Newspaper Page Text
iH S tifiofr, Ndi 151 If. High Street, Baltimore, (WOODCOCK'S OLD STAND.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Agricultural Implements AND * MACHINERY. BRAYLESS and rilt's Threshers and Win nowers, Wheeler and Melick'a Tread Pow er#, Thre3her3 and Winnowers, (manufactured in New York.) Melick, Withington A Co's. 2- Horse Tread Powers and Winnowers, (manu factured in Trenton, N. J.) PELTON POWEItS AND THRESHERS with or without Winnowers. We are also Agents for the celebrated Hub bard Reapers and lower*. Straw and Fodder Cutters for hand or horse power, CODFtTST SHELLBRS all sizes and kinds, CORN PLAT LLh ANI SEED DRILLS, Hunt’s Patent Grain Drills, with or without Seed or Guano Attachment ‘GRIST OR CORN MILLS, PLOWS, Of all sizes and kind*. Minor, Horten A Wi ley’s improved Plug Plow, Woodcock’s Plows with cast, and wrought Share and Points.— SPRING TOOTH HORSE RAKES; Cider and Hominy Mills, Fasig's Patent Lift ing Jack, Pope's Ammoniated Guano, Pope’s Fish Guano, Pope's Phosphate, Pacific and Mexican Guano. All for sale l>y LINTON & L A M O T T, No. 151 N. HIGH ST., BALTIMORE. April I.—tf. STOREKEEPERS, READ THIS! The Largest and Be3t Assortment of Everything in the Grocery Line And at the Lowest Prices is to be found at C. LEWIS 13 West Baltimore Street. BROWN A WHITE SUGARS EVERY GRADE. RIO, LAGUAYRA A JAVA COFFEES. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the lowest grade to the very finest in mar ket. Also, JAPANESE TEAS now so extensively used. SPICES In 6 1J). Japanned cans, hinged, all varieties. Matches & Blacking at manufacturer’s prices. Coffee Essence, Succory Barley, Bird Seed, Powder, Shot, Caps, Fancy Soaps, &c. Manufacturers’ Wholesale Agent for PALMER’S DADELION COFFEE, HEDGES “ “ Boston Crackers and Milk Biscuit. Fox’s Farina Crackers. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment. Extract Roots for Making Beer. Oriental Co's., Japan and Wheat Coffee. New England Coffee. London Club Coffee. Also, at Manufacturers’ Prices, Bacon’s Excelsior Coffee. Ridgway’s Family Coffee. Broad bent’s French Coffee. In fact can supply you with everything in our line, right. Call and convince yourselves. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, No. IS West Baltimore Street, Between Institute and Bridge, Baltimore. March 4, 13(55. ly. CLOTHING! SPRING OF 186#?. B. STINE'S Clothing House, No. 73 West Baltimore street, Between Gay at. and Tripolett’# Alley. Equal in all repects to work made to measure, and at much lower prices. A PERFECT FIT INSURED TO ALL. The facilities of this house lor doing business are auch that they can con fidently claim for it tho leading posi tion among tiie Tailoring Establish > inents of Baltimore. They therefore invito the attention of gentlemen of taste to their stock of superb Ready- Made Clothing, cut by 4i W. 4. • - tista, trimmed and made equal to cus tom work, at i POPULAR PRICES. They have also a Custom Depart ment, where the latest novelties may be found. May 28, 1861.-ly I Clothing House, No. 73 W. Baltimore Street , OLD TOWN DRUG- STORE. rpHE undersigned having thoroughly renewed hie stock, and laid in a coin-fy plete assortment of Wl DYE STUFFS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, and everything else in his line, respectful!)- so licits the attention of country purchasers, and a call from all dealers. Having perfected his arrangements both ia Baltimore and in the northern cities, with re gard to purchases, he is enabled to sell so low as to satisfy his customers, that whilo the arti cles in his line are judiciously selected, his PRICES are CHEAPER than the cheapest. He requests a call from everyone who comes to town to purchase, assuring them they will be satisfied. In addition to the usual stock con tained in a Drug Store> I keep on hand a thor ough assortment of PATENT MEDICINES. P. S. Physicians’ ordere promptly filled with care. N. B. Oil of Vitriol at thelowestcash price. FRANKLIN METZGER, i Cor. Gay and Exeter streets, Old Town. Feb. 2,1861.—1 y _ TO S’-A.RIvC and LAND OWNERS. WEhavealurge demand for Farias and Lands in Maryland and Virginia. Par ties wishing to dispose of their farms and lands will do well to give us a call, or address TOWNSEND & KIMBLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT*, AMD COMMISSIONERS FOr TUB STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. 8 Law Building, St. Paul street, Baltimore. for the Maryland March 11, 1865.—1 y. THOMAS S. WILCOX, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 134 North Gay street, Baltimore, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT, KEEPS on hand and maks to order, all kinds of GENTLEMENS’ and LADIES’WORK, of tne best style of workmanship, and on rea sonable terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK, both coarse and fine, and work suitable for ser vants’wear. Country friends, please give me a call. Jan. 8, 1861,-ly T. S. W, All Persons Indebted TO the late Baltimore County Advocate, e ither to E. F. Church, or Church A Haverstick, are respectfully requested to call at the Union o ifieo and settle tkeir bills. * ■ feb. 13.