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LOCAL LAW* Published By Authority, I2f Aeeofdanee With ah act passed by the bg isiature oil the 24th of Jauuary, lsß,>) re quiring thAt every public Local haW made to take elTeC* before the first Of June next, after the session at which It may be passed, shall im mediately after its passage he published once iu each of three successive weeks in U ll the newspapers td the respective counties in which it may operate: The undersigned Commissioners of Baltimore county, hereby publish tho following Local Laws tor Baltimore county : An act to provide for inakiug new Indexes, for copying General Indexes, and for binding and covering hooks, containing Civil Equity and Land Lockets, and also Mortgage and Chat tel Records of Baltimore county. Bscnox 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem bly of Maryland, That the Clerk of the Cireuit Cgui;t of Baltimore county ha and he is hereby required to make a new iudex for all deeds, mortgages and chattel records, from the first day of December, eighteen hundred and tifty , on®, to the first day of June, eighteen hundred ’ and fifty-three-, and also to copy General ludex of every kind of record, from the thirteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, and for copying General Index, from the year eighteen hundred and fifty-eight to eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Bee. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Clerk of the Circuit Court as aforesaid, shall procure the binding and covering of the books, contain ing Civil and Equity Dockets, Land Mortgage and Chattel Records, and to copy such of the same as in his judgment may be necessary, and the matter and contents thereof, shall be treated, considered and “held as valid and ef fectual, in all respects, as were the matters and contents ofjthe said originals.” Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That upon th* completion of said indexes and the copying * ' of such as are herein provided for, and also the binding and covering of the books as aforesaid, and as nerein before provided for, and upon the ‘approval and acceptance of the same by the *- County Commissioners of said county, they the Commissioners shall levy for tho use of the said Clerk, as other county charges are now levied, such a sum of money as the said Coun ty Commissioners may deem a just and reason able compensation, not exceeding one thousand ' dollars. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That this act ‘‘ shall take effect from the date of its passage. ' An act empowering Thomas Watts, John M. Wheeler and George Cullison, to sell the Cul lison Meeting House property in the Fifth Election District of Baltimore county and use the proceeds for the erection of a church near Wheeler’s School House. Bec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Thomas Watts, Johu M. Wheeler and George Cullison, be and they are hereby empowered to sell and convey, in fee simple, a lot of land with the improvements thereon, known as the Cullison Meeting House property iu the Fifth Election District of Bal timore county, which was deeded by Darby Ensorto Nathaniel Watts, John May, bhadrach Cullings, Bryan Wheeler ami John Cullison, and to pay the sum realized to the building committee for the erection of a Methodist Epis ' copal Church near Wheeler’s School House. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. A Bill entitled, AN ACT to repeal section sixty five, Article three of the Code of Public Lo cal Laws for Baltimore county, entitled “County Commissioners,”and to re-enact the same with amendments, and also to amend Article three of Public Local Laws for Balti more county, entitled “Collectors.” Sec. I. Bext enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That section sixty-five. Article three of the Cede of Public Laws for Baltimore county, be and is hereby repealed and re en acted so as to read as follows: Sec. 65. They shall levy the State and coun ty taxes for said connty, on or before the first dav of May in each year. doc. 2. Be it enacted. That section three, of the Code of Public Local Laws for Baltimore county entitled, “ Collected." be and is hereby amended, so as to rend as follows: The County Com inis* inner* for Baltimore county, are here by authorised and required to appoint eleven Collertore open the firt Tuesday in March next, and hi-nnnnally thereafter, who shall hold their office for two years, for the collection of State and eounty taxes,one for each ef Die col lection districts, aa composed in the second eec- In ef said mat’d eighteen hundred and eixty two, chapter one hundred and fifty-nine: and said Collector* shall each give a bond annually he the State ef Maryland, in the full sum of State Usee placed in their hand* respectively for eel lection, and also a bond to tho State ef Maryland, far tho use of the Connty Coni mis ■soaore ta tho full suae of eounty taxes placed in their hands respectively for collection, said bond* t* ho approved by the Couuty Commis sioners for said county, and u> be given within tan days from the iaia at appointment, and upon failure to de so, the County Commission mg-m fa* sfanoiiki A IlifrflfiAr. Sac. I. And be it further enacted, That the CeanlJ Commissioners for aaid county, be and are authorised and empowered to remove from the office of Collector in any of the districts aforesaid. any Collector, who in their judgment has failed ta perform the duties of said office faithfully and efficiently, and to appointanoth-' or in his stead, who shall be required to give bond in the same manner as the other Collec tors. Sec. 4. And he it enacted. That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. AN ACT to repeal section three of Article three of tho Code of Public Local Laws for Balti more County entitled, “ Collectors,” and to re-enact the same with an amendment. Sec. I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly ef Maryland, That section three of Article three of the Code of Public Local Laws for Baltimore county, entitled, “Collectors,” be and is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows: The Connty Commissioners for Baltimore county are hereby authorized and required to appoint eleven Collectors on or before the first Tuesday of May next, and bi-annually there after, who shall hold their office for two years for the collection of State and county taxes, one for each of the collection districts as composed ' in the second section of said act of eighteen hundred and sixty-two, chapter one hundred and fifty-nine, and said Collectors shall each give a bond, annually to th£ State of Maryland m the full sum of State taxes placed in their ’ hands respectively for collection, and also a bond to the State of Maryland, fer the use of " the County Commissioners, in the full sum of county taxes placed in their hands respectively for collection, said bonds to be approved by the " County Commissioners for said county, and to be given within ten days from the date ol ap pointment, and upon failure to do so the County Commissioners to appoint a successor. