Newspaper Page Text
iiri^ii^Twimffillin¥Wf!rnTi-|tnr7 l' l .W-■•Mn. . ...n , .v..--. - • -y^ —n—^ YMlHMftl li HI 11,1 'llll'll'l i 1 ..'m.nii'H .;:li.^'.i, -.lf ;■> ..:■. I'J'-. .'i,. I i"! 1i.j,1, ~„ .I,mn a ea..l j wl.i i)l .. ,vW ti MHlimoMW -M* j , •'' * '**l // I I vim imiiip oiiwm— ■ ■ jrr r —*-rr —m-rHi •><<> —**- • >, v01 , .‘ i: ' AK ,_ ji;: , } :,.,,i(:; t> j :i: biioici ;> t -|lf 4 if Or p+*s- +±*~- 11i11 rr t.. *i ...-ya-f Professional Cards. :,n '. -..(j h.’>jriirSi 1 ~ REAL ESTATK AGENT & ■ conveyancer; ■■';;••: ftl/ ’; | fijt&fltFiSf 111 II trliiJ 111 • I ;m rtilli.i :,V O.FFlCETnSiiftedAey Bow*,; opposite the.Caipfjf. House, ToWßetowftii... j• = ~. April 29—ljy ', ... t— T*t —> r r t T—^.i.T-l —to —!■•• ! —H *- —- j , ii ..John T.Ensor, ATTORN BY'AT LAW* AND SOLICITOR IN ■•v>h ■ ••••: 7 ! i •eitANCEitY,^ , ' n -. , ‘ : ' i; ! •*' T. qw s o n to Wn, Md, Will attend promptly an.i perscverintyly to all. i business entrusted to his care. i,,!, .Jaa. 1,- iMfc~4fcil .m-j.iJ u> u-> u!Mii j J J ' R DOUGHERTY, ATTOftINBY At’LAW. •..!) ~Airi l JHdlMw aoqu DU. j. PIPES, Office--Residence ofi John M. Wheeler, adjoining Mr. Lewis Vogle’aStore. Office hoiirs from 7 A. M., to 9 o'clock A. M. From i o’clock P. M-. Ur -1 o’ol’h.P. M., >. and * o’clock P. ; M. ’ i Jan. \, 1865—18*6. >•■<••■. ISAAC MeCUBLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 39 BT. TAI L STREET, BALTIMORE. ** ’’ •* **y--}7 ~. v 1,1 DR. SAMUEL KEPLER. * GjFice*ndß<xldc*cc~S EAR kPSOM CllpKCll fiu_ t R. M. PRICE, 3 ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Office—No. I Smcdley Row, Towsontown. * 117 ILfj gp'?*/>( tfton*** t%fi law, ami ff (•li*noe/^ , ,bUHny.qj yitrqijtod t<> Ins cane. C. lIOU V *1.1.\i!1,l ivi ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. at W. LfXltfti.qON STREET, (Basement.) BuUiuiorV, Md. U>'- April 15, Ifafa.-rlKi hi.:, .;! ; Amos P. Musselman, ATTORNEY. Office No. 21 Lexington St., Baltimore city, PRACTICES In the Courts of Baltimore county. ‘ July 9,1864—1 y„ , !, WILLIAM M. BUSEY, AT LAW,. No, 7i Fayetl)‘§treet, Near Charles, jnn 4*. M . Baltimore, Md. ApriifeWfts.-*rly> UT Glocker, „ . . . ; ATTORNEY LAW ANB SOWCITOR IN CHANCERY, i .. No. 44 St.<PaiilStreet, Baltimore, Md. PARTI CUfiAR httefttion iriVeh' to Chancery kn<tOrphans' l.ri ,tlie Courts hf BaltlinUre city and couYity> All eommunicabidhs or pusi npss left with Mr. JOHN R.’D. BEDFORD, Conveyancer,Towsdn toWn, Will be promptly attended to. March 12, 1364.—if. Dr. H. L. NAYLOR. ' irrA vriTG located in Green Spring Valley, H respectfully qflers taitka public his pro fessi<>nal,segyi4ds.Uoffi2e,7lteUcl4lice of Mr. I>. W. Cross, near Brooklandvillc. April 29.—3 m. , j . ti . 0..,C. Warfield, i i / j 1 j ATTORNEY AT LAW, * ® Towsoxtown. JJREPARES applications for BACK PAY and PENSIONS. ■jMMVfcc avioti- Jos. P. Merryman. ATTORNEY AT LAW, \ tl 71 West Fajretle Balt. Jaa. 9,18*4.-—ly !_•' DR. ISAAC McCURLEY, DKIVTIBT, 8. W. COR. LIBERTY and LEXINGTON, Stc. BALTIMORE. 1 1.*|_May h-hf ai t.p.iOyni.’ia -i.aoutuodl j " iimdanmsal . > t J’p: kkech, b. n. s ; MBRRYMAN & KEECH, dentists;' u - *' M N<k^NflrtfY c ?tW< ; * lee ! 1 4® altimore - Ji .March Zf}, 18fj4,—ly, y , . < > t/ 1 - t if h /! 7.1> IV: i .1 i * t R. R. Boarmaa, H , p i V, ,'S Q,R.N ELiA Tl h A:W I j .i J.. sol 44*0,. *■ aK SOLICITOR IS.CHANCERY..’ ■in’. Sraedley RtowVbTT ,,(,i *e Coart'House, *• j >. ■, TOWSONTOWN. IfT ILLpromptly attend td all bttsiiless en -- ff trwsted to his care. ‘ il ■ 77" ; J l! Jaw. 18. •*—tf :rit * II .'< •’■•: — T~r~rf~ 1,.,, ~, LAW CARD. (sdn-^.' khCfteM W. WIIaLIAMS, . 'l I and benjamin c. BARROLI, INTEND Id harewftefycareful attention to the practice of their Profession in the^ n Circuit Court for Baltimore .county iT- J May 87—<R.... 1. dui> ,y ; =■! :■ - - " J HOWARD MUNNIKHUYSEN, hi/ ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,47 u St 3L Jgsii S^, t J^UinaQirG, RACTICES ,n fhe of Baltimore city *“<l Baltlittorc i>nd Conntje|. f Prompt attention iivep to the collection, of alt kinds of CLAIMS. SOLDIERS , rr '■* PENSIONS, , ~ AND BACJf PAY, Attended to and Collected with despatch. ... Juft., , .. .■■.o.:. t i '—i •taw IS a. WBSKLKR. i j - WItLIAM S. KSBCH Wfieeler & Kofich, ATTORNEYS AT LAW* AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, •Office No. 1 unff towsontown. YJAYING formed a PARTNERSHIP for the IlipraCtVcte oT Laff, will pibmpt atten •t*ion to*he oolleetivmiof claimß and'hAsftl4sl in general in' tbe OrphonW'Court and Circuit C#urt for Baltimore county. 1 *“ ,|J * Aug. 27, 8 j H- W, loiaom c- W‘frfao& , te4.RT.lii Mi\. ,'„u . 1 -. ; |*ryibiMi liMids, ( Offiei (Up 'Hlaftif) I NO. t 4B st., Baltiindre. R. W. Tcanpleman, & Co., OFFER their services to the publieifbf th^ erties they miay. havoifor salottwiU be kept iri book form.J;P( , ta MUor purchase will please communicateaa obove. Vo 4'* latonsfUle Railway. Spring and Summer Arrangement. .fUri H 85, cars (A Consolidation of the American ! Vp Advocate,) jj n ijo,n | IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY | “ (uy. IIAVERSTICK, H. C. ft J. B. MIXONECK EIS,) ( H< : AT (.lllUr i j ' $2.00 PER ANNUM, In Advance. No paper discontinued anti! all arrenK ages are paid, unless ut the option of the Pub lishers. A failure to notify its discontinuance will be considered a renewal of lubscripliop. v j ! :mu R ATES OF ADVEICnfUJfC.f i j One square, (of 8 linen, or less,) one insertion, 1 ‘ 59 cents; tluve insertions, slj and for evjery * subsequent insertion, 25 cents per 'square. A liberal deduction made to those wild advertise by the year, or half year. _J}y consolidating the two Baltimore county papers', the has tAcJargcit circulation of any county p4pf / and thus offers superior advantages to attvertisers. JOB WORK: Our office, heaidee one of Hue's lest Pbwer Presses, is furnished with a good Jbb Phesh ttd j all the necessary materials for executing plain and fancy Job Printing with neatness tnd dis patch. HAWOBXUS ’ Of all sizes am 1 ■Wy/i.'iSprinted at short notice and on good terms. | . Magistrate’s and Collector’s Blanks, Deeds, and all kinds of Pwbtoa Pops— always ■■ band at the office. •. \ 1 • 1 j., WAltmiV STORE, In tho Thriving Little Village of !