—tf ‘ - WHITMAN’S COLUMN. I E. WUITWA.V & SONS, MAXIFACTUtIKItS OP Agricultural Implements, AND MACHINERY, AND DEALKHS IX SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, HORTICULTURAL TOOLS, And Agricultural Hardware generally, Nos. 22 and 24 South Calvort street, Baivtixorb, Mr>. THE manufacturing Department will he per sonally superintended by the senior partner, I whose long experience in this line of business has rendered him familiar with all its various I branches. Our stock will be one of the largest in this city, and in consideration of our experience and advantages in manufacturing, we are pre pared to furnish all the latest, and most impro- I ved kinds of Farm Implements on tho moat fa vorable terms. CRADLES AAD SCYTHES. Next to Reaping Machines, the Grain Cradle is an implement of importance to the wheat grower, and notwithstanding the Reaper has gone into such general use, it does not seem to lessen the demand for the Grain Cradle with | us. This may probably be owing to the quality ' of tho article we keep, which is generally T known to farmers. Merchants and dealers are generally supplied by uJ, with this article, and wo are pleased to inform them our stock this season will be fully equal to what it lias been heretofore, and we shall be gratified with aeon tinuance of their liberal custom. Revolving Horse Rake. This is the best article that can be used for the raking of Hay, especially ii the grass is heavy. We have an excellent article of this kind—tho best ever in this market. Price sl2 and sl4. .Spring* ToolEi Gleaner. For Wheat Fields alone this article is perfect. It saves a large amount of wheat that no other rfcke would gather .up. It will often pay for itself iu tho saving of wheat ia afield of ten acres. Price this season, sl4. Premium Ae tv .Sub-soil Plow This l Plow has been tried”by tho United States Agricultural Society, and by many State Socie ties, and has never failed to receive the first premium. It lias a reversable steel edge, is ) simple iu its construction, easy in draft and management, and adapted to a common team. Simplicity,''strength and economy nro here most happily combined. Tho Plow being an important implement in Agriculture, wo have recently given much at tention to its manufacture, and at a very heavy 1 cost have procured the best and u)o%t, perfect set of machinery 4n use, and are now prepared to fill all orders for Plows of any description, , on as favorable terms as can be had in tho Uni " ted States, quality and workmanship consider ed. Wo wish t-o call the attention of dealers to our manufacture of Plows, which wo think, eannot be surpassed in this country. Side Hill or Swivel Plows. The above-Plows are so constructed that the mould board is easily and instantly changed i from one side to the other, which enables the 1 operator to pCffotnY the work upon - sufodiills, turning all the furrow slices with great accu racy downward. THERMOMETER ( HIJRA. This Churn is so constructed that tho cream or milk is readily brought to the desired tern 1 perature without mixing water or other sub stances, and the temperature certainly ami . definitely determined, which proves invaluablo 1 -n the art of making butter. HOWARD’S RE API AG AAD MOW! AG MACHINES, MAX IT PACT IT RED BY 1 E. WHITMAN A SONS, BALTIMORE, WITH OR WITHOUT SELF-RAKE, * Is the best adapted to the wants of Maryland Farmers of any machine in use. It has a large drive wheel, which enables it to work over rough land, water furrows and gullies, when other machines could not bo worked at all. Those in want of the latest and best improve ments in the way of cutting Grain or Grass, will do well to send their orders early. Price of the Combined Machine with Self-Rako, $lB5. Price of Mower. sllO. Wo can furnish our custome with any kind ' ef REAPERS AND MOWER 1 .at prices as low as they can be purchased in our market, and solicit their early orders. May 7,1864. —1 y i Dr. Sappington’a COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure 1 COUGHS, ’ COLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. ; This ’ Superior Cough Syrup, ’ has been before the public Eighteen Years. It is now considered a certain cure for the above named diseases by all who have lifted it. • Prepared by , DR. R. S. SAPPINGTON, i 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets, Nor, 19.—tf Baltimore, Md. Between Gay Street and Tripolelt's Alley. I CANFIELD BROS. & CO., 220 BALTIMORE ST., CORNER OF CHARLES, II AVE a fine Stoekof— Gold Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen. Silver Hunting (’use Watches of all kinds. Gold Ohatelain Vest and Guard Chains. Diamond-Earrings, Pins, Bracelets t Rings. Rich suits of Jewelry of new stylos. Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings and Pins of great variety. Pearl, Carbuncle, Seal and other Rings. Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Butter Knives, Ac., Ac. Silver Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Salts, Ac. Fancy Silvfer Goods of new styles. Plated Tea and Coffee acts of late patterns. Castors, Baskets, Ice Pitchers and Cups, Plated or Alabaia Forks ami Spoons of best , qualil.v. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors A Razors. Watches carefully repaired. Fans, Opera. Glasses, Portmanaies ; beautiful Paris Gilt ami Porcelain Vases; beautiful Par is Card Receivers and other articles: Prout's Hair ami Tooth Brushes; Fine Marble and Bronzed Paris Clocks; Bronzed Figures and Ornament.. MILITARY GOODS. Swords and Belts for Army and Navy, Sash es, Spurs, Buttons, Lace., Cord, Navy Lace, Caps, Stars and Embroideries, Army Embroi deries of all kinds, Chevrons, Bindings, Cloth, Ac. Field Glasses. Pistols and Cartridges. March 18, 1865.—1 y. HICKEYE FOR 1865. BUCKEYE WHEEL HORSE RAKE, The only self discharging Steel Tooth Rake in use! WE deem it unnecessary to < ‘pufi” tlie mer its of the above machine, ns “acts speak louder than words/’ Manufactured and sold by BBUSTER, GRIFFITH A BENSON, 52 E. Monument Street. Also sold by BUUSTER A GRIFFITH. No. 19 N. Paoa Street, Baltimore, Md. DEALEItS IN A i Csi lii! ra I Implements, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Ac., Ac. General Agents for Maryland for the Clark A Hedges SUGAR MILL, for horse, water or 6team power, Cook’s Sugar Evaporators, Pans, &c. Keep a supply of Chinese, African and Ohtahitan Cane Seed, Stc. Woodruff's Portable Barometer or Weather-Teller. Horse Pit.eli Forks or Hay Elevators, Threshing Machines and Cleaners, Grain Drills, Wheat Fans, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Ae. examination is solicited. March 25.—tJlst. FAMILY GROCERY. AT THE HEAD OF RICHMOND MARKET. fg|| Jolin C. Pitt, B) (Late of Calvert and Pleasant streets,) HAVING taken that new and commodious store, at the head of Richmond Market, cor ner of Biddle and Garden streets, Baltimore, in forms his old friends and customers, and the public in general, that ho has constantly on hand WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe rior sugar-cured IIA MS ; the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, and Black Teas ; Java, Laguira and liio Coffee; loaf,crushed, pulverized,clari fied and brown Sugar; Broma, Cocoa, Choco late, Farina, Rice Flour, Sago, Yeast Powders, Sardines, Sauces. Pickles, Extracts, Salad Oil, Cologne, Toilet Powder, Pure Spices, Figs, Rai sins, Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, fine and coarse Salt, Table and Dairy do., Syr ups, New Orleans and Sugar House Molasses, Kerosene, Elherial and Lard Oil, Tobacco and Segars, Dupont’s Superior Canister Powder, Shot, Gnu Caps, Ac., for sale at moderate prices, and would respectfully solicit a call by those visiting the city, who will find it to their ad vantage as to convenience, qualities and prices. All articles purchased delivered free at Cal vert Station, or to any other place in the city, if required. June 21,1362.—tf JOHN C. PITT. E. G. HIPSLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Teas, W ines & Liquors, No. 184 N. Gsy street, Baltimore, fTIENDERS thanks to his friends for their for - mer very liberal patronage, and by prompt ness and attention to business, will en dearor to merit a continuance of theirftpHbq favor. The public are respectfully in-xEjisfaaJ vited to examine our stock of CHOICE TEAS ANI) FAMILY GROCERIES. Our imported and domestic LIQUORS are selected with the greatest possible eare. Families may eonfide in the PURITY of an article ordered for medi cinal purposes; and proprietors of Hotels may furnish their bars with choice liquors. All of which will be sold at the lowest CASH prices. July 14, 1860.—1 y J. 0. P. BURNSIDE, R. P. GUSTIN, Late Capt. <f- C. S. Late A. Q. M. J). WILLIAM POLK, Late Capt. Vqls. BtHtTXttrKf wwn.v UJ. §. (GMUM rnssm, NO. 15 SOUTH GA Y STREET, Opposite the Bepot Quartermaster's Office, BALTIMORE, HI). Unquestionable References on File and Given upon Application. WE are prepared to prosecute Claims for Widows’, Invalid, Mothers’and Orphans’ Pension* Back Pay, Unsettled Clothing Ac counts, Bounty, Prize Money, lUfrses and Equipage Lost in Service* Fuel, Forage and Subsistence taken by Officers of the United States, whether receipted for or not—Charter ed Vessels Lost or Destroyed under the war risk, and all Property Destroyed by rcasen of the War. Particular attention paid to Making up “Of ficer’s Returns,” ami obtaining certificates of Non-Indebted ness. If you have a Claim, you are respect fully requested to address us—stating that you desire us to collect it; and we will promptly furnish you with full instruction in the matter. Jp-ior Accounts Purchased at Market Raten. April I.—3m. FRENCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERS OF ALL KINDS, SILK MARSEILLES. And all kinds of Vest Patterns, Scarfs, Neckties and Collars, Handkerchiefs. TravellingShirts, Linen Bosom Shirts, Linen Bosoms, <ali qualities and prices,) White Muslins and Linen# ' For Shirting, Ac., for sale Wholesale and Relail. ALL KINDS OF TAIIjORS, trimmings. Together with READY-MADE CLOTHING, As cheap as can be procured in tho city. AUGUST LOOSE, Merchant Tailor, Opposite Ady’s Hotel, Towsontown. Feb. 25.—tf- WM. PAUL & CO., STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, N o. 2 2 W ater Street, BALTIMORE, MANUFACTURE any description of Blank Books, furnish Billheads, Cheek Books, and all kinds of Printed Forms, on reasonable terms. A full supply of Stationery always on hand. Book Binding' and Machine Killing in all its varieties. March 18.