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. ~ A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to an act entitled an act to incorporate companies to make sev eral Turnpike roads through Baltiruorecoun tv, and for other pu poses. WnaitKAS, by previous supplement to the above entitled act, chapter two hundred and fifty peven, passed March ninth, eighteen hun dred and sixty, the President, Managers and Company ef the Baltimore and Yorktowu Turn pike road were authorized and empowered to lay down and (uuips railway in Baltimore ci ty, and on the Baltimore and Yorktown Turn- j pike road, between Baltimore city and Towson towa, and te extend the same into the city, to demand and receive from each passengers iu any •nr or other vehicle on said railway, not more than twenty-five cents fare or toll for the whole dtetamee between the city boundary and Tow eoutown, end not more than five cents fur each mile er fraction thereof, for each wav-passen ger; and whereas, it has been shown by the President, Managers and Company of the Bal timore and Yerktown road, that owing to the uapracedeßtal advance in the labor and Material*, the rate of fare which they are at present empowered to charge is entirely insuf ficient, with the utmost economy they have been enabled to bring into their management, to pay the cost of working their railway, ami ef properly maintaining their tracks and equip ments thereof : Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the President, Managers and Company of the Baltimore and Yorktown Turn pike road be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to charge and collect from each pasaenger in any car or vehicle on said railway net more than thirty cents fare, as toll from the whole distance between the city limits and Tow solitown, and not more than six cents local fare for each mile or fraction thereof each way-pas senger may travel on any portion of the rail * war of the said company. See. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the original and supplemental acts herein re ferred te, as are inconsistent with the provi sions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. $. And he it enacted, That this act shall take effect from the day of its passage. AN ACT to repeal section one hundred and for a-six of the third Article of the Code of Pub i Local Laws relating to the office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore county, and te re-enact the same with amendments, flee. I. Be it enacted hy the General Assembly ef Maryland, That section one hundred and for ty-fix of Article three of the Code of Public Local Laws relating to tho office of the Regis ter ef Wills for Baltimore eounty, be and the •ame is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as See. 141. The Register of Wills for Baltimore eounty, shall keep* general alphabet or index to the records of the wills, ana of such other Rlfatl recorded in said office, as the public mu te 9ml reffeiß* frern Uw lf I ty fWffi When! tile Bfii ViM H Jiwfofmfid, tefi ccltt* for each W 11! or other matter etiteyert there in : ahd itshiill be his duty to enter in skid geiD erill alphabet or index, all such wills or other matters as have not been entered in said index up to the beginning of the term ol tlm present incumbent of aaid office, and shall be entitled to receive therefor the said sum of ten cents for ea*h entry on said index. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Comity Commissioners for Baltimore county, be and are hereby authorised and directed to levy for and pnv over said amount to the Register of Wills of Baltimore county, upon the certificate of tha Judges of the Orphans’ Court that said services have been properly performed. Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. JOSHUA F. COCKEY, JAMES BUTTON, D. J. MCCAULEY, Commissioners of Baltimore county. May 6.—St Miscellaneous. COACHMAKING AND UNDERTAKING, THE aubscriber respectfully informs his friends, and the public generally, that ho jmb is prepared to execute at his shop Qqßr*Mdfr*in Towsontown, at the interseo yp> *— IP tion of the York Turnpike and Jop pa Road, every description of Wheelwriglitliig, Coachmaking, Ac. He will manufacture to order, Carriages. Bug gies. Rockaways, Carryalls, Ac. Old Carriages repaired and painted at short notice. Also, keeps constantly on hand, (and made to order at the shortest notice,) every style and deseriptio* of COFFINS, and having provided himself with aHEARSE, he is prepared to attend funerals at all times. All work warranted to give satisfaction. GEO. H. HUGHS. April 15, 1864.—tf. PAUL, CLIFFORD. THIS well known and favorite stock horse will stand the season of 1865, at the subscriber's nlAwKwB stable in GOVAN3TOWN, fnnrAVW miles on the York Road. JOE LANE. This high-bred Stallion will stand the season of 1865, at the following places : —Mondays and Tuesdavs of every week at FAIR VIEW HOTEL, 2 miles from Baltimore, on the Frederick Road: on Wednesday of every week at BUFFING TON'S, 8 mile house on the Reisterstown Road : the remainder of the time at the Subscriber’s Stable in Govanstown. Good keeping for marcs from a distance: all accidents and escapes at the risk of the owners. Season to commence April 17th, and end July 20th, 1865. L. MONGAR. Govanstown, Baltimore county. April 15.—U20. I riAHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the suli- X scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of JOSEPH WILSON, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ingclaims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber , On or before the lat day of December, 1865, they may otherwise bylaw he excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to •aid estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 25th day of April 1865. URITH WILSON, April 2V.—4t* Administratrix. Til 18 xS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scribers have obtained from the Orphans* Court of Baltimore couuty, letters testamen tary on the estate of ZENUB BARXUM, late of said couuty, deceased. All personshav ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, Os or before the Ist day of December, 1865 ; thov may otherwiae by law be excluded from all Wneut of said ©state. