WaiQ , tE”.TOsJ<‘¥— B3.l :
And loud and clear with cheer on cheer •_ .
■ ' an ww wmiiMiiiiyi. |T 1
Hurrah! Hurrah! H.bake* tl*e ware,
It thunders on the shore,—
one land, one heart, one hand; 11 1 : •
1 Q*|Sinusarewtorc! D^
SATURDAY, OCT, 7, 1866.. oS
H. C.JLONGNECKER, > Editor#; j fart'
J. B.tyNGNECKER, J aoB /'
trtrtoi NOMINATIoIrS.
V :...i).■ i i
‘ ;
Hon. D. C. 1L EMORTf.
- A.
R SHERIFF, nnrffltdA 'gnvo
v . - j £’ : 'f f
daniel J. McCauley,
II r ,-fu SI nojilA ilarsbofl tilortl
Surveyor, 3 xi*n w-a*
nENlfr SHEW. ‘
Meeting of the County Union Con-'
borlsll mention.
Tbfi lieTegatea met in $e Court Room, at;H
o’clocks** Wednesday last, and organized by
appointing Geo. Slothower,, temporary Chairman
and 0. C. Warfield, Sec. The following are the
Delegates elected from the sever most
of trhom wfefe present: iiono
lri District -rR. H. Thompson, Geo. H. Whittsmore,
J. K. Crosby, O.C. Warflejd, Joshua Muller. ~
2d do.—Geo. SlotlipvCer, J. Dixon O'DvH, C. T. Har
vey, Christiwi-IHwter. Knoch-fl. Thonipitoih'
3d do.—John S. Berry, F. 1. Morling, Jasper X. Slack,
James L. Ridgely, Jr., John Iteltch.
4tA do.— E. L. harsh, David S. Longnecker, Martin
Barr, Peter Vopderamith, A. IV. Gore.., t ,3 r,
Uh do.— BlQ. B. BhsH, Thomas Hale, A. S.
John A. JtWtP H 'A.*,., ***
6th do.— Robert F.arickson, Piter Bi.■ WDhelut, Ntf?
thaniel Spicer, John K. Bull, Dr. R. K. Jones.
7th do. —Alfred S. Cooper, Morris Frederick, H. C.
McCallister. Micajah F. MertiNtt, Thos. E. Ensor, •
9th do. —R. S. Smith, Jas. B. Ensor, Powell Griscoa),
Isaac It. Price, Ell T. Kelley. . T scniOifT ! ::v:
9th do.— Heury-.1,. Bowen, Wm. J. BrypoffuiCSfSW As
Conner, Jariiealf Sigltli, 5ep.2) Stein, . j- t ;p r ishl
lOfA do.—John G. Pattersoir. John Bond, James $:•-
Henderson, Josiah Sparks, James B. McComirj.
lit* do. —Jesse Garrett, Hotrail P. German, Geo. 1..
Edwards, Peter B. Haley, JohriVlraw.
12th do. —David Parlett. Win, Button, Chas, R.Mapc, r
David K. Lusty; Thotoiis James.
13fA do. —Martin Hedian, Edward Whittemore. V. 0.
F. Waltemyer, Thomas J. English, Jno. W. Lewis,
Their ftedcialiiils, being found correct,'*com
mittee on permafiirrrt organizations reßdftbd thf ’
following olficers : ,
President—George Sldtsower ; Vice-Presi
dents—Jessee Garrett aud. Ren j. B. Bush $ !f?ocre
taries 0. C. Warfield and Alfred S. Coopmv i- {>
On motion of F. L. Moiling, each.Dfet. was*
empowered to flit Vacancies in its delegation.
A committee of one fronkseacli District, was
appointed Vj-.the chair to draft Resolutions, con
sisting of George 11. Whittemore, C. T„ Harvey,.
J. L. Ridgely, Jr. E. L. Lursh, Benj. B. Bnsh,
Dr. Jones, H. C. JlcAllistenfiJl. S. Smilh, 11. L.
Bowen, J. ( s..A|c€onias, Jesse Garrett,, Dj KG
Lusby, (chairman, j).F. G- f- Wa IV? pay fiv.. Ad-•
journed to ll o’clock P. M~
After dinner tbe Conreadou re-assemhlcd nnj
went into.nominatidos with the foliowiug.resu!t:
For fudge— Hon. D. C. H. Emory of tbeßtb
District, by acclamation. V? . >v
For Sheriff, —John K. Halrvey of the 2d Dis
trict, on the fourth ballot. The other candidates,
voted for for Sheriff, were Messrs. Forsyth, Cal
lings, Foster, Hytorrifon, Trwy and Tipton. /i
For Treaturer^Vim. Foster of the 7tlrDisC
trict, on the fifth ballot. other candidates
for Treasurer were Messrs, Wil4elmj Pinry
ker and Cole.
For County Commissioners —Joshua F / Cock
ey of the 7th District, Daul. J. McCauley of the
Ist, and Jas. Button of tbel2th, all on the first
ballot. They are the presefit incumbents. The
other candidates were Messrs, Hall, Morliug,
Matthews and Fox.
For County Surveyor, —Henry Shew of the ()th
District, on ; the seeond ballot. Tbe other eaiHr ;
date for thisofficc was Sami . T. Shipley .‘Frank L.
Morling of the 3<l District, whs previously elected
Snrreyor But declined th<Toffice. f !J ri :n ”
All the nominations were
The Chair was authorized to. appoint an Execu
tive Committee of two from! each District, to act
for tbe ensuing year; After thanking the offi- :
cers for the manner id which they conducted the
exercises, the'Convention adjourned.
Resolutions Adopted by, the Convention.
Resolved, That the gratitude of the American PeojJe,'
is due /to jtbe Arm* and Navy of the United StaUjs, for
their trobw. fiirofc and persistent labor by which the
Constitution Rtod.the .Union have been rescued from de.
■truction, and that they have by their devotion UDd
■elf sacrifice for the nation, in the hoar f it* trial, (led
icated the aameof the American soldier ahd.Vdilor to
imperishable renown.
hetolved, That in behalf ofthe Loyal fieople of Haiti-,
more county, we expressly return thanks to the voliih
teer soldiery of the county, yl*>. turrvndepirg the com
forts and endearments*of home, sprung at tlie nation's
call to/WstSie-M* threatened life. We.honor them .foi-i
their patriotism and heroism and demand for (hem from
the State and general Goventhteiit, it generous and sub
stantial recognition of the alai,uu of the living, and of
the representatives of the honored dead.
Resolved, That the name of Abraham Lincoln, the Il
lustrious martyr to tbe cause of human freedom, will be
embalmed in the memory of.true men, throughout the
earth so long aa the rights of mgu shall be respected,
nndconittitancnal governmdrit shall survive, and that
bis wise anffsuccessful Administration of the govern
ment during its terrific trials. Justly entitle him tordnk
among the noblpst,benefactors of his country. . , i:J
A’rsolrei, that in Andrew. Johnson the Vrcsidcut. of
the Untte'd States, we recognise a represeotaUve succes
sor ofthe mnstrious Lincoln, In erery .inspect worthy
of the wonfidencc aud cordial support of his coitntrymeh.
That we heartily endorse the plan inaugurated by
him, and now in successful m-agrgss ,foc reuniting the
whole country, and n>epenile of the Uni
tional sovereignty has been finally settled, aud the dis-
sublime, noble and magnanimous in its conception, and
destined to advance the N’ation to a higher degree of
prosperity, than it has ever hewtoforeatthiaed. f ;■>
Resolved, That the admiawtration of His Excellency
Augustus W. Bradford as Governor of Maryland has
been able, *fsie and patriotic, and we shall ever regard
him wltt kraHtwde and pride.
