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announce to thu of the county the name of iLawra r. coiiß, esq., ■ ! ' 6 a > ir of the Bth District, subject only to the decision of the C<miOJ C<ineeoJKMaa<lMl Qf.tue merits of Mr. Cote it is not necessary one word should said ;an old and high ly respected citizen of Baltirnore county, wejl known to nearly every loyal man as one pf-the firmest imihe darkest hours of the rebellion', his name would,be.a towqr of strength to the Union ticket t4!hh i and in no AugUsflL—to. <l, ■> •*** w j tSei...rti>ij 0.1 1,.... ~illlljj .. , '"Pdf Ctettoty TiwtSTJrer. j* iy^>,T/css - s.' Wilors As the time is not far ttv distant wncn a selection will be made from among the Union men of the county, for the office 1 ot Treasurer, without .intending, any disparagement to others, there is no one who has st|£fgttft*|Aaafla* jAißlio, a*#!* better jS?,y. f f:U, of the ?h District. He is a gentleman of in- J purity.f character, who would ,f 11 the ulaee without partiality or prejudice, and would give general satisfaction to the people ol To Mm Voters or Balto. Co. ir'Sjp&Y the advice of several friends I an htr nounee myself a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, of Baltimore county, for. the neiiUrm, and respectfully solicit your suffra-. ges; pledging elected/ to discharge the duties of thts ftffice faithfully,' Impartially and hodeetlyvto the best of my ability. !r ) • Believing that the Voters of Baltimore Coun ty arwparffetly <*>mpetent to choose their own officers, this announcement is subject, only, to their decision ai.tbe ensuing election. Jft!y li.L-tf. THOS. H. ROBINSON. For Treasurer of Balto. County. Mwssits. EDtTORSPlease announce Capt HENRY WVSmBb 4T. the hdisfcilt, as a candidate far thaaeak Treasurer of djaltimore county. Capf wnhfemi"hasr been ahrave and faithful soldier in the 4th Md. Regt., was wound ed in the. service, arniis- amau well qualified for this position. We don’t want thg soldiers overlooked in bur county. We recommend him to the people, believing he will be as true to his county as he has been to his country. THE SOLDIERS’ FRIENDS. Aug: 18.—8 t. 1 ' ~ FOE SHEBIPP. WILLIAM FOSTER, Esq., of the 7th District, SUBJECT TO A' UNION NOMINATION. MR. FOSTER lias been Tax Collector for a number of years, is a poor man, honest, of good character, undoubted loyalty, and will bo supported by .the , :i ],.-i July _• . .- SHERIFFALTY. 11 YiSflftFfr r. EDITORSA-rtFl**** aswouwjs MUffiKSSMtaJP* 1 . Miscellaneous. TQH GRAIN AND COMPOST DRILL. VT\HIS BRILL is universally acknowledged, X where it Is known,. to be the most perfect Machine invented-for Bowitog all kinds of grain, and every description: of Fertilise re in a con centrated fotsm. It is so constructed, with the different sited gear wheels, as to so# any de sired qpantityfof Grain, from'one to four bush els tootheacft*L *vs V. IZI In its arrangement for distributing. Guano; daiirt jfi<p, it Jiitfffjiyrpm jtwf Drills ever Before onerea to tne public," a sep arate box for UdM fAiiUM’s .Mu|/ attached in fronted Box from, which the Ma nure is’evenly and perfectly delivered in the tubes, and is deposited With the Grain in the Drill Furrow. ,YTIi’JO& 'BH3ICIJ< In addition, we have also- attached a Grass Seeder, for Sowing , broadcast, in rear of the Drill, any desired quantity per acre of any va riety of Grass Feed. All the attachments may be.used aft once or separately, . v desiring tpia Drill ahould order early as the 'detaind is large. ■ • /; •„ r ;• 1 ' Prices iu Baltimore. ‘ Eight Tvifee Grain DrljL -- - - sllO Nine “ * “ - - - - - - 115 GuaaO or Compost Attachment; ixo - -25 Grass Seed Attachment, - - -' -'W. SAMUEL J. BUCK MAN, Local Ageht at Towanntbfvn, Md., Jul t .bat ,+iosuulid has Bp N.B f- L Ojrß, —^nadultbhated, ■ - raj jßßjii'A otvrep by tbe a ■■BBf,sxioT bna aevinJl mi-re.-; " v BOSTON r., - : jDj'd ini!- ■ ton nogW t sia Milling' md* Mining {Jompatiy. isilsli ,>*siT Juarr letsilg bacisaO.eil'ioJ-'fl rpHEvahisof unburnt,’ nwadulterated Bone X is well known. When reduced to the con dition"of Flour, ih is as active' As if dissolved witb acidyhnd is far better, becanse it retains all- its common Boss Dust i twoffmd! or mereif It is a consummation sought for in vain tor tfie last half century, and is destined to give new val ue to Bone aaAreJtiKketlttA^orlNiWvolution '535P their trade pnß&uMuire of its genuineness. . JOHN S. *BESE & CO., •—General Agaats for elaware, and Gie JTOA'I'JX/ ~J ibnill iwotl To the Union Men of tb' County. VOU between the hotrrs of S and 5 o’clfy p. If., for all the districts except the 34 3th, anß. for the two above mentioned District Sn - W FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2’i A between the same hours,: I . * bneii :<a 'is;. "v for. ibe purpose ofekMingFlVß ATE3 from each Election District te ou in the bom ihating Conreß tk>n r *tt V bald in ml AT TH£ COURT . HOUSE/ L? •> er I N TO W1 SO N T W 0 a W4tlne sdaV, 4tli, theUircult r Cdurt; three men far,County Conw m tdafi tot B heTifipaffd 6 hi 1 man foi*Nß*Mßi 1° 1 1 >'^®XDCUTI August 12.—td. .uo.Jqnsasb llm a n friioz it —— on aiaG oK pgroyy .fiygiy Mr4q gQautifuU-n - - ra prices t atT'6 - Card VuaaiKMO* Largo Mammoth Photographs SI.OO. 2 xuiio t / Iftaaftll of the two improved Skylights in most pleasing and-fiatterrng llWhess. f * Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., (Sbpm, enlarged, .\IVJBf .