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 25th day of April, 1865. SAMUEL 11. TAGART, FRANCIS W. BENNETT, April 22.—4 t Executors. U. S. INCOME REVENUE THE undersigned, Assistant Assessor of Uni ted States Taxes for the 3d, 4th and Bth Election Districts of Baltimore couuty, will be at the COCKEYSVILLE HOTEL, on Saturday, May 13<A, 1865, between the hours of 9 and 4 o’clocx, to receive returns of Income ( prodded said returns are satisfactory to him,) from the citizens of the Bth District. Those who may have been omitted in serving the notices, and owing an Income tax, are also notified to attend. THOMAS SANDERSON, Asst. Assessor 6th Division, sth Col. Dist. April 29.—td Catousville Hail way. Spring and Summer Arrangement. ON and after Monday, May Ist, 1865, cars will run HOURLY FROM 7 A. M. TO 7 PM., and at 9 P. M. daily SUNDAY’S excepted. On Sunday’s HOURLY FROM 7 A. M., to 9 P. M. PASSENGERS TO AND FROM ELLICOTT’S MILLS will leave dailv, Sundays included, at 7, 9 and 11 A. M„ and 2, 4 and 6 P. M. Office west end of Baltimore street. WM. W. ORNDORFF, Secretary. April 29.—tf P. LENFIELD PERKINS, PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, Nob, 306 A 207 Baltimore St., BALTIMORE, MD. A PERSONAL EXPERIANCE of 21 years renders Mr. P., second to no operator in this country. For convenience and elegance of arrange ments, this Establishment is surpassed by none in Baltimore. For aged, infirm or delicate per sons, or young Children, this Gallery has pecu liar advantages, it being all on the First Floor ptS* We Study to Please, Call and see April I.—3m. ~~N OTI CE. ON and after Monday, April Zrd, the fare on the York Road Railway will bo THIRTY CENTS from Baltimore to Towsontown. For each Section or part of a Beetion THREE CTB. and on the city portion of the Road the fare will be SIX CENTS. A. D. SANKS, Agent. April I.—6t. BURNS & SLOAN. LUMBER DEALERS, 132 Ijiglit St., Baltimore, DOORS and SASH. Which they offer for sale at the lowest Market rates, for CASH. Feb. 11, 1865.—1 y. FOR SALE. fIUIE elegant saddle horse “MESSENGER X TOM,” is a beautiful Bay, seven hands high, lofty and handsome. lie goes all gaits with ease to himself and ‘•J rider. Sired by Rezin 11. Worthington’s horse “ Tom Friendship.” NOAII WORTHINGTON, of Tlios. April 29.—3t* Baltimore eounty. Horses for Sale. A first-class riding HORSE, perfcctlyj;entlc, will work any where, four years ffc old. Also, a child’s PONEY, eight years old, very fast, with all the nat- Vf ural gaits, will be sold cheap. Inquire of B. V. RICHARDSON, Green Spring Valley, uear Brooklandville. April 29.—tf. Correspondent Wanted. A YOUNG LADY, formerly of the city, wish esty correspond with an intelligent gentle man with a view tomutual improvement. Pho tographs exchanged if desired. Address MAY StLEON, Warren P. 0., April 29.—2t* Baltimore county, Md. Partnership Notice. DOCTORS Charles McLean and J. Weems Hawkins have formed a professional part nership for the general practice of Medicine in Baltimore county. Office at the residence of Dr. McLean, near Coekeysville. April 29.—3 t FOR SALE, ONE very, superior NARROW-TREAD four horse WAGON, nearly new, 1 large new Hey Carriage, and onePelton Power Threshing Machine, in good order. Apply to SAMUEL G. WILSON, Auctioneer, April I#.—tf Towsontown, * Property Satm E*.E€t;ToiCS SALE. : Valuable and Desirable Country Seats on j The Frederick Turnpike, 8 Miles t From the City ol Baltimore. 1 AT PUBLIC AUCTION. IN pursuance of the power vested in the un dersigned, under the will of Mary Palmer, ueceascd, and by virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court for Bultiinoic^p^|j|' - couuty, the subscriber, as acting ex- UIiHL ( eciitor of said Mary Palmer, will offer [ at public sale, at the exchange Salesrooms, Occ onu street, in the city of Baltimore, on I Wednesday, the 10/A duy of May, 1865, -at I o'elock, P. M., the following valuable property iu Baltimore county: LOT No. I.—The RESIDENCE of Benjamin Palmer, late of Baltimore county, deceased, sit uated on the Frederick Turnpike road, about 8) miles from the city of Baltimore, containing 24 ACRES OF LAND, which is of excellent quality. Tho.improveiuents are a Brick Dwelling, 44 feet front, with a large Barn, built of stone and brick, 66 feet in length, with good Stabling, Ac. There is also upon the property, a comfortable DWELLING for a Gardner, Ac., and has a fine 1 grove of native oaks and hickory trees, witli the best of pure spring water. The residence 1 has always been considered one of the most ' beautiful and desirable in the vicinity of Bal timore. LOT No. 2.—This contains 16 acres of land upon the south side of the turnpike road, and is immediately opposite tho lot upon which tho Dwelling is located. It adjoins the property of the lion. Anthony Kennedy, and has upon it a beautiful site for a residence, with a good view. There is also upon this lot one of the largest springs of water iu the State. LOT No. 3. —This lot contains 31 acres and 20 perches of land adjoining No. 2, and is also well located for building, and is susceptible of division into fine building sites. LOT No. 4.—This lot contains 14J acres, and is situated on the road leading from the Thistle Factory to Ellicott’s Mills. It is improved by a comfortable STONE DWELLING. Persons desirous of viewing the above property will be shown it by calling on Messrs. Palmer, who reside on the premises, and a plat of the Lots can be seen at the office of the Executor. Possession will be given at onee. Terms of Sale as prescribed by the Court, are—One-half cash on day of sale, and the bal ance in six months, or all cash at tho option of' the purchaser or purchasers. The credit pay ments to bear interest, and to be secured to the satisfaction of the Executor. N. B. This property is worthy public atten tion, situated on one of the best roads out of the city of Baltimore—high, healthy and neigh borhood unexceptionable. S. H. TAGART, Acting Executor of Marv Palmer, dec. F. W. BENNETT A CO., April 29.—ts. Auctioneers. Trusteed Sale. fIIHE undersigne/f'Trustce, will oiler for sale X at the Exchange Salesrooms, Bal- XggsfX tiinore, on Monday, the 22d day of 1865, at 1 O’CLOCK. P. M., the follow ing property in Baltimore county, nn. improved. Ist LOT. —No. 26, on Tint of Hampden Vil lage, fronting on Cross street, containing about 2 ACRES, 2 ROODS and 34 PERCHES, ox-cepting therefrom about a quarter of an acre sold to Dennis Kelley jind Patrick Kelly. This lot lies in front of Dr. Cherbonnicr's stone Cot tage, in Ham pden and between that cottage and the Falls Turnpike road. 2d LOT.