Newspaper Page Text
„ * • *L.. —— - : .: ■ ■; u * . 1 "idol, u?: iV l C (ilvA.l tr: i-rl! j J ,*.T- , , NEW.SERIES—YOL.:i>i t , / i a ... u L p. nJol n-iYi'l _ __pj±L V B. W. PAY NB, 7!!/ llAMfllE AtiliXT & OFFlCE—Smedley Row, opposite the Com bt House, Towsontown. April 29.—1 y a John T. Ensor:, > ■ : 1 ATTORNEY*'AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN *' Z Towsont ojy n, Md. Will attend promptlydm. persevering!;/ to all business fctotobdtdd Ao. hit care<.!>:> > . Jan. 1, . . ■ *i lg < TOWBONTO WN, MD. , i jjiii: April^ tl rtfiq|. i i.anV.h:>l ndul isu^f’- PIPER, 5 Residence opposite the I|X Dr. Tiding s office. Office hoursifiroih 7 A. M., A. From 1 o'clock P. M., to and 6 M. Jan. ) |, t lßfis,—lSo6. .... -.-in■>!/ vain* 1 ‘niSAAO-MoCTJRLEY, AT LAW, a st. fj.ut Street, lX ~ BALTIMORE. May 6.—ly.’ u j v I ,iA i a.-.O ma - ’ --t " J hi ft ilitiJir -'■ R. at. PRICE,_r; A E IK AT M \-%H *mmo Office—No/t Sniedleyßow, TowsdAtowdi' WILL give promptattcntionm* •11 latfr-.and. chariealy business entrusted, rto.bta eate. Sep. R / mMu™ c. boh* si4>'<a,rrr,;”' : attorney at law, No. 3T W. LEXINGTOX STillteT, ( > ( Basement ,) Baffinorc, Md. April U, >i r,-T.-. r l i,....*: nj,ptfls. F. Mtlsselman, • 1 attorney/ 1 f 1 '” ; Office No. 21 LexingtoOt-, Baltimore city. PRACTICES in the Courts of< Baltimore, county. CT July 9,1864.—1 y WpiiaAM M. BXJ’BEy, . No. 71 Fayptte Streqt, Near Chiles, v Baltimore, Md. April IJI86&J1— ly. : i- vitrou )•,-:> ; • Theodore Glocker, A T T,Q;'r NE Y,‘ AT L AW,; AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, No. 44 St. Paul streef&altimore, Md. PARTICULAR attention given, to Chancery and Orphans’ Court bginess, in the Courts Baltimore city and cotfwty. All communications or business left with Mr„ JOHN R. Di BEDFORD,Ci>nveyaTu;er,Towaoa+, town, will be promptly attended to. .■,->) • March snreS■ ■■■ O. C. Warfield, ',. ■*.’ ATTORNEY AT LAW,.. f '.j - U ToWSONTpJVN. T)REPARES application! for ' BOUNTY, BACK PAY and ■ < PENSIONS, i y Feb. 20.—tf < ■ .f- “ Jos. P. Merryman. ATTORNEY -at LA W 71 West Fayette street, Balti Jan. 9, 1864:—1y ; ■ *• “ “ ' DR. I&AAC McCURLEY, DENTIST, S. W. COR? LIBERTY and LEXlNftf®' BALTIMORE. , i i : ■'*. May 6.—tf j . MERRYMAN. E. P. ICEEtH, D. 6/S MERRYMAN & KERCH;, DENTISTS, No. s#f North Galvertatreet, Baltimore. March 26,18&4.-rly ,T '1 ra.u..; ;■-.1 eiqtn DR. J. H. JARRETY, J ’ *' (Formerly Surgeon Fph Md., Y 015.,) HAVING purchased the laJe residence! of Dr. E. R. Tidings, rtfifcSctfully offers his Professional Services to Cne public. Having had an experienced! tbn Years in private tice and two yeaifc arid a-n&lf in the arinyv ; he hopes to be ab*e tb give satlsfaclionlte all ttirise who may fttvor-Aem with a call. 1 mi in ' June 17, 1865.—1yj >t! - - • ' * R. R. Boarman, V, ' AT T i6:R NE Y //A T L A.W 01. !.i s i I *,!. < I 4Ntf// ,V! ii> iii!-nit SOHOITQRJLN i.,!. , Smedley Row, opposite Court House, 1 ‘>ii‘ TOWSONTOWN. WILL promptly attend®to all business en trusted to his Care. >i II , ~• Jan. 18.—tf ; LEWIS H. WHEELER. WILLIAM S. KERCH Wheeler & Seech, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Office No/f affdt Smedley Row, Towsontown- HAYING formed a PARTNERSHIP for the practice of Lew, wild gfye jpqn tiom to theYionection oiclaims atid Dusmess in, QphauVCojwt^d’ipreyitCourt 9 Auffi mo—tf J R. WSMS’IeAiLUi.x C f.. BdNiibftfiofc .V- WM. H- Shipley. v >.l Agents for sale of Maryland Lands, fi OJtce gtiairs) No. 48 LtAugtnrcsh, Baltimore* e R.‘!W- Templemart, & Co., their services to the public for the B*ls of Fai axs, and Real Estate generally. Thoy have, as Surveyors, a general knowledge f the labels of parts of the State, and unusual facilities otherwise for the transaction of such business. 9 orties they drljr bf\£ptrjn book form;. Parties wishing to sell or purehasb w jll by letter as above. ” STORE. WM. S. WONDERLY & CO., TTA3WS on hand a complete stock of . < jy CHINA, GLASS, , QU&fiNBWARE, Mi Fahand fioriunon, at the Warehouse, T 75 Baltimore,Mirtetiti doctr.l ■’toett of Gay street. COAL.OIL,of the very beet quality, by the barrel or gallon, and a complete assortment ©F LAMPS 4'WICK Wfiburniiig it. The manufacture of STONE and EARTHEN WARE still continued. All goods for th H <atjuij-y scicn tifie manner, and wiUbe sold: wholesale and retail, at very lo* prices, tffsatt Gie times.^^ NoMfli .> C.3_jL O^ 1 H 1865. -rrrßarl YY sush our iriends and > 1 public .with the Spring Styles OF HATS, forGentlenaenfs wgiy, -which'jpiJJt copipare favorably wtth any sold iD th yi^rSOFT r FELT HA^S, Latest-jppitterns, /or Geutkinen, Youths and , about/ A. years old; (color, BrownO For further PW*. W ,ul.r. wply at U* office A 2e ._ lf , * *■ . 