Newspaper Page Text
UIiKS l LAMOTT, N P 161 N. High Street, Baltimore, V (WOODCOCK’S OLD STAND.) > iL \ ' MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Agricultural Implements AND MACHINERY. BRAYLEY and Pitt’s Thrashers and Win nowers, Wheeler and Melick’s Tread Pow ers, Threshers and Winnowers, (manufactured in New York.) Melick, Withirigton A Go’s. 2- Ilorse Tread Powers and Winnowers, (manu factured in Trenton, N. .1.) PELTON POWERS AND THRESHERS with or without. Winnowers. We are also Agents for 1 tlm celebrated Hub bard Reapers and Mowers. Straw and Fodder Cutters for band or horse power, CORN SHIELLEKS all sizes and kinds, CORN PLATERS A ND SEED DRILLS, Hunt’s Patent Grain Drills, with or without Seed or Guano Atbichment. GRIST OR CORN MILLS, ’ v/ J J * ■ PLOWS, Of all sizes and kinds, Minor, Horten A Wi ley's improved Plug Plow, Woodcock’s Plows with cast and wrought Share and Points. — SPRING TOOTH HORSE RAKES; Ciiler and Hominy Mills, Fasig’s Patent Lift ing Jack, Pope's Ammouiated Guano, Pope’s Fish Guano, Pope’s Phosphate, Pacific and Mexican Guano. All for sale by LINTON & LA MOTT, Nq. 151 N. HIGH ST., BALTIMORE. April L—tf. ST 0 REK EEP E R SR E A DTHIS! The Largest and Best Assortment of Everything in the Grocery Line And at the Lowest Prices is to be found at 1 O. LEWIS DUNLAP’S, . 13 West Baltimore ‘ Street. BROWN A WHITE SUGARS EVERY GRADE. RIO, LAGUAYRA A JAVA COFFEES. i; GREEN AND BLACK TEAS,- j from the lowest grade to the very ! finCst in mar ket. Also, JAPANESE TEAS now so extensively used. SPICES j Ih 6 lb. Japanned cans, hinged, all varieties. & Blacking | at manufacturer’s prices. fifee Essence, Succory Barley, Bird Seed, Powder, Shot, Caps, .n Fancy Soaps, &c. Manufacturers’ Wholesale Agent for PALMER’S COFFEE, HEDGE’S Boston Crackers and Milk Biscuit. ; j > Fox’s Farina Crackers. { < j —j — Sweet’s Infallible Liniment. i Extract Roots for Making Beer. Oriental Co’s., Japan and Wheat Coffey New England coffee. London Club coffee. Also; at Manufacturers’ Prices, Bacon’s Excelsior Coffee. Ridgway’s Family Coffee. • i ! BroadbenUs French : Coffee. In fact can supply you with everything in oftr line, right. Call and convince yourselves. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, No. 13 West Baltimoro Street, i Between Institute and Bridge, Baltimore. March 4,1865. —1 y. __ <si. clothing: . J SPRING OP 1865. *3 1“ p B. STINE 9 S S i o 3 I Clothing House, 5 No. 73 West Baltimore street, 1 * Between Gay st. and Tripolott’s Alley. Equal in all repects to work made to S. m measure, and at much lower prices. 0 A PERFECT FIT INSURED TO ALL. § The facilities of this house for doing business are such that they can con fidently claim for it the leading posi- fo ’ tiou among the Tailoring Establish- "S' 3 ments of Baltimore. They therefore aS* invite the attention of gentlemen of taste to their stock of superb Ready- Made Clothing, cat by the:best of a’r tists, trimmed and made equal to cus tom work, at "Co POPULAR PRICES. . .5| They have also a Custom Depart- ment, where the latest novelties may •g be found. J May 23, 1865,--Jy ~ OLD TOWN DRUG STORE. THE undersigned having thoroughly —0 renewed his stock, and laid in a com - \~§f plete assortment of )ft DYE STUFFS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, and everything else in his line, respectfully so licits the attention of country purahaserß, and a call from all dealers. jac ; Having perfected his arrangements both in Baltimore and in the northern cities, with re gard to purchases, he is enabled to sell so low as to satisfy his customers, that while the arti cles in his line are judiciously selected, his PRICES are CHEAPER than the cheapest. He requests a call from ever)" one who comes to town to purchase, assuring them they will be satisfied. In addition to the usual stock con tained in a Drug Store, I keep on hand a thor ough assortment of PATENT MEDICINES. P. S. Physicians’ orders promptly with care. -A h • N. B. Oil of Vitriol at the lowestcash price. FRANKLtN METZGER, Cor. Gay and Exeter streets, Old Town. Feb. 2,1861.—1 y ~ WILLIAM L. MILLER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IX if TOBACCO AND SEOARS, NO. 6 GREENMOUNT AVENUE. SUPPLIED by M. H. MILLER’S extensive degar Factory, in the State Prison. Office for business — ; i No. 6 Greenmount Avenue. Goods at prices that cannot fail nlcase. Call and see. aline 18?—t. GILMOUB’S HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN,. No.