Newspaper Page Text
Übndidatesflr QficeJ To the Voters Beltiwore County. person as among many who are com petent 1 j|®q W /^ r H W ROBIN^)N * to na,ne ftf the 9th District, the present efficient Clerk of Sheriff Thompson. Mr. Robinson is well known as a high-minded, honorable man, ful ly competent to discharge the duties of the.?f T ffee, If he consents to serve and you to him. His past history .gives assurance that wha4evef Me undertakes will be faithfully ex ecuted. ,i J*• i ONE OF THE PEOPLE. June 17.—8 t. f POE SHERIFF. - i WILLIAM Esq., .SUBJECT TO A UNION NOMINATION. Hyf B. FOSTER has been Tax Collector for a number of years, is a poor man, honest, of good character, undoubted loyalty, and will be supported by the Ut*PER END. July I.—4t- * 1 * ; Miscellaneous. *“KiDriL 'H MORUNU, * PIiORIST, SEEDSMAN AND NURSERYMAN, Store No. 2 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Xuraeries on the Hookatown Rond Adjoin -lug Druid Hill Park, WOULD invite the attention of the citizens of the conntv, to his Stock of garden seeds, fgg flower seeds,' FRUIT TREES, ■CrICpE yiNES* and all SMALL FRUITS. EVERGREEN i: in ■ '>{ i( ' And ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES, Green House, Hot House and Hardy Plants, Roses and Flowering Shrubs. I will be prepared at all times to furnish ev erything in my line of trade. June 3,1865. —ly. SOHE OUST. 1 I WILL SUPPLY MY FRIENDS AND CDS TOMERS WITH THAT * SUPERIOR, UNADULTERATED BOKE DUST •j. Manufactured by me. Price Reduced According to the Times. :; 3 U 1 w IJf!! Ti £rlflfiU i jcuun The time for Spring Crops being past, I will allows liberal discount until fhe fall season commences. , G . JOSHUA HORNER, Cor. Chew and Stirling Sts,, Balto., Md. June 17.—3 m. THI. M RSi: AID SPT ,IN THE UNION ARMY. rMHIS is the name ot a book written by Miss X Edmonds, a native of the British province of New Brunswick, who was educated in the United States for the Missionary work, and from the most praiseworthy patriotism assum ed for a time the costume of the opposite sex and entered the field as Nurse, Scout and Spy— eleven times in various disguises she passed the eqemy's lines—even entering the fortifies: tiljbns* of Richmond—enduring hardships and untold privations from the breaking out of the Rebellion tethepill of Vieksburg: * Heradven tures are graphically and truthfully described. And with a generosity only equal to her pa triotism, she appropriates her portion of the profits of the work to the sick and wounded soldiers—the only work of the kind ever pub lished. The book contains 400 pages, is printed on i food paper, with portrait and engravings.— ’rice from $2.50 to $3.00 per copy, according to binding. JOHN CARROLL, Abent, . J/iue. 17.—4 t. New Market, Md., Every Body Made Beautiful! URE4T REDUCTION IN PRICES ! LARGEST AND CHEAPEST PICTURES IN THE WORLD! ' r H *<) yj H , ■ UrJ ,1: .if Card Pictures-lor Albums Taken, for One ’ Dollar per Dozen! no y, ! ] Large Mammoth Photographs $1.00; | Copies 60 cents. ■ * TOT" *>f the two improved Skylights in It our Gallery, persons of any features or coipplexion, can be taken, so as to secure the most pleasing and Battering likeness. Old Daguerreotypes, Ac.,'copied, enlarged, and made more lifelike and beautiful. JOHN H. YOUNG, 231 Balto. St., Cor. Charles, Baltimore, July h —3m. AT PRIVATE SALE. %U> ttt ,<ht Jnv , fnr One Black Horse, four years old, . One Fine Brood Mare/ five years bid, i'ci One two-year edd .Colt, , , , , One one-year old Colt; ■’ - ri ; I One Young STALLION, White Hall Stock, All very suitable for work or harness. Will be nfld at a bargain. Apply to ST G. WILSON, ,1/tfnW 17.—tfT T.Ol li fir Towsontown/ CHARLES T. SI8CO? J. EDWARD SISCO SISCO BROTHERS, No. 95 Baltimore street, Baltimore, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL MAUCACTUHERS OF Odd Fellows’ and. Masons’ Regalia, BANNERS, FLAGS, SIGNALS, MILITARY GOODS, GOLD AND GIMPS, MtXaikii Factory; Wr. 9 s>-Baltimore street, . Opposite Hollidav street. Dec. 28, 1861.—1 y x , - : I!. ■ ■:> ‘ n-f *-r-s ; NOTICE. Orricx Clerk of the Circuit Court for V Baltimore Coustt, ' V Towsontown, March 17th, 1865. J PERSONS having Deeds, Mortgages, Ac., in this office for record, left prior to MAY UHta, 1865, are hereby informed that all such are now ready for delivery, arid they are requested toeall and receive them. The large number of instruments of Writing accumulated in this ■office, prompts the undersigned to; mAke this request. JNO. H. LONGNECKER, ' May 29.—4 m. Clerk. NOTICE. Office Clerk Circuit Court for Baltimore 1 County, > .* TowseMTOWN, June 29th, 1865. J THE LAWS passed at January Session, 18- 65, have been received at this office and are ready for delivery. Those persons who arc fcy law entitled to them will please come for ward and receive them at Once. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. July 1.-3 L BTRAT COW. >• STRAYED frond the premises of subscriber, 5 miles oh the Har . ford Road, on the 24th ult., a BROWNJO, COW, fiip-shot in' the left hip, a small white i Spot over her left c'yc and apparently about 8 years old. A liberal reward will be paid for her return to the undersigned or for any infor mation so that he can get her. , ■; ' ! •i 5 i 0” WILLIAM DIETRICH. M July I.—3t* '/'W. i 1 •■•a fear TOWSOWTOWI /, FSMALE SEMINARY. Boarding and day school for young LttKed. ■ Mrs. MARGARET R. SCHENCK, *• ■ ,J ' Principal/ ‘ . (Late Principal of the Columbus Female Sem- 1 inary, Ohio.) The nett term vilt commence on Wednesday, February, Btt.: i ’ (* , Jfib. 11.—4t* —jt. —f r. yy FOR SALE, ' i SUPERIOR Red Top Tdrnip Seed, (1865.) O Apply to THOS. U. ROBINSON, 44 mfl#s, . Harford Turnpike, or at the Sheriff *s Office, TewwMstows. 41so for sale SHE GOAT U yaari o)d. June 14.