Newspaper Page Text
‘irrm. tti ■ -• ■’ *' -* —Dw> .•'•‘wk. A SIX-HCASE POWER. * This Power would /% coaA, at present price, S2OO. Also, one of W hitman's Cast-Iron Cylinder THREBIIERS, with Wrough t4ron Bands. The present price is SBS. Also, one of'Mauney’a ~ Combined Reaper and Mowers .’with Wood'S Improvement. The present price m over $206. Also, Boyer’s FODDER CUTTER & MASTICATOR. Present price SSO. These labor-saving Imple [„ meats are in complete order, and ready for use at any time. They will be sold low for Cash. The Reaper ami Slower Jiaa worked satisfac torily with two and Ipur horses over rqlling . ground. The Owner's reason for selling i 3 that he has quit farming, and intends leaving the State of Maryland. For further information apply to or address , • ' Db. A. D. PALMER, 8} miles from Balte., on the Fred’k Road, Or LEWIS VOGLE, Towsontown, or WM. U. ISAAC, Towsontowu or Randallstown, Md. June It). —tf. n ' ‘ ■ bi3I.EBBATION AND PROCESSION. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS of the sth, 6th and 7th 'Districts,' (upper end of Baltimore county,) will meet at SCHOOL HOUSE'No. 4, * Inear Burrs Store,) in 6th District, on f ■ ’ Tuesday, July Aik, 1865, •, at $1 o’clock A. M., and proceed with music, * fanners, Ac., towards Middletown, and return S“ the beautiful grbve' in front of the School oiiSfe, where an address will be delivered on PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION, by Capt Xu M. Haverstick, of. the “Baltimore County Vnion.” John T. Ensor,'Esq., will *l -so address the mfeeting. ' • * The Middletown Lodge, I. 0. O. F., ana other 4 Lodges of I. F, t are expected to turn out. Each School will furnish its own refresh ments, Ac. ■ THOMAS HALE, Con* sth Dist., , , • Dr. R. E. JONES, “ 6th “ M. MEREDITH, 7th " 1 Committee of Arrangements. Juny : L<h-ldf3f .}■ .*•'-_* __ ! ItHAJiK L. MORLING, FLORIST, SEEDSMAH AND NURSERYMAN, Stare ATo. 2 tf. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Nurseries on the Hookstowii Road Adjoin ing Druid Hill Wark, YirOULb invite the attention of the citizens VV of the countv, to his Stock of A . AriL, -^ma-GARDEN SEEPS, <SBm* FLOWER SEEDS, FRUIT TREES, tJIRCPE VINES, and all SMALL FRUITS. EVERGREEN “ Mi' ASD ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES, Green House, Hot House and Hardy Plants, Roses and Flowering Shrubs. I will be prepared at all times to furnish ev erything in my line of tradfc. - iliH 1 *’" Jhite% 1865.—1 y. $ ROAD NOTICE, ii APPLICATION will be made to the County Commissioners of Baltimore, county, to al ter a Yoad in Baltimore county on the lands of the subscriber. Said R6ad as at present locat ed, is thus describedßeginning therefor at a point in the Garrison Forrest Road r atth£ end of the south 9} degress, west 7 perches and 8-10, line of said road, and running thence south 9) degrees, east 12 perches, then south 29) degrees, east 32 perches, then south 50$ degrees, east 16 perches and 6-W, then south 47$ degrees, east -.10 perches, then south 40$ degrees, east 12 perch es, or thereabout, ta the Old Court Road. The alteration intended to be prayed for, is thus described,to-wit:— Beginning at the same point above described as the beginning of the road as at present located, and running thence by a®trs.igw fine, south 11$ degrees, west 80 TOfches to the ola Court Road. • 1 *| NOAH WALKER. June 3.—5 t. v • . •••'!. j • TO FARMERS AND OTHERS, j , t Redaction in Hie Price of the MD. CO S. POUDRETTE. * rpllia very desirable Crop Producer whidh I ■ gave such general satisfaction during the last season, can now be had in quantities to suit. Also, constantly for sale, -*■ j- , ■ BONE OUST, MORO PHILIPS, and all other Fertilizers. AIso,LIME, BRICKS, CEMENT, PLASTERS, Ac. LESTER *t CO., No. 140 Howard St., cor. of Franklin, Balto. G: W. 8. Hoffman, Esq., will act as Agent for the sal* of tha above Poqdrette, at his Store at Oakland, Baltimore county, Md., where farm ers and others can be supplied. , |M April 22.— *2m : u ~ TO SLATERS. fSjpHC* Commismonhrs or Baltimorbl | , will be received at,.this office at noon, qn Xhe'&th day of July next, lor a SLATE ROOF to be put 6n the Court House at this place, the gutters, valleys, cornice, gable ends and around all the Ohjmneys and totfer to be laid and flash < ed with copper, all'to be done with best mate rial and workmanship. , - . . J. F. COCKEY President. Jane 10.—St. -n CHARLEB T. SISCO. J. EDWARD "SISCO BISCO BROTHERS, No, 95 Baltimore Stfiet; Baltimore, j WHOLESALE AND Odd Fellows’ and Jasons’ Regalia, BANNERS, flags,' SIGNALS, MILITARYL GOODS, GOLD AND SILVER FRINGES, GIMPS, TASSEULAe. Store and Factory, No. street, • 1 D ' 1 Opposite Hollidav street. Dec. 28, 1861.—1 y , , s ~ TOWSONTOWN FEMALE SEMINARY. T>QARPING AND DAY SCHOOL for young if Ladies. Mrs. MARGARET R. BCHENCK, Principal. (Late Principal*of the Columbus Femqle Sem fii:i tl * ? _ ; The next term will commence an Wednesday, February, ftth. Feb. 1 1..--4t* ‘ . STRAY COW. • ijjg * QTRAYEDaway on or about thenm| * o 22dof May, 1865, a small . BRINDLE COW, (Buffalo,) white in her face, side notch in each ear, and heavy with calf. A reward of $5.00 will be paid for the return of the above cow to JOHN G. KELLEY, June 3!—4t* Chestnut Ridge. GEORGS Q. MoCOULL, UNDERTAKER, No. I3t Saratoga street, west of Howard IS prepared to furnish . COFFINS at 25 per cent, less' than the usual, price, and of fine ■ fiUisH.for cash. . y V- Jan. 28, 1865,-T-ly. D. Kruger, (n“ OENTIEMENS’ HOOT AND SHOE STORE, o. 49 North Gay Street, Baltimore. ALL kinds of work done in the best man uer t and at reasonable rates. EMAs , Uouukry friends, give ma a oaH. 1 // Mmr A 1961.