* 121 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. J. D. GILMOUR, Proprietor. A LARGE variety of Meats and Vegetables, including all the delicacies of the season, served up in the best style. Particular pains taken to keep "WINES AND LIQUORS of the choicest duality. ROOMS FURNISHED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. ptr- Dining Rooms for Private Parties. Nov. 18.—ly. ' FOR SALE. 3HHE thorough-bred Alderuy i I “COMA S," imported by JohnPTOpW idgely of Hampton, from the IslandJEit •f Jersey, England. T JOHN STAYLOR, Jr., No. 151 Greenmount Ave. near Eager St., June 3, —tf. Baltimore. HERE IS THE MACHINE Ffiß THE FARMERS! ~ Farmers, Look at the Great Advan tage in Threshing Grain With GEISER’S PATENT, - * > SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARA TOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER. AT a time like the present, when labor is scarce, it is important that Farmers, who are interested, should pay ettention to the above improvement, which cjmilileraDlv reduces tue expense of Threshing Oratii, over any Machine now in use. It ia peculiarly adapted to its work WATER . . .otoifli I UPHE above cut represents a Pump worked A by a wheel, kept constantly running by means of a small stream of water. The 1 ump forcing the spring water to the Jurtwe,> F* ing a reservoir iu the upper part of the house for®‘..King purposes, ic. b. conveyed to stable, barn, nulls hous , A fine jet, can be placed m the lawn sup-, plied from the reservoir. I have a number of this description at work giving entire satisfac tion. v E. miBBAEI., Nos. BAc 8 North Liberty St. # Balto„ CANFIELD BROS. 4 CO gS9 BALTIMORE ST., CORNER OF CHARLES, (i ' | TTAVE a fine Stock of— Gold Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen. Silver Hunting Case Watches qf all kinds- Gold Cliatelain Vest and Guard Chains. Diamond Earrings. Pips, Brackets * Rings. Rich suits of Jewelry of new eljUes. Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings,, and Pins ol great variety. 1 •. - , i..- ' Pearl, Carbuncle, Seal and other Rings. Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Butter Knives, Silver Pitchers, Goblets, Cup,,. Salts, Ac. Fancy Silver Goods of new styles. * * Plated Tea and Coffee sett-of late patterns. Castors, Baskets, Ice Pitchers land Cum, Plated or Alabat* Forks and Spoons of best qU Tabfe‘ and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors 4 Razors. Watches carefully repaired. Fans, Opera Glasses,.Portmonsmli Paris Gilt and Porcelaiu Yases; benutifu) I ar is Card Receivers and other articles; Prvut s Hair and Tooth Brushes; Fine Marble and Bronzed Paris Clocks) Bronzed Figures and Ornaments. ..... MILITARY HOODS. Swords and Belts'for Aririy and "Navy, Sash es, Spurs, Buttons, Lace, Cord, Navy Lace, Caps, Stars abd Embroideries, Army Embron dferies of all kinds, Chevrons, Bindings,' Cloth, Ac. Field Glasses, Pistols and Cartridges. March, 18, * HEMOVAL. , GEOBGE STEIBEB, BOOT l SHOE MAKER, TOWSONTOWN, MD., Jk HEREBY informs the citizens of Towson town and vicinity, removed his Boot and’Shoc esfabltshttferit from his re cent place of business, to the building sdjqjn 'ing the post office and store of Mr. Nelson CjfOp er, where he Will in tbei future be see all his friends and customers. I keep constantly on hand a Varied assort ment or Boets, Shoes;Gaiters, Ac.infor either Ladies, Gentlemen or Children, ‘ H \ ALL OF MY OWN MANUFACTURE, which will be found as durable, and cheaper than can be procured hi the city of Baltimore. I return nay thanks for the very liberal pa tronage I have heretofore received, and I will endeavor, by attention to business; and moder ate charges, to merit A continuance of the same. . GEORGE STEIBER. April I.—6m. ■ ' j Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND BYkiP OP FLAXS^IiD, if M : Will cure | COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Ac. This Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen Years. It is now considered, a certain cure for. the above named diseases by all who have used it. Prepared by . j DR. R. S. SAPPINGTON, 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets; r Nov. 19.—tf Baltimore, Md. F. LENFIELD FEBiCINfI, oT PHOTOGRAPHIC GALI^RY, Nob. 305 & 30V DaHiitti)re Bt., BALTIMORE; MD. A PERSONAL EXPERIANCE of 21 years renders Mr. P., second to no operator jn this country. JShBSSL ( For convenience -and -elegance of arraage .ments, this Estahjlshrtlphk wurpassed by nonej in Baltimore. For aged, mffrmmddicateper sons, or youug Chiliirein, this Gallery has pecu-j liar advantages, it being all on the First Floor We Study to Please. Call am} aee r Tpri)l.-3.m F f H . 