Newspaper Page Text
Ntw Advertisements , fTIHia.IB TO GIVE NOTICE, that thfsub-\ aeriber has obtained from the Organs’: | *"* Court for Baltimore county, letters testamenta ryOß the estate of v - S. ' WILLIAM B. WALSH, , , late of said county deceased. All persons hav-t ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouohers to the subscriber, l£t • w or € / ore tAe 30 th day of April, 186fi. ,* ‘jj they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to *4‘ the estate will please pay the same to WHEEL . ER A KEECH, Attorneys at Law, Towsontown, Md. Given under my hand this 27th day of September, 1865. MARGARET WALSII, ,\ ) J " Sept. 30.—4t* Executrix. fjlHlS IS TOGIVE NOTICE, that the sub- G I scriber has obtained from the Orphans Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of Wl,! * JOHN MICHAELS, yf late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, * On or before the 30fh day of April, 1866/ they may otherwise by law be excluded from ill benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27tb day of September, i 865. THOS. E. WANTLAND, ; Sept. 86.—4t* - Administrator. THIS fe TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub seriber has obtained from the Orphans’, Court of Baltimore county, fetters of admin-" istration on the estate of - , . ; WILLIAM HANKINS, late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby • warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 30 th day of April , 1866 / they may otherwise by law be excluded frpm all hssfis of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27th day of September, 1865. JOHN W. ONION, Sept. 30. —It* Administrator. HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry on the estate of EDWARD D. LYON, • TTilate of said county, deceased. All persons hav •JKiiig claims against the said estate, are hereby ft Wanned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, 11 -i bn On or before the 30 th day of April, 1866 / they may otherwise by law be excluded from . ' - all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27th day of September, 1865. SAMUEL H. LYON Sept 30.—4t* Executor. 3h 0 Candidates for Office* $ i For County Treasurer. r Editors ;—As the time is not far VTviy distant when a selection will be made ** from among the Union men of the county, for the office of Treasurer, without intending any disparagement to others, there is no one. who has stronger claims on the public, nor is better qualified lor the post than A, THOMAS COOPER, Esq., of the 7th District He is a gentleman of in tegrity and purity of character, who would fill the place without partiality or prejudice, and would give general satisfaction to the people ol the COUNTY. August 19.—tc. , j ! To the Voters of Balto. Co. . ■*l the advice of several friends I an- J rßounce myself a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, of Baltimore county, for the next term, and respectfully solicit your suffra- pledging myself, if elected, to discharge the duties of the office faithfully, impartially, j and honestly, to the best of my ability. Believing that the Voters of Baltimore Coun ty are perfectly competent to choose their own officers, this announcement is subject, only, to their decision at the ensuing election. ’ " July 15.—tf. THOS. H. ROBINSON. For Sheriff. j To the Union Men of Balto. Co. number of candidates have already trv been placed before you for the important office of Sheriff during the coming term. Eaeh has some claims on your suffrage, but there is 'none Who has been a more decided Union man, a more faithful friend of the Government, than . RICHARD TRACEY, Esq., of the sth district, and we therefore confident ly. name him for the office of Sheriff of the j. pounty. MANY VQTERS. Sept. 2.—tc. [_ # For Treasurer of Balto. Cotmty. Messrs. Editors :—Please announce Capt. HENRY WILHELM, of the 6th district, as a for the next Treasurer of Baltimore county. Capt. Wilhelm has been a brave and faithful soldier in the 4th Md. Regt., was wound ed in the service, and is a man well qualified ,i for this position. We don’t want the soldjers 1 overlooked in our county. We recommend him : to the people, believing he will be as true to his countv as he has been to his country. THE SOLDIERS’ FRIENDS. Aug. 16.—6 t. ,f - ; For Sheriff. EDITORS: —Baltimore coun bv ty wants a man for her next Sheriff of undoubted loyalty, strict integrity, and some katqjrledge of the duties of the office. With ouraisparagement, we would name '”" CHARLES PEREGOY, Esq., ’ p .. 3rd district, as eminently qualified, and will receive the support (if nominated) of ( . MANY FRIENDS. . ■Sept. 9.—tc. •' ■- ■ 1 • ■ 1 ' j FOR SHERIFF. WILLIAM FOSTER, Esq., of the 7th District, SUBJECT TO A UNION NOMINATION. FOSTER has been Tax Collector for a fy I number of years, is a poor man, honest, of good character, undoubted loyalty, and will be supported by the UPPER END. July,!.—6l. . iOII T ~ 1 i' * For Sheriff. -uff THE Loyal citizens of the upper section trv of Baltimorelcounty, having announced their favorite condidates for Sheriff for the,en suing term, I respectfully suggest the name of WILLIAM P. JEAN, of the 2d district, as a competitor for the above named office. Aug. 26.—tc. UNION. - - TREASURER. WE are requested to announce the name of NELSON COOPER, of Towson 4own, for the office of TREASURER of Baltj- 1 .more county* believing it will meet the appro . , bation of many voters of the true Union party in the oounty. Sept. 23. _ For Sheriff. LEWIS R. COLE, Esq., of the Bth District, having withdrawn his name as a candi date for the office of Sheriff, the undersigned •f> offers himself as a candidate for that position, subject, only, to the decision of the Union nomi nating Convention. AQUILA CHILCOATE. Sept. 23.—tc* * at For Sheriff. r\piAT the oft-repeated solicitation of many IrvS'’’ friends in all parts of the county, I here by announce myself a candidate for SHERIFF of Baltimore county, subject to the decision of the Union Convention, to be held at town, October 4th, proximo. JOHN K. HARVEST; Attg. 26.