Newspaper Page Text
it ■■^ aP -— ™ j / Miscellaneous* j * > Farmers, Attention I A SIX-HORSE POWER. This Power would cost, at present price, S2OO. Also, one of Whitman's Cast-Iron Cylinder THRESHERS, with Wrought-Iron Bands. The present price is SBS. Alse, one of Manney’a Combined Reaper and Mowers with Weed's Improvement. The present price is over $200.; Also, Boyer’s : J$epbER,f¥TTER £> MASTICATOR, w Present*price ssrt. These labof-skving Imple ments are in complete order; and ready for use qt any time. They will be Sold low for Cash. The Reaper and Mower has worked satisfac torily with two and four horses over rolling ground. owner’s reason for selling is that 'he has quit fariniug, and intends leaving the State of Maryland. , - * For further infofmation apply 'to address t \ i Dr. A. ©.'PALMER, f 84 milee from Salto., on the Fred’k Road, 0r LEWIS YOGM£, Towssontown, or WM. M. ISAAC, Towsontown or Randallstown, Md. -‘ June Ittfc—rtf- ,11: CELEBRATION t'tWP s r % PROCESSION. fpHE PUBLIC SCHOOLS of the sth, 6th and JL 7th Districts,' (upper end of Baltimore couhty,) will meet at SCHOOL HOUSE No. 4, (near mill's Store,) in6t.h District, on " Tuesday, July 4th, 1865, at. 8£ efclock X. and proceed with music, banners, Ac., towards Middletown, and return jtq the-beaptiful grove in front of the School House, where an address will be delivered on PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION, by Capt. L. M. Haverstick, of the “Baltimore County Union,” John T. Ensor, Esq., will al so address the meeting. The Middletown Lodge, I. O. Q. F., and other Lodges’of f. 0. 0. F., are ex pec ted to turn out. Each School will furnish its own refresh ments, Ac. .. THOMAS HALE, Com. 6th Dist., Dr. R. E. JONES, “ 6th “ M. MEREDITH, “ 7th “ Committee of ArrangemChts. •Jurite 10.— td. — —: 1— FRANK. L. MORLIXG, AND \1 HMHVIIAV. Store No. 2 N. Eutaie Street, Baltimore, Niirs&ies bu the Ilookstown Road Adjoin-, , iiig Druid Hill Park, WOULD invite the attention of the citizens of the county to his Stock of^^^^^^ arid 111 SMALL FRUITS. EVERGREEN \ ■ 19 ’■ AND ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES, GreW House, Hot House and Hardy Plants, i. Roses and Floweriug Shrubs. 1 I will be prepared at all times to furnish ev erything in my line of trade. June 3, 1865.—1y.V'1! >' DUST. T WILL SUPPLY MY FRIENDS AND CUS avith :th att it .Mil/ v ;'I All i .ifl/,v/z;-uiut>7, y?.\ 1: ... . , ■ •• r . .. .. -D-p : £ SUPERIOR, UNADULTERATED BONE DUST ’• : [ -il* t _ so :: ,i. . , Manufactured by me. uh Arrordh'ig (o the Times. " (JLIsmI .-isi .J. •; „ • ," 1. A A ’ v . I. The time for Spring Crops being past, I will allow a liberal discount until the fall season commences. JOSHUA HORNER, Cor. Chew and 1 Stirling Sts., Balto., Md. .Tune 17.—:)m. , v • . . . THE NURSE ANBSPY IN THE UNIO# ARMY. f I YHlSife-the name of a book written by Miss .L Edmonds, a native of the British province of New Brunswick, who was educated in the United States ’for the Missionary work, and from the most praiseworthy patriotism assum ed for a time the costume, of the sex and entered the field as NurseyScotat and Spy— eleven times in various disguises she passed ..the enemy’s lines—even entering the fortifica tiions of Richmond—enduring hardships and .untold pryvatjon? from the breaking out of the U\ the’fall of Vicksburg. Ileradven utaies ire graphically and truthmlly described. And with-a generosity only equal to her pa triotism, £he appropriates her portion of the profits of the work to.the sick and wounded ' soldiers—the ohly work of the kind ever pub- Hktted. book contains 400 pages, is printed on food paper, with portrait and engravings.— ’rice-from $2:50 to $3.00 per copy, according to bindipg.. . JOHN CARROLL, A6ext, Jiibe if.—4t. New Market, Md. | AT PRIVATE SALE. - ;; .One Black Horse,; fcujT years old, : One Fine Brood Mare, five years old, One tjvo 7 year-o'ld Cblti /■[ IX / i- One one-year old Colt. One Young STALLION, White Hall Stock, All very superioitanimals, suitable for work or harness. Will be sold at a bargain. F Apply beri x O '■ S/G.TWILSQN, June 17.—tf.. • v.\: Towsontown. TO SLATERS. T7P OFFICE COMMISSIONERS OF BALTIMORE ) ii> _ >■ ■ ■ County. i ) PROPOSALS wi.ll be received at this office at boon, oh the bth day of July next, for a SLATE ROOF to be put on Abe Court House at this place,- the gutters, gable ends and around all tbl*!cj?iiikpeye and belaid, and fiash * efl with copper; alt ttiije done with best mate rial atid workmanship. ■ -- • J. F. COCKEY President. June to.—3t. ’ n - 1 'i > . CHARLES T. SIBCO, J. EDWARD SISCO SISCO BROTHERS* No. 95 Baltimore street, Baltimore, 1 wholesXl'e and retail maufacturers or . Odd Fellows’ and Masons’ Regalia, 7 a BANNERS, FLAG 3, SIGNALS, T:A G ° S > GOLD kND SIJ..VER FRINGES, GIMPS, . TA'SSELS,^Ac: ’ ' Store afid factory, No. 95 Baltimore street, V Opposite Hollidav street. Dec. 28,1861.—1 y ’ ..... , * " NOTICE/ , 'Office CtBTtK oPthe CmcniT Court for! Baltimore Countt, > TowsontWn, March 17th, 1865. J PERSONS ha#ng Deeds, Mortgages, Ac., in •'this office for record, left prior to MAY 10th, 1865, are hereby informed tliat all such are for delivery., and they are requested to JilirjMid receive them. -The 'liurg*‘umber •of instruments pf writing aeeuinulated in this q|liop,,prbiupts the undersigfied' to make this < ireirUest. JNO. H. LONGNECKER, . May 20.—4 m.. i Clerk. V'V’’"- TOWSOMTOWW - .' FEMALE SEMINARY. T>OARDfNG AND DAY SCHOOL for young X> Ladies. ’ Mrs. MARGARET R. SCIIENCK, Rrlnclpai. (dSW 'Principal of the'Columbus Female Sem- AI.AW id .i\v v ' inary, iObio.) Tke next term will commence on Wednesday, fojfrgary, Uh. Jeb. 11.— ft* QBORGB C. McCOULL, HS ‘ UNDERTAKER* s Nbl 131'Saratoga street, 1 door west of Howard I , jjpjj IS prepared to furnish COFFINS at 25 per cent. less than- the usual price, and of fine ■finish, for cash, r j Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. 