7 mT & k DtrpFV, ■ * • j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Cathedral st., near lloWard, Baltimore, KGEP on hand a large and varied assort ment of GROCERIES, WINE§ and LI4 HORSE FEED of al)^Bg| ffi34kinds j Pfttapeoo r Family the barrel or loss quantity ;/a .good aasortmqnt of BACON, FISH, SALT, OILS, Ac. Will pay the highest market price for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and GRAIN of all kinds. Sep. 15, 1860. —ly J- A. Storck’s STEAM TURNING 450 SAWING ESTABLISHMENT, 152 East st., between Hillen and Ensor, Balt., 'IT7"HERE he is prepared tio execute all kinds riage Hubs, Cart Hubs,; Ccdfr Posts, Stair Ban; isters, Stair Newels, Piano Legs, Columns,Table Legs, TEN PIN BALLS, etc. Also, all kinds of straight and fancy Scroll Sawing. July 6,1861. —ly Thomas Mullin, Jr„ COACH MANUFACTURER, East side of Holliday st, v , r , i Adjoining Shipley’s Livery Stables, Second door South of Pleasant st., Baltimore. Thomas mullin, Jr-, keepsgffn^y on hand, and manufactures^ order, CARRIAGES OF DESCRIPTION, at &prt notice, made by good workmen, and pf the bßt materials. ~ N. B. REPAIRING done at the shortest no : tice, and on reasonable terms. July 28, — ■ 1 ■ ’ ; 1 ;; ' ~~ t All Persons Indebted TO the late Baltimore County Advocate, either to E. F. Church, or Church A Haversack; are respectfully requested to call At the Imbn office and Settle thrif bills. ’ ' ” " * ’ * Feb. 13.—tf ahdican be attached to*cither belt or-iron rod TworS. It clcahs the grant thorowghly-by-one : operation, w|ijch is not gmicrally done by any , other rriakhirre. Gi I whioli contains inu-h light, hithy mfttofri* one dv two <-j-,uts ;reb bushel JUdre cleaned in the common way. : icThe machine is -convoiuently arrangoit lor hauling, being permanently fixed on t,wo whirls. < The above machines' are fully warranted.— Price of the machine, from 4 to fi horses, all complete $2lO. For further information and particulars address, LINTON A LAMOTT, P ];,{ K. High street, Baltimore. May 6.—tf -WHEEL :- b L iiii mi ||! PLUMBER .A-rtsrrD dealer in_ HYDRAULIC RAMS, DOUBLE and SINGLE ACTION LIFT AND FORCING rUMPS,. Water Wheels, Ten Stocks, Slide Valves,Horse ’ Powers, Ornamental Fountains, Bath * u fi a > Water Closets, Iron and Copper Boilers, Ranges, Leather Hose, I ron Pipe, Lead I ipe, Sheut Lead, Pig and Bar Lead, Block aud Bar Tin, Zinc, Ac., Ac. May 27. —3in. ■ ■■■• > ■ ■ MOWER AND REAPER, FOR 1865. btjcreye Wfl EKb H BAKF ? The only self discharging SteetTooth Rake in.uao! WE deem it unnecessary to “puff” the mer its of the above ina-ehi*!?,.aq “acts speak louder than words.” Mannfactured and sold by BRUSTER,. GRIFFITH A BENSQN, E. Monument Street, i Also sold by , : BRIISTER A GRIFFITH, No. 49 N. Paca Street, Baltimore, Md. DEALERS IX Agricultural lanpleiuents, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Ac., Ac. General Agents for Maryland for the Clark A Hedges SUGAR MlLL,'for horse, water or steam power,COo’k’s Sugar Evaporators, Pans, &c_. Keep a supply of Chinese, African and Ohtahitau Cane <kc. Portable Barometer or Weather-Teller. Horse Pitch Forks or Hay Elevators, Threshing Machines and Cleaners, Grain Drills, Wheat Faus; straw Cqtters, Corn Shelters, Ac. examination is solicited. March 25.—Wist. - 1 FAMILY GROCERY. AT THE HEAD OF RICHMOND MARKET. mm. John C. Pitt, (Late of-Calvqrfc jifid Pleasant streets,) HAVING taken that new anil commodious store, at the head of llickmond Market, cor ner of Biddle aad Garden streets, Baltimore, in forms his old friends and customers, and the : publip itr general, that he has constantly on hand WINES AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe rior sugar-cured HAMS ; the cjioicest brauds of FAMILY FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, Young llyson, and Black Teas ; Java, Laguira : and fied and Crown Sugar; Broina," Cocoa, ‘Choco late, Farina, Rice Flour, Bago, Yeast Powders, Sardine#, Sauces. Pickles, Fix tracts, #aiad OU, Cologne,Toilet Powder, Pure Spices, Figs, Rai sins, Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Crackers, Cheese, and Dairy do.,Syr ups, Npw Orleans and Simar House Molasses, KeroSiCfiei and Lafd OiT, Tobdcco and . Segars, Dupont’s SuperidP- Canister Shot, Gun Caps, Ac., for sale at moderate prices, and would respectfully solicit a call by those visiting the city, who will find it - to tlieir ad vantage as to.contsuieaioe, qnalitiifeß-qnd prices. All articles,purchased delivered, free at Cal vert Station, or to any other .place iu the city, if. required. June 21,1562. —tf JOHN C„ PITT. [ E. G. HIPSLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Teas, Wiues & Liquors, ! • No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, TENDERS thanks to his friends for,their for mer vc Yy libcfql patronage, and by prompt ness and attention to business, will eu deavor to merit a continuance of theiiT+st4 favor. The public afe. respectfully vited to examine our stock of CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY GROCERIES." Ouf finported and domestic selected with the greatest possible’ care. Families may confide iu the PURITY of mi aj-tie^e.ordered fat medi cinal purposes; and proprietors of Hotels may* furnish their bars with choice liquors. All of which will be sold at the lowest CASH prices. *T July 14, 1860.