Newspaper Page Text
HHMMm BALK t OFA a- VALUABLE 1? A R M in balto. cotirrir. filHll wileitigned as- Trustee, will sell at L Pul)M Auction, at Parkton, on C. R. R. about 30 ni'lealfgMfc SSpfrom Baltimore on lllt^L Monday, October 30 1860, IIM AT 3 O’CLOCK, P. M. . ' AH those two parts of tracts of land called part of S RANGE,” •ts.i i and part of ‘‘LONESOME HOLLOW,” situated in Baltimore county, near the North ern Central Railway, three miles from Park ton and on the York Turnpike, being the Farm on which William Plowman late of Baltimore count J 9 deceased, resided, and on which his widow now resides, containing 128 AGUES, MORE OR LESS, more particularly described in a deed from Qeinent Standiford and wife, to said Williahi Plowman, and duly recorded among the land records of Baltimore county, in Liber 11. M-. F., No. \5, Folio 177, Ac. This property adjoint the lands of John Standiford, John Freeland au4 others, and i improved by a good FRAME D WELLING HOUSE , Burn, and other necessary Out buildings in good order. The most of the Farm is in a high state of cultivation ; has on it some valuable Wood Land, and a young and thriving Orchard of Choice Fruit, . , „ , x , TERMS OF BALE—Oue-llurd Cash on the day at sale and the balance fit two equal instal ments of six arid twelve months from the day ofaale, the credit payments to bear interest aad to be secured to the satisfaction of the Trustee. m JOHN T. ENSOR, Trustee. ’ JACOB WILHELM, Auctioneer. . Oct.7.—ta.Sltfitl .Ml. TRUSTEE’ S 3 ALE. UNDER the authority of a Decree of tl#c Circuit Court of Baltimore conn jm-lv in Equity, the undersigned will offer at Public at the premises heroin&f-iSjOB ter mentioned, on Monday, the 30 th day of October 1885, AT TWO O’CLOCK P. M. The Real Estate of the late William His*ey de ceased, situate in Baltimore county on the North Point Road, about six miles from the ci ty of Baltimore, consisting of: No. I.—A Farm of Ninety-live- Acres. with the improvements thereon, consisting ofa good TWO-STORY and attic frame dwelling, haYing Ten rooms, FRAME BARN, Stable and Corn-house, Brick Spring-house Ac!, good wa-. ter and sufficient wood. This place binds on the road and is noar the Meeting House, and prettily .situated. No. a.—A Wood Lot containing J / FORTY-FIVE A€3R E S of good Timber and fine Wood It adjoins No. 1, and binds ori the road. TERMS are one-fourth cash, and the balance in si g, twelve and eighteen months with inter-j eat And security. Title indisputable, and pos session given immediately. !; T. PARKIN SCOTT, Trustee. 8. H. GOVER, Auctioneer. Oct. 7.—ts. $5 BEWABD. STRAYED from the premises of the subscri ber residing about 8J miles on 26jffliS2*| , the Old Harford Road, a Red White Spotted COW with short and long horns. Had on a bell when she left. The above reward will be given for her return to the undersigned, or for any information so that he can get her. HENRY LACBAC. Oct Yt ,*- Bunaway Notice. Y EFT the service of the subscriber, without I j provocation, JOHN BRITTON, alias ft. JOHN THOMPSON (colored.) an inden-/| tured boy, 18 years of age. I hereby for warn all persons from harboring or employing the above-named bov, under penalty of the Law WM. C. CAHOON, Oct 7.—3 t •• 17 miles York Road. DR. SWEET’S Infallible Liniment, The Great External Remedy. FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the Great Natural Bone Setter. Dr.-Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, la known all over th* United States. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the author of “Dr. Sweet's Infallible Lini ment.” Dr. Sweet's Infailible Liniment Cures Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is a certain cure for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Curas Burns and Spalds immediately. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruise S.. t Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures He&d&che immediately and was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom tails to cure. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Curas Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no §qaj. atiate it # S 'Tiif Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic, Cholera Morbus and Cholera. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is truly “a friend in need,” and every family should have it at hand. DrJSweet’s Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Caution. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also “Stephen Sweet’s Infallible Lin iment” blown in the glass of each bottle, with-it out Which none are genuine. ~ ' RICHARDSON A CO. Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, Wholesale Agent, No. 13, W. Baltimore st., Baltimore. Bept. 9.—3 m. BURNSIDE 8b GUSTIN, UNITED STATES CLAIM, INSURANCE & GENER AL AGENTS, No 15 South Gay Street, Opposite First National Bank, B-A-IoTIJVEOiFtE., MD. . , carefully and promptly trans (hy acted before the Departments of the Gen- 1 •oral. State and Local Governments. pgr Pensions. Bounties, Back Pay, Prize Money, Horses lost in service, Fuel, Forage, .Ac., taken by Officers, Vessels lost, Ac. tat-Moneys Safely Invested and Accounts Adjuftod. •i Officers’ Accounts Settled. lOuk advanced to Clients and Voucher* Cashed. Gen’l Agents for Insurance against Ki Accidents. J. O. p. BURNSIDE, h i Late Captain and C. S, U. S. Vons^ - R. P. GUSTIN, Lath Auditor Q. M. Office, Balto. References of Burnside A G**tin, by special permissionlion. Thos. Swann, Gov. elect of Vd.; Hon. C. C. Cojt, Lt. Gov. Md. ;Hon. Wn. B. Hill, Sed. of State, Md.; Col. R- M. Newport, Chief Quartermaster, Baltimore, Md.; Cot. W. H. Brown, A. Pro. Marshal Gen’l, Delaware and Md.; J. 8 fja#h forvFifst f 4M* Bank, Baltimore; Breyet Brig. Gen. N. L. Jei - fries, W Provost Marshal Gen’l, Washington; Thomas A Co., Bankers, Baltimore; Hon. L • Tome, Member Md., Legislature ;• Ron. Henry G. Hasen, Member House of Delegates; John 41. Leib, Esq-, Treasurer H. C. Railroad’. July I.