/ AV A.ld iKtt. GREAT REDUCTION OF rRICE3 IN ALL . i . , iiKINDtiOHUOCM.It riAIIE proprietors of ifoe “Warron hrd I ottering great inducement? to Hiq gifzens of this neighborhood, that is. their attention. We otter to the public th se kaition of goods that can bq ni the country, and will guarantee to Scffilhom at less than city retail priqes. All goods sold here warranted as represented or the inoriey refunded. Our stock consists in pqrt of dry goods, ; i( :.; dr. i GROCERIES, ! . ;> i, n HARDWARE, . a ,a' <1 CHINA WARE, CROCKEItYWARE, EARTHENWARE, i 4ll i'. ; . ... STONE W ARE,v * . .■ • ... GLASSWARE, 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, CAPS,”'"..''' 1 DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, OIL AND TAINTS,. MEDICINES, GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE) LEAD, IdNSEEDJfc,NEATH FOOT 71 oil, parAthtne cn£; ker 08ENE .OtL> MACIUNE ' , Jli -, ; OIL, MACKEREL, HERRINGS, BA ' CON, HAMS,7 ' . BREAST PIECES, SHOULDERS, G. A. SALT, Firtfc Saif, Flonr, Cof-fiMca], i: Mill‘Pdffd,‘ Hopi ony Buck Wheat, '' , , tin and wooDktf Wares, Brriomß, Ropes, Plow Lines, Shoe findings; Wrot Nails, Cut Nails, Spikes, Rivets, and etc ry article’that may be found in a well regulafoi ed country store. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken id exchange far : ghods at city prices. . > 1 * Ji 11. P. For Warren Manufacturing, Conuaftny t ly , ’j£e : Auctioneer.. ..T?: a | " THE undersigned having taken out a Gcjyi’ ernmeut License for sth as well as the 2d- Congressional District, iB. prepared to .attend sales in any part of Baltimore,or Harford ties, or any other portion bf said Districts,,e‘*t cept.Baltimore city. Having removed from. Sweet Air. to Towsontown, persons having businessrwith me. will pleane addrepa me at.Totvsontown, or ap ply to Mr. Church, Advocate Ofpce, Mr-Long-, • neck or k Sons, American (Office, or Mr. Nelson Copper, at his store. • , ' SAMUEL G.IWIILSON,. 1 Dec. s.—tAlo Towsontown, Md. . , . S WOTKDii. THE firm of Longnecktjr A Sons havilig been < dissolved, all persons hay’mg claims against'tlfa above firm, of toy kind, will please present them to the undersigned, and all per sons being in any way indebted either for sub-, scription to the BalliihdriiffoAnty American,or for.advertising, ’arei requested to moteliAiledi ate payment to the above. All pefSoris iAbt ed .tfeiJohn H. Longnecker for subseription to, or advertising .in the abovaipnper, previous to November* 15th. 1863, are! earnestly requested to make payment as above- Bills Will be sent to all so indebted. i* ! *D ; H,* C. LONGNECKER, ■> J. Wi LONGNECKER, le H : J. Hw LONGNECKER, Jan. 7—tf. . ; ,goll-.A fc. ~ r—ti M y Ktlal U U. S. CLAIM? ; ;! '* BACK PAY, BOUITTY, ; ‘ ( Pension & Prize Collecting Agency. fTtHE undersigned, far more than three years I past Colonels in the U. S. Army, attend to all Claims agajnst the U.S. Government, make up QuarUA-MAfe ,t and*OP<wreW!e Accounts for Discharged Officers, procure Ration Money lb* Released Prisoners of War. Compensation to Loyal dWnbre df Slavbs in' tfie U. |3. Anuy or Navy secured. Monthly Pat fpr Wives and Mothers of .Prisoners ol Waripro- Sured. Soldiers’ Check Books Cashed, aqd ash Advances made on Claims. 1 r’> . j Address, post paid, or iperson to gCHLEY & pMERY, . t Atlorneys at Law, 122 Baltimore st., (upstairs) Baltp. Md. • March 25.—Sm. CIIIiIASTORE. WM. S. WONDErIY & CO., JJAVE on hand a complete stock^f^ * r-fjjr CHINA* GIASSyr 2*mJLc^ W QUEENS WARE, ‘ WlSgjpßLt 1 ' Fine and common, atfhe * Baltimore street. 8 doors west of Gay sfffet, J CDAL OIL, of the ycry v be6t quality, by the barrel or gallon, and a complete assortment, 5f LAMPS and WICK for burning if. The manufacture pf STONE and EARTHEN WARE still continued. ’ All goods for, the couptjry packed in a scien tific manner, and will bo sold wholesale and. retail, at very low prices, to suit the|ti|ppsi, j ‘ Nov. 5, 1864.—tf r — wuO —• rr LEATHER, .ii•. 1 if r n LEATHER,' , It. < W HIDES, A ; C. 1. , P. H. GRUPY & CO., ! 42 South Calvert Street, Baltimore, M 3., 1 . TITAVB always a full assortment of LEA.'l'Hj [ 1~1 ER of all kinds, atlowestrates. Calland* sc. U E^rVAtE Ta/rARK Wantdd.’for whidh'tlie outside Cash PricO will be paidi • F. H. GRUPY A CCI, I 4 2 South OofVCH Street, Baltimore. Aptil B.—3tri. ' ' ’ . ' -i_ PLdUOfi GASTttf&S^l'd-'^V. j r,.V‘d PLOUGH CASfTINGSI ! THE attention of Farmbrß and Merchariß is invited to my full bracing all the sites of the Woorfaock, Smith, Atwood,. AfWbr. A Hortonj Wistonkin, and Other klfi'ds, mof whichjEjlf be sold low by the single XUfQfi or ton. Also, a Ploughs, at less than regular prices**? ,NU M 8 N- @aW''stet J 1 Baltimore. :i) Tli,.i, HRWi j F?|S-rtf v.,m. te-iiw- .i qooO I f-W v— TOWSONTOWN, MD. V SATURDAY, -JUNE* 17 1865 -** •* ' l ' = * - I ■■■■ ■ *’ *" ■ n ajuiiM'Jia.iU-i-ihJkX. ijLi n ill r. i. r.iiL.l ztu WHEELER AND WILSON MIMEST PREMIUM ~S EWI MS IS AOMIN C rpilE I,ock Stitch irtade' by this Machine 1 jL cannot be ravelled, and presents the same i ippcaranee*!upon each side of tho seam, a sin-' gle,lliue of: thread extending from stiteh to stitch., >ltis formed witlcfivo thnsads, one up on each side of the fabric* andinterlocked in tho centre of it. The beauty and regularity of flip stitch will bq observed, also tho firm ncss of ,tj>e scam, in which respects it excels hand sewiug. The Machine is recommended for the fallow ing.qualities ; y 1! Beauty and excellence of stitch upon .each side of the fabric sewed^ 1 * X'“ Strength, firmness, and durability of sea fit that witl rtot rip nor ravel, and matfe with • 3. Economy df thread. " '4. Its attachments and range of application to purposes apd materials. ■*' 5. Compactness aud elegance of model and finish. A. Simplicity and thoroughness of construc tion. , w .i r ! 