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and the Treasurer shall pay the several amounts within tea jays after Said notification. upon the draft of President and Secretary of the several Hoards of school GbmmlssioOete; also provided, nevertheless, that no payment of said tax shall ba made to any county ot to the city of Haiti-] mare aatil after the organisation of the several Boards of school Commissioners ou .the second Tuesday cf July, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Bee. 8. When the levy of any year shall have been collected, the Comptroller shall apportion among the several counties and the city of Hahi thofe the araottnt allowed on the levy for insol vencies and abatements, and shall transmit statement of the same tothe State superintendent and to each county and the city of Baltimore a Statement of the amount apixmioned to it. Sec. 9. And be H enacted,. That from am) after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, all the sections or the several arti cles $f the Code of Public Local La tvs relating to the levying Of taxes upon the taxable property of t|s several,'feunties and cities of the State for sCttari purposes he and the same arc hereby re pealed. ioof’v ' - kSec. tO. And be it enacted, That all sections of the several art idee of the Code of Public, Gener al sod Local Law, relating to schools, inconsis teolwUh the provisions of this all Acts ofLAsaunbly passed since the addition of said does, relating to schoojs, inconsistent with the provisions of this act; be and the same are here oy repealed. 1 3 Sec. 11. This-tew shall take effect from the day >f Ba passage; provided, nevertheless, that the ;eboota<adwtin operation may be continued tin- Ureristiug laws until the thirtieth dny of June, ightetu hundred and' eixty-five, and the present school .authorities shall exercise all the towers vested in them until Monday, the tenth lay pf July, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. 1 Sec. 13. The High schools of Baltimore city hall have the same powers of conferring diplo nasthft tthly have had before, and 'Which‘they iav at tho time of the passage of this net. ■ ; t t* V CHAPTER GB. j VN ACT to amend and re-ena,ct section two of article thirty-three of the Code of Public Gen eral Laws, relating tp the education of the Deaf and Dumb., . , .V,, , Scctioir 1 fie it enacted by the General Asscnddy f Maryland, section two of article thirty ifee of the Code'of Public General Laws, rela ng to tho education of the Deaf ami Dumb, lie ad the same is hereby amended and re-enacted >eoto read aafollows; ;.. c .... 2. „Oo receiving the certificate of the county mnuidbioneri, or of the Mayor and city Council BaHiutprCj 'as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of e.G.oyernpr to authorize the iustrijpjjon of said At tiid dilmb persons in the Columbian Ihsti tion for the deiif and durtib, foT a term not ox eding seven years; and it shall be thcfni'fftcr dy-ofthe Gorernaf', on (he certificate of lhe esident of, said Institution, to order the Cotrip fflei of the. Treasury to draw his warrant on • Treasurer of this., .State for two hundred dol per annum, for,each deaf,' and dumb person ight in. pursuance of his authority at said iu tution. payable to the President thereof, in arterly payments, on, the first days of Janua , 'April, July and October in each year; and the jveroor shall-also-order the Comptroller Of easury to drisfrefaithe Treasurer his warrant, yable to the proper pdrly, for tlic exjicnses ne laarily ihourred ini transporting and returning: tldftrif *nj dumb person; provided, tliat. the mle amount drawn from the Treasury, ,for the rppsep ftforesaid, shall not exceed seven ihou ld five hundred dollars in any one year; provi thAtthe doyethor Shall dispose of pp/ cations in behalf ot deaf and 1 dumb' persons, der the pWmsionsoT Ais article, in the order which they may be madej'nnd if the applica nt be more than sufficient to absorb the forego s appropriation, be shall suspend: tho action on the excess, il ntil vacancies occur, dr further j vision he made, by the General Assembly.. 3ec. 2. AodU itfurtJiCtenacted, That the.year rate per capita, foy the instruction of deaf and astpWjvlded for id the foregoing tfbn, shall be allowed during the period for (fch payment will become due on the first day April, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. 1 See. 3. And be it further enacted, That to enable i Governor'to carry i oat the provisions of this j.tbe sum of two thousand five hundred dol s, or so.much thereof as may be necessary, in lition to the appropriation already made, be i the same is hereby appropriated for the year ling on the first day of January, eighteen hun id and sixty-sii. sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act dl take'effbet from tho date of its passage. CHAPTER 79. i ACT to regulate and make uniform the fees of Justices of the Peace. Section 1- Be it enacted by the General Assembly Maryland, Ijhat all sections of the several ar tesorthe Code of Public General Laws rela g to fees of justices of the Peace, be and the ne are hereby repealed. Sec. 2 .- And be it further enacted, That sections enteen, eighteen and nineteen of article thirty, bt of the Public General Laws relating the fees of Justices of the Peace, be repealed, 1 the following sections be adopted in lieu 'reof. 1,7. -The Justices of the Peace of this State shall entitled to receive the fees allowed in tlic fol ding table, and such fees shall he taxed and id, by the party against whom judgment shall tendered, to wit: for issuing each summons debtor damages,- or Writ of replevin, twenty -8 cents; for each summons for witnesses, inclu ig all the witnesses applied for, at the’ “same” ie, twenty-IWe befits’;, for mure to summons aholders, thirty-five oents; tot fieri facias, tliir five oents; for .venditioni exponas, thirty-five its; for mpfacuu, forty-five cents; for every wsedeas, twenty cents; for every oath or afii vlt, ten cenU;. for probate or account, ten cents: judgment tendered were there is no trial Mtydlve' cents; for every judgment rendered trial, sixty cents; for every warrant of nttach nt against -f resident debtor) forty-five cents; every attachment against a non-resident or ab iding debtor, one dollar; for attachment of itempt, tvrenty-five cents; for venire to summon ury’in a case of forcible entry and detainer, 1 summons to tenant, one dollar; foy, taking jdtsition of restitution, one dollar; for taking juisition and return thereof, four dollars; for ,rrant of restitution, one dollar; for taking cv- . f acknowledgement of overy deed or other in sment of* writing from each person making an mowledgemeut, thirty cents; for a certificate eftrays, forty cents; for issuing writ of attaeh nt byway of execution, forty-five cents; for :ing replevin or other bonds, twenty-five its; for entering every continuance, ten cents; •'every transcript from the docket, fifteen cents; • every Search, ten cents; for binding apprcnti i, each Justice twenty-five cents. 18. They shall be entitled to be paid in crimi -1 cases by the county or city of Baltimore, as i case may be, the following fees: for.issuing 88 State writ, twenty-five cents; for search war. nt, twenty-five cents; for taking recognizances witnesses, each, twenty-five cents; for Joking fognizances in each case reported to court,, cents; for every, commitment, twenty ectts; fbrevery releasenient, twenty-five cents; r holding an inquest upon a deceased person, 'd doHare: for issamg an attachment for wh ites refusing tA attend on the summons of a unmissioner, fifty cents; for taking depositions eases of, contested elections per day, three dol* See. 3. And be U enacted. That this act elmjl lie effect frdn\ thp dote of its passage, and shall ndnue in force until the first day of April, ghteen hundred aad sixty-seven, from and af r.wbieh test.mentioned date this act shall he ijl snd vfiid. I Uioioe - . os. : jj t'Olanqc'inqji i 1 ■>rrr. ■ CHAPTER 113. N ACT to repeU snd gmend the eighty-first ar ticle Qi* .Codftoif Public General ~ taw3.rc lAllngW.Revenue and Taxes. J&irtlSn l . Be it enacted by the General Assembly Maryland, That the sixth section of the eigbty it article of the Code of Public General Laws, . and the tam<f is hereby repealed, and the Tol -wing section enacted in lieu thereof, ihcu 8- The County Commissioners of the sev- Sl counties in this Btate, are hereby directed fo.: rike from their respective assessment bqqks, all ays property of every description and class iretofon assessed according to law, and in fu iltt>o taxes of any kind shall he levied on the loosed valoe of said slaves, nothing however in iis section is intended to release taxes levied on aves as Property, prior to the ficst day of No ember, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, or tor terfere in any way with the collection thereof. Sec. 2. And be it .enacted, That