—sm. vosi fliklTii AI Lf AY. 1 /\ X ninl niter Mi-n-lav, AUGUST 28th, 1865, I V/ cars will leave, the GITY HALL, Balti- I more, at 35 Minutes past each hour, fVdm 7.35 A. M., to 7.35 P. M., except 12.35 P. M. Will leave TOWSONTOWN at each hour, from 7A. M., to 7P. M., except 12 Mi Con nection will be made at North Avenue with the Charles St., Line Of the City Passenger R. R. feSuNIGHT CAR for TOWSONTOWN will leave the CityFUJI at lldß J£ bill ££ .BOffl A. D. BANKS, Agent. 3 August 26.—tf. BONE DUST. I "i:-- ■i- 1 ; ‘- J ‘ V.r, 1 ./ I‘ WILL SUPPLY MY FRIENDS AND CUS TOM! S WITH THAT I i r • • - 'II - it. , _ i,u l Y SUPERIOR, UNADULTERATED i i BONE DUST Manufactured by me. Price Reduced AfßSrding to the Times. The time for spring Crops being past, I will allow a liberal discount until the fall season commences, ttf'* >. JOSHUA HORNER, Cor. CheV and Stirling Bts., Balto., Md. i June 17.—Cm. • B O N E FLO UR, UNADULTERATED, MA XUTACTURED BY THE BOSTON Milling and Mining Company. rpilE value of unburnt, unadulterated Bone ! X is well known. When reduced to the con dition of Flouß, it is as active as if dissolved with acid, and is far better, because it retains all its Phosphates. Its superiority over the common Bohr Dt:sr is two-fold or more. It is a consummation sought for in vain for the last half century, and is destined to give new val ue to Bone as a fertilizer, and work a revolution . in its use. The BONE FLOUR is made only by the above Company, and is branded with their trade mark, which is the guarantee of its ] genuineness. - JOHN S. REESE & CO„ 71 South St., Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, Delaware, and the Southern States. 1 “ .... July B.—4m. _____ ' CONVEYANCER AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. THE undersigned has for sale a House and Lot, 3 miles from Baltimore, near the Falls road, also, 15 Farms in various Bec * AA tions of Baltimore countv, from 15 350 acres. Price from SI4OO to $24,000. uIA Three houses in To wson to w n.ILLUJiB building lots for sale or lease, ground rents for sale* t r X. •t A t _ i ..f _ I > examination of titles, • deeds, leases, mortgages, bills of sale, Ac., pre- j pared with accuracy and dispatch, charges moderate. B. N. PAYNE, Smedley Row, opposite Court House. Aug. 20 —tf. Allenbaugh & Bartholomee, MAN l T FACTLHKRS A DEALERS IN BROOMS, BASKETS, WOODEN A WILLOW WARE, No. 13 3 Hillen St., ABOVE THE BEL AIR MARKET. * ALSO, constantly on hand a large assortment OF'GENERAL HOUSE FURNISH ING GOODS, FAINTED BUCKETS, CEDAR WfIRE, BRISTLE BRUSHES, MATS, CORDAGE, MATCHES, BLACKING, TWINE, _. WICKING, Ac., Ac. August s.—Cm. GILMOUR’S HOTEL. OX THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Ho. 1 24 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. J.T ■ GILMOUR, Proprietor. ALAiRGR variety of Meats and Vegetables, including all the delicacies of the season, served up in the best style. Particular pains taken to keep WINES AND LIQUORS of the choicest quality. ROOMS FURNISHED BY THE DAY OR WEEK. Dining Rooms for Private Parties. Nov. 18.—ly. . • To All Whom it May Concern : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT in thirty days from this date ap-, 'jdiofftion tvilt be tnade td thfe CbWWty Cf)fn missioncrs of Baltimore county, to open and make public an old road beginning at a county ' road at Wm, Barnitz’ in the Third District,Bal timore founty; thence running through and 1 binding on the lands of Thomas Furguson, Wm. Peter Gompf, Lewis Fishpaw, Otho W. fSfohelberger, Elizabeth Childs, Peter Lentz and Thomas Mason, deceased, until it Intersects the Liberty Road near the Lake Hotel. OTHO W. EICIIELBERGER, riIILIP LENTZ. j LEWIS FISHPAW, and others. BEAUTIFUL CiEM PICTURES! , BEAUTIFUL GEM PICTURES FOR ALBUMS ! FOR ALBUMS! 1 ONE DOLLAR PER DOZES ! O\E DOLLAR PER DOZEN ! JOHN H. YOUNG, JOHN If. YOUNG, *3l BALTO. STREET, CORNER CHARLE *3l BALTO. STREET, CORNER CHARLES July I.—3m. AUCTIONEERING. TII& undersignod still continues ness of Auctioneering Real or Personal Property of every description. When flCffva his residence in Towsoutown, inquiry may made at the office either of the Union or *' Journal. Persons desiring his services shotfld make application'ss early as possible, so ns to arrange the day of sale. Thankful for past fa vors he respectfully asks a continuance of the same. SAM’L G. WILSON, Towsontowri, Baltiiriore Co;' Aug. 26,1865.—tf. W. C. TUCKER, No. 76 Hillen Street, near Bel-Air Market, RESPECTFULLY informs his Baltimore county friends that he is prepared to buy and sell all kiuds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Keeps constantly on hand CLOVER, TIMO THY, FLAX and other SEEDS in connection With ALL KFNUXpF GRAIN, and hopes, 5 by a strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. Sept. S.—6m. 3 Insolvent Notice. fcaX. Notice is hereby giveU, To flhtaired itors of WILLIAM an applicant for the benefit of the “4§tli-Article t of the Code of Public General relative to insolvents, that the Ist Monday of December next, has been fixed for hi appearance, to an swer interrogatories, and for a final hearing ot his Case before the Circuit Court for Baltimore county .“Dated the 10th day o| AuguH A 1865. ♦ TC JOfIN H, LONGNECKER,CIer|. 1 Aug. 12.—3m* | ere ( Hirnm, * - y V ;/ MANUFACTURER AND WHOLWALE DEALER IN ! Brooms, Painted Buckets, Cedar and fori' Willow Ware, i BRUSHES, TWINES, WICKB, WATCHES, f BLACKING, Ac. b, itm 1 : N. E. Corner Calvert and Lombard Sts., Balfo.i i July -6m* uiJp him by a De*dii 1 ortgage J&tm J bomaß Yatef .MRilsh and Eliß-lfpTrW agPbeth 11. (Iriftilfc to John W. dated tlm 3UI day o/iSU|i Baltimore eonaiy.iin J3IREB O. Ht Ov?) Nq.ada, folio Ac., TBS UNDERSIGNED wilt offer at pul)li&3ftle,at the COURT HOUSE | sonta^|fc.