Newspaper Page Text
—Several persons having al- been named for the important of fice of 1 Sheriff of Baltimore county, against two | at least of whom not one word can be said, and without disparaging the claims of either Mr. Eosjec or Mr. Cullings, l would respactfiyiy ahnbuhce to the loyal fhen of the coifniy the name of . , ~ ....-i Lirwra r. cole, esq., of the 3th District, subject only to the decision of the Union County Convention. ' Of the merifoof Mr. Cole it ip not necessary that 6ne word ihould be said; an old Mid high ly respected citizen of Baltimore county, well known to nearly every loya| man as one of the firmest in the darkest hours of the rebellion, his name wou\d be a tower of strength to the Union ticket at the ensuing election, and mno portion of the county more than in the % NINTH DISTRICT. August 19.—tc. — ; : —: —p For County Treasurer. Editors :—As *he;time is not far Irv distant when n selection will be made from among the Union men of the county, for the office of Treasurer, without intending any disparagement to others, there is no one who has stronger claims on- the public, nor is better qualified for the post theH . THOMAS COOPER, Esq.; ,• of the 7th District. He is a gentleman of in tegrity and purity of character, who would fill the place without partiality or prejudice, and would give general satisfaction to the people of the -(ii ’ COUNTY. August 19.—tc. the Voters of Balto. Co. i\"Tj*BY the advice of several friends I an nance© myseLC a candidate for the office of SHBHfEf, of* Baltimore county* for the next term, and respeqttqlly solicit your suffra ges; pledging myself, if elected, to discharge the duties of thfe offide faithfully, impartially and honestly, to the best of my ability. Believing that the Voters of Baltimore Coun ty are perfectly competent to choose their own officers, thin announcement iq fubject, only, to their decision at the ensuing election. July leJ-tt THOS. H. ROBINSOy. For Trousurp of Balto. Couuty. Messrs. Editors :—Please announce Capt. IIENRY WILHELM, of the Bth district, as a candidate for the next Treasurer of Baltimore county.-, Capt Willielui has been k brave and faithfulspldier in the 4th Md. Regt., was wound, ed in the service, and is , - man well qualified for this position. Wi don't wanst the soldiers overlooked in our county. We recommend him to the people, believing he will be as, trife to his countv as he has been to his country. j ” THE SOLDIERS; FRIENDS. Aug. 16.—6 t. ,■/ g y ““ K S Si , of 7th District, SUBJECT TO A UNION NOMINATION. MR, FOSTER ha* been Tax Collector, for, a number of years, is a poor'man, libnest, of good cbaracter/mndoubtea loyalty, Ahd *ill be supported by the -i UPPER END.j July I.—6fc. : _ ____ _ For Sheriff. of Baltimore county, having announced their favdrite oondidates for Shari 11 for the en ™5ESS&aS* of the 2d dißDrlct^’as.& Competitor for the above “Sj*Cs£ i- ran‘ ,331110 WttdNifiiif P3VO3 by qflHoUnce myself a candidate for SHERI ri* of Baltimore county, subject to the decision of the Union Convention, to be held at Towson io, October 4th, . EVET> Aug. 26.—tc. Second District. SHERIFFALTY. ESSRS. EDITORS: —Please announce CAPT. N. CULLING 3, of th district, candidate for next SHERIFF of Balto., Ca, and Oblige, ALL LOYAL CITIZENS. Miscellaneous . BICKFORD & HUFFMAN’S - GRAIN AND COMPOST DRILL. THiS DRILL is’universallv acknowledged, where It is known’, to be'the most perfect Machine invented for Sowing all Hinds of grain, and every description of Fertilizers in a con centrated form. Jt is so constructed, with the different sized gear wheels* aB to sow any d sird quantity of Grain, from ohe to fonr bush els to the ftcre. ’ . In Its arrangement for distributing Gnano, Lime> Plaster, Ashes, Ac., either in a dry or damp state, it differs from and excels all other Drills ever before offered to the public* a sep arate box for these Fertilizers being attached in front of the Grain Box from which the Ma nure is evenly and perfectly delivered in the tubes, and fs deposited with the Grain in the Drill Farrow. v * In addition, we.have also attached a Grass Seeder, for Sowing broadcast, id rear of the Drill, any desired quantity per sere of any va riety of Grass Seed. o • All the attachments uped at <jnef 'or separately. , desiring ibis Drill should order early as the demand is large. Prices in Baltimore. Eight Tube Grain Drill, ir - - - - sllO Nine “ y.. “ rf ?[• ■>& ; 0 Guano br Compost - - - - 25 Grass Seed Attachment, - ' ' ' ~ w SAMUEL J. BtCKMAN, I f Local Agent at Towsontown, Md.,# t for Baltimore and Harford Counties. July 15.—10 w. ' T ! ‘ -••‘•J BONE FLOUR, UNADULTERATED, M ANVE EY THE * ; Bdwroff *'f ooe MiMing and Mining Company* ———' fTVHB .value Qf tunburnt, unadulterated Bone X 7 js.well known. When to the con dition of Flour, it is as active as if dissolved with acid, and is far better, because it retains all its Phosphates. ' Its superiority , over the common Boas; Dust is two-flld or more. It is a consummation sought for in vain for the,Last half century, and is destindl to give new val tr the above Com pah y, and is branded wifii their trade mark, which js the guarantee of Us genuineness. 7 ' JOHN S. REESE fe CO H 71 Scrtith St., Baltimore, General j fyc. Maryland, Delaware, and the Southern States. ( July B<—4qi. ./i .o'.' ■■v-iflO Every Body Made Beautiful I 4;RE AT REDUCTION Dr PRICES ! f .C-0 y, _L £■ - J LARGEST: AND CHEAPEST PICTURES ilx.; IN THE WORLD’. :/t ;. /: Card Pictures for Albums Taken for Q& , : Dollar per Dozen t :/ '• :•/ Large JJammotli Photographs SI.OO. Copies 60 cents. '<tOniplexioh, can be taktti. so as ’ to secure the inost pleasing and flattering likeness. Old-Daguerreotypes, Ac., copied, enlarged, 221 Balto. St., Cof. Charleir,'Baltimore. Jnjj !