7. Speed, eaw-bf operation and manage nnent, ami quiatnesa Of unovement. OFFICE 214 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. April 1,1565.—1 y. j Oeo. H. Carmiin. Joshua M. Bosley. MARYLAND LAND AGENCY. t! X%rW SELL'AND PURCHASE on commiS VV srton, REAL ESTATE df'every descrip tion, in the citjrof Baltimore, the Conhtics of Maryland and'other States, —BORROW AND LOAN MONEY ON MORTGAGE,—and attend toO flections of all kinds promptly, i OUR OFFICE isocfhtrally and conveniently located* with nil the appliances for a thorough and energetic dispatch of business; and we propose to use all proper and available means tQiprftUt4o the purchasing public and capi talists,such property! as may be in., our hands far sale. •! ~ ;,!j >iiuti 'p*.i'i/i'j. li i IF you wan|* tp Self House or Ground Rfnt, inform us of the fact, and put it on; our .you want lo Purchase REAIi ESTATE pf. any kind, or Invest, in GROUND RENTS OR MORTGAGES examine our Books before you do so. liaVipg business in our line, are res ctfully solicited to lis * call, or corninu chte wiffr ns Bb'letter or otherwise. 7* -' CARMAN & BOSLEY; '* Office No. 5 Cairo 11 Iftfll (up stairs,) S. E. “ Corner of Baltimore and Calvert Sts,, • Feb. * Baltiindre, Md. . BALTIMORE & TOWSONTOWN RAILWAY. ON'to afterMdnilay, JUNE,ISth, 1865, cars] will "j ' HEAVE BALTIMORE EVERY HOUR, lif*the Charles-'StVdet Cafs, cornef'of Baltimore and North streets, " FROM 7 A. And will leave /• i < !-* CORNER EAST AN,D ENSOR STS., Old Town, EVERY HOUR, FROM 7.16 TO 7.15 P. M., Except at. 12.15 noon. , The ears connect at North Boundary. Avenue. • . LEAVE TOWSONTOWN EVERY HOUR, FROM 6 A. M. TO 7 P. M., except at 12 M. 1 A'har will leave the corner ot EAST AND ENSOR. STREETS at 11 P. M. ■June Itfi—tf ; A. B. SANKS, Agent. J< JWlla qiiiill aßOiiLillt : 1 .-'. : - T . ■> I mo,an* pfiTiiu©. C. / ' i >:i > HTiQM 'fiUr/ido ‘ * : j ' ; a!Min'd "ii. !*>.-> ■ "i ’.* j i 'TjIOR the Summer seastnl the Stage will r|nn‘ ifJildM > lv.'4Sunday6 excepted,) as follows,com iineneing Mondayv May 22d i SWEET AIR every morning at 6. ia’*lock, .Arriving at Towsontodrn in time to connect with the 9 o’elockuQir. On Mail days; (Tueduysii Tliursdays ..and Saturdays.) will 0 o!elock, arriving at .Sweet about On Wed-. ncßdayp and Fridays will leave T.OWSON , Aift’plockP.,Mv arriving at Sweet Air about 71 o'clock P. M.-m-, ,■ xr -a ff ARDG. PEARCE. , j.; May 20,-tf. . Ji '‘ ’ h UILMOUR’S HOTEL. ' j ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, t Np. 12k W, BALTIMUKIi STREET, BALTIMORE. J. D. GILMOUR, Proprietor. variety cT and Vegetables, . inetbdlhg'all O ie delicacjes of the seaeon, served lip in tne best style. Particular pains taken ’td keep WINES AND LIQUORS' df the choicest '(Quality. - ' - ROOMS FURNISHED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. Din4ng Rooms for Private Parties. in N*vi>#B>b4y. J ■■ i' : - ■ I #It.LUM“L; MILLER, . I b -WIiOLKSALE AMD RETAIL DKALRR IN b-jftnhiit ' 11 a*# ■ . i-ua ! ' L TOBACCO AND SELABS, - .n.'-iifc NO. 6 GREENMOUNT AVENUE. j SUPPLIED by M. Hv MILLER’S extensive Segar Factory, in thie.StatePrison: Oflico.for buainess*— • —i.-i*.. • c No. 6 Greenmount-Avenue.. ui< i> Goods at prices thakcannot fail nlease. - Ca!\ apd sep. fK ; /U [_ ’ MARYLAND BAG FACTORY, ' d.iii; •ui!' at-'-.. ‘ *' ; -n-MV b* in. dj> ' ; n GAMBRILL, HOOPER & CO., ■ ' COR. SOUTH A PRATT STREETS, BALTIMORE, SHIP Chandlers, awd dealers in Sail Cloth, Netting, Seine and Sail Twine, heavy cot-, I ton. Flax .and Heutip goods generally. Also, manufacturers of Cottori and Burlap B A G S* • Tarpaulins, Wagon Covers, Ac. I ;,Jan. 14, 1865,-ri-tf. 1 ; ..(■■■; : >:■ SCHUCHMANN & HEIM, !m MANUFACTURERS OF TraveUjae Trunks, f. l rm-,,y* I l'^SiW d Mx, • No. 0 Wj* Rfiltimore Street, BALTIMORE. ' " TRUNKS MADE TO OEDER!^ ■ J 'ffbtt. 14, -1865.—1 y. Jamrs Bratty. Georck R. Skit.lman. V.?AMES BEATTY & CO., afm SHIP BISCUIT, CRACKER, ( ...I J> f* Vrllff */- S <il 1 1 .i : ll.ii! *di ! Ji I* t- * ■ MHPI i‘' : i: J !l ■ i d '.ro AND CAKE BAKERS, ’ oil I -Nob. 93,'*4d11id , 6 Dxlganfa Whiirf, ! , i i ■<: '.*! i.'jiii Near PPattfstreet, Baft. : • i i wMarefc AB, 1366.—1 y. • irilui'jDn ,iuoiii ipi •< oien .)■ —v- —-——'■ iJOS SlUOi BUMS A SLOAN. >“'> > . LUMBER DEALERS, !;itim;*yi Vmn i r,7r i.n*un j “ ~ >U'- . Xiight St., Baltimore, HAVE OA hand * large assortment of LUM BER, SHINGLES, FRAMES, LATHS, HQORS and SABH.iI Which they offer for Bale qtjjhe Ipweet Market ratee,,for CASH. .. AAi>AßßhnrAynii t ni a* t. •-. :’! 1 1 All! Persons iiideßled 2 . TO tbeTate BaUiinorTCounty Advocate, either -tterffSUVb Chueeh; 0r 4jrtioreh ‘A 'Hdverslick, i n*e respectfully requested to Call at the Union i office and setflevtheir bijla. i " ,i: * i Feb. 13.—tf - /lim.h. 1 r tirm —rr—^ HANCE’S SAIRSAPA.KH.HAI, VEGTABLE ; .; I OR BLOOD PILLS; FOR purifyingitlie blood*removing bile, cor*. reeling disorders of the stomach and bow, qls, costiycness, dyspepsia, swimming in the head, Ac. Persons of a full hqbit, who are sub ject to Hcmiacho, Giddiqcss, Drowsiness, Sing ing in the Ears, prising from too great a How of Blood to the lioad should, never he withoMt them as many dangerous symptoms will be en tifely cArried off by their immediate use. RBAD THU FOLI.QWUIU WOXOERi’UL CUHE Of nvsrKgsi*! This is to certify that my wife was afflicted with the Dyspepsia for twelve years, and;tried both advertismg medicines and Thoinpsodiau b,ut without affect. I was myself attacked with blindness, and luy head otherwise affacted frmn hard drinking, so*that I was apprehensive of fits : and seeing Hance’s Sarsaparilla Pills ad vertised I went and got a box of them, which to irty astonishment effected a cure of me and my wife both, and I do think them without a rival before the public. * ' • S. 11. HALL. Albermarlft street, ncar^Wilke. 