Newspaper Page Text
i MSTOX A liHOTf, K?" isl W.' WgK* Street., BaHimdfe, CMOjTi,;;' ffißßßn* MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS QF Agricultural Implements AND MACHINERY. B BAY LEY owl Pitt’s Threshers and Win nowers,, Wheeler and Melick’sTreadrttow ers, Threshers and Winnowers, (manufactured in New York.) Melick, Withington A Co’s. 2- Tread Dowers and Winnowers, (tnauu factored in Trenton, N..J.) i-.iii . PELTON POWERS AND THRESHERS with or without Winnowers. h> 1: We arc also Agents tor the celebrated Hub bard . in' v ' ■ ;•'.<>£ :diyv• •• ; . Reapers anti lowers. Straw and Fodder Gutters * • for hand w hone power, ‘ , OCULIST all sizes and kinds, CORN .PLATE RS! ANR i.:>, SEED DRILLS, Hunt’s Patent Grain Drills, 1 with or without Seed or Guano, Aitacluncnt. “ GRIST OR. CORN MILLS, /l t* :u o ~\v s, •' • Of all Sizes and kind*; Minor, Horten A Wi-. ley’s improved Plug Plow, Woodcock’s Plows with cast and .wrought. Share and Points.— SPRING TOOTH HORSE RAKES ; - Cider and Hominy Mills, Fa3ig’k-Patent Lift ing Jack, Pope’s Ammoniuted Guano, Pope’s Fish Guano, Pope's Phosphate, Pacific and Mexican Guano. All tor sale by •'/mi! I, IN T O N & LA M O T T, No. 151 ,N. HIGH ST., BALTIMORE. April'l.—lf. ' STOREKEEPERS, READ THIS! The Largest and Best Assortment of Everything in the Grocery Lise And at the Lowest Prices is to be found at o. üßiwis iDTjdsrx^A^s, 13 West Baltimore Street. BROWN a white sugars every gßade. RIO, LAG 11-A YRA * JAVA COFFEES. J * . .GREEN AND BLACK TEAS,/ " ' j from the lowest grade to the very finfe&t in tnar ket. Also, JAPANESE TEAS now •j - sd extensively use<l, .. ria.&PICESa In 6 lb. Japanned cans, hinged, all varieties. Mut cites n , .ai manufacturer's prices. J Coffee Essence, Succory Barley, Bird Seed, Powder, Shot, Caps, Fancy Soaps, &c. *m d Manufacturers’ Wholesale Agent for DADELION COFFEE," i HEDGE’S / “ “, . ‘ I Boston Crackers and Milk Biscuit. Fox’s Farina Crackers. .. . ’ ■—■■■'■' ■■ ■ velGtol. ■ Sweet’s Infallible Liniment." Extract Roots for Making BeefunT. Oriental Go’s., Japan and Wheat New Hu gland ucoffee.' > j rft:eo Oils •; *. ••: 1 London CluU coffee. Also, at Manufacturers’ Prices; “• , (t j it;v,- ■ - u . i ;.-irn • : Bacon’s Excelsior-Coffbe. > ••*>’. * i; • • . . ■ • r J.* - j ;o*VsVj V •.'*) j . iti Ridgway’S Family Ooffbe. ... Ljiias lo Broadbetit’k French ’’Goffae. ‘ .1; ,-f 1 .. • vi<> .iit>nxni | In fact can supply you with everything in our line, rigid 1 * Call aAd convince yourselves. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, „ No. U West Baltimore Street, Betwoen- Institute anil Bridge; Baltimorf.’ March 4, ISjfa.—ly. r ,:d fjiv | if] CLOTHING I El to .41 OSfc 3'fiO'J Sm & | n. STINE’S | | Clothing House, jj No. 73 West Baltimore street,.,u :"'T. .7 giT^j,//. ' Grj K* Between Gay st. ami Tripolejtjt’aAlley. *Si' rj£ ■ Equal in all rificet# to worki made to S.| gys measure, and at much lower-fii'toesit /1 Ak • JC A,PERFECT,FIT INSURED TO ALL. j ' Tire facilities of this house lor doing business are such that they can con- V"*, fidently claim for it the leading poaL ho ’ tion among the Tailoring Establish- -J 3 •> meuts of Baltiinpro. . X’toiy therefore k£* invite the at&.bfton of gcnttoiiuen ol )S i 5 taste to their stock of superb Ready.- ato*: Made Clothing, cut liy the beet £5. tists, trimmjed and equal to cus- tom work, at *.®o 5b POPULAR PRICES. : || They Tnve also :< Ciisfnm Depart- ' ment, where tli,e may he found. ° ' TV.WV . May 25;,18(V-.‘-4ly 11 ;.< ;> i OLD TOWN DRUG STORE. THE undersigned having thoroughly renewed his stock, and laid in a com plete assortmeotof W DYE BTUFFB, • . - * DRUGS, /.o', • 'IV. CHEMTOALS,- tl 1 ■ A ! ' • PERFUMERY, and everything eke in his line, regpectfullyso licits the attention of country purcha&krn, ahd a call from all dealers, 1 ?*J >i. i! . .&• > Having perfected his arrangements both in Baltimore and in ithe northern cities, with re gard to purchase, he istonabled to sell so low as to satisfy his customers, that while the arti cles in his line are .judiciously selected, his PRICEB are CHEAPER than the .cheapest. He requests a call from every one who comes to town to purchase, assuring them they will be satisfied. In addition to the 1 usual stock con tained in a Drug Store, I keep oh hhhd a thor ough assortment of 1 I PATENT MEDICINES. • ■ 1,1 P. S. PhysiciAns’' orders pr.rmptiy filled with eare. ’• ir ‘ I:n uT;o i>T N. B. Oil of Vitriol at theloweritcaShirticfe! FRANK LI If METTfGER, Cor. Gay and Wxeter streets.,Old Town. ' 1 Feb. 2,1861.