■—3to* , ■-f :I. - ~ Ailenbaugh & Bartholomee, MAKUFACTCRZRS t MALMS JJT J( - BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODEN At WILLOW WARE, No. 133 Hilleri St., r! , H ’dibit, the BEL air market. ALSO, constantly on hand a large assortment OF GENERAL HOUSE FURNISH- J Ing goods, > Y9SUW PAINTED "■ ‘ CRDAR WARE; BRISTLE BRUSHES, MATS, CORDAGE* MATCHES, BLACKING, TWINE, .ear ; ff WIOKiNG, A<?., A GEORGE C. MoCOULL, UNDERTAKER, No. 131 Saratoga door west of Howard ri ■! ; i r NOTICE.. ■ tt 4.r r; OryiCK Clerk CißCtriT Uourt for Bamv Aug'. 25th, 1865. J The undersigned gives notice that the law requiring the registration of Sirths H DsaUts#nd Marriages in the office of thwClerk M IhenJir cuit court for Baltimore cenuty must be strictly adhered to in all, cases as it will be his duty, however unpleasant it may be, to put the law in force against.all delinquents. That t}m duty 1 of persons may be plainly understood,.they arej re I erred to the following sections of an id law : I Sec. 3. Be it enacted, That parents shall give! notice of the facts herein'required, to the clerk of the court aforesaid, of the county or city, in which a birth or death may take place; every householder shall give such\nt>tico of evCry birth and death happening in his house ; the eldest person next of kin. shall give notice of the death of his kindred; the keeper of a pris on, hospital, almshouse or other pub tion, shall give notice of every birth and death ! happening among the persons under his charge; the person, solemnizing or performing the mmv riage ceremony shall give such notice; afty ; such person neglecting or refusing to give such notice for the space of six months after a birth, marriage or death, shall forfeit and pay a sum 1 not e,xceeding fivedollars. Sec. 4. Be it enacted. That any physician i hayiug attended a person during, his or her last illness, shall, when requested, within fifteen ; days after the decease of ,such person, forthwith I furnish information of the duration of the las.? sickness, the disease of which the person died, or cause of death, and the date of the decease as nearly as he can state the same. Sec. 5. Be it enacted, That every sexton,cor- ■ oner, undertaker or other person having charge of the obßequiefe or funeral rites preliminary to the interment of tfie body of a strangeyor friend- j less person, shall forthwith obtain and return ; to the clerk aforesaid of the county or city in : which the deceased resided or the death occur- : red, the facts required by this act to be record ed by said officer concerning the deceased; any person neglecting or refusing to make such re- j turn within one month-thereafter shall forfeit and pay • um qot exceeding ten dollars. Sec. i Je it y enacted,.That it shall be the duty of the qjerks for the respective counties and the city bf Baltimore to enforce by suit, in the name of the State, for the recovery of the forfeitures End penalties imposed by sections three and five of this act. Sec. 13. Be it enacted, That the registration of births, marriages and deaths required by this ( act shall be such as occur on and,after the Ist day of July 1865. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Aug. 26.-r-st. 1 , i. \ ; U. S. Interim! Revenue. NOTICE TO .TAX PAYERS | IN THE 2 D DISTRICT OF MD. ALL persons liable to pay duties, Licenses,. Income, Carriage, Plate, or other Taxes,: under the Internal Revenue Laws of the United . States, in the oth, 6 th, Ith, 9th, loth,llth and 12 tit Districts of ’Baltimore County, are hereby notified, that I have received the 1 ANNUAL LIST FOR 1865, - T I from the Assessor, and that the said Taxes and Licenses have become due and payable. Payment of the same is hereby demanded at the Collector’s Office - No. 68 E. Baltimore St., Uhtil the; 20th day of September '•HcS:t\ • and from th26th day of September, until thc 2d day of October,'-inclusive,. ' ' . . Lf i* I 0- •4!.i *J/ , 1 1! j ‘ “ -'COURT HOUSE IN | All perttflfs : in said Districts of Baltimore county who shall neglect to pay the'saiddi|,ties : and taxes, so as aforesaid assessed upon them. ' to the COLLECTOR, within the period oftiTne above specified, shall be liable to pay ten 'per 1 eerttum additional upon tlrt amount thereof, and after the expiration of teo <Uys> upon service of notice, a feeof twenty ednts and mileage. Office hours from 9A. M., to 3P. M. OPEN DAILY. JAMBS L.;RIDGELY,- J J Collector 2d District of Marylaml. Aug. 26.—102. 1 “ CHANGJE QF TIME. YORK ROAD RAILWAY ON and Afto r Monday, AUGUST 28th, 1865, - cars will leave the CITY HALL. Balti more, at 36 Minutes past each hour, from 7.35, A. M., to 7.35 P. M., except 12.35 P. M. Will leave TOWSONTOWN at each hour, from 7A. M., to 7P. M., except 12 M. Con nection will be made at North Avenue with the Charles St., Line of the City Passenger R. R. CAR for TOWSONTOWN will leave the City Hall at 11 P. M. Reduction, in the Price of Tickets—Baltimore & Towsontown, Railway. Packages of 20 Tickets. Any part of City Section 6 cts. ** “ “ and of Sec. 1...9 “ a “ 2..12 u. 2 nn I 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 . Jg 44 3.00 44 44 44 44 14 (V 5..21 3.50 44 44 44 44 44 44 O 4 “, ff .,,.4.00 44 44 14 44 .4 44 “ “ “ “ “ U..M3 “ 5.5!) <• “ “ “ “ 10..36 ..6.C0 Local Fare in the County—3 cents for each Section or part of a Section. " A. DY SANKS, Agent. August 26.—tf. bone rusf;:'' ! I WILL SUPPLY MY FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS WITH THAT SUPERIOR, UNADULTERATED : -*it> 8 sc.iitt 'j '■ --- s rjuZ ii ini I uvhr / BONE DUST fcl n! rfiaiiqmiß Manufactured by me. ■v- all /•: r '. ■ •■ri-.n'.iuu.!-.! -Si "J r< .■ ’ Price Reduced According to the Times., * ’ > Vf i, j-v’-.hin if p ni [ . The time for Spring Crops being past, I will allow a Liberal discount until the fall season commences.. JOSHUA HORNER, Cor. Chew and Stirling Sts., Balto., Md. June 17. —3m. ' "W. F. DAILY, * A To. 11 Light street, 2 Poors below Fountain Hotel, Baltimore. A# MANUFACTURE & i Cf URGICAL Instruments of every description, 13 Cutlery, Shoulder Braces, Syringes, Ear Trumpets/ and every variety of In struments for the Deaf. Galvanic A Magneto Electric Batteries, Micro- 57 scopes, Stereoscopes, Thermometers. Barometers Spectacles, Reading Glasses, Magnifying Glass es, Field and Opera Glasses, Spy Glasses; Agent for the Craig Microscopes, Beautiful Microscope Objects, Daily’s Ventilated Truss for all size-i; Wholesale and Retail.