—81* KARVESf 6? 16Q0i7 KIRBY’S 0411 KB •* REA PEMASHMOW E RS. PRICE FOR COMBINED MACHINE—SIBO. SAMUEL J. BUCKMAN, Towsontown, Baltimore county, Maryland, IS LOCAL AGENT for these VfiRY JUSTLY Cl-IL’E BRATEINIrtSAPING and MOWING MACHINES. He takes pleasurein referring the Farmers of Baltimore county, who are in want of mich machines to the following parties who b' jht in 1863 and 1864. He only namjhs a few. ' He also offers to the Farmersof Baltimorecoun ty the celebrated PRATT and SMEDLEY WHEEL HAY-RAKE. Baltimork CoUntt, April 17th, 1865. To Samuel J. Buckmon, Esq., Local Agent at Towsontown, Md.—Dear Sir: The. Kirby Combined Reaper and Mower, yriri sold me in 1863, and which I have used 2 years, I am glad tosay has given me entire satisfaction as a Com bined Machine. I have witkesied tke.bpe'ra tions of many other machines, but must give my decided preference to this Copi.bkted Ma chine. They are well made, amLpra Vrialn 1 y easy work for two horses. I have moifed and reaped from 10 to 12 acres per day, vititji mode rate labor to the horses. 1 have it either in wet or dry grass or grain, j fadyisc all farmers who are in want ol' a maoftffifc to give this a trial, for I think they will nev*r re gret it. Yours respectfully, jjf ij JOSHUA GRIFFfNj To Samuel J. Buckman, Esq.—Dear Sir : I liavp also used with perfec.t satisfaction, the Prattnnd Smedley Wheel Hay-Rake, which you are -now selling. I think it is the ** Farm ers’ and give.ijA 'proforenee.^ o any offered in this market. Yours, JOSHUA GRIFFIN. Colonel Solomon Hillen, Towaontown. John E. Owens, Esq., I / Joseph Tkylor, u y / • Benj. Bowen, " y lOf John I. Anderson, Hgq., / Ct ” John D. Hammond, “>• FranklfnVille. William Tagart, “ Biooklandville. Robt. Wright A Co., Joshua Griffin, Esq., Monkton. SAMUEL J. BUCKMAN, Towsontown, Md. E. G. EDWARDS, General Agent for Maryland, No. 29 Light street, Baltimore, Md. May 6.—10 t ‘ 35 BALTIMORE ST. 35 ILHBKRSHIRTS! MDER§HIKTK!! FINEST QUALITY GAUZE. COTTON AND MERINO, SHORT AND LONG SLEEVES.! $1 00. $1.25. $2.00 Extra size do. 40 inches, sl>oo. Muslin Drawers $1.00; Extra Quality. $1.75. A full line gents cotton Half-Hose $2.25/ $2.50 - - $3.50 and $6.00 per do*en. Gents four-ply Linen Collars only s2.sopeifdoz. Also, a fine line of Butterfly Ties (all colors) only Fifty Cents. \ Ladies i Childrens Hose, all sizes. Ladies Hose 20,35, 40 ttnd scts. Childrens Hose all sizes,-Only 25'cents; good .quality. Mitts only fifty c&ntf. Also, a full line of snidll wares Tape, Hooks and. Eyes, Needles, Cord, Walebone, Corsets, Spool Cot ton, Knitting Cotton, te., Ac. Corsets only $1.25. Extra Quality $1.50.- j, ■ j eTseibert, 35 Baltimore St., 1 door below Frederick St., JuneS.—lm. Baltimore, Md.' ; SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE! SMEDLEY HOUSE HO^RL TOWSON T o W N, M 13. CHRIS. siHAW, ) Prourietors. MARION LANGDON, j A'ropi leiors. THIS large and popular Hotel, haviug pass- i ed uto new hands, has received various i repairs and improvements and is now open for i the entertainment of guests.’ It is the deter minalion of the Proprietors to maintain its j past reputation as a SUMMER BOARDING ■ HOUSE, as well as a House for the accomrao- < dation of all transient patrpna'ge. The rooms < are large and well furnished, with bath rooms > convenient; the Table and Bar are well sup plied ; good Stabling is provided, and the sur : i rounding grounds are beautiful. Mr. Shaw is well know/i for years pastas the i Eroprietor of the popular “Cottage Saloon’! on < [igh Street, Baltimore. ,\ ' May 20.—3 m. ~ ~ ~ . ' History of the Rebellion. HBADUey’JgHtRTORY’OI! WfK WMH. THE undersigned having procured ap agen cy for this valuable work for a oortioirbf Baltimore and Harford counties yrmurfZ very short time visit the people of thQjeojrhty solic iting subscriptions perefor. ItfgMll be a true and faithful history oPcYnnts as ffiey have trans pired since April 1861, untikbearly to the pres ent time. It will be published in twovols. at $3.50 each the fijTftt of which will soon be delivered, and the second immediately after the close of the war. Each volume will contain many pages of illustrations of Battle scenes, and over forty por traits of officers prominent in the war, both North and South. Volume I, containing 506 pages,, is already prlp&Fed, and wilL be uy Abe iAgchts I after finishing the canvass in their several lo calities. Volulrie II will be issued as soon as practicable after the cla*eoL.the war, and will contain about 700 pages, or, more, if necessary to complete the History. EDWARD N. TYRRELL. June 3,1865. —ly. PAUL CLIFFORD. THIS well known and favorite stock horse will stand the season of 1865, at the %km ulif stable in GWVANSTOWNp miles on thS lork Road. JOE iAke. This high-bred Stallion will stand the season of 1865, at the following places:—Yftndays and Tuesdays of every week at FAIR VIEW HOTEL, 2 miles from Baltimore, on the Frederick Road; on Wednesday ot every week at BUFFING TON’S, 3 mile house on the Reisterstowri Road; the remainder of the time at the Subscriber’s Stable in Govanstown. ■; Good keeping for mares from a distance ; nil accidents and escapes at the risk of the 6wnei*s. Season to commence April 17th, and end July 20th, 1865. > iL. MONGAR, Atirh k-SST^ ST. LAWRENCE. gjjfe THE above well known HbMe will stand this Sea Son, commencing op the First of May and ending on the Ist of August, ' 1865, as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each Week at the Golden Horse Stables, Howard St., Baltimore: Thursdays, At ADY’S HOTEL, TOWBONT6WN, Fridays and Saturdays at the FARM OF JOHN 0. PRICE, npar Cbckeysville. TERMS—SSO theßeaSrip, to be paid within the season, and $1 to the Groom at serviee. Description, Ac., see Handbills. JOHN WILLIAMS. MERtHANt TAILORING rr ptt n v r [{HTP JO towso ntown;. THE aubscribef ¥feif6ctfuHy fenders his *al knovrledgments to the citizens of 3Ws<m* town and vicinity, for the very generous t&pr port he bas herotoftrvkreceived ito hirbusineaa, and would inform his friends and customers that he has considerably enlarged his stock, and will constantly k?ep on hapd ft wpjl; ae lec'ted stock of • ’ b, HOoTB “GUl'i‘l ; IB a Cloths. Casslmcres and Vestings, which he is prepared to rriake irito garments of the latest styles, and at prices that Will be sat isfactory te aR. '“‘““•"“’““''’■“iSrfeoos*. i Towsontown, Opposite Ady’s Hotel. I Marvu 4, 1866.