—6 m. THE RICH and POWERFUL FERTILIZERS. AMONIATED PACIFIC GUANO. FISH GUANO. Brown Mexican Guano. AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. . . F. F. POPE, 85 South Street. Feb! 11,1805,—0m. Farmeta’ Weather Indicator, ou WOODRUFF’S Portable Barometer. nilllS instrument should he in the hands of ev try Agriculturist, as it unerringly points out any change in the weather and thus directs the fanner how to Bhape his work and save crops that, without a Baioiueter, might be caught out in a storm aud seriously injured, if not destroy ed. Every farmer nhonld hav* one, a# it is a perfect “weather teller.” It is simple in construction, cheap in price, not liable to get out of order, and the only pirfed portable Barometer in use. Being a Mercurial Barometer, it is accurate and reliable for Scientific purposes, being used by the U. S. Const Surrey, and at the Smithsonian In stitute; besides being recommended by the most distinguished Agriculturists of the con a try, as well as by a host of Professors and Scientific journals. We name but a few that have endorsed this Barometer as superior to all others : —Scientific American, American Agriculturist, Country Gentleman, Philadelphia Ledger, Bustos Jour nal, Peterson's Magazine, Orange Judd, Marshall P. Wilder, Profs. Henry, Hackley, Holmes, Catr. Hunnewell, Williams, Douglas, Ac. The cost of the instrument is within the reach of all, ranging in price from $7 to S2B. We have live different styles, from a plain maple case to tho finest carved rosewood. Most of these styles have a Thermometer attached. A sample of this instrument may he Been at this office. Orders promptly filled. For descriptive circu lar and prices, applv personallv or hr letter to BKUBTER A GRIFFITH, 49 N. Pace St., Baltimore, Md. "Sjafc. Wholesale and retail Agents for Mary land. Trade supplied on liberal terms. Also, MANUFACTURERS A DEALERS IN AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN GENERAL. Exclusive agents for Clark k Hedges, Cane Mill; Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, and sugar machinery in general. RUXDEIX’S HORSE PITCH FORK, or Hay Elevator, the best in nse and a great ln ■ bor saving implement. Eureka Horse Power, Thresher and Cleaner, Patented aud manufactured by PELTON. Best Power, Thresher and Cleaner out. A supply of pure Chinese and African Cane Seed always on hand. Jan. 21, 1865. ly. SPARKLING^MINERAL WATER, ICY COLD MINERAL WATER, WITH CREAM SYRUPS. WITH CREAM SYRUPS. FROM THE PURE JUICE OF THE FRUITS. rpHE great demand for this delightful Sum -1 inor drink last Season bids fair to be far surpassed at Win. 11. Read’s Place, No. 147 Bal timore Street, one door below Calvert. The popularity of Read’s Mineral Water last season was due to the purity of the drink, being man ufactured from the ripe fruit, while tho Carbon ic. Acid Gas is generated in Porcelain Fountain#, getting rid of the deleterious presence of Cop per in most Apparatus. Ne effort will be spar ed to have the very beat drink to be had iu the country. The addition of the Cream always to be had at Road’a, which renders it specially popular with the ladies. READ’S Is also the place to get fine Cosmetics, Perfumes, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Ac., of French, Eng lish and American makes, at rates suited to gold at fifty premium. Such articles constantly in variety, largest in the city, as Perfumes for hdkfs., Pomades; Hair Oils, Cosmetics for Whiskers, Cologne#, Tooth Preparations, Patent, Medicines, Homoeopathic Me dioines, Port Monnaies, Opera Glasses, Pock et Knives, Tooth Rruuhes, Brusheaof all kind#, Carrying Bags, Dressing Cases, Sachet Pow ders, Ac., Ac. The following French and English makes of Toilet articles:—Lubin's, Bimmell's, Piver’#. Condray’a, Hygenique Societies, Low, Son A Haydon's, Henry A Dimarson's, D#letrez, Ae. American makes: Bazine, Glenn'#, • Hutchins’, Dolluc'a, Du pont's, Durand's, Phalon's, Wright's, Ac.. Ac. On hand a fresh’supply of Email De Taris. WM. H. READ, 147 BALTIMORE STREET, (one door below Calxort.) HillKß ix PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, AC. April IS.—tf. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO PREPARATIONS. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. Au infallible remedy for Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, General Debility, Etc. Especially recommended to weak and debili tated women and children. Recommended and Used by tho Med ical Faculty. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO WINE. For the social circles. . RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO PUNCH. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. We challenge the world to produce as genuine articles as we above enumerate. ixsi mug. 1 — ■ C. LEWIS DUJILAP, WHOLESALE AGENT, No. 13 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. TfcguFor sale by Grocers aud Druggist#. March 4,1865.