—tc. Second District. £ AT- SHERIFFALTY. MESSRS. EDITORS :—Please announce CAPT. N. CULLINGS, of 6th district, candidate for next SHERIFF of Balto., Cp., and Oblige, ALL LOYAL CITIZENS. * i; ToAll Whom it May Concern : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, / ffIHAT in thirty days from this dat* ap plication will be made to the County Cqm * missmners of Baltimore county, to open and make public an old road beginning at a country * road at Wm. Barnitz’ in the Third District, Bal timore county j thence running through and binding on the lands of Thomas Furguson, Wm. Barnitz, Peter Gompf, Lewis Fishpaw, Otho W. Eichelberger, Elizabeth Childs, Peter Lentz and Thomas Mason, deceased, until it Intersects the Liberty Road near the Lake HotfeL OTHO W. EICHELBERGER, PHILIP LENTZ, ' LEWIS FISHPAW, and others. Sept. 9,—5t. ' NOTICE. To Farmers of Baltimore County. fTIHE subscriber having established an Agen- I cy for the purpose of supplying Farmers with labor, is prepared to fill all orders for WItQ WHITE OR COLORED LABORERS. * Those in want of hands can be suppliedimmS. -sfiSW-rr*** phvw mpl General Agency, 61 Second street, Baltimore •‘Aug. 19,-tJan.l. * nqpiwi i meeummi , -j f! P- *• HovenueTr*'^ ip&tt TO Tii tAYEBS IN THE t , - ' ‘2 p DlSTßicr Of md. Ah fj persons liable to pay duties, Licenses, Income, Carriage, Plate, or other Taxes;, under the Internal Revenue Laws otjixo United Static,’in tha JJ U I f O OT* JfT 6th } fith r Ith, Districts of Aatkmore County, . (i are hereby notified, that I have received the ~ * ANNUAL. LIST F.OR | from the Assessor, and that the said Taxes and. Licenses ApuS bedoy\\ dye apd payable. Payment of the same is hereby demanded at Jkhe OoUevtor’s Office 'l l i hflft .eoki No. 58 E. Baltimore St., Until th<; 2Qth day of September Next, and from the 20th day of September, unfit the 2 d day of October, inclusive, ■ . j at the tiOURT HOUSE IN i , All persons, jn said Districts of Baltimore county who shall neglect to pay the said duties and taxes, so as aforesaid assessed Upon them, to the COLLECTOR, the period of time fthoVe specified, shall be liable to pay ten j per cefitunl additionbl MipOtv the arhount thereof, and* after the expiration of ten days, upon service of notice, a fee of twenty cents ana mileage. Office hours from 9-A. M., to 3P. M. OPEN DAILY. • e'niv/ lv., I:.K tuhiO YORK ROAD RAILWAY. ON aiKl nfter Monday, AUGUST 2Slh, 1865,1 cars'wiU leavd the CITY HALL, Balti- j more, past each hefur, from 7.35; A. M„ t0’7.35 P. M., except 12.35. P. M. Will leave TOWSONTjgWN at each hour,i from 7A- M., tot P. M., v b*ceyt 12 M. Con nection will be made at North Avenue with the Charlcsifit., Line of the City Passenger R. R. KNIGHT CAR for TO WSONTOWN will leave tße City Hall at 11 P. M. ;i: A. BANKS, Agent. AugiAt 26.—i;jipji BOiS|SL | | I WILL SUPPLY MY FRIENDS AND CUS- . TOMERS WITH THAT j*, . SUPERIOR, UNADULTERATED i ,[ k /: I U SHIT IlTl7/ BONES DUST Manufactured by me. | - 1 Price Reduced According to the Times. The time for Spring Crops being past, I will allow a liberal discount until the fall season commences. * ’ ‘ ! I JOSHUA HORNER, Cor. Chew and Stirling Sts., Balto., Md. Junc B O 3N B r L O U R, NADfrIiTERAEEDi ' MsxWUFA CTUREP B Y THE j BOSTON Milling and Mining Company . . \ ■, 'r j i THE value of unburnt, unadulterated Bone is well known. When, reduced to the con dition of Flour, it is as active as if dissolved with aejd, and is far better, becanse it retains all its Thosphates. Its superiority pyer the common Bone Dust is two-fold pf..more, j. It is sought for in vjtfnfor the last half century, and is destined to give new val ue to Bone as a fertilizer, arufcwork a revolution in its use. The BONE FLOUR is made only by the above Company, and l is branded with their trade mark, which is the guarantee of its genuineness. JOHN S. REESE & CO., 71 South. St., Baltimore# General Agents for Maryland, Delaware, and . the Southern States. July B.—4m. . CONVEYANCER AND REAL ESTATE AGEM\ undersigned hs*for sale* £ Tfrmse and 1 Lot, 3 miles fro pi Baltimore, near the Falls road, also, 15 Farms !n Various sec ~ JpEgA tions of Baltimore county, from 15 350 acres. Price from SI4OO to $24,00.0- Three houses and lots in Towsontown,iZfg*H building lots for sale or lease, ground rents for sale. , CONVEYANCING, examination of titles, deeds, leases, mortgages, bills of sale, Ac., pre pared with accuracy and dispatch, charges moderate. ffoi 1 U House. Aug. 26 —tf. _ 2— a* —— BEAUTIF’UIi GEM PICTTIITES \ BEAUTIFUL jGEM I*jdTURES FOR ALBUMS! ™ FOR ALBUMS! ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN ! ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN ! JOHN H. YOUNG, JOHN 11. YOUNG, j&I: BALTO. CORNER CHARLE 231 BALTO. STREET, CORNER CHARLRB Jnly l-.!—3m. .i W. 0. TUCKER, V V No. Y 6 Hillen Street, near Bel-Air Market, RESPECTFULLY informs bis Baltimore county friends that, he is prepared to buy and sell all kinds of ! COUNTRY PRODUCE. Keeps constantly on hand CLOVER, TIMO THY, FLAX and other SEEDS in connection with ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, and hopes, by a strict attention to business to merit a share <$ to Insolvent Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENSTo the cred itors of WILLIAM UNDERWQjW* an anplicant fqtth*p.benalitof tfie “ 4dtn Article Of the Code of Public General Laws,” relative Id ifisolventa, that the hst-Morymy of December next, JUas been fixed for htSHipj>earange, tfi an swefr interrogatories, and lor a final heating ot his case before the. Circuit Court ffiF-ib-Himore county.“Daled the 10th day of August, 1865. Test: . , , JOHN H. LONGNECKJSR, Clerk. Aug. 12— 3m* _ GEORGE CMPRAN, | MANUFACTURER AND WHOLEtALB DEALER IN Brooms, Painted Buckets, Cedar and Willow Ware, BRUSH!'. . TWINES, WICKS* MATCHES, BLACKING, Ac. N. E. übiftfibDalvert and Lombard Sts., Balto. July STRAY Ot|WS. STRAYED away on SuudajhdWrnoon, Sept. I6fh, a BLACK COW wHUkite legs and face, wearing a a Red and White Cow with ajrfass on 1 one horn, both giving milk'." A lib< ral reward will bo paid for their return j>r an y informa ; ti-Win*.to..lra|P.rjr ARE _ i 1 Sept. >3—lt. •■ | aa’owsontown.: AUCTIONEERS’ N(ftlCE. ~ i • HE undersigned having pbkiintd a license, offers his to tAM9k<fplc of Baltic more county as Aufttianeep. Willattend prompt ly to all business entefistejl to his care and guar • antees to give satisfaAtio*. YABEZ ARMACOST, ! i Black Rock, P. 0., Baltimore coufity,’Md. , . " For Sale.'^l A- very valuable :HORSE* i about 6 years old, (color* B*omu)< 'For fwrtfebr par. ticulars apply at this t>l%6 f i ft - of Aug. tf. Property Sdhs. ! nh'.,vAi,tJAsLiß. r a*iF 1= ( BAJ.TIMOBE • • FOtt SALE. BY yfrtue of the authority ipeqlally xmjferfed upon him by a Deed of Mortgage:-from yLyt * Thomas Yates Walsh anfi ; gjgbpth H. Griffith to \V. ,I L3tkMrthcheH, dated the 3lst s .das . August ’ 48.63, j | &nd recorded among the. Mortgage.