—1 y r ** ! r jvi : O f l *,/ r Tr>i;i li iIT A N*7) TJNI ) lil fpl’ A 7C Tfffo, f|IHE subscriber fepeclfttliy'T informs his Qofcwyiii Tow^ontf'wn,. at tht iutersec tion of the York Turnpike and Jop pa Road, every description of Wheelwrlghting, CoaehmaklngV *c.' He will inaaal’aotpre to order, Qaraages, Bug gies, Rockaways, Carryalls, Ac. TUdCto-riagcs repaired atKf *rW>rt notfed. * 1 * Also, keeps constantly on hand, fatld made to order at the shortest notice,) every style and description of COFFINS, 1 and having provided himself wfth prepared to attend funerals al All work warranted to git<y sarti&factionV Tl, '' r ‘GEQ,,H. HUGfiB.Li April 15, 1864.—tf. WHBEJfWBIGHTING i i.^ IN ~ •- TOwab;}V'T6w'Kr. , X 11 \ Ull 'V- * most respectfully inform the pubUc that he/is prepared to execute all work in his line as cheap as TA attention given to repairing of all kinds i'' •*OCI Z /. .T. 1 DftTBR *6.u-4f. of oldmiusnoi no Um sdThw f i ifTl'lddHU J3UI/A8 f ellit4 ,f?l TS \oU n 1 firm rsn niM v iiiinaXMaiiwwiiarTf sikiiiriim FArmors, Look at ttkQ Grout Advan- cau a^'nc^c 7 to either belt or iron ™ tage in Ttooahing Otato'^ __ .. m other machine. Grain cleaned by this machine, fiPIGPII*?! P ATr.l\lT wh > cll contains mQeli light, filthy mattcil, is UT LlljXlM U * A A Hi A j worth one or two cents per bushel more than if -..SELF-KEGULATING GRAIN L TOR, CLE AI7ER ‘AI7D BAGGER. „ hauliiig. being permanently fixedioq two whcfels. AT a-time like the Drescnt. when labor ** { '£ i n ; r CthatFnmerrwho Price of the machine, from 4 to 6 horses, all are interested, should pay attention to throve compfoto • now in use. It is peculiarly: adapted to its work \ ' ; .:i i * is Baa Jirr-^ — :: i above cut represents a Pump l L by a wheel,, kept constantly: runnii| by means o( a sinail atream ; Qf water, ( The Pump forcing the spring Water to tJb,e,house, supply-- * ing a reservoir in the upper part of the house tor bathing purposes, Ac. The wastepvfifcr cfcn be conveyed to stable, barn, milk house, Ae-i j A fine jet, can )e placetljn the laym.and sup [ plied from the reservoir., I have a number of ‘ thia description at work giviug.entirfe katiifac i mi si 13 .• mini _i‘ j ’ K. HDBDAUi, Noa. C & 8 Horth St., Balto., CANFIELD BROS. & CO., &SQ ST.; CORNER OF CHARLES, AVE a fine Stock of — ' rf Gold Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen. ir-,Silver Hunting Case Watches of all Gold Chatelain Vest and Guard Chains.. Piamoud tSarriugs, Pins, Bracelets Rich suits of Jewelry of new styles,< j Necklaces, Earfiup and Pins ol * Pearl,.Carbuncle, Seal and other Rings. Silver Spoons, Forks/Ladles, Butter Knives, Ac., Ac. Silver Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Salts; >AcJ i Fancy Silver Goods of new stylest ,j tioU : u Plated Tea and Coffee seta of late patterns. Castors, Baskets, led Pitchers amd Cupa,;i I Plated or Alabiai(ia.FotksaaiJ Spoons of befet quality. .-1 Table anil Pocket Cutlery, Scissors k Razons. Watches carefully tepaired.' 1 1 ! Fans, Opera Glasses, P'ortmonaies; beautiful apd Poifip)atT|,Yuses; ■bof<qt}Ail Par is CartT Receivers and other, articles; Prout’s Hair aVd Tooth ‘Blushes; Fine Marble and Bronzed,Paris Clocks; Bronzed: Figures and Ornameßts.- i|Ml I HII.ITAKV <1005.;,, I Swords and Belts for Army and Navy, ffish jCS, Spurs, Buttons, Lace, Cord,’ iNgv-y LacC, j ’Capa; Stars and Embroideries, A|riqyi Embfo|- ' 'denes of all kinds, Chevrons, Bindings, • Gl#tlj, Ac, Fjekl Glasses, and Cartridges . Fjtarch 18, PLUMBING BUSINESS In Towsontown. THE subscriber 1 respectfully informs the cit izens of Baltimore eottnty, that he has.ld eated himself Ft ToW9omtown, and has estab lished the PLUMRTNO BUSINESS in all its branches. He Solicits the patrotiSgVdf the cit izens of the county. Work entrtistbd- to- hirji Will be performed satisfactorily 1 , and -at;One- 1 third less than the 'Charges made from the city. *i: 1 ■- < • tofj ‘ n? \| ‘ c I have had ' considerable - ekj3erk;ti<'e'’lW l t:hle' erection of Hydraulie Ramdanmsand LI Brand Force Blimps of every description.; 1 All work warranted to give satisfaction.' 1(1 1 I AddtesS 1 bus -i- : -dl ao bua i iGEORGE ST. JOHN, To w son to wit,' Md. can be left with Mr. George der, Ujooper’s Store. (<t*-TO ~~ r u'i T;. Inqtiil'i ciicl —* vfiO) A ! j, Dar,: Sappington’s a t V- ,i. ,1-,’T COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, ; aero To tit t,rT oTtfß riaog y/roV A COUGHSpA oaO-yt io'T fine Do ib | •COLDS, > I i * ' ■ • • HOARSENESS.QAv ; Thi :,, i.IK v'diqn-i 1’ ..uqhr.din'i JJHk. j ■ Superior Cough Syrup, Tias been before the public I > /• 1 Eighteen 1 Years. i; ; •}!“‘ ’ It’iS now eonaidered, a ciertkin cure for the above named diseases'by all Whb liaVe used it, ; • Prep*red i %y l ’ '-' ,l *' .entniT j dr. R. s. satpiNgton, 1 ; - ii Vl '132 N.Gay street, ' •-’* Between High and Front streets, '* | NoV; 19.—tf 1 Md: P. LENFIELD PERKINS, PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, Wos. 305& 20T Baltimore St., | BALTIMORE, Mb. A PERSONAL EXPERIANCE of; A . years; renders Mr: P. } second to no ; operator in J tins country. and elegancy of prrange- 1 ments, this Establishment is surpassed by none! • in Baltimore. , aged, delicate per-: son 9, or youilg iHnMreii, WiUjallery has pecu liar advantages, it being all on tho-Fipst- Floor SN3~ We Study tat Plea-te, Cali and see April I.