ResOiooi, That whilst we rejoice in the feet, that the
trial by arms has firmly established tbe sovereignty of
he nation, in the Federal Government, yet we do not
mean to ignore the legitimate doctrine of State Rights,
paramount among which is the exclusive State njftit
to regulate suffrage, and we are uncompromlsinlgy op
it! Thatwrhr# to all .chhfigi
Constitution or Maryland, by which negro suffrage^fishy
SLOT&OWER 1 , Chairman'
a lasar*-}
The Candidates.
•The nominations of the late Cocnty Conven
tion arrnoSv before the people. They are men
of well-known character and loyalty, and as
aocb, comnfehrf Ibfitnselvee toNhfi earnest supj*lt
ofthe Union men ofthecoonty. JK|ere may be
some heart-burnings at tbe failure of personal
friends, but these aboald all be laid aside now,
and the united fiirspgtb of the Union, .party ,1)$.
brought out to secure their election.
Oso. B. Micx.loAW. gentleman, who hajd
the poeition of Deputy Collector In the Baltimore Ous
tom Houm duringdh# if*
partnership with Renry W.. Rodgers & Ca. corner fjfj
Fayette iod Charles Sts, Baltimore, in the purchase.,
and sale of ali itinds of Real Estate. Mr. Mllllgap is
toftthar-MMI fchraMMjr J,
H TllwWh Qt
.V t a* v t!-.H {> M jufitf
A few* weeks.ago. geneva! rc
- the'Ttiajority of the people for whfMfe
they acted. Our neighbor of the Journal infliis.
last week’s paper, copies a portion of our arliWe;
with an attractive display of capital letters and
a few introductory remarks whltN are evidently
tififeidedftfi itfettatize the Primary Meetings
‘ i -ihe prmctpleTor wVicn We wore contending
is the good old principleMiat nw
,gorily shall rtf f Thomas Jeflerron, who in thl
- jurer dayE of the Democratic partyYVAj pi'bmily
Called it#‘* , FA^lief) M fu'-hfS remaps on American
Democracy, says— "Absohd* acquiescence in the
'decisions of the majority is?flie vital principle of
' Democracy
ri|resent dahlias loptf swee discatcJed fibifi ptitanJ
: pie oCtteUwt-TU- hVßibdsU authqc, 'Ahd it is
dlain to^scc^iifl^r, neighbor is allied to that
r reckless faction wlio'roa# up in arefe again?! the
dkcisiou of tUC %s fairly ?xprcssed-iu the
weetion of Abrahßtn Lincoln, and attempted toi
;strik* deatb-blow nt this “The vital principle
Joif Republics,”
’ “It makes a vast-difierence <ln:opinion about
the utility end ; happens to fall
tp one’s when a fewnuqprjnciji^d.
i?en, in tne interest of thg* most vicious social
institution of,tbsagg, egiifd Conventions ih tbeir
several States, and Delegates were l Chosen there
to by the 6f a hurried electioa, and
those Conventions, in-seen;t session,: ftdopted or
dinances of secession without dariug, in some
cases tQfidbm?!’Hie <|3estlon the ieoplc, r|l,
this, tq.ijur neighbor’s idea, Was veryi
Well. And when a minority thus chosen by h
'.minority, organized #toVennent, :
and let loOso.the korrkane of war against those
v?bo were willing to the “vital princi
nle of the(>RepttWto,:‘* v waffi their lives, *!! this
very w^F. n 1 rfff; IVKhn jhe yhoson
ftt linixjs of tlio
Same heatiess luhioritC, this, kro suppose,
1 ;|njas very remarks wero “un
kjnd,” Hey were cer
tainly most !‘unklndV to him aud who
ini oppositionTO thi; prindple which he fldeccat
eu, brought all the desolarigm and woe of the
fast four years nnonpur li^TO. , (i , ,
We have lately Vearo much of a “so-uaiied”
Confederacy, a yffjOffjfegeffi Presi
dent, Guiftdttaiai' Rrriiy, and va->
various other “Jb-callerf” IfistftofioW.’ But if
cvjer there "|3 n T d U,e
tie n So'Cnrie3 f/ 1 nsUicUemocracy of our neigh*
,t(Jr when he hogtfjty to the principle
that majority f Oml ; - n
fl'he (tfr;wuliJlijr;of.the;fViest;nt term of Court
i Visited the-Cioiifity : ,la?iand made a report upou
general con d ‘safety cqrnpli-
the Sheriff and Wra£en for the cleanly
.•condition in wluch T it was tound, and the ajipar
cnl good ordfct with which it is conducted.
They condemp)lJ*s ; buildlng however, as unfit
for the pßrpoflM*HsiHta! prisoners, the walls
,be{og built of small, soft stones and -worthless
mjrtar, can ljeoasily peuetmted-. at any.
point. As; RjjteftMifiraty itcmedy they suggest
tiitt the inside of tbe lined with iron,
find intimate^lhnt -the.puLHg safety may.soon re->
iejuire a new Jail- built with some regard io the
usf for which iCis designed.
Our readers ktSfi informed lime ,lo i
time of thofreqiienqy and uase wTtlviJf hich: those
in by Wigging thiough the
yrajlls. Two or three deiatchmcnre have left in
ihip way. Lately howoveirjHhe prison discipline
becomeiso ilni#tiiat ■prfeoners are not' jtut to
tlxj uupktea*F- rteevSsHy 1 digging tfcrongh a
wall when they wantdi leave. They simp
■ij feet permission: thf'enjpty a swill barrel or do'
-fibUie other little chore about tbe house “sinff 'tlWtr
tfalk off. Two of tbe inmatis withdrew iu this
waji' a feV wefikfi'tfgb; Deeji regret is telt fit their
nee. It vfutf’AUb/l* finkiud in them to leave
a? (hey priyileges they en.-
jdybu. An<i tfeey rfhereby afrcctidßatcly invb
‘ted, to return;rurdanjOy tbe ihospitiili lies of the
Cointy as heretofore, with tL#proiuise of increas
ed freedom aud-MIC fififiurfiote that tlley Asill no
mo(-e be seL to the>disagreealble tatfk of eUiplving
a skill barrel. - -'.‘r ' *
• r; j n;u,l .il, i u.f.num 1 u.M'i
*i; fittitibiug Properly, advertised in this
ssftiier, will. be ?6Td ;is stalc'd;below : "
rAi ! A B “w* n *
Valuable Ffmp pf ft acre?, witli good country
Mill, and On Run.i- Jno.
Scdtt. ea£n “''
! ’yaluable House and Lot iu the centre-of Tow
3jjn>own, on the R. ltoud aal#Turnpike, suitable
for (public Payne, Agt. n ,{ , ...
4 number of vpliviljtp Adams Co.
Pa. for sale hv.Jobn C. 'Zouek, Agt.
; , Tg i*Masa
''Monday, October 9th, at the Court m Tqwsqfe
town, a Farm of 146} acres juGreeh Spring Val
ley,: known as “Risteau’s GffSrisou,” with first
clash improvements. Trutees.
Monday, Oct. 9th, qn t\ie N. C. liii W., ! ntr
Lut ierville.*fTfere!eJH(wt?%,{2 Cows, 16 v Hog,
with the usual Farmiug utenrila,•Furniture Ac.
