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WHITMAN S COLUHfW. E. WHITniN & SOKSj . M.VNI'FA' TL'RKHS of Agricultural li3>leiucnfs, ,1M) u iii\Ein, AND DKAUIUH IV SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, HORTICULTURAL TOOLS, And Agricultural Hardware generally, Nos. 22 and 24 South Calvert street, Baivtimokk, Mo. THE manufacturing Department will be per sonally superintended by the senior partner, whose long experience in this line ot business has rendered him familiar with all its various branches. _ Our stock will be ono of the largest in this city, and iu consideration ot our experience and advantages in manufacturing, we are pre pared to furnish all the latest and most impro ved kinds of Farm Implements on the most fa vorable terms. CRADLED AAR SCYTHES. Next to Reaping Machines, the Grain Cradle is an implement of importance to the wheat grower, and notwithstanding the Reaper ha-s gone iuto such general use, it does not seem to lessen the demand for the Grain Cradle with us. This maj' probably be owing to the quality of the article we keep, which is generally known to farmer?. Merchants and dealers are generally supplied by us, with this article, and we are pleased to inform them our stock this season will be fully equal to what it has been heretofore, and we shall be gratified with a con tinuance of their liberal custom. Revolving Horse Rake. This is the best article that can bo. used for the raking of Hay, especially if the grass is heavy. We have an excellent article of this kind—the best ever in this market. Price sl2 and sl4. Spring' Tooth Gleaner. For Wheat Fields alone this article is perfect. It saves a large amount of wheat that no other rake would gather uff. It will often pay for itself in the saving of wheat in a field of ten acres. Price this season, sl4. Premium Acw Sub-soil Plow. ThU Plow has been tried by the United States Agricultural Society, and by many State Socie ties, and has never failed to receive the first * premium. It has a reversable steel edge, is simple in its construction, easy in draft and management, and adapted to a common team. Simplicity, strength and economy are here moat happily combined. The Plow being an important implement in Agriculture, we have recently given much at tention to its manufacture, and at a very heavy cost have procured the best and most perfect set of machinery in use, and are now prepared to fill all orders for Plows of any description, on as favorable terms as cau be had in the Uni ted States, quality and workmanship consider ed. We wish to call the attention of dealers to our manufacture of Plows, which we think, cannot be gurpassed in this country. Side Hill or Swivel Plows. .“WltefilglS&w The above Plows are so constructed that the mould board is easily and instantly changed from one side to the other, which enables the operator to perform the work upon side hills, turning all the furrow slices with great accu racy downward. THERMOMETER CHURN. This Churn is so constructed that the cream or milk is readily brought to the desired tern perature without mixing water or other sub stances, and the temperature certainly and definitely determined, which proves invaluable in the art of making butter. HOWARD'S REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, MAXITFAC TUn F, D BY E. WHITMAN A SONS, BALTIMORE, WITH OR WITHOUT SELF-RAKE, Is the beat adapted to the wants of Maryland Farmers of any machine in use. It has a large drive wheel, which enables it to work over rough land, water furrows and gullies, when other machines could not be worked at all. Those in want of the latest and best improve ments in the way of cutting Grain or Grass, will do well to send their orders early. Price of the Combined Machine with Self-Rake, $lB5. Price of Mower, sllO. We can furnish our customers with any kind of REAPERS AND MOWERS, at prices as low as they can be purchased iu our market, and solicit their early orders. May 7,1864.—1 y Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. This ' . „ Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen Years. It i 3 now considered a certain cure for the above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by DR. R. S. SAPPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets, __ m i/ DalfiniAra \fl). THOUGHTS FOR SICK PEOPLE. DR. HAMPTOffS TINCTURE. REV. B. B. BROOKE. Messrs. Mortimer A Mowhrav The use o your “Hampton's Tincture” has been a wn/ great bluing to me and my family. The eltect of it, on my throat disease, has been Marvelous. For all such diseases I most cordially recom mend it. Yours Lilly, B. B. BuuokF, Pastor of the Kutaw M. E. Church. REV. JOHN LANAIIAN. Messrs. Mortimer A Mowbray : —I lake plea sure in saying to you that I have used your “Hampton’s Tincture” with great profit. From a serious throat affection, my .general health has become very much impaired, when I com menced to use “ Hampton's Tincture.” I found its effects upon iny general health most satis factory. My nervous system and digestive or gans Siam righted up under its use. I have several times recommended it to my friends, and in every case, so far as I have been informed, they have used it, with success. Yours truly, Jous Laxahan, • Pastor Exeter Street