4 j if CLOTHING-!! | * * Bi ! ,P f '.Vo; *LrusL VfiUAtH ]t liliol 1U g ;i a taJ moMI iff! -> S^- g Baltimore, Md., (, „ ~,[■[ & oT’fi’ne" lui ‘ §- ■fe: READY *° ■ jnell hivi.u io;I w P?I Cut by,thu fcstar4ißts, made andtritafa 'i med o([uaj,,toieustotri work, ail jncb J > loweqjfatcq, Alflh. a,Well selected Stock 1 jni! 1 O of ¥WPftuENGLISH and AMER* -grt igM; W:ANUFACXURED GOODS,UI 3J the piece, which will be ml. Oo a Made up tlZOrder, * ,[ !§ and a p^rfe fct'/itniyi|satisfacti,onguar anteed to all. boui .< ! gj . ■ S* T Ai-Greati,VSriety lof -■ I .idol U If-iu:!. - Cm ::aS including all theTMlstnovelties. a j Se;it.. 186/j.—tf7,, V|! " MARYLAND 1 F O U 33 E E TTE. J fjYZf.i! (n,nrrtv*K ni.OL fp.u , i-r i iA .~mr : TO FARMERS Jb PLANTERS. C.O vdllM- jAl\l V U.:.: WE aifybnr-attention to the hbhvehighly recommended anffsuperi6l-hrt!qle,|riian ,Tifactured undeb the personal supferVisibn df the proprietors. It-bah been used in dffferentparts , the State withoihb'most beneficial reSufW.— .-All we ask is a trial., Ulgtfrom 300 to 600 lbs. to the Acre, according tbfnfe quality of thespil. , ; For sale hy A niiol h-i/. *‘ J miul vA i /.LESTER A CO.i ! :1 ‘ No. 140 NJ Howard .Sh, oor. Franklin; Balto. Also the following FerSL'sers for sale at man ufacturers’ prices: " Peruvian Guano, A. A. Mexican Guano, Reese’s Phosphate, E ftW Bone, Moro Phillips’ do Giteund Bone, 'Wilson’s i,da. .-‘t Turner’s Eiceftior, ,C Hhodes' wf Whitelockj’s , do -ii •. .Ground Plaster, i : 'fi-'! Cell’s do Ac., Ac. | r , / ALSO., LIME, CEMENT, CAjjttNED PLASTER, j, BRINKS AJfJD HAIR.- v. ; ' Sept. Z.r—2ni., j •.} • •r HIDES, &C. *u j 11 etsiiH ml/inilUil p. h; okupy & co., 42. South'. Cdivert Stredt, Baltimore, Md., Lili lor lowest rates. Calland n :i „ . Wanted, for which the oiffide Cash Price will Ibe paid. , F. BT GRUP Y, A CO., 42 SputH Calvhrt street, Baltimore. ■April i fn % . . County Aotvertisementsa -^ ! .U ■■ REMOVAL.' GEORGE SffiEIBER, BOOT, 1 SHOE MAKER, TOWSONTOWN MD., TTEREBY inforirik citizens of Towson rl towriarid Mcfnity, that he removed Boot and Shop‘establishment from his re ■ place of the building aborn ing the post office arid of Mr. Nelson Coop er. where he will in the flHßre be pleased to see i !61l his friends and custonfW-s. I keep'constantly on hand a varied assort ment of Be6tt' : -BhaeS, Uniters, Act> for either Ladies, Gentlemen or Childred] m * i‘h " U i: ‘ -j ll ALL OF MY OWN which will be found as crtftble, and cheaper than can be procured in the city of Baltimore. return ray thanks for th* : very liberal pa tronage I have heretofore.received, ppd I will enjdeavor, by attention tq'b’dp}ness, and moder- chdrgO^, ; t<y ikT April I.—6m. HEADLEY’S HISTOQd; OF THE WAR. npHE undersigned bTfipg procured an agen -1 cy for tliis fpr * portion 0< Bail ti more Short time ftibg subscriptions therefor. It will be * true faithful history of eventeastheyhavetrans piied since April 1861, to the pres ent time. . j, i uj i ,i , ... 77 It will bftpublished jp vols. at $3.50 each Wip first of wirjph be delivered/ and *ihh seemed fhii’neiuatOJy| after the close of t)ie ATar. EAdli : fdfm4'e,lof}rbbintain' mijfj pages of illustrations of Batflfe and over forty por traits of ofl}6&rfe’' 'pbotJiihefct in thb ‘ trar, both . North andm 7 Volume, I, cbiittrfnlhtf 506 pages,' jfl already prepared,‘ahd'Will Bd ndlivered by the Agents , aftjer finishing in lo calities. II will ‘be issued .asUtoon as practicable affiet ttie close of the war, arid will i contairi about 700 pages, of more, if necessary to complcte'Ake History.u!l nvb ; .-id vK.'. The undersigned-:al(A! haS -Fcfr sale the “ NURSE AND SPY/’ .; 1 uni l. >,, I . EDWARD N. TYRRELL. June 3,lß6s,—ly.imfuutl N ■ ■/•(,.:!: u mORUNG, ~ t FLORIST, SEEDS!!! AN AUD : NtiHSKRYMAW, ' j- Store No. ft N, Jfi.utau> Street, Baltimore, Nurseries on tlicllMlntswiißskd Adjoin ing Druid Hiil Park, * ( YfTOULD ipyjte6he attention of thecitisens 1 f f of the county, (toiidifttock of i Sju GARDEN SEEDS, FLOWER MEDS,^H APE vSs! T a^?all^MALl^^^K? ! % .OTBasEEN ORNAMe Al N SHADE TREES, , r cfen Hous?, .ITot ; House and Hardy Plants, . flpOjoweriyg Shrubs. . *ul will be prepared at all to furnish ev r aayjthing in fny trade. [gjJrine 3, ; ORDCr STORE ,{ .t t fr Oitir sontow n. THE Suhscriber aespectfully informs _jo I the resident;¥f SnMhiore . that lie has opened a DRUGdRfD APOTH- r*R .ftCARY STORE in TowsoiWwn, where he In tends keeping,aaarefiiUyadlected StoclrAf .m/t Pure & Genuine Mec^itrines, ' Aritl all articles usually kfept in a well-regulat ed DRUG STORE; ktdtty Wices. Also, Paints, Oils, Varfiisk, finishes-,' Window Glass, Stk'tioriery, Pef/nmery, and Notwntt 1 of every Description. . ’ “ ' . i jc. eIOHARD WILLIS, House, Sign, and Tahcy Painting. ' HENR I f. ¥i) i B(YWEN F*; '*"•* trnuu t* &UtM S tf* 1 . TOWSONTOWN . 