- : . t DAILY’S VENTILATED TRUSS, FOR THE CURE OF ,PPNIA OP> SUTURE, Has probably dohe rtore gobd than tion of thgage. It will cure if cure is possible. I have applied about five thousand persons, most of whom Tffcve been relieved. When its merits become known it will be the only Truss worn in the world. The Truss will be applied by the inventor. Call and examine the article. W. F. DAILY, 11 Light St, 2 doors below Fountain, Hotel. Aug. 26.—3 m 8/- * COTVEVSCE R and! fl* ’ REAL ESTATE A^E^T. rpHE undersigned has for sale A House and X tfot, 3 Hailes from Bf ltimore, nearlihe Falls road, also, 15 Firms ia various:seci AsA tions of Baltimore county, £fbtn ¥6 350 acres. Pricafrom SI4OO to $24,000. IlliHL Three houses and lots in Towsontown,]**i*Ri building lots for sale ®r lease, ground rents 1 for sale. . ■ , .:jt CONVEYANCING, examinatiori pt. ,|Wes f deeds, leases, mortgages, bills of Sale, Ac., pre pared With accuracy and dispatch, charges moderate. B. N. PAYNE, Smedley RoW, opposite Court House'. n Aug. 26. —tf. * REGISTRATION .NOTICES. ■First Election District. •'Change of plaoeb of meeting. THU Registers* the First .District of Balti more county, will hold one mooting at w ethered September, affd one meeting at Armstrong s old office,-YII - Mill'f, oil -"f v : f r:t ' Wednesday, the t>th of September. There wlll uo meeting at Qatonsvilfe ou the above mentioned, two days. JOHN K. SMITH,) . oin 7 -iy R HEACOCK, ]■ Registers, cuu:,! L: JOHN GIBSON, J f ® .Vug. 26.--td. EJecond Election District. IVtOTICB IS HEREBY'GiVEN, That the J_V| undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the aot of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties at THE PLAGE FOR HOLDING THE POLLS IN RANDALLSTOWN, / /. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9th days of August next, aud will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at tjie same place, the Third Wednesday of Sep tember next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to SP.M -JOSEPH H. WRIGHT,) D. It. STINCHCOMB, V Registers. July 2^^^b5 AW^ -' IS? J j[ | 4 Third Election District. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers Appointed by the Governor'of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of theuifcduties, AT DITCH’S 6 MILE HOUSE, On Tuesday and Wednesday the Bth Cfnd Oth ?• days of August next; AT HAMMETT’S S MILE HOUSE, On Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug.lhfK and 16<A; AT WOODBERRY, On .Wednesday and Thursday, the \%th and 14 th ,J days of September next, aifd so on alternately on Tuesday and Wednes dsrytof each succeeding week, at fhe'SArae pla ceS,"Until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A: M., to 5 P. M. kH ad JASPER N. SLACK,) • r • F. L. MORLING, \ Registers; bus obid JOHN DITCH, , J s July 22.—td. ‘ '• ‘tu i t y- it Fourth Election District. KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,..That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the (.overnor of Maryland, under the act of the Gtmeral Assembly, passed March 24fch, 1865, will meetfor the perfortnance of, their duties at STORM’S HOTEL, REISTERSTOWN, ,j On Tuesday and Wednesday, the B<A and Oth days of August next, ana war continue their sessionspn Tuesday and Wednesday, of each, succeeding week, at tne satoe place,' until the Third. Weanesday of Sep tember next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., P. M, JNO. H. HARMAN, ) f D. Sr LONGNECKER, } Registers. * GAMBRILL, July 22.—td. r Ti Fifth Election District r‘ N’otl-QE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thai the Hmaersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland; under the act of the General Assembly,-passed Miu-fih 24th, 1865, will for the performance of their duties at DANIEL WILHELM’S, i Tuesday and Wednesday, the Ml i* days of August Mft, and will continue their scsslonson Tuesday and j Wednesday of. each succeeding week, at 1 same place, until the Third Wednesday of Sejjj* ; tember next, inclusive, sitting each day from A. M. to 5 P. M. BE.J. B. BUSH, ) ’ ' /' u,i ' , ‘ AMBROSE T. BULL, V Registers. r ' 'THOMAS HALE, J July 22.—td. Sixth Election District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of 'Maryland, uijder the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties, AT THE PLACE OF HOLDING THE POLLS ,j v IN MIDDLETOWN, On Tuesday and Wednesday the Bth and 9th days . of August next, ; and wild continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday .of each succeeding week,, at the same place, until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive* sitting each day ’ from 9. A. M., to“s P. M. ,Tv TrTJr T 1 ~a Registers. CHAS. BURKE, J 1 July 22.—td. Seventh Election District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act. of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties at IIOFFACKER’S HOTEL, PARKTON, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and 9 th days of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place, until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. , ALFRED S. COOPER, V 11 KEAN CURRY, V Registers. HENRY 8.- dON-N, J July 22.— td. ' r: • 0< Eighth Election District. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN, That tbe undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865,. will meet for the performance of their duties at C.OCKEYSVILLE, On Tuesday cmd Wednesday, this Bth and. 9<A. days of August next, and will continue their sesßjops on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, ! &t the same place, until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. ABRAHAM JESSOP,) EDWARD RIDER, ROBERT S. SMITH, J July 22.