&B®rds of Baltimore county, in LLBfiR G- H- C., No. 19, folio 9, &c., THE Undersigned tfiii 'bffer at public sale at the COURT HOUSE door in Tow gKHltowa at 12 o’clock M. on Monday ! , the 9th day of October 1865, Jr All that part of the. tract of land called’ .m i. “RISTEAU’S GARRISON”'-, and containing 146 J Acres, ‘more was conveyed by Robert Mickle, Trustee/Jo the said Thomas Yates Walsh by Deed dated the 11th 1 March, 1856 and recorded in LIBER H. M. F. No. 14, feUo 477, and therein, as also in said Mortgage, described. Said Land is distaht about r 10 miles frbfti Baltimore city, lies on the GAR RISON ROAD, otherwise called STEVENSON’S LANE, and extends to the Western .Maryland ( Rail Road : tha Dwelling is only about o min utes walk from Stsyqusqn’s Lane Station op said Road, m SPRING VALLEY. ! | It adjoins the lands of Messrs.rThomas ffg.Copk ey, Cardiff Tagart and Robt Dennison. Theim- j praveffieHtS" consist of a 2 story* i I„Aame dwelling, coirtiiniblf dozen rooms ;a 2 story OVER SEER’S HOUSE ; a spacious BARN with sta bling etc ; A large Corn-honse Wttlj rooms for. carriages ‘ Sheds for Cattle and Horsas; a Dairy; Ice, Smoke and Poultry Houses Ac. Ac., a Pump of sweet cold water is at the Kitchen Door, and a stream runs thittu z**°*™- 'U The soil is good ..find would, readily become very productive. A large portion of the land is under cultivation, and the remainder is covered with excellent timber. The neighborhood is one ; of the best/ A little money, judidbusly expend- . ■edj would make this farm a bbantiftil and high ly attractive Country Seat, h Persons taking the 9.20 train for STEVEN SON’S LANE STATICS can spend' aw hbur on the farm, and return to the City before \2\ oclbcfe. Easy access can be had by either the Reisterstown^or Falls Turnpike. ITER MS :—J cash bn the day Of sale: the remainder in 1 equal instalments, bearing' interest, in 6 and 12 months thereafter : for which, the • Notes of the purchaser; indorsed to the Trustee’s satisfaction, will be required, or all cash on the day ofsale, at the purchaser’s optiOß, ei-i CHARLES-W. RIDGELY, Trustee, : - 34 St. Paul. St. SAMUEL H. GOVER, Auct. Sept. IB.—ts. • VALUABLE PROPERTIES | FOB SALE. ; john c. zoUok,' LAND A.GtB3STT; Llioii New Oxford Adams Co., Pa., . 7 Mas for sale a number of desirable Properties to ' vlhich he asks the atteutioii of those wishing to purchase. A FARM of 160 Acres, in Mountpleasant, Township, with good S T O N E- O U S E, good Corn Crib, Wash House,.|l!i!§iL Ac. 14,000 bushels ofillilJHi lime on the farm, and Under fine cultivation— i3 within two mileq| of Ne w Oxford, a quarter of a mile from the Gettysburg RaHroad, and a quarter of a mile from the Gettysburg Turn pike..: r • A TAVERN STAND in New Oxford, at the : Railroad Station. It is two-story, roomy and convenient, and is a good place for business. FORTY ACRES OF LAND, two miles from New Oxford, in MountpleasantTownship,with a new two-story HOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, (all new,) two Orchards, plen ty of good water, Ac. A FARM of 195 Acres, near Hunterstown, with good House, Barn, and other out-buildings. Land in fine cultivation. FARM of 175 Acres, 3 miles from New Ox ford, 2 miles from Hampton, i of a mile from the Hanover Turnpike, near the Conewago Creek, in a high state of cultivation. Good House, Barn and Other out-btrfldings. Will be sold cheap. . j FARM of 105 Acres on the Hanover .Turn pike, under good cultivation. Large Brick Rouse, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Car riage House and other out-buildings, all new. LARGE FLOURING MILL with four pairs ot Burrs, in a good grain country, with the best water power in the county. This Mill id on the Large Conewago Creek, near the Hanover Turn pike, and has 25 Acres of Land attached to it., t Also, SfX HOUSES ARD LOTS for sale In New Oxford, near the Turnpike and Railroad Station. Persons who wish to buy Real Estate, as well as those who wish to sell, are requested to give the subscriber a call, at his Store In New Ox ford. Address, JOHN C. ZOUCK, New Oxford, Adams County, Pa. Sept. 23.—2 m. PUBLIC SALE OF LAND ABOUT A MILE AND A-HALF ABQVE REISTERSTOWN, •m-i . and near ■' >" THE HANOVER TURNPIKE. BY virtue of a decree, or order of the Or phans’ Court for Baltimore county, passed in the case of Daniel Shngars vs. Sp? Sarah Lynch and Jacob Lynch, the un dersigned, as Trustee inlaid cause, and Admin istrator of George Lyncn>-latfe of Baltimore co., deceased, will offer at Public Sale on the prem ises, adjoining the lands of Jeremiah Ducker, Geo. W. Norris, and Daniel Shugars, about li miles above Reisterstown, Balto. county, and about i of a mile from the Hanover Turnpike, On Monday, the 9th of October, 1866, at the hour of 11 o’clock A. M., ALL THAT TRACT OF LAND of which George Lynch died seized, containing about 9$ ACRES, and described in the deed from Joseph Weller and wife and others, to said George Lynch; This land is all cleared and under cultivation. The soil is a clayey loam and ea sily improved. This property is only about f.of a mile from Glen Morns Station on the Wi- M. R. R., and churches, schools apd mills are convenient (o it and to a person wishing' a small tract of land it is very elegible. Terms of sale as prescribed by the decree or order are—One-half Cash and one-half in 6 months, the credit payment'to bear interest from day Of sale and to be secured by the note of the purchaser with security satisfactory to the undersigned, or all cash it the option pf the purchaser. DANIEL SHUGARS, Trustee * Administrator of Geo. Lynch. EPHRAIM BERRYMAN, Auctioneer. WHEELER A KEECH, Attorney*. Sept. 16.—ts. .... r -l' . v ~ PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of a deeree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, as a Court Apg=A Equity and passed in thejnfrM 22gfi*case of Stocksdale and others illiffiL J lN*againfttfltockßdale and othertvilillEP the Trustee will offer for Bale by public anctiou on the premises, H miles weStof Reisterstown, in Baltimore county, at 1 o’clock P. M., On Wednesday, October 11th. 1865, 1 FIVE LOTS OF LAND, viS: LOT No. I of 15 ACRES, 3 Roods and 16 perches, heavily Timbered, and has several fine springs of water on it. LOT No* 2 of 28 ACRES, one-half cleared, the. balance heavily timbered ; it has a good mead-" ow bottom, fine springs, and a stream running 1 through it, and is within 600 yards of aigrist and saw mill. , „ r[ , t3n .