-*f M. on Monday 'wY JmFthe wkday of Oqtober 1 SOfy• > ' dill life art of the & J ind called 1 J and containing 146$ Acres, luorrior less, which was to-the said Thomas Tfflcs WalsfrWXlefd dated the 11th ' March, 1856 aH recorded >n W>DER ff." No. 14, ftaip Vl f, and . therein ns also In laid Mortgage, described. Sttid Land is distant about 10 miles from Baltimore nty/Ties on the GAR RISON ROAD, otherwise ealied STEVENSON’S LANK, and extends to the ; W%BtfeW ,! M*rylftod Rail Road ! theiDwelliog i*;Ortl‘y A bbut < -B min utes walk front Stevenson's LHue Stlitiou on said - bns dfooms ,*al foGREBNSPRINO VAUrjBY.. ‘' V' It adjoins the lands of Messrs. Thonihs B. Gbck ey, Cardiff,'TagAftfind;Rri>t'JOeiinisriiO r H'he im provements cofieist of a 2 story with ex(fleot titi!rii; neighborhood is one of the beat. A little mojfojffc ujdiciousiy^xpend ed, would make Ibis-farm a beautiful ana high train: SOIFS. LANE STAtION can,spend an qhou* on, the and return to the Cit.v before. 12A gSfgr s*) Reisterstown or Fails,Jwa bnu rvr.h TERMS;—it cash on the day of sale : ilhet remainder iii equal instalments, bearing imerest, in 6 and 12 months thereafter j/or which, the Notes of the pu rehash t',’ iffdotseplo the Tins tee’s sntisfacli(©^f- | iifciJyLrV* r --l cc< l u i J C^ t J> or nll'cnsh on the 34.5t.1W St. SAMUEL H. GOVER, A net. VAI-UABI-E FPOFJSRTIES fWmdanmsatiEv '• • ! JOHN C. ZOUCK, tANDAGENT, New Oxford Adams Co.,- Pa., Has for salf a, number of tUsiraMo-Proncr ties to which"he toks-thc aiienndn of those * a wishing t# purchase. <au h o®%a;-4.*ra' Com Crib, Wash House, HI! limeon the farm, and under fine cultivation— is within o&ljtew a; tyt^Pter of a mile-from the Gettysburg Railroad, and a quarter, of a mile from the Gettysburg Turu ; pikfe; A TAVERN STAND in Naw Of ford, at the Railroad Station. It is two-story, roomy and convenient, and is a good place for business. FORTY ACRES .OF LAND* two ipil< from Npw Oxford, in MounfcpleaaantTownship, with a new two-Story HOUBE, Bank’Bern, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, (all new,) two Orchards, pltn-‘ ty of good water, Ac. A FARM of IVS- Acres, near Hunterstown, • with good House, Barn, and other out-buildings. Land in fine cultivation. :iwu - • , r FARM of 178 Acres,74 miles frenr-New Ox : ford, 2 miles from Hampton, i of a mile from the Hanover Turnpike, near the Conewago Creek, in a !\>S)tT,it|to#Pf cQldVtlfon. Good House, Barn and other out-buildings. Will be sold cheap. .• FARM of flQo Aciea on. the,, Ha never Turn- S‘ ike, under good cultivation. ,■-Large - Brick louse, Bank Barn, Wagon Grib, Car-i riage House and other out-buildings, all new. .. LARGE FLOURING MILL with four pairs of Burrs; in a good grain country, with the best water power in the county- This Mill is on the f Large Conewago Turn pike, and has 25 Acfes orLana attached to it. Also,’BlX IIOUSJSS for (Tale in New Oxford, n,ear the Turnpike and Railroad Station. ' Persons who wish to bujrßfeal Estate, tis well as those who wish<to sell* afri requested to give the subscriber a call, at his Store in New Ox ford. Address, JOHN t. ZOUCK, New Oxford, Adams County, Pa. Sept. 23.—2 m. r, ti giny- Public saile of laud ABOUT A MILE AND A-IIALF ABOVE # ItEISTERSTOWN, and near •.] THE HANOVER TURNPIKE. BY virtue of a decree, of' ordrfr SOf the Or phans’ Court for Baltimore county, ml in the case of Danfol-Shugftre vk’-SD Lynch and Jacob Lynch, the un- ~ dersigned, as Trusfo#|ri Aaimn istrator of George Lynch, late of Baltimore co., deceased, will pffer at Public Sale o the prem ise!, adjoining the lands of Jeremiah Rucker, Gefo W. Norris, and Daniel S huger a, about 1-4 miles above Ralto. county, and about j of a mile from the Hanover Turnpike, On Monday, the 9th of October, 1865, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., ALL THAT TRACT OF LAND of -which Lynch died seized, containing about 84 ACRES, and described in the deei from Joseph" Weller and wife and others, to 3aid George Lynch. This land is all cleared and under cultivation. The soil is a clayey loam and'ea-. sily improved. This property i only_about a irille from Glen Morris Station on the W. M. It. It., and churches, schools and Siills afte 'eoriVenient too it and to a person wishing a small tractofland it'is very elegible. •* <. u.o;ii V Terms of sale as prescribed by the decteo or,order are—One-half Cash and buo-half in C months, the credit payment to bear interest from day of sale ancl to be secured by the note of the purchaser, with security satisfactory to the undersigned, or all cash at thecoptfon. of the purchaser. DANIEL BHUGARS, Trustee a Administratorf Geo; Lynch. * EPHRAIM BERRYMAN,-AuotaiWtarhnoizrT WHEELER * KEECH, .AttornqyiH Sept. 16.—ts. :i>Y If.* .? i PIJBMC^ALE OF REAL ESTATE 1 v BY" virtue of a decree Circuit Court for Baltimore county j£a Court >feof Equity and thegSr#i|| of Btqpksdale and. otheriWjlliA T %galnst Stocksdale and others, the Trustee will offer for Sdle bjr pubfife anction ! An fbe premises, Q miles westof Reistei'stown, in Baltimore county, at 1 o’clock P. M., _ On Wednesday, October 14th. 1 -10 f x FIVE LOTS OF LAND, viz LpT No. 1 of 15 ACRES, 3 Roods and 16 perches, heavily Timbered, and has several fine springs of water on it.H y.7,iy i *- No. 2 of 28 ACRES, onc-half cleared, the balance heavily timbered ; itbasa good mead ow bottom, fine springs, and a stream running thrdugh it, and is within fIOQ vnrds .of a- gr-fot stnd raw mill • ov W* h J tt v v . LOT No- > jofslfont fIACROIS 1 * ROODS and 22 Perches, partly in Wood--jwd has a stream running through,it. , LOT No. 4 containing Ttttee-fqurths of an Acre, more or less. ' LOT No. 5 contains 1 ACRE; riiore hi*,TA, fronting ori the County Road leadirig to Strewak r s ihill, abon tf 134’ foReS ih Ihe _ Hal ti more and Roistfcrstown Tririi|)ilft! Roffa; The I im provomenta are a Log Houses with gobd wa ter dear the door. 14 *’ These Lets are about 1? : ‘miles from Balti more, onSAnd ftdiftlf miles from Rcisterstown, and nea/ihe Western Maryland Railroad. The soil is kind, and in an improving ncighbor h<Tl’RMS fhc day of sale, one third in st*and one-third in twelve mouths from day of Idle, with interest and security to be approverfny jnc Trustee. For further jxarticulari gpply, signed on the Premises. . 8 ] SILAS H. STOCY&fcAl!®* ,v sept.23.-tA: ,vy^e.