-tf. 1 ' Miscellaneous. ‘ Mower audßeapel•. THE STANDARD HARVESTER OF THE WORLD. Manufactured in Ohio, and sold by the Agent 1 >. '(>} for Maryland, a. MOTT, 40 Balto. Manufacturer and Dealer in rAMDMS OMIPLEMEMir®, MACHINES St, SEEDS. Nol Large Mowor and Reaper ■"'J y Combined. This is a large Machine, of great power and unequaled strength and durability. We chal lepge the world to produce its equal. Weight cast steel. Two Mowfhg Knives,cuts 4 ft. 8 in., stroke Of knife 3$ inches, driving wheels 36 inßnes nigh'.' Weight as a Reaper 900 lbs.; — cuts 5 ft. 6 ipches, side delivery, wi(h sickle knife for reariinih' PHceof GomWned Machine S2OO. * \ 5 . A Ho. 1, or Large Mower. This is the same aS the large combined with out the reaping attachment. It is unquestion ably the standard Mower of the world, at pres ent. Price $165. No. 2, or Medium Mower, Same as the above, without reaping attach ment, and possessing all its advantages, with the exertion of width of cut. Stroke of knife 3J ipches; cuts 4 feet, 44 inches; driving wheels 32jnches high. Weight 600 lbs. Price $155. t No. 3, or Junior Mower. This is a light Machine, adapted to small farms and a hilly country. Same plan as Nos. 1 and 2. Stroke of knife 34 inches; cuts 4 leet, 1 inch; weight 500 lbs.; driving wheels 28 inch es higb.K Brice $l4O. thiTojiio Is superior as a Mower and has no equal as a combined Machine. It can be set to cut any height/ifrom three to fourteen inches. It leaves the grass perfectly spread for curing. It can be g!nanged in a few moments from a mower to a idtper, or from a reaper to a mower. The macnipfeTtrrnsas easily as a cart, cutting square corners without backing. It conforms perfect ly to the surface of uneven ground. It will do good work with a slow movement of the team. The finger,bar CUn be folded up to puss through narrow gates and bars, or travel on the road. Farmers wno desire a strong, durable and simple machine, —one which cuts wet grass with as much facility as dry, will promote their own interests by purchasing the OHIO MA CHINE..- , jgaft-WeVrt also Agent for the celebrated SWEEPSTAKE THRESHER AND CLEANER, The most efficient macnine of the kind in use. They are constructed for eight or ten horses, and leave the grain ready for market. manufacturer’s prices. Orders from a-dfstantfe will roceive prompt attention. June 10.—6 t. Office Clerk Circuit Court for Bal timore County, j. JUNE 2TTII, 1865. f YpIHE undersigned would hereby respectfully _L call the attention of the citizens of Balti more county, to the following sections of an Act “Entitled an Act to provide for the Regis tration of Births, Deaths and Marriages” in the several counties, and the city of Baltimore in this State. Section li Be it enacted by the General As sembly of Maryland, That the Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the several counties, and the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Balti more city, shall receive and- reeord in books prepared for the purpose, the following facts concerning the births, marriages and deaths in said County or city, seperately numbering and recording the same in the order in which he receives them, distinguishing in separate col umns: Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That said record books provided for by the preceding section, shall be truly and regularly paged and alphabetically indexed, in the case of births, with the name of the child, (if it have a name,) and if i,t have no name, then with the name of the father, if its mother be a married woman, and if its mother be unmarried, then with the name of the mother, in the ease of marriage with the names of both parties to said marriage, and in case of deaths with the name of deceased, or if said deceased be an infant without a name, then with name of the father or mother of said deceased infant. Sec. 3. Be it enacted, That parents shall give notice of the facts herein required, to the clerk of the court aforesaid, of the county or city, in which a birth or death may take place : every householder shall give such notice of ev ery birth and death happening in his house ; the eldest person next of kin shall give notice of the death of his kindred; the keeper of a prison, hospital, almshouse or other public in stitution, shall give notice of every birth and death happening among the persons under his charge; the person solemnizing or performing the marriage caretnony shall give such notice; any such person neglecting or refusing to give srich notice for the space of six mouths after a birth, marriage or death, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five dollars. Sec. 4* Be it enacted, That any physician having attended a person during his or her last illness, shall, when requested, within fifteen days after the decease of such person, forth-, with furnish information of the duration of the last sickness, the disease of which the person died, or cause of death, and the date of the de cease as nearly as lie can state the same. Sec. 5. Be it enacted, That every fsexton, coroner, undertaker or other person| having charge of the obsequies or funeral