'Xfi prepared to execute flAwork inhisline J GILDING, 7 IMITATION OF wqOD AND MARBLE, Ae.; Aliof which wflf'hri'dbhtj’promptly, and on i *. the most reasonableMriilii’ 1 April 7, 1860,-ttfJ * I mM si. i suLadJUi. i AUt TIONEERbVNOTM*. -TITIHE uuders4gried,bavingjobtained a license, lr offers his seryiiriee to . the people pf Balti .jpfti-e county asiArieMbteeiv'Wiu attend dritttpti •q 4y to all businens-edtrusted to his carWarid gWafl - to give sstisfaeteMriu'l m ' 1 .. jt i n ,!vmJ ARMACOST^. Black Rock, P. 0., Baltimore county, Md. Aug. 5. — 3m*; . TOWSONTOWN, MD., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1865. pßljffL i; County Advertisements. I WARREH STORE, In the Thriving Little Village of J WARREN. ’ GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS. • fIIHE proprietors of the “Warren Store” are I offering great inducements to the citizens . of this neighborhood, that is worthy of their attention. We offer to the public the best se lection of goods that can be found in any store . iri the country, and will guarantee to sell them ‘ at less than city retail prices. All goods sold Jf here warranted as represented or the money refunded. Our stock consists in part of j- DRY GOODS, • GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ! CHINA WARE, CROCKERYWARE, > EARTHENWARE, , 1 STONEWARE, GLASSWARE, ! BOOTS AND SHOES, i HATS, CAPS, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, OIL AND PAINTS, MEDICINES, GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED fc IMS ATS FOOT OIL, PARAPHINE OIL, KER OSENE OIL, MACHINE OIL, MACKEREL, HERRINGS, BA / CON, HAMS, BREAST PIECES, SHOULDERS, G. A. SALT,. Fine Salt, Flour, Corn Meal, Mill Feed, Hom ony Buck Wheat, TIN AND WOODEN WARES, Brooms, Ropes, Plow Lines, Shoe Findings, Wrot Nails, Cut Nails, Spikes, Rivets, and eve ry article that may be found in a well regulat ed country store. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange for goods at city prices. • t. ■ H. P. THOMAS, For Warren Manufacturing Company. Feb. 18.—t|y. • ‘ SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE! SMEDLEY HOUSE HOTEL AT TOWSONTOWN, MO. CHRIS. SHAW, 1 Proprietors. MARION LANGDON, j Froprietors. THIS large and popular Hotel, having pass ed into new hands, has received various repairs and improvements and is now open for the entertainment of guests. It is the deter mination of the Proprietors to maintain its past reputation as a SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE, as well as a House for the accommo dation of all transient patronage. The rooms are large and well furnished, with bath rooms convenient; the Table and Bar are well sup plied; good Stabling is provided, and the sur rounding grounds are beautiful. ‘ v Mr. Shaw is well known for years pastas the proprietor of the popular “Cottage Saloon” on i High Street, Baltimore. May 20.—3 m. Trees! Trees!! Trees!!! AT THE MARYLAND NURSERIES. THE undersigned offers for sale at the “Ma ryland Nuseries,” situated on the Falls Road about 13 miles from Balti- JSgPmore city and four miles fromjSaK* "•J^Broooklandvifle, on W. M. R. rT, H., a choice stock of FRUIT TREES, consisting of Peach, Apple, Pear, Apricot, Plum, and in fact fruit of every description. — ' The subscriber being experienced in fruit-grow ing can recommend his Trees to all who may favor him with a call. Also, a choice selection of Grape Vines and Strawberry Plants always on hand as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, JAMEB WARDEN, Brooklandville P. 0., Balto. County, Md. July B.—3m. Catonaville Railway. Spring and Summer Arrangement. mm N and after Monday, May Ist, 1865, cars will run HOURLY FROM 7 A. M. TO 7 PM., and at 9 P. M. daily SUNDAY’S excepted. On Sunday’s HOURLY FROM 7 A. M., to 9 P. M. , PASSENGERS TO AND FROM ELLICOTT’S MILLS will leave daily, Sundays included, at j 7, 9 and 11 A. M., and 2, 4 and 6P. M. Office west end of Baltimore street. WM. W. ORNDORFF, Secretary. ’ April 29.