^ -* K VAUUABI.E rAßflf J 1 * ha .f d . .t. • ; nTtaßha .aelbiiaf .ere Baltimore county, at Pwblio flaie. *THE subscriber will sell at Public auetum, ton the premises, on Saturday, J lober 29,th, hi# Farm, lying near Dover, 5 inilcs.lß’fM ißewteOi- town and 18 from BalUmorqXSUßi Ml shout I3Q acres- Thirty are fr wither, tb balance iugood iiul Psta-tio©. cflftmfS, Fencing Ac., are,.in, pSsg ’ll. BERRYMAN, Auctioneer. Sep. 56.—ti. ! _ riittt.ibßAi.iEi" .iAIiuABI.H REAL ESI'A'PE and , PERSONAL PROPERTY. [ rpIIE subscriber will sell at public sale on the JLpremfSes; on Monday, October \fith, the following Property, viz:—y FARM, situated near the llllHL | York Road, about 20 miles, mEHb lrolip'BjdHmore, and 34 miles east of Monkton , Sfalion N. C. R. R., lying partly in Baltimore and paritiytoft Harford counties, and adjacent io the lands of Mrs. Sally McGaw, Nathan : Nelson, Sr., Joshua Nelson, and Richard Hutch ' in9 t containing 71 ACRES, more or less. It is improved by a double LOG DWEL LING, Log Barn, Meat House, Wagon A Corn House, Spring House, Ac. There are two grist and saw mills within sight of the dwelling house. Churches and Schools convenient. , This is an excellent stand for acountry store, - One having been kept there for several years. Competent judges say there is Iron Oro on tJiis property. ALSO, will bo so>f at the same time and preacc, the following Stock and Farming Im plements, consisting in part of—l Ilorse, Shov el PfovVs, Furrow Plows, Cultivators, Ilay Car riage, Horse Rake, 1 narrow-tread W’agon (3 horse), one Wagon Bed, Ac. to commence at 12 o'clock M. Terms made known on day of sale. JOSEPH PARSONS. SAMUEL G. WILSON, Aeutioneer. Sept. 16.—15. GOVER, Auctioneer! 1 Y;ER,y..ya limbic property at Public Auction on the HILLEN ROAD, 3 miles § front Baltimore city. I will selllffffi®| upon the Premises on Monday, October 2d, 1865, JliEjHB dock P. M. the “IVY MILL” Farm, in Lois ql-from 5 to 14 acres. ; TERMS liberal. Title in fee. A plat of the Farm can be seen at the Auctioneer’s Rooms, 84. W. Balto St. ALSO, J ' On Friday, October 6 th, 1865, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the same place, I will P& -_:aell the entire Stock of above Farm, consisting of*^Wj2^m ' IjjY HORSES, Cows, Carriages Farming Tools, Ilay, Potatoes, Cabbages, 12 ‘ Acres of Corn in the Shock, Lumber, Shingles, ! Ac. Also, 1 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS. Ac., as I am declining housekeeping as well as farming. TERMS CASH. S. S. STEVENS. Sept. 23'. —ts. mmMmmmmmmmmmtmammKmammtßHmm ■ idiom— —m Miscellaneous. ■ 7.0 ITS _ f ' BALTIMORE ST. 35 SPLENDID STOCJt OF LAB IES, GENTB AND CHILDRENS .. > 0 u WINTER UNDERSHIRTS , DRAWERS , HOSIERY, d'C. T) IBBED; PLAIN, JtX TWILLED, FANCY, GREY, WHITE, In fact the greatest variety to bo found in the city. r £‘ j • Call and examine our extra heavy ! -nl nr: !fc.;;r: Wool and Merino ] RIBBED~SHIRTS; . jeb Splendid goods for Winter Wear. Aso, the Plain Merino, an excellent article and warranted not to shrink, of every variety and size. Boston Ribbed, Shaker, Country Knit and pJain wooiTsocks. - A 1 b o, Cotton and Merino, Silk, Kid, Wool, Cloth and Buckskin ill GLOVES . for Ladies, Gents and Childrens wear in every variety of size and color. ■’’ ; Yarns, Knitting Cotton, NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. E. SEIBERT, 35 Baltimore St., 1 door below Frederick St., bfl,> 'I: Baltimore, Md. September 2.—tf. W. E. M’JILTON & CO., BE4L ESTATE BROKERS, Auctioneers, Advertising A Collecting’ j Agents, No. 19 SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. REAL Estate at Private Sale. Real Estate at Public Sale. Property of-every des cription auctioneered. ' J. A. Houston, a practising Attorney at Law for a number of . years, will examine Titles, pre pare Con veyafices, and promptly Collect Claims entrusted to our care. KUf’Ult TO—C. C. Cox, M. D., Lieut. Gov ernor lor the State of Maryland; John F. Mc- Jiltbri, Surveyor Port of Baltimore; A. M. -'White, Esq., Baltimore city, Md. July 22.—3 in. Every Body Made Beautiful! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! LARGEST AND CHEAPEST PICTURES IN THE WORLD! Caiid Pictures for Albums Taken for One Dollar per Dozen ! Large Mammoth Photographs SI.OO. Copies 50 cents. BY means of the two improved Skylights in our Gallery, persons of any features or complexion, can betaken, so as to secure the most pleasing apd flattering likeness. Old Daguerreotypes, Ac., copied, enlarged, and made more lifelike and beautiful. JOHN H. YOUNG, 231 Balto. St., Cor. Charles, Baltimore. July I.—3m. To All Whom it may Concern: Notice is Hereby Given, rim AT in thirty days from the date hereof, I application will be made to the County ComtAissioners of Baltimore county for the opening of a COUNTY ROAD leading from the Bel Air Road to St. Joseph’s Church, and •from thence to the White Marsh ltoad, passing through the lands respectively of J. Schmidt,- Valentine Deichert, H. Deichert, Jos. Browne, Bt. Joseph’s Church, Jos. Crasstel, Robt. Lehr, A. Daufoli, A. Storck, A. Vogle, A. Myer, Mrs. Rohe, J. Dieter, M. Bitterson, Sam’l Bitterson, Cole, Bock, Tucker, Clark and N. Howard, be continuation of a county road between arford and Philadelphia Roads. PETER CRONENBERG, A. STORCK. It. J. MATTHEWS, Sept 1 . 9,—5t. and others. :> r tdOAD NOTICE. To all Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the county commissioners of Balto. county; at the meeting of said commissioners to beheld atTowsontown,on the first Tuesday of October, inst.,for laying outand openings Pub lie Ttoad in the 6th election Districtof said coun- Uty to commence at a county road leading from the Old York Road to the York Turnpike and runningthrongh the lands of Lemuel Morris,' Geo. disc’d., Jas. Taylor, dec’d., Joseph Walker, Fisher A O’Conner. Walter C. Walker, and Edward Matthews dec'd., and intersecting apounty road leading from the Freeland Road, past Joseph Walker's Mill, to the York Turn pikes ’ FISHER A O’CONNER, o-i LEMUEL MORRIS, [/ v-i A. L. KNIGHT, I , j E. H. MORRIS, and others, -gejv 3A—st. Wanted to Rent or Manage, AE\RGE GOOD FARM, by a man who tborodgKiytotffierStands the business. Ap ply at cither the office of the “BaltimoreCoun | jljetuni'on,” or the “Maryland Journal,” or to ! ABRAIIAMSHERTZER, on the Furnace Farm ■ torllaiupton, nearTowsontown. 