-1 F v ; r ,; i;> House, Sign, and Faney Painting. HENRY L. BOWEN * ‘ “ TOWSttSTOWV, fS prepared to execute all work in his line GRAINING, GILDINO/O IMITATION OF WOOD AND MARBLE, Ac.; All of which will be done promptly, pod on tRs m# treasonable terms. . , April 7, HANDS WANTED, J ; ! AT the FrankUnville Faetory ; either fami liee or single hinds. Good houses can be had for families at low rent, and good board for single bands. Good wagesand constant work. App'r il ‘ 1“™°“ 0 hSL’hsimms, Upper Falls P. 0., Baltimore Cotmty. May A—lweirfi-imH r: * WANTED, IJ. TO RENT a good GRIST AND SAW MILL • within 29 mike 6f Baltimore, on woarf wad on a good stream of water. Musr tie eonvaniaot to school and churches Please address ‘ ! FRANKLIN MILLER,^ 1 Warren P. 0., Baltimore cduttftyi t It* I“|' llTdirdiilTl - II ■gfiaipgggim .. - gikpi j euiiißui ■■■- y. , Miscellaneous. s HARVEST OF 1806. 11 ('r>ii(*l<i #BWWBPWb *’* /. COMBINED REAPERS AND MOWERS; PRICE FOR COMBINED MACHINE—SIBO., SAMUEL J. BUCKMAN, Towsontown, Baltimore county, Maryland, IS LOCAL AGENT for these VERY JUSTLY CELEBRATED REAPING and MOWING MACHINES. He takes pleasure in referring the Farmers of Baltimore county, who .are in want of such machines to the following parties who bought in 1863 and 1364. He only names a few. He also offers to the Fartnersof Baltimorecoun tv the celebrated PRATT and SMEDLEY WHEEL HAY-RAKE. Baltihokk Coustt, April 17th, 1865. To Samuel J. Buekmun, Esq., Local Agent at Towsontown, Md. —Dear Sir: The Kirby Combined Reaper and Mower, you sold me in 18.63, .and which 1 have used 2 years, I am glad hrsay has given me entire satistaction as a Com bined Machine. I have witnessed the opera tions of many other machines, but must give my decided preference to this Combined Ma chine. They are well made, and are certainly easy work for two horses, I have mowed and reaped from 10 to 12 acres per day with mode rate labor to the horses. I have peter ohoked it either in wet or dry grass or grism. I advise all farmers who are in want of a machine to give this a trial, for I think they will noter re gret it. Yours respectfully, JOSHUA GRIFFIN. To Samuel J. Buckman, Esq. —Dear Sir: I have also used with perfect satisfaction, the Pratt and Smedley Wneel Hay-Bake, which you are how selling.*- -1 think it is the “ Farm ers’ Favorite,” and give it a proference to any offered in this market. Yours, JOBHUA GRIFFIN. Colonel Solomon Hillen, . Towsontown. John ft .Owens, JEsq., “ Joseph Benj. Bowen, “ “ John I. Anderson, Esq., “ | * John D. Hammond, “ Franklinville. William Tagart, “ Brooklandville. Robt Wright A Co., Joshua Griffin, Esq., •' Monkton. SAMUEL J. BUCKMAN, Towsontown, Md. E. G. EDWARDS, General Agent for Maryland, No. 29 Light street, Baltimore, Md. May 19t S BALTIMORE ST. 35 UiVDERSHIRTS! UNDERSHIRTS!! •• •'* • FINEST QUALITY GAUZE, COTTON AND A.ND. LONG sl*o. ri.oo Extra size do. 40 inches,-only $1.50. Muslin Drawers #1,00; Extra Quality $1.75. it full line gents cotton Half-Hose $2.25, $2.50 $3.50 and $6.00 per dozajl. . '. 1 Gents four-ply Linen perdoz. Also, a fine line of Butterfly Ties (all colors) x ouly Fifty Cents, Ladies t Childrens Hose, all sizes. Ladies Hose 20,35, 40 and 50 cts. Childrens Hose all sizes,only 25 cents; good quality. Mitts only fifty cents. i r Also, a full line of small wares:—Pins, Tape, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Buttons, Fans, Cord, Walebone, Corsets, Spool Cot ton, Knitting Cotton, Ac., Ac. Corsets only $1.25.;. Extra Quality $1.50. eTseibebt, 35 Baltimore St., 1 door below Frederick St., June 3.—lm. Baltimore, Md. SUMMER BMDTNG MUSE! SMEDLEY HOUSE HOTEL TOWSONTOWN, MD. CHRIS. SHAW, | Proprietor*. - MARION LANGDON, j * ,ro P rlelor THIS large and popular Hotel, having pass ed into new hands, has received various repairs and improvements and is now open for the entertainment of guests. It is the deter mination of the Proprietors to maintain its past reputation a a SUMMER BOARDING rIOUSE, as well as a House for the accommo dation of all transient patronage. The rooms are large and. well furnished, with bath rooms convenient; the Table and Bar are well sup plied ; good Stabling is provided, and the sur rounding grounds are beautiful. Mr. Shaw is well known for years past as the Eroprietor of the popular “Cottage Saloon” on iigh Street, Baltimore. May 20.—3 m. . 1 Hfetorr of the Rebellion. HEADLEY'S HISTORY OF THE WAR. THE undersigned having procured,an agen cy for this valuable work for a portion of Baltimore and Harford counties will in a very short time visit the people of the county solic iting subscriptions tnerefor. It will be a true and faithful history of events as they havetrans pired since Apsil 1861, until nearly to the pres ent time. It will be published in two vols. at $3.50 each the first of which will boon be delivered, and the second immediately after the close of the war. Each volume will contain mahy pageß of illustrations of Battle scenes, and over forty por traits of officers prominent in the war, both Q 6 pages, is already prepared, and will be delivered by the Agents after finishing the canvass in their several lo calities. Volume II will be issued as soon aa practicable after the close of the war, and will contain about 700 pages, or more, if necessary to complete the History. EDWARD N. TYRRELL. June 3, j. g * ftL PAUL CLIFFORD. THIS well k%own and favorite stock horse will stand the jT|il fijfo? season of 1865, at the subscriber’s IIwMS stable in GOVANBTOWN, miles on the Ywk Road. JOE LANE. This high-bred Stallion will stand the season of 1865, atthe following places :—Mondays and Tuesdays of every week at 1 FAIR VIEW MOTBL, 2 miles from Baltimore, onl-the Frederick Road; on Wednesday of every week at. BUFFING TON’S, 3 mile house ob the Reisterstown Road; the remainder of the time at the Subscriber’s Stable in Govanatown. Good keeping for mares from a distance; all accidents and escapes atthe risk of the owners. Season to commence Aril i7th, and end July 20th, 1865. L. MONGAR, j Govanatown, Baltimore county. April 15.