0*)0’iO SALE, a i >; * j OUEERIOR .Red Thp Turnip Bed, (1865.) Apply to THOS. H, RpBINSON,4i mes, Harford Turnpike* the s C|ce 'Towsontown. Also for sale a SHE GOAT 14 jmsbld. ~ June24,-r-3t* ' ■ *• mm Mueeliamoue. = —^— ——r*** L... i, y i?f* If 1— HARVEST or 1806. ' KIRBY’S “ • * 1 COMBINED , f REAPERS AND . a PRICE FOR COMBINED MACHINE—SIBO. SAMUEL J. BUCKMAN, Towsontown, Baltimore county, Maryland, IS LOCAL AGENT for these VEfiY J"* JBTLY CELEBRATED REAPING andMOWING MACHINES. He takes pleasuredn-referriiag the Farmers of Baltimore county, who tup jn ‘ want of such machines to the following parties i who bought in 1863 and 1864. He only names a few. He also offers to the Farmers of Baltimorecodn l ty the c .lebrated PRATT and SMEDLEY 1 WHEL! IIAY-RAKE. Baltimore County, April 17th, 1865. To Samuel J. Buckmau, Esq 1 ., Local Agent at Towsontown, Md.— Dear Sir: The Kirby Combined Reaper and Mower, you sold me in 1863, and whicn I have used 2 years, I am glad • tosay has given me entire satisfaction as a Com bined Machine. I have witnessed the opera tions of many otlier machines;-but, my decided preference to this 1 Cbmblrffetf Ma chine. They are well made, and are certainly easy work for two horses. I have mojtfwi and reaped from 10 to 12 acres per day with mode rate labor to the horses. 1 have never choked it either in wet or dry grass or grain. I advise [ all farmers who are in want of a to > give this a trial, for I think they wil( , gret it. Yours respectfully, ! JOSHUA griffin; To Samuel J. Buekman, Esq. — Dear NfF:I , have also used with perfect satisfaction, the i Praitt and Sinedley Wheel Hay-Rake, which I you are now selling. I think it is the Farm i ers’ Favorite,” and give it a preference to any offered in tht¥ mtirket. Yours, : JOBHUA GRIFFIN. Colonel Solomon Hiflen, Towsontown. John E. Owens, Esq., ' Joseph Taylor, “ Benj. Bowen, “ John I. Anderson, Esq., v; “ John D. Hammond, “ Franklinville. William Tagart, “ Brooklandville. Robt. Wrigiit A Co., Joshua Griffin, Esq., Monkton. SAMUEL J. BUCKMAN, Towsontown, Md. N ; E. G. EDWARDS, ‘ GeneraFAgent for Maryland, j No. 29 Light street, Baltimore, Md. | May 6.— 10 t BALTIMORE ST. ”15 UIVDERSHIRTS! IADEKSHIHTS!! FINEST QUALITY GAUZE, COTTON AND MERINO, SHORT AND LONG i SLEEVES! i SI.OO. sl/13. $2.00 Extra size do. 40 Musljjn Drawers sl-.00; Extra Quality $1.75. A full line gents cotton Half-Hose* $3.90 and $6.00 per dosen. ; ■ Gents four-ply Linen Collars only s2.fp|if r cl oz * Also, a fine line of Butterfly Ties.(all colors) ! only Fifty Cents. .V?;* | Ladies t Childrens Hose, all sizes. Ladies Hose 2.0,35, 40 and 50 eta. . Childrens Hose all sizes,only 25 cents; good quality. Mitts only fifty cents. Also, a full line of small wares:—Pins, Tape, Hooks and Eyes, Needleß, Buttons, Fans, Cord, Walebone, Corsets, Spool Cot ton,Knitting Cdtton, Ac., 4e. ! ' >1 Corsets only $1.25. Extra Quality $1.50-.: eTsbibert, 35 Baltimore St., 1 door below Frederick St., June 3.—lm. Baltimore, Md. SU MME R BOARD ING HOUSE! SMEDLEY HOUSE HOTEL * AT TOWSONTOWN*. ]VfT>, z J' CHRIS. SHAW, MARION I.ANGDONJ Pr oP riet(>rß * THIS large and popular Hotel, having.pass- 1 ed into new hans, has received various repairs and improvements and is nowiopen for theente - linment of guests. It is the deter mination of the Proprietors to maintaip :its gist reputation as a SUMMER BOARDING OUSE, as well as a House for- the accommo dation of all transient patronage. The rooms, are large and well furnished, with bath rooms* convenient; the Table and Bar are well sup plied : good Stabling is provided, and the sur rounding grounds are beautiful. Mr, Shaw is well known for years past as the proprietor of the popular “Cottage Saloon” on High Street, Baltimore. May 20.—3 m. : j History of the Rebellion. HEADLEY’B HISTORY OF THE WAR. THE undersigned having procured an agen cy for this valuable work for “a portion of Baltimore and Harford counties will-kr a very short time visit the people of the solic iting subscriptions therefor. It wilLbe a true and faithful history of events as they have trans pired since April 1861, until nearly to the pres ent time. It Will be published in two VOls. at $3.50 each the first of which will soon be delivered, and the second immediately after the close of the war. Each volume wilt eontain many pages ojf illustrations of Battle scenes, and over forty por. traits of officers prominent iii the war, both North and South. " u>‘l' i Volume I, containing 506 pages, is already prepared, and will be delivered by the Agents after-finishing the canvass in their several loj- Valities. Volume II will be issued as sooil as practicable after the close of the war, and will contain about 70.0 more, if necessary to complete the History. • , EDWARD N. TYRRELL, j June 3,1865. —ly. / ~ PAUL CLIFFOBB* THIS well known and I xgm stock horse will the season of 1865, at the subscriber’s fen# l MMftf stable in GOVANSTOWN* w miles on the York Road. JOE LANE. j i This high-bred Stallion will season of 1865, at the followinoplaces :—Mondays anil Tuesdays of evfery week at A J FAIR VIEW IIOTEL'*' 2 miles from Baltimore* bn the Frederick Road; on Wednesday of every week at BUFFING ' TON’S, 3 mile house on the Reisterstown Road; the remainder of the time at the Subscriber's Stable in Govanstown. -lii; v j Good keeping for mares from a distance ; all accidents and escapes at the risk of the owners. Season to commence April 17th, and end 'July 20th, 1865. L- MON.GAR; ,i j Govanstown, Baltimore county, j _April_ls.-142f0_ : . , ~-t ST. XiAWXUBNCE. : rTI HE above well known Horse will stand this .1. 'Season, commencing on the ‘!< - -,c;. 1 First of May and ending on the of Avgust, s 1865, as follotos ; . 