—1 y. GREEN & YOE, FAMILY GROCERS, AXW DBALBES IX PURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At Martin A Valette’s eld stand, 88 Baltimore street, near nollid&y, Baltimore. HAVE constantly on hand a large and well seleoted stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in park ef FEES H , rT i r §3*gß TEAS, (green and black,) of i*™*riou# prices and flavor#; Coffeeß-JHjfißU Mocha, Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo and Rio; SUGARS—New Orleans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified ; Ital ian Macearoni and Vermacelli; Cooper’s A Cox’# Refined Gelatine ; Freeh Salad and Olive Oil#; Cheese—English Dairy; Pino Apple and Rapßago; Sardines; French and Spanish Ol ives ; English and American Piekles—Gerkins, mixed, Chow-Chow, Piccailli, Cauliflower, Wal nuts and Onions ; Sauces—John Bull, Harvey, Reading, Soho, Mushroom and Worcestershire; BRANDIES—Jas. Ilenuesy A Co., vintage 1840, Otard, Dupuy A C. 1846, Native Catawba, Bor deau, Rochelle and other brand# Fin* Old WlNES—London Doek Port, Sherry, Madeira, Lisbon, Sweet Moselle and Champagne ; WHIS KIES—Scotch, Old Rye, Calhoun, Old Rapp and Bourbon, some very old and fine; Pure Holland Gin, Jamaiea Spirits, Ae. Ae.; Imported and Domestic Segars and Tobacco, all of which they will sell at reasonable prices, and respect fully solicit a cell. June 23, 1860.—1 y Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. This Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen years. It is now considered a certain cure for the above named disraHes’by all who have used it. Prepared by DR. R. S. SAPPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets, Nov. 12.—tf Baltimore, Md. 1 John W. Richardson & Co., No. 12 N. Gay street, Adjoining Christ Church. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE. Major ROBERT HALL, Cutter. CALL AND SEE. Aug* I.—tf iMW*l*lj*MHff i"fffniifiiT niMMßlMlwgigl FOOTK’B CELEBRATED awl Cattle fou’to. i The, ar ' a t sure preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain t remedy for nil Discuses iuddeut to tlio Horse, j,, kr. ' '' In poor, low-spirited aninmlß, it has the . most beneficial effect. Tlio use of them improves the wind, strength- f * ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improy- f injr the appearance, rigor and spirit of this noble animal. ( The property this Powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, givtf it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every jierson keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Bntter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much faster. HOGS. ]j Di^eaa^sof nbovo Disease’s can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera, can be prevented. Prioe 25 cts. per Paper, or 5 Papers for sl. PREPARED BT S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md- For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper throughout the United States. SHRIiVEK’S ' BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP, For Goughs, Cold*, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asth ma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness ttf the Breast, Diffi culty off Breathing, Ac. This Syrup is a purely vegetable compound. It is pleasant to take and never does injury; but, owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful—soothing, calmipg ar-.d allay ing the most violent Coughs ; purifying, invig orating and strengthening the whole system ; calming and soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating expectoration, and healing the dis eased Lungs, thus striking at the root of dis easo, and driving it from the system. CIIOUI*. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch tho first show of the disease, and always keep this rem edy at hand. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equaled by no other preparation. PRICE 40 CENTS PER BOTTLE, OR THREE BOTTLES FOR *l.lO. Prepared by S. A. FOITTZ A BRO., at their Wholesale Drug and Medicino Depot, No. 110 Franklin street, Baltimore. For sale by MRS. M. A. SIIEALEY, Towsontown, And by druggists and storekeepers throughout the United States. SHRIt\ER’S INDIAN VEItJIIFUUE, TO DESTROY AND EXPEL WORMS. This Vermifuge is entirely Vegetable—perfect ly sale and harmless, but an effectual andpower ful'reinedy for all species of Worms that effect children and adults. . - FOUTZS’ MIXTURE. The Best Liniment for Man and Beast now in use. - Is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism. Painful Nervous Affections, Burns Sprains, Swellings, and all diseases requiring an external application on man. Om Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Swenny, if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Crack ed lioofs, Scratches, Chares, Saddle or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it is an infallible rente Rheumatism. Persons afflicted with this disease, no matter of bow long standing, can be promptly and ef fectually cured by using this mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away bad CORNS, and euro FROST BITES, as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yoqr sclves. PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. Prepared by— S. A. FOUTZ A BRO.. At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 116 Franklin street, Baltimore, Md. For aalc by— MRS. M. A. SIIEALEY, Towsontown, And by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. June 4,1864.