Newspaper Page Text
- - v L iiwrr, •Street, Baltimore, MbD STAND.) MAinjrACrURERS AM' DEA LERS IK ALI. , ' . ; uY;. KINDS OF Agricultural Implements •:!, AND ’/-c ; MACHINERY. BRAYLEY apd Pitt’s Threshers und Win nowers, Wheeler and Melick’sTreadPpw ers. Threshers and Winnowers, (manufactured New Yprk.) Meliek, Withington & Co’s. 2- Horse Tread Powers and Winnowers, (manu factured-, in Trenton, N. J.) PELTON POWERS AND THRESHERS with or without Winnowers. We are. also Agents for the celebrated Hub bard * Realtors and Rowers. Stiiawand ladder Gutters for band or horse power, SHELLEBS all siaes and kind®, CORN PLAT ERS AND ,"mAij l SEED DRI.LLS, AyfiEqnt’s Patent Grain Drills, w'fh dir■ without Seed or Guano Attachmeut. t^°r ; GRIST OR CORN MILLS, PLOWS, Of J1 jaiaes and kinds, Minor, Horten A Wi lev*# improved Plug Flow, Woodcock's Plows wltsb*eaat and wrought Share and Point*.— '.SPRINGTOOTH HORSE RAKES; Cider and Hominy Mills, Fasig’s Patent Lift ing Jack, Pope’s Ainmoniated Guano, Pope’B Fish Guajtd, Pope's Phosphate, Pacific and Mexican,Guano. All for sale by .'! ~; :oi LINT O IST & L A M O T T, No. 151 N. HIGH ST., BALTIMORE. April 1. —tf. --Bud'-i-l- . . STOREKEPERS, READ THISI The Largest and Best Assortment of Everything in the Grocery Line { And at the Lowest Prices iS to be found at G*. 3D-qj3SrX,A.P >:, S, 13. West Baltimore Street. BROWN A WHITE SUGARS EVERY GRADE. rio, laguayra a java Coffees. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the lowesl grade to the very finest in mar- Also. JA PANESE TEAS now dS9 9n ■ so extensively used. SPICES ; 6 lb. Japanned cans, hinged, all varieties. lr Matches & Blacking j , ,fjj, man ufo c t,ur#r V price?.. ' tJ , I( pp Coffee Essence, Succory Barley, Bird Seed, Powdßr, Snot, aps, . Soaps, &<?. p/t Manufacturers’ Wholesale Agent for PALMS SR DAPELfON COFFEE, _ • A HEDGE’S <Hr '' ‘V v" d ■'' Boston Crackers and M/ilk'Biscuit- Fox’s Farina Crackers. ‘ Sweet’s Infallible Liniment. Extract Roots for Making Beer. Oriental Co’s., Japan and Wheat Coffee. Xcw England coffee. Loudon Club coffee. Also, at Manufacturers’ Prices, Ba,<?onJdfpe] j for Coffee. R;4gway’s Family Coffee. BroadbenFs . French Coffee. In fact can supply you with everything in our line, right. Call and convince yourselves G. LEWIS DUNLAP, No. 13 West Baltimoro Street, Between Institute and Bridge, Baltimore. March 4, 1865; —ly. , r fo CLOTHING 1 W Lp £ SIHIIER OF 1805- '• & Cq | S* g B. STINE’S I . | Clothing House, | -5 yo. 75 -West Baltimore street, Hi |* rߧtwceb,Gay st. and Tripolett’s Alley, Equal in all repects tp work made to SL m !'/ncasr£, and'arnifitfii lower prices. S |A PERFECT FIT INSURED TO ALL § , Thp. jAmUUeyR thiß house for ddifigl gj O buimesßafo sughthat they can con- ~ £>. ffirenwy claim for It the leading post- Ka [tion among the Tailoring Establish- '•g* ,rWftts of They therefore. .iinvitc the Attcifoion of gentlemen, of © .their, stock of superb Ready- X'* f ists, trimmed made equal to cus- Itpm work’, at ' . $5 . POPULAR PRICES. K .<5,1, they Rave also a Custom Depart- [ment, whore the latest may 53 h. found. So O ] May 28, 18651—1 y ‘ -tlfl TOWN*DRUG STORE. r jYiIE undersigned having thoroughly L renewed hip snook* and laid in a com-w piece assortment of j , Jrm DYE STUFFS,- DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ’ PERFUMERY, 1 - and everything else, in, hfo lin?, respect Fully so licits the attention wfoOfcn/ry purchasers, and a call from all dealers. .5* Having perfacttA hiS bbih lir Baltimore and m ! rat northern cities. re gard to purchase^he is pnafflfod to sreilfso loilp as to satisfy ntk jtrosrahllire.'ptitwhljte tne'SAK cles in his litfe’ al'p'jftdifeiouslv sdleAted^hie 1 PRICES are CHE APER'than'the cheajfost 1 He requests agiftl Lrdm evefjt one w^A^cohids 1 to town to ptirehft'sb 1 , th.ev wiHh,^ 1 satisfied. In addition U the usual stocW con tained idjf DruarStore, I keep on #, thor r ..ngh'MkiSHmWfft at *_ .xT .^A PATENT MEDICINES, j P. S. Physicians’ orders' 'promptly filled j ' " J fSr.W Vitriol ik thelowystcashpAic/ FRANKLIN MET2GEIt, Gay and Exeter streets, OTd0 T d To^ff; nc'fS’.o-M: l • ,■' ■ j.-_ ,■ eei \ > r , Tito! Trees!! Trees!!! .Lm Miu* i -AT-THE* • Lv--‘Al n .\iac MARYLAND NURSERIES. undersrgnetl offers for sale at the **Ma- X situated on -the Falls about 13, mifos from Baltic 23p.nore city and fourimUes lroin23Jf on the W. M. R.~*TT R , o choice ;S fcock of T RXJIT TREISB, U, consisti'fig' of Peach. Apple, Pear, Aprieofe,' Plfito; and tp fact frnit of eSery deaeription.-*— The subscriber being experienced in fruit grow ing can recommend his Trees to all who may favor him With a cill. 1 . 