—tT20. i ST.IiAWRBNCE. iHI THE above urql! known Horse will stand this Season, commencing on the 2f\rt of May and ending on the Ist qf August, . 1865, as follows : Moftday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each Week at the Golden. Horse Stables, Howard st., Baltimore; Thursdays, at ADY’S HOTEL, TOWSONTOWN, Fridays and. Saturdays at the ' 1 FARM OF JOHN 6. PRICE, near Cockeysville. TERMS—SSO the Season, to be .paid within * the season, and $1 to the Groom at service. -For Description, Ac., see Handbills. : , JOHN WILLIAMS. I April#.—-tAt. * ::1 * ‘ J J TOWSONTOWN'. THE subscriber respectfully tenders his ac knowledgments to the citizens of Towson t town and vWSittyl for*M4 wry generous sup port he has heretofore received m hs business, and would inform his friends and customers that be has considerably enlarged hi* etock, and will constantly keep on hand A well se , which hie is prepared to make into garments of 1 the latqst styles, and at prices-that Will be sat i isfactory to-all. 1:;; :. i I ask an examinationof^m^^ock.^^^ Towsontown, Opposite Ady’s Hotel. March 4, 1865, —tf. Miscellaneous. O HIO Mowei 1 and Reaper. THE STANDARD HARVESTER OF THE WORLD. Manufactured in Ohio, and sold by the Agent . f for Maryland, A. G. MOTT, No* 40 ENSOR ST., Balto. Manufacturer and Dealer in <■> (FMyoiNIQ HfMiPUEIMIINIYip K MACHINES A SEEDS. No. 1 Large Mower and Reaper Combined. This is a large Machine, of great power and unequaled strength and durability. We chal lenge the world to.produce its equal. ‘"Weight ns a Mower 700 lbs. Cutter Bar and Pitman of cast steel; Two Mowing Knives,cuts4 ft. 8 in., stroko of knife 3$ inches, driving wheels 36 inches high. Weight as a Reaper 900 lbs.; — cuts 5 ft. 6 inches, side delivery, with sickle knife for reaping. Price of Combined Machine $206. No. 1, or Large Mower. This is the same as the large combined with out the reaping attachment. It is unquestion ably the standard Mower of the world, at pres ent. Price $165. No. 2, or Medium Mower, Same as the above, without reaping attach ment, and possessing all its advantages, with the exception of wiath of cut. Stroke of knife 3$ inches; cuts 4 feet, 4$ inches; driving wheels >B2 inches high. Weight 600 lbs. Price $155. No. 3, or Junior Mower. This is a light Machine, adapted to small farms and a hilly country. Same plan as Nos. 1 and 2. Stroke of knife 3$ inches; cuts 4 feet, 1 inch; weight 500 lbs.; driving wheels 28 inch es high. Price $l4O. theTohio Is superior as a Mower and has no equal as a combined Machine. It can be set to cut any height, from th’rtifeio fourteen inches. It leaves the grass perfectly spread for curing. It can be cnanged in a few moments from a mower to a reaper, or from a reaper to a mower. The , machine turns as easily as a cart, cutting square corners without backing. It conforms perfect the surface of uneven ground. 1 It will do good work with a slow movement of the team. The finger-bar can be folded up to pass through narrow gates and bars, or travel on the road. Farmers wno desire a strong, durable and simple machine,—one which cuts wet grass with as much facility as dry, will promote their own interests by purchasing the QHIO MA CHINE. aa-Wi- are also Agent for the celebrated“s^ SWEEPSTAKE THRESHER AND CLEANER, The most efficient macnine of the kind in use.' They are constructed for eight or ten horses, and leave the gram ready for market, >ssH,Sold at manufacturer’s prices. Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. . June 10.— 6 t. DR. SWEET’S Infallible Liniment, The Great External Remedy. FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, • *LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUM ATrC AND 0 ; J : NERVOUS DISORDERS. FOR all of which it is a speedy and qe/tnin remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and has been used in his practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unri valed by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radical ly, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been Used it has never been known to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also it will cure instantly. FOR NERVOUS DIBILITY ANDGENERAL LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or excess this liniment is amost happy and unfailing rem edy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and re stores it to elasticity and vigor. ; FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we chal lenge t)ie wor)d to produce an equal. Every victim of tli.s distressiugcomplaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to afford immediate relief, and in a majority of cases vfill effect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, butatlme ly application of ibis Liniment will never fail tocure. •"< SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The :worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, UL CERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment, when used according t 6 directions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTEI) FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which ren der so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. Over four hundred voluntary testimonials to the wonderful curative properties of this Linh ment have beeu received . within the last two i ears, and many of them from persons in the ighest ranks of life. Caution. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also “ Stephen Sweet’s Infallible Lin iment ” blown in the glass of each bottle, with out which none are genuine. RICHARDSON A CO. Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, Wholesale Agent, No. 13, W. Baltimore st., Baltimore. April 29.