rites prelim inary to the interment of the body of a stran ger or friendless person, shall forthwith obtain and return to the clerk aforesaid of the county or city in which the deceased resided or the death occurred, the facts required by this act to be recorded by said officer concerning the deceased ; any person neglecting or refusing to make such return within one month thereafter shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars. Sec. 6. Be it enacted, That the notice re- Suired to be furnished by sections three and ve, according to section one, may for greater convenience be deposited with any justice of the peace residing m the election district where in tnc birth, marriage or death takes place, and it shall be the duty of the said justice of the peace to transmit the same to the clerk ev ery three months. Sec. 13. Be it enacted, That the registration of births, marriages and deaths required by this act shall be such fti-occur on nnu after the Ist day of July next. JOHN 11. LONGNECKER, Clerk. July I.—2t. To the Citizens of Baltimore and Harford Counties. NOTICE is hereby given, that books for sub scription, to the Capital Stock of the Bal timore, Halls’ Springs and Harford Railroad, will bo opened on and after ~ May Ist, 1865, at the office of Thomas W. Berry, 82 West Fay ette street, Baltimore ; at the Clerk’s office of Harford county, at Bel Air, and at Wright’s Tavern on the Harford turnpike. Upder the Charter, subscribers must pay an assessment of two dollars ($2.00) per share at the time of subscribing. The Commissioners are in hopes that the cit izens of the Counties who will bebenefitted by the road And all others who want a sale and profitable investment, will subscribe liberally to this enterprise. JONATHAN NORRIS, THOS. W. BERRY, JAMES YOUNG, JOHN T. THOMPSON, ROBERT MOORE, ,i. THOS. H. ROBINSON, 1 WM. S. REESE, May 6.—-2 m Commissioners. takf. vorftK' SPRING STYLES OF HATS, IBGS. WE are now prepared to fur nisb our lriends and thc^BgH Sublie with the Spring Styles IKgKjskt. F HATS, for Gentlemen’s wear, HH29K which will compare favorably with any |old in the city of Baltimore. >. ALSO, SOFT FELT HATS, Latest patterns, for Gentlemen, Youths* and Children, some very beautiful. t 8. HINDES A SON, May 20.—tf No. 100 Gay street. _ S2O REWARD. RANAWAY from <ho subscriber, residing in the Bth District, near Warren Foe- Jk tory, on the 17th of June, a BOUND COL-/sui ORED BOY, about 17 years of age. Per-JlJi sops are hereby forwarned not to harbor or (employ said boy. I will give a reward of S2O for fils returri to me. . CHARLES ROSLEY. July I,—3t, U. S. 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES, saoo,ooo,ood ' tI •* .sir ' 1 ’.f< / By authority of the Secretary ol the Treasu ry, the undersigned, the General Subscription Ageht for the salci bf United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury ’ Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the 7-30 LOAN. Those notes are issued under date of July 15, 1865, and are payable three years from that I date in currency, or are convertible at the op ■ tion of the holder into t i. f U. 8. $-90 Six per cent. I GOLD-BEARING RONDS, These Bonds are now worth a handsome pre \ miura, and are exempt, as are all the Govern ment Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, per annum to their value, according to the rate levied upon othes property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7-30 per cent, amounts to One centper day on a SSO note. • Two cents “ “ SIOO “ Ten “ “ “ SSOO “ 20“““ SIOOO “ $1 a u u SSOOO “ Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receiptof subscrip tions. The Notes of this Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges, to the Seven- Thirties already sold, except that the Govern ment reserves to itself the option of paying in terest in gold coin at 6 per cent., instead of 7 3-lOths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the'notes of this third series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and con tinuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of shis THIRD SERIES Afteete only the matter of | interest. The payment imgold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which'only will the option to pay interest j in Gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices that purchases made with six per cent in gold would be fully equal to those made with severi and three-tenths per cent, in currency. This is The only Loan in iTlarket Now effered by the Government, and its supe rior advantages make it the Groat Popular Loan of the People. Less than $230,000,000 of the Loan authori zed by the last Congress are now on the mar ket This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for with in fwo months, when the notes will undoubted ly command a premium, as has uniformly been I the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. J;. .;*,•■ '• 1- <1 > ■ jn • In order that citizens of every town and sec tion of the country may be afforded facilities for takifig the Joan, fha Natiojuil Ranks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the If 1m Hlf 1•1 * country have generally agreed to receive sub scriptions at par. Subscribers "will select their ow,u ageute, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the de livery of the notek for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Phltadelpia. Subscriptions ftnLL be received by the First National Bank of Baltimore. Second “ “ “ Baltimore. Third “ .** Baltimore. May 20—3 m. N OTIC E. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, SECONtfDISTRICT MARY LAND—No. 58 EASjT BALTIMORE STREET, June 23rd, 1865. ALL persons* vesi'diiig in the Above district, embracing the’nrst’seven wards of city, Harford county, and the sth, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th districts of Baltimore county, who require a 'license and have not made apfffieatfori for the same, muetf do so im mediately, and all as above who have not ma/te-fetutn'ot tpeir income for 1864, and a list of carriages, gold watches, pia no-fortes, yachts, billiard tables, and plate of gold or silver, must do so to the Assistant As sessors, before the Ist of July. The above lists of inepme returns, carriages, Ac., will be open for on the 7th day of July next, when aIJ. parties living in the sth, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, ljtl; and 12th districts of Baltimore county?who may feel aggrieved may make appeal to the Assessor at the Smedley House, Towsontown, on Tuesday, July 11 &, 1865, stating, in writing, the particulaj£cause, mat ter, or thing respecting if hish a decision is re quested, and shall moreover, state the ground or priucipleof error complained of. JOHN W- WEBSTER. ASSESSOR Second District of Maryland. July I.—2t. BEAUTIFUL GEM PICTURES ! BEAUTIFUL ‘GEM PICTURES ! FOR AtBUMSI FOR ALBUMS! ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN ! ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN ! JOHN H. YOUNG, JOHN H. YOUNG, 231 BALm STREET, CORNER CHARLES. 231 BALTO. STREET, CORNER CHARLES. July I.—3m. Proposals for a Bridge. Office Coukty Commissioners for Balti-"! more County, r Towsontown, July Ist, 1865. ) PROPOSALS will ‘be received at this office on the 2d day of August next, at 12 o’clock M., for building a Bridge over Patapsco Falls on the public road crossing said Falls near Wood- Stock, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, of Wood, to be weatherboarded and covered with slate; span of Bridge about 125 feet; abut ments to be built of Stone about twelve feet above low water mark, with wirig walls well ' cemented. Persons proposing to build said Bridge will submit plan, Ac. By law this Bridge will bo jointly built by Howard and Baltimore counties. ~ f 1 JOSHUA F. COCKEY, President. 1 Jaiyi—td- :1 . ! (• ; / 1 , E. J. CHURCH, 1 LMWIBIR'©BALER, Ashland Square, Corner Gay and Monu ment Streets, Baltimore, STILL keeps .on band all .varieties of LUM BER, SHINGLES, LAf HS, ACT, at the old l established atafid, which he sells at .the Very lowest prices. ' ’ ’ . , , Citizens of Baltimore county who intend k building, are invited to call. • * „ r LUMBER BY THE CAR LOAD AT CITY D PRICES. tern. About 10,000 FEET five-fourth Yel . low Pine Flooring, well seasoped, for sale cheap. July I,—3m, Hance's Column. ‘ hancfT SARSAPARILLA, VEGTABLE OR BLOOD FILLS; i . 17I0R purifying the blood, removing bile, cor . recting disorder* of the Btcmach and bow, els, co3tiveness, dyspepsia, swimming in the head, Ac. Persons of a full habit, who are sub ject to Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, Sing ing in the Ears, arising from too great a How of Blood to the head should never be without them as many dangerous symptoms will be en tirely carried off by their immediate use. READ THE FOLLOWING WONDERFUL t . B OF DYSPEPSIA ! This is to certify that my wife was afflicted with the Dyspepsia for twelve years, and tried both advertising medicines and Thompsonian but without affect. I was myself attacked with blindness, and my head otherwise affected from hard drinking, so that I was apprehensive of fits : and seeing fiance’s Sarsaparilla Pills ad vertised I went and got a box of them, which to my astonishment effected a cure of me and my wife both, and I do think them without a rival before the public. ' " / S. H. HALL. Alberinarle street, near.Wilko. PURIFYING THE BLOOD! Baltimore, July 29,1853. This is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in my breast and right arm, which I supposed proceeded from the impure state of my blood. I was recommended to take Ilauce’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and after taking one box, the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm. I found them extremely gentle in their operation, and would recom mend them to every person in want of a mild pergative. PATRICK ROCHE. No 23 Conway st., between Howard and Eu taw. In puchasing these pills let me add —ONE WORD OF CAUTION — Always ask for fiance’s Pills, and purchase of none but those advertised as agents and if convenient, call and see the proprietor himself. SETH S. IIANCE, 108 Balto. st., Baltimore. uine Pills. These pills can be sent by mail, and where four boxes are ordered at one time, they will be sent free of postage. Jan. 21, 1865-ly. DR. BRADSHAW’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, FOR GENERAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, FOR NERVOUS DISEASES. Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cordial, FOR PAINS IN THE BACK. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial, CURES DEBILITATED SUFFERERS. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cordial, for gen eral Debility, loss of muscular energy, diseases ! of the bladder, kidneys, weakness, obstructions, I female complaints, and all other diseases aris ing from excess and imprudence in life, and I removing all improper discharges from the I bladder, kidneys or other organs, from whatev er cause they may have originated, and nomat- I ter of how long standing, giving health and i vigor to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. It cures nervous and debilitated sufferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which I will be foiind indisposition to exertion, los3 of power, loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weakness, horrorofdisease, weak nerves trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold feet, wakefulness, dimness of vis ion, languor, universal lassitude of the muscu lar system, often enormous appetite with dys peptic symptoms, hot hands, llushing of the body, dryness of the skin, pallid countenance and eruption of the face, pain in the back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequently black spots flying before tno eyes, with temporary suffusion and loss of sight, want of attention, great mo bility, restlessness, with horror of socipty.