4 r. Kept. 'A—tf. gAnted "immediately, 50 or 100 Cords groen or seasoned FIREWOOD, seasoned preferred,) at the PHtENIX FACTORY, N. C. R. R. Sept. 30.-3t^ I 0 --ss=£~" ~ —i ' —” Agents wanted fe(r FOR •’ Thd Secret Service, The Field, The £>ungeon, and The Escape, i s tr. . >v ALBERT O. RICHARDSON, NEW YORK TRIBUNE-CORRESPONDENT* most interesting and exciting Book ev- I er published, embracing; Mr. Richardson s unparalleled experience for four years; travel ing through the South in the secret service of. the “Tribune'' at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, du ring the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confinement for twenty months ih seven different rebel' prisons; his escape, and ,almost iniraoulous journey by night of nearly 400 miles. L lt will abound in stirring events, and inqre rOf the fact, incident and romalice or the w'arthanany oth er wotk, ptfbtafttotii 99 lum Horace Cfbeelev aaya: , “A great many books will yst be written <;on cerning this Waiyili‘addition 4t> the al ready in print; but not one of,them will give within a similarcompass, a clearer, fulle r i; lll o r ’ e readable account, entirely frpmjppVsonal obser vation, of the liatute, animus,■ purposes, ten dencies and instrumentalities pf th ttvehol ders’ Rebellion than dogs fne i . - ><|ing narrative of Mr. Ttichardton/’ - • ‘ 1 Teachers, ladies, energetic youii.M J * nd especially returned and soldiers, in want of profitable employin'. find it peculiarly adapted to their condition. - We have agents clearing $175 per month', which we will prove to any doubting applicant; Send for circulars. Address .TONER, BROR. A Mi. N. E. corner SIXTH and. MINOR Sts., Sept. 23. —2m* Philadelphia, Pfy PrttLlC SALE Of Personal Property. THE undersigned having disposed of her real estate, will sell at public sale, on Monday, October 9th, 1865, at 10 o’clock A. M., upon the farm'upon which she now resides, lying immediately on the Northern Central Railroad, between Rider’s Station and villo, the following personal property, viz: in i 1 THREE GOOD HORSES, . < :* J 2 Good Fresh Cows, 16 good Hogs, including an excellent Boar and a Brood Sow, a lot of Route, trv, including Turkeys, Ac. Also, 1 FARMING UTENSILS: 1 two-horsc Wagon, 1 one-horse Carriage, 1 set of Wagon Gears, 1 set of Lead Gears, with Col lars and Bridles complete, 1 set of Carriage Harness, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Ac. One lot of IJay in stacks.— Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, con sisting of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Looking Glasses, 1 Sofa, Cook and other-Stoves, with other articles needless to enumerate. TERMS:—AII sums under S2O, Cash; all sums of S2O and over, a credit of four months, the purchaser giving His note with approved security, without interest if paid at maturity, but if not paid at maturity, to bear, interest from the day of sale; or cash, at the option of i the purchaser. POSITIVE. RUTH C. LYNCH. JAMES W. OWINGS, Auctioneer. Sept. O’ To All whom it May Coircem: NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the undersigned, Examiners appoint ed by the County Commissioners6f"Balti more county, on the petition of Amos Mat thews and others, for the opening of a public road, leading from Towsontown to Charles. St. Avenue, commencing on the York Tikriipfke act j the residence of E. F. Church, thence in:; front 1 of the “Smedley House,” through the lands of Enos Smedley A Co., thence through the lands ; of Dr.G. M. Bosley, thence through the lands i of Amos Matthews, terminating at the county road known as the “Powder Mill Road” at a point at or near where the line between the lands of the Sheppard Asylum am Amos Mat thews approaches or intersects said road, hav ing taken the oath reqnired-by law; will- pro ceed on. Tuesday, the KH4d qof October, 1865, on the premises, (if fair, ifuiot, the next Fair day,) to execute the trust reposed in tttem,-atad the requirements of the. Acts of Assembly in such eases mauic and provided. TT"' EDWARD ft. MYERS, JOSHUA BOSLEY, EDWARD RIDER, Jr., Sept. 9.—5 t. Examiners. j A CARH | -"YTTHILST many persons in Baltimore eonn | VY ty, and elsewhere have promptly paid us ! all that was due, and for which are return our j sincere thanks, others have not paid, and many refuse to pay for various reasons; Wfc ‘ therefor respectfully inform those .who yet know them selves to be indebted to us, either for subscrip tion' to thd old '' ü ßaltimore County American," or advertising in said-paper/that'on the first day of October, 1865, all tmpai di amounts wilt < be placed in the hands of without respect to persons.' j .. .. „ ma M lu this list of debtors we recognize many of j our oldest and warmest friends, and to bring suit against them will be very unpleasant ; —• justice to ourselves, however, leaves us no oth er course to pursue. Come, therefore, friends, and settle up at once—expect no farther indul-. Renee. .... JOHN If. LONGNECKER ~ . . . R. September 2.—t01. j " 11 •To All Whom it May Conan 2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the undersigned Examiners, appoint ed by the County Commissioners of Balti more county, 6n the petition of James Mahool, Hugh Simms and others, for the opening of two Roads leading from a jbrd_on the Little Gunpowder Falls near Whitaker’s Forge,. through the lands of F. Whittaker and Hugh Simms, to the road passing through Franklin ville to Jcrricho. Also, the present ohl road from Franklinville to the Little Gunpowder Falls where the Bridge is proposed to he built between Jericho and Jerusalem Mills, having takeu the oath required by law, will proceed on the 18 th of October, 1865, on the premises, (if fair, if not, the next fair day,) to execute the trust reposed in them, and the requirements of the Acte of Assembly, in euch cases made and provided. J. B. RUMSEY, ) EDWARD J. BELL, } Examiners. STEPHEN W. FALLS, J Sept. 23. st. WM. PAUL & CO., STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, m& No. 3 2 Water Street, BALTIMORE, Book Binding and Machine Ruling in all its varieties. 