—3m. , I Jiliil M. &T J. -DUFFY, Te ,u§Tj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS,, Cathedralat.,near Howard,Baltimore, ■ i.! KEEP on hand a-large and varied assort ment of GROCERIES,* WINES and LI- HORSE FEED Of all 0BS& kinds ; Patopsco, Fanvity andlMW Extra FLOUR, and other good"**®* brands selected for family losev- Also; TA'R by the barrel or lesaduantity ; a good assortment of BACON, FISH, SALTjiOILS, Ac. Will pay the highest, market price kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and GRAIN! of all oli; > iW fa imtifi A. Storck’s fnrp STEAM TURNING w * l ’ and !i:/: ■ "'i'sSt 1 HiII!.“BA:WING ESTABLISHMENT,. 152 East st., between HI lien and Eniojyß.klt., WHK'RB’hte is prepared toexecuteall itihds of SAWING and TURNING, such a? Bench Screws, Hand Screws, Bed Pdsts; Car riage Hubs, Qat-t Hubs, Cddar Post*; Stair Ban isters, Stair Newels, Piano Legs, Columns,Table Lees, TEN PIN BALLS, fete. 1 ' iM * “ >"<’■ AI3O, all kiuds. of straight and fancy Sbroll Sawing. ■ 1 July 1 fl,Jß6l.—ly J Thomas Mullin, Jr., ,v,; ' East sideyiitfAHlday st., , Adjoining Jyjvery SUbks, iV , j Second door SouLJi of pleasant at., Baltintare. Thomas Jr., Jirmir on hand, and. manufactures tovSE&VJwijlft S jorder, CARRIAGES OF EVERY.WVVW\ , DESCRIPTION; at short notlc , e,>dde by gooi • workmen, arid df the b'Cst materials. 1 N. B. REPAIRING done at thb shortest no tice, and on reasonable terms. , '' ' I July 28, 1860-ly JACOBBOtniM, Slj &A | vliiT |.i ediiioin SADDLE, COLLAR 'M A Xv No. 176 North Gay Street, Balt imorc. 1\ r ANU'FACTERES .atid keeps constantly on IVI hand al! kirldtyf J/gbt and heavy Har hess, Collars, Saddles, HYfdlfeA/ ivhios, Ac. old’ Jlarness taken' ra.lnenktire. Wurk of all kinds’ attwided to, v Ke'p^hing Feb. 4. otrt. . uj , , t. l(lJ u. , k J | .33T08 30AH0H W ,visfaiou2 Jg-.Oloniri. *T" f IT ' —if" I— • ; 'lplumbpr : Aia’n "xir HYDRAULIC RAMS, •' DOUBLE and SINGLE ACTION LIFT A,ND ■nnu, ' FORGING PUMPS, Water Wheels, PewStoeks, Slide Valves, Hdrse Powers, Ornamental Fountains, Bath Tubs, Waiter Ctostets,'lron’and Copper Boilers, Cook ing Ranges, Leather Hose, Iron Pipe, Lead Pi lie, Sheet’ Lead,*’Pig Ud : Bar Lead, Block and Bur Tin, Zinc, Ac., Ac. 1 • ' Miay 27.—3 m. B^t j K|S , VK r i ■il I i : MOWER BID REAPER, FOR 1805. BUCKEYE WKIEELHOItHU RAKE, The only self discharging Steel Tooth Rake in use! djemlithijinecessary X V ‘ its of the above machins, as “acts speak , louder than words.” Manufactured and sold by BRUSTER, GRIFFITH A BENSON, 52 E. Monument Street. \i; Also,said by. ;I , BRUSTER A GRIFKITH, No. 49 N. I’aca Street, Baltimore, Md. DEALERS IN n; Agricultural Implements, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Ac., Ac. General Agents tor Marylapd tor the Clark A Hedges SUGAR MILL, tor horse, water or steam power, Coo.k’s Sugar Evaporators, Fans, &c. Keep a supply of Chinese, African and Ohtaliitan Cane Seed, &c. ' ' Woodruff’s Portable Barometer or Weather-Teller. f Horae Pitch Forks or Ilay Elevators, reshing Machines and Cleaners; Grain Dij|Ms, heat Fans, Straw Cutters, ComSheHers,pci 1 !<• examination is solicited: i t MM’c^.2^, TT rp.Mt. . ‘ !,. -l.i*’ . i ! ■ ■ii i T GROCERY. *‘ ‘ AT! THE HEAD OFoRICHMOND' MARKET. Bil John C. Pitt, §§|), (Lato of Calvert and Pleasant streets,) Having taken that. new and commodious I stoffe, at tKdEcad of' Richmond Market, cor ner of Biddle and’ Gatuen streets, Baltimore, in formsMfeisKii fridn?fellu<4 diGtofnets, • and the CubUc in general, thak he has constantly on and WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood and’ .glasjj, for medicinal and.othgr purposes; supe rior sUgar-cured IIAMS i-.tlie choicest. braUds of FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, Youpg; Hyeoij, and Black Teas; Java, Laguira aiid Rip Coffee j loaft/creshed, pulverized, clari fied a n d brown Sqgar; Rnoma, Cocoa, Choco*- ( late, Farina, Rice Flour, Sago, Yeast P.owdera, cardines, Sauces, Pickles, Extracts, Salad Oil, ■ jff|l4(t sins, Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, fine and coarse Salt, Table and Dairy do.,Syr . Mmtse. MfSFiaes, Kerosene, Etherral and Hard Oil, Tobacco and Segars, Dupont’s Superior Canister Powder, *§t¥ltJi i 'li'C|y|i < ;Acij<WflatoatiDclrH pfics, rllf&UF.WffllAj- #£ vantage ns to* Convenience, qualities and pri<fcs. All'articles purchased delivered free at.<AL vert Station, or to any other place !in the"city; if required. ?. .mijr- -.0. < i June - H. -PITT. E. Q. HIFSLET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN (heceiies, Teas, Wines & Liquors, No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, rpENDERS thanks to his friends for their for- JL trier very liberal patronage, and hy prompt ness and attention to business, will cn ~ .