—A tract of land near North Point House, part of Swan Harbor in I’atapsco Neck, containing 174 ACRES, 3 ROODS and 30 PER CHES, nbout nine miles from Baltimore by the North Point Road fronting on both sides of that road and running back to and binding on Bear Creek, a navigable River to this property. This land adjoins Me?ers. Harris and Todd, and was formerly known as the “ Green prop erty.” TERVIS.—One third cash ; balance with in terest at six and twelve months, or the whole cash at the option of the purchaser. GEORGE R. CINNAMON I), Trustee. SAMUEL II.GOVER, Auctioneer. April 29. It Miscellaneous. U. S. 7-30 loan: SECOND SERIES. TII K first series of this Loan being absorbed, the Government is now issuing only the second scries which bear date JUNE 15TII, 1865. On all subscriptions prior to that date, the in terest from datcol subscription to the loth June, will be paid in advance at time of subscribing. These notes arc now ready for delivery at the First National Bank of Baltimore, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY AND Government Loan Agency, No. 8 SOUTH GAY STRFET, BALTIMORE. April B. Bt. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. Reduction in the Price of the MD. CO’S. POUDRETTE. fTMIIS very desirable Crop Producer which X gave such general satisfaction during the last season, can now be had in quantities to suit. Also, constantly for 3alfi, HOVE DUST, IU OHO PHILIPS, and all other Fertilizers. Also, LIME, BRICKS, CEMENT, PLASTERS. Ac. LESTEIt & CO., No. 140 Howard St., cor. of Franklin, Balto. G. W. S. Hoffman, Esq., will act as Agent for the sale of the above Poudrette, at his Store at Oakland, Baltimore county, Md., where farm ers and others can be supplied. To Whom it May Concern: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, f T 4HAT the undersigned, Examiners, anpoint- X ed by the County Commissionersoi Balti more county, on the petition of Mr. Thomas Wilson. President, and others, for the openin of a Road from the Manual Labor School in the 13th district of Baltimore county, run ning through the Manual Labor Farm, and al so through the lands of Bennet F. Walker, S. Counselman and Henry Townscn, and inter secting the public road near Dr. N. R. Smith’s farm, having taken the oath required by law, will proceed on the 22d day of May, 1865, on the premises, (if fair, if not, the next fair day,) to execute the trust reposed in them and the requirements of the acts of Assembly in such cases made and provided. I. R. HEACOCK, JOSHUA MELLOR, April 22.—5 t. Examiners. To Whom it May Concern: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT in thirty days from the day of the date hereof, the undersigned will make application to the County Commissioners of Baltimore county, that the Road known as Highland Avenue, in the 12th Election District, leading from the Philadelphia Turnpike to Bank Street, in the City of Baltimore, shall be iniyi-omt by proper grades and by a bridge or culvert over the run that crosses said Avenue, and that it shall forever hereafter be held as a Public Ilighwav. ' WILLIAM HARRISON, A. MANDERSON, a others. April B.—st* "notice" T O Licensed Dealers. Okkick Ci.krk Cikcoit Court ) i or Bxltimorr County. j T PHE undersigned would respectfully call the X attention of licensed dealers in Baltimore county, to the law which requires each license to be taken out before May Ist, the usual ten days of imaginary grace having really no found ation or bearing in law, Will most likely in the .present year involve persons in difficulty who fail to have their license on or before May Ist, ensuing. JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. April B.—4t. notice” fTUIE Stockholders of the Meredith’s Ford a X Jarrctsvillc Turnpike Company are re quested to pay Four Dollars ($4) per share of their subscription to said road on SATURDAY, the 13th day of May, 1865. By order of the Board, JOSHUA H. SCARFF, Secretary. April 22.—3 t. Dr. H. L. NAYLOrT” HAVING located in Green Spring Valley, respectfully offers to the public his pro fessional services. Office, Residence of Mr. D. W. Cross, near Brooklandville. April 29.—3 m. EOR SALE, HORSES and 1 NARROW-TREAD WAGON. Apply to Mbs. T. ELLEN TALBOTT, April 22.—3 t. Lutherville, Balto, co. | I Property Mw* I MORTGAGE SALE > OB 1 A F A 33, M, CONTAINING FIFTY ACRES, SITUATE AND LYING NEAR SWEET AIR, IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. BY virtue and in pursuance of a power ol attorney from Adeline J. Young, admiuis ! tratrixof William H. Young, late of | /adfc. the city of Baltimore, deceased, iJ'japfoand in conformity with the pro- imUL **visions of an act of tho Goner lUJiHB al Assembly of Maryland, passed, at the De cember Session, 1826, chapter 192 entitled “An , Act relating to mortgages in the city and coun ty of Baltimore,” and also in conformity with the provisions of Art. 64 of the-Code oCGener al Public Laws, the undersigned, as attorney, will oiler for sale at public auction, at the COURT HOUSE DOOR, at Towsontown, on ’ Wednesday, the 17/A day of May next, at the hour of 12 o’clock M., ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL of LAND, situate and lying in Baltimore county, and de scribed as follows—that is to say : Beginning for the same at a stone in the public road, (a corner of Robert Miller's land, bought of Hen ry Carroll,) thence north 17 degrees west along said road, sixteen perches to a post, north 26 degrees, west forty-six perches to a post oppo site u lane leading toStansbury's Mills; thence south seventy-four degrees, west one hundred and forty two and sixth-tenth perches to a large chestnut tree; thence south twenty three anl one-half degrees, east fifty and eight-tenth ■ perches to the line of Richardson’s land, bought of Henry Carroll; thence by said land, north seventy-four and a-lialf degrees, cast thirty seven perches to a Spanish oak tree, a cormr of said Miller’s land p thence by the latter north eighty-two degrees, east nineteen and three-tenth perches to a stone, north eighty de ' grees, east fourteen perches to a stone, north seventy-four and a-half degrees, east eighteen perches to a stone, eighty-two degrees, east twenty-three perches to a post, north sev enty-one degrees, east thirty-four and two tenth perches to the beginning, containing FIFTY ACRES and EIGHT SQUARE PERCHES OF LAND, more or less, it being the same tract of land which, by an indenture of