1 PURIFYING TIIE BLOOD ! Baltimore, July 29, 1353. This is to certify, that I was afllicted with a, violent pain in my breast and right arm, which I Supposed proceeded from the impure state of fny blood. I wasTecominetidbdtotakeltance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and after taking one box, the pain was entirely' removed from my breast and arm. I found then! extremely gentle In their operation, and would reconi mom# them to every person in want of a mild purgative. - • 1 .- PATRICK ROCIIE. No 23 Conway st., between Howard and Eu l&w. In puchasing these pills let me add OSE WORD OF CAUTIOX — Always ask far Hance’s Pills, and purchase of none but those advertised as agents and if convenient, call and see the proprietor hiufaelf. SETH S. HANCE, lOS.Balto. st., Baltimore. >->i uine Pills. , !,i These pills can be sent by idail, and where, four boxes are ordered at one time, they will be i sent free of postage. i-j, r Jan. 21, 1865-*ly. DR. BRADSIIAW’S IIIVICOR™ CORDIAL. Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, FOR GENERAL WEAKNESS. Dr. BratWiaw’s Invigorating Cordial, ii-i. : ! 1 FOR NERVOUS DISEASES. i ip mi mil ißdh ng u ■■irmr* .. . Dr. Bradshaio’s Invigorating Cordial, FOR PAINS IN THE BAfpK- Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial, CURES DEBILITATED SUFFERERS. V Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating/Cordial, for gen eral Debility, loss of muscular energy, disease's of the bladder,kidneys, weakness, obstructions, female complaints, a’hd all other diseases aris ing fVofn cXccSs arid imprudence in life, and removing all improper discharges iYoin the bladder, kidneys or other organs, from whatev er cause they may have originated, and no mat ter of how long standing, giving health'and vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid, ciicck ' L{fj<*-. ■ tii'i j JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. It cures nervous and debilitated sufferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which wifi bo I'ojind indisposition to exertion, loss ot , power,, lqss of mquiory, difficulty of breathing* ' ’ general weakness, horror of disease, weak nerves trembling, dreadful horror of death, n ight! , sweats, cold feet, wakefulness, djpiness qf.,vis iori, languor, universal lassitude of (.he. mnscu-r-i lar system, often enormous appetite with dys peptic symptoms,’ hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skip, pallid countenance and eruption bf the fafeh| pafh . back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequehtlyblaek'Spots flying before tnMMyes, with temporary suffusion and'losS bf sight; want of attention, great mo bility .''restlessness; with hotror of society.— Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for feaf of thCmselves ; no repose of manner, no*•earn estness, no speculation, but a hurried transition fVow one i question to another. Effects upon' both mind aud body can be rectified, and the nervous system healthfully invigorated, where' the qualifications of manhood, have been im paired. , .. ,i„ ... i ‘-'* Brice S-'l per bottle; two bottles for $5 ; fairr bottles for $lO ; sijf bpttles sl2 ; tppbottles twelve bottles $24.'. For sale by i■ j ! -w. ‘ S. S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore st. Jan. 21, 1865. —ly. HANCE’S CHEMICAL HAIR'RjE STO RATIV E. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. •• Hancc’s Chemical Hair Restorative. 1 ! Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Hanco’s Chemical Hair Restorative. . ' • 'Prevents hair fVom falling out. ,1M " i *' ’ Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Causes it to grow on bald heads. Hance’s Chcmieal Ilair Restorative. Prevents hair turning gray. Hance’s Chemical Hair RestoratSVd. Peinttnently removes 1 DandTuff. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Gives hair lustre and bCatity. | if . .i j; j Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Renders harsh hair soft and glossy. Hance’a Chemical 1 Hair Restorative. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Hance’s Chemical Hair R^fetoratiVe. The best hair dressing for children, Prepared only by SETH S. HANCE, 11 ’* ' 111 “■ 108 Baltimore street. Price ft per battle. For sale by" SETH 8. HANCE. 1 >il Jan. 21, 1865-ly. ’ 108 BaltimorC'St. PHARNXJM’S COUGH CAHDY. • ! ~■# T ISUt \ ?i Jj “He that Hath an Ear to Hear Let Hint Hear.” Baltimore, Nov. 13, 1556. The duties of my business have exposed me to coughs, colds and asthma and ppliuouafy af~ factions. I have been deprived of th? power of attending to (he duties of iny profession, and should have been, had it not'been for the bje higW effect of y,oiir MEDICATED CANDY— I tried it blit a few hours before I began to reap, l the advantages of its effects. MV CdUUU AXI) IipAIISfiNESS LfcFT liff-i-MY iIttXCS "i * 'AfIE IIEALED, R< ' ’' ! And my appetite greatly improved. I there-,, fore have no.hesitation in adding my testimo liy to that of the mahy who have lexperienpqd the benefits of your valuable Cough Candy. *d b; - ! ' WILt i IAH i 'MtillCEil.' Price S 5 eints per package, or three packages for *l. • by SETH S. HANCE, 108 Balti more street; and SWEETZER <Jc 00.,' corher Charles and Pratt sts. Jan. 21,1865-ly. Dyspepsia Cured by llamil ton’s Great Virginia Remedy. READ the following certificates from a Well known citizen :l *l.i- ’•“• - 1 i ; 111• *ll,, Baltimore, Md., Fob. 18,1863. Dr. J. L. Hamilton c .. Dsar Sir I have used your Groat Virginia Remedy with entire success. I was for yeiars. serjoualy affected with Dyspepsia, faults worst form ; j, tyas pofeuaded, to try. Hamilton’s Great I Virginia Remedy; by its use I was entirely re lieved of Headache, Palpitation of the Hearj;,; Nauseated Stomach, great Nervous. Ilebißty of. the Syst<yn, Depression of Spirits loss of ,Appe tite, &c. . ... , , . Price ft ,25 centj* per bottlb, or, six Jpr, : fo,o/'"’:‘“i : , { YI: T' i For sale by ! “ SETH S’. HAifCE. ' i Jan. 21. 