-<u ' ; LOT No. 3 of about 5-aUKES; *2 and 32 1 Perches, partly ; i#i Wood and has a stream running through ih,. LOT No. 4 containing Three-fourths of an Acre, more or less. LOT No. 5 cotifflrms T" ACRE, more or lpss, fronting on the .CoUnty Road' Tea'dina to Strewuk's mill, about 13J miTCs on ffie ®dli mofe and Reisterstown Turn'pikb Road. The improvements are a Log House, with good wa-i, ter nea¥ the door. ’ 1 _ These Lots are about 16 miles from Bklti more, one and a-half miles froiii Reisterstown,, and near the Western Maryland Railioad. The soil is kind) and In an improving nqigipbot-j hood, 1 TERMS OF SALE,—Qne : third Gash on the . day of sale, ono GiirrLm SBt'Ana r oife-third in , twelve months fropa day of sale, with interest and security to be approved by the Trustee. For further particulars apply to the under- STOCKSDALE, Sept. 23.—ts. . .Trustee. for qumVG-Tf 10 0 ACRES O F-JjA:iri); IN HARFORfr COUNTY;’"’ 2 QITUATED immediately on the Old York _ Road near Jflfc . about 20 miles from Baltimore,one-third Woodland and thq btdppcc susceptible "fET* of a high state ’of "bfilnVk'tibn. This Property offers great inducements’ to Jany person wanting a small and cheap larrp, • , ahd FiH be sold at a bargin if imteeaiate ap-> plication is made to C**' 1 ' 6 CARMAN A 808 LB Y; Real Estate Agts., J*• . . No.;o Carroll Hall, (Up stAirs) 3 n !>!./[fiiL comer Baltimore A Ualvertrweetf. | Sept. 16.—31. ri'BMl’ ai.i: : KEAk; fe^TATE . PROPERTY. rilßTEsubscn'ber wiTl sell at public sale on the Qotober jtOfu the following Property, viz:— SlgPHis situated near the MSiHL York Road, about 20 miles]**l*JH| stfS3T&alhApro, fpd 34 JpHes eA6t of Monkton i wtStisMil/w R. Jr./1/iftg partly An Baltimore and in Harford counties, and adjacent 1 to'The laWs’ on&ra. Sally McGaw, Nathan Nelson, Sr., Joshua Nelson, and Richard Hutch ins, containing 71 ACRES, more or less. < r„i it is improved by a double LOG DWEL- Log Barn, Meat Jlouse,'Wagon A Corn House, Spring!House, Ac. There are two grist and. qaw'mills within sight of the dwelling house. . Churches arid Schools convenient. This is .an excellent stand for acountry store, : one having been kept there for several years. t. Competent judges say there is Iron Ore on this property. > i ■ (h H u : , Al£Oy-will he sold at the same time and 1 plead®, the following Stock and Farming Ira- : plemorita, consisting in part of—l Horse, Shov el Plows, Furrow Plows, Cultivators, Hay Car riage, .jHbrsu Rake):!• narrow-tread Wagon (3 horse), one Wagon Bed, Ac. .ypgf Sale to commence at 12 o’clock M. i• •'.Terms made known on day of sale. ~.. ••••, )i il JOSEPH PARSONS. SAMUEL Gu WILSON, Aoutioneer. Sept. 16.—ts. - BY S. H.'GOVEE, Auctioneer. 3ITOK YERY valuable property at Public Auction •on the HILLEN ROAD, 3 miles from Baltimore city. I will thP Premises on ftss|B Monday; October 2d, 1865, P. M. the "IVY MILL” Farm, in Lots of from 5 to 14 acres. TERMS liberal/ Title in fee. A plat of the Fa fin ean be seeh at the Auctioneer’s Rooms, 84 W. Balto St. * JLSO, ■pvlxx Otf Friday, October 6th, 1565, at i 6 o’clock A. M. at the same place> I will sell the entire Stock of the7%>^rr^| igfYR :il | "v Farip, consisting M /T HORSES, Cows, Carriages, Farming Tools, Hay, Potatoes, Cabbages, 12 Acrefe of Corn iri-,the Shock, Lumber, Shingles, Ac. . l Afpo/ ! ! /• UQt/SEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, Ac., as I " rim declining housekeeping as well as farming, TERMS CASH, ■. ■ t .W • • - : S'. S. STEVENS. Sept.-23.-wt 8..- 11 ’ ! Miscellaneous . 35 *BALMORE SI" SPi.Ei\DiD STOCK OF. LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDRENS WINTER UNDEPiPmRTS, DRAWERS , HOSIERY, dC. TViBBED, PLAIN, It) '/ ‘ TWILLED, FANCY, GREY, WHITE, In fac.t tlie greatest'variety to be found in the city. Call and examine our extra heavy ‘ Wool and Merino RIBBED~SHIRTS; Splendid gqods for Winter Wear. Aso, the Plain Merino, an excellent article and warranted not to shrink, of iffcll:!' 1 > •• < * / every variety and size. Boston Ribbed, Shaker, Country Knit and plain wooiTsocks. Also, Cotton and Merino, Silk, Kid, Wool, Cloth and Buckskin GLOVES for Ladies, Gents and Childrens wear nil : > v’;’ Y- f. in every variety of size and color. 1- ’*>Yarns, Knitting Cotton, NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ,noi.yioqnvla ■ i /E. SEIBERT, 35 Baltimore St., 1 door below Frederick St., Baltimore,' Md. September 2.—tf. , y W. E. M’JILTON & CO., REAL. ESTATE BROKERS, an;-77 bun ‘jeoiun 1 anuf **-• Auctioneers, Advertising & Collecting Agents, No. 19 SOUTH STREET, , . . BALTIMORE, MD. - ReA.]A Ylltate at Private Sale. Real Estate at Prfixbe-Sale. Property of every des cription auetioneered. J. A. Houston, a practising Attorney at Law for a number of years, will examine Titles, pre pare Conveyances, and promptly Collect Claims entrusted to. oftr care. REFER TO—C. C. Qox, M. D., Lieut. Gov ernor for the Sjtatq ejf Maryland; John F. Me- Jilton, Surveynr l8)ft of "Baltimore; A. M. White, Esq., Baltimore city, Md.. 'July 22.—3 m. Every Body Made Beautiful! GREAT REDUCTION lIV PRICES ! LARGEST AND CHEAPEST PICTURES .. IN .TSE WORLDI Card fpr Alfiums Taken for One Dollar per Dozen ! Large Mammoth Photographs SI.OO. Copies 50 cents. •> pi p> '>■ ■ BY means of the two improved Skylights in our Gallery, persons of any features or complexion, can be taken, so as to secure the and flattering likeness. Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., copied, enlarged, and made more lifelike and beautiful. ,*1 2 . c JOHN H. YOUNG, 231, Balto, St., Cor. Charles, Baltimore. July I,—3m. Allenbaugh & Bartholomee, MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS IN BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODEN & WILLOW WARE, Nb. 13 3 Hillen St., ABOVE THE URh AIK MARKET. ALSO, constantly on hand a large assortment OF GENERAL HOUSE FURNISH . • ING GOODS, \ PAINTED BUCKETS, ~'CEDAR WARE, BRISTLE BRUSHES, MATS, CORDAGE, ' ; /MATCIIES, BLACKING, TWINE, |j ". i , ' WICKING, Ac., Ac. ApgustS.—6m. " WANTED,* AT THE WARREN COTTON MILLS, War ren Baltimore countyv on the Great Gun powder River, east of Cockeysvillo— WEAVERS, CARDERS, WARPERS, Ac. The highest wg£s and constant employment will djie given to good hands; 1 The Mill Buildings have been renovated and added to; the old. machinery ihroivn out, and most modern and approved substituted. The Dwellings and ether building* bn the premises have also been, renovated, repaired and otherwise put in cora fortaWe condition for operatives. Apply to- Mr, GREEN, at the Mills, NORRIS A BALD WIN; No; 18 Han Over street, MR. SAMUEL GREEN, at therOOhunbia Cotton Mills, Har food Roa^,• near-Hall’s Springs. Sep. 9.