—1 y REMOVAL. GEORGE STEIBER, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, TOWSONTOWN, MD., T'T’EREBY informs the citizens of Towson r~l town and vicinity, that he has removed hisßoot and Shoe establishment trom ms re- i cent place of business, to the building adjoin ing the post office and store of Mr. Nelson Coop er, where ho will in the future be pleased to see < all his friends and customers. I keep constantly on hand a varied assort ment of Boots. filioes, Gaiters, Ac., for either Ladies, Gentlemen or Children, ALL OF MY OWN MANUFACTURE, which will be found as durable, and cheaper than can be procured in the city of Baltimore, i I return niy thanks for the very liberal pa tronage 1 have heretofore received, and I will endeavor, by attention to business, and moder ate charges, to merit a continuance of the same. ■GEORGE STEIBER. April I.—6m. 1 Bull’s Head Hotel, Front, near Gay street, Baltimore, Md. THIS old-established hotel, so ably J*gjA. and so successfully conducted (be last eighteen months, by Thomas lICiHL j C. Tracey, will he continued by widow, she having taken with her into the I business, Robert I>. Sunshiny, of Pavisville, sth District, Baltimore county. The firm will, therefore, hereafter be known as TRACEY A < STANSBUUY. Tho old patrons of tho estab- \ lisliment, ns well as the friends of tho new pro- j prietor, may rest assured that nothing in their power will be left undone, to merit a full share of tho patronage of the public. HENRIETTA TRACEY, ROBERT D. STANSBURY. May 9.—tf l D. Kruger, GENTLEMENS ' root and SHOE STORE, I No. 49 North Gay street, Baltimore. ALL kinds of GENTLEMENS’^^. work done in the best man- \ ner, and at reasonable rates. Country friends, give me a call. May 4 1861.—1 y I rrti , i mmur lHit swells Infallible Liniment, The Great External Remedy. FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AM) WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, ANDALI.UHEU M ATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. I>JR all of which it is a speedy and certain reinedv, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from tiie recipe of J>r. Step lion Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, ami has been used in his practice for more tliun twenty years with the must astonishing success. AS AN' ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unri valed by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convince* 1 by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radical ly, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve tho worst c.iSesof HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also it will cure distantly. FOR NERVOUS DIBILITY ANDGENERAL LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or excess this liniment is a must happy and unfailing rijn edy. Acting dirfictly Opdnthe nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and re stores it to elasticity and vigor. TOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we chal lenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of tins distressingconiplaiutahould give it a trial, for it will not Sail to afford immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will effect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORETllliOATaresometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a time ly application of this Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three duvs. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, UL CERS, BURNS AND BCALI)S, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment, when used according’ to directions.. Also. CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which ren der so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. Over four hundred voluntary testimonials to the Wonderful curative properties of this Lini ment have been received within the last two years, and many of them from persons in the highest ranks of life. Caution. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also “ Stephen Sweet’s Infallible Lin iment” blown in the glass of each bottle, with out which none are genuine. RICHARDSON A CO. Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, Wholesale Agent, No. 13, W. Baltimore st., Baltimore. April 29.—3 m. A Complete Pictorial History ol the Times. •*The best, Cheapest, and most successful Family Paper in the Union.” HARPFII’S WEEKLY, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. CRITICAL NOTICES OF THE PRESS. “The best Family Paper - published in the United States.”— New London Advertiser. “A necessity in every household.” — Boston Transcript. “It is at once a leading political and histori cal annalist of the nation.”— Phil a. Press. “The best of its class in America.”— Boston Traveller. SUBSCRIPTIONS. . 