11 f. A’s>, a choice selection of Grape Vines and 8t hfwr TlffßWinVffya’icffi hanff aff dhrttp* as * beVutchiisAlCeßewhere. BatisUsction rttiStHittiWnm warceit. ifi B. P ri Q, r ßalto. Jufy ; —3m. " E. J. CfltRGI, AshlamlH and Monu / Streets, Baltimore, < ST’ILH keeps on han4 ail varieties,, of Ltj ,BER. SHUNGLHS, LOTS, tablished staud, which hs sells at the very owest prices. \ ■ . Citizens of Baltiipore cojmty who [jntend uilding, are iaviTed to call, *j i •,i j .UMBER BY TIIVCAR LQAD A'P GITY About 10,(.')(> w well 2c-asone'^,forKLifo c^ft& P• •July sjp-3m. 0 Farmers, L6ok at the Great Ad\ r• - tags in purAsbiAg Grain w itb GEISER’S PATEN’i, SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARA TOR, CLEAkSTi AND BAGGER. A T a time like the present, when-labor is scarce, i.t is important that Farmers, who aiieinterasted, Should pay attention to the above injprovemeifct, whihh considerably reduces the BjqpeaseiQfoTbreabiiig Arain, over any machine now iii use. It is peculiarly adapted to its work r : - j oil -1 rrr^rrs-r-rrt — 1 ■ i—i i ■ J. | T / ijfo j FAasn hht haHh — _ - , .. -^4 1.. ’ - - ” " 1 tpHE above cut represent* a Pump worked X ; by a wheel, kept constantly running by means of a,small streain.of wator. The Pump . forcing tlie spring \yster U> the 4ious*e, supply iug a reseryoir in the upper part ol the house lor bathing purposes, Ac. The waste water can be conveyed to; stable, bam, milk house, Ac. A fine jet, caw be placed in the lawn and sup plied from the roservoir. I have a number ol this description at worrying euti,ro satisfac m -V^ ' 1 - c*. • E. BIBBILI., Kos. 6 & a North Xiiberty .St._i Balto., CANFIELD BROS. & CO., <329 BALTIMORE ST-, CORNER OF CHARLES, HAVE a fine Stock of— r , 'O ’lf&b itiis Vil livn: r uu\ r - * • Geld Watches for Ladies andGeutlemen. Silver Hunting Case Watuhaapfiall kinds. Gold Gbatelain Vest.and Guard Chain*. Diamond Earrings, BraceleU * Rings. Rich suit* of Jewelry of new atylee. Bracelets,iNeoklaces, Earrings and Pins of great variety. Caftbunole, Stal and other Rings. Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Butter Knives,’ 4 Silver Pitchers, GebUts. Cups. Salts, Ao. Fancy Silver Good* of new^ityles. Plate&Jfea and Coi£fc&*tfM At* patterns, Castora, or Alabata Forks aud Spoons of hesjf^ ! lU T : *bfi and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors * Razors. Wiitclies carefully repairSffT-', Fans, Opera Glasses. Portmonaies; beautiful Parbl GDI Jmd Poarcelain beautifyl Pkr-- is Gaftd .Recoivers' aud othdr Prout’s . lHail%ini llmtEtfW?.™ Marbly fOfa f B-ouzed Parts Clocks; Bronzed Figures and a V/ i t i iiitviii ■v/ - - 11UTARY GOODS. Swords and Belts for Army and Navy, Sash es, Spurs, Ruttons, Laco, Cord, Navy Lace, Caps,rß.tars and Einbroi^eriek, 1 ' Army Embroi deries of all kinds, Chevrons, Bindings, Cloth, Ac. Field Glasses, Pistols and Cartridges. March 13, 1885.-1 y. Geo. H. Carman. Josbua M. Bosley. W Sion, REAL ESTATE of every desenp .ition, in the city of Baltimore, the Counties of | Maryland and other .States,—B.QßßO ,V AND LOAN MONEY ON MORTGAGE,—aud attend • to Cclloption* of all kinds promptly. OURt)FEICE is centrally and eonven utly located, >vJitH all Uie a thor gh and ehergetic of business : an; propose to use all-proper anji availahle m tq present to tlie purchasing public and c. tallstj*, such property as may be in our. ban -• fdr salp) f xomi IF you want‘to Sell a Farm, House or Ground | Rent, inform us of the fact, and put it on our i 6 mier t mmV!(£z m Persons haring busiuOss .inlour line, are rcs ! ctfnllyl sMicfted to us a calk, or commu cate with s by- letter or otbeirwise. Y. CABMAN & BOSLEY, Oflkelfo, 5 Carihll Hall (tip stairs,) 8. E. ' Aeiaer of Bal fi lhorb and Cal vert StF. , Feb. edlti-- 1 Baltimore, Md. it.,! din.lf —util r lilltl OVIi j 1 i 11;—r l *-—1 ' Sappington^ eOMPDPHD SYRUP 0F FLAXSEED, 1 , hi bnel'{na f.s. eqoaa-boog tut jaiseho-uj ,m veil J-V. ■)*-./ f. WiHwre lb 3 ! - -• ■ ■'- [ jb vd heroiq-. - 1 nit .blot! ai i ,w couGte[“" kbab .aauoH - 1 * COLDS, J . imu HOARSENESS, Ac. This r V r Superior Cough'Syrup, has been before the public Eighteen Years. It is fihWhbhaWbTeW fi? certain are for the aboffi Bifoed disehkes by all who have nsed it. hit I Prepared by DR, It. S. SAPPINGTON, -1! j 132 N. Gay streot, u - Bdf4eul Higlnwnd Front Streets, Nov. 19.—tf Baltiihiore, Md. A SADDLE, AkD COLLAR MANU FAOTUR EK, :i 11 f J | . No. 34S Baltimorest., ASBBfo J doors below Eutaw v .jntJt House, keeps eohsiantfy in 1 ' lyl hand &Tpry disriiptioh i tff SADDLES, ' aARNEsk- 1 TRUNKB. 1 ’ : WA RISES, CARPET BAGS, CpLLAWS. 