3 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each Week at the Golden Horse Stables, Howard stj, Baltimore; Thursdays, at j . . u ADY'S HOTEL, TOWSONTOWN, , Fridays and Saturdays: at the FARM OF JOHN O. PRICE, near Cockeysyihv ■ TERMS-*-SSO the Season, to be paid Within y the season, and $1 to the Groom at service. 3 sS|uFor Description, Ac., see Handbills. JOHN WILLIAMS. April B. —t Al. v..j,‘ MERCHANT TAILORING l J vill i | TO-WBONTOI#. THE subscriber respectfully tenders hip p,Q knowledgments tb the citizens of Towson town and vicinity, f'or the very generous s'up -1 port he has heretofore received in his business, and would inform, his. friends and. customers that he has cbhfitfiei'abiy ’enlarged his stock r and will constantly keep on hand a well bo elected stock of , '‘' , Cloths, Cassimeres and which he is prepared to make into garments of the latest stylesr, and at prices that will be sat ) isfaotory to all.' . : 1 .i r > i<-' I .* a, -xamiMtioD <^fy v^LootEi i Opposite Ady’s Hotel, j Marc4,lß66.—l€ / U— d i . Miscellaneous, OHIO Mower and Reaper. THE ng STANDARD HARVESTER OF } vi.n i.i/'v THE WORLD. .< ? Manufactured in Ohio, and sold by the' Aglnt. s , for Maryland, . ; , . . 3 _A_. Gt. MOTT, r v No* 40 ENSOR ST., Balto. wf Manufacturer and Dealer' in '' [ MACHINES & SEEDS. L No. 1 Large Mower and Reaper Combined. ; This is a large Machine, of great power and ' unequaled strength and durability. We chal r leftge the world to produce its equal. ••{Weight L as a Mower 700 lbs. Cutter Bar and Pitman of caststeei. Two Mowing Knives,routs4 fG t in., [ Btroke of knife 34 inches, driving wheels 36 . inches high. Weight as a Reaper: 900 j*— J cuts 6 ft. 6 inches, side delivery, withusickle knife for reaping. Trice of Combiued Maiehipe S2OO. . ——— No. 1, or Large Mower, i This as the large combined with l out the reaping attachment. It is unquestion ably the standard Mower of the world, at pres ' ent. Price $165. No. 2, or Medium Mower, Same as the above, without reaping attach ment, and possessing all its advantages, with the exception of width of cut. Stroke of knife 34 inches; cutsAfeet,44inches; driving wheels 32 inches high. Weight 600 lbs. Price $155. No. 3, or Junior Mower. Thlb is a light Machine*, adapted to small farms aid a hilly country. Same plan as Nos. 1 and 2. Stfbke of knife 34 inches; cuts 4 feet,; 1 inch i weight 500 lbs.; driving wheels 28 ineli- ’ es high. Price $l4O. theThio Is superior as a Mower and has no equal tis a combined Machine. It can be set to cut any height, from three to fourteen inches. It leaves the grass perfectly spread for curing. It can be changed in a few moments from a mower to • a reaper, or from a reaper to a mower. The’ 1 machine turns as easily as a cart, eutting.square i corners without backing. It conforms perietet l 66 the surface of uneven ground.' It will ido i gobd work with a slow movement of the teapi. Thd'finger bar can be folded up to pass through ; I uarrow gates and bars,.or travel on the road. - Farmers who desire a strong, durable arfid, simple machine,—one which cuts wet grass with as much facility as dry, will promote their own interests ,by purchasing the OHIO MA : CHINE. 1 • •' ( 1 • JCK*Oi-r. are also’Agent for the celebrated"^^ *.O, SWEEPSTAKE v .8 THRESHER AND CLEANER, Theffiost efficient macnine of the kind in se. : TlWn are constructed for eight orl feiu hoAes, aa*dleave the grain ready for market. at manufacturer’s prices- Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention, j June 10.v-6£* <t - . - DR. SWEET’S Infallible Liniment, -' *PliG' Great External Remedy^ FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND „ F .. WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, ( ■ - >-■ AND ALI) RHEUMATIC AND Sip NERVOUS DISORDERS. FOR all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never’fails. ThiS Liniment ia> .prepared- foom the redlpc of ©r.Pfttepl!en, Sweet; of Connecticut, the famous bons seftyr, and has been used in his practice for more^h 3ll twenty years with the most astonishingauccess. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN; it is unri valed by any preparation before the vtrofyc, of which the most SKeptical may be coiivinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radical ly, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it: has been used it has never keen .known to fail. , - i FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford JpimedjiUe! relief-in fevery case, however distressing. ! It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in three minutes aud is. warranted to de TOOTHACHE also it will curt*instantly • FORtNERVOUS DIBILITY ANDGENERAL LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or excess this liniment is a most happy and unfailing rem edy. Acting direetly upon the nervous tissues, tit strengthens and revivifies the system, and re stores it t*' elasticity and vigor. v ’• v , FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we! clalim ttat it is the best known, and we chal lenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressingcomplaintshoald(gP\e it a trial, for it will not fail tp afford immediate! relief* amd in a majority of cases will effect a' ‘ rbtdical Cure. ’ QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and dang°rous, - ly application.of this Liniment will never fail to cure. * SPRAINS arc sometimes very obitinate/id*d ; enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be by this Liniment in two or three days." “ BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS; tSOES, UL-: CERS> BURNS AND SCALDS, yield rgjidilfato the wonderful healing properties of Dr.'BWeSt’s Infallible Liniment, when used according to' directions. Also, CHILBLAINS. FROSTEDi FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. : EVERY HORSE OWNER ii .? >t should have this remedy at hand, for ita-.timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which ren der so many otherwise valuable horses htittiy .worthless. r | ?5-Over four hundred voluntary testimonials to the wonderful curative properties of this Lmi ment have been received within the last two Jeans,, and many of them from persons iii the ighest ranks of life. , Caution. ; To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every labeLand also’" Stephen Sweet’s Infallible Lin iment” blown in the glass of each bottle, with out vrtiich none are genuine. i r j ' RICHARDSON & CO. j Sole Proprietors, Norwich. Ct. . tJ. LEWIS DUNLAP, Wholesale Agenk . j • tin .No. 13, W. Baltimore at., Baltimore. April 29.