—3 m. PAUL CLIFFORD, JR. sA THIS well bred Stallion will stahd the En suing Season, commencing 011 the 10M of April and ending on the First of July, 1865, each alternate Week as follows: From Monday noon until Wednesday morn ing at MYERS A KEMPS HOTEL, (late Buf | fington’B,) Hookstown Road ; From Wednesday Evening until Saturday Noon, at HART’S HOTEL, CATONSVILLE; I From Saturday Evening until Wednesday Ev’g, At the SMEDLEY STABLEB, Towsontown; From Thursday Morning until Friday Morning at AMOS’ HOTEL, Cub Hill, Harford Road; and from Friday Evening until Saturday Even ing at SMITH’S (late Badders’Hotel,) Old York Road. DESCRIPTION.—PAUL CLIFFORD, Jn., is a deep mahogany bay, 15$ hands high; with black logs, long flowing mane and tail ; he has neat head, strong arched neck, good shoul ders and his bone is immense for a horse of his age and size; his stock cannot be surpassed for sise, strength, docility and courage, beauty and speed by that of any other stallion in the State. ’ He is five years old this spring and was sired by the Trotting Stallion Paul Clifford, owned by L. Monger A Cb., of GoVanstown. Terms—s2s the Season to be paid within the ' Season. ■gjg-For Pedigree, Ac., sec Handbills. J. B. LONGNECKBR, 4 ' Towsontown, Baltimore County. April B. —tJl. ~ TAKE NOTICE. BPBING STYLES OF HATS, 1865. . YYTE are now prepared to fur- YY nish our iriends and theUM . public with the Spring Styles . OF HATS, for Gentlemen’s wear, 108 tf which will compare favorably with any sold ■ in the city of Baltimore; ALSO, SOFT FELT HATS, ’ Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths and Children, some very beautiful. 8. HINDES A SON, ‘ i' “HThy 20.—tf No. 100 Gay street.l - WANTED, TO purchase a single OX of large sise. Any one having such anozlHl to sell, can hear of a purchaser by ap-ySa#K plying at this office. Jun. 3.-—3t* Miscellaneous. _— - * *;<■■■>**•■■* —__ 4 U. S. 7-30 LOAN. ft hi f>r II ■ 1 rtmnl Th* sale of the first scries of $300,000,000 of the 7-30 Loan was completed on the 31st of March, 1865. The sale of the second series of Three Hundred Millions, payable three years from the 15th day of June, 1865, was begun on the first of April. In the short spate of thirty days, over One Hundred Millions of tfiis series have been oW—leaving this day less than Two Hundred Millions to be disposed of. The inter est is payable semi-annually in currency on the 15th of December and 15th of June by Cou pons attached to each note, which are readily cashed anywhere. It amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents u ** |IOO “ Ten 44 , 44 44 SSOO “ 20 .0 $1 u u n SSOOO “ More and More Desirable. Tho Rebellion is suppressed, and the Govern ment has already adopted measures to reduce expenditures as rapidly 9s ppssihle to a peace footing, thus withdrawing from market as bor rower and purchaser. This is the ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and constitutes the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE v, , • . t^r . PEOPLE. The Seven-Thirty Notes are convertible on their maturity, at the option of the holder, into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. hold-bearing bonds, Which are always Worth a premium. Free from Taxation. The 7-30 Notes cannot be taxed by Towns, Cities, Counties or States, and the interest is not taxed unless on a surplus of the owner’s income exceeding six hundred dollars a year. This fact increases their value from one to three per cent, per annum, according to the rate levi ed on other property. , . . Subscribe Quickly. Less than $200,000,000 of the Loan authori zed by the last Congress are now on the mar-' ket. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for with in two months, when the notes will undoubted-, ly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions, to other Loans. It now seems probable that no considera ble amount beyond the present series will be offer ed to the public. In order that citizens of every town and sec tion of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive sub scriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to bo responsible for the de livery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelpia. Subscriptions wim. bk rkubivbh by the ■ t.:J li. . J -i- ‘ First National Bank of Baltimore. Second “ “ 1 “ Baltimore. Third “ “ -V Baltimore. May 20—3 m. _ U. S. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES, THIRD SERIES, Interest Commencing 13th Juil, tH63. v THE following'Table shoWs the not cost of the different denominations, the Interest’ being ALLOWED** wfvAWD*, on the respective dayrspecifted: ; Date. 950. f 100. SSOO. SIOO6. Junh 10 49 65 99 30 496 SO ’ 993 00 “ 12 49 67 99 34 496 70 993 40 <t 49 48 99 36 496 80... 993 ( 60, “ 14 49 69 99 38 496 90 993 80 l5 49 70 u 99‘4ff 497 00 994 00 l6 49 71 * 99'42 497 10 994 20 l7 49 72 „ 99 4k 497-20 994 40 l9* 49 74 99 48 '497 40 994 80 2O 49 75 .99 59 497 50 995 00 “ 21 49 76 99 52 497 60 995 20 22 49 77 99 54 407 70 995 46 “ 23 49 78 90 56 497 80 995 66 “ 24 49 79 99 58 407,90 99580 26 49 81 99 62 * 10 996 20 27 49 82: 90 64 • 498 20 996 40 “ 28 49 83' '99 66 498 30 996 60 a 29 49 84 99 68 498 40 996 80 “ 30 49 85 . -90 70 498 50 997 00 July 1 49 86 99 72 , 498 60 997 20 “ 3 49 88 99 76 498 80 997 60 “ 4 49 89 09 78 498 00 097 80 “ 5 49 90 *99 80 499*00 * 998 00 “, ; A 49 91 99 82 499 10 098 20 “ 1 7 49 92 99 84 ..i 499 20 998 40 “ 8 49 93 99 86 499 30 998 60 “ 10 49 95 99 90' 499 50 .099 00. “ 11 49 96 99 92 499 60 900 20 l2 49 97 ' OSLJO4 p 99 70 999 40 l3 49 08 ' 99 96 490 80 999 60 u 14 49 99 ’ 99 08 409 90 009 80 “ 15 60 00 100 00 500 00 1000 00 'Apply to FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE, U. 8. DEPOSITORY A FINANCIAL AGENCY. June 10.