—td. r— . . Ninth Election District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 2.4 th, 1865, will moet for the performance of their duties at RITTER’S HOTEL, GOVANSTOWN, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Bth and Oth days of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday pf each succeeding week,-at the same place, until the Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. Du. J. R. WARD,) July 22.— td; • -1 Tenth Election District. NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties at * - MONKTON, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 29 th and 'Both days of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesdayjofr each succeeding week at until‘-(he Third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day WILLIAM C. VANCE,) W. STONEBRAKER, l.RegisterfcM , JOSHUA H. PARKER,J I July 22.—td. ,) .01 l rr/ -g J- ,7 Eleventh Election District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act qf the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865; will meet for the performance of their duties at DAMPMAN’S HOTEL, . r On Tuesday and- Wednesday, ike Bth and Oth days of August next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday of each succeeding week, at the same place, until the Third Wednesday .ot September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9A. M., to SP. M. . . v i t ,y THOS. F. FORSYTHE,.) tr DAVID BEACKIiOCK, [ Register^: * / edward bell, J. , i( ; July22.—td. GEORGE CHIPRAW, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IV Brooms, Painted Buckets, Cedar and Willow Ware, brushes, twine's, wicks, matches, . ..I BLACKING, Ac. jV. E. Cornet Calvert and Lombard Sts., Balto. ' July Is-6m* •" " au ’ I REGISTERSJIOTICES. Twelfth Election District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers appointed, Ijy the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th; 1865, ] will meet for the performance of their ditties at THE BLUE BALL, Philadelphia Road, On Tuesday and Wednesday, Augnst Bth and oth: AT Mrs. ZIMMERMAN’S, CANTON, r „ i August 15 th and 16 th ; AT Mu. HINKLE’S. HARFORD ROAD, August 22 d and 23rd, and so on alternately, on Tuesday and Wed nesday of each succeeding week, at the same places,-until the Third Wednesday of Septem ber next;, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M,, to 5 P. M. CHAS. WIIITTEMORE,) E. P. GILL, ’> > Registers, n : NICHOLAS M. BRYAN,) July 22.—td.- ! : Thirteenth Election District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Registers appointed by the Governor of Maryland, under the act of the General Assembly, passed March 24th, 1865, will meet for the performance of their duties at CAPPEAU’S TAVERN, Near the Sulphur Springs, Washington Road, On Tuesday and Wednesday, the B th and Oth days of Avgust next, and will continue their sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday qf each succeeding week, at the some place, until the third Wednesday of September next, inclusive, sitting each day from 9 A. M., to 5. P. M. F. G. F. WALTEMEYER, 1 EDW WHITTEMORE, [ Registers. ELIAS. SMARDON, I July 22. —td. Miscellaneous. , - '■ SOLIIBIX PACIFIC GUANO. o j auib'iftftiiJ* : •••;< ,iiiorifinikl oluilljOftl JOHN S. BEESE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents ,i, ... j FOR THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, 71 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE. THE SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, resem bles Peruvian Guano in appearance, odor, and composition. The value of all Guanos and Super Phosphates of lime, of whatever name, depends, as is well known, upon the per cent, of Ammonia, Soluble Phosphate, and Bone Phos phate of Lime they contain. This Guano dif fers from Peruvian only in the fact that it con tains less Ammonia, but this difference in Am monia is more than made up by the fact that it contains almost double as much Soluble, and Bone Phosphate of Lime. Thi* difference , makes it a durable fertilizer, with all the activ ity of Peruvian Guano. Although the price of this Guano is only one-half the’price of Peru vian,, and is not higher than the .Super Phos phates of Lime, yet it contains, as is proven by analysis and inspection, vastly more of ammo nia, "soluble and Bone Phosphate, t than is found in the best titetti. Hence its economy and intrinsic value must render itanobjectof great iv^eresfrto farmers generally. ' wd j&TJQ TAKE ESPECIAL NOTIci, That (he conditions upbn which Wfe have the agency of this Guano are that every cargo is regularly inspected and analysed by Dr. LSI*-; bio, whose authority jn such matters is para mount. s .‘>ll >•/,- : i. :11 ’ . ' This arrangement affords us and consumers a protection not had in the.purchase of fertiliz ers generally. It must also be noticed that the phosphates of this Guano, are not mineral; but earthy which is greatly to its ad vantage. The following is a suinmary of analysis of last Cargo : f. ~,... Moisture in lOperct. Organic Combustible Matter... 39.71 if Earthy Matter 50.28 “ Yielding Ammonia 3.40 pr. ct. Soluble Phosphate of Lime... 17-07 “ Bone Phosphate of Lime .24.32 “ For sale by Dealers throughout the States, and by , JOHN S. REESE & CO., P. G. Company’s Agents, Baltimore. Price $65 per ton of 2000 lbs., usual discount to Dealers,' June 17, 1866.—1 y. BUB,NSIDE & GUST IN, UNITED STATES QLAIM, INSURANCE & GENER AL AGENTS, No 16 South Gay Street, Opposite First National Bank, jBAIiTX3S4LOItE, 3VEJD. carefully and promptly trans- InSr acted before the Departments of the Gen eral, State and Local Governments. Pensions, Bounties, Back Fay/ Prize i Money, Horses lost in service, Fuel, Forage, Ac., taken by Officers, Vessels lost, Ac. ®&“Monqjrs Safely Invested and Accounts Adjusted. ®sg,Officers’ Accounts Settled. Cash advanced to Clients and Vouchers Cashed. Gen’l Agents for Insurance against. '• • ' Accidents. f J. Q. P. BURNSIDE, Late Captaih and C. S. U. S. Vols. R. P. GUSTIN, Late Auditor Q. M. Ovfice, Balto. References of Burnside A Gustin, by special permission >— Hoijf. Thos. Swann, Gov.