and will j supply their country customers who may favor ! them with a call, with the different kinds of Fertelizers, Seeds, Ac. , psr PLEASE GIVE US A CALL 1 Jan. 14.—3 m. All Persons Indebted TO the late Baltimore County Advocate, eithei to E. F. Church, or Church £ Haveretick are respectfully requested to call the Cmot office and settle their h>H Feb. 13.—tf Miscellaneous. JL. LYONS’ PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, ! A XI) SPARKLING CATAWBA WINES, ' Equal in Quality and Cheaper in Price than the Brandies and Wines, of the Old World. Pur Summer Complaint, Cholera Infantum, | Bowel Complaint, Cramp Cholic And Diarrhoea, t A sure Cure is guarantied, or the money willle ref undol. * IN support of the above statements, are pres- * ented the Certificates of Dr. Jus. R. Chilton, Chemist, New York ; Dr. Hiram Cox, Chemical ( Inspector, Ohio ; Dr. Jaines It. Niehols, Ohem- , ist, Boston ; Dr. N. E. Jones, Chemical Inspec tor, Cindevillc, Ohio; Prof. C, T. Jackson,. Chemist, Boston : Dr. Charles Upliam Shepard, . Charleston, S. C.; J. V. Z. Blaney, and G. if. Mariner, Consulting Chemists, Chicago, all of whom have analysed the Catawba Brandy, and commend it in the highest terms, for medical use. Analysis of the Massachusetts State Assayer, - January 25, 1858. When evaporated through clean linen it left no oil or offensive matter. In every respect it is a pubis spiritous liquor. The oil which gives to this Brandy its flavor and aroma, is wholly unlike fusil, or grain oil. Its odor partakes of both the fruit and oil of grapes. The subs'itu- j lion of Ibis Brandy for Cognac Brandy will do s away with the manufacture of fictitious spirits, • sold under this name both at home and abroad, j Respt’ly, A. A. HAYS, M. D., Assayer to State Mass., 1(1 Boyleston st. By the same in 1 804. I have analysed “L. LYONS’ PURE CATAW BA BRANDY,’ with reference to its composi tion and character, being the same as that pro duced in past years. A sample taken from ten 1 casks afforded the same results with regard to puyity ; a slightly increased amount of the principle on which its flavor depends was' de termined by comparison with former sanrples. The indications of analysis show that this Brandy is produced by the same process as most of the imported Brandy. Respt’ly, A. A. HAY'S, M. D., State Assayer, 16 Boyleston st. Boston, July 2ft, 1864. Manufactured by 11. 11. Jacob A Co., (To whom all Orders should be addressed,) Depot, 91 Liberty St., N. Y. Nov. 25, 1864.—3 m. E. & 11. T. ANTHONY & (JO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials Wholesale and Retail, 501 Broadway, New York. IN addition to our main business of Photo graphic Materials, we arc Headquarters for the following, viz: Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views. Of these we have an immense assortment, in cluding War Scenes. American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac., Ac. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibitien. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albums. We were the first to introduce these into the United Stales, and we manufacture immense ' quantities in great variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to SSO each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. They will besentby mail, free , on receipt of price. FINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER. Card Photographs. Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thou s and different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Emi nent Americans, Ac., viz : about 100 Major Generals, I 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig-Generals, | 130 Divines, 275 Colonels. I 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, | 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers, I 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers, |SO Prominent Women, 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART. including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, Ac. Cata logues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order lor i One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on tho receipt of SI.BO, and sent by mail, Free. Photographers and others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 25 per cent, of the amt. with their order. E. A 11. T. ANTIION V A CO.. Monufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 Broadway, New York. ■iSSfe- The price and quantity of our goods can not fail to satisfy. Nov. 25, 1864. —ly. JAS. M. RAKER A €©., GUANO DEPOT, 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, • Corner St. Mary street, Baltimore, Where can be found at all times a supply of GUANOS, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GROUND BONE. POUDRETT, CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, Ac., And dealers in FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCK WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS, MILL FEED, HAY, STRAW, CLOVER. TIMOTHY AND GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. pS~ WOOL, FURS, DRIED FRUIT, and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange, for which we are paying the highest cash prices. JAS. W. BAKER A CO., Next door to W. Stansbnry’s Bee Hive Hotel, where Farmers will find excellent accommo dations. Jan. 7, 1865.