—4 t. Insurance against Accidents* THE NATIONAL Life and Health Insurance Company Insures Accidents of every Kind to Life and Limb. . , CAPITAL $600,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office No. 15 South Gay Street, (Opposite First National Batok,) BURNSIDE & GUSTIN, Agents. FIVE DOLLARS insures for one year the ■uiu of Five Thousand Dollars against loss of life by accident by any public conveyance. Ten Dollars insures for one year tbe sum of Five Thousand Dollars, with Twenty-five dol lars per week for compensation for disabling or personal injury. GENERAL ACCIDENTS’. RISKS. Ten Dollars insures for-one year the sum of Two Thousand Dollars inicaseof death by any kind of accident, with Ten Dollars per week compensation for any personal injury. Twenty-five Dollars secures a policy for Five Thousand Dollars on lifo, and twenty-five Dol lars per week compensation for personal injury, causing total disability. TRIP OR TICKET POLICIES. Ten cents per day insures Life for three thou sand dollars and fifteen dollars per week com pensation, causing total disability while trav elling in the United States or Canadas. (War risks excepted.) No Medical Examination required. adjusted and paid at the Balti more office. DIRECTORS: Theodors E, Sheldon, John O. Culvbb, Addison E. Mills, -Marsh Giddinos, John S. Lbib, Hbnry Brbks. References of Burnside A Gustin, by special permission Hon. This. Swann, Gov. elect of Md.; HoO. O. C..Cok, Lt. GoV. MA; Hon. Wm. B. Hill, Sec. of State, Md.; Col. R. M. Newport, Chief Quartermaster, Baltimore, Md.; Col. W. H. Brown, A. Pro. Marshal Gen’l, Delaware and Md-; J. S. Norris, Esq., Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore; Brevet Brig. Gen. N. L. Jef- I fries, Aut. Provost Marshal Gen’l; Washington, j May 13. —Sra.f t 1 . • v. 1 WOODS* CELEBRATED WHEEL ‘ I HORSE RAKE WITH Steel Tooth and SpiraJ Spring, can be had by applying to 1 MILTON DANCE, Agent, k Near Warren Factory, Baltimore Co., Md. May 27,-41, ■i imiiw 8 : *wi ii m ll imLlir'!■ jiMßiaiMi Hance's Column . DI§EA9ES COIV. TROLLED AND COM- * (tIJERED. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor dial. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor dial. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor dial. The Great Invigorant. THE Cures, Cures, Cures, NERVOUSNESS and WEAKNESS, AND all diseases arising from excesses and over exertion whether physical or mental. To persons of feeble muscular frame, or de ficient in vital power, it is recommended as the only means ot communicating that energy which is necessary to the enjoyment of all the natural appetites, as well as the higher mental attributes. Its beneficial effects are not con fined to either sex or any age. The feeble girl, the ailing wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn man of business, the victim of nervous depression, the individual suffering from general debility, or from weakness, will find immediate and permanent relief from the use of this incomparable renovator. A STIMULANT THAT ENTAILS NO RE ACTION, Its force is never expended, as is the case with opium or alchoholic preparations, and all oth er excitants. The effect of these is brief, and it may well be said of him who takes them, “the last state of man is worse than the first.” But the Elixir is an exhilarant without a sin gle drawback—safe in its operation, perpetual m its happy influence upon the nerves, the mind, and the entire organization. In cases of neuralgia, headache, loss of memory, hj po chondriasis, dyspepsia, general prostration, ir ritability, nervousness, inability to sleep, liver complaint, and all diseases incident to females, hysterics, mouomania, vague terrbri, palpita tion of the heart, barrenness, constipations, <fce., Ac., from whatever cause arising, it is, if. there is any reliance to bo placed on human testimony, absolutely infallible. 7 It is the only infallible remedy, yet discov ered for Nervous head and Mind Complaints. It is tho metapbysic long sought for, and never before found, the only natural agent that can “administer to a mind diseased.” In oases of neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pain in the nerves of the face, and tho various train of nervous affections, it wijl produce a cure in an astonishing short period of time; and it will also remove depression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restlessness, sleeplessness, dislike of £6ciety, incapacity for study or business, loss of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood to the head, melancholy mental debility, indecision, wretchedness, Ac. It will increase and restore the appetite, strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of those who have destroyed it, in duce-continual cheerfulness and equanimity ot spirits, and prolonglife. Price $3 per bottle, or two bottles for $5 ; six bottlwfovfe. s v HANC e, 108 Baltimore St., Baltimore, M4* 4 NAB.—Persons out oC city enclosing a remittance will have packed securely in a box and forwarded to their address immediately on its receipt. Jan. 28, 1885.—1 y. 7. Thamce’S . : ‘ SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PI Tj I.s. Hance’s Sarsaparilla Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. . > ii Hanco’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. S ' Hu’ Hiwjce’H Sarsaparilla,or Blood-Tills. {*.4*4.—. A •! i > Hance’r Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Tills. ttance's Sarsaparilla, Vegetable or Blood Pills, Purifying the Blood. Baltiuorr, June 29, 1860. THIS is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in the breast and right strip which, I suppose, proceeded from the impure state of my blood. I was recommended to take Hance’s Sarsaparilla pr Blood. Pills, and after taking one box the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm. I found them ex tremely gentle in their operations, and would recommend them to every person in want of a mild-purgative. Patrick Roche, No. 25 Conway Street, between noward amlEutqw. purchasing these Pills let me add j ONE WORD OF CAUTION. * j Alway’s ask for HANCE’S PILLS, and pur chase of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient, call and see the proprietor himself. For sale by S. S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore Street, ‘ and SWEETZER A CO., corner of Charles and Pratt Streets. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. FITS! FITS! FITS! Hance’s Epileptic Fills. For the cure of , Fits, Spasms, Cramps, and all kinds of Constitutional Diseases. PERSONS who are laboring under this dis tressing malady will find HANCE’S EPI LEPTIC PILLS to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These Pilla possess a specific action on the nervous system ; aud although they are pre pared especially for the purpose of curing Pita, they will be found of especial benefit for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system lias been prostrated or sbatten ed from any cause whatever. In chronic com plaints, or diseases of long standing, superin duced bv nervousness, they are exceedingly beneficial. Sent by mail free of postage. PRlCES.—Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pula, $3 per box, or two boxes for $5; twelve boxes $24. All orders must be addressed, post-paid, SETH S. IIANCE, Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Jan. 28, 1864.—1 y. . J HANCE’S ‘ Sarsaparilla Fills. THE most valuable medicine ih the world for curing dyspepsia, flatulence, costiVe ness, headache, nervousness, Ac. Personal of full habit, who are subject to headache, giddi- Drowsiness and singing inHhe care,- aris ing from, too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dan gerous symptoms will be stricilv carried off by their immediate use. For sale >^HANCE 108 Baltimore Street. These Pills can be sent by mail, and where $1 worth is ordered, they will be sept free of postage. Jan. 28, 1864. ly. Hance’s CELEBRATED TETTER WASH, FOR the speedy and positive cure of tetter, saH rheum, ring worm, barbers itcji, and all Cutaneous and skin Diseases. A single bottle of this inestimable compound has cured many of the most stubborn cases of the above diseases after the patient had-given up all hope of ever being cured, and had ex pended thousands of dollars for different rem edies. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by S. S. HANOi^y 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. JaU. 28, 1865.—1 y. . When You Can Have a Beautiful Head of Hair, Why Don’t You do itl It is possible to have RICH, GLOSSY AND BRIGHT HAIR, 1 if you will use (and only use) 1 Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. ; Price $1 per bottle. [ -108 Baltimore Street. I N. B—Ask for Hanoq’a ChemicaJ Hair Yies toratfve. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. ■ J )B . pills. I WRIGHTS INDIAfN VEGETABLE PILLS. .... Hance’s Sarsaparilla Pills. 1 AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. Together with all the Popular Pills of th day. For sale by S. S. HANCE, jaa, 28, 1865.—1 y, 108 Baltimore Street, i M, I ■ J 1 >l—J-l Property Sales . Constable’s Sale. T>Y virtue ef a writ of fieri facias, issued by 11 Nicholas If. Haight, one of the Justices of the Peice of the State of Maryland, * n . and for Baltimore county, at the suit oijSBP George E, O’dell, Administrator of Wm. fl_~* W. ‘Keyser, deceased, against tlie goods and chattels, landsand tenements of Sarah M. Dcu ring of Baltiinore county, to me directed, I have seized and taken in execution, all the es tate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand, at law and in equity, of the said Sarah M. Deuring, in and to ALL THAT LOT> PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, .situate, lying and being in Baltimore county, calleil “ Mfnersville ” or “ Miner’s Ad venture,” or by whatever mwa or nameß the same ii cpJled, lyingjjear the Dear. Park Road and near Slade’s Store, in the 2d district of Baltimore county, and described as follows : LOT No, .11, Minersvlll,e, Baltimore county, Md., beginning for the same at the end of 88 perches on the south 65 degrees,east 128 perc hes, line of the whole tract, called “MINER’S ADVENTURE,” and running thence, by and with part of said line, south 06$ degrees, east 40 perches to a stone at the end of said line; thence north 24i degrees, east 85 perches do the centre of a road laid out 33 feet wide; thence by and with the centre of said road north 65$ degrees, west 39 perches; thence south 24*-degrees, west 80 1-5 perches to the beginning, containing 20 Acres and 1 Rood of Land, more or less, being the same Lot sold by Isaac Tyson, Jr., to Sarah W. Duering, on or about the 18th day of November, A. D., 1861. There are THREE LOG TENEMENTS on the Lot. ~ And I hereby give notice, that on Monday, the 26th day of June, being the ith Monday in June, .1865, at three o’clock in the afternoon, on the premises, I will offer for sale the said property, so seized and taken in execution, by public auction, to the highest bidder for Cash. WILLIAM P. JEAN, June 3.—ts. Constable. TRUSTEE’S BALE. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore CoUnty, the undersigned will offer for sale on the premises, ofi j Thursday , 27 th day of July, 1865, ‘ - At 10 o’clock A. M., ALL THAT VALUABLE FARM, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FOP.TY TWO ACRES, three roods and eleven >gguperchcs of land, more or Baltimore county, being the tf!lIL ~ *T ~*farm of Elisha Loveall, luna JUiIHH tic, and on,which-bo recently resided, adjoin ing the lands of John Griffith, Nicholas Cole and 'others, and pafrtlculaViy described in a deed frqnwSauiuel Parkar r Trusted ad others, to thfs>Bsi<jft LoVkaiL dajted; .vie,April/ 7th A. 1). 1848, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, in Liber A. W. Br, No. 395, folio 203 Ac* ir, The situation is healthy, in a good neighbor hood and near Schools ahd Churches. * The land is of a good quality, about FIFTY ACRES are heavily timbered with OAK and CHEST NUT, and the balance in a good state of culti vation. The improvements are a convenient DWELLING HOUSE, A BARN, DAIRY AND OTHER OUTBUILDINGS. TERMS as described by the decree—One third Cash on ratification of the Bale by tho Court, the balance in two equal payments in one and two years from tho day of Sale, with interest and approved security. JOSIAH WHEELER, Trustee. June 3.