1805. The Publishers have perfected a system of mailing bv which they ean supply the Maga zinb and Weekly promptly to those who prefer to receive their periodicals directly from the Office of Publication. Postmasters and others desirous of getting up Clubs will bo supplied with a.handsome pictorial Show-bill on appli cation. The postage on llarpkk’s Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post office. TERMS: Harper’s Wreki.t, one year St 00 An Extra Copy of either the Weekly or Mag azine will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at *4 00 each, in one remit tance ; or Six Copies for S2O 00. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harper’s Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $6 00. A complete Set, com prising Eight Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $4 50 per vol ., freight at experts of purchaser. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Franklin Sqcap.b Ntaw Y’ork. April I.—tf. _ WHEELER AND WILSON HIGHEST PREMIUM BEWIUO'M,AQ Ini II KME. Mock Stitch made by this Machine _L cannot be ravelled, and presents the same appearance upon each side of the seam, a sin gle line of thread extending from stitch to stitch. It is formed with two threads, one up on each side of the fabric, and interlocked in the centre of it. The beauty and regularity Brtll# StltCll wifolnr 4l® ilim ness of the scam, in which respects it excels hand sewing. The Machine is recommended for the follow ing qualities : 1. Beauty and excellence qf stitch upon each side of the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam that will not rip nor ravel, and made with 3. Eponomy of thread. 4. Its attachments and range of application to purposes and materials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construc tion. 7. Speed, ease of operation and manage ment, and quietness of movement. OFFICE 214 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. < April 1,1865.—1 y. PLUMBING BUSINESS In Towsontown. f|YIII3 subscriber respectfully informs the cit- X iicns of Baltimore county,-that ho has lo cated himsolf at Towsontown, and has estab lished the PLUM BING BUSINESS in all its branches. He solicits the patronage of the cit izens of the oounty. Work entrusted to him will be performed satisfactorilv, and at one tnira less tnan tttw -cnargen wy fnpTn from the city. I have had considerable experience in the erection of Hydraulic Rams and Lift and Force Pumps of every description. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Address GEORGE ST. JOHN. Towsontown, Md. can be left with Mr. George Sny der, Tinner, opposite Tost Office. April I.—2m. MERCHANT TAILORING in TOWSONTOWN. subscriber respectfully tenders his ac- X knowledgments to the citizens of Towson town and vicinity, for the very generous sup port ho has heretofore received in his business, and would inform his friends ami customers that he has cosiderably-enlarged his stock, and will constantly keep on hand a well se lected stock of Cloths, Casshneres and Vestings, which he is prepared to make into garments of tho latest styles, and at prices that will be sat isfactory to all. I ask an examination of my stock. AUGUST LOOSE, Towsontown, Opposite Ady's Hotel. March 4, 1865.—tf. CHARLES T. SISCO. J. EDWARD SISCO SISCO BROTHERS, No. 95 Baltimore street, Baltimore, WHOLESALE AN* EETAIL MAUFACTURERB OF Odd Fellows’ and Masons’ Regalia, BANNERS, FLAGS, SIGNALS, MILITARY GOODS, GOLD AND SILVER FRINGES, GIMPS, TASSELS, Ac. Store and Faetory, No. 95 Baltimore street, Opposite Holliday street. Dec. 18,1861.—1 y ■iiliMWiifir mil , ,Ji|W _ riMIE subscriber, Manufacturer and Dealer JL in Agricultural and Horticultural IMPLEMENTS AND SEEDS, Takes this method of informing his friends and the public in general, that he is now located in the Gily of Baltimore, with the necessary tools and Machinery for the manufacturing of all kinds of jVIACSIIXEBY, PLO WS, CASTINGS, &e., And will guarantee to supply all orders for them on as reasonable terms, and te furnish as good an article as can be had in the city of N. York, and would recommend his friends sad customers to forward their orders as soon as pos sible, so that they can be fi 1 led in time for them. Among the articles to be always obtained at my establishment I name in part— Portable Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills of all sizes, Wheeler, Melick A Co’s., Railway and Plantation Pow ers and Winnowers, Eagle Cotton Gina, Cotton and Hay Presses, Gin Gear Segmentsand Wing Gudgeons. Grain Drills, Cider Mills and Press es, Wine Presses, Hay and Stalk Cutters, Mowing and Reaping Machines, Farm Wagons and Carts, Churns, Wheat Fans, Cornshellers, Corn and Cob Mills, Bole Agent lor Madge’s Celebrated Washing Machines, Hor ton, Depew A Co's , Plows and Castings, J. W. Elliot’s Accomac, Va., Plow, Norfolk and Balti more Plows, and a general assortment of all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. Will furnish to order all kinds of Fertilizers. Manufactory, Machine Shop and Foundry, CORNER PLOWMAN AND FRONT STS., DEPOT AND SEED STORE, 145 W. Pratt street, opposite theMaltby House. JOHN MAYHER, Agent. March 18, 18(55.