—4t* f MM*i * ■.:> T AH. Whgm it may Concern: t C n -Notice is Hereby Given, THAT dH-Giiriy dap* from* the date hereof, application will be made to the County . ,of Baltimore county feff the opening of a COUNTY ROAD leading from the Bel Ai* Road to St. Joseph’s Church, and from thence to the Whit.e Marsh Road, passing through the lands respectively of J. Schmidt, A. Dausch,; A. Storck, A. Voigle, A. Myer, Mrs. i Rohe, J. Dieter, M. Bitterson, Sam’l Bitterson, Cole, Bock, Tucker, Clark and N. Howard, be i tng the continuation 6f a county roakl between the Harford and- Philadelphia Roads. PETER CRONENBERG, .- •• • A.-BTGRCK, >•: i M ,r , r! A.*,:. R. J. MATTHEWS, Sept. 9,—5t. and others^" Miswfimeous. ; ! '•.'ftat "'Z£~Jr : AGENTS WANT! FOR The Secret Service, The F-w.. The Dungeon, and The Escape, ; S'f by ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, NEW YORK TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT THE most interesting and exciting Book ev er published, embracing Mr. Richardson’s unparalleled experience forfouryears; travel ing through the South in the secret service of the “Tribune” at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, du- ' ring the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confinement for twenty ' months in seven different rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous journey by ! night of nearly 400 miles. It will abound in stirrittg events, and contain more of the fact, 1 incident and romance of the war than any oth- 1 er work published. Horace Greeley says: “A great many books will yet be written con cerning this War, in addition to the many al- < ready in print; but not one of them will give within a similarcompass, aclearer, fuller,more readable account, entirely from personal obser- 1 vation, of the nature, animus, purposes, ten-! • dencies and instrumentalities of the Slavehol ders’ Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr. Richardson.” Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and especially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it.peculiarly adapted to their condition. — We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS. & CO., N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Sts., Sept. 23.—2m* Philadelphia, Pa. PUBLIC SALE 01 Personal Property. Si !H THE undersigned having disposed of her real estate, will sell at public sale, on Monday, October 9th, 1865, at 10 o’clock A. M., upon the farm upon which she now resides, lying immediately on the Northern Central Railroad, between Rider’s Station and Luther ville, the following personal property, viz : THREE GOOD HORSES, 2 Good Fresh Cows, 16 good Hogs, including an excellent Boar and a Brood Sow, a lot of Poul try, including Turkeys, Ac. Also, FARMING UTENSILS: 1 two-horse Wagon, 1 one-horse Carriage, 1 set of Wagon Gears, 1 set of Lead Gears, with Col lars and Bridles complete, 1 set of Carriage Harness, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Ac. One lot of Hay in stacks.— Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, con sisting of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Looking Glasses, 1 Sofa, Cook and other Stoves, with other articles needless to enumerate. TERMS:—All sums under S2O, Cash; all sums of S2O and over, a credit of four months, the purchaser giving his note with approved security, without interest if paid at maturity, but if not paid at maturity, to bear interest from the day of sale; or cash, at the option of the purchaser. POSITIVE. RUTH C. LYNCH. JAMES W. OWINGS, Auctioneer. Sept. 23.—3 t. To All whom it May Concern: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the undersigned, Examiners appoint ed by the County Commissioners of Balti more county, on the petition of Amos Mat thews and others, for the opening of a public road, leading from Towsontown to Charles St. Avenue, commencing on the York Turnpike at the residence of E. F. Church, thence in front of the “Smedley House,” through the lands of Enos Smedley A Co., thence through the lands of Dr.G. M. Bosley, thence through the lands of Amos Matthews, terminating at the county road known as the “Powder Mill Road” at a point at or near where the line between the lands of the Sheppard Asylum and Amos Mat thews approaches or intersects said road, hav ing taken the oath required by law. will pro ceed on Tuesday, the 19th day of O- 1865, on the premises, (if fair, if not, 1 fair day,) to execute the trust reposed .nd the requirements of the Acts of Ao. in such cases made and provided. EDWARD S. MYERS, JOSHUA BOSLEY, EDWARD RIDER, Jr., Sept. 9.—5 t. Examiners. A CARD. WHILST many persons in Baltimore coun ty, and elsewhere have promptly paid us all that was due, and for which we return our sincere thanks, others have not paid, and many refuse to pay for various reasons; we therefor respectfully inform those who yet know them selves to be indebted to us, either for subscrip tion to the old “Baltimore County American," or advertising in said paper, that on the first day of October, 1865, all unpaid accounts will be placed in the hands of Magistrates without respect to persons. In this list of debtors we recognize many of our oldest and warmest friends, and to bring suit against them will be very unpleasant; — justice to ourselves, however, leaves us no oth er course to pursue. Come, therefore, friends, and settle up at once—expect no farther indul gence. j O HN h LONGNECKER, LONGNECKER A SONS. September 2.—t01. ~To All Whom it May Concern: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the undersigned Examiners, appoint ed by the County Commissioners of Balti more county, on the petition of James Mahool, Hugh Simms and others, for the opening of two Roads leading from a ford on the Little Gunpowder Falls near Whitaker’s Forge, through the lands of F. Whittaker and Hugh Simms, to the road passing through Franklin ville to Jerricho. Also, the present old road from Franklinville to the Little Gunpowder Falls where the Bridge is proposed to be built between Jericho and Jerusalem Mills, having taken the oath required by law, will proceed on the ISth of October, 1865, on the premises, (if fair, if not, the next fair day,) to execute the trust reposed in them, and the requirements of the Acts of Assembly, in such cases made and provided. J. B. RUMSEY, ) EDWARD J. BELL, > Examiners. STEPHEN W. FALLS, J Sept 23.