mortgage, bearing date on the 20th day of April, in tho year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and duly recorded among the land records of Bal timore eounty, in Mortgage Liber G. 11. C., No. 11, folio 482, Ac., was conveyed by a certain Timothy Stevens and Elizabeth Stevens, his wife, unto the said William 11. Young, byway of mortgage. This Farm is under a good state of cultiva tion, well limed and under good fencing; new FRAME HOUSE, 7 rooms ; Switzer Barn, and other Outhouses; Springs of fine Water: fields well watered;— Peach and Apple Orchard, and a variety of oth er Fruits; Churches, Schools and Stores, ail convenient; one mile from the Dulaney’s Val ley pike, and one mile from Sweet Air: seven teen miles from Baltimore, Jarretsville pike running past the place, which will be com plot* ed next Fall. Terms of Sale—One-third cash on the dnyot sale: one-third in 6 months, and one third in 12 months, the credit payments Ito bear interest, and to be secured by the bonds or notes of the purchaser, with a surety or sureties, to be ap proved by the undersigned, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. D. E. TIIOMAS, Jit., Attorney. April 22.—ts. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF ONK OF TUB MOST VALUABLE FARMS IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. FINITE undersigned Trustees offer i.t X Private Sale the “BACON HALL FARM,” ' situated in Baltimore countv,contuiu-ilHlo§ ing 476 ACRES, MORE OIt'LESS. This property is situated on the York Turn- j pike, twenty miles from Baltimore, and less , than three miles from Monkton Station on the Noithcrn Central Railway,adjoining thcfiucly ; improved estate of Nicholas R. Merryman.— ' Atmut two hundred acres.are wooded, and the \ balance arable land of a kind quality, not less ' than 150 acres of which are level and very pro- j ductive. There is an excellent quarry of Lime stone on it, and a kiln convenient. The DWELLING HOUSE is of stone, 50 by j 25 feet, with commodious wings. It is hand somely situated in a healthful and beautiful valley, and can readily be made oneof the most 1 desirable and productive estates in tho county. There is a good BARN on the property, and oth- i er necessary outbuildjngs and iswell watered. J Terms of sale ;—One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, or on the ratification thereof, and the balance in equal instalments, in one and two years from the (lay of sale, with interest, and security to be approved bv the .Trustees. ' JOHN riIILPOT,) Trugtecs JNO. T. ENSQR, [ lrUsie ~ s - Apply to John Fliilpot at Phoenix, or to Jno. T. Ensor at Towsontown, Baltimore co., Md. Feb. 25.—tf. TRUSTEE’S SALE Of* Valuable Real Estate. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, sitting in equity, the undersigued Trustee, will oiler for sale at HOFFACKER’B HOTEL, l&jipkParkton. on the Northern Ceil- !* * • *‘T l *’tral Railroad, or. ~ Wednesday, 10 Ih day of May, 1865, At L O’CLOCK/P. M., All the Real Estate of the said John Gemmill, whereon he now resides, and which eonsits of three pieces or parcels of land, called “ JEP TACK’S LOT ENLARGED,” and partot a tract of land called “ BETTER THAN NOTHING,” and also part of a tract called “ DORCAS,” ly ing contiguous to each other, containing in the aggregate 176 AC!ll^ S AND \ KO Ql > °F LAND,, Eorrest,” containing 2(1 ACRES, more or less, all of which is lying contiguous, and situate on Deer Creek, on the road near Harris’ Mill, be tween New Market and Gorsuch’s Mills, adjoin ing lands of Lewis Whitcraft, James Harris, Ross Bond, and others. This property lies about 5 miles from Park ton, and "i miles from the turnpike, and is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements on this property are a comfortable Dwelling House, Good Barn, and other out Buildings, un der good fence, and well watered, and good or chards of choice fruit. The 20 acre lot called Bond’s Forrest, will be sold seperate if desirable. Any person wishing to view the property, can do so by calling on John Gemmill, residing on the premises. Terms of Sale arc—One half cash, balance in twelve months from the day of sale with inter est, the deferred payment to be secured to the satisfaction of the Trustee. DAVID WILEY, Trustee. April 15.—ts. TRUSTEE’S SALE ’ OF A Country Scat in Baltimore county, NEAR CATONSVILLE. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, the subscri her as Trustee, will sell at auction, on the premises, at on Saturday, May 20/A, 1865, A COUNTRY SEAT, containing about FORTY ACRES of land, in, Baltimore county, on the Old Windsor Mill road, (macadamised,) seven miles from the city of Baltimore, and four or five miles from Catousville, being now the res idence of Mrs. Margaret Ttmauiis, and adjoin ing the places of Messrs. Sautcr, Burke, Young er and Mills. The situation is healthy, in an excellent neighborhood, and near a number of churches and several good schools. The land is of good quality, and in a good state of cultivation, and lias upon it an ORCHARD of fine apples and other fruits. The improvements are a convenient DWEL LING HOUSE, a barn, dairy and other out buildings. The terms as prescribed by the decree, are — One-fourth cash on the day ot sale, and the re mainder iu three equal payments in six, twelve and eighteen months; the credit payments to bear interest, and to be secured by the notes of the purchaser with rtpproved security, or the purchaser may pav the whole cash at his option. THOMAS DONALDSON, April 29.— ts Trustee. _ FOR SALJeT A FARM of 350 ACRES, good land, part heavy timber, 9 miles from .aflPu timorc’: one of TOO acres, jt&jwKitone land,good Improvements, iimß|L Warren Factory; one ofi£2!±H 55 acres, 4 miles east of Towsontown ; a lot of 2j acres new stone Dwelling, good Barn and Wheelwright shoy, an excellent place for the business ; a farm lotof 17! acres, in fine condi tion, will be sold with the dwelling and shop if desired; a farm of 15 acres in Towsontown, good Dwelling, Orchard, Ac.; one of 7 acres with three Bmall Dwelling houses and Stable, on the York Road; 14 acres of Woodland with fine building sites ; 2 houses and lots in fee.— Building lots for sale or lease, ground rent for sale. Apply to B. N. PAYNE, Smedley Row, opposite the Court House, j April 29.