-r Nothingis more desirable to such patients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves ; no repose of manner, no earn estness, no speculation, but a hurried transition from one question to another. Effects upon both mind and body can be rectified, and the nervous system healthfully invigorated, where the qualifications of manhood have been im paired. Price $3 per bottle ; two bottles for $5 ; four bottles fOr $lO ; six bottles sl2 ; teu bottless2o; twelve bottles $24. For sale by S. 8. HANCE, 108 Baltimore st. Jan. 21, 1865.—1 y. Hangers chemical hair re storative. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Ilance’s Chemical Hair Restorative, llance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Hancc’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Prevents hair from falling out. Ilance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Causes it to grow on bald heads. Ilance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Prevents hair turning gray. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. . \ Pemanently removes Dandruff. Hanee’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Gives hair lustre and beauty. i 1 Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. Renders harsh hair soft and glossy. Hance’9 Chemical Hair Restorative. Cures all diseases of the scalp. Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. The best hair dressing for children. Prepared only by SETH S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore street. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by SETII S. HANCE. Jan. 21, 1865-ly. 108 Baltimore st. PHARNUM’S COUGH CANDY. “He that Hath an Ear to Hear Let Him Hear.” Baltimore, Nov. 13, 1856. The duties of my business have exposed me to coughs,'colds and asthma and pulmonary af fections. I have been deprived of the power of attending to the duties of my profession, and should have been, had it not been for the be nign effect ol your MEDICATED CANDY. I tried it but a few hours before I began to reap the advantages of its effects. MV COUGH AND HOARSENESS LEFT ME —MY LUNGS ARE HEALED, And my appetite greatly improved. I there fore have no hesitation in adding my testimo ny to that of the many who have experienced the benefits of your valuable Cough Candy. William Mercer. Price 35 cents per package, or three packages for ®r-Sold by BETH S. HANCE, 108 Balti more street, and SWEETZER A Co., corrior Charles and Pratt sts. Jan. 21,1865-ly. Dyspepsia Cured by liamil ton’s Great Virginia Remedy. READ the following certificates from a well known citizen : Baltimore, Md., Feb. 18, 1863. Dr. J, L. Hamilton : Dear Sir I have used your Great Virginia Remedy with entire success. I was for years seriously affected with Dyspepsia, in its worst form; I was persuaded to try Hamilton s Great Virginia Remedy; by its use I was entirely re lieved of Hspaache, Palpitation.f Ua,Heart, Nauseated Stomach, great Nervous Debility of the System, Depression of Spirits loss of Appe tite, Ac. Yours very Respectfully, Jos. 0. Rkilky, No. 11 South Btreet. Price f 1,25 cents per bottle, or six lor V ,f6 F*°Bale by SETH S. HANCE. Jan. 21. 1865-ly. 108 Baltimore st. Blotches and Pimples Upon the Face. We know of no more effectual remedy for re moving these disagreeable eruptions on the face, than HANCE’S SARSAPARILLA. It is put up in quart bottles, and is one of the best medicines used. Those whose blood requires purifying will do well to use it. • , >. ' v Price f 1,25 per bottle, or six bottles for te.SO by , r OETHB. HANOE. Jan 108 Baltimore st, Property Sales. TRUSTEE’S SALE. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, the undersigned Will offer for sale on the premises, on 2 lih day of July, 1865, At 10 o'clock A. M., ALL THAT VALUABLE FARM, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO ACRES, three roods and eleveu JLmA of land, more or lessdjjffSh SaPin Baltimore enmity, being thelmiißL larm of Elisha Lovcall, Lina j**£*j|B tic, and on which he recently resided, adjoin ing the lai\ds of John Griffith, Nicholas Cole and others, and particularly described in a deed from Samuel Parker, Trustee aud others, tothesaijl Loveall, dqled the April, 7th A. D. 1848, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, in Liber A. W. 8., No. 395, The situation is healthy, in a good neighbor hood and near Schools and Churches. The land is of a good quality, about FIFTY ACRES are heavily timbered with OAK and CHEST NUT, and the balance in a good state of culti vation. The improvements are a convenient 3DWEr.X.X3STC3- HOUSE, A BARN, DAIRY AND OTHER OUTBUILDINGS. TERMS as described by the decree —One- third Cash on ratification of the saje by the Court, the balance in two equal payments in one and two years from the day of Sale, with interest and approved security. JOSIAII WHEELER, Trustee. June 3.—ts. TRUSTEES^ALE OF ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE FARMS IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. THE undersigned Trustees offer ;.l Private Sale the “BACON HALL FARM,” IIIIM situated iu Baltimore county,eontain-iSfUIB ing 476 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. This property is situated on the York Turn pike, twenty miles from Bnltirnore, and less than three miles from Monkton Station on the Noithern Central Railway, adjoining the finely improved estate of Nicholas R. Merryman.