this act shall kt effect from the date of it 3 passage. CHAPTER 114. '• Atlf to repeal tfee tenth section of ’Article, Heved of the J )D6de of Public General Lows re fAtttir td tliJoatb of Attorneys, and other praf- MitaWs nnd to enact a substitute 1 &sUa iL rJ&il i acted by the Genirai Atsem* That ths tenth section of Artic le slevsn of the Code of Public General Laws slatiqg to the oath of attorneys and other prao itfoners of lair, be and the same is hereby re galed, add'#t flih following be and the same fereby is' efiAdiji‘4g( a substitute therefor: rtf/Efery or other practitionpr pf law, hall in open coin, take and subscribe the fol ovilng P*Ht or rarmAtion“l do solemnly iw ear (or Affirm as the case may be) that I wdl it all lames demean myself fairly and honorably U an 'Attorney and practitioner of law, that I will oeai* true allegiance to the State of Maryland, and lunport file Wastftntion and Laws thereof and thatl willbegr true allegiance to thetfnited afAtes thfVbuirtUuticm, i Laws andOovernmen t thereof, as the supreme law of the land, any law or ordinanco of this or auy State to the contrary notwithstanding, and I do fhrthcr swear [or affirm) that I will to the best of my abilities protect and defend the Union of tho United States, and not allow the sarao to be broken up and dissolved or the Government there of to he destroyed under any circumstances if in niy power to prevent it, and that I will at all times iHsconntcnancc and opnoscall political com binations having for their object such dissolution or-destruction, and I make this oath or affirma tion without any reservation or purpose of eva sion. So help me God.” No person shall be admitted to practice as an attorney or solicitor in any court of this State, and no person, if here tofpre admitted to practice as such attorney or solicitor in any of said courts, shall be allowed, to continue so to dp until he shall have tnkenand .subscribed said oath or nflirmatlpn in open court; provided, however , that any person who under this section ami the laws of this State, shall lie come entitled to practice law in the conrt ot Ap .pails of this. State, shall lie entitled to practice law in any and all of the subordinate courts. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. CHAPTER 11G. AN ACT to, appropriate a sura of money to the IToiAo of the Friendless. Section 1. Be. it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Comptroller of the Treas ury be and he is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant on the Treasurer of the State for the sum thousand dollars in favor of the Home of'the Friendless.. ■/ Sec. 2. Be it enacted , That this act shall take effect arid be in force from the date of its pas sage. . .■ k* . j CHAPTER 120. AN ACT to repeal article eighty of the Code of Public General Laws entitled, “State Repor ter,” and sections one, two, three, four, five and six of said article, be and the same arc hereby repealed and rc-enactcd with amend ments in the following terms. See. 2. The State Reporter shall he appointed by the Judges of the corirt 6? A ppcals, and shall hohl ; his office for the term of four years, unless sooner removed by Said Judges, and shall lie styled the “Stiito Rp|iorter,” and shall be re-eligible from time to time. ; > . Sec. 3. He shall receive an annual salary of five hundred dollars. .... ■! • . Sec. 4. lie shall report all cases argued and de termined in the Court of Ay peals, designated by the court ns pi'Pl ,er for publication, as soon as possible after the close of each term of said court; the report in each case to he limited to a statc mentof the material facts, the principal points, and the authorities relied on by the respective counsel, and the opinion of the court delivered therein. ■ '. so vol.u ■■■• i kI-; Sec. .5, Each volume of the reports shall con tain at least six hundred pages, and shall be prin tetl on good paper, to be selected and purchased by the Reporter at the cost of the State, with clear type, and in size, form, quality of materials and quantity of matter per page, shall correspond as nearly as p&ssihlfe with the eighteenth volume, of Maryland Reports, and shall he sold at a price not exceeding * five dollars a volume, bound in “ law sheep,” or four dollars and a half when not bound and shall be printed, published, and hound .at the expense of .the Reporter, who shall lie entitled to the copyright of the volumes. S’cif. G. The Stsiteshall take, two hundred.copies oLerich' volume of said reports bound in “fine law calf,” nt the price of six dollars per volume delivered at the State Library. Sco.;2. And be it enacted, That this act shall tako effect front and after the first Monday of April, eighteen hundred .and sixty-five. ■ - —rt- CHAPTER 125. AN ACT to heal deeds of Manumission defective ly (tjpcWtc j or omitted to be recorded. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem bly of Maryland, That all deeds of manumission pxccuted before the firet day of November, eigh teen hundred and'stxtj-four, and acknowledged by the party exbcntiug the same before a Justice iff the Peace of.this State, under which the ne groes thereby intended to .be manumitted have been in actual enjoyment of freedom, shall be held to haye the same efl’eci from the time of the execution thereof as if the same had been attend ed by two witnesses and recorded, and had been in other respects in conformity with the then ex isting provisions of law. Scctiorf 2. And be it enacted, That this act Shall take effect from the time of its passage. ,jj CHAPTER 126. AN ACT for the relief of certain parties indebted to the State for sums due prior to the first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty, and certain parties against whom suits have been instituted under the directions of the Comp troller, in pursuance of Resolution number twenty of tho General Assembly of Maryland, fiasseu at the session of eighteen hundred and sixty one and eighteen hundred aud sixty two. Whriikah, The Comptroller of tho State was required and directed by .Resolution number twenty, .of the Gcner/il Assembly, passed at the session of eighteen hundred and sixty qne and eighteen hundred au(l sixty two, thirty days af ter the passage of the said resolution, to cause suits to bri instituted against all parties indebted to the State therein named ; and whereas many of said claims are of long standing and it is de sirable to secureithe speedy settlement of said in debtedness to the Bute, and tlic State .:to secure the prompt payment of the principal, is willing to release the interest, .-t r Section 1. Be it emeted by the General Assem bly of Maryland, That all Clerks, Registers of Wills, Notaries Public; Auctioneers, Foreign Insurance Agents, Collectors of Taxes and Sher iffs, indebted to the State for sums due prior to tho first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty, and the sureties upon their official bonds, be and they are hereby released from the pay ment of the interest now due on the State’s claims against them } provided, that tho amounts due for the principal of the said claims have been paid or shall be paid into the treasury on or be fore the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty five ; and provided, further, that the aforesaid parties respectively, or their sureties, shall pay on er before the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty five, to the State’s Attorneys of the several counties and the city of Baltimore, five per centum commission on the full amount of the Judgments with interest there on, recovered by the State against them in the Circuit Courts for the several counties, and the Superior arid Common Pleas Courts of Baltimore city, d the sheriff’s fees and all costs which have 1 been incnrml by the State in the prosecu tion of soul claims, the States thereby to be re leased' from any commission and costs.- Section 2. Aail-be It further enacted, That the Comptroller, upon the payment of the principal due on tho aforesaid qlairas as hereinbefore provi dejj, and all costs, and upon being satisfied that the commissions to the State’s Attorneys and the Sheriff’s fees have been paid as hereinbefore, re quired, shall have the judgments which have been recorded against the parties or their sure ties entered ‘-'satisfiiMl”’ and the accounts in the Mimptrnller’soffice hgainst any ofsaid parlies complying with the conditions herein prescri bed, shall lie balanced arid.entered adjusted. Section 3. Ami be it enacted, That tips act shall take effect from the date of its passage. CHAPTER 127. AN ACT to amend and re-enact section oncliiin dritt and six of Article eighty-one of the Code of Public General'Lkws entitled “Revenue and Taxes,” and relating to the tax on Executors’ and Administrators’ commissions. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem bly qf Maryland, That section one hundred and six qf Article eighty-one of the Code of Public Gencrat Laws, entitled “Revenue and Taxes,” & relating to the fox on . Executors’ and Adminis trators’ commissions, he and the same hereby is njilontled rii'fd re-enacted so ns to. read as HV). All comtidssitJns allowed to eiccutors or adniinißtrntors : by the Orphans’ courts of this State, shall be subject to a tax for the benefit of the StAloofone tenth port of tho sum so allowed, antk.where a legacy is left to an executor byway of compeusation, such legacy shall be reckoned in the.commissions fixed by the court. : Section 2. Awl be. if.enacted, That this act ahttU take effect fromtlic day of its passage,, but noth ing heroin contained Shall lie construed to ,lln .posc the tax nptni commissions already fixed of any executof or adriilriistrator to whom letters shall have been issued before the passage hereof. .i, ~. j o V :*;> "i ■■ •il CHAPTER 131. ;;o - AN ACT to repeal section nine of Article thirty eight, of Ae'fJWle of Public General Laws, re lating to tho fees of aud substitute _ therefor the following : Section 1. Be, it enacted by the General Assem bly of Mfnyimd. That spetipn nine, of Article 1 -thirty-eight, of tne Code of Public General Laws, Waring to fees of officers, be and the skme is - hereby repealed, and the following enacted as a . substitute therefor : . , . i See. 3. Attorneys at law shall be entitled to demand and receive the following fees, to wit: For bringing, prosecuting or defending any , suit of action at law in any of the courts of this State of original jurisdiction, five dollars ; for prosfeenlirig or defending any cause, plaint or . action in any of the courts o equity in this State, ten dollar; for proSecntlng of defending [ any cause. In Mhfriod the Orphans courts fn - this State, ten dollare ; for prosMUtmg or de- I fending any cause in the court of Appeals, ten [ dollars: for prospeujing or defending in any l criminal cases in any pf the courts of tute ptote 3 hivlhgcriminal jurisdiction where,the punisn / mehtTortueoflenw charged is dtoth <?t whfloe f ment in the jienitentmry, ten dollars ; in nil r other criminal cases, three dollars and thirty ) three cents. t Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this net shall f take effect from the date of its passage. ; - ■ - 1 : CHAPTER 136. i AN ACT to amend anil re-enact section ten of 1 Article forty-four of the code of Public Gen eral Laws relating to the amount of compen i nation to be paid by the several counties and the city of Baltimore to the President and Visitors of of the Maryland Hospital, for the , support of jumper lunatics. • Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem . bly of Maryland, That section ten -of Article ■ forty-four of tho code of Public General Laws relating to the amount of compensation to he paid by the several counties and the city of Baltimore, to the President and Visitors of the - Mnrylaml Hospital, for the supjiort of jumper lunatics, be and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : 10. The President and Visitors of the Mary land Hospital, shall receive from each county and the city of Baltimore, two hundred dollars Jier annum for the sujqiort of each pauper lu natic sent from said county or city to said Hospital. * Section 2. And be il enacted, That this aet shall take effect from the day of its passage. CHAPTER 13D. AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money for the relief of the Maryland Hospital. Whereas, It is rejiorted to this General As sembly that it has become ’necessary to intro duce a more efficient heating apparatus into the Maryland Hospital, in order to heat the same more effectively, mnd to guard against the prob abilities of fire ; and whereas, many repairs and improvements of the buildings, and also cer tain imjirovcmcnts of the grounds, and of an extensive portion of the fences have become in dispensable ; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem bly of Maryland, That the sum of-fifteen thous and dollars be and the same is hereby apjiro priated, to be jinid to the President and Visitors of the Maryland Hospital, to introduce an ef ficient heating ajiparutus, and to effect proper and necessary rejmirs of the buildings and im provements of the grounds, aud for other pur poses. Section 2. And be it enacted, That the comji troller of the Treasury, be and he is hereby re quired to draw his warrant upon the Treasurer, in favor of the said the President and Visitors of the Maryland Hospital, for the said sum of fifteen thousand dollars. Section 3. And be it anacled, That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. CHAPTER 149. AN ACT to amend article twenty-six of the Pub lic General Laws of this State relating to cor porations by adding thereto certain additional sections providing for the formation of corpo rations engaged in the business of obtaining oil by boring or otherwise, on and upon lands, lying within this State, or beyond the limits thereof. Section 1. Be i( enacted by the General Assem bly of Maryland, That the provisions of Article twenty-six of Public General Laws of this State, from section forty losection sixty-seven bplli in clusive, shall extend and he ajijiliciihlc to all cases where five or more free white |iersons, a majority of whom are citizens of this State, may desire to form a company for th,o purpose of Car rying on the business of obtaining oil by boring or otherwise in and upon any lands, whether lying within this State or beyond the limits of this State, or partly within and partly beyond the limits of this State ; provided, that no com pany incorporated under this additional section shall hold more than three thousand acres of land at any one time, and that the capital stock of such company shall not exceed the sum limited by section sixty-eight of Article twenty-six afore said us tho amount of cajiital stock therein per mitted to he held by corjiorations formed under the provisions of said Article twenty-six for mi ning purposes; and provided also, that the number of Trustees, Directors or Managers of such company shall not be less than four nor more than sixteen, and that lands as well as mo ney may be considered as jmyment of any part of the capital stock of said company, and the presence in jierson or by proxy of the majority in interest of the stockholders shall he necessary to form a quorum for business at any meeting of stockholders ; and provided also, that the principal office of any company or corpora tion, formed under and by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall be located within the limits of this State, and all meetings of the Directors and stockholders of sueli corporation shall be held within the limits of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from its passage. A BILL ENTITLED An act to repeal article seventy-one of the code of Public General Laws entitled “Oysters,” reg ulating the taking and catching of oysters with in the waters of this State, and to re-enact the same with the amendments thereto. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General As sembly of Maryland, That articlo seventy-one of the code of Public General Laws entitled “Oysters,” regulating the taking and catching of oysters within the waters of this State, be and the same is hereby repealed and the fol lowing enacted in lieu thereof: 1— That no person shall take or catch oysters within the waters of this State for sale, with a scoop, drag or dredge, rakes, tongs, or any other instrument whatever, without having first obtain ed a license as hereinafter provided. 2 That such license except such as may be issued to tongsmen shall he issued by the Comp troller of the Treasury, and shall sjiccify the name of the vessel to lie used in taking and catching oysters; the name of the owner anil master thereof; the county or city of which snch owner and master are citizens; the tonnage of tho vessel and the amount paid for the license ; and shall authorize said vessel to be used in tak ing and catching oysters with scoop, drag, dredge anil any other instrument, from the first day of September of each and every year to the first day of June following, within the waters of tho Ches apeake Bay, and not within any other bay, river, creek, strait, or sound, and not on any oyster bed or rock in or about Tally’s Poiut, Sandy Point, Ilackett’s Point, Thomas’ Point, the Three Sis ters on the Western Side of the Chesapeake Bay, not within the Chesapeake Hay where the water is less than fifteen feet deep-provided, 3 That no license shall be issued to any per son other than a resident of this State, and the upplicant for such license shall first make oath before the Comptroller of the Treasury that he is a bona fide owner or master of the 4 vessel to be described in tho license for which he is an ap plicant, that he has been n resident of this State at least twelve months immediately preceding the day on which he applies for snch license, and that he will well and faithfully obey and comply with all the provisons of tho laws of this State regulating the taking and catching of oysters, aud that he will to the best of his ability aid in the enforcement of such laws, and shall also pro duce: before the Comptroller the enrollment or license of such vessel under such rules and reg ulations as the Comptroller may have previously prescribed. ■, 4 That the applicant, before obtaining such license, shall pay therefor at tho rate of five dol lars per ton for every ton said vessel may meas ure according to Custom Houso enrollment or license ; and it shall be the duty of every such applicant to have said license framed and so set or placed upon the quarter deck or binnacle of said licensed vessel, so ns to be exposed to the full gaze or view of every person who may board said vessel; Provided, that no steamboat, steani vessel or stcain machinery shall be used for the purpose of taking or catching oysters with a scoop, dredge, drag or any other instrument whatever; every vessel engaged in carrying oys ters, or used or employed in the oyster trade in the Chesapeake Hay shall take out the license required by law, aud ho subject to all the provi sions of the several sections of this article. 