< Jt risjfcr 3 i?H",// *jal ? ; 1J ,1J ‘ns-ui*S#WfhfWiSM B^OO^ ? WOODEN A WILLOW WARE, .seiiilaup i>, NO. aiovk TUB set Ain kaxxkt. skibaeon axnvJA sska- .smaii gxxy. AIjSO, OF GENISnB WUBEf’FVRWfSH- i ,jf j Miscellaneous, fa iV DU NOTICE. •ir n r r orri4t PpAgDor School Commissioners op) • Baltimore Co., July 25th, 1*865. j AT A MEETING of the Board of School Cquwnisaiouer* of Baltimore county held 1 this day, the County was divided fnto Commis • sinner Districts 4S fallows r Public Schools Nos. 1.2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, a Ist Electiou District, and Nos. 1,2 and 3, 13th Election .District, constitute Commissioner Dis . trict No. dli ■ .J X .dDOOCi Da. -E. K. J. HAND, Commissioner, . • Catonsville. | ' ~ • ' • Public Schools Nos. 1,2, 3, 4 and 5,3 rd Elec -1 tion, District, Nos. I, 5,7 and B,_2d Elec i tiou District, aud Nos. 1, 2,8 and !),* Uth Eleo > tion District, constitute Com. District No. 2. JOHN L. TURNER, Commissioner, * Pikesville. , Public Schools Nos. 2,3, 4 and C, 2d Election District, Nos. 1, 2,3, 4, 5 Rand 7, 4th Election District, and Nos. 1 and 7,5 th Election District; constitute Commissioner District No. 3. - WM. GAMBRILL, Commissioner, i ; ' (ion„v Reiaterstown. >Public Schools Nos. 2, 3 and 8, sth Election District, Nos. 1,2, 3,4, a and 8, 6th Election • District, and Nos. 1,2, 4 and 6, 7th Election Distriqt, constitute Commissioner Dist. No. 4. j/ t -i.-: Db. R. E. JONES, Commissioner, Union Meeting House. I ;; i Public School No. 3rd Election District, [ Nos. 4, 5 and 6, sth Election District, and Nos. , 1,2, 3,4, 5,8, 7,8, 9. Bth Election District, con - stitßle.'Commtbtfiorter District No. 5. JOHN SCOTT, Commissioner, Butler P. 0. Public Schools Nos. 3, 5* 7 and B,7th Election 1 District, Nos. 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6 and 7,10 th Election 1 District, and Nos. 4 and 5, 11th Election Dis trict, constitute Commissioner Dist. No.4k- B. T. ANDERSON, Commissioner, Monktou. Public Schools Nos. 3,4, 5, C, 7, 10 and 11, 9th Election District, and Nos. 2,3, 6,7 and 8, 11th Election District, constitute Commissioner District No. 7. R. C. McGINN, Commissioner, ! Towsontown. Public Schools Nos. 1, 2. 3,4, 5,6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 11 and 12, 12th Election District, and No. I, 11th Election District, constitute Commission er District No. 8, NICHOLAS M. BRIAN, Commissioner, Rossville. All apr-t.intments of Teachers will be made by the S -bool Commissioner of the District, subject ..he provisions of the By-laws which may be issued by the State Board of Education. The salaries of Teachers will be fixed after the publication of these By-laws. W. HORACE SOPER, August 5.—4 t. Secreta'y. PUBLIC SALE * OF - BEAL ESTATE j AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, In the Bth District, Baltimore Co. baSB THE undersigned, Executor for the Estate of George Ensor of G., deceased, will sell at ! Public Sale on the premises, near Block Roek, On Friday, September Ist, 1863, • at 10 o’clock A. M., 1,1 The following Valuable Stock and Farming Utensils:—One Fine Gray Mare, (White Hall stock.) 2 Good Horses, 1 two-yearling Colt, five head of Cattle, 9 Sheen, 22 head of Ilogs, one narrow and two broad tread Wagons, Wagon Bed, Hay Carriage, 4 Sets Wagon Harness, one Threshing Machine and Ilorse Power, Grain Fan, Corn Sheller, Bradley’s Mower, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Shovel Plows, Ac. One Spring Tobtli librae Rake, a lot .of Bafreia, Hogsheads, Shovels, Grain) 'Cradles, Ac., Ac. Also, Wheat and Rye. in the Straw, and Hay in the Stack. j[l —All sums under $lO, Cash, all - Xver that amount a credit ofJbur months with approved security, and interest from day of 8 il A v AT THE SAME TIME - .A . | Will be offered for sale the Farm known as “CABLE’S HABITATION,” adjoining the lands of Samuel Shaull and oth ers, containing about 56 ACRES of good Land, | well watered, under good fencing, and in a high state of cultivation. * | There is erected thereon a Log Dwelling. Log Barn, Spring House, Ac. This is one of the ; most desirable Farms in the vicinity of Black Rock. ' ,^r Terms for the Real Estate made known i oil day of sale. GEORGE K. ENSOR, Executor. WILLIAM DUNCAN, Auctioneer. Aug. 19.—te. BONE DUST. I WILL SUPPLY MY FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS WITH THAT r * v ' ‘ J ' :iU[ *' L Tibfio'l p ?r,H SUPERIOR, UNADULTERATED ‘I S tf BOISTE DUST . * Manufactured by me. weI < Iftfo£*<Xfi& w >/. ffsiffi9*i 4 Price Reduced According to the Times. j Spring Crops being past, I will until -the fall season cornmeflsis- MB f JOSHUA HORNER, f Cor. Chew and Stirling Sts.yßalto., Md. June 17.—3 m. ~{; Y , r •' ■ - ! - -.a: vr-dff JT . MERCHANTTAILORING in 3P OWSO IST T O WN. flDl# subscriber respectfully tenders his ac- X xnowledgments to the citizens of Towson town and vicinity, for the yery generous sup port bo has. here to fore received in his business, and wou,’ ) inform his friends and customers that he ' considerably enlarged his stock, fand will nstantly keep on hand a well se lected : . jk Of j - Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Uvhich'he ia prepared to make into garments of ‘the latest styles, and at prices that will be sat isfactory to all. " -fc- -i I ask an examination of my stock. AUGUST LOOSE, Towsontown, Opposite Ady’s Hotel. j March 4, 1865.—tf. •* SIO Dollars Reward* ‘>h\r. OTOLEN from moon the night, of of July, a large Gray flea bitten HOIISE, 'about 16 hands high, fit for Cart or gen tma/iy give£j|cylKVVe vewnr4 ■andqhief, or SSO far aToneT He went irtirough the Toll gate on the York road the morning following, about 5 o'clock, and stated that he was going to little York, ‘ H#%lso stole Saddle and Bridle and night halter. I have reason to believe that the Horse is within fif tee?hdr twenty miles of Towsontown-. -'"J ■■ ’ "S- ELIAS SMARDON, ibiles from Baltimore, on the B. A O. R. R. Aug. *l9.—2t. AT PRIVATE SALE. ;S* . |?r .1?t. OnlTHad! fe&ti- oIN; - ? - . One Fine Ikopd Mare, five years old, One two-yeaV t, One one-year ola Colt, A '•* One Young STALImDN r White Hall Stock, All very superior animals, suitable for work or harness. WiUbe sold at a bargain June 17,—tf. \ Towsontown. AUCTIONEERS’ NOTICE. THE uidersignediViaving obtained a license, offers bis services to the of Balti more county as Auctioneer. Willattend prompt ly to all business entcukted to bis card and guar antees satisfaction. x JABNZ ARMACOOT’, Black' Rock, P.'O., Baltimore county/Mcl. _ jAug. s.