1865-ly, 108 Baltimore #t’ J LAWS OF MARYLAND. PASSEp JANUARY SESSION, G 5. OFFICIAL. ,Uyi hliiuiL ’uMiiq mil liulj f idiot j ,*>j :u. C. Senate. 1 Chief Clerk Hoiute bTDelegates. i i-.. ■■•...1 ,ij—mm*' !?hi “ L.-,. ! .en A‘W A ri*p V ‘ ' w:i i fefl* aim Al_< l to enable apy bank, savings institution or satfngß'barik of'this State,“ td ‘bricorriu an .i. wsocialkm foe tho purposes of baakingaudijr** the laws of the United States. : , luj PSecllon I. lie it enacted by tTic Geiicral Assent n? Maryland, Thafahy bank/stivingri institu tion pr savings bank incorporated under tlie laws of this State, may become an association, for the purpose 6f banking Antler the laWs bf uie 1 United States:; Jrrdtnrferf,. ii-isbadlvfirst- comply piith all ilia reuuisetnentj of pf tte, first* session of the thirty-eighth Congress of the Uni ted States, entitled; "A* act to provide A nii tional currency, secured by a pjodyw.of the Uid-t. ted States bonds, and to provide for the circula tion'and redoraptioh tnereof. 1 "a • ~' ,TI T Sec. i And In it further enacted, -That beforfe any bqnfc, anviugs institution or saving; ba;ik of. this State shall avail itself of the provisions pf this and of 'tire aforesaid act-df Oringresfc, ife : , .stockholders, by and with the written adaidoahd consent of the owners of tljree-tourths t pf t,by capital Stock of said bank, savings mstiVuiioU or savipgs bahkybt.or at a special meeting"-called for ib purpose, shall dvfiide. hp-ibr the sai4u bank, savings institution or savings batik shall Or Shalt not become art AsSOciiitWh fbr rhtf phi- 1 pose of banking under the.laws of tbenUnitcd Stateji, and at said meeting every stockholder rnay cast one vote for each share of stock held. him dr! her, 1 arid every stoekholdferi 1 who 'snail be absent from paid mealing, may ffofaty prqxyji and every executor, administrator, gpardjad or,, trustee, holding stock‘ih said Dank, savings j m-‘ ißtitution or savings bank,, may voteiui persbri of*' by proxy, without responsibility by such vote, and the Treasurer of Maryland is Hereby-Authorized rnl diicttted f6 i; reprWe'iVt i und vote the stock held by the State .Utnany i iof the- > banks, sayings institutions or savings banka of 1 this State,'apd if on casting l mr tlie vote at the Said tweeting it shall appOTPdJrit the owners , ,t}f t>vo-.tbirds,9fthc.capitf}) pfsaid bank, savings institution or savings bank, are in favor of converting the said bank, savings institution or savings:bank, into an association for the pur pose of banking the la\ya of the United •State's,' the Directors or said bank, savings insti tution or savings bank, 1 bt : u< majority of' thrift', 1 may execute tbe-onganization certificate, and such other papers a3 shall be necessary, and may perform all acts required by lnw i for enabling tlie said bank, savings institution or savings bank'to becomesnChii33bciatitrri:• i;il4 j (.Sec.. |3 h fdtui be. it further when ever any bank, savings, institution or liahkfn (Hid StAte, 'siteurpikseri t 16 the Cleflt, of 1 the Court of Appeals of Maryland, a certificate, .from the comptroller oG the currency, setting forth under his hand arid official seal, that the bank, “savings institution of'savlrtgs bank has become an association!’ for/; the tho purpose of banking under tews of the llnitedjStales, the said clerk shall record such certificate,’ and shall send an authentkated bopy thereof tb-lhe- Gov ernor of the State, ,who, on receiving the same, shall give notice for at least three weeks in sonic newspaper printed in (116'city‘Or' eb’nnfy Where Said bank, savings institution; ©t-Savings bank is located, that said bank,. :savings, iinetiliition,. or savings bank has risen*converted intp sncb< .*£js<A' piiUion, and that its charter AS granted by, tine, General Assembly qfJlaryJppd,,hap been surren dered, and thereupon all Us corporate uppers shall ceftSej providedtiev&thetcssj aafik,>i stivingrinstltution bf ; sftVihg& bank,'fifty cdhtiu-. ue to use its corporate nade fo'r'the purpose of prosecuting and defending suits instituted by' or against it, 1 and of enabling it to dose its hfiairs, but. not fop the purpose of continuing under the laws of tliis State, tbp business for which it was ‘■eStabliffiridJ and no bank, savings institution or savings bank thus converted'into a banking ap-, - .iaaejationvunder the ktws of the United States, i .shall ro-issue for circulation any of 4ie notes as sued by it during its existence under the laws ofthe State, for more.-than: one year after ifs i charter has been surrendered ; jxrooided, that tlie existing laws of the State providing Xoftaxes on tbe State, banks for. the purposes enumerated :i therein,sliall extend and apply ttoall State ba|ks and other institutions availing tfafemselves of lie I provisions of this,aet*. when they shall hare be . Tcome associations under tbe act of (fongvess and all sums required by tbe phacters of said institu tions and banks to. be paid to the Stated shall continue as heretofore to be paid.xii aj. ut | -a: i iicSec*; 4it And be it further enacted p That when ever any. .hank, savings, institmion or savings bank in this. State shall have surrendered ile charter, and,become an association for •the.pbrr 1 pose of bnoktng under the, laws of ,;the (United ;Statys, nll itß assets, real and personal, awiAour' other transfer, shall vest in and become the prop erty ©f. stich. associntion, and said association, shall be responsible for all. the debts and liabili ties of said bank, savings instiftttion .or Savings bank, incurred prior to the surrender of itecbptr ter. ■ .. aw i i mlaitat-’Uwi to yonerntfanioo •! Sec. 5. Auul be it further