-—j-j, deavor to merit a continuance of lavor. The public are respectfully in.lwd vited to fekamiiie our stock,- of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY'SKOCERIES. Our imported arid: doirifestic LIQUORS are selected with the greatest possible care. Families may confide in’the PURITY of an article ordered for medi-i einal purposes; and proprietors of Hotels may furnish their liquors. All of which will be sold at the lowest CASH ■d. 0, P. BTFRNSIDjE, R. £ fi> ogßraf v Laic t'apt. rf; C. 8. Late A- Q. M. J). "\yiLLIAM POLK, Liile Capt. Vols. BIIMMDE, (HISTIW A CO., ; UJ. & (DIL.MM AWfWS, '>o. i : 5 sputjr ga‘yStreet, Opyotifi ih* Dejxil Quartermaster’s Office, BALUIftORE, MD. Unquestionable References on File and Given WI- Y u hpon Application. ~ E are prepared to prosecute Claims ,tor Widows’, Invalid, Mothers’ and Orphans’ Pension, Back Ujuiettlcd Clothing Ac counts, Bounty, Prize’ Money, Ilorses and Equipage i m ’PW’\*icei!PufeV Forage arid Subsistence taken by Officers of the UnLted States, whether receipted lot or hot—Oh’artef ed Vessels Lost o*r Destroyed 'tindrir the wjr risk, and all Property Destroyed by reason of the War. 1; ' i Particular attention paid to Making up ,fof licor’s Returns/”!and Obtaining certificates of Non-IndebtednrisS. >-•'*" i ; elf you Have a Clairii, you' are rfesrieet fully rd&hfeßted to address us—Stating that you to collect it; and wo will promptly ! furnishytoff with ftiinhStriictfon in the matter. pS'Accounts Purchased at Market Rates.-Q& ovrll W . ir.Tfl | QLOTHS, | iCASSIMEiSSiGF ’AMf K I<N DS, I SILK MARSEILLES. ,;71 AHd all kinds Of/.Vest Pattern up 1 >1 il Scarfs, Neckties and Collars, Linh Bosortv Shirts, Linen Bosoms, (all qualities and<f prices) iWhite Muslins and Linens j For Shjrfingi Ac., for sale > Wholesale and Retail. : - .v! .. .to I AlI; KINDS OF . TAXI.QIiS,. TRIMMINOftS Together with •READY-MADE CLOTHING, .felliT jiMi’inq MOlfebant Tailor, jOppMite Ady’s Hotel, Towsttftown. 8^? b J.? 6 ’TTTM'-i. Iw.jv*i oiil lii i .dto. T * Ji fKAH .H ,rt v.l 'tltr io'>f vsb * biomni>u ntn -x* -i i I V*tmsta’ Woathef Indicator! OR ‘ 4 1 WOODRIiFF’B | P°r^b^‘fe^rpg|ie^r. THIS instrument should be in the hands of ery Agriculturist, as it unerringlyjppjnto out* ariy change ‘ih the Wrilthbr arid thus flirfects the farmer ln*w to sha|ie hia .work an A save iciops that, without a Barometer, might be eangjit out. lit a itrirm ariu Wriorifely ihjured, if not aOkti oy- \ ed. Kreryiftrtqer.Bhoulil.liave!in<V Is a perfect “weather teller.” . “ It 18 Simple in cOnstrlictkViV, clieapTn hfice, not liable to get ouh of order, and ’the only ppr/ect portable Barometer in use. , . . . Being a Merfettriaf Barometer; U isoccurttte and reliable for Scientific purposes, beiug ured by the U. S. Coast Survey, and at the. Smithsonian In- , stitllte; besides belng reCommeridba by‘tb4 n dsU distinguished AgrieulturUts of!l&B oeuntry, ns well ns by a host of Professors aud Sctoplifig journals. We name butafew Jtliat. have endorsed; this Barometer as superior to all others : —Scientific American, American Agriculturist, Udtfnkry * nal, Peterson’s Magazine, Orange Judd, Wiirsql|. p;WiMferrrofs. Henry, Carr,, IlunnqvflMi AVilliams, Douglas,.&c. # |.jT ] j,l;r The cost of the instrument is within the reach of'all, 'jirice ‘from $7 to sfcK. Wi; have styles,from a,plain ense to the finest carved rosewood. Most of lla-se styles litke a Thermometer atmchdi. A sample of, this instrument may ; Jbc seen I at. tins office. Orders-promptly filled. For doscrijitirecircu lar and prices, auiilv iiersonall.v or by letter ti BRUSTER & GRIFFITH, l .. )tjA i ,|.f ; 49 Nv Paca St.y Baltimore,-Md. Wholesale and Aygentp j land. Trade supplied bn Ktherar teriiis. Also, MANDFAUfURERS & DEALERS IN.i AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENT’S IN GENERALI ” "Exclusive agerils for Clark’ Hedges, Crine,, Mill; • I ,ij Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, and sugar machinery in general. RUNDEtL’S HORSE PITCH FORK, ! • or Hay Elevator, the,best' in use and n great’ |a bor i.u V }emeuV , Eureka Horse Fower, Thresher and ii Win i/diyj,-u i ‘to Patented and manufactured by PELTONiii Power, Thresher and Cleaner out. fWiVe 1: OWViffle and African C’aue Seed nl ways: *i hand. V • i . , . ... >U SFAB,KLING MINERAL WATEfe,! ICY COLD AIINERAL WATER, ~ j WITH CREAM SYRjUBS.' ‘ Wmf CREAM SYRUPS'. FROM TIIE PURE JUICE OF THE FRUi'^S. ’—rrrr .s.r , ;:ilo uu *,: I •'( ritHE great demand tor this delightful Sutn- X iner drink; last Season tuffs fair to be far surpassed at Win. If. Read’s PlaOje.Hq-l-ri Bal timore Street, one door below Calvert. Thoi popularity of Read’s Mineral; Wator last season wasdue to the purity qf the drink, being inajn rifaetured from the ripe mi iff while the Caibqn-. ic Acid Gas is generated in Porcelain Fountains, getting rid