—3m*: x STRAY COW. STRAYED away from the premises of the Mibscriber, at Warren Factory, on or about It he 10<A of August, a dark roan BIIF-jMA FALO COW, about 12 years old, had 11 tUZ a bell on when she left. A rswnrd will be given for her Return to the an* <l ?Au|! l l9.'-3t JOhN 3. GRIFFITH. REGISTRATION NOTICES. First Election District. Notice in another column.) i Second Election District. . . 1 "\rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tbit the X i undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties at . THE PLACE FOR HOLDING THE POLLS IN RANDALLSTOWN, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Sth and 9th days of August next, and will continue their sessions ou Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place, until the Third Wednesday of Sep tember next, inclusive, sitting each day' from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. JOSEPH 11. WRIGHT,) D. H. STINCHCOMB, ) Registers. N. N. HAIGHT, J i July 22.—td. Third Election District. Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties, AT DITCH’S 6 MILE HOUSE, On Tuesday and Wednesday the B<A and 9th days of August next; AT HAMMETT’S 3 MILE HOUSE, On Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. Ibtkand 16th; AT PIKESVILLE, On Tuesday and Wednesday the 22 d and 28d days of August next, and so on alternately on Tuesday and Wednes day of each succeeding week, at the same pla ces, until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. JASPER N. SLACK,) F. L. MORLING, ) Registers. JOHN DITCH, j July 22.—td. Fourth Election District. Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the 1 Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of theirduties at STORM’S HOTEL, reisterstown, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th and 9th days of August next, and will continue their sessiouson Tuesday and i Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the l same place, Until the Third Wednesday of Sep tember next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. JNO. 11. HARMAN, ) D. 8. LONGNECKER, WM. GAMBRILL, J July 22.—td. Fifth Election District. Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the | Governor of Maryland, under the act of the . General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, ! will meet for the performance of their duties at DANIEL WILHELM’S, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th days of August next, ! and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and j Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place, until the Third Wednesday of Sep . tember next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. BEJ. B. BUSH, ) AMBROSE TJ. BULL, > Registers. THOMAS HALE, J i July 22.—td. Sixth Election District. Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the , Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties, AT THE PLACE OF HOLDING THE POLLS IN MIDDLETOWN, On Tuesday and Wednesday the Bth and 9th days i’.’ ll of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place, until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each d*y from 9. A. M., to 5 P. M. JACOB B. WILHELM,) Wm. McCULLOUGII, CIIAS, BURKE, j July 22.—td. Seventh Election District. Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the j Governor of Maryland, under the act of the Gjeneral Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, ' will meet for the performanee of their duties at | IIOFFACKER’S HOTEL, FARKTON, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th days of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday i and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at i the same place, until the Third Wednesday of 1 September next, inclusive, sitting each' day from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. ALFRED S. COOPER,) KEAN CURRY, V Registers. HENRY S. CONN, J July 22.—td. . .U) ; /. Eighth Election District. Notice is hereby given; That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the get of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties at COCKEYSVILLE, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th days of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place”, until the Thitd Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. ABRAHAM JESSOP,) EDWARD RIDER, > Registers. ROBERT S. SMITH, J July 22.—td. Ninth Election District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties at RITTER’S HOTEL, GOVANSTOWN, \ On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th days of August next, apd will continue their sessions on Tuesday apd Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place, until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting caeh day from 9 A. M-, to 5 P. M. Dn. J. R. WARD,) E. L. PARKER, ) Registers. GEN. LEAKIN, J July 22.—td. Tenth Election District. Notice is hereby given, That tho undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties at MONKTON, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 29th and 30<A days of August next , and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at <’ “SL'ADE’S TAVERN, uhtil the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A, M., to 3 P. M. WILLIAM C. VANCE,) W. STONEBRAKER, s Registers. Joshua ii. Parker, J July 22.—td. • '3' Eleventh Election District. Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the Gjeneral Assembly, passed March 24th, 1885, will meet for the performance of their duties at DAMPMAN’S HOTEL, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th days of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place, until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. THOS. F. FORSYTHE,) : DAVID BLACKLOCK, V Registers. EDWARD BELL, J July 22.—td. BEAUTIIUI. GEM PICTURES 1 BEAUTIFUL GEM PICTUBES! <y - FOR ALBUMS -* *• FOR ALBUMS! ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN ! ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN ! JOHN H. YOUNG, JOHN 11. YOUNG, • 231 BALTO. STREET, CORNER CHARLES. 231 BALTO. STREET, CORNER CHARLES. July L—3m. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! J. G. PETER, Merchant Tailor. No. 7, South Gay street, Baltimore. KEEPS always on hand a fine assortment of the best goods, which he is prepared to make to order at short notice. Also, Goods .made up that are bought elsewhere. Aug. s.—ly. REGISTERS NOTICES. Twelfth Election District. Notice is hereby given, That tbe undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under tho act of the 1 General Assembly, passed 24th., 1805, , will meet for the performance of* their duties at THE BLUE BALL, Philadelphia Road, On Tuesday and Wednesday, A ugnst Bth and 9th; AT Mas. ZIMMERMAN’S, CANTON, August 15 th and 16th; ... AT Ma. HINKLE’S, HARFORD ROAD, August ‘22d and 23rd, ahd so on alternately, on Tuesday and Wed nesday of each succeeding week, at the same places, until the Third Wednesday of Septem ber next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5 P.M. CHAS. WIIITTEMORE,) E. P. GILL, /Registers, i NICHOLAS M. BRYAN,) July 22. td. io : .•r. ; ci- . Thirteenth Election District. Notice is hereby given. That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their at CAPPEAU’S TAVERN, Near the Sulphur Springs, Washington Road, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th days of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place, until the third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each, "day from 9 A. M., to 5. P. M. F. G. F. WALTEMEYER,I EDW WIIITTEMORE, !■ Registers. ELIAS SMARDON, J July 22.—td. Miscellaneous. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. JOHN S. BEESE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents FOR tax PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, 71 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE. THE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, resem bles Peruvian Guano in appearance, odor, and composition. The value of all Guanos and Super Phosphates of lime, of whatever name, depends, as is well known, upon the per cent, of Ammonta, Soluble Phosphate, and Bone Phos phate of Lime they contain. This Guano .dif fers from Peruvian only in the fact that if: con tains less Ammonia, but this difference in Am monia is more than made up by the fact that it contains almost double as much Soluble, aud Bono Phosphate of This difference makes it a durable fertilizer, with all the activ ity of Peruvian Guano. Although the price of this Guano is only ono-half the price of Peru vian, and is not higher phates of Lime, yet it contains, as is proven by analysis and inspection, vastly more of ammo nia, soluble and Bone is found in the best of them. Hence ;its economy and intrinsic value must render itanobjectof great interest to farmers^eqer*Uy. WE WO§M FAGMEGti , n . TAKE ESPECIAL NOTICE, That the conditions upon which we have the agency ef this Guano are that every cargo is regularly inspected and analysed by Db. Lki big, whose authority in such matters is para, -mount. ; ; .11. >v"[ This arrangement and consumers a protection not had in the purchase, of fertiliz ers generally, u It must also be noticed that the phosphates of this Guano, are no.t, miner#/, but earthy Phosphates, which is greatly to its ad vantage. >.-ii ; Tlie following is a summary of analysis, of 1 last Cargo: Moisture 10 per ct. Organic Combustible Matter.,.39.71 “ Earthy Matter 50.28 “ Yielding Ammonia. 3.40 pr. ct. Soluble Phosphate of Lime... 17.07 “ Bone Phosphate of Lime...... 24.32 “ For sale by Dealers throughout the States, and by JOHNS. REESE & CO., / P. G. Company’s Agents, Baltimore,, Price $65 per ton of 2000 lbs., usus.l discount, to Dealers.. June 17, 1865.—1 y. BUBNSIDE $ GUST IN, UNITED STATES '* CLAIM, INSURANCE & GENER AL AGENTS, ILT IT? 1 2j;> a 5i '§ r y *' i si*i No 15 South Gay Street, First National Bank, i SvTlD jr'sp>BUSlNESScaTeful]y and' promptly trafis ll'v acted before the Departments of (ho Gen eral, State and Local Governments. . feSS" Pensions, Bounties/ Back Prize Money, Horses lost in services 'Fuel, -Forage; Ac., taken by Officers, Vessel? lost, <&e. Safely Invested and . Accounts Adjusted. Accounts Settled. 3 a Cash advanced to -Clients and Vouchers Cashed. Gen’l Agents for Insurance against Accidents. J. O. P. BURNSIDE, Latb Captajx axd. C, S. U. S. Vans. R. P. GUSTIN, Latk Auditor Q. M. Ovkice, Balto. References of Burnside*4'Gustin, by special permission:—Hon; Thos. Swaflrnj Govt eject of Md.; Hon. C. Ct Cox, Lt. Gdvl Md. ;■ Hon. Wm. B. Hill, Sec. Md.j Col. R. M. Newport, Chief Quartermaster, Baltimore, Md,; Col. W. H; Brown, A. Pro. Marshal Gea’l, Delaware aud Md.; J. 8. Norris, Esq.f Qsshier First National Bank, Baltimore; Brevet Drig. Gen. N. L. Jef fries, Asst. Rfrokrosft Marshal Gqft’k Waftlytogton; Thomas A Co., Bitfkerb, Baltimore; Hon. 1. Tome, Member Md., : ; Hon. Henry G. Hazen, Member House *of Delegates ; John S. Leib, Esq., Treasurer N. C. Railroad. i< A July B.—im. ~~ WM. H. BEAD’S - Blackberry Boot Syrnp Compound, FOR the immediate ctrre of ‘Dfitrhoea, Dys entery, Summer QSMpjMiit, and for all af fections of the .Bowels. “Healing in*its fisfture, > ’ if ßmirely Vegetable in its Composition,” “ftoataotr to the Taste,” “Certain in its Curative'effects,” “Popular wherever known,” “Destined to be famous,” “Immediate to give Relief.” This Remedy jp savory desir able that we Wobldeonseießthmsly recommend it to the public, especially fthose Buffering with affections of the Bowels, incident to the season. It is a tranquilizuig anodyne astringent, act ing ljke a.charm in all forms of Dyseuteric.afT fections, an,d does not heat ami,irritate the mu cous membrane of the intestines. Invaluable for use pt ter “Sr Children’s use it is thq very thing, being Eleasant, agreeable and strengthening. It may e given to the most delicate infant, as WU as to a grown person, with perfect surety of Pure. It should be constantly in the hpuspa and form, a part of the oui&t&ff th& v&yhg&a&a the tour. Soldiers, from the sort of food/served up, are special sufferers from Diarrhoea and kindred diseases. Iu the worst form of Chronic affec tions they will find this Remedy and rapid in its cure. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE>' T Mailed on receipt of 75 cents to any place.? WILLIAM H. READ has constantly iff store a full and carefully relected stock ot fine Im ported and domestic Fancy Goods, Costnetms, Perfumes, Soaps, Combs, Brushes, and fine Toi let Articles generally, at Hoi 147 BALTIMORE ST., one door east from Calvert street. READ'S MINERAL WATER Still supports its well-deserved reputation.— Crowds of patrons attest the excellence qI the drink, drawn from Fountains lined with porce lain; and of the carefully prepared from the ripe fruits. . I, July B—tf. / . FOB SAIiE, A DWELLING HOUSE in Tow jf\.sontown, containing 15 rooms, el-ffij/Mfr ligibly situated, in fee; also, 40 Acref. lililL of Land, 8 mites from Baltimore, andl££|£jH 4 miles from Towsontowfi; A GOOD FARM of 45 Acres, ne*r White House, sth. one of 70 ACRES, 2} miles from Middletown. Terms easy. Apply PA YNE, 338WUJ W ANTED to borrow, $3,000 or $3,600 for two , or three years, for which good mortgage will be given on city or country property.— Apply *t this office. ol h iAug. 13.—1 t. ,y 1— .6881 .11 .do’l fiance's Column . Nervous diseasis coii. TROLLEI) AID COJI aUGKED. : Dr. Bradshaw's Invigorating Cor dial. Dr. Bradshaw** Invigorating Cor- I dial. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor dial. 1 The Great Vnvigorant. irme ©issir DMhMnEi Cures, Cures, Cures, NERVOUSNESS and WEAKNESS, ' AND all diseases arising from excesses and J\z ovcrexertion whether physical or mental. To persons of feeble muscular frame, or de r ficiCnt in Vital power, it is recommended as the ' only mettijs dr communicating that energy which is necessary to the enjoyment of all the natural appetites, as well as the higher mental attributes. Its beneficial effects are not eon r lined to either sex or any age. T ; ,e feeble girl, . the ailing wife, the listless, enervated youth, jp the overworn man of business, the victim of , nervous depression, the individual suffering fYom general debility, or from weakness, will >■ find immediate and permanent relief from the use of this incomparable renovator. A STIMULANT THA T ENTAILS NO RE ACTION, ! Its force i never expended, as is the case with opium or alchoholic preparations, and all oth er excitants. The effect of these is brief, and it may well be said of him who takes them, “the last state of man is worse than the first.” But the Elixir is an exhilarant without a sin gle drawback—safe in its operation, perpetual in its happy influence upon the nerves, the mind, and the entire organization. In cases rtf neuralgia, headache, loss of memory, hj po chondriasis, dyspepsia, general prostration, ir ritability, nervousness, inability to sleep, liver complaint, ami all diseases iucidentto females, hysterks* muomania, vague terrors, palpita tion of the heart, barrenness, Constipations, Ac., Ac., from whatever causa arising, it is," if there i 6 any reliance to be placed on human testimony, absolutely infallible. It is the only infallible remedy, yet diseov. ered for Nervous head and Mind Complaints. It is the metaphysic long sought for, and never before found, the only natural agent that can “administer to a mind diseased.'’ In cases of [ neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pain in the nerves of the face, and the variqu.- train of ’ nervous affections, it will produce ; -e in an ' astonishing short period of time ; : . t will ’ also remove depression, excitement, / - ncy ’ to blush, restlessness, sleeplessness, dis c-of society, incapacity for study or business, oss i of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood to the [ head> melancholy mental debility, indecision, ( wretchedness, Ac. It will increase and restore the appetite, strengthen the emaciated, renew f the health of those who have, in* ducq continual cheerfulness and equanimity of spirits, and prolong life. Trice $3 per bottle, or two bottles for $5 ; six bottles for sl2. For sale by S. 8. HANCE. 108. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. .N, B.—Persons out of the city enclosing a ' remittance will have packed securely in a box .and,forwarded to their address immediately on its receipt. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. HANCE’S v:;., OR BLOOD PILLS. n • : v. .. i Hanes’s Sarsaparilla or. Blood Pills. t ■ -ii. 11l ' Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. ■ Jlapce's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pill 6. Hpnce’s fearsaparilla or Rlood Fills. Ilauee’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Tills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla, Vegetable or Blood Pills, For Purifying the Blood. Baltimore, June 29,1860. millS is to certify, that I was afflicted with I a violent pain in the breast and right arm which, I suppose^-proceeded from the impure state of rny bhfCd. I was recommended to take ■ Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and after taking one box the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm. I found them ex tremely, gjen tie in their operations, and would recoramcnd-them to every person in want of a mild purgative. Patrick Roche, . iv No. 25 Conway Street, i .up between Howard and Eutaw. purchasing these PUL let me add QPWORDOFCApm AlWay’s ask for HANCE’S PILLS, and pur inhale oi fldnrfe btft those* adfertisetr as agents', and if convenient, call and see the proprietor i himself. For sale by t IANCE> ‘ r,! - 1 ’• 168 ■ Baltimore Street, : 'T 1 ; and SWEETZaR A CO., corner of Charles and Pratt Streets. Jan. 28, 18651 ly. - - FITS! Hance’s Epileptic Pills. For the cure df ;,<J ' Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and all kinds 'of Constitutional Diseases. TkERSONS who are laboring under this dis ’ || tressing malady wfPF fin'd FIANCE'S'HPI ’ LEPTIOIPftiLB to be the only .remedy ever discovered for tin 1< gwiol Fite * These Pills possess a specific action on, the nervous sys'fem; and’although they are F>re pared especially for the purpose df curing ; beJound ofespeciplbenefit. for_ all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has been prostrated or shatter ed from any cause whatever. In chronic com plaints, or diseases of long standing, superin ( -uuced by nerVousne'ss, they are exbeedingiy ’ benefleiah Sent by mail free of postage. PRUjEft—Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills,. $3 per box, or two boxes for $5 ; twelve boxes $24. All orders must be. addressedppnst-paid, ; .. SETH Si. IIANCE, Baltimore Street, Baltroiiim. Md. Jan. 28,1864.