1 Sept. 23. 6m. Trrrt real estate. BURNITE, MARBHAIL & €o^ REAL ESTATE AGENCY. No 12 8: Gay St., Baltimore, Md. DO. * REAL ESTATE in city and country, bought, sold, rented or exchanged. Tboee eim ploying our Agency in the sale or their proper ty, mav be assured of its being thoroughly ad vertised. A Register wiM be issued in October, containing a description of each, property re ceived up to thut time. Farm blanks and all information required willingly sent. Sept. 16.—3 m. Real Estate Agency. GEORGE B. MILLIGAN, Attorney at Law, is associated with the undersigned lrom this date. HENRY W. ROGER# A CO., Real Estate Brokers and Agents for the pur chase and sale of Farms, L nil. ?nd liqu,ses, in Maryland. Money Loaned >ll Mortgage. Ground Rents bought and sold. Office on the corner of Fayette and Chart,-a Sts., (UP STAIRS,) Bept. ?o.—iJl. -- f , r -7- ~ ;-r;tf- rf . FOR 81LE, A HOUSE and LOT in Towsontown, directly on the Turnpike and Railway.— The lot is about 100 by 150 feet. TheGg tl |Bf improvements are a Frame Dwelling lliiljjaU eontianiiiig B‘ 'rooms, with good eelljii (now used as a Hotel,) and stabling for b or 1 horses. There is also a Ttsfiant Hoiise on the rear of tbe lot which would rent for $5 per , b, p l 23 — tf . ■, ..j - , S2O PbE'W’A.PhID. C1 TRA.YJBD3AWAY i on or about th* 22d-;of ’ (S June lesi. a red and while white face and whi te belly, with bntti <r YMI%| horns JmrgcU Aiso, a spi&U, 501141 CO w* white body with rod spots Mid refUuwMfcr both giving milk. The above reward will t* , j pftii f‘* p their return to, w. McLBAS, ; ‘ Hack Stable, No. 47 Garden St. Balto. k Sept. —3t*. MORTGAGE sale or A < FARM Oil COUNTRY SEAT, f ; u containing about Twen<)-ii Acres of fdind, On the Old- Frederick Road, about Pour Miles from Baltimore City. BY virtue and in purtuance of a power con tained in a Mortgage from Wil- ipi jgfu liam P. White and Julia /pg a White his wife, and James White and Margaret White hisi£±|2Ri wife, to me, hearing date the 28th day ot Juiy, 1862 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County, in Liber G. H. C. No. 16 fol. Snd;i* conformity witKthe provisions of Arti&d 64 of the Code of Public General Ldws of the State of Maryland, I, Benjamin Contee, wHI set Up and offer at public auction, on the premises/on • Monday, October 23d, 1865, at 4 o’clock P. M., All that parcel of land, sit uate in Baltimore County, in tbe State of Mary land. being part pf a Tract called “COSTLY:" - Beginning for the same on the Northeast side of a Road two perches wide, laid out through tbe lands conveyed by Atkinson and Auld to Warfield in Trust Ac., n. M. F. No. 3, folio 47 Ac., and running from the Old Frederick Road towards Franklin Town, known as “Aflcinson’s New Road 9 ’ and which place of beginning is North 49| de grees, East i perches from a stone heretofore planted at the end of the South 47 degrees, West 37 perches line of the whole ground so conveyed by Atkinson and Auld to Warfield in Trust Ac,/and running thence, reversing the lines of said ground, the two following courses, nbmely*:—Ndrth 4i degrees, East 35 and two tenths perches to a stone i North 40 J degrees, West 72 perches to a stone ; then south 56 de grees, West 39 and six-tenth perches to a stone now planted on the Northeast side of said two perch Road ; then running and bounding on said Road the two following courses, namely ; south 43} degrees, east 39 perches to a Cedar Tree marked with Twelve notches ; then south 43} degrees, east 34 perches to the beginning : containing 17 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS : :And also. All that tract of land situate on or hear the Old Frederick Road 1n Baltimore Co. and described as follows, namely: Beginning for the same at a stone planted in the given line ot “Morning Choice,” and.running thence with said given line South 40} degrees, east 38 perches to a stake ; thence south 8} degrees, east 16 and four-tenths perch es to the Ola Frederick Road; thence with'said Road, south 82} degrees, west 29 and three tenths-perches to the easternmost side of At kinsou’s qew Road ; thence running with and binding on said last mentioned Road, North 43} degrees, west 35 and four-tenths perches, to the beginning of the land conveyed by At kinson and ,wife to the said James White ; thence Nortli 49} degrees, east bounding on said land 35 and two-tenths perches to the place of beginning ; containing 9 acres and 10 square perches of land, more or less ; being the same two parcels of land which are particular ly described in a Deed from said James White and wife to said William P. White, bearing date the 19th day of March 1862 and recorded among the Land Records aforesaid in Liber G. H. C. No. 34 fol. 141 Ac. The Improvement* consist of a comfortable FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and a BARN and STABLE. TERMS OF SALE: —One-third of the pur ‘tihase money cash on day of sale, one-thira in sixm ollll * B and one-third in twelve months .from day of sale ; tbe credit payments to bear intereatamd to be secured by the bonds or notes of the purchaser, with a surety or sureties to be approved by tbe undersigned, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. BENJAMIN CONTEE. S. H. GOVER, Auctioneer. Bep. 30.