—ts. TRUSTEES’ SALE OP, ONB Of TIIR MOST VALUABLE FARMS IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. rpHE offer at _L Private Sale the “BACON HALL-FARM,” : JH ’ML situated in Baltimore county,contain-ilslUp ing'476 ACRES, MORE Oil LESS. “ This property is situated on the York Turn pike, twenty miles from Baltimore, and less than throe miles from Mpnktou Statioq oil the Northern Central Railway,'adjoifiing the finely improved estate of Nicholas .R. Merryman.— About two hundred acres-are wboded, and the balance arable land of a kind , quality, not less than 150 acres of which are level and very ductive. There is an excellent quarry of Lime stone on it, ami a kiln convenient The DWELLING HOUSE is of stone, 50 bv 25 feet, with commodious wings. It is hand somely situated in a healthful and beautiful valley, and cap readily be made one of the most desirable and productive estates in the county. There is a good BARN on the property, and oth er necessary outbuildings and is well watered. Terms of sale:—One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, or on the ratification thereof, and the balance in equal instalments, in one and two years from the day of sale, with interest, and security to be approved by the Trustees. f . JOHN PHILPOT,) - JNO. T. ENSOR, J Apply to John Philpot at Phoenix, or to Jno. T. Ensor at Towsontown, Baltimore co., Md. Feb. 25.—tf. . . FOR SALE. A Very Desirable Farm of one Hun dred and Forty-One Acres, f SITUATED in Baltimore County, Maryland, 1 mile north of ten-mile gate, on Philadelphia Turnpike, adjoin-fmaß ing the well-known “ White milt Marsh Farm.” Aboutonchun-j*Ji*BH cres under cultivation, balance in choice Oak and Ilicjcory Timber. There are three Or , chards of fine Apple, Pear and Peach trees, Plums, etc. The improvements are a supeii or modern built new , FRAME MANSION HOUSE, containing eleven rooms, with many conveni ences. Log Barn, Stabling and other out-hou ses. The place is well watered by White Marsh Run. A choice Spring and Dairy House are ‘ near the Mansion, and a new pump iu the barn yard. This place is Well adapted to Fruit,-Veg etables, Hay or Dairy farming. The location is , healthy, and convenient’ to Baltimore markets. The Catholic, Methodist and otner Churches . and Schools are also convenient to it. i A nHOB.B . MATTHEWS & SONS, No. 18 Bowly’s Wharf, Baltimore. May 13.—41. : 1 ' •' " 4 FOR SALE. A FARM of 350 ACRES, good land, part heavy timber, 9 miles from Bal- JreA ’ timore’; one of 100 acres, Lime- L^Viß| ZSpstohe land,good Improvements. Warren Fkictory) a lot ofj*fA!Rß ijacres new stone Dwelling, good Barn and Wheelwright shoy, an excellent place for the business; a farm lotof 17* acres, in fine condi tion, will be sold with the dwelling and shop if desired; a farm of 15 acres in Towsontown, good Dwelling, Orchard, Ac.; 14 acres of l Woodland with fine building sites; 2 houses ■ and lots in fee. Building lots for sale orde*se, f ground rents for sale. Apply to pAyifE> Smedley Row, opposite the Court House. ’ April 29.—tf Farm at Private Sale. THE undersigned not heing able to attend to to his farm in consequence of an [ jiflL. injury received, offers the t jSSapat private sale. SaidFarmcon-Bi|jA is situated on “My Lady’s Manor,” near the Old York Road, 20 miles from Baltimore and 3* miles from Monkton Station, N. C. R. R.— i It is in a good state of cultivation and under good fencing. The improvements consist of a | Double Log Dwelling House, Log Barn, Wagon and Corn House and other out-buildings. I For Ter ' ,, - , ’ ic " “ Pl> fesErir FABSONS, Philopolis P. 0., Balto. county, Md. 1 May 6.—6 m, . NOTICE. Officb Scbool CojiMissioxßßS OF Balto. 1 * Couxtr, Mabybakp, ! ; No 21 North Calvert St., Baltimore, j ■ l June 7th, 1865. J I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE to Teachers, Pa rents and all the Pub lic Schools of Baltimore county will finally close under the old School Law, on the 30<A day of June, 1865, in accordance with the provisions of the New School Law. AH ?OQka *qd Stationery in the . hands of children mast bo returned to the schools and put in a safe place by the teachers. Schools will not be L| Operation during the months of July and August. ; A now Bboard of School .Commissioners will be appointed, who will meet for organization - on the llfA of July. All applicants for the position of Teacher un- I* der tpendw system, must be examined by the President of the new Board and receive a cer tificate from him. Each School Commissionei will appoint the Teachers in his district, and the salaries will be fixed by the Board. Th< Schools under the new system will open on th< e first Monday in September. W. HORACE SOPER, June 10—8 t, Secretary, Legal Notices , ENJAMIN I<\ ROLLER and others, VS. JOHN GEMMILL and others, — In the Cir , cuit Court for Baltimore County,—ln J&juity. ORDERED, This 15th day of May, 1865, that , the sales made and reported by David Wiley, ( Trustee, for the sale of the Real Estate men tioned in this cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before the 27th day of Junt next, provided a copy ot this order be inserted in some news paper printed at Towsontoarn, once in each of three succssive week before the said 27th day of June next. The report states tho amount of sales to he $5,462.00. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. May 27.