—tf MERCHANT TAILORING in TOWSONTOWN. * A knowledgments to the citizens of Towson [ town and vicinity, for the very generous sup port he has heretofore received in his business, ‘ and would inform his friends and customers that he has considerably enlarged his stock, ' and will constantly keep on hand a well se * lected stock of j Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, [ which he is prepared to make into garments of i the latest styles, and at prices that will be sat isfactory to all. I ask an examination of my stock. AUGUST LOOSE, Towsontown, Opposite Ady’s Hotel. March 4, 1865.—tf. IT COACHMAKING p ; AND UNDERTAKING, THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and-the public generally, that he * 18 prepared to execute at his shop OpaJaairfin Towsontown, at the i liter sec ii i tion of the York Turnpike and Jop j pa Road, every description of Wheelwrlghting, Coachmaking', &c. He will manufacture to order, Carriages, Bug- gifs, Rockaways, Carryalls, Ac. Old Carriages repaired and painted at short notice. Also, keeps constantly on hand, (and made to order at the shortest notice,) every style and description of ' COFFINS, tes • and having provided himself with a HEARSE, he is prepared to attend funerals at all times. All work warranted to give satisfaction. GEO. H. HUGHS. April 15, 1864.—tf. French cloths, OASSIMERS OF ALL KINDS, '**' l j BILK MARSEILLES. And all kinds of Vest Patterns, Scarfa, Neckties and Collars, Handkerchiefs, Travelling Shirts, Linen Bosom o’ni Shirts, Linen Bosoms, (all qualities and prices,) White Muslins and Linens .1, For Shirting, Ac., for sale 7 Wholesale and Relail. ALL KINDS OF TAILORS, TRIMMINGS, Together with READY MADE CLOTHING, As cheap as can be procured in the city, d• AUGUST LOOSE, Merchant Tailor, t Opposite Ady’s Hotel, Towsontown. , Feb. 25 tf- , WHEEL WRIGHTIN G I’ U; - IN TOWSONTOWN. u! ‘ * •^^RL r P H E under- ffunmmmm, ’ 1 ! A signed ->- Mm*** , >®g taken the^^ - ! 1 Shop adjoining that of Mr. Alex. Parlett, would J ttost respectfully inform the public that he is - prepared to execute all work in his line as If cheap as it can be done elsewhere. iM-Special attention given to repairing of aUSlndsT PHILIP EDLER. J May 20.—tf. QUALIFIED VOTERS OF BALTIMORE COUNTY. REGISTERS of the following Districts JL of Baltimore county, having completed the Registration of Voters in their several Dis tricts, according to law, hereby announce the names of those entered in the list of qualified Voters as designated below, and do “ notify all persons interested to appear before them at the places, and during the hours of Registration on the TUESDA Y and WEDNESDA Y next preceding the Tuesday following the first Mon day in November next, (which will be the 31st of October and the Ist of November,) to show any omissions or other errors in said lists, at which time the list of qualified voters shall be corrected and finally closed.” Fifth Election District. A. Armacost Caleb Armacost George W ArmacostJohn Armacost Jabez Alban Joseph Abban William Armacost Stophel F Armacost Elijah Algire Joshua Armacost John W Armacost John F Abbot Thomas J Ash Charles Arthur Jeremiah Algire George Alban John W Armacost Rezin H Alban George S Armacost Jacob M Armacost Augustus •Armacost John H B. Bush Benjamin B Barber William Bull Ambrose S Belt Darby Bond John M Bowen Charles Beckley Daniel Baker George Boring Richard C Boblits Charles F Brown Elisha Blueker John M Bull Ambrose Baker Jeremiah H Bull Joshua L Boring Bryant W Bossom Daniel Boring Greenberry Beckley John B Bossom George Belt William H Boblits Samuel F Bossom Charles Buchen David Bosley Thomas c. Crocket Hugh G Cooper Abraham S Curtis Thomas Cole Abijah H Curtis William Colp John L Crowther Eli Cullison Aaron Cooper William Cables Jacob L Cramer Henry Cole Noah H Cole John T H Cullison George Cole Abijah " Cole Samuel S Cole Ernestus Cole William P Cole Alfred Cullison Moses Cole Benjamin Crowther Eli D Cox Oliver W D. Diven John W Dixon John C Dehoff John Divin John T Dehoff Josiah W E. Ensor William Ensor George W Ensor Nicholas W Ebaugh Elisha Ensor Nicholas F. Fowble Harrison Fowble John W Fowble Peter F Fare Henry M Fowble Joshua Folk Jacob Fowble Richard of P G. Garret John Gill Richard H Grim Jacob Gittinger Daniel Grifenstine George Gill Didymus Grift'y John H. Harris Charles Hare John N Hale Thomas Hare Daniel W Hollenshade Thomas Hale Abijah A Hall Joseph Hager John Hare Jacob Hare Jehu Hale George Hoffman Daniel Hare David Hoover Peter Hager John Hare George H Hale John Hare Michael Harris Richard Hare George Hare John P Hare John F Hare Philip F X. Kemp John L. Lloyd Samuel Lawson John W Leaf Joseph Lawson William T ax. Mays Abraham Morfoot Lewis Merryman George Mires Elisha McComas Jackson Merryman Elisha Morford Thomas