—ts. • ' i TRUSTEE’S SALE OF valuable property , ! ; " IN TOWSONTOWN. BY virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore county,sitting in equity, tbe undersigned, Trustee, will sell at pub sale, at the EXCHANGEfj™W| ROOMS, Baltimore city, Tuesday, October 101A, 1865j*£i£RB at 1 o’clock, P. M., the following VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, of which the late John Bowen died seized, situate and lying in the village ofTowsontowu, Baltimore county, fronting on both rides of the York turnpike road and Towsontown and Baltimore Passenger railroad, containing 15 ACRES AND 17 PER CHES OF EXCELLENT LAND,together with the improvements, Ac. LOT NO. J1 contains 12 ACRES, S ROODS AND 13 PERCHES, and is improved by a TWO-STORY STONE DWELLING HOUSE, , attic and basement, about 46 feet front, ' with wide hall/large airy rooms, basement kittchen and fine cellar under tbe whole, aTeu aht House, Daily, and excellent Spring of soft water, Snaofce House, and other out-buildings. LOT NO. 2 contains 3 ACRES, 1 ROOD and 4 PERCHES, lyingon the west side of the turn pike, improved by a LOG STABLE, Ac. Both lots are well watered, having three fine springs upon them, and will be sold separate from each other or together, as will be most de sirable to purchasers. Taken altogether, this is one of the most de sirable pieces of property to be found in Balti more county, ana should render it an object to persons desiring proporty in a thrivingjvillage, where refd estate is enhancing around it thirty or forty per cent, yearly. The cars of the Towsontown and Baltimore railroad pass immediately in front of the door every hour of the day each way, from 6 A. M., to 7 P. M., rendering it fco business men in the (eity an opportunity rarely to be met with. as prescribed by the Court are— Cash, the balance in 1 and 2 years, with •interest? or allcash at the option of the purchaser. Persons wishing to view the property will please call on the undersigned, residingat Tow sontowu, HENRY L. BOWEN, Triistee. F. W. BENNETT A CO., Auctioneers. Sept. 16, —to. AI '> F ‘jfcV >| .• O ; : ■ Fabric Sale OF TEN ACRES OF WOODLAND. THE undersigned, by virtue of as order ot the Orphans’Court for Baltimore agk County, will sell at Public sale atKings-SBP ton in said county, at the crossing of the Joppa apd Bel-Air Roads, on Saturday, October 28 th, 1865, At one O’clock, P. All that part of a tract of Land of which Sam uel ToveM, late of Baltimore county died seized, the same beig part of the sa id Tract which Josiah Hoshaur, Albert A. Miller and Henry Seite purchased of Charles R. Chew and wile, and. which the said Samuel purchased of the former parties. The said land is Well Timbered with Chestnut, Oak, ; Poplar and Hickory. It lios about a-half mile from the Bel-Air Road and 12 miles from the citr of Baltimore. A plat of the samewill be exhibited on the day of sale, oral matHe-eeew before the day of sale by any one calling on, the undersigned at bis residence* TERMS of sale are Cash, and the deed to be excuted to the purchaser or purchas ers an the ratification of the sale by the Courts REUBEN TOVELL, Administrator of Samuel Tovell, deceased. S. Gi WILSON, Auctioneer, Sep. 30.—ts. Valuable Western Hun Mil,l. PROPERTY OFFERED AT PRIVATE SALE. I OFFER AT PRIVATE SALE the FARM on which I now re-*f; M T_ Y side, containing about 97 of. Limestone Land, with countryßßßßP ftILL and all necessary out-buildings. JOHN SCOTT, Butler P. O’., Balto. county, Md. I*N‘i THE MATTER of THE ESTATE OF LOVEALL LUNATIC, In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county—in Equity. ORDERED’, This 2th day of Beptembor,lß - that the sale made and reported by Josiah WhOeler, Committee in this cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to th# contrary thereof be shown, on or before the 21*1 day of October next, provided a copy of this order be published in some newspaper printed in Balti more county, once a week for three successive weeks before Hte4*id 2l#t dayof October,lMS. The report states the amount of sales to be $3,, 31.13. jumpijg, LO NGNECKER, Clerk. TrUe ( °i ) ioHN 9 H. LONGNECKER. Clerk. , %a> Sept. ~-n'V^j H STRAY HOGS. KEN up estrav on the premises of the mbscriber, on the York Turn-^ , pike, shoot 19 miles from Baltimore. I 4 Black spotted hog and 1 White fjpjS&d hog. The owner is requested to come forward, erode property, pay charge* and take tham awak Vf)ICKINBON 00RSUCH. 9 Jp 30.—3 t. hls is to give notice, thit thiittiM scriber bis obtained from tM# Orphans' Court for Baltimore county, letters testamenta ry ou the estate of : _ c . , 3^ late of said county decyised. All jprfflnf hav ing claimS against the said estate, are warned tooxhibit the saure with toe Youcbenf thereof to the subscriber, LU J..-- , 'ih On or before the 3OIA day of -dpril, 1866 ; they may otherwise by law be excluded from, all benefit of said estate. Tbo* indebted' td the estate will please pay the same to WHEEL ER A KEECH, Attorneys at Law, Towsontown, Md. Given under my hand this 27th day of September, 1865. , i • MARGARET WALfi^H, Sept. 30.-~j4t* Executrix. This is to give notice, that scriber has obtained from the' Orpnkntf ' Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminis tration on the estate of JOHN MICHAELS, late of said county, deceased. All persons har ing claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the sime with the Wencbers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 30 th day of AjyrU, they may otherwise by law be exclude all benefit of said estate. Those in said estate are requested to make ii. payment. Given under my hand tc day of September, 1865. THOfl. E. WANTJ. Sept. 30.—4t* - Admi: rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that “ 'V 1 scriber has obtained from thn, U?: Court of Baltimore county/ letters or &(L: istration on the estate of . „ . WILLIAM HANKt^i?/ oJ late of said county, deceased. All person* h.> - ing claims against the said es*ate, are Viireby warned to exhibit the same W' i the thereof to the subscriber, ‘ - On or before the 30IA day of aril, ISM f they may otherwise by law l>"“dfltmed from all benefit of said estate. Tlu ? indebted to said estate are requested to mi > 'mmediato payment. Given under my hand this 27th day of September, 1866. ted! ax m JOHN W. ONION#ii Sept. 30.—4t* Administrator. HI sis TOGIVE NOTICE, Thai the sub scriber has obtained from the Court of Baltimore county, letters ry on the estate of .>>: EDWARD.D. LYON,. . . _ late of said county, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby 1 warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, ’ On or before the ‘ivth day of April, 1866/ they may otherwise by law be excluded frqm all benefit of said estate. Those indebtM'to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 27thday of September, 1865. SAMUEL H. LYON Sept. 30.