- elect of |Md.; Hod. tcG. Cox, Lt Gov. Md. f Hon. Wm. B- Hill, Sec. of State, Md.; Cql. R. M. Newport, Chief Quartetiri&Ateri Baltimore, Md,; Col. W. H. Brown, A. Pro. Marshal Gen’l, Delaware and Md.; J. 8. Norris, Ewp, Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore j Brevet Brig. Gen. N. H. Jef fries, Asstjlfrovost Marshal Gen’l, Waahington ; Thomas A Co., Bankers, Baltinlofe; Hon. I. Tome, Member Md., Legislature; Hon. Henry G. Hazen, Member House of Delegates; John S. Leib, Esq., Treasurer N. C. Railroad. July B.—3m. WM. H. BEAD’S Blackberry Boot Syrup Compound, FOR the immediate cure of Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Summer Complaint, and for all af fections of thq Bowels. “Healing in its nature,” “En ti rely Vegetable in its “Ploaaant to the Taste,” “Certain in its Curative effects,” “Popular wherever known,” “Destined to be famous,” “‘lmmediate to give Relief.” This Remedy is so very agreeable and desir able that we wouldoonscientiouslyTecommend it to the public, especially those suffering with affections of the Bowels,"incident to the season. | It is a tranquilizing anodyne astringent, act ing like a charm in all forms of Dysenteric afr, fections, and does not heat and irritate the mu cous membrane of the intestines. Invaluable for use when change of water or diet is neces sary. * - For Children’s use it is the very thing, being pleasant, agreeableand strengthening. It may be given to the most delicate infant, as well as to a grown person, with perfect surety of oure. It should be cqnstantly in the house, and form a part of the outfit on the voyage and the tour. Soldiers, from the sort of food served, up, are special sufferers from Diarrhoea and kindred diseases. Iq the worst form of Chronic affec tions they will find this Remedy efficient and rapid in its cure. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE) ; Mailed on receipt of 75 cents to any plaae. WILLIAM H. READ has constantly instore a full and carefully relected stock of fine im ported and domestic Fancy Goods, Cosmetics,. Perfumes, Soaps, Combe, Brushes, and fine Toi let Articles generally, at No. 147 BALTIMORE! ST., one door east from Calvert street. nn. READ’S MINERAL WATER Still supports its well-deserved reputation.— Crowds of patronß attest the excellence of the drink, drawn from Fountains lined with porce lain; and of the carefully prepared flavors from the ripe fruits. July B.~tf. AUCTIONEERS’ NOTICE. THE undersigned having obtained a license, offers his services to the people of Balti more county as Auctioneer. Will attend prompt ly to all business entrusted to his care and guar antees to give satisfaction. JABE3 ARMACOST, Black Rock, P. 0., Baltimore county, Md. Aug. 6. —3m*: a #•'**. n n ; STRAY COW.*’ M H i CITR&YED awwir friim (Be premises ot the subscriber, at Warrcn Faefory, of os about the (0 th of August, a dark roan B UF- F4-LO COW, aV>ut 12 years old, kad*’YJlgjEj a bell on when she left. A reasonable^ reward will be given for her return to the un- Idersigned. Aug. 19. —St* JOHN S. GRIFFITH. Hance's Column , NERVOUS DISEASES CON TROLLED ANO CON QUERED. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor i I Ij'JS: ■ < dial. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor [ dial. Dr. Bradshaw’s Invigorating Cor d i a 1. The Great Invigorant. THE ©[SEAT HE^ViME, Cures, Cures, Cures, NERVOUSNESS and WEAKNESS, 'A HD all diseases arising from excesses and over exertion whether physical or mental. To persons of feeble muscular frame, or de ficient in vital power, it is recommended as the only nieans of communicating that energy which is necessary to the enjoyment of all the natural appetites, as well as the higher mental attributes. Its beneficial effects are not con fined to either sex or any age. The feeble girl, the ailing wife, the listless, enervated youth, the overworn man of business, the victim of nervous depression, the individual Suffering from general debility, or from weakness, will find immediate and permanent relief from the use of this incomparable renovator. A STIMULANT THAT ENTAILS NO RE ACTION, its force is never expended, as is the case with opium or alchoholic preparations, and all oth er excitants. The effect of these is brief, and it may well be said of him who takes them, “the last state of man is worse than the first.” But the Elixir is an exhilarant without a sin gle drawback—safe in its operation, perpetual in its happy influence upon the nerves, the mind, ana the entire organization In cases of neuralgia, headache, loss of into,' . iij po chondriasis, dyspepsia, general pr*. u, ir ritability, nervousness, inability to yjsr complaint, and all diseases incident to fe. es, hysterics, monomania, vague terrors, jpalp.ta tiofi of the heart, barrenness) constipations, ic., Ac., ffom whatever cause arising, it is, if there is any reliance to be placed on human testimony, absolutely infallible. ( ■' ' ) It is the only infallible ram'edy, yet discov ered for Hervous head and Mind 1 Complaints. It is the frietaphysic long sought for, and never before found, the only natural agent that can “administer to a mind diseased.” In oases of neuralgia,, headache, vertigo, pain in the nerves ef the face, and the various train of nervous affections, it will produce retire in an astoniShhlg’short period of thrie; ahd it will ialso remove depression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restlessness, sleeplessness, dislike of society? incapacity for study or business, loss of memory, confusion, giddiness, blood to the 'head, melancholy mental debility, indecision, wretchedness, Ac. It will increase and restore the appetite, strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of those who have destroyed it, in duce continual cheerfulness and equanimity ot spirits, antTprolong life. Price $3 per bottle, or two bottles for $5 ; six bottles for §l2. For sale by t . . S. S. HAN.CE, : .9'!olffld! 108 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. H. B.