—3 m, To the Citizens of Baltimore and, Harford Counties. 'at; is hereby given, that books for sub i XM scription to the Capital Stock of the Sdlj 1 timbre, Brails’ Springs and Harford Railtfdadj will be opened on and after May Ist, 1865, ; at the office of Thomas W. Berry, 82 West. Fa y ette street, Baltimore; at the Clerk’s office of ; Harford county, at Bel Air* aaidviit WeigUt’s i Tavern on the Harford turripfke7 x ' ~ 1 ! 1 Uodftr the Charter, subscribprs must nay an I assessment of two dollars ($2.00) per share at . the time of subscribing. '/ ’ Tbe Commissioners are ip hopes that the cit izens of the Counties who will be benefited by the road and all others who want a safe )nd profitable investment, will subscribe HberAHy to this enterprise. ■ JONATHAN NORRIS, • ■ TIIOS. W. BERRY, : i JAMES YOUNG, iJ ; JOHN T. THOMPSON, ROBERT MOORE, . THOS. 11. ROBINSON, WM. S. REESE, ’ j May 6.— 2 m „ Co,mmiyioners. | , DRUG STORE j^OWSONTOWNi,, I! * •Subscriber respectfully inarms residents of Baltimore counjty, Fgf j as opened a DRUG ANDAROTp-!, 4^ El fiTORE in Towsontown, where hef in tends l-eeping a carefully selected Stock of f Pure & Genuine Drugs, Medicines, - atid all hrticles usually kept in a well-regulat ed DRUG STORE, at city prices.; Also* : , Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Window Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, -and * ' Notions of every Description. [ ! ‘ 'Til * RICHARD WILLIS; 1 - ! ’ June 17.—3 m. Towsontown^Md. ; TAKE NOTICE. B j SPRING STYLES OF HATS,rIB6S. WE are now prepared to fur nish our friends and thctfgaEj&l public with the Spring Styles OF HATS, for Gentlemen’s wear, HHESEBBI if which will compare favorably with ahy’sold 1- in the city of Baltimore. - - . ALSO, SOFT FEI/r*HA®S, Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths *&nd Children, some very beautiful. '• ; 1 ;„ j s. hindes a s6n; ;: May ?o.—tf No. 100 Gay street, j u'XmhbAN. .loiomCilcfJiJ xo r i $280,000,000^ <;uu r>Lk 1 iik ini *. :i laif- <>i •„•• li.i i-ijiucj K-J Jii . : -.*5 i.n.wi.'i 4; Jo v ,iJJ7, jjsilj t 'By,authority of the Sewetary ftf .thq Tr^u r ry. the undersigned, th,c Generttl Subscription Ivyijvt Agentfor the sale ,<rf,United. St&te* Securities, oflersttodh ptfblitf'thethVrd series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and tb reMentbs per cent) tnierert ‘ii: tulr u\ ban .V'srtuh * u ) > 7-3 0 LOA N. . !•:., y --. i., To #1 • jfiu': i. Brtfeiiijmifaib , Thepe;nqtcfl are. jSßued unden qafo oA July 15, 1565, and are payable three years from that nil M ‘*ti it it 1 r fell aiuntl oil date i curreuoy,,or are cqnyertiblfi at .the, op fthfi.of the JioldeT ’ins<V , -utoi noJsou eulultbaliin nauiilrnol) .U. S. 5-20 Six per Cent. <t (.ftßEiwmfi o mgs, ./ These Bundbere mow worth a handsome pre arej y the Govern ment B/onAsj.from State, County, and Municipal taxation, which adds'"from one to thfee per cent, per annum to their value, according to then rate levied.uppp’ o.thesl. property. •'.‘The interest i? pay able tßerAi-iiiinukLiy by coupdua attached to eacli note, whffii may Be‘cut offknd sold to any bank or banker. Ki HB'bL A -liL. 'lll i" ':] )/•!/ The.mtenqst at 7-30 per cen,t,:amounta to,, • One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents “ “ SIOO “ Ten “ # “ SSOO 2 © 1% TifHOU SiOOO ’*•* : $1 u “ “.,.ssoo© u i '• Notes of all the dmstfflußaUens named will be promptly furnisbehJldpfcin'Veceiptof subscrip .* .’r?OTJ3‘f f.;s; i.'l t ions. . • , 1 .• z.*i3u vM'.wi Ui t The' Notes of this Third Series qra similar in form and privileges,'-'to the Seven- Thirties already sold, except that the Govern- I M:: t■. J/ a tty 1 m ~-r ; ■. • . ment reserves to llselfthe option of paymgm terest-in gold coin cent., instead of 7 3-10ths,ia cuirency.. Subscribers will deduct : the interest In currency uplta duly; 16th, at the i dime when they subscribe. t . t r * , ; 1 The notes of this third rsenes pf irties .y?UI coiximeiice on the Ist of J6h6/and Vlll’bef’ihado promptly, and' qon ■ gui*.d .ill 5c •>r-tmj <-.ft •> * tinaously afterthat date# -7 ■ij ... . : ‘iffie slight change made ihthe ednditions of ship THIRD -SERI ES affection ly the matter of . The'payjpent’in gold, will ife equivalent t ; the durrenoy interest of’thte . . . , i: higher rate. Q c : V oshefp| specifjpaym.qn.ts, in the eyent : of whiSfeonly'will the ojition to pay interest : •. hjiivt,m'f ~' mljuu ~a-.: ••■imf.-bi •- a’- 1 in Gold be availed of, Tyould so .reduce and eqdAlizd priccsHhat purcfh’ases made with six per cent inigpM lyould bef fuUy equal te.i those I Aiade with nevfen'aiid titrCe-tehtha per cent, in currancy. This is The only LOan in Market i Now effered,Uy r i oj- ad van tages make'! 1 1 the • Great Lpan pf the People. i,e£s th'in %236j^OU,O 1 00 of.the Loan authori zed by the lust Congress , : areri cow.,on the mar ket. This ambifrid dt thA rite Vat which it is being absorbed, wjli all befiiWribed for with in two months, when.' tbe notes will undoubted : ly comtoaiicfa'prfettvlirtla, di had Upiforhaiy been : the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. 