5 That any person violating, any of the pro visions of the precceding sections shall pay a fine of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred 'dollars, or forfeit the boat or vessel in possession of the party so offending, together with his pa pers, furniture, tackle and apparel, aud nil things on board of her at the time of her seizure, Or ; both pay such fine and forfeit such vessel and other property, in the discretion of the Justice 1 of the Peace or Judge of the Circuit Court be fore whom such case is tried. 6 That the Comptroller of the Treasury shall cause to be printed and delivered to the . clerks of the several Circut Courts and of the . Court of Common Picas of Baltimore city, tlic > requisite number of such blank licenses, and take receipt for the same as for other licenses granted, . and the clerks of the several counties and the ( clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Balti more city shall, on or before the first Monday in ) June and December in each year, return to the i Comptroller of the Treasury a list and account of the licenses issued by them... > 7—That the clerks of the Circuit Courts for : . the counties and the clerk of the Court of .Com r mon Pleas in the city of Baltimore shall issue i license to take or catch oysters with rakes oi r tongs, which license shall state the name and r residence of the person to whom the same is g granted, and said license shall be numbered by T the clerks granting the same, any person obtain \ ing said license shall be authorized to take and _ catch oysters with rakes or tongs, from the firs) 8 day of Juno following, in any of tho waters ol j this State in which he may be entitled to take oi e catch oysters bedding in the waters of this State B—That all persons taking out a license tt :- taks or ttettb outers wjthin tlte waters -11 Stute, with rakes or tongs, shall number their * canoe or other boat with number ou said license; any person obtaining such license refusing or I neglecting to comply with this provision, shall, on conviction before a Justice of the Peace, pay a fine of not less than five, nor more than twenty dollars, one-half to be paid to the Comptroller f of the Treasury. ’ 9—That the applicant for such license shall * first make oath, before the clerk authorized to j grant said license, that ho will obey and comply * with all the provisions of the laws of this Btaie 3 rcgnlnting the taking and catching of oysters, and that lie will, to the best of his ability, aid in ' the enforcement of said laws. e 10—That if any person or persons shall take s oysters within any of the waters of this Stare, 3 with rakes or tongs, who has riot taken out the ' license required by tho preceding sections, lie shall pay a fine of wot less than twenty, nor more '' than one hundred dollars, in tlic discretion of the 1 Justice of the Peace before whom the same may be tried, one-half of said fine shall lie paid to the " informer, and the residue to be paid to the Comp ’ trollcr of tho Treasury. 3 U—That the applicant for a license to take or ‘ catch oysters within any of the waters of this 1 State, with rakes or tongs, shall pay the sum of five dollars for every canoe or other boat to he 1 used in taking or calcliing oysters with rakes or tongs. 12— That the master and every and all the white hands employed on hoard of every vessel licensed under this article are constituted officers of this State, for the pnrjiose of arresting and conveying before some Circuit Court or Justice of tho Peace, who shall have jurisdiction thcre | in, any person engaged in violating any Of the provisions of this act, and of seizing any vessel engaged therein as fully and to all intents and purposes as if the arrest had been made by the Sheriff or Constablo of any county or the city of Baltimore. 13— That any sheriff orothor officer hereinbe fore specified may summon the posse comitatus to aid him in makfog any arrest or seizure au thorized by this article. 14— That if the person or persons on board any canoe, boat or other vessel, shall fly to avoid any arrest, the officer endeavoring to make such nr-! rest shall scizo such boat or vessel, and the same proceeding shall thereupon be had as directed in cases of seizure under the other sections of this article. 15— That upon information given upon oath to any Justice of tho Peace having jurisdiction of any violation of any of the provisions of this article, the said Justice of tho Peace shall issne his warrant lor the arrest of the offender or of fenders and the seizure of the vessel, canoe or other boat, together with the cargo and other property thereon; which said warrant shall be directed to the Sheriff or Constable of the coun ty or to the master or any white man employed on board of any vessel, canop or other boat li censed under this article. 10—That if any scoop, drag, dredge, or oth er instrument wherewith oysters are caught or taken other than tongs or rakes, shall be found upon or nttached to any vessel not having a li cense under the provisions of this article, the same shall ho prima facie evidence that such ves sel has been employed in catching and taking oysters in violation of this article. 17— That all vessels and other property con demned under the provisions of this article sited < he sold by the Sheriff of the county where sucii vessel and other property may bo condemned, on ten days public notice at public sale, to the high est bidder for cash; and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting all the necessary expenses attending the same, shall be divided as follows : Oiie-fourth part thereof to the officer making the seizure; one-half tp those aiding tlie officer in making the arrest, and' the residue to be paid to the State; and all fines imposed under this' ar ticle shall be divided ns heroin provided for the division, of the proceeds of the property condemn ed and sold' nrider the provisions of this article. 18— That any person resisting an officer in making any arrest or seizure or resisting any pne authorized by this article to mnke such arrest shall he guilty of misdemeanor, anil upon convic tion thereof, shall pay a fino of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than one mouth nor more than one yoar. 19— That no person shall catch or tako oysters within any creek, river, strait, bay or sound, within the limits of any county of this State, with tongs, rakes or any instrument whatever, unless the person so catching or taking tho same shall be at the time thereof a bona fide resident of the county in which such creek, river, strait, hay, or sound lies, and iu case a creek or river shall be a division line between two or more coun ties, then no person shall catch or take oysters therefrom, as aforesaid, unless the person so catching or taking the same shall be at the time thereof a bona fide resident of one of the coun ties so divided; nor shall any person take or catch oysters as aforesaid, in any of the waters of this State not forming a divisional line as aforesaid, in water not less than fifteen feet deep, unless the person so taking or catching the same shall lie at the time thereof a resident of the county bordering on such water. ~ 20— That any person violating any of the pro visions of the preceding section, shall be pro ceeded against in the same manner by tho seiz ure of property and arrest of persons, as herein provided in case of violation of other sections of this article, and shall be liable to the same forfeiture and penalties. 