—4t* Executor. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that the sub scriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore county, letters of adminls tratiou on the estate oi CHARLOTTE WITHERB, - > - A late of said county, deceased. All persona hav ing claims against the said estate, are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the voucher* thereof to the subscriber, On or before the \6th day of April, 1866 / they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 13th day of September, .1865. MICHAEL P. C. WITHERS, Sept. 16.—4t* Administrator. H~ ENRY S. WHEELER VS. ELIZABETH A. PITTS, In the Circuit Court for BaJli more county—in Equity. ORDERED, This 20th day of Sep vW : . 1' 65, that the sale made and ri;.jorted pj u.:trv 8. Wheeler, Trustee in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before the ‘£\t day of October, 1865, provided a copy of this order be published in Borne newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County/ once a week for three successive weeks prior to the said 21st day of October. The report states the amount of sales to be $10,806.25. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Sept. 23.—3 t. - TOHN G. BRIAN, next friend to MARY tl BRIAN vs. MARY P. BRIAN, ET AL, In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county—in Equi ty. September 16th, 1865. ORDERED, That the sales made and report ed by John G Brian, Trustee of part and resi due of the Real Estgte in above entitled cause be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, on or before tbe 21*f cr day of October next, provided a copy of this or der be published in some newspaper printed and published at Towsontown, once a week for three successive week 3 before the 21st day of October, 1885. -• The report states the amount of sales to be $6,400. JNO. H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. ' True Copy—Test: JNO. H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Sept 23.—3 t. • , ■ -j ;■ A ROBERT STEVENSON and others, vs. JNO. CARTER, Jit., In the Circuit Court for Baltimore county—in Equity. ORDERED, This 19th day of Septen ; 65, that the sale made and reported br venson and Daniel Alder, Trustees in t entitled cause, be ratified and confir: less cause to the contrary be shown, fore the 14th day of October, 1865, pr< . copy of this order be published in som j paper printed and published in Baltim-j; . / once a week for three successive weeks p.i); > the said 14th day of October. The report states the amount of sales ’o $6,500. JNO. H. LONGNECKER, Cl-rk. True Copy—Test: JNO. H. LONGN? IKER, Clerk. Sept. 23—31. ■ y WILLIAM MANSFIEL) . xt friend to MARY ANN MANSFIT. L ET AL, vs. MARY ANN MANSFIELD i AL, In the Circuit Conrt for Baltimore county— n Equity. September 19th, 1865. ORDERED, That the sale mate end report ed by Thales A. Linthicum, Trustee for the sale of the real estate mentioned in this enuse, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to theoon trary thereof be shown, ou or belore the list day of October next, provided a copy of this or der b# inserted in some newspaper printed and published at Towsontown, once in eaohot three successive weeks before said 21st day of Octo ber, 1865. The report states the amount of sales to b* $Bl5. JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. True Copy—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk. Sept. 23.—3 t. • . Mary s. tyson vs. eleazen s. Bart lett, JOHN H. WATTERS or Walter, lu/A WATTERS his wife, HENRY BELL and JANE BELL, his wife, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore county—in equity. The object of this bill is to procure a decree for the sale of certain mortgaged premises in Prince George and Anne Aruudel Counties in the State of Maryland, which were on the 16th day of September, A. D., 1857, mortgaged by one Isaac Simmons to complainant. The bill states that on the said 16th dayof September, 1857, the said Isaac Simmons-mort gaged the property particularly described in said bill to the complainant, to secure two notes, each for the sum of $1,619,37}, with in terest from said 16th of September, 1867, paya ble in one and two years respectively, after date. • That on the 17th of November, 1860, the said Simmons sold one undivided half of said mort gaged premises to the said Eleazen S. Bartlett, and on the 4th of September, 1862, said Sim mons sold the other undivided half to the said John 11. Watters, under the name of John H Walter; that by two deeds dated respectively August 29th, 1862, and September 9th. 1863, the said Watters conveyed his interest in said premises to the said Jane Bell; that said two last named deeds were defectively recorded, and said Watters holds his interest in said property in trust for the said Jane Bell; and that the said Eleazen 8. Bartlett resides out of the State of Maryland, and that the other de fendants reside in Baltimore county. It is therefore adjudged and ordered that the Complainant by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in ’some newspaper published in Baltimore county, once iu each of four succes sive weeks before the 1614 day of October next, give notice to the said absent defendant of the object and substance of this bill and warn him to appeaiwn this Court in person or by solicitor, on or before iriII9VBT ■ <Jie fBT4 day of January next, to answer.tbe premises and show cause if any < he has, why a decree ouirht not to pass a* pray ed. JOHN H LONGNECKER, Clefk. True Copv—Test: JOHN H. LONGNECKER, Clerk/ '* Sept. 16,—4t. : 1 ~ NOTICE. To Farmers of Baltimore County. THE subscriber having established an Agen cy for the purpose of supplying Farmer* 'With labor, is prepared to fill all orders for WHITE OR COLORED LABORERS. Those in want of hands can be suppliedimma , diately by applying to , /**■*-* e OLIVER WOOD Central Agency, 61 Second street, Baltimore. Aug. 19.—tJan.l.