230.1 In and sec tion of the country beaffonled facilities for taking twJliihAthellrKriQfillSlinks, State Banks, and Private throughout the country generally agreed to receive sub scriptions at pafr wife select their own agents, in confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the de livery of the note§ for which they l-eceive orders. JAY GOOKE, ' BE RECEIVED bv the First Second * Bdlfimore. Third “ :i ia•-•(■•* so; io'l ~M ay (v&mz Insurance against Accident*. THE! NATIONAL Life and Health Insurance Company Insures Accidents of every Kind to Limb. C^^^^xTm&QQoOQO. ■ ’ Charter perpetual.. Olfifce iVb. 15 Soum Gay Street, (Opposite First National Bank,) BURNSmE Agents. FIVE DOLLABS insures for one. year the sum" of Five Thousand Dollars against loss of life by accjifent by pubUc, qmaxeyance. Ten Dollare insufes for one yeir the sum of Five Thousand DoUare* with Twenty-fivo dol lars per week ifoiMP.m peosatiou/or djaablmg or ' P9r^ U Gj^^ U ßii t | Ten ,Driers iosureafof one year.tbe ita of casq of .death by any Apf witb Teq .l?bllars foreapy jper?op§l injury. , ’wpnty-uve Dollars secures a poney for Five Thousand. and twenty-five Dol- fo r perpohal injury,} total'disability. V’’” T’rTf.AIK TICKET POLICIES., ", ,‘YT% eep|s 3 per day icsuVes Ljfe for ’tnree thpp sqnd'dpllgrS and fifteen cfolliirs Week'cbm-; position, causing!tqtalidisdbility white traV elmrn mithe United pir panadas. ('War *7 fw fequlred, > ’‘ " ; Ba^- '.tttfjteffbneSnEiDok.q t Gifibteas;.'. 1 : ; JQUN ••t- [ HstllßY BrEES, - 1 | Beforaices'orßuAisiae A Ghstfh, by special: permtesiori i—lion.iiTfioSi'SwaiDf, Gov. elect of Md.; Hott! CV’Ct U6x, ! Lfi’Gob: Mdi •, Hoi?. Wta. ‘lfmft.'ijA’ of Btate;-Md.'f Cpl. Ri M; Newport, Ch"ef BaltimOTd, 'Md'. ; Col. W. H. Brown, A. Pro. Marshal Gen’l, Delaware and Md*; J. S. National Bank, Baltimore; Brevetßrig. Gen. N. L. Jef fries, Asst, ProyoqtManshstlGen'l, Washington., May 13. — 3 m. To the Voters of Baltimore County. SA EIJTL,EMEN :—As'ttle time is not far dis vjf taiu ! whfefiyMi will be called to select a 1 person as Sherin, among many who are com petent the- bitffe'teave to name THOMAS H. ROBINSON, Esn-, 1 qf the 9th District, the nreßtent efficient Clerk of Sheriff Thompson.- Mr. Robinson is well 'kddfen’ds*a hlgh-irlihded, honorable man, full ly competent discharge tfie duties of the oi nee, if he him.(’Uls 1 whatever UddertAkes witt bO' faithfully ex-i ebuted. nuiilcd ONE OF THE PEOPLE. June IT. — Bt. To Brid|j| Builders. Offipe Commissioners of B4xti mor P Qo-> l *.O J • T>ROPOSALfijwilkbe.'re<wivd at this office X on the bth day ’gfJuly next, at noon, for the 1 erection of 5 WOODEN BRIDGE 1 of abanf p to,-bi eoyered with l thin/fes and weatherboarded, with stone abut-* men Is abditlffftdfciiffeat* high, vfeSl cemented, over the Little Gunpowder Falls between Jer- I icho and Jerpsalqm Milter, • Swoons propping will submit plku, Ac.* J. P. -COCKEY, President. June 17.—3$’ if. Q <L | Hance's Column. NERVOUS DISEASES COH TROLLED AND CON QUERED. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor dial. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor dial. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor dial. The Great Invigoraut. TOU NERVINE* Cures, Cures, Cures, NERVOUSNESS and WEAKNESS, AND all diseases arising from excesses and over exertion whether physical or mental. To persons of feeble muscular frame, or de ficient in vital power, it is recommended os the only means of communicating that energy which is necessary to the enjoyment of all the natural appetites, as well as the higher mental attributes. Its beneficial effects are not con fined to cither sex or any age. The feeble girl, the ailing wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn man of business, the victim of nervous depression, the individual suffering from general debility, or from weakness, will find immediate and permanent relief from the use'oFTßTa incomparable renovator. A ''STIMULANT THA T ENTAILS NO RE s : ACTION, Its force is never expended, as is the case with opium oKaloholiolic preparations, and all oth er exoitants. The effect of these is brief, and it may well be said of him who takes them, “the last state of man is worse than the first." Bui the Elixir is an exhilarant without a sin gle drawback—safe in its operation, perpetual m its happy influence upon the nerves, tbtf mind, ana the entire organization. In cases of neuralgia, headache, loss of memory, hj po dhondriasis, dyspepsia, general prostration, ir ritability, nervousness, inability to sleep, liver complaint, and all diseases incident to females, hysterics, monomania, vague terrors, palpita tion of the heart, barrenness, constipations, Ac., Ac., from whatever cause arising, it is, if there is any reliance to be placed on human testimony, absolutely infallible. ; It is the only infallible remedy, yet discov ered for Nervous head and Mind Complaints. It is the metaphysic long sought for, and never before found, the only natural agent that can “administer to a mind diseased.’’ In cases of neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pain in the nerves of the face, and the various train of nervous-affections, it will produce a cure in an astonishing short period of time; and it will also remove depression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restlessness, sleeplessness, dislike of society, incapacity for study or business, los3 of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood to the head, melancholy meutal debility, indecision, wretchedness, Ac. It will increase and restore the appetite, strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of those who have destroyed it, in duce continual cheerfulness and equanimity of spirits, and prolong life. Price $3 per bottle, or two bottles for $5 ; six bottles for sl2. For sale by S. S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. ( N. B.—Persons out of the city enclosing a remittance will have packed securely in a box and forwarded to their address immediately on its receipt. Jan. 28, 1865. ly. HAIVCE’S SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLS. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or,Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla, , Vegetable or Blood Pills, ,i > For Purifying the Blood. bus is i. Baltimore, June 29, 1860.' THIS is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in the breast and right arm which, I suppose, proceeded from the impure state of my blood. I was recommended to take Hance's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and alter taking one box the pain was entirely removed from ray breast and arm. I found them ex tremely gentle in their operations, and would recommend them to every person in want of a mild purgative. Patrick Roche, No. 25 Conway Street, between Howard a '. Eutaw. purchasing these Pills let n add ONE WORD OF CAUTION. Alway’s ask for HANCE’S PILLS, and pur chase of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient, call and see the proprietor himself. For sale by S. S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore Street, and SWEETZER A CO., corner of Charles and Pratt Streets. Jan. 28, 1865.—Jy. r • FITS! FITS! FITS! V""; : Hance’s Epileptic Fills. For the cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and all kinds of Constitutional Diseases. ."IVERSONS who arc laboring under this dia- I tressing malady will find HANCE’S EPI LEPTIC PILLS to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These Pills possess a specific action on the nervous system ; and although they are pre pared especially for the purpose of curing Fits, they will be found of especial benefit for all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has been prostrated or shatter ed from any cause whatever. In chronic com plaints, or diseases qf long standing, superin duced by nervousness, they are exceedingly beneficial. Sent by mail free of postage. r PRICES. —Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills, $3 per box, or two boxes for $5; twelve botfes $24. All orders must be addressed, post-paid, SETH S. HANCE, Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. ; j Jan. 28, 1864.—1 y. . ‘ ::n ~ HANCE’S - Sarsaparilla Pills. THE most valuable medicine in the world; for curing dyspepsia, flatulence, costive ness, headache, nervousness, Ac. Persons of, full habit, who are subject to headache, giddi ness; Drowsiness and singing in the ears, aris ing from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, a3 many dan gerous symptoms will be strictly carried oft’ by their-immediate use. For sale by ... - i S. S, HANCE,', -. 108 Baltimore Street. figT- These Pills can be sent by mail, and where $1 worth is ordered, they will be sent free of postage. Jan. 28, 1864. —ly. Hance’s CELEBRATED TETTER WASH, FOR the speedy and positive cure of tetter, saltrheum, ring worm, barbers itch, and all Cutaneous and skin Diseases. A single bottle of this inestimable compound |ias cured many of the most stubborn cases of the above diseases after the patient had given up all hope of ever being cured, and had ex pended thousands of dollars for different rem edies. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by S. 8. HANCE, , a 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. ~ When You Can Have a Beautiful Head of Hair, Why Don’t You do it? It is possible to have RICH, GLOSSY AND BRIGHT HAIR, if you will use (and only use) Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by S. S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore Street. N. B.—Ask for Hance’s Chemical Hair Res- Jan. 28, 1865. —ly. R. BRANDRETH’S UNIVERSAL PILLS. WRIGHT’S INDIAN VEGETABLE TELLS. r Hance’s Sarsaparilla Pills, ’ AYER’S CATHARTIC TILLS. Together with all the Popular Pills of; the day. For sale by S. S. HANCE, I Jaa. 28, 1865,—1y. 108 Baltimore Street. '**■ " 111 As BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, the undersigned will offer for sale on the premises,on V ? vTkuFM&ty, Tith day of July, 1865, _ •’ ■.‘AS lit o’clock A. M.. “1...• A-L L \TH-A^.^IALUABL E FARM, c*.mtairung <)XK'ITWBBKD AND FORTY - TW*> ACRES, three eleven perunqs''bf.Jiiinl, <kj(hl*ss,fn^Smr .jflpgiu Baltrflemre county;. jijjl tic,Apd on whiAsfhe recabtfy resided* aiijoin jng.'tibe.lands Griffith,'' rfjdtolas'Cole and others, afid particularly described in a deed from Samuel Tanfdr, Trustee and others, to the saidLoveat], dated the April, 7th A. i D.lß4B,and'reearded aftiong the ; land records of Baltimore.COUAty, ill Liber A. W. 8., No. 395, folio 203'ae: lT - 7 * .. -AffFTF TYoAiU RiE S 1 are heavily timbered with GAK and CIIEST ■ NUT, and the balance in ai-goodt state of culti vation. taseiq :: 1 . i T t ' oil The improvements are a convenient j [ LD-WEXiIitTSTO: HOUSE, I In,-' A BARN, DAlftlMP OTHER • OUTBUILDINGS.. , TERMS as described by the decree—One . tlrd"Cßsh onvimtificatMa- of -the sale by the f Cdurf, the- balance hi WriHsqual payments in ; one and two years from the day of Sale, with i interest and approved security. X® I Ti uritce. June 3.—ja,. raUr i " ONE OP MOSTVALTMBLE FJ!ei)LW, [ IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. 1 rilllK ’trudersigned Trustee.; often > 1 Private Sale .0* 1 Ol ' “BACON HALL FARM,” mBL • situated in Baltimore counlyvcontai nUlilißS ■ ing 476 ACRES, MORE ORTbESS. ‘ This property is situated off. the'York Turn > pike/Wenty miles from Baltimore, and less ■ than three miles from Monkton Station on the > Not them Central Railway,adjoining tbpfinely ‘ improved estate of Nicholas R. Merrymam— -1 About two hundred; acres are wooded, and the balance arable land ofta kind quality,- not leas ■ than 150 acres of which.are level and,very pro • ductive. There is an excellent quarry: of Li me r stone on it, and a kiln Convenient. . ‘ The DWELLING HWJSEj is of stone, Rby ‘ 25 feet, with commodious- wings. It is hand j. somely situated im % healthful and beautiful ‘ valley, and can readily be made one of the.most j desirable and eafcajes ia the county. ‘ There is a grtdd BAlrNfm Areq)r<tfdi-ty, and oth r erhecessary-oiHbnildingwandis well watered, i : ’ Terms,of —Qne-third of the purchase! : rjaiioiiiWwlKi > equal instalmehts, in bhewb years fi<Sßi 5 the day of sale* with interest, add security to: 1 be approved bythe Trustees: ’ JOHN PHILPOT, \ ™ .s 1 JNO. T. ENSOR, } Trust^% Apply to John Philpot'at Phoenix, hi*to Jno. c T. Ensor at Towsontown, Baltimone cot, Md. Feb. 25.