Morrison John S Morfoot Isaac Miller Robert W Millender John H Morfoot John Martin Jabez Mires Clarfield Miller Robert Martin Joshua M N. Nailer John F Nace Ferdinand Nailer Levi Nace Henry Nace John $ P. Patterson John Price Nelson Price Johp H Price Caleb Price John L Patterson Samuel Patterson Charles Painter David Price Daniel Price Samuel Price Benjamin F XL Rinaman David Roystou Robert Resb Jacob Royston John W Royston Edward C s. Sparks William C Shamberger Jacob Shaub John H Shamberger Daniel B Sater John Sr Sater John Jr Smeltzer Martin Shock Joseph Strevick Ephraim B Smith William Smith George Stiller John H Scott Thomas H Seaks Frederick Shults John W Turnbaugh John T. Tracy Richard C Thompson Thomas Tracy Jonathan Tracy Joshua Turnbaugh Isaac Tawny George H Turnbaugh Jacob Toney William Tracy William w. Wilhelm John Jr Wheeler John M Wheeler Joshua Wheeler Josiah Wisner Kinsey Wisner George W Wolfgang Soloman Wilhelm John F Wilhelm Abraham Wilhelm David Wilhelm Jacob M Wilhelm David W Wheeler William H Worden William H Wheeler Josiah Wisner Andrew J Wheeler Elisha Wilhelm Daniel Wheeler Augustus M Wilhelm John L Wheeler Bryant Wisner Matthias Wheeler William Wisner John H Wilhelm George W Wisner Jacob Wisner Abraham Capt Wells John W Wisner Noah Wilhelm Benjamin F Wilhelm Thomas z. Zouck Richard Total 216. BENJAMIN B. BUSH,) JNO. F. WILHELM, \ Registers. THOMAS HALE, ) Eighth Election District. A Atkinson John Ambrose James Anderson James M Anderson George L Allbrighfc-Clinton W Allbriglit George Ambrose Christopher B * Brady Nathan Beinstine Frederick Bradley James Burton John Sr Burns William H Burnham Elijah F Brooks Daniel B Benson Thomas J Bosley Thomas C Bull Loadman E •Bosley Joseph Bull Nicholas S Brooks Charles Brown Elisha Bosley William H Burton John Jr Bosley Walter T Barrett William Brooks Abraham Bond John Brady Robert Bosley John Bosley John E . Bosley John H Butler John Bull John W Bradv Michael Bane Ulick Bosley Thomas CJr Bosley John of Wotp Bosley William II Jr Belt John W Burk Daniel Brooks John E Burk John E Burnside James Burton William H Bamber James H Burton James L - Brady Michkel Barrett John Byrne John Butler Joseph Bosley Greenberry Bond Thomas Brewer Augustus Brown Abraham Brady James Bond EK '•! > . ißutfc'Patrick J Burnham Edward’ 5 ByrdttMkrtJhy' ll!ai Berry Marshall D■■ >■ • ' M 1* d-*.;-./iq 11; > <.ir .17 ?# gates? .C it guiiut. fciiirio/3 vxv Clark James C •Ghilds William E Cockey Joshua M •/. ,Cox Uriah :’'•')! !l 1 Chrisman Emanuel dloltridenDaniel S’ Chilcoate Elijah i\ Caasiday Miehael Cole George If / Ghilcoat George II )!•’ <> Cross Caleb- . iii ~c Chi 1 coat George of Gk> Cockey Peter E . . :>. jmi tell os Clark flpnry /<. n Carr Fqeldpr .<1 ,;A ' .r; Cox Joseph ~ , Cover Thpmftt ;. rant Carr William D ]j ' (i Ctyckey John <*, ;/T iit;h Carr Janie? II Cromer John v( li Collins Henry C Corcoran Christopher Carter Charles , , Commans John.. ~r Chilcoate Aquilla 'Camper JohiiM Cox WilliainH ‘ Corkrbii/Francis & ' Cole Abraham of LewisCockey Gbdlgq B ' Conoley Thomas Cross WilHaril' 1 , Cahoon William C Cockey Thomas B , Cole 8 Howard Childs George h ' Qole Lewis R ; v 1.; Cockey ThomaS D,pf T Cockey Joshua Jr !" CahoOn John - 1 ‘ Crother John Jr > i -.i''Chilboat John of John CollinsSamnri li*)' Go* W|flfim | F"N |:o '' Cross Valentine Wmi ~Cdnmor:Jdhn / i*. 1 n . ’j Cockey William H i' h Cunningham John Cross Richard.G . ii.i. Connor Johit ?sin . .Commorell William I Cross Philamor ( w’; Chilcoat George pf John Connor James , • m. Childs Thomas C iChilds-Jcmnrßn .T? Conner Bernard jy Ducr Charles Durham George ,W Duer Ralph L Dorr Henry j' wa Dofsey Owen S Daley Seth Deizel John Dorson Vincent Duncan William Dearihg William B Dorkan Johon Davis A B Dorsey John Doherty Tliomas Duncan John D C Debaugh. CharleS Douch William Debaugh Augustus Daugherdy Cormick Dorsey William H /' B- • luiJiMi/iaignooirio wu! ? if if i?i:op >!•• sillil !Mil' Ensor Abraham C ’ Ensor Darby 8 i.m -i i Ensor George C Ensor George of Darby Ensor Edward C ; Rackbert William ' Ensor Aquilla ■: Ensor James B >1 It-' Ensor John E i . Ensor Luke;E tr Ensor William C ,!