Ruth C. Lynch.
Ofn Tuesday,RiJfetobw IDMi; Valuable Property
in 1 owsg*t(flvficreS, |3 Roods and 13 Pereh
!TS, ine Dwellingl&eJ H. Bowen, Tpiistee.
V'ednesday, Oct. llib, on the premffees, 1}
Mi. from Reislerstown. Fiv|4,ots of land, much
of J< in good timber. S. IP. Wocksdale, Trustee.
Thursday, ocbH3lfr, at Sh'awau, of
Stock, ImpleniferitSj FhifnituK* &c. Wft, Dun
can, viaH noaivnoK
‘ Oct Pith oh*ttw-Old Vork Road, 20
mSds from BailimiifojLd-.efiMdleuf Firnpi of 71
ticirty with pood; iuiptovettWMits, also, a qun
tity of stock, farming ufeflMls &c. Joseph Pari
• Soh4 R udoL Fdilf il Mlli!'!
Far-m or acres oa the.OJd
Frederfdk V HMB,'' 4 tfffies /mnu the city, with
Frame IjlA-h’ aria'jtable, on Monday
Oct ?3d. Beii.tfiWifi
Ten acresuf WqdillandgtUie crossing of the
Bel-fiir and Joppa ltoads t oq. Sat., Oct. 23th.n-
Reuben Tovel, ‘Atltufri.
L Wijrm of 190 acres, 5 mi k |Tbm Reisterstown,
watered and good/buildingg on
Sat. ’ moning, Oct 2SU. Kemp. :
Mbnday, Oct. 'JOth, on ihc North Point Road
ti iej. from Baltimore, a fari{o>f 95 acres with
good improvements and a Wood loi of fio acres,,
adjoining. T. Parkin Scott, Trustee.
Monday, Oct. 30th, Farm*§f 128 acres, near
Parkton on the N. C. R. R. with dwelling, .harn,
out-buildings, orchard, wdcM-land &c.; the prop
erty of the late Wn. Ploritaian. J: T, Ensor,
■-■■■ -.A* ' ' \
The Base Ball Match, at Towsontown on
Thursday of last Week, was a interesting
and ppirited affa}r (j and'the playing throughout
was good. The
the Monumental pfiil) of Raßimore, but a num
ber of other Club? were represented. Tb visiitr
oi s took dinner af tHe medley,” .which
two sides were'ehoaen, repreaenting “The Fair
Ladies of “TUe.Fair Ladies or Tow
sontown.” .This'following was the result of the
.gamfe: 1 " ,■ ■ . y; ,;.
Fair LadiM of Towsogjown, 36 Innings,
| fair Laditim Baltimore, .24 “
After the game, the visitorf&were entertained
by Mr. others of our; eitifens,
mad they returogd to th#-city;Jn the evening, ap
parently much pleased with the day’s sport. We
nope this may not be. the-lasfc'visit Of the kind
■ we shall have, , Thr& ifi a gbOd ground here for
the game, apd a visits majr ;Un
duce some of oUr citizens to muanize a similar
club] *V . .
i j a.iMia.ntiiJfeiß - u*> U
Tris TBLBGBtnjf pre ptittrftg 1 up the
~ yusefi on thilpftTt or tJre’Tfrte and hope soon to
hli’e it in wbrij|pg fir'der, Chi’**, Shaw of the
Smedley House, hits fiffeVed 1 tfeem fi.’irooin for an
offiice at’thty site.Wrnestl} hop?, with
this liberal OWf fintf .Aich ffiriher inducements
fiereur citizens the Company will
doeWe to WWjl n 'Zl K
taal/l. •jitwf) vtiaiiHpi bantu* >
ok?, ■’ mwoM o*V tweriß ndot n*
■S i
if Runt’s GHrffe?! on Iriei Sundavl Was Well ttt-
J. 8i tffSfttler id fctlHrge,
deliyerwh most logical and fimlctive ??rmon in
*,hb nibrhlng, after which ,tlie sacrament of the
Lord's tilßpper was mlroirilatered. 1 the uftei*
<Ms was tnudt increased the
of the Qffgustewn choir, who...had been invited
to be present, in Charge of Jas. W. Gurley, Esq.
A protracted meeting has been In progress at
Hunt'B during the week. \s
. At'Eater’B Meeting House, a meeting has been
Vjhfuygress for three weeks, conducted by the
Lodge, Pastor. Last Sunday four can
didates were batized by ’immersion. Next Sun
day fto-morrow) others will be immersed, imme
diately after morning service. . f . , ,
A Protracted meeting commence, fit) Sab
bath morning next*(Oct. Bth,) at tne “Kutaw”
. Msthariist -Frowwimt Ohnfrtt, RbVF Wrfi. W.
Reese, Pastor, sitpated opposite Hall’s Springs
On the Harford Turnpike,. Rev. T, D. Valjpnt
. will preach at 16} o’clock A. M. aud in the
•vening at 74. The mealing will bo continued
every evening during th£week.
The Roau from Hooks Town tW Mt. WAsniNO-
Ton. —Out article of a few wceks^since, urging
the opening f a Public Road from Hobkstown
i : to Mt. seems to have met with fa
tor.. The peopleOf lhat‘section of the County
see its importanefiAnd fife moving in the mnt
tcr. An intlSlllgent citizen of that vicinity in
formed us, that a road starting op the Rcisters
fown Turnpike at Mr. Caleb lloopcs’ lane and
passing throngh his Farfn’in a direct line, would
strike the Northern avenpe at Mt. Washington..
The entire distance would be little over two
ipiles, easy,Of construction, and would provp of
incalculable to a largo nd. populous por-
J Mon of theCouuty.
If this Road were opened to Ilookstown, would
uot be well to extend it across thp third and
and second Districts as far as ElysviU? on the B>
A O.‘P.. R- tniTfae people of that seotion of the
County likewise need a 'more direct Hoad to
’Towsontown. People may as well make up their
minds that the County building are permanent
ly located Eero in spiteof whata few interested
parties may say to the contrary. 'And this be
ing tbe permanent eentrnp business point of the
County, it is highly important that good Roads
radiate from TowsontoWu to every poftibn of the
T niJ - -ft— . \
Gonb.—Our good friena Jno. T. Ensor, Esq.,
State’s Atty., left home on Tuesday evening last,
never more to ffturn to our midst a single man.
lie is by this time securely under the yoke of
ifiatrimony. , His partqec is one ofthofair ladies
the City of Brotherly Jpove. May ihev trot
iShioothly and evenly down the dusty highway of
- ,-Life, without any balking or breaking of traces.
When we, think that there will be no more but
touless shirts and undarnfd for liw,<:
ihe has our congratufatioua- But when we think
r of the little “responsibilitUsi” that usually at
tend such a change in Life, he has our commise
.ration, i .V>- iU •"-•n'-t 1 • >' ’
/“Perpetual harmony their bed attend.
And Venus Still the well-matched pair befriend !
May she, when Time has sunk him into years,
lx)ve her old man, and cherish his 1 white hairs;
Nor he perceive lief charms thro' age derive,
But think each happy bun his bridal day !” j
j 'I l! ’ : , ‘ er
Jean, Esq., i: Constable
in the Second District, lately arrested two men
on the Liberty Road, clothed iu U. S. uniform
and riding two fine government horse's! The'
men were completely armed and equipped, and
gljbwed signs of resistance. Mr.. Jean, I bough
/entirely unarmed,,try his decided manner secured
both men aud lior-cs. Tlrey proved to lie deser
ters from the 6th 11. S- Cav. stationed at, Freder
ick, and were promptly turned over to Col.