—1 y J. 0. P. BURNSIDE, 11. r. GUSTIN, t Late Cavt. <£■ C. S. Late JL Q. M- L>. WILLIAM POLK, . Laic Caj>t, Vols. BURNSIDE, GUSTIN & CO., NO. 15 SOUTH GA Y STREET, ' U i Opposite the Depot Quartermaster's Office, i ’ BALTIMORE, ill). . J ; Unquestionable File and Given upon Application. WE arc prepared to proeceutOi Claiihs; for, Widows’, Invalid, Mothers’and Orphans' Pension, Back Pay, Unsettled Clothing Re counts, Bounty, Prize Money, Horses aßd Equipage Lost in Servicii, Fuel, Forage and; Subsistence taken by Officers of the United States, whether receipted for or not —Charter- ed Vessels Lost or Destroyed under the war risk, and all Property Postboy oil by reason of the War. Pmticolaj* attention paid to Making up “Of -1 ficors'Returns,” and 'obtaining certificates of ' Non-Indebtedness. , ■ If you have a Claim, you arc ' respect: * fully Requested to address us—stating that yyu desire us to collect it; arid we will promptly ' furnish you with full instruction in the matter] Accounts Purchased at Market J}ptes.~fsS^ Jambs Bbatty. Geokge R. Skillmah; JAMES BEATTY & c 6 SHir BISCUIT, CRACKER, u 5t AND CAKE BAKERS, Near Pratt street, Balt. March 18, ISO A.— ly. U! ' Straws' & Vl j LUMBER DEALERS, j 132 Light St., Baltimore, ; HAVE on hand a large assortment of LUM* BER, SHINGLES. FRAMES, LATHS, DOORS and SASH. Which they offer for Saif at the lowest Market rates, for CASH. Feb. 11, 1865.—1 y. Farmers* ’W'Sttthor Indicator, Portable Barometer. miUS instrument Should be in tW of ev s farmer bow to shape. an< i save crojiu that, without a Barometer, might be <*“|“t ou iti a Btorm aud acriomly injured, If not destroy ed.. iß.yery farmer should have one, as it ib a perfect “weather teller." If hl sfrople in constHictsoo, cheep in psice, not liable to t out of order, apd the only perfect portable Barometer in use. .a Being a Mercurial Barometer, It is aeon rate and reliable for Scieptific purposes, betpg used by the U. S. Coast Survey, and at the Smithsonian In gaSMgtefyi&s well as bjt a host of Professors and Scientific but a few that''have endorsed this Barometer as superior to all others Scientific American, American Agriculturist, Country The cost of the iastrumeat is within the reach of all, ranging;in price from $7 to S2B. vVe have five different Styles, Rom a plain maple case to the finest carved roaewood. Most of these styles have a Thermometer attached. A sample of this instrument may be seen at this office. ;* / .... Orders promptly filled. For descriptive circu lar aud prices, applr personally or by letter to . BRUSTER & GRIFFITH, 4ff N. I’ata Bt., lUlliuiore, Md. Wholesale and retail Agents for Mary land. Trade supplied on liberal ter las.. Also, MANUFACTURERS k DHALFBB IN AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN (JKhF.ItAL. Exclusive ugen,ta. for ne Mill. Cook’s Sugar Evaporator,* 1 * and augur machinery'ln general. ’ RUNUKLIYS IIORSB -PITCH FORK*, or Hay Elevator, the best ia use and a great la bor saving implement. Eureka Horse Power, Thresher and Cleaner,. i; Patented and manufactured by PELTON. Brat Power, Thresher aud Cleaner eot. psS~ A supply of pure Chinese and African Cane Seed always on hand. Jan. 21, 1865. —ly. SPARKLING MINEBAL WATER, ICY COLD MINERAL WATER, WITH CREAM SYnUPS. WITH CREAM SYRUPS. FROM THE PURE JUICE OF THE FRUITS. THE groat demand for this delightful Sum mer drink last Season bids fair to be.far surpassed at Win. H, Read’s Place, No. 147 Bal timore Street, one tfodr below Calvert. The popularity of Reqd's Mineral Water last season *was due to the purity of the drink, being man ufactured from the ripe fruit, While the Carbon ip Acid Gas is generated in Rercelain Fountains, getting rid of the deleterious presence of Cop • perdu most Apparatus. No effort will be spar rd to have the very beat drink to be had in the country. The addition 6f the Cream always to hb had at Read’s, which renders it specially popular with tho ladies. ILE-ZkiD’S fb’ilso'the place to get fine