—1 y. ’ _ Sarsaparilla FiiL rpjfE nipst valuable medicine in the world X for curing dyspepsia, flatulence, cost: ve ness, headache, nervousness, Ac. Persons of cftjll habit, jphp are subject to headache, giddi . ness,"Drowsiness and singing in the ears, aris ing from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never bp -svliluMit.them, as .Otany dan gerous rsymptoips will be strictly carried off by • their immediate use. For sale by ntopiJ* aaniff flANf!*? * Oll t ! ,tT 108 Baltimore Street. , Pijls can be sent by mail, and • where s>l worth is ordered, they will be sent free of postage. Jan. 28. 186-1. —ly. ' When You Can Have a Beautiful Head of Hair, : !(. t-MuiMii i: ,o p'jj ‘"KYfIO Y JJ U A*f<l / Wliy Don’t You do it f r It is possible to have . L FICH, GBOSSY AND BRIGHT HAIR, > if you will use (and only use) Hanee’s Chemical Hair Restorative. 5- l. Price sl. per bottle. For sale by I . S. S. H&NtfE, 'll w J j g3[<IYTO/Itilf Street. N. B.—Ask for Hair Res •' *" n3j,i A3 G Htmcfito .oiif.n lit \[ CELEBRATED TETTER WASH, TTIOR tha speedy and positive cara of tettea, Jj salt rheum, ring worm, barbers itch, and all;Cutaneous and skin Diseases. n A single bottle of this inestimable compound , has cured many of the most stubborn cases of :tho above diseases after the patient bad given i up all hope of cver being cured, and had px- I pended thousands of dollars for different rem i edies. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by ..r ' 9- S. HANCE, • 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. D B - 4 .W rai.s. ■ i - - ■ WRIGHT’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. Hance’s Sarsap a ilia Pills. AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS, t-1 Together with all the Popular Pills of the *| day. For sale by S. 6. HANCE, II Jaa. 28, 1865.—1 f. 108 Baltimore Street. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real Estate, On the York Turnpike, in Baltimore County, Near ike City Limits. I jT pursuance of a power of attorney from Samuel Ready under the provisions j£tm of the Act of Assembly of 2s3Pchapter 192 ; and also underAeill|L *"tlie 64th Article of the Code ofi££ft£H Public General Laws, the undersigned, as At torney, wilboffer at Public Sale, on the premi ses, on - ■” (STonn* Tuesday, the 29 th day of August, 1865, at the hour"of 12 o'clock M., ALL THAI PART QF A TRACT OF LAND called -T JL lX L XI. X O F&.l “SHERIDINE’S DISCOVERY," containing ,;i ~15 ; ACRES, .... more or less, described by metes and bounds in the mortgage thereof from Nizar and wifo to. Samuel Ready, (see liber G. H. C., No. 10, folio 428 of Mortgage Records of Baltimoreioounty.) The said land lies on the York Turnpike Road, back of Cold Spring Tavern, ana is within two miles of the City limits, and adjoins the land of St. George W. Teaekle, Esq., and offers great inducements to those wanting a country residence. The improvements consist of a TWO-STOR Y FRAME HO USE, with Back Building and Out-buildings. : Terms of Sale : —One-third Cash on the day of sale, the balance in six and twelve months, with interest, or all cash at tho option of the purchaser. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, August s.—ts. Attorney. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF A DESIRABLE COUNTRY SEAT. NEAR THE RELAY IIOUBE ON THE BALTO. A OHIO R. R. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, the subscriber, as Trustee, will offer at SaDsale, at the Relay House, (Wash- • (lift ~r**ingtou Junction,) at 12 o'Moek M-, Of Saturday. September Id, 1806, THE COUNTRY SEAT, formerly the residence of Vivian Brent, Esq., and adjoining the place of James H. Luckett, Esq. It contains about 36£ ACRES OF LAND, part of •s . “PIERCE’S ENCOURAGEMENT," of “THE FOREST" and of “UNITED FRIENDSHIP,” and is improved by a handsome COTTAGE AND OUTBUILDINGS. The House is within live minutes’ walk of the Relay House, on the north side, of the Balti more and Ohio Railroad, and near the Thomas viaduct over the Fatapsco river. The title is indisputable. The terms, as prescribed by the decree, are; One-third in cash on the day of sale, and the remainder in three l equal payments, in eix> twelve and eighteen months from day of sale, with interest; the credit payments to be secur ed by the promissory notes of the purchaser with approved endorsement, or the purchaser may at nis option, pay the whole in cash. THOS. DONALDSON, Trustee. August s.—ta. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF ONE OF TUB MOST VALUABLE FARMS rpilE undersigned Trustees offer X Private Sale the TstssM “BACON HALL FARM,” >mK situated in Baltimore county,contain-i££|£Hi ing 476 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Thi3 property is situated on the York Turn pike, twenty miles from Baltimore, and less than three miles from Monk Urn Station on the Noithern Central Railway, adjoining the finely improved estate of Nicholas R. Merryman.— About two hundred acres are wooded, and the balance arable land of a kind quality, not less than 150 acres of which arp. level and very pro ductive. There is an excellent quarry of Liiue .stone on it, and a kiln convenient, i The DWELLING HOUSE is of stone, ,60 by ' 15 fed, wiih commodious wings. It is hand somely situated in a )ie<lifh), ; Mid beautiful valley,’ and rdadily 'be made one Of tbe WOSt desirable and productive estates in the county. .There is a good BARN on the property, and oth . jsr necessary outbuildings and is well watered. Terriis of sale One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, or i on the ratification thereof, and the balance in : equal instalments, in one and two years from • the day of sale, with interest, and security to l be approved by the Trustees. JOHN PHILPOT,) T . [ JNO. T. ENSOR, \ ArUßtees * t Apply to John Philpot at Phoenix, or to Jno. T. Ensor at Towsoptown, Baltimore co., Md.' Feb. 25.