Woolley, Prov. Mar. at Baltimore. L,i :
IxtekMal Revenue sth Distuktt Maryland.—
We are gratified to learn that (Jeo. W. Sands,
Esq., Collecteor of In tern aDRe venue for this dis
trict, collected and paid itifoj the Treasury of the
United States, within the month of September,
the large sum of one hundred and forty-six thous
and eight hundred and sevfinty-two dollars mid
sixty-two cents, received'upon the arimial asess
pient of 1864 and 1865 made by Win. Welling.
Esq., tbe efficient assessor of the district.
The Drought, throughout this Coitrity con
tinues. Farmersfoid it almost impossible to pre
pare their groand for sowing wheat, and in ma
ny cases where it has been sowed, it fails tocome
Up. Mr. John Miller, an intelligent citizen of
Cunib. Co. I’a., who spent a few days in our
town lately, reports that Abe season has been
good in his section, with plenty.of raju, aud
that some wheat luiliL are already well set'.
Fire.—Week before Inst, ;i very destructive
fire occurred in “The Fornpjft,” the property of
Satnuel Kirk, lying between the Phila. and Bel
air Roads. Ills barn, witli tbe crops, farming
implements, carriages, two mules aud six horses
i were entirely Consumed. It is supposed to have
been the work of an incendiary. The loss is es
timated at $10,00(1, with but little insurance.
•More Big A'^cktauum.—Mr. Thos. J. llijllof
Abe 12th Dist., left hi pur office a few specimen*
of Rie vegetable production of Isis District, ia
tbe shape of egg plants and sweet potatoes,
Which for size and quality are hard to bent.—,
They were grateful! disposed of according to the
directions of our cook.. Does no body else raise
brag fruit in this C'Kmtv ?. L '
***. it m yr xiii
Inquest.—Wm. Dnncoi L r l i Magistrate, held
an Inquest on the 28th nltlj on the body of a
man found lying in a garden in Texas. From
letters found on his person* he is supposed to
imye been named John Jenkins from Huntingdon
Co.' Penna. There bi-ing no marks of violence on
his person, the Jury rendered a verdict of death
from natural eauses.
,, V I I —T, ■—>*— ... ,> f, :
Seuious Loss..—On Monday Evening last, near
Lutherville, a traiu on the N. C. 11. K. ran over
three eowa belonging to Mr. Blottenbcrger of
this place, killing two and crippling the other so
that she had to be killed. Ttfe loss falls heavily
on Mr. B. as these wore-the 6nly cattle he bad;
Musical OosvEgnoN.— A musical convention
will beheld at Carmel church in the sth district
to-da£ (Sat.) Besides vocal and instrumental
music an Address on the subje. t-will be deli ver
*4 at 1} o'clock P. M. by L; M. Havers tick l , of
rTevisoiitowii. The piibßc arc invited to attend.
; -*** — i •• •
Big Aperies. Mr. -George H. Heyse, living on
the Falls Hoad near Cockey’s Tavern, showed
us some apples a few days ago, which weighed
as high as 1} pounds, none weighing less than
one pound.
Appointment.—Gov. Bradford has appointed
Edmund H. Lewis, Esq., a Magistrate for the
First District. His residence is at Wetherdeville.
Baltimurk, Oet, r>.
FLOUR —Howard Street Super SS.75 f fa,s9.l2}
“ “ Retailing Extra W.sii
“ “ Famifly Sll.flO(£j)|l L.aO
; City Mills Super..j ..$3.5
“ Baltimore Family ~514.50
Ohio Super [email protected]
“ Extra.... $0.50 @slo.oo
“ Family..... [email protected]
CORN MEAL per barrel..,., $j;00@$0.00
. GRAlN—White Wheat.... , 200@2C0cts.
Red Wheat....,...., :. 1&0 @ 255 c ts.
White Corn w:> ..85@92 cts.
Yellow Corn 94@96 cts.
Oats, (weighty) 40@50 cts.
Ry 00@85 cts.
PROVISIONS—Bacon Shoulders..2of@224 cts.
“ Sides 2(if@2oets.
Hams, cured 35@38 cts.
BALT—Ordinary brands, fine, [email protected]
Ground Alum ..$2.50(q t 50.00
Turks Island, per bushel,......flo@s(MHl
WHIBKEY—(Ohio) '*.£ $2.31 @so.oo
On the 27th inst., by the Rev. John Foley,
D. D., Dr. Joseph C. Benzinger, of CatonsVille,
to Miss Anne V. Wal, of Baltimore,
On tho 15th ult., in the sth district, Balto.
Co, John Divkn, a highly respectable citizen,
aged 87 years.
Onfhe 21st ult., in the sth district, Mart E.
wife of Asbury Chilcoate. and daughter of Juo.
’ ai\d Elizabeth Hale, aged about 18 years.
On the 30th ultimo, after a lingering illness,
Henry Baker, in the 47th year of his age.
On Tuesday 3d inst.;, very suddenly, at his
residence, Carroll’s Island, Col. Wm. Slater
aged 64 years.
A JAGGER WAGON for one or two seats, in
perfect order. Apply to
Oct. 7.—tf. ' Towsontown.
' t Offiice, 2 d Floor Bible Building, Fdyette at.
Nfear Charles Street,
Will practice in the several Courts of the City
ciLßaltimore and Btate of Maryland i also,
Claims against the Govern of the United
States, and all business connected with the
Public Offices at Washington, will bo carefully
attended to. A
fcUfo 185.-em, , * , j
, 1 ' i •
of the following Districts
unty, tci
oters in thcM^|rV^|i|lJMW t
w, hereby (Vf
sd in the lisF*of ijpß|lified
below, and do ’SfOlty.V al(
io hours Regßifafipn |
s)h {\eITUFSMA f; and WFDNE&A V hekt
prbcetliug the,Tuesday following
day in Noverffber next, (which will be tie .'’lst
of October and the Ist of November,) to show
any omissions or other errors in said lists, tft
which time the list of qualified voters shall bo
corrected and finally closed.”
Second Election District, .
OO , x fjitt JT r ,ul/i .
Bire/y PutCr ( -! > .. LdwistF ’■ ! ;
Belt Osborn • ;, sVkei* dfiines Ci J/ 1 1
Ihiiley G. Waslungton Brcmker Wjlliami
Belt Cllarl/js. ~ , Bsrler Thomas K.
Burdell Oilio W Bolt John B
Baker; Rich/D'd Baker Frederick- W.
Beljesiou Johur.ll Br<pwn Janies
Buruham George Bering Theodore
Berry jumes Boldeu Geoi’gO-W
BirruUam.GG W v Bidden, George
Barnes Sainuel • Burk: Jai?ob
Mason Burk Joshua
. Basemap-S Wesley Burk John
Baker William M BeeJriey Johu M to
’ | Bupnhain James N jledingur Levi
Bollack’Williain • Bak^r;lsaac-Ji. ;
' Bower George W Bailey L'rias
Berry Urias 1 ‘ Barries Michael T)
Bailey George W
w ■ C
Crooks Israel 0 ,7 , Carr James
Choate Richard (tornthwart Thos-J G.