Cosmetics, Perfumes, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Ac., of French, Eng lish and American makes, at rates suited to gold at fifty premium. Sqch, articles constantly in variety, largest in the city, as Perfumes for hdkfs., Pomades; Hair Oils; Cosmetics for Whiskers, Colognes, Tooth Preparations, Patent Medicines, Homoeopathic, Medicines, Port Monriaies, Opera Glasses, Pock et Knives, Tooth Brushes, Brushes of all kinds,. Cayryijig Bags, Dressing Gases# Sachet Pow- The following French aud English makes of Toilet articles: —Lubiu's, Bimmell's, Piver’s,; Oondray’s, Ilygenique Societies, Low, Sou A Ilaydon’s, Henry A Dimarson’s, Deletrez, Ac. •O. -IGO - American makes : ' - ' ‘ Buzine, Glenn’s, Hutchins'. Dellue’s, Du pont’s, Durand’s, Phalon’s, Wright's, Ac.. Ae. On hand a fresh supply of Kmai) De Paris. WU. H. READ, .... 147 BALTIMORE STREET, (one door below Calxert,) MUIRU PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINEB, AC. April 15.—tf. RIICQ* ST. DOMINGO PREPARATIONS. ,n,i-, - u "gyss’ ■ * ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. An infallible remedy for Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Genral Debility, Etc. Especially reconiiuended to weak and debili tated women and children. Recommenced And Used by the Med ical Faculty. RW ST. ROiWIWO WWR , inii'T For the social circles. RTSS’ • ST. DOHIVRO j * PTI¥Cn. Vtr, - j A DELICIOUS BEVBRAGE. We challenge the world to produce as genuine I.KWIS DWtAP, WHOLESALE AGENT, NO.T3 W. BftUiinor. StrMt, Baltimore. S^,^^^ jP,Uggißto> GREEK to YOB, FAMILY 080 C ER 8 # M AND DBALIRS IN PURE OLD WINES AND LIQUORS, At Martin A Valette's old stand, 88 Baltimore street; near Holliday, Baltimore, TTAVE constantly on hand a large and well H selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, I4S2£A consisting in part of F R E 3 H^-j. TEAS, (green and blsck,) of ■■••rious prices and flavors; Coffeee- Mocha, Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo and Rio; SUGARS—New orteans, Crushed, Powdered, Loaf, Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified ; Ital ian Maccaroni and Vermacelll; Cooper’s A Cox’s Refined Gelatine; Fresh Salad and Olive Oils; Cheese—English Dairy; Pine Apple and Sap Sago; Sardines; French and Spanish Ol ives ; English aud American Pickles —Gerkins, mixed, Chow-Chow, PiccaUli, CAuliflewer, Wal nuts and Onions; Bauoes—-John Bull, Harvey, Reading, Soho, Mushroom and Worcestershire; BRANDIES—Jas. Hennesv A Co., vintage 1340, Otard, Dupuy A 00. 1646, Native CaUwba, Bor deau, Rochelle and,’^> randil Fine Old WINEBr-Loudon DoekTdft, Sherry, Madeira, Lisbon, Sweet Moselle and Champagne; WHIS KIES—Scotch, Old Rye, Calhoun, Old Rapp and Bourbon, some Yry. .old andfin® ; Puro Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Ac. Ac. j Imported and Domestic Begars and Tobacco, all ef which they will eell at reasonable prices, and respect fully solicit a call.. June 23, 1866.—1 y Dr. Sappington’s COMPOUND BYRUP OF FLAXSEED, Will cure COUGHS, aiorur .ill ;o ■■■ T i,,.. .. .: a COLDS, - ■ [THS r1 ! HOARSENESS, Ac. This _ Superior Cough Syrup, has been before the public r . m > • Eighteen year*. ;r„Jt is now considered a certain cure for the above named dieeaees by all whe have used it Prepared & gAPpiNOTO K, 132 N. Gay street, Between High and Front streets, Nov 12- —tf Baltimore, Md. 1 John W. Richardson & Co. f No. 12 N. Hay street, Adjoining Christ Church. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER iii,i I IN THE BEAT STYLE W Major Cutter. CALL AND SBM. Ang- I.—tf 3B* O Wr'i^S CELEBRATED •Kotjst ami Cattle i l ou’dew, Biiro preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain , remedy for all Disease? incident to the Horse, gy, Ac. In poor, low-spirited animals, it bas the most beneficial effect. ii The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. FOB MILCH COWS. The property this. EowderoppMegeetlin in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, give! it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much faster. HOGS. above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Prioe 25 ots. per Paper, or 5 Papers for sl. PREPARED BT S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT TflElg . WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, M& For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper throughout the United States. R. SINCLAIR i CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements AND MACHINERY, GROWERS AND IMPORTERS OF Garden & Field Seeds, DEALERS IN FERTILIZERS, &C., No. 58, 60 & 62 Light St., Baltimore. WE are Manufacturingour Improved Stone Lime and Oyster Shell MME §iP!EMD!I§ s Made of the Best Material and fifty per cent, better than any Lime Spreader made in this country. Warranted to giocßatisfaction. Agents for the sale, of the Celebrated “MONITOR* MOWING & REAPING MACHINE. THE ‘IRON HARVESTER” SELF RAKE REAPER, considered now the best Self-Rake Machine in use, and is warrant ed to give satisfaction. We also Manufacture the j ■> 1 “Horse Corn Planter Which Seeds, Covers and Rolls, and is one of the best in use.;, , . Horse Powers, Threshers, Wheat Fans, Gristmills,': • Corn and Cob Crushers, Field and Garden Rollers, Plows of all Descriptions, Harrows, Cultivators, Plow A machine Castings, &c. jgy-Send for a Circular, SINCLAIR Sc CO. April 15, 1865.—tf. : JOHN D. HAMMOND, ~ SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, AND COLLAR MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, jA- No. 348 Baltimore st., MSESEEI HBBmgy 3 doors below Eutaw a House, Baltimore, MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand every description of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, COLLARS, and every other article in his line. All orders ojfecuted with neatness and dispatch. July 9,1864. —1 y Bull’s Head Hotel, Front, near Gay street, Baltimore, Md. THIS old-established .hotel, so ably and so successfully conducted the last eighteen months, by Thomas lIMIBR C. Tracey, will be continued by hisJSSIUB widow, she having taken with her into the business, Robert D. Stansbury, of Davisville, sth District, Baltimore county. The firm will, therefore, hereafter be known as TRACEY A BTANSBURY. The old patrons of the estab lishment, as well as the friends of the new pro prietor, may rest assured that nothing in tlieir power will be left undone, to merit a full share of U p.tron.S^fJ.jpgUte. ROBERT D. STANSBURY. May 9.—tf __ , r PLOUGH CASTINGS ! PLOUGH CASTINGS !! THE attention of Farmers and Merchants is invited to my full and complete stock, em bracing all the various sizes of the Wiley, Woodcock, Smith, Atwood, Minor A Hortont Wisconsin, and other kinds, all of which will be sold low by the single piece or ton. Also, a good assortment of Ploughs, at less than regular prices, at No. 142 N. Gay street, Baltimore. HENRY WILCOX. Feb. 6.—tf JACOB HOFFMAN, fA SADDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR tyA.Ni- UFACTURER. + Mffo, 176 North Gay Street, Balti- ANUFACTERES and keeps cor on hand all kinds of light and lu , Har ness, Collars, Saddles, Bridles,, Whips, Ac. Old Harness taken in exchanges Country work of all kinds punctnally attended to. Repairing promptly executed. Feb. 4.—6 m. . ; 0-TJ.AJNrC>S. THE RICH and POWERFUL FERTILIZERS. AMONIATED PACIFIC GUANO. FISH GUANO. Brown Mexican Guano. f\ and OTHER FERTILIZERS. f f j For aale by Tm F. F. POPE, 85 South Sheet. Feb. 11, 1866.—'6m. ~ AT PBIVATB SALE. A MOLASSES MILL AND COPPER PAlfr wijl be sold on reasonable terms by apply! SAMUEL l May 37.—tJI. Near Gorsuch’s Mills. WHITMAn COLUMN. • UMITHWAWIVS aawapffpoo Agricultural Implements? MM- J ANDiMAOHINEHY,! 0 ' ' ' l ‘ l AAd DEALkttS iB L SEEDS, FERTILISERS, sklw j Aud AgshfUltbral Hardware generally, No&. 22 (md 24 South Calvert street, BALTIMORE, Ml). THE manufacturing Department will be per- J sona lly superintended by the senior parkier, whose lqug experience in this line of business * has rendered him familiar with all its various ; branches. .■ /. •< • , Our atoqk will be one of the ’largest iu this city,..and in consideration of pur, experience and advantages in ntaoufacturipg, we pre pared to furnish all the latest and unfit, impro ved kinds of Farm Implements ou the most fa vorable terms. bon id ( IMOIJiS AIVD SCYTHES. UJ • ii iJ - v t - f * 1 *• ■ J -Next to Reaping Machines, the Grain Cradle is an implement of importance to the wheat grpwer, and notwithstanding the Reaper has gone into such.' i genqral use, it does not seem to lessen the dettfafcd foj Ah.eiGfMlkCradle with us. This may prpbably to the quality of the article wa keep, -which is %iidFalfy .known to farmers.. Merchants and dealers are : -geftereHy <iupptie<f by'vtsfwfth this article, and I we^arq-please,) to infervi-them our stock t|iis season will'be, fqlly equal to what it has been j heretofore, and we shall he gratified with a con tinuance of their liberal custom. ud. devolving Hdrsc Rake. I '' 7/illlwM lllik V n ° t ' !l ‘ j This i? the best article that can be used fir the raking of Hay, especially if the grass is j heavy. We have an excellent article of this . kind—the best ever in this market. Price sl2 and sl4. Spring Tootli Gleaner. For Wheat Fields alone this article is perfect. It saves