—Tersons out of the city enclosing a remittance will have packed securely in a box and.forwarded to their address immediately on its receipt. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. RANGE’S ~ SARSAPARILLA OB bloobpills. Hance's Sarsaparilla or.Elood Pi 11... *• Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. i. ... M Hance's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. \s\ ' • " Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. ■ 'IV - ■■ Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Bipod Pills. Hance’s Sarsaparilla, Vegetable or Blood Pills, For Purifying the Blood. . Baltimore, June 29, 1860. THIS is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in the breast ahd right arm which, I suppose, proceeded from the impure state of my blood. I was recommended to take Hance’s Sarsaparilla or Blood P;'ls, and after taking one box the pain was enti ely removed frdm my breast and arm. I four.d them ex tremely gentle in their operations, and would recommend them to every person in want of a mild purgative. nr Patrick Roche, No. 25 Conway Street, between Howard and Eutaw. purchasing these Pills let me add ONE WORD OF CAUTION. Alway’s ask for HANCE’S PILLS, and pur chase of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient, call and see the proprietor himself. For sale by S. S. HANCE, ' j'■ ;!< • : 108 Baltimore Street, and SWEETZER A CO., corner of Charles and Pratt Streets. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. : ,7 FITS! FITS! - FITS! 7 j -iiitil -.'.i ' in ,b i-' > i- •.!; !<• Hance’s Epileptic Fills. I- i oil = . For the cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps, and all kinds of Constitutional Diseases. PERSONS who are laborihg 1 under this dis tressing malady will find HANCE’S EPI LEPTIC PILLS to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy or Falling F ■' These Pills possess a specific a. n the nervous system; and although the; ore pared especially for the purpose of mg Fits, they will be found of especial benen opr all persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system ffas been prostrated or shatter ed from any cause whatever. In chronic com- Slaints, or diseases of long standing, superin uced by nervousness, they are exceedingly beneficial. Sent by mail free of postage. . PRlCES.—Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills, $3 per box, or two boxes for $5; twelve boxes $24. All orders must be addressed, post-paid, SETH S. HANCE, • • '-.if Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Jan. 28, 1864.—1 y. ; . , , 1 HANCE’S ’ Sarsaparilla Fills. THE most valuable medicine in the world for curing dyspepsia, flatulence, costive ness, headache, nervousness, Ac. Persons of full habiti who are subject to headache, giddi ness, Drowsiness and singing in thCears, aris ing from too great a flow of blood to the head, should nqver be without them, as 'njany dan gerous symptoms will be strictly carried off by their immediate use. For sale by S. S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore Street. j tsO- These Pills can be sent bjr mail, and where $1 worth is ordered, they will be sent free of postage, , Jan. 28, 1864.—1 y. When You Can Have a Beautiful Head ot Hair, Why Don’t You do it ? It is possible to have RICH, GLOSSY AND BRIGHT HAIR, if you will use (and only use). tmi J Hance’s Chemical Hair Restorative. J > ricesl per bottle. For sale by , S. S. HANCE, ' . , 108 Baltimore Street. N. B,—-Ask for Hance’s Chemical Hair Res torative. . Jan. 28,1865, —ly. Hance’s CELEBRATED TETTER WASH, FOR the speedy and positive cure of tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, barbers itch, and j 'all Cutaneous and skin Diseases. •A single bottle of this inestimable compound has cured many of the fnost stubborn cases of the above diseases after the patient had given up all hope-of ever being cured, and had ex pended thousands of dollars for different rem edies,’ Price $1 per bottle. For sale by 7JI ml > /. • • 8. 8. HANCE, 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. • ‘ i ‘ ‘ ■-- -* LX --- —■. Dr. brandreth's i ‘ UNIVERSAL PILLS. WRIGHT’S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. Hance’s Sarsaparilla Pills. AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. Together with all the Popular Pills of the day. For sale by 8. S. HANCE, , Jan. 28, 1865.—1 y. 108 Baltimore Street. 1i i Property Sales . SHERIFF’S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued out of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county at the suit of Hiram Kaufman the goods,’ chattels, lands and tene-|f=yß men is of John Jenkins, to me directed (imHL I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, claim, interest and estate at law and in equity of the said John Jenkins, in and to ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND, Beginning on the north-east Side of Patapsco river at the east side of the abutment of (what was) the Lower Patapsco bridge, thence run ning and bounding on the Patapsco river to the line of Michael Warner’s land,thence running and bounding on said land of Michael Warner to the division line between R'ic&ard Linthicum and John Hern, thence running and bounding on and with said division line to thelflaln road leadingfrdm Baltimore to said bridge ahd thence running and bounding on said road to the place of beginning: containing THIRTY-FIVE ACRES' 6V LAND, more or less. Being the land described in .la deed from John T. Joyce and wife to John Clark, dated 24th of February, 1864, also in a deed from John R. Hears and wife to said Clark, da ted 17th of March, 1864, and in a bond of con veyance from John Clark to Tabitha Jenkins wife of John Jenkins, dated on the 25th of April 1865, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, in liber J. H. L.-, N 6. 