— About two hundred acres-are wooded, and the balance arable land of a kind quality, not less than 150 acres of which are level arid very pro ductive. There is an excellent quarry of Lime stone on it, and a kiln convenient. The DWELLING HOUSE is of stone, 50 by 25 feet, with commodious wings. It is hand somely si tua,tfd iu a healthful and beautiful valley, and can readily be made one of the most desirable and productive estates in the county. There is a good BARN on the property, and oth ernecessary outbuildings and is well watered. Terms of sale:—One-third of tlie purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, or on the ratification thereof, and the balance in equal instalments, in one and two years from the day of sale, with interest, and security to be approved by the Trustees. JOHN PHILPOT,) T JNO. T. ENSOR, J irustees * Apply to John Philpot at Phoenix, or to Jno. T. Ensor at Towsontown, Baltimore co., Md. Feb. 25.—tf. TRUSTEE S SALE OF A. FARM ; IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, passed in Ysb* jJL cause of Abraham Martin jSidg!*Benj. F. Ilawkins and others. MmHL "fT ~*the undersigned as Trustee, will]**AlHß sel Tat public auction, on the premises, oil Saturday, July Bth, 1865, at 12 o’clock M., ALL THAT TRACT OF LAND Situate in Baltimore county, and described in a deed from Sally A. McGaw to William Haw kins, dated March 4th,'s6,and recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, in liber 11. M. F., No. 16, folio 15, Ac.. This Farm contains about 95 ACRES OF LAND. It is situated on the north side of the Baltimore and Havre de Grace Turnpike, 15J miles from Baltimore city, and hinds also on the Joppa Road, being the place formerly owned by the late Charles N. Ilo'waiSf.' ** ■ ,! The improvements consist of a Double Frame DWELLING HOUSE, 2 stories and Attic, with back buildings, Baru Stable and other out-buildings. Terms of sale prescribed by the decree—One lialf cash on the day of sale and the balance in twoequal payments atsix and twelve months thereafter with interest, or all cash at the op tion of the purchaser. RICHARD J. GITTINGS. Trustee, June 17. —ts. 47 St. Paul Street. fdrsaLe. A FARM of 350 ACRES, good land, part heavy timber, 9 miles from Bal- xjjn one of 100 acres, Lime-ffjfHh SgaPstone land,good Improvements. imibL Warren Factory? a lot oI]*2AJJH 2 j'acres new stone Dwelling, good Barn and Wheelwright shoy, an excellent place for the business; a farm lotof 171 acres, ip fine condi tion, will he sold with the dwelling and shop if desired; a farm of 15 acres in Towsontown, good Dwelling, Orchard, Ac.j‘l4 acres of Woodland with fine building sites; 2 houses and lots in fee. Building lots for sale or lease, ground rents for sale. Apply to B. N. PAYNE, Smedley Row, opposite the Cotart House. April 29.;—tf Farm at Private Sale. THE undersigned not being able to attend to to his farm in consequence of injury received, offers the JSapat private sale. Said Farm con- icsilL J Jr**tains 71 ACRES, more or less,i**l*BP is situated on “My Lady’s Manor,” near tho Old York Road, 20 miles from Baltimore and 31 miles from Monkton Station, N. C. R. R. — It is in a good state of cultivation and under good fencing. The improvements consist of a Double Log Dwelling House, Log Barn, Wagon and Corn House and other out-buildings. For Terms, Ac., apply to JOSEFII PARSONS, Philopolis P. 0., Balto. county, Md. May 6.—6ra. . . ~ *. To Farmers, Gardeners, Ex pressmen, Grocers and Trrnsportation Com panies !! m ****** GREAT PEREMTORY SALE OF NEW WAGONS, In the City of Baltimore, on Tuesday Morning, July 1 \th, 1865, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, At tlie Intersection of North How ard and Cathedral Streets, Near the Bolton Depot of the Northern Cen tral Railway Company, INCLUDED in the Sale are 100 New Wagons of various kinds, well suited for farm pur poses, Peach and Vegetable Wagons, Express Wagons, Grocer’s Wagons, Furniture Wagons, —All the above Wagons have tops of best Enameled Cloth, with side curtains of heavy canvass, & and 6.plate Elliptic Springs, and with the most approved brakes, braced and stayed in every part with iron iu the most thorough manner. government wagons, OB AMBULANCES, All highly finished and of the very latest Gov ernment Standard patterns, well adapted for Country or City purposes. These Wagons are all new and well suited for the transportation of Passengers from Steam Boat or Railroad Stations; mounted on strong EUipticSpriugs, Hair Cushions, tops of besten ameled cloth, side curtains of heavy canvass, brakes, thoroughly ironed, Ac. In fact they are complete in every particular. 1 Terms Cash on delivery in Current Funds. N. B.—We especially ask public attention to this Sale, as such an opportunity may never again present itself, for purchasing such Wag ons at less than cost to manufacture. The sale will be positive and without any reservation. F..W. BENNETT A CO., Aucts., 28 and 36 South Charles Street, Balto. June 24.—2 t. FOR SALE. Anew first-class singer sewing MACHINE for family or tailoring use, very ' Cheap. Inquire at this office. March 25 —3t Legal Notices. To aU Whom It May Concern: t Notice is Hereby Given, 1 riIHAT the undersigned Examiner*, ap -1 pointed by the COUNTY COMMISSION ERS of Baltimore county, on the petition of HENRY WALTER, for the closing of a Road at the intersection of the JOPPA ROAD, with the BELAIR ROAD in the Eleventh Dis trict, passing through the property of Henry Walter, and in lieu thereof, laying out a Road along the line of John Kraft deceased, and the ' School House Lot, which will be a better Road and a shorter rout from said JOPPA ROAD, and BEL AIR ROAD; having taken the oath required by Law, will proceed on the bth dug of August, 1865, on the premises (If fair, if not the next fair day) to execute the trust reposed in them, and the requirements of the ACTS of ASSEMBLY in such cases made and provided. AQUILLA AMOS, SAMUEL PINKERTON, ALBERT M. BROWN, Exam inert. July I.