a large amount of wheat that no other rake would gather up. It will often pay for itself in the saving of wheat in a field of ton ■iifftt,-' ‘‘Frrce %nH tiMMif? WM , Premium Ye wS üb-soil Plow This Plow has been tried by the United. States Agricultural Society, and by many State Socie ties, and has never failed to receive the first r premium. It has a reversable steel edge, is simple in its construction, easy in draft and management, and adapted tp a common team. Simplicity, strength and economy are here most happily combined. ! The Plow being an important implement in > Agriculture, we have recently given much at tention to its manufacture, ami at a very heavy cost have procured the best and most perfect set of machinery in use, and are now prepared > to fill all orders for Plows of any description, on as favorable terms as can be had in the Uni ted States, quality and workmanship consider * ed. We wish to call the attention of. (Jealers to our manufacture of Plows, which we think, oaunotbß surpassed in this country.) / Jlli Side Hill or Swivel Plows* - >■ ••• ra i The above Plows are so constructed that the l mould board is easily and instantly changed i from one side to the other, which enables the , operator to perform the work upon side hills, ' turning all the furrow slices with great accu i raoy downward. THERMOMETER CHURN. .pi 1 // I*o This Churn is so constructed that the cream or milk is readily brought to the desired tem perature without mixing water or other sub stances, and the temperature certainly and definitely determined, which proves involuable n the art of making butter. .yi.i ■■' *v I. Ligward-s ;' REAPING AIM* ROI\IA S3WIj|ACIHEB, manufactured by E. WHITMAN & SONS, BALTIMORE, WITH OR WITHOUT SELF-RAKE, Is the beet adapted to the wants of Maryland Farmers of any machinein use. It has a lirge drive wheel/which enables" it to work Over rough land, water furrows ami gullies, when other machines oOuld not be worked at all. Those in want of the latest and best-improve ments in the way of cutting Grain or Grass, will do well to send their-orders early. Price *s the Combined Machine with Self-Rake, $lB5. 1 rrioe of Mower, sll6. We can furnish our customers with any kind of REAPERS AND MOWERS, at prices as low as they can be purchased in our market, and solicit their early orders. May 20, 1865.—1 y ' TflE rOPULAR CLOTHING) HOUSE. BOYS’ Jackets, Bovs’ Coats, Bovs’ Pants, Men’s FINE CLOTH COA*S, Men’s Sack Coats; Men’s English Walking Coats; Men's French Sack Coats; Men’s SPRING OVERCOATS ; Men’s Black Pants; Men’s Fancy Pants. We have the best and finest stock of men’s and^Boy city. Together with PIECE GOOD* for Custom work, all at less than Gold rates. At fi , SMITH ERGS'. & CO., 11 MARBLE HALL CLOTHING HOUSE, j { No. 40 West Baltimore street, i May 6.—tf AGRICULTURAL. 1 •!oi t Hi' j;: * 1 TllEnuhscriber, Manufacturer and Dealer in Agricultural and Horticultural , IMPLEMENTS AND SEEDS, Takes Uf4n method pf iuforming his friends ana tlie public in general, that he is now located in the City pf Baltimore, with the necessary tools and Machinery for the manufacturing of? 11 kinds of , MACHINERY, i’LOWH, CASTINGS, &c. , And will guarantee to supply all orders for them on cb reasonable terms, and to furnish as good an article as can be had in the city of N. York, and would recommend his friends and customers to forward their orders as soon as pos sible, so that they can be filled in time for them. Among the articles,to-he always obtained at my establishment I name in part— Portable Steam Engines, Saw Mrfls, Grikt'"Mills of all sizes, Wheeler, Meljok <fc Co’s., Railway and Plantation Pow ers and Winnowers, Eagle Cotton Gins, Cotfon and Jlay Presses, Gin Gear Segments and Wing Gudgeons, Grain Drills, Cider Mills and Press es, Wine Presses, Hay and Stalk Cutters, Mowing and Reaping Machines, Farm Wagons and Carts, Churns, Wheat Fans, Cornshellers, Corn and Cob Mills, Sole Agent for Mudge’s Celebrated Washing Machines, Hor ton, Depew k Cd’s., Plows and Castings, J. W. Elliot’s Accomac, Va., Plow, Norfolk and Balti more Plows, and a general assortment of all kinds of-- Field and Garden Seeds. Will furnish to order all kinds of Fertilizers. Manufactory, Machine Shop and Foundry, CORNER TLOWMAN AND FRONT STS., DEPOT AND SEED STORE, 145 W- Pratt a.treet. opposite the Maltby House. JOHN MAYHER, Agent. March 18, 1865.