21— That any person against whom a Justice of the Peace may render a judgment under this article, oitherto pay a penalty or of condemna tion of property, may appeal from such judg ment in the samo manner as if the judgment were for a common debt,, but no execution or sale shall be stayed unless the party appealing shall give bond to the State of Murylaml in double the value of the property condemned, or of the fine imposed, as the case may be, with security to he approved by the Justice of the Peace ren dering tho judgment, or by the clerk of the court to which the appeal may be taken, with condi tions to prosecute such appeal with effect and to pay the value of the property condemned, and the amount of the fine imposed and interest and all costs attending such proceedings, in case such judgment shall be confirmed. 22 That when any offence is committed un der any of the provisions of this article (except under tho 19th section) any Justice of the Peace, or the Circuit Court, as the case may be, of the county to which the person offending, or the vessel engaged in violating such provisions, may he taken after being arrested or seized, shall have jurisdiction of such offence,, when offence under the nineteenth section of this article shall be com mitted, if the same be committed within the lim its of any county, any Justice of the Peace, or the Circuit Court of such coupty, shall have ju risdiction of such offence; or if the same he com mitted within tho waters of this State, but not within the limits of any county, then any jastioo: ot tho peace or Circuit Court, (as the case may he,) of any county lying opposite and most con venient of access from the place where the -of fence is committed, shall have jurisdiction there of, and all jiroccodings, whether before a justice of the peace or before the Circuit Courty shall be in the name of the State; and if the party accused * ,e acquitted, the Comptroller of the State shall pay the costs out of the fund created by this article. 23 That any citizen of this State owning lands lying on any of the navigable waters of this State, the lines of such lands including any land covered by such waters, may deposit, plant, bed, or sow oysters or other shell-fish in the wa ters so included the linos of his land; and any citizen of any county owning land lying or bounding upon the waters of this State, may lo cate and appropriate in any of the waters there ,of contiguous thereto, five acres for the purpose of preserving, depositing, bedding or sowing oys ters or other shell-fish ; provided, that the said location or appropriation shall be described hy stakes, bushes, or other yisible and proper marks, or metes and bounds, which description shall be : reduced to writing under oath, Mid recorded at tho expense of the party, in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of the proper county, and that the said location and appropriation shall not ) injure, obstruct or impede the t'reo navigation of I any navigable waters ; hut no sueh location or i appropriation shall interfere with the rights re served hy sections twenty-three and twenty-four i of this act. , i r 24—That if any creek,, eoye or inlet not ex- I coediug one hundred yards in breadth at its 5 mouth, makes into the land or lands, the owner - or owners, or other lawful occupant or occupants, shall have the exclusive right to use said creek, t cove or inlpt, for depositing, planting, bedding 3 and sowing of oysters and 'other shell-fish, al : though such creek, cove or inlet may not be in ; eluded in the lines of any patent. 3 25—That any person who shall take with drag, , dredge, scoop, rakes,Jongs, or any other instru s ment, or by any means or method whatever, any - oysters or other shell- fiish embedded, planted or i sown in occordancc with the provisions of sec -8 tions twenty-three and twenty-four, or shrill car t ry or attempt to carry the same away, shall, on conviction thereof, in a court haying jurisdiction r in such case be deemod guilty of felony, and - shall be sentenced by the judge of such oourt to o the Penitentiary for a term not exceeding - five r years nor leas than one year at the discretion of 1 the court. s 26—That all money arising; froiq the proceeds y of the issue of licenses, or from fines, penalties - or forfeitures, imposed nnder this article, shall, 1 by the Comptroller, be placed to the credit of it the “oyster fond,” and the Comptroller is here >f by requited in his annual report hereafter to r state partichlarly the receipts and expenditures i. on account of said fond, and Us conclusion at o the time of making said teport. is 27—The provisions of this bIU shaft not P’ f ply to any person or persons who buy the oys* ; ters from any party or parties authorized and r -licensed to catch oysters with tongs or rakes in , any of the waters of this State. f .Section 2. Attu hk it RsUCTEt, f That this f act shall take effect from the date of Its passage. CHAPTER 196. I AN ACT to provide for regulating the relation > of Creditor and Debtor between the State and r ;. the Susquehanna and Tide Water Caual Com ‘ panics. , > Section 1. Be it enacted by the General As -1 sembly o( Maryland, That upon the payment to the Treasurer of this State, by tho Susquehanna ! and Tide Water Canal Companies, on or before • the first day of July next, of all arrearages of > interest, exchango and expenses, computed to ! the first day of January last, due to tho Stato 1 from said companies, the said Treasurer is here* ' by authorized to reuew the bonds of the said companies doc to the State for twenty years, > from said first day of January last, hearing in terest at six per cent, per annum, payable semi annually, and payable as to principal and in cur rent money of the United States. \ Section 2. And be it enacted, That if the said companies shall fall in arrear in tho pay -1 men* of the interest to fall due on said extended bonds for a period of six months, after the same shall have accrued, then the Board of Public Works are hereby authorized to take legal pro ceedings against said companies for tho collec tion of the same, if they shall think it for tho in terest of the State so to do. Section 3. And bo it enacted, That this act shall take effect from the date of its passage. . A BILL an an Act relating to the Registra tion of the Voters of the State. Section 1. lie it enacted, By the General As sembly of Maryland, That there shall be ap pointed by the Governor from among the citi , xens of the State most known for loyalty, firm ness and uprightness, three persons for each ward in the city of Baltimore, and for each elec tion district in the several counties of the State, . who shall be 3tylcd Officers of Registration, who shall register the names of all free white male persons claiming and entitled to the right of elective franchise residing in or temporarily ab sent from the several wards of the city of Balti more and the several election districts in the counties in the manner therein prescribed, and the said officers of registration shall receive for their services the snm of three dollars for each and every day occupied in discharging the du ties imposed on them under this act ; any two of whom shall be competent to act, and any va cancies in any board shall be filled by the Gov ernor from among the citizens of the State as hereinbefore provided. All officers of Registra tion liefore entering upon the discharge of their duties as such shall take the oath prescribed in the Constitution and subscribe the same in the Book of Registration for their respective wards or election districts. Section 2. lie it enacted, That the Governor shall appoint three persons as officers of registra tion, whose duty it shall be to register the sol diers, of this State in the military service of the United Suites, and such persons in the naval ser vjfeejQf the United States as may be stationed at convenient and accessible naval posts, who are absent from their regular places of voting on ac count of such service ; . and it shall be the duty of said officers of registration to visit the difl'er ept regiments, camps and hospitals or other posts where said 3oldiers may be, for the purpose bf ascertaining ami registering all such as shall or may be qualified>to. vote according to the pro visions of flip Constitution and laws of this State, and said officers of registration shall perform said duty in like manner as is required in other sections of this act, and shall return their books or lists of registration for Iho different counties find the city of Baltimore, to such officer of reg istration in the said city or counties ns the Gov ernor shall designate, on or before the Ist day of September, 186$, and it shall be the duty of the officers of registration to whom such returns shall be made, to cause the names so returned to be registered in the several election districts of their respective counties or wards in the city of Baltimore in which said soldiers reside or are en titled to vote ; and in addition to the per - diem allowed by this act to officers of registration, they shall be allowed their necessary travelling expenses for the discharge of the duties imposed by this act. Section 3. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty qf said officers of registration after having received the register of said soldiers, to furnish a certified copy of the duly qualified voters on such lists to the County Commissioners of the sevoral counties and .the Mayor of the city of Bal timore, on or before the sth day of October, 1865, to be by them or him transmitted to the judges appointed to take the votes of the said soldiers as directed by law. Section 4. Be it enacted, That the Governor shall cause to he prepared suitable books for the registration of names and facts required by this act, to be furnished to said officers of registra tion in each ward in the city of Baltimore and election district of the several counties at the cost of said city and the respective counties, said books to be 30 arranged as to- admit of the al phabetical classification of the names, and ruled in parallel columns, on which shall be entered, Ist : The name of the person registered ; 2d, Sworn, 3d, his age; 4th, the place of his birth ; sth, the time of residence in the city of Balti more and election precinct or county and elec tion district ; Gth, if naturalized the date of the papers and the court by’wliich issued; 7th, dis qualification ; Bth, qualified voter., Section 5. Be it enacted, That the said officers of registration shall ascertain and register the names of every white male jierson resident in and temporarily absent from their wards or election district, and after recording the surname and Christian name 9hall administer to such person the oath of allegiance as prescribed by the 4th section of article Ist of the Constitution, and the further oath that we will make true answers to such questions as they may propound to him touching his right to registration and voting, and enter in the proper column the fact whether such person has or has not been sworn ; 3rd— Tho age of such person ; 4th—The place of his birth. sth—the time he has resided in the city of Baltimore or the county in which he is to be reg istered. 6th—lf naturalized, the date of bis fi nal paper or certificate of naturalization, and the court, county ami State whence issued. 7th —lf disqualified, the cause or reason of disquali fication ; whether non-residence, non-age, alien age, infamy, lunatic or non compos mentis, dis loyalty under the 4th section of article Ist of the Constitution,, or bribery as described in tho sth section of said Ist article. 8th —The name of qualified voters, omitting from said column the names of disqualified persons and inserting in lien thereof the names of one or more witnesses by whom the disqualification was proven, if the disqualifying cause arises from the provisions of the 4th or Gth sections of said Ist article. Section 6. Be it enacted, That it shall he the duty of officers of registration before entering any name" on the register of voters to diligently enquire and ascertain that such person lias uot done any of the acts which are declared in the 3rd, 4th and sth sections of the said Ist article of the Constitution as causes of disqualification, and if the evidence brought to their knowledge shall satisfy them that he is disqualified under either of said sections, they shall not enter his name as a voter in said eighth column or register of qualified voters, but shall carefully exclude it tbcrelVom, notwithstanding lie may have takon the oath of allegiance prescribed in section 4th of said first article of the Constitution. Section 7. Be it enacted, That the officers of registration shall not allow the name of a foreign born citizen or resident to be entered, in said eighth column or register of qualified voters, un less his naturalization papers be produced and exhibited to them and by them be endorsed, with the date of their exhibition, and entering in the 6ih column the facts required in the third section of this act. Section 8. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of said officers of registration to enter in tbe said register of qualified voters, the name of ; every person who shall apply to them to be reg istered, and who shall satisfy them that he is qualified to vote under the provisions of the first article of the Constitution and the laws of the ' State, or who shall prove to their satisfaction th*t he will be of age and so qualified to vote, on or before the day of the next ensuing election, i, Section 9. Be it enacted, That it shall be the ' duty of-said officers of registration, or a majori i ty of them, to meet and sit at some convenient i place in several wards of the city of Balti ; more, and.the several election districts of the res pective counties for which they shall be appoint • ed, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of every week from the first Monday in August, to third , Wednesday in September inclusive, for the pur ’ pose of.discharging their duties ns officers of reg r istration according to the provisions of this Act, • and they shall give notice of the time and place -of meeting at least ten days before the day of • their first meeting, by publication in three news i t papers in the city of Baltimore, one of which it shall be published in the German language, and I ''Ope or. more newspapers in each county hnviug > the largest circulation, and also by handbills > posted at such public places as they may select, f in t)ie several precincts in the city of-Baltimore, and election districts of the several counties, and i in case of making a change in the place of rnect ) ing, they shall at once publish in said papers no , tice of such change as herein prescribed j said f notices and publication to be paid fbr by the • Mayor and pity Council of . Baltimore, and the ) county Commissioners of tbe several counties. s Section VO. Be it enacted, That tbe said officers t of registration, for the purpose of facilitating them in tho discharge of their duty, shall sit on - the days of meeting for the purpose of registra ‘ lion from 9 o’clock A. M., until 5 o’clock P. M. I Section 11. Be it enacted, That it shall be the i duty of said officers of registration as soon ns practicable after the raid third Wednesday in i .September, and before the • second Saturday of October, to make or muse to tie mndo no alpha betical list of all the names of persons registered by them as qualified voters, and cause (he same to be punted and made public by hand bills set np in at least ten of the most public places in their several wards or election districts, aiid to publish the same in at least two of tho newspa pers iri the city of Baltimore, one of which shall be published in the German language, and in one newspaper in each county, having the largest circulation, at least two weeks before the Tuea . day succeeding the first Monday in November accompanying said lists with a notice for all per sons interested, to appear before them at the place and during the hour of registration on, the Tuesday and Wednesday next preceding tbe said Tuesday after the first Monday in November, to show any omissions or other errors in said lists, at which time the list of qualified voters shall be corrected and finally closed, and two fair copies of said corrected register or voters shall be com pleted, and one copy thereof shall ho lodged by the officers of registration with the Cleric of the circuit court of the county and the Clerk of the Superior court of Baltimore city, and the other fair copy shall be delivered to the Judges of Elec tion at or before nine o'clock of the morning of election, and in the city of Baltimore, they shall separate lists into precincts. And it shall be the duty of the officers of registration for tho several wards of the city of Raltimore to prepare their lists of voters according to the sub divisions of wards into precincts, registering the voters of their several wards so as to designate the elec tion precint of the ward in which they arc or shall be entitled to vote, and shall deliver one copy of the list of voters for such precinct as hereinbefore provided. Section 12. Be it enacted That the officers of registration shall lodge with the paid Clerks of the circuit courts and the Clerk of the Suporior conrt of Baltimore city, on or before the day of election, one copy of the register of qualified vo ters, which list shall be recorded by the said clerk among the bf tile said court, sub ject to examination a§ other records of said court, and they shall also deposit with said Clerk the books of registration provided Tor in tho second section of this act, to be by him safely kept and preserved among the records of said court, sub ject to the dispositions hereinafter provided. Section 13. Be it enacted, That the said offi cers of registration while discharging the