—tt. NEW HOUSE FURNISHING STORE • No. 135 N. Gay street, Baltimore. RICHARD ARBITER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ; ALSO, WOODENWARE A HARDWARE. ' npHE public are respectfully invited to call i I and examine my stock of „ TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, BRUSHES. BROOMS, BRITANNIA. JAPANNED AND TIN WARE, KNIVES AND FORKS, ALBATA SPOONS, CHINA AND GLASS WARE. [ And every other description of Housekeeping Goods and Wooden ware-at the very lowest prices. RICHARD ARMIGER, 135 N. Gay st., near-High, Baltimore. Feb. 27, 1864. —ly ___ GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. WIH. B. HILL, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, 70 W. Fayette st., Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY', PENSION, f BACK PAY, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, | local and state bounty, , For White and Colored Volunteers, ' AND COMPENSATION FOR OWNERS OF > SLAVES, promptly collected by WM. B. HILL, 70 W. Fayette street, 1 Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. March 28.—tf C. W. Slagle & Co., COMMISSION A PRODUCE MERCHANTS, No. 118 and 133 North street, Baltimore. WE sell and buy on commission all kinds of GRAIN. CLOVER SEED, FLOUR, CORN * MEAL, anil COUNTRY PRODUCE generally, and remit proceeds promptly. We have for sale GUANO, SALT, PLASTER, FISH and SEEDS of ail kinds. July 14, 1860.—1 y a. merrvjian. e. p. keech, d. d. s MERRYMAN & KEECH, DENTISTS, No. 50 North Calvert street, Baltimore. March 26, 1864.—1 y r Enrolled Men of Baltimore County, r CAN BE SUmiED WITH * ALIEN SUBSTITUTES, V T7 0R THREE YEARS, if early application f Ij be made at our office. MILES A CO., at the Chureh, Cor. Baltimore and Exeter Sts., lbltimoto. 1 Jan. 14.—1 m. r f Old Town Union Hat Company, No. 140 N. GAY STREET, COR. OF HIGH. ALLthelatestylesofGonta, Youths and Children’s Hats and Caps alwaysonhand. Ladies’Furs,Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, Ac., at tne ir manufacturers’ prices. ffiSF* All kinds of raw Furs bought, for which in the highest market price is paid. ‘ County people, give mi caff / J. 14,1865. —ly. Miscellaneous. Special Notice. Headquarters for Drafted and En rolled Men for the City and Counties. WANTED this dav, FIFTY good Alien or Contraband SIJBSTITUES, for which wt will pay the highest price. We invite all of our friends (who are subject to draft) not to fail in procuring a Substitute for three years, previous to draft, which may take place in a few day#; (and as our motto was from the first, so it is now, to-deal fairly with all men.) As time is money, you can call and leave your orders and no further personal time would be required and your full discharge papers for three years would be brought to your place of business for settlement. Y-§..As we do not ask for money in advance, call early at the “OLD ESTABLISHED OF FICE,” Law Buildings, St Paul street, Room No. 6, up stairs. WM. 11. BAYZAND A CO., Feb. 4.—2 m. Authorized Agents. LEATHER, LEATHER, LEATHER. “ NOTHING LIKE LEATHER !” AND nowhere else can it be bought cheaper than at F. 11. Grupy’s old staud, as I am tanning a large part of my stock and finishing same, and have always on hand the largest and best assortment of prime sole, both oak and hemlock, to be found in Baltimore. HlDES—Hides Wanted! I want for my fall tannage, 2000 to 5000 prime cow and steer hides, delivered either nt my tan-yard or at my st .re, for which I will pay the very highest cish price. Write to me or call and see me before celling. S3L. Prime Tan Bark al ways wauled. F. 11. GRUPY, 42 South Calvert Street, Baltimore. Dec. 10.—3 m WE have on hand and arc constantly re ceiving, all the different varieties of COAL, for family use, steam, blacksmith and limeburners’ purposes, which we offer for sale in quantities to suit, at the lowest market pri ces. Our country friends, sending their teams for Coal, will find our yard the most convenient one in the city to load at. Coal delivered promptly at any of the sta tions on the Northern Central, or Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore railroad. W. F. H. ONION, Corner Lombard street and Central Avenue. Feb. 20.—1 y. JO S.E.QUI NL AN, WHOLESALE AXO RETAIL DEALER IX FLOUR, FEED, GROUND BONE, GUANOS, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER, Seeds of all Kinds, Constantly on hand at No. 149 North Gay st, near Exeter, Baltimore I AM at all times buying WOOL, for which I am paying the HIGHEST CASH PRICES. JOS. E. QUINLAN. April 23,1864.