- Ensor John of iA/ i - •• Ensor George S Ensor William Oq ' : Ensor George K Evans John / : i j. Enderson John Eospr Josephas Emory D C II t . > Emory D H Ensor WiHiam C Ensor John T of DarbyEnsor George of Wm Ensor Mordecai F ;“•> T..7 Feast Samuel * Farley Michail Fitzgerald Pateric Flood Bernard Freeland James Fishpaw Wm H Flinn John FrasureGeo 1 ‘f'' 1 Fowble Joseph M Frederick George Freeland Daniel Frederick Christian ' u France William Fitzgerald Christopher Fitzgerald Patrick Fitzsimmons John N Frederick William !! Fortune Thomas a Green Wm G Goodwin Owin Green John W Gent Wm Jr ■' . ‘ i Griscom Edwin C Greaser Frederick * 1 Griffith John S Griscom Frederick Gent William C Griffith John J Griscom Powell , !t George John , Gambrill B B Geypan David Gorsuch Wm , Gorsuch Noah j i Griffith John Gorsuch Dickinson Griffith Edwin Gent Alfred R Goodwin Thomas Gent Alfred J Griffith Thos F Sen Gerver John M Griffith Abraham Galloway Aquilla Gill Josiah Gent Henry C Greaser Jacob Galloway Tliomas Greaser Sylvester Gosnell Henry Gent John R 1 Good John W Gent Wm of Thos Gill Joshua ~i ( H Howard'John , Harisori Walter Harper Jobn Ileiser James Hoffman Wm D Jr Hoffman Casper Hines John S Henry Johri B Hoffman Cincinnattus Harris Epliriaim Harris Henry Hanley James Hooker Amos B Hoffman Parker , Howard Benjamin Hariley Patrick Harris Wm. Hicks Joshua; / Howard Joshua Henry Charles Hunt Geo G Hovtard James Hutton Wm G Hook Cumberland Harper Thomas Hutton Robert J Howard Jarred Hall Thomaß L Hoffman Ghristian Hedrick Robert Sr Heilig Wm M . X i- m. mu; Ingham Thomas ■ J! “'! I'' 1 '' ‘ J. Jessop Abraham Jockel Jacob Jessop Chas L ' • Jackson Benjamin Johnson Philys Justus John ; ‘ Jessop George Jones David Johnson William Jessop Charles N. Jessop William Johnson Joshua. Johnson Abraham G X Kirk William Kelly Wm T Kaving John Krapp John Keys Charles Karper Geo Kerney Wm Klindinst Andrew Kerney Thomas Kelly Eli Kerney Thomas of WmKelly John G Kelley Joseph Kelly Thomas Keys Lloyd S Kelly Peter. ... Keys Wm Kerny Patrick Keys Geo Keating John Keating Thomas i Keneday - Philys Kelroy Thomas . 1 h-A e g-dqqa smc V Lynch Jethro Lee Alexander N Leaf John Lee Wm N ■; Long Henry uxi Love Thomas ! " Lloyd William . Lindamore Henry Lee Thomas J Lee Alfred G ■AMf.U. HUT Morfoot Robert McNally Arthur Matthews John D Matthews Oliver Miller Geo H Matthews Geo j. Macauley Robert B Matthews Josiah P Miller James H McCombs A P Matthews Thos H Matthews Benjamin P Mills Henry Maloni Thos W Merryman Geo J Monahan Owen p Matthews Mordicai H McLaughlin Luke ...i Martin William Master Joseph R . j Matthewe Aquilla Matthews Richard B. Matthews Irea Matthews .Christ W Matthews Irea of T Minnick Peter Marten John Sen Miller Urias J : v Matthews Elias Marks Daniel I , Y McCauley John Mark Wm . i Merryman John W Mark Hamilton J Musgrove Stephen Mays Jeremiah ■' Musgrove WmS McCan John Miles Joshua McDonnell-Thomas Manior Peter Matthews John Musgrove Ira Murphy Thomas Marthland Samuel Matthews Wm W/i *1 Neely Robert Neppenbnrger Conrfld Nalor John If * j ‘.I / / O Ohara Martin O'Connor Hugh Oneal Owen . Qttmer Henry :i - i Osborn Joseph T , j ‘( | Parks Edwin D Price Samuel *B \ Price John O Parks John Poteet Zephaniah Parks Peter Jr ! ;, . Parks John T Parks John Parsons Goo W ‘ Petticord William ft; Price Esra Price Israel Sr 1 Price Josiah Price Samnel Jf Price Samuel M PriCe Robert F’ " Price Skelton Peter Sr , Price Thos J ' ’ l Parsons William '7. , Price Beal Parks John P D Price Jas M ~ Pettteorjl Kinsey Petticord Wm B f^Price'Enjirn Pearce Jas L Priec Bites R - '7 5 Price Nehemiah Price Jjofon to-Am Price Isaac M ■' H Pridd Thomas C Proctor John C w. f Pearce JaYnes LJr • - , Proctor Robert S Pearce Thomas T G Petticord Wr*OX Price RobertL r sy Price Levi ?' Price Oliver mJ- Parks ■Parks L Prici Stephen R * Parks Williririi - ’ Pearce Thomas C Price Joseph R Jr Price Evan M Price William M Price William M Ports Tljoinaa J., :j Price Dilniel M, ; ; ~11 Jti Ann-.,', i) Aril K. . - . _ . „• i.-.j-.shuP A.eattittiA li bi- .s j. w r , iU ' Rider Edward Roe John K Reuler Ferdinand Riley John Rinehart Absalom Royston William T rvmvi’v.'-mr .-...i..Lr±rj.u s . OkU-h -t—M s i OLD SERIES—VOL. 15, NO. 81S. .-Ss/ask Rinehart John W 1 ,1 ' i Rider Lewis J ' ,: Royston John 8 .i.lj ' ‘ Rinehart Jesse , Reynolds Thomas ; ;- J; RihehfcW Jedse Jr " ‘ 1 ,■ e -'I-" .'V *,'} . V-'.. ® v>- Seipp George Boott William H H.. Smith Robert 8“ ' '‘“Starr Jeremiah Shaffher Samuel J -i Shirdan'Columbus Sweru Araon .j ;i r , |Stevenson Edward'S Shelly George E Shipley Vincent T l lShipley Oth;!. iu Shaw William Bwem George tr Shipley John F ’ Sanaa SaniUel Smith Jacob Stifler Jackson J Srollein Jacob Shock/Jehm B- him ,< Scott Edwin , ,BcqtiJob® in, / i BhaneybrookAthony SprOle William Scott Thomas M ;j . 'Stinehagen Richard Swain Stephen Smyser Emanuel'D s Sad tier Jon n P ua ?1 Scott Abraham,o Seajly Thomas !iiu , Stains Caleb D Sad tier George F Shealer Jacob G Sadtler Benjamin jj lii.