Newspaper Page Text
§ alt#. (!*o. Pinion.i ~~fOWSQBitbWW. BIW | ~~ THE SHIP UNION. The good ship Union’s voyage is o’er, c ' At anchor safe she swings, And loud and clear with cheer on cheer Her joyous welcome rings: Hurrah! Hurrah! it shakes the wave, It thunders on the shore, — One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, One Nation evermore! • , ! SATURDAY, SEPT. 30,1806. L. M. HAVERSTICK,) H. C. LONGNECKER, V Editors. : ■ , J. B. LONGNECKER, J .. . . FOR CONGRESS, SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, JOHN L. THOMAS. NOTICE "Mi To the Union Men of the County, YOU are hereby requested to hold yourusu- j al PRIMARY MEETINGS, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH, ; between the hours of 3 and 5 o’clock P. M., for all the districts except the 3d and 12th, and for the two above mentioned Districts, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH.:. between the same hours, for the purpose of electing FIVE DELEGATES from each Election District to represent you in the County nominating Convention, to be held , AT TIIE COURT HOUSE, j B&J IN TO WSONTO WN, ON; . Wednesday, October 4th. The following county officers are tobechosen at the coming election: —One man for Judge of the Circuit Court; three men for County Com missioners ; one man for Sherifi and one man for Treasurer. By order of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. August 12.—td. Registration of Voters. The Registry Boards have completed their regular work. Comparatively few of the hum' ber who made application have been disfran chised. We this week publish the List for the sth, Btb, 10th and 13th Districts, and will pub lish the remainder of the County next Week.— Registers who have not yet sent in their Lists for publication, are requested to do so as early as possible. While these names are being published, we must beg the indulgence of our Readers for any lack of news and general reading they may no tice in the Union. CANDIDATES. , We announce below the names of the several candidates whose names will be presented to the Union nominating Convention of this county, on the 4th October ensuing. We are pleased to • say that they are worthy citizens, and the nom -1 ination of either of them will be acceptable tp the loyal people of Baltimore county. SHERIFF. WILLIAM FOSTER, 7th District. 7 NELSON CULLINGS, 6bt District. JOHN K. HARVEY, 2d District. THOS. F. FORSYTII, 11th District. RICHARD C. TRACY, stli District. AQUILLA CHILCOATE, Bth District. WM. P. JEAN, 2d,District. CHAS. PEREGO Y, 3d D istrict. ?. S. W. TIPTON, Bth District. H. W. MORRISON, 10th District. TREASURER. CARISTIAN GORE, 6th District. Capt. HENRY WILHELM, 6th District. ; THOMAS COOPER, 7th District. JOSHUA H. PARKER, 10th District. Union Congressional Convention. NOMINATION OF J. I THOMAS. Esq. f On Tuesday last, the Convention for the nom ination of a member of Congress for the Second Cong. Dist., met ia Broadway Hall, Balto.— A permanent organization was effected iu the af ternoon by electing John H. Longnecker Esq. President; H. D. Gough and Wm. Bull, Vice Presidents; J. N. Foster and C. H. Pitt, Secre taries * Hon. A. W. Bradford and Jno. L. Thomas Esq. were named as candidates, when Mr. Gough of Harf. Co., withdrew Gov. Bradford’s name, say ing that he was not in the field and had done nothing to bring his name, before the primary meetings. Jno. L. Thomas Esq., being the only man before the Convention was declared unani mously nominated. A committee was appoint ed to inform Mr. Thomas of the fact, who shortly returned to the Hall with the candidate. He was greeted with much applause by the members of the Convention and in response to their cries of “Speech,” addressed them on the topics of the day and signified his acceptance of the nomina tion. Col. Webster was also called upon, who , made a few remarks, mutually complimenting the convention and the candidate. In accordance with the action of the conven tion we to day place the name of Mr. Thomas at the head of the paper as Candidate for Congress in the Second District, and bespeak for him that support which his loyalty and ability deserve. Resolutions Adopted by the Convention. Resolved, By the delegates representing the un conditional Union men of the Second Congres sional District in convention assembled : That we congratulate the people of the country upon the conclusion of the war, the overthrow of re bellion, the maintenance of the integrity of the Government, the extinction of slavery through out the entire republic, aud that we hail the tri umph of the principles contended for by the sup porters of the Government in the recent conflict as a harbinger of that advancement in individu al and national prosperity that shall render our country not only the asylum of the oppressed and the persecuted, but the most prosperous of - all the Governments of the world. Resolved, That the thanks of this convention and the everlasting gratitude aud honor of Amer can citizens are due to the brave officers aud men of our army and navy for the success that has crowned the National cause and maintained the Union of the States from forcible disruption by its adversaries, and that we recognize the patri otism of past ages reproduced in those brave and patriotic men, who, in the hour of our coun try’s trial responded to ber call, and presented their breasts as the shields of her protection against the fiery waves of treason and traitors ; that we welcome them in triumph to their homes to enjoy the protection of that Government, whose pillars were supported by the strength of their mighty arms, aud cemented by the blood of their fallen comrades. Resolved, That the warm sympathies of this convention are expressed and tendered to those whose