—tf. ■ / - FOR SALE, 400 ACRESOF “MY LADY’S MANOR” LAND. THE undersigned, as Attorney for owner, of fers for sale that valuable FARM known as “THORNBROOK/' lying in Harford and Baltimoreeounties.and about FOUR HUN: ACRES OF LAND. iiSCIB i It iKdiatant by turnpike 18 miles firom BaltL more city, and five miles from the Monkton station, on the Northern Central Raj|way. This farm is of the very best quality ol Man or land* and win anpxcellent state of cust* v ?’' tion, producing as good-crops as any land in • the State. It is well wooded and watered, hav ing water in every field, and is improved by a j good DWELLING HOUSE, BARN and other necessary outbuildings. , A Macadamized pike to Baltimore cRy passes . through this farm, dividing it into twotracts of l about 200 acres each, which will be sold separ . ately, to suit purchasers. ‘x. . There is a LIMESTONE QUARRY on the adjoining farm. This ferm is convenient to Churches, Schools, Stores, Ac., and is in% thum > ly settled and healthy neighborhooii. ; t r •For terms and further particulars, apply to ; or address .7 P. H- RUTLEDGE. ■_ v i Bel Air, Harfpwl county, Maryland. Aug. 19.—4 t. PUBLIC SALE QW&S AJh Mil A K ® • rjIHE undersigned by virtue of competeptau- L thority, wjll offer af pfiblic sale, at Kings t ville. at or nearthe croskingof the Joppa and.’Bel Aif roads, on hJ-j g . Saturday, August 26th , 1865, Ai '.Jg 'at 1 o'clock, P. Jtj All that part of a tract of laud, of wEich Sam uel ToveH, late of Baltimorecennty, died seized, ! the -same being a part of a tract, which Josiah Iloshour, Albert A. Miller,.and Henry Seitz, purchased of Charles R. Chew wife. The said parcel of land contains TJSN .ACJjIES, un , improved, but well,;timbered, consisting o CHESTNUT, WHITE OAK, POPLAR and HICKORY.tIUTOH S'R JCMJjO It lies ahout J mile frunii H®* Air road ’ V on the day of Sale, and theEalence in 30 days, /Attorney. S.G- WILSON, Auctioneer,. • / i —fill I Valuable l arm In Baltimore County? For Sale. THE undersigned, as Attorneys for the own er, xiflfer for sale a very valtia&le FARM lying at the head of Dulaney’s Vftl * ley, Baltimore county, about 14Jnsjln from Baltimore city, con-IM*m| f more or less j.adjmdll part in WOOD and the rest under good cultivation. The improve ments consist of two TENANT HOUSES AND A FINE BARN r nearly The FARM is well fenced, has good waTer near the house, and an APPLE ORCHARD. It may be divided into two* and will to sold afl a whole or in tracts-of about 201 acres and 110 acres each, each being capable of fine improve* ment. A plat of the property may be seen at our office, where tetfaUiaodAirtAer particulars ‘I ' Ulb * Bir ’"' lihOtLEY * MORRIS, 1 43 Charles St. Baltimore, p August 5.—4 t. . Farm at Private Sale. THE undersigned not heing able to attend to to his farm ip consequence of an <s* injury received, offers the private sale. Said Farm con- tains 71 ACRES, more or less.iSfmß • irsitilated on “My Lady’s Manor,” near the Old York Road, 20 miles from Baltimore and • 3i miles from Monkton Station, N. C. R. R.— It is in a good State of cultivation and under food fencing. Thl improvements Consist of a ►ouble Log DwelUng House, Log Barn, Wagon and Corn House and otheroutfbuildings. For Terms, Ac., appljr *O Bwn 9 JOSEPH PARSONS, Pbilopolis P. 0., Balto. county, Md. May 6.—6 m. : Legal Not I S ThfE MA’fTKR oF^ ESTATE OF THOM,’- cunt court far Baltimore . To the Hon. D. C. U. Ed cuit Court for Baltiun The report of I. Nevi. Baltimore, respectively she Fire insurance Company % made and executed to him . under the provtaking of the . Assembly of Maryland, pass’. session, 1826, chapter 192, entitled “an act re lating to mortgages in the city and county of I Baltimore,” to sell and convey a lot or parcel of land, situate at Go\ anstown in Baltimore coun tv and described in a deed of mortgage from . Thomas Cross and wife to George M. Hiss, trus tee, d*ly executed and recorded in the mort gage records of Baltimore county, in Liber H. M. F., No. 0, folio 447, Ac., which mortgage was assigned by said Hiss by a deed of assignment to the Mutual Fire Insurance Company in Bal timore county, duly executed and recorded among Lhe mortgage records of Baltimore coun ty, in liber G. H. C., No. 17, folio -tO2, Ac., that after giving bond with security lor the faithful f discharge of-his trust as required by law, whirh bond was duly approved by the clerk of this Court, and after giving notice of the time, place, . (•manner and terms of sale by advertisement In serted in the Baltimore county Union and the Maryland Journal, two papers published in Baltimore county, for more than twenty days before the day of sale, and also by advertise ment in the Baltimore Sun, a newspaper pub lished in Baltimore oity, he did in pursuance of said act of assembly and power of attorney, and of the provisions of article 64 of the Code of Geperal Public Laws, offer for sale at public auction on the premises at Govanstown in Bal timore county, on Tuesday, the Ist day of Aug., 4865, at the hour of 44 P. M., the lot or parcel of ground in the abovementioned deed of mort gage described, situated at Govanstown afore said, fr nting on the York turnpike about 460 feet, and containing 2 acres, 1 rood and 14 per ches of land, more or less, and sold the same to William H. Mittau at and for the sum of three thousand one hundred and thirty dollars, he being then and there the highest bidder there for, that said sale was fairly made and that the said purchaser has complied with the terms of sale by payingone-half of the purchase money in cash and giving his note for the other half thereof payable in six months from