M. E. Church, Baltimore. MISS MARY SCHOFIELD. i Extract from her letter. “I often wish my parents had known of this remedy when I was a child, as I believe l should have been saved the ezerutiating pain I. have been subjected to, as well as the deformity of body I must carry to the grave, and my parents would not have been under such heavy expen ses from doctors’ bills and in sending me, as thev did, to the celebrated Springs in England, in search of health. I wish all the altlieted world could see me and hear the benefits 1 have derived from this Tincture of Hampton's. I try to make all acquainted with its virtues with whom I come iu contact. ‘'Gentlemen, I am a thousand times obliged to vou, and you are at liberty to use my name anti case to all. . “ l remain yours in gratitude, Mart A. Schofield. “No. 630 West Baltimore street.” MR. EDWIN M. SPRANKLIN, No. 27 Register et., Baltimore, Most dreadful case of Scrofula of years’ stand ing, lost a number of pieces of boue—restored to l-.salth. HEREDITARY SCROFULA. A boy in the family of the lion. \Y. 15.I 5 . Tliom asson, once a member of Congress from Ken tucky, was a mass of socos from head to foot. His eyelids turned inside out, protruding over the eyeballs so as to produce blindness. He was cured by Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture. B. 11. ANDERSON, of Kent county, Was induced, from so much testimony, to try it on a servant girl. Her disease was Scrofula in its worst form. She was blind in both eyes. One bottle made her to see—two bottles restor ed her—and though two years has elapsed, she remains well. SENATOR PEARCE Informed us, that from rending these certifi cates, he was induced to try the Tincture on his servant man. in a dreadful case of Scrofula. He was eured after all other remedies failed. RHEUMATISM. C. E. Bagwell had the Rheumatism from her 12th to the age of 50 years. Cured by Hamp ton's Tincture. Captain Thomas Canot cured after 7 years’ suffering. F. Donnelly had it 15 years. These, with many others, bear testimony of the great vir tues of Hampton’s Tincture. PALPITATION A FLUTTERING of HEART. Jacob Stoner had the above with Dyspepsia 20 years. Cured by Hampton's Tincture, as were many others. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. As an invigorator and restorative, where a gentle stimulant is wanted, we believe it supe rior to all the cordials before the public. THE FEMALE SYSTEM Has in Dr. HAMPTON'S VEGETABLE TINC TURE a cure for its numerous and complicated derangements. Hundreds who have been de bilitated and dispirited, and on the verge of a premature grave, have been restored by its use to blooming health, which we are bundanlly able to prove by such a host of LIVING WITNESSES as we think no other medicine cau produce. IN PROOF Of what we say above we refer you to Hamp ton’s Vegetrble Tincture and its effects. The wife of T. W. Yeakle, Grocer, 78 Pearl street, cured of Rheumatism of 8 years’ stand ing ; all other remedies failed. Win. M. Oldham, late of the Custom House, dwelling No. 126 Pine street, of Dyspepsia; great debility; permanently cured. W. A. Schaeffer, one of the oldest magistrates and most highly respectable citizens, cured of great weakness and restored to robust health. Jarrett Plummett, 153 East Baltimore street, suffered intensely six years With hip disease and mercurial rheumatism : cured after all other remedies had failed. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others, as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thos. Canot, Robert Gault, James Smyth, cured of Rheuma tism. John Tervail, S. A. Griffin, John Luke, Itev. V. Eskridge, U. S. Navy, and thousands of others cured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Cough, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, St. Vitus’ Dance, Ac. We refer toourowncitizens—eallonthem. HAMPTON’S TINCTURE CURES Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, Debility, Docline iu Health, Erysipelos, Disease of the Eyes, Liver Complaint, Mercurial Disease, Tet ter, Tumor, Thrush, Vertigo, Womb Disease, Nerves, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Palpitation of the Heart, Scrofula, Spinal Diseases, Ac., with numerous other diseases. SOLD BY MORTIMER A MOWBRAY, 240 Baltimore st, MRS. M. A. SIIEALEY, Toweontown, S. MILLER, Monkton, RALPH DUER, Cockeysville, ISRAEL PRICE, Philopolis. And by Druggists generally. Feb. 27, 1864.—1 y | CLOTHING! I FALL OF 1861. <? s £ B. STINE'S S © ~ | Clothing House, §> Qq No. 73 West Baltimore street, k* Between Gay st. and Tripolett’e Alley. Equal in all repeets to work made to <?s m -meatare, and at much lower prices. a A PERFECT FIT INSURED TO ALL. Sg The facilities of this house for doing business are such that they can con- * s>l fidently claim for it the] leading posi tion among the Tailoring Establish- "P • ments of Baltimore. They therefore i*2|* §5 invite the attention of gentlemen of § Xi .taste to their stock of superb Ready- Made Clothing, cut by the best of ar- SL f ists, trimmed and made equal to cus jtom work, at 50 ©*! POPULAR PRICES. . They have also a Custom Depart- meat, where the latest novelties may ■g be found. gS O May 28, 1864.