'tih'l' other article in , his fffiftl Alr' orderk Frith neatness , JitfWWc'i GILMOUR’S HOTEL. ON f E't) PTJAN, No. 121 VE. STREET, r J. D. GILMOUBj Proprietor. ' A LARGE Varfotf Af'MCa'tls alld VeiCtables, "Jy, including.all thc dellcaefea bf thte foason, .served up In the best style. T LIQUORB of the choicest quanly. ROOMS PC-RNf?4llt> liy TOKjRAI’ OR >YEEK. Dining for fyiyftte Parti^. Noy. 18.—iy, ; , ■ . Thomas Mullin, ’Jr., • i - fm: manufaptuber, - East sMeeif lloiliday at, >1 vomit t r \ “ Adjoiningßhipley-ffltivery Stables, Second door South of Pleasant *!., Baltimore. rjnilGMiWS MUHMN, Jn., ■ notice, maae'by good ' ’ workmen, antfef-w^bheimawnNkSist A X. B. REPAIRING done at the shortest no tice, and on neaeoMble tends. .<!•./ Julv fcS, ■* I>■ 'I "" *’ *—mil yl’l-K'ir !.! -7TI PT >r!'i , rpn , * J m A. Storck’a . . STEAM, TURNING Hi •’ SAWING ESTABLISHMENT, 152 East st., between Hillen and Ensor, Balt., Bench Screws, Hand Screws, Bod Rosts, Car riage Hubs, Cart Hub's, Cedar Posts, Stair Ban isters, Stair Newels, Piano Legs, Columns,Table ' Lfljfe TEN PIN BALLS, ctcf Mfwrtrtt kinds of straight aRd fancy "’ ■'•oil Sawing. July 6, 1861,—1y GEORGE C. McCOULL, UWDERTAHER, Nc. 131 Saratoga street, 1 <door west of Howa ITS prepared to furnish COFFINS *t 25 per [ 6ent. less than the usual pride, Add of fipe nish, for oash. Jan. 28/1865. — tf. . and can be attached to either belt or iron rod Powers. Jt cleans the grain thoroughly by one l iration, which is tot gotierally doe by any machine. Grain cleaned by this machine, I ich corittelnS Anueh ligUfofilthy matter, is one or two cents per bushel more than ll cleaned in-the common way.- The machine is conveniently arranged tor hauling, being permanently fixed on two wheels- 1 • The above machines are fully warranted.— Price of the machine, from 4 to 6 horses, alf complete $2lO. For further information apd particulars address, LINTON A LAMOTT, 151 N. High street, Baltimore. May 6.—tf . , j ... .; " # *j j; . 7 lUtliiS '* iu> I' 1 1 PI.UMBEK dealer . HYDRAULIC RAMS, DOUBLE and SINGLE ACTION Lit £ AND FORCING PUMPS, Water Wheels, Pen Stocks, Slide Valves, Horse Powers, Ornamental Fountains, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Iron and Copper Boilers, ■ (look ing Ran<ms. Leather Hose, Iron Pipe, Lead 1 ipe, Sheet Load, Pig and Bar Lead, Block and Bhr Tin, 7;inc, Ac;, Ac. May 27.—3 m. FAMILY GROCERY. at the head of Richmond market. SL John C. Pitt, IHU (Late of Calvert and Pleasant streets,) HAVING taken that new and commodious 'store, at the head of llichmorid Market, cor ner of lSiddlc und Garden ttreeU, Baltimore, in forms his old fripnds and customers, and the public in general, that he has constantly oh* hand WINKS AND LIQUORS, in wood and glass, for medicinal and other purposes; supe rior sugar-cured HAMS; the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR; Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, ami Black Teas ; Jafa, Laguirg aud Rio Coffee; loaf, crushed, pulverized,clari fied and brown Sugar; Broma, Cocoa, Choco late, Farina, Rice Flour ; Sago, Yeast Powders, Sardines, Sauces, Pickles, Extracts, Salad Oil, Cqlogno, Toilet Powder, Pipre Spices, Figs, Rai sifis, Almonds, Pocan Nuts, Cracker#, Cheese, fine and coarse Salt, Table and Dairy do., Syr ups, New Qrleana and Sugar Hou#e Molasses, KeroUehA, Etheriab ami LaM -Oil, Tobacco ftnd iSdgars, Dupont’s Suiierior-Canister Powder, ; Shot, Gun Cu|ia, Ac., for sale at moderate prices, i and would respectfully solicit a call by those : visiting the city, who will find their ad vantage as to convenience, qualities and prices. All articles purchased delivered free at Cal vert Station, or to any other place in the city,- if required. June 21,1865.—tf JOHN C. PITT. R. SINCLAIR & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements AND MACHINERY, GROWERS AND IMPORTERS OF Garden & Field Seeds, DEALERS IN FERTILIZERS, &.C., No. 58, 60 & 62 Li?ht St., Baltimore. WE are ManUfaCturingour Improved Stone Lime and Oyster Shell uime mmwm aade of the Best Material and fifty per cent. Letter than afay, Lime Spreader made in this country. Warranted to give Satisfaction. Agents for the sale of the Celebrated “MONITOR” THE “IRON HARVESTER” SELF; RAKE REAPER,: considered now the best Self-Rake Machine ,i,n use, aud is warrant ’ 'ed to.give satisfaction. We also Manufacture the “IJovse Corn el 5 ’ Which Seeds, Covers and Rolls, and i 3 one of - 2 *- tlie-beat tit se. *3V-,<v rff f"* ■ Horse Powers, . ~ Wheat Fans, Grist Mills, , Corn and Cob Crushers, Field and Garden Rollers, Plows of all Descriptions, Ctili^vatois, Plow &. Machine Castings, &c. S@~Send for a Circular. YL. SINCLAIR Sc CO. jams [ Bull’s Head Hotel, Frout, near Gay street, Baltimore, Md. tlllS old-established hotel, so a bly and so successfully conducted 'forSjB 1 ! the last eighteen mOntliß, by Thomas til 1 rj£J. Tfacey, will he continued by bisj*2Aß wjidow, slie having taken with her into the business, Robert D. Stansbury, of Davisville, Loth District, Baltimoro county. The firm will,' ■ 'therefore, hereafter bp known as TRACEY A si'ANSBURY. The old paxrtms of the estab lishment, as well a# the’friend#effriie vieft Do priptor, may resT assured CTiqlf fie.nnrig lnThaif. pewer will be left, undone, to merit a full share of the patronage of the public. i - : ” HENRIETTA TRAC'EY, • !' 