-j./'i fW.jbi.* le'-mWt' to irJ>!Hiat ir. , Taylor John H <:Tremble Charles T , .Tiptop Shadrach, ■ „ .gTracy John - in-; ; n Thomas Henry Tracy Sterrett , , Tracy Benjamin ■*'''“ l Tracy William Tracy! Ephraim / - Thomas John Tiprqbaugh Wtitium Thompson William 8 ?urnbaugh John . Trimble Henry C aWney Thomas t> Thomas William H Tipton Jefferson Taylor GeOrge U vi ’ * jj, Uhler William H Uhler George W ( iUhler Johnsey Underwood Jacob ' ’ >mi ivj 'r.; i •;'* •’•W ? n! - Willis John Wheeler Artemas Wheeler William D Wesley Henry Wamwright James A Wesley George Wainwright Samuel E Wooden William 'Weaver Daniel i! Williams Daniel Wainwright James John ■/;.# m Welsh John Weest JohnP Wethers Joseph Wilson William 0 Wheeler Evan D •;! Worden James Weaver Jacob , .Wisher George 0 ;:i Wafa Thomas nr 1/ fflj 1110 uwUH Zink John Zink Matthias , T0ta1.............;.:..... 495. -* 1 ABRAHAM JEBBOP,) ,[ .n EDWARD RIDER, V Registers. > ROBT. S. SMITH, j Tenth Election District. ,| -lijji-rn iim. i'*vv.-;-i:>‘i.iu •,' HI ■■ • .rt Anderson Ira G Amarine John T Anderson Benjamin T Amarine Henry Akehurst Charles dl Araoe John O Akehuret John .. Anderson Charles W Anderson Columbus Anderson Samuel M Anderson William H H Albergt John Anderson George W " ' f '"‘ .ik ' n > JS* Bond John Barrett John Jr Bosley S Parker Belt Ebenezer Barrett Edward "< Belt John G Bode Pdnrad Berry William i: 1 Bullock James £ Burke Henry Bacon John E Berger Jacob Bosley George A Beard William Bosley Samuel h v Badders Walter B €• Cuddy Elibu Carr William A Curtis John S Carr Jesse A Curtis Eli Cole Moses P Carlin William , Cuddy John P < Carlin William Jr Curtis Levi Chenworth John T Curtis William T Carlin Josiah Chilton William F Colwell William H '!) I,'JilT IP* * Duncan SS Defendaffer Henry |(i Durham Parker Defendaffer Amos G E* Evans William i- Elliott Thomas A Evans Charles F. Ford Francis M Freeland William T Frazier John Fell Willi*® J Fugit Martin V Forwood William Fitzimmons Patrick J Fisher Richard Fitzimmons Philip Fishpaw Aqnilla Freeland William Fittwater George u. Galloway Aqnilla < Gardner James Guthrie Alexandria Gardner Joshua G Galloway William Green Henry Griffith Thomas T Jr. Goods John Gartner John A Hobart William ■. * ; Homan John L Hunter Pleasant Herbert Richard W. Hutchins Richard M. Hutchins William Hagerty John R. Howard Samuel Hanley Owen Hamilton James A Hollinbnrger Joseph Hutchins, William H Harman George Hutchins John S Hutchins Richard Henderson James Homan Henry I J* Joyce John Johnson Clarance Johnson Merriken B Johnson David Justis Israel Johnson Jacob Johnson Benjamin T Jessop Edward ‘Johnson Joshua K. Kelley William H King Isacc Kone William H- Kay Janies Kirr Archie •' - Kaufman John T • X. Lytle Thomas Lytle Nicholas D Lentz George ;■ u- Leight Willian H. L. Lafferty Patrick Legg John T Lafferty Henry , M. Matthews Thomas JJr Miller Samuel Madary William F McNicholas John McCaslin John Morrison Henry Morris Henry D. Moores James S Matthews George H Marsh Joshua jMadaria John Murphy Cornelia* Myer George , Murphy John McComas James B Miles John B Murray Lewis * Murray Michael H Morris Owen 0 Matthews Thomas J Sr Miles Nelson R Miles Thomas McComas John M ' Matthews Dennis M McComas John M Jr. Marsh Beal •- , Mile* James ’ McMann Frisby H Miller Peter Merry man Leri ' I¥* Norris James Norris Thomas J Norris George Norris Nicholas J ■Norris Thomas Naw John o. Ogle George W **• Parker Joshoa H Price Thomas Pearce John Bqcoi Price Caleb t Pearce Micajah Price David B Parker James A Parker John _ Pearce Edward G Price Dr. Abraham H Patterson John G 1 Price Daniel Parker Nicholas H Price Jacob Parker John . I Pearce John C Phil pot Thomas' 1 Price Robert 0 Pearce William Price Charles Price Wafrick Poooek John Price William H Price Joshua R Price John B 1 . \ Price William .philpof jcihti' Proctor George Price Jrtehua ; n Jlil Pearce William Jr . i Price George W . Pease Louis Parsons Lewis Ptfrdue William T -n B* rfoyston'Rohert l ' l ') ! IKchardson JameS A Royston Robert J ’ Royston Bosley ..Rowe James F <. &i ' Richardson Joshua K Richardson Jdhn F ' Royston John H B Hovston Joshua M ' Richardson Thomas <* Randall Thomas D f Royiton Wesley A Stonebraker Wash Stabler Elisha Smith Rezia Thomas . Sparks Josiah Smith Joseph , ,| | Sqheesler Nicholas j; Smith Jqhn i> Sutton Abraham L Standiford Richolaa.J. Sparks James R . : ’Sdlmelkolpf Job* T . Stonebraker Joseph H Schmidt Johh ~„,u , Smith Thomqs . ; SphnMder Lawrence Sparks Francis M,j , Stritehoff John Seidel John Seipp Conrad