—5 t. BALTIMORE COUNTY, TO-WIT :—lhere by certify that O. G. Townson,sgrmr7T|j of Baltimore county, brought before me the subscriber, one of the of the Peace in and for said county, this 13th day of September, in the year 1865, as a stray trespassing on his enclosures, a Red Heifer, 3 years old. Given under my baud this 13th day September, 1865. * GIDEON HERB RT, J. P. The owner of the above Heifer is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. O. G. TOWNSON, Near the Old Harford Road, Sept. 16.—3t* about 9 miles from Balto WU. PAUL & CO., STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, mm No. £2 Water Street, BALTIMORE, Book Binding and Machine Ruling in all its varieties. Sept. 23.—6 m. REAL ESTATE. BURNTTE, MARSHALL & CO , REAL ESTA TE A GENC Y, No 12 S. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. X) EAL ESTATE in city and country, bought, XV sold, rented or exchanged. Thoso em ploying our Agewsy in the sale of their proper ty, may be assured of its being thoroughly ad vertised. A Register will be issued in October, containing a description of each ; re ceived up to that time. Farm bl ■ : all | .information required willingly se.. , j Sept. 16.—3 m. - _ | FOR SALE, A HOUSE and LOT in Towsontown, directly on the Turnpike and Railway.— AsgJL The lot is about 100 by 150 feet. YhejffffHr 1 'improvements are a Frame Dwelling ! .containing 8 rooms, with good cellar,! IMH (now used as a Hotel,) and stabling for 6 or 7 , horses. There is also a Tenant House on the , ;rear of the lot which would rent for $5 per ! month. Possession given at any tirne. Apply BENJ. N. PAYNE. , Sept. 23.—tf. s2O IRE'W’-A.tliD. ’ nTRAYED AWAY, on or about the 22d of ’ June last, a red and. white COW, white face and white belly, with - horns bored. Also, a small, young.rrffissflfc i cow, white body with red spots and red neck, both riving milk. The above reward will be paid £>** U,oir retorn to, Vi. McLEAN, Hack Stable, No. 47 Garden* SE Balto. j Sept. 23. —3t*. Properly TRUSTEES* SALE OF OMKOPTHE ( MOST VALUABLE FARMS If BALTIMORE COUNTY. BY vlrTue bf a.-deerte of the Circuit ‘ for Baltimore ctoupty, the under- Aadt signed Trustee#., will offer at|,,,7(Sr ■gjjgPpubliesale. at the Court House ciltuSL fTs'n i Towsmitown, On Tuesaay,. October 3rd, J 866, at I o’clock P,. M., ; the following property :. • 1 BEING PART OF A TRACT OF LAND ] called “Bacon Hall Enlarged," and part of a < tract of land called “Elspy.’s Qroxe,” part of a tractof land called “Nicholas Merryman’s Piney Ridge,” and part of a<truA of land called j “Mpuut Pleasant,.” and pt of a tracts caHfed’fUbird Bottom'," all of which -lying ( 'contiguous tft each other, and-lylng'affd tiling ( within the following metes and bounds, cour 'ses and distance, to wit :-Beginning for the same j at the word beginning, en th® plat, aid running j thence with the black drawn lines on th* plat , as numbered round the plat with black figures ( at the original beginning of the whole tract of land called “Bacon Hall Enlarged,” and run- ( ning thence bounding on, said: line,with one . degroe allowance for return variation, the lol lowing course: —N. 20° E. 49 J ps. to a stone set up in the ground; thß beginning of a deed for merly-given by-Jobh Merrytnan ebJNicholas M e rryman, for a part af thqtpforpsagl tract called “Elsey’s Grovethence running with and bounding on the given' line of said deed I reversely as run, with one degree allowance for return variation, N. 15}° E. 69} ps. to he- i ginning of said line; thence N.J}9° W. 2} ps. i to a stone, a boundary of a traetef land called “Hereford Resurveyedthence running with and bounding qn said traqt, with one degree allowance for return variation, the five follopr ing courses: N. :13 fl W. 17 ps. N. 41° W,j§4 ps. N. 57° W. 56 ps. to a stone set up ip ground ; N. 32° W. 20 ps. N. 20° W. 2} ps,; thence S. 73i° W. 1044 pa. N. 54}° W. 54 ps. S. 72*° W. 72 ps. S. 20° E. 180 ps., until it intersects ~the south seventy-eight degreea, east eighty perch es line of the wholetract called “Nicholas Mer ryman’s Piney Ridge,” as run, with one degree allowance for return variation; thence run. ning with and bounding on said line, with one degree allowance for return variation's 77° E. 32 ps. to the end thereof, it also being a corner of the third detached parcel of Lot No. 2 ; thence running with and bounding on the said detached parcel N. 71° E. 12 ps. ;• thence run ning with and bounding on the given line of said parcel S. 4}° W. 61J ps. to the beginning of the whole tract called '.‘Nicholas Merryman’s Piney Ridge;" thence N. 73° E. J7 ps. to a j bounded white,oak and stone,., thqv being a boundary of the wholetract called - Bacon llall Enlarged,” and also the beginning of a deed formerly given by John Ensor to Nicholas Mer ry man ; thence running with and bounding on said deed, with one degree allowance for re turn variation, the two following courses: —S. 6° W. 62 ps. to a bounded white oak; S. 69° E. 62 ps. to a stone marked J. M. J. F. ; still S. 69° E. 56 ps. to a atone, a border of the first parcel of Lot No. 2; thence running with and bound ing on said parcel reversely, the (following course :—N..35}? Ij. 94} ps. until it intersects the end of the north fifty-nine degrees, west twenty-four perches line of the whole tract called “Bacon Hall Enlarged,” as run, with one degree allowance for return variation ; thence running with and bounding on said tract, with one degree allowance for return va riation, the two following courses : —N. 80° E. 52 ps. N. 22° W. 32 ps., and thence by a straight line to the place of beginning, containing 427 AO RES OF LAND, • more or less. Also, one other piece or parcel of land contiguous thereto, containing 49 Acres, 3 Roods and 24 Perches, making in all 476 ACRES, 3 ROODS and 24 PERCHES, more or less. . j ... i This property is situated on the York Turn pike, twenty miles from Baltimore, and less than three miles from Monkton Station on the Northern Central Railway, adjoining the finely improved estate of Nicholas R. Merryman.