1 ” ROBERT D. STANSBURY. 1 ! May_9.—tf E. G. HIPSLEY, WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Teas, Wines & Liquors, No. 184 N. Gay street, Baltimore, riIENDERS thanks to his friends for their for- I Ifiier Very liberal patronage, afid by prbnipt . ifoss ahd attention to business, deapfpr to merit a continua>VCb flf favor. 'Tlie public are respectfully fn-SBBU Vjted to examine one slock bi CHOICE TEAS AND FAMILY GROCEJUKS. Our imnprted and doineatie’ liIQUORS 1 nfe selfebteil with the greatest possible care. Families rnay confide .in the PURITY of an article ordered for medi cinal purposes’; and proprietors of Hotels may fprnisn their bars with choid# liquor#. All of which will be sold at the lowystCASll prices. PHOTOGRAPHS AND AMBROTYPES. YOUNG’S CELEBRATED GALLERY, 7 931 Balto. st., €©r. Charles, ' i aA W jf, A L TIM O EH H! BY means of late improvements in the prep,. aration of Chemicals and in the arrange ment of a Skylight, the Picture# of Chihlreh and Elderly Piehsons can be taken in a single second of time. The improved process in use ( at this gallery enables us to take pictures 5 equally as well in cloudy ns in clear weather. . ’ Special attention paid to making copies.— Old pictures of all kinds copied, enlarged and , made beautiful than the original. Jntte I.—3m. ' James Beattt. George R. Skillmak. • JAMES BEATTY & CO., SHIP BISCUIT, CRACKER, ft AND CAKE BAKERS, Nos. 92, 94 and 96 Dugan's Wllarf, 1 : Near Pratt streot, Balt. March 18, 1865.—1 y. iSramaP f The Great External T F %iiiippcr ANDALLBHeUMATiOaND , ,: T SKltVOUte DlhuKDEiiS. ,j TNOR all of which it ds/a speedy and gartain r remedy, and never fails. This: Liniment ib prepared'from the recipe of Dr.; Stephei/ Sweet, of Connecticut, the iumous bone setter, and has boen;used in his practicedor niqrpVbiM* twenty years with the most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it fo-uirrLi valed by any preparation before, the publfo, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radieal ly, Rheumatic Disorders of pvei:y..kipd, J apl in thousands of cases where it has bpeu used VtT has never been known to fail. Vi FOR it relief in every case, however distressing. .. T It will relieve the worst casCs of iIEAD^iCH , (n three minutes and is warranted Ao do iti ~ TOOTHACHE alsa'tt'will cuffe fhstaiitlV. FOR NERVOUS DIBILITY ANDGENERAL LASSITUDE arising frUtdlhiprutlence or excess this liniment is a most happy and unfailing rem edy. Acting directly upon the,nervous tisspes, it strengthens and revivifies tlfo system, and re stores it to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, >ye, claim tt at it is the best lhfoiVn, and we chal lenge the world to produce an equal.' Every victini’of th s distressingcomplaint,should give it a trial, for it will not fall to afford ibimediate relief, and in a majority of cases wj) 1 ! cil'ect a radical edve. . ... g .fl ' QUINSY ANDSORETHROATare sometimes, extremely malignant and dangerous,'buta time ly application of this will never fail to cure. v SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and bnlargement of thejoints is liable to occur if neglected. The case uSty tfo conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BRUISE, CUTtS WOUNDS, fsa/BRSt HL-/ CERS, BURNS AND SfMLDljryifejd keacllv to' the J#mndferful healiiig'properties o£ llr. .infallible Liniment, when used according to directions. AJ§o„ QJULBL.A 1 NSr#-WtQBTEI) FEET, AND iNSCT D ,#fNfes. use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses aregfiiabfo, and der sp many ptJiprjVise ynjpaldj worthless. ....... nTima Over four hundred voluntary tostirrirrmins to the wonderful curative properties of this Lini ment have been received within the last two years, and many of them from persons in the highest ranks of life. Faution. To avoid imposition, observe the Signaturei and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also'* 1 Stephen Sweet's Infallible Lih-- 1 fluent” blown in glass of each bottle, with out which none are genuine. RICHARDFON & 00. Sole Proprietors, Norwich, of. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, Wholesale Agent; No. 13, W. Baltimore st., Baltimore. April 29. —3in. Farmers’ Weather Indicator, rnhl I b®4*i OR r h. a X !r WOODRUFF’S Portable Barometer. THIS ihstrument should be in the hands of ev- Agriculturist, as it unerringly points out any Change In the wealber mid tbus idirects the farmer bow to shape his work and save eiopn that, without a flarometec, might be caught out in a storm aud seriously injured, if not. destroy,- ed. Every farmer should have one, as it is a pCrfoot “weather teller.” It is simple in ousm(ctioh, cheap in prick,'not liable to get out of order, and live oiHy f fififctt portable Barometer in rise. Befog a Mercurial Barometer, it is accurate and reliable for Scientific purposes, being used by the tJ, S'. Coast Survey, and at the Smithsonian tfi stftute; besides being recommended by the mdst distinguished Agriculturists of the country, as well as by a host of Professors and Scientific journals. WC name but a few that have endorsed this Barometer as superior to all others : —SCiehlific American, American Agriculturist, Country Gentleman, Philadelphia LedgCr, Boston Joufr nal, Peterson's Magazine, Orange Judd, Marshall P, Wilder, Profs. Henry,- Hackley, Holtaesj Carr, Hunnewell, Williams, Douglas, &c. The cost of the instrument is withi* the reach of all; ranging in price from $7 to S2B. We have five different styles, from a plain maglfifqse to the ifme§t carved rosewood: Most of theic "styles have a Thoemereeter A sample of this instrument may be seen at 0 iZ > iTjfo L)i )U/A t MIAJ ; Orders promptly filled. For descriptive circu lar aud prices, appfvljCr6oaal/v or bv letter to BRFSTEI* & GRIFFITH, Wholesale grud retoil Agents for Mary land. Trade supplied on liberal terms. Also, MANUFAGTXJRERb W -4htSD CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN GENERAL. Exclusive agents for Cfoik & Hedges, Cane Mill; Cook’s Sugar Evaporator, and sugar machinery in general. RUNDELL’S IIORSE PITCH FORK, or Hay ElevatoF,Yhb best in use and a great .la bor saving implempn) f Eiuroka Horse Power, Thresher and Cleaner, kjao Patented and hj P?LTOw. Best Power, Thresher ayvdCjlViiner out. p&~ A supply'of pufe Chinese -lAid"African Cane Seed always On hand. ' * . Jan. 21, 1865.—ty3i> 1 > .■; .11 Jf RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO I PREPARATIONS. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTCfrC.b-Y- v- • .4 • Dl I 1 LnO. An infallible remedy.for,Dyapepkia, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, General Debility, Etc. Especially recommended to weak and debili tated women aOdci;hildren..H .1 *V ReomHH)udedu#d,;¥ hy dr ical Faculty. RUSS’ • ST. ROJUWKO WIME. I ins tiTFiikl sir itr mans For the .social cireles. RUSS? ST# DORIXftO M ,i PUIVCU. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. 1 We challenge the world 1 to produce |!i# ; genuine articles as we above enumerate. TRY THEM. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, WHOLESALE AOEHf, ’• I N*. 13 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. fejl.Fbf sale by Growers and Druggists. ■ T Mrch 4,1865.—1 y. ___ GREEN & y ( OE, FAMILY GROCERS, A*D UKALKItS IK V|IJ; L-foo PURE OLD WINKS AND LIQUORS, At Martin -A Valctte’s old stand, 88 Baltimore street, near Holiday, Balt{pK>rQ YTAVE constantly on hand a large and we)lj H selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of F R E S 11^afo TEAS, (green and black,),of va-gXfj ■(■■(PSrious prices and flavors ; CoHeea-IBaMftJ Mocha, Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo and SUGARS—New Grleaps, Crushed, Po.wd.ered> Loaf. Granulated, C. Yellow and Clarified ; Ital ian Maccar’oni and Verinacelli; Cooper’s A Cbx’B Refined. Gelatine; Fresh Salad and Olive Oils: Cheese—English Dairy; Pine Apple and SapSkgo; Sardines; French and Spanish Ol ives; EHglish and American Pickles—Getkins, -njixed, Ohow-ChoW,l'iccailli, Cauliflower, Wal nuts and Onion#; Sauces—John Bull, Harvey, Reading, Soho, Mushroom and Worcestcr*hire; BRANDIES—Jas. Hennesy A Co., vintage 1840, Otard, Dupuy A Co; 1848, NasCJf£atawba, Bor deaux Rophelle and other brands; WlNES—London Dock Port, Sherry, Madeira! Lisbon; fNrcet Moselle and Champagne; WHIST KimUcotch, Old Rye, Calhoun, Old Rapp and Bourbon, some very old and fine; Pure Holland Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Ac. Ap. ; Imp<wted and Domestic Scgars and all of which they will sell at reasonable prices, and fully solioit-aeall. ■ June 23*, 1860. —ly BUR.VK Sc SWAM,. LUMBER DEALERS, 132 Light St., Baltimore TTAVE on hand a large aifeortmeritnf WJ5® JlI BER, feHINGLES, FRAMES, LATHS. DOORS and SASH. Which thoy offite forSal'e St the lowest Market rates, folf CASH; Fob. 11, 1865.