• Crooks Joshua Constantine Edward
1 'Choate Edward p Gross Richard J
Choate L Pearce Oonrey Ilenry 8
Constantino)Satnnel,. ,\ Clark Herod > ■■■■
Constantine C j Constantine Wm A
Conrey John F ;; iQJiapnßsm William
Carr Jesse C
:i- ' JJu
Dell Jesse W U Dorshal! George; ;i ..-
Dell Nimrod Ilettmer CoUunbus
:Dell David B Davis George A
Dorsev B John
Edelen Aaiiqs Etnmart Caleb
Elders J Henfy Eaton Alvin
' lEly Joseph . Ejttinger Adam
,!• f
Frantz Ilenrv Fryfogle Thomas 1
File William Cross George
Fite William E Ffrfneis Win W
; Fj-antz H&n-ty B / • q Fish paw Robert C’
'-.Fisher Jeremiah Forsyt.lie Joseph A
Fite Jacob A I al.* : For wood Sft¥nu.*l T 5
Fogle Eli ■■ Francis Henry
Florey Thomas E Forney Win M
Fry fogle Henry Frantz J Milton
' a
.Cosnell Ciiavlcj, Joshua /• ■>{
Griffin. William. . ..George Johu T
; dflfeorge Joseph F‘ George John' 8 , :;l ,
Gbsnell William M n) Janies
Gosneli George % GJQfceil Iterod #
'Hfeecft John Griffin V/i!ii,am Jr
jj . ;;
Hiiight Nicholas- Hartley Elias P
Ilissey John M Hitchcock James C
.Holt Joseph II jlaviland Uie.hard
.Holt Aaron . Halm AJam
Ilanes ManTey K " Harvey C Thomas
Hplbrook "Ezra H Hamilton Joseph A
Hamilton Jawee S- Hamilton John T
Harvey Jolwi H .Hartley Phineas-
Harvey Johiv K . w .Hamilton Jabei;
Ilarvey Andrew Hamilton Georg
Hopper George W Hartley Samuel E . ,
'HU berg John C llg.^d- e ustih
Hartley Thomas K
1 r> iff**i:?;<i t ~ * •
~ Jean William Pi" ■*! Joan David
Jean George B Jones Charles
Jones Alfred J Jean Martin L
Jamison Thonuus W Thomas It
Jean Henry S Johnson Urias
Iteysor Willi i-nf L. TCnauff George 0
Kelley Barmy F Kelley Joseph
Kirk Frederick
Lynch Geeuge liilley John
, -Longley Gteorgf W Doing ley Benjamin
Latchfordi George Lynch Wiliffiiq: Wi i
LiMigley Stun uel Laokingland John
Longlev 6rcorg>> • - -
;Si ' "
Mailonee John T , Muter Theodore G.
Mansfield Will mgr A 'Marriot Joseph
Mansfield Alfred McCoy John JI •
Matthews Joseph D J hn II
Mekins Joshua Joslina A
Mills William P iforningstar Geo W
'Mansfield Johii Mansfield .Iqhn. A
Miller DaVidS Hliler John S
Norris James S Ndes K.lmun.t
Oursler Basil J T CT jfll John D .
llQursler ChftJdfes’Hf OWings Israel E
Gursler John l Oureler William
O'Dell William C Oufbgs Oliver ‘ ;
O’Dell (feorge E Jerome
J O’, Dell Edward C o*’,in£s John'
Owings Jesse Owings Charles .
O wings C Howard' Orem Small wood
Persons Jonathan- Parsons Gharljfts -E
Pbddicord Caleb I’edJiconf Evaii
Popper John Phillips Vaehael
Parker A FrankliG Papons Micliael C
Pick Edward ,
Randall LToyd RefiSustJDihn P
Richardson John W, Robaust Henry
Reign Andrew' P .<! Bob ine Michael
Rice Eber - n ! Robinson William .t-
Rosleb Christian Rimtney Martin
Ritter Howard X:i Roderick Lewis,
Stinehcomb David II Sibley Eli
Spicer James StaßßleJolin
Sauter Christian ScTiwab John,
Stinchcomb Wesley M Stevens George W
Shiplev Samuel T Speclman Conrad
Staiisfield tteorge W Suboclc John
Small John L • !i STothower Geo
Sprinkle -John W Scafier Andrew
Sprinkle Thomas Slotliotver Win T
Smith Nicholas SfbffffiwerGeorge,E
1 Shiith Georgfc Stißivan CbarfoS W
Stunsfield JaiVm.s - Smith Nicholas Jr
Shatrow Wm Jr 1 Suback Simon
Sriiith Daniel *. Sta-nsfield Thomas B
Shipley Joshua. Stansfield JolA
Sauter William I 'V Sullivan David
Sauter Charles Surriwalt Joshua B
Sander Henrv
Titnnnus Luther TroXel Philip N
Thompson EnoeSi G‘ Tipton Win 11
Timanns Israel Teniple Frederick
Tim an us Ethan Tir.Vanus Edwin W
Tuttle John G Temple Andrew J
Upton Wm Upton Joshua M
Upton Jobs# W
. v t-\i:' •. * * ''
Vaugh® John P Vaughn John
Vceder Simon
W l *
Wright Joseph II WrigLt Albert
White Ephraim Worthington -IC T
Walters Jas A G Ward Samuel *■*
Widerman Georgo Wilmott G Howard
Wright George W Wallace John
Ware Charles Watts Gassaway
Weidemeyer Adolph Worthington Thos C
Widerman Robert Wat.fiM6eorge E JI
Worthington Noah of TWeider Ilenry
l Y
Younger Wtn R Young John H 1
Young Caleb Younger Lemuel
Zimmerman John Zimmerman Alexander
Total 258.
D. HiiSTINCHCOMB, - Register?.
. d’hlJ f>nm T r‘
Third Election District.
Arnold William Andrews Robt C
Appleby LeMuel Appleby Horace G
Ayler William H Arthur McNair
Armacost James
{ cr i l*lf I ; A ctJii4lt/*f X f
Ml * Will ■'W I -‘‘iT
** If;
Brooks WiiltaW Bo web John a I
Burnham John say Botfef-sog JohnA &L,
Hu k William II Bitzer Samuel ■/
Carr George W Chenoweth Arthur
Cole Lewis P Com Icy Jackson
Carey James Chcston Galloway
Colo James Carey Clay James
Chamberlain William Cox Abraham - L
Eich.rd |
Con-ell George >v Conn George ■
Geonvbi* Peter ■*****-- ■ -4Jrowttrer 'ffiltil'Cli 1 *
Clark John G . . Cole William J It.
Clay William It'>4\ 1 . Bfeilborgkfc'JaihOs J
Chiuoweth Jolm
,:iaov<* &.:■*& %u. a
iMpL^ohfiiV cl: liJJ)'*Hiivl>w4lfi Mit aY.
Disney iSnowden Diltow Wi 11 bun
poenges Conrad [r tgder
Disney Jos'aU.K’ ~.Pwjng OeorjM A 4 ,.
■ pnjiifn Gdorgd W / J)tivis George W
Disney Aaron ■ Didenhover William _ _
3 >is n • -y AHVc l J Didenhovor Qli’afldiJ''l
Kj Mi;
ugh Jacob F • .RbwitglL Wall jam. H!
KbaugH Andrew C Eieliluis Edwin o iioiJoi;
fwli it hu.e ,7-Ufi 'o-. I>;L ni
Ford Bliss/ ..Fwjier Dr* John- I
Ko'rrt Geoggf-1%1 ■ . Fifi.^r -Dy William •m*.
h'aul August Fahnestock Deriok Y;<
Funk Jacob praiycrJlenry.