enacted. That when ever tbe chtrter of any bank, savings institution or savings-bank in the State has b^asurrender-, ed, as hemnhefare provided far,:the reumbers of , j the Hoard of Directors, last in office, shall forth with deliver up all the < pistes and dies of fa id ~bank* savings iiidtitution or savings bank-to. the Superior . court o£ city, ;/whorei aid bank, savings institution or savings busk is lo cated in tbe city, or tlie circuit court for the , lOWUJtv in which said bank,.savings, institution or savings bank may be located and the. Judge of each, of said courts shall cause tbe said plates and dies to be destroyed in his presence, and al so in the presence of tbe President or cimhier of said bank, and Hue meipbars of E Direc tors, who wilfully refuse or neglect so to dd{ shall be defapgda uilt y misdemeanor, on conviction,jslpiU. be severa\ly,,pHpished byi a fine hot exceeding, dollars.. ; is Se,6'. Arid he enacted, That this act Shall take effect from and after its passage. [ chapteß: 135. AN ACT to amend and re-enact section twenty one of Article forty-one of the Code of Public General Laws relafiug' to “Fikh' arid Fisheries.’*"' Section I.‘ licit.enacted by the General Assem bly of Maryland , That section twenty-one of Article forty-one code of Public General Latvia relating to “Fish and Fishmes,’* tender the heaid of “Potomac,” be and tiie’same is hereby 1 amended and re-enacted so as to read as fol lows: u 21." If shall* not be lawful for any person, . other thah'tbe owner pr by thp of the oWner,' to take or carry away from any shore of the Potompc river below Fort Wash-, ington which' has .been or may be used as a fishery^'Any Sand, gravel or plher mattef, <lat may form part of said shore to the amount of twenty bushels pr iriorC, and if any person snail feloneously steal, trike Arid carry away from any, ‘shore of the,PotomaC river below Fprt Wssb ‘ingtQn, ’UTiich has befen or may be used as a fishery, A,ny SAnd, graVer or other matter that may lorn part of Said shore to "the.amount of tVerity bushels or more' Spe)} person shall he deemed guilty of' larCeny, and .tin Conviction thereof In the Circnit-court for ; the coriplv in which such larccriy crimtaiUed,.’Shall pay* to the oWnrir the full value thereof ari4 bp sep-' , tenced to the Mnitentiary fbr not less than ope . ' year normrir’e than,SvAyi^ars. ! ' Set. 2. And be"it That this act phrill take effect from the date or Ms passage. , '• * CHAPTER 14K AN ACT to amend.andire-enact(Beetion ten of ~ the fifth Article Of code.ofPriblicGeneral laws, f . entitled “Afipealaii’iu a.-t.i il.dil . I In Section ivl ße it enaetedby tba Gmeral Assem bly of Maryland, That sect ion ten of Article'filth of the code of Public Local Laws, be amended and rs/ma#tnd (tOurend-ias. foHo ws : j v 10. All pppeajp, .in pgses: ti pf or arising under sthe jrippijfpnt laws-i.-or exceptioris taken on ' trills of from the ufpnftflk courts or courts of equity, fffsfch ‘ granting injqrictidfas, dissolving jpr. refusing, to. dissolve the same, appointing a ing oi 1 refusing to rality a, trustee , Jteft a|l .- appeals from decisions of. lhe,,Oypha.ns’ court, and from ahy judgment of motions to set aside sitlria, bf Aprilv mopey in the handsiofipe Sheriff,, aud all appeglfc from . decisions op waiters of lriw,Ly the.cpuftsTpf Baltimore,pUy, iri retetjpti to the stroets ip said, city, ; £fuall l for ! Beit exacted, That^^hj^Vpct shall take effect FrOtri tue day onta passage. 1 *■ Oi[ (MM lib# ttfrlOllltftor :i*n. I ; \T/-y - iS o. 24. |S | ' * (111 hiiQtmnJsti otil jnswoiflai ,htiP , rr.H o- cttilltoT oi TTTT ii l OS ,110:J I©l * BV ÜBS. LIZZIB TORS CASE. . I j ij i . 1 ii. —t—■ ~ Tliank Godt the last proud victory’s won! -ill Tkoiast long, WeAlviinarcti Is'dime ;. r u " aSHiiaffl!©6E?l3i46jii.q.-M 1 ‘ I dR it ' fc of daatuieis glot/oi owaVl, Thank God! at last aye “homeward bound ” jilt:-u Kul ,)fcul ,i:l/ ; nil:!.lo ihmTuiCj.! I MiSttTOaaar’...:... ' •> 10 j ■ Togfether wept for comrades slain. | 1,1 and true, wnrwd each other now adieu, I ll'lo And .with nil lienor.-.glory -cro*r'nM,' mil .io > Each warrior chief is “fipmoptyxl po.upd,’’ ; { i,, Jl*fi bugle call yin not tw, l ! , But voice oMoved ones All ttieir ear. ih ; rTha battle’s shock, the dungcoU's.'gleidin, " l adi They’ll chang? for joys of home, sweet home l 011 1! tnayh libme with (plenty erWfc3. ‘ f ■ Await eqclj.*oldier“tYWwartl ! hVHte l iT ,tl , ®n(fei|.at:list, this cruel war.; | Ti.;iij.-.a, . ; Oil f motiier, sister weep ne more! i i> ;lJitt..'Vll your fears und .sorrows oease, . And hail tlie hqly dawn of peace.,. h” 1 Como with M>rds,'coirie, ‘ Jl ' : ■ .yiuTWsoWipr Ityjr fe|.“Ww*MidiboinMl,’’ i.j , . i Nnmdce to tread tbe picket line, ~ Njo more in hospital to pine, I u ,* ■ iXnr'iotfre to lot,g fbr Words fVom hothe . ■? i Mawsssr,' , a!: ; iMPIAmMi •. ...( i,, For peace at lait peace is found, r • i And MUfj oh 3H her, ‘UiomewaiMl 1 * 1 \VTSt is tpte4 nee thtrt he shares' ? • 1 For wnohike hidi leaves home and friends, I liii.tJjyu tountryts twor:todereml ,u.> ;,j Ot'! liad the courage .failed, •.1 thltibahner in thbdust had trailed,- din . ill And liberty her grave,had found . ■■ And slavery been with tormph crowh’d. ' lj fni l **Wlfen-ttilfell tide of VaHirfewereaf 8i ,l 'cniPr.yhf-'l *:il Still firm the mighty phalanx stood— . ■ l.ike rivers ran thoirbofo UlooS— 1 . i: >' ,! . They left their dead iu thousands slains .. And “rallieil ,i rriand their ffag* again. ’ i | T |,,; /,saw th.ift flag witVyifsUyy crowned,, it , ] Ana how tnfey’re'marehmg “homeward l/ound.*’ A They come to us all battle worn, ,i: Tlrey' briug 6nr flag With bullets taro,- Yet, with its stains of battle gore, ’Tis dearei*,holllr than Itefore— c ■ t’or, 41*crty is; born arurw j 1 'Beneath thstt'dear Red, White and Blue. ,Tj*pn.hapH thp thg with yitMrj crdwidd! ( i Then had I tne soldier ‘‘homeward hound.’’ >-i: 1 :i: > ...i a (.'IJ On u orl i;<Tij I iii i },, But there are hundred thousand slain, Who sleep upon the battle plain ; ' iuu dPAttfW a r* thpu W yyttn JIA For those who never will return. ! i: L.Ofi! wiii}v(F^wriWvsch deatliless name t t - Upon the suered scroll of. fame, (I iebas.providefdrthose-thW tao'ufri I ‘ . And goinfort those wliose hearts are torn; * J ‘l { iWTioste slilS' wown’fl ’’ iliJ ■"smssr t , t o) ii: , -n bo I Letter Prom Mexico. Wo cojiy th’e following interesting letter froth k lhte number 6f tbri' Pa:,' r gent g’entlcman of that city, arid ’ 'cdotairis ‘mneh irifontiatidn thiat is ririfiia'ble at this 11 time: ! ! l " March 25, : 1865i 7jb the EdilPFi of . Ota .IntehlUjencer, • Gentleman : to promise;,l wi^ ; MVe*you a aonysketen of my obseivations irt this ebaritvy. 1 This I ‘city has'been so of ten! described, and always as a most 1 filthy, ■noisome and unhealthy, place* that I.will only ajdd that I ; fulJjt endorse aU,.Uia)L has beep said in referenco to it. Frotp this ci ty to the first ftflfge of Mountains, some .fio mileß w*eet of' ls almost pne.uubrpk.ep praire, covered with stunted grass and jknnqipprablp rocks ,and boul/ders. There - appears to be no party, white Sor‘ Mexican- r , 'tefao'HiiVd'‘faat)' suffieierit 'cdttrage to undertake :planting' kr this forbidding rpgipn.;..... / to nan ini f. v.j miir. ' ;*. Aftgr : passing, .first. range .at.Salse Fuadfa, we"entered ,a valley about, 40, inile’s" long, in which itVe 1 the tfttens of ’ I Cordova, Orizaba,-&c. Tblsis-a fine linie- Stbne vaj|qy,Avi(.h a vegPtationltdnA.flora that. one’s ideas of p,tropical coup-. . try. Tne* land is miserably chltivat&d ; but despite the sloWhly system of agriculture, • cdflb*/dfbthe : Andst I 'quality 1 ;‘-sugar- cane, bananas,.pina Apples, oranges, Ac., abound. Qrjzaba te qbout4,hopTept above thp,level or the sea. Of it is the region of perpetual summer; btjf'tne*"snow-capped peak” hf 4he volcano 1 , vrhidh appears to , bo .but a few miles distant, but in reality is about 4Q ,mUqs,,seems ,to cool the air to a certain extent, qnd makes it the fresljelst and iu'ost peasant place in tlie low coun tries. Twenty live mHes wrist Wte commence * ascending the on <a most a'dmira--- biy,lai.d °¥t, turnpilfo, In advancing 12 miles j we find ourselves on the “Table ; lotpla ’’ apd neqrly 9,000 feet above the level of tlie sea. Here the appearonce of ; the cp.uutry entirely-changes, therefore no irqes pit auy kind, and the mountains rise. . bare,and rugged around the flat, sandy plain, , fve tr.ayo;l through to Peubla. Thp land-js oU.qoltivated jn 4 . haciendas of from 1 jitOOf tpi lQj’pOO acres- ,The proprietors or the overseers.are called) J)Yeju largo,. , houses, built in the psual jaiMike style of Spanish architec ture, withirpn-bqrred windows, stone floors, staircases, &c^.tha whple surrounded by , a stflpg qr iMpbe waJl. lOildr 12 feet high. Close by is a church, and the huts of the peons, or Indians,"wfibwork the land., The ( difference between a hacienda and a rrinche is, thptfthe former bas a church, (which is almpst invariahly a large, substantial buil ding, that has stood for ages,) whilst the latter h6rie. In all parte of the coun- . try that we have yet been in, it is necessa ry to, irrigate the land* and there has been yast labor and great ingenuity displayed in the construction of these Works. Hut tho. country, from this place to the City of ' iMexico, has att'old worb out appearance. ,iWbat (Whore ooce ; magnifleient bridges, : that gently date ,of from ; 1800 to 1815, are falling to deipay ; massive chnrdhbs and buildings are desorted and in rui4. 1 Every thing Beeffis tb iay, * there was onergyi and-greatness here, .but it has passed way.”, True,, thpre pip gangs, of men now employed in repairing thp roads ‘ ’arh! bridges, And the deserted buildings are being repaired. But these are of rocont date, and as yet but * > j-. Tbe land ia plowed by oxen fastened'by tp ja.lvng polp.dhat in turn is fafe teped to thg most primitive looking , ’wooden plow, with one handle, imaginable; ‘tMs plow{ rude as'ftirS, pPiietrateSthe loose, sandy soil several ineliea, -and the Indians , rgn fqtrc^ 3 . .ftftfltraight as: |the bfit Lon- i caster county plowman. could -4?:.. e crops raised on the table lands are what we : Would call in- PrinnsylviartiA'Vrii^ 1 pebF, cer- ; tainly not over one-third*-6f wheat or 1 for, to an aew, compared withiW, averosa crop.ip county. 0® thejnever manure the: laud or sow any grpM. crops,: rpff.the purpose pf plowing down, fihei gender„js, qot : that they raise „w anwll crops, bulithat, they.Baiee .asdbteilapd thiaayetem , rpf at least 390 ypafa. There is m learned Ifrqpch,AhßO. at. Wekteo, do qoti rpqpliqcthjte.natpe, Who.ha? qptentihsi last ;(WyiOan amjn#flg„the tnonads, ruins, this’hObtbhSn hSTcap prove beyond a doubt, that the ancient iMin !.JJL ■■■tel. ■ i Egyptians derived their civilization from this country. I think his theory very prob fblo, and 1 think that if Moses and the children of Israel could be resuscitated and brought It> this count ry they would fmagiue were back in the brtgtifaF house of bondage. The same way of plowing, ma king carts, threshing grain, making bricks, sandal shoes, carrying water, &c., still pre vails ; and I have no doubt that if Macau ley’s South Sea Islafder, after he conclu ded his study on a broken arch Qf the Lon don Bridge, some 2,000 years hence, would pay this country a visit, he would find pre cisely the same "state of affairs existing. I lAldnk they are unchanged and nnchange ble. When we were in tho City of Mpgico we rode but to view the battle-fields of Cha pultepec and Molino del Rey,- and Would von believe it, on the field of Motino del Key they have erected a monument in honor of the Mexicans killed in that battle— -34 put o! the whole Mexican nation—who stood long enough to be Shot before they .purreydeifed