-tf i—mimriMi™ iiffßftiuiiliMr .1 m. //ctaes's Vmmiu ' iiAN(-l;'s SAttSAPAHtIiL A, VEGTABLE OR BLOOD FILLS f INOH purifying tho blood,removing bile, cor _ reeling disorders of the stomach and bow, els, costiveness, dyspepsia, swimming in the head, Ac. Persons of a full habit, who are sub ject to Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, Sing ing in the Ears, arising from too groat a How of Blood to the head should never be without them as many dangerous symptoms will be en tirely carried off by their immediate use. iu:.iu Tin: FOLLOWING WONDERFUL CUIIK OF UTSUKPSIA ! This is to certify that my wife was afflicted with the Dyspepsia for twelve years, and tried both advertising medicines and Thompsonian but without affect. I was myself attacked with bl indness, and my head otherwise affected from hard drinking, so that I was apprehensive of fits : and seuing fiance's Sarsaparilla Pills ad vertised I went and got a box ot them, which to my astonishment effected a cure of me and my wife both, and I do think them without a rival before the public. S. 11. HALL. Albermarle street, ncar’Wilke. PURIFYING THE BLOOD ! Baltimore, July 29, 1853. This is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in my breast and right arm, which I supposed proceeded from the impure state of my blood, f was recommended to take Ilance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and after taking one box, the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm. I found them extremely gentle in their operation, and would recom mend them to every person in want of a mild pergative. PATRICK ROCHE. No 23 Conway st., between Howard and Eu taw. In puehasing these pills let me add —ONE WOlin OF CAUTION — Always ask for fiance's Pills, and purchase of none'hut those advertised as agents and if convenient, call and see the proprietor himself. SETH S. HANCE, 108 Balto. st., Baltimore. J3Y** Price cents per box, for Ilance’s Gen uine Pills. These pills can be sent by mail, and where four boxes are ordered at one time, they will be sent free of postage. Jan. 21, 1865-ly. Dlt. RUA DSHAW S INVIGORATING CORDIAL- Dr. Brad thaw' a Invigorating Cordial, FOli GENERAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, FOR NERVOUS DISEASES. Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, FOR TAINS IN THE BACK. Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, CURES DEBILITATED SUFFERERS. Dr. Bradshaw'i Invigorating Cordial, for gen eral Debility, loss of muscular energy, diseases of the bladder, kidneys, weakness, obstructions, female complaints, and all other diseases aris ing from excess and imprudence in life, and removing all improper discharges from the bladder, kidneys or other organs, from whatev er cause they may have originated, and no mat ter of how long standing, giving health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. It cures nervous and debilitated sufferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which will be found indisposition to exertion, loss ot power, loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weakness, horrorofdisease, weak nerves trembling, dreadful horror of death, night ' sweats, cold feet, wakefulness, dimness of vis ion, languor, universal lassitude of the muscu j lar system, often enormous appetite with dys- I' icptic symptoms, hot hands, flushing of the >ody, dryness of the skin, pallid countenance and eruption of the face, pain in the back, ; heaviness of the eyelids, Irequently black spots ! flying before tne eyes, with temporary suffusion and loss of sight, want of attention, great mo ' bility, restlessness, with horror of society.— I Nothing is more desirable to such patients than | solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear ; of themselves ; no repose of manner, 110 carn j estness. no speculation, but a hurried transition ! from one question to another. Effects upon ! botli mind and body cun be rectified, and the ! nervous system healthfully invigorated, where the qualifications of manhood have been im i paired. | Price $3 per bottle; two bottles for $5; four bottles for $10; six bottles sl2; ten bottless2o; twelve bottles $24. For sale by 8. S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore st. Jan. 21, 1865.—1 y. HANCE’S CHEMICAL HAIR RE STORATIVE. Ilancc’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Hance's Chemical ‘Hair Restorative. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Prevents hair from falling out. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Causes it to grow on bald heads. Hance’s Chemical Ilair Restorative. Prevents hair turning gray. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Pemanently removes Dandruff’. Ilance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Gives hair lustre and beauty. Ilance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Renders harsh hair soft and glossy. Hancc’a Chemical Hair Restorative. TTures an diseases ot the scalp. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. The best hair dressing for children. Prepared only by SETII S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore street. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by SETH S. HANCE. Jan. 21,.1865-ly. 108 Baltimore Bt. Dyspepsia Cured by Hamil ton’s Great Virginia Remedy. T> EAD the following certificates from a well- XV known citizen ; Baltimouf., Md., Feb. 18, 1863. Dn. J. L. Hamilton: Du vit Sir I have used your Great Virginia Remedy with entire success. I was for years seriously affected with Dyspepsia, in its worst form : I was persuaded to try Hamilton's Great Virginia Remedy; by its use I was entirely re lieved Of Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Nauseated Stomach, great Nervous Debility of the System, Depression of Spirits loss of Appe tite, Ac. Yours very Respectfully. Jos. 0. Rkilkv, No. 11 South street. Price 91,25 cents per bottle, or six tor 96,50. For sale by SETH S. HANCE. Jan. 21. 1865-ly. 108 Baltimore st. PHAENUM’S COUGH CANDY. “He that Hath an Ear to Hear Let Him Hear.” Baltimore, Nov. 13, 1856. The duties of my business have exposed me to coughs, colds and asthma and pulmonary af fections. 1 have boen deprived of the power of attending to the duties of iny profession, and should have been, had it not been for the be nign effect of your MEDICATED CANDY.