—1 y JOHN D. HAMMOND, SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, AND COLLAR MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE A RETAIL, MANUFACTURER and keeps constantly oil haml every description of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, COLLARS, and every other article in his line. All orders executed with neatness and dispatch. July 9,1864. —1 y JOSEPH REILLY’S SALOON A RESTAURANT, No. U South street, Baltimore. OYSTERS, GAME, Ac, served up.; at short notice. vS/ English, Irish and Scotch ALES, and BROWN STOUTS of most approved brands. Superior six-years-old ENGLISH ALE, from the celebrated brewery of Burton on Trent, to be had on draught. An infallible remedy for Dyspepsia. Sep 12.—6 m HATTER’S Pare Flaxseed Drops, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND ALL AFFEC TION S OF THE THROAT, ,Vo. 133 North Gay street, Baltimore. ALL kinds of CAKES AND CONFECTION ERY, of the best quality, ou reasonable erms. Nov. 19, —tf SCHUCIIMiNN & HEIM, MANUFACTURERS OF Traveling Trunks, Valises and ladies Bonnet Boxes, No. 6 W. Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. pgr TRUNKS MADE TO ORDER Jail. 11, 1563. —If. Auctioneer. THE undersigned having taken out a Gov ernment License for 6th as well as the 2d Congressional District, is prepared to attend sales in any part of Baltimore or Harford coun ties, or any other portion of said Districts, ex cept Baltimore city. ■ Having removed from Sweet Air to Towsontown, person 3 having business with me will please address me at Towsontown, or ap ply to Mr. Church, Advocate Office, Mr. Long necker it Sons, American Office, or Mr. Nelson Cooper, at his store. F SAMUEL G. WILSON, Dec. s.—tAlo Towsontown, Md. THOMAS S. WILCOX, BOOT AFkD SHOE MAKER, No. 134 North Gay street, Baltimore, tit SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT, KEEPS on hand and maks to order, all kinds of GF.NTLEMENS’ and LADIES’WORK, of the best stvle of workmanship, and on rea sonable terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK, both coarse and tine, and work suitable for ser vants’ wear. Country friends, please give me a call. Jan. 8,1804.—1 y T. S. W. TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. TIIE undersigned are now dealing extensive ly in the sale of FARMS and LANDS in ali parts of Maryland, especially in Baltimore county. Those desiring to sell at good prices, will send us a full description. No Salo no Charge. -r©*-All Legal Claims of soldiers prosecuted. EATON i CO., Baltimore. Office—No. 20 St. Taul Street between Lex ington and Fayette. Feb. 4, 1805. — tf. TAKE NOTICE. f FALL STYLES OF HATS, 1804. TT7E are. now prepared to fur- ptryym > W nish our friends and public with the FALL STYLES > OF HATS, for Gentlemen’s wear, Sf'f!l*lS9fiD which will compare favorably with any sold in the city of Baltimore. ALSO, SOFT FELT IIATS, i Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths and Children, some very beautiful. S. HINDES A SON, r Oct. 15.—tf No. 100 Gay street. A. Storck’s STEAM TURNING ANT) . SAWING ESTABLISHMENT, 152 East st., between Hillen and Ensor, Balt., WHERE he is prepared to execute a 11 kinds of SAWING and TURNING, sucß as Bench Screws, Hand Screws, Bed Posts, Car riage Hubs, Cart Hubs, Cedar Posts, Stair Ban isters, Stair Newels, Piano Legs, Columns, Table Legs TEN PIN BALLS, etc. Also all kinds of straight and fancy Scroll Sawing. July 6, 1861. —ly GEORGE C. McCOULL, UNDERTAKER, i No. 131 Saratoga street, 1 door west of Howard i IS prepared to furnish COFFINS at 26 pei cent, less than the usual price, and of nn< finish, for cash. Jan. J 8,1866. —ly. Legal Notices. TThS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans* Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on theealnte of ADAM FFROM. late of said county, deceased. AIT persons hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with tho vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the oth day of September 1865 / they may otherwise hy law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 7th day of February, 1865. ' JOHN M. PFROM, Jr., Feb. 11. —41 s Administrator. rpIIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub _L scriber ha 3 obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters of admin istration on the estate of MARION J. IIASLUP, late of said county, deceased. All personshav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, 0?i or before the 7th day of September, 1865 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this ISt day of February, 1865. LA%RA A. IIASLUP, Feb. 4.—4t* Administratrix. r JIHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub -1 scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters testamen tary on the estate of MARY PALMER, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 7th day of September, 1665 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted tp said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this3lstday ** i of January, 1865. SAMUEL H. TAG ART, Feb. 4.