of the deleterious presence of Cop> per in most Appdi'atus. ‘ No effort Will life fepkr ed to have the very best driqk to-be had inltlie country. The addition of the Cream always to be had at Read’s, which rcnderk’ it s}leferaipy popular with the ladies. v ~ ~,u j READ’S Is also the place toget fine Cosmetics, Perfumes, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Ac., of FreriMf; 5 Erijg lish and American makes, at suited (to gold at fifty premium. Such articles constantly in variety, largestin the city, as Perfumes tor hdkfs., PomadesjHstir Oils, Cbsmetics for Whiskers, Colognes, Tooth Preparations, Patent Medicines, Homoaopedlde Medioines, Port Monnaies,Opera Glasses, Poe {-/ •et Knives; Tbdth Brushes) Brushes of ail'fiiWc s, Carrying ■ Bags, Rreaaiqg C.asee ; RW uers, Ac., Ac. The following French and Englislf Tfin'kbs' if Toilet articles;—Lubip's >; BimmeU’s, Corirfray'e, Hygenlque Societies, Low, Son A liaydon’s, Henry A Dinsairson' ! s,' , ‘Bctotrez, Ac) Delluc’s, Du-* ponVk, Dar.#d’*;iPhalon’s, Ac.. AoJ On hand a fresh supply of Email De Paris.' Wit. H. READ, • 147 BALTIMORE’*TREET, (cuie door below Calaert,) * DKALEK IV PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ACL April 15.—tf. >,X v-:i/. ) : o£Hußsu ■ l ii PREPARATIONS. , m.l Irvi-yiill ; „ itrofto -n :,.n r.i Mlll ,: DITTITD'C ''" ,J * : ii. • DI I I LflO. An infallible remedy for Dyspepsia;;Loss Af : Appoti te.vludigesticui, Gonera4 i Dfeliili(y,' Htih. Especially recommcn,ded to weak and debil - tated woineu and children. , , Recommended and Used by the Med -1 ‘ical Faculty. “ ! il lie 1,, au- BUS’ .7 ill. ST. DOMING©,;; WINE.; ;5 ;; ! ; . the" serial circlpa. * 1 !5 'to wi RUS’- . •* ii “ ,st. domitgo’: •• • PvrircH. A: DELICIOUS BEVERAGH. “ ' t'Wa challcngo the World to proiluce as genuine iu . artiefasas We*above enumerate. ’ !• i i . - ' TRY THEM. •; . iuewvs otjnxap, ui i WHOLESALE'AGENT;- i ,1-. N 0.13 W. Baltimore Stroet r Badtimoi'e. . Hi sale: by Grooersand Druggists. ’* ! \ >e Mareh 4,1865. —1 y. - 'i- i “ ,;.i ,-cr l .v \hi ■’< tft-—l4 1- ' GREEN & YOE, F A M I L Yi GRQci %&, AXU DKALERS IN .. PURE OLD WtRFS AND LfQUORS, At Martin A oldstanij. 8t Bap Mwt, HAVE a large and wel! selected jOf FAMILY 6&LSjA consisting in part of F RES H TEAS; (green and black,) of va-ffHQ; prices and flavors ; Coffees-Hjj^ Loaf, Granulated. C; Yellow apd Cfarified ; Ital ian MaccafcAiri knH r lVtef’ma<*<4ii'f Cooper’s A ,Cqx’s Oils; Cheese—English Dairy ; Jine Ajpplo.aml Sap Sago; Sni'diixraj Ffcrich arid BpSfisii Ol ives; Englieh and Amoiifean Fiftkles—Gerkins, mixed, Chow-Chow, Pieeailli, Cauliflower, Wal-i nuts and Onions ;. Hull/ Reading, Soho, Mushroom and Worcestershire} BRANDIES—JaS. Hennesy A Co., vintage 1840; Otard, Dupuy A Co. 1846, Native Catawba, Bor dcau, ,R)phoUA>a*rt*th< !r ‘ * r ands piFiteOld WlNES—Lopdo.p Dnck Tort, Sherry>’Madeira; Lisbon, ( Sweet>Wj,lftqd SlClES—StiotofipOld Rve, J baflipi|n, rO]d Rap anil Bourbon, some very ( old apd fixie; Pij-e Holland Gin, atid Doritoffic theV will'sell ui. : reasomile pnecs, resjiacf fully solicit a "June 28, 186(L—ly,, ■ —— ■ —— : m r—r m • ' Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND SYRUP OF FLAXSEED, ' Will cure COUGHS, : ■ COLDS, '■ HpARSENESS c ttf. This hi I A] , F.H Superior fVuigh'Syriip, I ff J hasrbeen before tHernibl ic v .; “ ’ . J ' lT ’‘ l : Eighteen years. It is now considered -a 'certain cpre fov tjv* above named diseases by all wliri have useffit. 1 Prepared by v DR.i R. 8. SAPPINGTON/ ’ I • IK2 N. Gay-street,*'^ Between High and Front stitats,” “ ! Nov. 12.—tf !<“ j. :1 ißaltiinore, Md. ! .MilV.i i’l .0 vtlol. ! , . .1 .1,8 .J SIIO-lOHlli ,*u,u .m *<>*.<l.l, • . H f. w ’I,, tagjs . itiji .j, . *TfnlT , ll iiois.inn „i < .m John Wi Riohardsou ft 60:, lu: • tfm £ tiltp hi li, • Adjoining Christ Churcffi” 11 InfmiJijK it * 1 .putt' t *i siuw. .o A, :* 11 liL i • MADE T 6 ORDBfi *‘Sil IN THE BEST STYLE * iiLiiniw 'aaoovf ?fsißpewi>fi ,u * r ’ i Aug* i.Ii.G F <>i ill, 11-to o ) oiooiillafl I iioira// iasV, .15-- 7* {ski „ „ ~„ ,^ d txu , r' > /i,i 1- CELEBRATED j and a certa|u> '■ i • remedy for all Men as Gian -1 | In poor, .lorns prilitedUmiuials, it has tljo B ttun:l i-. ti :.ii J .. ~, .siio usq of tncjn improves thq wipd, strength i,, Ojis Appetite, and. gives to the Horse ft j! Jttne,. smooth find glossy skin—thus improv ing. the appearance, vigor and spirit of this el wl( animal, i, ;j , FOB MILCH COWS. tte property this. Rowder possesses ip ia creasing the quantity of.Milk in Cows, giva it an importance and value which slioull hP4?;tf STPrj5,peWP keeping a Co%v. By actual experiment it,has proven .that It will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty.per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In 'fattening Cattle, it gives " them an appetite, loosens their hide and make 3 them thrive much taster. < I u^opivti al| above Diseases can, be vented. By using these b -Po wdec*. ithe Hog ,i Cholera cun be prevented J t i.'" < ■ ;'jO< • Pride 25 eta. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $]L 5,. f . *y, ; , * a A. FOTJTZ & BRO., AT THBIR i WHOLESALE DRUG ANfii MEDICINE DEPOT. , <} No. 116 Franklin SV., Baltimore,. Hi ,i,. iPor- Sale by' Druggists *atadT'Storekeeper throughout; tlie United States. ; ~ R & CO., MANUFACTURERS of Agriqittpjftl Implements ,1< UOiatHAOHIHEBYi, Garden & Field Seeds, <i ■ , 1* I DEALERS WK H &C., No. 55, 60 & 62 Baltimore. , 11,7! K are Manufacturing pur J.yi prorod’Stote .Liihe and Oyster, she>lV. . i-.i *1 iiMade df-theTlest Material and fifty per eeqt. hetter-than an*y*Lime in litis 11 d^Uritry, * WarrAnted to jive Satisfaction. Agents for* the sale *t>f. the Celebrated 7 I “MONITOR” .i! MOOT'S REAPING MACHINE. THE -'IRON HARVESTER” SE Wf R Ajt E BE APE B, considered, pow the best Self Rake Machine in use, apd is warrant ed to i : ~ :,'t‘>, p A , ’ j ',<| We also Manufacture ;#*?/. jiO'-I 11 **Horse CornPlaiti ■ snni nu uu . ■ . . * • Which- Seeds, Covers and Rolls, hd is one of the best in use. Horse Powers, : ii'S ‘ a "r// Threshers, a i.ii mi... ‘ * ,v:i . .i.;o-ai -*■<! "J wheat Fans, C ist Mills, fprii and Col) Crushers, -,i bit, s! e Field anti Garden Bolters, Plows of all Descriptions, V; vrfoj it., m ..Ilarrows, Plow & Machine Castings, &. ! 1 I for ;< Circular. •‘.35L, S ii'iir.C-Xj'.^L ; l-’tEL <So CO. ,A!-rn.,v..-,r. : . • Tot tLe Citizens of Baltimore and ' 1 Harford Counties. < '"VTOTICE is hereby given, thatbortksfors'ub ' ‘ 'XN' l Bcn ption to the CajiitdT Stock, qf the Bal timore/ And Ildrfortrßhilroaa, will be opened o/i an'd'kftcA 1 11,/' 1 , / " L ~ , - . • :IrH b“ May Ist, IM3, ‘ • at theWu&rif Thbmhs W. Tierryj'S'S West Fay ette street, Baltirhor'e r at-‘the office of 'Hhrford county, 1 - gt'Bel^AiF, : ami tit WHgUt’p; Tavern ftn tlie'HaFford turnpike. Under the Charter, subscribers must pay An .aekeeeniehtof two dollarf (S2.OU) per sharaat the tinib of ‘ 1J CbtrtrtiisWrohers' 'haVb reserved Ohe thou ’•sand shares of'tha stock to repay monies ad: vanced by the in obtkfniilgtha 1 Charter and surv)igaiptfrtion of the road. Tne Commissiom?!:? e in Ivopes that theciL tzens pf the Counties, wlio qri){ be benefittpd by tjie road and all others who want a safaand ‘nvofihiljlle inypstipeut, wilippbspj-ihe lihacaHj To lliis'e'ntefi)fisc...... u ,,/x -J- I JONATHAN NORRIS, pi V 4j®|fW..BERRY, ’ \ ' i JAMES YOUiKi, . j ‘ V V V:, ‘ .JpiiN % THOMPSON, .„,,j im Robert Moore,;,, a j TIIOS. 11. ROBINSON, uenovAi.. GEOUG-E B^EIBER, BOOT & FHBf MAKER. , TOWSONTOWN, MD, I ' .if . ar He J - .mm - -..:f m.'.Tt i -lll.i :.J;:1, ,J i • A . 11l >.ll j HEREBY, informs -the citizen*-of ToWbou town and vieirtity, that bo has removed his Boot ttad ShoeiasUnbliahmeht froni his re-* cent place of business, to the building adjoin-j ing the poat orftU;anU store of MrsiNolsonfAibp pr,. whore lie iViitl in -the future he* pleased to see al 1 his friends uiid buitonieVd.i't: f'*> 1£ J,kevuiconstantiy,-onih*nd; a varied afeSort m.eutiofißootsliShoos/Gaiters, AcJ, for eitberl Ladies, Gentlemen or Children, ALLW:MY.:OiWN MANUFACTURE,- 1 Whieh WsiU he .found; as durable, and cheaper than .can be procured in .the city of Baltimore. I retuvn my ithanks for tho very liberal pa tronage 1 llave heretofore received, anil I will emleavpiyiby attention to business, ami moder ate charges, to merit aconiainnainoe of tlteaame. 1 MiMi [ J i jii uoiiUH id'GEORGE* BTEIBKR. , April li—dim. ■ . nidi !!•< ?-i-. H ~.u - ■ > r’ mtnmT^itryfi Bull’s Head Hotel, fidi Frdaty rietmGay itA*e6t, Baltimore, Md. 1 TIIIS oJd r jPsta.blisho<l sp ably j and sd, !wicceaqCiyiy. the Ms'rMghXcenTwnwifl, by Thomas liuHL Tra.'ey, Will be entitimi.-d l.y l.i iISJtJH widow, she having taken with her into’ the business, R<B>art jofgDavisvillc, 6th i w'ell hB the friends of Ihe hPwmjg pridwr; Mgttnd nsßuml that hothing-in tneir left undone, to meritit full share oflHEplHßigo of the public. *-U '>■ ! Id- c. i,t: ji. HENKPETTA'TRACEY,* ROBERT D. May9.-4fAil Tairf TTOB ,0&IA TIIE IhOrOtlgll-brAtl. Aldorny Bull id<G O M.Aißj”.(imported by tlohn-jfflwi j Itidgely of Hampton, from the Island iuSStjn, -Np^lGrebnidonnt -Aye. near Eagef t:, I •* •" i*" '‘ Hll * '-BattWborl. (]* vd laeadulliq a in it::..' lla'i •’! . WHITMAN S COLUIWir" - K.-WTkAlli r & _sows, r ; ;Wej X r -ifa‘Aspwinyfn>*i-K | lliiiMflfiNi implement*, aOkWbfiUftMiY, II T7/ OM CAsikDAAtF.B ik 'l k*l VI I SEEDS, FEBTILIZEBS, - • TIOttTWiULTURAL TOOLS, j •Amt-Agtriculliintl Hardware generally, Nos, 22 tmd 24 South s^oot, nalV.;i -V ,i BAM-iMongi Mu. _ / ;j i manufacturing Deportment Will bo per- j i i.snbaUy suiHjrintende.l by the senior partner; i ™ whoso long experience in' this line- of Imsiiiess * has rendered him familiar with all its various 1 brunches'. , \ . ... >il i Our Btobk will be one of the largest in this i city, and in considflrAtioh of our experience |J , and advantages in manufacturing, we are pre- j pared to hi Lost and most impro- I ved kinds of,'Faria - Implenumta on the most fa- ) vorabje terms. . u I .. t ■ ••• 'I (RiLK§ PD SCVTUES, ! ■ df Next UvßeapFng Machines, the Grain Craflle is an to. the wlie.