—1y. History of the Rebellion. HEADLEY’S HISTORY OF THE WAR. f|3HE undersigned having procured an ageu -1 cy for this valuable work for a portion of Baltimore and Harford counties will in a very short time visit the people of the eounty solic iting subscriptions therefor. It will b a true and faithful history of events as they havetrans pired since April 1861, until nearly to the pres ent time. It will be published in two vols. at $3.56 each the first of which will soon be delivered, and the second immediately after the close of the war. Each volume will contain many pages of illustrations of Battle scenes, and over forty por traits of officers prominent in the war, both North and South. Volume I, containing 506 pages, is already prepared, and will be delivered by the Agents after finishing the canvass in their several lo calities. Volume II will be issued as soon as practicable after the close of the war, and will contain about 700 pages, or more, if necessary to complete tho History. He has also the agency of an extremely cheap and well tried sewing machine, which he will he pleased to exhibit to the people of Baltimore county in his travels, also, several other small, but very useful articles, late inventions, with which he desires to supply the wants of tho who may feel disposed to purchase. EDWARD N. TYRRELL. June 3,1861. —ly. JAS. I?l7 BAKER, GUANO DEPOT, , 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner St. Mary street, Baltimore, Whero can bo found at all times a supply of GUANOS, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GROUND BONE. POUDRETT, CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, Ac., . And dealers in FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCK - WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS, MILL FEED, IIAY, STRAW, CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. WOOL, FURS, DRIED FRUIT, and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange, for which we are paying the highest cash prices. " JAS. M. BAKER, Next door to W. Stansbury’s Bee Hive Hotel, where Farmers will find excellent accommo dations. Jan. 7, 1865.—tf. NEW HOUSE FURNISHING STORE No. 135 N. Gay street. Baltimore. ItlCillßD AIUIIfsER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ALSO, W-OODENWARE A HARDWARE. rnilE public are respectfully invited to call I ami examine my stock of TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, BRUSHES, BROOMS. BRITANNIA. JAPANNED AND TIN WARE. KNIVES AND FORKS, ALBATA SPOONS. CHINA AND GLASS WARE, And every other description of Housekeeping Goods and Woodenware, at the very loweat prices. RICHARD ARMIGEtt, 135 N. Gay st., near High, Baltimore. Feb. 27,1565.—1 y _ Jl_l_ GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. vm. it. it it. t.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 70 W. Fayette st., Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY - , PENSION, BACK PAY, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTY, For Whittrand Colored Volunteers, AND COMPENSATION FOR QWNERB OF SLAVES, promptly collected by WM. B. -HILL, 70 W. Fayette street, - Near St. Paul street, Baltimorte. March 28.—tf ... . R. H. GORSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, Corner of Gav-and Front sts., Baltimore,-Md., in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, TT AS reeeived his Spring and *^B2s2^ I 1 Summer supply of goods,con sisting in partof Knives and Forks,BHK£*3Sf Pocket Knives, Table and Tea Spoon a. Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Horse Shoes and Naila, Nail Rods, Carpenter*' Tools, Axe*, Locks, llingos. Screws, Bolts, Shovels, Forks, Picks, Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel, Trace, Halter and Cow Chains, Counter Scales, Safety Fuse, Gun Caps, WOODCOCK’S FLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also, Stewart’s wedge-pattern AXES,,war ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and retail at his usual.low prices. TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. r a nrEunnersigneit are now nearing extensive- X ly i the sale of FARMS and LANDS in all parts of Maryland, especially in Baltimoru county. Those desiring to sell at good prices, will send us a full description. No Sale no Charge. All Legal Claims f soldier* prosecuted. Address, EATON & CO., Baltimore. Office—No. 202 Baltimore Street, (up stairs.) Feh. 4. 186.5.—t.f. C. W. Slagle & Co., COMMISSION A PRODUCE MERCHANTS, No. 118 and 138 North street, Baltimore. WK sell nnd huv on commission all kinds of GRAIN, CLOVER SEED, FLOUR,CORN MEAL, find COUNTRY PRODUCE generally, and remit proceeds promptly. We have for sale GIIANO, SALT, PLASTER, FISH and SEEDS of all kinds. July It, IS6o.—ly Old Town Union Hat Company, No. 140 N. GAY STREET, COR. OF lITOH. ALL the late styles of Gents, Youth* and Children's Hats and Capa ahvayson hand. Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, Ac., at themanufactureri’ d rices. jS©~Straw and Summer Hats of all price* and qualities. • County people, give us a call! Jan. 14, I860!—ly. ALFRED 1 JAMS. JAMES ALFRED HUTCHINS Ijams & Hutchins, Tea r>ealerp? and Groce Corner Gay-and High ts., "I/~EEP consianfty on hand a choice nd ex- TLtensive stock of TEAS, WINES, GROCER IES and Provisions generally,to which they re* •peetfully invite the attention of pyr*b*w. Feb! 18.—tf