—1 y. JA*. M. BAKER, ~~ * - f GUANO DEPOT, • 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner St. Mary street, Baltimore, Whcve pan be found at all times a supply of ° l ‘ GUANOS, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, £ ROUND BONE, POUDRETT, CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR, „ / CEMENT, ifc., * And dealers in FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCK WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS, MILL FEED, T?iAY, STRAW, CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. m- WOOL, FURS, DRIED FRUIT, and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange, for which we are paying the highcstcash price* JAS: M. BAKER,* Neiktdoor to W. Stansbury’s Bee Hive Hote where Farmers will find excellent aceomim dations; Jan. 7, 1865.—tf. NEW HOUSE FURNISHING STORE No. 135 N. Gay street, Baltimore. RICHARD ARMIGER. Wholesale and Retail dealer in HOUSE FURNISHING GOOD^ ALSO, WOODENWARE & HARDWARE. THE public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock of TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, BRUSHES, BROOMS, BRITANNIA, JAPANNED AND TIN WARE, KNIVES AND FORKS, - . Clr 1 xa’anj) A gLASS^Ware, - And every other description of Housekeeping Goods and Woodenware, at the very lowest prices. RICHARD ARMIGER, 135 N. Gay st., near High, Baltimore. _ Feb. 27, J 865.—1 y GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. . WM. B. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 70 W. Fayette st., Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY, PENSION, ■. t , r BACK PAY, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTY, For White and Colored Volunteers, AND COMPENSATION FOR OWNERS OF SLAVES, promptly collected by WM. B. HILL, • 70 W. Fayette street, Near St. Paul street, Baltimore. March 28.—tf R. H. GORSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsuch, Corner of Gay and Front sts., Baltimore, Md., DEALBR IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, HAS received his Spring and Summer supply of goods, sisting in partofKnives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Table and Tea Spoons, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Horse Shoes and Nails, Nail Rods, Carpenters’ Tools, Axes, Locks, Hiuges, Screws, Bolts, Shovels, Forks, Picks, Mattocks,Castand Blister Steel, Trace, Halter and Cow Chains, Counter Scales, Safety Fuse, Gun Caps, WOODCOCK’S PLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also, Stewart’s wedge-pattern AXES, war ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and retail at his usual low prices. July 16.—tf WM. PAUL & CO., STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, /sm, . - GbmIJF No. 23 Water Street, BALTIMORE, MANUFACTURE any description of Blank Books, furnish Billheads, Check Books, and all kinds of Printed Forms, on reasonable terms. A full supply of Stationery always on hal ßook Binding and Machine Ruling in all its varieties. March 18.—6 m. ' THOMAS S. WILCOX, boot and shoe maker, No. 134 North Gay street, Baltimore, MT SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT, KEEPS on hand and maks to order, all kinds of GKNTLEMEN6’ and LADIES’ WORK, of the beat style of workmanship, and on rea sonable terms. I also keep YANKEE WORK, both coarse and fine, and work suitable for ser vants’ wear. Country friends, please give me a call. Jan. 8. 1864.—1 y T. S. W. TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. THE undersigned are now dealing extensive ly ih the sale of FARMS and LANDS in all parts of Maryland, especially in Baltimore county. Those desiring to sell at good prices, will send us a full description. No Sale no Charge. All Legal Claims of soldiers prosecuted. Address, .EATON & CO., Baltimore. Office—No. 202 Baltimore Street, (up stairs.) Feb. 4, 1865.—tf. Eurnmmymmmm :!J ‘ C. W. Slagle & Co., COMMISSION k PRODUCE MERCHANTS, No. 118 and 133 North street, Baltimore. WE all kinds of GRAIN. CARVER SEED, FLOUR, CORN #EAI-and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally, Arm VCTtfit proceeds promptly. , We have for sale GUANO, SALT, PLASTER, FISH and SEEDS of all kinds. July 14, 1860.—1 y Old Town Union Hat Company, No. 140 N. GAY STREET, COR. OF HIGH. ALlithclatestylcsofGcnts, Youths Edjj~p and Children’s Hats and Caps 1 alwayaqihftiwLTrunka, Carpet-Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, Ac., at themanufacturera’ drices. -U' l 5 j£9~Straw and Summer Hats of all prices and qualities. County people, give us a call! Jan. 14, 1865.—1 y. ALFRED IJAUS. JAMES ALFRED HUTCHINS Ijams & Hutchins, Tea Dealers and Grroce : Corner Gay and High sts., Baltimore, f T EEP donstanMy on hand a choice and ex IV tensive stock of TEAS, WINES, GROCER IES apd Pfovisions generally, to which they r. spee.tfully invite the attention of purchaser*. Feb. 13.—tf