-tf grower, oihd' riotwttltstandfng the Reaper has gone into such general use, it does not seem lessen the demand for the Grain Crddle wit-n* us. This WAy be owing to the quality of the aHi'olc'-.ivd kueii. 'iWnim is generally jknown to/armarsi MerdllavU hnd deafera 4re generally supuliejiJ|vui|,jwiUuUii| actinic,arid we are pleased* tn nilwm*Prerfl*elrfWclrtnrs‘ • wl,at H has been • Ir<welßiW,"mirt Vfflnafl Ift gratified with a cqn tinuance,of.their (ibprai cqsf9m. / j-'i ; - Kcrolrin; Horse Rake. ;Tlug,i? the lies* article that can be used for tips rjiking iAiHayr especially if the grass is. heavy. We lvave-,-an excellent article of this kind—the best ever in*thin market. Price sl2 and sl4. - Spring Too Hi Gleaner. For Wheat -Fields aloncthis article is perfect;; It saves a large amount of wheat that no other rake woliM'gallier -tip-ci It will often pay for itself in the saving of wheat in a fleld\>f-ten acres. Pricedhis season, $14...1 This Plow been triad U*iH4 plates Agridoltutul Society,Aii jipiyi ir>s^9'ireißocie ties, and ha 9 nCVer failed' to receive tho first premium. It. htts .a> rf-vcreable steel eiigc, is, . isimpleiin its oonstruction,! easy in draft*and I,,management, and adapted to a common team. Simplicity; strength- aid economy afe hfefe ;m©athappily:combined.'i . >1 ’The l Plow;being an important implement in 1 Agriculture; we have ifeaently given much at tention to its manufacture, and at a very heavy c cost have proeured’ the; boit add most peffeijt set of maichinory in use, and-afe now prepared to fill aJLorders;for. Plow* bf any description, on as favorable terms as can be hadin the Uni ted States, qiMilit-yandviorkmanshipeonsider fi ied.ii< We wish to call the attention of doalers to our manufacture of Btowsv-lnihiCh- we think, cannot be surpassed in this countryt- v> - | ' Side UillvrSltUa I’lohs. The above Plow*;arc be.cbhßtructed that the' , .jpoald board is easily and .InHtwitly changi'd ,irom the ether, which ienables the 1 operator to;iperform the work 1 upon side hills, (turning all.the .furrow slices with gneatfaccu; raicy downward, in min.. .-j e-ioMRu • s-iiiii . THERIH9IGm CIIIIRV. This Churn is-sdcioietructed that..thecream ,fr milk is readily bought to: the desired tem jwirature without, mixing, twator. or other sub stances, and the temperature 1 certainly and' definitely determined’ which proves invaluable n the art of making.butter. ... Iqm ITRfIYT .V. • HOWARD’S REAPING AND RAWING %LL;; -- ’• - I 1- . ip > 11 8 i 1 I 9 ' I . Hi'* Xjtfgtr XcWr^, /lilt. I,tie Inn: .rill 1 iißßßPr.,in.i,.'> - • | • j MACHINES, IIh .., I* MANUFACTURED B Y WITH OR WITHOUT SELF-RAKE, Is the best of Maryland | Farmers of any drive wheel, wIA.W WlfflPs it to work 9YS r , rough hind, WHtCr fuffows - - find ‘ghllies,* wllcn| ; other machines donhi'hpt-be! : lVbt i ked fit Itll. * Thode in want of the latest and bfiatimprove • ments in the wiry of tatting Grain or Grass, j will do well flv*ew'd fhtir ordert early. Price; of tlie Oombilled Machine with -^glfltake, $1 Sp. Price of Mower, $1H); 1 Weean-furuish iliiT tuatomers wiW 'any kind of REAPERS prices as low! as they can %■- purdh’rised iu'dur blanket, and | solicit their^early Wderv* O. :. 1 to, > 1 -Ti..1t.,1 il 11 - .lii, 1 i—lit I . tS— - THE POPULAR CL6THINO'H§O6E. SSIS SPRiaiGIOTERC.'OATE 5 Mew’s Blxell‘Paint*; Mbit’s Phncy JPants. ’ si We have the best and finosl'-stbck bf hifin’ij and Boy’s clothing in the city. Together WitH ftSirPERIORE-TOOK-bf J ni " ; Custom a,/ /ew t/ian fiold rfltfn. At .. "udi.; SMITH BROS. Ai CO.y od MARBLE HALL HOUEE, - 1 rg-u >{ , ( Dallimore street. 1 .'H-.Cliri .1 d-ilaW j ACjlUntfiTltlUJu • *4 WO ''jKkxSrt" in. .; A vii I <jx4^3|jipyWPTT;.;j•: . THE subscriber, Manufacfurer and Dealer ,/in AgtiouituralaodillcwticuLturAl IMPLEMENTS AND SEEDS, Takes this method of..informingliie friends and tht pablie in general, that how located in the City of with the necessary l tools and Machinery for thdqmanwfiieturitag' of all kinds of m ■ <->d l’ .. il • : ]HA€HfNETs , PLOWS, CAtoi^Oßj^c., AHd will gtrarantid all orders for them on as reasouable tfirnrs, and to furplsh as gopd an article acan‘b<i bill In thre efty of N. Ypfrk, and would recommend his friends and custpniers to forward thiil 1 orders as soon as pos sible, so that they can befillOd intfibe for them. Among the 1 articles tb‘bb always obtatned at my establishment I name in part- 1 — Melrclc A Co’s., Railway and Plantation Pow ers and, Wiinqwers,-Eagle Cotton (iins, Cotton amFT-layTresses, GinGeAroAgtnenraand Wing Gudgeons, Grain Drikls;UiderAlillaaitdfl¥esi e,iW.ine Presses, Huy and .Stalk Cutteraf ''Mowing and Reaping* Machines, Farrn'TVagbns and Ghurns; CqrnisJmJVs, Corn and'Cqb'Mills, Sole Agent lor f fudge’s pelehrated WftkFung Jlpchinha, Jifor tqn, Dupew ii Go's , “Plows and Castings, £ W. Efliot’s Accomac, Ya.', Norfolk inore apd Field and Garden Seeds, ’ Will furnish to order, all-kind* Fertilizers. !!