Forwood JohnW. /. Thomas
( Funk .Aytii eie ffi Freeland Emanuel
• i .1111 AW Y1 id JlJOiiji
t , wpjrniAH
fflise. Levi GdAdlwjWJoihiisp:
Greasley Charles Greasley JatbU/fF H3AJ
Frusta aMWpa
djosnell j ’ S|a];nuel
GalJjion Stauslmry - Gilj Jiwjuh .
;i , , i'TT : 8f^.,.1. ■ ,7-i /JbiGllM
Hoopcs‘E'iv,-,iu D. '* Haugb John A
Hoopes Ca'lch lloomr Japies'
Hooper Joseph Iv| Sr " Hopngs Bapihel
Hooper Joseph MJr Jlartzell Jgicoo
’’Hook Randolph ,' Jtort k T !y> in a s D
ElariLbright Sanjucl M. llinds ,l>vine¥r t
' Hutthir.'John W Hook Thomas
:![ Hook Thorli’ii's F ' TTddk'Sabritt W
Hurst John ~ r L
Hughes Jbn Atman Thomas
Hilis’v Nicholas ,
fdf '
'.Jean Nicholas Jones Elisha
Jackson O&iUilel CSIOiiH YETWXJOO
,n M; ! ; ; l: ; ;
Kelly Thomas Key worth Charles T> *
diarsedf Thoma 3 . Kirpn.triek JSj
KidrV-Nelson Kekten Tliliip s., ;
■ltendig Francis Kellv George
Lonax J‘lSep'4,' JI a;glJ(j)B3s waiiMß
Ijpantz William S Lentz Henry
•Lewia Thomas . . Lamb,Tames,A . , •
•liefrf ChoHes.Gr'. 77
Leaf Henry G . JiiJJ^Zachariuii
Ijishaie ltichard II ■' libwin II
iMoore James C 1 Mating sl>bjif ; • n >
iMej;!u>n xVretrew O
Morlitig Frank L " Murray. Patrick .
Mclntyre'-Philip Geo A j
MoComas Johii W Mafbbrg William A
MnCti!lough v Geiirfre MaidAirg Charles 1j
WifKam MVers Andl'bW J
;MoCan-lly Horace Miitert Crtlimbuk
M-dlclvy Wm More Thomas F _
Mcfceron Charles A Malgin Lawson L
Murdock Alexander Monroe“Jairres 1 8 •
■: m .-t I
Norwood Ebeivezer "Nevin Thasleit? 8
John W Newman ; Littleton P D
•' i-i "'
Oler George Grice owings Barney
Orem John M owings Joltn : F - 'f.
Oler Richard - Ovvings Israel
;: *HriT ! *** , ri'
Parsons Joshua Pilbuta S Miller
Proudlitulamcs Ea-rrifh Aquilta t v r
Phillips .Tamos* *'
Phillips William A John R ; Ii f
I’liilii]> 'Wiv'ey Pfeiffer Casper
Parleli .!->.~iiu.u ~ Pfeiffer; Jacob: h.v u
-I*nWfrson William R P.urneM-:William, H
Phillips David 7. . , ,t’eareeJThftiiias h
Peilfb’r .Jacob G I’leitt M<^c. ■
iPeacock John Prastlay John *
jlesj < j/ f 1 xl CJH d[
j; /. .tr• • 1 .- 'vl lo e -J.'••
Muiek Jnhii \v '■ Q-liek .Ti.bu jr- .
la. .1 .•> dJ; ft::.!
Ro. Bamuel ft Ryan Mfcliacf r *' > >x
.Rennolds Dr Hgnry S Ja3 VJy V'/
Uoo-Thotmis Ridgely Nicholas
Ratter Thomas It RiuimeV Athim
Rennoldb ' tl ,
.in - J y
Stpckaslfbud'. >rn A Dl<?okeit'6hii-Jt)B Mtethi
£i|ick Jasper N“ - H
?j?t!uisbury John S II
Mqotron William ~ Sli 1r 1 oy, Wil 1 ,. y .
Smith WiFlikm E . * Shlrfey.llenry'Cjaiy .. i
Sullivan Robert A
Skipper'Eifjah : Siilck Job’ll W u-'/inv
SUerridau -iaines L \ ;' lfdae'M f- ,
Stine John ft ’Mi
Saniddrson'l’hbjriir^" i? fetteV.Cns Aftihsi '■
Siich.JlihW - G'lmwgkLiHyf Dopey l : tf .
btbwart WilftanV '' *' S'mßh'Jbbh'
Such. Daniel Seitz Depry G
Christian SihfpVoti Wm L ...
Tnvnsend’ imit * * J
it'lvler Garden K Toßd Stephen
gMfd >T3mireo
Turner Lewis Tucker Eli .
Tidings Rieiiard E Townsend Samuel Wfl
Turner John'L Townsend Satnuel No 2
-••'WKk - u mtoliti 1 n - I
Wink Georgo * WahHdii'Rev EQ S
Whitney. George 1 T J Wright Joseph
Wylie Robt Walker Noah 10 '
Weaver biuAVatts Aabury .adJol >
White Cfmi jv's L Wj'ig r hi Rpbei't . i r l!
AV right Thos C 'West, Henry. ...
Whifelbck WiTliam Wrighi Thos;R >,f
WJolston Benjamin Wright Thomas. , s !
Wihiterodf Levi- . i - . -W/righi John
Winternde.John L Waffs John T
IFinterode'.liieob J F White Francis . . 11
Wright Oliver
F. L. MORLING. J Registers,
r7 t Uirl f Tf< i- RE
;.J ■ 1 > v|!j.'i *..“. .-*1 •••>djl*Bdt>B Hfl r
Fourth El eetion Distriot.
AniJecgon Fi'anklin : Ambrose Charl>s* s 'T~T
William * fAllen Jtdin E
Jlder Jacob Austin I ’
A-tiibroseJbshita I '' "
Bowen Wm. Brown Samuel N
Bkins Joshua Boring Dnvid'J
Brown Bejamin Biirke Geo W
Belt John 1) Belt Joshua
Berryman Nebetniah BeU Chiietisri ;( V )
Burke Andrew Belt , .
Ben'vinaii'-James H Belt Alfred
Berkley Jaroo Biirke Andrew II
Beit Nathaniel Biikei i Wni
Berk Cyrus Bausemafi La>vrence H
Brown Thos C Bausemrtn Geo
Bowen James-. r r Brawn lhuapaot ii
Berryman Ejdiraiffi ' ‘"Baxter Jolin T ,
Barr Martin/. ! >1 Jiieud EdwirfM^tfl^
Blizzard Johnsy BaubliiaEpkimim
Baseman Theodore W Bloom David
ByeHy Wm Bj-ferly Thos a
Beck ley John IF- ') l- Baublitz Jcreftiub --•
Builv y 1 Beck Daviii f . fsid-..
Baily i-lenry Brown Henry
Baily Alfred Baker Joshua
Bolinger Ephraim Beck Emanuel
.k; .“.J'ifl
Clegg John Cook \Vm J r r -
Cross Robert Glieboivetb W >. ii j
Choate Herod Clark Lteter. j- . 7 , - . ■
Ohalk Joseph A Coak ley Thos j,
Chiibpeu Joseph Callahan Thos
D *
, | n v LA oitSOKlv'
Daniels John Dean Jbhn P.
Daniels John II - Dickson Isaac N r
Dauberman Jatooh L’i iiilkiisil/*niy f
Davis Wm H DavjsJohnA
.;Dicker Jeremiah T . DavjsCharlgs _ r r .