—1 y Leather ! Leather !! Leather !!! N. THOMAS & CO., No. 9 and 11 Ensor street, near Gay, Baltimore WOULD respectfully inform theirold friends and customers, and all who manufacture and deal in LEATHER, FINDINGS, OIL, Ac., that they still continue at the above old establshed stand.— Their stock consists of Solk, Ui* T ~ per and Harness Leather, French and Domestic CALF**“"-KSfc Skins, Morocco, and in factall kinds of leather usually kept for sale. Also, Shoe Findings in their variety, Oil, Ac. They will purchase for cash at the highest prices, green and dry Hides, Sheep-Skins, Tal low, Ac. Thankful for past patronage, they solicits a continuance thereof at the old stand. Dec. 22, 1860.—1 y CHINA STORE. WM. S. WONDERLY & CO., JJ~AVE on hand a complete stoc^o^^^ CgT CHINA, GLASS, QUEENSWARE, lIfHK Fine and common, at the Warehouse, 75 Baltimore street, 8 doors west of Gay street. COAL OIL, of the uery best quality, by the barrel or gallon, and a complete assortment of LAMPS and WICK for burning it. The manufacture of STONE and EARTHEN WARE still continued. All goods for the country packed in a scien tific manner, and will be sold wholesale and retail, at very low prices, to suit the times, Nov. 5. 1864.—tf i NEW & BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES CANFIELD BltO. & CO. OLD WATCHES, £2^ T SILVER WATCHES, JLi *4 , CHATELAINES, ttbJl VEST CHAINS, L DIAMOND JEWELRY, OF LA TEST STYLES. Stone, Cameo, Enameled and Gold Suits of Jewelry. - DIAMOND, SIGNET, PEARL, AMETHYST, i AND FANCY RINGS. Gold bracelets iu great, variety, Gold Buckles, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Eye Glasses. Shawl Pin?, Lockets, Sleeve Buttons, lootli lick 3. Pens and Pencils, Necklaces, Ac. Ac. SILVER PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, SPOONS AND FORKS. Fruit Knives, Butter Knives, Salts, Nutmeg ’ Graters, Crump Scrapers, Fish Knives, Cake 1 Knives, with a large variety of Fancy Silver, ! Silver and Pearl Card Cases and Portraonnaies, f Snuff Boxes, Fans, Opera Glasses, Tortoise 1 Shell Combs, Shell Jewelry, Jet Goods. Box ' Wood Jewelry, elegant Porcelain and Gilt 1 Mounted Card" Receivers, Vases, Caskets, Can - dlcstieks, Work Cases, Scotch Plaid Goods, l with many new and beautiful fancy articles, ; Clocks, Bronzes, Inkstands, Ac., Papier Macho Desks, Tables and Work Boxes, Ladies and 1 Gents’ Dressing Cases, Plated Coffee Sets, Bas kets, Castors, Butter Dishes, Fruit Stands. Eper <*nes, Sugar Baskets, Pocket and Table Cutlery, ! Parian Marble Figures, with many other ele gant and useful articles, just opened, to which we invite attention. Also, a great variety of MILITARY GOODS, Such as Swords, Epauletcs, Sashes, Ilals, Lace, Buttons, Ac. „ CANFIELD, BRO. A CO.. 229 Baltimore street, corner Charles. Jan. 9,1864.—1 y GREAT KUSH TO SMITH, BROS. & CO.’S Marble Hall Clolhing House, TO SECURE SOME OF THE GREAT BAR GAINS. . They are now offering their immense stock of i SUMMER, FALL A WINTER CLOTHING, at 20 per cent, below market value. ALSO, PIECE GOODS, of all descriptions, for CUSTOM WORK. All persons in want of WINTER GOODS will save 20 per cent, by buying now. Come soon and secure your bargains before it is too late. SMITH, BROS. Ac. CO., CLOTHIERS A MERCHANT TAILORS, 40 West Baltimore street. Aug. 13.—tf FAMILY GROCERY. AT THE HEAD OF RICHMOND MARKET. ff§| John C. Pitt, fUR (Late of Calvert and Pleasant streets,) HAVING taken that new and commodious store, at the head of Richmond Market, cor ner of Biddle and Garden streets, Baltimore, in forms his old friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has constantly oil hand WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe rior sugar-cured II AMS ; the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, and Black Teas ; Java, Laguira and Kio Coflee ; loaf, crushed, pulverized, clari fied and brown Sugar; Broma, Cocoa, Choco late, Farina, Rice Flour, Sago, Yeast Powders, . Sardines, Sauces, Pickles, Extracts, Salad OH, Cologne, Toilet Fowder, Pure Spices, Figs, Rai sins, Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, [ fine and coarse Salt, Table and Dairy do., Syr ups, New Orleans and Sugar House Molasses, Kerosene, Etherial and Lard Oil, Tobacco and . Segars, Dupont’s Superior Canister Powder, ! Shot, Gun Caps, Ac., for sale at moderate prices, and would respectfully solicit a, call by those visiting the city, who will find it to their ad f vantage as to convenience, qualities aud prices. . All articles purchased delivered free at Cal vert Station, or to any other place in the city, if required. ■ June 21,1862.—tf JOHN C. PITT. , August Loose, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND READY-MADE CLOTHIER, Towsoutown, Baltimore county, Md., RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has removed to hie new house, on Main street. till p opposite Ady’s Hotel, where he has always on l hand a full assortment, of CLOTHS AND CAS SIMERES, which he is prepared to make up in the latest styles, and on reasonable terms, cheap for cash. He requests his old friends and the public to give him a call. 1 A large variety of FALL AND WINTER GOODS on hand, whieh I invite the public to examine. The best of LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS always on hand. Clothing made to order at short notice. Nov. 3,1860.