—1 y. 8 • % 2MWlbMter CfLEBRATEP r{§wn and ©attlr gwfi***. sure and a certain remedy for. all .Diseases incident to tlie Horse, YelK.w gy, ifec. ." r > '. I In po.Qr,i low-spirited animals, it has the I most beneficial effect. The use dfthem improves the wind, strength- < ens the Appetite, and gives to the llorse a ; fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus irnprov- | ' lug the appearance, i trigor and spirit of this !Js iohle animal, I FOB MILCH COWS. | The property this Powder possesses in in creasing tfifi qiinintDy erf Milk in Cows, girt* it an importance' and value which should i’llaee it in the hands of every person keeping , Cow/, By actual experiment it has proven hat it'will'increase the quantity of Milk and li'eaig twenty per cent., and hiake the Butter lirrn and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives an appetite, loosens their hide and makes theig thrive much taster. HOG S . h n all of ! a Wore Diseases can be cured or entirely pre- ! ’ yen ted. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be-prevented. trice2scts.perPaper, or 5 Papers forsl. PREPARED BT j s. A. FOUTZ & BRO., IT *>di 1 nan • u\ AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St;, Baltimore, Md- For Sale by DnigWsfs and Storekeeper throughout the United SWtes. FOUTJg’S TJIXTIKE, i'P *sl >f\ 'Dh.Q Best Liniment for Man & Beast ■a ’■ Now in Use. ■ • . - i TS a safe and reliable 1 Remedy for the cure of J[fUieiimatism, Painful NeVVons Affections, Sprains, Burns,-Swellings, avtd all Diseases re quiring art apjilfcrttioh'bn Man. ;On Ilorses-it wili-never fail to cure Toll Evil, Fistula,; (sid Ruttning Sores, or Sweeney, if properly applied. -For Sprains, Bruises, ‘tfrookmt Tibet's, Chafes, Saddle or GuDi Cits orAV.fmnds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, convinced of its effi i M c y- RKEIMATISM* 1 Persons afflicted with this Disease, no matter oil how long slanflwigv'cau be promptly and ef fectual iy-CUrert by Using this Mixture. There js nothing in the world so sure and so good to take a'tay bad Corns-aud cure Frost Bites, as this Preparation. Try it and satisfy your selves. Price- 4b and 7a Cts. a bottle. shr7ner’s RAISAMV COUGH SYRUP, For Coughs, Cold*, Croup, Whooping Cough, r , , , Ast/imd, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, i Pain and Weakness of the Bi-east, Difficulty of ..* I , Erytjiihg,' &C.,~d'C. * V“ , .. -.This Syrup is a purely. Vegetable Compound. It}is pleas/rnJii^&.A^fnever does injury; bft, its purifying qualities, must do goo<l under any circumstances]- Its effeoi is. trulv wonderful--softtUfug, calming and allay- most violent Coughs; Purifying, StrCngthehiWg and invigorating the whole sys tem; <%lfiiing J tthtt soothing the nerves ; aiding >and facilitating Expectoration, and healing the DiserfVcil-Irffitjts.'th'uS striking at the root of Disease, and driving it from the system. CROJF. J * ; No chi\of nosed Tfl of Croup, ifthis Sy r'u pis properly used and-used in’tiime. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch the first show oAlie Disease, and always keep this Remedy at hand. >For Coughs after Measels, this Syrup rs most excellent. proven that it is equalled rWjterfctfon. - : Price aJPCeUtetpe? Bottle. AHttlee above preparations.for sale by Mns.;M. A. SIIEALEY, ;: . and RICHARD WIUUS, Druggist, 7! June 24, Rifis,H-ly. Towsontown. Md. a] Dr. gappingtpn’s j OF FLAXSEED, “oho v Will cure ' - COLDS, ;f HOARSENESS Ac. I™#-..jgijcu .i'i..., c Suponqr Com gJi| Syrup, 1 kas been before me public [j Eighteen years. It is nowvft()iptyiuned a certain pure for the above naided 'diseases by all who have used it. ' i.^Y^bUroAWP 0 lT . ! V DR. R. S: BAPFTNGTON, JU2 N. Gay street, ‘ilchvCon High arid Front; streets, NUV'H9.‘— 10 Baltimore, Md. 1 W. Richardson & Co., ■- ,Jn r ■ No. 12 N. Gay street, Adjoining Christ Church. j ■* MADE TO ORDER IN TilE BEST STYLE b . Tstsu HALL, Cutter. ak Idi tsrlT /gTSt VI 3D -.1 3 r ! ; CALL AND SEE. l-—tf y 'PLOUGH CASTINGS ! PLOUGH CASTINGS ! ! { rjTHE iltenHop of Farmers and Merchants is P Hi<dt£d t<S tri'y full 1 find complete stock, em ■ bptdUig till Uie 'various sizes of the Wiley, i! Woodcock, Smith, Atwood, Minor & Horton, ’- Wisconsin, apd 1 other kind 3, all of whieh will ' be sofd the single piece or ton. ; Also, a good '-assortment of Ploughs, at less ] tian regular prices, at No. 142 N; Gay street, i b- iekauToii mud ilU^ituas i JACOB HOFFMAN, Xo. 17(5 North Gay SMeet, Baltimore. * 11 T ANUFACTEPyES and keeps constantly on I I JVI hand all kIVWxWr light aVtd heavy Har ' imss.dlollars, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Ac. OM 1 ■! arness taken in exchange. Country work of : a 1 kfndS 'punctually Attended to. Repairing promptly executed. Eeb. 4.—Um. t M am f ofHaniptofi, from tlie of Jersey, England. j ‘ UGP " 'filOHN STAYLOR, Jr., ‘ j No. 151 GreftlrhWflrft Ave. hear Eager Bt., vJurfe : 3.