duties' imposed by this act, 9lmll have, and exercise the powers of Justice of the Peace for the- preserva tion of order around the place of registration, may compel the attendance of witnesses for the purpose of ascertaining the qualifications or dis qualifications of persons registered. They shall have power to issue summon?, attachments and commitments to any sheriff or qonslable who shall serve such process as if issued by a Judge of the circuit court or a Justice qf the Peace, and shall receive the same fees and in the same man ner ns allowed bylaws in State cases; but the officers of registration shall not charge any fee for the issue of such process, or receive any fee or emolument for this or any other service they may perform in the proper discharge of their du ties, except that provided in the first and second sections of this act. Section 14. Be it enacted, That for the pur pose of correcting said list of qualified voters, af ter the first general election held under this act by the addition of the natnee of persons having come of age, acquired legal residence, been nat uralized or otherwise, and by striking from such register of voters the names of persons removed from the county or State, by death or other causes of disqualification : There shall be desig nated or appointed by the Governor annually, one officer of registration In like manner a3 here inbefore mentioned, who shall be qualified in like manner, and have and exercise all the poivr ers herein conferred on the three original officers of registration so far as sliall be necessary for the correction of tbe list of voters and books of registration rendered nocessary by tlio provisions of Sections 3, 4 and 5, of the Ist Article of the Constitution and the action of the General As sembly. Section J 5 .Beit enacted, That the said officer of registration shall sit for the correction of the said list of voters and tbe register of names in the manner prescribed in section 8 of this act, and for this purpose it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Circuit Court at such time to hand ovor the said list aud books to the said officer of registration, who shall proceed, in the upanner hereinbefore mentioned, to correct said list and book of registration ; so that the names of all persons legally entitled to vote shall appear thereon, and the names of those disqualified shall appear on the book of registration, with the cause of disqualification, in like manner as in the original registration ; and whon he shall have completed his work he shall dispose of said lists as hereinbefore provided for. But said officer of registration shall not put on the list of voters the name of any person who was entered on the ori ginal book of registration as disqualified under the 3d, 4th or sth Sections of Article Ist of the Constitution, without full legal proof that such disqualification has been removed, id the manner prescribed, hi said section of said article in the Constitution. Section 10. Bf it enacted, That if any persop, who has been registered as a legal voter in one district or precinct, shall remove into another, he shall take from the officer or officers, or the Clerk of the court in which said lists or books may be deposited a certificate of the facts of his registration in such district or precinct; and it shall be the duty of the officers of registration to notify each other of such removal, certificates and re-registration, and unless the provisions of this section are complied with, such person shall not be registered as a legal voter in such district or precinct, and such certificates shall lie filed with the list of voters or book .of registratioa in the office of said elerka. Section 17. Be it enacted , That in case any county <y city shall be divided so as to form portions of different electoral districts for the election of Congressmen, Senator, Delegate, or other officer or officers or person to be entitled to vote for such officer or officers must have been a resident of that part of the county or city in which he offers to vote for six months next precceding tho election, and be registered therein as a qualified voter, bnt a person who shall have acquired a residence in such county or city, and been registered as a qualified voter, shall be entitled to vote in the election district or precinct from which he removed until he. shall have acquired a residence in the part of the coun ty or city to which he has removed, and the of ficer or officers of registration shall not strike from tbe list of voters the name of such person or transfer the same until after such election. Section 18 Be it enacted, That the judges of election shall not receive or deposit the ballot of any person until they have found bis name on the list or register of qualified voters, and have checked it thereon. Section 19. Be it enacted, That the clerks of the circuit courts of the several counties and the superior court of Baltimore city shall permit ex aminations of the register of na'nies aud the reg ister or list pf voters to be made only in the man ner herein prescribed or in tho manner allowed, in relation to other records of his office and in his presence or in the presence of his deputy. Section 20. Be it enacted, That if any officer of registration shall knowingly, corruptly or fraudulently iu violation of the provisions, of ar ticle Ist of tbo Constitution or of this act permit the name of any disqualified person to be entered on the list or register of qualified voters, or ex clude therefrom the name of auy qualified voter, he shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fiue of not 1e33 than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars for each offence, and shall be disqualified from bolding any office of honor, profit or trust, and front exercising the elective franchise in this State. i Section 21. Be it enacted, That if any Clerk of any court, with whom the books and lists herein provided are required to he deposited, shall violate any of the provisions of this act, or make any alteration in said books or lists, or suf fer the same to be done by others, except as here in provided for, or shall neglect any of the duties herein imposed on him, lie shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one huudred nor more than five hundred dollars, and be thereafter disqualified from voting or folding any office of honor, profit or trust. Section 22. Be it enacted, That if any judge of election shall knowingly violate auy of tho provisions of this act, or of (be Ist Article of the Constitution relating to the elective franchise, he shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, and shall he disqualified from holding office and voting. Section 23. Be it emc\td , That any person taking the oath herein required, and swearing falsely in relation to matters connected therewith, shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall be sentenced to the penitentia ry for not less than one nor more than eight years, and be disqualified from voting and holding of fice. . ■ i',, Section 24. And be enacted , That this act shall take effect from the date of its. passage. - CHAPTER 168. AN ACT supplementary to an act entitled, an act making appropriations for the support of the Government, for the year ending on the first day of Jannary, eighteen hundred and , sixty-six. Section 1. Bo it enacted by the General As sembly of Maryland, That for the expenditures i in the support of the Government, for the year ending on the Ist day of January, eighteen hun dred and sixty-six, the following sums of money, or so much thereof a may be necessary, be and the same js hereby appropriated, in addition to a appropriations inado under chapter three huu s dred aiffl sovcnty-foilr, of eighteen huudred aud 1 sixty-four, that is to say, for the salary of tho f Governor in addition to the sum already appro? * printed, four hundred dollars; for the salary of . tho Commissioner of the Land Office, additional j twelve hundred and fifty dollars ; for tho salary 1 of the State Librarian, additional five hundred 1 dollars; for the salaries of the Judges of tho * Court of Appeals, five thousand dollars; for tho ■ salaries of the Judges of the first twelve circuits, sixteen thousand dollars additional; for tliu sal -1 ai T td t^ ie Judge of the thirteenth judicial cir cuit, live hundred dollars additional; for salary of the Judge of the Superior Court of Baltimore oity, ftvo hundred dollars additional; for the sal ; ary of the Judge of the Court of Common I lens of Baltimore city, five hundred dollars ad ditional ; (or the salary of the Judge of the Criminal Court, Baltimore city, one thousand dollars additional; for the salaries of the five additional Judges elected under the present Con stitution, froth the dale of their qualification to January first, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, fifteen hundred