—tf e7g~ hipsley, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ' Groceries, Teas, Wines & Liquors, No. 184 N. Gfy street, Baltimore, TENDERS thanks to his friends for their for mer very liberal patronage, and by prompt ness and attention to business, will cn_ deavor to merit a continuance of ! favor. The public are respectfully iu-Su vited to Examine our stock of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Our imported . and domestic LIQUORS are selected with the greatest possible care. Families may confide in the PURITY of an article ordered for medi cinal purposes; and proprietors of Hotels may furnish their bars with choice liquors. All of which will be sold at the lowest CASH prices. July 14, 1860.—1 y j WILLIAM L. MILLER, WIIOLKSAI.K AM> RETAIL DEALER IX If TOBACCO AUD SEGARS, ! NO. 6 GREENMOUNT AVENUE. SUPPLIED by M. H. MILLER’S extensive Segar Factory, in the State Prison. Office for business — No. 6 Greenmonnt Avenue. Goods at priees that cannot failt* 'dense. Call and see. June 18.—U 8 M. & J. DUFFY, ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, > Cathedral st., near Howard, Baltimore, KEEP on hand a large and varied assort ment of GROCERIES, WINES and LI £333r*QUORS; HORSE FEED of allpßsg UJEffskinds ; Patapseo, Family r “®*®"Extra FLOUR, and other good* 1 i brands selected for family use. Also, TAR by the barrel or less quantity ; a good assortment t of BACON, FISH, SALT, OILS, Ac. Will pay the highest market price for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and GRAIN l of all kinds. Sep. 15, 1860.—1 y WANTED! W ANTE D! COHN HUSKS WANTED. I WILL buy and receive DRY UNIIACKLED HUSKS, and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE tor the same during the year, in any quantity, and also OAT STRAW bought at the . 01d*tand W U. A. POLLACK, Ne. 96 N. Howard Street, Dee. 10.—Iiw* Baltimere, Md. “ BEFORE THE DRAFT! f Put in a 8 u'b s t i 1 11 1 c ! DON’T delay until vou are drafted, then yonr substitute will cost you double. ' SS&-To save money and avoid trouble call upon MILES A CO., at the Chureh, Corner Baltimore and Exeter Sts., Baltimo. e. Jan. 14.—1 m. Farmers’ Weather Indicator, OK WOODRUFF’S Portable Barometer. rnnis instrument should he In the hands of ev t ery Agriculturist, as it unerringly points out any change iu the weather and thus directs the farmer how to st ape his work aud save Ciops lbal t without a Barometer, might he caught out in a storm and seriously injured, it not destroy ed. Every should 1 ave one, as it is a perfect “weather teller.” It is simple in construction, cheap in price, not liable to get out of order, aud the only yrrjcct nor table. Barometer in use. _ Being a Mercurial Barometer, it is accurate ana reliable for Scientific purposes, being used by the U. S. Coast Survey, and at the Smithsonian In stitute: besides being recommended by the most distinguished Agriculturists of the country, as well as by a host of Professors and Scientific J °'wc name but a few that lmvc endorsed this Barometer as superior to all others : —Scientific American, American Agriculturist, Country Gentleman, Philadelphia Ledger, Boston Jour nal Peterson's Magazine, Orange Judd, Marshall P. Wilder, Profs. Henry, liacklcy, Holmes, Carr, Hunncweii, Williams, Douglas, &c. The cost of the instrument is within the reach of all, ranging in price from $7 to S2B. ne have five different sty les, from a plain maple case to the finest carved rosewood. Most ot these styles have a Thermometer attached. A sample of this instrument may be seen at this office. ... Ordeis promptly filled. For descriptive circu lar and prices, apply personally or by letter to BItUSTER & GRIFFITH, 49 N. Plica St., Baltimore, Md. Wholesale and retail Agents for Mary land. Trade supplied on liberal terms. Also, MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS IN AGRI ‘ CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN GENERAL. Exclusive agents for Clark k Hedges, Lane Mill; Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, and sugar machinery in general. RUNDELL’S HORSE PITCH FORK, or Hay Elevator, the* host in use and a great la bor saving implement. Eureka Horse Power, Thresher and Cleaner, Patented and manufactured by I'ELTON. Best Power, Thresher and Cleaner out. A supply of pure Chinese and African Cane Seed always on hand. Jan. 21, 1865.—1 y. WHEELER’S NEW FARM AND PLANTATION HORSE POWER, And Improved Patent No. 1 Thresh er and Cleaner. f I HIE Horse Power has but two pair of gears. X The master wheel is of w r ood with segment gear, and is furnished with six levers, whiflle trees, Ac., so that all the animals walk in the. same circle. The circle in which the horses walk is 18 feet diameter, band wheel 40 inches, and making 160 turns per minute, when horses walk two miles per hour. Weight of Horse Power, complete, with six levers, 1,200 pounds. The past season we have improved our Lever Horse Power, adapted to driving the Machines we make, and also all the various kinds of ma chines that farmers and planters use. Our aim is to have a horse power light enough to serve well, when only a single horse or mule is re quired, and yet be strong enough for 4 horses or 6 mules, when the machine driven requires that much power. We now think it a perfect machine of its kind, and having thoroughly tested it, offer our cus tomers and the public a horse power, that for lightness, simplicity, strength, durability, and facility of repairing, if broken, cannot be ex celled. Wheeler’s Patent Railway Horse Powers. These Powers are made for 1, 2 or 3 horses, and their superior merits in point of durability, and ease of running, with their compactness and simplicity, lightness ami great length and width of treading floors and stall, give them advantage over other powers, which are highly appreciated by those who have tried them. For information or machines, address JOHN MAYHER, General Agent, 145 W. Pratt st., opposite Maltby House. Au ,r . 