—3 t. CAROLINE SNYDER, widow, Ac., vs. AN NIE ELIZABETH SNYDER and others, In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county,—in . Equity. ORDERED, This 2Gth day of May, A. D., 1865, that the sales made and reported by Geo. R. Cinnamond, Trustee in the aforegoing re port of sales be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown on or before the 26 th day of June nert, provided a copy of this order be published iu some news papei* published in Baltimore county, once a week for three successive weeks before said day. The report states the amount of sales to he $2,891J.25. JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. June 3.—3 t. Aaron holt, wm. j. timanits and others vs. MARGARET TIMANUS and others. In the Circuit Court for Baltimore Co., In Equity. ORDERED, This 31st day of May, 1865, that the sale made and reported by Thomas Donald son, trustee, foi the sale of the Real Estate iu the proceedings of this cause mentioned, be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the con trary thereof bo shown on or before the 30th day of June next, provided a copy ofthis order be inserted in some newspaper published in Baltimore county once in each of three succes sive weeks before the said 30th day of June next. The report states the amount of sales to he $5600.00. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Cleric, juae 3.—3 t. \ . . D ENJAMIN F. ROLLER, Administrator D. B. N., of SAMUEL C. SPENCER, dec’d, vs. JOHN GEMMILL, and ELIZARETH his wife. lii the Circuit Court for Baltimore coun ty in Equity. PRDERED by the Court, this 31§t day of May, H 585, that the creditors of John Gemmil, file their claims with the Clerk of this Court properly authenticated, on or before the first day of September next. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order bo published in some newspaper printed in Baltiinore county, for three successive >veeks previous to the first day of September next. D. C. H. EMORY. True Copy—Test: JNO. 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. June 3.—3 t. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub scribers have obtained from the Orphan’s Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of JOHN E. FOSTER, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, On or before the day of January, 1806, they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 30th day of May, 1865. MARY E. THOMPSON, LEWIS D. THOMPSON, June 3.—4t* Administrators. rpiIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub | scribers have obtained from the Orphans’ j Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of •LEMUEL OFFUTT,’ late of said county, deceased. All persons hav -1 ing claims against the said estate, are hereby \ warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscribers, On or before the 2Uh day of December, 1865; • 1 they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate Say men t. Given under our hands this 23rd ay of May, 1865. 3 JAMES W. OFFUTT, W. M. ISAAC, May 27.—4 t. Administrators. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters testamen ! tary on the estate of LORENZO D. PATTERSON, Tate of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby ’ warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the B th duy of December, 1865 / they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of May, 1865. AMENTIS T. TATTERSON, June 3.—4t* Executor. Insolvent Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To the cred itors of STEPHEN LLOYD, an applicant for the benefit of the “48th Article of the Code I of Public General Laws,” relative to insolvents, that the Ist Monday of December next, has been fixed for his appearance, to answer interrogato ries, and for a final bearing of his case before the Circuit Court for BaltiiAore county. Dated the 26th day of May, 1865. * '* JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. June 3.—3 m. Miscellaneous . To Owners of Horses, Colts & Mules IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. rpHE undersigned respectfully offers hisser- L vices to the owners and growers of Stock in Baltimore county, as VETERINA RY SURGEON, and also, in all OPE RATIONS UPON HORSES, COLTS Sv™ AND MULES. To those who cannot see me personally, a letter addressed to me at PAPER ; MILLS P. 0„ Baltimore county, will meet with prompt attention. Parties desiring my servi ces, will please state distinctly their residence. Mv charges will be moderate. | 3 8 JOHN D. HAMPSHER, Paper Mills, Baltimore county. 1 April 26.—2m* NOTICE. , Office Clkrk of the Circuit Court for "l f Baltimore Countv, r i Towsontown, March 17th, 1865. ) PERSONS having Deeds, Mortgages, Ac,, in this office for record, left prior to MAY 10th, 1865, arehereby informed that all such are now ready for delivery, and they are requested to call and receive them. The large number of instruments of writing accumulated in this office, prompts the undersigned to make thi3 request. JNO. H. LONGNECKER, > May 20.—4 m. Clerk. gxjanosT I THE RICH AND POWERFUL FERTILIZERS. amoniated pacific guano. FISH GUANO. Brown Mexican Guano. AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. For sale by F. F. POPE, 85 South Street. Feb. 11, 1865.—6 m. , JOHN D. HAMMOND, SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, AND COLLAR MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE Sc RETAIL, MLn No * 348 Baltimore st * fpfjffiifflw/ mi 3 doors below Eutaw f House, Baltimore, r /MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on IYI hand every description of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET r BAGS, COLLARS, and every other article in s hisline. All orders executed with neatness b and dispatch. July 9,1864. —ly j FOR SALE, 77 /YNE very superior NARROW-TREAD four -1 V “ horse WAGON, nearly t large-new a Hay Carriage, and one Pelton Power Threshing Machine, in good order. Apply to SAMUEL G. WILSON, Auctioneer, e April 29.—tf Towsontown. private sale. 4 MOLASSES MILL AND COPPER PAN e be sold on reasonable terms by apply ,Dg l ° SAMUEL MEREDITH. May 27,—tJI. Near