firesides have been made sad for fallen ones, who perished or have been maimed in the war for the Union; that we express our sincere , and earnest regret and sorrow for the death of the nation’s dearly loved and lamented late Pres ident, Abraham Lincoln, twice chosen by the voice of bis countrymen to the magistracy of the nation. Resolved, That in Andrew Johnson we realize the man for the times, the man of the people, and in his past career we have assurances of that devotion to the Government and to the Union that eminently stamp him as a statesman and a patriot, and in his course as a legislator, we en dorse the efforts that have been made to perpetu ate the Government and restore law and order throughout our borders; that we express our fullest confidence in his administration and onr approbation of bis policy pursued towards the people of the States recently in rebeliion, and that this Convention pledge to him its earnest support in all wise measures looking to the inter ests of the Government and governed. Resolved, That it is due to the people who sus tained the Government in its crisis, as well as to the nation itself, that the public dßbt be redeem ed and that all liabilities incurred on the part of those engaged in the rebellion be repudiated; And that we are now, as we always have been, % ■' - iTKUj m keenly alive to the duty of preserving the Union; that this edotention4m jfflates all of the doc trines of tn§ State B>(?us school of secession, and affirm that thfc. Gdyamment delegates pow ers to thfe States add Ihe States to the Governments ‘ I f Latter-day Democracy goes a-beggiog. Sbr four years it consistently opposed the war for the Union or yielded It that unwilling support Which issimettraes worte than open hostility;— For four years it stigmatized the efforts pf the Government as “sectional,” “revolutioiiairy,” “ unconstitutional.” For four years it -sternly arrayed itself against emancipation. For four years it labored to throw obstacles in the way of of the war. For four years it strove to excite the people to riot and open hostility to the government. For four years It Struggled-'to prevent 1 soldiers from voting and opposed a!l measures looking to the relief of their families. For four yeare it bore aloft such men as Vallandighkm and Ben Wood, with all their weight of .disloyalty. For four years it applauded the valor pf the South and insisted that she could “ never be conquered.” For four years it told us that “ freed niggers would starve.” In the late political campaign it politely called the Union Candidate for Pres, and vice Pres.a rail splitting buffoon and a boor ish Tailor .” And to cap the climax, in solemn convention, after due deliberation, it .declared the war “a failure,”: and demanded that itshould unconditionally cease. i i!; ‘ i But strange things have come to pass during these four years, and'tod-ay it would seem the unfortunate Democracy ha 3 not where to lay its head. The rebels are conquered ;t the Union is 'restored; the war has not been “a failure;” freed men are going to work. There is not a splinter of the old platform left. And so the once great and respectable Democratic party is greatly straitened throughout the country. Eve ry convention seems to b$ running the machine “on its own book.” In Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere they cling to the unforgotten past, un willing to,admit that the war has accomplished a grefit and glorious pjirpose. In New York however the leaders were more prudent. “He tbd) stands on a slippery place makes nice of no vile hold to stay him up.”— Neither did they. While the war continued they were earnest peace men;. now that it is over they are for its vigorous prosecution. With slavery inexistence they were its strongest defenders, now that it is dead they are anxious to aid in its burial.. “The boorish tailor” is resolved in to “ our able, distinguished and patriotic Chief Magistrate.” “Lincoln’s hirelings” are suddenly the very best of good fellows and are nominated for all the offices that have no money in them, care being taken to reserve-the good, fat places for well-tried' party wire-pullers. They resolve themselves into a refreshing state of -joyousness (hat the war is over, the Union restored and the black man free. They esteem it very complimen tary to us Uition men for the way in Which we conducted the struggle .to a happy issue. It is a matter of astonishment that they didn’t nomi nate Wendell Philips or Fred Douglass for Sec. of s,a,c : ... <poial JVffro. following Property, advertised in this paper, will be sold as stated below : AT PRIVATE SALE. Valuable Farm of 97 acres, with good country Mill; and out-buildings, on Western Run. Jno. Scott. ; By Cardan & Bosley Real Estate Agents, Balto., 100 Acres of Land in Harford County, one-third in timber, balance arable Land. The “Bacon Hall Farm,” 476 acres, on the Yoi-k Turnpike, 3 miles from Monkton station, NT C. R. W., with stone dwelling and Barn, on Tuesday Oct. 3d at the Court House Towson town. Jno. Philpot, Jno. T. Ensor, Trustees. Valuable House and Lot in the centre of Tow sontowii, on .the R. Road and Turnpike, suitable fqr public business. B. N. Pay ne, Agt. A number of valuable properties in Adams Co. Pa. for sale by John C- Zouck," Agt. AT PUBLIC SALE. A valuable 1 tract of Iff acres oh the Falls Road, 14 miles from Balto.; With good improvements and a spring of water shear the house.: Wheel er'S Keech Attys. Wm. Gent, Jr., Trustee. V Monday, Oct. 2d, the “Ivy Mill” Farm on the Hillen Roa<i:3,miles from .Baltimore, in lots of from 5 to 14 acres. At Phoenix Factory, Thursday, Oct. sth, a lot of elegant Furnture, Horse, Cow, buggy, &c. M. Slothower. Friday, Oct. oth, all the Stock, utensils, fur niture of the above