—tf. ‘ :Ik 7 udsi . !• I ' TJtCSTEE S ' : ! 5 OP' A. T’ Alt At 1 n ‘ in: ■ BALTIMORE COUNTY. B Y virtue of a' decree of riie/Cireuit Court for Baltimore county, passed in j f cause of Abraliaiii Martin Vs, Benj. r F;;Hawkins and others, the undersigned as Trustee, wiliiiUZeS public auction, on the premises, oniV: .-. a ■>. '■Satm/i'day, July 8<&, 1865,ui :i(j;T at 12 o’plock M., . • .• . r ALL THAT TRACT OF LAND , . j Situate in Baltimore county, and described in a deed from Sally A. McGraw to-William Haw kins, dated March 4thy ’-56,and reeorded among the land rrtcorits of Baitifnoi'e county, in liber H. M. F., No. 10, folio 15, <tc.. This F It is situated mi the north Baltimore and Havre de Grace.Turupike/lyJ miles from, Baltimore city, aqd, binds also oh the Joppa ’ Road, being the plapfi.fprmeriy cwned by the late Charles N. Howard. v V> ; The improvements consNtof a Double Frame D WELLING USE, ’ 2 stories and atfiict'wßli bsKlklKDlldings, Barn Stable andother cutAujkdingsji -j- ~ , . iTeima <k dtfe pteskri Mdiby tfte depr49-£)4£- i half cash on the dayof sale, and, the balance i in twoequal and twelve months s thereafter with interefjii, : or all cash at the op !■ tion of the purchaeer. ’ Trustee, I June.l7., ~ Paul Street, j i FOR ktLR. AFAUM of :-Ad ACRES, good land, port heavy, timber,-# miles, from Bal-i'■ one of 100 acres, j2jg“stone land,good Improvements, IMlflL ~"near>:Warrfn Fftctorv r a lot ofiSlliHl 2i aores new stone Dwelling, goftd Barn and Wheelwright shoy, ari exoedlent place for the business'; a farm lotof 174'acres, m ffne condi-j , tion, will be sold with the dwelling and shop ■ if desited ;.a farm of 15 Acres in Towsontown,' good Dwelling, Orchard, Ac.;; .14 acres of Woodland with fine building sites; 2 houses and lots in fee. Building lots for sale or lease, ground rents foe salo* •, Apply.toi-v. i loaoaro B. N. PAYNE, Smedley Row, opposite the Courff House. April 29.—tf t .v.l : Farm at Private Sale. THE undersigned not being able toattendto to his farm in'consequence of an injury received, offers the private sale. Said Farm con- Iff tmL "*T ~*tains 71 ACRES, more or is situated on “My-Lady’s Manor,” near the Old York Road, 20 miles from Baltimore and •34 miles from Monkton.Station, N. C. R. R.— It is in a good state of'Pultivktion and- under good fencing. ;The improvements consist of a Double Log Dwelling House, Log,Bam, WAgon and Corn HoUiJe'and other out-buildings. For Terms, Ac., apply to •■^ r '- Joseph parsons, ■( " Philopolfs P. 0., Balto. county, Md. May 6.—6 - ~ To t'fii*ttieiSi, Gar<leii4trM, Ex- i Grocers aiid ..i TrKii^ila^oii .aPWiW iiJ.a mm Ha"w.. . iim^TiaS.j,■ •, mjgwYWßßTfti ..■".v.) ;i -‘ - PEEEMTOKY SAI.E ‘ j - ' ' a dJ i ■ 11 0 Qf NEW WAGONS, 1 tn tHQ. City Of ißSJtffriDre, on - : yOtl • • ; Ztyesday Jftorning, July Lt J } tli, : ? ; cpmmencihg at lb d’clock precisely, |t?le Intersection of North flow -1 ... ai d and Cathedral Streets, Near the BoftOn Depot of bhe Northern Cen ’ traf;Raiiwi^Cboipany,' INCLUDED in the Sal'e are ItlO Nqw Wagons of various;kinds, vvell suited fqr farm pur poses,Peach aud Vegetable Wagon’s, Express Wagons, Gracer’u Wagons, Furniture Wagons,, Ac., Ac. aVOYYCE.—AII the kbov. Wagons have tops of best Enameled Cloth/ with side curtains of heavy eanvass r 5 and Opiate. Elliptic Springs, and with the most approved brakes, braced and stayed in eV’qr^patt'with iron in thQ most thordugh mopneri r ; ’ ; ' > ”i'.;. j 11; // OVEMHEIVT WAGONS, OR AMBULANCES, All highly finished and.ofc jhe .very latest Gov ernment Standard Patterns,' well adapted for Country or. oity purposes. These Wagons are all new and well suited for the transportation of Passengers .from Steam Boat or Brlrlroad SfrJtibns ; ltibuntetl on strong Ellipticßprings, Hair tops of best en ameled cloth, side.curtains of heavy canvass, approved brakes, thoroughly ironed, Ac. In ’ fact tbby are complete in every particular. -■A Tfcrvvs -Cobh tm delivery in Funds. RrrrWe especially ask-public attention to this as;s\lch an opportutoity, may never - -again present itself, for-purchasing such vVag bfls dtless than cost to manufacture. '• > > . The sale'Will be positive 'and'Without any resevVatwm.- ’' / F. W. BENNETT A CO., Ancts., 28 and 30 South Ch&rles Street,-Balto. June 24.—2 t. 1 A HEW FIR3T.CLAB3 SEWIBG for, family. ptL liloring use, very Cheap. Inquire at this offme.-; _■ March 25 —3t ■imniin.M . NotWtp?******?** HOAD NOTICE/ r . t ’ A FPL I CAT TON will be’fnadew the‘County i Commissioners of Baltimore county, to al ter a road in Baltimore county on the lands of the subscriber. Said Road as at pre|eiß Jpcat ed, is thus described :—Beginning therefor at a point in the Garrison Forrest Road, attheend -of t£e south 94 degrees, west 7perohesjand AlO, linri of said road, and running tbenee south 94 degrees, east 12 perchea, then south 294 degrees, . east 32 perches, then south 504 degrees, east )16 I perches and 6-10, then south 474, degreg# -feist 10 perches, then south tOA degrew, east ff per eh -1 es, or thereabout, to the Old Court Road, . The alteration intended to be prayed*Tor, is , thus described, to-wit:—Beginning at the game point'above described as the beginning oftfie , road as at present located, and running thence jlyj a straight Hue, sooth U 4 degrees, yvesf percheß.to the old Court Road, . , I June 3.—5 t. Insolvent Notfce; * NOTICE IS H’EREBY GIVEN, To clad itqrs of STEPHEN LLOYD, an applic.