13. tf Baltimore, Md. GREEN & YOE, FAMILY GROCERS, AM' PKALKKS IX PURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At Martin & Valette’s old stand, 88 Baltimore street, near Holliday, Baltimore, HAVE constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, a consisting in part of F R E S H TEAS, (green and black,) of va-gXj-Q rious prices and flavors ; Colleeß-MMaLt Mocha, Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo and Rio; i SUGARS—New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified; Ital ian Maccaroni and Vermaeelli; Cooper’s A Cox’s Refined Gelatine; Fresh Salad and Olive Oils; Cheese—English Dairy; Pine Apple and Sap Sago; Sardines; French and Spanish Ol ives; English and American Pickles—Gerkins, mixed, Chow-Chow, Piceailli, Cauliflower, Wal nuts and Onions : Sauces—John Bull, Harvey, Reading, Soho, Mushroom and Worcestershire; BRANDIES —Jas. Hennesy A Co., vintage 1840, Otard, Dupuy A Co. 1846, Native Catawba, Bor deau, Rochelle and other brands; Fine Old WlNES—London Dock Port, Sherry, Madeira, Lisbon, Sweet Moselle and Champagne ; WHIS KIES—Scotch, Old Rye, Calhoun, Old Rapp and Bourbon, some very old hoe; Pure Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Ac. Ac.; Imported and Domestic Segars and Tobacco, all of which they will sell at reasonable prices, and respect fully solicit a call. June 23, 1860.—1 y Coal in Towsontown. I WOULD respectfully form my friends and con-wH-g^— sumer 3 of COAL generally,wßP that I am now receiving, and prepared to de liver th.e SHORT MOUNTAIN COAL, which is equal iii quality as a free burning Coal, to any other that comes to the Baltimore market. Also, A WHITE ASH COAL, which will fa vorably compare with the Baltimore Company’s Coal. "LIMEBURNER’S COAL can be furnish ed in a few days notice, in large or small quan tities, on very reasonable terms. Also, BITUMINOUS COAL, for blacksmiths. Nov. 3, IB6o.—tf N. COOPER. Dr. Sappington’ff COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. This Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen years. It is now considered a certain cure for the above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by DR. R. S. SATPINGTON. 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets, Nov. 12.—tf Baltimore, Md. JOHN F. PLUMMER, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, No. 87 North Gay street, near the Bridge, ■\TrOULD respectfully in- . YV vite the attention of the public, to his beautiful inentof Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Gold and Silver Watt;lies, Gold Pens, Pencils, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold Guard and Fob Chains, Silver Spoons, Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacles to suit all ages ; all of which will be sold cheap for cash. Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner. Orders from the country care fully attended to. Jan. 5,1861. —1 y 1 7~ Joliu W. Richardson Sc Co., No. 12 N. Gay street, Adjoining Christ Church. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE. Major ROBERT HALL, Cutter. CALL AND SEE. Aug' I.—tf FOR SALE. upilE undersighed offers for sale a. Shifting- JL top BUGGY, nearly new, alsa & *et of sin gle Harness, will he sold at a bargain if Imme diate application be made to E. H. ADY, ADY’i HQTEL, Tbn*ot<Wn. Deo. XJ TZ’S CELEBRATED §unw and Cattle sure prt vcntjve of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy tor all Diseases incident to the Horse, gv. kc. ~ **-'■’ ~ In poor, low-spirited animals, it Ims the 1 most beneficial effect. The U3O of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Ilorse a tine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv- ] ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. . v FOB MILCH COWS. The property this Powder possesses in iu* creasing the quantity of Milk in Caws, givd it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet, la fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide aud makes them thrive much taster. HOGS. above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 ots. per Paper, or 5 Papers for sl. PREPARED BT S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE BEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. smtm:i!'S BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP, For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Aslh 'm i, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Diffi culty of Breathing, d-c. This Syrup is a purely vegetable compound. It is pleasant to take and never does injury; but, owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful —soothing, calming ar.d allay ing the most violent Coughs; purifying, invig orating and strengthening the whole system; ealftiing and soothing the nerves ; aiding and facilitating expectoration, and healing the dis eased Lungs, thus striking at the root of dis ease, and driving it from the system. CROUP. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used iu time. Mothers hav ing eroupy children should watch the first show of the disease, and always keep this rem edy at hand. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equaled by no other preparation. PRICE 40 CENTS PER BOTTLE, OR THREE BOTTLES FOR sl.lO. Prepared by 8. A. FOUTZ A BRO., at their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 110 Franklin street,-Buftimore. For sale by MRS. M. A. SHEALEY, Towsontown, And by druggists and storekeepers throughout the United States. SIIRIYER’S INDIAN VERMIITWE, TO DESTROY AND EXPEL WORMS. This Vermifuge is entirety Vegetable—perfect ’ ly safe and harmless, but an effectual and power- J ful remedy for all species of Worms that elleot ’ j children and adults. FOIJTZS’ MIXTURE. • The. Best Lin imen tfor Man and Beast now in use. 1 Is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections, Burns ! Sprains, Swellings, and all diseases requiring 1 an external application on man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Swenny, il properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Crack ed Hoofs, Scratches, Chares, Saddle or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it is an infallible reme- I dy. Try it and be convinced of its effiepey. Rheumatism* Persons afflicted with this disease, no matter ’ of how long standing, can lie jvromplly and ef fectually cured by using this mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure and so good to takeaway bad CORNS, and cure FROSTBITES, ! as this preparation. Try it and satisfy your selves. PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. Prepared by— S. A. FOUTZ ft BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 11(1 Franklin street, Baltimore, Md. For sale by— MRS. M. A. SHEALEY, Towsontown, And by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. June 4, 18IH.—ly MAYHERS , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDRY, CORNER PLOWMAN AND FRONT STS., DEPOT AND SEED STORE, 145 W. Pratt street. i milE undersigned is now prepared to receive _L orders and furnish the most apnroved FARMING AND HORTICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, SEEDS. Ac., on the most favorable terms. I Orders received for machines of every de- I seriptiou, viz :—Wheeler, Meliek A Co. s llorse , power Threshing and Separating Machine* ;1. , .1. Grant A Co.’s Farming Mills and Grain Cra- dies; Bickford A Hoffman’s Grain Drills ; Hick- I ok’s Cider Mills and Wine Presses : also, Hot* > ton, Depew A Co.’s Plows, and J. W. Ellieotts Celebrated Aocomae Plows. Castings ol every > variety made to order. Address * JOHN MAYHER, Agent, tf Baltimore, Md. FISU. FISH. FISH. 1,000 barrels and half barrels No. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel. . ~ 500 small packages do do lor family use. 1,000 barrels and half barrels Lxtra Labradoi and split Herring. . 1,000 bbls. Eastern and Susquehanna Herring. 2o!ooO pounds Codfish and Hakefieh. 1,000 boxes Smoked and Scaled Herring. In store aud receiving for saleby F. F. I OPE, 85 South street, below Pratt, Baltimore. March 12.—ly* D. Kruger, GENTLEMEN S' BOOT AND SHOE STORE, No. 49 North Gay street, Baltimore. ALL kinds work done in the best man- Ml \ uer, and at reasonable rates. w*OTBn Country friends, give me a call. May 4 liei,—ly <* ROT Fit & RAKER’S CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Were awarded the Highest Premiums over a! Competitors, at the following State and County Fairs of lao3. New York State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. ludiana State Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work. Vermont State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work. Ohio State Fair. First Premium for Machine Work. lovra State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Illinois State Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work. Kentucky State Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work. Michigan State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Pennsylvania State Fair. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Oregon State Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Chittenden Co., Yt. Ag. Society. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium.for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Franklin Co., N. Y., Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. Champlain, Vt* Ag. Society. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Hampden Co., Mass., Ag. Society. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. Washington Co., N. Y., Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. Queens Co., N. Y., Ag. Society. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Saratoga Co., N. Y., Fair. First Pe.Ginimn for Family Machine. Mechanics’ Institute, Pa., Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work. Greenfield, Ohio, Union Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Clinton Co., Ohio, Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. Montgomery Co., Pa., Fair. First Premium for Machine for all purposes. First Premium for Machine Work. San Joaquin Co., Cal., Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. San Jose District, Cal., Fair. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. j&at- The above comprises all the Fairs at which the GROVER A BAKER MACHINES were exhibited this year. Salesrooms —495 BROADWAY, N. Y. 131 BALTIMORE ST., BALT. July 9.—tf £sj£fjflL A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 cts. A LECTURE on the nature, treatment and radical cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, and impediments to marriage generally. Nervousness, Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac. BY ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D„ Author of the “ Green Book,” Ae. , The world renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own expe rience, that the awful consequences of Seif- Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical ope rations, instruments, rings, or cordials, point . ing out a mode of cure at once certain and ef fectual, by which every sufferer, no matter 1 what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privatetv and radically. THIS LEC TURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUS . ANDS AND TIIOUBANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, (Post Office Box 4588. June 13, 1364.—1 y Bull’s Head Hotel, Front, near Gay street, Baltimore, Md. rpiIIS old-established hotel, so ably JL—A X and so successfully conducted for BTsstßM the last eighteen mouths, by Thomas jjljK C. Tracey, will be continued by widow, she having taken with her into the business, Robert D. Stansbury, of Davisville, sth District, Baltimore county. The firm will, therefore, hereafter be known as TRACEY A STANSBURY. The old patrons of the estab lishment, os well as the friends of the new pro prietor, may rest assured that nothing in their power will be left undone, to merit a full share of the patronage of the public. * HENRIETTA TRACEY, ROBERT D. STANSBURY. May 9.—tf CHARLES T. SISCO. J. EDWARD SISCO SISCO BROTHERS, No. 95 Baltimore street, Baltimore, WHOLESALE ANB RETAIL MAUFACTTRERS Of Odd Fellows’ and Masons’ Regalia, BANNERS, FLAGS, SIGNALS, MILITARY GOODS, GOLD AND SILVER FRINGES, GIMPS, TASSELS, Ae. Store aud Factory, No. 95 Baltimore street, Opposite Hollidav street. Dee. 28, 1861.—1 y James Beattt. Gf.oroe R. Skill*** JAMES BEATTY & CO., SHIP BISCUIT, CRACKER, S3* AND CAKE BAKERS, Nos. 92, 94 and 96 Dugan’s Wharf, Near Pratt street, Balt. Jan. 16.—tN14* TO FARM AND LAND OWNERS. "ITTE have a large demand for Farms and W Lands in Maryland and Virginia. Par ties wishing to dispose of their farms and lands will do well to give us a call lor address TOWNSEND A KIMBLE, Real Estate Agents, And Commissioners for State of Pennsylvania, No. 8 Law Buildings, St. Paul st., Balt. Dee. 24,1864. —ly- House, Sign, and Fancy Fainting. HENRY L. BOWEN TOWSONTOWN, IS prepared to execute all work in hia line such aa GLAZING, GRAINING, GILDING, IMITATION OF WOOD AND MARBLE, A. All of which will be done promptly, and o* the most reasonable terms. April 7, IB6o.—tf ‘‘BLEAK HOUSE,” BY JOBBPH M. BIEBEL, No. 24 Marsh Markot’Spaee, Baltimore. TRAVELLERS and Boarders will alwayi find comfortable lodgings at reasonable pw os. April 2, 1864.—*1t ——— NANCE’S COLUMN. r JIANCE’S SAKS A. 1 ’Alt ILiT-i'A , * _ vegtablf; OR BLOOD PILLS; li'Vjß purifying the blood, removing bile, cor . reeling disorders of the stomach and bow, els, costiveness, dyspepsia, swimming in the head, Ac. Persons of a full habit, who are sub ject to Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, Sing ing iu the Ears, arising from too great a flow of Blood to the bead should never be without them as many dame ous symptoms will be en tirely carried off by their immediate use. RE AD THE FOLLOWING WONDERFUL CUKE OF DTSPfiPBIA ! , This is to certify that my iTife was afflicted with the Dyspepsia for twelve years, and tried both advertising medicines and Thompsonian * but without affect. I was myself attacked with blindness, and my head otherwise affected Iroin hard drinking, so that I was apprehensive of fits : and seeing Hance’s Sarsaparilla Pills ad vertised I went and got a box of them, which to my astonishment effected a cure of me and my wife both, and I do think them without a rival before the public. S. H. HALL. Albermarle street, uear^Wilke. PURIFYIYG THE BLOOD ! Baltimore, July 29, 1553. This is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in my breast and right arm, which I supposed proeeeded from the impure state of my blood. I was recoin mended to take Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and after taking one box, the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm. I found them extremely gentle in their operation, and wou’d recom mend them to every person in want of a rniid pergati ve, PATRICK ROCHE. No 23 Conway st., between Howard and Eu taw. In puchasing these pills let me add ONE WORD OF CAUTION Always ask for Hance’s Pills, and purchase of none but those advertised as agonts and if eonvenient, call and see the proprietor himself. SETH S. HANCE, 10.8 Baho. st.. Baltimore. Price 515 cents per box, for Hance’s Gen uine Pill*. These pills can be sent by mail, and where four boxes are ordered at one time, they will be sent free of postage. Jan. 21, 1865-ly. DK.BR.4 DSHXWS HmcORtTIIG CORDIAL Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial, FOR GENERAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial, FOR NERVOUS DI3EASE3. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial. FOR PAINS IN THE BACK. Dr. Bradshaw's Inviyoratinq Cordial, CURES DEBILITATED SUFFERERS. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial, for gen eral Debility, loss of muscular energy, diseases of the bladder, kidneys, weakness, obstructions, female complaints, and all other diseases aris ing from excess and imprudence in life, and removing all improper discharges from the bladder, kidneys or other organs, from whatev er cause they may have originated, and no mat ter of how long standing, giving health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. It cures nervous and debilitated sutferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which will be found indisposition to exertion, loss of power, loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weakness, horrorofdisease, weak nerves • trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold feet, wakefulness, dimness of vis ion, languor, universal lassitude of the muscu lar system, often enormous appetite with dys peptic symptoms, hot hands, Hushing of the bodv, dryness of the skin, pallid countenance and'eruption of the face, pain in the back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequently black spots flying before tne eyes, with temporary suffusion and loss of sight, want of attention, great mo bility, restlessness, wiih horror of society.—• Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear ef themselves; no repose of manner, no earn estness, no speculation, but a hurried transition from one question ta another. Effects upon both mind and body can be rectified, and the nervous system healthfully invigorated, where the qualifications of manhood have been im -1 paired. Price $3 per bottle ; two bottles for $5 ; four bottles for $lO ; six bottles sl2; ten bottles S2O; twelve bottles $24. For sale by S. S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore st. Jan. 21, 1865.—1 y. HANCE’S CHEMICAL HAIR RE STORATIVE. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. 5 Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Prevents hair from falling out. Hanee’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Causes it to grow on bald heads. - Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative, t Prevents hair turning gray. - Hanoe's Chemical Hair Restorative. Pemancntly removes Danarun, r 1 Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Gives hair lustre and beauty. HanOT’s Chemical Hair Restorative. > Renders harsh hair soft and glossy, r Hanqe’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Cures all diseases ol the scalp. - Hanoi's Chemical Hair Restorative. The best hair dressing for children. Prepared only by SETH S. HANCE, r 108 Baltimore street. Price tl per bottle. i For sale by SETH S. HANCE. * Jan. 21, 1865-ly. __ 108 Baltimore st. ’ Dyspepsia Cured by Hamil ’ * ton’s Great Virginia Remedy. r Tw BAD the following certificates from a well -5 JY known eitizen : Baltimore, Md., Feb. 18, 1863. Dr. J. L. Hamilton : . Dkam Sir :—I have used your Great \ irginia Remedy with eitire success. I was for years seriously effect*! with Dyspepsia, in its worst > form : I was persuaded to try Hamilton’s Great Virginia Rnedv ; by its use I was entirely re lieved of Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Nauseated Stomach, great Nervous Debility of the Svsteni, Depression of Spirits loss of Appe , tite, Ac. Yours varv Respectfully, Jos. O. Rkilky, No. 11 South street. Price *1,25 cents per bottle, or six tor *6,50. For sale by SETH S. HANCE. Jan. 21. 1865-ly. 108 Baltimore st. PHAKNUM’S COUGH CANDY. ' “He that Hath an Ear to Hear Let Him Hear.” Baltimore, Nov. 13, 1856. The duties of my business have exposed me to roughs, eolds and asthma and pulmonary af fections. I have been deprived of the power of attending te the duties of inv profession, and should have been, had it not"been for the be nign effect ol your MEDICATED CANDV . I tried it but a few hours before I began to reap the advantages of its effects. ■ nr COUGH AND nOARSKNKSS LEFT ME —MV LUNGS | ARK HEALED, ■ And my appetite greatly improved. I there * fore have no hesitation in adding my testimo ny to that of the many who have experienced the benefits of your valuable Cough Candy. William Mf.rcer. > Price 35 cents per package, or three packages for *l. *-Bold by SETH 8. HANCE. 108 Balti more street, and SWEETZER A Co., corner Charles and Pratt sts. Jan. 21,1865-ly. Blotches and Pimples Upon the Face. ’ We know of no more effectual remedy for re “ moving these disagreeable eruptions on the face, than HANCE’S SARSAPARILLA. It is put up in quart bottles, and is one of the best medicines used. Those whose blood requires purifying will do well to use it. Price *1 per bottle, or six bottles for ri ** by | BETH 8. HANCE. Joa 108 Baltimore st