Farm. S. S. Stevens. — S. H. Govef, Auct. 1 Monday, October 9th, atithe Court inTowson town, a Farm of 146 J acres in Green Spring Val ley, known as “Risteau’s Qarrisoo;” with first class improvements. C. W. Ridgely, Trutees. Monday, Oct. 9th, on the N. C. R. W. near Lutherville, Three Horses, 2 Cows,; 16 Hogs, with the ufoal Farming utensils, Furniture &c. Ruth O. Lynch. OhTfresday, October 10th, Valuable Property in Towsontown, 15 acres, 3 Roods and 13 Perch es, fine Dwelling &c. H;L. Bowen, Trustee. Wednesday, Oct. lltb, on the premfses, 1$ Mi. from Reisterstown. Five Lots of land, much 'of it iu good timber. S. H. Stocksdale, Trustee. Monday, Oct. 16th on the Old York Road, 20 miles from Baltimore, an excellent Farm of 71 acres, with good improvements, also, a quan tity of stock, farming utensils &c. Joseph Par sons. Farm or Country Seat of 26 acres on the Old Frederick Road, 4 miles from the city, with Frame Dwelling, barn and stable, on Monday Odt 23d. Benjamin Contee. ei> ' '' ' ■ i Ten acres of Woodland at the crossing of the Bel-air and Joppa Roads, 00. Sat., Odt, 28tb.— Reuben Tovel, Admin. • Farm of 130, A mi., from Reisterstpwn, 18 from Balto-) 30 acres in good timber, well watered and fenced, good buildings Ac., on Sat. moning, Oct. 28th. H. Kemp. Real Estate Sales. —Mr. E. Livezey, Real Es tate Broker, has sold 400 acres of land on the Liberty Rohd near Harrisonville, 15 miles from Balto. belonging to Mr. Jno. B. Armstrong, to 11. M. White Tor $45,000. This includes stock, utensils, crops Ac. There are vast quantities of Chrome on the property which enhances its val ue.' Mr. Livezey has also sold the fine country seat known as “Tusculura,” near the Liberty Road, containing about 17 acres with an elegant man sion built in the Italian style, forslß,ooo. Pur chased by J. B. Armstrong, Esq. Messrs. F. W. Bennett A Co., auctioneers, sold on the 23d'inst., at the Exchange Sales-room Bal timore city the following tracts,of land in Balti more conn tj: —Tract No. 1, woodland, on the Philadelphia Road, six miles from the city, oppo site the Blue Ball Tavern. Lot No. 1, of 25 acres, at $55 per acre. Purchased by T. Crossmore.— Lots 2, 3 and 4, each of 25 acres, At S4O per acre. Purchaser W. D. Shurtz. Lots 5, 6 and 7, con taining 89 acres, at S2O per acre. Same purchas er. Tract No. 2. also woodland) situated near the turnpike, seven or eight miles from the city, containing 92 acres, at $lO per acre. Same pur chaser. Tract No. 3, containing 29A acres, sit uated between the Philadelphia and Belair roads, at S2B per acre. Purchased by Robert Lehr.— Tract No. 4 containing 40 acres;' located near the Philadelphia Railroad Station at Stemmer’s Run. Purchased at $26 an acre by E. B. Taylor. Mr. S. H. Gover, auctioneer, sold at the same place a farm containing 31J acres of cultivated land situated on the Philadelphia road, four mi. from the city, near Moore’s-Ron, improved by a large dwelling, with barns, stables, Ac. Pur chased for $2,000 by Mr. Tfaos. Gonroy. Messrs. Carman A Bosley, real estate agents, have sold the farm and country residence of Mrs. Ruth C. Lynch, on the N. C. R. W. between Ri der’s Station and Lutherville, containing 108 acres, to Mr. B. 0. Richardson, for $15,000.. Death of a Well-known Citizen,— Mr. Ed ward Patterson, one of the oldest citizens of Baltimore, died at his country residence in Bal timore county, on Sunday 24th inst., in the sev enty-seventh year of hisage, At the time of bis death, Mr. Fattcrson was one of the chief owners of the Ashland Iron Furnace ; and associated with his brother Mr. Joseph Patterson, largely interested jn the Patterson Iron Works on Gun powder Falls. He. haa been closely identified with the iron trade of this city for many years, leave's large wealth, and an honored memory for probity.— Sun. 7 • ... .. Mons Improvements. —John H. Longnecker, Esq., has had an excellent board walk laid the entire length of his property on Penn. Avenue. We hope his neighbors will ‘go and do likewise.’ Bear in Mind that Monday next, is thelast day on which U. S. lot. Rev. ’Paxes can be paid to Jas. L. Ridgely, Collector at the Court House, Towsontown. Sweet Air TuaNWKE.—The new Turnpike from Meaeditb’g Bridge to Sweet Air is progfßslng as rapidly as circumstances will permit. It is com pleted and in use as far up as Mr. Wm. Pearce’s a distance of about three miles. This part of the road has been approved by a Board or Examin ers and a toll-gate has been put up at the bridge. The new Turnpike when completed, will prove of great advantage to the fine section of coun try through which it passes, and will bring the village of Sweet Air within about one hour’s, drive of Towsontown. Religious Meetings.—To-morrow (Sunday) quarterly meeting will be held at Hunt’s Chapel. Preaching to-night and to-morrow morning by Dr. Slicer of Baltimore. To-morrow afternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. Geo. Morrison will preach at Chestnut Grove Church. Sale at Manor Parsonage.—On Wednesday next, at lOVclock, S. G. Wilson, anct., Will sell two cows, six shants, a lot of corn, oats, farming and housekeeping articles, for the Rev. Wm. A. White, at Manor Parsonage. ~ . THE MARKETS. • Baltimore, Sept. 29. FLOUR—Howard Street Super $8.75.@58.00 “ Retailing Extra $9.76 u Family $11.00@511.50 City Mills Super $8.60@58.76 Baltimore Family $14.60 Ohio Super .$8.35@58.62 “ Extra .....