day of sale with interest; m I. NEVITT STEELE, Attorney in fact o( the Mutual Fire Insu — r [ ranee Company ip Baltimore county. • State of Maryland, Baltimore county, ss : 1 , On this'Jth day of August,lß66, -U, 8. S. before the subscriber a Justice of ’ ( 6c, the Peace in and for the county ' —: ' aforesaid, personally appeared the above named I. Nevitt Steele, attorney in fact of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company in Baltimore county, and made oath iu -*■ ’ •'t of law, that the matters Btatod in th* : ing report are true to the best of his 1 ;® 1 and belief. GIDEON HERBERT, ORDERED this 9th day of i the sale made and reported in the afore i report by I. Nevitt Steele, attorney in of 1 the Mutual Fire Insurance Company in Balti > more county, of the mortgaged estate of Thom • as Cross, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary be shown on ,<r before the 9th * day of September next, prov... .1 a copy of said report ana this order be insei •:< in two news papers published in Baltimore onty, once in each of three successive weeks before the Ist day of September next. The report states the amount of sales to be $3,131. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk, True copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Aug. 12-(—3t. - THOS. F TROXEL vs. MARY E. HAUBE, and others. In the Circuit Court for Balti more county —Sitting in equity. ORDERED this 10th day of August, 1806, | that the sale made and reported by Thomas F. Troxel, tiustee for the sale of the real estate of . Lafayette V. Ilause, deceased, be ratified end , confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof , be shown on or before the 2th day of September, r 1865, provided a copy of this order be inserted . in two newspapers publishedin Balt more coun ; ty, once ill each df three successive weeks, be j fore the Ist day of next. The report states the Vmnnnt'of sales to be $2 992. JOHN H LON fNBORER 01-rk , True Copy—Test: f- : JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. t Notice to Creditors. THE creditors of LAFAYETTE V. HAUSE, -• deceased, are hereby notified to file their claims with the vouchers thereof, in the office of the s Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, r on or before the first day of October next, prepara i tury to the distribution of the proceeds of sale i of the real esta.e of said Hause. 3 T. F.TROXELL, Aug. 12.—3 t. Trustee I.v Baltimoue County Orphans’ C.oTfnr. August 16th, 1865. ORDERED, that the lease of the k< a ■ tate of WILLIAM H.STINsON deceii-d -by Eugenia G. Stiuson and E' sn W. \Y_ the jExecutevs of the last W Lrjt I of the said deceased, and t this Court by the said Exi cn and confirmed, unless cause be foe v .. u • contrary, 1 Qn or before the 12 thday tf , September, •. 1 Provided a copy of this prder be inserted in some weekly newspaper, published in Balti more county, for three successive weeks, before i the 9th day of September, 1865. I ;The report states the amount of lease to be i $2,200 cash, and an annual rent of $l2O. i STEPHEN W. FALLS, JOS. MERRYMAN. • ! £ Judges. True Copy—Test: i T JOHN PHILPOT, Register of Wills for Baltimore county. 1 Aug. 19.—3 t. nplffTS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub i X scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ f Court of Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry <Sa the estate of * - GEORGE ENSOR of G., > late of said county, deceased. All persons hav -1 ing claims against ,the said estate are hereby • warned to exhibitf'fhe same with the vouchers thereof td the subscriber, > obr before the 12th day of March. 1866 ? they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paymeilx. Given under my hand this Btb day of August, 1865. : tvj b < GEORGE K. ENSOR, Atlg, 12.—4t* Executor. T~ HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained .from the Orphans > Cfiurf of] Baltimiwe county, letters of ik'u l • iaitration on the estate of , 111 WILLIAM HISStIY, f 7 iliite of said county, deceased. All pe. ing.elaims against the said estate, r . * j| warned to exhibif the same with the 1 -iliereofto the subscriber, \Os or before the 12 . th day of March they may..otherwise by law be exclu [ all benefit of said estate. Those ind i said estate are requested to make im:n' payment. Given under my hand this Bri. .y of August, 1865. SUSANNAH HISSEY, Aug. 12.—4t* Administrator. Insolvent N: ice. Nbl’ICE IS HEREBY GI T N, To the cred itors of WILLIAM Ui>. -i.RWOOD, an ; applicant foathe benefit oft! b “48th Article of the Code of Public General relative I to insolvents, that the Ist Monday of December •nixt, has been fixed for his appearance, to an swer interrogatories, and lor a final hearing ot h|s caseinro?e the Circuit Court for Baltimore [ county. Dated the 10th day of August, 1865. Test: ’ JOnN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. . Aug. 12.—3m* ; Insolvent Notioe. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To the cred itors of STEPHEN LLOYD, an applicant 4 Tor the benefit of the “48th Article of the Code ! of Public General Laws,” relative to insolvents, 1 that the lot Monday of December next, has been fixed fif liis appearance, to answer interrogato ries, and for a final hearing o: his case before t the Circuit Court for Baltimore county. Dated > the 26th day of May, 1860, i, ]'y. t Test: t JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk 3 ; June B.— 3m. • . WV E M’JILTON & CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Auctioneers, Advertising & Collecting Agents, No. 19 SOUTH STREET, I BALTIMORE, MD. | t> EAL Estate at Private Sale. Real Estate e X> at Puolic Sale. Property of every des i cription auctioneered. J. A. Houston, a practising Attorney at Law r for a number of years, - will examine Titles, pre a pare Convey ances, and prom ptl y Collect C: a• ms u entrtisted to our care. REFER TO—C. C. Cox. M. P LP ernor for the Stafe of MflrvjApd : J ’ , Jilton, Surveyor. White, Esq., Baltimore city, Md. j X ! JdTjr V