dollars ; for the salary of an ad ditional Clerk to the Comptroller, twelve bun dled dollars ; for the salary of tho Adjutant General of Militia, one thousand dollars addi tional ; for tho salaries of the five Inspectors of Tobacco, six thousand five hundred for insurance on tho Tobacco Warehouse, one hundred dollars; to Colleges, Academies and Schools, twenty-seven thousand dollars; to the education of the Indigent Blind, in addition to the fnnd already accumulated for that purpose, five thousand dollars ; for the expense of adver tising list of Foreign Insurance Agents, one hundred dollars; for the expense of fuel and lights (or Public Buildings and the Govornmont House, three thousand dollars; for tho contin gent fund of the Superintendent of Public In struction, one thousand dollars ; for tho erec tion of water closets for the use of tho Treasury Department, one thousand dollars, to be expen ded under the direction of tho Treasurer and Comptroller; for the salary of tho State Vaccine Agent, six hundred dollurs; to Richard King, State Militojy Relict Agent, for expenses incur red by him in obtaining tho soldiers’ vote at the elections in October, and November, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, two hundred and thir teen dollars and thirty cents ; for the purchase of stationery for the present sossion of the Gen eral Assembly, six thousand five hundred dollars additional; to the Night Watchmen of Public Buildings, one hundred and eighty dollars each, three hundred and sixty dollars ; to the person employed to take:charge of the Public Buildings and Grounds, one hundred aud eighty dollars ; to the Keeper of Steam House and Record Of fice Furnace, one hundred and eighty dollars ; and to his assistant, olic hundred and eighty doi }nns; lor tiling and recording the Laws and Res olutions ot the present session, three hundred and fifty dollars; for stationery for Department, live hundred dollars; to Thomas E. Dell, for two hundred and fifty copies of the second vol ume ot the Supplemental Oodo, purchased by order of the General Assembly, one thousand dollars; for binding the Laws, Journals and Documents of the. present session, two thousand dollars; for indexing the Laws, Journals and Documents of the present session, eight hundred dollars ; to pay for the State’s subscription to Cohen & Lee’s Digost of Decisions of the Court of Appeals of this State, three thousand dollars; to pay for the State’s subscription to J. J. Alex ander’s collection of English Statutes, two thous and dollars ; to pay for tho State’s subscription to Mayer’s Digest, twelve hundred and fifty dol lars; to pay tho members of the Legislature, their officers and attendants, (tho yearly salaries of the Secretary of tho Senate and the Chief Clerk.of tho House of Delegates excepted,) in cluding the cost of printing and miscellaneous ex penses, and including ten dollars per diem to tho Speaker of the House and President of tho Sen ate each, one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars ; for the postage of the members of tbe General Assembly, including tho Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates, five thousand dollars ; to the Penn sylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, for losses iucurrcd in the education of the beneficia ries of this State during the years eightoen hun dred and sixty-three and eighteen hundred and sixty-four, five hundred and ninety-ono dollars and 75 cents; for tho expense of fitting up tho room adjoining tho Court of Appeals for the preservation of records, twenty-five hundred dollars, to be expended undor the order of the Judges of the Court of Appeals; for the the sal aries of Clerks to the Adjutant Goneral of Mi litia, three thousand dollars; for contingent fund for the Adjutant General’s office, one thousand dollars; to Edward Shriver, for services as Judge Advocate under the late enrolment of mi litia by appointment of the Governor, fifteen hundred and fifty-four dollars ; to C. C. Cox, as Surgeon General under the appointment of the Governor, under the late enrolment of militia, fifteen hundred and fifty-four dollars; for re pairs of roof of Record Office Building, threo hundred dollars ; to the House of Refuge, five thousand dollars ; for the contingent fund of the Land Office, four hundred dollars; for distribut ing the Journals of Debntes and Proceedings of the State Constitutional Convention to the au thorized parties, one hundred and sixfy-fivo dol lars, to be paid upon the proper vouchers ; for indexing the Laws nnd Journals of tho Senate and House of Delegates for tho prosont session, eight hundred dollars; for the expense of dis tributing statement in reference to tho Rosonrcos of Maryland, including the sum to bo paid to Henry Stockbridge, for the preparation of the statement, fifteen hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may lie necessary. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasu rer of the State, upon the warrant of tho Comp troller of the Treasury Department, disburse the said sums of money herein appropriated for the objects and purposes specified to or upon tbe or der of the person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, severally entitled thereto; and that the several public officers to whom the same or any part thereof may he paid, shall rendor quar terly to the Comptroller, accounts of tho expen ditures thereof, with the proper vouchers verified by affidavit, except sucli parts thereof as may be paid for or on account of salaries fixed by tho Constitution and Laws of this Stato. See. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. CHARTER 178. AN ACT appropriating the interest to ho receiv ed from the sale of tho scrip donated by the United States to the State of Maryland for the benefit of Agriculture, by tho Act of Con gress, approved second Session, eighteen hun dred and sixty-four, and to amend tho charter of the Maryland Agricultural College, by add ing additional members to tho Board of Trus tees. Section 1. Be it enacted by tho Genoral As sembly of Maryland, That after tho Comptroller shall havo sold the said scrip and invested tho proceeds thereof as provided by the act of tho General Assembly, passed at January Session, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter niuety, the annual interest or income of said investment shall he regularly paid by him without diminu tion to the Maryland Agricultural College, and the leading object of said college shall be, with out excluding other scientific and classical stud ies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the inochanic arts, in order to promote tho liberal and practical education of the industrial classes iu tho several pursuits and professions of lifo, and tho money so received by the said college shall be applied to the objects enumerat ed in the stud act of Congress, and to no other purposes whatsoever, and the said college shall in all respects comply with tho several require ments of tho said act, as to making and recording experiments, and reporting the same as therein proscribed ; provided, that nothing heroin con tained shall bo construed to prohibit or preclude the Goneral Assembly, at any time horoaftcr, from making any other disposition of said funds, not inconsistent with the act of Congress, mak ing said donation. Section 2. And be it further enacted, That from aud after the passage of this oct, tho Stato Board of Education shall he ex officio, members of the Board of Trustees of the said eollego. Section 3. And be it enacted. That this act ( shall take effect from the day of its passago. hy\ j ' : i‘- *♦ ■ —— i • 1,1 CHAPTER 185. AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money suf ficients procure; a full length portrait of the latq Governor Thomas Holliday-Hicks, to lie placed in the Executive Chamber of Mary ! land, and a further sum to erect a monument over the remains whenever he may be finally interred. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General As sembly of Maryland, That five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necesssary, is hereby appropriated to procure a fall length por trait of the late Governor Thomas Holliday Ilicks, and tho sumo when completed to he placed in tho Executive Chamber, and that tho unex pended sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used and expended in building or erecting a suitablo tnnn ’ ument over the remains when finally interred, i Section 2. And be it enacted, Thut the Treas l. ~uror shall, upon a warrant of the Comptroller, pay to the order of tho Chairman of tho com mittee hereafter named, tho above sum, or so i much thereof, as may be found necessary to 1 ul ■ ly carry into effect the provisions ot tins act, . , ... Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That a committee , of three be appointed by the Governor to carry 1 into effect the proviwns of this act,