$9.50@50.00 “ Family CORN MEAL per barrel $4.75@50.00 GRAlN—White Wheat 200@260cts. Red Wheat 190@230 cts. MJ White Corn ....88@96 cts. Yellow Corn 87@89 cts. Oats, (weight,) 49@51 cts. Rye 75 @BS cts. PROVISIONS—Bacon Shoulders..l9i@l9i cts. “ Sides 20f@20 cts. Hams, cured ~33@35 cts. SALT —Ordinary brands, fine, $8.35@50.00 Ground Alum $2.40@50.00 Turks Island, per bushel, 65@5000 WHISK EY—(Ohio) $2.31 @so.oo MARRIED, On the 13th inst., in Baltimore city, by Rer. W. S. Edwards, Wm. R. Bklbson, of Howard co., to Miss Martha A, Fkazier of this county. DIED, At his residence in Baltimore county, on the 18th instant, James Goodwin, in the 53d year of his age. At bis residence in Baltimore county, on the 24th of September, Edward Patterson, in the 77th year of his age. On the 26th instant, of consumption, which she bore with Christian fortitude and resigna tion, Susan A. Zencker, in the 21st year of her age. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 50 or 100 Cords green or seasoned FIREWOOD, (half-seasonea preferred,) at the PHIENIX FACTORY, N. C. R. R. Sept. 30.—3 t. ” forT sheriff. JT'SJfMESSRS. EDITORS Please announce •W the name of S. W. TIPTON, Esq., as a candidate for SHERIFF, subject only to the Union Convention, and oblige many voters. EIGHTH DISTRICT. JS©**Mr. Tipton’s name bad been previously announced but was withdrawn on account of some misunderstanding. Sep. 30-^lt NOTICE. To the Citizens of Baltimore Comity. L'v ing that lam in favor of Negro Suffrage. I peremptorily deny the charge and challenge any man or set of men to substantiate any such charge against me. I have always‘been op posed to Negro Suffrage. The charge is false and without foundation. NELSON CULLINGS. Sept. 30.—1 t. For Treasurer of Baltimore County. Messrs. Editors :—Without intendingto dis parage the claims of any of the gentlemen whose names have already been mentioned in connection with the office of TEASURER of Baltimore County, I would in addition, Sug gest the name of JOSHUA H. PARKER, Esq., of this district. In announcing the name of Mr. Parker to the Convention which is to as semble on the 4th Proximo, I would add that in the event of his nomination by said Con vention, bis election would be sure. Which election would be a deserved compliment to the gallant and loyal little TENTH DISTRICT. Sep. 30.—1 t. FOR SHERIFF. addition to the number of excellent '‘‘'v men who have been suggested as candi dates for the office of Sheriff, we would add THOMAS F. FORSYTH, Esq., of the 11th, District. Mr. Forsyth is well kfiown in his own neighborhood and through out the county, as a man of undoubted loyalty, strict integrity of character and good business capacity. His nomination for this office by the County Union Convention, would give general satis faction to the loyal people and would be en dorsed by a heavy vote at the coming election. • • /.i . ELEVENTH DISTRICT. Sep. 30.—1 t. FOR SALE OR KENT, That beautiful farm, in high .tat. of cultivation, known as “HA ZELOWOD,’’ belonging to Williamson, and situated on the Reis- Hill terstown Road or Pennsylvania Ave-, nue, adjoining the Second Toll-gate, Two and 1 a-half miles from Druid Hill Park. It is ad mirably adapted for a DAIRY FARM , having a large Spring of water cold as ice, nev er known to fail and the Western Run passing"' through the farm. Abundance of fruit Ac. The buildings are suitable for a large farm. Possession given in December next. ■ I Further description unneccessary as those s desiring to purchase or rent can view the . premises and consult with the subscribers. ALEX. YEARLEY & SON, No. 15 St. Paul St. [ Sep. 30.—tf. ; ~ PUBLIC^ALE THE undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at Phmnix Factory, on , • > Thursday, October bth, 1865, r AT 12 O’CLOCK, M., His entire stock of Household and Kitchen fur niture, consisting of 4 complete SETTS of chamber Furniture, with Beds, Mattrasses, Bu reaus, washstands, wardrobes and chairs, a general assortment of Toilet furniture, STOVES, CHAIRS, TABLES, CARPETS, BEDS, BEDDING, BUREAUS Ac., Ac. ALSO. ONE GOOD HORSE , i suitable for saddle or harness, one cow, heifer, bu ggy> sleigh, single and double harness Ac. Terms \Cash. M. SLOTHOWER. S. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Sep. 30.—1 t, Public Sale OF TEN ACRES OF WOODLAND . THE undersigned, by virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court for Baltimore jSfi '• County, will sell at Public sale atKingn ton in said county, Ut the crossing of the Joppa and Bel-Air Roads, on Saturday, October 28 th, 1865, At One O’clock, F. M., Ail that part of a tract of Land of which Bam ; uel Tovell, late of Baltimore county died seized, the same being a part of the said Tract which Josiah Hoshaur, Albert A. Miller and Henry Seitz purchased of Charles R. Chew and wife, and which the said Samuel purchased of the former parties. The said land is Well Timbered ivith Chestnut , Oak, Poplar and Hickory. . It lies about a half mile from the Bel-Air Road and 12 miles from the city of Baltimore. A plat of the same will be exhibited on the day of sale, or it may be seen before the day of sale i by any one calling on the undersigned At his residence. TERMS of sale'are Cash," and the deed to be excuted to the purchaser or purchas ers on the ratification of tne sale by the Court. REUBEN TOVELL, j Administrator of Samuel Tovell, deceased. S. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Sep. 30.—ts. ; STRAY HOGS. rPAKEN up estray on the premises of the X subscriber, on the York L _ pike, about 19 miles from Baltimore,'milPKA 1 Black spotted hog and 1 White hog. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and takq .them away. DICKINSON GORSUCH. Sep. 30.