40, fo lio 399, Ac., with the buildings, rights and privileges. And I hereby give notice that I will offer for sale, at the Court House Towsontown, on Tuesday, the 19 th day of September, 1865, .r* at 1 o’clock, P. M., All the right, title, interest, claim and estate at Jaw and in equity of the said John Jenkins, to the above described lot of ground, so seized and taken in execution, by public auction to the highest bidder for cash. JAMES TMOMPSON, i" Sheriff of Baltimore county. Aug. 26.—ts. k. . * TRUSTEE’S SALE OF A ' DESIRABLE COUNTRY SEAT, NEAR THE RELAY HOUSE ON THE BALTO. A OHIO R. R, BY virtue of a decree of the Cirouit Court for Baltimore county, the subscriber, /ffc as Trustee., will offer at public jgfJHW jp&jpg*sale. at the Relay House, (W ash -1 i liHL " T ""ingtoir Junction.! at i ! m , i : il2 o’clock M., l Of Saturday, September 2d, 1865, .THE COUNTRY BEAT,, formerly*t% residence of VfVian Brent, Esq., and adjoining the place of Junkies H. Luckett, Esq. It contains about .*u i .-.u‘ 36* ACRES OF'LAND, part of “PIERCE'S ENCOURAGEMENT,” of “THE FOREST,” and of “UNITED FRIENDSHIP,” and is* handsome / • .II .OOrJ COTTAGE AND OUTBUILDINGS. The House is within fiye minutes’ wqlfc of the Relay House, on-the north ( svde ofithe Batyi* more and Ohio Railroad, anjd near the ThomaS viaduct over the Patapsco river. The title is indisputable. , The terms, as prescribed by the decree, are : —One-third in cash on the day of sale,^ndthe, remainder in three equal payments, in six, twelve and eighteen mouths from day of sale, with interest; the credit payments to be secur ed by the promissory, notes of .the purchaser with approved endorsement, or the purchaser may at his option, pay the whole in cash. THOS. DONALDSON, Trustee. August s.—ts> ■ . I q, TRUSTEES’ SALE OF . ONE Of THE MOST VALUABLE FARMS IN BALTIMORE COUNTY.. SSab Zx&g* Jg-Jp THE undersigned Trustees offer JkrajL Private Sale the fr.T~iair “BACON HALL FARM,” t*K situated in Baltimore county;fcontain-ililHß ing 476 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. This property is situated on the York Turn pike, twenty miles from Baltimore, and less than three miles from Monkton Station on the Northern Central*Railway, adjoining the finely improved estat^pf’Nicholas R. Merryman.— About two hundred acres are wooded, and the balance arable land of a kind quality, not less than 150 acres of which are lqyel and very pro ductive. There is an excellent quarry of Lime stone on it,’and a kiln convenient. .4. The DWELLING HOUSE is of stone, 50 by 25 feet, with commodious wings. It is hand somely situated in a healthful and beautiful valley, and can readily be made one of the most desirable and productive estates in thet county.. There is a good BARN on tbe property, and oth er necessary outbuildings and is well watered. Terms of sale :—One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, or on the ratification thereof, and the.balance in equal instalments, in one and two years from the day of sale, with interest, and security to be approved by the Trustees. JOHN PHJLPOT, I TrUßtees JNO. T. ENSOR, ) lrUßtees - Apply to John Philpot at Phoenix, or to Jno. T. Ensor at Towsontown, Baltimore co v Md, Feb. 25.—tf. FDR SALE, 400 ACRES OF “MY LADY’S MANOR’' LAND. rTIHE undersigned, as Attorney for owner, of- I fers for sale that valuable FARM known as “'THDRNBROOK,”Iying in Harford and Baltimorecountiesaqd con-tgffffl| SSfittaining about FOUR HUN - lil| ACRES OF LAND. -it is dis|atft by Uirn(dke .18 miigsffdom Balti more city, an'dSive miles from the ‘Monkton stattonjNon-tbc Northern Central RaHway. Thif farm is of the very quajity o‘t Man or Tana, and is m an excellent state of cultiva tion, producing as good crops as any land in the State.. It is well wooded apd watered, havj ing-water in every field, and is improved by a good DWELLING HOUSE, RARN and other necessary, outbuildings. ,*•>■ • A Macadfiiftlzed fifßeto Baltimore city passes through this farm, dividing it into two tracts of about 200 acres each, which will be sold separ ately, to suit purchasers. ' There is a LIMESTONE QUARRY on the adjoining farm. This farfn is convenient to Churches, Schools, Stores, Ac., and is in a thick ly settled and healthy neighborhood. For terms and further particulars, apply to or address P. H. RUTLEDGE, Bel Air, Harford county, Maryland. Aug. 19.—4 t. ... Farm at Private Sale. THE undersigned noticing able to attend to to his farm in consequence of in ■A, injury received, offers the fSSPat private sale. SaidFarmcon- is situated on “My Lady’s Manor,” near the Old York Road, 20 miles from Baltimore and 3£ miles from Monkton Station, N. C. R. R.— It is in a good state of cultivation and under good fencing. The improvements consist of a Double Log Dwelling House, Log_Barn, Wagon and Corn House and other out-buildings. For Terms, Ac., apply to JOSEPH PARSONS, ' Philopolis P. 0., Balto. county, Md. May 6.—6 m. Valuable Western Run MILL PROPERTY OFFERED AT PRIVATE SALE. I OFFER AT PRIVATE^ALE the FARM on which I now re-gfcf...L g. side, containing about 97 ACRES iJ Limestone Land, with cout)try MILL and all necessary out-buildings.- - 1 ' 1 “ JOHN SCCn;. Butler P. O.', 1 Balto. couity, Md. August 12.—3 m. : BEAIJTIFUI. GEMIPICf UITES I~ BEAUTIFUL OEM PICTURES! FOR ALBUMS f FOR ALBUMS! OXE DOLLAR PER DOZEN I ONE DOLL AR PER DOZEN t JOHN H. YOUNG, JOHN H. YOUNG, , . 231 BALTO. STREET, CORNER CHARLES. 231 BALTO, STREET, CORNER CHARLES. I July I.—3m. LEATHER, LEATHER, HIDES, &C. F. H. QRUPY ft CO., 42 South Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md., TT AVB always a full assortment of LEATH- Ii ERof all kinds, at lowest rates. Call and see before purchasing. HIDES A PRIME TAN BARK Wanted, for which the ohtside Cash Price will be paid. > F. H. GRUPY A CO., 42 South Calvert Street, Baltimore. April B.