•. Manufactory,.Machine- Bhiop and Foundry CORNER PLOWMAN AND FRONT STS., 1 DEPOT ANli) STORE, llii ; W* Trait street, opposite the Maltby House ‘ JOHN MAYHER, Agent. March 18,1865.J-ily.- i: i 1111 U JAS. 111. BAKKU, ffe a supply of . . v , GUANOS, SUPER riIOSPHATE OP LTME, !.*!•# b.GBOUND BONE,,POUDRETT^O /. CAh 9MH^l^f E > HAIR And dealers ip. FLQUR, CORn’mEAIa BIfCK • WlGl.yf MEAL,DORN, OATS, MILDRED, CLEVER, TIMOTHICiND %US|fcEEDS OF ALL KINDS. 4L* •W/rWWWWMt DRIED all kiqda ofOoupDy Produce ,t|ikon ip for which we are p^y^^l^highestcash1 prices. Next door to W. SUmsbury’s Bee Hive Hotel, where Farmcre will fthd excellent accommo dations. n . Jan. ,7 r Jßjss.—tf. -■ :* I ' irl ‘‘ HOUSE FURNISHING STORE No. 136 N. Gay street, Baltimore. RICHARD ARHIGER. .me 1 eii Wholesale and 'Retail dealer In i HWSE FURNISHING GOODS, ALSO, WOODENWARE A HARDWARE. THE public are Uespoctfully Invited to call and examine my stock of <di u> J , TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, BRUSHES, .BROOMS, BRITANNIA; JAPANNED AND TIN WARE, KNIVES AND FORKS, : ALBATA SPOONS, CHINA AND GLASS WARE, And every other descriptirni’ of: Housekeeping Goods and Wooden ware, at the very lowest prices. RICHARD ARMIGER, .1. iJ 135 N. Gay st., near High; Baltimore, ii :Fefra27; 1366.^-4 - fn ° GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. Jr WM. B. HILL, AT T 0 R N E Y A T L A W, .8 ! 1 70 ■3TLSPHMI™, ?‘‘ Iw 'LOCAL AND STA TE BOUNTY, j uj; For Wltife (end PofarfidjtyyfJ&rs, AND COMPENSATION!FOR OWNERS OP >ii Yi n iLuIGULGosIA . fcV -..^M.'.|8,.H1LL,1.d,, Y.O.W. F.ayettretreet, ~G > - Sk. 4 raul street. Baltimore. ... I. r j*, .10-. .13 biivirn 611 .•* t ,. Mardh It. H. GORSUCH, J , Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, \ . Corner of Gay and Front jfd., DBALEH l FOREIGN jA(Nf)|DjpJiH6T|f#IARD WARE, TT.AS received iiif, Bpriqg, ,B*l,4SSßSift il Summer supply sistingin part of Knives and Forks,DHH Pbckjet 'Knives, Table Hollow Ware, Wagon Basils,. HoEse‘'Sh'oeß‘aha Nwila, Nail Rods, CarpeAteVS’ Tool*. Axes, Locks, Hirtges, Screws, Bolt*, Sbovqls, ■ Forks, Matlrtcks, Cast ap'd Blister Stfe : el,'Trape d Halier and Cow Chains, (punier Scales, Safety Fuse, Gtib Caps, , * . , WOODCOCK.’S PLOW'S AND cXBxfNCS; 'Also, Stewart’s wedge-patterp AiJES, war ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and .rj}tail t at his usual pyicesi. 1 ;.i: lAII * 91 , )t , WM> PAUL St CO., y STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK t,LX> MANUFACTURE any description of Blank a N k %l u i l #^^^ l #<WP eck Book8 ' and all kinds of Printed Forms, on reasonable Book Binding and Machine*'BUllMrt in all its varieties. '.‘.l tl Mu<Av I ti f .fit' *. THOMAS 1 ROOT AMD SHOE YIAKER, No-.'134 North Gay street, Baltiiiiort, p|j SIGN. DF-THE GOIfDEN BOOT, .£/! KErS on hand and niajjs to order, gii fV/ff GENTLEMENS’ and LADIES’ WORK, -of the%est style of workmanship, and on rea- terms. I also keep YANKEJ^.WORK, both hoarse and fine, and work suitable for ser vants’ Country friends, please give me a ca)L;, ’ r Jan. 8, IBM.—ly T. S. W. TO REAL €BTATE>OWNERS. rpHE qpf)*ffiVeaiingextensive- I ly in the sale of FARMS and LA.NDS in all ports of MatylHiXVejrpeeielly fn Baltimore county. Those {teeiring to ydl at good prices, will send us a fir!fffßfc*4flmn. No no Charge. j^*-All of soldiers prosecuted- Address, ‘ EATON & CO., .laaUlß .(I Baltimore. Office—No, 202 Street, tup stairs.) Feb. 4,’ fert&.-ltf?- AAV A A 0 ■ 1 fc vm COM>%eiON & pRDDUCS ME 133 North sDeet, Baltimore. TjETEsell and btiy allkiAdfiof W GRAIN, CLOVER SEBD, PLOmt/CGRN MEAL, and COUNTRY TRODUCK cenaruJly, airUrfimit proceed# pritMVlilv 4 . '* ' We have for sale GUANO>'BALt', PLASTER, FISH and SEEDS of alDkdnds. a, ; July U, IB6o.—tly Jil j Old Town Union Hat Company, wc. i 44 iv. g. 4 r street; pdk. oi] irtttti. A 11,'tbol.ileslvlesofGents, Youths tiQEQt 1 -: and Children's Hats wnd.a€ps’ M ulwayaoit hand. Trunks, Carpet-Baj’S, Valises, P;uiuyU:W, Ak* alifflifeiaHufacturers’ )Tf£“Straw Su 111419^ .‘yuts.jof all pi^f* and qualities,, w J J U T ; . . frunty pcoplf, giv€ UW eoll I, :J ,.. I Jan.l4, 1865T-:ly. , :t .) ,n ciggi. AbFfißt) Laps: JAUKS AlKHaa XUTCMI.NS IJams & Hutchins, " Tea Oroce • ruOprm Gay And Hiftb TT'.ELP consdaniy on hand a ohoine and dbr stock pf TEAR, !WINKB, GBOOWD* l IES Md Provisions generally, to wihiuhthey re specUpUrjuvita the attention of purohasenii —tf o M iwiuW J,. •-Jit #1 SUiib W