—3 t QUALIFIED VOTERS .A OF BALTIMORE COUNTY. r l IHE REGISTERS of the following Districto X of Baltimore county, having completed the Registration of Voters in their aeveral Dis tricts, according to law, hertby announce the names of those entered in the list of qualified Voters as designated below, and do “notify all person* interested to appear before them at the places, and during the hours of Registration on the tVESDA Y and WEDNESDA F next sreceding5 receding the Tuesday following the first Mon ay in November next, (which will be the 31st of October and the Ist of November,) to show any omissions or other errors in saidT lists, at which time the list of qualified voters shall be corrected and finally closed.” A Fifth Election Dintriet. * . L - r _ A. Armacost Caleb Arraacost George W Armacostjohn ,i. Armacost Jabes ! Alban Joseph . Abban William Armacost Stophel F Armacost Elijah Algire Joshua Armacost John W Armacost John F Abbot Thomas J Ash Charles Arthur Jeremiah Algire George Alban John W Armacost Rezin H Alban George S Armacost Jacob M Armacost Augustus Armacost John H 7. B. • H ; Bush Benjamin B Barber William Bull Ambrose 8 Belt Darby Bond John M Bowen Charles r Beckley Daniel ■■ Baker George Boring Richard C ? *. Bold its Charles F Brown Elishs> Blucker John M Bull Ambrose O Baker Jeremiah H Bull, Joshua L Boring Bryant W Bossom Daniel Boring Greenberry Beckley John B Bossom George Belt William H ' Boblits Samuel F Bossom Charles Buchen David Bosley Thomas c. Crocket Hugh G Cooper Abraham 8 Curtis Thomas Cole Abijah H Curtis William Colp John L Crowther Eli Cullison Aaron Cooper William Cables Jacob L Cramer Henry Cole Noah H ; i Cole John T II Cullison George Cole Abijah Cole Samuel 8 Cole Ernestus Cole William P Cole Alfred Cullison Moses Cole Benjamin Crowther Eli D Cox Oliver W D. Diven John W Dixon John C DehoiT John Divin John T Dehoff Josiah W XL Ensor William Ensor George W Ensor Nicholas W Ebaugh Elisha Ensor Nicholas F. Fowble Harrison Fowble John W Fowble Peter F Fare Henry M Fowble Joshua Folk Jacob Fowble Richard of P a Garret John Gill Richard H Grim Jacob Gittinger Daniel Grifenstine George Gill Didymus Griffy John H. Harris Charles Hare John N Hale Thomas Hare Daniel W Hollenshade Thomas Hale Abijah A Hall Joseph Hager Jolin Hare Jacob Hare Jehu Hale George Hoffman Daniel Hare David Hoover Peter Hager John Hare George H Hale John Hare Michael Harris Richard Hare George Hare John P Hare John F Hare Philip F & Kemp John Xi. Lloyd Samuel Lawson John W Leaf Joseph Lawson William T vl , Mays Abraham Morfoot Lewis Merry man George Mires Elisha McComas Jackson Merryman Elisha Morford Thomas '.Morrison John 8 Morfoot Isaac Miller Robert W Millender John H Morfoot John Martin Jnbez Mires Clarfield Miller Robert Martin Joshua M N. Nailer John F Nace Ferdinand Nailer Levi Nace Henry Nace John F. Patterson John Price Nelson Price John H Price Caleb Price John L Patterson Samuel Patterson Charles Painter David Price Daniel Price Samuel Price Benjamin F XL Rinaman David Royston Robert Resh Jacob Royston John W Royston Edward C s. Sparks William C Shamberger Jacob Snaub John H Shamberger Daniel B Sater John Sr Sater John Jr Smeltzer Martin Shock Joseph Strevick Ephraim B Smith William Smith George Stiller John H Scott Thomas H Seaks Frederick Shults John W Turnbaugh John T. , Tracy Richard C Thompson Thomas Tracy Jonathan Traey Joshua Turnbaugh Tawny George H Turnbaugh Jacob Toney William Tracy William w. Wilhelm John Jr Wheeler John M Wheeler Joshua Wheeler Josiah Wisner Kinsey Wisner George W Wolfgang Soloman Wilhelm John F Wilhelm Abraham Wilhelm David Wilhelm Jacob M Wilhelm David W Wheeler William H Worden William H Wheeler Josiah Wisner Andrew J Wheeler Elisha Wilhelm Daniel Wheeler Augustus M Wilhelm John L Wheeler Bryant Wisner Matthias Wheeler William Wisner John H Wilhelm George W - Wisner Jacob Wisner Abraham Capt Wells John W Wisner Noah Wilhelm Benjamin F Wilhelm Thomas z. Zouck Richard Total ....216. BENJAMIN B. BUSH,) JNO. F. WILHELM, \ Registers. THOMAS HALE, ) Eighth Election District. A Atkinson John Ambrose James Anderson James M Anderson George L Allbright Clinton W Allbright George Ambrose Christopher B Brady Nathan Beinstine Frederick Bradley James Burton John Sr . Burns William H Burnham Elijah F Brooks Daniel B Benson Thomas J Bosley Thomas C Bull Loadrnan E Bosley Joseph Bull Nicholas 8 Brooks Charles Brown Elisha Bosley William H Burton John Jr Bosley Walter T Barrett William Brooks Abraham Bond John Brady Robert Bosley John Bosley John E Bosley John H Butler John Bull John W Brady Michael Bane Ulick Bosley Thomas CJr Bosley John of Wm Bosley William HJr Belt John W Burk Daniel Brooks John E Burk John E Burnside James Burton William H Bamber James H Burton James L Brady Michael Barrett John .Byrne John Butler Joseph Bosley Greenberry Bond Thomas Brewer Augustus Brown Abrahsm Brady James Bond Eli Burk Patrick Burnham Edward Byron Martin Berry Marshall D O. Clark James C Childs William E Cockey Joshua F Cox Uriah Chrisman Emanuel Coltrider Daniel S Chilcoate Elijah Cassiday Michael. j Cole George H Chileoat George Cross Caleb Chileoat George of G Cockey Peter F Clark John Clark Henry ... Carr Feelder C Cox Joseph Cover Thomas Carr William D Cookey John G Carr James H Cromer John Collim Henry C Corcoran Christopher Carter Charles Commans John Chilcoate Aquilla Casper John M Cox William H Oorkran Francis S Cole Abraham of LewisCoekeyjGeorge B Conoley Thomas Cross William Cahoon William C Cockey Thomas B Cole 8 Howard Childs George Cole. Lewis R Cookey Thomas Dof T 1 ‘ 4 ' " ' Coo key Joshua FJr Cahoon John Crother John Jr Chilcoat John ofiJohn Collins Samuel Cox William F [*& Cross Valentine W Connor JOB 9Jh J I Cooker William H Cunnyigham John _1 J sahrau .jsafeaL, Chilcoat George of J ohnCouner James Childs Thomas C r Childs John R Conner Bernard •1 i. : r> -i 4 ; L :;-i * ■du }'■ ** 4\ : VLv ' :'* Doer Charles / Durham George W Duer Ralph L Dorr Henry Dorsey Owen 8 Daley Seth Deisel John Dorson Vincent Duncan William Dearing William B Dorkan Johon Davis A B Dorsey John Doherty Thomas Duncan John DP . . Debaugh Charl~ ' Doifck William fr' A-'pustus Daugherdy