their city. -1 f Now, in rpgard to the prospecteafforded to emigrants, I think they are very small indeed. The laud is owned in very large tracts, and the owners are decidedly Oppo sed to dividing their land, or inffacUselling on, any terms; it is true that large tracts of land are Sometimes offered at a low price, 'and I know at least one instance where a party purchased and thought they’ had iqade a magnificent speculation—w4rfe go ing to raise coffee, &o. Since .I..have commenced writing this letter one of the party returned, and tells tne that the pur chase turned out to be a magnificent riioun tain, a,n abundance of liiriestbne,: aa T the .jiiendor stp.tpd, but unfortunately there was riot anything, else ; not wood enough to ■ make a fish pole, or sufficient water for drinking purposes; of coarse the party was disgusted and thinks that Mexican need watching. . Coffee is really the only true profitable crop of the Country, but as my letter is quite too <long I will not go into details. Now in regard to men who depend upon labor, I think this is the .worst country, probably, in the world; there is an abun dance of labor for every purpose. At least nine-tenths of the population own neither house or land, but depend upon hire lor. a living. The common., wages are 25 cents per day, and the laborer., finds Hi lb Sell—that is on farms. Near the City of 1 Mexico they are now paying bn thri rail road fiOiConts per day, and in this region, wliefp at least 100 per cent, of them are either foreigners or natives of laiidsl'and are sure to die, they receive from $1 to $1.25 per day: 1 Ndw thesb are truly the inducements that are offered to lahorors. There are quite a number of men from the State here, and the great majori ty of them are the most disconsolate, home sick set of men you ever saw. Those'teho have money generally return in thoPext .vessel going north, and those who have not are, like Micawber, “ waiting for spxpething to turn up,’ r I merely give this statement for the' purpose of informiiig 'those. Who havo an attack of the Mexiean fever ( a disease which was quite .common at tho time 1 lolt the States ) whpt they may,ex pect if they allow themselves tb be led away by the statements of certain New Vork journals, that are possibly, made either tho willing or innocent .tools of New.lSork shippers. j; .gimqai To sum up, this-county may be said to have' neither wood, water, nor a stablo .form of government, and rain only'falls two or three months in the year. If*Max imilian ean make a nation of these elements combined, with this shiftless population, he will prove himself truly a great man!“But I do not think he entertains any such-idea. He looks like an honest well disposed man. and I think feels very much with this country as the man was said to hav.e felt Who won the elephant. But more anon. • Cokbosr. .11 ' 1 ' ' ' ,1b <grThe pint cup may not be iU-Ueated for not holding a quart. This is indepd a new measurement of moral obligation.— The man underrates your argument, project, or improvement, because he cannot contain it. lie .does not report you correctly, ibe cause he cannot carry all your idea, He Is a pint cnp. Your friend betrays your secret. It is your own fault. Ydu pijttoo much in a small vessel and it slopes over. Your neighbor has narrow views, feelings and: policies, and they do not enlarge. iße gentle towards him, for small measuro^ ; qan not afford to be very liberal, arid cups come to their growth early. They are re quired to hold but a pint. jHiuifi*. , " ’ Emigration to Ytrginia.—A company, entitled tho Virginia Emigration and Land Company, has just been started in Riph mobd;‘With Governor Pierponl as Presi dent. It has an extensive Board of Direc tors, comprising prominent names, in -all the leading cities of the North, and its pb ject is to open up that State to emigration from the North, furnishing information aa to lands,*property, climate, Ac., and acting os agents of those who wish to settle p the State. wuliol Ot 1;■ 7. —ii iit I want you to prescribe, for me.” ; The doctor feels her pulse. ‘ rt Tnere is nothing tho matter, madam; ybu "enly need rqst.” “Now doctor, just look at iny tongue ; now say, what does “I think that needs rest too.” Exit mad am in a state of great excitement 1 . Adam Clark, who had a strong aversion to pork, was called upon to grace at a dinner, where the principal lijan was a roast pig. He is reported to have said: ; ‘‘o Lord, if thou canst bless under the gos pel what thou didst curse under the Law, bless this pig.” . A . t — ■- total loss by death in the |*reqch army in the Crimean War has just been made public by a high military surgeon, greatly to tbe chagrin of the French .offi cials, and is 95,015. There were buried under the walls of Sebastopol 48,000 bod **•- : ■<♦. ' ,i, I, UX • canal at Dutch Gap, cut by order of General Butler, allows passage for ves sels drawing seven feet of water, and is now regularly used 1 by such steamboatfe and other craft as do not draw.over .that.dajith. said a fellow to a giif 'who had red hair, “keep away ffote nic—ybll’ll set me oivfire.”- ' ' -- ioi l*** ~ “No dauger of that,” said Sallie,yauare too green to : bum,” , 1K() ,i^ Vi . K . ” A disloyal paper says afeW for Jeff Davis for the alleged ' reason that be llirpflelf l\as not now the liberty of speech. Thus when Baalam was unablo to,speak, kis ass spake for him. •j fSTIt is not study tbab produces a Wri ter; it is interest. In the mind, Aa in.ywn der chimney, to make the fire burnyou must narrow the draught. : .As* ax !^ , I say, Mike, what Sort of potot&s are thoso you are planting ? * -Raw be.sure ; yer honor worildn’t be thitfbitfg I would plant boilrid ones. .opi- I© iiaoi •.i t' -w-——...t ..4mi-—.- 1 :i.11 -.*( ’ I^Juvenile Swell— ‘uOhjff&w drillgMful it must be to be a dpgil” Young “Never mind, Chartioyyou have W ehUticq to grow.”