Shurmer George Adam Sullivan John Shearer Van Buren Scarborough Ezek iah Sharply Job nj! P'! i* Smith Frank Sheppard Grenbnry P Sparks S G Slade William H " • I Stritehoff Frank B Stansburry Dixon _ i Slothower Mdrris ,Y ATTH s ) T ? B < [ ; Tyrrel Edward N TrSy James,S Tyson Richard Tipton Iya Q T/son GCOrgS ■* Through William ff Tipton Sllos< - TKV TrapaJobh^U Troyer Hanson A Traps John A. i ■ • ') ili) i Vaflce William (J !../■■-' Vance James W -•* A ,BAM Wl 1 .il HHOL Williams Jerhu Wilson James N Wilson AseL (jK rnp iWheelcr Jamca , > Wright Jdhn J'' Whistler LbsM Weakley Edward A- Wilson John M Wilson Gittings Young Abraham York George S * Total 250: / h, ,: WILLIAM C. VANCE, 1 W. STONEBRAKEB; \ Registers. JOSHUA H. PARKER, j Thirteenth Election District. ■* j ~ H HM< A.’lHib 1 I Vil r A rj:i v.:iMAb Arnold Rodrick Alderedge Rodrich H Arnold Henry F ) >'C'\ f i ‘; ■ ‘ • " :i "B * z 4 " *>i. vsdmsToff g o ™* I L ff 11 *" lCT h Beneza Frederick Burns William ‘ Burden William! J v l Belt Amos lo gnil&aiV Budday Louis Baldwin Nelson Baxter James Bradley Nathaniel ( R , Beasley George 1 Biandean Adam Bear John Brandean Christian o fl Y Coursey Edward B Clemmons Jesse Cappeau Jabez Cubbins Thomas fr , Councilman John Colwell 8 B Carter George Cassell Daniel Coursey Wesley B Carney Owen ' ' Councilman Charles Carroll Nicholas D Derroff Frederick Dorsey William Drake Pleasant H Derring Henry Detxel Frederick . .t, ■ \ :i as u E .1 S .**l 5 -■*— <& English Thomas J Evans Louis ‘ Earp William P Elkelman Casper Elder Michael H Eyer Jacob Ewing William F Fowler Robert Fowble Conrad , * G Gelleman Christian Gaither Dennis Wi - Gibbons Isaiah Gibbons James ... muiu Ginneman John F • . . , lu i(j! Woi:ot H Hedian Martin Hebher’Johti Hoyer Amos Heilman John J > ' Hoff John L - Hess Conrad wa aO Holden Joseph W Hess George J Jinkins Davis E Jiokins James H Jones Edrain " K Kerby Louis V KilmanJohnO Kerby Zachariah Keath William L Lewis Wilson : n Link Adam Lewis John W Link John ~rt.>a • - : <tr Levering Edward J Leitheiser John N Levering Jesse L Linthicum J Solon S Lewis George W "I 1 ‘ ..y.W.uiol-.V^^vA McFadden William Monsberger Paul McGinniss John Minnis John McKeen Josiah Minnis Elijah : ' Minnis Timothy Ments Christian P Paul William Pamphilmon James R Randle Richard Reis Henry ; i ; Rabaum Henry Rick John S Sedicum John Smith Henry ’ Sehley William Shriner Louis E -A' Shelright George F J Smardon William . \ Shelright Wm H A Smardon Elia* Skinner Bachovan C Smith William H T Tillman Thomas J Turner Richard T Tillman William J Trueat Earnest Xillman David H w Wade William H Wever Thomas Wagoner Philip Watte Benjamin T West John Work Benjamin F ./• Wade John J Waters William T ’ , Winters Abraham Whittentore Lormah Wade George W Whittemore Edward Worth Samuel Waltemyer Francis G F Total 118. F. G. F. WALTEMEYER,) EDW. WHITTEMORE, [Registers. ELIAS SMARDON, ) Sept 30.—2 t. W. P. DAILY, No. 11 Light street, 2 Doors below Fountain Hotel, Baltiuork. MANUFACTURE A DEALER IN SURGICAL Instruments of every description. Cutlery, Shoulder Braces, Syringes, Ear Trumpets, and every variety of struments for the Deaf. Galvanic Magneto Electric Batteries, Micro •cope*, Stereoscopes, Thermometers, Barometers Spectacles, Reading Glasses, Magnifying Glass es, Field and Opera Glasses, Spy Glasses; Agent for the Craig Microscopes, Beautiful Microscope Objects, Daily’s Ventilated Truss for all sises, Wholesale and Retail. DAILY’S VENTILATED TRUSS, FOR THE CURE OF HERNIA OR RUPTURE, Has probably done more good than any inven tion of the age. It will cure if cure is possible. i I have applied it to about five thousand persons, most of whom have been relieved. When its merits become known it will be the only Truss worn in the world. The Truss will be applied by the inventor. Call and examine theartide. W. F. DAILY, • 11 Light St., 2 doors below Fountain Hotel. Aug. 26.—3 m n . TO ]FARMERS. 100 TONS OF SUPERIOR FISH PHOSPHATES AND OUANOS. For sale by , F. F. POPE, 85 South Street. Aug. 26, 186S.—ly ' fismT msmi: , jSBKiu !f .; > “‘■ Mt woiu I *i! In Mackerel, HERRING, n .1 AND OTHER FISH CONSTANTLY^RIf 11 ' i>* < CEIVING on hand and for salfe by 'M--' -‘F. F. POPE, •/! ■ .(• 85 South St., below Pratt. Aug. 26, 186&—.1y . . . AUCTIONEER’S CARD. THE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Baltimore county, that he con tinues the business of ah ‘ * “ 1 AUCTIONEER, and i prepared to sell real and personal i i erty of every description, ongiiod term*, at M 1 WILLIAM DUNCAN, Shawan. P. 0., Baltimore county. Sept. 2.—tf,