— About two hundred acres are wooded, and the balance arable land of a kind quality, not less; than 150 acres of which are level and very pro-, ductive. There is an excellent quarry of Lime stone on it, and a kiln convenient. The DWELLING HOUSE is of stone, 50 by 25 feet, with commodious wings. It is hand somely situated in a' healthful and beautiful valley, and can readily be made one of the most desirable and productive estates in the county. There is agood BARN On the property, and oth er necessary outbuildings and is well watered. Terms of sale :—One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, or on the ratification thereof, and the halance in equal instalments, in one and from the day of sale, with interest, and security to be approved by the Trustees. -JOHN T , JNO. T. ENSOK, j ArUßlee - Apply to John Phil pot at Phoenix, or toJno. T. Ensor at Towsontown, Baltimore co., Md. SAMUEL G. WILBON, Auctioneer. Sept. 9.—ts. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY IN TOWSONTOWN. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county,sittjpg in equity, the undersigned, Trustee, will sell at pub- AseL lie sale, at. the ROOMS, Baltimore city, T *T*K>n Tuesday, October \9th,' 18654151£|8 at I o’clock, P. M., the. following : r VALUABLE"REAL ESTATE;'of*which the late John Bowen died seized, situate and lying in the village of Towsontown, Baltimore county, fronting on both sides of the Yot’k turnpike road and Towsontown and Baltimore Passenger railroad, containing 15 ACRES AND 17 PER CHES OF EXCELLENT LAND, together with the improvements, Ac. i ■* LOT NO. 1 contains f 2 ACRES, 3 ROODS AND 13 PERCHES, and is improyed by a TWO-STORY STONE DWELLING HOUSE, ■with atticrand basetnent, front, with wide hall, large airy rooms, basement kitchen and fine cellar under the whole, a Ten ant House, Dairy, and excellent Spring of soft water, Smoke House, and other out-buildings. LOT NO. 2 contains 3 ACRES, 1 ROOD and 4 PERCHES, lying on the west side of the turn pike, improved by a LOG STABLE, Ac. Both lots are well watered, having three fine springs upon them, and will be sold separate from each other or together, as will be most de sirable to purchasers. Taken altogether, this is one of the most de sirable pieces of property to be found in Balti more county, and should render it an object to persons desiring property in a thrivingjvillage, where real estate iB enhancing around rt thirty ■ or forty par cent, yearly. The cars of the Towsontown and Baltimore railroad pass immediately in front of the door every hour of the day each way, from 6 A. M., to 7 P. M., rendering it to business men in the city an opportunity rarely to be met-with. >■ as prescribed by the Court are— One-third Cash, the balance in 1 and 2 years, with interest; or all cash at the option of the purchaser. Persons wishing to view the property will please call on the undersigned, residing at Tow sontown. HENRY L. BOWEN, Trustee. ’ F. W. BENNETT A CO., Auctioneers'. Sept. 16.—ts. PUBLIC SALS OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On tlie Falla Road, 14 Miles from Baltimore. , BY virtue of a deed of trust from Joseph Leaf and others, dated the 22d N&L. day of August, 186,5, the i*nder-lfsD® |?||P|signed, as Trustee, will offer for on the premises, iSIiIHI On Wednesday, October 4th, 1865, at II o’clock A. M., EIGHTEEN ACRES OF LAND, siiuated fourteen miles from Baltimore, oh the Falls Road, adjoining the lands of Johrt~Wlnte i ford, Joshua Tipton and others. THE IMPROVEMENTS , consist of a large Frame Dwelling in good re - pair and sufficient outbuildings. There is a - fine spring of water near the house. About 8 - Acres of si*id tract is finely timbered with , Chestnut and Oak, the remainder M under cul tivation. * 1 ®©~Terms to be made known t the; Title indisputable and the property will be sold clear of all incumbrances. WM. GENT,' Jr-VTrustee. WHEELER A KEECH, Attorneys. # WM. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. Sept. 9.—ts. ’• ■ Valuable Western Bun ! mill p h o p er t y e OFFERED AT PRIVATE SALE. r T OFFER AT PRIVATE SALE r I the FARM on which I now side, containing about 97 of Limestone Land, with MILL and all necessary out-buildings. JOHN BGOTT, f Butler P. 0., Balto. County, Md. - AH Persons Indebted e rno the late Baltimore County Advocate, eithei X to E. F. Church, er Church A Haveratiek, arc respectfully requested to call the Union office and settle their biHfi. - .fet'v.’i. i . Feb. 13.—tf i iiwriiwiTififi — a fii lii nil MiniiriiißhtifiB 1 #"" ;jj{! (j : Legal Notices. Wssfrti to give notice, thT -Xkcriber has obtained from tb* GoucLpf Bq4tiuaore county, letters f rv on the estate of 7 -BfORDECAI MATTOCK, Jata-Pf sAidcpunty, deceased. All pei ing claims against the said estate an warned *toexhibit the same with the vo‘ thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 9th day of April, 18' r they may otherwise by Jaw be exclude, all benefit- of said estate. Those indebted said estate are requested tc make immediate payment. Given under mv nd this stb day of September, 1865. v CATHERIR iTTOCK, Sept. 9.—4t* Executrix. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE at the sub scriber, has obtained frot cue Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, lettoi s testamenta ry pn the estate of HARRIET PARSONS, lateof said county,deceased. All per. >ns hav ing claims Against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers therepf to ; the subscriber, On or before the 9th day of April, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded Iron, all benefit pf said estate. Those indebteo to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. . Given under my hand this sth day of September, 1865. ISAAC CROWTHER, Sept. 9.—4t* Executor. rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub- X scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Goiirt of Baltimore county, letters oi adn inis tration on the estate of .*4 CHARLOTTE WITHERS, late of said county,deceased. All person;- La ing claiwaagainst the said estate, are here warned to exhibit the same with the vouchei. thereof to the subscriber, On or before the 16 th day of April, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded bom all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 13th day of September, 1865. MICHAEL P. C. WITHERS, , Sept. 16.—4t* Administrator. Henry s. wheeler vs. Elizabeth A. PITTS, In the Circuit Court for Balti more county—in Equity. ORDERED, This 20th day of September. 