—flm. ‘TTlgjggal Notices. Is BAi/nxoHK Coukty Orphans’ Court, 1 August 16th, 1865. \ ORDERED, that the lease of the Real Es tate of WILLIAM H. STINSON deceased, made by Eugenia G. Stinson and Evan W. Warfield, the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, and this day reported to this Court by the said Executors, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, On or before the \2tk day of September, 1866, Provided a copy of this or-der be inserted in some weekly newspaper, published in Balti more county, for three successive weeks, before the 6th day of September, 1865, The report states the amount of lease to be $2,200 cash, and an annual rent of $l2O. STEPHEN W. FALLS, j JOS. MERRYMAN, | . , Judges. True Copy—Test: JOHN PHILPOT, Register of Wills for Baltimore county. Aug. 19.—3 t, THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry on the estate of GEORGE ENSOR of G., late pf said county, deceased. All persons har ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the \2th day of March, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this Bth day of August, 1865. jjj ; • GEORGE K. ENSOR, Aug, 12.—4t* Executor. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters of admin istration on the estate of WILLIAM HISSEY, late of said county, deceased. Allparsons hav ing claims against the said estate, aTe hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 1 2th day of March , '-4 ; they may otherwise by law be excli - *u all benefit of said estate. Those in' to s6idiestate hre requested to make imr.t- -to payment. Given under my hand this Bti. :ay of August, 1865. SUSANNAH HISSEY Aug. 12,—4t* Administrate:. Insolvent Notice. ■■’A IVTOTIGE I£ hereby GIV4N, To the era*- iM itorg dr WILLIAM UNDERWOOD, an appli9ant for the benefit of 1 4 ? “48th Article or the Code Of Public Gbnera’ srwe,"relative to insolvents, that the Ist Mona- )of December next, has been fixed for his ap) ..:ance, to an swer interrogatories, and lor a final hearing ot his case before the Circuit Court for Baltimore county. Dated the 10th day of August, 1866. * Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Aug. 12.—3m* Insolvent Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To the cred itors of STEPHEN LLOYD, an applicant lor the benefit of the “48th Article of the Code of Public General Laws,” relative to insolvents, that the Ist Monday of December next, has been fixed for his appearance, to answer interrogato ries, and a final hearing ot his case before the Circuit Court for Baltimore county. Dated the 26th day of May, 1865. ; - Test: Imil.y. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk., Miscellaneous. PI BLIC NOTICE! TO STRANGERS, COUNTRY MER r CHANTS, And Citizens -of Baltimore Co. \ tobacco7snupp AND ; BEGARB, ’ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - A Large Assortment, all of best brands and at s the very lowest prices, for sale i , | -at my Warehouse, ' South Calvert Street, Near Water St. Next door to Mr. G. D. Clark's Jewelry Store: PLEASE OBSERVE THE i INTO. 31. t open until 8 O’CLOCK A T NIQHI, •, for the accomodation of my friends. P. C. GASPARI, _ Tobacco Merchant. July 29.—3 m. ' * \\ i To All whom it May oncern: ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GITEBf, rpHAT the undersigned, Examiners appoint- X ed by the County Commissioners of Balti more county, on the petition of Ferdinand Gerdling and others, for the opening of a Road on the bed of an old mill road beginning at a road leading from Texas to Oregon Furnace; thence on tne line between John F. Shipley and Taylor Albert; thence on the line between Samuel Worthington and John F. Shipley ; thence intersecting and running through the land of Samuel Worthington ; tnence through the lands of Jacob Geist, William Clark, Mr. McDonald, Henry Leaf and Joshua Tipton ; thepce on the line between John Wbitefordand Ferdinarld Gerdling to the Falls Road near Whiteford’s, having taken the oath required by law will proceed on the \| £ • bth day of September, 1865, ion’the premises, if fair, if not, on the next fair day, to execute the trust reposed in them and the requirements of the acts of Assembly in sirCli cases made and provided, : THOS. D. COCKEYof Thos., *>’ ’’ : WILLIAM C. GENT, i 0 .to Gin L£WIB A . DEHOFF, , July 29.—5 t. Examiners. ~~ W. E. M’JILTON ft CO., \ REAL ESTATE BROKER*:, Auctioneers, Advertising & Coll Agents, No. 19 SOUTH STB* ! - BALTIMORE, MD. REAL Estate at Private Sale. Real E at Puolic Sale. Property of every cription auctioneered. ■f. A. Hocstok, a practising Attorney at Law for a number of years, will examine Titles, pre pare Conveyances, and promptly Collect Claims entrusted to our care. REFER TO—C. C. Cox, r D., Lieut. Gov ernor for the State of Mary la '; John F. Mc- Jilton, Surveyor Port of Bai nors; A. M. White, Esq., Baltimore city, Mi. July 22.—3 m. ~~ auctioneering. THE undersigned still continues the busi ness of Auctioneering Real or Personal Property of every description. When not at his residence in Towsontown, inquiry may be made at the office either of the Union or the Journal. Persons desiring his services should make application as early as possible, so as to arrange the day of sale. Thankful for past fa vors he respectfully asks a continuance of the Same. SAM’L G. WILSON, Towsontown, Baltimore Co. Aug. 26,1865.—tf. aw, . TO FARMER*. - ,100 TO N S O F SUPERIOR FISH PHOSPHATES AND G-tJANOR For sale by F. F. POPE, 85 South Street. Aug. 26, 1865.—l v NOTICE. To Farmers of Baltimore County. THE subscriber having established an Agen cy for the purpose of supplying Farmers with labor, is prepared to fill all orders for WHITE OR COLORED LABORERS. Those in want of hands can be supplied imme diately by applying to . t OLIVER WOOD, General Agency, 61 Second street, Baltimore. Towsontown Female Seminary. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LADIES. Mrs. M. R. Schenck, Principal. THE duties of this institution will be re sumed Wednesday, September 6 th, —Circulars can be obtained at the Book Stores, Baltimore, and from the Principal. August, 10-i—lm For Sale. A6| Octave Piano of fine tone and finish, with Stool, cover and mufic stand. Also, a set of Walnut chamber furniture, Table, Chairs, 46 yards i matting, 36 yards of csrpet, 1 and 1 fine Florence Sewing Machine, i Inquire of J. ADDISON PRICE, 'Hereford, Baltimore county, Maryland. Aug. 26.—2 t.