Cormick Dorsev William H B Ensor Abraham <3 Ensor DarbyS , Ensor George O Ensor George of Darby Ensor Edwrd C j Eackbert William Ensor Aquilla * * EnsUr James B Ensor John E .J. Ensor Luke P ,;T Ensor William C Ensor John of A Ensor George 8 Ensor William 0 i Ensor George K Evans John EndersonJobn - EnsorJosephas ;t ’ r Emory DC H ’ Ensor Shadrach Emory D H Ensor William Cp Ensor John T of DarbyEnsor George of Wm Ensor Mordeeai V Feast Samuel Farley Michail ui Fitzgerald Pateric lu Flood Bernard > 1 Freeland James Fishpaw Wm H > < Flinn John Frasure Geo i>- .. Fowble Joseph M Frederick Georgd Freeland Daniel : Frederick Christian France William Fitzgerald Christopher ~ Fitzgerald Patrick Fitzsimmons John N Frederick William Fortune Thomas •i Cr Green Wm G Goodwin Owin Green John W Gent Wm-Jr ~j Griscom Edwin CV v Greaser Frederick Griffith John 8 Griscom Frederick Gent William C Griffith John J , Griscom Powell George John Gambrill B B German David , Gorsuch Wm Gorsuch Noah Griffith John Gorsuch Dickinson Griffith Edwin Gent. Alfred R Goodwin Thomas Gent,Alfred J Griffith Thos F Sep Gerver John M Griffith Abraham Galloway Aquilla Gill Josiah Gent Henry C Greaser Jacob " Galloway Thomas Greaser Sylvester Gosnell Henry Gent John R Good John W Gent Wm of Thos Gill Joshua H Howard John Hanson Walter Harper John Heiser James Hoffman Wm DJr Hoffman Casper ' , Hines John S Henry John B Hoffman Cineinnattus Harris Ephraim Harris Henry Hanley James Hooker Amos B Hoffman Parker 1 Howard Benjamin ’ Hanley Patrick Harris Wm. Hicks Joshua*! ~ Howard Joshua Henry Charles Hunt-Geo 0 U C Howard James Hutton Wm G Hook Cumberland |, Harper Thomas Hutton Robert J,,. Howard Jarred Hdll ! Thomas‘L Hoffman Ghristian Hedrick Robert Sr Heilig Wm M Z< Ingham Thomas >D MAI KOtH Jessop Abraham Jockel.Jacob Jessop Chas L Jackson Benjamin Johnson Philys Justus John Jessop George Jones David Johnson William Jessop Charles If. Jessop William Johnson Joshua. Johnson Abraham G X Kirk William Kelly Wm T Kaving John Krapp John Keys Charles Karper Geo Kerney Wm Klindinst Andrew Kerney Thomas Kelly Eli Kerney Thomas of WmKelly John G Kelley Joseph Kelly Thomas Keys Lloyd S , , Kelly Peter Keys Wm •* * fterny Patrick Keys Geo Keating John Keating Thomas Keneday Philys Kelroy Thomas L Lynch Jethro Lee Alexander IT Leaf John Lee Wm N Long Henry Love Thomas, > Lloyd William Lindamore Henry Lee Thomas J Lee Alfred G . iTMiri’ Iff JUT •; Morfoot Robert McNally Arthur - Matthews John D Matthews Oliver Miller Geo H Matthews Geo Macauley Robert B Matthews Josiah P Miller James H McCombs A P Matthews Thos H Matthews Benjamin P Mills Henry Maloni Thos W Merryman Geo J Monahan Owen Matthews Mordicai H McLaughlin Luke Martin William Master Joseph R Matthews Aquilla Matthews Richard B. Matthews Irea Matthews Christ W Matthews Irea of T Minnick peter Marten John Sen Miller Hr his J Matthews Elias Marks Daniel McCauley John Mark Wm Merryman John ,W Mark Hamilton J Musgrove Stephen Mays Jeremiah Musgrove WmS McCan John Miles Joshua McDonnell Thorilas Manior Peter Matthews John Musgrove Ira Murphy Thomas Marthland Samuel Matthews Wm W N Neely Robert Neppenburger Conrad Nalor John o Ohara Martin O'Connor Hpgh Oneal Owen Ottrrier Henry Osborn Joseph T p Parks Edwin D Price Samuel B Price John 0 Parks John Poteet Zephaniah Parks Peter Jr Parkß John T Parks John Parsons Geo W Petticord William H Price Esra Price Israel Sr Price Josiah Priee Samuel Jr i Price Samuel M Price Robert F Price Skelton i Park* Peter Sr Price Thos J Parsons William Price Beal Parks John P P Price Jas M Petticord Kinsey Petticord Wm B Price Elijah Pearce Jas L • Price Elias R Price Nehemiah Price John Price Isaac M Price Thomas C-. Proctor John C Pearce James L Jr Proctor Robert 8 Pearce Thomas T G Petticord Joshua Poe John _ Price Robert L . Price Levi Price Oliver M ; Parka Parks Price Stephen R Parks Williafn > Pearce Thomas C Price Joseph R Jr , Price Evan M Price William M Price William M Ports Thomas J Price Daniel M - 4 j; Q Quims James R Rider Edward Roe John K Reuler Ferdinand Rilsy John Rinehart Absalom Royston William T Rider Harrison Ross Joseph Russell Roebuck Rider John G Rinehart John W Rider Lewis J Riley Abraham Royston Johp S Rinehart Jesse * ' ' Reynolds Thomas Rinehart Jesse Jr s Seipp George Scott William H II Smith Robert 8 Starr Jeremiah Shaffher Samuel J Sbifdan Columbus Swem Amon x Stetenson Edwdrd S Shelly George E . - Shipley Vincent T Shipley Otho BhaW Witftam Swem George R Shipley John F Sanas Samuel Smith Jacob Stiller Jackson J Srollem Jacob Shook John B Bcott Edwin . Scott John Shaneybrook Athony Sprole William Scott Thomas M Stinehagen Richard Swain Stephen Smyser Emanuel D Sadtler John P Scott Abraham C Scally Thomas Staina Caleb D Sadtler George F Shealer Jacob G ' i Sadtler Benjamin s , •/, ! iIT ; I < > 11 t Taylor John H Tramble Charles T Tipton Shadrach Tracy John Thomas Henry Tracy Sterrett Tracy Benjamin Tracy William Tracy Ephraim V. Thomas John Turnbaugh Willlim Thompson William S Turnbaugh John Trimble Henry C Tawney Thomau D . -i Thomas William H , Tipton Jefferson Taylor George X. Uhler William H Uhler George W Uhler Johnsey Underwood Jacob , w Willis John Wheeler Artemaa Wheeler William D Wesley Henry Wainwright James A WesMy George Wainwright Samuel J 3 Wooden William ,*44 ’ ' ,ar->S v U Weaver Daniel WUliams Daniel Wainwright James Wbitofefti John Welsh John Wecst-JoSn P Withers Joseph f / Wllpon William ' Wheeler Evan D Worden Jam - T s Zink John Zink Matthias Total. fjvu AItI) M RIDER Oi> '. j aOBT. S. SMITH, j Tenth Election District. A. Anderson Ira G Amarine John T Anderson Benjamin T Amarine Henry' ' Akehurst Charles Amos John' O'-* * *■ AkehurstJobn Anderson Charles W ■ Anderson Columbus Anderson