-At for the benefit of the “48th Article of, the Code of Public General Laws,” relative to insolvents, that the Ist Monday of l)ecember 'i\cxl, has been fixed for his appearance’ to, answer interrogato ries, abd for a. final hearing of his ca’se before the Circuit Court for Baltimore county. Dated the 26th day of May, 1865. Test: . .-' JOHN 11. LON(>NlSi&Bß>Clerk. . —3m. . , . g~'--i ' AAJL,|^L_J-g :ry:: ' Miscellaneous.- SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. JOHN 8. REESE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents '• FOR THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, T1 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE. cpHE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, resem- A blea Peruvian Guano in appearance, odor, and composition. The Value of all Guanos and Super Phosphates of lime, of name, depends as is well known, upon. the. per cent, of Arnmonia, Soluble Phosphate, and Bone Phos ph'a'te of Lime they contain. This Guano dif fers from Peruvian only in the fact that it>con tains lesa Anunonia, but this difference in Am monia Is more than made up by the fact that : it ct/htains almost double as much Soluble, and i Bone Phosphate of; Lime. This difference makes it a durable fertilizer, with all the aptiv ity-oi Peruvian Guano. Although the-priceof i this Guano only oue-haj( the, of Peru 'i viuu, and is not higher than the Super ,phos phates of Lime, yet it contains, as is proven by analysis and inspection, vastly more of ammo nia, soluble and Bone Phosphate, \than is found ; in the best qf them.. Hence its economy and 1 intrinsic value must render itan objectof great interest tb farmers generally. WE TAKE ESPECIAL NOTICE, That thoeobditionrs upon which we have the ! agency of this Guano are that every cargo is : inspected and Lei , Bid, Whose authority in such matters is para mount. • -i-J ,Jpae .■ j. 98 This arrangement affords us and consumers a protection, not had In the purchase of fertiliz | ers generally. It must a}so be noticed that the phosphates df this Guano, are pot wt'ifteftjl, but earthy Phosphates, which is greadly to its ad vantage. The following is a- summary of analysis of last Cargo: Moisture........ 10 per ct. Organic Combustible Matter... 39,71 “ ■ Earthy Matter..... ....'.'.*.'..'..'50.28 “ Yielding Ammonia„.... 3.40 pr. ct. Soluble Phosphate of Limei.;l7.o7 “ * Bone Phosphate of Lime 24.32. “ For sale by Dealers throughout the States, and by ; JOHNS; REESE & CO., P, G. Agents,Baltimore. _ Price $65 per ton of 20ITO ibs.Vusual discount to Dealers. .. June 17, 1865,—1y. U. S. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES, THIRD SERIES, Interest Commencing 15th July, 1865. THE following Table shows the net cost of the different denominations, the Interest being allowed in advance, on the respective days specified: Date. SSO. ; $)00. SSOO. SIOOO. 1 24 49 79 99 58 497 90 995 80 i 7“ 26 49 81 99 62 f 498' l 996 20 : *C- 27 49 82 99 64 498 20 996.40 i 28 49 i,99 66 498 30 996 60 ! 29 49-84 OSes'' 498 40 996.80 I - “ 30 49 85 99 70 498 50 997JM) July 1 49 86 99 72 495, 60 f p 997 2? . “ -’3' lift;-. 99 76 • 149 Ss6 • U 997 i'> “ ; w 4' 49 89*"' 99-78* '498 90 997 80 j- “ 5 49 90 99 80 499 00 998 09 6 49 91 99 82 499' 10 998.20 : *7 49 92 99 84 499 20 998 40 , * 49 93 99'86 49 9 30 998*60 i >“ 1)0 49 95 99 90 4G9 50 999 00 1 '* 11 49 86 99 92 493 60 999 20 I r“ 12 49 97 99 94. 49C 70 999240 13 49 98 99 96 499 80 999-60 , 14 49 99 99 98 499 90 999.80 “ 15-5000 10000 50000 100000 Apply to FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE, U, S. DEPOSITORY A FINANCIAL r AGENO¥. June 10.—4 t. FOUT2PS MIXTUKE, The Best Liniment for Man & Beast Now in UsP. TS a Safe and reliable Remedy for the cure of jLßheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections 1 , Sprains, Burns, Bwellings, and all Diseases in quiring an application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Roll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney, if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Crooked Hoofs, Chafes, Saddle or Collar Gall, Cuts or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy.- Try it, and be convinced of its effi cacy. V RHEUMATISM. Persons afflicted with this Disease, no matter i of how long standing, can be promptly and ef fectually cured by using this Mixture. "There is nothing in the world so sure and so f*pod to take away bad Corns and cure Frost-Bites, : ad this Preparation. Try it and satisfy your selves. Price 36 and 75 Cts. a bottle. , SHRirvER’S BALSAMIC COCOSSfBUP, Fbr Covghs, Colds, Croup,' Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness oft the.- Breast, Difficulty of 'Breathing, Ac., <Lc. This Syrup is a purely. Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to take, and never does injury; but, owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful—soothing, calming and allay ing the most violent Coughs; Strengthening and invigorating the whole sys tem; calming and soothing the nerves ; aiding and facilitating Expectoration, and healing the Diseased Lungs, thus striking at thp root of Disease, and driying it from the system. Cifoup. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used intitpe. Mothers hav ing croppy children should tw-fftskow of the Disease, and always keep this' Remedy at hand. Fqr Coughs after Measels, this Syrup Ik most excellent. Experience has proven that it, ia equalled by no other Preparation, All the above preparations for sal# 'by Mrs. Mi A. SHEALEY, : , June 24, 1865.—1 y. Tawsontown, Md. House } Sign, and Fancy Painting. HENRY L. BOWEN TOWSONTOWN, IS prepared to eteewt®. jHI work in his line such as ... ■ r - . ~ . GLAZING, GRAlSllto, GILDING, - IMITATION OF WOOD AND .MARBLE, Ac.; All of which will be done promptly, and on the most reasonable terms. J April 7’, iB6O.— tf .. . . n , •, f , y