Delaney / ( ) y / C ) .1
Disney Snowden J ' U HI
j 1 l jB
Eckman Jacob A 7 jitWOh iDaaitl j
Ebaugh Wm IF . Eflkart Jidm _ d
Jimicli Henry F,l ni iffiaton: Alexander J
Emich Nicholas J ,'n .*d vfidbM JWAisW n* li 'f
Bverbart Jacob "i Edcij Jodiah * '•* " :
iJi.iK '1 Linn -*batl
_ Ai—.o*
in Ben GUum Henry
Gore Johnsy Gettier William P
Gpre Mcili ury W Groff Benjamin F
Gingrich Geo B Gianni P%ter
Gore Jobu F Gardner Nicholas
Groff Julio ._. Gill Edward C
Gore Andrew W Gambrill Frederick E
Gamhiill Howard W Given James J . ;/.
Giiinbnll Wm Given John S
' OlTfgrtßfl' ChrTffWil Gies Christian
Grott \ f Grifflo Joshua
GmU Theodbri A t Gettingef James J
Hanna JamftiP f - Helms Henry
linger Rießard M Magee William
Haunnu John II Hager Jacob
Houston Alexander B Handrcdmark Wm H
Henkle Eli Helms John G
Hunt Thos J - •
: ’CZ ffJft -3m
Johnson John G W Johnson Geo B
lie, s '.', M j;,,
Kliuefefter ivendig Benj
KeJihartGeo !:!. *i Kendig Martin
j Koehler Wm Fi. J-"”/ Kemp John
Klinefelter Chas H Kailbnugh John
; Kemp ilosea I-*' .1! Kailbaugh John T
Kemp Jacobi McK Kailbaugh Ephraim
Kecoey John
*■ '.(
Lafsii Silas Long Wm
Lerrtzner Christian Lloyd John L
-Lloyd Nimrod LutxWm
Larjif Edward L Logue Jesse
Longnecker David S Logue James T
Long Samuel J . r Long Jobu
TlkdWohn ’• :t ‘ Henry
Mclyan John Marsh Alexander
Martiiusasu*l'P Musselman Christ
Morrow Joseph Mallonee Geo
MaHey Janes [’ Morrow John Jr
Mar fey John * Merryman Harvey
Mallonee Josias Murray Alexander
Marlin Eli S ■:* 2 *. Mundorff John
Martin Micajab Miller Geo
Marshall John T Morrow John Sen
Musseltnan Jacob Mars Win
McComgs Aquilla Myers John
McCotm'S Arnos Myers Philip
Marsh ,Geo'. Moran Johu
Neci Hugh Neel John A
Nolte Henry • Nyler Amos
Neel Samuel,. ; hi •11 Nelson Henry II
j jM -fH--10l -- Q
1 JGwings: Philip R .
1 • Ire
lihilpot Edw P Pfeffer William
• IWikison Christopher Painter Charles
Pfeffer George Polglaise Joseph
Philips John T
I ,;* 1;■ R.
rijland Wm T J Richard Daniel W
> Reese John R Reigler Frederick
Russell Keister Rothen Geo
] ’Richards Thomas , r RUinehart Francis
j- r ; ‘g B 7: "‘
KfiaS Shugars Daniel
i iSbipley Geo L Scott Richard
Shugars Wm Silas H
Sjtone Geo R r . Schaeffer Michael
Spencer Geo W ' Shrirer Philip L
Schnavely Isaac Schaumloeffei Nicholas
Schaeffer Francis Schunman Sebastian
SbfftV Attoman 1 ' Schartze Henry
Shear Lawrence :s Shroycr George
Stone William G . Scott George
•it i :n : T.
Trainor Joseph Sr. Tase John
. ~Trairl6r Joseph Jr. Turnpaugh Peter
’Taney Pqvid Tracy John T
Trine Lams Trainor Robert M G
Toft Junjw , D .
U|iler Jacob
1 n sjdi icii v r ondersmith Peter
? ’ w.
Weller Joseph J Wilson Jacob
Warren James gar Wilson Robert
Wliiteford Jolm Weller Robert M
i Walier Nicholas, , . Worreli Charles William F Walters Alexander R
Wheeiep Henry S Walter Jacob
Wlnrren Asa Watts Thomas
Wilson Henry - Warren John
Nimrod V ingling Samuel B
Yitigling. Jesse R,, . Yingling John W
Yingling William D
[isassii| baa
,I<X T K Total 266.
ni * JOHN 11. HARMAN, )
v I■ - ! ! D.S LONGNECKER, VRegisters.
" Eleventh Election District.
I {.MAW HIM ** Jk l*'i.
Allendw James E " Allen James
l irtdrews Samuel A Allen Philip
Akehurst Charles' ' - Akehnrst Henry
Aroos AquiFa T Appel Conrad
Arrawit George F
! wtq ".B 0 i B
Byer Charles A BierlyGeoS
ißeans Jaqob ' : f :: Blackston Wm D
jßui ton James Sen Boothe Walter F
ißurtbrt James Jr ’ 1 Blackston Herbert H
'Hut-lpiuJohn W Bierjy John
Burton Thos of Jas Boothe John G
Burton Horatio Blacklock Isaiah
B'urton Owen B Bridge Ratcliff
Burton John T •• 1 Blackburn Jabez T
Burton Samuel, Burgan David
Burton Benj Biliiugslea Wm C
lilacklock Jas - ' Billingslea Sami W Sen
Brendle John G Billingslea Sami W Jr
: Bleakely Richard Sen Burrier Simon W
L Bleakfily Richard R C Bateman Thos B
Blenkely Joshua C Bott Anthony
Bleakely Lewis t T .K * Bevans Wm L
Bevil Henry Braman John
Barnhart David ~ . Barber Tims C
Burrier John A' * ltfownTefer
BilliigsleaCluM | Jf j Rpwi Wm R
tower Joseph Beyard Charles
ell Edward J Jf. J 1* Bettard John
Riacklock David Biair Oliver
faster Jno W • ’ Bel! Richard H
ißransoo Nathsniel JJ Bawili Daniel
i-Bariier Win J Bennett Columbus M
"Seans Jonathan Bernn Andrew
Bev'ard Jaa Barnes John R
, Badders Andiew J Baker Isaiah
Coe W m
Caddeff Jba rt 1 Corbin Nathan T
Canoles Win T Cassidy Edward T.
Cbrbin Wm T Cassidy Wm Sen
Crossmore Wm Connolly Dixon
Cnrol Hugh Chenoweth Asbury
Comes J s Chenoweth John B
C trrol John W Collins Charles H
Comes Joseph Carlisle Nicholas
Cornea Zacbariah Caef John
Clayton Jno WSj Callahr.n Patrick
Clayton John M T Carter Thos H
Carman Caleb C Cranston Wm A
Coe Lambert V/ < > Campbell Nelson B
Coe James Sen, >l,' Croner Bartholomew
Coe JAttufc ir . Carter Wm
[JB |p 5 510 ■
Donovan Gwm Jr Donovan Owen Sen
Disney Jashua.P ( jg Dashields Julius M
Dilworth'Jolin T V uunn Michael
Daughlin John H Duvall Caleb P
Dilworth Anthony Deitz Geo.