Samuel M Anderson William H M Albergt Jrfin .Ab^feiscuj y - Uj J Jjl ™ B. Bond John 1 Barrett John Jr* Bosley S Parker Belt Ebenezer Barrett Edward Belt John G Bode Conrad Berry William BuUook James E Burke Heqry r * T 1 S aeon John E Berger Jacob osley George A Beard William ‘ Bosley Samuel > . Badders Walter B V. c. Cdddy El ibu Carr WHlfam A c * Curtis John S Carr Jesse A Curtis Eli Cole Moses P Carlin William Cuddy John P > Carlin William Jr Curtis Levi ‘ " Chen worth John T Curtis William T Carlin Josiah *• : 1: Chilton William P Colwell William H 4 1 D. Duncan S 8 Defendaffer Henry Durham Parker Defendaffer Amos G E. Evans William ... Elliott Thomas A Evans Charles F. Ford Francis M Freeland William T Frazier John Fell William J 0 ' Fugit Martin V Forwood William Fitztmmons Patrick Fisher Rich&td Fitzimmons Philip Fishpaw Aquilla - Freeland William Fitzwater George o. Galloway Aquilla Gardner James 7 /' Guthrie Alexandria Gardner Joshua G Galloway William Green Henry Griffiith ThomasT Jr. Goods John Gartner John A H. Hobart William Homan John L ' * Hunter Pleasant Herbert Richard W. Hutchins Richard M. Hutchins William Ilagerty John R. Howard Samuel 11 f Hanley Owen Hamilton James A Hollinburger Joseph Hutchins, William H Harman George Hutchins John 8 Hutchins Richard Henderson James Homan Henry J. Jorce John Johnson durance Johnson Merriken B Johnson David Justis Israel ~ Johnson Jacol* Johnson Benjamin T Jessop Edward Johnson Joshua K ' ' 'IL :0 ;,-o Ivellpy William H King Isaee < n g Kpne William H H Kay James JU u Kerr Archie Kaufman John T L. Lytle Thomas Lytle Nicholas P Lentz Georg#; Leight Willian H. L. Lafferty Patrick Legg John T . Laffgrty Henry n. Matthews Thomas J Jr Miller Samuel Madary William F McNicholas John McCaslin John Morrison Henry Morris Henry D. Moores James S Matthews George H Marsh Joshua Madaria John Murphy Cornelias Myer George Murphy John ■ McComas James B Miles John B Murray Lewis Murray Michael H Morris Owen C Matthews Thomas J Sr Miles Nelson R Miles Thomas McComas John M Matthews Dennis M McComas John M Jr. Marsh Beal Miles James McMann Frisby H Miller Peter Merryman Levi w. Norris James Norris Thomas/ Jill Norris George Norris Nicholas J Norris Thomas Naw John o. Ogle George W P. Parker Joshna H Price Thomas Pearce John Bacon Price Caleb Pearce Micajah Price David B Parker James A Parker John Pearce Edward G Price Dr. Abraham H Patterson John G Price Daniel Parker Nicholas H Price Jacob ;, , t Parker John Pearce John C -.- ; Philpot Thomas Price Robert 0 V Pearce William Price Charles -v Price Warrick Pocock John Price William H Price Joshua R Price John B Price William Philpot John Proctor George Price Joshua Pearce William Jr Priee George W Pease Louis Parsons Lewis Perdue William T R. • !)iL Royston Robert Richardson James A Royston Robert J Royston Bosley Rowe James F Richardson Joshua K Richardson John F Royston John H B Royston Joshua M Richardson Thomas Randall Thomas D Royston Wesley A $. Stonebraker Wash Stabler Elisha Smith Rezi.n Thomas Sparks Josiah Smith Joseph Scbessler Nicholas Smith John Sutton Ahraham-lf Stan'diford Nicholas J Sparks James R Scboelkolpf John T Stonebraker Joseph H Schoelkolpf Henry V Scboelkopf Paul P Schmidt John Smith Thomas Schneider Lawrence , Sparks Francis M Stritehoff John Seidel John Seipp Conrad Shurmer George Adam Sullivan John Shearer Van Buren Scarborough Ezekiah Sharply John Smith Frank Sheppard Grenbury P Sparks S G Slade William H Stritehoff Frank B Stansburry Dixon Slothower Morris P .aJ t. •w* Tyrrel Edward N i 0 - Tracy James S '• Tyson Richard Tipton Ira G Tyson George S Through William H Tipton Slicer Traps John Troyer Hanson A Traps John A [ V. Vance William C Vance James W w. Williams Jerhu Wilson James N Wilson Asel G Wheeler James Wright John J Whistler Lee M Weakley Edward A Wilson John M Wilson Gittings Y. Young Abraham York George S Total 25d. ** WILLIAM C. VANCE, 1 y / W. BTONEBRAKEB, -V Registers. *. .. JOSHUA 11. PARKER, j : . rp > > Thirteenth Election District. A Arnold Rodrick < Alderedge Bodrich H Arnold Henry F B Burris Helery Biden Joseph Beneza Frederick Burns William Burden William Belt Amos Budday Louis Baldwin Nelson r Baxter James Bradley Nathaniel E Beasley George Br&ndean A4 am Bear John Brandean Christian C ULVV COursey Edward B ClemmdnS Jesse 1 -- Cappeau Jabez Oubbins Thomas Councilman John Colwell 8 B Carter George Cassell DanioP Coursev Wesley B Carney Owen Councilman Charles Carroll Nicholas D Derroff Frederick Dorsey William Drake Pleasant H Derring Henry ■ ' Detzel Frederick E '^ oH English Thomas J Evans Louis Earp William P Elkelman Casper Elder Michael H Eyer Jacob Ewing William ’A F Fowler Robert Fowbic igj t K-.mT > Uh H A * ■■ - . -Ut- - .e- '"MW* Gellemau ’ 8 W GibbOD. I'^^^ E Jinkins James H Jones Edrain K Kerby Louis V Kilmaa John O. - Kerhy Zachariah Keath WiUiaiA. .107— f/WA - Lewis Wilson Lewis John JV t -Link-Johai levering BdWard P'- LeliheHer John N Levering Jesse L Linthicum J Solon S Lewis yc g '> .■' LM T tffl ZM. \ J 'd'A McFed<l#n .William T ,. Moasboer Paul McGinnhlsJoMi - ' <fohn •j! Me&een JosisJh ~, ;i ■ Nfinnis EiHh ;<) , Minpia Timothy ’ Monte Christian 11 .'toena .T-ftcloL :i ?*ql William; V/ /. .Pamphilptpn, Jppus ****&> RandW rifchaM • r Reis Heiiry RahpuimiHenry Rick John*s I.iW S Shelright George F J Smardon William Shelright-Wwr H A Smardon Elias Skinner Badhwwn C Smith William H - T : ,Tillman 'Turner Richard T Tillman William J Trueat Earnest K Tillman David II w Wade William'H Wever Thomas Wagoner Philip Watts Biehßlmin T wSwlfiSy Jo '' = T rs Ab<abam { 3 Wh>ttemdrd]!Ldyman George W Whittemore Edward Worth Samuel WaltevnyCr IkWncSSG F ■ 'A; HB. F. G. F. WALTEMEYER, l EDW. WHITTEMORE, \ Registers. _ J Sept. 30.