— I tried it but a few hours before I began to reap the advantages of its effects. MY COUGH AND HOARSENESS LEFT HE —MV LUNGS ARE HEALED, And my appetite greatly improved. I there fore have no hesitation in adding my testimo ny to that of the many who have experienced the benefits of your valuable Cough Candy. William Mercer. Price 35 cents per package, or three packages for sl. j £®“Sold by SETH S. HANCE, 108 Balti more street, and SWEETZER A Co., corner Charles and Pratt sts. Jan. 21,1865-ly. Blotches and Pimples Upon the Face. We know of no more effectual remedy for re moving these disagreeable eruptions on the face, than HANCE’S SARSAPARILLA. It is put up in quart bottles, and is one of the beat medicines used. Those whose blood requires purifying will do well to use it. Price 91.95 per bottle, or tlx bottles for 96.50 by „ SETH 8. HANCE. Jan 108 Baltimore st. (J, s, 7-30 Loan', > BY authority of the Secretary of the Treasu ry, the undersigned has assumed tho General Subscription Agency for tho sale of Uhited • States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three | tenths per cent, interest, per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August 15th, 1861, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into V. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., including gold interest from No vember, which makes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, at current rates, including interest, about ten per cent, per annum, besides its ex emption from State and municipal taxation, which adds fromjmt to three per cent, more, according to the rate levied on other property. The in terest is payable semi-annually by coupons at tached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents “ “ SIOO “ Ten “ “ “ SSOO “ 20 * “ “ “ SIOOO K $1 “ “ SSOOO “ Notes ofall the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscrip tions. This is The only Loan in Market now offered by the Government, and it is confi dently expected that its superior advantages will make it the Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $2*10,000,000 remain unsold, which will probably be disposed of within tho next 60 or 90 days, when the notes will undoubtly com mand a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the other Loan 3. In order that citizens of every town and sec tion of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, aud Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive, sub scriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only arc to be responsible for the de livery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelpia. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Baltimore. Second “ “ “ Baltimore. First National Baud of Cumberland, Md. First National Bank of N. Windsor, Md. First Natjpual Bank of Westminster, Md. February 25.—3 m. R. SINCLAIR & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements AND MACHINERY, GROWERS AND IMPORTERS OF Garden Sc Field Seeds, DEALERS IN FERTILIZERS, &C., No. 58, 60 & 62 Light St„ Baltimore. WE are Manufacturingour Improved Stone Lime and Oyster Shell win® smsmsm, Made of the Best Material and fifty per cent, better than any Lime Spreader made in this country. Warranted to give Satisfaction. Agents for the sale of tho Celebrated “MONITOR” MOWING li REAPING MACHINE. THE “IRON HARVESTER” SELF RAKE REAPER, considered now the best Self-Rake Machine in use, and is warrant ed to give satisfaction. We also Manufacture the “Horse Corn Planter Which Seeds, Covers and Rolls, and is one of the best in use. Horse Powers, Threshers, Wheat Fans, Grist Mills, , Corn nnd €ob Crashers, Field and Garden Rollers, Plows of aU Descriptions, Harrows, Cultivators, Plow Sl Machine Castings, Ac. for a Circular. 3R,. SINCLAIR Sc 0,0. April 15, 1865.—tf. PAUL CLIFFORD, JR. rpms well bred Stallion will stand the en -1 suing Season, commencing on the 10/A of April ana ending on the First of July, 1865, each ' alternate Week as follows; From Monday noon until Wednesday inorn : ing at MYERS A KEMP'S HOTEL, (late Buf ' fington’s,) Hookstown Road ; From Wednesday Evening until Saturday Noon, at HART’S HOTEL, CATONSVILLE; From Saturday Eveninguntil Wednesday Ev’g, At the SMEDLEY STABLES, ToWsoniown; From Thursday Morning until Friday Morning at AMOS’ HOTEL, Cub Hill, Harford Road ; , and from Friday Evening until Saturday Even ing at SMITH’S (late Baadors’Hotel,) Old York Road. DESCRIPTION.— rAUL CLIFFORD, Jit., is a deep mahogany bay, 15J hands high, with black legs, long flowing mane and tail ; he has a neat head, strong arched neck, good . shoul ders and his bone is immense for a horse of his age and size; his stock cannot bo surpassed for size, strength, docility aud courage, beauty and speed by that of any other stallion in the Slate. 110 is five years old this spring and was sired by the Trotting Stallion Paul Clifford, owned by L. Mongar A Co., of Govanstown. 'Terms—s2s the Season to be paid within the Season. /HIJ-For Pedigree, Ac., see Handbills. .J. B. LONGNKCKER, Towsontown, Baltimore County. April B.—tJl. ST. LAWRENCE. jgH THE above well known Horse will stand this Season, commencing on the First of May and ending on the lat of August, 1865, as follows: Monday, Tuesday aud Wednesday of each Week at the Golden Horse Stables, Howard st., Baltimore; Thursdays, at ADY’S HOTEL, TOWSONTOWN, Fridays and Saturdays at the FARM OF JOHN 0. PRICE, near Cockeysville. TERMS—SSO the Season, to be paid within the season, and $1 to the Groom at service. SBR.For Description, Ac., see Handbills. JOHN WILLIAMS. April B.—t Al. STATE BOUNTY! STATE BOUNTY! WANTED at once, One Thousand State Bounty Certificates, for which the high est market price will be paid. PHILIP GOVER A CO., 22 W. Balto. St., opposite Maryland Institute, April 22,—St* Legal AWm. LOt’boVP PARK VoUtiTv <w. JOHN MoDGWELIj, ,T Bi) et al-in tbd Circtrit Court for Baltimore county-—m equity-* March 9, 1905. The object of this stilt is to procure the re duction of the amount of certain negotiable pa per of the complainant, or any renewals there ’of or negotiable notes substituted for the same, originally issued Xu John McDowell, Jr., John L. Ginnido, Benjamin L. Woolston, Aaron R. Davy and James 8. Primrose, or some of them, under resolution passed by the Board of Man agers of the complainant on the 2d day of April, 1855, and to have a pretended deed of the com plainant to said McDowell, in trust for himself and others, dated June 4th. 1855, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, iu Liber 11. M. F., No. 13, Folio 3u2, Ac., declared void, and delivered up to be cancelled. m The Bill states that said McDowell, Ginnido and Woolston were members of the Board of Managers of complainant, and that on the 2d of April, 1855, a resolution was passed directing the President and Secretary of complainant to obtain a loan of from SSOOO to $7000; that soon afterwards said McDowell wrote to the Secreta ry said Primrose, from Philadelphia, directing him to raise the sum of SBOOO upon the negoti able paper of the complainant at 12, 15 and 18 months, with interest at the rate of li per cent per month, for which interest the company s ne gotiable paper at 6, 9. 