Demoss John Demoss David 0
Dampman Albert Daugherty Jas Sr
Dampman Wm Drayer Gradus
>/r. .it/.',,,., u- B
Evans James ij. ill K "am Ogdon J
Edwards Geo* L -. Kittef Henry
Eiehholtz Justice
j hHaid ni iTio-i I* -i. •
Forsythe Thos F , • , Fails Stephen W
Fraud* Richard C Fox John
Fox :Gep f. r lj<i lit .-Fqwlqr James
Forde Robert' * ' Fuller Wm H
IForde Sylvester Foster Wm F
rrancis Charles Forde Wm
Forde Benj oF Robt >. Fasti* George
.Fbrde Benj F i r -, rlft Fastie Theodore
f FNsgle Jno I Francis Thos
Waster John.Cl,, Francis Wm H
Francis James W Francis Alexander
Fox Wm Furnkees Geo *. 0 .
JFox Henry Freyer John
dSia i .bK .T . ni
.Ni i
MW"-il'SUXiil'WiJßiuu. ■ <ieu^...aansßan*pminr
** ~ *
Glttlrig! ftavld S Beit Grow Wm f %
Greenfield Celeb Ootetich Joseph It
Gorsuch Thos D 1 Gorsdch Wm
Gay ton Benj A OriflSth Wm A
Grew John Gortilch Win of Chas
German Howell P Gray Jonathan
Garretaon Geo H Gorsuch Benj W
Garret Jesse Guyton Norvel W
Guyton Henry Gray Daniel C
Green John N Guyton Samuel 7
Greenfield Philip 0 Gregg John T
Gorsuch Thos B Gregg Mahlon
German Isaac
Holland Geo M Hickey John
Herron Levin D Harlan John L
Henry John W Hale Chas T
Heigle Geo Hale John W
Hopkins Wm F Howscr FsederieifaMMMM
Heury James Hawkins James
Ilartzler Isaac Hammond Joshua
Hratzler Jacob Hagan John
Ilale Chas D Ilillgardner Henry
Hale Thos Harkins James W -
Ilartzler Christian Holland Henry F f 'l
Hunt Geo R Higle Samuel
Howard Wm W Hawkins James M
Haley Peter B
Johnson John Sen Jessop Edwin
Jessop Joshua Johnson Wm H
Jessop Chas M Johnson James
Jessop Chas
Kavanaugh James Kennard John H
Knight Wm H Kennard Henry
King Rufus Knight Thomas
- King Geo Konig Theodore
Kennel John Kerney Patrick
Kone Jes3ee D Kline Henry
King David Dr Kelley Amos 0
Keener John Kirkengdoll Amos
Knaur John G Kale Valentine
Laughkain John Sr Lucke Peter
Laugbkain John Jr
Murray Matthew Maccnbbin Lloyd R
Mumma Enos Mnccubbin John H
Meyers Baldwin Maccubbin Nicholas
McCluskey John Maccubbin Cbas T •
Mast Henry Mast John
Miller Albert J McNally Hugh Jr
Meyers John C II Mitchell John
Mast Daniel K Mitchell Lloyd
Maccubbin Wm Moore John
Mumma Cyrus K Moore Peter F
Mumma Henry D Moores Samuel L
Maccubbin Wm F Miller Joseph
Munroe RicbmotA L Mobr Henry
Maiple Benjamin Marple Joseph G
Maccubbin A M Millitzer Earnest
Mosemau Jacob Meyers Henry R
Mjers Henrick R F Miller George
Miller Moses Miller Sebastian
Milchling Philip Maser Charles R
McNulty Hugh Sen
Norwood James L • Neihauser Christian
Norwood Stephen Neihauser Stephen
Norwood Edwtird B
Overbeck Charles
Peters Mordecai $. Pilhofer John
Parker Wm S Phillips Wm M
Price Skelton R Patterson Samuel 8
Pinkerton Samuel Pearce Geo K
Pearce John C Price Reuben
Pearce Joseph Perine Henry
Pearce Greenbury A Pearce Praacis G
Pearce George Proctor Joshua
ParletJohn Pearce Thos
Proctor Robt S Price Mordecai
Patterson Robt
Quinlan Leonard G
Riddle Charles J Reckcord Henry
Roberts Edward H Rumsy John B
Roter Geo Raine Chas H
Rennington James Riddle Conrad
Rice Michael Rain Nicholas
Rankin S M Reed j&darn
Roberts Lambert
Stover John W Spilker Henry
Sims Andrew Shoemaker Edwin B F
Snyder Frederick I Sweitzer Christian
Snyder Benjamin Shaffer James W
Smith Seth Sherman Washington
Sayers Charles Schroeder Augustus R
Sbubert Dr Jno N Stimnetz John
Smith Joseph P Seitz Leonhardt
Shereden Jolm Smith Jacob
Sadler Wm A . Smith George
Schmucker Christian Smith Conrad Sr
Schroeder Jobann J Smith Conrad Jr
Seitz John Simmers Elijah J
Sidle Jacob F Snyder Joseph
Seitz William Standiford Charles
Stauber Nicholas Seidel Francis
Stauffer Ilenry Seidel Simon
Slade James D” Schutz John
Sparks Edward R
Tucker John R Tarbert John
Temjile Amos H Turner Henry M
Thompson Charles H Tovel Reuben
Talbert Andrew Trim ter Leonhard*
Temple Benjamin F Temple Isaac D
Tarbert William
Vogts John M 9
Wilson Charles Walter Henry
Wann Benjamin Walter John
Wilson Robert E Watkins John
Wetheral James O Watkins Isaiah S . *r
Wells Laban A Wolf James
Waltz Jacob Wusing August
Warfel David Wickler Joseph
Wright John T Wenkler John
Wilhelm George Wells Thomas I
Walter John A Watkins Oliver
White John
Y’oder Noah R Yoder Moses
Yoder Eli Yoder John
Y oder Solomon Yoder Jonah
Zeigenhden Casper Zeigenhden John
Total 38t5.
' DA IVD BLACKLOCK, 1 Registers, *
The Cheapest Place to Bay
2205. 156 J- 158 AT. Oay St., Baltimore.
OF VARIOUS STYLES and warranted to>
give satisfaction. Plumbing in all it*
branches. Water fixtures put up at short no
people will find it to their ad
vantage to call.
Oct. 7.—3 m,
rpilE undersigned will Rent for the ensuing
J. year, from March Ist, 1866,
jrfjjU Farm situated 3 miles east
jEgjjPßeistcrstown, Baltimore
' •T **tv. and adjoining the lauds
John K. Cockey, Washington Oore, Daniel
Klinefelter and others. It contains about 80>
ACRES of arable Land including two Orchards
of 14 Acres, the sale ot fruit of which has rang
ed for several years from S3OO to SSOO per an- '■
The land is in a highly improved condition,.
the water good, and the situation very pleaa- 1&>
ant. The farm can be viewed, and particulars
learned by applying to MR. SHIPLEY, on ths
premises, or the undersigned by letter at Hamp
ton, Virginia.
Oct. 7.—tf
2H $ mflfWl
THE undersigned will sell at public sale at
Sliawan', on Thursday, the 12 th day of Oc
tober next, at 1 o’cloek P. M., his Stock, House
hold Furniture, Ac*, consisting of—One Horse,,
suitable for Saddle or Harness,* 1 Milch Cow..,
2 dry Cows, l Buggy and Harness, 1 Spring
Wagon, 1 Sleigh, Lot of Harness, 2 large Fat
Hogs, Household A Kitchen Furniture, Piano,
Bureaus, Beds, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Chain,
Tables, Carpets, Stoves and other articles too
tedious to meution.
made known on day of aale.
0,-t. t.—n-