—tf; Baltimore, WHITMM S COLUMN. 1 WhltmlnA sons. MANUFACTUREKS OF * idOHflu i 4 * ;ITT Iff l/ljllaal/l I. 1 m Agricultural AND MACHINERY, ANl> DBALKUS IN Seeds, Fertilizers, Horticultural Tools , AND '■ AGRICULTUHAIj HARDWARE GENER. ■ LLI, Nos. 22 and 21 Sc . _ Calvert street, Baltimoub, Mp,'. y rpiHE manufacturing Department will be per | sonally superintended by the senior jmrtner, whose long experience in this line of business has rendered him familiar with all its various branches. Our stock will be one of the largest in thift city, and in consideration of our experience and advantages in manufacturing, we are pre pared to furnish all the latest and moat impro ved kinds of Farm Implements on the most fa vorable term 3. Hitchin3on’s Celebrated Wino and Cider Mill and Press. Im proved for 1865. WITH THIS MACHINE' FROM Two to Four Barrels of Cider, >6t from One Hundred to One Hundred Fifty Gallons oj Wine can be mg,de in one day by one man. Price—Complete, with Balance Wheel— This Mijl will enable the owner to produce SWEET CIDER at any time, and thus to save all the apples, grapes, and other perishable fruit, that would otherwise lie lost. ThOjCider and Wine thus produced will be Clean, Clear and Pure, and when made faom sound fruit, it will remain sweet for a long time. The Press is convenient for pressing Lard, Cheese, Herbs, &• •, : k It is Compact, Strong and Durable, and is also the Cheapest Mill in use. We also have J PICK 0 ICS Celebrated Cider Mill. NEW STYLE with Two Tubs—Price s4t),o( IIA Y, STRAW AND FDD DEL CUTTER . Wc have constantly on hand a large variety o Hay, Straw anil Fodder Cutlers Of our own manufacture, of various sizes and prices to suit the times. Hide Roller-Cutters fromiaO to *2O. Ed Fodder Cutters from S3O to SSO. (The latter kind for cither hand or horse power.] Premium \en Sub-soil Plow. wi^t, This Plow has been tried by the UnitedStatee Agricultural Society, and by mar*y §cic ties, and has never failed to receive fuc firsl premium. It has a reversable steel edge, if simple in its construction, easy in drgft.rnyd inatiigemCnt, and adapted to a eojnuion team Simplicity, strength and economy are ncr< most happily combined. The Plow bcftig an important implement lr Agriculture, we have recently given much at tention to its manufacture, and at a very heavj cost have procured the best and most perfec set of machinery in irse. atid are now preparer to fill all orders for Plows of any description on as favorable terms as can be had in the Uni ted States, quality and workmanship consider ed. We wish to call the attention of dealers t< our manufacture of Plows, which we tlupk cannot be surpassed in this country. .It— A-he. 1 ,4 doial Side Hill or SwiYot Piws* The above Plows are so constructed that t) < mouldboard is easily ami instantly change irom one side to.the other, which enables t < operator to perforin the work upon side kills turning all the furrow slices with great accu. rficy downwafdi THERHIOBFTFR CHUIIIV. • Aflß mr*% M This Churn iso const?i fd that the erean or milk ia readily broug 1 the desired tem perature without mixi v ater or other sub stances, and the temp, lure certainly am definitely determined, winch proves invalufebl n the art of making butter. May 20, 1865.—1 y AORICULTURAI-. THE subscriber, Mauufaoturer and Dealer in Agricultural and Horticultural IMPLEMENTS AND SEEDS, Takes this method of informing his friends and the public in general, that he is now located in , the City of Baltimore, with the necessary tools and Machinery for the manufacturing of all kinds of ’ \ 1 L r :i MACHINERY, PLOWS, CASTINGS, Ac., And will guarantee to supply all orders for ‘ them on as reasonable terms, and to furnish as good an article aa can be had in the city of N. York, and would recommend his friends and | customers to forward their orders M soon as pos sible, so that they can be filled in tithe for them. Among the articles to be always obtained at my establishment I name in part— Portable Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills of aH sizes, Wheeler, Melick * Co’s., Railway ahd Plamtation Pow ers and Winnowers, Eagle Cotton Gins, Cetton and Hay Presses, Gin Gear Segments and Wing GudgCouSr, Grain Drills, Cider Mills and Press es, Wine Presses, Hay ahd Stalk Cutters, Mowing And Beaping Machine*, Farm Wagouaand Carts, Churns, Wheat Fans, porn Gob Mil fa, Bfe Age® t for Mudge s Celebrated Washing Machines, Hor ton, Depew d Cki’f., Plows and Castings, J. W. Elliot'B Accomac, Va;, Plow, Norfolk and Balti more Plows, and a general assortment of all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. tVTII furnish tqprder H kinds of Fertilizers. Manufactory, Machine Shop and Foundry, CORNER PLOWMAN AND FRONT STS., : I; - DEPOT AND SEED BTORE, 145 W/ Pratt street, opposite the Maltby House. JOHN MAYHER, Agent. MaTch-!te,-!Bfcs.