—st, Insolvent Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To the cred itors of STEPHEN LLOYD, an applicant for the benefit of the “48th Article of the Code of Public General Laws," relative to insolvents, that tfie Ist Monday of December next, has been fixed for his appearance, to answer interrogato ries, and for a final hearing ot his case before the Circuit Court tor Baltimore county. Dated the 26th day of May, 1865. Test: JOHN 11. LONGNEC'KER, Clerk. June 3. —3m. Miscellaneous. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GU ANO. JOHN S. REESE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents FOR THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, T1 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE. THE SOLUBLE PACIFIC guano; resem bles Peruvian Guano in appearance, odor, and composition. The value ol all Guanos and Super Phosphates of lime, of whatever name, depends, as is well known, upon the per cent, of Ammonia, Soluble Phosphate, and Bone Phos phate of Lime they contain. This Guano dif fers from Peruvian only in the fact that it con tains less Ammonia, but this difference in Am monia is more than made up by the fact that it contains almost double as much Soluble, and Bone Phosphate of Lime. This difference makes it a durable fertilizer, with all the activ ity of Peruvian Guano. Although the price.. of this Guano is only one-lialf the price of Peru vian, and is not higher than the Super Phos phates of Lime, yet it contains, as is proven by analysis and inspection, vastly more of ammo nia, soluble and Bone Phosphate, t than is found in the best of them. Hence its economy and intrinsic value must render itanobjectof great interest to farmers generally. * - WE WUSIH FARMERS ,3s-T0 TAKE ESPECIAL NOTICE, That the conditions upon which we have the agency of this Guano are that every cargo is regularly inspected and analysed by Dr. Lei biu, whose authority in such matters is para mount. This arrangement affords us and consumers a protection not had in the purchase of fertiliz ers generally. It must also be noticed that the phosphates of this Guano, are not mineral, but earthy Phosphates, which is greatly to its ad vantage. The following is a summary of analysis of last Cargo: Moisture lOperet. Organic Combustible Matter... 39.71 “ Earthy Matter 50.28 “ Yielding Ammonia 3.40 pr. ct. Soluble Phosphate of Lime... 17.07 “ Bone Phosphate of Lime 24.32 “ For sale by Dealers throughout the States, and by JOHN 8. REESE & CO., P. G. Company’s Agents, Baltimore. Price $65 per ton of 2000 lbs., usual discount to Dealers. June 17, 1865.—1 y. PUBLIC SALE OP Household aud Kitchen Furniture, Dry Goods, &e. THE undersigned, Administratrix of Mel choir Algire, deceased, by authority of the Orphans’ Court for Baltimore county, will of fer at public sale on the premises, the late res idence of said deceased, on Tuesday Morning, July 11 th, 1865, at 10 o'clock, aud from day to day until dis- / posed of, all the goods in store belonging to said deceas-I oar jfiin ed’s estate, consisting in part MBijllgj™'; DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, MUS LINS, CALICOES, FLANNELS, DE LAINES, SILKS, TRIMMINGS, AND GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. TIN AND WOODEN WARE, RAKES, SHOVELS, FORKS, CROCKERY A GLASS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, MEDICINES, INKS, PERFUMERY, AC., AC., Together with a general assortment of such goods as are usually found in a country store.— Also, a part of the FURNITURE contained ip the dwelling of the deceased. ®#~T£RMS CASH. ELLEN E. ALGIRE, July I.—2t. Administratrix. PHOTOGRAPHS AND AMBROTYPES. YOUNG’S CELEBRATED GALLERY, 331 Balto. sit*. Cor. Charles, BAL TIMOR E. BY means of late improvements in the prep aration of Chemicals and in the arrange ment of a Skylight, the Pictures of Children and Elderly Persons can be taken in a single second of time. The improved process in use at this gallery enables us to take pictures equally as well in cloudy as in clear weather. Special attention paid to making copies.— Old pictures of all kinds copied, enlarged and made more beautiful than the original. Jnne I.—3m. FOR SALE, A DWELLING HOUSE in Tow- t—m A sontown, containing 15 rooms, eI |ni ligibly situated, in fee; also, 40 Acres l**| of Land, 8 miles from Baltimore, andLJ|LJHB 4 miles from Towsontown; A GOOD FARM of 45 Acres, near White House, sth district; one of 70 ACRES, 2* miles from Middletown. Terms e.ay. \ s pAysEi Real Estate Agent and Conveyancer, Smedley Row, opposite Court House. June 17.—tf. ___ PATENT REVOLVING HORSE R A. K E. fI3HE undersigned is now manufacturing at I. his residence on the Falls Road, 8* miles from Baltimore city, a REVOLVING HORSE RAKE, superior to any rake in the country.— He invites the attention of farmers to this im provement before purchasing elsewhere. F DAVID W. CROSS, Brooklaudville P. 0., Balto. County. June 24.—3t* GUANOS. THE RICH and POWERFUL FERTILIZERS. amoniated pacific guano. FISH GUANO. Brown Mexican Guano. AND OTHER FERTILIZERS. For sale by F. F. POPE, 85 South Street, i Feb. 11, 1865.—6 m. A FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. A FARM of about eighty-one acres, situated in Baltimore County,, eleven jdJL. miles from Baltimore, four frqnififpsfß jSjSrTowsontowu, and half a m il e JrCTromlhe Dulaney's Valley turn-ilsOH pike. Improvements, a LARGE STONE DWELLING, STAfiLES, Ac. For particulars, apply to JAS. H. BOSLEY, r No. 203 North St, Baltimore. ; July I.—3t.