—1 t. , , f , y , 1t a mortgage sale T“ OF A FARM OR COUNTRY SEAT, i. Tout Miles from Baltimore City. T)Y .virtae aad in.pursuance of a power con- XF tained in a Mortgage from jfttf lifl-m P. and Julia SSSSt? Whfifd^his Wife, and James nuK "JXTWhite and Margaret White hisi££i!lß wife, to me, hearing date, the ,28th day of, July, 1862 and recorded among the Land Records of 1 Baltimore County, in Lifer G. H. C.-'Not B fol. 542 Ac., and in conformity with the provfcons of Article 64 of the Codie of PhWift General Laws-pftbe Maryland, !, Benjamin Contee, wilFset up and offer at public auction, on the premises, on Monday, October T%d, 1865, at 4 o'eloek P. M., All that parcel orland, sit uate in Baltimore County, in the State of Mary land, being part of a Tract called : n .... Beginning for on Northeast side of a'Road twb perches Wide/ lafid out through the lands, conyqyed .b|y Atkinson apd Auld to Warfield ift Trust c., H. M. F. No. 3, folio 47 Ac.yand running from the Old -Frederick Road towards Fnumliii Town, known as . Yew Rosunf and which place of beginning is North 491 de grees, East 2 perches from a stone heretofore planted at the end of the South 47 degrees. West 37 perches line of the whole ground) so conveyed by Atkinson and Auld to. Warfield in Trust Ac., and running Jthcnce, reversing the lines of said grdhbd/rtie tWoMfollowing courses, namely North/494 degrees,. East 35 and two “ tenths perches to a stones North 40£ degrees, West 72 perches to a stone ; then south 50 de grees, West 39 and six-tenth perches to 4 itone now planted on the Northeast side of saidltwo perch Road ; then running aqd bounding on said Road the tW6 following courses, namely; south 43£ degrees, cast 39 perches to a,Cedar Tree marked with Twelve notches ; the*-south 43} degrees, east. 34 perches to 4he beginning : containing * -'' ‘ 17 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS : And also, All that traet of land mtuate on or near the Old Frederick Road in Baltimore Co. and described as follows, namely : Beginning for .theaame At>h stone planted ip the given lineof “loraiug Choice,” and running thence with said given line South 40£ degrees, east.3B perschez toja stake ; thence soum 8£ degrees, east 10 and iour-tenths perch es to the oid'ftefeiieK R!>44U thehce withjsaid Road, south 82j degrees, west 29 and three tenths perches to the easternmost side of At kinson’s new Road; tfeeace running with and binding on said last mentioned Road, North 43£ degrees, west 35 and four-tenths perches, ’ to ; the beginning of the land conveyed by--At kinson and said James White ; thence North 49fr sßigsA-s, east bounding on said-land ;fidj and |wq-tenths .perches to the plafce ot beginning j contaifiing 9 acres and 1® square perches orland, more or less ; being the same two paroels of land which-are particular ly described in a Deed from said James White and wife to said William P. White, bearing date ths J9tfa day-otMatch 1562 and recorded among.the Lend Records aforesaid in Liber G. . H. C. No. 34 fol. 141 Ac. The Improvements consist of a comfsrfcble FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and and STABLE. TERMS QFSALE One-third of the pur chase money cash on day of sale, one-thira in six months and one-third in months from day of sale ; the Credit payments to fear interest and to be secured by the bonds ornotes of the purchase,swithia.s|refcy or sureties to be approved by the undersigned, or %11 cash at the option of the purchaser. . .BENJAMIN CONTEE. S. H; GOVER, Auctioneer. J ‘ Step. * • -n > , u ROAD NOTICE, jjj t To all Whom it May Conoem * J Notice is hereby given that application will “ he made to the county commissioners of Balto. leonatyi wt thermeeting of said commissioners to be held thq first Tuesday of October, for laying out ana opening a Pub lic Road in the 6th election District of said coun ty to cominence at a county road leading from tne 014 York Road to the York Turnpike and running through the lands of Lemuel-Morris, . Gtee. Taylor, dec’d., Jas. Taylor, deefd., Jfcslph. Walker, Fisher A O’Corner, Walter C. W|il|er, and Edward Matthews dec’d., and intersecting a county road leading from the Freeland Spaa, past Joseph Walker’s Mill, to the York-. Turn pike. FISHER A O’CONNER, LEMUEL MORRIS/ < .. A. L. KNIGHT, . E. 11. MORRIS, and others. Sep. 30.—5 t. I’’ N THeTmATTER OF THE ESTATE pF ELISHA LOVEAEL LUNATIC, Tn the Circuit Contri far Baltimore eotmfy—in Equity* ORDERED, This 26th day ,of September, JB - that the sale made and reported by Josiah Wheeler, Committee in this cause, .he ratified, aud confirmed, unless cause to. the contrary thereof bo shown, on or before the list day of Oetotyr next, provided a copy of this order be published in spme newspaper printed iu Balti more county, once a week for,.three successive week* before tbe.said.2ist ( 4ayof Qctober > ;ldfs. The report states the amount of sales to be $3,731.13. " 1 - wan ‘friwiiiiHi M'Bgreiia. Ttue svmn. d/ e mu, sdpt. .e jv 1 . VALUABLE!*'ARM Tf nr county, at Public 7TIHE subscriber will ..sell at Public aysyon. I on the premises, on Saturday, Oc tffjfatober 28th, bis Farm, lying nearre!ss||| SpPDover, 5 .miles from ~ *T~*town and 18 from Baltimore,il*|l|B containing about 130 acres.. Thirty acres are in good Ti mber, the balance in. good cultivation. The Buildings, Fencing Ac., , are in first-ate orden The location is healthy, and there is running water in every field. H. KEMP. , 14 mile House, Reistcrstowu Road. E. BERRYMAN, Auctioneer. Sep. 30.—ts. Real Estate* Agoncy. atfC ' HENRY W. ROGERS A CO., Real Estate Brokers and Agents for the pur chase and sale of Farms, Lands and Houses ! in Maryland. Money Loaned oh Mortgage. Ground Rents bought and Mid. f a. ! corner of Eayette-and C’hurles Stf., tPii V —Jit r