18 65,‘that the sale made and reported by Henry -S. WheeleF, Trustee in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to th ' contrary thereof be shown, on or before the "Ur day tf October, 1865, provided a copy of this -order be published in some newspaper p’ iuteh and published in Baltimore county, once u week for three successive weeks prior to the said 21st day of October. The report states the amount of sales to be $10,806.25. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Sept. 23.-A3t. TOHN G. BRIAN; next friend to MARY P. (A BRIAN vs. MARY P. BRIAN, ET AL, In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county — in Equ ity. September 16th, 1865. ORDERED, That the sales made and report ed by John G. Brian, Trustee of part and resi due of the Real Estate in above entitled cause be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown,onor before the 21 st day of October next, provided a copy of this or der be published in some newspaper printed and published'at Towsontown, once a week for three successive weeks before the 21st day of October, 1865. * The report states the amount of sales to be $6,400. JNO. H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JNO. H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Sept. 23.—3 t. KUliii,KT TE VEE SUN and others, vs. JNO. CARTER, Jr., In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county —in Equity. ORDERED, This I9tb day of September, 18- 657 that the sale made and reported by R Ste venson and Daniel Alder, Trustees intheabove .entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, un less cause to the contrary be shown, or or b fore the 14th day of October, 1865, pro . copy of this order be published in soi paper printed and published in Baltir once a week for three successive week the said 14tli day of October. The report states the amount of f $6,500. JNO. H. LONGNECKER, True Copy—Test: JNO. H. LONGNECKER, t Sept. 23.—3 t. WILLIAM MANSFIELD, next friei .. - MARY ANN MANSFIELD ET AL MARY ANN MANSFIELD ET AL. I, Circuit Conrt for Baltimore covnty—in Equity. September Ifttta, 1865. ORDERED, That the sale . de and report ed by Thales A. Linthicum, T ‘.e for the sale of the real estate mentioned . 4 cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless to thecon trary thereof be shown, on or . o the 21st day of October next. provided a Cf\ if this or der be inserted in some newspaj: printed and published at Towsontown, once in each of three successive weeks before said 21st day of Octo ber, 1805. The report states the amount 6f sale- to be $Bl5. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test : JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Sept. 23.*—3t. ARY S. TY SON 'vs. ELEAZEN S. BART LETT, JOHN H. WATTERS or Walter, ELIZA WATTERS his wife, HENRY BELL and JANE BELL, his wife, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore county—in equity. The object of this bill is to procure a decree for the sale of certain mortgaged premises in Prince George' and Anne Arundel Counties in the State of Maryland, which were on the 16th day of September, A. D., 18 57, mortgaged by one Isaac Simmons to complainant. The bill states that on the said 16th day of September, 1857, the said Isaac Simmons mort gaged the property particularly described in said bill to the complainant, to secure two notes, each for the sum of $1,619,37}, with in terest from said 16th of September, 1857, paya ble in one and two years respectively, alter date. That on the 17th of November, 1860, the said Simmons sold one undivided half of said mort gaged premises to the said Eleazen S. Bartlett, and on the 4th of September, 1862, said Sim mons sold the other undivided half to the said JohnH. Watters, under the name of John H. Walter; that by two deeds dated respectively August 29th, 1862, and September 9th, 1863, the said Watters conveyed his interest in said premises to the said Jane Bell; that said tw • last, named deeds were defectively recorded, apd said Watters holds his interest in • a:. 1 ’ property in trust for the aaid Jane B"ll at. • that the said Eleazen 8. Ba'rtle ; r. the State of Maryland, and thai tn fendants reside in Baltimore coun \. • It is therefore adjudged and ordered ;i. complainant by causing a copy of thisordei to be inserted in some newspaper published in Baltimore county, once in each of four succes sive weeks before the 16<A day of October next, give notice to the said absent defendant of the object and substance of this bill and warn him to appear in this Court in person or by solicitor, on or before the 18<A day of January next, to answer the premises and show cause if any he has, why a decree ought not to pass as pray ed. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Sept. 16.—4 t. SUBANNAH LOW and* others, vs. JAMES H. LUCKETT, and others, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore county —in equity. ORDERED, this 9th day of September. 1865, that the sale made and reported by Thomas Donaldson, Trustee appointed by the decree in | this case to make sale of the real estate men tioned therein, be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before the 2d day of October next, provided a copy of this order be inserted in some paper 1 printed in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks before the 30th day of September next. , The report states the amount ot sales to be $4 559. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. : Tr “ C TJiTN H*. : LONGNECKER, Clerk 1 Sept. 16.—3 t. %-ARIA STERETT vs. BTERRET j_YX OTHERB, In the Circuit Court f i more county —in equity sitting. ORDERED, this 14th day of Scptci 65, that the sale made and fourteenth: ed by’Andrew Sterrett Ridgely, Truste* > sale of the real estate mentioned in the in the above cause be ratified and conh i unless cause to the contrary thereof be sh on or before the 7th day of October next, provi . .dad a copy of this order be inserted in some plpet "printed in Baltimore county, once in each of three successive weeks befc e the 30th day of September next. The report states the amou. of sales to be six hundred dollars ($600.) [ JOHN H. LONGNEC. R, Clerk. r True Copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Sept. 16.—8 t. Wanted to Rent or Manage, A* LARGE GOOD FARM, by a man who thoroughly understands the businei.3. Ap r ply at either the office of the “BaltimoreOoun t. ty Union," or the “Maryland Journal," or to n ABRAHAM BHERTZER, on the Furnace Farm of Hampton, near Towsontown. Sept. 9.—tf. ' mr-is