—4t* Executor. CALEB EMM ART ET AL vs. J 0 S E P H FRANCE and WIFE, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, sitting in Equity. ORDERED, This 10th day of February, 1865, that the sale as made and reported by John C. Blackburn, Trustee, in the above entitled cause be finally ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 13 th • day of March next, provided a copy of this or der be inserted in some newspaper published in Baltimore county, once a week for three suc cessive weeks before the said 13th day of March next. The report states the amount of sales to be $5,500.00. JNO. It. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JNO. 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Feb. 18.—3 t. Road Notices. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That thirty days from the day of the date hereof, I intend to apply to the County Commissioners of Baltimore county, for the laying out of a Public Road on the'bed of an old mill road, be ginning at tho Falls Road, near John White lord’s, and running thence on the line between Whiteford’s and Leaf’s until it intersects with Mc Donnal’s land ; thence through the lands of McDonnal, Whiteford, Clark, Geist and Wor thington, to a lane running between Shipley and McDonnal, thence along said lane until it intersects a public road leading from Oregon I Furnace to Texas. FERDINAND GERDLING. 1 Feb. 4.—51* To Whom it May Concern : 3 -fc-rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in thir- X x ty days from this date application will be ' made to the Commissioners of Baltimore coun ty, to open a Public Road from the Manual La bor School, in the 13th district, Baltimore coun > ty, running through the Manual Labor Farm and also through the lands of Bonnet F. Wal \ ker, Samuel Counselman and Henry Townsen, 1 and intersecting the public road near Dr. N. R. Smith’s farm. February 18.—5t* Miscellaneous. ROSE BANK NURSERIES, GOVANSTOWN, BALTIMORE CO., MU. rpilE liberal patronage we have re- X ceived in all branches of our busi ness, has been very satisfactory; and we frLf* are now prepared, through the increase of kinds es well as the qualities of the articles ottered, tosupplyon liberal terms a still larger demand ; and would now draw particular attention to our largo collection of STANDARD APPLE, STANDARD AND DWARF CHERRY, PEAR, PLUM, APRICOT, PEACHES, hardy GRAPE VINES, RASPBERRY, GOOSEBERRY, CUR RANT, BLACKBERRY, Lawton arid French Parsley leaved ; also STRAWBERRY’ AND RHUBARB PLANTS of the most approved kinds. SHADE TREES of large size and great variety, together with a select stock of hardy EVERGREENS; among these we call atten toa line lot of Seedling American Arborvitte, fit for hedges. , We also offer a superior assortment of hardy ROSES. FLOWERING SHRUBS. DAHLIAS, PHLOXES, GLADIOLUS, JAPAN LILIES, Sea. Ac. Terms reasonable. Orders sent to the subscriber will be punctu ally attended to, and goods delivered in Balti more free of charge. Catalogues, by enclosing a postage stamp, will be forwarded to order. jan. 9.—tf W. D. BRACKENRIDGE. FRANK L. MORLING, florist, seedsman aad NURSERYMAN, Store No. 2 North Eutaw, Street, Baltimore, Nurseries on the llookstown Hoad Adjoin ing Druid Hill Park, WOULD invite the attention of the citizens of the county, to his Stock GARDEN SEEDS; FLOWER SEEDS, T-f-*TREES. GRAPE VINES, ainlall Small Fruits. Evergreen and Ornamental Shade Trees, Green House, Hot House and Hardy Plants, Rases and Flowering Shrubs. I will be prepared to furnish early in the season, the following Plants:—Cabbage Let tuce, Celery, Tomato, Egg Plants, Ac., Ac. Jan. 28.—3 m. JACOR HOFFMAN, S VDDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR MAN UFACTURER. No. 176 North Gay Street, Baltimore. MANUFACTERES and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of light and heavy Har ness, Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Ac. Old Harness taken in exchange. Country work of all kinds punctually attended to. Repairing promptly executed. Feb. 4.—3n\. Thomas Mullin, Jr., COACH MANUFACTURER, East side of Hollida3 T st., Adjoining Shipley’s Livery Stables, Second door South-of Pleasant st., Baltimore. rpHOMAS MULLIN, Jr., keeps^*3JF, I on hand, and manufactures order. CARRIAGES OF EVERY-WZIJSL DESCRIPTION, at short notice, made by good workmen, and of the best materials. N. B. REPAIRING done at the shortest no tice, and on reasonable terms. Julv 28, 1860.—1 y ' PLOUGH CASTINGS ! PLOUGH CASTINGS !! TIIE attention of Farmers and Merchants is invited to my full and complete stock, em bracing all the various sizes of the Wiley, Woodcock, Smith, Atwood, Minor A Horton, Wisconsin, and other kinds, all of which will be sold low by the single piece or ton. Also, a good assortment of Ploughs, at less than regular prices, at No. 142 N. Gay street, 1 Baltimore. HENRY WILCOX. Feb. 6.—tf NOTIC E . 1 Office of the Dulaney’s Valley a Sweet "I Air Turnpike Company, ( February 14th, 1865. ) THE Stockholders of the Dulaney’s Valley and Sweet Air Turnpike Company in Bal timore county, are hereby notified, that by a. resolution of the Board of Directors, the fourth ■ instalment of twenty per cent, upon the capital stock of the Company is called in, payable to the Treasurer, on or before the 20th day oj r March next. EDW< R . SPARKS, Feb. 18.—3 t, Secretary, . ■sr... - „