12, 18 and 24 months should be given, and that the said Primrose, uniting with said McDowell and others to de fraud the complainant, sent at tho request of said McDowell the said negotiable paper to a broker, McDowell, in Philadelphia, and the same was immediately discounted or taken by said McDowell, said Day, the partner of McDowell, said Ginnido, Woolston and Prim rose, but in what proportions the complainant cannot state. The Bill alleges that the said sale by the broker was colorable only and in tended to cover the fraud of said McDowell and others, officers of the complainant and those aiding them. The Bill further states that on the 4th day of June, 1855, the said McDowell and others ob tained from the President and Secretary, said Primrose, a deed to said McDowell, in trust for himself and said above mentioned parties of a part of the complainants Cemetery grounds and that such deed was executed by the Presi dent ami Directors wholly without authority; that at the time said deed, which is absolute on its face, was sent to Philadelphia to said Mc- Dowell, an instrument of defeasancestatingthat the said deed was in fact intended as security only for the monies so advanced the complain ant. was sent with to he executed by said McDowell and the others, but that the said Mc- Dowell retained the said deed, and he and said other partners failed and declined to execute the instrument of defeasance, and the Bill in sists that there never has been any valid un conditional delivery of said deed and that the same is fraudulent and void as against com plainant. The Bill also alleges that the said James A. Wright, Thornton Pike, Clement A. Griscomand Theodore Wright, partners trading as Peter Wright A Sons, are assignees of some or all the papers held by said McDowell, having received the same after it became due and in payment of an existing debt, and that defendants reside out of the State of Maryland. Tt is therefore, this 12th day of April, 1865, adjudged and or dered that complainant by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published in Baltimore county, in each of four successive weeks previous to the 13th day of May next, give notice to the said absent defend ants of the object aud substance of thisßilland warn them to be and appear in this Court in person or by solicitor on or before the 15th day of August next, to answer the premises and show cause, if any thsy have, why a decree ought not to pass a3 proved. JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. April 15.—1 t. TViY’ID POWERS AND OTHERS, vs. GEO. ±J W. POWERS AND OTHERS— In the Cir cuit Court for Baltimore county —in Equity. — April 18th, 1865. ORDERED, That the sales made and report ed by Theodore Gloeker and Felix McCurley, Trustees for the sale of the real estate of Peter Powers, deceased, mentioned in the above pro ceedings, be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before the 18th day of May next, provided a copy of this order be inserted in some paper printed in Baltimore county, once in each of four succes sive weeks before the 18th day of May next. The report states the amount of sales to be $2,575. And it is further ordered, that tho Trustees give notice to the creditors of the said Peter Powers, deceased, to file their claims with the vouchers thereof with the Clerk of this Court w’ithin four months from the day of sale. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Cop v—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. In pursuance of the above order the under signed, Trustees, hereby give notice to the cred itors of Peter Powers, late of Baltimore coun ty, deceased, to file their claims with the vouch ers thereof with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, at Towsontown, on or be fore the 11TII DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, otherwise they will be excluded from the par ticipation of the distribution of the net proceeds or the above sales. Given under our hands this 18th day of April, 1865. THEODORE GLOCKER, > Trn , te<ia FELIX MoCURLEY, } Trustees. April 22.—4 t. _____ THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of MELCIIOIR ALGIRE, late of said county, deceased. All personshav ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 15/A day of November, 1865 ; thev mar otherwise bv law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 12th. day of April, 1865. J 1 ELLEN E. ALGIRE, April 15.—4t* Administratrix. IHIIB IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court for Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry on the estate of HORATIO G. JAMESON, late of said county deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 15/A day of November, 1865 / they mav otherwise bv law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to the estate will please pay the same to WHEEL ER A KEECH. Attorneys at Law, Towsontown, Md. Given under my hand this 11th day of April. 1865. SARAH M. JAMESON, April 15.—4 t Executrix. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scribers have obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of CARVILLE S. STANSBURY, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, On or before the 15/A day of November, 1865/ they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 12th. day of April, 1865. HARRIET L. STANSBURY, RICHARD J. GITTINGS, Administrators with the Will annexed. April 15.—4t* rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- X scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters of admin stration on the estate of MICHAEL WALSH, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 15 th day of November, 1865 / they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 13th day of April, 1865. T. PARKIN SCOTT,. April 15.—4t* Administrator. AMUEL S. COLE, et al., vs. CHARLOTTE C. FOWBLE and JOHN T. FOWBLE. 1* the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, inequity. ORDERED, This 22d day of April, in the year 1865, thaJ. the sales made and reported by Samuel S. Cole, trustee, in this cause be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 25th day of May next, provided a copy of this order be in serted in some newspaper printed in Baltimore county once in each of three successive weeks before the said 25th day of May next. The report states the amount of sales to be $9531 50. JOHN H. LONGNECKER. Clerk. True copy—Test: JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. April 29.—3 t. FOR SALE, ONE TWO-SEAT CARRIAGE, in good order price, SSO Cash. Apply to U. K. KNIGHT, Monkton, April 2#.—2t. Baltimore county.