—ly. muß iiT ioi JAS. I?l. BAKER, GUANO DEPOT, . 39 Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner St. Mary Baltimore, Where dan be found at all times a supply of . . GUANOS, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, GROUND BONE, POUDRETT, CALCINED PLASTER, LIME, HAIR, CEMENT, <ke., And dealers in FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCK WHEAT MEAL, CORN, OATS* MILL FEJHV.s ‘ HAY, STRAW; CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND GRASS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. jf&r WOOL, FURS, DRIED FRUIT, and aH kinds of Country Produce taksn in exehange, for which we are paying the highest Cashpriees. J AS. M. BAKER, Oi. Next door to W. Stsnsbury's Bee Hive Hotel, where Farmers will find excellent accommo dations. Jan. 7, 1865.—tf. f ‘ - rr - ew ' i.. * HOUSE FURNISHING STORE.’ v Nq.185 N. Gay atreet, Raftimore. 1 1 jlichi m> aHniß r,:; ; e Wholesale and, dealer in ■' house pUBNirsHiNG lirooDs, r t ALSO, WOODENWARE A HARDWARE. ffilHE Public e ra respectfqlbf iftTjted to call <■' .XwfieMfmyjubHiia 3 BROOMS, BRITANNIA,. JAPANNED AND | ' e j TIN WARE, KNIVES AND FORKS, • . ■ : i ALBATA SPOONB, CHINA AND GLASS WARE, And every other description of Housekeeping Goode and Woodenware, at the very lowest prices, i; RICHARD ARMIGER, 135 N. Gay st., near High, Baltimore. 0 Feb. 37; 1865.—1 y GOVERNMENT CLAIM OFFICE. WJtl. B. HILL, R ATTORNEY AT LAW, 70 W. Fayette sk, Baltimore. SOLDIERS’ BOUNTY, PENSION, BACK PAY, PRIZE MONEY, FOR SEAMEN, ,j i LOCAL AND STATE BOUNTY, For White and Colored Volunteers, ARD COMPENSATION FOR OWNERS OF SLAVES, promptly collected by • ‘ HILD, til " ■_*//. 70 W. Fayette street, ;(I - - Near St. Paul street, Baltimore, Marclr2B.—if •, • ! - 1 B. H. GOBSUCH, Successor to Jehu Gorsueh, .Corner of Gay and Front sts., Baltimore, Md., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, VjAS il Summer supply of sitting in part of Knives and Forks,{■■■■■l Pocket Knives, Hollow Ware, Wagon Boxes, Horse Shoes and Nails, Hinges, Screws, Borts, Shovels, Forks; Picks, Mattocks, Cast and Blister Steel, Trace, Halter and Cdw Chains, Counter Scales, Safety Fuse, I ■) Gun Capa; b.- • -.ot ip,.l'd .a sosrA Hov.- i I WOODCOCK’S PLOWS AND CASTINGS; Also, Stewart's wCdge-pattern AXES, war ranted, all of which he offers wholesale and retail at hirusaal low prices. - i immmOT • -July itarnito WU. PAUL b CO., STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, No. Street, r . j ban .on: • iTIMORN, it TITANUFACTx. E any description of s JjJ. Books, furnish Billheads, Check Books, . d wad all kinds of F .nfed Forms, en reasonable v tea-ms. A full aai .Ay of SUtiottery-always on •e hand. 6 Book Bind! g and Machine Ruling n i all iUrxhrMßes. t-" iMajqkiA,rr i a aT t . THf MAS 8. WILCOX, J a BOOT AWtt SHOE HAKER, v, Noi 13- North Gay street, Baltimore, £ Vil fGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT, ,o * Hi. G r/"EEP on hand and m&ks to order,all kinds l KofC NTLEMENS’ and LADIES’ WORK, of the b t style of workmanship, and on rea sonably -Wins. I also keep YANKEE WORK, ... both c< se and fine, and work suitable for ser vants’ ogr. Country friends, please give me a cal). Jan, ,8, 1864.-11 , T. W,- TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS. fTIHE undersigned are now dealing extensive- J] ly in thesaJoof FARMS and LANDS in s>v sIV) parts of Maryland, eapecjaUy in Baltimoyo county, ,'fhosedeairing to yell atgood pricee, i Will send us n full description. Ho Salo no Charge* ffifr'AlTLbkal Chiims of soldiers prosecuted. d Office—No. 2Q2 Baltimore Street, (up stairs,) e Fob. 4, 1865. —tf. COMMISSION & PRM)UCE MERCHANTS, K*. 118 nd;1.33 NetGi street, Baltodior*. zCi WE sell and buy on eemmMafon all kinds o GRAIN, CLOVER SEED, FLOUR, CORN, MEAL, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally, and remit proceed* promptly. We have for tale GUANO, SALT, PLASTER, FISH and SEEDS of all kinds. July 14-, 486fi.—ly Old Tqwm Union Hat Coinpany, Wo. 140 N. GAY STREET, COR. OF HIGH. A LL the late stylesof Gents, Youths liSj&f A Hflts and Caps JH alwaysonhand. Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, Ac., at the minufocturers* Summer Hats of all prices qualities. ,HISJ H fFO.UIW ALFRED IJAMS. JAMBS ALFRED HUTCIIIES ■ j k l Ij ams & Hutchins, n/TTea Dealers and Orocers, i- Corner Gay and High sts., Baltimore, b- "fT" EEP constantly oh hand a choice and ek id IV tensive jtoek.t>f TEAS, WIRES, GROCER, le IES and Pvevislonafinuerally, to whieh theyr spoctfully invite the attention of puretiaMra, - 'Feb. II.—K